1 THOMAS LOMNG, i( (,fiDrroa and Proprietor. THE COMMERCIAL. -I f u'llUhsdnvery Tuttday, Thurtdafriad Saturday it 15 per annum, payable, In all caaea, In advance, ;iJTUOMASilJORING, Carntritf Fronted Mark Sltuti, -Tr.; .1'." WllMIITea.K.C. 1 bjvt tr.ADviBTisiNo. 1 aqiiare, 2 months, II 00 'iSf do. 75 f do. 3 do. 100 1 do. lrajnth, 2 50 1 do. 3 ao. suo 1 do. 8 do. BOO 1 do. lyear, I'J 00 TjWeTthbs orlesi mike a eqtinri- If an ndver tlfunenti:t(iodsrtelvclims, thu piice will be in 'proportion. Ai (lirorii8tnent8are payable althe tune ol then Insertion. . . . iJj.HraotBUhy3arIy advertisers, will be inndeon tfia rnoetliberaltcrms. JTJ All Advertisement inserted ii the triweekly Vammirrial, nre entitled to one ime.rtiori in the Weekly, froe of charge MYKRS & BAKMM, tlUNUFACTL-llKUS AND HEALTHS IN' WATS, CAPS, UMBRELLAS', AND WALKING-CANES, ,',,, WUULEA4LE AND RETAIL, . MARKET STRKET, WILMINGTON, N. C. C. Myers. Oct. 6, 1817. J. M. IIaiimji. H3 .D15J!03SET, BROWN & Co., QRXBltAL CUMUISMOX MKIICIIASTS, !'! W1L1IINUTON, N. '.. Mircb 17, 15-18. 1-y- '. BROWN, U 1:1 ROSS KT &, Co., (r KSKRA I j :OM.MJSSIO. MKKCHAS TH. 159 FRONT 8T. NKW YORK. March 17 1819. A . MA R T I IS , GENERAL AG EAT AND O o m in i s s i o u M c r c li a n 1, Norlti Water, 2 Ooorn above Princes Slrccl, (Murphy's Uuilding,) W1LMLNUTO.N, N. C. Oct. 3. HI J. & W. L. McUARY FORWARDING A N 11 COMMISSION MERC II A NTS, WI.MINtlTON, N C. MirchU.isn. i-y- ROWLHY, ASHBURNF.Il & CO. lltBiTul Coiiiiiiission jlmhuuD, No. 5 it (i, StiiTH Whveh, UIlLADELl'Hl.V. Woarcpro;ured to nuUu liberal advancer on ship- il ;.HS ol V t v .1 1 -(lures. ltftr to Ijm i. f V- i -.4 4 rr Knfinj, (id h a: 'V. I) win. : January 18. Ac coiisincci t u us Iui sale. iViluiinytoii,N. V. l2S-ly. ELIJAH DICKLNSOiN, COMMISSION MERCHANT, 1 j.u j r i n t nei ul 1 In: lulu firm Uickia.Hun &. ,M a ns w 1 1. i 1 ro., n . (. Rsfkr TO -er..i;.Dfl-'oresi4 Nfs.nuli Walsti, J Means 1 Mark, ) a. ii- O'ci.3. HI7. ... . nnuui 1 li 11 in . SI ly- GfiM'JS S. (ilLLESPIK. a .1: i' r 1 il 1111: ai.i: ok Tim it vi?. i'!'Miii:n, .v.ir.iL srKi:s, .f- vV i 1 1 .11 1 t 1 1 ! r 1 1 a - !i 1 lv.itiren on all.- lasinini'iitH O 1 jll I ucc . March 17. 1 SAxnroiin & swim, AL'cTi'JNKnis t :mmm uKm, W l I. M 1 Mi TON, X ' ii ) i . a v ii r in e , ')i. i. - 'TH . H.rjil l,H4-i. 1-y- J. HVrilAWYY fic SON, OiJM MISSION M Kite 1 1 ANTS, irl 1)31 r Xtirth W.itrr S'lrrrt wTi.Mi.N ; 1 ON, N. r. J, ft vT'i vvat. J i. Hath awmv. On. -J7,l-".7. 11 1' G. V. DAY IS, COMMISSION MKll(;ilANT, W lI.MlNli'l'ON, N. C. Hm-U 17. HI 1 KliATIlliRS ! V rilKHS ! ! -I --k 1.I1S. Nj.v l-'o u!i . i -I --t r-; ci vnili uni h, r'.iv. : -villr.an.l i-'r s ik t. J..UV 7 tJIIAIItS! f HAIRS" ( TI AIUS ' ! ' i H.m-I!r4 W ,u I ...r U h s in. a. n'. tf r I U, H. 1 1 1 ' I I III icd, by .n 1 For iltt ly .1. I. I.OVF, i' ("it Spring. May H. 1 1 A V 1 HA V ' ' 225" -'nI.F. ul up rhir i; i i!i i V. per Krin Sri- mun trom Sw York h "i il hV HARR1SS 4 RLSrSKl.L. July 1551. ''-'I Nor.il VNutcr St. 11 A MS. ft T.OT nf vcr v rh lice Ih'iK. a