"UVE INSURANCE. tilth of Tfl- g:i r rnt un minm f : t UM 1 - ...,,.. ... -lvmvisr,TT)X .v c? sfiK w. isit.-- rnllB Subcribc.(M"j ma! the Agrwyrf I ma above .J-miiM.iy.i-t-i !"'e naW P- ' fJpWS 'iV"i forla.uMoe. on lUe Ut?!,f S'ioainco.r.!.rl 1 In Iti-uitha liberal ipi' f""-.'1"" iay ,r's,,VSiMNS hW ' nrw.iirtwJ .Hi u.i .. . ..1 LI ,NL.K: -4V' l H-U'U.U. U'lllCiples. I lie NTT Saitwinlio Act of hi-.-orj)-.."..!!...., Hie rates .)! pUiuinu!..... with f.,r other similar wMwmU ..ufcr l fP-'.v th.i premiums by install ,I, lt tltSli" option whmi ilio premium ffiliVfl w p.iy on ' intfirt "l- and swum pi.y nJte')f;i',r,'M ' l-i'i-'n'h'.bpnopprxvcd nolo hsu'ii; interest at six per cent. T'i-Uv" of unrrio.l .n-n may be insured for the hiniUt uf Ih Mr wives ml children, so that upon the ohh hwnred tlv wif-ifllvlnn.or if not. then i ehii!rMwiirrteive thctm.unt nyabk Ip the pVH,M',fi'.!:'viilArofitny chim by the creditors ol til" 1 vat-V-l. ,. .a- I.l..o.l., ,..:,H o ... lao -viler SJeumy oi imihot in3u.i.iK ...... . .v'VHVKV rr.isiees provided nn Indian- , I ., f,l.Hlt).lttt''l' 9 WW I MM'f t.l Hi n"y,f'?.';; ,r! . " -i- Ht.-I '-y the eon, ,y I a ii i.i i, -n'l -1 1 ' , ,; .'. .,,! j i -i i vti.'.I) ntul for unit; at the ro.iiil.ai.vv u o - ;. 1! ml; ( 'licks, bound in Hooks ot in nuin.8,01" " tho0i.-oj-8 and ir,HtceL ! ,M-yelei;iritimprcHsion.onthe l,ommcrnananK on BEDSTEADS l - . . . ; f TW in tou) ff tiiaf.JlowIiiK dicrlpiiont i 2 M.tluitfiinv French Bod-Heads j t '; ,?i uirfi rout M.ipi i ' v H Field 5U 9 6 . do Cur J , do If French Post ffltit do 16 do do. Cord do 1 Rosewood Cold do a'Vik-nt Screw do n Cot xi' '.: Trundle do WithCrtbs.Cradlcs.f-c. For mile by " J. D. t.ovi:, Aug. 12. At the Rock Sprliiff. HILLS OF EXCHAN(iF, New York FnmilAre WarehoBtic. , ihi Schr. IJVi JcsiLll, fr'in Yn' ,: 4 ' mMWTTv2 llnndnonM bnuk Cittt '.;;.,'( 'iwWj-K-i Whower batiist ;- -. . . . . tf.'.,V ivoj 4 Common t'htrry fl ablct :,. 4 Hlnud" Vlahofiitoy woh Sunil i 6 Ht'lt post Rudswadu- 0 ftet wido j 4 ff'iw pout tlo. " Kfck Dhulrs r . ' 2 I'niiitrd sink Wh Standst 6 firwJ huircutihiondi 24 Itushaoat chaira-agoodorticlc; I. CLARK. Front St. nrarcor.oi JIarket.. 3une 17. Miracle of Miracles ! ! 0)i the th of Avgvt in Ihe, year 1848. il li mit " ' ' for ilu'fiiHiiin.' yc ir- i : T.a:.s rr.i'.s. 8 nn it"! K" S boautifulinipreseionof PIIIb of Kxehungci fo i : g'ul.u(arg( Cnc occurred in (he Iloial Scie f .. . n;n. f 1-hf t'.ummtrciiil. e . t . -. . r ' IVtatttral !. In a lew .la ys, miif ; v.wuyw I hradrd I'reaident, kit hvad care, hie arum VlAZv"1 " " I-tf. Ztre radiant ith sniil,, ' ' . ... , j (for science iras triumphant.) and hiit voice Tv with frrattiiatory tone, iklirered theullowint; I I'iO I I i . . . , lienor!: BRL'KUS YKST, nn exci Ikntar itle to make : vVt! are astoun lud at tbla singular preparation. ,iht bread, for sale by j Wvrrindued willaciooce slop I Here wo have a pre- JKTHRO 1HAIN... ; pgrau,, niade in the form of a boa u I if u I piece of Deo. M, 1817' i Honp. which wo know, by actual practice, to euro j , v. ryeulaneouRoruption. every .lisliLniremtnt ol, ud - " cv, n" Jiseoloied .-kin! Where will its majrie and -in- r-.!iunorfill Hnilk' ClieckS. )"er cw-r The NerO, (be Creole, the W'l LOmnitKiai UIHIV vuvt n.. u t ,! Uw- Red Man of the Far Vommerciul Oflic n.i,.. ii,.int1ui.nri.iir it..vimordina- ry p'lu , i sol rleannji yellow or discolored skin, and ;i,;ikinf! it whitunnd beautiful, unci of cha ni' in;.' the ',.,, ,li dink, or hlHck.wbrowtiskin.'' (Ueren.'ver- U ..1, , r....,-.. .1 I... .1,., Pr.wi.l.nl 1 1)1 I -'.'IIS W ' ' 1 I igifiui uj who N-ithinM SimMn Uill'1-ly-mii-) fV:k!n-. J.An .4. ''"' tfrjaivf'r II. 1) .'.i i. (!nil-s.l.Taylo,, 1 i'r (f i -ni! t hi. .1, I'. Sjr.t.r, r..- i W Ml. I ,c ;Vl I! .S. iimv.-H H iv t, S; ,', '.1 il. I'l ' ' "l CVVIH fi. It. "11. 1 -ii )', John W. I. ,..-,) ., Ab'Vr . Ilollv.1 William T. Mm ( ''nunc A v l'hilij. s ; ii"in, Win. I.. Ur. vvei, "i .1 i,n I ( '!, ,1 '. Ii.