Li.. , 1 G I. 1 7 tu 8 21 i ! 1 1- 9 ; s -t tk S , .. 0J. ()'.' .(0... j;:i,n. c. .Wei. N..., CO 1 . nie CO ..6 a Ci st 6 as. , 6 ,47 .E0, r la- t : ".. , f:t. ; : . J i 1 . '.vib.-- -'7 VIb.'.'' c do. do. do..i: ... 10 J 11 7 .. 8 7s Co' . Ona burra,i;, . f , A ... J "',, 9- rL cu"' f' 'arxs, Ci i. 4 do, , , X ; 7 60 in -."...-.'::';;"rr,-Sf ewt,- n VTO ' 75 jj i.v: : : :R, STEAM MILL. r,r3i4; l.d. uuru.l'knk tad BcuAiatM:ft,h- v. m r .. . .v Floor I'onrds.'.i.... ... .do... IS OQ 16 00, 'LU..::ii::i, iUVERWmifprtv tnmA Fhor Boards 4,1W!Mf f U '1 W l !e Boards-. . :T j, fi---yv .y. d o. o 60 - .,6, 00 ffc''inia,fosmm LA i i. v ; .! .".;.! Ik1 4 ,w s f f jf 10 Ll , L;..'i..v.UiMri.ybbr.i J 80 e.f 81 .HoLASSESftAl' fW'VHW 'V ' Hew OrkWMii'MfvWirf.JT, . .2 ,Cn' i carjr,vt(VtViw4 W.ttAo . 00, 'llEAL...tvv.'V'"70 10 00 NAVAli:,STORESffc''"-w'' 'jSpi. ts Turpchfinfe ttif'W .2T iir.4...f...!.VKVlrbbKl 85- 1I7' i.H.IJdo. B0' 1 " NO. Z ' New Orte't'&tM Porto Rloo iAWi& Wtiit eft U 6' STAVES; AM?:'4V.'iUftT ' f Wfa: .(i i ' a dressed. ... '10 O .' ,Jbarrel A. 4. 'M ff 00 ' Contract SPIRITS "N. E, Rum ni. 3L O 31 ', .,i.i.t.M'irfl' ," ifi O 3 J Com. Gin". 22 'it 00 n - r - iV A' 'V Art 11 hi ''wtfi,'i'i!,H V,: 'iS fV .JC JMJ .i.Qat vm'noS ret ilea lowj and but feVirrtyila'' of "produce oifariv kind: . piers is a modeaw supply wjniDer, putreij auioi Ie. Ji.tayea Mlnef r aciitceonwe ImUot not much In demand at present, 7' y $ ' V -' ..TcarajNaoino or,, t00 bls. , Turpentine iave coangea nanqs amcq inuray,ai,ubior lei lw DlB30 per bbt for'Viridnknd 1.05 forward: " TAB.Dome tew DDisAarnYO oeea tusposea 01 t per bbl.. i;1 , Episits Tubmbttikb. Soma' J00 bbls.. Solrits Turpcniina were 4lapMedfWVwt&Vii' t6'i'' cents 4f r " Hod, being v advance on previoui sales,-; t Timbbb. Four Mta, Timber bate been sold as fol lows ?'ralt'a( IS per H i 1 i 5,7 f X &'"ti?invi- T lirom'nt ...j.. ... ... i ' ' l' . Hat. Sloro Jl irJO bnndka of Hay w Motion, at'70 ta.ii W UfWi' ere sold by "V ' i NEW YORK MARKET. X' Juiu ?3v' Flou market quiet. Western, and penn. Grande, 15,25 a 1,50. fctfiSS ' .1. 1 tjr Grain Is scarce,' YsIlowCorn 52 a 53 cents; Red Wbeat.fl.lO a 1,20,' according id qnalltyA f Cotton market: very Viet,4 No aalea by which to -tiyUiate pricesnonunai ai tt etrcoor(Un6' w Rlc Is selling at 3,60 per hundred pounds, Thi'ra (a not miirS scrtvItV in Ntvfel StAeaC . Snlr- Turpentine, 32 a 33, cash, oa wharf; and S3J a 34 JJrara store. Turpentine, 12,371 3JS0 for280 Iba, .Tar, -4- pess done. Treas,ryjHoteji,vFa, I04 a 104. tx fcclinrs on London, Of a Q pet aero, prenu-' ' Jiw4 v PHILADELPHIA. MARKET. J Am'fiottrtilei-nfc amall and stock Ughtt 'iVesiernsnd common PenD'br'iodS, 15,50.''' i Silei of yHow Com; 5 1 a 52 cants, and seme' prime - lots at S4tt - ! tH 1 ' No su les of Chiton reported i?on of Karai S tores. A foiruslacss dolo j la stocks. Prices of Treasu- ry Notee and U. Baeerltlea,eane aa New York. ' " i Ifuns 23'Cottoi The Upland market jeatcrjayl ' ' . 1. .. . . . . . ' K. 1 was aomewnaj oetier auenaea 07 Buyers wan on me day creTlooMod tn trapsaetlons la consequence, r amounted 10 some 600 bales, bat wjtbout chsng ja prwea.,' iiXU-cmeill toC; A&oui 4UU psjs at 0 to ;ci-ifit'remalndct at o 80 t', i" f no transactions,1 1 ; wV , X - :.r , ?, Llf ERPOOL ifAILUTi ,, tlJU ' , ' 1. .. f-.' wt-ri 1 J ti) kti CoTTOH.TtisnnersJ tone ef the sotton trade du. rB. K. .