t THOMAS LORING, ' J Editor'and Proprietor. .' Ttia COViVlEftClAL pi'illi'nd iyjrf Tuiiiy, T,mf day, ni Saturday it 13 per saaum, payable, in all caie, to sdvanee, ;;iry; Thomas lorino, WH.MIKOTON.H. C. ATS OC AOVTIRI!fO . A A rt i O I si;,"hn'e'rtlon,050 1 iquare, 2 montba, 1 1 00 1 do. 3 do. 5 00 1 do. 6 do. 8 00 1 do. lfar, 12 00 ! d. Z da. o 1 &o. J do. 100 1 do. 1 rmnth, 2 50 Tnlva Inaaorlen mike a aqnare. If an adver Uji nmt UcaJdatvrelvellnea, the price will be In brjpJft'on. , . . Ul i IvjrtUementa are payable at the time of their insertion. ... , ., (Jotitracta with yearly advertiser-, will be made on mpatllberalterma. All Advertisements inserted in the Iri-weekly Commercial, are entitled to one Insertion In the Weekly, free of charge MYERS & BARNUM, MANUFACTURERS AND DEALRRS IN HATS, CAPS, UMBRELLAS, AND WALKING-CANES, At WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, MARKET STREET, WILMINGTON, N. C. C. Myers. J.M.Barnum. Oct. 0,1847. 85 DGROSStf T, BROWN fc Co., GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, WILMINGTON, N. C. March 17, 1313. ly- BROVVN'dEUOSSET & Co.-, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 15'J FRONT ST. NEW YORK. March 17 1313. . lv- A. MAR TIN, GENERAL AGENT AND Commission Merchant, north Water, i Hours above Princc&s Sirccl, (Murphy's Building,) WILMINGTON, N. C. Oct. 3. 81 w"l"m:Gary FORWARDING HI) C II MM I !s$l ON MERCHANTS, WLMINGTON, N C. Much 17,1343. ROWLEY, ASIIBURNER & CO. General Com miss ion Merchants, Nos. 5 & G, South Wharves, PHILADELPHIA. nr ..,,,.,( t, uinlcii 1 1 burn 1 ttd vancca on (thin ly c. - . Ti?rlU of Si.'.il .Stores, &c, consigned to ub lor sale. Refer to f.jur.i. Iw.l i VivuriDsi. ) B'itsrr Wilmington, N. C. fH'J': 'V. Oavh. ) Jurtnary 18. 123l- " BLt ' VH MCIUN.SON, COMMISSION MERCHANT, S j.ii-jr partiicrol'tue I .no firm of Dickinson A, iM rris WlL Ml.Ni; I'ON, N. C. Rkpkr to Aler. 15- UePoreat Co ,i N York B.U.,ciriCo, Bjsum Means At iJlarlt, S Wnltera t -S .tider, f phi,a(lplrhia. A. I'.ii. oi 00., ) Oct.3. MI7. 81-ly-p tiUJ2S. GILLEiPIE. Afii:s r koii Tin; sall ok TrU.'JRt. I' I'M HE It', S A 'AL STORES, f- vVill n i i; I i :T .t I " i 'li aJvnnccB on alloonaijfnmcntH March 1" . 3A.VDF0RD & SMITH, AUCrWNBKRS i W.'JIS8IJI MERCHANTS, WILMINGTON, N. g. II ). I A!nFORD, 1 iron 17,1313. L. SMITH. I-y. J. HATHAWAY & SON, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 3rd Door North Water Street. WILMINGTON, N.C'. J. Hathaway. J. l.. IUthaw'at. Ojl. 27,1847. 64- S 10 A WELL & M E A D , aivuu & us A "D Commission Merchants R A L E I G II , N . C . Liberal Cai'i adennct made on Contignmentt. Raleigh,. Vup'. 10,1317. 6o-y. G. W. DAVIS, COMMISSION MERCHANT, WILMINGTON, N. C. tarchl7. 1 FEA THERS ! FEA THERS ! ! V fV ''U:1, Na F,,har.just recelffldfrom LUJ J f'ny' t leville, and for anle by , - yJ.W.L.MeOARN . ttyl3. 