EioS-ragc Jiome maastry SiDDLE, IIlRNEf3i AND TRUWK f MANIlf ACTOR r. fflflfi mibecrlber wpW-ily Inform the nubile JL thai be haa recently returned frdm the North, whre he kid Iq a full and compwte t rocs w seam an Harnaaa rUMntlnga e. a-o.eiMi- moitBmpieJityl,tnd loontently manufactur- In oat hit tore n n s rroei, loniici ir J" . r Mhkiaa-BvanrdMcriplion of article in tha.k.a iia- Vrom hi experience in thrbusiness, h. f-i. .nH.W thai he Will be able to give entire atlsfactlon waiaouatomera. He haa, and will keep COLLARS, WHIPS, BiTTS AND SPURS; CARPKT AND SADDLE DAUSi IWMKS, VALISES. 4., ... , an J every other article usually keptln establishment of the kind, all or which will be warranted to be of the beat mtterlala aod worknunjhip, tod told on moderate terma for cash, or on ahort credit to punc JBiPAiBiha of every description promptly attended to'. Coachea and Carriages trimmed in neat and substantia) style. ' ' Me41clB.ia,Caioixa of every description, and all other articles usually manufactured' In establish men la of the kind, made to order. . Persons wishing le purchase Ridiho Vbhiclbs, would find it to their interest to rive him a call. , JOHN J. CONOLEY. May 9, 1848. ., iM( v!.-- Dr. B. MUNSEY, Surgical and Mechanical Dentist. . . ' : lirOULD reepectf -V Inform the Inhabitant of W WUmlagton mad vleknltv, that he baa taken a ReOnt at Loiriatva betiding, Front street, Kae: eMe, HojL where ha le imnred t perform all operation pevtamlag tenia- psalsssion In the moat approved modontwad sekfitlna manner, which for utility and basely, he will enprmot not to be excelled by any In thspractlcassecfc aa. - INSERTING, FILLING?, CLEANSING, Regulating, Extracting, eje U'rl. insert the' beat of Mineral or Porcelain teeth,- Uh Gums, if dealred, which will so closely resemble those of Nature that the most practiced eye win ow. urum rawifu Maonia, i FUliaf Teeth betar decay haa exposed the nerve, it one of she ot vuiuaUe operations belonging to tha Dental aft. When Dronertr ana sxintuiiy formed,!! perfectly restores- the tooth, to Its fe 4aannhin1llltv-rhan which not operation .fiaracrv can be menra arateful aid aatlaractory, Ct tee are not onfreqewtf when the nerve hae been dee rrove! and the tooth ntn3d and preserved for years, and OrtorrhUfe f lthont causing any pain or In- Cleansing Teeth of tartar, a verydaatructlve calea rious concratlun. and other eorrodlntt arenta, ia era phttleaayoallelforf daaeewho wish to preeerv.e the eefaland heaatlMtif erjana. This may be done without any noeerue injury m me enamei and onBW msIjt mem to tnwongmaineann ana oru llancw.' Or. M. will be happy towalfuebn all requrlnghls proieeaiortti service smq ireeiy tnipari anyinmrma tUin which they require Bertaioing, to his profession. ALSO, the disease of the Mouth and Game. AT. the sims time be assures the public that ha raakee ueaof none but the beat materiaja which dental sclent haeprodue4. specimens aairiecnmmen dttlana at tha office if reaucsted. CallandseeA AprUW. . Naotilts Life Unrnee Coopiiy NEW YORK. Paclpil pfficc, U C ftll Vntt. TVHIS COM AN V.'haaTjast cleeed biewrrd year's lropetw- ,n PuW'be ite-Tmab AjrieAi Rarosr, fnm which l wjU be seen that the bf ttness fjr the tal rtf haa been tm less proeoenrus than (he two preceding. The Board bsve a rale declared the usual Dividend of SO per cent, profits for toe last yaar, lor wlilch scrip certificates sre deliverable, bear inj aa Interest of a!x percent. Thus, In three yeare, 53 per cent, on the amount of premiums received have been annually returned to the secured. Daring the peat year ending April IS, 1348, 796 ne pilcies hive been lesoadt the piemiuma for tn; yesr, amountmf ao e)7 1 ,676 66. lis accumulated l-'unJ of nure than ltd.OOO iaaecarHy Invested sc cv rdlng to law, affording the most amp,'e Indemnity to tha aaaured. Puliev IMdsra. " whather they eomiaoe (or life, of far shall larms," receive their nrs rmla profits. The premiums for Ule Policies, if cxceedl ISO, ntiy b pmd 80pe oeol. Ucaah, and a note without Kuaraatee, for 40 per ant thereof with inter sat at g pjr cent.: or in cash annually, semi-annually, or quarterly, by adding Intereet to deferred paymeota. All premiums for periods short of life must be paid I ii eweb.' Should the parry survive to make thirteen i tmani pnyenta, tea ring thadlvidene! to accumulate, irUnppaasd the policy will beftftfyaeid for, and thinecuatulatloei alUmaiary addad te the poBcy. ft it believed that no Company doing business in this rity, wherher forslru, or from th MighborlncStatre, offers so great facihtieas