L I F C1: INSURANCE.,, . ,1 ZmLVtxaToy. v c, w. i87. Tff J-Sjb!riberi.livjui rOouived lh A(rencyof in. ato Ca.npiny" r Pupated t" ra Mln rpplicaifoM .for iim iuurun.-her ' ! pir4 t)DjelJ'P'lu'i,lj',s lor I'uui on the l,rf.fi"uaaIn4orparaiea in 1946-wHha liberal ' iXr, tiac divide aajually among tlio insured. ' . '. ii.,f l.iriMr.iiinn. Thai rmea ol Df,iiluina conform with the us.ie of other similar r t.c..ih .nvAniitii.M o.irti, S insuiiiiL' wrii would prefer to piV trio prenuuine by lustall m4ata.it uUft to their option wh-n Hie premium exceeds" 23, to pay on half In cash, and secure pay ment of the raaldiM in 12 months, by an approved note beiriag Interest teix per aent. Trwll'' of tmrried men may be insured for the benefit of their wives nd children, so that upon the decease ofih." insured the wife tfllving.orif not. then Ms children will receive the amount payable by the jUey, free and clear of any olalm by Hie creditors ol ihe deceased. . For the jrrmter saeunty of parties Insuring with thioalp.triy.th8 Trust s hav provided and ndein niryfunJ.to the amount of r0u meet hisses tii it miy accrue upon policies issued ly the e nnny which i t! retinin, until a c ipit ,1 exceeding n it a-n3Ut h ive V-su re ilizf-J from the roceipi ol p,.eiriiu,vn, when it willba nj loader necessary, and mv be withdrawn. T,ief)llowingi t I-'ar of th.3 olneara a,nd trustees for ibaanauiog year-viz: TRUSTEES. N Nsthinlel W.rfi. Slms)nBIUvir. Dennis Perkins. JlUrl A. Duvvnpirt, Alexander H ' ma. Charles J. Tayl.r, sjefrHimilt in. jmnesT. Sjtittcr, Kira Wood. Jiseph B. j:is, lloswell H VVt. Siepl?n 11. Provost. ILFA'.WDEit N. I r 1 ; I V W. LI'KDS JO'IV . DAVESI'OiM nwi. I'll 1!. NONES. A Simile) K. .Saltiiive, Cyrus H. Ilea ids ley, John W. Leeds. Alex'rN.Huilv,! William T. .Al.uor, h i.mcv A. res. Pnihp S G ilpin, AY-,i. I,. Hr.-wer, Q Jjill' s Uillirili, !l i : W niil-sey, J,w ';i!i IV W.u roii, -T km I ' ' D i v r i ; irl. HOLEY, i'r.'si lent. I--.. : mi I'r-'.-jiJ ii. , W" Pre)iilenl. f v., c BEDSTEADS OVV Uiatora of the following dlscrlptionit. 3 H.ihany hncn Hotftii(i - . - J do id; .: (i, i r; lo v I 1 do do do do do For sale by J. D. LOVE, At the Rock Spring 21 High pom Mnplfl 18 flildrtai -r 6 do Cord ; . 11 Frauch Paat5lat l(j do do. Cord ' 1 Rosewood pold 5 Patent Screw 6 Cot 2 Trundle With Cribs, Cradleetf-c Ami. 12. , , - . "Hi BILLS OF EXCHANGE. A beautiful linpreeMon of Bills of Iftchange; fot anle at l lie otlice of 1 he Commercial. In a Irw Hrtys, Bille of Exchange bound in Bouki of '& ind 4 Quires, will be recclvtd and fur sa e. March 18. 343. 1-tf. YHST. BllUKRS VF.ST, an excellent ar Icle to make ij"ht !iieuit,fyr s:ile by JETiiRO thain; Dec. H, 1947- Coniniercial Bank Checks. I 1)rU.N"i'KI) and for sale at fie Commercial Ofiic i Ulank Checks, bound in iiouks or in quliea ,oi e j try ijIi'ji.iiii i uipreSBiou-un the Cum mtreiaL'aflk oa , Wil iun"tan . PLOUGHS. LOT of A. Ii. Allams&Co'a. anperlor Ko. 1 1 Ploughs. Justtecjed and for aale, by MeKHLLER Si McKA E. Jun.8. 12G. M i illy g'wen on ap;i!i ii- u)v.viv,i. ir r. WI-U.S.OT' Anvmt'o.- i. n v ' c:iti.iatot!io n. I fl I)'-'!. ort hie b-en BDBOlllted I. I ii'ij'i,hy.i.:ir.1 ''or ill omp.-iny. 1 ' svn;).u a smith, .r(nt. "lterdiu?; mid Loilgiii. T;C; S.i'k-.;'1 ; 'i : : i':en t'ic Urieli L5ji'.,U.i on ' u'irk ;!l 1 Post Oifin ., .irrl m ifliv- s ) 'iullv in: '" i:s :'!'' P '!'''' that he is ready to ae c'kb tij';e iil :' i. ny t'.iv.i" Irrii wilh th irp itro nii;e. fl: f ' ' '' ' l.-.-.-stO, nn l his T.ib.eas n r .. -irefui I i r mt t:i vors. Il" rcndei n llnnkt Bargains ! Bargains! ! THEubserilx-r hasjust received a large-iistjort-ment of fancy tinkle. Cutlery. Ac., which, he will sell :il rnlucMcl prices. He Invites purclinaers to liiui n call, as lie coii!ider.ily believea it will be to their interest to do to. C. GRIM M I'.. M.iv 16. M C'rcuiu uiil Xmhcr Ale. rriHn .Sjibscribcr ri Hp.-etlull) iiii'orui lliecitiei'H -fl. ol iVilminr tun, anil public nendly tliot In liF eoiiiineiici-'d the .Vianufiu luiinn ul Ale and Uccr.on llie conirrut Orange atul Front Mreete. JET I-IH 0 TWAIN. Dec. H. 1-17. ( tlTlICNS ai. honon, Vv'in.! are the : (' I u :t 1 ,'i . (v;l il Hair Kesloialive. l!it v ciimot tlic.ic hii;li!y h ive i ri. d h. ; .Mr. li ii lin-lii I, 11 Elm 1 it". -If. ly ussnn (I tlm: the I'ullo" Hi. k ol a 3s buttle ol Jon. Ii lliey (loulil oi' r wonl rvspcsiiibli; citizoiie, W.'l" NewTork Furniture. Wjirclsc. tr Bjfit Scbri Charki MIIla,(ria YijU'r(j 2 Hundaome book Caaeaj . '2 Shower baiha j ' , 41 4 Common CtierrrTibleir ' 4 Slnglo Alahognny waari Standi , ' " ' 6 lligri pott Badaieads- 5 (wtl "wld j u 4 Low post , do. , , , 6 SlckChalrii 1 2 Painted alnlt Wuh Standet 6 fins bulr cushions; 21 Ruth seat chslrs I goodartlcle P. CLARK. Front St. near cor. or Market. June 17. 