t n n at as T.niinrcr.' " !7 . 'rrEpitoit ,'anv' PaoriUEToa. ; I'm VCtHR COM.MF.tiCIAL AlffiSji JVjry T.utlvj, r"wrWay,ariJ Saturday lit kfpKahnm,p-iieM oI' ln l 'nXl();l A Sl 'LO RING, ; CornaroJ I'rfnlanci Market Strutt, i til ' ' i ' J. ' . .,,-! ! ..v..1 " ' i , : .. , . ,; T - .. . : v.u wiLJtiscaos.K.c. ; , - - - .. .- - - ::i """nTn or nvnnTMivo. ! ,fAf f) XT-v rrt ivir '' Tih''fHon S0'0 1 l-.pmrp,- month, $ J 00 V UL. 4U. U'J i 'ilVV 7S I -i. 3 6 1)0 I Tjlve! ln.-s or los iin' miws. U' au nJv.r tUl,iiHcatvw.ilvflinof, Ihoiinct will be :n AiVffaaoincntBaropaynble ulthe timed tin ir ine8rtion. i.;,i.. 'Oahirafilswuh vniarly aa voriii:TB, PUBLISHED TULWEERLY, IJY THOMAS EORINO. became your candidate, (he whole country dtliifhusd to honor'. Pure fo lift, unpl in hfttawyh'iTnMf in ambition, ht loughi t,ot greati,ei, h.u M, t, causi'jif 4JS.y the path of duty. Flashin? upontheorld a meteor of victory, th hairy of his inillji. V Sfy growi ak Uforc the JustrMf j civic virtues A warrior. renowned among WILMINGTON, SATURDAY MORNING, AUGUST IN48.! Whole No 31. , th cst, hft is a of peace. Bred i '' in ;!.b rujfM cainp, aipid the nideetaiu JOILX HALL, SHIP AGENT M. CRONhY, Auctioneer & Commission Merchant, tha mal'ilurultcrin ;l3A11 AlvoriirfjmcnU inserted it- the tri-weekly Vnmm -'rial, are entitled to one imortw.-fcn 'the tfM.v, free of r.liufr AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, No. 30 OKA VI Kft STRP.KT. Jiew Orleans April U, 19-1 s. 110-dy. l J. LORD ifc CO. WILMINGTON. N. C. Aug. 19. J O H N I) . LOVE, . I i ' - jr. ... , . , -i !:. u i . iro. .e ' tnt-nt proudly Uk to the but. l-.s " ' lm To Ike Whig of tbc Fifth Electoral Diittict. and find Uu,ruM.itior, th.-r, :, ,lfst i s30r,s of hl,mn!t7 aml daed. .? rornipta fides, tiudaque Veritas; T- ' cl;erk CRl'fcr f v,ctor ftnd ca""K Fr.r.i.ow rmziwv -du.n inwnies parcm'- , wr,en worn and children stood b 13$ ti .... t i. c u . , f-vh of blood. When ubjected to, the Honored by vourchoicc fisthf bannprm.tn Lt us then tot the futare itoitate the ex , , "r, . , , , r, . . , r. ., . , , r . . , mm ,, rei'urc of the President for exercMing a. ui vim uiMiiLi in liiu cuiiwii j ir.iiuMiuii u'""r. wj im.i u auu 'Tina, frf TTiD1' 66 DK.U. KR IN i r'AUIXET fcMIIIVITITIlW hut. rji . iv-ii. LIFE INSURANCE MUtfflPlOTURRntl ANO DEAl.r.R IN Zi T CAPS, UMBRELLA AND WALKING CANUS, WHOLESALE AW REl'All., MAUIvFr STRKKT, WlI.MIN'iTON.N.C. 1 J M. B Ani'M. CM t saa. p5 t.-.t. G. IB .7. . .. I I) A " .r !,' MADTtjYlIf II ( i v.': Uj COM. J'" .W'Wfi i..' ' " ROCK SPfUNa, ihmiw,!,. I tK,.