with equar security The charMr W (redilh tJtate of New York, and the se curities under the serict iaspectioa of the Comptrol ler of the State, ' PanmJlBlKHaTtrBliff the principles of Life inea r.iiK:e, roneov Application, and other Blanks, msy be hid at the prkoetpal eCBce, or any of Its agents. OaSAMUS PHKLL, Solicitor. PLINY VRRKMAX, Actuary. A'. M. MERCHANT, President 1U I. OULEMAN, Vice President. MP txoii axAMimtaa i OKORQK vVfLKRS, M. 0 ,t3 Lalgkt 8 tree U G. ft. BOOBRT. M. Dn6 St. Uark ePlaoe. b J. LOHI A Co.. Agenu, No. t3 Xori Water Strmi. VVOoilniton, July 20,1848 e3-4m-p. BOYS CLOTHING, JUST Received, snd for sala at SCOTT, KEEN Oo. Oct 17, - 91 -t. BEJVTMSTn 1. WE WARE, DOCTOR, OF DENTAL 8URQERY Aild Member of the American Society of Dental Surgeons, PERFTT&M9 aH operations on the Teeth. Teeth Insetted from eweto e fal set. snd uuoe rh urln. clple of AtaaoetpherV Preeajre la aU eases where If is appllcsUe. O.Boe KM Side Front 8 tree t, 4 deors North af Msraet, upanaaav fn sosneetionurtAfheOaoa he hat fitud an a Room e i pessary for hie lady patrons i ihey, thr afore can new receive hie erefeeaianal eervlces whhtt de tentHm by sendlag iheer ncsneai lo fUs oA, v, wlUlafonaj themrhetlnMhe Csagfve theai his at tention. ' -'I1 - ''.I . Or RaraatwceLihe Cltiaene raeraly. Vpryr. 1 WHISKEY, rpRil DACON, Ac. Or. BBLS, N.a aUetlAei W hi. try t Jl do. baek eounty Rye WhiAsy I eVa, N.tRami I aw. Gin i . I do. Brandy nr. Ctske XsUra Wine i 000 lbs. N. O. Bacon Safes and Ramt i 4 bale. leea Fork c W , 4e, Prime eVx - TO , da. Canal ITouv. For sale by ., W. L. SMITH. Oct. 1 ft-gt. MWilniiniMi Ti CLILima'S LClR COiTED TILLS ... cured within the last year nrrn mm UfUll VVViVVV IWllWVlioa who had been laboring tinder; the most aggravated . oomplainto, and given up M hopeless case ay , the moat eminent phyalciana. Ttaey are the ' flret and only 'medicine ever 'discovered ' ' ' ' (hat will P o s iti vc ly.C ur e. HI EADACHE, Olddlneee.tlheumntlsm, PResDIs h.K.t. S.rv Smnllnoi. Jaundice. Painaln the H..U. Tnwn'rH Wwulf nfnn. Palnitatlon of the Heart. uuiniT in thn Tlirnut Drnns w. Asthfnn. Fevers af all kinds, Femnle Complaints, Mekslcs, Salt Rheum, Heartburn, worm, vnoiere jnorous. uougns, wuin y.WhoojSlngCough.Coniimnilon.Plia, Liver Com plaint, Erysipelas, Deafness, Itchlnce of the" Skin, Colds, Gout, Gravel, WorvousComnlnlnta, srrd a va- rletV oroTner Uismses sriBinu iruni unvuruui oi iiiw ... ' , . ii . .. i - . i. .. 1 1 r ri.' .mi Uiooa, una uouruciumna mo vrguri ty mgenum. Tha fnllniuln rHrllAieiM waa forwarded tdv Dr. Cttckoner, by his Agenr at Lancaster, Pa. injina Pectorii, or Diseaiet of the Heart i, Lancaster! Feb. I7lh,1845, Dear Sir, k I cannot exprtas the obligation I am under to youjor recommending mo to try Cllckener's fiugar Coated Purgative Fill. You know I had tCuli long afflicted by a complaint cf the heart, which I be- Heve tne Goctora call Aogina.reci.MiSj or something of the sort. Efery one told me it was a very dan gerous disease, which mkht esrry me off at Any moment, and very suddenly, If I did not find some thing to cure it. 1 used to oe trouoieo wnn f udden cramps or palna at the pit of the atoreach. Now and then it would atrlk&up through the breast and into the shoulder blades.' 1 never anew when it vaaomitg- on. It would sometimes attack mc white walking In lheetreet,ne then I used a think how horrible it would be to drop down dead all 6f a sudden, with no one to have a caw for me. The fbyslcians tow me it waa or no use to doctor Tor it. t waa past all cure.hpcauso none of them had ever been able to ourK Bat 1 had hewrd an much about Patent Medicines, as they are called, that I xieter mined to try some of lhaip. Sol went to Pniladd- a 1 a . . a m r n ..a a . prua, ana eaiwe on mr, r . nrown, wno xeope uie anouocatiea' ahoo corner of Fifth aod Chew Kit- streets, and he gave mo a box oi pills. I took two boxes, acoofdlna to directions, but they did na oaod. He then save me a bottle of at art with a verv out landish kind cname t but that had no more Hect than the other. Just then I happened to hear of CRckenefe Sugar Coated Purgative Pill, and ns they wore "something new under tne sun, I thought I would try them, ana if I sot no better, why Tumist give It up as a bad ioaV SoIoalUdon you as you inov recollect, and bousht a box for 23 cents. I bemn taking them, and before I hod half tnlshed the box, I tell like a dlherent person I eonid walk m uxh far ther, and sometimes a halt mile and back, without feeling any pain. The second box hod a stin better effect, and