. . ;,... J . ii i I k. THE COMMERCIAL. -WILMINGTON, N; C. ' i - i - mm I,, ! ii . :- ; ;- SATURDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1841 FOR PRE8IDENT, GENYZACHARY TAYLOR, ' FOR VICE RESIDENT, MILLARD FILLMORE, . of wew.,v6rk,'! ' '.; JSfatfw M TWcfayAe 7tk f November.- r Irfilf!' 'fcrS 'a WHIG ELECTORAL TtfK&m Diatrict No. 1. Hon. Kenneth Rayne'r, M U If a u il ii :i i 4 II 2. Hon Edward Stanly, 3. Henry W.Miller, Esq., .4. Hon. W.H. Washington, 5. George Ds. via, 'Eaqy, 6. ' John Wirwlow, Eiaqu 7. John Kerr, Esq., 8. RawIey'GaIIetfrny,."Eq., 9. J. W. Oeoorno, iEsq., t( M II II " 10. TmI4 R. Caldwell, 4 1 t TAKn Tlci-vrar Von ROUGH & READY CLUB. We had a gloriom meeting of the Club on Thursday night last The large Ma sonic Hall wns nearly filled, and thecal lary too, and eloquent speeches, and patriot ic songs were the order of the night. The Chairman, Mr.O. Q.Wbslet, hnd no sooner called the meeting to order, than Mr. Sand , roRD, rose and stated that, he wished to intro duce te the Club, a gentleman who seldom mingled i io publio matters, and . who had scoftely attended a political meeting for four years past that geotleman he said was Mr. Strode, and he hoped he would give nn ac count of hircself. A loud call was immedi ately made Tor Mr. S. and he answered the summons. His remarks were plain, practi cal and patriotic he said he was n working man and he wished to address himself to working men ; he told th era that the priiici plea and practices of the Whig party were tar more conducive to their interesf, than were those o! the Democrats. The Whigs he said possessed and practiced a wise sys tem oi economy they wefe opposed to spen ding money upon foreign wars or pensioned office-holders, and preferred to use it, for the encouragement and protection pf the industry of the country ; a judicious developement of our resources, aod the education ol oil, and the diffusion of light and knowledge among them ; and said he, when the people become educated, then we shall Lava Whigs in abun dance. - Mr. Samoel Pottir was next called up on, and so loud was the call that he wus forced to respond in spite of his physical in !i8posiuon. We are not given to flattery but we see no good reason why we should not say we like a speech, when we do like it We say then that this speech wns a glorious edorL It was liberal, just and comprehen sive ; forcible and brilfiant, and we are not pure but what we are the more in love wth it, from the fact, that while it was being de livered a group 6f 'Hue lair" gave us the honor of their presence. The ladles ought to bve Old Zacit, for he hns on all occasions, shown u tender feeling towards litem j and tor so doing at Monterey, he was by tome thought worthy of public censure. They should lute him, too, because The kswt thst stm proves bravest in war IssWrtys (1m foodesiln I6.', Afl&fr Mr. Potter conclude.!, we had a rncenng song irons the Rough nnd Ready Olwir, and then followed a call for Mr. Geo. Davis, aad he responded exactly in tbui way which will make ui feel liks calling upon hun ugaiia. When be had finished. Mr Johx A. Tat i.ob moved : That wheo this Club ouljourn it shall tio so to meet oguiu oo Tuesday night next at the Dry Pond, aod k was tar ried by aednraation. MILITIA MUSTER. i ne livwer uatuiton ol ike Militia oi New anoer,eHt.