-,4.;iUfc. . bo. 70 76'. LWerpoot . V.J!i.t ,V. ..4 Sack,' 1 V m,87 fXRosia 65 a 75.'. Pitch, aonthera 804011; Jiiig iUe'Week iow closed.lui'bean'tame1 nd iub. did.Tnewl(wcieconnnedfoMrieinost pan to tha IronKKllatejWSDis fi the trad sndsTtolderiftli f tdiet desirous of isaUxlog," pricea jnlght be aaid l4 ' hate receded aHghtlf from the hleatolto'otedl jWa ttiy remark that the accounta brought by tn c0 f iria, which arrired here on Tuesdsy last, do 0l ap )w pear to has bid aoy aHrtV worthy of notloe.- AU ' tti"""h it would appear that the period for low pur t ifia 'Tsaaallaiine porta had passed away at feast for tl.o piesftnt',4 Sake confined fox most part to gTthc immfili. to w ants ef the tfadcj pr!ceeh4VelIfihtlf -'t ' 1 f. !. 1 t-:,.t, Tl.s quo tailors are Moblla 1 J jir,4l 1 New Orleans i, Tl) flock of, Cottoa Jaf V.'nEiT. T,.j 1; Ulm 'it 1 d On tLsCth Inst., h ,: ; ia of . ! ! t: ma '1 1 . t- 2 or 'Si per 70 II i.oaiourLot 1.. were induced to buy more frec'v, resulting in a fair extent of business at the abatetuvut.' . ' . Flopb. Although in Improved demand, 'receded 6d per sack, and GJ per bit. respectively.' Flour, Unit ed States, 27 a 2Ss. Wheat, U. States red, 7s 3d a7a m . aw f. -t- I oat wmte, la oa a '.';- . Baslbv. Upon a very limited scale, bardy sp ported at late prices., j if-fi t'. ''-.".U' 1 AlALTr-On the contrary, waa held rather firiily at an advance of fully I per quarter.' ? w '1 i B.RWafLCSoBtlnaln In good request, declined) la per quBrtet.7:J Jv--S' j'I.".isiV- ""4 I ( Indian Cora and Cora Meal, In the lemporary ah; sencc of Irish demand, ruled extremely doll and must be noted severally 6s per 480 lbs and 6s and 6d On the 9th there was only a slender attendance of minerlajnddskletaatM'CoM Eichange,;iiplN . j Wheat and Flour supported the quotations: of the 6th;. with moderate sala.. Western Canil .Floor :waa;hel4 firmly Ibr.28s6d per mtMAffpVp'i'l 'Indian Com was held for an advance of 2s per or. ana inaian meai is per ddi. over me low rates 01 last market' day7, and a few parcels Ware Cleared for Ira. 'Jand. '.Fine Galati Cort brought 35e per 480 iba.; Ameriean f elloW 84s, and 'white 32a per 430 lbs. White Indian Medl J .held el. 13s 64. and yellow brings 14s 34 to 14 6d per 196 iba.; Corn 32s a 35s. The money market remains without alieration'. Capital continues abundant, but there is no disposi tion to loan except on flrat rate security j first class paper 3f to 4, warrantsand othei securities 6 a 7, and money onc.vuarxiutzper cent. , consuls closed jn Ln4onOBjtho$thatl4v,, ,f . ,,, Hook And Ladder Company. T7"OUr herbbv ardihwd. to tDDesr in uniform t h X ui Mtrlcet Uouw.on the4tholJiiijr next, at a o'clock A, M., to participate in the celebration of said day ') By order of the Captain, 1 m BALES ..North River Hsy Just received AUU For sale by SAN DFORD SMITH. July lit 1 . f . 1 4C : ; Saw si Saws!! Saw si II Old Sawi tnadf Nexo! hHEisubsriiW. Saw manufacturer, fro w New York L, A respectfully Inform those engaged in Bw, mun, MHt lnOi consumers o saws, inai no nu uruum with him the necessary toots and raachinerj , and will remain one or two months, and mora if necessary, for the purpose of repairing all kinds of Saws, ill Saws, Circular Sawes and aMthar kinds r-tpoihed, mader trae and warranted to aaw it perfect as when new, orthstndneymumed.r j F. A.' VyALTER. . mi Dock St. Juiween Water and Front St. , Wilmington July 1st. - . . 