-.v.f,-.. w. nt. trnn K.n-ii. i 'irmrniihiiii I ' rc.i i.lnnti I n iah i (i".iil,t i 1 1 - j . . .', , , , , stood uuldly up for the truth, declaring, but required to speak when the crood of with tho deepest tntorest to every lover of i. ,. ' , , . , . ,, ; ti"' .e asked no favor, and trimmed no our cause demands U, I pray you listen to rorwuiutional liberty, ilany and great are , p,SI,.h.,It When 0Tlti hf n few words of ccuiiBel from one who onlv 'iie issu involve!. lrit fur above nil others r . , c, . " , i Lg 'i.i .re of a sovereign State to pautale preaiimes to couu.sol because you Uave n. importance and darcrom consrfjoo noes , f km nfli ' 1 Wil MiNfiTON TV r .made it Ins dntv I he heat and dust of stands the sirup? e between executive unur-1 . . . ( . v iij.viiiMiiuiN, rs. L. ! ,;., report of the most srlonoua of hia VcWn, . . the late conflict a re past Iet ua sit down : pation and popular riffhts. I wenty years , , , - , f't'W-j UAOoiiJt X , oLHllrtlJlLiK we U. 1 calmly then, and with the honest purpose ; nro this Hiru"r p commenced with the ac- ,, , , . . y-n. I ,. , ,. .. , . . . . . n . upon the recr,rfi,0f hn country. Grwtl mmm axd mm. ' :: Lt; - '.' !c ::fs ! , -.t d lil I f I,1 I V H If D I X f T " . . .' '; , ... '' hw duty, obedient to II I 11 I, I .1 li II. 1 1 1, li lYntV1an. -a l. , and tlw; worK tiiivt .. to ie none. . eitcii , n . ,i;r adinu.tratiou, ut.ia ai- IN THE NATIONAL LOAN C1F.TY. OF LONDON. .A Nil Jlxrcir, I'M- J' BROWN, DEKOSSET & Co., ir si:iil c tnrs.vo.v umtcuAsr.s. " 15'.) KllO.vr ST. sitw voiik. Mar::h 17 13 n. V' lawful authority, ' Jt '"'of fried nntriotiin nml ir.rnminfihl m. w c. . .i..: ... . . .i .. .. i -r iruy, he presents uiovu consuleration CMf : nr ajovk fih.m n vk erec i::n an i:tteMi i: the COnSClOUSJltUS tlMlt the eytJ ot OUT I'd- Ilition li.' 3 .flcCUUlbed beneath the Ol"' Iw.UI ' , ,, , ... - . . After llnniLAI irl trin (ho r n ri nf WmWkm our deti- rnn withoat to the ihunderK of m.r W hitr olii-v m 40 lend' :.rn.s :re all to radK'-uluiiii and niwn hy , , . ,, ... . .... M;ivK' rn'.--ed 'v :M -;.lir .lion n J . I t i , , any KflOW leilfp OI HI9 pOIIMCai pTinClDiei, l':i.o.ssi;i', Bltow.NA r. , .tiaCJiaC aii:I hiilCKSUilth SuoJK ,nd It- .r ntrnm attentive to catch it is foui..! .i.Tyed m dehmcc of the l""" 'r-1 iC( j ,j. ' lrcs thftt ''he has no private chocs. Mow has the l.nldic evpeetntirtn dual tTiiieiplP I he nwtorv ot tie- pre-., ni .. , . r r'" r-v r j IIOVAI5h INSI K.N 'F. COMPAXY OF NKW YOUK. Iron - and firass Fonndn l0W"c,UZW8 u,,i,i,tri,oul ,I,c uult wtrt ,wwu' A,,d b ,ki" ktrn"1 ",r,,i" u,gton. we might ,afeiy tru .' upon uk that ever ear w hich hud hstoned rv. t:..t -PniyreiHive lH-uv rncv ' who-e . , , . f , I Trtcr iMo -i-r ' " , inei ni the linndd of Biich a mat Nuv. 25. n;7. !'