THOMAS LORLNG, v EnrToa'ANn-Proprietor. , ;TtIB COMMERCIAL : V j iSH .ii4 mry Tiulvj, Tmnday, od Saturday ( W par annum, payablo, In all caaea, In ad vans,, BY THOMAS LORINQ, ; h Corn4ruFrofitndMarktlStr$tt, - ' , . , c. . t'tji -v. '"J4tl Of AOTtlTlMHO. , Vt., I .nstioti,0 BO t J aquars, t month., j 00 1 . Aa 2 do. 75 1 do. 3 do. 6 00 3. do. 100 1 do. 6 do. 800 1 do. . 1 month, 2 50 1 do. 1 year, 1200 - U8llna orlon m ike a square. If aa wlver Winttc8.datwelvellnea, the price will be .n ?U J Vufa'sinonta are payable al the time of their V?09tractawlthyo-rly .dvertiacra, will b made on , . .tii . i )... p3 All Advertisements inserted in the tri-weckty Commercial, are entitled to one Insertion in the Weekly, free of charge MYERS & BARN UM, MANOf-CTUBKUa AND DGA-KRa IK HATS, CAPS, UMBRELLAS, AND WALKINO-CANES, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, MARKET STREET, WILMINGTON, N. C. C.MVBBS. J.M.BABSC-. Oct. 6, 1847. 85 FeUOSSET, BROWN & Co., GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, WILMINGTON, N. C. March 17, H48. 1-y. BROWN, )llLOSSlT & Co., OK St: UAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 15(.) FRONT ST. NEW YORK. March 17 1813 1-y. A . MARTIN, GENERAL AGENT AND C o m m i s s i o n M e r c h a n t, North Water, i Doors above Princess Street, (Murphy's LluUdine:,) VVlLMliNUl'UN, N. J. Oct. 3. 81 J. &, W. L. McGARY FORWARDING AMU C H A A I S I ON MERCHANTS, WI.M1NG rO.V, N C. Much 17, liH. 1-y- ROWLEY, AS! I BURNER &, CO. lioueral Commissiou Merchants, Nos. f ,i f i, SuL'Tii Wharves, I'illl.ADEI.l'HIA. VVo ure pro pared to m i k -j I lbi-ra I ad vnncoi" on ship II juts of i Stoie., V ti. . consigned to us i'oi sale. RiTer to I mr.-t. I v.'. i i -m n-' ) ',;()Kir Fl v i, Wilmington, N. C. (.; iv;c vV. Oavi-. ) January H. 123-ly . l.LUAII DICKINSON, C O M . 1 VS7 O .V ME li CUA NT, S ; 1 1 .if p irt iii-roit iii-1. iti- li riu of Dickinson A M .rns W I I.M 1 N(i I'OX, N. C. lit-'. fl-lR Til'WstJtj,,, Ncs.iiiiii WaNa, ) i-:.o.i'c;,.sv.:,.,i linsUin Means -V i, uii .;, ) .. . . I lulaulclphia . 0-i . : . MIT bMy-p' ilJ)Xl.l S. sIU..l,IJ. A'ii-:s r i-'Dii i iii: ai.i; of timurii. i.iMiu::, .v.i r.i. stoii-:s,,- Will on '' li b earn .i.l vain i s on ulKonsi-unu nt 01 pi o.l m:e March 1 7 . SANUl-'OiU) ,t SMITH, AL'CriJNE.hlS UilillSSlUN MERCHANTS, W I I. l INHTON, N. C. HOI. nroHI, WM. L. 3MITH. .ii.ji i,, hh. i-y- J. HATHAWAY & SON, COMMISSION M K IIC HANTS, ird lljor North H'utcr Street VVIE.MIN J i C N , N. C. J. IhrtnwAV. J. l.. Hathaway. Oct. 64 S 1' A W l L L &. ' M F A I), ii l O O u s A v O Com m is s i o 11 Merchants, R A L F- I G II, X. C. 'Liberal Cuh n tr-inrr made on Coniignmentt. Riloih, Aii'. Hi, 1517. 