46-6ra-tr-fc-w. J ' Ui WINE BRANDIES, QR Casks Old London Market Maderla ; dr. and half do. ' rmrticuiar do. ' ' Qr. Coaka Sicily . ' do. Brandy, Jamsea Rom; Hollahd Gin and Old Whlskey,; Chsmpulgne'.WIne, Scuparnong, Olaret, Old Port &cFoi aalftby .,HOWAIU) sVPEDEN. Jiy.fl nif. 1. . j ,. .. ... . 46 V BUTTER k - ' TUST received per Schr! Tioga. "For sale by J , " - ' ' HOWARD & PEDEN. Julj lat." - 46. ' WOODEN & WILLOW WARE 8D0Z Brtbms, t doi Briuhe., Cedar Tubs bv the nfBii. knd krB)i ietimeasuret Iron bound do., AZO DBnUKV. aJVIHl WIUBIICV,' JtiW WW., 0 w vv auaji,x, . . ' aim ui rs - Ancantd04 Mp. uaaers, wmow nagoas,,oupg fsus. - or solo io w py HriwiHrr a. prrtifNr : Julv lst.' 46. -.a r FRESH SUPPLIES. Just received per 'Schr. ' Tioga; from N. 'y. OH 1 QUINT'S Cod Fish " Mackerel by the Bbl. Salmon 'do.-do.' do. ' ' 60 Boxes Herrings ; .M0 Bbla, Saline Salt. For salffbv HOWARD 4 PEDEN; 46?" ,.uly IsL 1 Clarendon Horse . Guards, M 1 AT T E NTIO N . ! YOU are hereby ordered to app , X at the usual place of parade pear on IV B past slshto'ciock. A. M., armed and equipped aa the law directs on foot .with side arms and white pants. xy oracr 01 we copiaiu. .i ., v, ti acl,, u. a. June 27. ' Yi 'Furniture Warehouse. Just Receive by , the Scrv.Elouise.Jrorn Wt.-t ,.1 .. iJWw; ibriV. j f -y r- ' 2 BLACK Walnut Dining Tables. "i"V 8 Cherry do do. vt " " 4 Mahogany Wash Standa. 1 ' , , 4 Children's Trunnel Readateads. -v F. CLARK, Front st., near Market. Also, Daily exacted by the Schooners Jonat SrAUkandMdelidfhm.Y. vl Y2 High post Windlass Beadsttade. 1 1 J tLowpoat 4ft 4o. , 1 , . f. 2 Cradles. 4 Pantry Safea. ' ,.,. Double Cotta,. , - 6 Single , do. ' 6 Cora mon Beadsteads, low price. '. IS Rocking Chalre,-,. . v i f 3 Low priced Children's Crlbe 0 Stick chairs. v ' i " ,2 Handeome Barber Chaire.. , All of which are well made, and at N. Y, prices. ..July L 1 4 48 J'R'r; BUTTER'AND LARD. 4 V 6CPER1DR ArdcVof e'sch, at retail: for sale by ZJ V 'M ; f ' CARROLL FENNELL. BM24, y4 jLiiH'.-M :wi.ii'e ,43 1 BsdL60Ni!8AUA6ESroraslib- i -. - -f. '-a- . CARROLL FENNELL. ;T om ntETiisKEY::,(; ,! OA BBL8. Old Rye Whlakey, of asupe'rtor brand, CJ will be received, by the 8. Murrle Walavi 7 aiVAA&OU .,FENN, , . r t. . June 24. . j ..v QCi BUSHELS dried Apples jT ' 0J Ti'd ' 40.' Peschs.t.Forale"at', l . ...WlLKLN&ON'S. s- .r J-'ti;.' ur .njlu ji) .. vi into: Juns 29. FO. The tui h. 1 avitooit Cap. I itiooa. v i r G. I r : : Saturdav nviL the l itnf July. only, bavins' pood acconiuiodaii'inti, master en board or to a . . ri , LAM t' vii:;,v :i.v FLOUR. . JUST received, per TW, from New York, :J-r JObble. Extra Canal FlouTj f .i rT f ; 1 10 half bbla. Hiram Smith's brand Extra Flour j iiS 4 d. -v S -'"ALSO: A S. '.A 1 ' ,30 bbla. Fayetteville S upef, Fl0 and M . i ,; f j j t In Store, and for sala br ' -' " Jue29.' K':if:i .45. EMPTY BARRELS ' 1 "t"! rtTA EmDtv SnlrlTs TufOendne barrets, noaf WUlandinirfromSohr. L. P. Smith, FotsatoJ HARRISS RUSSELL.,, Jtms 29. '. M!.rV.' .'.48.- Assignee's !SaIe- N Wednesday morning nsxt, 8th proxlmb, it-11 o'clock, at tha Stora formeriv occupied b U. W, Wood, I will seU all the stock therein contained, tow sistingof 4Hr'"i-S-' Groceries Liquori and Hardware, itilh about 75 tons of Coal, 1 Dray, Cart and t Ihrtef and on Wednesday the 12th proximo, on, the premt .see, the stores occupied by D. W. Wood' and H. F. Wood, terma madb Known ai saw. .h h... GEO. FERGUSON, Assignee. CRONLY, WALKER 4 HALL, Auct'rs. Jun29.' -.k - i f vtt .:.; fr.,-4,.