v o .AGENCY 9P , If. NautUvt (Mutual Life) Irituranee Company. PERSONS holding PoHctea la this office are noti fied thai, Scrip Certlhoause, tor iMt Stwruqf prJUs fat 0u hummm f A iWpaw r ready tor deftrew at the Agency office. I Jj North wa'eret. 4. tORO, . Co., Agen.a. Oct 24.' ! ' . ' ' .t . M-tf. Fire Insurance. AGENCY OF TflE H0ITH eUOUHi Mutual Insaraicf Cflnpan j THE Subscriber as sgent of the- above Company, continue to receive applications for laearenor ci ther in Town or (he Country. From the high ton ing which this Company baa attained In this com munity, aa well as be, 1 parte of tbe State, and the liberal war all losses that have occurred bate been settled, Wdve It to be one of the most substantial officer in the Country. The Company have a very large1 amount of Premium notes (well secured) to meeting any losses that mar hereafter occur. I m , tHQS. 8ANDFORD. Oct. 26. 94-tK ' Agent FOR PHILADELPHIA. iT THE A. I. Packet Schooner Jerolcirian, JetttvR. W. GOSLEE master, win have Immedl .xnHu ate deetittctt for the above port. For light freight or passage, afjphrterhe Captain on board or to . HAKlUoa q. HuaatLL, Ort. M. ' 95-41. THE Subscriber 4Ws ftilk tnethod of informing his friend sod the public- generally, that ha. has I rc-openea tpa , r. , . . '.; TEKAND1B EOWUNO oAL00'" and intends carrrln it on as heretofore 1 thankful for oast favors from Els former natrons, be reapec fully solicits a QOniinusnce 0 that patronage so liber ally si tended to him. A frerh supply of fine Sound OYSTERS, just re elvid unit iu rved lib in everv stvle.also. afresh UD ply of JpOQTf svsrW other, dttaclea; jf the oenson too mimerous to mention. N. B. He would alersjafo that he has purchased the Billiard Tabls and fixtuiee formerly owned by Dr. John Devi and Utends putting it in first rate order and wUI pave, it in operation aa soon ss possible) an exDerltnied Defwnl eriBJccd to uft charte of the room k J. A. MORRJS. Veranda Bqwing Saloon.Oct. 28. Mi ii iii. .a '' ;'' TAVtD 8 A LACX'8 Premium IjiiMy'd Oct. 26. -'W-tf. ; TABLE and Piano Covers. Frcnck'jnanu&cforf For sale by L WILLIAM. Oct,2fi. v . SUGARS. 20 Packages Woolsey 6 Co. Loaf Crushed and powdered sugars. For ssle by . Oct. 18. W. caiter, Hand U-i Super Marseilles Ottilia, tot sale at a aiuau aavaaos on xxcw 1 em toei ny J.S.WILLIAMS. Oct. 19. , 92 JUST OPENED. A FINK Asortment of Toys, Fancy, aflldsB, XX Ptrfsinerdtc.jcat . . ' J. WILKINSON'S. Oc:.5. '" 86-ti. Af 183ESand BO YS Patent Leather Bella, a large llJ. assoitmeat. for sale by C.MYKRS. Oct 26. 96-lf. TJAY RUM, Lavender, Cologne WaterandLubcc'i XJ Jrcrrurnary Oi me otst quality, tor seie oy 1 I. H. WILLIAMS. Oct. 26. T) ROVVN and Bkached Table cloiha, all siies sod Uaus.forW.by j g Oct. 26. . . 6HL DIAPER sale by Oct 26. and Dsmssk, Linen very cheep, for J. S. WILLIAMS. ' 95-ut IriD Ssftr atMk-at tKji laVaatt knAWIft ffifhl 1 louse on Hanaunboro' sosnd, 7 miles I Still from Wmnlagtoni the site is beautiful,- LJiilcommndlnfl a fine view of the Ocean and is very healthy snd pleasant, bet Winter snd Summer seasons. Possessing ucslleat wa(er. WliheeentM or 40 acne of cleared land wettadap ted to the eullure as Com, Potatoes snd Ground Peas, Ac The subscriber wosld also hire with the sbove premises, lour or five good servants; also the liotiss-hoid fwmlture, if desired. The Hou con tains nine excellent rooms snd is wsll suited for a Hoarding houss 1 fried up and furnished for that purpose and is well patronized aa such. Persons wlshlna to rent. wlM D lease spply before the first of January next. I- PETERSON. :y2ni. JUST RECEIVED. BY Repress s large assortment of fine Doe skin pants, for sale si the new Clothing Store of , r SCQTT, KEEN 4 Co, Msrtet-st. Octlt. ' ' . 91 -tis FAYETTEVILLE FLOUR. 1 Ov Rarrela SuoerrVne and Cross For sale 10 J J. O. LATTA Oct. 24. . I.'.;... 