,at 9i,W per annum, piyablaioaiisaa loeavanes djt THOMAS LOftlNtli , tut i, niTowWtiMfity& 5 ' .1 ' I I r' XSSOCIATB EDITOR. . learner yof Front and. Market Streeti," BATES Or ADVEKTIBIWa. . ' ' 1 nr. l insertion, juou i , qr.it raemiiM, s I 2 " 75 I 1 ' 5 i .3 rfv;i,oo' i1-1'" ' 8 1 " '1 month, 2,50 1 1 " 1 year, 12 Twere line or lew make a aqua re. If an Advetfarnent Exceed twetrtf Jfaea, th price will be in prdportion. All advertisement are payable at the time of theJrlwrfitfii.' Kf MM.I.i'JU :: Contractj wjth yearly. aertieri, will be made on the most liberal, trms, , , ,11; tj" All Adveriisomepts inse'ried u the tri-weckly Commercial, aire entitled to one i lectfon ia (he 'ifteekly, irtt of charge JOB, CARD and FANCY PRINTING executed in supcri9f tylp.i f WILLIAM J. CLARK ATTORNEY AT LAW, V RALEIGH, N. C. Sept. 12lH, 1846. 76-w. tri. e. CARROLL fc FENNBLL Grocers & Co ai Mission Merchants, VVILMINOTPN, N. C. HATS AlK1Q3 HKXD A OklTMAL AlflOITM BUT OF mm mmm, lilurs, mm, u AXO Wiy-rA fjyiTICOLAB Attention to U16 sikbf all kinisof Prodacc 1. J. CAIIOLL. July IS, 1848. C. R. rCltNCLfc F. CLARK, MAHVrACTVkCB AND DEALER IN ALL KIWOi Pf CABINET FURNITURE, CilllUS, BEDSTEADS, WttlTIXG DESKS, MIT ntoNT strekv, near market, WILMINGTON, N. C. Vjrilllth, 1348. , b) 1 1-1 y. DG 1103 SET, BROWNlt Co , fC SURAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, WILMINGTON, N. C. MtrohJT, 1349. , , , l-y. B RO VV Nrlp3SBT ; cV Co., (,EEiin L db ff hJ$ir)x merchants, 159 FRONT ST. NJtW tRi'' Match 17 1818. , " A V M A JL tTn'P" GENERAL AGllkT AND Commission Merchant, North Water, ! Doon above Priactu Street, (Murphy $ Building,) W1LMLN0T03, W. C. Oct. 3. 64 J. & V. L. McOARY FOEWiRUlH UD COIIISSIOI. MERCHANTS, WLMiNOTON, NC. ROvf Lkv7 AsrfiftjRNfcrl L CO General Cimmlulea lerthmli, No. & k 6. (JiitrTii VVkavb, fHILAOKLPtflA. Viro prepared to make llberaladvanceaon ahlp- nonts of Vsval Stores, Ac, consignedto usforssle. Reer to BTr Flahss, Wllinlngtoa.N. C. Dsoaas W, Oavis, ) January lb". 123-1?! , COMMISSION MERCHANT, S jinr ftiierof tas late firm of Dickinson. M rris WILMINGTON, N. C. Kcraa to vlessrs. B. DeForestA Co., i Kimm v Nesmitb dt Walsh, m Yorlt- Me.naiOltrlt, 'JBteUpa. Walters Souder, p. ., A. Benson k Co., Philadelphia. GEORGE S. GILLESPIE. AQCtT FOR THB tfALS or TiylOER, L UMO ER, SA I' A L S TOMES, 4 Vil n its liberal cash ndf ances 00 sllconsigtimeat of produce. vtarcolt. . . . 1 J. ilVf rl.V VA V & SON, , J)141SnO MERCHANTS, $Ht OMr Nirlk Waltr Strttt. W1LMIJC3 DN.W.C. 1. fAtllAWAT. J. l HATHAWA. Oct. 27,1847. 64- i-.t , OOMffl83ION. MERCHANT, 1;, WUMINQTON, N. C MsrchlJ, 1848. , , I FOR SALE. 3POHTVBLK BUcksrpJlh rorge,wlth Bellow and Trough complete. ALSO, one cisliroo horse power, lo- wovk with one oj iwo horM. , ' a" v- ry,UUB'' r 3. ' ' ' 69- JOHN P. LATTA. CQMMiSStON MERClUNXy AND GENERAL AOENT, ,i .WILMINGTON, N.C. Oct.10,1847. I'l-t-iii W BLANKS Printed to order, at the COMMERCIAL OFFICE. mnrr : ''.ie.U w-, ,ei.,rt, lli.