5.i-y. (;. W. DA VIS, COMMISSION M KUCHA NT, WILMINGTON, N. C. March 17. HIS. I fiTa n i k rs ! " f : rn f ks M EUS. NaA' I-'., ithors, jusi r 'I'eivcdfroin 1 J(f y KnyettevUle.and for silo bv J. A W. E. Mi G ARN . MivM. -7 CHAIRS' CHAIRS 1 1 CHAIRS!!! r 4 Bundles Windsor Chai". just received, by the 0-i schr. O. IE. D iris from .'ew York, nnd Kor sjIo by J. D. LOVE, V the Ruck Spring. 25 May 13. HAY' HAY" Qr)C BALES of superior quality, per Rrlfl Sca J4U man Irom New York. For nr bv HAKRISS A RUSSELL. July 16-51. Nuoh WtterSt. ILii" A LOT of very eh iee Hama, at rtall For aala x. by CARROLL & PENT! ELL. July l.V i VOL. 3 NO. 69 JOHN HALL, SHIP AGENT AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, No.30 13RAVIER STREET. .New Orlcini. April 13, 1813. UO-ly. tJT0RI) & CO. Rice Factors & Commission Agents. Nov. To, 1847. 109-if. LIFE INSURANCE IN THE NATIONAL LOAN CIETY, OF LONDON, FIRE IHBRHCE IN THE ETNA INSURANCE COM PANY, OF HARTFORD, Conn, OB, IN THB I" HOWARD INSURANCE COMPANY, OF NEW YORK, May be elT.-c:cd by nprilicntiou io DkROSSE I', I5ROWN &. Co. N.,v 25.1RI7. 10 W. A. LA N Ci I) O X, c u mm i a s i o n m i: ;i v iia x t, WILMINGTON, N. C. Nov. 23, 1347. 107 M'KKLLAR MR A K, LUMBER AM) TIMBER ACEM'S, GENERAL OMISSION MEIUTI.WTS, niiJ I.ROCEIIS, Store formerly occvpiid l"j Hall A Abmhtrono, NORTH WATER STREET. WILMINGTON. N. C. HBCTOR M'KFI.LAR. Nov. 11. 1,-117. ALEX. M IlAE. 102 THOMAS ALi.ino.Ni; CO GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT S, No. S. Sot Til Wll AHVK3, PIIILADHLPIIIA. Atlvuuces ma tie on runsignmenU. Rrf-r to Mi sers. DeRoskei , LinowN & Co, Wil ininiMon, N. J. Nov. II. 10-2-y UARRISS & RUSSELL, (srct F.ssiiits in charm:.-! n. GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS,! IL.MIVCTON, , . 1 GtOHGt IIARlilnS. HC.VRl P. UL'ftbCLL. REFER TO E IV 0 (J Ham. I .sij. MifLKv, Esq II ilmine'.vn. J0 . f A VI OR. I-'.MJ AiiMr.n 1'a :tov. Eu , Ncr )nrk. At ex. H kimkin. .In . F.- i . I' iihil'lpliia, Mf.SSRvU.;..A1m. WELfMAN ,V -.aaf,,an II. F. liAKKII. 1. U. ) Srpt. Ith, ly-17. 7i-ti". e.j. li;tti:kloii Co. ri)ivi:n!ii indiwiissiiiji MEIIC1IANTS. and r.cir.!' A( ;i-:.ts. WILMI.Nii 1 ON. N. C. r. . t. i e ' t F n i.riii . O. t. I- 17 j . i: . p I r. ii i E . ;i5-tf I,. M A L L i: TT, a(.i.n i i on i n i: sa i i: of j Timber, Luuibfr, Naval Stoics, &C, j jiiziu n.-t Untldiiii:, Noill H alcr Slrrct, j WILMINGTON. N. C. I Nov. 'I, 1-17. 101 BAIIUV. I J It V A NT & Co. COMMISSION MHRUHAM'S, W 1L.M INOTON . N. C. 1 tl. March 1- ;- JOHN C. LATTA, COMMISSION ME It CUA NT, AND I i EN Eli A L Alil-'.NT, II.MlNO'l'ON, N. C. O.-t.lf). P17. &7 S A N I) 1' O R I) A, S MIT H, AGENTS il" iio: ho pi; mc ru AL LII'i: .V.S77i.LVC7; COMPANY, WI L.MING TON. N. C. March 17. HI-'. 