r , : THE COMMERCIAL - It pabllshed every Tuuday, ThundaytnX Saturday, at 5,00 per annum, payable In all eases in advance by THOMAS LOKING, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR aBa-ana-aw ' BENJAMIN I. HOWZE, , ASSOCIATE EDITOa. Corner of Front and Market Strettt, WILMINGTON, N 0. . RATES Or ADVERTISING. 1 sqr. 1 insertion. $050 1 . " V " 75 1 . ". 3 . " 1,00 1 " 1 month, 2,50 1 sqr. 2 month, 1 3 1 6 1 lyear, $4 9 8 12 Twelve lines or leas make a square.' If an Advertisement exceeds twelve lines, the price will be in proportion. All advertisements are payable at the time of their insertion. ' 1 ' Contracts with yearly advertisers, will be nude on the most liberal terms. t All Advertisement! inserted in the triweekly Covtmircial, are entitled to one fosertion ( n the Weekly, free of charge JOB, CARD and FANCY PRINTING executed ia superior style. WILLIAM J. CLARK, ATTORNEY AT LAW, RALEIGH, N. C. 8ept 12th, 1848. 7-w. trl. e. CARROLL & FENNELL. Grocers V Cvauhwlon Mereluito, . WILMINGTON, N. C. MATS AtWATt OH NAKB A eSBSBAL AesOBTMEXT Of FAULT CMCEIIES, UQOORS, WIM, it , AH WIU FAT PABTICtTLAB Attention to the sale ef all kinds of Produce r- a. i. cabboll. July 13, 1843. c. x. pbstbbu.. F . CLARK, MAxtrrACTOssi and dbalbb m all ium op CABINET FURNITURE CMUIS, BEDSTEADS, WUT1JIC BESIt, I1T TR1SSIS, rilUlSTIKS, fcc. FRONT STREET, NEAR MARKET, WILMINGTON, N. C April Ilth. 1M8. Il-ly. DEROSSET, BROWN & Co., d K SURAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, WILMINGTON, N. C, March 17, 1848. l-y. BROWN, DEROS3ET & Co., EXERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 15U FRONT BT. NEW YORK. March 171313. . l-y. A. MARTIN, GENERAL AGENT AND Commission Merchant North Witcr, t Doon aboTe Friaeeu Street, Marpky't Building,) WILMINGTON, N, C. Oct. 3. 84 J. & W. L. McGARY porwirdisg m covmim MERCHANTS, WLM LNQTON, N C. March 17.1319. I-I. ROWLEY, ASHOCRNER CO. Geieril CinaiuUi Itrchiiti, Not. 14 6, South Wbabtss, PHILADELPHIA. W u are p repared to make liberal sdvaaeea oa eUls- soati of XarelStorei, Ac.conelgaedto usforeeie. Refer to 4esre. .1 ml t Virajsa,i Baerr FL4ea, WUntlag toa.N.C rjeiaae VV. Datib. ) January 18. 123-ly. ELIUH DICKINSON, COMMISSION MERCHANT. S jnWr ptrinerufthe late Ann of Dickinson & Morris WILMINQTON, N. C Ripts to Messrs . B . DeForestA Co., NeiAltk & Walsh, E.D.PttertACo., ; Ne York. Boston . Mesne Clark, Walters Souder, PklU(U,fcl. A. Beoaon Co., I e ' Oct. 3. 1847. 84-ly-p GEORGE S. GILLESPIE. AQENT POO. THI SALE Of TIMBER, LUMBER, NAVAL STORES, f Wll .Xe liberal cash advance on ellcoaelgnmeale , of prepuce. March 17. 1 J. HA.THAWAY & SON, COM Vf 133 IONMERC HANTS, 3rd Deer Nwrik WilrrStrtl, WILMINQ TON, N. C. J.Hatnawat. J.L.. Hatbaw Vr Oct. 37,1847. O. W. DAVIS, COMMISSION MERCHANT, WILMINGTON, N. C, March IT 1 JOHN C. LATTA, COMMISSION MERCHANT, AND GENERAL AGENT, WILMINGTON, N. C. Oci.10.IB4T. 8T BLANKS PRINTED TOi&DER, AT THE CO M MERCTA L OFFICE. BACON AND PORK. QP, IThd. Clear SWeai Ihkda. Bkoaldersi 4 OV bamls mees Pork, ftw sale by HARRISS a aC8KL. OH. If. ft- VOL. 3NQ. 96 JOHN HALL, SHIP AOENT ANd f COMMISSION MERCHANT, , No.30GRAVIER STREET. New OrieiBi April 13, 1848. UO-ly. it. J. LORD & CO. Rice Factors 4 CoaaLssion igeat. Not. 26, 1847. 