-H ' ; I , - j.1 .1 hH JOHN HALL, ,1 .11 )'. -.1 ;j . PHIP AGENT 1 .11 ll'' I' .'.ANfii No.30 oaAVlER STREET. April 11,. 1848. tlWy. p, J. liORP & CO; ' Eiw Taeior & Comnlion Agents. jrtV.af,li7r: ; I09-l-p. ' .1,1 .if, 1., ,1). CE IN THE NATIONAL LOAN FUND SO CIETY, OF LONDON, P I R E IN SIR 1 N t E IN THE ETNA IN9UftANCE'C0M PANY, OF ILARTffQRD, Coy., 01, llf THB HOWARD IN8URANCE COMPANY, OF NEJW YORK, My be effeottd by. tpplieatiou to HI nUooL 1, BK.UviK 40. VV. A. LA NO DO N, C 0 MM IS SI OS M E It C II A N T, WILMINGTON, N. C. ;Not75U$47. 107. M'KELLAR & M'RAK, LUBBER AND TIMBER AGENTS, GENERAL CUMllSHini MERfJIASiTS, md ttROCERS, Store forjeriy occupied by Hall b Abmsthoso, NORTH WATEH. STREET. WILMINGTON, N. C. MBCTOB 'KCLLAB. Nof. 11,1847. - ALCX M'RAE. 102 THdMAS ALLIBONE &. Co., CEAKtlL COMMISSION MERC II IN T8, No. 8, Socm Wharves, PHILADELPHIA. Advances made en Consignment!. Refer to Messrs sningion, N, C. Nov. 11. DeRossct, Bbowk A Co, Wil-lQ2-y IIARRISS tfc RUSSELL, (HIJCCEBHORH TO CHARLES D. EI.I.IS.) GENERAL COMMISSION NERCIIA NTS, WlLMIHOTON, N.C. OIOROE HABBlfS. HENSY P. SDHBBLL. . REFEtt TO .. E P. Hah, Ko.. ) , O. fJ. Passlev, EiQ. Wilmington. Jko. A- Tatlob, Esq. ) Aimer Pattow, Esq , Neio Yorkr , Alex. Hebron, Jb., Esq., Philadelphia, Messrs. William, Welsman & Co. ) charlulon H. F. Baess.Fjii. ) ' Sept. 4th, 1947. 73-M- . L. MALLET T, AGENT TOft TUE SALE OF Umber, Uukber, Naral Sttres ictr, Miff's Bmldinp, h'nrth Wafer Street, WILMINGTON. N. C. Nov. 9, 1847. 101 T BARRY, BRYANT & Co. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, WILMINGTON, N. a ltf. March 17, 1848. WILLIAM NEFP, (Latt oj, tht firm of Ntrr & Wabher.) WUOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN SHIP CHANDLERY, SHIP STORES AND GROCERIES, CORNER OF DOCK & WATER STREETS, WILMINGTON, N.C. ' Dec. 7th. 1847. H3-tf. CASSIDEY, SCURADfcR & Co;, ) ENGINEERS AND HICHINISTS, WVmgton C. THE ABOVE riBM HAVE EBECTEO AN s'lTEKSITS Iron and Brass Foundry, TOGETHER WITH Machine aad Blacksmith Shops, Where order for eery deseripttart of work In their 'ine of buainces, will h expeditiously and faithfully exccoied. July 2S. 134H. 83 MARTIN fc CRONLY, AUCTIONEERS, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, QENERAl" AGENTS. Wilmington,. C, Oct. 3 1343. ' tLUGIIS. , Plough Hough. JotreehdsndfQrssle,by McKELLER A McRAE. Jsa.B. GLUE. OH BBL8. Buperror, jntt landed from schr Abi- V tall Havnes arKJ ror aale by W BARRV. BRYANT Cd. Sept. . W tf. T 61 I ,.7f,, f rt PUBLISHED TRMVBEKLY, j ',," ' ' "'. , " '" I WV. M. MABMCwia ' r hi HARRISS-& DRAKE; 01ft Gen crti tommlsstbii' BleHDht , WILMUJ'OTON,' N. C. REniKMcui "10 ''1(1 O. G. Ftnley, Eaq, Cirf. John McKna. i Wilmington, Will Peck, Kq . Ralelgh.N. O. ' ' ' i'l1" V1 Mettr: Hall. MackMt & Co ) l 4 i t JoKpb Utley, Esq., i-r mi Mtinr. Janie Coroer A Soni. Bultliiuirc- .,, . - E. A. Souder As. Co., PhlUdrlphl. ti " Thompson A HunW, i v. "' v' " Plllabuiy8andford J1,,ew' ,'wt : ' M Hunting 4, Tufi, Boston. . '. r c . " ' J. A O. P. TKcOiub, Kenncboak,MeL; September Mih. 1848. - ..' iT 'Lj V,JM ANSON': AGENT FOR THE SALE OF 1 1 ill B E R, LUMBER, NUAt STORES, Se Nutt't Building, North Water Sire WILMINGTON, N. C. Sept. 2 1848. 