- LANDING FROM SCHR, THORN. 1 OQ BALES prime North River Hay i J CO 60 Barrels No. 3 Mackerel) ' ' . 20 Boxes fresh Sicily Lamons .,? 12 Tubs prime Orange County Butter. For sale low to dose consignment by ; ' ' " , . WM. O. JEFFREYS. June 29 . 29. Positive Sale of Real Estate. M the let day taj Jf at ' the J hour of 12 o'clock, I will eell atQ public Auction, a valuable Summer JL Reatdence, ek'ht miles from Wilmington, on the Sound) containing by estimation 100 acres of Land, there Is a good dwelling House and other out houses situated thereon. It combines as many advantages for health and beauty aa any place on the Sound, and in some respects is superior. Persons desiring infor mation will please Call at my office. . v - , Dr. JOHN SWANN. June 22. 42 RUNAWAY. ....0,. .- I ' M BSCONDED from David Godwin's .implantation in Brunswick County same montns ago, two meero slaves. 1CR, and" SUCK. I will eive a -reward of a&i each for the apprehension and delivery of said Negroes to me, or lodged in the County Jail of New Hanover. ' ; J ; W. C. HOWARD. June 22. , 42-tf WESTERN BACON. ' , 1 Q Casks. Sides; 7 do. Shoulders; a superior lot, 1 now lai-dlog, lrom schr. Olive, for sale by ' R. W. BROWN, June 20. 41-3w. , BUGGY AND HARNESS. A Superior Leather Top BUGGY, with HAR NESS, received per Chas. Mills, for sale by . CRONLV, WALKER dc HALL. ' Juno 20, 41-tf. J FLOUR. rn BBLS. Fayetteville, Super., Fine and X ) OO For sale by CRONLY, WALKER June 20. d HALL. LARD. ty k KEGS Superior Western i I O Forssleby ' CRONLY, WALKER &, HALL. June 20. 41-tf. WILMINGTON I10TEL. ; THE SUBSCBIBER has taken ihs weU known house the Wilmington Hotel, fort merly occupied by SamaelJ. Perry, snd is now ore oared for the sccommoJation of Customers. or transient Customers, and hie table will be furnish ed with the beet thai the market can a fiord r, snd the Barr, turnished with the best llquois, Segars 4c . j ' C. W. CALHOUN Jane 19. 1849. ' ' - 4l-lai.. North Carollnt tmtitoUoa FOR TUG DEAF AND 1MB. THE next Session of this Institution will com mence on Mondav. the 3d Of July. It ia very lntnortant that the Puplla should be punctual in their attendance at the commencement of the session, J ., , 1 , , . . . .. . ttijt Applications lorsaiBiBBion, sc., to 09 iiuwo tw ai Eiceucncy, uov, ubaham, or to ' - WM. D. COOKE. Principal 'Raleigh, June 6. - f - r,- :, . ,35-2nt EXPECTED FROM N. ORLEANS Per, Brig. Tower. . . ilft BftLS Mess Pork. I 7 49 hhds. Bacon. ' 'i - i- - f.2Sbbls Leaf Lard ' f. 60 bbla. Superfine Flour. ' ', i M Blinds prime Sugsr; Also, 100 barrets Wblakey, . The above goods have been carefully se lectedor Ibla Market and will be Sold low on nival by.--,. DaROSSET, BROWN Me) Co. una 10. THE. SUBSCRIBERS, , HAVE NOW j.l -i- h 'ON-HANDjX J JAVA, BJo,L4iMd St, Domingo Cofliej; -. P, R. Sugar . i, . I Loaf, Crashed and Powdered Sugaiajf J Canal and Fayetteville Flouri . Bacon, llama and Sldesi. v Fulton Market Beef, t bbla-DrW Beefi ' -1' No. 1 Mackerrli CcJgata'a Pale Soap f saamanune aao lauow canairst Soda Buiscult aad Butter CrsckeraH jiY imptrial, tiyson, and cUacK t eaa. . . . & E jLlUQRS. ANDVINES jBnperFreavblBdy . , Jamaica Ruin, W.l. do. . iv-r ' ''.''HoilandandDemesleGlai.., ' .ir U , iA jorwofl. 11 I 'i . naconed nntsaeyj . . ( y . 