27 CIIAIUS! CHAIRS ! ! CHAIRS 11! fci ftundlefi WlndnrChalr.juit received, bjr the Sjt echr. Q. W. IUvU.bom New Vork.aod Vox Mlo by " J. D. LOVE. 4' tht Rock Springy May 13. HAY ! HAY!! noc HALES of iiiprtlor quality, per Brig Sca ZZD man from New Ym-k. Fortnlbr I1AKR1SS 4 RUSSELL. ' 'Jatf 1 S 8 1 . TJ N ot ih W' ater S t. HAMS I OrYnficrv cM" Hanta, at rill For aal Jm. CJKROLt A FENNEI L juw i. M- VOL. 3NO. 61 JOHN HALL,1 SHIP AGENT AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, No. 30 GRAVTEtt STREET. New Orleans. April 13, 1843. . HO-ly. F. J. LORD & CO. Rice Factors & Commission Agents. Nov. 25, 1917. 103-tf. f L.IFE INSURANCE IN THE NATIONAL LOAN CIETY, OF LONDON, FIRE rflllJRHCl IN THE ETNA INSURANCE COM PANY. OF HARTFORD, Conn., OB, IN TH HOWARD INSURANCE COMPANY, OF NEW YORK, May be effected by application to Dt ROH SET, UROWN & Co. Nov. 25,1817. UIH W . A. L A N G I) O N, COMMISSION MERCHANT, WILMINGTON, N. C. Nov. 23, 1917. 107 M:KELLAR 6c M'RAE, LUMBER AND TIMBER AGENTS, GENERAL CnnilSSION MERHIASTS, and GROCERS, Store formerly occuykd by Hall A Abmstrono, NORTH WATER STREET, WILMINGTON, N. C. HECTOR M'Kr.LLAt. Nov. II, IH147. ALEX. M BAE. 102 THOMAS A I -lil BONE fc (,'0., GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 8, South Wharves, PHILADELPHIA. Advances made on Consignments. RtfiT to Messrs niinijiiin, N. C. Nov. II. DeKopset, Browk&Co, Wil-102-y 1IAIIRISS it RUSSELL, i cus.sons to ciiAHi.ns d. fu.is.) GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, WlI.ylNCTIIN, N. C. OCOIiliE IIAH1I1SS. IIKNIIVP. Rl'BSELL. KF.FKR TO F. 1. IIai.i.. I-q. ) (). (i. Pa lev, Ksq. Wilmington. Jso. A. Tavloh. Ksu. ) Ahmer I'atton, I-'.kq , New York. A.r.x. Hr.tiuoN, Jr., Ksq., t'l'iiladtlphia, MEnc. WiiUAMP, Weibmas & Co. ) ciarfeJon II. I". Hakeii. I-.bll. ) Spt.lih, 1817. 73-tf. Iv .1. LUrITEItL(Vir& Co. t'DSWlllDINfi AND COMMISSI ' MERCHANTS, AND PACKET AGENTS, WILMINGTON. N. C. E. PIERCE. Oct. T 1;:-I7 M A L . E T T, AGENT roil THE HALF. OF Timber, Lumber, Naval Stores, &c., Lnzarua Huildin?, North Water Street, WILMINGTON, N. C. Nov. 9, 18-17. 101 BARRY, BRYANT & Co. COMMISSION MERCHANTS WILMINGTON, Ji. C. . I tf . Morch 17, 1648. JOHN O. LATTA, C O M MISSION MER CHANT, AND GENERAL AGENT, WILMINGTON, N. C. Opt. 10, 1847. M SAN I) FORD fc SMITH, AGENTS OF THE HOPE MUTUAL LIFE ISSVKAXCE COMPANY, WILMINGTON, N. C, March 17, HH. l-r. S A NT L) FORD & S MlT H , AGENTS OF THE North Carolina Mutual FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY.ioonoxESFiuEcirACKERs, ;wJ6doi. ROt. KETS; for ale at W ILMINGTON, IN. J. March 17, I6. 