109-l-p. LIFE INSURANCE IN THE NATIONAL LOAN FUND SO CIETY, OF LORpONr SUV FIRE INSURANCE IN THE iETNA INSURANCE COM PANY, OF HARTFORD, Com., OB, IB! Tfta HOWARD INSURANCE COMPANY, QF NEW YORK, May be effected by application to Not. 25,1847. 108 W. A. LANGDON, COMMISSION MERCHANT, WILMINQTON, N. C. Not. 23, 1847. lOT M1CELLAR ic, WRAE, LDIIEI lHBTIIBEil6ErrS,611EtlL COIIISSIOS HIRCBIHTS, Md GROCERS, Store formerly eecttpfcrf by Hall AeitaTaoifS, NORTH WATER STREET, WILMINGTON, N. C. Micros M'KBllAB. Not." II, 1847. albs.m'bab, 102 THOMAS ALLIBONE & Co., 6E1EEAL C011I8K10H ME1CIAHTR, No. 8, SouthWhabves, PHILADELPHIA. Admen mide Cinigiffleiti. Refer to Meeers. DiRoaiBT, Beown A Co. Wll- mlngtoa, N. C. (DOT. 11. 102-y HARRISS &. RUSSELL, (SDCCESSORS TO CriABLtH D. ELLIS,) 6KHIKAL C0MMISSIOR lElCIlStl WlLMtMOTOei, N.C aoaea babiiii. hbkbT r. aoeasLL. REFER TO K. P. Hail, Eq. ) O. O. PAan.iT, Ka. Wilmington. Jwo. A. Tatiob,E. ) Abmbb Pattob Ee , Ntw Var. Albs. Hsbbow, in., Rb PhUuddpk, ar . A d HlMM WilllABIB, tblai. o. v. r Ckarietton. H. r. BABB,r.iQ. Sept. 4th, 1847. I3-tf. L. MALLETT, AQCIfT ros mt SALE or Tiaber, Ltabcr, NaTal SUrts, kt NutCt Building, NoHK Hater Street, WILMINGTON, N. C. Not. 9, 1847. w BARRY, 3RYANT & Co. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, WILMINOTON, N Cft March 17, 1848. WILLIAM NEFF, (Late of the firm of Nsrp 4. Wamer WHOLESALE AMD RETAIL DEALER III SHIP CELLNDLERT, ship stores AND GROCERIES, CORNER OF DOCK e WATER STREiS, WILMINGTON, N. C. Dec. 7th. 1847. CASSIDEY, SCHRADER & Co., ENGINEERS AND MACHINISTS TBS ASOTB PIB BATS BaBCTBB AJr MTBBIrTB Iron and Brass Foundry together with NaekUe aid BUekxalti Stops, Wbara orders for eTery daacrlptioaj of work lo their Qae of bualneae. wlaae expeatireaaiy aaa faUhfolly eucnied. July W, 1848. l-tL MARTIN to CRONLY, AUCTIONEERS, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, GENERAL1 AOENTS. WUMlngaM, N. C Oet. 1 1848. 60-tf. PLOUGHS. A LOT of A. B. AHams4Ca's. sapertor Na. 1 Ptoagha. JaetreceiTdaad for aale. by McKELLKR A McRAK. Jaa.l. . 12. FAYETTEYILLE flour rAO&lJL laatstd saperflae FloaT. For 'aale at OU i. t W. U MeOARV. Oaa.14, m. mmimimT PUBLISHED TRI-WEEKLY, WILMINGTON, SATURDAY SCOTT, KEEN & CO. MBRCHiNT TAILORS , AND D8ALEHS IN SUPERIOR Reads M(iie CvViftg, MARKET STREET, . - WILMINGTON, N. C. Oct. 21, 1818. . .-S3-y. CORNELfUS MYERS, MANUFACTURER AMD DEALE& 114 HATS, CAPS, UMBRELLAS AND WALKING UAJNfcS, c. WltMINOTON, N. C, MarVet-at. Oct. 17. W. L. SMITH. (Latr or the rum or Sandpoiio & Smith.) AUCTIONEER AND COMMlSSmS MERCHANT, WILMINGTON, N. C. 8tore oa North Water Street, Pereiey'a block. Oct. 14. 90-yc 3. S. WILLIAMS' Fane k Staple Dry Goods Store. ORE DOOR WIST OF W EB1W8 BRU6 WEB, MARKET STREET, WILMINGTON, 1i. C. Oct. 14,184a 90. Jas. T. Morris Umhtr ani Tisiber Inspector, WILMINGTON, N. C. OcL 12. 89-6in JAMES T. MOIIRJS, Jgeut w the Sale n rorthiie i RE6B0E8, WILMINGTON, N. C. Oct. 1 89-6m wm. at. lARBia. Bi'eini a. dbabb HARRISS & DRAKE, Geieral CoBolssioa Hfrchants, WILMINGTON, N. C. RcrxiKNCM r O. G. Paraley, Esq, ) Col. John McRee, Wilmington, N- C. Measra. Ballard Hnnllngton, ) Will Peck. Eaq.. Raleish.M.C. Meeara. HaU, Hacked 1 Co FayetteTHIe, N. C. ioae&h. Utler. Eaa.. Jleam. Jaaiea Cottier Sone, HaliMnore. " K. A. Souder it Co., PhUadelphia. ' Tbompeon Hunler, ) N Y . " Plllabary Sandfurd, INW T 01 " Hunting A Tufts, Ronton. " J. Q. P. Titeotnb, Kennebunk, Me. September 14th, 1848. 