at1 WHOLESALE PRICES CURRENT . . tit. i ' t 74 GUTTER... nod Kara .. 1. 20 v 21 Cheeee.., ....ty lb. 7 HEES WAX- uOts 20 21 Rinnv llama, N. &'' MMioHtU t western,. ot" , 6 Idea, N . C v v aW , Western. i, do. )t Shoulder, N; v-i ' 't ' " fl. ' COrrON-none. . fi t. Domingo v : V ! 1 Java '.." Rio do.- Lagulra ' do... Cuba DOMESTICS. , v , Cottoa Varna, -do. Cotton Oina burgs, 4-4 N. C, Shoetinge yyd. FLOUR. FejrettvUl-.v bbl. Cana."V"4'.i.k'.... do." HAV.'-.J.t .W-ewt. LUMBER. 8TKAM MILL. Wide Board, Plank and Scanting, " M. I. Floor Boards, -do. LUMBER, RIVF.ll. Floor Boards- do. Wido Board do." Scanrilni -." "do... LARD....;?.. LIMR-"v'"- ybbl. MOLASSES. NawOrlcana-"- Vgnl. Cuba Cargo. none'.'-do. MEAL bu. NAVAL STORES. Dipping .tMiM- Hard i.V'-.d Splrita Turpentine, ' fal Tar- '' is bbl Pitch,. do. Koala, New 1 do. No. J..,. do. 3 do... Varnish. ....... y gall. PEAS. B. E. Peas- V bu. PEANUTS, do." RICE Rough .-none Cleaned, (all to good, . t0O Iba. SUGAR. NewOrleana ,..'..wy lb. Porto Rico do." STAVBS. W. O. Hhd. rough-Nqne " draaaed-.-i " " barrel R.O. Hhd.roagb " dreaaed... SHINGLES Common .... Contract ,.... ... . j- 61 .. 7 to 8 7 A n I .. 0 .. 55 64 a ... 7 101 A .. II 7 7 .. 7 -14 : 7 .. 6 S60 to in A 6t A 8 00 7 50 60 7 ' A 55 11 14 00 A 1300 a 16 00 8 00 a 9 75 4 50 A 5 00 3 60 A 3 75 II to .. 12 . 50 A . 60 .. 27 A 00 to 70 A 2 70 a I 50 ,4 31 is. 1 571 A .. B& 150 . 21 00 00 175 -85 to 1 72 to 30 A " 70 A . 90 .. 85 a 3 37 J at . 5i 6ia . 76 100 . 90 3 50 CI .. .. 10 " .. 10 " A 10 00 A n A Hm ISO ... 4 00: .... too jt oo : "Black's" large' SPIRITS. N. E. Ram Cora. Gin Whiakey Apple Brandy- 3t A V 28 A ..30 A .. Jr3 .. COMMERCIAL, REMARKS ON MARKET. TuapiNTina. Since Tueaday nioching several paraela of Turpentine have been brought to market and were disposed of at the following rates, vix : 113 bbia. Dipping at I2.72J and 69 bbla. Dipping at 12,72 per bbl., and 458 bbU. at 12,70 per bbl. for Dipping and 11,50 pet bbl. for Hard. Market closing at this price. ' TA.r-W M4a. Tar were diapoecdofit tl,56 per bbl. and29 bbfs. do. at II ,57 J por bbl , market closing at tpi price. RontH.-i.l70 bbla. common Rosin changed hands olieperbbj., Sriaita TvaraHtinl. A aakof 3ft bbla. Splrita Turpentine waa made at 31c per gallon, bbl. at 12 not returnable. Tiaiaia. Two rafts good mill Timber were sold at $b per M. Cobn. A fairaupply no late arrlvala, price with out change. BAcojfj Market waO eupplied, excapt hams, of whicb there la only a moderate supply. Lad-A moderate aupply of thla article on hand. BOSTON MARKET. Oc. 11 Cotton la without variation) pricea range from 5 to S, accordiag to quality. Float, 5 87 a t Corn, yt flow 74 a 75 centa per bushel, wtiltw 67 a ft. Sales of Rice, of fair and good qaality, at 3) a 4 per hundred. The market for Bplilta Turpentine U moeh deptean ed, wlih small talcs at 41 a 42 cenia, cash, and duO at these ratea. Salea of 2 or 300 barrels of Tar, al 12 V a 2 50 per barn I for Wilmington, 42 25 for email Iota) eaah and 6 Tooe. Roain la Be tree ahd In demand,' salts of common at 94,; 300 barrels No. 2, at 1150, and some No 1, at 12 50 pPt bbl. 6 moa. Pitch is alao very scarce, and Is selling at tl 1 a 25, cash end 6 moa. , " The money market conlnucs very light, which with a desire on tho part of holders of merchandize to sell for eaah, haa had a tendency to limit ojierilions. NEW YORK MARKET. Oct. 15. Flour matket firm, with aeles of New Yoik, Gretteeeet Oawgo, Michigan, Ac. atpravloua quotations, aay from t5 50 to 5 63. Rice vii a little firmer, and aalea of 50 caaka made at 13 62a3T5, per Hundred. Sale 6f 20,000 buehele of Com. high mixed, at 68 a 69 cente per bushel; common at 64, and round Jeraey, 74. Naval Storee wan actlva. la Spirit Turpentine them kubeaa a movement.aftd aorae 6Ddbairela ty chaage4 hands al 41 and qccaaUwally 47 cent a, each; 500 barrels Wilmington Rosin, sold at 106 cts. deliv ered i and 200 barrels Tar at It 12 PHILADELPHIA MARItET. ' fX. 14. The market for moat of tho leading eja )1oa eicept