I rn For mile 3k. by CARROLL fEVNF.IT, t. 61. Jly 15. FOR SALE 3 PORTABLE ni.ck-.iniih8 Forget, whb Bellowt ndTrotieh omplcic. ALSO, ont eti Iron horm powr, lo work with d or two hork. . P. POL.LEY. Ag.3. VOL. 3 NO. 68 JOHN HALL, SHIP AGENT AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, No.30GR.WIER STREET. Xew Orleans- A-iil 13, ipR U0-ly. F. J. LORD & CO. Rice Factors k CommissioD Agents. Nov. H47. lOS-lt LIFE INSURANCE LN THE NATIONAL LOAN CIETY, OF LONDON. A SO F I R E I H D R ! S 0 K TN THE i-ETN A INSWItA.N'JE CUM I'ANY. OF UAllTKOltl). V, .isx, OH, PI TUB HOWARD INSURANCE COMPANY. OF NEVV YORK, May be efluclod by applicutinu to - DidtO-SbET, BROWN & Co Nuv C5.1R17. 108 W . A . 1, A N (1 DON, C O M M I S S f O V 1 R HVIIA X T, WILMINGTON,-N. C. Nov. 23. 1347. 107 M:KI2LI.AR L M llAli, LIMBER AM) 1 1 31 11 1 R AUHM'S, GENERAL; CIMMISSIOS MERl'HAVl'S, and I.CUCERS, k'lorc Jurmcrhj nnupird hij 1Ilu it Ahmsthuno, NOltTH vati-:r stki--.!:t. WILMINGTON. N. C HKl TOR M KBLt.AR. Nov. II. 1 '17. Alex, m'rae. 102 THOMAS Al.I.lliONi: 00 Co., GENERAL 1 0 !l M I S S I II X il E R C II A !"l T S, No. 8 Sut 1 11 W;i Aim;, - I'UILAUELI'UIA. Advances made on Consigiimcnls. Rcfur to Mcsur.M luiiii'i.in, N. ( '. i'ov. 1 1. DeKuhsi.t, Brown & Co, W 10? y HARRIS it RUSSKV.L, (hlcxehsokh to ciiAiti.r.s n. ki.i.ik.) G E N E II A L C 0 M M I S S 1 0 N M E 11 1' HAMS, : ., '! Wl LMlN'tit UN, N . ( GE'JKdK H ARRIES. 1IEM1V ?. RUiSELL. RFI'KR TO IV Hall. Kt(1; ) O. f. pAKtev, I'.-u- . Wilmington. Jno. A. Tvli'R J'.q. ) Armkr I'atton. r.!- , .V ib York. Alkx. Hkiuki.s, Jk., IO.ij., t'niltvlflphia, Mkss,,. n...A.M8, Wmsman it Co. I a,avUston II V . liAKKH. I-.fcU. ) Sept. ItU, 117. 7J-tf. E. J. LITTERLOH & Co FORWIRMNG ASD rflMfllSSlOS MERCHANTS, A ND PACK KT A il'.N'l'S, WILMINGTON, N. C. i t j : t'v: i: n ' o 1 1 . ! Oi-i.-i, 1S-I7 J . L . P I E a C E . D5-U L. M A I, 1, K T T, AGiiN'i- ion r ii k s. i.i; Timber, Lumber, Naval Stores, &c, Dazum UuildinL'. Xurth Water Street, WILMINGTON. N. C. Nov. 9, 1847. 101 BARKY. BRYANT k Co. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, U 1L1 1 Nli'l'ON, N. .MaM-h 17, bV,. 1 tl. JOHN C. I,ATTA, COMMISSION MERCHANT, AND (illNLUAL AOL NT, n ii.. mini; ton, n c i. 10. 1-17. S7 S A N I) V O R I) A: S MIT H , Afil.N 1-i 'if iiii:' holm: mc riJAi. ; 3A-7-; issritANc-: company, wii.min(;tn. n. c. March 17, Ir-H. 1-y. S A N D !' O !l I) & S M I T H , ;k i s of tiii: North Carnliiia Mutual run; iNsrii .ri: companv, WILMINGTON, AT. C. March 17, l3j. 1 y. BLANKS PRINTED TO 0:;DF.R. AT THE J CO M MKROIA I, OFFICi:. j JUST HECKIVK1). it Very h in Is iinn nH.i)rlcncnl nf l,.idir rinf Rukin: I, idles fine UiJ. lie? t;- : Lnrlii,"rlf d" lipp" nH tieot do. do whiln ".lip er. fir Bale hy GEO. R. FRENCH. Fob 17. Wanted to Rent, from 1st Oct. next, ACornfortablo DwiUlingfor aamallfamlly Apply To F. J. LORD 4 Co. Jrr ?.. !Bfa PUBLISHED TRI-WEEKLYY tnOApftityO.X ,7) WILMINGTON, THURSDAY M. CR0NLY, Auctioneer & Commission Merchant, WILMINGTON. N. C. ;. 