before 1 had got thrown with the third. the cmnphihuhad entirely left me. 1 in certain it ie all owmg to tha virtues of Clkkener's Pills, and nothing else, and I wish thai every body should know U, tecause I think they are one oi Uie greatest bless ings on earth. I always keep thsm in the house in case anv one ot the family should get sick; for I know if they, could cure me of so bad" a complaint, thay wIlKrwre almost any body else. If you want to print this in your pamphlet. I have no abjection In the world, theugft I am not mucb u.d to writing. Yoursrin sll thankfulness, JlASY ANN WKDPVER. Or Vsrious Medics! Practitioners of eminence nave used tnera wltn successful results. Many per sons also have recourse (o them sssn ordinary Fam ily Medicine, or corrective of the bowels, in cases of sfisat indleestiens.de. Packages were sometime stncfc preeeatad to Hnn-Mnta Van Burenx-President of the United States; Hon. Henry Clay, of Ken tacky i His RxoeKen r, William C. Booek..x-Gov ernorof New Yorki Hon. William H. Preeton, senatorirom soutn tjaronna, ana several otMfdla tinjulshed men of our cduntry, all of whom, with one exception, have expressed their approbation of the Ctfckeoar 8unr-Coeted Purgative Pi Is, by order ing a new suddIv. But, parhape the most inconteadble evidence ef thal unnrecedented success, are tne nurtreerless Imi tations ond Uountertetts wnicn nave appeared, before the public Even some ofoureUMMhestpillBiakar have had sa audacity to Imitate the Capsule of Su gar, in order lo disguise the Ingredients of their vHe compoumis, at)4 palm them oft for the "real simon pure." ouca paltry aMttecaanoi isstiong without exposing thfdr hideous deformity. Truth and bea uty must Inevitably prevail over ntscaJity and decep tion. We might extend the catalogue of Testimonials to tn Indefinite lenerth, if we deemed it expedient to publish aH wa have received, net only from agents but Individuals and families, woo bare cipcrienoed the beneficial adeem of Glickeaer's Sugar Coated Pllla, but wedfem itonnaceaaary. WILLIAM H. LIPPITT are the Acents for Wilmington and vielnity, the pills sre put up in glass b 'Ules, snd sold at 25 cents with full directions for their use, Front-street.beiween Market and Dock. Dr. Qickcntr i Principal 0,66 Vesi y-st. New York. Vr Remember Dr. C. V. CHckener is the Inventor of Sugar Coated Plllr, and that nothing of the son wsseverhesrdof until he introduced them In J no 1843. Purchasers should, therefore, always ask for Ulckener-esugar coatad riira, snd Uke no others' ortrtsyiu oe mane tne victims oi a fraud februaryw 8, 1948-138. RECEIVED PER L. P. SMITH. B BLS. NEW YORK AfPLES ao. umnoenVa . t do. Hickory Nuts f 30 boxes New Crop Raseaa 1 bbkCarrsoUi Aimoa and other Nula. Ferealaet J. WILKINSON'S. Oct. 18. 93. SELLItfQ OFF. LINNjKAN BOTANIC OARDEPI ANURSERY. Lata of WILLI A M PRINCE, deceased. Flush ing L. I., near New York, WINTER 4 CO., rropneiors, .IN conBufjuence of the kctae Jfk C Jht the Junior and of (be advanced ire 4a of the enrvlylna nartMr. the eati e Ilm Stock of thlaeaubN sanest, comprising every des cription, Including the newest and choicest varieties ef fVml mmd OnmmmUk Vr, AmAt, Vhut, Assee. aU.willbn dlsnoasd of st vety re duoed prieea, In order to rlese the basinesnaa epeedi ly aa poeaibie. Orders accompanied with the cash, to the amount of ten do! I s, or upwards, wlD be eupplied at a re duction of 25 per cent from the neual prtcea, NareeryaMn, Venders, and others, Wishing re pur chase by whoiosmie, will be supplied at seen red seed prlone aeoerdlaf in klad and ejaantlty, ae will nro bebiy pro re aatiaCictory lo them. Descriptive Cats foffuee, gra tin on application post paid. Orders re crived and Cntelogaoe ssnnlied by DANIEL W. WOOD. Wihnlagmas Sept. lfiih. T8-6w. APPfi BRANDY. B ARREL8 Momently eaneeted. 20 Oet.l. WMf. APPLES. . Sffe BBLS. Apples. For sale by HOWARD 4 PEDRW. Oct H. (Si) ROCK SPRING v El THE subscriber would respectfully an nounce to the cltlxens of Wilmington end the surrounding counties, that he Is now receiving his Fall Slock of Cablj net Furniture, Huvmg selected It him self In the cities of New York and Bos ton, he can confidently recommend it to the attention of customers for variety and rktsanre of etyie, Deauty oi woricuiananip, anocneapneaa. it is al together Ihd moat complete slock that he hoe evcnol fcred In thla market, and he ihlnka thaf those wishing to purchase may And It lo their interesi to call. The following are some of the articles comprised In the Stock, viz : SOFAS, CARD TADLES, DINING do. CENTRE