40. Miracle of Miracles ! 1 On the ilh of Augiml, in the year 1848. singular teens (Kcurred in the Royal ikienti, fic Institution of France. The aged, vffiitt headed President, his head care, his arms outstretclied , his face radiant with smiles, (fur science was triumphant.) and his voice with gratulatorytone, delivered the following JtejHirl: Ve ire astoundud at this singular preparation. VV"eiciihleed will science atop! Here We have a pro para i Ion made In thefoTm of a beautiful piece of soap, which we know, by actual tractice. to cure evcryuuianco lit. eruption. every Jlsrtgtlremeni of, and evenducdoted akin! Where will ite majjicand sin gulai powered"!' 7 The Negro. i he Creole, the Yel low Race of the Fat. and the Red Man of the Far VVr at, are aiike under the influence of It? extraordina ry tiowt-isol clfuritut: yellow or discolored skin, and ninkiiit! II whileand bentilifiil, and of chmifin: the eoloi oi daik, or bj-tek. or brown kln.'' (U reaever 11 1 pei ioniiwt io brouijlit forwaui by the President, who hi.d used itKinpru if ;f bis n'erlion ) Theie nr. -piobuhly lew persona of intelligence who, aftei reading 1 1 ic above, will doubt I he tjualiiii is of Jui.ies'' Italian Chcniical Soap, In curing. Timplee, fitotelif s.SaI: Rheum. Seurvy l'i y.-i ' Ian, Sore HcailH, (Jld oren, Hoard and l?ilr ' V. I ii l,, Chipped and IVadcr Flet h, l'iv Mc Tun, Su:,Liuiii, m.c cli.ii'gini: d,uk .Sunburn or Yellow S' 'o in. i 'ur.' clenr while, nHi.i M. ih and soft as an !:.l.;i,l- nr.d in fact every kind of eruption and dis ligiiiV nii'Ut. Read these Cei liliealcs : From the X. (). Scntin.t. On. IBM. Oneof mil .stiLseri'ieis. Mr. II. Leonard, inlorins u h i i i a i he 1 1 is ho. 11 c u red of old , scaly Sail Uheuni, ol eitj lnei ii y tars 3t;;iK!ii).', on his be.u'd , fiopers and ban J by a cake of ail ai ti-li! much adviriised lae--ly we speak of Jones' Italian Chemical Soap. He :.l -1. infoi ins u h thill he lias tried iia elli cis on his fet nial. slave Rosciiiaeh mailifd wlflt sun spots, and he found intwo wcekf bttrsltm mm h clearer and whiter. Jain, k I'.'ihaiu.a painter, in Jersey City, w as cured i rbiiuelrs and pimples, which he was nt!!iei,-d ... t Iil ii ' many yearn, by par t of a cuke ol Jotjee' Ilal i u ( 'In lliieal Soap. Persons i n pnrehainp this, must ahvavs ask foj JUNES' IT. W. I A.N CHEMICAL SOAP ; and per haps. 11 h 111 mv who have l.;e.n cheated with counter- st.,N. Y rh t w' ;. uroiuz-'d hiai at his f inner utan I i i Mrs. .Mai;4.t Keeve Myrtle avenue, "Brooklyn. Mr. Win. Tumi ins.'.t'J lCiim St.. S. V. feiis will he loo m lie Ii tliscouiayi d to try the fienu n:e. w e say to such, iry thisonne ymi will noi rejri t t : lint alwnya bob lhat the nnuit ol i!'i. wrappi",' l,;,.i).:t.t Willkii .,ap th s, i-'ionlhl. 01 iiinii;t;lon. T. JUNES is on are tne Agents lor rLM;i !! riiy sa.ieiis i.e: a 10 u h;ai on Alaricet street. Nav. 0. ouii'.iue heirpairoiia;:" p. s.mi i n. lOMf NEGIIO IASSi:s. JUST printed at'' Tie dm nerciui' UTiee n new nlv nf V"',-o jiim., which iireull m .1 .1 x I i i lie oietUiccoaJol papor tliut it would lake to writ on. Jan. '20. them HILLS OF EXCHANGE. TN addition to our ensraved copies nf Hills ol Ex ehanije, we have very handsome copicsexi cuted at tlrotfi-eof 'l'i'- Commercial. a.aril '."J. Norlh Carolina Alinauucks Tor 18485 for sale by Dec. H, 1?I7. G A. FRENCH. llfi-tf. Mantua Maker. MR". SI'S AN KI'.DDINC, oilers her seivioes to die I..! ..T iVil ui'ijton in the above bu-.i-ness, and Uo;i Irom the knowledge eh posses.-i s, toobninas'.nre d ilj. ir piiron.isje. Slu may he I .and on d .or I'.a-,'. ol ,lr. I). V. Wood's, at ihe silen-eof h'.-r .Mjilicr, Mrs. Willi.i;us'. April 15. El Marble Monuments AM) (;r.vvl stom: agency. THE siWri aside appoint, d Aeenilor one . I llied-Wanrl ii'-.'..r'.-.,.,rr .MiKIILE YARDS "la t'uniH . ... .i. and ' r.