Wholes alb prices curren BUTTER" oodKarceV lb. $-20 25 ChMM. v....yib. T 8 SEEd WAX-. do.'. 10 21 ACON. Han,N. C .;..;...dd. !' l Wetierp,-." do... .. 6-. .. Slde,N.C i. ...... do.- 8 .. - Western,- do... .. $ 6 .. Shoulder, N. C, ao... 7 bOTTON none. CORN y bu. .. a .. 55 COFFEE. St. Domingo yib. ..61 A .. 7 Java ...do... 10i .. 11 Rio do... .. 7 8 Lafuirm do... 7 8 Cub 7 (8 8 DOMESTICS. Cotton Yarns, do... 15 o .. Cotton Oinaburgv, ...'. 7i 8 M N. C. Shoeting Wyd. 7o .. .. FLOUR. Fajrettoyllle 4 bbl. B60 o 6 00 Canal- do... 7 7 50 HAV M-cwt. 55 a 60 Lumber, steam mill. Wide Boards, Plank and Scantling, 4 M. I'.. 11 13 00 Floor Boards, do... 14 00 o 10 00 LUMBER, RIVER. Ftooi Board do. 8 00 n 9 75 WidcBoarda do... 4 50 5 00 Scantllnj do... 3 60 a 3 75 JLAKD jyib. 9 .. to LIME if bbl. 50 o 60 MOLASSES. JVew Orleans Vgal. 27 m 21 Cub cargo. do. . 18 a .. 00 MEAL $p bu. 70 o .. 00 NAVAL STORES. JDipptng 2 40 2 45 Virgin 2 40 m 2 45 Hard do... l 25 a Spirit Turpontlne, ty gal. 29 u 30 Tar bbl-. 1 40 a 1 45 Pitch do. -.85 ttosin, No. 1. do. 1 60 a 175 No. 2 do... 50 1 . " 3 do... .. 60 i 65 Varnish tfgnll. ..30 PEAS. B. E. Pea V bu. 70 m 75 PKA-NUTS, do... -.90 1 00 RICE Rough none 85 a 90 Cleaned, fair to good, 100 lbs. 31 31 SUGAR. New Orleans lb. 5J PortoRico ...do.-. 5Jo-. 6j STAVES. W. O. Hhd. rough Nunc a " " dressed ' 10 a " " barrel 10 OOffl R.O. Hhd. rough S a II " dreaswl.w.. 16 .. a 17 SHINGLES. Common . u 1 12J a 1 25 Contract v. - 4 00 a 5 00 "Black's" large 5 a SPIRITS. N. E. Rum 3C a 31 Com. Gin 28 a 30 Whiskey 26 a Apple Brandy 36 n 38 SALT Bonaire 22 a 25 Liverpool ySack, 1 37f a 1 40 Rum Key 22 a 23 TIMBER. .Inferior, 3 Fair Quality, 4 a 4 50 GoodMIII 6 00 a 6 00 Shipping 7 50 a 8 50 Fearhwa 35 a Soap 6 a 9 COMMERCIAL. REMARKS ON MARKET. Ti'araNTtNi. Sinco Thursday morning, about 800 bbla. of Turpentine arrived in market and were dispased of at the following prices, viz: 689 bbl. Dip at 12,45, and 112 bbla. of Yellow Dip and Virgin (a ' i . . . i i I i . . . o r A LLI I ijirunc iui,; ennngeu nanus ni ucr uui. RosiK. No sales that we are apprised of. For 'Common Rosin 65 eta. has been offered. Txa. None in market - it is In demand. Srisirs Tcari!Ti5i. Sales of 101 bbls. Spirits Terpentine have been made at 29 cts. per gallon, and we hear of 100 bbla. chanoing hands of 30 cts. per .gallon. SltiVoES.-Ah e'hgaircmeni of 400,000 sale Sin gles, of good quality, was effected at 12,00 per M. Lenses 1 Raft of 60,000 feet 'Boordsand Scani Mng was sold at $H per M for scantling und lij pir M for wide boards. Racon. A sate of 1,300 lbs. of Sides and Shoul ders N. Carolina 'Bacon, was made at 7-J per cwi. BOSTON MARKET. Aug. 21- Klour is a thade higher on account of the very small supply at maYVet, and common brands Western cannot now be bought under fi.50, wtuk' some holders ssk 5,fl2V; fancy brands 95 a 0,50 per barrel. Corn Is quiet, aid also but very little in maiket. Soulhern yellow in small lots st 65 a 67c ; and white at 60 a 62c per bush. New Souihern Oats have been sold ot 30ci old do. nt 40 a 12c, A for Northern, which contin ues scarce, 67c per bush. Po k is firm at 111,50 cash, and 12, 4. mos , for mess ; 19 a 9,50 for prime ; 113 a 13,50 lor "clear ; and 114 a 14,50 for extra clear, 4 mos. NEW YORK MARKET. Aug. 23. The Steamer Creacnt City arrived here this inorning from New Orleans, making ihe voyage in seven days and three qaartcra. She touched at Havana. Brought a large number of pasncngcrs snd rrruch freight. The transactions in stock haVe been only to a mod 'erato itcnL Treajury notes, 10's and U. S. 6's, new loan, ID0 25 a 1104 50. Kentucky 6's, 197,75. Ex- I "Chawgoon London, ay per cent, premium. ; There la a better feelina In the flour market, caus- v "cd by ihe light receipts and supply. Salea of 4,000 bbla. In