66 Aug. 19. JOHN D. LOVE, DEALER IN CABI.NET FURNITURE. BEDSTEADS, CO IMS. JH I BASSES. U ROCK SPRING, WILMINGTON, N. C. CASSIDEY, SCHRADER & Co. TUB A govs Fin M HAVE EHtCTED A KXTtMUVE il ,1 1 1" "I i iinni iuiu jsmss iouoflrv, 1 1 TOUE'I li Kit Wi l li Machine and Blacksmith Shops, U lu rc ordcrof'r every df'eriiion cf work in their ' line of business, will b.- exn-cli lioualy and fuiilifuily executed. Ju!yi5. r?49. ' r-..c WILLIAM NEFF, "('! - J the firm oNlkf &, Wak.nk.i h-hoi.ai.b and retail ddai.kk in SHIP CIIANOLERV, MUP STOULs AM) tiROCElUKS, CUKM'ROF IHK'K A. WATER .STKKi.ls WILMINGTON, N. C. Dec. 7th. 154;. 113 t! F . GLA11 K , MANOFACTUREIl AND DtALER IN All. KIM" i,r CABINET FURMTURE. CHAIRS, BEDSTEADS. WllimO DESKS. JUT TUASSkS, PHLLiMhRS. ftf KKONT STKIOKT, .K R MARKKT, WILMINGTON, N. C. 1 April llih, Tftl". 1;. y. Prof pcdiiipjs ol'(hc Safe v CoHimillcc Of T1IK TOWN OF WIl.MI.Mi i "N DuriiiL' the ijrinx 1771. 177.V ami 1770. "IIITH irifjuint CrnmedinuB uf ilif 'ornmlrtp, of j VV th.- Cmiiitu ul U ii Ji i) Oiixluw, llliid' a, tiruns wick nnil Ciniihcrliinrf, tur snlr n t lie- ( 'nmmrrriul Of- fire I'ik-i-2;i rents per copy. A liiit'eiiiscuuni made : luf I II ''( nUlllt'CIH. JL LI. pi rs'His inli bieil tu lie sulisci i'ii rs from the Ilk. yp-ir oiif. up to ISH are refini-Mcil lo call and p,iV On- s-'nic iN. It. All accounis lor w.irk dont at this ewtab. ' lishmrnt, will hcreafl( r be iresenled rvrrv ninety days. HART 4 POLLEV. Jan. 3. T29 1 A Fine Set of Tedli for 2J Coals. lute Tce'h, Foul lln a;!i, lie ithy (iutna. 1 1 1: nv an.i iKi.iei.iiiy alter I'Ciiii,' once OT Iw.re clean -il with JONFV AMhF.R TOOTH PASTE, lia ve 'ii' up inula nee ul ihe must lie.iiiniul I vo' y and nl llit- Halm- lime II is su p.-i lei-lly innueenl njid e.xqui sili h line, thin ih e.mslanl ilni', ue i-liiliii, mlvania (Fi'uiii), e v. n tu ill use le i Ii i li 1 1 a i i ii l'u. mi' miii I inn, givinff ihem u beantiliil pulih, nnd prcveeiinjr ti pre- lliuein- uri iiy. i iiubc uiu-niiv tii iavru. 11 lliivrnu fro... h. roiiang w,.r- ii hIj laM. m ac! u are br - run, inn luuse. and iy HTneveuini-- it will render the t'otile-t iieth d'licately white, and make 'h- breath ( delnen-lv sweet I l'RMT". -"SOR i: CENTS A HOY 1 Sulit ,n V ilminj;lun. Iiy hippitt t WilUin-.'S. ;n i: Supply ul (line, for Spirit H.iTrl . re'it(intly on I , l hn,i. ur calf i). ROSS FT BKOWN 4 Co. 5 M nc'i PROVISIONS. n.i: It ACON, ason,.l. i net ; .ne Ha inn J ( inn- and Mi -s I'ui i. ; Rtd atul U Inn IV a; Ce.ll ; Hall Ui' ci'O n v Ri. .- ; l-'l e.r, a v.iritt) , tur sale R W. BROWN. I ft-it'. A,., 20. ' r-K M HASSK.S. f ' F RA M'),tl. itv, l.ii.tit urd I. ? N v Orleans .1 UHOWN A ( ,, J tv; h!e!- Fur - i le In' DeKUSSET, June 1 FLdl'R AND M F.A L. p AN. VV Me ANAf. nnd N e.h C nulin a .Inn in 1 Ine h.'l haj.H ; f ur al.' In DeROSSFT, llltOWN & June 13. I3AC(JN- -CORN WHISK BV Y7ESTl.RN Rinr.S m.t SHOtTJiERn; V North Caiullna W'hilf Cum ; Wemern hiskey : For iil Gln-ap. in Lug lo ruit, hv DcRO.SSET, I!IU)W. 4 Cj. JuneT3. 