-' rue ouh ts for Marh'i Manuiiv nts -'t tlrave S'.ne. fit lit r 1 -itered or noi , whi -h wiii ih .:-n.'li ,1 ai the siiort-.st notice ;.nu ! In j -1 r ao:i i'.e h - Wp havp'e-a i! a vi'i. , uierns.variolint) !( s K the i .'u.'. '. whi.-:. .i ( -amiti.i :ii hiiv time J . e i(. I!. WUt'D, . . .'' ., .i.i. ( i.oiraeer. June i;. .pi. Mr. Tliomns Jackson, 8'J Liberty St., Pittsb.injli. il. E. Ciillen. bile barber steaiubotit S Ameiiea. A nt! more thnn n liundied othersBlttte, Ihougli ihi must sudice, that it will foice thih,iir to grow on t!i head or lace, slop it failing oil", strengthen llie r ' iH'iiovin.j scuif nrul dandnitl' from the roooi iii h. ;.. Ii:rh', led. or irray hair nssume a fine dark lnok, and keepirie ! y. liamHor wiry hair niulat,oti,elean an. I b:nutilul, a Vt'l'y, very long; tunc C. INGLES. Jr. Soldin Wilmingt. n l y Lippiit A. Wlllkings. V1MJ13LR RIO IS LSD TliPESTIM tl.NDS FOR SALE rllr-subserineis oiler for sale beiwrer two ai d llueeluindiedacreoof valuabli Kict hands on Lockwood's Folly river, in lii uaawick county. Jni mediatel) in t lie noiuhbutliooc ol Ihe LimdMs sgoi d stream ol w.itri emptying into the Loekwood'erivi r furnishing wu ter power suliicienl for watering the Gelds and for pounding und threshing the Hirers well as for a Saw Mill. A part of l his land has been cultivated in Rice and Cotton, and producedeq un 1 tc any land. Adjoininptothesc Landsare between liltecnhun died und two thousand ucree of firstra tc Turpenlir,. Lands, very convenient to the rier.ulUvithni thre. miles ol Ihe sa-shot e ,a nd a neallliy location. That whule ni'iU:.i..ilioo(! abouniin oo.l Turpentini Lands. U M. L. II ALL, 1). H. II.AKF.R. July 13 1 -4 3. F3 NOTICE. 5m U'llminvtun , 'uhjV) 19-lf.. lANDFOP & SMITH, A "en is ol the No. Cai ut. a I i r.b J ran re ( 'oinpaiiy, hu llie rati fie at ii l to si. a. to ;lie nmiierou.. persons iripuredin this Ul iic". that lilts '.'(.inpnn) wlllproniptl) pay thelosrsus tai.ied bi th. recenllirein 1'avelteviln without llie delay o' i0 d.iys, asrequirid by t In live I. a we ; and w.thou , c.illi ii j. for any instalment oo the prenili m notes. The rjent s w ill'cceive applications am:' a k v rif 1 as'i-.nl. Julj .iO 1 iT. 50 K.Ml'TV SI'llll r L KUELS. J..V 'nill'i, i, i ... . .: .. I. ill....- ii Hi) ( Vpecl il .0 r..,. . ,, ' ' I eV ' . iV e . Inr saleii i:.V'i.i V. PRYANT Co. COW FEED. -i thin lireC.,s.H. If,. . I-'..l v JETHKti I II a l ' :-i7 ' nti-if VI!.- JJdiids lor fiegro Hire. 2i) M; July i J : .. . i i' i : . HU.. A ill! ' TJ.UNDS f.r the hire of NE'JilOKS, j,,i(e. For -aie ' 1 ,r s;i1 '" at "' "'''' -" ''.'. Con'frrial. I'E1)I.. I ', ..0. J ACEW f)T THE NORTH f.AiiOLINA MC ! Tu.VL INSURANCE ( (.1I'A. Y. WlLMISl.T 'N, May 0 l'-q. T'li'. ' .'... is h..ve ,i .rt.,1 .;,. . n''( -"';"'"'; f propr, ty insured in thi Company to, 1 n-i . v ;-., .v. .W..'..una can , b t v,, l'V " ' , I,--C,07U ('0 j Meala-.dH, ni.iv olpriUit'i I..' -v at ve,Vv,..ri , . L;,:i '"''"' '""'. , "l.tiu I-' (illlST MILL njtice. F.-b. - j'HiN M r. , (. I CHEi'K WF.have ,i: . in ...Mil ; , ... Oi Tap. Ke ' ...;,! Call u,l Oc:.M. a " If I. ... !i iM II W! ,e , ,-e vel !, ,. (; , y ,v,. ( um) ' 1 '-". S. !l,e ,,, f Vl.r two ,njr , '.n.vth. ., .,ie! ,!..:;.,.. ch must make ,i ,... . 'T" ,:!"' " "" ''""'ry- Ri'ks i..;e,,s , u.,e,l; s Wi.KUHil & .SMllU,.',,., I . "'" 'ii L.nr. li '. . at P. l.o;:ir. lilil'IT.K Tl'ST icctivedje i I.- ... i .., ...... J H '.'.' Ml I A- I'El'.J. Driwl Apples. Of X Bl'y HF.I.S dried Ap s : OVJ 7 ' i (Jo. Pr it-he', p.,. .ni,. ,, J. WILKINSON 'Jjn.:7. it 'j Kxciirsions, 1 J'? T1" "'"'ndle,,i.;iiuSTF.MF't I 1 ,; v.UUAHAM, eotaman,:, , t.,.' .p'. 1 F. 1'r. k. h;M jntmf been .. . WINES. FINE Msdetia an I p.ri Wines i.i qaar ir !U h andel?hih L'i't; n i .ufi.,r Clump nr. 'Am 'Apollo'1 ami "Ori.p-,' in q mil pint- F..i ,,1, uu linpoit.'is account. I rtlO??FT. PSOW N A Co. .'"'t'V ' 'I' HI I ill ( 'hirtJ (n. I r . '.'I.u d i.:lil H : ae'i-oiinnodallonsaie v','.v 1',. ... A; ,.,.t.( apt. Pi k on hoard. or to , J cc V . I,. M.-CAIi V June. ,i. 1Mf Mon.i.ssis. la SI inr. " li Ti 'TC. A l'bM. ret !,r,. Mo.ars. Pel sale !.V lAVIS,Ijvi Wharf. 4ii if Jillv h FOll SALE. I A .V S'VN,TI'V'i"n!fa UOl SEend LOT, I Jihe In- r, .Id, rne o WM C. LitSKt., Rq mih.3ot. Ur,,' wrof w.lnutnnd Fourth .t.' 1 .rm liber'. cy ACADEMV W Mm, AMU V I 1 N 0 FORTE SALOON. A T . O. F. B. LEHJHTON would rr- lil SjieeHiiUy announce I" the eilizens ol Wiliu.n tun and virinitv. thai he is picparidto ive instruc'ion in the various depait e i n is of oca I uud 1 ns tj liinunlal M usk m Mozabi 1 1 x ll, wnrrc he hopes to merit n con'iiiM inee nf the pulionai hitherto bestowed. 