! ' V . A. li A N fl DON, "n" ' -"'ftp'tni")- -xrr.,',j,il,U!"1 ""d been met? If is idV to ee' lor connla- Kxe nu has been bnt a repetai ,t, of the , CO f l I S S J f M II II C II I A i . Ju.y i, lc li. 55-if. ':oo 111 ertin'.' v. t.n: we i;).ht have done. , im. ' .. c?. ro-i fwirprtMons !!' I1.1 When! i.rJeri l-.r uvy 'lescripiion of work in iiri" ni i, i -w! VVILMiiT(). N. C Xdv.".''!. 1 -i:. WILLIAM NLFF, ".-J. , t 1 -t n --r A. MARTIN, GHiXEUAL AG EXT A N 1 ) 1 .. .. 1 HI) Co milUSi.S U)U xUt iv,u.i.- , L; ANj) ijjjij ,!Ai:i;.!, xhi-.-i.-a:..; v.i, nv.nu. uv.au.,: r. XortU Watpr, 2 lloorsnlwve Prmws autri, mmm wmt m hliiU Lhs. sHi' tlUMLKiil, SliiP Si)iL AM) KOCKIifL'S, co:ir":: or hock .4 u .'f Kit stui:::", -. UTLMINC I ON . ('. P01U HUTU AND I", ll .! 1 1 S S 1 0 N S.V. I NUTUN. -N ('- ' . . . , . ' v M ire i 1 1 , i ' WILV.lN'i fON, N. O. Ml I .Voiv .'.i.-.vu-r.'-' -.;... 6y IIau. .t AnsifTHuNc I ,i,; i !I v Ti;it S'l'KKi: !'. WlLMINtM 'ON. N. C I i.r. ,- v i:i -.i. n. alpx. m i: . I .i. II. 1"I7. I ""J ' '' "'li. 1;-1T. - not ib-;).irii'd What 111' ; ': i the ;; :-e of this llldonk'd f": re nit ' V verv of IK. t: THOMAS M,l,ll!OiNE Co., CM. il ! n!.v.v.lSMlH .IILKCIIANTS. N i. ' y ir m e ' ' i ;i U'i;.aviv--. IM II LA 1 M'-Ll'i II A. ROA'l.l'.V, ASilliERNER CO. (IriiiTHl l '.mum i i) n .ilrrr Iwoil . .1 ti. SjiIH m: t'HIl. VDKU'IUA. i imii'cs 1'iiiilr on ('.onsigiiiiinih. ., "i pi ,. p ; , u -. .. ' m ; j l'".v "( il. II VilRivS v'c Kl'..SEI.l,, J' . (' L A li K , man'., v .,i.i. 'i an!' m:a..i:,i in a i; kin; ('UilNhT FLHiSi i i Hi:, i ii a: ;:s, liiiusii. uiiiiiMi :n;;:. JK'.yo. !'jlLIJ.Mr!:S, r. l'"'''N"t -:.;':n. M-:i: m : A ji. ,1 i i i'-i, i ' i ;. . . . V. '! ' ": r'. I V.- ,re i.-J 'i'- ' ''' rl111 -v - i .,,'. .ir i iv'.l it :-,-. ... uiviH Cl" u-i.-i-...' j ii"t'- t ' i , -,,,,,-,. , , , P,'.re. rir ,-r itfSo,f.v C m r:i 1 0 , .,ii;n v,;'' i .,.,,.. i '. l r ; - ; ) , ii i I. i l i. I il 'I I I .j I ! ,i: I. li I .. .i .1 I ... n ' , . . , f to build 'ip in enemies fo punish noth- ' ,. .-r li, j i r i- i' iu i- ,.i 1 1 ,f 1 1- K.ir imnrl P ,r hrt:. r U tn.-:r- h huldlv up ' i ;h T'ith sniu. .i - i.i:.i -!f to mak w.-r bv m-'r- i.- ... , ,, . . ... 11 'in addition we know that he -'is a naif, "'"o cm,-,-:,,.' -;..-. Hiel 1 i-v of the Lulled ?-' : an.., :iT, s:.rr ovrr (a, he told Col. HaJ- !,U:.ry l..,.,,,!. Oor.h.iii-.'iJ O t-'j' . ' -.v. -y, wuhont th-,-nvin ot th.. k,IL) ,hal ..,f t.lt.c,,(l c wiU jelectbiecaW-' ,KlV' ,! 1l""ir'-,:" ' havC i w"r """'- '"''vu' ul !l,,:ro""l,"l';i'i- net from the alde.nl and pure Whig, of the "''' '" ;i" I.''--l-" - '-"i' I'i'TV Coup..- ii 111 aea-oluii, and Uii, U-i . M . ..,,,,, r ,-, 1J(lt fn AA Kirmr. tv I'lctatin: -. il.at h- utterly cotulenina the arbi'rtrv override of the veto power ae ,n i.-.:.