all, at 5,25 15,17 for common Genesee, and fc,18 a 15,25 ferOswego and Ohio. Southern brands tield at 5,37 a5,50. Salra of corn meal st 13.18) and X( rye flour at 14 per bbl. Wheat I considerably Inquired for, and sles of Genesee have been making at some extent at 1,18 a 4)1,20 per bosh. red do., 1,08 a 11,10-about 8,(XX) 1uah sold. Corn Is In demand, and prices have an upward tendency. Stirs of mixed at 53 a 56 cents, and of yellow st 58 a 59c. The transactions amount to 30,0000 bushel. By. 73 a 74c, and oais 35 a 40c pr bushel arlth salt. Rice la steady wilh sale at 93,94 per owl Provisions wlftjout much change or movement. Ther U leu demand for pork, and the tendency is down wart L The grocery marfeet'ls firm but not active. Sugar nd coffee steady 'Whisky I Belling at 23 24c per gallon. A fair demand for cotton and the market firm -Sales of 400 bale at previous rale. Naval stores are quiet thMemnd being only from 1 he 'trade, do sale ol moment transpired PHILADELPHIA MARKET. Aug. 23. Transaetiona in atot ka to-day hVa been only to a moderate extent. Salea of Treasury note, 6 s at II04J, and of U. S' 6'a, new Wan, 1104). No thing new in other leading eecuriiiee. Theie la a fair demand Tor flour, and aalea of about 1,000 bbla. at 5,18 a 15,25 for Penn. common brands. Rye flour 3 87 a 13,93, and corn meal 2,75 a 12,81, with, aalea. There la only a moderate supply of grain. Wheat Is in fuir demand, wiih sales of 6,000 bushels at 1,05 a 11,08 forfeit! white do. I,18al,20, suchsslssuii- able for family flour. Corn rather heavy-ealea of yellow at 68 a 60c, and mixed 54 a 56c-about 9,000 bushels sold. Rye 72 a 74c; and oata 28 a 33c per bushel. Nothing new to notice in provisions or groceries ; ...ii ..eo.cn a bit..j cj . rc. o nun fair transactions at previous rates cWt., und steady. ' Whisky is firm, with sales at 21c per gallon, in barrels. Very little doing in cotton. Holders are firm, but purchasers do not manifest much disposition to op erate. North Carolina loslilu ion or- THE for the instruction ' DEAF AND DUMB. THE Sessions of this Institution, commences on the first day ot July of each yeer, arid continue ten Months, when tlureis a vacation ol two months, j giving tho I'upils an opportunity to visa their I'a rents and Friends. The Ina'.kuiiun is situated on CasVvell Square, a bout one-third of a mile from the Slate House. The ground occupied by the buildings with that adjacent, is the property of the Institution, and granted by the Legislaiuic ol the Stale. In ex ent it embraces four ucres, a part of which will be cultivated, and the re mainder wili constitute spacious Lawns where the Male Pupils will uiiiase themselves, at proper hours, in athletic sports, und the Females, in walking, or such other kinds of exercise as inuy be appiopriutc to their sex. The main building in ihe dimensions of lis plan, is sixty feet by thirty fix. It has two wings, each thirty-eight leet by twenty two. extending lit right emuin .c'ifi.T, and projecting from ' HPHE Steamers Henrietta and Evergreen having of it hy neatly the w hole width of I been thoroughly repmrtd. are now ready to car clevation it embracfc lour stories, in- ! 7 Frei-'nt UP ond down lhu Riv,;r wilh despateli. angels trout ine eath extremity eacn wing, in elevation it eruoracee lour stories, in eluding the basement, and Ihe wings three, and is surntuutited by a lower or observatory, commanding an extensive and beautiful prospect. In Ihe buse ment arc the dining-room und siure rooms, and in the slory above tli basement, are the parlor, sitting room and library. In ihe other stories are the family apartments. of the Principal and his assistant, und two rooms set spurt tot the Pupils in case of sickness. In the basement of one wing are the kitchen and wash room, and that ol the