1 Adjnlnin? the Hill, lie his s Saloon, in which "he ' dosiny'vcepini! an assortment of Piano Fori. s. that, for oerfect ion of workmanship, beauty "I liin-h.und i oriliinnei ol tone, shall not coui)are unfavoiably with ' any i n the market. I Also, a few tuperlor-toned uitars and Viol'es with I instrin ti. m books and -itriris for the same. ru I desirous ol mrchasin;;, and others, are invited i.. call and f xamlne. PianoForiestuned and repaired in a sjlisfactory manner j VYilminfilon Dee.O, 1917. 1 1 1 'fj, ! BOOK lllXDIXC. C1 E.TLEME'S Libraries, Music books, IaC J atines. Periodicals. Check books, Blank Rooks. Ac, Ac , bound at reasonable prices, or application i at i he oilier of )n Commercial. . AMIIIank Hooks hound and ruled toordef. ! Match 2i. i RECEIVED PL. II RRIG HEL.LL. 2' 111IDS. Porto Rien Suar. !. dils. Aiueiican Cin. 5 ' ' Hiandy. 10 ip. casks Port W ine. I ' Claret Wine a superior article. 1 ' ' ManeriH ine. 10 boxes Soda lii-teuil. 5 Mils No. 2 Mackerel. 5 boxes HuH'eCandles. old. CARROLL 4- FENNEI.I. July 9. r- Fire and Marine lusurance. AGENCY FOll THE FUOTEl TKJN WVm (II. Of Me.l" JIJKV. C'A PITA L. ftk2 0 0,0 00! HAVING lei.-n appointed aent of the abv. ' " -. i . i -pany . lor W il mini; ton .and vi. init v. I , w ill i P. di. i. s. - ii emi."" s, in i 'Ills and vt-sst Is, and tae File Idsk.s on nr reasonable tci ins as any ollu r In stituiion. Any losses siistnined will be promptly and honor.a lily adjusted and paid, and in eaeof ilitl. rrnrr, th, :ourtsol North C.u dma " ol he aeknowleilned. A. MARTIN. t. June i.-t. I-; J;i-v The Mercliant Tailoring T7ILL be continued us usual, under the sup. iin- lemteneeot V. K. IMEIISON A: IL S. KELLY, To which th' v would rail the nt'. n'! 'n of the cjoin rriuidn at larf;.' i" th, n .p'.cn.liil and choice selected S ! K'l. t Spring and Summer Goods, w hieh will be in ade to ord r :u a style lint cannot fail to i;ive , ii r Ire aalif .c'l oi. ' Jubi n r. ivrtl nnd now ..peniriL'. inaddition. I,. iv ..I '1 d 'dl.R I'LUTI I I M J with h wijl be ; ..nirl: I.U'.VF.l! '!i.i n hctetol'TP O iodCo.ilSUl . I .w p'ire . f l A full si;;' .' .!. i. It - I t f " 1 1 r no tiiniirnl will he made with out the Iri.niulnif" Imoiik l.in.i-he.l I y ns. is II is im (i'.il.e I.) j;el such as '.' can work . I b i. st nrtiy i.l 'i led the CAH svsn in. and will rbaire nceord int,v SKTH HOARD, Pioprietor. V' R . PitKPOS, Agent. April 27. I9l. Irf- Kmpty Barrels. .EMPTY Harrels, large Hlic ,,.iind In eorru oro.-r. Just rc c iv, n and for snlc low by HARRISS A Rt'ssF.f.r. Jun20-lf. 4L 22 North Water St THE-OnBATi REMEDY. " HOUSE' 31 N D I A N T O K I A safe and svrtrturcfoTi CJIJLLif.fi):: A Gi)E f ftiyjZJl, in the unprecedented shor timof five Jlourtas thousands throughoul the West and South ' can jeslify, who hate been thvs speedily cured by thisGRtxr Rbuj- f . ;(' :T 1 ii :, ,t . ,-. j or ! i 17 VERY one who Is afflicted, should be anxious to li obtain thai remedy which ofltra (he beat, quick est, and aafeat cure, no matter from what source Jt springe vry honest man being bound to etnbmee the truth, Whffever found. Therefore the propria etor, injustice to the public and himself, foela'ctfllcd upon to state, honestly, n few facts, which will estab lish HOITSE'S INDIAN, TONIC to bo the btat rem edy for CHILLS or AGUE and FEVER, now knawp; h'ack $t The aiticle is convanimi and pleasnrft td'take Is refttied fioin all'iosa- prtiiieles, which render other preparations so muddy, nauauous, and disagreeable lo ihetaatei and if iht directiohs re followed, will curt every east), wnb uiatheinaiical certainty, in from three to live hour. Ai flnisuing!!: buttrue. Fact 2d -By its action upon the liverand oihei organs concerned in forming! it, the bile is regu lated, the morbid action induced by the cause of the disease i s destroyed-fever allayed and it will belound s powerful agent iu aaaiatiuj lo remove fevers (ener slly. Fact 3rd ltgivefi tone to the atomauh -invigorates the body -atiiiuilniesallthe functions to it heal thy action and is highly us. lul. wherever tonicb are wanted Fact 4th This Tonic has performed mid is dully ptrforniing, cures