Cotton, rema'.na unchanged, and buainea is flcgieeud and dull, hi consequence of the excite ment about the Stale Election. The market for Cotton dull, with downward tendency 64 a 7J for Upland. Naval 8rea are not vety active. Stock of Rosin light, and the last salea of common were at lOoe per bbl. Tarand Pitch eelllnamall lota at 12,60 a 1,27 per bbl. 8pirrU Turpentine dull, with email so lea at 40 a 42c per gal. Little doing In Ricalce 3 a 3. CHARLESTON MARKET. Oct. Yt. Cotto!. There was a good demand for Cotton yesterdsy, which resulted In the aale of 1,400 balea. The tranaeetkona waaaeonnnad to the better grades, at prices In favor of the aurchaaer, amounting In aome Instances to a reduction of an lc. The aale were at extreme ranging from &1 to 6t, principally atScenta. Ricb. Between 4 and 600 ilerces of th old and now crop were sold at 3 n 3 per hundred. Royon Rica. There were no transaction In, thla i article. Couhtr. mTRCCTiox n dikcisc, mTmo, ur MONSlElin B0S8IEUX, rv Vow Pari. ',. - I . B7'HOhaa,taagb(la the City of New York for ww niany yeara. and In euverul other cltb-a, and haa eatabH.lfcd himself la the city of RICHMOND, Va. haa the honor of preecntlng hla rcepecta, 10 the La die and Gentlemen o( Wilmington, and vicinity, and to announce, thai he wit) commence to fcach aa aoon at a auflieiept number of aubeorlbera, to make op n Kpectbl achool. can be obtained. . lie earneatlv aollcita the attention af those who wlah to attend hla School, and alao that of potent a who wlah their children to loam what the French think the moat Important Instruction for young per ons, to Improve mannera, health, a taste for music, and to bring thoae who have little ear for It to under atand It. and acquire that accompllehment In a short time, Monaleur B'e. mode of teaching la entirely different from the usuuj way the art ia taught In thla country. The itrice of Tuition la 110 for ench pnnll, for a course of 24 Lesaona ; attendance three tlmee per week. The day and place of Inat ruction will be made known In a future mlvertlwiiient ; but he expeeta" to lake MOZART HALL, Jf poaibie. Monsieur B. canbe acenatMra. Hwahw'h Boarding House any time; or a note adiregaed to him will be attended to. Oct. 14. 90 COAL. rV ' TONS Kinocteil: and for aale bv ID. HAIUUSS A RUSSELL. Oct. 14. 00-tf. APPLHi BRANDY. 20 BARRELS Momently expected. HARR1SS d RUSSELL. Oet. 14. . U(Mf. APPLES. Appier. For sale by HOWARD A.PF.DEN. 10 50BBLS Oct 14. W.L.SMITH, (Late op the fim of S a n dfoii d &, Smith.) AUCTIONEER AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, WILMINGTON, N. C. Storo on North Water Street, Paralty'a block. Oct. 14. , UO-yc French School, MONSIEUR GIARD, respectfully tenders his acknowledgements, to the cltizena of Wil mington, for tholr former patronBge. and begs leave to announce to them that tie will open his fourth session for the Instruction ol Boys, in FRENCH, on Monday thq 16th of October, at half pagt. eleven o'clock, A. M. Oet. 14. 90- tf. FRESLI ARRIVALS OF GOODS. JUST Received, per achr. Dwcid Iltle, from New York: Bleached shlrnWs. India drills. Inclnia do. Canton flannele, Crash, Cambric, Irish linen, Bleached jeane. Apron cheeka, ilud tick, Dlnnketw, Plaid l.lnsev, Ginghanta, Turkey red varn, vuatio(.'H, Hollands, Shawls, Alapncca. How (iwsorted,) Sua- Jx-ndem, Black eilk cravats. Silk hiindkerchicfn. Col ored table clothe, Flannels (rod nnd white,) mixed Snt- ' linets, Cadet mixture, Kentucky jeans, Prints(various 1 patterns,) Carolina stripes, shir: bu ttons,pocket combe, Plaid jeans, Blue cotton yarn, Unbleached shirting Umbrellas, Allendaie sheeting 2J yards wide, Kerseys, Cotton handkerchiefs, Cunlimcrcs, de laim-s, I.ama Cloths, Chenc piuids, &c, &c. For sale bv E. BF.RNAUI). Oct. 14. 