-.M in ...i. Hanover' count. -paraded in this town on rhottday last, Iwder the command of Col D. . r ! i .. "' .i. uonsiuenng me lew op- portuniues sfimproveroent lo discipline, eu joyed by these troopi, we thiuk they marched nnd parturmed their duties very well nnd lite olheer varii qgite militosy ki Uieir deport ment. "T : DEATH OF PIXON H. LEWIS. The Hon. tkti tL Lcwia, United Stitea Seaatorrota Alabama, died in New York, oa Tuesday last, after a short but severe ill nsaii,H enjoyed great personal popularity tlifaofieut Um South, very deservedly. He was believed to be the largest maa in (he U. SUtes, weighing well oa to 500 pounds. i 7 VIBGLNIA. fh The loco&co presses are claiming ' Virgin ia fbtCASl and DcTLCa. They count with out their host j and If they nave no better re liance than their hopes of the Old Dominion, lhrj pity as well quii the game. The Rich rnfld JJftiip . WXfr y i "Every day adds to the belief ei pressed Jbjr , us oa more thaii one occojjga, of late, that Virginia will cast P'. her vole' in Ndveniber for jfir owbiy tbrLXTIIIff" WARSAW .Jl&KIAy-j? hero of Monterey and Bdttia Vleta. f;Scarce' J j pA ri0iiUioifi9TolStaMunlfnf ty u ninu uruves mm uovh pg rome;,inu with r4atfntf Inlfilflgtajce.!!!;' ' ' - THE- CLOVEN- F00THWlW,3r'trr,ikv,Jf - ,,; pica nol xe7 MmMt tVjr'jli)Jonita : -w' v. I jnp.ntnr.msm . ' ! 1 '' ' 1 1 t ' i ' XI vertisement, or wthi'rwise JuBCrtcd. in? lie might choose. Mr. Fulto.i derlinid ir pnlw lish it in any shnpo, nndor the j)e.i tint there Were two Wliijr organs here. Thuu i the cloven foot cxjioni-d. The Wotoro luadcra having inreuitd and circulated the lie, put jt ort of the line of tlic' Editor's businesv'to contradict i ; nnd they show they arc willing (o take the odium upon themselves. TO THE PUBLIC ( ' Wilmington. October '1848. , Within the pnst week, I have Tepeattilly hen rd of changes which are. mid to have tn ken place nmong the. Whigs of Wilmington ) that tenor a dozen, whose iw,mtf lira iuta- lioned, nnd u as many aa twenty iof, (h most influential." .without giving namcaj hid abandoned Gen. Taylor arid would yotc.br Cass and lixttlcr." With those who nre named,' I nm "in daily intercourse, and know the whole Report to be utterly false. r ; Butit has now assumed 8uchaclmracter,orig inatmir. 4 believe, in tlu most hanunnd fi'timl. ulent designstliat ns one of the purtieawawiet, I, feef it to be my duty to give, to the , report, ine ue uireci; noi navmg a snaupw oi irulJi for its foundation I shall vote for General Taylor ; and be: lieviuir that the election of Genbrfrl 'TJass. would be fatal to nil that remains ot our Ke- came out. publirjin Institutions, nnd particularly to I Vs arc a jiitle curious i:i i.ur iurh nrij Southern interosta; no cartMy, consideration 1 ... A , ril, , . . , ,,,, . ' . . could induce me to vote for him, ...... j l'1J;,k 1ll! Si'ld""1 ,l 11 As where th, Respectfully, JAS,;OWN'. ! ,l0"0" first exll'll it-s. 11" m this earth ? We Having heard it currently rumored that a" kll(MV ,'0,,f ?ylJiiarytl-..y1iiile h.nrr Mr. Meabes had forsaken the Wing ranks, ! ,,m'" than ccr'faTn pOliticiaifsr,itpresei,t wo felt authorized to address him 011 the sub- j n",( '' " OenVHl CrirtVm:if('ev of Ita ject and in answer we hnve received thesub-1 '''J-'1'- or ,l'5 Club at WaKhingtoo. tlraiirst joined note. This ought to satisfy the Pub- j ISM1''' decree ? We really ranuoi think lie, that there is foul play going on, nnd pre- i "r ln''IH' ol tll,; Muuilard, tho' not aj t t p-ire them to meet it. ' slu l ;it sl"all matters, would give his voir m WtLMiNOTon, Oct. 27th 1848. j "ouiru i ttcc for adopting ' art 1 J.-e.ti.iiiv. liair Messrs Editors: I fee) it (file tonyself I .trick ho transcendenljy nnnri -ns it i.i. l!ut to say tnai tnc report eirculaiett-'nwuwiouy the District, ihnl I intend to support Cass nn,i n.,,1,, . ; 1 f ....' .1.1... nrsi who came lorwuru 10 supnri vienerai 1 r 1 . r.' 1 1 aYlor. andwill certainly be the very last to desert him. Youri, &c. T. D. MEARES. PENNSYLVANIA: It is pretended that the Democrats --did not exert themselves in Pennsylvania, at the late elcotion uiid this is set forth ns enronnige ment to ihe Lh.mocmiB to keep tip thefr drooping spirits amfclst Jhe falling fortunepf