- d L v the present adminiitratlon, and ilia: in hir'li. (duc;Uion, aa-ociatioa, feel- ' Ul' r i' .'I -i ' I ll': n i' 1 1 1 ic in iiiaii .i fit i . . i "i t'wu :.;' ':v Jo" r. i''" Rr.ii.nv:!,. .v-. :i::er.t;ti,-.-.o ' ' " " ,. ,. j,,,,. f: . t ,-,- v ii.li,'ie to commend him . uiewhut .ii.,.'.. ;, . ... -;in he to ii , i;. .... , ii.mv-s of the p, ii,- , wanil;t ,pportof every true 8uth i ii niv;i!('i! thc r.- i.i ri.i... ! ; i. tj: , iiuh' j .:d :i.- pi:ojji; -. iii'im, in t ,.rn i )emocratic VC.i- ii aU-nl '. .. i d th- '-it; i Whi'j' vote iilioi.t o'.i.tHivl -r..k:t.!r the elvC- i- i 'ion of (rale"n mid Hoke rv: i) p te ' ntal I' :t shows p flh: .;" m'th- I )'tnoernt-. vo!- "f 1 if. ?'''' V," - - , . .. TOGO - ;-i, - ' f Yh: ' hr: '.': , f. I '. . r orv review o! Mi - e..-c '.,uv that il is hi be f, ;: reused sdrentrtli of o..i , v.,! j I,. t .-. -he in 1 ,T, : r, - . !.ot in ; Iv . Rtdl ,r!V:l of ihe act o! ajricx.il.i"ii, ;ind ' i. i. ieit in-1- :' : ' .. ; .j.,.....; re'r.'r.ri' i . . i :. j,r xt of 1.. ii:..-' ii r ' ;. I: !,;,! ' ' i II,. ! ', ,,-,,,1 :i ii r.vi :'- .u... ...ir. r.;. i. i to .i ! Il, .1 Inooc v in k v. .: i !. i!. then, by li.c past, and enter liionti.e tuti, rf with a determtnatiOQ of re- r-..d il i.''. e: do . , 1 I ., . ; i '; J ma i,v IS. t, 1.'- y:aw im:;uso . UJi t, irl:, ., ..t.i ,,lunriii 'tl)iOi-.:n-'o;.v U i W 1 I. M IN' l'JN, N ' ' It ;.'fti: " 1 ,U-'. ' l'-''' "eM 'v (;" ' Xc.-. v..;k. .Nc nil Ii vv Kn. S ' L.iJ.iV. -rsV ... j ,,iSlin-Moan-. . ' I ".1, ) Wal void'-, ( ,'hna.lclliin. A rii'i'l ll' ,-0- S Gjj.i.;.-: s. (iiiiUiMii. a ; u'-i r roii mi. .--am. of n l' v,r, s'r"'''';s ,; u i , i . i . , . ' , i ,i, i Will ,i A ''i i i ' c -,a'1 l'" i, . -ii -.,,. . vi" v.' r. v i.s .-! c- l( IKKR TO 1 . i'. 1 ? m r. i-'.-'j ni. Par -i i.v I'. u li I....-U!" -I J N-O. A. '1 ATI . i' . 'i 'til I'aTTun l-.-y . - Vr ' . : ITi.iin. -.. J .i . 1 '. i . '..'.. .'...i.:, If. r, ' 11 ' ' M'l! M I. ' - -l N IV 1 I.I V. :; V. ! .11 . ..i h. i," do Viliiitd and i ! ii .! , .n.r t'r... ,,r - iii, i ...i...:i. . e ; '-..r f--;.;:n Hi. Ni-. !',':J. I' Ki n - . b:ii.."..l v 1 1 -ni- rl.iiul, i.n .4!i':ii th ' -merriol '' , j.... j . . ,. K ! r ': . . : .:. .. .i..uii.c ,;,- . ' 1 .S , . 1 ..i ! h. j!" . 1 '!.-,'( ' :.v In.: k -. r In i i . . li.N ; d. i. ! io ci, i. ij I.n i.. (I Jo ' , ,- .inn' ri1, !. i, is -I: I- l i.t 'I' ' : V '.' I' ,:, :i :ii.. ot t;.e p:e i.v at ' inn1 . : -" ... l i.li, ..'. I . I ' . .. r . ,: . 1 ' e .ve.l-a-...'. ' 1 ' -I. ' - - '' ,v the lcoid of " '"'il e-i v.'V 'v.rri'V and nctivity. If you t ' lb i' ay the w-batance, v. ) vo i dnic to the shadow of liberty, -. i ;.. -t nf'i' -e from your letharpy. Do !,o: .'