4 5fad4ra and Port Wloee. to botUeai arl , jt . Madeira, Slwry and Port Wines, at retail. . I , , i ney solicit we atunuoDa oi tartuera ana aesiers generally.', . u " ' . , . CARROLL 4k FENNELLi ' 1 ana iyiS48: ; ; : ,r 43 li PltEOpartnir-hip, tier. ti;t. I tiie Su! rihr ati j the ,it m.ibiI 'ibsrmwntiy bftQ the Su.s.:n!.ef a f sii l t-.ut)u?l Potter, un.h r th f. 1 1 uu- 'unoi, Co." tils b'. n 1! ,.,iv, ! It a ol cir intart'siln i';,q Uaaton ltiii. , , . . P. K. DICKINSON, fVlhiiLifc'tu..,.,.C, June 8th, 1311, , 35-ltn , . I. . ,,, .. .. THE Subscribers, Proprietors of the Oaston Mills, ve sMoclsted themselves totfether. under Hie fi.-in if K. Dlckinsrm & Co." tor the tmnwctioii of II business cvnaectad with itu-opeTsrir f M)d lliUs. I 1 - v P. E DICKINSON. t7. ViVj; ROUT, IL COWAN, , VW'-n v,'-'TIIOS.t. WALKER.;., Wilmington, June, 5tb,J543. ?'': 33-1 m 1 u ..I -Liy i ,, Notice! 'f IflHE Subscribers being about to malt a change I JL In their baslnese. hereby noilfr all those Indebt r .L ed to them, either by Note or Book acoount. to settle the same aa soon aa possible. - . - Jone.l. . Vy :;, ... -: JV3 tk -t n't' rtn'ir CHAIRS II I CHAIRS! CHAIRS II h A Bundlee Windwr Chairs, jus! received; by tfce schr. . k. Ams,from Wew Yoriuanq :.ys For sale by J.I. LOYE, May 13. FRESH BEAT RICE; ftft CASKS-of Fresh beat Rice at retail, by the sln ele cask, has just been rec? Wed and mr anle by June 1. , Nr-'aa.-," IAGENCY OF THE NORTH CAROLINA MU, " TUAL INSURANCE COMPANT.? vWf WuiiireT0fMiy9rl848. e amount of property Insured la thla Company to m..i iua 1. at aari fttfi fin otes snd Bonds id meet losses. v 231,689 IB ess sinoont paid on Notes snd Bonds, : 1 10,640 46 It will be perceived thst the company have on hand meet losses, the sum of over two hundred and wenty thousand dollars, which must make it one of the safsst Offices in the country. RWke taken aa sual bv SANDFORD & SMITH, Agents. inay s. ... j. FOR SUMMER. Beautiful Cane Seat Maple Settees, extra size j 2 " " Black Walnut " ' - 4 , n. oraaisoy , j.u, cuvii,. May 13.. 25 FEATHERS. s HOWARD A PEDEN. FOR Sale at May 18. Fire and Marine Insurance. IGEJiET FOB TDE PROTECTION IJISCRI.VCE CO, OP NEW JEttSfcT. ITAL, $20 0,0.00! HAVING been appointed agent of the above Com pany,for Wllmlugton and vicinity, 1 will Issue Policies, a cargoes, frelehts snd vessels, and take Fire Risks on as reasonable term aa any other life itltution. 1 u Anv losses sustained will be nroinDtlv and honora bly adjusted and paid, and In case of difference, the ICourts of North Carolina will be acknowledged.; ; June tat, 14, 3. WHISKEY ! WHISKEY ! BLS. it! ORectlfiedtskey.Jnst repeived, "O.nit for sale bv ,J. & W. L. HcuARY. 33. a - ROUND SHAVES. More of Maul Bryan'a Pattern Of Round 4,00 Shave, for sale bv tlUWAKU PEDEN. 37 -June 10. FOR SALE. ' PLEASANTLY sltftsted HOUSE and LOT, . . , . .1 , ia; ai t - . - Ca 1 A I . 1 . f 1A.I-... -A nerms nrerai. . v.uw. . - Msy30. .. r, wu.. e- WHEEL BARROWS.. RECEIVED, per schr. Athalis, lrom New York, 6 Wheel f.arrows, for family nse, for sale by HOWARD A rfc-UKIN. June 10. 37 ttt. Ice Cream Saloon.