77-tL W. BRANSON: AGENT FOR THE SALE OF lllBEt, IUIIEI, N1T1L 8T0RBS, At Nut & Building North Water Street. WILMINGTON, N.C. Sept. 28 1848. 83-e. N B . HUGHES, AUCTIONEER ARB COMMISSION MERC HAN T, RALEIGH, N. C. SolicKa eeneigmnentt, and will attend to all buai neaa eatruaied to bin. and pledgee himsea' that all eoMtfnmeata and auaineaa abaU pe atrtctiy dona ia conformity to tae wiabea ol nla employers. REFERENCE. T. Loa iko, Esq., Wilmington. E. W. WiLBtNca, Rkj., FayctteTine. Aag. 26, 1848. 69-ry. John d. love, DEALER IN CABINET FURNITURE. IEBSTE1BS, CUIIS, liTHSm, U, ROCK SPRING, WILMINGTON, N. C. Marine ani Flre Insurance JJHESabecrtbe bariBg reoelred the Ageacy Ctndei IisiraBto Conpaay,?!. J. CHARTERED 1832. IIT1 I CAPITAL IF till, 1.0, or WDmlastoa and TklaltT. will Imoe Pottdea oa esgoaa, frelgbu and Teaaeai out of this port and alao take Ftra rtaka oa as reaeoaebie term a as say other laacitotlo. Loaeea aBitalnad wlH be Dromstrr and tsoiMrabryadiaatad and para, andlaeaM Mdlftem M oarta of North Carolina win be aetnSwtrgod MARTIN, Agl. Dec. 14, 1847. Ilo-ly-c. Twenty Dollars Reward, If I WILL sivo Twenty m wara tor tns lodgement w my ma a re. i a. JSla WUailagto Jail. Peter Is aboat I feet laches htgh, baa dark akm. Is somewhat bcoken, a and aboat B0 rears of ag. He Is sappoeed to be about Wilmington, or oa T fawa Creek. 8. DEWITT, AH Saints, 8 Oct 7. C. COAL. Kg TONS Red A she Coal.brokea aad amwd unr rofaaie.ar w. i.. Bmin, AS LOR1NG. gr Jfer MORNING,' OCTOBER 28, P. J. LORD fc CO., Agenia Tor the NAUTILUS MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. Accumulated Capital, $130,000. ALSO rORTIIE i EACLE LIFE k HEALTH IN8URAMCE CO " Capital, $ 100,000. WintakerieksonttTesof 8la Office 23 North Wstai Street. " Oct. 24, 1848. THE CITY HOTEL. Af j t Mi m x theCairt Bine Sfitre RALEIGH, N. C. HHAS been rsceniiy rhoroaghly repaired, and greatly improTed bj the addition of a large number of pkraaantand commodious rooms which arrttOt eiceiled br any In the City. The UbW aJ. ways furnUhe with ihe beet thai can be procured, and the charges are at moderate as can be afforded. Tha stables ara in good order, weH Airaaiahed with SrOTendcr, and attended by careful and experienced atlers. Mrs. Lawrence would therefore reepectfully taT&S the attention of the membera of the approaching Legialaiure and iheiravelllayp ubllc to the adTantafS praaeilted by this eetabliehment. Raleigh, Sept. 12 1848. 76-Iy-w-t. BLOWN SALT. Tpr SACKS LWerpool filowg Salt, now lan- aw aiaa iooi oenr. unariea sihm. For le nlotatoauitby R. W. BROWN. Oct. 10. 10, NEW GOODS. Just Received per Brig Belli. 2 BAGS Rio Coffee, ' 10 " Lagolra do. 4 bbls. Cniahed Sugar, I box Loaf do. 3 bbls. New Orleans Rum, 26 bags Shot, aajortod, 1 bbL Peach Brandy, lObbla Mew Pork, 1 Wine Vinegar, 20 " super Canal Flour, 1 kegsGoeben But(r, (aplendld article,) 2 casks Cheeae, (amaU aizee,) 14 caeca Sheet at toned, Epaora Sain, Madder. Alum. Caator Oil. Indigo, Opium, Aesefcatida, Araraato, Eaeenes Peppermint, Ee. Cinamon, Moffafa Life Pilla, Beckwitha PMla. SaDDiatrtonB PUls, Peters' Pllla, McAlllater-e Salve, Orey'l Oint ment, Swayne'a Syrup Wild. Cherry, Towneead'S asrsapanua. sat nratua, ink, c. te. ..1. l . una d r IK. r ui hit vj b. run axvA'? Sept. 26. 