locolocois'nt. The assertion refuiive ,to tlje" efforts of .that party are altogether nnfoiuul-1 cd. We are assured ilka I the locoilicoe nevor mad more strenuous exertions never, on any occasion, brought the influence of jot- ronngc nnu power to tenr more uirrrlly on the result.' tlp".Vof essVian, 'FIFTY THOU SAND DOLLARS were contributed, in Wushiugion and N'ew York to influence the election. Another maltorshonld beconsideml. TbuJ vote of the demorruts was the lanrnl trer given in that State exceedinitrmt of 1944 hy 20.000, nnd IhntoMast year by OO.onn. " Our Jfjeids wilt sec that we" have reat ''ause for rejoicing ovsr this triuaipb. T)& Whigs of Pennsylvania iue arraying them selves for another victory ; full of joyfoj con fidence. . . MEXICO. Iutelligeaice frotp Vera Cruz to (he JijfJt inst. hns beuft received in Sew Oi leans. Diaaifecu'on is wide spread-, not only iii the Province, but in tho capital of Mexico, ricr- rarru and his administration are taking all poasibleHTecauiions to preserve pace and tho integrity f the Republic, The Government was nrrively enMged in deyisiryf measures for thesecuni) orTauiau- ipas, and olher Slates threatened by vhe Buffalo Hunters. Informal has been rtceivud from Cua, peadiy, that the Indians, ten thoosandstrotiL'v had attacked th tswn of Yaxcaba, lately rnp- ! iitrM rmm iKum Am. .V.. i 0r , m Vuriiniieah ih Intfpr't.f wm I?." . Yucata"e8t-t loiter lost 200 men, kiiieu and missing. .. . Itis reported that tho inhabitanls.of Turn pico had proclaimed the independence of the State, and its auuexatiou lotlie Ikijled Slults. Doubtful. N. a .ii.mki l. i , t , An attempt hasbeen made at Ouadaltua- nn, to gel up a demonstration infavdr tf Snn-' ta Anna, but failed. Santa Anna has writ-, ten that he is quite content in his exilc and ' .... docs not intend to return to Mexico, unless ' the mass of the people dusfre it .. Democratic Republican Whigs of r?iiu k.'jL We hare just now understood Ar Col. Watters has resigned his seat In theLtms- Inlure, to which we appointed him at (fce last i election. Attend the polls, brother, and rote DAVID U. ALLEN (brother of oar e- 'euvm fciierin, i. h. allkn) to supply Ins placo, We all know him. PILOTS. For the Cotuinercwl. We understand thnt our friend DAVIM I), hnt ALLIEN, UiebroUierofuur excellent blkH.i; .. ... - ... 1: .1 . 1 . c r. 1 itf . iv nn me 01 nctj oi vol ivattsbs (resineu) in the Legislature. Whi Uruitswkk, ttend ia the call 1 ., OLD BRUNSWICK it pijpif 'ue w iiiuo .uiiiimjs ;io VV !VIWI I M.. ," ii.. i ... ... r i - ".' Wiirmiv- IJfo have no report of his epeech, tlci." Ws.Jiiik it very liliily he told the ppouIo niout th Oj ,,JjjTPCrilirul pretn e-es of I'd LB ting-io uhligr the founir mih approve tin: latter, while Polk signed a mil Hpnruviiur of tlie liret-MuUeaving aift" tjm lnrv .l'vrhnps he tohUhuni jJiat JSwthrpi.DcuwcrfiU aifiit this time, holding up General Tavi.oh to scorn nnd contempt, .s a '' boycr and seller of men and women,"' and th;it tiutlhmi "t)$ ocrats are. Ilirnishiiiy tticm with' jirools. hy sending copies of his busiuvM .pnpvrs; and morenver, tliat (he same txtulhcr'n Jh vton dln are denouncing Tayloii as an altol ii ittiiit. t n' penally in respect io the Wilniot Proviso, which hasM-fithcitii-lion'iljfJ'ir mas ter Polk and thoro idol Cams, u Tic' had the tirne' fiiid' inchnialfonl liS'coiiln 'haw ridded to J ' ''' instances' of iHhdfiary" aiul hnseness. many outers oi tneum cnar ncter. . ' : s f One Pf he latc-fltc4ltj4ni;)WeU of derhn" etntiC knavery -was ot then tflxpowod. 'We mean the fepprdsfly, cirdjlafcd that rt'r tain leading T AYtt) rhen'lmvis turned out to Cass. Tftefe vvasiio'litllu rltir -amon iFui tierv,le:, oi this region,' when orders ouiuo iioin hea'd-qyart'ers to 'adopt thlseysletn pf mifirep- resentation. We nil knew that thu snrritof vil iTiul cast a new bait for ihem, but il w; several days before the nature of the iniimity wl.otvyr starkd. the plhu'puM haw a r . ;, .