94-tf. COAL. f TONS Expected, and Tor sale by O HARRISS A RUSSELL OoVll '.,;,! .f 1 h W GOLDSOQROUOH ACADEMY. , , THIS Institution will be opened under the direc tion of Mr. Moon, (a grsduste of the University of Wrsinla. hkchhl recommended 4o Ae ; Trfstaeai) onrModS5nd OrtieV, 184. ' ' ' 1 ' . Every ,branch.af Academic and KAgllsh bavcAuon. wltlaetatighl on the ssual terms j , i Board In reapectsble private families, can be pro cured si the loweat rates. The superintendence of the School will remain In thehande of the Trustees. JAMES ORISWOLD. W. B. EDM UNDSON. VlrVH.aTLLANE. Ooldsborugl), Oct. 17 1948. JOHN A. GRERiV. S. A.ANDREWS. con. 91-61. stofc; 1 MISS A.HUSSEY rnlrst reepectfiiUy rafortrlB tisr friends snd the 1 pubuc, tnst ksha la prepared so do ill kinds of work" In the above tine', and also that she hss just opened a . IIANDSOME STOCK OF MILLINERY, opposite the Cape Feat Bank. 2 door south of ths Hsnover House. ..MIT' 1 -177 I ghe has ataa ma4eyd a Dvesw-Miker , 'of 'rh'a! var oast asien la U thai trade. i.t. ' UetM.' 8-Itn M WtiMif OR CHARTER," BRIO HENRIETTA NEWELL. CsM. kWsrren, 1J0 tm 1 Brig ANTOINETTK, ;spt. Ricbsrds. IN trmt. Apply to liltll trvr Bcautliul Daguerrbqtypcs. i THOMAS TENNANT, from PHnablphia, am) L. M. STARR, iron New York! have the pleasure of Informing the cltixcniof Wllnjngton that they have established Kooma for the f ncftce or tnis beautiful art, in the building occupied bvDr; Wu han Win, Front-st. 4 doors above ftfirksl street. Having the advantages of a "Sky light and Side light" combined, we are enabled to furnish portraits in the highest style of the art and at thatoweet eftargea. A large assortment of Oold and Ollt lockets, and medallions, constantly on hand, at front 3 to 118, In cluding the picture. No sitter required to takes picture unks pOrfoetly satisfied. UCC24. . m-imp. IEGIMENTA L ORDE R.S.. ORDERS, NO. 11. lead Quartert, 304 Regiment. Wh-minoton, 10th Oct. 1848, THE 30th Regiment of North Carolina Militia, are hereby ordered to appear ai Wilmington, on Tuesday, 21st November next, for review. The commissioned and oon con-cumraiBSioBea at- fioers, and musicniarf sre hereby ordered to meet for drill, oa Alondsy xutn novemoer. ... -1 brne formed at 11 o'clock:, A. M. I Officera drill at 1 fl. o'clock. A. M. Cummlaaioned ufficare are eenueated to meet on the 20th Nov. et$o'c!xk.PJrt.AoU)oW an Ekctioo for Major Ifcnornl, to hi I the vacancy cansodDy inereeig notion of Major 'General Alexander McTUe. Gene ral Court marUal on Tuesday 21jt, 'Hi Oct. 14. 9 lOt CRAB CIDER. N CaaVtk or by ths dozen. Tory idporior, put up rorV express! ly toe family wso. For sale by ;.fW. L. CUAK.Y. Oct. 21 14 tC I N THR PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH wlH b rented, on the premises, on Baturnny next, wth mat. st 3 o'clock; notice of which will be glveb by rim Ine Of the Bell.. Pssons fritereeted wrfl please bear it In trrfnd to attend. It J expested that some Pews, the Tux" On which iTos not been paid, will b fYTheTrusteCT have assessed a tax r)n the Pews, It whlcn veruatmn the present Ocrupajirs mev retain tbelr seats. IT sodltnosfd. in Drererrnee to nmnir at Auction. Tliiirty notice, howtrer, most be givep to me Treasurer. ' Oct. 24. - W-3t. SACK SAL7!1." r Sacks hourly expbeted. For sale by W, L SMITH. ' 93 lc 20O Oat.21. r 'NEW .YORK, Furniture. Warehouse, FRONT STREET NTZ4R. MARKET -1 FREDF.RICK CLARK, res I peetfully Informs the public, 1,1 J ,n particularly -thoee about TH baying Furpltirre, that hf has been reoeiving during the last ten days, sod hat now In his ware-rooms, soma of the best Cabinet Furniture, ever seen io this or any other southern market, which, together with the whole of his exisnsivo stock, he wiU olr? nt prkea eqttnily aa low, os the same ankles can be bought forln flew York. Among nls aasorttucrit, now on hand, may be found the following : Marble, and Mahognny top tlureoua ; Egyptian, and white marble top Centre Tables ; . Marble top VSaihatandf ; Rich Mshogsny and plain lVardrobes , Mahogany and plain Sideboards ; Sofas, DlYens.and Couches latest tyle ; French Bedsteads-Mahogany arid