. ni1 v dow-i ai d expect that Prori ,H i"-e -a ill ...'nd von success because yoor , , i,.'l i'rov.'dence watches Oter ':,- . hut ii i- that right which U - : i ' , : d dllij' lit m well doing. i, . v. ., ' 'ii-.'r. Kj!,tmi'lrnmvm itrike the Uow."' Vo i have very thins to quicken your II I ' H A K Kir. I '..'HI. ( '. ir.''.-,' ,.: M .). Ll TTKULOII cV, Co rr;v. 'ImI.iv.; nn nrr.-iss; Mi-J RCH IAV.V, am") iwcki'.t (;i:.i's. Wli-M IN( ;T'( )N. . ('. L . M A L L K 'i' T. 4' i. 1 i-y NJ I 1 ' 1 (Jn ford. ! ,' l.jj- vote iia. fi..-:, i il in' i ' ''''' t":' -i;i.,;. ,,i 1 1 le ; , .,,(, v, 1 1,,. 1 ;,.n'jcr;r,;c vote ni ,)-. r- u, .mi thVir voicf-. m ib-f-.i t ti.i . .-,-1. every thin to give you hope, if 1 ! I - in- i rt,. vi, ii , ;,n . . . . , . . ' , n ,) "I ,i4 JtMtenvn: niow t. r;"!.- -n. . i;t-'- K!- .; ir-irni- are hut trie to rourseiTea I ou an not v ii.i-1 i 1 IV.-. .1 1 .- i I.- r i , ' , y r.i,.,.i. en:,' f i- i - 1'L'l.l.KV. ' ll( K'J i i A Vim- Sc! ol Tctlii i'or 2" tVnts. lf''' ' 'i.v ii, I-'-hI IJ. hi Ui. i Ii ..oil i . 1 1 1 1 1 h . , : : 1 i , :,,, .. u,a i,, ; i- !' 'li:;!. wiii'c tiie 1 t.'Hl iP'? , i ': -. 'he Yh ' ' . iu... '. d by hi . no, . :. . ',i -w', ;n ;r': h'.ih. li," IU : i-s- ;.;..lr.i .i 1 --i r iu:.- . h c i. I ' I-':'' ' i.'V .'' V t..- il-.e'.r ' I : . I '. ' i ' .., i ... i. - :.. .' . !. : ; , to vole u c rl i i lie ., . :' ! ( ' '. I.' on rh'. no', ni'-fi lie' Pre -i ierr . , .y.- i c;i , do i-oiini'u.ii; lid each one do wlwt . ,n (hvst events are never the re . f t'.u. ?'-!'- :. apj.ltcation of any one .T' it ti 'jsf . but ol tFe slow and gradu al Twekmtr tn r-iher of many mtaule caus- , ; t.e V i . , l ; i I, ''-."- -::'.t." .(:.-. i : . i 1 i Mir lil' 1 1 , ' 1 1 II I- -i- II I I, ' '. , : ('.:' - V, hen w- cons: ier t:. m- t..-,n- - c- w- i. ,t ,; ,, 1,, .,;iU,,. em! , and the humblest 11 ;i'r-iits are oiViiUuies the instruiB ienta of - too ! Arouse, thee, the old Vv't inrit of I10 lift noat :.o..ig back. dl j); 1 J Vliir-'ll SANDFOllD A- S'.ll I'll. UCriWiE.lS V GiLDHSSlilN uLKflMMS, (,, I row '! ii:; MO- "F TiuibT, liimibvr. N;ival Siorc:. Af..,1'!"; lMt i'....... A- .'- I' ' -s''' " ' WlL.MIMi'P'V . C :.. :-d '!:.: . , a .: - ' I ':. ! I. ' Mil I ', I . '.ii: ciiiz-n. 1 : ! ' r F'l W I I . M I Ni 1"N, N 4i-.. i ; ' i.i . w y. . i.. ' I ; E A . BKVANT V Co. CO.M.MIS.SION UEK H '''s, J. II.VTILVWAV S: SON, OJAlUiSSlON MlUU'llANTS, M in li 17, I--T W .MI NU'l'iiN, N. '. 1 tl. , r:.,d' '1 ti I va'.v . V he; t.it ',.' -- 1. - ' '' " ' 'e.: , ill' i 1 , -x. -.- 1 ei;i--!i ,:. iihd I I. in i. ' ' " . ! ' ' ' 1 ,!'''' V. s wtio ta le i 1" itli'-. n ti. Mm. 'i in i ii. .-.i" lul i-li-ii, Mi,! ,.n i, fi.iL' .i ,ir- should have v.'orn tne bi'i.-'.i ol fiiiiiiie '-i V- were doi ! lit I i: I. ' 1 1 ' ' r : ' 1 o i.. j ..-i ),.!, 0 i e v. nw , ., i. . . .,.(,.! i i.. ,. I,.. .-... v i.rbv o I.-,,', .i- in:' wo;.