1-y. SAND F OR I) &, SMITH, AOENT.S OF THE North Carolina Mutual FIRE INSURANCE C 0 M V A N Y , WILMINGTON, N. C. Man-h 17, l-H 1 y. BLANKS PRINTED TO Oil I) EH. AT THE COMMERCIAL OF KICK. JUST KECK IV ED. fi. Verv h in Isom" sso'toint of LsrHeii fine ' Hukin: Ladies fine kid, low lire t'-":1 Lidiesdo do slippers and ties i do. do white slip per,, for s ,le by OR'). R. FRENCH. Feb. 17. 143. i . . . V A l M dBtel 10 ItCDl, irom ISIUCI. next, A Comfjrtabla DelliDcrorssmalIfamiy Apply lo F J LORD 4 Co. June 3. IPI" 34 tf t ; . . - . .t .... ; ; 5" ; ' feMiiliiiiE PUBLISHED TRI-WEEKLY, WILMINGTON, THURSDAY JOHN IX: LOVE, DKALER IN CABINET FURNITURE. BEDSTEADS, CI1AIRS, Ml TRASSES, ic , ROCK SPRING, WILMINGTON. N. C. WI LIAM NEFF, (Late of the firm of Ntrr &. Warneh.) WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEADER IN SDIP CHANDLERY, SHIP STORES GROCERIES, CORNER OF DOCK & WATER STREETS, WILMINGTON, N. C. Dec. 7th, 1847. . 113-tf. F . OLA R K , MA.NUFACTtBER AND DIALER IK ALL KINDS OP CABINET FURNITURE. BEDSTEADS, WRITING DESKS, MAT- TMSSKS, rAILI,ASiti;S,Af FRONT STREET, NEAR MARKET, WILMINGTON. N. C Apiil 11th, 1619. 11-1 y. Proceedings of (he Safety Comniittcf OF THE TOWN OF V.IL.UING I ON. During the years 1774, 177;. and 177G. W J ITU i he join I I'roioeilin- sol tlio "oi nfti 1 1 1 . c- i the Lountlrc ol 1) iiplin Onslow, liliiden. Hi un" wick and Coiiil'i rl.i nd, lor s.ileiit iln ( ommacuil Ot fire. P i ice -j cents per copy. A l,irt;i 'discount inadr lor Urge number. AI,L persori indebted to the aubscrioeis from lh one, up io ItfW Me. reiiue-stcd to call mid p.iv (tie same. N. B. All accounts for work done at this c.t.-ib-lishincnt, will liL-reatter be presented every ninety diy-H. HART i POL EE V. Jan. 5. 1V0 A Fine Set of Trcthfor 25 Tents. White Teelh, Foul Urentli, Heiltliy Gums. Yellow an I unhealthy teelh, alter Ijiiiil; once 01 tw.ct cleaned with JONES' AMfiER TOOTH PASTE, have l he nppi-nrnnce of ill.- m -m hcniiMfol I vo - v. me1 lit die name ti ii iu It is so p- i f . 1 1 y m mil en I :iin! x . filelj fioe. thai its colan: i . i : iih- i- hi-.'hlv ndv.iii. i iji-oiis. ev'i n lo till"!- frill ill :t hi i- ill I'ooii c ii'.1 1 1 ;.,n L'ivitiL; ihetii a briiut ili.l ":ii-'i. ;o d u. v .-r.i iiii; :i i. m.illiie decay. Tfo:.r alre.nlv di e i i d, i: , r. oi'- w " t. m.h, I- e a "i ' it w ill n m!.-i iin i fituleat teeth d.di-ately white, add make hc t,r. ti: delcloiiflv '.-. 1 1 i I price r,o.!t if:; cents a i:ox. : Sold in W iliiiiii-'t.oi. hy :tt iv i.iii . (;i,n: . Supply o! I li ; I- 1 S, int Karri ! hall, I. ' l-'o: fair ! y I), rossi. t i:;;ov. PROVISIONS. 'ON, ::viitid, itielucins f.t;e li' V r ha i . Eat.:; I ruin atnl Hid ami U C i' : II .!. .-. v 1 loir . .1 '. . Hi- 1 'or k ; a i; Mi 1 1 , s T. ("il'RA M'iI. s. J y ; hh I-.. t .. i e- ;i;air v. t.' i.-'e IIP ! .Nv, I), "d hen tis du. l)tltls.sf.T, I'.ROWN .t In June l i. 'i.ori? and mi;al "I AN A .Me, 'AN. I. nnd Norih C arolinn ; ,1 n J tn.