other is set spait for in struction in mechanical trades. On the principal floor of the wings, are the sitting-rooms of the males und females, und the upper story is occupied for dormitories. The chief merit of the arrangement consists in its preserving these two deportments' as fur as relates to ihe accommodation amusements i and pursuits of ihe Pupils out of sehool, so indepen j dent in every particular, as lo constitute of them two i separate and distinct communities, while ihe dining room in which both assemble, with the Teachers j and family of the Principal, is conveniently accessi ble. Encli department lias its separate areas in the rear, its separate pleasure-grounds, ond lis separate communication with the school-rooms : so that for the ordinary purposes of life, there is no occasion to puss from one to ihe other. The Act of the General Assembly, requires lhat when Deaf-Mutes are unable to pay for their main tenance and education, ihe Justices of tho several Courts ol Pleas and Quarter Sessions, should levy in the same manner as taxes are now by law levied for ihe support of the poor, seventy live dollars for the support and in iintcnance of every such Deaf Mute ns shall be svlected by the Literary Board, for the purposes of Education. I j For futiher particulars, apply by letter or oth wise lo the undf rsiLTcd. WILLIAM D. COOKE, Princijxil. OFFICERS OF THE INSTITUTION. Dirtrlort. His Excellency WILLIAM A. GRAHAM, Phesidbnt op the Boabd j Hon. JOHN M. MOREHEAD, CHARLES MANLY, ESQ., WILLIAM W. HARRISON, Secbetaby of the Board. Treasurer. CHARLES L. H1N TON. ESQ., Treasures of State. Principal. WILLIAM I). COOK E. M. A. AstUlanU. A BEL. B. BAKER, GEORGE E. KETCHAM. Phyiician. CHARLES E. JOHNSON, M. D.-Matron.- Miss LAURA J. BARKER. Raleigh N. C, August, 1848. 69-ly-tw-p. WESTERN BACON. NOW landinc from Rrig W. L Jones, from New Vork. 16 hhds. prime Wt-sicrn Mdes, for sale by DeKOSSET, I5ROWN A Co. Aug.2(i. 6D SUGAR. Lu iliiiur from Hi if; If HHDS. Sl.'Croix Sugar. L. Jo 12 6 hhds. Porto Rico Saar kico .Tatar, i-nrsali'hy DeROSSET, BROWN ,(- Co. 61.) Any 2f. COW PKAS X70R Hale, in siiuill or In rjjc parcels to suit rtisto BROWN'S. GS-3t. X niers. at a low price. At A. W. Au. 24. NOR II JUST received a lot of sale by August 2'2d, 1818. FLOI'R pupi rfmr Canal Flour, fot W. A T. LOVE. 67-tf. NORTH CAROLINA BACON 7,000 LBS, just received by Rail Road, Well assorted. For sulc by K. W. BROWN. 68-3r. Au2. 24. FOR SALE. an Fayelievillr. fresh UV " ground. AtiR, 24. At R. W. BROWN'S ;s-2t. HAV! IIA 1 1 HALES inline Norih River momently exiircl- tv" e. pcr schr. ! x . Davis, from New 1 ork. Apply to HARRISS dt RUSSELL. 22 North Waier St. July 29. 57 JUST Received ; 25 barrels Rectified Whiskrv. For sale bv HOWARD A PEDEN. July 13. 50. NOTICE. I ' 1 E firm of CRONLY WALKER & HALL is I this day dissolved, bv minimi consent The busl- ncss of the firm w r r ... . ' be setlled bv Mr. Walker. M. CRONLY, JNO WALKER, jr. E. W. HALL. 66 August IB. M. Cronly will continue tho business st the old eland, and respecifully solicits the palronsge bestow ed on the Iste firm Aug. 18 66 BACON HAMS. flfl sirperior Bacen Ham, just OKJVt snd for sale by J. ifc w. t. Mc rcceivd GARY. August 3. 59-if. For .Philadelphia, The regular Dacket Schooner Constitution Capt. Caraon, will bar despatch for the above port, for light freight or passage. Apply to HAKRISS 4 RUSSELL. Aug. 24-69-3t, 22 North Water St. VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR RENT, LEASE, OR SALE. 