1 J- BLANKS PRINTED TO ORDER, AT THK COM MHRCIAL OFF1CK. JUST RECEIVED. ( A Very hin Isome aoortment qfLndiei fine i lN llunkin: Ldlr fine kW, low le U-i L.idieado. do. ulippcrt and tir; do. do. whl Up-' pen., for Mlc by GEO. R. FRENCH. I Feh. 17. U3. I Wanted to Rent, from 1st Oct. next.; A Comfortable Dwelllm for rnallftmily. Apply A to F. J LORD aV C. 34 ff. PUBLISHED TRMVEEKtY, WILMINGTON, TUESDAY JOHND. LOVEy. DEALER IN , CABINET FURNITURE. BEDSTEADS,. CHAIRS, flATRASSCS, ic, ROCK SPRING, WILMINGTON, N. WI LIAM NEFF, Lute of tht firm of Ntrr & Warneji.) WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER. IN SHIP CHANDLERY, SIHP STORES AND GROCERIES, CORNER OF DOCK & WATER STREETS. WILMINGTON, N. C. Dec.Tth, 1847. " 113 -tf. F . CLARK, manufacturer and dealer in all kinus CP CABINET FURNITURE. niAins. nrnsTRins vbitir nitsns. hit. iniiiato nun itTLUU 1.. .FRONT STREET, NEAR MARKET, WILMINGTON, N. ('. April IJth, 1A48. r 1-1 y Proceedings of the Safety Commitloc 01 THE TOWN OF WILM1NG1 ON. During the years 1774. 1775. and 1770. WITH ihe joint Prore(iin8f the (.'ommiiiei -! the Counties of Duplin Onslow, Bladen, linn, wick and Cumberland, tor snleat the Commercial )' fire. Price 25 tula per copy. A largediscounl n.;iu for large nuinbera. LL persons indebted to the subscribers from t!i. yenr oih-.'iu) 10 lti4H are requested to call ;ih.'. ' the sninc. i. D. aii iiL-uuviiiin iur um iioiiu u mis rsi;i:, i lishtmmt, will licreafler be prrpenied every nim.-iy ; days. HART & I'OLi.F.V. ! Jan.S. U'! i . r . u a . . . i i A Fine Set of Teeth for 25 Cents. White Teeih, Foul Breath, Healthy Gunm. Yellow and unhealthy teeth, after being once or twice cleaned with JONES' AMHF.R TOOTH PASTE, havetlieppi-nmnteof ihe most beauliful Ivory, nnr! ut the smnetiinc it is so perfectly innocent nil i .;ui ; nitfly fine, thni its constunt daily use Wiiylily iiilvnnin geous. even to those teeth Mini arc in (rood condition, giving theiii u ben u t i f 11 1 polish, nnd pri'Vi-nlinc :i pre mature decay. Those iilri-iidy decayed, it ireMiiti from becoming woihk it also fattens such asun. be coming loose, nnd by per'severuncc it will render the foiilesi teeth (Jelientu.'y white, und make thehrvath delciou!!v swi et. PitlCF. 25 011 37J CENTS A BOX. Sold in Wilmington, by I,ipfiiii-& Winking. GLUE A Supply ol CI uc, lor spirit Uarrels, constunlly on X hand For fair by Ue ROSSET BROWN & Co, March 29. 6 PROVISION'S. V c. CON, assorted, including fine Hams IN . En'.: Prime and SI ens Pork ; R.d nnd White I'e s; Cm n ; jllulf :i rceg new Rice ; l'l.ai.a variety, fur sale uy R. W. J5KCWN. .April "JO. :F13. I5-tf. MOLASSES. plli J ty 11 li A MOLASSES, best quality, bright and hca- hhd.- . Oeroe", nn,i baio-U .ew llikans do. For Hnie by OeROSSF.T, BROWN & Co. 33 June 13. FLOUR AND MEAL. C 1WAI. nnd North Carolina Eiour ; Me il in 2 bimh"! bag ; For ple by DeROSSET, CROWN Jt Co. is June I l3A('OX CORN WHISKEY. 7F.STERN SIDES and SHOULDERS; North Caiulina While Corn : Western W hiskey : For tale Cheap, in loig tc puit, by DeROSSET, UIIOV.N 4 Co. Jnm-H. 33 HAY. ' inn HALES North River tlay; Jn'j recciv 1 1 UU For sale by SANDFOKD A. SMITH July Is. 4(i. Towing. rpiIE STEAMER Oov. OIU1IAM X in prepared to low vess In wliem m called fur. if not cueated on an ne tWcr tuii. i tic ProprietorV would bn innoklul for i i innre oi pttronage. and do all In their pewer to giv i Mtifaction. Apply on board to Cnpt. T. F. Pr.' k. ,i , 'o J. A W. L. McCJARV, Ajn June 20. ' , 41-tf . L J , FIni; crackers. JOB. WILKINSON S. Jutv 1. BUTTE!?. I TUST rwelrd per Schr. AUrlc. Fomul" hy , J HOWARD A PRDE rr. Dried Apples. 