82- 1m GRAIN STORE. Received per W. I. Jones. I Aft BUSHELS aeed Rye( A vv ZO bush, sred Wheat i ALSO IN STORE. 175 batei inperior new crop Hay i Nonh Carolina Corn i Cow Peas at 45 and AOe per bnah.; Freeh ground MutnonT and Meal Fayettevllle and Canal Flour s Oau at 40 centi per buahel, Cow feed 60 eta. do. do. For aale by ELUS 4 MITCHELL. Oct. 14. 0. LIVERPOOL 8 ALT. SACKS ground) LOO Sacka fine or blown. For aale br R. W. BROWN. 360 Oct. 21. W-if. SHIP CHANDLERY. mi ASTERS of Teeaek will find Chandlery, Spare, 11MA".. For Sale by HOWARD A PEDEN. 92. Oct. 18 100 Oet. 14. SACKS Salt. For aale by HOWARD & PEDEN. 90 NOTICE. fgT, FIE subscribers baTettus day entered Into Co rn partnership. under the ftraa of MARTIN A CRONI.V. forth e transact!) of a Geaeral Auctio Commission and Ageaey business, at the late ala of Cronly, vvstter Hatl. A. jsariii at. uaurL.T . Oct. i. '85-tf. 10,000 Cords Pine Wood. PROPOSALS wlO be rocalTed sntll 1st Novem ber next, for the deiiTery of ten thousand cerda Pine wood for the H leant Boats of the Wilmington and Raleigh Rail Read Company. To he delinrred during rhe year 1849 on board tne Steamboats or on the wharf as may be ire, ui red. BUtdera will please stale lb kind of pine, dead or IMag, aad the price of each, JNQ. A. TAYLOR, S. Agent. Set I. 12. AF1b Set tfTfftk for 25 Celts. While Teeth, Foul Breath, Healthy Game. Yellow and anheakhy teeth, after being ones at twice cleaned with JONES' AMBER TOOTH PARTE, BaTatheappearaneeofthemoatbeaailfal I Tory, aad at the aaaae time it Is so perfectly laaooeat and elqui sltelyjlnehailts constant dairy uee Uhhjhly adnata (sous, eTen to those teeth that are In good eoadllkm. gWing them a beautiful polish, and presenting a pre mature deay. Those elreasy decayed, It preTewts from becoming worse It also faateaa auch as are ba com fag loose, and by aeree Terence It wSJ render the foaleet teeth deticately while, and make tae breath detcioaaly sweet. PRICE 25 OR HI CENTS A BOX. Sold In W,Knlagton, by Lipofll a WBDrlBfa. MOLASSES. ftf HHD8 Superior retalllag Moteaees. For Warisby BARRY BRYANT Ca. SeptanbeT 12, 1848. NOTICE. rpiIE raberrloerhee this day eniefad Into a Cev X partnership with R. J. Joataa, (or the) pavpoea af carryln on ihe Boot and Shoe baalaaaa 1st all Ita braacltea. at hie old stand la Market afreet, ander lha Arm of QRAY JONES. AO persona Indebted to ae. Hther by aote or a coanl. wilt pteese eaR and settle ae the old beelaeea BY TI meet b eloeed ap. CHAS. URAY , WilsaUgioa, Asg. 16th, (2tk,) Ttf. mm k- '-",' r j - , - - - 1.848 H Whole No h I GENERAL TAYLOR: His Moral, Intellectual ajto IWes- MOXAL ClIARACTEK. General Taylor' ckatarttr at drnm bf the I Im. John M Clayton, Senator of the U. 8. from IklatMcre. Hie Hon. aentltftnan.fMr. Serifttor PooC oi iwississippi,; also attacks Ueneral Ti' lor on me ground mat tit lacks quahfica lions. In jualice. however, to his own no ble heart, the Senator admits that General 1 aylor is a pure, honorable, hkh-minded. nu patriotic maa. Bui he finds fault with General Tajlor mi account 6f wbal he supposes to evince a want of great team ing. He reasons from Geaeral TajWi coniession that he was nota