do. EXTENSION do. MATCHED do. TOILET do. WORK do. SETTEES, OFFICE DESKS, MATTRESSES, OTTOMANS, DIVANS, ' DURE AVS. DRESSING DUREAVS, SIDE BOARDS, WARDKOUKS, Cltlll BEDSTEADS, COT ! TRUNDLE Jo. OFFICK CHAIRS, Bedroom Set", complete ; French Bedsteads; High Prtstdo. , Looking Glusaes; Toilet do. Sink and WnshtUnnds; MnliORnny do. Boston rocking Chairs; MuhoRtiny do.; Do French do. ; Curl Maple do, : Cans, Rush sent, nnd Fancy Clinlrs ; Wlndnor and Common do.; Children's High do. For mile at mod erate prices, by J. D. LOVE, Oct. 12. -B9. At the Rock Spring. CLEAR THE TB ACS, HEBE WE LOBE. Revolution in Ireland, extended lo Wilming ton, N. C. SKAHNWEILER respectfully informs the cltl .seniaf Wilmington, nnd Its vicinity, that he has just returned from the North, snd has opened a most splendid assortment of Dry Goods, and Ready made Clothinir. 4. etc.. at his old stand at the Ex change, eemer of Front and Maaket streets. All of hie good hare b-en bought ana selected run par ticular care, end especially his Clothing, which wn expressly made up in the latest and most fashionable style for thla market hia clothing consisting In part ( the following : Dress and Frock Coat. Sacks, Dullness and Overcoats of all sizes and kinds ; Pan taloons, Vesta, SUrrta and Drawer, Boots sndShoes, 1 tit ta and Caps, if-c,, which ho guonanties to sell on inn most reasonable prices to all that will favor him with a call. THEN YOU-LL REMEMBER ME. . Wlwyi you have mads up your mind to wear, A Coat that fits your back, When you have got a Ttn to spare, And want a Plrat-rste Sack ; Or else, perhapa, a splf nded Vest, To coat you but a V, In auch a-moment I suggest, That yon'll remember m . Oct. 5th. 8C-lmv FLOUR! FLOUR!! QrV BBLS. Foyetievllle Superfine Flour, In Store, and for sols by J. & W. L. McGARY. 74 Sep. 7. RAISINS AND FIGS. 1 f Half boxes Malaga: Raisins ; 1U 10 Q boxes do. do. 10 drums Smyrna Flga. CARROLL dk FENNELL. Ocf. 7. 87-if. APPLES! APPLES!! BARRELS Paiinalns Apples; 20 barrel Cooper's Red do. t 10 bsrrels BeliAowers, and Green Pippins, momently expected per Scheoner Bucna Vista from Philadelphia, and for sale by HARK1S3 RUSSELL. Oct.M. 9Dtf. No. 17, North water-st. mClBLE ICS A IB TUmTtSE USDS FOR SALE TH (.subscribers offer for sale between! we snd three hundredscresof valuable Rice Lands on Lockwood'sFollyriver, In Brunswick county. Im mediately I n the neighborhood of the Landsis sgood stream of waterernpiylng Into the Lock wood'f river -furnlshlngwaterpowersufuclentfor watering the fields and for pounding and threshing the Rice, an well as for a Saw Mill. A part of this land has been cultivated in Rice ami Cotton, and prodacede qua I to any lana. Adjoinlngtothese Landiare between ntteenhun dredsndtwo thousand acres of Aratra te Turpentine bands, very convenient to the river. aU within three miles ot the sea-shore ,and a nealtby location. That whole neighborhood aboundsin good Turpentine t-anaa. w. L. HALL, D. B. BAKER. Jtrly 13 1849. 85 CITIZENS are honorably assured thst the follow, ini are the actual qualities of a 3a bottle of Jones Coral Hair Restorative. If thay doubt our word mey cannot tneee Highly rerpestable cltlxens, who have tried It Mr. Geo. Becket.41 Elm St., N. Y. Mrs. Matilda Reeves, Myrtle avenue, Brooklyn. Mr. Wm. Tompkins, 92 King st., N. Y. Mr. Thomas Jackson, 69 Liberty st., Pittsburgh. H. E. Cuilen. late barber stearaboet S. America. And more than a bundrsd othersstate.thoagh thla must suffice, that It will force the hair to grow on the headorfacceiopllfaUlngofr, atrengthen the roole, removing scurf and deodrull from the roots making irgb, red, or gray hair assume a fine dark look and keeping dry, harsh or wiry balr anoist,soii,olesa and beautio! a very, very long time C INQLES.Jr Sold In Wilmington by Uppltt WlUklngs YEST. BRUERS YEST, an excellentarticie to make llghtbread,foraale by D. M. 1847- JTHAIN. Notice. THE subscriber has this day entered Into a Co partnership with A. D. YOUNG, and will con tins th business at ths old stsnd under the firm of ANDER80N dt YaOUNO. " Aktrge M ot Dry Oojla, Hard-are, Iron, Groceries 4 wlU be always keei an band and will be sold at low prices and on aceaaxtmodsUng terms. Ail customers having open accounts wUh nw wiii please call aod settle by Note or ntherwla July 1J, 194S. .,, IN STORE. 1 An BTJgllELS Bladen Corn ; LJJ IMbeJesHeyi 00busheleCowPea 100 caaks fresh beat Rice, reran! by O. W. DAYll, Sep,. 