83-o. N U . HUOHKS, AUCTIONEER AND COMMISSION Mt: ROHAN T, RALEIGH, N. C. Solicits consign raonts, and IU attend to all biiM nea eatruatsd to him. and pledges himself 1h.1i all conaignmenta and business shall bs strictly dune in conformity to the wishes or his employee. REFERENCE T. Lomxo, Esq., Wilmington. K. W. VVrnrrKot; Kwj., Psycltetilh". 4ug. 26M848.. . 69-1 y. JOHN D. LOVE, DEALER IN CABLNET FURNITURE. BEDSTBADS, CHAIRS, MIRASoES. lc, ROCK SPRING, WILMINGTON, N. C. Marine and Fire Insurance rpHE Subscriber having received 1 the the Agency Camden Insurance Company. N. J, CHARTERED 1832. WITII A CAP I th LOP $100,000, or Wilmington arid vicinity, will. Iua Policies on cargoes, freights and rcswls oinof ihi port i nud ulto tnue pirerisE onus ressonstile rerm rib nnv uiher Institution Lowes snrLnined will be nrm:,rlv nnri (honorably adjusted nnri ual(L and In ..., ,),fr4n,- he -.ourlo of NorthUurolina will be nrtrinvvje'ed. ' ' A. -aI'ARTI!V,' Art ' Dec. I I, 1947. . HD-ly-c. A Fine Set of Teeth for 25 rents.. White Teeih, Foul Breath, Healthy Gums. Vdiownnd unhutUtiy u-sih, ificr beiog once or twice cleaned with JONES' AMBER TOOTH PA6TE( ... have the appearance of the most beauiiiul lvorv. md at the same time it is so perfectly innoceni and exiW sltelyflpe, ihstlt constsnt dallj use Inhighly advanU geous. sven to those ssetK that see in good eortdftloti, giving then a beautiful polish, and preventing pra mulure decay. Those already decayed, k .rVfcau from becoming worse It also fastens fuch as are be coming loose, and by persereraner TtVM render the foulest teeth delicately white,, and make thefcrtsih delcioualy sweet. PRICE 25 OR 37 CENTS A BOX. Sold In Wilmington, by Llppitt & Wlllklngs. " Dissolution. THECop.irtnershrs) berstoforeexistina ondet namesad Arasof Hart A Policy, i ibis dsy rh y dis solved by muti.al consent, I nose indebted to the same either by note or account nre rej nesfe I to call and set tle before the first of Auut. or their notes and ac counts will be left in th paml of an OlLcsr for SVl lection. L. A. Hart is authorised to sellle all the af fsirsof the Concern. LEVI A. HART."1 H. P.POLLEY.. , InotTge. THE undersigned would respectfully inform the public that he has purchased L. A.Hart's right snd Inters in tn late concert) of Hirt 4iilC y. where h wiH continue 'br busiueasai uaual, with the exception of LOMG CREDIT. S. P. rOLLEY. June I. 33 1 MOLASSES firrHHDS Superior retailing Mola JUalby sses. For BARRY BRVANTA Co. September 12, 1843. ... 