30 ; BUSHELS dried Apple ; do. do. 1'enche. or )( J. WILKINSON'S. 44. Jane ' WINKS. L "INK Mderia and Port Wines in quarter fifih ' i!.,fc. I nbli f,hm,.lnM Ulna I 'itxdlo ' and Unpe," in qiuM-wand pint, t or !' on linoort .M irmuot. b PrR 9 SET. PROWN A Co. BY THOMAS LOR1NU MORNING, AUGUST 8, THE GEORGIAN IN NEW TORU. AT ROBERT M. ClfARLTOX. Reader, ifyoit live any where south af taiutuae 33, and ti you, wish iopvcEen'e a take my adv.ee and stay at home. ;,u will find, before you nre a thoustnd nnltj' nn.l vr.ii AofArrnin in vnnr rii.?rl'4 rlf. , ..... r -ire tliut you think more of your own Stain. than those Nonh of you do. At least, that , ,, I don't work miracles ' I is my experience ; and if you have a few , (afl..,cred he) lhal ,ifi.! -minutes 10 spare, read my simple tale' and n-.nor.s for the discovery arc not very I .jmpathUe 'wltl ,,y nn.fortunes. blll we ((eclinp .J, JJ When I was a very young man, (R ! compliance with the rule ' ! would be exceedingly impertinent for you j liv tin, tuno I had hecan to n,rr-rtir. U, ask how ion n) I li ft Savannah In a ,li;it( JTuoV held Z L h Ta I bourn, for New' York We were all rep,,, 1!( lu l I well when we started, but after we had more humble and subdued in my future been a few days ut, an Auguat sun began negonationH. One of my objects in visi-;' to do dutv with our crew. One man dieo.Uin'r V. .1 , iTt wuh our crew One mru. ched, r became ver ,- sick. On U the b.xth day, we reached the ,' and our captam called a Coun - amonsr the iassei)'ers. to con- and another morninfr of the : 'ITinrhlnnJi: "'o"""'"- - 7 c.l 01 war, .tuioug iiiw jmsm iicf.rs, null us to the course we ouaht to adopt, in reference to our sick seaman; 'forsaid ho, 'the health officer at the Quarantine gives him, and if he finds any body look- u,g the least pale, he will put us under .he y-ilow flag for a week. e overhauled our.rk man, -put clean ganne,,,, upor j ., shaved him end te! ng him to keep stiff upper 1M, and not let ,Ih doctor suspect hts mdisposmon we constituted huncook wc rW, and p.oppmg Imn up 111 the 'caboose,' awaited with some tre - pidity our, 'mctlical fellow.' Wc anchor - ed at Staten Island, and it. a few minutes a boat, with a yellow fla- flvn.ir at the ' stern came up. some looking youu- man m glusss. I 'Georgia, sir' answered the captain. ;Ah,-hcre's troubic for mc, I li be bound,' soliloquized EdeuIauiUo. as he caino.on board : '-Muter your passengers, sir,' add - ed he. AYe all passed in renew. 'Call the1 crew forward , Done accordingly. 'Where is J.-im Matthews '' askcrl Mcdicus, calling the roll. (Hint rpieruion was easier asked uian answenu. for he was o..r dead man, and Lowever we had thrown linn into the sea.) 