1 THE COMMERCIAL Is published every Tuetday, TWsdViy and Saturday, at 5,00 per annum, payable In all caeca in advance by TH 0MAS LOttING, ; EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR: ( ..BENJAMItlpWJZB, ASSOCIATE EDITOR ... Corner of fMhl and Market Street. WILMINGTON, N. C. HATES OP AI)VBHT!8IH0. 1 sqr. 1 Insertion.' $030 I u 2 i 75 1 ear. S months, $ I 1 3 M 6 1 6 " 8 1,00 1 " 1 month, 2.50 II "1 year, 12 Twelve lines or less makes a square. If an Advertisement exceeds twelve line, the price will be in proportion. AH adVerlisonienls are payable at the time of their Insertion. Contracts with yearly advertisers, will bo made on the moat liberal terms. 3" All Advertisement inserted in the tri-weekly Commircial, arc entitled to one insertion in the Weekly, free of charge JOB, CAUL) and FANCY PRINTING executed in superior style. I w WILLIAM J. CLARK, ATTORNEY AT LAW, RALEIGH, N. C. -Sept. I2ih, 1848. 76-w. tri. c. CARROLL & FENNELL. Grocers & Commission Merchants, WILMINGTON, N. C. 14 AVE ALWAYS OS HAND A OCNCRAL AB80HTM!T OF FAUILY GROCERIES, LtyUOKS, WINES, ic AND W(LL PAV PARTICULAR Attention to the sale of all kinds of ProJuce B. j. CARROLL. . J. C.W July 13, C. N. rc.VNCLL. 1349. F . CLARK, MANUFACTURER AND DRALRR IN ALL KINDi OF CABINET FURNITURE CHAIRS, BEDSTEADS, WRITING DESKS, BAT TOSSES, PAILLASTERS, it FRONT STREET, NEAR MARKET, WILMINGTON, N. C. April 11th, 1R43. 11-1 y. " DEROSSET, BROWN & Co., GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, WILMINGTON, N. C. March 17, 1948. 1-y. BROWN, DEROSSET & Co., OKXERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 159 FRONT 8T. NEW YORK. March IT 1319 1-y. J. & W. L. McGARY f ORWiRDUG' AND C0JIH1SSI0& MERCHANTS, WLMlNQTON, N C. Much 17. 1919. 1-y. ROWLEY", ASIIBURNER & CO. lieneral CoininttiivD lerthiili, Not. 6 & 8, .South Whartrr, PHILADKLPHIA. V'citu,)ri!);ired to make 1 ibernl advanceaon ship- i , tin l M .1 v .1 1 -lures, dee. .consigned to us lor nk Refer to lnx. lvi.Lt VniirujMj ) ;4xtrr Flavr, Wilmington, N. C UmJt V. Davis. ) January lH. 123-ly. GEORGE S, GILLESPIE. AtiK.1T FOti THK SALE OF n Mil Eli, l.UMUEU, NA VAL STORES, f- V II a ic IiiwmI cash aJvanccs on ullcoasignmtfnt of produce. larch 17. 1 (i. VV. DAVIS, COMMISSION MERCHANT, WILMINGTON, N. C. vTir M 17. H4rt. 1 JOHN O. LATTA, C () St MISSION ME R CHA NT, AND GENERAL AGENT, WILMINGTON, N.C. Oct. 10. 1348. 87 MATCHES. 1 ( GROSS, best Friction Matchea, for sale low lV7by HARRISS DKAICF.. Oct. 24. ' 94-tf. NORTH CAROLINA HAMS. CirrC LB" Bacon Hama, just recelv UUU cd fer ule by f. fl H ARRISS A DRAKE. ARRISS A DR Oct. t4. 94-tf. FRESH ARRIVALS OF GOODS. JUST RofHwd per eehr. Darid IIlt, from New Yorf. 4ilcrted ahlrilngs, India drllla. laclnla do. CantWt flannel, Crath, Cambric, Iiiah Hnrn, Itachod jin. Apron checks. Bed tick. Blanket, ('laid l.inwy, oinghams, Turkey red yarn, vastloga, j illamla. Shawls. Alapacca, Hose (assorted.) Sus penders, Black silk emtflta. Silk handkerchiefs, Col orrd table dotba, FlAonel(rod and white,) mixed Sal tincts. Cadet mixture. Kenlirckyjeana, Prims (vsrtous patterns,) CaroUna stripes, shir, button, pocket combs, I'lsld jaans. Blue cotton ysrn, L'nblcachrd shirting. Umbrvllai, Allendale sheeting 2J yitrdswldc. Kerseys, Cotton hsndkerchlefs, Cashmsrrs, do lainca, Latna Cloths, Chen plaids, Ac, Ac. For sain bv K. J. BERNARD. Oct. 11. 