3. Towinj?. MIK STEVMf-Ttt C)v GRAHAM id presaryi to low vcsel wtienf' r callvd for. if n it encourd on in up ilv.-rlnp. I he Proprietor would be think in I f. t a hire of Datronnce. nnd d nil in their oowtr to clvc "p k.' or I I , iiiriaction. Apply on noura to cpt. 1 r I to J 4 W. L. MfOARV J'." 7 MORNING, AUGUST 24, ' ' 'ivo'lii pallkm Sun. ARRIVAL OP THE STEAMER CAMBRIA. 7 DAYS LATER FROM EUROPE. Important News from Ireland Progress of th Revolution ;tht PrvpU have ;, ait i i 4k. vni. , j '. eitmestlv Bolicitinc the inteneniton of h'h.Hion Affray bdvtm tfu t ohce. ana - ex J'atru-DfJ of th JMttcr-.Scveral'ly nd land' n fawr of Ita. LeagveArrctt, for Trcasonali 1'rrMis-1 P3' ,h"e has kbeea ,a cona.dcnble -Actul and SuvxcUd-StaU of the ,a?mct" of trooP9f throughout France. Vwc-.S.,rafllrt,. yl.l , lhe .counts from Algiers represent r. Cam 'it i::n of Iranre Denmark and j j tinman il.4tiUi s lityietcfd Italian Jlo I , r r. i. . .. j I vents in U.nbaiuy The. -British uiatl s-jj.-iiiibhiu Carohrin, fmm T.lvpriin.i Aiiitii.i r.:. n-u lw:.rilu.ii ;,;'hsrsouti;;?t;;f' uz, the ncv.-?,papfr rx r--s ;,!-iiti)ix.nt News- bov, it lew minutes bM-ire nitie oclocli on r. ' l - : Tl -. i i I. . ;i:aiuay monuiic. i n" ' ftaor;it urouffiu w over seventy-two pi.enrrfr. from L'.vernoo and (n from IJalilax. She vr.n detained live liuurs by for oft t'ue last i,;imej port, ' where she. arrived the 10th at 1 1 i a' in. She mailed from Itveriiool on the 5th t uist., and con.-.cqucatiy wuh tourt-en days .. 1... . 1 1. 1 1 uihliu I bni)zi:iT date later than those brought br 'li 1 1 a ' u-icivu oui uir yi j:.iiiir-u -u puis i at an early hour yesterday liioiiiiif, nnd i . 1 . . 1 i . ... a . a. . f . . o giett v:;is ,nc anxuMy m t ueMi.etl ac-1 rount ol throncred the iic.'.vs that throu'jliout tlie our olbcc was ; ('n tiioriii:i'r, and thousands of " extra S iJILS f. ini:s;ii!i 1 to the en per inuumni'- : V V hnfO fiiiiw frin ri'ir t.l.-it. .v, - full 1 . 1 1 f v v um 110111 viji turn mm K iuii 1 1 d ' l" and detailed nccnunis, which' cannot mi ; purLim-iit be perused with deep interest." i be 111 un-i ! i The Niagara, from Lton July 20th, In I'm , was met by the (ambita on the .ih iiibt., ; fr(n I. is' lhe day the i ttu r idt I avi-rj:ool. They exchangod sihitU ,it !0 (luenily the Niagara nnul ). hi -eonse- ihe iiassaiie home in a IHtle over ten daws lhe Cale donia, from this port July 10th, reached Liverinol tlie .'! ire-t. l lie W ashington j artrved at Southampton tlie The Irish Kcbelhons seem toliave Wen effectually biippreKed bv a small detach- i tneiU of police, which encqiiritereil Sim: O'linen's forces on the yinii ult,at tlie having been ported ve.terday morning, of-: to-day, on pood authority, that hi coat and Coiniiyui of lioulaujlj, and dispersed them fermg- a reward of 3Q0 for the apprehen-the ends of his neckcloth were both perfor witii a loss of sevt u persons on the p.