- . 11 Il0ll0f "I i(iUonu,nd should h, 1 ; ii- a c ' nati'iit rnrlit (iir II ! !.i if fil.l.i nr,K(!..,l . r".."v. '"""ij ascali! Oil 10 XT'.C I S L A TU K F.. Titer Cnw iuiuUi Jiji.. ol'tlie MiA in.-l. ,,1)3 that the House stands y-? Wliis to-1 I). run 'cratajrthaJSsnata a WUin inaj';ii ..:i joint ballot. I. J-'iiiin Hut Uibliv.iwt.iuiuiftUi 2(iM iV AKHIV'A L UV THK1 S T E A M E RE U R 0 lv A , 7 Days Later from Eiiropf. In-,luli,i in Vi,lUlaA IlrjjMic Proclaim ed Flight of the tmj(d FiunHyCmric tim tf S'lifthTrtinVti-S ni.ucc '),.;; His Hnmnrnl F.m-iit itt Af'tu'r.i 1,1 Frana Preymal'uth far Uic' ;,-,,, , , ; ""Presidcut. ' '"' At' two o'elork yesterday a l't rnoon. tf,( steamer F.uroua wua leleiai-lied ;it the II., .'. lint New York.' urrif tit ariont I nVI, i. j reached her w!ntri ThKlnllowinw disp atch reached u.-1 at 0 o'clock last cvenl:ir r Tdegrajlied I'or the Il.ili iiimre Sun. , .kw Yohk, (et. Jj 0. P. M. i Thv steamer. ur(Mi.l lias re;n-l. ,1 h .wharf lifter a j aae. ol' hut il. vai tU . Iiom Liverpool, havntir sailed Iroin that. pj;I on the l llh inst. 'i'lji u one ol' the ifieai. m i trips ever made at this season of ;lie yt ' KMti'LANLi. fc, t1V,. ,,r r'.f.iT i . ik.-.. i . i Morpelt,,wJio Visited (lie'CotkU .StHU-s.M5m.- i.tui ui ymj.-ii; nas men. isnuiht time agOiasbeeil eleeled to th-' j'ecr.i'e. , ' 1HKLAM) William Smith (i'Mrini l,a, been Ion ,! 1 rWomhicmlatirffrVl. tninrv .r nicTP'" ' ,Kvtf0ltfi,Uowiibo ounviclitAi of'Kn.dh ' OPHnen (brbid thj Itnne-ol mval elCmem t i townrdj hiin.'( It i rtrriidCntly nssrriMl' thf I lie seiiteiice' wonlif hi- eaVrl.T r,,!t , l.i.. ....... ! . , - - -M,,,,,vy ."! IIWI lAL 111 V lull) eve. 'Z Z" i . -I. . . Mc.MarmM, anothtf 1iMir""rtt' hn hm ,ri'''1' rtf" an'nd grtifty. Iff ffa.i arretted nt k on hoard an Anien;-,.n J,.,, Th,. 'I'"'"'". rHMt-,i v, i,eii(er. wi,r . , r t,,t. .r,.,,' ol' .he Anunr,,, ,, lvp. laM'tiAd fim-Wto Hiiriw ''.r - v. . . FflAeVCK; letters from Prtris n(Tieii,f1 nnnon;ieoilC 'ci ininntioii ol the pro,osed ' in. flia;i.,,j 'if '"'rancu And England iu." (litv aifnint of h, iv y mi atnu-iun inanursta, iio it wans time Ul0 L.,mbftrto-Vmtian Kingdom shnll tmue part of the Ait'stri.vo Empirv. but that nn extensive coin$Ulioa sh'all be granted, 'Phis' H'wo 'niwa no rtfarencu to the pmWd mrilnlMnr. Thf V'n FrPr1rh Mvt. tin- or.r;ih the .liplbiiirtrr of AnsTri nnd Sardinia says II...I .!. f I. -1 1 I I 1 I 111-. I ll,. L'....I.,l. I... I.-' 1 ..I ' ...... mo ii)i,aii tnil'avvo.lfir ll'l.l.il IOH' ro. lerence, jrib d'enerul CMvitritui'. in wi iii h ill.. inlenliunsof the English niiiiimr; ate ii,h- , .it.. ...I.. -I . . .1 ... IV 'l , rl . r'll.v state", which tire, 4 1 III I, lli 1 1 1' I a 1 1 , 1 a i x'Ut tlie.Vwaini ctMiiiu'Vand Ui.u iu. Juiii 'llrl,,'"n is In be arranged in n ma luir'. n( in iKroriinneo wui me imjfaemeiii ma.h- )V ilf rai Cavrgnac lo (he Asmhlv of France, hy a coHgrw ol' iiuiioiiii. On Htindiiy, lfij rniatsti'rtnl defeat t,e it, ..1 1 . wiriu ui riwsi ewnvciivuiiin. ui iitiiiiHHi Df'nilrd nn .LfliuLair Il1.1l I ixv w.i. .1 ...... .i ..... . r J 1 tin. d.d , ' ' ' L : The Paris papers of Tursd,y say that (he - r'ATTKSS UlliHStrV did tundir tin ir reniirii..liiliij l,,,i il, ... 1 . 11: . . - ! t'higs of GtiuemJCavi,r,,u-resulvednot to iJ.ive the 1CK. cl.irrrl, nnd the PrwMftit (tppnated, nnd n. codlngly refused tur'rcctive brireaiirim.. f , " rl" -,,'ll?'4 pk,forUvapoh,.bjr Patter 4 .fnf.lMrhtfW V.mir feritrVi : the T fTf?' FilKl 40'000 aswwhiv to 'tirueecM wit lijiirnjiiv. n . . : .vr.?r -J .;. 'i i -w.