Walnut j Book cases, writing Des; ; Card Tables, drcMinj Tables ; Single Mahogany, end plain Washstande ; High and low post Bedswadri Wlridtass snd Trundle Bedsteads j Mahogany and Wmlt stuffed Rodters ; Ladles Work Tables ; Ladlea sewing Chairs plain and fancy ; Mahogany Dining and Tea Tablet; Common Walnat and Cherry Tsblta ; ... Night Cabinets snd sk k Chalre 1 Portable Writing -Deakai Ladleawork Boxea and Lamp standa; Cribs. Cradles, and Childrsns Chairs -, Butter! Traya, and Towel Racks ; Cane and wvod scat Stitres ; Office Chairs snd Cushions ; Offioe Desks, varioiie styles . v Looking QWnssee, Cot U. Lounges, Ac, f-c; Fine Hair Msttresscs-Nerthirn made; Moss Mattresses, . .do. do. : ALSO. Fine Mahogany and Walnut parlor Chnirs j Fine Curled Maple do. do. Cottage Chiira; PlaioJlapM Chain) Painted and Gill back chalra j Rush bottom do. Cane seat "do. .-" Wlndvor chairs, with serell btrclia-;- Windsor chairs plain j Bkmboo do. and settees; Sswlng snd nursing chslrs ; Large end small cane rockers ; Large wood bottom rockers 1 Chrrtdrena sluing and rocking chairs j Childrsns' dining chairs j Camp stools, Ac, 4c,, F. CLARK. Furniture safely packed in boxes, or Malts, for transportation. Oct. 21. 93. COTTON YARN. IO Balef, B. C. Varna assorted numbers; tor sale by i. C. LATTA. Oct. 24. 94-tf. A ... 1 1 Fashionable Dress Making MRS. RAILKY, woofd scspeclfully infurro 02)the Lsdies of W ilmington and lis vicinity, that aha has -moved one door North ef Mr. bhaw'a on Secoad-st. where she wil continue the above be sine Mr and she has s competent young Lsdy from the North, to atrial heri she would also thank them for their liberal patronsn heretofore, and hopes by strict attention to her bust nana, to merit a continu anceof the ume. Oct. 24. " 1 94-3lp. MOULD CANDLES."' tr ROXR.S NunaHnr monlH Candles, for aala hv O. . . HAHRJSS 4k DRAKE. Oct. 24. Si lt. ! MATCHES. 10 GROSS, beat Friction Matchea, for anle low JARRISS 4k DRAKE. 94-tf. Oct. 24. JUST RECEIVED. 9 riTa North CWrollna Uaroat -OVA 2 FirkinaLardi For Sale at R. W. BROWN'S". Oct 24. 94-3t. MACKEREL 60!W OcU24. No, ti Mackerel, dally enacted, for UAKKV, BKT AaiT UO MOUNTAIN BUTTER t FIRKINS Superior fresh mountain Butter, just "W'e Wirt A DRAtR. . FOR, SALE ' , r; knLS.1 Winter WhmV Oit, Jut,tectirdtper brig tiuhiuel SmuU and for euloly " ; . , HARRIS A DRAKE.! Oct. 24. , ; . ; t 94-tf. . EMPTY UARRELS. 'A SMALL lot, empty Spirit barrels, for wile by A IIARR1SS A DRAKE. Oct. 24, 94-tf. NORTH CAROLINA HAMS Of(r LBS. N. C. Paeon noma, just recelv CVJvJU ed, for sale by HARRISS A DRAKE. Oct. 24. , 91-tf. FAYETTE VILLE FLOUR Kt BARRELS Fayetteville Flour, aaimrted brands, for sole dy HARRISS A DRAKE. 94-tf. Oct. 24. coffee, mol Abbes, &c. EC B,l?,, v- tomlngo ColTce ; ttVJ 30 hhda. prime St. Jnao Molassrs ; 20bbls. Glue. Outcclta' SnulT, Ounn v Hnpn.'Ar. For .sale by ... BARKY BRYANT, A Co. UCt. 24. ' S4. - SACK SALT. SACKS Liverpool Grourtd Sult. Lamhtip rhia day, for sale bf i. & W. L. McGAIiy. 94-tf, 600 Oct. 24. . LONDON BROWN STOUT IN Casks ox bv the dozen, for ante at . , - W. L. Oct. 24. ' - McOARY. 94-tf. i ; , LAUD. ... 11 J J. &. W. L. MoGARY. Oct. 24, . . - ...... 94-tf. PORTER AND ALE p CASICS, Bovd's atiperiorTorttr In Udttlnsj 0 6w " CrenrwAle Inqustt'imd pitM bo lies, for sale St J. & W. L. McGARY'8. 94-tf. Oct. 24. FOR PIIfliADELPIIfA THfc firu, Picket Sthr. BUE.A VISTA. Capt. fortsn, now loading for th uluve'poii, !wlll ivave desDitch. for lit! Fit frcluht ur Dussayr apply .to HARRISS & RUSSELL. No. I7,watn-hi. Oct 2t. 91 3t. NORTH CAROLINA BACOJJ. . TTAMS, Sidfs and Shosldcrs.just reci lvtd and for sale by F. J. LORD A ? Oct. 24. 94-2w. .Chairs! Chairs!! "Jorrecetved by Mihr. L. P. 8m f om New Y ork, tn food rourtltlon. 6-doeen Run sewfchnlrK, a pKHt nrt 6 d, SorolHnck winrisonirs ; 4 'do.' plsln do. 