90-tX N. Y. FURNITURE WAREHOUSE. THE subscriber has just received by the Schr. Mary Powell': the following via r fl Mahogany burraoa different sixes i 0 Mahogany and wainut tuning ana tea tames arparry do. do. do. do. B Largo itufTed rockers ; 6 Ladies work tables walnut sod mahogany i 3 Sofaa, a very pretty article i 24 Mahocmay pVrloUr chairs new style; 24 Curka maple do do. 12 Fine hair cushions ; 1 nest of pantry sals i 4 Fins halt tnattreeare U Looking gttssea-soms Urge sites: all af which will be offered at toe moat reasonable prices. Oct. 17 91. , F. CLARK. Front St. near market I i VOL. 3 NO. 103 WILMINGTON, TUESDAY 1 MORNING. NOVEMBER 14, JOHN HALL, . SHIP AGENT AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, No. 30 GRAVIKR STREET. " flew Orletm. April 13, 1848. U0-ly. F. J. LORD & CO. Rice Factors & ComnLsKldn Agents. Nov. 25, 1847. 103-l-p. LIFE INSURANCE J N THE NATIONAL LOAN KUNU WJ CIETY, OF LONDON", A!U FIRE INS IT ft A N C E IN THE jETNA INSURANCE COM PANY, OF HARTFORD, Conn., OR, Ul IHf HOWARD INSURANCE COMPANY,. OF NEW YORK, May be efTecled by application to uttv OSSET, BROWN & Cd. Nov. 25,1847. 1UU W. A. LANGDON, COMMISSION MERCHANT, WILMINGTON, N: C. Nov. 23, 1847. 107 M'KELLAR M'RAE. LUMBER AN0 TIMBER 1GKTS, GESEElt COMMISSION MBRCIIANTS, nil Sor formerly oeeupitd fry Hall A AtwrrRQXO, NORTH WATER STREET, WILMINGTON, N. C. HICTOR H'RRLLAR. No. 11, 1847. ALIX. M'RAC. THOMAS ALLIBONE & Co., GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 8, SouthWhaives, PHILADELPHIA. ldTiitei mtde 01 Cutlgimtiti. Refer to Messrs. DiRossit, Brow Co, Wil mington, N. O. . Nor. 11. 102-y HARRI8S fc RUSSELL, (8UCCS880HH TO CHARLES D. ELLIS,) GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, WtLMnraroa, N.C . osoroi rahim. jcTr.noaait. REFER TO R P Hall, Esq. ) O. O. PaLv, KtQ. tramhtgim. Jko. A. TAVLoa.Kaaj. ) Armrr Pattom, Eau , Su York. Alex. Hrrrou, Jr.,E., PhSadtlphui MiR.WiLLiS-ia, Wrumah 4. Co. ) ChurUto. H. K. BAaa,Rao. $ Sept. 4th, 1848. '-" L. MALLETT, AGENT FOR THE BALE Of Timber, Lumber, Natal Stores. Ac., NidV Building, North Hater Stitet WILMINGTON, N. C. Nov. 0,1847. 101 BARRY, BRYANT & Co. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, WILMINGTON, N. C. March 17, 1648. tf- WILLIAM NEFF, (Late of the firm of Nsrr &. Warjiir, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IX SHIP tllANDLERY, SHIP STORES AND GROCERIES, CORNER OF DOCK 4 WATER STREET8, WILMINGTON, N.'C: Dec. 7th. 1847. 113-t. CASSIDEY, SCHRADER dt Co., WUmVnglan Jf. C. thr asovr nasi ajAVt t sacra o a trrsnstva Iron and Brass Foundry TOITIII WITH Machine aid Blacbunitli Shops, Where oMerafot every deKtlptlon of work In their line of bulns. will b eipedinoosiy and faithfully eiecated. iuly25,IU48. aS-tf. MARTIN & CRONLY, AUCTIONEERS, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, GENERAL" AGENTS. Wilmington, N.COet. 3 1848. BMf. camp Meeting. rpHE CAMP KEETTNfJ it WeTmsns Br. will commence on Wednesday evenlag, Btk f November. Oct. tS. W. GLUE. A Constant rappey af bestoatltr. hr ssVby BARRY, BRYANT DO. PUBLISHED TRI-WEEKLt, SCOTT, KEEN A CO. MERCUlliT ,TAlL0RiS AND DCALCM4 IN SUPERIOIt It . ! MARKET STREET, WILMINGTON. tf . C l( Oct 31,1818. OH .CORNELIUS MYERS, MAiNUFACT.U.ItERi HATS, CAPS, UMBRELLAS AJND WALKING CANES, WlLMINlTO?f. ft. C Oct.' 17 18$. W. L SMI (Late or th nun orSAWoroR A Smith.) AUCTIONEER. AtJD , , COMMISSION MERCHANT, WILMINGTON, N. C. Store on North Water Street, Paraleyva Mock. qcL M 1848. ; ,.v 0-ye J. '8- WILLIAMS Fane; A Staple Drj Good Store. ONE DOOB WEST OF Wo. SHIW't DRDfl STORE, MARKET STREET, ' WlLjkUNGTON, N. C. Oct 14,1645. 