-.rt of sK.n of Meagher, Dohney, and Dillon, j ated. I have only to add that there B nO lhe in.urgnits Their leader escaped, and and f.MO for that of Smith O'Brien Sub authentic account of the presence of any his plaee"of refuge is not known It was inspector Trant proceeded trom Callan, j other rebel leaders on thia occasion, except rune, n, ! that O'Hnen. Meagher, and Kt il- .with a police force between 40 and 50 ! Smith O'Brien and Dillon, ley. had Miccecdcd in embarking on board : men, in the hope of capturing some of tlie i Fr3rn lht I:rVe1'1 Times, of Aug. hih. a vessel, in (ialway, which was oil lhe proclaimel rebels. When they had nrriv- We have received our Irish correspon point of sailing for America. An'nrmyof ed within a short distance of Ballingary, I deuce, dated yester lay. There is not any 47.0(H) men. commanded by lrd Hm-1 they were encountered by Smith O'llr'e.i. ! news of importance. Twenty-three prtw dmge. will, it it thouglit, effectually pre- at the head of a body of insurgents, which j ners from Bal'inogarry were brought into wpnt nnv (ntnre ileitioi isl ru lion is rsfimntpil varionslv n:; riinse..liiiir rif trinri i Dublin yesierd.iv. and cornrnitied to Kil- Ner 'MaUons having holed lo estabiisii a Kftllt'inent of the D.uu.sh question, hostih tie., v.e.e to he resmned at the terniiii.itio of the arrn'.s'iec. on the 7lll 'lit The intelligence from Italy is unfa , ble for the cause of the patriot for'.-, tm, Charles Albert, ami a demand tor aid h.i I been made on the Wrench P.'-p il.-V Lomh)., Aiiernst 4. IP M The Da- . , i . , . 1 tl"'' Germtin war has been y-t re- commenced, but the preparations are Ol ' k,.,i, , i.. . , -,.i;, 1,,i,-n..,l lt.,ti, i.i,. -' T - I appear lo he coi" ntr.itmg all their f-uee for a der hive blow. :i! ii'-r i' t i: phifu ti e heiier fr i-'iiniiii u i.il nr.i .' fFr''!n the F.uriipean Ti : n Au r We i' 1 i i ! lo a:i'n:.;nt e lhe f V.r. ; A! : hi. Ii' i.'.en Cv . "' I the .". in. ii an. I Medt;eri".i'e.';'.:i 1:1' r 1 I ! ' !i.i i.flr.tt Th r.l.;. '!'! e was tl: hou - ... -f i ur .'el. p- I I '.I. !np. H '.wan. 1 iV ( ' t;. .-.hi n Amerieaii ai'.'l Ai'-'r-il::" ha-ai'O s'Hj-ended pnyn:"i!t. r:1'."-!: lhe ia'anch house coiii.eeted v. iin I'u li.is town, .Me.-srs Jiuv.v.it i !, mp. suopcnsviii L is ai.io I-. .. a (Ml. The liabilities ol lhe lii.i..,)U ;i! -' n ii :. on. .. in , .. ere estimated at trom f. I Fi.mm i: Cum t;- : I . iLT he 1 1 at M i. :i !e'i in, .-. I.e.iU l'. ... Ul' ! ' o - I ' u'll I Wo In e: I Si ' v. aril ot I ' ' ' I .onib'ti alone, ai.u tlie O (I'll! in i.i II. MOO ..irtisl inee r m Man- ,.".ke a V. ' i .' u p- I m ''OH n i0, V i.i!i,.il end . .1 nl the i i.i . 10 Lord John 11 ive the i.h. :' : , I i I tlu. lMl'oi: l.l I' Mll.'.l l.l. - - l.' L-.i.e.-lV;, .. Ule. lluck, ina.-te:'. h,e- he. n ,.'ed .it I'll In outli, i,aviii.r oti heard a iarg 1 "I gunpowde'r for Inland The master rej re.,e;,(ed his car go to be fin ;r All the . rrw weie taken. The vebPel h'd no i.