90-tf. To Contractors, rpHE ComiMlnsiooers for contracting for bukliryr A a Court-house nnd Jail In ihe town of Goldshoro' In the County of Wayne, will receive plans for a Court house and Jail accompanied with emimntcs for building the Same, including materials of every description therefor. The Court-house to be 70 fe.;t, or thereabouts. In length, and about 45 feet In width, two stories high, the lower story to hnvc ante-room or vestibule across Ihe front end, with two pnirol stairs leading into a cor responding room or rooms above; a passage leading from the vestibule through the whole length of the building, with three rooms for office on each side. The second atory tocontaln the court-room and rooms for the pet ii tury i the building to be of brick, with a rock foundation. If practicable, and tho roof to be cov ered nidi tin, galvanized iron, or some substitute iheveiuf le make the building fire proof. The Jail to be about tl feet by 26; with two good IDome oe, the lower floor for debtors, and two dun fee and a petty larceny room on the second floor, the outer wall to be built ol brick, with square timber, and Hon (or the Inner walla ol the prisons, to be cov ered In like manner with the court houte no aa to bo firepreuToa iheoatelde. The Contracts (or the Court-house and Jail will be letaeperate. Good clay can be hod In the immediate vicinity tot making brick, and li la believed that rock can be bad for the foundation in about five miles from the place, Immediately on the Railroad, by which they canbe brought within about 250 "yards ofthe site. Thin wlJI be a eaah Job, the greater part of the money being already In hand, so that a portion of the money can be advanced from lime to time as the work pro gresses, and the whole paid so aoon as the work la ap proved and receved by the CommieaionerB. The plane and proposals wiH be received by the Coramieelonert at Goldsborough, on Mondsy the 13th day of November next, when they will make a selection of such plans aa they may deem , beat; and at which time ana place all persons desirous of contracting are requested ro attend In peraon, and hand in their plans, and p reposal for building. Sufficient time will be given for making their esiimaica on tbe plana which may be selected, so that the contrails can te. closed during the week. If the plan or plana selected should 'je those of any person or persona who should not get the contract for building, a liberal compensation w ill be paid for such plan or plana. JAMES ORISWOLD.fVtto Comm'rt. Goldsborough.Oct. 17. con 91-6t. APPLES. rpWENTY-Flvc barrets Apples, for aale at Jl HOWARD A PEDEN'S. Oot.12. 89. K ODO FELLOWS' SCHOOL, r THE Excrcisesof this institution will be resumed on Monday, tbe ltith of October. English Male department under the direction of Mr. MEUINNEY. , Principal of the Female department) Mrs. PAR' KKR, Teacher In the Baltimore Female high achoot. French will be taught by a competent xmfeaaor. of the Language. The Trustees in opening thla School for the enen ing year, feeling that it is in important institution to the Town, are determined to spare no exertions, to make It worthy of the palronsco 6t the public. TICK ETi per Session. 14 00; lobe had at the office of Coklel JOHN McRAE. A Oct. 3. d),f. COAL. TONS Red AeheCoal, brokenand screenwl. For aale, by W7L. SMITH, Oet. 14. nn. tf. IfACON AND PORK. Qp Hhda. Clear Sides i 6 hhda.. Shoulders; 40 Jf barrcla mess Pork, for aale by HARRISS 4 Rl'SSF.L. Oct. J4- 90-if. FLOUR. BBLS Fresh around Flour from now Wheat 20: 20 lib In. do. do. do. do. from new Wheat, for sale hy HOWARD A PKPF.N. Oct. 12. 8'. 'SCOTT, KEEN 'fi CO,, WOULD reapectfullr' announce to theelilan'o( Wliiulhgton and Vlnclnlty, Umi Uey have on hand, and are weekly receiving, a gootfassortmrnt of the beat READY M IDE , V ) Evet olfkired In t,h!a or any othC market-all of (heir own manufacture.1, The makoet wt llsa the ninterl at la warranK d to be of the very beat. Their mock embracea a good assortment of . ' ' Coats,. OvtycoaUrPau is and Vesta, With a apltndldasaortinnntof Shins. Drawer, Sock Collars. Cravats. Iloaams, Suspnndws, fllovee, Pock et Handkerchiefs. Merino Undershirts Ve.,4e . Al ao a large lot of Cloake and Dressing Qown. All of which we?wlll sell aa cheap or cheaper limn can; be bought elsewhere. ' N. II. Measures taken and clothing made to or der at the shortest notice and in the, wetland most faahionable eiyle, at their establishment In Pctura burg, Va. Thoae wishing to purchase will do wII to cull and examine, our etock before purchasing elsewhoro. Poraeening aa we do every facility lor manufacturing, we feel assured that none can com pete with us In style, quality and prlco. lir Terms, Cash ! SCOTT, KEEN & CO., Slarkat airoetnenrly opposite the Curollna Hotel, Wilmington, N.C. Oct. 10. . 