11 Pwy Wharf, "' n, BOARDING HOUSE, CAPT. JOHN A. WADE, respectfully inform his friends and the public, that he continues his Hoarding nous", ai tne corner or .Mar net ana Front streets, in tne building usually caned ue don's Hull dins. Evorv attention will be Paid to reruler board era, ae well us to those who may favor him with a transient call, and hie table will be supplied in the bust manner. .' Hetakee this occasion to return hl rhanke to those who give him a liberal support, and hopee for a continuance of puoiic lavor. August 2Jth, 1818. 70-tf. COPARTNERSHIP NOTICE. - r B HIE undersigned have thle day formed a Co- JL partnership under the firm Of 1 IIARRISS DRAKE, for the transaction of a GENERAL COMMISSION UUSiNKSS, or.d by strict and prompt attention, nope to merits snare oi puouc putronege. WILLIAM M. riARIlISS, EUGENE E. DRAKE: September 14th, 1848. ' 7J-f. North Carolina ln&titnon or the Instruction or Te DEAF AND DliJIB., , IHE Sessions of this Institution, commences on . tho first day of July of each year, and continue ten Months, when the ieii b vacation of two montbe, giving: he r'upile an opportunity 'to visit their Pa ren'sand Frlctds. i . ;m The Instttuum la situated on Caswell Square, bout one-third of a mile from the State House. The ground occupied by the buildings with thut adjacent, Is the property of the institution, and granted by the Leglslutmo of ihe State-, fa extent It embracee four acres, d part of which will bo cultivated, and the .re mainder wRf constitute spacious Lawna where tne Male Pupils will amuse themselves, r. proper hoars, In athletic sporu, and the Females, lo walking, or such other kinds of exercise aa may be apptopriale to-their ait. i.' The main bpilding In I he dimensions of Its plan, is sixty foet by thirty six. It haa two wiags, each thirty-eight feet by twenty two, extending at right angels from the main- edifice,, and' projecting from ' each extremity it byneurly the whole width of each wing. In elevation it embraces (buz stories, In cluding the basement, and the wings three, nod Is surmounted by a tower or observatory, commanding anextemdve and beautiful prospect. In the-base ment are the dining-room and store rooms, and Id the story above the basement, are Ihe parlor, sitting ' room and library. In the other stories ore the family apartments nf the Principal and Ms assistant, and two rooms eet apart lot the-Pupilaia case of siekneta. In the basement of one wing are the kitchen and wash-runm, and that of the other Is set apart for in struction in mechanical trades. On the principal floor of the wjngs, are the sitting-rooms pf the males snd females, and the upper story ia, decupled for dormitories, The chief merit of the arrangement consists in its preserving- these two- deportmenta' a tar as relates to the accommodations, amusement and pursuits ef the Pupils out of school, so indepeor dent in every particular, aa to. constitute of them two separate and distinct communities, while the dining-, room in which both assemble, with the Taatyera' and family of the Principal, Is conveniently asncMl bk Each department haa llaeeparaje areas in the rear, lis separate pleasure-grounds, sad its separate communication with the schoel-roorae : so that for the ordinary purposes of life, there Is no occasion to pass from one te the other. The Act of the General Assembly, read res that when Deaf-Mutcs are unable to pay for their main tenance and education, the Justices of the several Courts of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, should levy In the same m-nner ai taxes sre now by law levied for the support of the poor, seventy five dollars for the support and maintenance of every such Deaf Mute as shall be selected by the Literary Board, for the purposes of Education. Cr For further particulars, apply by letter or oth wisc to the undersigned. WILLIAM D. COOKE, Principal. OFFICERS OF THE INSTITUTION. DirectonrHiM ExcacutKer WILLIAM A. GRAHAM, Psomdrht or thb Boasdi Ho). JOHN M. MOREHEAD, CHARLES MANLY, ESQ., WILLIAM W. HARRISON, SacmarAav nr tub Boabd. TVeoewrer. --CHARLES L. H1N ...1.1 mm . i rt i iu.h, rs4., iBBASvaaa or stati. rrmapai. WILLIAM D. COOKE, M. A. iti(un. ABEL. B. BAKER, GEORGE K. KETCH AM. Jiyician.-CHARLES E. JOHNSON, M, D. .Vuroh.