-lleficy, ,),,, p!i 1. Wan, a.. To.' I m 1 iv -.1 ; 1 1 1 m i: v ,l)HiN. H.M.I.V, I'l. -i io' '. l.KtT... --i-it I"' I'1' ", ,. i. ,, V!:M,0.tl'.Vie.c-l.v j,i.-j;'.l'il tKS, Aeiuiiy i: i ri. one. us. 1 LOT of A. It. Allaiiis A Co'?, superior No. 1 . 1 l'ioiirlia. Jlisl received and for dale, by Mi KF.LLKRA McRAI:. Jan.R. r2,i iar-ains ! liargains ! ! rPJIi" Sii'.k ribir Ii...- ust rec. ived a Inrjjfl L , m t.i faney an1, -le". ' ,.ill.;i.v. Ac., which lnv,l, I h lux ites purcnaseiH I o ; i I',, , tit 1 v believes it wi.'l b. i. nl lined it. inproof of his acs, rtion ) 'In n areprobably f. w persons ol inlellurenec who, I It i u ailinfl l'ie above, v ill doubt the qualith of .(;)', Italian Chemical Soap, s i: ,,i r, Ii i ill a e.iil. s I ileii i ulei Lol ! 1 pr. n . ..:1m. Tip. i lis, lilol.ebet.Suli libeiiin, Scurvy ,,..M.. (lh.S,.re IK ails, Old Son s, Heard and l!r ,'. ii ), I li.ipj.r.l and Tender Fiei-h, Freclvles, Tan. mi: urn, and ciiaiipinj! dark Smihuin or rllow ii h 1 1 e . a s h 1 1 ) 1 h 1 1 1 1 :m,l soil ns an Minn I , vi ry km I of rruplioii and i!i j . . I'r ; ai i ,, s i . v. Term. l'Hi t-1 per bottle 'I .1 I'll ( I I . .aiaiiiil i, , i,l . 1!, a,: lli.'-i e, 1 lilirale: : Prom thc.S. ). Srutiild. On. l.-'.l. r I IE T0 It 13 AT ' 1 ll S M Ei D A nafe'tiSid taire cnH fur CHILLS 'r-A-i Vii Fli t!i, in the tuiprect denU'ii shvr lime vfFire Hours an UwiiadH throughout the. k'i'milShinh 'can jl'ify: WW Arm; Oei'ti tkitf iftdily cufcd by ttff$m l)Y ! 17 VKIl V one who is afflicted, ttliOttld be anxious to j obtain thai uTnedy whith ollttrs the bo8i,nuic!i r,i,,iml safest cure, n matter fiom hat eourrc it. Hpriiip; ory honest man beiiiL' bound to embwee the truth, wliemvur found, 'fliereloie the proprW t tor. In justice to the public nna himself, foeln calild upon to state, honestly, a lew f.iets, which wiJJ etol lish HOUSK'8 INDIAN TONIC to be the btrat rem edy lor CHILLS or AGUE and FKVKR, now known. -Mict IdThe article is convenlfint and pleasant to take la refined from all gross particles, which renderother preparations so iiiiiddynusi!ous, and disagreeable to thetasic; and if the directions tire followed, will cure every case, with inatliemalic.il certainty, infrom three to live hoilra. As onishing !!! Imt true, f Wei 2r -By its action upon the .liver and other organs concerned in forming it, (lie bile is regu lated, the morbid action induced by the cause of the diseasem destruyed-fevijr allay cd-and uwill. bclound a powmful aReiit in assisting lu reiiiovu fevers gener ally. Fad 3rrf-lt iives tone to the stouiach -invj'-orutes the body-stimulates all the functions to a heal thy UCtlon- ana IS IllliniV usciui. wueievei lonua hi i, wunled Fad 4i-Tbis Tonic has performed and is daily performing cures inCHlLLS or AGUK & FF.VF.R. wiihoiita parallelin medicine Witness a sin.'le bottle uuikiiif.' aeuie in a caw ol TEN VKAR-S standina ; anoiber in u ease N1NK YKAIIS stnn din"-- to cure which bne previously bullied all skill an.fVvcry remedv. Look at the uuinyotbcr astonish ill" cures Kul ic . IJ 1 1 ill til' Iterlili.MlCb.ll'.HIU I the but lb and iliensay,ifHOCSE'S INDIAN TOMC do.. ,, I deje, vedl'v stand. lirt-eniim Mil V lilt Ciettest rem , dyol the times. Read the en I i lb i n s can la'ly ; they are from vour n-irlib.'tMind lii.m!saiio wh u evar you lyei .'with any of tin in, (to as il.,ai iln irtUli ) don't fail lo ask tin m cone, iiiimcll. Hcsttr. tosskforHOl SFs INI'JAN 'IONIC, npd as yuu I,., . ,;.r Ii. a hlu doii't he put oil wi.ll a'iy i!..n COHVEB OF TBONT AND MAHKET 81 II 1-.I.TS .' : ! W1LMIXGT0N,'N;J. WBTtr run mmm nw to tite poluwim KINDS OF I rra'KU'PRKSS l'RWtffcil. ! bills of BrfciiAsoK, 'GS-rni'iis or mbbcRanotw SILI.H OV LAftlSfi, '"'llANllOIM.S, ROOKS, I.M1KLS, CAl.;, CATALOOt'ES, CBBTirie ATtS, eilK.cKS, XlllCCtABS, LAW BiAN4S, MILITAIIY NO'flCES , !v,1TEH, e A M r II LETS, jl'OLICS OF I.N6UBANCE . WNtt-G ETA BLEjSfe!K'' It V I'tlUti.-Ai 1.'' 