in CHILLS, or AGUE FEVER, wiihouta purull. l In medicine Witn.ssa aingle bottle mnkingaf uie in a eat ol T EN YEARS ftlnrulinK ; atuoli. r in a case NINE YEARS man dlnfj to cm e u liich li.n: previously baffled nil skill anij every remedy . Look at ihe many other astonish ini; cures set forth in the f. rtillcalesaroiiml Ihe hottle nnd then say, il HOUSE S INDIAN TON IC doet not deservedly stand, pro-eminehtly llu grea'tst rem edy of the times. Rrid certificates caiajlilly; they are from your hcighhorsnnd filerrds and whfn ever you meet with any of them, (to ns.'ertiiin ih. I. nth ) don't fail to nffk them t-onet uiiiij! it- P . to tisk f. r l-CfSE'S INDIAN TON IC and ns vmi value your hejilth, dcfri't be put ct! with any tiling else. Prepared and sold by Ceo. W. IIoi pe. N.ishville, Tenn. Pi ice 51 p.-r bottle The abov very popular and valuable in. .!lcini . i fnr sr.le hv l.li'P'TT & W1LEI.JS, Un.-uiM Wilmir.Klon N. I'. Ami by J. II. ScAngROi OH, -'Mulherry. IsHAM ARMSTB05CO, Uocky Poilll. Lahan Carboll, neiirSoulli Wa.-liinjjion. March '25, 1643. - '1 bin. PRESSED BRICK. 1 O Xrn PRESSED BRICK, received from 1 O.OUU PhlUidelphla. per Schr. ialMrf. -Fin ale Trr0S?FT, BKOW It A ttV -..-ie I j 9? ItECEIVEl), (-HE. A P Bureaus, Caid and Extension Tables ; Ladies' Woi k Tables ; Cherry 'ribs ; U ash Sinks ; Asm. I va it I V of Children's ('bails A r. j My stock is now vav c ! n . Mel--.it;- I'. -mi N. w York, Boston -nnd nth i placis, it pi em I. is a it. at variety in styles and quality. J r. LOVE, at th" Rock Sarins. Apiilll. - I! C A LL 1 N ! r-jm. riHE SubHciilvrs have just ree iv. d. and are I :il 1 now offering for sale, a spl.'n.'.id a-oi tiiieui of Pnnaimi, L.'olioni an-i Palm Leaf HATS, comprisim; great vai iety in siyle. rpnlnv anil prie Also, alai.;p assoi tnitnt of li 'itbi . Ha-.. S'tper. Silk, Gingham nnd Cotton; sizes fioin ''!' to !'i inehis; prices ranuini; from 50 cents to $.7,110. Walking Cam-s in great variety; fiuue very line, W hale Rone, with Ivory Heads ; Uunadilla do. .do. all of which, we w.ll sell veiv low. for cash. Myers a iiarntm. April13. 1R43. 1" U- CT-' VI III Nf 1 '!,( 1 " WE are ibis dav opi tiiu.: in the -.lore under '.'e Carolina Hotel. a laree am! general assorto-iei.t of Clothing, siiitubl'i for the season, consisnn' ol COATS PANTALOONS. VESTS, SHIRTS, sfs PENDFRS, STOCKS, if-c ',' A-c., iVc. Persons wishinp such article tiad belter enmln. I his stock, where bargain- inav bt II id for a few days. Mr. J . Anchoi willattend nt the store. S A N D FO RL A S M1T1I, A iictioiu 1 1 . May 4 ,)( i'.oxes P.aisina ; sC '.'II ball do 'llips. do. 2 Cases ( 'anion Oinra r ; f I'.oxes I.' n.on Svi.iji, I), st ipiality 4 B.isrti'ls Olive Oil: London Porter in Pints ; 1 Box Citron. For sale by HOWARD A PEOFV. July 13. 5'i. BENTS VA S T i.N U IvEIJS I O C ANS Water and llut'er. .n s-,!e hv 1 HOWARD V I'i.l'I.N JulvHth. 5')-il. RECEIVED, p.-r schr J.nit Xmifi, If! huxel Hull's Candle; 'i bids, liye Fl-mr; 2 " Cru-h-d Snear: -i do, ''.on tiroonis. c CARROLL A FENN F.I.I A iienst 1. "i NEW FLOCK. mtUH.S. Fayettevillr Fioir, Supt rand F " CARROLL A FF.VM.I.I. August '.. Dissolution, r .HECop .-.it in rslnp lii-retof..ir t jti-'inf und' . 'lo X. name and firm ol Hart A Pi. lit y. is thi-. d . ! --,i v. d by mot . n 1 1 on"! nl. 1 1 n" ind. I '' d to t le s i ; . n ' liber by note oi aoeoulll aie u i( in -I. I t. . en II .ni l , i tie h. fore the lir-it "f Alien-:. ..r iht u ie'ies nui ,e coiin!!' will be b It I ii th' hi.n.ls of nn Ollie. fr mi e. i'- n L A Urn l is ai. tin. 1 1, d in m-ii' , Mi,. f,f. , the Coaeein. LEVI II K I'. S P. i'"l,LE1 . NU'ITCE. rI" H I." iiruliTuu'iii .1 would li -in i t::.!iv :i:f,,rm il.e 1 put. ill that he has pun 111-. .1 I. llui- nhl and inii i. si in llie late enneiin o! II ct .v l'..i:. v w In re be will eontlnac 'In h.iunt ssns ..