'We have lost him at sea sir,' responded the captain ; 'we have-' had some seeiv wcail.'T' 'John Jane's.' This was our cook v l,m. 'Halloo ! cook ? come out !' No finv.ver. 'He cannot very well leave the cali'i: ;;t present, doctor he's eiiira rrvt, b-.ii i( i's necessary to f-re him. per haps vou will dome the favor to step there.' And tl.f f he went, our poor lellow, trial- ,, n-rr tiie sliavmy. and clfan shirting and J i proppmL'. wore the lnunniiaDie niars ci marks j grim .li.-e.-.se. "vVc saw at once that our artilK e no go,' wr.n me pn;.MM.m He f It Jones' j)uie, and then said ipu-'tlyj , . . i. . I. ... 1 i . full... ! f,.. to l.i.- i.s-::i.ani, -lai.i; -ui pllal. fever. ,e ha3 L'ol that miserable. t leorg.a 'What do vou mean sir,' said counlir.ir. eieorgia wnu sol a ,m , . .. -.i I. .... iectivt- I It- looked at mo with perfect amaHm-m At fibi, 1. 1' tjuche.l his hat to m -. and r-pli.-d. -1 beg y our pardon, sir I ought not to iuve coupled (Jeorgta fever with so c..m einptous an expieioii, for I have noduubt that ii has done immense good in its tim' I wish U a mure extensive usefulness ,or the bea'-f.t of mankind. If you allow me. I will retract mv hociy Void, and de clare that the coo'.: '.(1s rrut the blessed O Vv ill that suit von ? Georgia fi ve? No i' t'ii'1 not : but what could I say ? I h".;', ;, ,st ibused the man for cursintr ihe 1 'Jeorgia f'-ver, aud I could not, therefore, object to his ULeasing U ; allnoug.i l couiu not help feeling that the last was worse th in the fuel, and that his meaning was. th. be t il i: ki( ed all the Georgians, it would nctit to mankind. My frnuul saw he had inc at a disadvantage, and J.-enmr at mc through his glasses, (I hate a man who wears fcpeclnclcs I have k-i awn wme honest men who u.-ed tti'in, i.-,t I novor s:i-.V ft dishonest nrill WtlO I did rnnt nmeil ins nisi ruetioi. to his itssis IS1S- taut. "Take the man to the hospital -iiuih. and tell the carnenier lo have Mr. his (nihil ready bv this lime tiemorrov And -.11 Imn uian tn i'Pt another of about five : i, ten inches, (looking at my ncigni.j . i.. r,- ti, ,rmr nu thfro n re soinn IU1 : . , ;!fino!il!ory s iu;'.ui;n i" o""- I I see yo'u piit it proper reliance on your A. doctor.1 s.uil 1 to him, -Otit yoa ncea i.oi trouble vourself about that last cofin. ,, I lino will he no uso lor it take vourphv.uc,' He laughed heartily, V the hand -You may ptain,' were his f;.-cwell on! shook me bv "u to town, ca w inlq nq he eft the vessel 0 SUDSe- ' ii-. i t 1 .1 . . I . 1. . 1 , ,, I i,Al I eiitiv le iineo, uiiu nit i.i" "v ; ,.e time designed. Alter reaching the city, I strolled to one ut "the bank, upon whi h I had a drnft, presented it, and received my money I iie date &c , of the check, told of course, where 1 was from, and I saw the toller .sneered as he read it. Can I leave this on deposit sir ? asked 1 of him No,' answered the little yarikce, talking ViroMgb bin nw. 