4JUflI!:..';iddini ss,bM.ii!:miim. PilcDi. pousia.Scinvy.aiimlfrhM. Jaundice. I'nmmtkr Uack, inward Wakbe.s, Ptilpilaiion of ih Haart, tisip i'1 th Throat, Duipwy, tsibinn, Fevers ot at) kinds, Female 'oaiplainle, Measler, Salt- ttktinL Heart bun,, Worms, CIioIci h Morbus, Coughs, Quia y, Whoopinift 'ou;li, Consumption, KHs.LlforCom--plaint, l'.rysiielns, UeafnoBw, Iichiafs of tho 'Skirt, Colds, (Joiii.Oruvel, Nervous Complaints, and -rieiy of other l)i?eitse arising from ImjmriMtt otthv LiUml tnd Obstructions in tlio Orpans of IHretHvd. FxpcrkiK has proved thutnenrly every Disease-to wbh li the I. in, i. m frame is sdlyefct, cirlfe'inatet friito luipiiriiie: ..1 th Mloodor Derajigemetitof theDlocd tiveUr(.iiw;: and to secure Health, wc must remove those Obstrueii.ins or rcsUiru lite lllood to Itinoiural stale Tiieieloni when I In sliyhtckf derangement 61 thu system Is inJicated by Coutiveness.orany iothi sijfn, ivaiiinnriisluja us that superfluities are gathet tiiirin thcystem, which slnMildat unm hfmt ha m i ...... a. i,. m m, neU, i n lavursniiy Known; bUipeft- rrilllM-IIOl'liE BLANKS, I'OKTEHS, ,,I,,UTS. IIECTIFTP. Ami PLAIN AN!) 'FANCY lRINTIVa,of ever,, Uasrription,ant in the neatest manncrTaiid on the most reasonable terms. We call the attention of our citizens, and the pub h in genwut, to the above Circulnr, and cordlally iKteriil to Ihem an iriviiation to i;ive us a call for their work assuring them, illat it shall be ;:s ird! lior, and ut l...r lit' r,. .t . .ha 11 1 n ni .. 1 h fl r as 1 1, h iKrl in c n 1 " " , 1 1 '" l"V '.".'. .j ... .. 7 " 1 ., . . , ' .. grvv Th.' entiw office Is newj-and ve unhesitiilinclv say I Vv ieiM;buen nu aversion lo medicine. thatv!uiiliB that we have a creator variety of tvpe, and a mure I 'ne'"-";is urgent, they prelerthe disoAaa to thbfe, thorough Job Ogee, than ica 'ercr before fn the .?. "n"' unmpini e Unstitution. or a fit ofaiokSdcat f- THU.MAS li'JRLNt.. I .iien noMf.i.i. emil they hoiiic cx use; for hertJoforr, medicine in almost ain.s .'i ins. was ncaiiy as cnsuatlngr Blt wasbfehefl ciul. iNuw,lioVLei, the ovil is most effcctvally rt- moved ; for -. . I CiideiiiTs VflRciablo Purgative Pills ; v , i r :l em i ' ).. J i .el l o ' I 1 i 1 . Seer I n e. . - ' 1 i i al A" "ii. ,, i ,i, ii, 'Vi.l'i cli -'crluily r,i. a in A ji nt. 'I i I. . ri !. i beiri appoint . . ' ,r. : : :h't' itupnnv. s VNDFO.ID ..' SMI l'.'t 1 M iv 10. C. GRIM Ml'. VI. (.'reaHi and Amber Ale. Boarding and Loil,!:i!!ii;, rn;F" ..her biftaken the H :,-W 111. Mi . . o , iP'J f t.nir'tjie i'o-'i'.o." . -rid ni '-t r- ; ..l-vuriri.- the p.th'iMle.l In' i-""i a'M ,', n : .'I'll' all w'i.'iiv fiv" b. o v.'.t l th ,'.u.i iil i frpili; Sabse l iber nispecl fully Infoi tns theciti . i: S. ,1 'A iimiiifion, and public (,iiernlly.ilmi. In: M an nla i nu n.". 'i .110 and lieei 1 1 ai d Fiont Street?. Ji: THRO TH !. I I : ' Hi CJ: I)",.. i'i d 111 , i ol Oi i.;,:.e -.-viii'. ; ' .. 1 ) t U ill .1 ' 1 l'0' llfllil'i virilelui l"i i 1-1 n. 1 t 1 i.i 1. 'A 1 1 ' n i 1 1 ' 1 'n 11 i . , . :: ;l!v s ili.v.is Hi u iii.ii on M m. ; '- 1 . islii 1 in ii' :' 1 i S M I t'll. loMf N .v. 10. MV.Jun passes. TINT .rim, ,i .m 7" 1. ' 11 ,11."?!,. ; l);Vi,'C a ;i w .1 -titil.lv Ot ' "' ' in a! a 1 r. ih lie ltloi aver uc corn 'i p,ip. 1 nm u i".n ..iv .. . i.'J on. Jan. 20. A- KILLS ()!' l'rilA(.r,. n l.liti.ei t . ..irciri iv.d e,,pn - d Hills of Kil- i.i-KBe, u , h tv.-v." v h ni l" .! ..' lexectiled al v ol 7'.. . , .n r. . j', K,t!'K -' North Carolina lmanacits for 9 !.. il 'v i 11 .:i: 'ii. iiiin. Manilla Maker, T!IS i 1! :' 1) 1 ) I '' .. od. r.- In I - 1 v. i .'It I. '. - ,i .' ,, .ni,. I .. 1:1 His ;.b ..' ' lis -.nil :i -,1 .1:1 ki I'Vli iln- th o.-n -- -t . o'.l 1111 : - 1 , 1 ,. i.i .r pitrmi ice. Sh: 111.11, I. I ,a.i 1 on ,1 .or i: iv. .., .Mr. D. V . W ,.,,I s, ai ih r I-1 .,; I. ; '. r, N.i 0 .... nn,'. Ap.,11' 1.1 Marble Monunieiits 1 T'HK subscrih is. in , - I i ,.. an lionoia'!. a.-u-- d thai the i -h ,,, ,... ih. ,1 1. I qw,.il!i' s ,. a lis 'mills' ..r . ( .Til .1: nc :u,',l: . If llii V iM!il iil'l v, ni . . Uii. it l'.ic.