90. Jos T. Morris Linber and Tlaber Inspector, WILBUNOTON, N. C. Oct. 12, 1848. 89-6m JAMES T. MORRIS, Igtut for the 'Sale r rarebtn ti 1ECR0ES, ' WtliMINGTON.N. C. Oct. tX 1848. J, 8945m wm, m. HARiti. BtraiMs l. tMii HARRISS & DRAKE, Geieral Comolssioi Merchaats, WILMINGTON, N. C. ' , Rirtincts; O. O. Parelev. En. ) Col. JohaMWUe, Wilmingtoo, N. C. MeserseBallard Huntington, J WhTPcck, Raq.. Raleigh, N. C. Meaera. Hall, Hackctt 4, Co., ) p,.r(t.viu w p Joaeph Ulley, Kaq., "re'1'"". - Messrs. Jamea Comer A Son. Baltimore. " K. A. Sauder 6t Co PhiUdelphia. ptn. a. u-HM i """"V" nnwnt t York Dill M imwAinA (W I Of. Huntl2"c Tufts, Boston. 1UNHI J VS VWISVIU " J. A a P. Tttcontb, Kennebank, Ms. September 14th, 1848. 77-tf. W. BRANSON: AGENT FOR THE SALE OF rillKI, LlllEI, N4FAL STIlISjU Nutft Biding, North Water Slrtrt. WILMINGTON, N. C Sept.28184&' &c N , O . HUGHES, AUCTIONEER CommissioWmercuan. T, RALEIGH, N C ; Quelle eoos4gorneate,arU will attend to aS biual hcm eartroaied loahn. aws pledgea himself that all consign meats and bvatness shall ae etr)ctly dona la coafuf wily lo ihe wlshea of bis employers. ; CKFBRBNCE. . ' j T. Loaino, iUq., Wllmlaffton. K. W. Wkush Esq., I'arslterjllr. Aag.2,1848. , , . 69-ljr. JOHN D. LOVE, CABINET FURNITDRE. BEBSTtAJS, CH1IIS, 1ATIASSES, It;"' ROCK SPRING, WILMINGTON, N, C. Twenty Dollars Reward, If I WILL (rive Twenty Doltart Re ward for the lodgement of my man PETER In Wilmington Jail. Peter la about 5 feel 4 a high, baa dark akin, la eoenewhat broken, and bout SO rewa of age. Ue Is saDDoaed to ha about WlinUnjtow, or on Town Creek. 8. DKWtTTJAu SalnU, S. C: Oct. 1. COAL. tZf TONS Red Ashe Coal, broken and screens tMXJ For sale, by W. L. SMITH, Oca. 14. 90-if. ELIJAH DICKINSON, COMMISSION MERCHANT, nif psriarof;he lets firm of Dleklnsoa& Morr VILMtNOTON, n. Q. lira ft IdeserS. B. fXfortatA Co, M Y NeiIlat Walab, J Nor.1817. yl tiV THOMAS LOR1NC. P. J. LORD & CO., ' Agnlafor (ho , NAUTILI'S MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE Accumulated Capital, 130,000. , also roa T1IE EACLK LIFE Ac HEALTH INSURANCE CO. Capital, $100,000. Will tlu risks on IItu of SkvesJ Orfies 23 North Wilir Street. Oct. 24; 1818. 1 Marine and Fire Insurance. 'it ' . ,i . T BE Subscriber having reoelred the Agency tha Caciei IisiriBce Conpany, N. 1. ' !' CIIARTEREDim. W'lTI 1 CAPITAL OF 1100,000, or Wilmington and vicinity, will, Uaue Policies on cargoea, freights and Veaaela oat qf thla port ( and also take rirensKs-oiru reaaonatM !win any other Inatlturton. LosaeasuauliMtd will bs pfomptly and honorably ROJUStod and paid, and In cane of dilfcrenee the 3otM-vf NorthOarollna willba seknowlegod. A. MARTIN, Agl, 116-Iy-c 1014,1847. . r (6lEE, MOLAfSES, k c ! ; ff f P- PI"W Coffee i tivy 30 hhdi. prrtne St. Jago Molasses ; 20bbls. Glue, OatcclU' SnuB". Ounny Rati, Ac. For Sale by BARRY BRYANT, A Co. Oct. 24. 