-1 'i d THE WILMINGTON ICE CREAM 8AL00N, lanowonen fr the acoorhmoda'Joa of friends tut enatamerathrooarh the 8 a miner season Hsv Una certificates from the most experienced Ice .Cream matter iroo ine norm, j natwr mjni mat run make the beat Ice Cream ever offered in this place. Particular attention paid to the supplying of out-door . . ... mr . m ,r . , , customers and partlei, sf the shortest notice snd on 'the noet accommodniisg terms.' Seoond doorEaat, of the Poet Office, Market 8treeu . '.. ' ISAAC N. ROBERTS. P, S. ' Turtle Soup and other refreshmsnte at the jHay ZU. a-n. j r- ,, " ,' i , ! ,'p r- Towing , m rpHE STEAMER Gov. GRAHAM fJTF . i- ia prepared to to w veascls whenever aJL-aLe called for, tf not engaged on an up rlvac tiip.M 1 tJ rropneiora woujo ne inaniiui or a share of patronage, and do ell In their power to give Apply oa board M Capt. t. F. PbjC or sailiaiiuu. far. June 20. j.evw. c.wcUAtti, Ag-ts. ' 4 . - !4l-tf Empty BuTeIs,r " ' j EMPTVBaria,lar'ali end la aood order Jast re-Jt , A dneu and lor sals ow by - ..... HARRISS A RUSSELL "i, jBna20-tfv4J..iv,i: North Waler iTQR CASH p , , tI-f rpHB euMcnDera respecuuiiy In, ""J --l' form tha chlxene of WMmlng- , ton, that tney will knepeoneuotly on ' i.-.A ,Ka St. It Nn V B O 10 mm.A CD tl. ia Iba MARKET HOUSE, a auppty 04 tba Beat of U- ,- J w ; ; .. j ; BEEi MUTTOSLAaMB andK VEAL. Their prices tot Prima Beef; are from 61 to Si cen's per Jo. i and all other tneau from 8 to 10 cents per pooad. j'"'N ' .-; - ?; 10 ft tho'COnnorI '' ' tf? B.3 To Orailert afli Otheta having 6ne Cattle aaA SbMai aa dispose at, tbef will find HJa their ad i vantage In first making sppllrstion to I ham, aa they have made it a rule to pev the hlgtieat eevreepoodlng prteea with thoae of Charleston, and paying tbcro, Caaa, on iha d,IWrvJ .Ha there la no lotwer the na- cesrity of the Farmer driving hie Ciltle buodrrde of auaw w another market to oeuuaa pais io woicn as can realhe the Cash. -1 . . : r . . . . June 17. laffl,:- ' mC.t'U -'falm! r u. L ... A Com' la . A i) & ( . 31-ti, June 1 1 ARRIVALS. '! 4J f 4, n ls Flour, di(T rent brands ) id Ll.Pt.N-C. Bsetw. Hog round t - . t. 75 EuaHcls Meal, Fsysttevills rrouno. sale by 1 i - f W. T; LOVE Jane ZD. .1 41. TO E pew aad beautiful STEAMER, Gov. GRAHAM, commanded by ha iCaDL 1 . r. race, nas rust seen no- roa-ahlv naknaxi. and win oe wnaneraa tor .xcurions w.r . -..1. ,1 : eluter day or pwht. Ha; accommodations sre very good. Appl, Va Capt. Pt how X ' -1 'P. y-' JVVI I If t Jane ZO., ;,,rf.,. .. 5 ESSEDBRICKHa 1 Q flf 1 tRKSSED ! 1 OaOUU Phlladslphia , For asieby DaROS Jtm 10,-Wr-t. RKSSED BRICK, received from his, vn Schr. Ieatmrg . .. .03 SET, BROWN Col Tits subscriber hsa owned an office In Parsley'! itik on Wstei 9b. for the traaaaethin at , a general Commission Bmlneae. " Proper at ten Uoo will ha paid in fKa a.U nf mnnnhaniltl Of SAV kind, aft Weil SB tO Srewle or shipment of any pf the products of the fountry and the usual acvaneee maa wne aestrra, bn 'Consignments for ak' W, lot ablptneal '10 my htjHit., ih N,.rth , I have a rood NaVal Store I yard and Warehonse, remote from the danger of fire and will make charitca very jnoaeraw, wucry pviaun may desire to store temporarily. April 27-tf. - ' v W, O. JEFFREYS.", . Dlssolotfon;:? rpilEPopartnershlp heretofot existing nndet the i X name and firm of Harl A poDe, la ihit day dis solved by mutual consent, thoae Indebted to the earn! either by note or account are reqaeste-1 to call and set' tie before the first of Aogust, or their nofea and ae counta will be left la the bands of aa Officer for ol lection. L. A. Hart If authorized to settle aR the af- ;' '!sdTi!!ir THEumlersIgned would respectfully Inform' tha niiMin that he haatwrchaaed L. A. Hart's riant aad Interest in toe lata concern of Hart Pulley, where he will continue the business aa usual, With the ..h.nllnn nt t.DNO CREDIT. W '''?! it w f 8P POLLEY.C .t 1 c23''i June 1. ' 1 . JUST RECEIVEDMItt IJ4AYETTEVILLE Floar various braadti ,J1J . N. C.