-e lny,li.v r. , ' si.iLR 'i:i.e.8, v., 1 In. ve lib I It. AJr. ii o. Ii. k. 1. II L'.ini 'n,N. . fin. Mmi.da Km v.... My rt'c avenue, Broolti.ji. .Mr. S in. 'IV':.;, Mil-, '.!'.' Km: s . N . Y. .Mr. Th. men- Jackson, to Liu. ;iy n., Fittsb.ir: b . II K. ! 'nil, ,,i. I, tie burlier t amboal S Am. ,,e:i. An I 11101 f than a bundled nlheieHl.ile, tlwiiiili iln must suiiic. 1 1n 1 1 ii will Imc. the hair to .r.n on 1 in lie ,d or I .ee, slop il ladiii!! oli. Hireiietlifli llle loo:, ic oiovin:! semi an'l dandruli tiom the roots, in, .kin li 1 d, 01 en.v hair assume a Inn dark look, an ., 1 j,i,, ,1, y. iiii :i ur v, ii v hair inoiBt,sull,cb..iii un , be nitilul, a v. ry , ry bm- nine ('. INUIJ'.S .Ii S ,!,. ,n ',Yilinii),t,'ii by Lippitt A Willkuu-.s. Kalis AND ii:i'LTIMi L.1)S roit sALi; 1-Ml'r..nibscnoer.s oiTei ful sab be : w. 1 1 ' o 1 r.d . three bundled acresol vuluabli Riei I.m.nS un Lockwu.nl Folly river, In i'.iuurwiek eouniy. Im molialclvin the in ljliboi hooci o I the Lapdsit aood stiiain o'l watei (jiiiplyini; nilo the i mek ., 00 J siiv. r fumisbin) waU.'i powci sutfieii 1.1 lor w,., iir,:; tin. fields and lor iou.idina and thrcslui.:' thu l',iei,,,s w, II us lor a Saw M ill. A pari o I t Ii i s I and has ui 1 11 culti van 0 m Rice und Cotton, and p 1 oilueeio .juu 1 1 any land. Adjoliiirijt'ilbesc Laiidfarc b. lu. 1 n lilt. 1 nlut'.. di (1 and two t 'nous Hid acres 0 firs' '.a 1 'I'm I1, n I in' Lands. Verv CO live niut to I he 1 1 1 . a 1 1 , I in:: lor, miles ul lb', s. a-nlie.1 1 .and .1 iicUIm l-.v-.nti. n. I ha', whole IH'i"hooI hood ab mi., s in ".! T-npeillin Luds. N M. L liAI.L. D. i! . l'.AlvFR. i July 13 Li'nv no Ii,; ni on, snbseriUic. Mr. H. Leonard, iuloims .i;,, 1 ; has by. 11 cured of old. scaly Sail KIuhwi. ,; , U'lilei r, yci, 1 S s'.andili).', oil hi; heald, linyi ,s:i ,,i il.",'..!',., a . u I, , 01 an a : 1 1 , n 1 11 in. 11 ,.. , ' m ' ' , v., sp, ,.k ol Jones' I Milan hemieal So,i,. in ,i ,!, in ni, Lb a I be has tri. d its lb el on In - 1. : , ,t I ive r.f).e.r:iii''ll mirk'";! .villi s:i:i - no.-. .1:,.. l,i ,,m,,l 1 11 1 'A n wi 1. ks iie 1 skin miieli cletn ' 1 ami w ,.,li:i .1 , 1; i i.iihai.i.'i painter, in Ji r.-. y City, wit- oti-i ,, ., ', ,;M, und piiiii!es, which ho was ., ni-l. ,! ., ,.; 1 .1 iii ;;,) yeal s, uy par I Oi a cuk ot Join.. L'.ti : I l! i -0. , i'i n ha-i;i;' this, must alw in a a '. '.' 1 ', ; ; I W.I N l.'lir.MH ' L SI) M1; n,, , n ". , in,,, h d'neoiii:' d I 1 n , lie 1 , ., 1.. .. ;. !: M v thi.- nn 1 -y ,,,,'.. 1 1 ; 1: 1 -; . In,, I nn. liiiliu ol I . .1 o .'. I , ' . I h, .hove verv ,iPiii,u ami 111: tun in for sde ! v LI IMT) T A WILKLSCS, Wilm'm'.'lon N. t '. And bv .1. 1! ScABiiaortiH. Miilherrv, l-ii ,m An 'i''rr..i'.t Ito. kv I'oint. 1 , hat 1 11110:1., n.'.ii South W 1-1:';. liru-ei1 on. Mil, Wilmington. May 5. JUST RECEIVED. 5 wr Sehoouer L. ' Smith. C:.-r A hiiuiiilul article 01 iniaius 1.1, ip - MUX -t JOB ... . . L.-...- '. (iJ f"r simimer. Cbiblr. n' l oluim In compl, :, ;v cnveloimil . with r;r r. Iltiis; Hoys' I'fdnl Caps; 1111 I a few Ladies' Ridiii;; wtiU- -i't-fur, (wiueh is lis distinct from the illtenwl Caps, a liew-piitlern. AJ.SO a lull aMor line lit vl in "r'-ienls a- a riu' shell troin ibe kernel) kmpt tients Siitilliieilltita forsaioop inemosi rt leoau- ; ,a r.uaicair, but are as easily. BWallo1vri n-ahli. i ' vr if i x. li ; i "v v ...... ii . . , . , - " ill I la L I ' VX- Willi . 1 I. . . IV. To Turpentine Makers in lupJii. bit teriwi. April Kl RECEIVED TAM iiiw lo-ilbiL two Inrcc Stills nt .irirecni. an. shall Iniv ibi'iti in operation by 1st lo lU'h Juni T r.-Mii. 1 i ikln. Turpentine in that n-niou, can n.b on rli -e i-;rl' "fit at nil limes at lair prices, M y bns j, ,,.. i!,.i vvillbe eo iilili'ted v Mr Win. I'. Jlvih. Wihrntn-inn. Anril V'oln W. O. JKFFii:Y.-. " u . if r iVi if; ', .,' a V .V V a: , l'o ','. .!" -. 1 lout. 1 1 1 i 1 . 1 1 ' . 1 XirM W? ;n ,,i. ; 3 v t '.1 i;.i' ;;..:-; 1-, ( 'a d hi .! I'.x'K i' 'i"'i T .1 ies ; I , ;,(.. 