88. I' wa...jii,:ii'iw ii 1 riiim' ajmn ' ' To the Ladies and Cr cntlfmen of it . Wilmln-ton and its Vicinity. CGR1MME, would reepcctfuliy Uniform the Community, that he hna just returned from the North, and opened agotn his Cheap DRY OOODS, Fancy Cutlery and Crockery Store, on Market street, where he Is prepared to give greater bargains than any other fitore can even offer; his stock consists In a general assortment of the fol lowing: DRESS SILK, Silk striped, Mode Colored, and Black AlpsccH, Cn shmeree, Miishnlo Lane, Wool, Muslin, French (Unghams, English, French and American Calico; JncoBotnnd Swis musllna, Irish linen, French and English Merino, .Shawls, Cravat, Lace, Ribbons, Handkerchiefs, Gloves, Cambrice, Blenched and Krown Cottons from to 11-4 yard wtdo, Checks, l&e.,4e. French Caaaimerea, Doeskins. Coating, Tweads Satin vest patterna, IUnoltereUiefs, Suepuiders, Giuves, Caps, Cemlorte, dtc., eVe. CUTLERY, GUNS & PISTOLS, Knlvoaand.Forka of the beat tnanufucloriea, Pocket knivea. of all descriptions, kjcissow, Rti7.oj8,of the finest kind, Guns and fislola of varioiia quuline. CROCKERY, A full assortment of both fine and common, and very cheap. . . j JEWELERY, GOLD and Sijver Lever and Anker Watches, Gold and Silver Pencils, Gold Pona In idlvpr etiseg, Gold Ear rinua, Finger rings, Urcust pins, Gold studs, Silver thimbles. Metal Combs und Cliuine. FANCY ARTICLES, In the Fancy line, an ondlees variety of articles: Guitar, Violins, Flutea, Files, Hnrps, Accordoona, Banjoes, Steel Bendn, Purses, Wdlets, CJonibw, Brushea, Buttons. Thread, Nocdles, Pins., Flower Vases, spoons, sclKsors, Knivo. rlasxs, leli Percussion cape, Perfumed soaps, Genuine cologne, - JInlroil-, 4e. JjALL of which Is respectfully eflerod to the ptib lie at the very lowest CASH price. My motto lit, "a nimble aiipence is better than n slow shillinrj.11 CHR. GRIM ME. At the house formerly occupied by Mr. Wolfe, Market square. Oct. 10. SS-tf. JAMES 'J MO KRIS, Agfnt for the Sale or Purchase of NEC ROBS, WILMINGTON. N. C. Oct. 12. 69-Gm Jas. T. JUorris, Lumber and Timber Inspector, WILMINGTON, N. C. Oct. 12. R9 6m COFFEE AND SUGAR Z( BAGS prime Rio Cofleo ;. OKJiO do. Laguim do. J 6 Huds. prime Porto Rico Sugar ; 5 bbl. Stuarts btst crushed Simar. For salo at J. A W. L. McGARY'S. Oct 10. 88. New Familf Grocery, South tide ol Market St. 2d door West of Second SI THH undersigned have formed a Co-partnership under the naino of MORSK V-OPP, for the transaction of n general UTioletal mnd Ildcit Grocery business, a, id would reajKictfully invite ihef attention of their frienda and the public generally, to their assortment of GROCERIES, which have been judiciously suiected in New York, by one oi tbe firm, expreealy for thia market. Thtir stock embraces every thing usually found in a Family Grocery SrorexWhich they will sell on aa good terms aa any other house In Wilmington. They indulge the hope that by keep ing 3001) ARTICLES Ucnofrwy tan recommend to receive a liberal share of public patronage. C. C. MORSE W. JOUN YOPP. . Oct. 12. Sa-L-n,' SCHOOL. MISS MARGARET McCLOUD, respectfully Informs her friends and the public, that she haa taken the house Lately occupied by Mr. Youwe, where she will open iter School on the 16th of the present month, October. Oct. 10. 