Tviirtirinn fv""svV mm we is not competeoi lor toe I'residency. That is, I think, bis chief Objection. The gentleman did also find much fault with one or two of Gen. Taylor's letters. I shall not denj that his letters, like those Of other great military commanders, written ia the Durry of a camp, and on a barrel, a box, of a drum-head, have riot the beauty of fininh and the rotundity of Deriod which thiran- tleman so well knows how to give his own ieuers. Dut lor strong sense and appropri ate language to convey it, no man can ex eel these letters of Taylor, in which-he iouna it important to attend to the manner as well as the matter of his composition. ttb iaugn at tne story that he cannot write his letters. That from his enemies is a new tribute to their excellence ! Gen. Cass, is, we admit, a knowing and learned man; but (Scneral Taylor is a trite man. 1 agree with the poet, that "Knowledge and wisdom far from being one, Hire oil times no connection. Knowing dwells Id heada replete with fhoQgfets of other wen Wladota ia irdnda attentifo ta their owa." Gen. Cass has great erudition, and has written books. But in the gTeat essential quaBtfes of wisdom, justice, integrity, hu manity, and moral as . well 'as physical courage. Taylor approaches nearer to the character of Washington than any man who has occupied the Presidential chair since bis day. And with regard to the champion of the gentleman from Connecti cut, (Ml. Nilet.) who has indulged himself in a sly fling at Uen. I aylor,! WiUffive my opinion with equal frankness. Mi. Van Buren is a' cunning man, and it has often been obicrved, that no cunning man was ever yet n wise one. Exception is fnken to raylors quahucattons, because he has been compelled, in his country's service, to pay more attention to the cartridge inaa the ballot box ; and in bis letters has mod estly expressed his own difidence of his ability to discharge the duties of President of the United States. But let me call the attention of :he Senate to what Gen. Wash ington said of himself in bis inaugural ad dress. He says to Congress: "The magnitude and difficulty of the trust to which the voice of my country called me, being sufficient to awaken in the wisest and irost experienced of her citizens a distrustful scrutiny into his qualifications could net but overwhelm with despondency one, who, inheriting interior endowmeriU from nature, and unpractised in the duties of civil administration, ought to be peculi arly conscious of his own deficiencies." Taylor is the man of modern limes who has rivalled this- admirable modesty, and bis friends so far from lreaxdinir it as a fault, tie it as one of ihe brightest among the featuies which adorn his heroic char acter. Generai Taylor't tharatier at draw by the Hon. John Sergeant rf PhUidrlphia. To be able at such a period as the pres ent to place m the highest office of our Gov ernment a man whose every quality attests his being of the race of the mighty men, the sages and the patriots, whose memory we do honor, must be regarded as a new favor to our country. lrueUtbe Coasti tution, faithful to Us precepts and injunc tions, understanding it in tire spirit and sense of those who framed it, with a heart too pure to 1 seduced, and too brnre to be sacrificed, General Taylaf will be