-ipTsmi boari Tnr. Comi-i. H.ir!iT Tne t iardner'g Chronicle nubl;he.s reiurns from vnnous nnrts of tho can tty of th" present nppenr- anceofthe crcps I hey uulieate 11 f.jll amuag :..; ,'tup.e, vnose nunen a.iu tro of wlicat. a various Yield :o mi maran e lOocle.irl v inmcatei wat ,.....a,r. , - - rJ K.,rl.f a 1 n:nnar.i.tivel v Liojr t ron of out v. "- 1 r j r r - - anl of hnns. a very bad crouof peas, irood nrnrmie of a tumin crop and r hruvv cron I of hay, of variable quality. They indicate 184?. Whole No. 380. beond the ftvefage of past years at thi 8e 89011. MEIL1GMCE FROM THE COTUET. The Paris papers announce ;ho death of Gen'l Damesoe on Saturday. A portion of the French squadron had sailed from Naples for Ancona. M Co' inert haJ arrived from Milan, with an address lo the French government, signed bj the whole of the members of the Ui.tt coi'inv to be in a s'ate of confusion ie euioinsts are nreakino- up their estab- ll.shirif Hi i nnd rrrnrninc to Fnnre - unH in , - j )pp ( fi'i'ir ctinrt f'rriA thro will milt- iie I'm French arm; and the native ' i ';.- ore waitinz an ouportuni- A.V, r Iroin Rome, of lhe 24th of Jul v. j Coi.'a:(i!' ; ill? stulement that a pr jviiioiinl o - ,,, ,.,,,.,., , t,,.i i.. ,.1 i im4). ,,i nai ncuy iui uru . j -,,, .. , ,, Ul(,n, ls 0 iew, of finv ,rn U,iri! . vnr, ;,,, nn Xk.,... nre a - kt ial. the prevailing topics of the , A .-"M has been addressed bv ''r.unr ' ,.XK.,,.iJ :,n li,,s,lnfl .huium;.!.'-: a,,-,. I . ' r ' statl!. - ; ,e ii htarv nreoarMtif.r.M oftiie , . . 1 I. .11 1 1 .1 1 Liiii;i hi ii;issia nave ufeii mane w;'ii strif Mv i non:- " It :.o.vc, and not aggressive ii'lf-r:- .A,,,ir, ,.; 'Y.i o the 2nh ul' , ann-; I: t i'nizales Hruvo. and his m.v-.- for ( . fr transportation to the Pin!- ; ujj..iic- i- was runuren mat .vi. t'l iai I I . , . 1 t r , jUllj ,i- fen appointed ,Munstr, for 1-ureiirn ! M .M011 to the Fii.anci.i! Ue i he Duke de Soloinayer would Airibassador to Fans 1 r ; t 1 ail is quirt ; the hst date, mi me to the 2'Hll 'ill .. . from Morocco :s that t,o w-.i lie 1. af'- a ,.:a lusinir in niHurrection REBELLION IS IRELAND A,frtlll Utwteu the. Police and Insurem!- I) hnt of tlw tatter Srrrrul Killed nnd H tttvlr'l Flight if the Insurgent Istvl- CIH. K ti kknnt, July Proclamations - 400 lo 1,000 men. The police then to-dc possesfcion ol a house close at hund, wh Hie reoel laader aUdressine-one ol me pj lice, sumiiionf d the parly lo surrender -While he parleyed I'nd .-!; vured ") fr.x te.nize by sinking hands with tip- i..-.i through the window.-, hn adherents were '. viy coolly pihll-J !! '. and h iV at liie en trance of the house, with the view ol'sufh- i r n eating th" poor ML u ithui. or b iriiinur alive. l he time was now eorne lor action, but the poh'-e (i d t;- t !i-ir imi -Kets :'everal s h ' s !: 'd heeii !iri ni 'h'-iu. A tones ttirrwi. m on them tti' ju rli ihe w .:, doW ! lew ;i nu'.h . li.iin .'. "-i.( Vei at. ci. ;nt c iv r that the; tii .-. ;:m; ' vv. : n i...n:e 1 M I r I I;r. ,1 II. ,.le. v. l e 1 ii. .ul on ti.e :t. i i. 1 1 1 v after I ; is a i third i eurr.-ut i ' r- : in.it one of s -j.it h I I'l l' .el .