-h. I La-- ; Em s.iIh : y OtiROSSET. MKOWN A C June 1 1. LA( 'i N CORN WHISK LV IIM'.S'PI HN STDES anil SIlOl EDIiit .; .Ye :li I l 1 1 1 1 n I V ,;if I 'o, n ; W . -' n hiski-y ; For -Hie 'In a p. io lots to oiit. hv Di.itoss i; i , Hit'mvN i c J line 1 i. HAY Hi l)f Eu- .h by July Is.. SAM) I 'OKI) SMI I Towing. T he s r i : m Ed o. fir? H M la nreuan it to tow y. n IV III l. I d lor il not i n' i.-'e : ,.n mi i.- 'I1' i l ie. I lie 1'iopiii :ms oulil In- ih l a a 'i ire o! iairon ive md : i i d i u t h. i i - puw , i t . . . 1 niiaetion. A i.el v on h o ii.l to C.-iiit. T. E I'c- k m J ilVL. MeOAR , A.- June t?(l. II tl run: cixAckiiks EOXES EIRI'.I RAt'KI.KS ; AyO (i doZ. KOI 'EE l's ; Lo -lie a-. jOS II.K'INSON S. July 1. HITTER. EST re. eived prrSrhr Alsrlr. Fnrsil'' t'V HOU ARD Sc PF.DF.N. J Dried Apples nr HUSH EES diin I Us ; 0' 7 Pi- a lies. For ssli St J. WILKINSON'S. June ?7 CIGARS k TOBACCO m . . Rl ) ;iCl!"". Kfsns, i. Prlmlpai0f ten hours length, tie said De intended nd 4 Boei Raspterrv fl .mrnl cheinq T-hco. For asks? fcARRcLL 4 FENNELL. Julr IS J! MORNING, AUGUST 3, om fA Evening Ncv$. THE PRESS. An Od.o a, Chariton Typographic &.'' A. rKn t m or ,,, PaimlTJ in (M, I tm$MyV, IS)9. I. Makt way fr the Preaa, my good fellow, And know when all' uttr'd and dena, That thf Prinur may lift up hia bellowa Whpnf't r there's a victory won ; 'Tla hp that, frorn vntini"! atitiona, " Sllll watchful f.,r man in fnch (.lime, Scia In motlm the might of the nutlonp, For the roifj-icjt of truth over time! Make way ror rhr PrcM. and keep moving, For know, whf-n you hearken lia ruah, That t he lead thers'n no chane ol Improving, It la mornlly certain to cruah. II. V hose voice 1j It rinps o'er th ocean, .A nd rouses tha empires to hern W'.o si ts thi" jrreat progress in motion, 1 Int rouses the soul I'.ir and near 1 V- ' Ftir- tin proud ilioiifh! in each aplrit, U lio rifl- a ih(- pn t fur t!i' race, v-;. i nvca all thi' truth we inherit, " And rfiwues the brnvr. from the bnic 7 Who else but the Printer, who seattera Il's lihmiiiii-like sheets a he eocs, Tearing falsehood and enor to tatters, And ajVing Itiefrte Iroin their foes III. V li.i fut. when that dolt Ampudia, ' , li Aiist-i, ihe bij, at bis buck, 'V, -co the liruvo, with silly idea, 'I :-;ve ihe bad scare to old Znek ; U i i -how'd you where, stout ns n whaler, 0 ; hero slooil fen, es- and glim, W I lie- those who would rut down our Taylor, U fir. most ceri.iinly cut up by him 7 I 1:0 Piiiitur, tlie Primer, whose b'epslng, Is (.'renteBl win n thus ha can show, I low ably he deals in expreasing, 'i ll ; tidings you iiiom like to know ! IV. tel u li,-!! our o n p. ips of P.