'PUREE large fire-proofStores, In good order and vuiniiiiuu, wiiu a nuiiiuer ui unices aoovc, '"rKe and Warehouses in front. Cooper's shop, ' atcr atrei t. at present occupied b t. J. Bernard und others. Also, the adjoining corner i.ui na nan, irom f ront street to the ruver, On large fire-proof Store, near the Rail Road bridge, on Front atreet. One ht of itraSmA nti Pft lallnnH nnrw-kil a' l si urn Rice 13,87 per known as the site of the late Phojnlx Distillery, coo i mining 220 feet of front wharf, warehouse Ac. I will rent lor one year from the 1st of October next. leajor a term of yeara, or sell) any or all of the above property, upon reasonable terms. Apply 10 H. NUTT. A connignment of a few thousand fine CIUARS will b(! sold low. August 19. 06 tlo. Sash, Blind and Door Agency IIIE Subscriber still continues agent for one of the best manufactories at the nor in. Orders j lur every description of Sashes, Winds ond Doors lor Mahogony, Walnut or other kinds of Stair Rails ond Ualusiers, Sash weighit, &c. Promptly alien ted to. I j"TERMS, invoriably, Cash on arrival. P. W. FANNING, Agt. July 25. 55-lawt-4w. FALL TRANSPORTATION- VIA CAFE FEAR RIVER. HENRIETTA Steam Boat Company's Line. i hHnuml tor lormer we fuihell n rnntlnnnnrp ol n;,i ronage. This Line will carry Freight and forward ' ns low as any Line on the River. DANIEL JOHNSON, Aent I Henriettu Steamnoat Co. , Fayeticviilc, August 1, 1848. ' NOTICE TO SHIPPERS Jh llenruila Steam Boat Company. JOHN H. HALL having soW his interest in this Company, litis nothing lo do v. iih Ihe Agency at Wilmington or Fayetievillu, either individually or as Hiirviviiifj partner of Hall A Johnson Snippets de cining their Goods to the care of our Company, will ' ilt'tire (ill up their Mills Lading und mark their 1'nckn- i ges.Cure -'Agent Henrietta Steamboat Co., Wilming- ton nn! r nyetieville." All Letters uduressed as above will have prompt attention. DANIEL JOHNSON, Agent. Aug. 3. 59-1 a w 1 hi. llrmced per Schr. Charles Mills. Q)f BOXES Oranges and Lemons, U 20 " Raisins, halves and quartern, 2 cases Preserved Ginijer, 2 tibU. Bordeaux Almonds, 3 bags Brazil Nuts, (new,) 2 English Walnuts, 2 " Filberts. For sale at J. WILKINSON" S. Aii2ii&t 1st. 5S-H. FOR SALE. QvV M of very superior dressed Shingles Fo snle at retail by E. UlCKfofcON Auf;. l'.l. 6 CLARET WINE. 1 O 00'.. battles Claret Wine, for sale by IZ CARROLL A FEN NELL. August 3. 5'J SI'IHITX TURPI: ST1SE BMlllELS. 200 prime Spirits casks, just received brii,' David Dullell, and lor sole by per July .2254-if. A. MARTIN. rva : 1 Kl) PER aov. a HA HAM. 1 ( i BI'SHELS Outs, 1 V, V. 100 Corn Meal 50 For sale by A 11211 -it 3. Wheat Bran. J. A W. McGARY. :VJ-tl. LIME ' LIME ! ! LIME ! 1 1 400 Plaslelini IUO0 bbls. IIKLS Lincoh-villc WhileLump; 00 bbls. TlioinuMoii Lime. Also eulclned Plaster, llait, am) Fire llruk, Hydarulic Cement; Is. Lime if-e. ; lor sale by J. C. Sl R. Ii. WOOD, nth, 55-if. SUBSCRIBERS HAVE NOW ON HAND July the JAVA, IV.o, Lajuira. and St P. K. Suyar; Domingo Coffee; Loaf, ''rushed and Powdered Sugars; Canal and Fayelleville Flour; Bjron, Hams and Sides; Fulton Mark"! Beef. J bbls.-Dri.-d Beef; No. I Mackerel; tolyale's Pale Soap ; damantinti and Tallow Candles; Soda Kuiscuit and Hutier Crackers ; ImjK rial, Hyson, and Hlack Teas. LUH'OKS AND WINKS. Superior French Brandy; Jamaica Ruin, W. I. do. ; Holland and Domestic Gin; Apple and " Brandy; Rectified Whiskey ; Old Madeira and Port Wines, in bottles; Madeira, Shery and Port Wines, at retail. They Solicit the attentions of families e-nd dcaW-i generally. CARROLL A FENNELL. Jane 24, 1848. 4i Grain Store, "CONSTANTLY on hand and for sale, VAN. C. Corn, Cow Peas. Heans, Oals, Fresh ground Meal, Fresh ground Homony, do do horse feed, do do cow feed DOWSE! 200 bales North River H.iv. Bbls. and half bbls. Canal Flour. ELLIS & MITCHELL, North Tenement, Murphy 'a Block. July 20. 53. RECEIVED Byjhe Brig Cornelia SrMr. Joiuu Snuih 6 CHERRY Cribs. 4 Mahogany Crib Cradlea, 5 French Post Slat Bedsteads, 4 Field 6 commoB Cord ' 6 highposl Maple 1 fine ouH Maple " 12 Wash Staid. For sale by J. D. LOVE, August). 