11. :,' U O'l, '1 a' ' i t in ii-v nii' j; .aii'M A 1 .a 1. ') 1 n,al" U C :. .. Al' -lo, !.. o no,.' .i cm, n, n . ..i... .vcvv i k, lieMni ami "th r plan ., 1 , crijt ua r. n -vl. -an : , aalily. - J . 11. LOV al 1:1 1 . ' h i il I 1. (uiiiliil,.' ii" i.i- '' .'! n.iLii T M.'r. Pi ami I'd! ,,' r , - f iie, i"i-.' for F v .'. a'; r. 1 1 ' : I ! oi'a e, :- w ;li !v vv - , ft', ii 1 ,'. (on a ml - 'fl- - 1 , -.,i,, I ii"- 1-.V-I "i1- 1 111 ni 1; ,;,...' , ! U'l'.M " " mit li'l ol ia:,u, . Mi,'1 OVuKlli'V uiiliirrmiul. , , ,1 Vi" o ' 'rc 111 '"'" '' 1 ""' 1 '" .'penile equally on ail (he life ..ei: frits "'o Svstein.iiiBteiul of rtinfininp Ih, liiseivts to. ami rilekini any partklttlay rf!on.' Thus. iore.:in;,, ii di,,. Li. 1 U affected, one ingre duni wiliopt aat voti ih.rt. pnriliiMljir organ. and,' by ! ii '-nn .1 oi il,.-,! Kxc, s.s,,f llile.it isconsfanily -Jl's-nun:; In-i tin; .'-Umnicli. rteioie it to its Viftlwrol Slate. A ;i.v:. ix v.illop, iau.un the Hlood.ond re'rtiOe t . ' ii;iaii,ni w b eh have already ,-iiiere-d1ntols ... a ihml will efiectlinllya-p(6tfii , v, r iii.pi,ii:i,.i may htivc bei f dis-.-tun. a l, il,iu(.i thinslMinicnftii:y .. an. Ill nee -they strikt hi ttic Vl ad Inlpure Huinoursrcm : ' s' mi itinlly uftd Iniertinlly ; 1 I'1 rspiinticn ; obvlnfe Flaiu- ''' : ' I :"''K' all ion ipn and o-hurx- ' ehvJe; derm re a 1 ree ftfiti hcal ii l.ii!:L',and Liverj aidhe';c , . 1 1 ,1 ii,'! ttlltttr meant hate failed. tin :' . vc c m be asennined bv "".'' and their virtues ara'so :. 1 ..-1.1.11 inn llculih. fhsf thn titn. " r , , e I' ,a t ' 11 ; vv I ; . so in I . :i ui inni';!. . , ,.ii, tube I: , , ,' r a . . ' j 1 . .v ; " ;n 1 1,., ' th" 1 i( a ' . I ' Ml in I". ti .: ... ei ' ,; n m if . 1 v ni , i. 11 It, ,1 n 1 , a;; 9 ? ) N 0 V 0 RT ii S A 1 u UN , v . n. f. a. LFiniiT' n v. ''' A I ; ,,!l;,!!v;:ii,:i" ' n- , er if', ' W il.n,:, and vn ' " in n I 1 i , , 1 1 1 -' r 1 : ' 1 1 : in I h" v : ; ,1 1- i,if o,- 1 and In .'.,1.111 li'll M is.-' "'!. " I : I . , : . vv , 1 In ii 'pi - 1 o nn ri; a eon" ;ni 1 in 'I: p.iiniiiiirehithei to Oeatowed. '.,;,,,inii, !., !l ill. In Ii m a al' .. i 1 ''' 1 ! ',,.,, 1. -. I,, mi iii'iitni Mil ol fin. V. ' ; , . ., , . : . a, ,, i , 11 :; nnndnl', li -ml'. ! !; ,)i j 1 , i . 1 : v o ! 1 , , e ... 1 a 1 1 n it -ompai'. unl-ivorv. . 1 an .' i 11 ni'.' tin,' i' ' , a f, . 1,. ri M'-ton d ' inltariainl V inl.ris I i,,;i looks and 1 iron 1 lor the sa . , ; . 1' des.i. i.t.,,1 , neiiasinc, an I illo-i'S, art-invilt J 1- . and ' viniiii.'. ... I'iill.oF ,rl. .-; ,.e ,1 an , ' man,", r. W'ilm'iii 'oi; D ''. I I". v I. ,'! IJ t J 1 1 10 r-rnrri the money pnid nr il Iv iH .1 - ' i." e. ti,. y do nut ive nnivoraalWi tl e ' I K ' ill iViee, V5 lii.ius pet Kotlle. ' 'tli. di : .:..,. . Kit. liv ' I ll'IMTT &. WILLKUVAB. l iw.n Market and DO(k. ' !ijtiiui,f)6 Vcsey-t: Htw I'rr,. t' 1 I J..' i,v: . villi i V III , II' II.,; wheh ", ! A. 1 I y fi, v. I- F a 1 Y ow . " ", t" A, 11 1 'I I 'le tin a f-rrK .hi. 'm .. V '.,r , ;,i II , ' 1 Ol ' '! ' t 'l.t 1 i 1 I i. ' . 1 ;,' PI I I 1 -! n e I I .''( ,' ' F.N'i 1 hook y;.v7;. a. .lAH'.N'S Li'.: ni. s, Mu'i ' boo'. 4 1', ilodn'als. Cheek hook., Wank C ' . , !Ll' " '.M f " ''1 " ' 1 J ' 1 i " 1 1 I . ' 1 I . I s P .Yi '.L'J'..VI r.- I ' I I ' , , ''.' ' " ., vvi-':in tu b .niei. ' na.1 b ... ( . v. b o 1 '"in - n 1 1 v ,l n 'I sail,.' Inn., bat il ; -i-" the i.'i:." :' v toe. an V III V I ,'! a,.,'il,' p: 'ii w, .NOTHT.. ACEXCVOFTUL.N.l.JlL'l'l.UINM II lint i:; ;: ,'i. 1 lHii;. L 1,1 ... .1 an. in 1 oTfK'i a lea 1 , nnt.d A 1 ni". for otic Miilallr.s.iranceC'oiiipany, liMM theiiraiiiie.il,, 1. (i M K til F ' 1. 1 is t o - 'al. tu Llie nunii rous pi raonh 1 nsnii 1,1 n in 1 m un ,ii,ii'i,i 'r,.e',ave'..,ii'i mi M,m,'. ; tic that the tompany wili,.roiniih p.,y tl.. U.m t ,Hlltr 1, 1, 1, , 01 r.," taiofil 10 nil 'Cecil 1 ore 1 n r iiycin;. nn . iinou 1 1 10 1 it 1 (ii' -i a.ne- Mo 1.1m a w.ii I. wall !,, ,,., ,a .1 ,. Hi,, k',.,1 i,.,i nolle, am. dclav o' SO !ays. asreiimreil liy t lit I )-. Laws run iint re.Honnhle i,r,, '. ', wiliiou. calliiij. for an v instalment o o I In (ireriiiui.i .id ,..n, . iii"',' 1 ' 1 ' ' MndiV:. I'll! I'oi to Iii' o Si:;.ir. ".' ' : : ' 1 . ' .. 