94. ODD FELLOWS' SCHOOL. THE Exercises of this Institution wHI be icaumad on Monday, the 16th of October. , Engllah Mala department under the direction of Mr. SEGINNEY .. Principal of the Female department t Mrs. t At KRR. Teacher In the Baltimore Female hloh achool. French will be taught by a competent prufesot of me Lane;uage. The Truateea In opening thla School for the ensu ing vear, feeling that It la an Important Initiation to e Town, art determined to apare no exertions, to ake it worthy of the patronage of the public. TICKETS, per Seaalon. 4 00; to be had at the offic of Colonel JOHN McRAE. Oct, 3- , 85-1. A File Set of Teeth for 5 Cent. White Teeth, Foul Breath, Healthy Gums. YaOow sod anneal thy teeth, after being ooce or twicocJeaned with -JONE8' AMBER TOOTH PASTE, havetheappearanceoftha moat beautiful Ivory, and at tho aarae (late M la ao perfectly ianoceni and exul iteltnneJthalHa. constant daily uae lahlghl v ad van t a arooogscwen to those teeth that are in rood condition. ilvlat ihem a beautiful polish, and preventing a nre- tMtaredrcsy. Those already decayed; It prevents from becoming worse n also fastens such aa are be coming loose, and by porseverancii will render the foulest teeth delicately white, and make the breath deJclously swceL PRICK tSOR 374 CENTS A BOX. 8old in Wilmington, Vy Llppin A W Hikings. BOARDING HOUSE. CAPT. JOHN A. WADR, respectfully Informs tils friends and tha ptoblic, that he continues his Boarding Holuv, at the corner of Market aad Front atreets, in the building usually caned Lokdo's Suit ding. Every attention will be paid o regular'boerd era, as well as to Ihoo who- snay favor him with a transient call, and hia table will be supplied In the bear manner. He lakes thla occasion to return his tbanka to rhuoe whe give him a liberal support, and hopes for a oontinuance of public favor. August Wth,'1843. 70-tf. COPARTNERSHIP NOTICE. THK undersigned have ibie day formed a Co partnership under the Arm of H ARRISS & DRAKE, for the imnsaction of a GENERAL COMMISSION BUSLNF.SS.srji by evict and prompt attention, hope to merits snare of public patronage. 1VILLIAM M. HARRISS, EUGENE B. DRAKE September 14th, 1848. 77-tf. COTTON YARN. fjg afW Bslea, B. C. Tama assorted aambeni. for .Ussleby J. O. LATTA. Oct. 24. 94-if. MACKEREL! MACKEREL I! BBLS. aiew No, Mackerel tost received and OUforbv ).A W. L. McOARY. Oct 31. 97. Books, Books, &c, l ?;,fi te Sale and at Auction. A EDWARDS A Co. of New York, will make thatr aoaoai visit to this plsce, during neat week' si which time they wID aflir for sale either at aue- lioo or prlvsta sake, a large and wen erecuM s son men t of Books, fn the various I ranehrs of Litera ture, and also a ksrgeaaaorunentof slsUowcrjr, ., if-c Time and pUce hereafter. W. L. SMITH, Aaefr. Oct. to. Journal eopy It M.lh. LtVERPOOL SALT inf 8 AC IS ground i 100 Sacks fine or blown, OOU For sals by R. W BROWN. Oct. 21. U. SACK SALT B ACT at Llverptxil Oroaad Sslt, Landing this day, for esle by J. 4 W. L. McOARY. 94 tf. 600 Oct. 24. LONDON BROWN STOUT. WN Casks or bvth down, for sales K J. A W. L. McGARY. Oct. 21 94-tf. "nAVTD'S BLACrS Premium lak.sy the do JJMtr r atagW boetlr, far sals by .... J. . Ort.W. ' WILLIAMS. 