53-if. At ihe Rock Spring NEW AND CHEAP, DRYGOODS AND FANCY STORE CGRlMME, bef sleav to call the attention of the Inhabitants of Wilmington and It vicinity, to Ma wsllatsorted Itovkof NEW AM) 8PLE.1D1D GOODS. Haying resource to iar In much cheaoer. I oromlsa my patrons, to give greater Bargalna than any other store cn ofTcr, m the followln.ti! ircs .inns, sub znnvrtnea. Hareaa. muslin Ac Lains. Lnwns. Bslziurines. French Ginohsins.Jiiconet Muslin, Irish Linen, New etyle Calicooa, Shawls, Cravais. Lace. Ribbons, Handkerchiefs, Gloves, Mn, Gimp, Cambric, Blearhed and Brown Mus lin. Huse, Ac. Erench Cassimerea, Broad Cloiha, Tweed, Sum met Cloths. Do Skin. Pantaloon atufla, Checks. Drills. Handkerchiefs, Suspm!era. Gloves, Caps Ac In'he Fancy line, an endleas variety of artirbt Travelling Bags. Looking Olasaea, Guitars, Violin.. Flutes, Fifes, Harps, Accordrona, Banjoes, Stetl Beads, Purses, Walleta, Combs, Brushes, Button., Threod, Needles, Pins, Flower Vaaes, Spoons, Ra zors. Scissors, Knives, Guna.PisloK Flasks, Bells Percussion Caps, Perfumed Soaps, Genuine Cologne Hair Oils. Ac. Gold and Silver Pencils. Gold Pens In Silver Pen cils, Finger Ritngs, Breastpins. Ear Rings, Thimbles, Metal Combs, Hair Dress Ornaments, FobChaina Ac. All of whi his respectfully offered tc the put,ilc at the very lowest cash price. My motto Is, "a nim ble sixpence is better than a slow shilling. CHR GRIMME. At the house formerly occupied byMisa V. Luclonl, Market Square. April 4. 8-if EMPTY BARRELS. 1 HO EMPTV Spirit Harrels. for ssle bv 1 J s Aug. 6. E. J. LLT TEKLOH A Co. tiO BACON AND PORK r HHDS. Sides and Shoulders; I Mess and Prime Pork on han on hand, for snle low to RUSSELL. : close consignment. Apply to HARRISS A July 6. BACON ! I'OHK ! QT BRLS. Mess and Prime Pork, CO 10 hhds. Sides and Shoulder. For aale by HARRISS & RUSSELL, July 15. 5l-tf.) Lord h wharf. JUST RECEIVED Per Brig AllheraUn. fi om Iiontn:tl of J. Vn- derxrood'H make, fresh. QDOZ. half gal. Ohrrkin Pickles, 1 " ' '' Peppers 2 ! Mixed 1 " " " Assorted 1 " Brandy G.iges, 1 " Tomato Ca sap, 1 " Walnut 2 " Prestons Ext. of Letnmon, I ' Fresh Lobsters, 50 half boxes Sardines, 6 kegs Pickles. For sale bv HOWARD & July 13th. FRESH SALMON 0I)o. Hermetrically sealed Salmon ; 50 Doz. Sardines. For sale by HOWARD & Ju! 13. PEL1 F.N. 0 if. PEDEN. ro. CARROLL fc FENNELL. Grocers k Commission Merchants, WILMINGTON, N. C. HAVE ALWAYS O.N HAND A GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF FAMILY CIUORIES, L1QL0KS, WI.H S. 4c AND WILL PAY PA BTICVLA B Attention to the .sale of all kinds of Produce S. J. CARROL!.. July 13, 1HH. FENNELL. 50. COAL! COAL!! Qr TON'S of Red Ash Broken Coal, VU 15 of Hlnck Smith' Cn:il mnmpnilv ri. pected per schr. Constitution, from Philadelphia. Apply lo HAKKISS ot HLSSKLL, July 15. St.rfl Lord's wharf. " 1 I Marine and Fire Insurance. THE Subscriber having received the Agency the Camden Insurance Company, . J. CHARTERED m I. WITH A C1PITH OF $ 100,000, or Wilmington and vicinity, will issue Policies on cargoes, freights and vessels outot this jiort ; and also . take Fire riks on as reasonable erms ns any other ' Institution Losses sui-tained will be promptly unci l honorably adj listed 11 ml paid, and 1 11 case ol dilli rence he ouits of Northt'arolina willhe ncknnwlejfed A. MARTIN, Art. Dec. II, H47. Ilb-ly-c. NEW FLOUR A SMALL lot of New Flour, just received per Steamer Gov. Gratnni, lor sale at J. A W. L. McG ARY'S. July 15. Sl-i. a OSUEN B UTTER. s I'PERIOK (Joshen llulter, at retail by July -'.'. UAUKULI, A FENNELL. WHISKEY P.RLS. Old Monongah. la. fur sale low by 2a huv akd &. peden. :a' u. July Uih. JUST RECK I V F,L, Direct from tw Manuadui y VOOOD assortment Lsdies fine Kid Mippera. , " " " iin.