-Bacon, assorted. ', i-Ub Also, a lot of sery superior KJoCo , '1; For sale by June 8:,. W. if-T.UUVK.14 f For Sale; ? ft- AnANDSOME Summer Kestaaneej contalnlne sboot J00 aerca of Land,V.-4 nn iha SO UN D. about fi milea from ilL Wllmlnflton, wUa Dwelling House and other necessary out houses situated thereoit; ' r ' Terms easy , ' Da. JOHN SWANN. May 23. 4,Wteiitf$j' A-Situatlon K GENTLEMAN who comes hlghfy roimmBd- XX ed as a Salesman or Clurt, is desirous of getting saltaatlon either in a Dry Goda or Grocery Store, his terms will be moderate, and from bis long expert enceinbaaioesa be feels perfectly satisded that be ran give entire satisfaction... Any Information may be had of Mr. Tbos. Lorlrttf, eilhef aa W character or quaUBoatloaar Apply at this Ptfiaa. , Lit . June 1' n,tltncr tliinu In , A-t m j iuu.u. ;u..b.. ..,n.,b OVvUIIU UCIWHN wiuui aiiu Streets for further particulate Inquire of, J April 15." 13 i in . i.i.i.i.l . ... iii i. . i,i T I THauDsrbefs nave started a i7rffi!flM,licbr ' mxioa with their fiew AML aad eaa furnl h i, Meal and Hominy pfprlaje quality and at very srurrt notice.5 .. " ' V-''1 ' JOHN MeUAECo. :aco.' Vl39-tf. r fy SEGARS j.SEGAR 1 1 A 'nninrBNCIPt (Joaur fianx.) aerl AUaUvJU superior . , ; ; : V c 1 ; ; 23,000 various brande t tor sale st ; f J r ' WILKLNSOiX'K i tCOTTONYARNj;) ; ANaasoTtmcnt of Yanv bf FayettetUIe Matmfa tare, and of euaertor quality, for vale of lower . 1 ' v PeROSSET, BROWTI 4b Co. 1 r . 20 ; May 2d, 1848, 1 ? wtH n fOlt SALRf.t K :0 '.5ri rrIV'. 1 6000 bushels N. C. Cora i A 1 6000. do. . Cow, Peas f ' '- i "Xr.SOBae,Oaa, Bbla. add half Bbla, Canal, a. Floury. Fresh, round Mesh Hominy, snd I V v ,Horse feed, alwaya oa hand. ' J . OfBoa LonTsuulldinrv ityQX&tA1. . VaS s - ELLIS 4k MITCHELUf iia'le 'I f,yJ"1- W BRANDYi "1Y BARRELS PEACHv JU 10 ,Forsaley J. LUTTERLOIIACoJ ,i t ... ..; - , , , . L, , , ; .. : lay ii. ft; 4 ; BACON AND LARD f v-r i, C fiOn LBS. Superior Bacon Us ins, aaoowers tVjvULf mB4 SldenaWv-fJiii', Jiyi. V, i Atr.Mi,- - : rfn 'Varaalbv'5 i J- ' w Y i-.kJVA WnL McGARY. ' ,?? l ... 1 H' HAYf. HAY! I rVff BaieaNew YorS nay, a superior article. dn!!y i eJ axDeeted. Per schr. U. W. Uavi. ror lebr . " ... 1 1 T HARRISS ft RUSSELL, .. . , ' 22 North Wattr Strert. : June 20. . '. t ill"? BtlGdV AND HARNESS FOR BALE. "a'" Fine to namieJ Pn. jy.' weU made, wlth'twa i. aeatiandarx ll , ior ev HARRli A RUSSELL. 22 Norta WaUT t'je t. - m v; 4) Ixfci,,, 1. - ...... th firartj.".- niv.;:t 1 Teeth, i . . 1 ' c . v rSWTIiL.i: t !,.,. will be or,-. ,.i f 1 1' ,. Filiin-r'l'c-' . -' ! u ! one i the 1 . ' . . the Dental a; w .. a p rr- . ; fornwd.ltp'Tiyc''- rc!..-- -' ' ' Ranry and diirai,...''yt; .. 1 Surgery Co l turne r.,r . sessrs not nnfreqneni U n trovea snt tho tO'fSv r""" sna een durinj ti8 wu .u eonvenunce. . Cleansine Teeth of toriar, 1 v ... rlooe concn.tlun, and other c. ' phaticslly eniit for by thoae v v these useiul and teanti yirrc . . doae without arsv peas. ulsitij uy to t entirely restore t'uemto their original ! K ur. w. win re nappy 10 wait sn,i a, i i, professional services and frHy t-.1r.9rt p- v tim which they require pwtiun'm to ti ALSO, the diseesea of the Jlonth a nJ G i Ai the same rime he secures t:, rut. tnakea qseof none hot the best mniefli !i v telence baa prodtwd. Speciwer. s-l ree. dations sf the office if requested. C;... a.J l. ?ApriJ20.'H'.'