-. (.,., f, v. f .--i, ,-,. tll- ' r Ve I' I' ' '.'' '"""'' ...iu o- '"'- .' .-nil ... . ,n I Li ii. "-. vr-,nr. ii ,i , i r. mlt-r I lie 1 y .. . c j;.-)r;1 .' . ' ll -. , 1 r,i- o 1 h- K.,l - ,!- dh .1 ri i , , ; l , 1 ..'" P" - I' ' i li- '' :) wh;.. . ,, i 'il a: li . . , i .. !, :, ., -. -w , i i,. ; !..--. ,i'id '!n '!' i,,;i:;,,er in v. i: i ,i , ,i ., t rs. ri ':- y.-'ir r-- . I':t I1 I. J'j Oil ATI I .. i'S A ;) . ' r . 1 i '.. ...,,,', u.... . , mi ,,,ii i . .. h:, i.o.;iiii;.t:oii w:-s efi.-i t.-. --vis t. ni i , i j i -' 1 1 ' I i ' . i ii ' , : : i 1 o,i, .- ; .!,;,. i, li.cni. I'bit I..'.- - -the r,,,. p,.-,ltii....re C,.:.;.-;,:!.,;. .- the - 1 "f a ..-!. will tell for good upon the dettiniet of 'i'!,rr. u-;,s ni hiin-i-ll uiH"-. n't'": '.i'! mcrolMtion ui-.-i i. ' " ' "'' vour country for veaw and yean to come t t-. . . . i. - i. ! Jtv. ii i -w weeks ol earnest, oiMgeni in hf5i. to th" cause of ycror country. And t1 u 1,. ,, t ii- 7ih of November arrires, go all . j .11--carry your neighbors i Tote .s V.'i.. id freemen should Tote ' 1 ni. ! "i will nut m achieving a Ticlory N"' - tv ! IP'',- for s,.i-i: It i" I' rm-t'intlv on li.,ii(i. I 'rn .-all- i.v ii, i;ossi;r r.i.ow v; r(). no... Ti (1EORGE DAVIS. ...... i. gton. Aug 21th. 1P4. j . : I T ll W A V . o.:. :,-,i-i:. ir I Hu-Jr r'.!i W'nt'r Slric'. Wll.MIN ; "N,'.' J . 1. I I A III AW AV j 6i- ; I JO UN. P. I.ATTA, ; COMMISSION MERCHANT. no (ii.Ni:i:,i. ,;i:t, MI.MINr,Tf).N, N. C. 0, !.!(), 1. 17. '-7 (i. W. DAVIS, COMMISSION MKIK'llANT. j Wll.MIN'iTON', N. C j I ,r-1i IT. Hl 1 ! FEATHERS! EEA THERS ! ! -1 x iL il M.'-v F,- rM-.-tr...-nvedlr...i. lJJJ,i,i,ai'',r.f';M;,;un J S N 1) E O R I) S MIT aci:n i s ,ip ni i: HOPE Ml'TtiAl. ' Apn-'0 .: .v.vrM.vr-: cnMr.WY, . "" " moi.ssf.s 11 I I t V k' " ( ' VI lli. ill. 'il '. . 1 1 l- M,,l '.SnI'S ,.,, n '.ii.i.-.., ,ii ;.. ... ,; ;.l J.refi r.-.ici.i h-'i: I '-'.. b- . .. I i Hi"i l',i!;e 1., '' I -f '' ' " .... r i'., . .! I., iimu-'tde. 1 low I.: ' . . . ,,i ,;.i h:i.. l" ' ...... i th coiHiiirt of ttiet.e luhewarai Wii.i;.- ' couuliy has ever pi ' 1;.V":1 ) . PKOVISJONS in,"-..: tin- .-nl'.ant Staidy hin,,il:' love the ire. loi.. v. i.r yo-ir hoi--r, Jb pruning Job pnntmg V exclaimed . - , rum o .". V r u "' ' improperly defeated of tie- no,,.-, vou. it is urn- ti.at y,; o;....id sec to tn-e 0ld lady, the other day, as ohe peeped 1 ! ( VN, n-sort.-i!, in.-l-: bn-' fine llmiis ' ' . . r ,.. ,.i ,.r ..t .noctarlrs at the adrertltinr Tt I--T.! ; I. ...... noblv Jaeriliced all private Ii . -.ill" thinsrs I he noun..- " n,e , , n , , , ,h---,. I. ., ,1 M, .t p,,.' . - i i;i il i;il'llll ii'.i w vw - y It.'.! .n.: h,;.'f. ' Mi- pnhhe good, and fo i-bt stoutly in V)nvent.on :.!."