'nt unleM yorj ar in -' -srrs I j 1848. Whole No. 373. trodnced to mr cashier by a gfntlnn We dou t care about receiving Georgia do-' (hat on one side - "'" 1.1 ji o0i org.afash.oa, and talking through my jo If yotir cashier vanta to be intro-1 duced to a gentleman, I have no nct,on ! t0 mukft hia acquaintance. .., ,.:".. . l . - - . . , f , u uipan, mai t nra 10 nno anoiricr i e,.rMemn m New York, all 1 havn tr v ! 1. - " , " "v ""j-v-vo .,, , ,-, S,w ork wtts to insure my hfe, and ; , to th ,rp,)Se ;I now d.rected my attcn- j , t,on. the precaution, however, of - wor,. ,s the miracle' of finding 'a gentle-j wan' ii 1: tr.in ,n r . vvui i') i;.iron ce me one ni mv nrmr . Geo,,.,,, frnd Wo went together to he i,,.,,,,, , where h KScdlS to th- President. and I slated my obiect yon. : ir To ree a man of your years, of 8nrh ,1. ep reflection, of sucfl pnnt fore- Bifrh. ,, iU-UM, i's gratify !ff-,t denotes ft of C1V ,j tI0n? very h.5h ! state-,. 1S an excellent commentary upon 1? c.:,n . , r of the people where you hve. I Uu,, f,r t .eorg.a, thought I, here i, a man at ,j whocan appreciate her ) Yes,; , Kir. we will insure vou with pleasure, I hke 1 your I,.,,!,,. ,,r, much, very much ; What a SeilS;l.:.. u,an. thouMu ' vn 1 liu :,, , :1 , , 1T' u ,v' ' iZZl per.ii.re. Vos. sir, wc will msure you at ; the -eertnry.) get a blank in common form. and cm" here and fill uu a doIicv on the ; hfe i;l" Judre I think Mr. H ' calied vou ;:o sir.' j 1 'Yes, sir; answered I, with a great deal ', 0f satisfaction, 'I Qm a judge.' 1 should ' bk,. t0 see the man in Georgia, who w not, ' 0r not been a judge.' I 'Ah; resumed he, 'your community arc indeed civilized. Lsee thoy rise superior to vulgar prejudicca ; they do not estimate a uuuUJ .a lu"ll'."lforaday,aridlhen ceased to eimt, i a little excitable, u is true, but there are no Mtubborn. rmj'ed, prejudices within. .Solo mon sir. Solomon, was rpjite young' when lie commenced his writings we shall hear of you hereafter, sir, no doubt Mr Nicoll you need not ask lb" usual questions. The looks of the gentleman are enough Fill ut tne policy Iur hfe at, one per cent fur ud go , of Vermont I think y.jij aid Vermont, sir?' to j,ir,' answered I, c.ii:.idcrably uba.sh- tij r aaiJ Ueorgia. sir' My dear reader, t have no dnbt -ou i . : . ... r i i ua v t: sotoi instances oi suuoen surnrise in your tiino ; a m m, for instance, it; ;hr midst of wnlu, with a lair coiifidinc olc hang ing in his arms, 'going n' tnrough all the' mazes, and just at '.'..e '...slant, lhal he was - xecu-.ing h;s n;,,?i graceful whirl, having ! ;:. whiaper'.! lnui, by some good natnred ' friend, tb.;, t his euniluen'.ial clerk had ab "co:icd w ith all h3 ii.onev, and ruined his noirfc ; or ? thirsty soul, who had been kept from his usual slimulanls for a week, , U-cause he could not get them, and, in his haste and anxiety, mistaking a gill of aqua fnrlis for his loved liquor, and swallowing it. perhaps you have seen