76, NOTICE. THE aubarriber hss this dsy entered into a Co partnership with R. J. Jonaa, tot lb purpose of csrrylngon the Boot snd Shoe business In st Its branches, st his old stand in Market sireet, under the firruol GRAY A JtTNES. All persons Indebted to me. either by n tr Re count, will please csll snd arttlr, s the old btn.- must be closed up.. Cll.VS. GK A V. Wilmington, Aug. Ifith, (29th.) 7t tf NOTICE. THE subscriber have this dsy entered laio Co pirtnershlD under the firm of MARTIN A CRONLY, for the rrinsactlon of a Oeneral A action Commlsalon and Ag of Ooriy, Walker d Oct! j: nry butinese, at the lars aurd Hall. A. XAKTiis M CRONLY I 85-tf. 1 10,000 Cords Pine Wood, PROPOSAL8 wilt be received uulil 1st Novem ber naxt, for dte delivery of ten thousand curds Pine woddforthe Steam Boats of the nilmlngton and Raleigh RJ Road Coarpany. To t dell ven d during tha yaar J849-on board tbaSteamboau or on the wharf aa may be requited. Bidders will ptesse stste the kind of pine, dend or riving, aad the price of each, JNO. A. TAYLOR, S. Afitnt. Sett. 12. .Iff ..- ,!,T .ttitlJI :tT" BY TUQMA?, LORLNU , r n i .177.4',. J'i .MM -yB-J ' THE CITY-HOTEL. Adjoining theCiirt Dooie Square RALUt6lf, H: C HHA8 been r-ntlf thfnuh1r repeW' ami gently Improved by Ui addition of a lurye number f . inHnt rnd comniodioue rciome which re not exrrlled brany jn th Vtty Th ttble nl wt furniihed WMh, the beat tt e(t b procured, end iherhargca ire aa moderate a rani afforded. -IheatnhlHiiiiriiinBood order, ftirdnkrficd wiih grojender, and attended by careful a ad experienced f r. Lawrtidr would inkrefoM reapeotfuHy inrit lae atlfniion of the member of the appr nchng Lefjlaliirc and fhefrn veiling uublic 10 the advntaget preMKrA bv ililteMahHshroeut. ' JfllfW4'9lP?9v ., , , 7G-Iy-wri..y TiROADCLOTIlS. CsMimres, arid Vcsllnjs of '1 -1 every vsiioiy, lorsale by . ... J. S. VVILUAMS. cpt.8. ' ' 83 i N BW YORK FilRNITlRE WlREIIOtfSB. r lilt, subscriber respectfully announces, to jh he 1. c mat he is rmurtyrxpei tinir th folmwrni artiol ea of Cabinet Furntiure, which he will 0110 those about buying, at exceedingly low price. 4 raarnie r op uenrre 1 sturs. a nfi op uenrre t snir. a new 'fy't, ' Mthogaoy Dining Tablea. 3 do. I ea 1 utiles. fl do. - Wn.h"in(f. 4 do, Dousing. Tables, 2 do. DrePg'ng liureauH, 4 WslnorTea Tiiblrs, r 4 Msrbio Top Wash Stands, 2 Walmi' half Fren(Ji HedBtcnds. 10 fine Mpl BfrddU-sdi, dotibitAcidlh, . i fine lUir Mattroasos, 8 Mot's do. 6 chlMreri's Trnnnle Bedsteads, 12 (ow. post Bincle do. 2 handsome Side, Honrds, 12 painted Wash Sinnd. , 4 4, Cink tt..hblndit, Towel (lacks, Lamp 8laoda. Ac. " ALSO. 12 large Arm Rockers,' 12Csi9 soai and bnclc Ittirsing Cbairs, 5 down farjey Chairs, 24 light colored Ann Chairs, ISflns HirVCirtfhlrtn, 12 Misses Sewing and Rocking Chais, . 12 tittle chairs for childri n, 12 SloA.Cluirs. 