'fdo.do. 4 do. Csne sent chnirs, innpl ; 12 Rocking ohnirs 1 lflBlctTjrulnM ALSO. 6tatent jolstiijifh pnut bcdstemM F. CLARK, Frt. St. nenf Market. Oct. 24. ' ' - v!i:i NEW HULLED RUCIv WHEAT. I f hnll bols, new Hulled iluckwhcst ; i. W .10 or. able. do. ay, do. . do. do. do. do. do. HOWARD 10 4 do. 10 boxes 10 bags For sale at Oct 19. PEDKiN'S. J2. . Notice.. ' nfrWmrWllla VlniinalnnnJ.lil..i,rl, H H ("., ) Wilmington lfiil'Oet. IM'l. S Tnn , ,c . , . . rj H P. ertnunl meeting - 0f the stoekly.dders of Hie j .., in?'?wni!,ld,KV:1el,,!!lr?lxn:Ld, rnPS:r' , whim nriant this place on .uo -iouu iiiuiruajr (9ih) of November next ' AI.KX. MHAJv, lniunt. I The Tnrborongi Ptess, Roanoake Advocme. Riil-'i etgh Standard and Wilmington papers will please : copy me woove tin ytn noveniocr. On IT. 31. 1 ('., MYERgj HAS now for ssJe'th Inrirest ifnd best nssort nicnl of Ilats, C'np.Silk (iinjjtiiHin rinhrel los snd Wslkini; Canes j ever olltrrd in ihi mark el. My old Customers, and the pnhHc general. If are invited to cult si the old stand, North lidc mar ket elreeL ope door below John Dawauo i.Ci r-. it' 0' if 1 UCl. II- TIIEY HAVE COME. A LARGE nnd splendid assortment of fine Mack. Siilin nnd Fancy Silk Vests. F-r sale ut SCOTT, KKKN 4 Co, Market -sf. Oct. IT. 91-tf. FOR SALE. 20,000 LBS. VANJLLA LEAVES. SMOKKRS of. Tobacco will Gud Urelr pleiisiu enhanced, .by the use of the iaf, which they can obtain in fine order, un Applicstioiviu tue. Manufacturers ef Iobtico wilhbnd it to their lo- terest to give mo a callo V. G1AKI). Oct, 21. w-iu. SHEETINGS Ti F.A VF.R Creek, superiet Family Shcetuii-'s. for sale by J. C LTTA Oct. 4. 94-tf. MONSIEUR I30SSIEUX. HAVING engaged MOZART HALL, mukea known to hs subscribers and otlicrs who wisli to attend hia Dancing and W altzing School, thai fie til cpwmenco lcsclunc on k nuny nst, -um 01 uc- toeer, 104b Town geotlcmeh front 16 lo 30 years and upwards, the attendance will te at 7 ocjock atuigut,oi trie same days. 1 i 1 1 . ... 1 11 r - . h..,L mi, U'lin miM ibihiih Hir ninrH unrRrn 1 11 ii.v. J BILeUUHIIlA? IVI U. IHL . IUVI .nun uvti 1 , . from iff toU ynra. will be oa TuJaday. Thursdi) The e.-cwdetbta t,-"." and bJ.tr3.y ao'cJock in the afwrnoin, n the petit jury Hie "W For you. Udiea torn 12 to 25 ye-rmnd upwards " loundaiiun. . prneilcaMand the roof m aere- fa.th-7.!dXntoa7ey. sltcnd.oce wifibeon .-d vnth Un, ia4an,u iron or some substitute Monday. Wednesday sad Friday at 3 o'clock, P. M. for to make ths buUding am proof. Ifa cUaa of married Lsdlc, Can be made up, it will . the outer wa, .0 be ftuut urn. -, ,t.nA.A t ih. f,r.o,w,n 1 1 mid iron for the Inner walls ol the prisons, w be be attended In the forenoon. Experience having proved to Monsieur H thai the prasenca of spectators would retard the progress , of puplltvha therefore is obliged totsuse s4nti:iai.ce ( losU except patents i who sre earnestly invited to , visit the Schiol II often as they' choose ; their prrs ence will hf alwsrs sgtcesblo to Monsieur B. who can be seen at Mrs. Swasn's Boarding house or nt ( tfie Hsl. Mons, B. will give private iesaoni ht the pupil's residence, or st the Hall, alany time most , oonvenlenl to them. Ocl 19. 92-tf . f-r- ODD BELLOWS' SCHOOL. THR fserciseoI this Institution will be nsumni oa Monday, the 16th of October. - F.ntHsrrMst department under the direction ol Mr. MEG1NNKY.. Principal of the Female depsrtmsnt ; Mrs. PAR KKR. Teacher In th BardsMie Feraale Mch school French will be taught bv a compsieol profusaor uf tie Language, . M ' I ' The Trustees Jnopenlog thui ScHoof fur the ensu ing tear, feeiihg that It la an Importsnt institution to the Town, sre determined to spare no cucrtloni, to raakett wort try of the patrrmser of the prtbllr. TICKRTS, perSceRloa.il (t HhtJad st the office ot tjotoncuuiin aitiut. FOR SALE.' T) ACO.V, North Carolina SMort'ed, embracing a lot xj 01 Old ltamai n 4 h ,: i I .. I ' ri n....- 2 ;r iij'l " FlotirFayttievllle and Catloft J? Corn, Ptnai . Supai In variety, ', . V ! Coll Rio, til, Domingo, Sou American WooNya refimd Siiirnr. iu every form, boles, barrels, 11ml half bnrreU liOcaaks prlute Ulev, furialoby ' ' r. w. Brown5: Oct. 21. 