the Pres ident contemplated by the people when ther created that high effice. With the Constitution for his guide, and the whole interests of the nation for the objects oi his care, usurping no authority which does not belooe to bim, and declining none it is fit he should exercise, wild a calm, steady, and fearless slep, he will follow the course of duty, according to the platform of the Cons mutton, wun toe oesi uznis upon n anorded by past or present limes. these are the assurances ?ivcn by all his con duct and character through a long, and ac tive, and honorable life, spent in the pres ence of his countrymen, and in sight of the world, in very arduous service, without re proach or censure, nay, with uniform and universal praise. General Taylor't Ckarader at dram by the Hon, Ttsbm SariA of Connecticut. I declare my utmost confidence in Gen Tavlor. I feel that I have a thorough in sight into his principles and his character As be is aa honest man, I confide in mm he iat a modVraTenjespeci htm j as he is a lmmahe miirv I ifljriiie hrjb iai he is a man of unsupassed bravery, I Jvono him ; .as he is distinguished, for, .good sensa and totind discretion. I think he will make a safa President at a hgh.iejii of jtrmice has ever characterised his conduct, 1 am. wining to trust him with th -right And in terests tico has decision of charader-asls JW favors sad fears do responsibility" I believe he will. with a steady hand, gwi4 the, count ry safe ly through all 'he perils which may envi ron u ; as' hd poesesj ihe.' i?W. jiorhy and excellence of character, 1 shall fake pleasure in seeing him At the bead of pub lic affairs: as he is truly republican in bis) habits and manners, being one of the peo pU,hd syispalhising thoroughly with the AuiMtet, I think there; it a fitness in making fciV the chief magistrate of those sama masses of whoin the humblest can exclaim? with truth, "he w orje of us rand as he is a good, sound, conservative, arid reliable Whig, abominaline Urar inf contemning meanness, fraud, chicanery, And trickery, who wiU put far front him all eviidoors, po litical or otherwine, 1 am fpr hins from the beginning to the end of lha chapter. I consecrate my hand and my heart to the good old cause as represented by Zachary Taylor, arid will do alMh the range of my feeble abilities to make" bim the next Presi dent of the United States. General Taylor's character a$ dfovn 'fo the M W a a mmm liorwraou Mr, Torn of Georgia. It were well to stop of a moment to in quire what manner of mala itvthia Zachary Taylor, and how has bet von; this popular affection. His military genieis and success undoubtedly first attracted to tyimsetf pub lic attention, but it at the same time sub jected bim to popular scrutiny. " The re- sult of that scrutiny disclosed In him moral and intellectual qualities for Vhldt the people grappled him w their' hearta'ej it were with hooks of steel. -Thay admired the soldier, but they loved and trusted the man. They loved him. not because, he waa "without fear," but, because. he was without reproach." They, found,, him a man of spotless purity and integritymod est, tmthlul, honest, great, apd wise Mod est in his estimate of his own greatness ; truthful and honest m all thing j great m action, in moulding events; wise in nia