!."d io p'trsue KMt"" ; k, iliui ymamg, week after week, ever ' "i .. .. ." i ... liwriiKi' it wa-- the ca-i-f c .re. r nf v. irt r- ' '" -.:'h'' coii-m!"".oii - ' i i.rs- iariii to read : and if he Vtto'i ke xv., it to the j.nr:1 w r , ,;te thirst for war ai..i , ,lf. patn-otest man that ever wa, be never ,uw.i of inor- than could h;ive sicwmI it so long, no oom. I j- it. II ,;; -.. .-. i: vv ii; i : K! nr. a vnrliUv, fnrsitr ,.r t i collllirv IIoW lit K.Vv.niuJVVN , . j Mi'l. And-' ., vlIiwI. the si coiHi'icioi iiein y ' "i. "'' ' i w'l' in .r the c-abtjeis eilorts of unscrupuloiis ,iU I ..... 1 r ..t , !.-,.,! nr .,. sM'1'i- w.niti.t ii. iw !'"- -- sow dissension between .Mr evcn ,.,K,ed. he clamored loudly tor .VI 10. IUnvmav Wediuso The Pitubur-h M:ir, h 17. 1-4 Ml! e iy -hh N. . ii, in -.. n-. i 'i ii n Is -w ()i ii .-, :. J ',.1 s ik hy S A N 1) 1' O R I) iAC .S M I 1 il , June H. fllVllh-1 CllYlKS" P11A1K-'" i ,V,.N..r'"-..e.'. ' . -iv.-.b 1.1 h ... ., (.'. II". IUvU . t'l'MIl A. v 1 ...1.. ' ".I ',,r s il" liy i n. i.ovi'. I'd . ',' i .I iy 1 ;. i;i.', rs uK Tiir. orlb r;irii!in:i Mlllllill riiii: iNsiiRAM'i; ruurANY.'C WILMIN'JI'ON. N Mo.-ii it, rn. 1 v- ..urticans to sow uusseai,. eVcn oon v - , , . , ,ves a cum-us Cniienden and .. an. -eh. v..to the wti-ht ,, v, , ,,i n, ".wal,,. U.c whole ot accmJlil of u we,lling- that lately came -tf ..f more than seventy si.ii.ui' u res.in- v.-. - In Una o! peace a w.;r "'" : , , tlint city. A slippery fellow borrowed heavilv noon b'.m. a:i 1 '.r-ed hy no uni'-u- m ,. ,,t v. ,tr .j-nc k to cen.iuic ..l-! the uo of a carriage to carty off a f rl .v. i. Mi s Wm, t ho load-star ., i.i, ',. cuid not emulate, hrai.d a-a;t.sl ' whom J.o w.sn.-.i o mn " I I I I V ! I . . l 1 I 1 I ' t I- 11 " l.nl'P AM") M K A 1 . N.t. nr. ' N -'h C n!:,,;, I'l- ur ; 111'. I ll-ll-l Im.. . ; l'.i; -..nr hv ltiU)S.s,KT, UROW Ni ( Jui-.oli. hi., hf" i ti .... .... n l 1itViiiTvK a nii to i.i... .1,,, , . t . I.,mi ,,V IlifVlinnii-iiini,,,..-,., " '"ir,! :1 int. rrnl mpio.ci.ieiu . , i hours f'tcr. the bridegroom had vamoseu he alwas rii'tit - 'il'.v rniles to Wi!iH(r Proviso : with on" tare lor I ,. ,orve and vagon, leanrg tne I'..:- ti ie .Nicholson letter, and, 11 VV ' HAY ' ' OnftHVl'l-- ufH ip-ti'" 'luill'V, 'r l'.ri- ZZ'J iiiiillioui New Y..ik .I'-' n' . MAKKISS A IM s-l I.r. July 15 ol. Noiili iwioi si. 11LANKS Pi! INTKO TO OIID1 It. T TIIK COM M E 11 C I A I. O V V I (' IJ VfO.N ftiUX WHI.-sKl- TiT'.srrN slur's in! snori.iirit: -, V V N'.ir: 'i I 'n 'liin i W 1 1 it. ( ,irn ; i .'nielli li,srv : Kor jak tir ip. ci l"! I ."to', hv I) .itn.-.Sl". I', KitoWN . i Jon. 1 .. nr.NKvni.rscK ' H-ve. uke theae bones ... j .i f. v.mr ixwr sick mother il I1U I T 1 1 Y ill' I" '' ' ' . I . . .1 -ivmir Io- hearty approval vj ur . b u s, u ... ' 1 ill') uau- i.r'i, '.