-Mjss LAURA J. BARKER. Raleigh N.C., August, 1848 W-ly-tw-p. Miracle ot Miracles ! ! On the ilk of August, in the year 1848. tincuhir tcene occurred in the Royal Scienli, fie Institution of fVance. Theagett, ithite heatUd President, his head 6ar, his arms outstretched, his face radiant with smiles. (for science was triumphant, and his voice with gratulatory tone, delitered the folhwing Report ) We are astounded ai thla singular preparation. W"erekndced will science atop! Here we have apre paratlon made In the form of a beautiful piece of soap, which we know, by sclusl practice, to cure evcrycutaneouseruptlon. every disfigurement ef, snd even discolored skin I wnere will lie aisglc and bio ow Race of the Eset, and the Red Man of the Far West,are.aUke under theinfluenceof Iwextraordins rv Dowvreof clearrng yellow tr discolored skin, and making It white snd beautiful, and of changing the color ol dark, or black, or brown skin. (Heresever al persons were brought forward by the President, who had used It. In proof of his assertion.) There sre probably few persons of Intelligence who, afterreading the above, will doubt Ihe quaUtlesof Jones' Italian Chemical Soap, In curing Pimples, Bbtches, Salt Rheum, Scurvy Erysipelas, Sore Heads, Old Sores, Beard and Bar berU Itch, Chapped and Tender Flesh, Freckles, Tan, Sunburn,, and changing dark Sunburn of Yellow Skin to a pure clear white, e smooth and soft ss an Infant's, and Infact every kind of eruption and drs nguiemcnt. Read these certificates : From th N. O. Smltntt, Oct. 1844, , One of our subscriber. Mr. H. Leonard, Inform as that he has been cured of eld, scsty Stilt Rheum, of eighteen years standing, on his beard, flngetsand hands. by teaks of an article much advertised tae- ly we apeak of Jonee Italian Chemical 8o,p. He also Informs as that he haa tried it effects on hi fet male slave Roeejnuch marked with sua spots, snd 6 found In two week her kln much clearer nd whiter. Jmo Elthara.a painter. In Jersey City, waa eared of carbunclee end pimples, which he wss afflicted wlthfor many year, by part of a cake of Jone' Ital ian Chemical Soap. Persons In purchasing this, mtrat 'always ark foj JONES' ITALIAN CHEMICAL SOAP, and per haps, aa many vrfaa have been chested with counter felts wlUbe toe much discouraged to try the ga. Ine.we ay to uch, try thla once yon will not regfef 1 1 but alway see that the frame of T, JONES 1 on b wrapper. Llppltt Wlllklnga, Frontal., ore the Agent foj thlsSoap for Wilmington. FOR SALE. APLRASANTLY alluwiei HOUSE and LOT (lb late teeldenoo of War. G. Labbibs, Rse. on the Southeast eorneraf Walnaland Fearth sts Terwe liberal. O. 8. GILLESP1R. My30. Qrf. BPUIIT BARRELS, OKA EMPTY BW.. large afie and m prim of. &UJ der. Joataaceived and for sal by BARRY, WTANT 41 Cn. Oct-'tth- ef rf BttC JUST RECEIYED. e f TONS, Broken and BcrertM, RH Ash Coal jyj for ask by . K. J. LUTTERLOH. Oat. 10. tf. McHeUer &!MeRai ' : (At Lhi lot Stand ef Mutri. Hall d Arnuirong, ' .WATBbJStWBT, WlLBtllfOTOW,' H. CABOtlM?; HAVE Just received their Fall Stock of Greesrfer 4o., de., consulting In part aa followa i 80 bega prime green and light Kio Coffee 20 bags prime La a uira Colfce , 120 bags prima pld Java Celieei 10 hbds. bright Porto JMoo Sugar fi hud. Muscovado Sugar) 40 bbla. beat clarified Sugar I boxee loaf 8ugof j 20 bbla. extra canaLFJourv 1U boxee Na.1 Soap i ft boxca prime cheep .Toboceoi 1600 bushels jUum Salt. Candle. Starch, Stwf, Coyptrat, Indigo, Sul pkur,&e.,4u.i Also 30 eases Uen'a thick and kip Brogamji 10 cases Women'eand Boys' Shoee, assor ted i 15 colls Raft Ropes j 4 colls small rope for bed cords; 4 tons (assorted), S weed's Plough apd Tyre Ironi Double and alnele-barrcrGnns, 4c, Ac.,' ' CrAII of which we will aellnn reasonable terms.I M. B; Wo are Onder the neoeslL. of rouaesting all peraooe Indebted to us, to make immediate payment ae earl) el possible, to enable u lo keep up such a stock of Groceries as our customers require. oepi. ibi iota. $0- J-tf. To Tarpcntine Bfakers In Duplin, I AM now locating (wo tave Still ai Sareta.! and shall have them In operation by Ut 10 IOflt June. Parsons making Turpentine In that region, can rely nlY alt rilmit ml fnlrnrlrla 1 ItTfehlia. Inesa there will be eondnCted by Mr. Writ. F.. Hyde. WllmlnjB, April t6th, W: 0, JEFFREYS. it . UMMIB1UIS Oennini vegetable inUTOai FarjljPOli. THE8E Pill area certain cure for Fever and Ague, and Bilious fever, os numerous certificates sent to the proprietor will aho w. , i . The smallness of the dose, (only two pills,) their energy, their imp'llcjty.'end efflcacyopplly adapt mem or ramtiy ana general use. The unbounded popularity and extensive sale of the pills have induced persons to Imitate them, and wrap them up under a nam jpd reputation not their own. ' ' The DroDrietore have rot ud these nllla in their own proper qame that thev may Uie more effeotually protect them and the public from fraud, -vhlch they could,nQtdolftbey had takeaa fictitious