- : :', ut, r 1 1 ex. , pile,, l LONG CREDIT. s. P. POI.T.FY. Jim.' 1. ::1 FRESH ARRIVALS. JOB,' BOOK, -.v ... , " t ' . i.i ; '.v!i ''i : . , cdasca or front and mabket stbebts, WILMINGTON, N. C. PABTlCltLAR ATTENTION PAID TO THE FOLLOWING KINDS OF LETTER PRESS PRINTING. ' SSTHIE8 Of MKBCH ANDI8I J H AWDUILLB, I LABF.L(. JLAW U.ANK.. ! MILITABV NOTICES , ' NOTES, ; PAMeiaKTS, i I'OLIC'EB OF ISSUBANCE . ' POSTERS, BILLS OF EXCHANGE, BILLS OF LAD1W0, BOOKS, CABL-C, CATALOQUES, CERTIFICATES, CHECKS, M HllCl'LAES, CUSTOM-HOUSE BLANKS, TUB 'IRMD ,:PBM1T1FB ' ' ' " ' Ml 'ill'"1 '"' " ;':"V:"i;" 1 - .. - . .. .t an i. nr.AFTH, R EC E I PTH . And PLAIN AND FANCY PR1N TINO, of r description, done in I he neatest manner, and on llie most reasonable terms. We call the attention ofour cRizrncnn.t tlii)uiii( in gen ml. to rhe above Clrculnr. and cordially ..tent, to them an inviiatiori lo sr us a call for ilieir w o: k assuring them, that it shall be as we.'lUihic, and at ns 'otc (il notiu'r;-) nrVc, aa at anv olhor-'st a'di"1imeiit. T'ne entire office is-new, and we unhesitating',- sny that we have a irr.'aier v.ni.lv of tvpe, and a more (Ituruuffli Job (tffire, Hum inn prcr hr'orr in 1'ir Slate THOMAS LOR ENG. Vi! tuiriirton. Jl-.y 5. JUST KECEIVKD. per Srhwner Ij. P. Smith. -jSj a titanium article oi lii.nnis v-aps lor S.l.Ulilel I lats ; Hoys' P. ,inl !.',:p t 'ntis, a tie".' p i'f : n. tents Siiiihuci Hals ble terms. April l'i. To Tcn,n.l;.e LKI Childn-iih' 'ohui;.' ; :. ii I a l. w f.-e'j. ' R i-iiej. A I .st a lull norttiii'iit ol For h ale on the rnosl reason : M YE lis t: P.ARN I .AI. I'OR TJIJV VUii.J)F HEADACHE. Giddincrs, Rheufflatfirm, Pllc?Dia peps.a.Scujvy ,Sniailp..i, Jaundlc, ,Pmtn ihe Hack, Inward Wckne-ss, PalpUailon U llu. He-nri, RIslnginthiThroar, Dropsv, Asthrna.'Fevera ot all kinds, Female Oomplnim Mensles, Salt Rlif-tini He.irlburi , Worms, Cholera Morbus. Coi.t.h J,.' ay, vv Uouuiutt CuuUCuiuwiiiuiiuu, i'it-,Liwaii- plaint, Erysipelas, Deiifness. Ir lil., f the Skin Colds. G uit, Giavel. Nervous (.'oiiip!;irits. and a va riety of oilier Diieases arising from Impuritirg of tiV foy,and O'lstructiont, n the Orpmin v) ' Dwtaliu) Experience has pioved limt nearly every Disease -, which tlio l.iiiu.in Iruine is subp ct, ouginalea fron luipuriiiui oi the liloodor D.:runi;t'iiieiitof ihuDba-s-UveUisians; and lo secure I lea I in. we mi Ft remove those OopirueiioiiH or lestoro the Blood to in natural stale Tiiiieloie wnoii thesliijiitest doiun"uiiieiit ol tlluBVSlem Uiiiilic.itcd by ;o.iiiveii..t,s,oruiiv nth i sign, ii ad.iiouHi. a us tlml superliuiti, iir.'"gulher iiiai in the .System, which slioultl at once be Hoi rhJ of : This lact, as stated, is universally known; butptol ' pie havesuch au avuuin U medicine, thai, mil..-", the. case is urgent, they prefer the distnse to ihe cure until uiuinpaiied Connt union, or a in ol sickni sai. bukes lhe.ui for the lolly of lli ii cenduei. t,, . hiu tjoinc ex use; lor 'herdi-hrc. iiuiliriiif in ainioM ullitsi .ruo.wusneaih a.sdi.iisiina i.it wnshenef - i rial. Now. lenvevei . llu. e il i.1 most cIlLi-iuailv r -luuved ; lur Clifkoiici-'s Vci.'liie P.-rafive Piils tn.'l..pf.l wiiii ii Cn,iia:r of pr 1 ' " ' 'O-'tii.ei fioin the ininrnal Mii'ifrs in Di!Hh. (A AI now loc iliim two birue Stills nl Sioe'e -.t: 1 -!i dl Li v.- 'h"tu ;n opei.iiion hv Nl to lll;h June. Persons in i k Inir Tn;;ientine in that region, can il on disposing ol it nt nil time-, at In i . prices Aly bus iness ihere will he. conducted by Mr Win. F. MmI.'. Wilu.iin; ton. April 'iiih. W. O. J F !' 1 '1! F.A' c eansli. cinrgii... slnte. A . it ol into th 1 1 a i i . 7.9 F. 118 SSH'S stats Gi'iininr Vitrlulilc Anii -ililiuus Kami!) THESE Pills 1 tits ills, id, ' a certain cure fit Fev'er and A true, r ns niiineroiis cerl ilicrilre. sent to til"! propiiriois will : bou'. Tie simill'.i' "! o! lie- d .si', (only two ell- rv,t!l i. sio'plieilv, and liieae . li .; ; thei.i for fo mil v :o d r't'ivml im' Th" unbounded popularity nod txicn-ive kIc ol ihe pid-have indue, d p. isons lo iinilale iheiu, nnd wrap ill. in up Dialer a n a'.ie and r,pul a lion nut t! .tie own. The proprieb.rn have pur up these pills in then own proper name ll.it ih. v in iy ihe inure elli-etuah. protect thcin and the pu' lr..ui tiaiid, -vhieh tin t e..u!d not d . il th. y li ul taken a li.'titi.ins n .ire, . (Tie mine nf th. dead . Ri ol the folio win;: stall met: I : My lath, r, tin R.-v H. II huiard. died August 17. lU. bile ill Ills lile lilll", 1 II. Ill'll letllli d til. -e Pills, und pu! th. ill up ill h . . '. and ( te l..-. .1 tie in wilh wiappeis. with !.is r.-:!i.'