some, slight as- I . C .1 ! i I .. . .. I II loiusnmciu 01 tins mi , oui ou... fit'o inn n fiinf n 1 1 in nn trififwl look that the worthy president put on when P':' ' : . , ' r he heanl that terrible word (,argia. He r0llir not uut n syllable for romo time At last he said m a subdued tone 'This is a bad business.' and then ad ded, 'arc you determined on effecting this policy, sir? Have you considered the ex pense V 'Certaini" I haw ; I understood you to , say that vou would insure any amount, at ! one per ;n 1 'Ah. I was mistaken, I nnsuixle r.-t'0,i 'theS!!e fr iu whence you came. We r.inL- (i'-iri'ia at extra hazardous We : charge two per rent and would rther not j, Itake the risk at any rate. Don't you think 1 you are rat nor young, sir. to commence mis prccant' ,11 ' No i,' answered I, 'I have thought j he : uhject ; I am not a robust man, i ni' ins. as you may see by my com - j well rr bv ai.v r,l.vu.i, 1 1 : 1 1 1 1 1 1 n-h n.i vr u corrcctiv observriil I snail noi;p,c'u o--- - - j i.onniiw liust now. my features lrMhcate temper- Jllsl I ncc, and are therefore m my favor' 'I spoke hastily, sir,' said he. palencs JOeS 1)01 ai" a in iimi nniiuuo uciiluc ircu- pernnce However. n3 i saia 1 wouia in- I ... . . . sure you. I will keep my word. As a per - onnl favor 1 would be dad if you would ... in. .nrn limn'.- -. w 'I name i-j0.000 then,' said I. lie regar - ded mo in mute astonishment. 'Twenty thousand, air ! Jive thousand is our highest (trvrgta nsk.' It ii my turn to show astonishment Whv. sir,' exclaimed I, Mhey told aje ( that every foot of ground jn Wall-sireet is wr'h if.tvio Do you ralue twi'ytrfs of Georgia with a oul and spirit UcicJ t i " them, at left than one foot of.VAl! tlcctV I 'Wevatue ihirifi ti1p-.- t: r,4 if you don't like our terras x$ wi3 t!,-a this interview." , . ,: c fVW I must tubm,t,- .aid I; -male U ;:C0,H lake jronr pea Mr. Nicoll, a4 e'j a, ,y clause in the margin, that if thir run: : falIa in a H he policy shall be void,' vr 'I have no objection; said J, xri2ir; f am t. peaceable, qmct man. and amrt7 that, mjrftafion would keep mm from ilS4 'And, Mr. jSxcoII, (rcaomed he A all aW. that if the g-cndemari ,fal by ka v& no attempt on Vt Iif&'' ? .And r. NirnU .'ini il' il ' i , S d,?i SffflttKI? ucc, (k by the Hangman,) t& rik ibk& e It was added the policy vtt eiir,i ,i ik :j j k" , ! " T P7!?10 404 W "n K7 parung iftroai. . , w a Susatl!4 . l i !' ulou urP sa e''tK t V, J 1 L , .l,OU PeV'r'T S'? f C1V1 ,ZaT ber PPW" Sfef "hJ .if Scdd S Jfl hfaL dmSd ViIa I V. JJtL uctcrnuneu to iirtil rom Vermmt tmfil I wached alilude 33 3 AT?TMSJ Ml l0 hail from VerUnLVl .ffiS .ov the hands of Justice' TnA SSS tSI S 1 .... .... 1. . 1.1? t -z T T i T . T ' ' o. e oV h . 'f! countrymen, that theUtUWflttld a ahiihmr waa the mZi Sthm lT.! S cceSl accfif VrStn ? XlSLto a cd hUBJcAj but Pat) W2S S-I53B the lhird .t'ory, your foot sl.ppandto ! had gfftlU hopi. ye wottkl ' The Ume haTnenrly arrived for tbaXCt. Diralion of ,he .K i 1 Slat l he New Yo?k w25 ?? , " ..?.. 