name, or the aaBia-oi indeed. Vead tejoiiowing ataiementi My father, the Rev.J. Hissabo, died August 17, 1844. WhUe in his life time, I msnufactured these PJUb. and out them ud in boxea,and encfesed them With wrappera, with hi name, by bja consent and approbation t M used frequently to say to m,"Now be very cxretuf, my sea, for If the fills are not mode good, the public will blame me." So by hiji .active euperlntendaace, the Pills have gained their reputa tion ae a Family Medicine. Since his dealh,J have manufactured the Pills and nut them iid In mv own name, as I deem it to be. a specie oj deception to put (he name of Re. Bi Hisi a abu, on tho wrapper, and thereby induce the belief than he snperintende 4he manufacture of the Pills, knowing at the same time that If la not ao that be Is dead. , i, The PUls bearing, the name. H. F. Hibbard, are manufnotured by me. and. are the Genuine Hlbbard's Pills as ma by mv fatheriRe v. I. Hlbberrt., .1 . .niTll" TtUFUa X. HIBBARD. Be sprs andask for g. F.Hlbhard'a Pill GawTS,-Thls may certify that I waaafllcted with that dreadful dieae,J7ver and Ague, ajtd waa .re commended to try your Pills. One boa waa sufficient to aomblele euro. Yours, retpectfuO ji n. mines; To R. P. HtsaAtn dt Co. Prepared snd sold wholesale snd retail, by R. F. HIBBARD dt, Co. John street. New York, genersj agenta fflr the United 8oclety of Bhakert, and by Dr. A C. EVANS, Wholesale and retail Drgglst, WJI- mTngton N. C. JCTPR1CE 12 AND MCENTSJCJ NOTICE. The subscriber hs opened an office la Parsley' block on Water St, for the tranaactlon, af a gsneral Commission Buslnesa, f roperattention will be paid to the aale of merchandlae of any kind, aa wall a lo the aale or shipment, ot any .of the -product ot tho country and the usual advance made when deaired, on consignments for sale, or for shipment to my friends at the North. I have a good Naval Store vard and Warehouse, remote Dtira the danger of fire and will make charge rery moderate.wheie persona may desire to store temporarily. ApTlU' U. TV. 3. LIME! LIME M LIMEI II 400: BBLS. LinoornvQle WbiteLorrmi 800 bble ThomaatonLime. Also, calcined Plaater? Plastering Hak, and l- ire ttrteK, MytJamUo Cementy 1UO0 bbls. Lline,4. loreaieby J. C. dt R. B. WOOD. July 25th, bo-tl FOR SALE. r r..l. nrh Kaal Tfla M nrV) nf Mr rVtw. Uan'sRrick. Which 1 offer for 'sale by the Boat load, or by the single inoueand. Appry to E; DICKINSON, Agt Oct.Bth. - . 8-f- OneHudred Dollars Rwtr4, I WILL give One Hundred Dollar for the pprehenslon and delivery lo me at Brook Iresn, near Georgetown, S. C. My man liar ry, who nas two ol nis ironi teetnout, isaooui bkviv Inches high, snd hss a black skin. Harry has been lurking soout uootor oeiuuuy yianiauva urn Creek, and pssses from thsnce to Wilmington, and oorasionally visits Little River, S. C. If lodged in Wilmington Jail I will pay Fifty DUare for him. J. A. HEMINGWAY Oct. 7. cT-tf. JUST RECEIVED, A Direct from ihe Manufactory. A GOOD assortment Ladle fine Kid 8 Uppers, J " u v " Biolktnli Uentlemea'sGost Skin Brogans, Cslf " For saU cheep by O, R. FRENCH. Aug). ' OOSHEN BUTTER. - A A VERYauperlor anlcla of(ohee Batter, ibr X. retail, by uabmull. m rKnnEu Sept. 13, 8k-af. OAKUM. IT r BALES Russia Oakom. For sale st QJ J. A W. L. McGARY'S. Oct. 10. 88. ATORTH CAROLTNA, Coltoa Yarna and Cloth- XI oonsuntry on nnd, tor saw oy R. W. BROWN. Oct. 14. 90if. U. GLUE. lBBLS. German Glue, a superior article for Vr uiaiuicr mw, rim rem reo ind rot tale by DeROSSET, BROWW d Co. Sept, 23d. Bl-tf. DISSOLUTION. THE Copartnership liervtoibra.'eaistlnf between lha ailhwirrllMWa Bndar lha Baana atwl Am nf E J. LUTTRRLOTI d Co,btbj day dlMolrtd by mutnai ammmt. The business of Ihe concern will be settled by K. J. Lnttertoh. E. J. LUTTERLOH, J. E PIERCE, Tha SBbserlber WtfeenrloaethePACITRT AGEN CY and FORWARDING a. COMMISSION BU 81NSS3. K. J. LUTTERLOH. Sept.JM, 1649. "'.SlBhBa W- .A. LAN:?'D O N. f k f . , St f 'BJaMBW W ' SS JW ' " OFFERS for sale In quantitiea to suit purchasers, atNew.YnrhB-V;.. j X3UI0S, I oung riysunii . , !2Mibjimrftl .4 'J T 'I " , : 100 lb. Souchong i , . 1W lbaV Odhmri ' 01 U " 'l !'-" K ( EOlbs Fine English, BreakiatTe,and VV luoa at unwv aw v i wt CaU at Murphy Buriding, North Water, I aW . bovePrlnoesa Street. . n w. 1 , Nov.tfth, 1847.i ' .lii C h" 'J 106V a iwle N. i 7" .v.-'?!. V. 116- tf. I'm :M;iJt'' I t. JUST RECEIVED. By the Schooner Richmond. 1 OSOJ?Alil6BirrtiaB,'ridk W.shstanda, TaWoB, 2$ b ndWs Chair, 2 SecreUrleet 6 Work To- ki. 7'i m mri . mv . . a Chamber Furniture, bmindWs AurseCheke, 3 Ward- I'." I - bp-bmpt i mm aan roDctJc.e, roraniBU Moderate prlcee by J. D. LdVC 1 1 30. 