88-tf. FAYETTE VILLE FLOUR. .rVP.'merahlp wltrTK. f. Jonee,"Tor the purpove of tf-arrvinff on th Rnnl mnA S!uw busineu in ill its krancho. si hi oUi suind in Market alreeL under ihe firm oi GRAY JONS. l Ail peraona Indebted to mc. either by note or ac count, will please call and st)iili4 ji tho old business tost be closed up. CHAS. GRAY. WHmlngihn, Aug. I6in, rWth,) " W tf. , . . . L , 1.' ' i for-. AUTIOE. E euberribere have thie day entered Into Co partnership under the firm of MARTIN A 2 CRONI.V, fur the tnnaactlon of a OeneralAuntion. IL!(, Commiselon and Agency business, at the late stand I -f llrnnli, W.llr.rA. HjU f- Aj T1. ...' IIARIUSS RUSSELL. Oct. 14. 9(Mf. No. 17, North water-st. GRAIN STORE. Ileceired per If". L. Jams. 1 OO BUSHELS eecdRyei J. v ion laah. areA Wheat t ; ALSO IN STORE. 175 belee superior new crop Hay j Nonh Carolina Com ; Cow Peaa at 46 and 60c per bush.; Freeh ground Hmnony and Meal ( Fayettevllle and Canal Flour ; Oata at 40 cent per bushel, Cow feed fiO cm. do. ' doj! Fo anlo by ELLIS cf- MITCHELL. Cel. 11. 0. G. II. MPIMTT, WILL U open In jilew dayl'af bl Into afand, next door to Mr. Policy's- In Front street, the atore having been fliM nr handsomoly, alnce rtte nre. TIIK MtWT - , 1 .. - M A G N I F rC.EN T STOCK OF "'.-.:;- :-' DRY" GOODS, am oiTr(t in the town of Wiliiilngioo. Ci 1L L, , la now ami baa bean for aovoral wacka devoting his whole aitantkm to making auUciiunaln now i ura ana ikieton, wMh Itm view oi oiuiiub toe laatetarMliiiosisDDrov(l stvl.auf 8ILKB.3AI LSS and drena (lOOU.i of FRENCH niHuutuciure, of which noiwiutending tins acarcliv of French fab rice, throuifh the aid ac a (ew hc.pee to complete his locttona from aonte fresh arrival ex pected In a few daye, nndduiplay an aasoitiiMinl of these truly beimtlful English, Scotch, Irish, German atKl AMERICAN GOODS. Ilia rtork will h very large, and In consequence of the extrnordinrry low pikes of threo pooda conne quent on over production and tho extreme scarcity of monev, he has been able, with CASH, to innkc his purcWea ;it wires o low astq be liiinsrlf aaton Ished.and he will offer them dt prices that wlllaston iah 6th-rs. . ' N B. C. H. L. la having mamifnemied, LA DIES and MISSF.S, blark Silk VI.ITRS. richly trimmed and of the newest PAUISIAN patterna. Alao a few fur ladies in mournine. By having tl'.rm mndej under his own saprrlntennencc none but the is also" enabled u, make quite . anvin; in their cost nnd wHi aU them cor respondingly low. COUNTRY MERCHANTS Can supply themselves from thin stock with Caah, at pricea aa low as they can in New York. C. II. LIl'PITT. Wilmington, Oct. 10, , 80. mmmim M1LLLER. MRS SARAH H. KELLY embrace this method of informlhi; her Town and Country ftiends, that she has returned fioiu the Morilvj with a well selected stock n Millinery, con-Hi.-ung of Lndica und ChlMrens llonnet!, Feathers, Flowera, Hend drcsfe, Collars, Cull's, F.ddn-'H, (cot- Inn tiiread,) Ribbons, with a variety of other artlctesT nil of the latest style, und will be sold as low us can he boupht in the pkico. She haa brought on nn oc cutiipllshed Milliner and dress maker. She returns her sincere thanks for pai pRtronoge, nnd humbly asks a continuance of the same. Oet.T. RMrrh S. H. K. . Millineiy Store. MISS A. ULSSIiY uioet rcHixxtfully informs her frieiulaand the imMic. thn she is pjvpuied all kinds of work in the ahove line, aud alao that h,chnjuHl opened a. HANDSOME ittUtK OV MILLINER V, uppoilte the Cape Feur flunk, 2 donrs south. of the llnnovcr House. 5 j She has also employed a Dicus-Maker , of the very beat, lalerrte In the trade. Oct. 3d. H5-lm . U O T E L . TH R HOUSE foi nurly known hh the 1LVNOV ER HOUSE has been tuken by ilie subferiber. and he now informs the travelling public thai they can thure find accominoJaiiuw euuul luutiy in the Stale1, neguiar ooaraera can also oc uvtomiuodaleU and WIU I m Ilia Ki1 I ullnnii.,. ""' JAMES MASALON. 