93-iu PRIVATE HOARDING. be ftirolxhcd with cntel I, iv n mil intin can L Ixmnhnu. in n Apply t 111! ollii: tivutu (unrily, near iimrkel street. Oct. IU. FOR HALT1.MORE. I 'LV O.llll l.liwuu i.-F MIlf. fmcSi hr. II. Hunting, Cant, fftT 1 ti n Aihen, now loaclhg. end will ifn nli iv. in h fi w it iyn, lor lraht frdiht t, Wr sun iik or p ui- KP "I'l'rj Oct. 1J. to tlir ( uptiiin on Lourit, ,n to HARRIS.S & DRAKE, 92 FOR noSTON: THE Urig I.octin, Cupi. Trust, now loading a tnl will will in above in a few duyn.for Hunt irt uiiii or iiassuee niitily to tuiit. on Don nl or IIARRI3S l DRAKE. 1. 19. 92 .NOTICE. APPLICATION will l.( mmli: to the Genera As ecinlily at Ii' next SiHHinn. to rhartvra Navlya- I thn omuany fin the Cape rtiar Rivsrabwo Jh ay- ; ciirvllle, nod Its liibutarits. 95-tf. eWpEamiiy Grocery. South sliliof arirct St. W door Wtat'of Scroml St. ' Pllri undi'rfeignt'il hnve loiincil u (-'o-jiayiorihioj UIIUVI I II ai o it s e & Y O V I I r tlw trnnsnrtion of n general Uliolrttilr and jijr.il (Jr.n-i ry InininroH n,id would rrp'rifully invite the rition of ihi ir IiIi IiiIk and thr hiil.lic u nrnillv, to 1 li.-ir nssortiiHifu ol GUvXjKKlKS, wl lcti have heeji I juiliciooMly aelooird in Now Vork, by otisoithe ftrn, , tipiosHly for ibis in irttvt. Tin ir atoi Itiiiiibrm esoverr j thing usually found in a Fsntily Uroccrjt Storm which . lion will sell un us eood tortus at a ivy other house in Uiltninglon. Tliuf IniluiKO Uie hopo lhst4yiep4 ii'U i(tfJ.Atvi iu,bsr-MciirMy cairWKnrw -toteculvi .1 Ittietjl lliofcof piihlio pHtronaxe. u -C. C. WH5ili: W.JOHN YOPP. , Oct. II 4 . Wlai. CLARENDON Ht)KH& GUARDS ATT I T 1 0 N . if YOU arr herchyerikred '.onttend a called iin eiin on Smnrday the 2JHi O.-tohrr, nt 7 o rck, V. M., In f'ilt dr.'Ss- DnlfniVi, on f'Kit, nt the usii;il plan' ol rendezvous, fi biisi nt of iinportiincc will be hxougbt before von. Uy spei nl order of the C'aptnin,' K I). HAM.,0. S. 90 Oct. 14. O. H. I I I i I TT, "ILL hecpan in- a P'w d.if s at h is Inte stnnd, V next door to Mr Pulley's- In Front utree! rhe lbs' utore having bt-en fined tip hnndsomrlv, ilncu I fire. . TliK MOST MAG NfFI CENT , srotR of , DRY GOODS, ever ofTere.l in the town of WiliuJngtoo. (?. II. L. U niv nnd has botn for s'vrr,il weeks ,,, fPn , lisw, ;il.nti(,n 1(,m,klnj vLciiouMn New YoVk n,l HoM-n. wuh ,he view " ullerlnrr the i-f .,,., .irr ,vrH KKl.Mof.v r.KS.SAT S bml lie iJD, ol l-'KKNCH uianuuieiure, of which n.iuv;!ni(in'1ih'' rhu uriitclfr Of FttJnch fab- rldf, thrmioli the nid of few friends, -hs hnptf 14 completn hi' l' i;i)ns from some freeh srrlvuls "trt perted In n few .Inys, nnd display an assortment of these truly hi-.iutiful Knglisli, Scotch, Irish, Cernian and A.MKMIUAN GOODS. Ilia stuek will bp vary l.irjgr; nnd in cos tee, u enc of thccXir.Torillnrr'viiiw priees of (liege jrodfls Cnnse nuent m o. 1 iii.mwtliiB amUlba extn-nm scarcity nf moner, lie h:m ueen uhle, with CASH, to m;i ke Ilia purchase ul pi i' s o luw ill to be hiniwll uti4 ished. anJ lie will olL-r tlum at piiccstliat will aston Irfhqthers. N li ('. II f.. Is hiving ruanufnctiiifd, LA DIES and MLSSDS, Mai Silk VIZiTFS, richly trirhmcif nn I of 'he newest PARISIAN pattcrfts. Also a few for ladies in moiirnln Hy hnvlng tf era made under his otfn s inrrlnti nJence none our the best mnterinls jre 11-fl.ne is :ilto enabled to make quite a saving in their oat anil"w1ll sell thera cor responilinJ low. COI N THY MERCHANTS Cnn sitpplv thenivlv' s from this stork with Cash, St nrk es s fow us they can in New Vork. ' C. if I IPPTTT. Vilmirjton.OcMO, W. To Contractors, rrxHK Oorainissioners for contrscting for buWlog A a t.'nsri-li'Mise and Jnll in iho towu of GoWsboco' in the Uouiity 4if VSayne, viU receive plans for s Cotirl lf)i:-e and Jail, accompanied with linanlei for building the same, .including uinterlab ol every di ration iherefor. Tin- Court houi to be 70 fe .t. or thereabout s. Io knclh. and about 43 (set in width, twoltories