11 '.,11 : . in'y. in nr. casks Port ir.c. 1 , ( 'i,,,i 1 W in- a NUpc 1 i"i' an " I' 1 ' Madmia W,tie. Ill l,,)' s Soila r.iscuit. ' I. !.l . No. .' Macken I. b 'io,, -; Hull nCanrileS. old. ( AKROI.L if- V V. N N F. II Julv. .1. v.:,!"" V t ', ) h ,11 '.' I 1 , 1 - V I',,: - u 1: 1 1; 1 I 1 1'' ,i'l 'Ac ; : ,',!- "1 .Rev. 11. It I.'i ' KUVUsi'. 1 "d , :.!: f,,r 11. F T-F'.'.i-frtl -f 1 '.''' I Ins n iv ' 'it.1.. 1 1 1 1 1 1 v.v, nil 1, 1 .,.,-.. , 1 r . , . nr. I , 1 . l.v ,' r i'di" ' 1 IV,, 1 , ' . V. t'lli kcner is the Inventor V vi tint nothing of the sun '';':! I -i- ititro.lm-p,t them in Jum , .i.j ail.U4i.uiurt, afuiH nfk-f n , . 1 l'li-i nd take no others, . vj, tlfiisof i'froud. 1irft'KMr Vegetable pills! "i lk .v. ...tld v.iwh audcvi'ri .'" N rpiIKOK A KWEN X , I'i'i 'RI - (, OPy, 0,. I',,, t ' 1 in I' nn.. F 11 !! 1 s ii1 is'i' '-, 1 1; j Q C A N S Water 1 1 Julv l.liln 1 ' : 1 1 ; i 1 , to s de In' HO,'. A Kl ) .V I'l.iM.'v t'O-ll. A 1. lu . 1 - 0" i ,i a v j r i ' I v o,r , ,1 tern . v arinn s-l v bs , ''!i the ;i'i"-. t, hn b ma v t' , anaini nt ,111) lime J r. .v. R li. U ODD. ill ' . la.' I an i , ' .' l. ' ... ' Jam K. 40. ' 'T.MPTYSI'UUT IiAllllLLS. OfV ALMl'TV 1 I!,;;. ,r d ,,ly , ,vpeen-d lo -v J arrive, f j. -an i,v 1- Willi I'll N AN f i Co. not. . The Vrenls asu -11 al . July .10 . 1 l7 wii:.c.,v",op,i,1,,lnd!MktriHkl Fire and Marine Insurance, R'ioi.'Vi.'b;.. 58 AULM.Y FOU H1L 1- .tnili INSLlMMi: T HF. Ill Sl iblllJ lolltl llClWS.H. 'V ..II ;: -, Fovv 1 &c,.te . foi sab by J F.'l IlKO Til UN. w r i I N ' ' ! .n n, noin n. i .a" n' "I he ab iv a ( 1'ee. 11. 11, Mi, tl. II nk'.v .iKiisr.v. CMMTAL. siiOO.OOU il- l.v I'l ' ( 'i t j -1 1 .I Sin al ; .j dut. t oi n In ,j. ins. A ". I'ARROLL I !.NM I ' ( I U il rain Slore, No'l'K'l ii-I'm: us i r ' 1 t. '. v y o; a I ' 1,77V 1. 1 I.. . I ' alvvi.v - , it 'cnt, ,', en I) . Ho tl. JJoiids for Nearu I lire. sL 20 July IJ. ". i ., t. , 1 1 n a . I '.. sal.. ') i'l.Di.N 3U. BONDS for th - b.iu of NF.fiROFs, just print, atldfois.l a . the office of Tl.c ('i)ini;,ri,i. ,, ,,iv. ,,r W ilaiiinoon ami vimnn V , i n .--' - , . i . t.. .ii,.! t ,'. I'i i in , s. II eat lioi -, 1 1 ' nt - ' nn v -s. ,-, Fin- Rinks on us reasonable urinsue any oth.i L. sl il nil. nn Any losses sustained vv ill be p annpll v and honor. i 1, . n.jimt( d and paid, and in cm ,,f diir. rence, tin Com I'i ol Noilli Carjliuu will be ncknowlcdced A M A RI IN. A t June 1st. lo4S. M-y- 1(),:.', Auuiist m;w lyrlteviib Flint'. Si. i l and I'l LARKOI.L .v. FKN.M'.I (ilUST MILL. iMI I . i , ....e ribem hiive Btattcil a 11 next in .tui thetr Smr yt.lt, nn ueal ami rl j.uiny of pnine ml . . ,,n. in v "J'ee. Jilll.N MnKAl l'Mn - I-!-. AQKNL'Y OF Till". NORTH CAROLINA Ml Tl.' AL INSfRANCK COMPANY. w.LM..NUix..v,.MyM-,s rni,n ini.i.inl T'lilnrino 1 .Jit i i Utnti 111IV1 inp, ClILciv UOOK.S. tlfl.uavo ,,mi, ,i, ,I,. r), m . -i n, i , vt-)r, n.,k., , , , t I'l," .,,,,,,,,, ,.f ,,r,,....rl.. ic,,r,.,l !,, I h 1 I',, 1 ' V; llii, 1 I ... ....-, , '""' . Ma; L I-.1-. is l," I .OTt, 'ill ,, I ., I n.l..r ll. nl,i-lill- an n, nn h , .,le and Lon.'.s to lie M hmses. 'i i I .;'.-' ' I . 1 1 .1. w o.i... tHtiaencf "i r V. R. vS, II X. KLLLV, t 111' Colli ! .... , mi l i,..:.... -.a I l 111 , I V lit la ta lIH'ir spo nuui ami .....le b. a. i " i toe., ol X en i i L' s u mount p.nd on N on s and ISonils, 1 0 , in pi ,. i It will In pcrei ived t hn I tin I 'onmanv he on h nil lull,,,' I , ,.., w T llf. u a in .1 ,,. r !... hllliri,, I , .1 ' I. . .. I, 1 1, I ' . V VCO 1 1 Id e 1, 1 I 1 1 a 1 ' I 11 1 i wet .' a mi ui I doikirs, which most make 1 1 n I li" S. Co - HI I 111 , 1 1, II t , V linkS llh, t Dissolution, rpHF.l a.pui I tier ship heretofore exis'.in;- cub . j n mi, and I'nui "I Hatt A l'"ll' v, n ibi- d iy .,K,d nv unit al ' oti-ent, these in.b bn 'I ( tie -i ,, v n, ,t, nr aeeonnt are ieiiu s'te I to , ill at, -1 1, ',. o, ir-1 of uct. or their mm - n; , , . ,M In h II In the hat'.'