-ilmttto, 01 . Id hero's k .'iijnritp suns. it V'ei.i Ciuz look tl.i ir fi-i-i s t-to. l'i j hti' Willi lii" .M xiian Dons ; U lien I he com a j;e a: hI mmics; y di ar as, Tl, l,i :n u-.iic i t Ii y c nio; lioin thtir Sirts, Ti ' trapp! ! th- loi nt I .'oiito ras. An.! suio: him iih fut-dlesl fires; Who loud, r than we kti:; llo ir glory, Who l net their v. do.- dip!:'d, Or, ho. in iht pigtiol story, The rceoid muie eti made. V. We watch'.l l':e Throiieh 1 1 1 -; 1 Til- fi,:t ' 1, I' 'i'o uii. 1 .-. h Our v. 1 . .. I In.-..':; -.' Though u. 1 v ' ! s-h ,1: 1 h p;.-- -0 'I li I (or a Ai i I..- 1. 'i. S11..I1 !: -ii 1 wlili fin I admiration. 1 m - i-e of -I iu!i'..-r an J strut , v..: 1 C" n.iilur, I 1 . . 1 . ; . i 1 -a a s ! i fi ; o! '. ill i: 'iAo,in, - '!i: oa-li da n;-i-r t i lame . v. '!' . p. 1.: , tuo'ion, llv .-'V II a; h e.i- h 11'Jiie. ;;!! 1 la u to tin- ii.-tn, i d .i .-.pp oM ; , 1! t l''1 Oils o ' 1 our pap. 9, ;,i . a v5 dim W' love 1 i ,ii,ii!.si'o.DtM! mk:: . i ,t , in' i. j i ! ; ij,i:i T )li-' II.,: r M ......Jo!;.- 1 1'h. 1- i- 1 o t!f i .' ; 111 rump:. i!K i.i w f i.i-lTi.ll : ii vour reijuest I have sent v-i Mes V Mr A .in account ol the debate between -he nnd I1, .vis. nor Electors ,. en awkward, untnenninrj . . a,, I a lio 1 delivery, but like e i:i i-t of t!ie Loco For os, does ,i ppea i all, or t! not re: assort.' Mr 1' was .-. there v. roloia 1 11111!. . ; 1 . . 1 1 i ". j ,' he sa V makes round I o' lli-,:alirr, at Riclihli.ii-. : ' i.'- hou:.". whih-t . Mr Ashe ; ,i :;a!::st tune, h'- said tl...: !. :'. m.e p!a in Norm C;-.- Dhint'-i rs to rendezvou.-. ,-.i f'd tlie idea to the people E ! 5. i i xi r was an abolitionist ,, - i -r;m"d Mr Asln' al Rich ...!' I ihiiik was true He said Polk . ;. f.-jit of the partv. of conr.v: the !'.i- i party 1 at. i afraid Damn i. I it-mare L. Badger, ill,.! William .:... oil. will never recover Mr A!e i rev on ihose geiiile.oep. nut you d-je- cm bay .a in- mo m " : I )av is is a man nf tie) :uo:-t p.easuig . r. with ;i mellow vote-:, and a clas- .-vie: a go K spe.,ker. a m t: that ,.,,t descend 'o led a falsehood to j t 1 1 1 1 c . i f e:. l . m short, Mr D.ivi.s is Kill wa I. a W, i speaker, and a geiiileman in every ! of the word 1 think Mr Davis' I. luwl a good e ifect at Jacksonville, a; Richhinds I never saw people more .rive to any tierson than they were to ill ! a i : 1 Mr Davis. Mr. A-he did nol have more than hn If the number to hear him at the hitter place; still, nearly all of them are Loco Focos. Mr Ashe opened the debate in a speech a to cxphtiQ tb Democratic creed, but instead I of doing so, only said that Democracy was BY THOMAS LORINO. 