high, tin lower Btoiy tu4sr ante-ruoui or vestibuls serosa the front end, with two poir of stairs leading Into a oor n mo DJirui room or rooms sbovc: a passare leading from hc vestlkale through 'the whole Ie0fth nt the side. ninma on the lower floor for delitor, and two Hi one and a petty larceny roora fn the second floor, he outer wall lo be built ol DricK. witn square unioer, end in like manner wiih the court hous sess to a tiri proof on the oiUside. The Contracts for the Court-house and Vail wiflbs lteiarate. CioeM cl.i) can be had in the Immediate vicinity formsking brick, and it isU'lieved thatrok am be had for the foundation la abtAit five miles from the place, Immediately us irxr Riifrerid, by which ihey cnn be brouifht within about 250 yards of lh site. , . ' This will be a cash Jub. ihrgrtatrr pari oi lbs money U isg alreedylnhruid.iotbalaporiinnof the uoey can be advanced from lime to time as the work pro irrrsitrmand thn whet? paid so sen SB thawott Issp- iii vi-O anareceruuy nit- i"i".i , Tho 'plans snd pn.pos.irs wHf.be- reCelssd hf M Commisiiiensrs at OeMsborooch, on MoriyiM IjrTtt l9yof Novsmbwrtesfwhen (hey wHI makes election 'uliuch plsnsa they may deem beeft and st which I ,im .nH nl.ee a II oefunsdeslroui of comrsetlnr are . . . i I 1... .1... I ...i.mi.ki.iniir. raiuetedt"stiendln nervn, and hand in their plans, 1 loll uroposuN for building Siillicl. nt tfws witf he nlven for making their t stiinstts on the pUns wbich limy beKch'Ctid. so that the contracts can be closed listing the week. C . If iheplsnorplonsselected slooid Mlhoaa f mt psison or persons who should not gel lbs aonirict tor huililinp, aMbenilcoiiipBssJwnaUi psldAjr snch I tu ' o 1 110 JBU 10 oe U!M)IH ii I'd uy tu; Willi iwu tuuil dun Houses for Sale . or Rent. THE Room on second floor above Mr. El. lers Storson the corner of Market and Wa fer Streets. It Is a lane commodious room. end will be rented an good terms. Apply 10 B. I, riOWZE. or II. B. EII.KRS. Oct. II.- DO-t'. For rent Trom 1st October next. 4 rpiIKbuHdlnga.prasent orcupiH by Mr. 10 I i: Kfahrdt. next .door W the Cmnmn. IlJL cUl Ofli.. ' The betldli is idaptsd for two iore4nd a dwelling. Apply u A. f AUL, KEFJTU . Oct 12th." f, r, , . -xnn, . t: f. a?" 82-tf, THL Stare kadOffi.Na.. Worth Wster urevt, from the MrOctober, ap(ly to S5aiH HARRISS 4 KLSELL. ETM-- No. ir. Wwer at ' ' Oct. 3. . . , ef(f;, FOR RENT. -T,,B Slore N M- 10 ""d'e Building. North Water SUeet, at present occupied by mvclf. " wit iVnhlV SPVU29 . . ' ' bi TO RENT- ' . , . ';. A HOU -sEioreOton Orang street, front-1 ait J it . Am erion's. hsq.. from ths 1st oc- toher nrit. Apply to HOWARD d PDluN. Sept. 26., - . 82-tf. FROM rhe Isvof Ofrnber, a new and com furtabl twi story DweUlnr lliiHse, attaa teJ on Third St., Houlh of Orsir. Apply ta I. 4k W. IhTMeUAHY Sept. 21. Hu-ir. TO RENT. A hoae in Texas, one : year o hi, eontaiaing twu Si iurat lansmaMSi. iiiiflL. - GEO. FERGUSON. .Sept. 14. . 77. FQR SALfiiOB-REMT. - THE Snbsrribet offers for"ailTrll dWelBni ttousem ine lowrioi vvirmirigton, ana stso his rreerrf lurhmer hvflse'1n"Smlthvl1le and amotetvof lot nn whirti th Hedse 'recently offnj-, pled by Mr. I.iirlsnl near the Rntf Road stand Ths setins win b.' iioeiiirutiMStlrTg.' My dwelling If lnot old by th- inbldie nl NoVcoibVT, wlTje for tent In my irt)Wiro aei'ly to tny 8on,C H.' Dmjley. ' L- JB- Ii. DTDLF.Y, Ati. 15. . ' "V" TO RENT A new two storv bovse infant rear. Iran li Ucioor nsxl tent ?ix. it, w. wuuu. Sept. 14. . U- FOR SALE OR BNT. V A Comfortable U wsillng Haass oa Third Street, wmild be sold im very eeemaw- rlating terms, or rented' until ihe 1st of October m il. Apply to j. 4 W. L. McOARY. Jtms 20. 2-tf. JX) REN r. V , ,' - ' , ; . THE afore comer "or Ved cross snd front Mr eel" lnlrly'dCcipfed tr Almis. Q. P. R. H Grunt' " ,f ' 0. O. pAtlSLEY. Guar: Sept. Stores and fharrcs for Rwt. -OKVKUAL. destrahle Susrss, Wsrehotises. t lU4n4 Whurves, may be rented from let October nest. Apply 10 , pstROSSKT, DROWN 4k Co. Sto. 7. 