?.Sf'!tori,'..;'fi( !KSNEWAND:;CIAIj, Prycoodsandfa: C GRI!ME, begs leave to cuU the ti, habitants of Wilmlmrton . to I. well arsc-ried stock of ,. Uavbtsr. reaontcee lolay la' much eft, --t, 1 mv untron to elve irreater Rarcalfis tliaa i. etore can oiler, irt ti e toiiowrng,vra! - ' Dress Silks, .Sillt Z'-phyrlne, P,flre7e., ; Laina, Lawns, Ea!4.,fii, FrewhO.,, ...t.,.. Mosllu, Irish Linen, ftew s'ylo -Cal.roe Cravats- Lace,' Ribbon, Hin ttereV. , , c Frin"e. Gimp, Cambric, ;. I l V- . n lire Hose, c.. - - - Erench UMUMKi Brood i ; . r, v"-i met lrhV. Doe Skin,, Panf .io, ' Drills. Hnndkerrhtefa, Sun"n.!er ' i v - In th Fancrllne. au emlito t Trkvellin'i Bag Looking Glastit r, ; , Flutes, 'Fife, Hsrpa, Acrorrleor.: J Beads. PuTS, Wallets, Combs, Thread, Needles, Pins, Flower a s, Cnra. Scissors, Knives, Gort?vPit , I . , ' PerenMoa cape, Perfumed 5tora.Jn.n",; Hair Oils. Ac. "'"v I-'. '--: 'Gold and Silver Pencil..' CoM r."!i' i ells, Finger Rings, Breast Pins, L..r i ,1 1. ni combe, iiairiresurnimen;B. i ouir " Allof whl h I reapera.': .v.. . t ... at tha ery aaweaf tsash prim t ll v n" ' bla sixpence' Is belter that) a afow L: At the hottse formerly occuj kd by . . Market 8oii.MV' r 'I'-'t ?' i April CWiy! i . . : Cocoa. Nuts Cc' 120O'..uvv::i. June 8, HU -I 'i pearl!l1ta : C BOXES Colgattf Pearl f'nr. fEncouMcjiome!Ifu! v h Market' teVX;:.::v-"'.:,S. C. f f1flEsutCTi5cr fespv.;.' "y , : Avthatue Uaa recently n. where ha laid In a full and co;s -Icte -. ; and Harneae monr!r . i?. .' e ,,t :. -t i mostmproved styUs, and iscoits'anily r bis store on llarktl ;re.';. : by Gy B. Hotcbklfs, every dr"" , the above fine, From hia experi. .. i t he focle tonfident that he a iJ aailafaction lohlscustpmcra. lie 1, a constant supply of J 8A VDLF.S, II MOLD r. ?, y : OU.ARS, YIUPS, l'ITT A.. AliFtlTASI) SAD DLL L.. u.. , VALISES. oJ-Vm 4-w- - - and eve-ry other article Usually k, ,"t in e,.. of the kind, all of which iil be v "- - the best materlala and woikn moderate tcrm faf, cabt or c: ; tual customers. ' ' ". Rcraiataa of ew7 !r'r to;' Coaehetand Curi--'s ttt.- t t atilHrtantial stylo. v . ,'. Medical Bags, Cu&hiorss r ff ' all other artii-lfs oeiwlly, v . menta of the kind, made to vi Persona wishing to purchase lltr'- ' would fLpd it to their Imwt to -u- . ' Kayf,JS43. ; .; ' r r " DOCTOR or And Member, cf th- .A.'X' Dental i.. .: PERFORMS ailopra;; . c 1 1. ,: Ipnetted !'.. i or n s I 1 elpteof AtmuatuliuJW ,te i . i . , la applicable. N s p 'V . OlUce Last Side of Fror:t 5 t, s Market, upstairs.' v ' ; lo eonnoctloa with the f1" " ! Room expressly foi his lady ..i Can now receive bis profiw,.u,i..i ten tion by sending their ran,' t will lnfirm them the time he c . n t tcntion. . ' V ' I3p Ilmas5Ct,the Citizens gene r. - April 27. . J y' , , ""'.rKOTI' THE suLserlier bavin t C ; of Confectionary. Fr- Ci ilif-rwitb his La CtBi.i h, r by request ell per limnedlate payr:yrit j a- i !' s nt them forrmtidauo. FUI'.Tlinil 0 '1 TIE subtlbfr havirgc .CwM.k, ..fc.uijj Ffi,., iv reapectf ,"y solicits a c - h"' ' ,!' ,!8 !CPi).d toll .' Wi.t t?9 r' Voi.- hd frnT, i - tec ci::: v ' g epeo sa B4jl f i. co;U:fM4es llzy i A 1 . . i ti )j--,(s."4TJtnxS awl IWit I w- d'ttV ,t'i V p ,fS ft wit ' 1,' r.

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