0tk; 1"" V" w,e premium anq ipm.lWia coun,y of year, -, I cot a fever, and -J&ea fas my Iliberniao friend said,) Ittt4, grtmt hopes of fixing tlirm! J (!q- Married in Spite of their Tetii. Old Governor Saflonstallr of CosnCtil cut, whoflouruhed sotoe tony, fAlmmgd, was a man of tome humor, asrvf tt M fatf severance, in effecting the tn&i UarM A mnr it nthcr nnprrlAtM tntA nf Kinf tvi ti v(W L,in 1. ihTrA. hJLh ,uU. u ,kA,iCJ;.. . :-. 0f A va w u str, ,M co tmmasam their founder, a Tom or John oi lOtaaaotS cr Hogers, who cottlcd rutte &fvfiwBkrl2si notxlly towu aforesaid. - The dlttirrucd tenet of the sect was tha denial of )hy pa pneiy and scjiptuallty of the form, of crp . nnge. 'It a not good for man tel t Ua.' This they believed, and ako, that5JBi3 oniy should 'cleave to' ter husband Vat th in thia shouM be 4 maUei of tpffftpwrt merely, -.:,d the couple should com toreUk er iv.id live as aan and w.fs, dispeasutj with all forms of marriage covenant .Jbf i old Governor used very frequeotly, to eeij upon Rogers and taXSf the maueroer Witl h;m, and endeavor to conflnce hittJ of -tht - miiropiit-:y of living with 3afah,kf 4& But neither John or Sarah YOOlqi. Jiff JTJ the argument. ; 1s It was a matter of conscied&b UUJliesi . they were very bappy lofcihef r4)g:j were of what use could a Olete-, o(ro( suppose they wouhi threby .ftfB? ' dal. were they not bound to Teo ap.,C cross, and live uccordiag to the Ifilhsif proles ed The Goverpor1 logicj.wilJ'y'sv erl;i3 . . rfu&lir lie w as in John's neighborhood fC?3 an i accepted an invitation tod ifl,Wi&Jti5s conversalion as U8uaJ turoe4pa old subject. .n.-.fl--4Lfk 'Now, John,' says the Goveroorjjf debate of the point, why willyoi.C?) R5 ry Sarah! Have you not Uir.etfeern tlH yom lawful wife' ;i f,Jf jSjaaurf es, c e rtain ly replica fctm,, ft JSJ ' es.' And respect her?' tl(!t")3 Oil. es- . -1 ' 1 - o) imi&i 'And cherish her as,-tne bone fif JSKS bone and fiesh of youitfpsM'j -o jtx' 'ics, certainly 1 do.' Svm ' 'And will?' Jif; VJ slAi ' Thcutnruiiig to Sarah, .flqvtOMr 0 ,4.,; - - 1 And you lova and obey him? .f 7:. ' . 'Ycs-' . . t u -v 'And respect and chriah blrni' ' , 'Certainly I do.' . 'And will?' " . 1, j . :, '4Yci.v ( , ' .lt i - " vi uwaweawi oi oiniwtwui, t preoevjiKV I . . l . l .. n ' r , : you io oe man ana wijejjr , ; I The ravings and rage of John J4j EV rah were of no avail, the knot was bedkf conscience will not peraut Cie,t0 pyutjlgi in the furms of the u-oxld' peoptvcj . lj "til UUI JUU IUIB UUf ji) g - . . 1 l"c highest authority ua tho Suite, :o Vt - , ; . ,tW Max doubles all the evibr or Wtf 1 nondernc over them : a scratch becoc wound, a slitrht an rnrtmr. ii sn ir a ananll nnl n mt HflnMf': RVrid .RTi ?L sictfpess often ends intieatA y Ut , tpp ipprehtrrsioris-of th lick, Jure It. 1 ta Jui::d.

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