!" nT an Ofl;c, i fm , , ,,,,, I, A Halt is atilhiiii'' d in -a ti1, ill t1 l.msof the t'oc.cctn. I I. VI U UT S IV I'OLLKV ''II VI! I.F.N I) r.Ll'.IS. I'. I ' Mirilll.l.L N..i , i, i'i m men I, M nrfdiv's I '.lock . i 1 1 1 . : .hhIj,! ( 'orn now on hand ami In -n! Vpn, .'.''In I . at-1'itii.v..il. i,i;i' Ti:i: siiivi.; r fills oi.' laijim. A li F, A I I'll'FL in;",' -n,n of la II. 1 M. ' V. , i in.nl, a ' ii ni-1 I" ' n s i. "li .it tin Ol ,1 Tn t r M iv Hi. I ,1 . iiLlO C0MP1.N --.', Y" mnbJ -Sive notica ihn' '.'V 'lielrOeneraUpentJiirthc - ".' j North Cim-rna is : a iC'U'l V M. JOWKa, Lou- .' .tf--l't) Yy,' '''"'-dtlin. county. V.',' s . Si. f ' L,'- ' , f j J "be Oencral Agent is ' ; Q' I flll,y prepared to nppoinl rv y sub A(renlawhrBTer then . is no hr.inch ol Ihu Cpinjin . ,; i js' "y either, on persons! np- - pllc-iiion. or by ninil, poW ' ' " ' ' '"" "I I h ft celebrated Pills, aial , i, . ir - i,:-s t.ny itic conaianlly ellnine, ' li"'-'-; I'opnl.ir I'iJI ol the e,.. )'' ' nly be vi ry valmihle. , 1 . i arc ineeiici ivnbly superior l."i . !i.iver.'d. In .ill bitloos com -. a . iLin,a,iuiBnt ol I he system; in - ': ' ' Il from a had stale of ihe , ,'i a .)Veli i, p ri im dv. . j. 'l,i ii" -iviilied chronic, tin Grenef ' '.e their lliirhest triumphs. Here '.. ..1 oiiij-i.li .oil. Futerinp within the hid- ' - . li.' '. ; !' III. llleV Ollictlv hill Rlltek ,' ii , tti nit ills, isc, and give tone and vi" i to ih- l.oily. I !;b's . ( F, CONSTANT!. Y EF- "' " I'il1-, in nvi where every other means had ',' ' "" 1 lie nn.-t abundant proof of this ' oi i ii ; but a nt.il f Ono box will cominni 'Ii i n an T,"')' i an.!"' order d and sen I by mull ' ' 1 1 1 1 1 ; i , p, i He The price is Vj cents a box. Nv lieie two .hdl.irs na.r'h ;,f,. ordered, and the nm n v rem, it, d. i tin L'uiiipniiy will pny poslsfre on the I'''1-, R' '"iilanci h al the cuiiipiny's risk. Wher ' . ' ii i-myi,a ncy i-I the company, they can be ' ! ' I'. Us nn I ikirn,' the place of nil others, and :i" -i , p r.ni.i sh'iuld In wiiliuu: ihcm. a, v 1 n i usiinl hy .M.i v 0. n -'-' ! of Cape F Call and ca vurtiat. Oct. 11. "o ' r, i'. i; U5T ruseivcj per N, !,i I lit' "v VUD i "1.1,1, I. "l a -: , 1,1 '',. ( LOR IN i. I hp s NDFORD & SMI I'll, A i'Aciirsions, fS-feWK ''pHF.ii. v arid'.-aulifulSTF.AMI.i! J Cov.Oi: ' II.VAi, eoiliiuaiici I iSsCi3r''i'l. T. F. l'.a (. ha - just be. n ib r,".:iiblv n ,',n.J, and will be I "h uiep'd lorExcm - a . nlnr .la , uii'bt. H'r a''cotuiinid.iitons urc v.: yolKl. Vppi, 'O l. ,ipi . I "'Killll'.l.l'll.llt io NOTKT,. Siuinnr and Suninicr Goods, I rpHi;:m.vru:ned iii.i rrv,..-.iii.iu u.r..im I " , , , .,,, , i 1 l"ii.li. thai b" Im- I nreh.i-i d I. II ,,' i IllLIOU. rOMPLAITS, .'ri I a ii jit i in!, Cu'iitijuilion, Pyrjitpsia. Ftrcr 'in' .l.'in. ffiu.iurht, J.taiutict, T.irtr Complaints, HhrMfiintnm, all Slonuicb CmnpUintt, (Srttn Sick '!" .i.' . viild at one to r Iiro Pilla. llicv ', ''' "U. nsivi liuuigts, arresi the progress of I . 1 a i-i and a t l!a a., nn I i nn I I rr. ... f ....... . . ... ; - V"w- ".'- I aillOil a id ldtlil Mil l (H.:j;;il. ' fine ot -ronerni dertnffement o i'ln hea th t lie v arc NO I'HUiJV V. A. LA N C I) 0 N ,vi,i N r i nn Tin: J unr V" J. & W. L. M d.U V II ii LI - Ian V. t r; Dried Appk1 Ul'Jjii i'l. . lim it Aiiiilcs : MOIi 1 V.S'v.V. ., yt ,ic e'liili's. I , , , . , , , J. W 1 1 A I N 1 1 ,)K HIIDS. 'l 1'. Tut, i r I "INF. M ' :. al r no I c.n.'i,.. , sl I t " "AptJliw'' and' ." ' i ' ai' J lrti!4jlll'0lIii f -"i"'1 v ' W-s in KIJSSI ' July2Id 1 1 in1 "iir'i . i i , . I H Fm t li 'V.'N t (. ... i bhls. rctaiil'ii! Mol ii-s."5 Foi bmI. t ti. W. DAVIS. Davis' WI. , KOIt -N Al.lv IM.r.AS NTLY si'.ia'- I HOI'SF. m l I i'i ki w. vv t.i. h will be mad" to ..r.ler 111 a siyn- dial eaniro ; ,,1 I , five elitlte I. llisl'.ICliOD. i v n' lwi ree. Kail nnd n ''V ;, nni". in nl.hlion. , , uli'iv of Sl'MMF.K : LOT HUSK which will b. 1 -,,d murli l,OV I'.'X than hentolore. (;. ., I 'oal-.ui ,,, I ,w p,i. . . f L V full soil at 3 1. S I', - 1 leli alt. i no a.ii meiil will be ma.'