-vii: 9, . Gerrt1enen' Goat Skin Bropans, Calf - " , For sale cheap by O R. FRENCH Aug 3. 3'J-il. HAMS A LOT of operior Bacon Hams, at retail. CARROLL t FENNELL. August 3. 5.1 CIGARS & TOLUCCO Kf M Cigars, Regslis, La Norma. Principes t)J Prl ns vers and various other brands ; 4 Boies Raspberry flivored chewlne Tabneco Forsalcby CARRi LL 4 FENNELL July 15. 51. NEW FLOUR. rTC RBLS. New Fsyeitevllle Flour, received per I O steamer Oov. Graham, and tor aale by Auz. 3. 59-if. J. A. W . L. McOARY. NEW FLOUR" Jutt Received per Steamtr Evergreen Jrom F rtyttterilh, Cyy BBI.fi. uprfina Flour fr nn Nsw Wheat. 4,1 Fursaluby W. ft T. LOVE. Augut3 59 t; I MEJT1STR V. WM, WARE, DOCTOR OP DENTAL SURGERY. And Member of tho A mrt rican Sociey oi uenrai atirgcons PERFORMS all operation on the Teeth. Teeth ' , lton ot ' ' et, snd upon the prln , clple of Atmoatpherlc Priite inallcaaa where M ri".- Office East Side of Front Street. 4 donrs Norir . Marker, upstairs. In connection wlih ihe Office he hat fined t p a Room expressly for his lady patrons ; th y, the )ore run now receive his professional ter?i( ,i de tention by ending their names to his oITk-j, .n he will inform them the time he can give iwt his -tentlon. ty Rtrtaexcr, the Clilftn generally. April 27. 'Jf Cocoa Nuts, Cocoa Nuts, 1 On sJL'ST RECEIVED and for sale by ' 'CyR f J V ILKINSOV Jun- S. 'Encourage Home Industry. S ADDLKJMRNESS. AND TRINK M A i U F AC TOR Y. Market Slrccl, Wi!rain;Jon, , C. Q IIE nibs.-Til.er respectfully inform ili ! he h:i leeenlly reiurned from the poblli ihe North, i ti !" " roI,,P1"' 'ock of Saddle and Harriet m o n i i mrs, Ac. q-e,olih isle.t and " ' '.""I""" " "IVIeS.HIia in COIlVIOUt V inannf.rln,. inr, lit nix h bv (iiiy I! H..:, the above- ,i e i . .i 'ii Murkel ulrcel, foniie,y , r-1 1 i hki.s.evrrv (le.xeii)ii,,n of iri.i l.u in F'lotn his exrrien,', it, rh.. t lie ie.it (..r,!,.!,r - no Wj u u five miro has,aud wilik'-tp a c n'icn .ir,iv ot ' f ' ";f"s i"wu:s. M.nnnAu-:s Lou.Aii.s. whips, urrrs ai shm 1 ';A'f '',''' ' V' WILK HAUSi TlteWis VALlsF.s. j-.. , and tv. iy ..lb. r artiele muallv keptin . -it .MuhmenN i or the kin. I Mi ol wlueh u ill be nrrant- d to he of ' the ti. 1 1 T '-1 j Jl I M ;irii WnlLuian.hu, , nil niod. Mi-- tUlll .'U-N.'lle Repair tso to. Cm,!,,., Silbsilniitia I -I Mediei: I! , all oth-' .i. i;, menu ol :i, . P.'l-j'i:i-. vv, Wou!,l lit ! ; ' ... r f i." Ijr tush, or on shot t cr-i( t'i pur.r- "f evei y description promptly attended in i Curnuyes trimmed in a nest and -f'usliinnsofflvery desciipii.n, and --. .ivuily tiiiinnf.ieiutid iii cslablish i.:i I. mjiie lo orifer. -InrrL' lo purchase Hititvo Vriiietr. I" lit.-: r iri'rresi ... L.vc ,nn n mil. J)IS J. CONOI.FV. Miiy'i. l-a )r. Ii. MUNSEY, Surgical and Mechanical DentiM. j YV'tULD r,fiecifuy infotrn the Inhnb'tants of 1 VV V iliiiumi.in and vicinily, thai lie hns taken a I Room ut Lorulon's buililinir. Front streel. Ens; side, 1 No. Ii. u here he is prtpait d lo perfoim nil opera lions' perluinin' lo his irol'ession In the must approved ' modern and scientific manner, whicli for utility snd i beamy, h.- will warriml not to be exceJUd by any In the practice, such ns I.VSKKTINO, f'lLLI NO, CLEANSING, Ri-jidutiiiir, E.ili uil'ntf;, Jj-c. He will in'i rl the best of Mineral or Porcelain 1 eelli, ilM tiiiins, it desired, winch will so elotely resemble ilr.se of Nature thai the moat practiced eye will he unable to delect llielll. Fillina Teelh before deeav ftis rxnosed ihiurva is one of the inosi Valuable operations belonging lo' the Dental url. When properly and skillfullv pr- fortncd.il perfectly restore the loolh to Informer beamy rnd duial.iliry - ilmn which no operation in ' Surgery c-in be moie (rratefiil snd s.itisfsctory. Ca i s. s are not nnfreiiienl when ihe nerve has been des troyed and the looih pliitrL'cd snd preserved for years j and even during life without causing uny pain or ln- ' convenience. I Cleansing Teelh of tartnr, a vory destrurllve calca- I rious concretion, and other corrodinj; acenls ia env 11.. 