1848. Whole No. 371. f . th. supreme rules for the government of our country. He then ased on to the Wins-! fh(. .h' Ar(, ,h , , 'i par,f ' XhM lby tb P" I us that he had a scat Li the last Legisla- 4 . t riA haI ii cicit in t pi a Iac rnrn1n ucusing ; .pent a great deal of the pec, e , money extravagantly, and absolutely ssed laws dangerous to the liberties of I j tho people ; that if he ever had the honor of a su, , the Legislature again, and the s (i,:rl Pnr'y had a majority, and xli.l as hi7 had done In the h,r, woulJ take his hat nnd come heme He , !ftbUi" the WhiffSOf the last Legislature for ntusmr ; said they n-ere as dcs:r.,c- j u.o ulc .acoo.nsoi r ranee ; sn.n ,t was carrVu,uthe principle, of te Baltimbttj unconstitutional to re-distnet the Stat : Convention , said the Whigslhad 0 fxrtJ complamed th,t the Wing, had taken a : a)jC3) n0 l0 GV . Taylor W majontv , f .',;tn,-s to themselves, th- casc hu was eictp President", and.that it Legislature a;, I Gov. Graham came in forvas dangeroui l0 elect a President without a lull share of abuse lor officer...- our Vo, . conteiMcj ,hat that was the rev untcrs: was wrathy about a branch 0: Mr Van B-uen made a goo-l President . the SuFer: Curt being located at Mor-' Mf Ashe gae veilUo his feeUnjs; gai.tov. n. tuad ureal fault with our Con t hc ftbu,,tl Mr Van Buren, called him a ffressio.i',ldi3tr.ctU.cuuseWil.i,i.lg.o1.iu,, rua.,y oth hafd na(iies. (l were bo;h ,n the same chstr.c. ,hw(fhl ,ie w for?(jt and believed he WW -two ol ti.e lar?est towns ..1 rhe State- : f(b HUg Da.,.l Webster ) it was ilone to keep (Jen McKay out ol" , , . j , w 1 ... 1 Mr Ashe here attempted lo show thai Congress, besnle-i ilniintrton and Inv! . , . . , , 1 ,, , ' . ' Jpii. Taylor whs pledged to tho Abohuoo- etteviile were in.mxol towanlj each otl,i.r 1 3 i He jlieti read the Detnocr.itic resolutions j adopted at tne Haltimore Convention, in sisted that our e-nmtry wns m a riour:shin conditioiMi'idi-r I leiiiocratic rule: wished . the xvple to reliei t ami ponder well before they hurled the present dynasty fi'o.u low er; said th'.nj was no reuson for turnino the present I'. ilk jiarty out o! power,unless it wan to please ihe Federal party He then eulogized (ion ( 'ass' moral character: said it was unblemished, and th it (ii was I one ol the most conjnicnons officers in f.;e ' war of I '1 1 Willi ( niii,n:i, and that: i , at the surri-tiih-r of Ocu. Hull, id Detroit' ' C'iiss broke his sword. Mr Ade.- then dropped the W ar and jumped on the poor Whir; Lei'v-ii:!iire of 18-107. for that o.h- o'is preamble attached to resnlu::ii;is rela tive tn the sons of North Carolina en iron-ed i;i the rapture of Mexico . .ud that I'-inn-I Wrli-'i-r said the. war between the lUiied State- and Mexico was wren;;, nt.d the Federal !overnor of North Ciroliu t ronied as i:e;;r as could after r.iomtrr.Ue.s C')i.'ip!a',t:i-d of ot the Sill' )r 'el!:' Wt-bst. Hi v. i r nf th- r t;.' 1. 1 1. . tii sal. ie i' OIK no if. .e i:. t:.i- .1 d h.ll, if ill- :-0 lie W'Xlid !i i ;hsts wool I of ' ol.