-iizv iu t hire ih$ c,mKiitunp! fln riact nWleiit. W.JDav( 'with I36.1M feei. b. DWnl.tr. lion have decided, (hut lmmlftfc ..ft... ,h VKSSfcWlf THW H A RfiUlv4HUI DAY. Tu ii lii. tidtiplion of the. Soiifttjutiitiy h Nutio rIiiII elect . n l'rewdcnt ntnl Alwcrnhlyl liTTFio iiictiiHinia the iAcmUy .tvill 'cdhiidiiu to tx- J erciiic lU lunelions, und pass those organic laws which are necessary to comidete tin. coii.titujkia.if II t ' vi Th t'r Kif!J ASZ,lnJtl kX LiJlf inTrwrwmTJhiitfmif i iv ii'jh " in? till, IM r villi .n ui.n i.wiyw iApiin ,wii4 tumd. Tins moderate VejiuhTieAn; Ifin IllonWlit'. will snp- pi'A.thlytMiHri'alfut I'li f5Bf fUj- her, as the constitution will be proclaimed about the lnt proximo; 5 ' fSNNA'.f I Iti i'i iiuo Ikiclaimki). A successful re v olutuiri4iiis''bvek!n ootVtlri,, coUilcy.iThe Minihter of, War luKCn munlm-d. his body su)cirii;d tp it lam p.-posfhtid' exposed to various rndiirnitieH. ' . ' ' ' r V The Kmperur and family left Slionhtirn for f.intz. arid nil the military .and the city w(re ...... i : . . i in " . - entirety in iiitf nsfiilrf'ol'iilie'p'f'Atllb.' A U,.-' '""yf lti'l"',fBf'y-nf nm yliiinrsir ol lenlAaird.eiiiv'ol Luil ail If lmfitj-. Tin: rovisiyual .Gpyernmeiit has ismied ckculars staling that all tiossihle mensiires ninnn ue noojurtMor ine (leienro t)1 .1110 1' a liter Laud. I J'J ' .'M U The Croleanshave be,:dtfeuleflin two I'llSrajfeiiients. i -. , , FROM Wr OLD'DOMINION VVaynesb'orctugli, A'ni'tista Ccnifrry, VTrginra-'Marsli r. l-'iiwle : iruVlnfc tti parfl yiJriiyrtfrflntr.Vij iifcH Hihli a (ever ill). nit two or tUio.iuoili left her in a Itiw and In Mr Mate; shu'tlu-n was' htlacked wiih a riidst Tiolvftr find never) Vrnicrh; vslwfl Jnily hrye (liis'nilri.'w ui' very b,id eoi ruptcd mailer, acconipanicd wiihcou.-i,l( rublubloodj Slit- W,ihTk'rd"willi yrent pain in llir NMe.-Anbirfistrhi.)ntiiiif d loKuvrral nillrt SiiMjisiesui tJJ ksUiproV D.iuiiy; this time she Was undei lite care of 'juoil and sttrTfkl rhyrir1iins, M iWrfe their l5ij Cut did nwi r. inuve ill..- : -yniploins, which' aisarcd lo he fatal Coubunij.lionmA whiilt tbreiih tfd it(Tf day to carry h. i nil. At last, u fiieml who had been aJUH'1 id wiih u vtiy budcuuyh hirttvcral yiais, Inld mu lie iran rfi'gtuqUii(iuc4 wiih istul's alsiuii n W lid Clli'T'ry ; fliiS rV?crrrlirti rftirt infVaoAhVr iu try ii. , tHejdjs fti4 tf bea' hjad sf taitruli' ti.iltle, f.(m .e-an Iu intpruvo, 1 lltin tu!d her pt)ni ei an ihjlt my daii;:dli r -was uin i.-lar'n l!,.l.-um. lie nplied v..-ry well, I think it a yowl I'rqyratiah k. ep mi, ti will not hurl. her .--lit eonitiiurd. to wm ii iiniil she wiih' Virtrf i lo- ooT'hi'urili.' I l. Ii. ve ii sj?tl my'daoyhir's liumi do oi bfiun' ao n ..iniai. ii.l iiiUtrswlio, ;uc aiHwti.il as my il iii-liter a.s, to try I:. ' f ' " : i " Ki'.'M Alii) ti:rri:l .. Il.r-Let ill. ise w::o have any duuliN abuul the nu tits o(,jliis jiypul.ir iii.'dieine, to lo th ir own n.ia,yrMl..r,;lrl i,rnry. ( ! J . ' Nini fsrfuisiVlil, C Bll'Ti an tl WiWrwrli' "iy iv.k'.ftis I'f.uJ!, imrinlvn; XO.unid fcy Healers in Mid 1 ii ' .- tj' n. Lilly tlitmiliiiiit tin- I nirtdiSlolc. ." ( Jt , Ut twJ'vMtuwir Jru i an czcJltuffe fXlfitr ) M'NM.eni t'irt'tTT, N..JC July Wlh, !44. i.il. in, ii, - I ilnnk'it Vji'bly propsr th( I sluajj .!" k'rt.iV?iT iW wfirid my tj'ratilila tor til (betidi I i .f" expuHiniiord from tin: of (.'HckunrtV Kuril 1 ' i Purintivc I'llls nnd ciideiv'of ti) tffe iiiimom '-. .:"or. to fx(end-u kno.wlcilai.oi (tu-ir ui.inv - in.! v. .iml ri'ul etrVjev in ft inoyinsi i!i-.iv l::.r.a fhrr? and pVmtuti)nfineiiiPnt. dnrtni; wliji h I it ilti .iJ. .1 l-y tlt.-ce 1'i.y.- ielans of einin, ht stan.1 I v.i s ntucli rtdnc. d ,ii,d eiif.