12 pajAtcd Rockers, CdMfen common Stnol Chair. r. CI.ARKv ;i Front St., near Mar arkef. OcL't.1 1 82-tf. INSURANCE. Avheytf the Hope Mutual-Life tn ' stiratice Company. P.IIK subsciiNr U ut been appointed, gt ol fr the 1 above Company, anc is now prepared to receive irppHcationMor life Insurances-he la ol prepnted to. receive application for iyturuuee on ths liwauf Slaves. " This institution Incorporated in I84A wiih a libe ral aiulpsiptituitl olyuler. ami duly yrj(auja.d sccuid Ine to law hao commenced the bdsinese of L1FR INSURANtJE-oii tb. MUTO.I. prlm-iple. The JBTT pbvfits beum divided annually among lh in sured, iiccoidim: to the Act of Incorporation. The rales ol piiniiiims conform with fhe umtgu of oilier similar companies-For '.he cunvenU rice of partu s Insuring who wutild prpfer 10-paf the p emliim by iPStaluienia, it is kit 'o ttu ir npilon when use ota tnlum exceeds $2.'). to pay cme hslf In cash, andsc Cllre ps) uitnt of the resHlue in 12 mootliS, by so approved note bearing interest at six per cmi. The tivei of mafrlej men may be insured fortlic benefit ol their wives and children, so thsl upm the decease of the insured the wife if living, or if pot, then tils children 111 receive thH amount pnyrtble by the (wlicy, fiee aod ear of any claim by the credi tor of lite deceased. Vnr fhr irrfalpt PCIlHfV ot DaSTlra -iviitr this company, the Trii;proidA'd up indcai nlly fund , to ihe mount of '250(X) to Jirct lonei thai may accrue upon policies issued by the aimpan? sifjueh is to rmaio,uii(ii a capiul vxceedmg tb.n amount p-hnfl have been r'ollzefl from (lie rectlpf of premiums, whea It win bs no longer necessary, and nay bewiuiwawn. The follow ini' is a list o! the officers and trustee? for Ihe ensuing year, viz ' ,TRl'STKE3. Nathaniel Ved, Simeon Baldwin, Dennis Perkins. John A DawapOrt, Alexander 11. Iana ChartosJ. Taylor, Altx'r llwiiilion. JsmtiT. Soutter, Rtra Wiod. Joseph B. Nones, R. swell Hovt. SOiul K. SaUerlee, Cyrus H. BsHtdnley. John W. Leeds, Ali-x rN. Holly. illiam T. .Minor. Oansry Ayrcs, Philip S. G-In, W'm. L. BreAVtr, JanreaDIrnon, Chirks Whittlesey, Joseph D. Warren, Sieohen H. Proyostr Thaodore Daveoport. ALl.iAADKR N. HOLLY. I'resiiUnt, ' JOHN W. LEEDS, Assistant President, JOHN A. DAVKNPORT, V4c PsesideDt, JOSEPH B. NONE. Actuary, ROSWELL 110YT. Secretary, WM. Wf&LS, General Ant. Any iuformatloo will be cUverlully given on appli cation to the Agent Dr. Jams H. Dickson has berpaoiiedJCxam iniog Phyakwafor the Coiopanir. THOMAS SANDFORD, Aeaf. Fcpl. 28th, 184?. -r. NORTH CAROLINA BACOM' scry superior Bacon h'uj round. or sale by J. . L. jicu.ir i . Oct. 10 FAYETL'EVILLE FIAjUR For sale al 9. Oct. 10. NAILS AND SPIKES r V.m V.fa aMnrtrd id to 30d ; i ssoorted 8uik. Cu 1UU 30 do. VbiIu a Cu arei Wrought. For J. A W L. HcOARV sala at Oct. IV. 10. JUST RECEIVED. Oct. 10. - -' BUWN SALT. rr SACKS LWarpool Blown Salt, wW Un- IVflf fflit fra ra Sctir. marie auu. For tela I la lots to suit tiy 1 Oct. 10. K. W. BROWN. 10. nrn "IkiJ'J'i u.m tif ,.f,-.Mirf'M l fmr, ; U . ! . V. IV. , . SOIR GRAPES AGaftt Gtay. uSny,' v)bj & rhoa him ttrii ifialie;, ' LAria Caaaj - And whydoe Uiy cheek turn at pale ? 