- with- I , ,'t ih, iriminlnys be.inj: lurnisln d y 'is. i- it i- im- I ,,. ahli to ni-1 such as wc can vvank I h iv , -nieilv j domed the CASH svsteiii.iind willrlnre, ai-md-i '. .I, SF.l'H HOARD, I'r.yhc-tor V. IL Piaasi.N, Ageul April 21, H-t' I'iinjity linncls. ivl rnA 1CMPTY llart' Is, but,., si Si')' V ' and ill u'ood or, I. i . Ju-t i. and ml. n ! in til" la"' " f a ol II v. In i" In w ill ennliniu 'In bnt.itn es.i- . , T.imiot ol I.o.N'i f'RLUIT. Hit .hi ' y. S. V. l'OLLF.I- .lmn I. 1 1" it tu LMnur dltl. rent hrnn,t .. , . . . - .v.inK.-innii i .i. NO. Ikicnll IH. ivi .1 and lor sab low hv HARRIS."?- RFSSFLL Jni,, Jli tf. II. 71 Noilh Watel Sl I an Hn so. nib Tirm-ln i ,!, I', i i ' Ii .(., 'in. I i si'ir im:p.ssi;i) ijiiu'k. InI V LUlt'K". r. a Ilia I ' b, I 1 1, ltd - -.p r n.'i r.y ! ' " 1 Hush' is Meai, tuyetirvil, ,,,,, "- T. I.OVI 'I. il .n st j:i;( i;ivr.i), R YI'.TTF.VH.I.F F'-.i v 0 ' i i:.,ls. 8' n ' p , , s. ii,,: 1., ., '.a ,.f very nipi i im Rio I 'i.ili., . Foi !b? W. . 'I'. ,(t i .Inm .1' i'.mitv r.Ain:i:i.s rs Tnr enl'n, ,i i, 1. ,, N i : W Y O 11 K OFFF.RS fm sale In cptan'lrn to i at N'eiV ',Mk p I li ' 1 Still II". liailii "V ler ; o VI I'm V,ii;; Hvitl ; Via) lbs. Impel la! ; li 0 lbs. Sou. lionji ; ino lbs Onion:.' . :.llb Fne F... 'lish I'm' ikl .-I T. i r-.l) . P, koe Flow. :s I all ai U rpby's RutlditiK, "North V a n,,v li i -i ' -s Ht i el. Nov. Villi. 117. Noiici: The suburtlbiM hn" ",, ii,,, ,,m , p. , UJki k on Water St.. Im the mm i,.i ( ,i nioiiHiiiri litis, on,-- I nn i i a to Tie - ii- "I ni 'leli'indn.e .,; ih, - ih "t 'Vi'iiii'tC unv ,,f ih IX ins nicy are NU i-.K M3.V. w II Y I IIL1 . USK. ih weak will bsoame ttronp tin pal, an I hllUiiN coitipl-jiion bo restored to nci- iv :'reh andh' tilthv rtilor ; all the bad sympioms vc 1 1 1 u n' ov one innipnenr. In tilioiiilu.su PilUuro nn Infionrelvsble ndvuncc ,ip,m any o her meilirino ever bWors olWed 10 tin public. A trial will satisfy any one of this. For., In l.v LIPPITT ft. WH.JflAOH. Wllmln , . : : . ( . ' A ;cat h aro ro"iuclcil toreportto nn oi tin ir jiru.ji'css. WILLIAM JONES. - I "ML ly. 106 ' ni r i "I a nai iv i I ni w I I , TXFR SONS Indebted to Un-subscriber for (ho N. ri. v . '" '"ollrm .mndnid, The Independent, t'nivi rsh . , ,., i Maciilin ,by .Note or otherwise; r fce a-frertlsini!. notiiii n topnv no money many Afnfa,elcl to 1. .1..-.. I.... .. . VV .. IA n r M - 1,1 ib. v . R. Uai t-s Ksij.or W'm .WujTg.Eiq. Poatmasirr M It lMirb; N ATUANlKL J. PALMt'a, Esil. Millnll loiitilrv nnl llle us'lal a 'vmieiB nnd" wheii do.,-,,' ' "SW" t "MI T - tltftra. Ksq. of Franjllin .,n C'liineiuni'Sts I ir 'iU', or lor sbipnifiit tn nn '."it Voilh I li," a ,,, N' -l 1 1 St. a,., VTlid lid lV It' 'ei' e, rem it, I, ,,li I, ,!ini.r Ol f,H and vv ill ni .ke elm i " h n n nn, lei at, , i. b re .r.ifi ,,. . v d.'-im lo star' teinpofir ilv vi.ni Ji u. w. ti M i Fi: Fs. ! v.i rt W Pit l'.s'l i' Lli F ' K' . recf-v irl i-cmi I ii" AM'1 t': v Spii't Inrpnlin, I ), IK I I'ln ,i In,, i r h, I - i.,m,. -y0 fJ Urvllr.. lion. Nrhr I. 1'. '-mill, ..- ,U by ti i; ki .. Ri N-i i p. ?TRAIF.n HONEY C VI. I. S b -I , nlnv ll'.on v. ' irs.il, bv now i;i a i'I.df.v: iniv "Mi ' : "t 25 Mi'onl" ; H W . M I Lir.s, Km, Allmnn nf W.l , t .Vlr.J.NO. tlUTT.OJ Uresnhot' (iullf.,trf f ' v.. I Mr Li. vr.1. E. Jms, General Collector, or hi- - -.r,., ! mis oiaie.ana iii :,.i.'iini in inner svinirn. l liiciiers.mspriifwijinuto perform the duties o , ,.. ," M.u tiave nsu accounta of mine in their 'I"1""" ion years, are reoueatsd 10 makt, . I turns. -I some sort toaltherofihfl abor ffentremrn ,.r to mvsdf. T ,f,mN(V ' ,' ' ' Niamlanl IUIc-h lnser l Jlimis. 1 ' lit