-i likd us lo eaus. ' i.iMid-i,ieihtrfev rrtyiifsj Inrfci I w.isl.it ,' , -i.r.. .,f W eukiii und muIII iin, and ccim hi.l.il . . :i ,,! bci irAohewhlcrr Wnpn!iible'.)rni' rrci, ry. I , about jil.!jnj IncshpslrNTjieniitiliiv. pij !. - ,i.. o.iviseil in.,' l.i I ry r.iim of yunr pill;!, (.tiitim' 8.irBi- tnnu th- kimw ,,;vi(H'ir liaMug cdlca-u "' ma iciiUius mresaikl tb'V ipiyU jnov,- elliea- . lo tif. I pini'has ,1 a lint iin'.I l.i.ik lit. in ae . 'inn lo (iirn tH)...s. In live d ivs from rbe time I "''n.. I, nei-d. Jhtfi- i 11 li.Ki' a ditii-ri ni .-r.iii. all ; ...i w, re r, ut.,viM, my dpfdiii.- foV ,Irl UiJ n.i.s .; nl as it wusbflre iiy licknoHs, a dl gradually ii iuui( -"if iiuilt. I aid nt) iy a fair way pi recov t y. :f.mko nfrlMA-VH PilV'. s ' ' I - :i I ilii-. LO.nniilliicltiofti tfut'Jnjf you will ejv. un '"H,",,n' " ftoriiU aduuuis yor mt. '" '"'rr "mlUl'aHicullWlllloiljw my examuis, nd, -h-y .tlue beanli.iiiske iw.of Clh-la-nerVSnrst ' " ' " T , - M SA.N HIlKiHT. n,''',AM '. I.1P1IT I rn.-.sUT-i,. 1tW n : 1:1 1 ''"" vrr"c'r ,'"hc Agent nr;trlirn. 'V ''f'f (I Ii ( ) fc . ' I - 'f ? 'rr POUT OF WIL.MLwI'ON. oi toi:i:r ;-, - ..iaaiuui ; ., , . i. i. . i - . . -i,. I. ,ii que I'ruhpeet, I n.li iwood, fiom New .1.1 io """. i.i.vain .w i. wiiiim.uu. i. v. . A (iwr, i JaV'-JUrfllStlUAVtffl.fc'Bl f. )iaw ' ! .iieiciiaius .-1,1. 1,0,, y. ut fe:?: Wftttiv .sen 1 . 1 xifrfi.. JlW 'fiorr , m ItK't ri wf I, ... t i -t 1 - -- . I rfn irrjn siiu lWilfto)O. W- lVtk, .' tl . OL EARED.' ' ' Lt ,2$. .Riig Nawy ,rriv,,SrAxnfon,J'or'N,;rM I Cvun. wmi ". .. , .. .. .. - . .. ' it ' ni ,. U. 11 .V. .. - i: e.l7'v e"'. . V' r'.!W i 11 ' mi,,: 2 Z lr.lthile r..n..i,. 4 Mrn Kxv. A U.ne. nri 2 ' 1 . u .. . .. ... .. . 1 rC'',.V - i',kVH,,,l0 bdfc u 1 K. U.Hi-.wn, will, , . t a . - f .SMiuuit, viinu q.ihtjun.. iiiltfciJf)'eut A.Cui CnriT r hiai ad uvaitu iusio.M. i.-7 FOinS, wr,Mtov Uiiulss TtO.UI, llri iL.'TsvJo. .SV..t,lr 'Arm. IS. . . A ".llrfKRf ' AnScuog. onng, W.jn, Jl.Xi(,Uti. .(I. X),Uj , V . I l i ' rlki J i,n, M. -a IX i Ort. IB. -" ''.IK.Ii HoAitCHTluv... J . D.-WWn J (. , It flannrV 0 J"",,, N" ' ' ' rln lAicd .i ii ... ... .... .'. . " v . ' 1 tUlvn tllultli.lt n,-ri-m i.f noun, i, v ,i . ii rai i II iV ..,n. 11 , I4. NiuiLli-!" . . . i .1 r, -j - ... 1 1 ...... i' 1. 1 1, ., 1 1 n..' .!""' Julia, iwnlark -. . J.UinJ. more or ku. un tin1: 'ftsAftn k'. j . v . 1. a 1 in, j. iv . i,, jic- ' r- 1 1 ' . ; linrY M,-iirb.li. x u i 'i. ...u. t vumi., ... tflaiKaj v tviiui. iiviiiij lunucm tuJuJi4wJJUuwji rcpnlrlnff. . ) Hi In Jlullen, wottlna rcoairs. at SIiId vard. ' ""a M iry urnl George, it Northrop' 8. S. Mill, wMrig. . - 1 . . ! . 'jt. Jcroiuiimn, at Woostcr 4 Anderson's S, S. ... . I MI i.. , U til lir l s intiliiirtn nt KnMni ulfard A llubflnfitdn i. ..... r ' Hric iff 'Sjuj'j1"11l y Mijlord p Uijijluitfton's' S. S. I',Kton,"' rtt PoLr & Kidder's TS. S. Mill, Mill Itii lo.ldlllL'. lii ii! Ihirrlc owcll. at Sumucl Beery A Son's 8. N. Mill, laiiiliriL' l! o(in4't4)rV.cti dkgltnrpUiff.balliisL jit. llullctl's wh.ni. .1 ' q f.n'ri; wj I llri.' AntonSKot CaCo iW B. -S. Mill, londinc. StUf.,,JJiicna -Vista, at Capo Four S. S. Mill, Itjiiffmir: neatly loaded. Mclir. I.ccHuurt;, at John Mcltuc A Cot, fi S. Mills, loading. ISc-hr. (.. I'. rJiiiih,ot, 81ossnl'a Distillery lending, s.-iir Mur., .,,i r'fivnh;, ii, ,.i i) tr m,.Li,a,,.sj .. j uilw .JU.IIUI.lll, U A Ak. ..I.U.'I. . V. .?Mifl,"i6udiasJ'"i''istC. i h t. nil) j. 1 ran 'riTHlOPrAei I 9RREN AO- Kltih, of Phlladelphln, most of VTilmifiBiA,. Mil tIevivillfbvttnurKlffivI lii nni,uuj:lJi.to Itle Ljk Wh uiul C. nil, nu n MornAjf ttnirininfAabli crlTtiiiiilnlitliiKviiinrJi 1 flinrrels 5 WrrM WneilJr; ir; BlWrrMrfK r'wrlu by . x j iu uiirrtim,Monir,.VirnSIu by , t'AUKOLL & FNaNKLL. Oct 38. l by ' ( A'KKOf. L & FlCnNtl.L. bL I'KUKMV AHlifile. tnr b'nmilv na L Wrl.,11 'Pill; CAMP MliliXl.NQ ptWeyjiinns' iWgc, will eiu4iiiuoeS,n AVudias4"V.vubM, S lit of .Niivcinliiir. ; l'. r 1 1'-'rTxEeuroa'ffB'AfiE;; . ki II Mi. Lbs sold at rru lterwdBciI DWLTv V V lor, i mu deefsfnd, in. linmswjck younfy, (oil in. V, y i .auiwi icuj.j ui (juuiic nir, n noi pre vioirtly dinjxiKid ofil lniimiiori, mid all the land lieJoniiitK btMi.l I'.niate, with tour Na-we?, a man, won. ii ami two children -one half can,.'flud th'tfhul- uiiee nix iiiunlhs, wiih approved nuti .' Oct. 23. 