'Tie my party thoi'a jrone, ' Thfl-Old Hunker a" are done, Tim one IM td tell the aad fare, Oh ! Alaal r , Ui ... . . ... ) el I Then cull on thy frieoda of ihe BoolJ , Lewis Cna. And hid) them.iriy frtniiee eTuae ; Tin; yOd Ilunkera" are gone, I never shrill e fhe ''White Horj.'w Oil I AlAal ff - M-p r t ... . i ':i'(M-."i "t't? 94 thw ii Then huste to the, home f (be free, , Jj( f! Lewis cass i . ryf . ,r Thy r.iine mid thy nam(e are" !movri Ift'efe, Nny. hut lhat'e not the pfatre1, ; ' For the y call me "dough face.''' :. Where Ivlks lirenthe the pure northern air, Oh! Alas! Then o to the fielda of the slain, Lewis Cnsu, And fjrht all thy bnttla once more. Nny. but thitt It the trump, For my ewnrd'a in a turap. A fact I most deeply deplore. Oh! Alus! New York linn fine vote and gtett mm, ' Lewis On ; . And the people mil weJcane you- there. Her fine votes and great tpeu, n in lie; used once ngain, To p'j Mntty Vnn Ah! Alas tn the chair: I Thy fortune s are low, I confessy Lewis Cass i And so, m;tn. you'd betfer fehiote' For we have on the trark, Thru bravd man, ' Old Zaek," The object of every one's love. And he'll pers ! Yank ft Doodle. "ilorrnh tor "ZHck," we all will go. From Maine to lower Meik? : . And on this thing we all are bent, That "Z-ick" shall be, our Preaident. the S. T. Tribune.' Life in New York; THE NEEDLE WOfvfAN '' " The Tribune ha already contained n se- ric of atntisticnl articles on Ihe subject of ff male labor, which gnre mnnctfnwaarfcf sttrprising Rtcw. Our object at tprWnT' fe" to revive things in the general, for tho pur pose of gn mg the reader a comprehensive view of the vanoua clasaea inmwbiohaO ciety in the metropolis is divided. ..It will be suflicient, therefore, for our purpose to present in a few words the average pnees paid) (or various kinds, of noedlaw,oikt at thft prutcipul and prosperous establish mpntft Common cotton shirt, and flannel unde.t .shins, six cents each. A good seamstress can run u,p two of these shirts per day f and even a very swift hand, by worring from sunrise to midnight can makethree being 19 cent per week for th coramon ...n.h-A.. ml,l Sll t' I (n thai TDtAaMl r.css, nccidcnt3, being out of woTltjft. Jb;. (Jooil cot'tctn shirts, with linen b6iofrts; neat ly pitched, are made for 25 cefW 'tipiecfe' A fifood" searnslrcss win make driri fit A irlAy, ihue ettming 1,50 per week, bf todtkntA lalor. Fine linen shirts with tplaitad bo soina which cannot be made by -tho rerjr be3t haaids sJiotiof tifieen oreigbfcP04.1opf stendv work, are aul fiftv eentaeach. iJLn ordinary luuid can make a garcnn(,orjis kind ui Uavs. Irawsera,; ,overalls, drawers, under shprts, ic . tc., pay a shtl- lir.g apiece (o the seamstress, ho car) malte one and perhaps two & day. Cloth pantalobfta-, vesu,&c, pay eighteen to fifty cerft4-Aerj seldom the latter price and woman makes, on the average, about one