84- if. At the Rock Serins a w 1 a. r in ' I riHR STEAM tflt On 'flniMiwf X la prepared to low vessel whenever aWL .W a Pkllarl Inn At w Muiul . caiieo, iTO -M no eruaged on sn up river trln.. The Pronrlefnra Wnn rr.,i r... - share nf patronage, end do afl In their power to aire neio aatlEsction. Apply on board fe) Capl T. F. Pick, or o vY.I: mcGARY, Ag t. 'Ut GraefeBbertr Vtgtdblc PILLS. 80,000 Bom sdd task and every week. THEGR A EFEN BfjRO COJIPANY. their General gt alfbr Ihe Stale of North Corolla is Copt. NVM.IONt , ton laberp;, FrohlcrlirtoBnfy, N.C. 7 The General Agent ia fully prepared to appoint ub-Agente wherever there Is no branch ef the Compa ny either, on persons) ap plication, or bv mall, noil paid. Th rapid sala of there celebrated Pills, snd he extraordinary curee they are constantly enroling, under them, by for, the moat popular P1U of ihe igt. en Agency will consequently be very valuable. The Graefe'nberg Pill are inconceivably superior to any ever before discovered. In all blliooa com plaint In general derangement of ihe arstemi in all disorder which result from a bad taie of th bleod, theee pill are a overeirn rrmedy. Id the eleieeiof dleeeees called chronle.the Grrarf enbert Pills nchlete their highest triumphs. Here they defy sll competition. Entering wlihirrthe hid den recesses of the system, they qukMly but surely purity tne oiooa, root out unease, ana give tone snd vigor tne naay. CURES ARE CONSTANTLY EF FECTED by these Pill, la ease where' every other means had utterly failed. The moat abatodaftr proef ef ibis oeuld he green t but a trial of avie boi will eeavlnce the patient. They can be ordered and sent by Mail at trifling expense. The price ia 26 ceat a box. Where two dollars worth are ordered, and the mo ney remitted, the Company will pay poatag on rte Pill ReailUanct at the company's rial, n her ever there Is ho agency of the company, ihey caa be ordered by mail. These Pills are taking the place of all others, and o lick person should be wtthoat there. ALL BILIOUS COMPLAINTS, Bottl Complaint, Contlipatum, Dyiptpttm, Fixtr and Agui, Ilmtdackt, Jaundiet, Livtr CompJtinlt, AncuaiaiUm, ail StomtcK Complaint, Grtn Sick net, dc. . yield a once to these Pills. Thay purge way offensive humors, arrest the progress of disease and at the sme time restore lone snd vigor to the system. Incases of general derangement o the health, ihey are SO VERKJGN. ' JJY THEIR USE, the weak wlllbeoome strong lie pal and billons complexion be restored to a per feeHy freehand healthy color all the bad aympiMn. will onarky one disappear. Ia short theee Pulsar en Inconoeivabla adfanea open aay other medicine ever befctw orrnred ta the pubile. A trial will satisfy sny arte ef this. Foreale by WILLIAM H. LIPPITT W liming, ton N. C. ttjAgerrtJ are requested to report to me of their projrree. WILLIAM JONES. Nov. 20, 1). ly. )06. Marble Monuments ANDCf GRAVE STONE AGENCY. THE ubcTlbraar appolafed Agents for one.. .(heSMfandmof-Lrinfr MARBLE YARQ8 In Connecticut, and will -receive order for Marb'i Monument or Grave Stones, either lettered or not which will be furnished t the skorteet notice anu inoalreaonahlerieea. , We haverecel ,'d variety of patterns.virlokulyiefc l:h.th prices, which may be examined at anytime J. C. A R, B, WOOD, VU4r and Contractor. June 17. 40. - , nil' , p Fire and Marine Insurance. iGBfcrmm tmtictioi nttnnci co., , , '.as mit JtasKt... .'j CAPITAL, $200,000! HAYING bt appointed ffenf of ihe khov Com pany, for Wilmlaton end tlcjnlty, I wflj flfu Polleies.on cargoes, frelghu snd Vessels, n4 take Fire Risk on a reasonable term as any other In stitution. Any loaaea snxtalaed wflfbe promptly and hqnora bly sdfuitaodMld, andia eaee of difference, the Court of North Carolina Will be acknowledged. A. MARTIN, Ag'r. June 1st, 188. 3J-y. Crfjin5-1 AabaJJt; rwiH E Subecriaer1 resfMMtfuilylrnitBWinecl die n s Jk.of Wilmington, and'pobUc g Mwrally.thsi hr h a 'ComtDroced the Manufacturing of Ale and Br,en the corner oi Orange apdFroa t Hlreets. , 7 . Jkrnian Tifr Dee. 14. mi, .. lie-tX. GRIST MILL HEsubeortbasehWv asaftee) a OUt AWI,la coa- X nexlon with IMr SW MOLand nam rami, Meal and Hominy efprlmequality end at vary short FebVflJI ' ' TT . I3t?. ,- . ... , .i'.ii.,., Glim. ? ;rf QO BBLS, wiperlerqnskiy frem the mnBfaetav VU rera, dally expected per A. llaynee. , oraal by BARRY, BRYANT aCfi mxr . a ww at if imr wW V

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