95 tt 1818. Whole No. 415 CALL SOON. JUST opened, a Urge aaaorimeni of Toy article, Card riitrt. and llaakela, Floi rnry ur Vatca. viuna ioyr,c.t e., at J. WILKINSON A Co. J8 Nov. 2. OLD BALLAD. Give place, you Indies nil, Unto my mWtress fair, For none of yon. or great or sninB, Can wilh my love compare. Ifyoa would fcnow her well, You ahull her now behnM. If any (ougue al all may tell Her beautyJ manifold. She in not high nor low, Hot just the perfect height, Below my head, above my heart, And then a wand more straight. She i nor full nor spnre, But just as she should be, An armful for a god, f wrenr And more she loveth mc. Her shape hath no defect, Or nunc thai I can find, Stirh us indeed you might expect From so Wvll-lbroied a mind. Her akin not black nor white, Hut of b lovely hue. An if enured fty delight; Yet she is mortal too. Her hair is nottoo dark. No, nor I ween, too light ; It is u hut it ahorjld be; and mark li iileikieth me outright Her eyes nor green nor gray, Nor like the heavens above , And more of them what need I say, I yfv nut mi iy Her fool pi' And w nut mey look and ovc 7 not short nor loncr hut may more surprise, f wrontr Though some, perchance, may think mc 'Tia just the fitting eize. Her httnd. yea, then, her hand, With fingers large or fine, It is enough, you understand, 1 like it and 'lis mine. In brief. I am content To take her aa nlie is, Ami hold that she. by henve.n was sent To make complete my blunt. Then. Indies, all give nlnre Unto my mislrcsa fair, For now, you know so well her grace, You need mutt all despair. Prom the Riehmmd Republican. THE UNION. The London Standard, enumerating aoine imaginary causes of disunion of the United Stales, sayB : ' To this, which may be regaxded as an inert gagse of separation, more active repug nance are added the Northern States are, in great part, manufacturers the Southern States exclusively ngricu.'ttiral. The North ern States are wisely resolved to protect tlteir manufacturing industry, by high tariffs, and being sufficiently agricultural to supply their own want, thcjnrc wholly independent of tho Slates of the South, upon which States the high tariffs of the Northern States recoil with injurious effect. Thirdly, the NorthcWiStates have abolish ed slavery in ll eir own territory, and are manifesting a strong disposition to compel the Southern Slates to abolish it also The people of the Southern States, however, have lorigtelreved thnt, to einnncipat their slaves, would throw their land out of culti vation, nnd render it perfectly worthless. We may believo that they are mistaken in this opinion, but questionless, the late prac tical proclamation of the British Legisla ture, that slave labor cannot be dispensed with in hot climates, must tcnJ powerfully i to confirm this opinion in those once pos sessed by it Meanwhile, the abolitionists of the Northern Plates ,-ue as violent and . : i . . n" c I as intolerant as ever 'u, u"i utnmvn ui the righteousness of abolishing slavery has ndver for a mmnenl, wavered. We believe that the Creator has destined all the earth thai he ha formed for cultivation, and that lie has destined all his rational creatures to freedom . we, therefore, cannot admit that there is any portion of the world, least Of all the richest portion of it, thnt