a day. Thus, not to prolong these detail, it rjay be stated, in a word, that the scam. strees who is furtunate enough lo get stea dy wpik, earns from seventy-five cents to two-ollard 0 wceK. liCiiiuep nese, u is necessary to stale that the dre'sa' rnakers," or nt nrr- rate the great majority of them,' get absolutely nothing for their work i The way Jt i mannged ie this 'The pro i rwilinra of the lanre dresa makinur estab lishments receive a great number . of ap prentices, who remain an months for noth ing, boarding themselves, ia the .meantime, for the privilege of leanung the trade. They can already sew swjftly anil wen, or they nre not accepted To them 'art wiven out the dresses, and they are ktpt constantly af wtrk sewing (not learning nntrthini' new aniii tha Terr ray tetotw their anprenticeHhip alpiiea..' Then a (aw loursare sper:i m giving them aosna gen eral directions about cutting a areas, ana they nre discharged there being no room -a .... tn an sfta t k V1 1 atK. ment where all work is dona bj apprenli- r . l . . i r.ni.. Kir a A.t rvn lor IIUIIIIMU. A ltl Hint luv j tion" is completed, they are tf placed y other opprenticca arid bo it goes on-the dashing propnetora ot me esuiDiainnwm irrowinr rich and ariatocratieahd irtvpoo girls tinned ooftrpon tha world to die of narration and despair, or aeU themselves to infamy. i Hcrti then t r ' tli? hcl$ rcspteti- 4 ' Wigp and iirtfcainf.j Ci4A io(4)ur tVoiaJa, " popnlalkm arxl A Had enoogh picture tbey, preterit, v i$ Shi picture wAtch guv tin a few daji aince to th (b lowing1 aloivnV, otluri Jeeljnf rom avladx, oocr , c qpaiQAic of wham I frn aolicitinff i.'r- mauon r -if n not the traffeeet thing ht m ml W .OWiwd, ; fn WsIm .' ; bj the pre;mttttiUoa4l, Ae'-t 1 tt4i poiitkAlland toeiallj niuVv- -'hm. has no ronsrlo tbe ;variat.iiicll' I ane iUDmiu, id tsaKin jUke,lw .jljtV'U foioed w oy-fiwho i m vhoiVjop meg nlzed bj tnj . Jbopaq (jMQtution $f htf da a n . W4UpiijtfyvaL jr, anything a'par,.;frr ihipjfatx Kyi hag forjiung or.iLiiipgilCl?LJlh ciothnja; and abetter for tb fleetifl g xrleant betw4a tWotejtlK.H Wllitb4rlidee by he-f ale and suffering apparition I The workwocnan ,fcW irUled oCJAtfdi 4f fcer own. She canbeoppteaedLcheatcd.tram- pled upon, jtiul jWjjfjptjf -j sjfe within her becomea a deorl and Doiaoooua imDulte erlnto deafcera lion and reveArti IEUI yevenge her wrongs ? ghe has rto redreae, neither in those law sWrtid hoi wdniUnbt n that gentle and lejjdef, fiauira t leqffth nnder- goea change. Then the feeble becomes the tarriW, the weak and HiBtrmifrtTlO" man in Iranalormed into an avenging de rhon,-; Ajjd.ithQ.ijnay wopderathai ' . ui I. ' I Uitiiwrj , XJar Ow, well known throughout the eeuriirjtaj a nan of rate abilities, in a recent addreja to- she people of M as sachti sella, M$e& the following Ian- guage. , '. !'