--o - riert , .i ,h ciirrnnts nor the d' i' , J'0 I I'M',.! vnrlVlrl Him. :ii i'1'1 1 "r . -i - " ; ... . , ii.uk . ..e'sT.!r..r.ivi'.i. r M N ' ' ' ''1 ' 'll ' 1 '" ' 1 ' 1 , i ' m IfeV AV l,o!;l-i: r.e'irs (in- ki :. l"-v I - ' Ctilllilli. ,t I I'.NNM ! i :. . ;., ,1, -iineuis iin.ii. - sU"'' " 'I' 'I ' ; . l.l, ' it I Ul M H ' r ......... ' -.rr.. T SALL er55e,l..t l'"r if n .t -m'-ir-l on .'i n: Towins;. Tin: si i; tMibi t:,iv, c.w v; i 4 ,, , ; i f. ,! I ii ! . ' 'a ', arlq m h i, ' W'H speak to us f, ., .;. j.,Uc- ,,f l.:ory. Hut if w- .,. ,. 'u'ml, 1 in r."il from 1 Oft. I10(. ''vri.,.. Ti,.. 'r,..- .i"'- -it.' ih ooi.ii : :. al,- va ,se. .dinLi't c;.1 i.. . oo ius. , a.ia , P0RTAHLF. HUfkMi,iih-Forn.-.w.th lao-s j ,ink'.l 10 hi ill, IfOm I Vti. .h.,r. m r ,tron .C. n :, ,.l in ih.-.r ... . ,, .-.,. . . I , ,i , re wi. re no cthti tn.rl'i mi -h mnjili 'p. , . L . 1 . I . . 'I' 1.' I . . 1 .1 . r . . . , I .... ll f ... I,.,.., Iv A lit V AMI 1 1.1. II n. 11, V IKI U'lll'l ," 1.1 'I I I . i I- --r . . 7.-.V . 7 . . : . I ... i.nrV- u ihl t I onil Minnir jiwi iiii mi - ' , . ,,. , ,,. , - ... . .. ... .- ' v I A liMMni'MMi in..i .. I'". ' I .1 .. i- J 1.0111 " ' " to 1 '- 'i ' I' . , , nrcMil ot the X ?c tU -1 : ' "i ! i '-. . tare lor llie i than th.r.y ,, ; j ;.- ..thrr t'..r th- 1:1 n"l j bti.!- to answer all inquiries. I .... I , . 1 - ,..,', , . -. .. . vv ,i'e Hi line !,'i- ' ..ii,' ' O .u 11.- re 1 jri; iil tllO "IIOI.V ili:iM.ui.. .,, i.rad oi (-ir lank. . I 1 k- ha ol U. p.ry , -,.ni.P?--e. in the IV, w( 'nave . v. I fo' : .,.! it i he path to t; ..p. honor For more than '-ii riy ;. ears wo . )...;,ore Platlorrn. wlr.ch L'nvr- n herty f O.at m rber the serrants nor the d'-s ,i..no been nc ,io. .dl ton .n-d lnii. a (,,.,, .i. u-'.-'e of his previous p"lt:.ril wiu lour. ;,-,, i and you can have them !.e bip'bt r-(ii.plar ol our l.uih, and to' c, .-.d.-r th e thi:.- a- I t y- ir-1 an well :"'! ',,.,! I,, "n f .' ti.eworloi a-; ion in the , -;. what !..v. of s.,;, -v c.w, yo i i,.,ur of danger I h.c seal has now been , (i r ti..-irost r.g..:- ' 1 toe k. - p c-i j pt,iiV. ,,,wfsian violiawl is now work- ..y,,, r.-eord of his public life, an.l ' .: v,.;;,":n niati h ';;',r;' i'.'isci-I ,w ;l ,,,;r,i,- man in the roai.ulaetwy of r'.', b.n wil steak to us M Vd'-.n-i.e. .a Pan.iaa rou-c ;yWcnt n.,l(, pi the nope ol wingr coajmw- ww" ' ' , ,i, ..h.t -Imll equal ihe looec ft rio iivi ii" . . . , ' r- s ,. j , iIib ccltrntel &iraunrarw-, fi rr ....V.i.l fur thi purpose he hae Umght ood mure thaa 00 ytan " i. , ., -'i-e and r, iw on thr , , : , .!.' , rv.:! of ex'rii l.vs c ! 1,1 ' ,,u i..V' n; W..-P!, '.n i ' ' ; ,rn, s i- fn. i.i I .I -11 I I