- I V 1 llUo.'l) v: is W i'l!:'ie The effect of li- it was that th" cr iw I r ': ' Smith O'Brien n:--d c eg'I.II lo u,, , I ;,. , i -. would not iin I ' cler; lie I. "i ' UVfd at t.ils t u" o i Uie rr ...... I l: A - k ::i ni. ' 1 u.i i , ti -i ... ;;..- e II iina'i t atti ) i t. ;t .s tu. i. ar i of nl -. rind et from .-1 i:n; sin:' '. n. ii. ihe v t . i i tii" i -i a..d r for ! i ; i. is t r. .! :. . ..... !.! 1 1. 1 1 .r... tieit .1 ..l.i.l II V ililll. HI j , 'i i.i. in t1"d aei.is efie! ronv' i n- s ..r-," 1: , I f'-etu, a n '.ei. f Ol, I ii - ' '.:.' :- :! .r V end i.i;:. try - i . 1 , (inn;ti By d liie :.' :n est Ir.in- tro- ,.'V. .nil..- . in li oai lll'l III:'. . . 1 So :iw! ii fir ll e imttle t'h tomni'Mi louht betweTi 4 cr ,p, 1 Ot on: 5((io if-i.re-unis and .,u or " po.e'i. pi, :-n'.'in-ie,i .he I .omion I I. in .1 s '.;':' '-' " r, s i 1 N 1 .1,' b :t the heavy pre;nrc :f iveruu.Citt will now r. store , tary t wr it r ,', id ih r hert neaire 1 hey w ere fur re8e)- , . - ! lion p.nd n' p.nu It" M "HI', ni.'i, n i"i 1 tun l iiiire mAny a lorn; d7 wn!l pi ks before I thine nre restored hereto their natural mill "' J ""I -I tarn IJ the peasantry rnusl b Uagbt that, iteich 4 at U their present coDdttioo, worse thing- mny befal them Public ininnee tion may be itrppfessed, but private t$ae ination will infallibly iucceed, and lhe world will again be Karidalizeo! hj the horrors of Iritis crime- : - r " Hr- 0 Tbe small parties of police actaa!! en gaged with the inturgent afpeaf W bate done blood executio t kinoojg (btttk' Oot of 1 1 who are knows to hate been killed on the spot, or rery serioutly "wooridedj 'aix are already dead, and the rest are aot ex pected to survivp. Many more, I beak) art htm, and it i imposflible to ascertain- ex actly the extent of the lose, at the iflWtf gentt who were principally coUierf tmt of work, withdrew their cooiradee wbeatbey fell, and concealed thebodieaof tbdfa'ead. Smith O'Brien, I hear, gave overeigiiV a woman whose husband was the fdead before he left the scene of action. " ff- A1 soon at arrangements hare been uaatv for their removal all the prisoners witl4M conveyed at once to Cork, and put on boafd the fleet there. A rigorous search for anas will be rnnde. The persons engaged in the outbreak yesterday will be brought to jus tice summarily, and every possible meant will be "v.i to vindfeate the ttptemacy f the la-.v u. u.:s lawless district. ' "": ' ' Ckuxn, Tuesday nignt . The qi:;t -hich succeeded the 'victory of batartTav last st:ll conlinuea artdislorbed. Yet it would b wron '0 say thararrfioogli treason has been c-r-r-rtwed it hat been en tirely repressed I have the rhotf afeple facili'ies for obicrvintr th1 ectnal eorrdifion of the country, and f lament to say that the people are deeply and widely disaffec ted , that they do not accept ihe fight jl Doughluh Common as anything more than a temporary defeat, and that they are anx iously w.uunir, for the moment when b removal of the military and the return of Smith O-'FJnen may enable them to resome the contest None of er -nr,ry here will ncknow ledre that more than two of the insurgent have .been