. .: " "1 ia fiinhtrsen'oyaroliecfed thai Gen. Taylor, ia a alavabolder. . Thie objection comes about' W yea ra .too lata. U was disposed of in suUtanca bj the origiaal ar ticle of confederation, and anaufled,. m form, by I h( restitution. oC'rtfUmted Stales. TbeNbrthrn tatf , were gkd enough to'Avai! ihemsetyerof th' Jo-oier- alonof the'SdutnV in rhcit Birtrgglirdy -f dependence, ard no ' qtlesHiona inkW- Not less thankful 'wefe Xhef M ttflxfvt the incipient aJUancA , by a most, sojenm compact, exwewy xecogmimg1 thnr right to property tn 'their' ilaves, and engAgmg to protect ii rreaong wnn 'tnem- ar pn prietoff ofalaviBBVaathirequahl in adl Seawf pacta, and eligiblA tfr.aoasequtfBCBi' to- aUl offices under the constitflUijo, :hal wouU, nave been tne late ot a mouon in tnai-glorious assembly' whitftiformeeT- the cortsUtu tion, or of thoawwhairiigbvbaTt msUlaW Oewrge WaabiAgtfM pTteanWts declara ,,jlaveokler meligible to ,any.. oilicear under it. l,.'l (reroemke.r th adoiv tiqfl o( ibejCqnuijfri by sny, feOow-citi-zens of.this state, when llan'cock, imuf-' fled in m naize;' Was'hro4ht;f6't6 the Cri vention to sign ihe ratthcwfiot( IetanM ing prectdipf t f jfetptratjoi., ini avo of Boalon. br.aaassamblage favorable to. tU whose iBim' ueVAdarf'w ere Tike the tan4' of 'the' aW shor,l,or He ineatafsJ in heJaTTV- v '-The unbounded joy of the - jptwpl aa this occasionwas alloyed onljbjf the fear that the Souther Siater wtlikiik ttmt, uU the league. Never can J hm'dbtd'TUu. tha kaKony of tha City HaU miiiwXeriQ WaatuAgton tb blaVehoider, M i(am AAn el.drcHeued trp ihav. cloud., iiwnJ foth, ,adltaak.ei sJsttrJtrrwraas i lk raatatsl,.., tpn. o one cw deacribe thaj SiItjT, tew- ful extacy whicu prevaded the mvjIAdi who witnessed that scene i succeeded lyirsMs "winch Menilrttbe canopy ibw,lriMri. -1W :ww('w"no1 that occaaiOtt-'had dared 0 objOTt:tav, skveboldiaf l Fmidaoi . ,woji!d; 0ibAv been anobirctofaavj.. J.wpujd jiroha- , I bly not he toy, mqb. arai,)hat such, . sick man a dream fma never eaterea any mind." rr HAtiiAd GtA Otbh V 'to. THErSENTlMENT8 OF TWOALKN The hrarti of the people mutt be pimtaf ftr WAR Ltww Usm ia-tn AMstaxe ot toe u. BtaiesL : a :it T airicerelf Ttjoite 'W the prorct of PtscK. My W kafhecn devoted tq rma, yet 1 took opo 'or at "ll "" un rli all fetreiimauncea. aa aenaticmal'ifa- lnm,i m Vu if MTOided comD&Uulo witn ilWasttya av a national honor. Z. Tu, JUVM We meht IimUm iht mUk ti unikmt bemg kwik ."-Lwl Ci in Seiata of U.' 6m ' ! 'The 'ffimrijlet ofour OofcrBitent, as 1U tree poluy. ore opiosed to the" .wbjuga tioiofiier nalMeu and, Ue Jifrnember iaaat of ptbar canii.lbj.l'- ,n tha languge. pf.. Wwfi'DgJo. "Why should Tfj.quiv fiufiW w tna Mm. Gen. CAse, iUlwcUd, wouw " "I the miserabl, and reck less policy orU,jP j, high ahtl'pnfriotic sentiments of 0tt.at TAtlOt on thia object ,','m ... II L . knnntl warn . tra aaa ui luihf" but my When you UttA PM. calling every one a fooL, JT9U can set hint dTalVfja) . one of ilf mc aorl. " ' i v a a . Iff A bIH Bw ; -V fhnt to" na 9H