11.. 1 i... .... .1 -.i.- ...i.L ' 1. 1 1 a 1 ... ,1 ii v f.ti.Tcj iifi uj. iiionvniiu wish (o prcservf these naefiil and benii'ifvhur woarm. This mav be done without any possible Injury 10 ihe enamel and entirely restore them 10 thcirori((inal health and bril liancy. Dr. M. will be happy In wait upon nil retiring his : professional services nnd frerlv imparl any irilorma , lion which they r ipiirc pi riaiinii;,' to his prolession. ' ALSO, the disc is -s .if .'ic Mouth and (Juius. At the same lime h assures ihe public thai he makes ucof none but lh b. st iiniciials which denial ! sen nee has produced. .Specimens nnd recominen ! dations at the odice il'reiui.s!( il. Calland see. April 20. FOR SALE OR RKNT. A ComforiaMc Dwi Ilir.L' Ho Jgc on Third Street, woai ! be sold .u very accoiiiiiio- .(lalmir tifms. in- rnitctl until tlic Isti ol October next. Apply J. A W f. M. GARY. 42-H. June 20. Nautilus Life liurance Company or N I YORK. Principal (Iffirr. o Wall Sfrerl 'IHLS Ct)MPANY 1 opcraiions, ani 1 j . J 1 1 : p. .1 its third ),ar' -hed I's Tiiibd Av.vcai KrpoBT, from will- ll II w ;ll s . n th 1 1 the bu - tneas for the list ytar h i-b . n imI ! n prof-pcous thin the two pircedmir 'I I;.- l!o in! hav: ai 1 1 n delar d Ihe usual Divid. ml ol .''J I" i eenl. JiioUls for the last year, fir which - .; .t..'i ' it. s r deliverable, U-ar-lni an in ten-1 p-T cent. Th us. in l!m , v.-.irs. "0 per cent on ibe a iiounl of premiums received huve beiii .mtni illy r. turned n. ttie assured. Dunn.' t!i'- ;-a-t isr m-Unr. April 15, IH, 7 new po 1 1 - hive been is,eij : in,. pir,nUni8 fM tne year, :noi,iiiinc to T l.tjTti lib. 1 is acenmul iled ' Fund ul iii.n-ttiin ! 2-, XKI Is securely Invested ac ci r.lli g lo i . a-, a!i jrdln :he most ample Indcinnitv ; lo the n-ii'! ' : 1'olicv ti i i- rs, w m iner iney eoniinue mr life, or for sli ri n rihs, n cuve iheir pro ruta .rufils. T!ii pi. mi'ims for l.ilc Policies, ii rtceedim: $0, may b p in! i0 p.-r cent, in cash, snd a note u iifioui L'uariin'.e. f.r 40 per cent, thereof with interest at b per c:.' or i i ci'h annuillv. m i -nnnunlly, or (uar.'crJ, ' .I'l lii:' inlertsl on d.-f. rr. d payHients All premiums for pi.iods short .if li' must be paid in cah. -h oild the parlv survive to make th'Meen annual py nis. leaving ihe divid. nd lo accumulate, ll Is supposid ihe policy u ill be fully paid for, and the accumulation ultimately added t the p- lK-y It is believed mat no Company doing bulnes i'n this clly. li. th' r I reii;n. or Irom the ne!t'bonnk- -Stal s. otl. is so L'n ai U limes, with equal s'curitv The chsrter i-. irom ihe St ile of Ne w York, ami thr se ruriii. s under the strict Inspection of lh6 ComplnJ Icr of tho Si,,te I'.iniphl. It iil'i'irstinj the principles of I.i Inu rsnce, Fotms or Applien'ion, and oihtr Blanks, may be bad at lh. f r 1 1 . f i pa I office or env of its asinis ORS 4 M I'S HI SHNELL. Solicitor PLINY FREEMAN, Aetna,, A M. MLKCIUVr. President. R. C. COLEMAN. Viee President. MroicsL lAi.ttm : OLORt'E WILKES, M ) M Lalghi Street C. R. KOOERT, M D St. Marls' Plac. ' ? . J. LORD Co . Auents. So 23 .VjrfA U'jltr Strut NMI.I.n.- . Jun- IjH. JJ lin-c BACON & PORK 5 Wins prim Western fiidee i ' ', 5 do. do. do. ShouMertf ,J 25 BsmW Meee Pot a, now landlnf fraaa fake. . Harrison Pile from New Yerk. For tl w f ... HARK13S A Rt'SSELL. LAg- 7i"-65-tf. a JTorth Water gf. TOBACCO y; S)f BOXES stipftlor Cabin. At J. y i. WIL&1N80WH, Ausostl7." . U(V . ft AnCOD hrd Barrel. of tary otto ml JJJUj, tnd large slxe, for snl hf I)eROS9ET, BKOW.1 C. Aug. 12 TO W$T, For one year, from lti October next, w rp HAT commodious Brick Slor, oa Marital Mr!, I ( nax t West of Makers. A nderson A VoBBf.) kow v. npied hy S. R. Bobbins, Lsq., It ia well adapt! fr .my kind of business, bclnaneertho river, rata mrt; horn Market street to lh AUy, With alto W.