1 96-li iiYKEiS Plium Lai! Lard, daily experlcd per W' Nehr. Lotihalioin ,i w Vork. l'.,r sal..' by HARRIES A RL'SSKI.I. ' 17'nJrthlvairfci T " il ( LA IS Si u 6 "nhea, Is prime rclailinj.', Si. Jaro de Cuba. VTvy t or sale hy IIARKV, HRVANT4 CO. Oct. 2S. Ub.il. A t WVCAMCS. frfph 1'bftfmistAn Liiuo,jit re- O.-t' 2' v., ...v..,.,. ..- il'i-rf T'ASIIK )NA MUK WM-.LLWi' ATl J)ll KtSS-jlAjUMi., -, MRS. MAX-WI'.CL; OtnurNtiwiVorknW u--p, ril, illy lo iiiAiru; the LaiUoi g( iLini nlon, an, I n-iiiiif. that she wtU 0n oa 'I husdyiy the 2liih Oi luher, H the ftrl Juhini 8oi tU wf t, i Plb) Ii rian CUijith, h (asnloaiiliir !iun..Luf AllliiH'ry.sal P.,n, v uhu'.. eotiiiina of a .Juit e. Mirrii-.n I lent-li 11 ui, ih; .il-io i lir.'e nssoi trne(l f,IUlibtig ul :hu luwi.-t. styles and design, .Mr.i M . ulrfli In i, n S , iny on l.'.ishi .ri;i l..- dn-Hs-in ,kin irt all lis l.r.iri.-li..; ;,fiH wojikl Be !ljip- if ait uniull lint wind I I it,.r her Willi trf ll fJalfrnaW.- ' KV.Mr. J., .UAJv-WLLiiJ.-jtiLa, Urcfscr nnd l'l.,,l all kinds'uf Straw and Fanryflais. llallers i'4l iUtirfUS lAniSieiia Arhu hut a HiUHtlfr- 1,1 siHM.iiJtion in lie above biiMit'eha lo AH thn't m lavnr mm w nn acttiii ' .. IJooks, JJooksj &c, VVV.R0SJ,ATo , of ewik! Will niak,: j V . fts irflrlriiml. Wi'Sitfii place, during next wi i k aiwlti, h time liny will ollir lor saJs eitao Mjc 'i oi oi priynle Hale, n largo tint! w. II w beicd nnsoil ni. nt ol I!ook. "n i li- nuloiiH I raneln i of I, Itera tor, , an.I Mii'ii Ufri. fcA.rio ,,! ,,l J iil,.,..r,. .Co (.-. Thin ilnd " nee liPrenfii'f. - ' ' '. -,. , iVV L.SJUTH, Aust ri "el. Journal Copy It 'J-I.12L ' ' '' ' 'tSj:tMirlW,HmW- . - ' J.iims Willi, m, , 1 1 Chpnii a It i ril mi nt, levied ' i N" on inriiiy iu a. r-ot JihuI, Jolm J. r.l.iri. more or Ii s, on ihi waters ot Hood's Crrril, jtnin( It appealing to tin: Sitislaction 011'' TTourf, thai I', l.iianl rrliitJjajiJj1i;Ult.iiaiil of this m. Oe. ,,r So ari nliffViff VmfMri nibiMp, lluil l.i'le, ,r Aaf, M,ltV.fl'MfMr iTifn. lli. onlinary process ol the law eiimiut be seived upon ' him, It is nr.'ered thul imblieaiion lie imulu in (lie ' ( 'i.ftriKirr(,i-.it,tii W w, rflrH(WrSWS 1ntm imill jf f v.timtnBWn ,tn-ix e.-k-, pf uiyifj.-ihe n.irndsru loJialSllllfi1nex toJlMllilnexurllrMllls uginio itfthrsj iiir;iir. It WmilflvihV off the lirsf SrorlOa y in OTrf liiberncir. : a i w i and rep evy tile f&f projitifyur tfte same will be condemned and nol.l lo saiily 1 tie plainiill claim. iNswic Count y. 4. . . ' f7'1Ms,ii--ielais1 adjoining the same. , U.1vn arin- to Hie .iiisfaeilon of tlic Oil 11 rf, Trial 1 li Mai. iiiiirn in lnoriin is moiian 1r111an11.nn 1 , or so abscond or conceals himself, that tt ffeSoUl.4Vw-CSSlioBboWrvfdt apgjo 'htiiLli 1J(0" pnsursiwn oc aisor, ia mil ComrMh ss,s,m publish In iil. 11 l nmww '"" Wiunimn oe ntfTrmi, n"ipw mjuiisneg mine iown 01 ; tX S. the drfeBdlilil w,,,vlit,. ,, i,.. f,. At,1,.v ih ni..-,iiiKifoii : ..--- - . . to be hsld at n.l ,c,Vy'M.si,l M440fboco..: 0 21 hlT jSJ'1 iri M,.r i,,.,, iiir..... u.K.rr - ....I.. ,.....a V j lOLfcSAttJ PltlCES OUUIIKNT iHT'rEk"' 8iorJ kcarco V lb.' ..20 25 ohicb, t'J",""l"iOsr-i.y.f. .711 (J) L lf 1 . Shoulders, N. O.V ' 1 A i .oe! 1. ' In.. CORN-.'.V.'. .' . va bu COKKF-R. t, t. t ., r u . , St. Domingo W lb. Java "...Jo... Kio ntji.tid. .. . ..t)o... ; -vm . r a .. 55 6 7 10i ,. n 7 to .. 