-! do it they condefn::! d uii'ifUiiiLMi a:iv low hv tLiu iinrtv : s.h. I III I'oii. was the 1 'resident we ever had . conteiiib d the Rio iande was the h:n- between 'IVxa a, id Mexico, gave: an ae( Hunt of the liiicoveiy of that ctuntry France sold it to the duted States ;.r,d the ! . in! State sold it to S ':. -.vr . :',ive 'i .ad Mit of the 'I',' at ,- ? :.' a A:i:.a ;.. nh', after the h;-.ti'e of San Jacinto, wit'' i. , whilst he wii.- ;-. nso.icr, contended :.. ii .t was b:nih.!iL' , M'-:eo: sai l a lung ; ago the Fiench captured a ves.-cl Rl() Grutiiic. bev :r-me- to t a I :,i'ed Mates, .'tod that our Oo'.'r at made Mexico pay 1,:,Q) io, ai.i '1 . xas bad established post roads a:.d 1' !.-l )mceji and Custom Iluu :u 'I.h disputed ef nn- try befor" It was aaneved lo the Cured Steles, raid Mi .:'o iiivr chtiin'-il i lie ' o'tntiy i:: - iwee;, ti,e r.ver-N'e ,- ces .and U. ' h.-.nt!. . unt.l the Federal par- of tin- l'u.'- ! .m.i!-., coniendeu inn it belonged i . ... . -i that (ien. Taylor advised th- P.e.-iden' to order h:; from Corpus Cliri.-t: to Matamor.ts, and if that was cati,e ci U'ar il was ( i-n Taylor's fault: s.u my aid an i- F-d'-ral party cavelhcene i tiii'-rt ; spoke of the Whirrs throwing the great Clay overboard. He then '.urn-d on poor Oov Oral .-m. and denounc-i i.;.n ior appoiniitig P.ui.e, CoIg.kI, ar. 1 Fac;. Lieutenant Coluael, said Paine Lid lri.;;ghl disgrace on the North Carolina Recent. True, Graham did appoint a Democratic Major, a man by the name of Stokjjs, but he was the most . I 1 contemptible one. in tne party a norse jockey nr.d a blacklep , says the first time ' a man gets cheated it is not bis hult, but I if he Iota the nai perso? Io it lhi 1 ho Democrat got cheated m 1340, but; hi warned Democrats not to let it bappea , gain; but, laid Mr. A the, it pleased tbi, LorJ to take Gen;JIarrisda.' ..Jit ' tajd ut')t Whigs denied in 1840, Mr. BadjeV ifl paf. . ' ticulai, .that they were in, fator'cf fMh United States Bank, but ar twon4 WJhfj Wbtgf goi in powsr'they cbartefe4jifii MUL'on Bank. Mx. Ashe , now . turned iki jaruJIervoQ tnt poor whun aod.Dasiel. WeUtcr m particular, and, Mr td'itVr; .. , ... .j ul ' riJVi 1 MOW, U JOU CflU 1Miu wui, Webster ha- got of the wou4 from , tb5T Hilt WUIIUCIIUI BLrtJCVil MBlilWfcW , " " mTt House but to return., Air. Aids said VNMt, yrf had iUfi; of w fc Wtf fl ; . . .aV whft u ha(i cost bul f3lW00, and w? got Uod h paj .k, 'V t. - ,. lm7AtC'JL he-Rhwt the hirbor9 fof Qur jS&fc ,u ka, .. ,WiwrU !M th-' '1 if. " 1 l JL" j' tho Wllmot p w ple i.sts not to veto a law 11 uanouiu oe one 10 anohsh Shivery in ihe Terntories; uud that, Taylor had said that he was in furor of tne ordinance of lbl7. Mr Ashe next,; and lastly, wound up on David S. Rekf ; he was .1 self made rnun. a mighty clever man, and he as well as Reid, whs