66- it Oct. fi. CLEAR TIIK TRACK, HERE WE t'OUE Jlevolutio7i in Ireland. crUndel to - ' ton. ,V. C. Wilmhig- SEAHNWEILER respectfully Informs th- tens of H'ilmineton, ami lis vlcinitu, dm cm- at he ha just returned from the North, and hue' opened a moat splendid assortment of Dry Good, and Kendy j made Clothing, if-r. &c, athls'uld stand a: the Ex-1 change, corner of Front and Market streets. All of i hie iroods huve b.eii bouifht and selected vlih oar- titniwr care and especially Ills Clothing, which was expressly mudc up in the latest and most fashionable BtyUt for i Iw murker; Ihh clothing conuieilng in part of the following : Drew ami Krock CoalK, backs, Businusit nnd Overcoats of all sizes and kinds ; Pan taloons, Vests. Shirts rind Drawers, Boots andi'hoea, Hut and Cap. if', which lie guananties to sell on the most reasonublc prices to all that wirlfavor liim with a cull. Til P. YOU'LL REMEMnF.R MF. When you have mado up your tuTnd to wear, A Cont that fits yqiifbturk, When you have gol a 'ten t spare, And want a Fliat-rate Sock ; , Oi vlw., pilbapa, u apkudd Vest, To ii you but a V, , In such a moment I suggest, That yonfl remember ni '. , Oct. oil). " 86-2m. Twcntv Dollars Reward, 9 I WILL give Twenty Dollars 11 ward lor the lodgement of my man PETRH i In Wilmington Juil. Pctor 1 kUoul & feet 4 3Iim hiyh, litis dark kin, is somewhat broken, and about B0 years of age. He is supposed to be about WilhniiL'ion, or on I own Creek V . ik DF.W1TT, Oct. 7. " ' All Sulnts, S , C. ROOK SPRING- Fl'RMTURE ini:iini.i; THE auhserfVr winrld respectfully an nounce to the citlitna of Wilmington and the sorroundlnK eoutitlcs, that he l now receiving his Fall Stock of Cabi rtet Fnrniturv. Having selected It him aell in tho clth a of New York and Bos ton, he can confidently recommend it to the attention of customers for variety and elegance of style, beamy of workmanship, andcheapneae. It is al together tho moat complete stock that he has eve 0J. fered In thla market, and he thinks that ;hof" .i.i,;. purchase may find it to their lnterr (4 c,j, ihe .ll. lng are aome of the ertlc: tou.pried 'in the rk VII Of'AS. CARD TAllLES, DlSISd do. CESTRK do. l:TFSIO. do. 1M TCIIED do. T1H LEV do. , ftORK do. K SETTEES. OFFICE DESKS, MATTRESSES, IjcrkaI's. VHIESSISO lUltEAf ywk no Anns. m'ARDROIIKS. k nin iiF,nsTKAs. nt- pFFlCR CHAJIS, droom Sets, complete ; French- Bedsteads I Jligh nisi do. , Lookini; GlaaaWn Ttilf t do.: Sinks and Waahstands; Maliouanv do.; Boston rockinc Chairs: Mahognny do.j Do F rone It do. f Curl Maple do. i Cane, Ktuh aeat, nnd Fancy Chain ; Windsor aneT Common do.; ChiMrea s Hiith do. For aale et mod erate prices, by J. D. LOVE, Oct. I'. At the Rock Spring. i NOTICE IS hesepy jrjvn thit application will be ma4 al the ensuing Session of thn Legislature of North Caro lina JoraVharter, for Oid NSfth State Tent of the Indspendenl Order of Recbabifes. . K Oct. 10. ftS-w30d. PURfi CAMPHINR, AT S. POLLEY'S AND DR. SflAW'S. Oct. !2. 30- If. Houses tor Sale or Kent; TO RENT. ' f.i'i " i t r-.....i i. ,i. -r! 1 r"'lt 'JJUn. TH K Room an aemnd) 9f abate bira ' H tore on the corner of Market arvL Wt ,.trr Siroeis. It la a Inn: eommnlloua room. nnd will be rented on grxMl tenna, Apply m i . - , .'-; i B. 1. lOWU v : or Ii. JJ. EILEKJt. Oct, M. 90-t'. , . For rent from 1st Octobfr next ri'tlh nniiiiingai prnseni oeeupM by Mr. 1 C. Kraurduium. door to the Commer cial Ofltav ThafnllrMjrntBteWiied for stores unfa dweiiing. Apply w ' . , A.fACL RCTITOX. oet nih. ' . on. , 4. ..I'll i. i - - fl,lf, Water f.Jt KrenVftOiii llw ltrtoof.iaffy to i ' HARRMW i KLSHKI.I Mo. W, WoMsr-si. Oct. I WS-tfi - FOR RENT. Hj-J'TMIK Storo No. 2, In Lord'a Ttulldlnj, S t 'ii 1 North Water Stmt, a l present occupied LO-by myacIL W. A. LANODON. Sept. 29. 81 TO RENT. A MOl'SE to rrnt on Orange Mrrft, front i ijl inu J n lernon a, lUq .fcom Ilia lal ()c iilLloU r next. Applv to HOWARD if- PKUKIN. t5f pt. 2f. tti-tf. TO RENT. V ll(l the 1st irf October, a new and rem- fortnlile two story 4)wenf House, eltnal ted mi Third st., Mouth ol Oroiir. Apply J. A W. L. Mo.4RY. .'I. HtMf. to Se.t TO RENT. A house In Texas, one year old, containing two p. irate lenciuenla. GEO. FEROUaON. 11. . 