4347. ( ' . 74 UGR. Landing front Ikur W. L. Jmiti. 1 4HBD,r. GrolxSswar. LC- 6 hhds. Porso Rico ainesv. For sale by DeRO8KT,DR0WNfU-. Aug. 30. fl'J i j . ' DRESS WWW & MILLINERY- MRS. SARAH H. JlF.LLY enibrscessJ 5f this method ot Btormlos her Town tnd5 Coontrr mendsk that she has mssmrd frank the Ninth, witiva.vseU selervd stock of Btflttaory, eon Kitting of Ladles soil Children Binnels, Feathers, Fkiwars, Heed drams, Coders, Cnttia, dginga, (eot ton tiiread.) Ribbons, with a vssisty of other article, .-ill of lbs latest atyle. sad wiH be sold as w aa can be bought jn the pluce. She has brought on an sc coinpllshcd Millkaer sad dress maker. She returns her sincere thanks for rust patronage, and humbly Cska a coniiousnu A ths saaic. Ocl.7. , ISMdu S. H. K. PRESERVES &c ., &.c. doren preservetl Olnger I do. flnava Jefly ; do. Rsaberry Jam y ' Anchovlrf; .' Tomato Cilsup j preserved Sifmorn do. Lobsters.' For sale by ' CARROLL si FliNNFXL. 87. do. de.' do. do. Oct. 1: Wilmington Music School, MRS. W'flTTAKRR. ha removed her Mtraic School U ifie House occupied lest resrby Mr. Hrwlet, oppossis toe KSIecooal Chareh, and sdjotn Ing Mrs Ltndan whrre she hopes by her strict al leatioa, snd lonu expeikence ss s Music Teacher, to recetae a large share of patronate fjom the Ladies of Wllminston. She feels flikotjultbt the very lib eral tDCOurKemeul, she has received duilog the Sarpmer, and 'all she asks of Ut Lsdive of Wilming ton, to become convinced of her ouaUfkaflorrs, la to call and see for themselves; she also keeps cenjtant l nn hand and for sale, s well selected aasortinent of Musk, both for Piano and Gaiter. v -n namlMtori. Ocl a. . tto-ssr, v NOTICE T3 hereby ffiveta thst sppllestlosi will be aaade at the A CO suing Mesaion or tns Lswsuersi m nana tjurw lux tots Cherter, far Old iWortk Stat Teat of, the ladepen-ient Order of Rechabltea. OoC tu 8ft-30d. FRESH ARRIVALS OP GOODS. JUST Rsceived, psraehr. Damid Msfs, fssm New York : Bleached atkltge, Ia4kt drills. ISeHila rlo Canton Qsnswla, Crash, Casnbrte, Irish Hwms. plaid Llnsry, Oltighaina,Tnrtp red yaravseaitsaja, ti .iLaria. Shawls, Asspaecsv Hose (sssorted.) 3b pendem Bbtrk silk cravats. Silk asndlrsreMafr, Os4 Lt .kb.4othsi Fksimetetred snd white.) mlied Sat- tloeis, fdet rnlxlWa. lniatk y joana, FtiAts ( vsrioos psrterni, ) Carol! aa au Ipse, shiilbMMosja.packst rai Plaid ieap Bis coll en ytnt,, IJobleached sblrtikg' I'mbrellsA Allendsl sheeting 3) yardawlde, Kerseyw, ()hh KsadkerchMss, Cashaverre, de tahwe, Lame ( t'.hsn plsids.t-a. Kos sale bv - R. i. s)KRN'AIIX I - . on J t UJJ! m yZJeJJL im SCARCF.LT has ten short years slarae allied &M hunibln attempt was roads to combine, In a aural ble medleat preparation, a few of the heraa ef the In dian, ah wMdamaitnstimeastptneresou. TM most that could be esttmstsd was, thst the arlMftas adopted ai the basis to build npoa, were soend. 8 much reliance was plared open cslentel $4 the hav cet, and the III sueeesa of the nperlmeM would He ienied to confirm that rstumce, waur n shook tM purpose 01 itui projector. J nuw, nowever, au tfonM aMinenre ai si cm. Every where, this medlctne haa ban meted wfrfc welcome everywhere has Its vat been arnnsaVs) vfrki 0 Its sale ere now eoanted hf MILLIONS', east ft la held In higher estlmsrloTi at the prrstat tlaje, (kaa wneo 11 waauri)inaiiy inirooacea. jCURE FOR FRVER AND AQVti I s, ' ttetsiiu8,PaLm,CJiBu, ) , July 17, '48. MUfUebt-tonttin alnA.estirtwatt Ml bh a supply of your Indian Vegetable Pills. 