in favor ot Free Surl'rnge. thai is, for all free wbM men tha,t were entitled to vole for a Com moner should vote for a Senator. Mr DavH in reply to Mr Ashe said, ha trionght Mr A sue ought not to bare said one word aho it caucusing It was well known that both parties caucused. Mr.' D avis diil not think it republican doctrine for the democrats in I 1-3 in fe-dfotrict-n: g the State to 'jive themselves five mem- hers to Congre-. and the Whigs but four, when there was a Whig majority of from four to twelve thousand in the State ; and denied in toio that it was unconstitutional fir the WhiL-s to r-distnct the Sute vd la1'j-'7 Mr I) was at a loss to know how it was intended to legulate 0?n. Me , Kny out of Congress, by adding Cumber land ' 'or, -y to Ins district witll'a cTemo rr ' ' :. ;''. r 'v of five hundred votes'. Ml. I c. '.! i ; in-.p!e of Onslow in' a speech .! k ',: .o-;v::.- .n I - 1 1, thrtt if TetW wa I 1 il.exe.l to the Cllltdl SlatCS We Sth'tytjld" i. -v-w.-r Mr Davis spoke of the tfeatw h i', v.-as mad'- between the Texana and Si ii'a Amu v. ii-n he was a prisoner ; show-' ed clearly that according to the constitu-' t.o i of .-:i-o. Siint, Annl had no right to make the treaty H'' next showed, froaf the act of Congress when they annexed I'exa-i that the act did not not say the Rio' ( Jr.,: ! w-s the boundary but oflly annex v. hat v.::- T xas proper He showed t h-.irly t.ut the pol.iical limits of.Tettt .... ... 'r. til.. r. t . d 1 1 r ii-. n .,.. iV.Kmu. I - i 1,1 - ' 'iuii'ju, "tic iiQucvi r:w r . i the est, along the red rirer OO !. Nurth. the Sabine on the East, and (hi tii1: of Mexico on the South; and ai lii the treaty made with Santa Anna, when hi was a prisoner, it was all a nullity. Mr Dim- showed that two of the ablest apostles of ihe democratic party voted against Tyler's treaty: Silas Wright and Thomas H liVnton, for no other reason than it claimed to the Rio Grande; b s des n was conclusive the Government did io'. think the Rio Grande belonged to thef l.'nited States, or President Polk would not give Mexico $15,000,000 for whai already belonged to our government But Mr. D.t' s.nd he had yet further witnesses, which h1 presumed were -ood with the democratic party, that ihe R o ( Jrande was not the h'ne beiween the two countries It was tiota Secretary .Marcy On the 8th day of July, 145, he wrote id (ien. Taylor as follows : "Sir: This department is informed thai Mexico has some military estahlishmeat: on the east side of the Ki Grande, which ,' are and for some tune have been in tha a3 taal occupancy of her troops. . la eanyillji out the instructions heretoforarectved,aj'i ke carefu 0 ovoid sny act' of avtai. r blon j ari actmil itata of wsi :shilA xlsl jhe Mexican tbrtasai ths tWElni-Li' ,heu 0 and which hlff befl 0' i 2 4 A i k t V