11. K(jR SiUE OU RENT. L-l Til E SuhRrrlbr mTers for aale hla dwelling Siiiln """",;in Ihe Town of Wilmington, and alao "I In. his n ernr summer house In Smfthville and a moletv ol lor on which the House recently oertf. pied hy Mr. I.urhini neirr thn Rail Road atnd The'l terms will he arcomnioilming. My dwelling If not sold hy tli middle nt November, will k f tr rent In my absetr e apply to my Son.C. H. Dndlev. E. B. DCDLF.Y. ' An. 15. 64-tmN. TO KENT A n i w two atory hoirnc for one year, fro 1st October n-xi-fenl26. D. W. WOOD, m apt. II. ft, FOIl SALK OR RI-JNT. Aromfortabln Dwelling HodaA on Third Street, would be sold on very aecomrmM 'H.'lritmn- trrrns, or rented until the 1st of Ociobcr next. Apply to J. 4 W. L. McfJARV. 42-tf. June 20. TO RENT, TI I F. store corner of redcroae ana) front streets lately occupied by Mvesr. O.P. & R II (trntu. O. G. PARSLEY, (Suar. 12. 7rf. Sept Store and H liarrr tor Rent, SEYERAL dtalraWo Stores, Warehouses, and Wharvea, may be tented from let October nrxt. Apply to DailOSSKT, BROWN 4 Co. Sep-1, 11 SUGKR. Isi titling from flrig V. L.Juntt. 1 Q IlliDS. t. Croix Sugar. I Z t hhda. Porto Rico Suaar. For aale by DcROSSET, BROWK 0 Co. Aug. 30. 69 JUST FINE Asortment Perfumers Ac, Ae Ol'KNEI). of Tnye, Fancy. artlcJes, at WILKINSON'S. M-tf. Or:. S. A CARD. i T WILKINSON, wopld return hla sincere thanke, 1 J for the very liberal patronage bene wed on him, nnd by strict attention and accommedatiotkf hope to ire 1 1 ii continuance ot the same." J. W. I Oct. n. ., Bfltf. -I , . MULLETS 1 MULLETS ! I Oft BARRELS, September Mullets, itrst received OO per Schr. Marthn B., and for sole by E. J. BERNARD. Oct. 3. B5-Zw. NEW GOODS. Just Received per Brig Bdle. 12 BAGS Rio Coffe, 10 H LaKuira do. 4 bbla. OronlKd Sagv, I box Loaf to. 3 bbla New OrUtv Ram, 2S bate Shot, as.xnted, t I LI t, i. n 1 I bbl Peach io : Ola P., rk. n WmeVmeuar. a. ' . I 1,1 ' 4V auperinei www, 6 kegs tkwhen JButtcr, (euicndkl aiticle.) 2 caka Cheese, (satall aixea,) 14 caaee Shoea aaaorted, Fpaom Sal's, Madder, Alua. Castor OiL : Indigo, Opiuiu, Aaaefustidn, Aramalo, Eaenco Peppermint, Kaa. Clnanuui, M )ir,il s Life Pills, Beckwlth's Pills, Sapplogtoa'a Pllia, Petere" Pilla. McAllieMfa Saiia, Orcy'a- Oim toeat, Swayrvu'a Syrup WUd Cherry, Towneend'a Sarsaparilla, Sal Eratua, ink, Ac, die. For aale by . L. J. BERNARD. Sept. 26. - 62-1 m. FRESERVES Ac, dozen preserved Olngcr I do. Guava Jelly ; I do. Rasborry Jam ; 1 do. Anchovies; 1 do. Tomato Caraup 2 do. reserved 8aknon; 3 do. do. Lobsters. For sale by CARROLL A FEMNELL. , a. Oct- 7. N ORTH CAROLINA. Cotton Yarna and Cloths constantly on hand, for aale try R. W. BROWN. Ocu 14. DOtf. m. 2 -GLUE. iBBLS. German Glue, e superior article foe vfA J Pislllkfa aa, juet recvived sod for aale by DeROSSET, BROWN Co. 8fpt. 23d. 81.tfa( f tiu ,iau .r 'T r 14 O I . I in m a sBf) .1 i Jfcjl I vl M.f' a H if ' n ft '2 - ''tS' r1 1 . OCAKCELT ha leit abort yean lnrWr eince inn O hnmbW-nttomai waa oiado irrcemnla;inia jnrmt titr medical preparation, a lew of ine iwarbnoi Am Itu dian. Aktwaaerk n4 tbe lime aa to I He rank, TW. most than, ctiwld be eatinmiad waa, Jhat iho prina nam, adooir4 a Iho Ueia) ie build npon, worn and. luucn reliaiten wne pWed aoon, ealornol o4 the Ibh ret, and iho III succeoe of the xperlmen woakl ,hav tMuled u confirm thai reliance, whik U afcoo J&4 purpoeeef the preior. .-' ,t Now, howi-vrr, ell doubt artd difficulty ere at en end, Kvery where, this mllUe ha been gaeeuo wrih welcome, everywhere Be its aee sctaatMad4 wi. the most gratifying ancoaaa. From iellae llg Itaaolea are now counied by MILLIONS. ao4 h ie held In higher eatunojiioai na 4b atfeent- tlanf , lhaa wrH U waaertglnnlly tutrodaced. CURE FOR FEVER AND AflVft RtinMM.viLa, Potnam Co.. W i . , i i tWJ ,3t ill Dr. H right Some time alnre. yonr agent left me Wtfll X01" Im,1,I VelHe f Wr, lVrfaa an Id PiUa to be In grrat demand lalefy, for the Cere of FsveraadAgue. Mr. JameaBovd heea.awarwh hna been Md up with fsvar and st ue, and h4 irM vaTiouoiDer rerneaten, allot which proved of no, nt' vait. . He determined to tiy your Indian VegeaaMr Pille, end by heing one box. be mam sound onei, weU. Mr.T.Spenoer had a rtkghtet, Mr. UagJb Qrovea a eon, and Mr. Charloa Nirhoie end ah we tU, his family were down at the same tlute with (evefi and ague, and had alao tried Jhavarioua other reaw die without flet. 