8 7 a LsKuba- .... . m "do. Cu1b.'.,.::;...-..'.i.v:,i. domestics; 1 ' Cotton Vnrns, .(.'...tfo... .. 14 n ..! Cotton Oinnburgs,,"!-.'. 7 .. lttvhte... -.LY.uk w..' bbl.' ; 8 80 a 00 Canal 1.. ... ()o;. J,..)' n 7 B0 HAV--.--. .... .. -iM'owli .,ii , 5 if) fin LUMBK.It.STF.AM MILL; , . Widp Boards, flank and Scantllnr, ,,, ' . '' VM.n.'irv i3bo I loor Boards, ..i -do v. U tK) A 16 00 LUMBKJt, UIVF.Il. , Hl7of Roards- g on n 'x 9 79 Wide Boards i . , , .. , do.. K .' 4 W M . 1 00 J Nsw Orleans' lit. i.vl '.'.l'.". tlr' '.J 27 n .. 2 ) Cuba cargo nono-..-do 00 .. Off IllW:!':.:;: SuiriisTurncnailc..A..ti!aif u ?,0 . .. .. i ur-... Pitch' bU;.J62. 9 I'KAS. . K. l'eas- . L'KA-NUTS. .,..r..ybu. . 70 to 75 im.b IWygh' ;' -.nunc 65 to r " 90 Cloaacdfkfr. rt gooo, 1 IflOJk.. '3 37 V ?3 60 Itl(;E-Ho-ugh SUGAR. New prieans.-,1:;:.'.; .-".ji;; V i A .. iaw;juw .jrM)Mi is-t-m'H STAVES W.OfHhd. rouRh-Nonc- " .f- to 10.. 0 dressed , parrel...... 10 B0 a,... R.o.Hhdjurtf .. f :) PJ fl .. t" xdresfft-a-.....-.v...v 15 .. nl .. , parrel 10 80 to ,. SliMVQLHS ft lac Kb Targe 5 .. o .. .. sitMtrrv, mw N. E. Ruin. Mvv, .. 3C .. 31 Com. Gin-.V.t...A'.-W!i .'. .V .; 28 ia .. :t() . j...r.. ...... i.. 39 41 A)pl lirundy-. SALT lionaire ...'...-'...v..'j.;... . .... i.Uk...W... 30 .. 38 22 n .. 25 1 S7f a I 40 22 o .. 25 1 75 200 Liverpool Rinrl Key UtownV-t........ TIMUUU. . Inferior. Ealr (tuality, Soip.y ......... Feathers,. 3 50 35 4 COMMERCIAL. T T ? ...lUiMAlXKS .M41 W e have but little to rnuyk, as there has been but little ilse jhnn TuruBtine conic into market for two dMir'ssL 1 " 1 M t f - - ! .,! HI . ' I'yMasyi.NS.-T-iapq bbJj.Tufpervtirjq havij been disposed of since t hursiiay In (lie following' manner, viz.- ldi:i bbU.at J2,oiD per bbi fiir Dipping and f 1.30 per bid, for Hard, and 377 bbls'. at' t2,6o" per bbl. for" Dip. and M5 per bbl. for Hard. TAn.-AssJf sf,70 bWfl. of Tkwii imido yestcr- deyiAiaiptrj. . , . . , , , . hpiuiTH 1 iiysTiji. Several parcels on hand, i .,..!.. ..irC.xi .' . i ii . .. ', uu. n, nun a i iici iru. - - TiMusa. .No shIsS o"Trinbr to'tepott. SniKgi.es. A boal load retailing at S2 to S2i lr M. Firtjees of oibcr aUese POces Current, ' 1 '"HAKKtfTSUV TIlE EL'ItQPA ' I.ivERroot. U-L-'il l48-CjKH.in Is flat, with sales tn favor of bujfMS. i)Uiingnad been done be JOUd the iiniiic4i.iU.- wants of iho IralfeX Sales for $A?tf Wew tf,$l balev;'tplin 3if Si 3 ; Or leans 3J a 3 1 ; Sea lsl 1 rid 7J a iGd, uctoing to qual- "j-, Y I'rrtvtslotis. Tner is nohtrno notice in pro- vitiwivj. H reads in Us. heat was In moderalo demand, at iuun iiiies. nuiu wi uun uiiu irceiy oiieri u a , ., V. 1.1 U , I. i I ' ....... ., j..ii . j i.. ..ii . a iieeiins or on pfr ow in Uurn, SHU) Wore coHler apk? sals InsTVaiWionaifi'Ssys per nuar, ier ilsid, 17 a is pr bbj.. Uice dechned-lasL salts Curolinu, 2I, Consols j, 6bLf NOKTHKKM ARtTS, . The newsty tliefejerumii )us brgugii operations in our .orihern jiiaikfts o Staod. BDd We have, consequently, "nuiliTnfc saiUlaCtorf to rpoi(. v have us f l. jecwye j nd iceounts of (ho vlate of iho market lor' Nasal Stores. ;in Llvernooi. bv ihe JOHN ,T. RUSS, 1 ' ' INSPECTOR OP TJli'BER AND LtMBEft. WILMINGTON, N. C. ' rt,,,,, j , , . . , , . .w., , , . , , jw-u. OU rCAULTS tispsror nur,inall kiodi of paclt , G4nsisuUy oabsud. lor sale bv j liIIUU, tllllAiM S LU. ' . ....... w-tr. (oiTlltyt. nl ngo, rust 96 if. wouUI rc(u,rctfX InfoiW fion fn' Tbn .ad tho 1 nuiAlluMiiiefrsSliirtVlhlLl nm iiovlnir ihn hluhnl cash.innrket prlcislor young Men and Woraeo, ooys LCoiinerinnd l)liickssnnaf, uriiiah liboral urlces will be paid. Appir. rtie it MAVsrolina Jlutel. .nil 1 ,;..m')!ii insUtriVUI'Icl. tCI.t. 'I 'j 1 1 94-u; ti..-' ' ' -A L I Oil- -U- U U- .. Cunstant iuV2 AVSfs' lor isle bv nil t IH'III '' " W