knowledge and jtklgment of men. and in hit conception of practical truth, in his adaptation o(tbe best means to the accom plishment of usefu, sod noble ends. He is not a man of words, but of thoughts and deeds ; his enreat and noble deeds have filled the civilized world with his Own and bis country's fame. General Taylor' t ckarader at dram by the Honorable Caleb B. Smith of Indiana. The mind of Zachary Taylor is cast in no common mould. His firmness way the tower of strength upon which otir Ettte ar my in Mexico reposed, whtie the clearness and accuracy of his judgment have been vindicated in hie every action. His des patches lo the Waf Department and other publications, designed for the public eye, have no superiors of their class. They are all distinguished by disciplined thought, masterly common sense, remarkable force and elegance of diction, and by a dignified submission to - the civil power under the greatest personal provocaoerv wLile an extreme and winning modesty is lha very soul of them alL . . p General Taylor't tharader at dravn by tAs Honorable Robert C. &ke)uk of Qkuk 1 frankly submit that since hie noraina tion, and since I have set myself coely and calmly to consider, under the , best lights afforded to us, his character and position, my estimation of him has greatly increased. I believe that he is a Strong minded, single hearied,true man as honest ahe is brave; and that under him we should have a safe, pure, and sound Whig fednunisAraiioa of the I Government lie is a soldier, but, regards war" he says, "atal) times and under all circumstances, as a national calamity and ne uimincuy protests nis opposition to me policy which wtwild suWugate other na tions, and dismember ot he r-ooua tries by conquest. General Tnylor't eiarartrr by General Pern fir F. South, a leading Dent (f Louisiana. General Trrylor's military exploits are not the causes of his popularity ; they- are only the occasions (or the display af sound judgmr nt, energy of character, lofly and pure sense of justice, and lacorwptibie honesty. Ha has aa much rrptttaif)i lor whalhebas written as for wlmthe.has done, because even. ylicrea(cpmpoeition is not his own, the seutiuienjsrpoljveSjaud feelings are ; and every thing do aaye, as everyining nc auea, is waiacu vj iuc rilv and loftiness of his own character. I have never heard tf any one, however corrupt or base- himself, thai after live min utes conversation with Gen. Taylor, has darei to propose, or even hint at anythiar dishonest or mean. And nd mjertourse in ordinary events of common Rfe 'ten give tle true idea of thn loiunese oi nis cnarac ter. 'I temember yon asked me St lha Luna ht put m command at Corpus Lnnati, whetfverhe was equal temeciicimislancea. I told rou of his sound judgment aaa inex- haustible energy as a nau icbjiwu, w Florida, but I did not then estunaie propar ly the other and higher points of his char acter In the campaign on the Rio Gransje, I saw hint tried under all circumstancfs, and he always came out pure gold. . t A New York paper states that Bristow, the celebrated writing master Of thai cny, taught a lawyer in n cwree of rweive aons to read his own writing ol ajJ.paruxtr ineeountrr. and oar WfykWolciof MhH $iatss s)s bo) ever lcen remarkable for finnness and 4 i Oet 14. fO-tf.