'Tour Indian trRtaUe tMJ aoon restored them tar fidTfodi haarllls.. i cAn ixsn you, from whet I have seen, your Indian Vrgr tbU Pllfa inr be rehVd on 6ra tNriiwnl Tew of lew and ague. Youra. reepeeiftiHjrnt ' ' ' Also, an seiln g Jaajlce of fht Fae. Tftlito'lo oertlfy that"! wai enrtelf COre of rrW China and Fever, of eevaral monrha a andlntf, by th use or rour doee of for pini tsen, of Wnf hi'f Indl-, an Vegetable PiDs.and after taklnjr rrfedViQe Mm regular physician fot tome tfna an4.ha fad no syniptorna of It since, whlcK hoi Itrti 'Mn one yew go. ). vy. JrrJNCT.R. ' THA, Champilgli coflniyOriln, Tbl ia'lo V(lf thai i WMeured'oVUar Chills ami -Fevai by the nee f.Wlhva Indian, egeabia Pflls, , hnvU, h.4 1 ga,Otnv., FnU4,0.KM,tiVfA ,i x , The Genuine k fovea le by ttEOw aUFRKNck ' Mrkef tJ'aeet, nut Bfm (of WUteencro J. Ti'lU Nfca,RaWgh, andby. ngenu an Ji.krM ni that. State. . . i u r - .'i..Ia fy Btmrt eewaf erfHtt tnd m9lkm f K memberthar ibeoffgtnal eodeory grrrnrnw Mettsw1 YtfHnhtt ma, hav rfc wrft'ra) riMtM at Wit liam IFrtyH ew ihe Uf hrevlofrail " Offices devoted cirlnetvrly M ihe ee WMarie India FagefaMe till; noi aale an4 retail, 169 Kara wm; rtiltoitla. ISfl (1 wU arrrti, Raw . Sepl.llac loAO. KKIy. RECEIVED rua A . DeROSSET. Q( Boies adamantine candle I ZVJ 2 hhda. P. k. fsgan t bbla, Pod avecaUi 6 'do. Butter emckers f 4 doicn meelerd 3 bbla. pickle . 3 dozen painted Bucket 6neUTube; 1 boxea ground Cinnamon, eV.. Ac. fJARROlX A FIvS.MLL, L; Oct. 7th. , ., A3 LATE AS THE .LATEST, ,, MESSRS. HOWARD A PP.DR5 have rwelml by all the Paekefa from rte Yiw, rTlveeJ wftbin Ihe peel wt, a pert o their FatV eopfly Good, eomprfaiojr artlcft of every aWHptlofi hf generaf us by raniilien, and invitee trta4ofineajn, beftevlng they are aeiUnt a lowaae! bwtrtoftlktm 1 to(ntmtaHJnyt mdrftt - HOWARD rRRTi' Sent- . W1 "TOR FREIGHT fJl,CHAIJTEIl, xfX TITF. 8uperW fcat. aalUng SJellf TJ$ " JfSAYERT. Ctpt. IB7 HUna, tairtf ' JBsaMboui fourteen hundred namla, pionMntatilf ' ejected from tosripleieorder jot any ojraae. Apcli to lURRjsa A RUSSEtX, Oct.T. . Wilmington Music - School. if MRS. WHITAKER, has renaawed bee iea4 -School to iIm Houae ecenpWKl bs etaf by Mi Hntitt, oppoaint ttw EpiH CJri.,ckv and aajobaw. , Ing Mrs. London where aha. 'oopce brlaiwatrkt nt 1 tention. and tonn eaperka ta , MaeJf TaaWlMr, fa reeeive a large sna of peffonegw IVoaa ihe LaMaki of WUmiagur,. She fact menkfWf for lhvnW, eral eiKCuragetnwnt, ehe ha anelvrl elawbif kha). Stumer, and all ah ask a of the Ladi)f Wilasnkg-, Ion, to become cwnvlneert of her oneBrWflodl, M6 call and aee for ttte4MrfvM 'en alao keaeyeoliatatiir y on hand, and for aale, a well selected eaeortmcnl of Moaic,. both (or Pis no and CaJJar,' ' , Wilmington, Qct. 5v , fJ . , - S6-4, , 0ie Hintdretl Dollars Itewtnh Mf I WILL arive One irAiniW DorTaft for tSn U appreheneion and delivery to ae at Brook ie&r&x'town. S. C. J4f nun liar. ry, who Baa I ifcaf t wn At k4 a)QnMh jrtaiP fo ft twjnflrj . and hat Inches high, and haa a black akin. Harry baa be .kri nraW nUAfa DlaMalkft on TdWa liiT tl1 mm "mm Til A ,Piiiil .MM Creek, and paeeen Ihefide t. ilaiaS'"". ndi3JJ oceaetowsOv vtejta LkueRWer. S.C. It Judged Ml W Brrrtngton JaO I rtlf nav Ktftv Dolb're foe hm. J. A. If EMIKOWAY. deft. tn-rx, - CHEESE LL. 67. ' si"'' n 'FOR SALE. r. A Saddle-T4 owe.", salted foraaaanof boaTnesa wlf tho work weB na Mrncnav AdMrnlthlaOfflee. UcBerS,' lJ-ti x FOR SALE. si r..w-rJ, t.trxaJw 20,000oa" 3Cra.l Oarfs Brick Vhich I utfcr fof eelc by tbeJft - b' ,h' 'IciV, Anv r Oct. it b. evw.rj, "rw" WANTED. . . . - ANEORO WQMAlt? Cntf.nwl Wash foe , Imell family. Aft, k negro flrf foajteejdleT Children, for whom nbrral wage wffl b pidtt peld. Apply at ihlatrffic. , r Oct. 7. , . J"l 7-5. -". (