. I.y his eonseti' (itii' approbatiidi ; be us. d IV. nii'-nily lo sav to Hie. "N"'-' be v ry f.i rt-t ill, mv 'mi, l o it the 1'iils aie not mao. good, the public W dl hi no.' Mil.'' So li' his aetive siiik rintetnlanee. the I'ills have eiin, . tin ir re"ut., lion as a Familv M. diein". Since his denih, I have m a uul.ielii: i d the Pills an;! pill lie in lip ill in y own iniii'', as I dei in it In ,e a species nf dee. ptii.n lo put ihe name ,,f Rrv. H. Ilia n-vnn, on the wrapp'-r anil tin i v indue., the heliet lhat b" superintends the manufacture of llie Pill knowing Hllhc saint liinc ll.il it is not so '.hat In i di ad. The Pi!!.- hearing the name. T? F, Hildnrd. an nianiiflieiu.ed hv me. -md -..e i.he U. nuine Hinriald ? Pills ns mild, by ni-y father, Rev. II. Hihl nnl. lU FFS F. HlHR-iRD. Pe sure ae,,! ask for !' . F. I fib' aid'" Pills G "-: r. -This fa v ei-rtifv thai I wa nflh'trd with that dreadful disease, Fever and Ague, and was ie eominend. d to Iry your Pills. One box wus -uiftieient to coiiihl. Ic a cure. Yours. : eetfrllv S. WINER. To R. F. HinnARii cV Co. Prepa-e,l and "old wholesal. and '"I ill. by R . F. I III', HARD A. ''" ' -"' ' v "'I ,i,r nt Lo Ine I' nil.'.! S ir je; v of Si, il;, i . A C. EV ANS, wholesale and irlail D niington N . C. L'i ND "'. CENTS j 0t , i-i coiopn i :r:,,0- S-i ,:: .,. i iil' 1 1 UJ I - I.- .1 in : . I . i , - , ., i , i , a .. ,. . ' " ' wnu lltllr 7,ii I 'it ,."' "'', '"lf oe'-.a-.i:) hUalloNMd.Lhus o. ci elv. M-,r. ov. r Hi, y :;, n.,rs.l,urlllicin the.,,:,!.,., ;, ,,, lioyoj- .a:.,,,,-.,. d .:"'.i.ed"i, e; , ,e Syst, ...,.s,c: ( eot.lininp i tb'iu-iivesto, anil raekmit any pliiticula, ,,,.,; I ''.'r' ' " " :' : !' '.n-.-.d or., . "' '"" ,"' " ' no ii pa: -leiuar oignn. ;,n,. I v eisol lli;. i; isciiiiwrMinlv ,i,J. loinaeil. le.-ao , i I ioit,,,,Ui;i poiatetMi th, Hloi.-d, nirrt rcmnie i t lose iiiipu, it;, -'uhieh li'.ie ahead- , mcied into i,,, I ei:uli!tl-jn ; WoiU a I hi . cl will . fl, efnnlly evp, j d,,,., Sii.'sysj. in uhao v i i:n; u.ili.s ,ilV I,,,,, 1,,, ,i's I ehnrgid iiitoth. stem ,, h ii,iutjg. the instiunu ntall'" of llu "tiit ) icriad,, i. is II. nee tliev .vn7, or li',- ,,lt.;c ,.';, .,. I. Iiir.leail.il, in, Il l( ,',lo lhebo,.y; i.penll'.e p.-n n-steiiinllv und hit, ini.Hv ; ptoioote liie Insnu.il h Pt 1 1 pii ai ion ; obviate Flnl'u . I my.l lead u in- Ac. ; st pnm in all Ion iUn Mid t.bnt.x eeS p.. i li. !:ll..iu Ih, i hjle; 0- en,, a :,lf ,.,. i,,.,. ihy nel'oiilo tu, Ilea, l, Li.r.i,atid Liver; ni.dlhrti, j !.y r ,..'..', l,.lti . ; ,r'i, u nil .:. ; ;, ,,., failu( 'i he ';,,, ;:,,h ol Ihe ;il.. ' , fan be a-cein.i'ni.d I ., tin tralol,, s;n aie Hoiil... ; and their virtues ie so p isilitenn.ie. ilaill in r-'Stoiiug HeaM), that tile pru-pri.-lor hinds la.ru--'- i lo reiiiin the money paid fur ihe... in all e i-e t, win n liiev ,1,, lt ;,jVl. mivcrgnl aa lislnct.ou Retaii Piii-.'. :" ci.-usp lioitle. Sol,' in Vi i i.m i j : on I.y I.IPi'lTT A W'M.LKINOS. Front-r lr. . I. In twi-.-ri Marki I unit ,i,.l, ; (tjlirc Vesey-.st. New i ir. a I Yoil- j I ot S -1 Mr ' w a evr , 1-1 :. ! i- he' :- s i . I C,i 'Ki'ner'- S i ir C . .1 I ii, 111 v will h oi l b' 111 I Fen rim v :. I-I - - Id 'ii "iiber Fir. ' ' t ' i i ted Pill-', 'i 'ir I of 'in :! V. ('lie!,, .,, r jM i,!r.,,for and mat nothing of the- nrt b" i'l'i" !ue. , ihein in Jim,. !d i . i : ire, always ask for d Piii", and take no ,,il,..,. Villi ", ami is o a fr.vid. The I'r.u're.'ibi'r Vrrtablc 10,000 ru ':'! ''ill h (I ilil exi THE OR a E FEIY- i. I Vy j A A weiii-t, m-mw i Is:. I- HERO COMPAN A . hei hv give notice thai their (;, iu-r:il Ageni f,,r f. i III ( 'arolinn is JONES, Lou nklin evuiity. " i -, and hv II, g"ist," i i I'll IC rN whole and hall J in. ti. IUCE. (' itk" roii-nan i Iv Di: RUSSET I! ROW N i. Co 21. T ti ruin Store, COrARTNEKSmi1 NOTICE. HE under' igned, have ihis day lormeil a ( 'op arl nershni. und' r l!n- (irio of ..ini. 1 In rap:,! sa'' In .'Mi i i;,in :,v ! iindt I In on, ie. ,a. , tii en g. n y vi ,11 -o:,-". . The (in, I, all. I Ig Pi lo ii ii v evi i I ' ! 1 1 d i. ( la nr in n nl d nil disorders u hieh r j blood, these pills are n j In tin cl isse- .1 .lis ; cub. rg Pill a-'iio iv i lil'-v .! h i.i :! ' j den ree. ... , ! '.. sv 1 purliy th- '"' 1 1. i i n j vigor to tie hoii v. I C-UHMS AUK i. e, , . i uu tji'iicrnl Agent is fully prep.ited to appoint snb-.Ag, ntswlicrcver then is in. In an rh oi ihe ('oiu'n iiV cithei, on iieisoniil nn- p!: .: o or Ly mail, fm.