k:!!..d, or more than five Of.'fbl wo ir.dod, yet a is beyoiid all doubt that H or 12 of the combatants rro 'lead, that many more nre seriously h;-ft, and that iheftBiOunt of loss on ihe part of the rebels ereatly ex ceeds our information. The party in wid- (.'oniiafk'-' house fired altogether 250 ov i. onnacK s nonse nreo aiiormn shots, each man beinrr a good marksman and taking a steady aim. Whenever one of the rebels p it his head above the wall which surrounded the house he wa instantly pn-.l at and no great ' was the slautrhtcr that the priest had 10 coioe-Riid ask permission for theremovalof thedead an I wounded, who were lying in great numbers on the field It is beyond all doubt that Mr I Ji lion has been severe ly wounded. II was covered by three qf the police at the same moment, and was evidently struck. Smith O'Brien himself appears to have had a very narrow escape Irom the twoahou fired at lnm; for I hear mainruim, chanred with aiding in the late attack on the j,hec at that place on Sat urday hist. A number of aduiimiial arrests iiad taken ,u' in Dublin and the provinces. .i i v, por'eil ipr.et in It.e iouin. I ,r'i.i r known of Smith OBn- n nr. ;..-Toi' Tt Reekl Otficebs On Monday i.iornj)nji pjtrty of police visited the h i! erihtsher establishment of Messrs. Kim cv C(i ) u'li nrtirl (teorpe'a street, 1 1 .!:::. and commenced a search for arms ..n.el clerk, on beftigVerjuired by the . , .' ;.ee ordered all the yojr.g men , .... ii.cr bnes Ten wiirtj ul qg)ce U . ..lo o.it..!y, Il apptsired4Uf .certain .nx-n'u found upon tneia. ihattttRy,Jiiul ;.d rejj-uhtr vOimi.soioos to actt$ othe. rs and capteins in the regvlur" The parties name-; are ai follow: ; Owty, alms Cap: Crotty Rocrca ; Billrcr. p.ha.: t'. ; Baker, with Wm ! h. I f ii i v Br-fk-'ion. Fdw.ird Bea Vm;"w B-nhan. Thomas liergin, hei ! Jc!.u- 'i. J ihn siK-ehan. and Wm. 1 1 ... W. A i v.- .-, h.iwn up for their kd.na.ni.aui, where they were 1.. j.n.iLv.d . ' 1 ..Vi DubUh Ptlrkt. TON CI' BARRICADES. C H.....e I'd li. WLtii ,t. V. . . , at Kilier.ar '''i alrv i e '-aiith t I'll le-itlg .it ... c L.iir,i,,i.',o were erected 1 al '.ni oti u given tliat , ...4 i,, k- 11, e town , 'In re il the time, nd ..; tin immense body of 1 np witii a pistol in each ik.a ' olficer and asked C 1 . lliSU L.-t V il ill'i t lli:n A : " bed . one tii afreet him : tr. "ta r : i th.it he hnwTrd"rs .: kind, , ..r e- ns bf jto '"- itTin hue ,'....1,1 iu .i.io.ner , th'ctefer- th- rebel chief agreed to Ft hua a 'id If - P '' P8- CT dy 'here we.t :-.'. L'rr;c cree led, one of can- Baiimnrry, the oth er o!3tone.s irom ' d '.v.nl near th iUr dike coal w.ir. ' M lfe rpOXtl -pe iking : 1 !',: asPcl of the d" trie sr' --'" ' ' VM,S vcnt, aftflr a 1 1 me fact iS.et appeareil dejected a . 1 in the du.k 01 i-a everunc I p3"e4 man iu act.r. v.l-o r..-.d evidently been j'JSlwoUp.. dcd. ami onfti riving at agent man hOftM wnre 1 went to receive accural l&WITA- ;or I fo'i.rl the place barncided5iai for-

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