1 have fssnssl enM Pius to be fcagnra4 aamaa lately, fat wof fever so Aaus. 01 r; sases atev a nasal BOS) Wkav. hMbsMlsJdstswftmu&agaav and heat Maw sswtaM atkwr resnesllaai UMaVlwch prwad ef urn av vaw.' , U" (klsrmiAed Iu -trr'siwr Wis VssMSaMe PUIs, and by a sing ana 1 ha la oar sssim sad welL Mr.T.Speaeer had- Whlerf Mr, Has well, Mr.T.Speaeer rirnl 1 aVitv mnA Mr Uharisfl MfcMe east tares sf Ws family ware down, mh jajna JlaM .trilb, law and agtre, and had also tried ITMsrl6s'oiker' tm- dies wli boat e&et. Your Inilan Vagatabie PUM soyn reftored ihem tp perfect heajih. I ess sseare voir. frOfti what I hsVe seen, your Indbr Vetera ble Pflls maf be felted oft far a prrwanent eurf tl km andagtss.' " Yoirra,'respeeTfaKy " '. JACOB WJRHAM.rM., ' Al.srfactfJtrstbefrrieTvaee. ' Tbl. Js'fo cfttly that I w.s".r areJ al1 (U Chills ajtd Fsver, of several oionlha a:aajdng.' bf t uss of four'doscs of tour aigi each, a Wright s lodt I Vegetable PiUs,sod after (skjuig Btadbloa Boajs4f Kguisi physkisn for seme tlase and .kara Jassl, syrupiuwis of li' since, which .haa been about KB -year ago. , , TaaSjCbmpaJgJtejHtnlj.faia, This is 10 eertVy that Lww aaisd ef the CliSa awst Pevsr by the uss otrlgka rDdisst Xassabai tUks, f...- k.kU. kasl ikvAaallaiksk jsIi e . a W r npiiin ssas ss nivwmvm-iw.mm V' LjjTA 4- l Sugar Grove, Fairfield Co, O. Nov. 13, '41. t "-'.1 voei ' w jc v'i ThaOewttine is fur sale b uFO. R. FREW H Market S'reet, aula agnt far WdnrBftsrvl D. TUR NER, Raleigh, ao4 byegtSsU bs alS pawls ar sm r?earsifrr1asi,4IHroff' Re merhber ttist the Orlgtnar and tf)!T n IvWJkn VtgttabH PiUt, have tti4 wrtllen rslgaTtnr WU- i: U'm:kl a. ik. Inn l.k.tAf Mll hllf IMfn ' ' ' vi ... ww ' umces aevotea e iriusiveiy.10 ioe,aa: 01 nTf i HfM ijrejrbfr7 ifan- -iairsskt "J'aBA j Rsrestreet, Philadelphia, 288 Greenwich sfteel JCew Vork, snd 198 Trenionl sfrtei. Boston, Y V i n-if. To, the Wltiu&: mttfait. if COR1MME. would reapectfony Sfotw'Thk Comrrtanlty.TTist ha has itwt rttartwl Irons the North, sod opened again his Cheep WtT OOODS, Pancy CiiUert and CToclery Bfore, Market etreeV vrTiete he U Pi'epatd f" gtre grester hnrirnlna rhalt snv' OlhoT StofS (idrl eve orVai klar stock consists m genernf aMcknntiu of 4Lfoi- Silk striped. Mode Cotorsd, and 8keh Arsscas, Ca shnwrea, Muslin da Lane, Wool, MuatrM, Frsweh Otnghsm. Fjuftish, Frenrh-wwd A sserleaa Cewewi Jaconet snd Swiss must Inst lrtam Rseat, FraisHSafMT FJbflsh Mertno. Shawls, Cravats, Laoe, RaMM, Hsodkesrhkofa, Ossvesy 43aMbrtea, fUssetusd mi BsxramCottona from f 11-4 ystJ wWe, Caerkav "' BRO A L; CLOTH9, French Csairnres'. Daetikla. Cswttag, TWsSiaa rest paiisvBS, Hsadkareitisis, ftuspsriiiira Caiass Cspi, CoBifafU, Ac mx.- . .1 sV 'f . - cutlery; GUt9. & nsTOLS? loivsssad Forks 4 the beat sasirsfseSst:, Pscaet knives of a41 description, Btciasura, Rssjar s Ha llnest kind, Guns sad Pistole mt varksa CROCKBRY, .4 full assottsaenr ot bolls lasti Vur y chssp. GOLD and SUvsr Ltvr aatoV ABBeT .sl Oold and Silver PsWvUa, Oo4d Feam ia aalver caars. Gold Kir rinca, Finger rtnga, Ries Hbe. Os44 studs, SUver tUmbleeTMelsl Combs snd Cbsjn. In ta Famr ne.a4l ewAleas sarierr of articles t Guitars, V ofina, Fktev, FVes, Harps, Aceordeoass, Banjoe, tet Heaxfa, rurs, WaBers, t-omta, Brusttea, Bartons, Thread, Need We, Ptoa. fssw'se Vsses, Spoons, Sdssjora, Knirri. flaaka, Mta, Percussion e.pa, Psrfaissd-aDaaps, Ostssssi eotogm. Heir oil', Ac. i - i ' i ,. f )i 7- ' f tALi. f wtuch b es artfully aflersd to the peb Hcstlbavery lowest CASH fncf My sf as, .Ukl. .I.r I- iK.n Jna lllUn 4 f . A ''UtiK. OR1MMB. At thbWisVtrJrlbeSi(Vd yr. VTsJfc, Msrket sqosre. ' J I j Wt I0 I tf. -r- f TT v n : : A f Cask a, New erop,pftme;qoanty. For LOD CO. Ocl 17. ( J fl-w, : ' COFFEE AM) LARU ZVitk' Lagnlra " a ffo, I Leef Lard. FSeaaW 4 CARU14rauv.rsv. Y.'; FUlralTURE WABEriuiajb. THK eubscriber hss just received by IM bkrli Powell It lt 8 MsWsny bureaus- dlflerenl at see , f I -4Mabjjaay and walnat dlnlngW uU-, Lsree Sloneu ri i i -1 "i i 6 Ladws Kk BibWr-vssrrHitlsd sskrtJ , 74 Curled msple do do. - . , . t ,1 Fine hsir ;, . w ' ml nestofpsntry aslvej .. , y 4 rir barrrnsrrressrei , 2t Looking glissrs-sotmj nrrxt nt al f ichwliloffdatthamoaTraeljkfis J rvi 17 -91 vLARX, .' 20 leg Octli.: .. . "" ' BARRY, RRTAIfT aTO . i Oct. 21. . ! ' ' M ) a 11 i" ' w 3- if, UoldjbotoughQct-lt con Jl-6i. e Hilt i UCttt i t -

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