-t . ' el' ', rt ' biale l Pills. BL'i - l!i' ' an , o'iMaiiiiy l Heeling ' nn s; p ipulai Pill ol the ni f. pu ut.') ! ni) vahiaLle. .U un iiieonci'ivril'ly supcriol In all tuliojs coin u-ovei . in , in a I il: I, ..I system ; in stale of llie elii.uiic. ibeGrenef 'linli.pbs. Hei'p i: vi iilun ihe hid 'I'H' lv bin sunlv iiti.1 give tone and I.IJ.JS ,1- Ml'l'l HKl.l.. ' i a u -a. lion of n ( ! n, i a I ' I . i n In. 1- I ' '!. ir in t niion il H)nUnv. Hits, , .j-.;. to k, ep al'.vnv "I, Cirrn "ceil '(as. .'.'(in-, llai.t), r-in, a . .'l:i ..-.- , 1... .1 lolino ; M1 Parrels Klour, diffprent I ra 3M).I Lbs. N O. liaron, H 'g r 75 Hush. , s . iea , V iiyeitt villi .,,.:hi .-,,r ssle bv W a I LOVE. June 20. II. JCST UECEIVI',1). IAYETTF.VILLE Flour various biands. N. C Bacon, assorted. Also a lot of very superior RIof'ntTre. For .ale by W. ej- T LOVE. JiincH. ji, F.MPTY BAHHF.IaH. llflA F.rnpiv Spirits Turpentine harrrlp. now & J V Undlug from Sehr. I,, p. Smith. For sals by HARRIES A nifsSFLL JiTir?S. 4 '"II iM.FS 1 1 El, EES. IV F Mi l ' 1 f I I E N'.ol'i i ' U'-iueiil, Aluri hv's Heick. JHOil 'i ii hels Corn now on hind and for .ale 2' I'.'ni-vtAt. A n ii "nil. I I-. r.r.TTKii sin:: II I" AT" II I ' l Li ! "f Li. ling h is p, ot T : i I '-m 'nrmal . .'.lav If.. I. ILLS OF 1 - -i. n I niv. Hv tie s. ""; t the pall at mil.: U in : n. r. ii Pill-,. , .. rile or. I' ltd Ian. , ' L'i UK CONSTANTLY I". F l l '- ' l l '-i) .' . - 'i r. . "i v "ther mirnns had I lie ,,i I .a'a.UJ'i oil proof ol ibis hot a : 1 1 ' ' ' " !' iil coin inee ' ' 1 " ! ' ''".d M-iit by inn 1 1 . . I !! pi I. ' I.- .'.A e. .OS .1 t'O.t. "id" '.. :i::J the mo '"':; oi.- w:!i pay pos'ago on the ' ''. ' '-. ' risk. W ht r- ii'". ! :'e ' i n i -: i r i v , thy can be t I S)i, I i,t li' . t It: U'l: ti .tlicr.i, (iinl ii AI, o.i.l : ' v. V. A. I. A N (J !) O ; ( ' Ai.i.Nf run ru i: Canton and Pi-Kin Tea Company, i. N E V li ,u .iia O !! K . i;i, s to so. t p a, i FFERS i; nt N A"." , , : Wnp.s ;..',,, ot der; ofilllhs Yo-iog II v oi"; 2IMIII.S. Lop no . I H i .j.. ;ici.-I..i..; ; I'HIll.s 0.,.". VlIU I'm- f'.i ''i -'i H-eakfa-l T, a, ind oil lbs I ' i ii . . r'l iwei s. Call at Miitphv't IliiiKiing, Noith uicr, Jaooia ,i hove Priir en '.'to ct. Nov 'i7'b. R 17. 111'). NO'IKK Tbr iSsr;iher ba opened an offlee ji, 1' irsl. blot k on Wnler Si . for tin transaction of n ifcrier.l Commission HusinesH. I'r,, i , attention will he puid to the sale of in T. 'ban. list- of any kind, ns well as I.) tTlA sale Ar shipment of nny of ip pr'odiirts of ih, country nnd th'' usunl at'vancts nn,e whi n ,b "on d, on eonsignmenl' lor sale, or for shipment to mv fHendsnt ibf North I hare n good Naval Store vard and Warehouse, rrmot, from the dang'r of fti,. and will make rhari'ps verv on, brale, where prrsonj msvd'"ue to stun ti uip.irii' ilv. April 27-lf W. O. JEFFREYS. STRAIN F.I) HONEY CltZ GALLS, best quality Honey, for sale by 4ft) HOWARD . P F D KN .'.- w ., t. d I" a : I " tin. ihe in ,ih. 1; i;y i'iiei tin pal nil,: ,, .. ii, 1 . ,'. i i s 1 1 I ; ;e. t . - c . . r ! Vi'l. MTS. hi , 1) njir-i-siai tt.-: , Ijir.-r ( omjiliiiu: . ; : in (in i, i . " 'O -H I'lllS. Till V itrt'-n ill pro 'r. i-s .: ; . ton: and vig..i e i I de'raiiitf inent ., t . N . i ,i , . . i I ! lie ' . OHIO flMfl -: "i, d t.) A p( r had syinpiot oi nny o le m dl ,. .11. For al I Ion V C. i ' A ' of tlr ir i Nov. JU, 1- '111 . .. . .. . iahl.i i.dvniv- i i " "'It ml 10 to. one , f th i. II.UI.Niis. VVilming i . i ji'ir! to nn .Vlf.LI AM JONES. tOli. I i EKSON n i n . o ,' i, op -i i' i i .'. r ilna , 2 C..i.iiloa S la ii,l,i i d . I h. I.i I, ; n.l. nt, t nl Vif.in Magazine, t v Note "t oih i u i.e. or f.ir advertising, are noli lied to pav no mom y to any A3, nt ixrcplin W. R. Gale. Esq. or Wt inn:, F, Postninslu, at Raleigh ; N timmp' J Pvi.MFn. Esq. Milton. Cnswell Co.: John - Hi, ks. lis.p ,,( Frnnklln, Maeon("o. ; H. AV . Mii.'i.n. Iis, Attorney yf AVuke Co ; Mr. Jso If 1 ATT, of Or. mboio' f;iif0,(J CO. ; and Air. LiiAr.i E .1 n:. ( in nil ( 'ollector, or his aistant. Mr. John Co, 1 ivh-, in this Stntr, and his assi-onnls in other Sinles. Tlioeper;onsnrofesinp to perfn'm the duties of Constables who hve had arcimrs of mine In their handsfrom 4 10 ' venrs. are re, (nested to make re turns of some sort toeltherof ih'' sbovp pentlerrien i r . I ur to myself. ReiHsier.Tn.1 T. TORINO. Standard, Raleifb .injrM 3 time a. 144 J;.lv I7tb f,2 I

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