-jttiiiM in the renr. Tlu vrnM unllii Tool i i nml cspubleof storing s lurgtnoantof good. rm j()0 per annum. paysbUit .mrtcrlyi bote l, ..... . : :n k , ' 1 r - T - 4 ! with iipi r ivd security will t required. r t l .rtnar particulars, spplr to JOlf.N A. TAYLOR, o. M. CRONLY. CUt. Ainiiit Ij, 1.4. 1 O ( )( l ",lvln!' tWanderlng Jew) i ' J K ' Pantlllu Elaon. 20 000 Comn on Forfaleat J. W1LKI7TS03 Aifusi 1 7 . u THE Subs, r.br otT. rs for sale hi dwellln H(JUS4: in tlli 'i i.iw U: :l 1. HIU , " 1 ""IWIWII, muQ aiao a moiety of lot on whirh 'h- H,JU,e recenily ocem pied by Mr. I.ueinm n-nr the. Knil Road aland T term willbe accoiiiiii.!iing. My dwelling If nut sold by ihe middle ..I Nov. ti,l,,r, win be for real In in) ntwnce apply to my Sn. C H. Dndley . E. B. DUDLEY. A" 64-trnN. 7 twuiwa if, OHI1IIIV1IM IIUI SNXFF. , 50 V; PACKAGES, Parrels, ftirVcs and ftaartar pri lor Vcllow SnofT. For sal" bv BARRV, BRYANT V Co. AuX. 13. -HRIT BARRELS. 0)1-MPTY Spirit Burreia, Urge six and mi pe ior nuall'v. lii?t received snd for ula L y. ju?t received and for ! ty H RRY, BRYANT Co. FOR SALK. 10 HHD of Kacon.Side, b boxes of " ', " 1 a nr.fvia a r ( ... L nam lundinK from bri Eliza Jane, from New Vork , For sale by HARRISS 4 RUSSELL, j July2.'ih 55 r. Refrigerators ! Refrigerator$ ! I AND SHOW BR BATHS. 0 VI LI. be receive,) in a few davs from New York, V V 3 exce.l Tit Refrigerators, different sixes, 2 Shower Haths, paimi. F C L A R K July p. 52-ef N. Y Furniture Warehou. N. V, Furniture Warehouse, JuM Unci red. by the SchrElouin from .Ve York. 2 HLACK WMnut Dininj; Table. 2 Cherry do do. 4 Mahosn. Wash Slnnds. 4 Childn-n's ,'rnnnvl Hesdslends. F. CLARK, Front st , nearllsrkst. AUo, Daily exerted by liu Si houiirri J91UU Smith and Fidelia, from N. Y. 2 Hiijh post W indlass Beadsteads. 2 Low post do do. 2 Cradles. 4 Pantry Sf( s. r Double Colts. j Single do. b Common Kesdsteads. low price-. 12 Rocking Chairs, ii f.ow priced Childrrn s Crib fi Sick Chairs. 2 Handsome Barber Cbslra Ail of which arc well made, and at N. V. prico. July I. 41 MQt A SSES ! MO LA SSES ! ! i.N stdre.25 hhds Molssses ; 1 5 lierci s do. 1 1 lObarrelf j)riiiie nlailir? Moksne.Tor ssk luv! "y . G. t. DAVIS, July o. HA V HA Y.'f Hay daily expected per brig 'Jl ISelle. Iroiu AlW oik Applv to HARRISS RUSSELL. J..K CoTltiN YAHN N assonmrni of Yarn, of Fayeftevitl Msjwfar- - V l-ire, and of superior qunlity, f0I uk ai k,,r j.rucithan in Northern Markttt by u 1 1 - in "cROSSEt! BROWN & Co. May 2d. 3-0,. HAOON AND LARD. I .") 001) '',!S SuPri"f Bacon Hams, ShoWdor 1 .vwu nd Sides; 20 Bbls. Extra Lard; 20K-iMdo. do. For K.tle jv J i W. L. McGART. J. 1. FRENCH BRANDY. 1 Q DEMIJOHNS (5 gallons each.)very choice, for 1 sul .-; py DeROSSET, BROWW 4 Co. J".y2-- w-tf. RUM. BBLS N. E. Rum.forsaJe by 'CU Jul) 2'. 51 tf. A. MARTIN. wine. 4JH WU .-.sks Milaga Wine; for sale by OK) J o, 51 if. A S.4RTLV. rPHE subicrlber ha' thl .inv entered tk Co 1 panr.ihp wuli A U VOL NO, and will o.- lir.uc the businos at 'he ..id stand undur h fixnof ANDKKSON vt YOUNG. A large so i ot Diy lipids, Hard war, IroB), Giocc,a, 9d-c will be always kepi on bapd and will be sold at low ; 'i and on iccommodatrDg lerana. All eusiorreis hrvini; oponaccounl lh J wJJ please call -nd etti. bv N ute or otherwise. JAMES ANDERSON. J ilyI3, ii-tL l OAR AND TEA. 1 IJHD bet quality St. Croli, I rtv -: J half Chests best Oa Powder IV. For s.v by HOWARD PEDEN. Jjiv 50-if.

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