can becnl- a' at." tivated only br slnve; ana u our aooimon have failed to any extent, wbtc'.i we doubt, the failure is, we nre satisfied, due to the neglect of raising the West Indian negroes lo the rank of rational bemgs, oetore ma king them free agents. But though our opinion of the righteousness of the aboli tion of slavery has never wavered, we are bound to confess that the last few rears have greatly modified our optn ton of ' abolitionists.' These few years have proveo that at least three fourths of those who most loudly clamored for 'ernan cipanpn,' in 1 53 1 and' lt?32, were nothing belter (Uuakcxs included) than disgusting hypocrites men who coxed nothing for the happiness of black men or while men, or anything but their personal popularity or personal profit As men are not found to improve by crossing the Atlantic we must fonehide that th proportion of honest and good men amonar ,,' abolitionists' ir the Northern Huitcs ia not ttreater than it has proved among our own 'abolitionists,' and if such be the , case, or, thearoo thii) Jf the Southern republican! ktieyaf after example they wclL tnajr)'.auch to Le ihe case, they must feel insulted as welt as endangered, when threatened, as they ar by their northern fellow-cituerm with ,a compulsory of slavery We give the above specnlntiont that our renden may aee how much these educated ami talented men, an Iondon editors are or might to be, know of the world whkh they inhabit. It seems ,aa if everything eouM find its way ncrosg the Atlantic ocean but facts. Emigranta of all classes, convicts, cockney tourists and British manufactures can get here, and our cotton and some other products can get therr hut the tailing-vessel has not yet betfn launched, nor trie steam-pacKet bunt, whtcn ha conrty- d to bngland a rational idea of thte cotfn try, of its institutions, pf its character, of Its capacity, or of ita prt)ect More than evenly years have passed since our coun try became independent, and started on that caieer of freedom and greatness which i destined yet W throw it broad shadow over the mins of the British Empire ; and till, to this day; the writer and statesmen of Great Hritnin have pronounced it a 'Jo nah's gourd,' ring in a nighty and destined to perish ere morning. Day has pasted after day, and the 'gourd' has not wither ed j month has passed after month, and it has become more green nnd strong ; year has followed yenr, and it no longer looks like a feeble vine, dependent upon otfrer objects for support and elevation, but has become n great nnd glorious tree, the mon arch and the pride of the forest, striking its rools deep into the generotls earth, and in viting beneath its broad branches, the op pressed of every clime. Yet, still its down fall is predicted with a3 much 3WaI aV(5) cnty years ngo. Still, disunion, and ,Ctvil war are tho burthen of British tongues Still they are talking of our downfall, for gc.tipg all the time that, while we are Itrogpeioua and growing and happy, tho very reverse is" their own confrilion. Let them look at the storm which is gathering over their own ship, instead qf straining their eyes lo sec if our Republic will not go down. Englishmen talking to ;the Americans of the end of thoir government ! It u like haggard and decrcpid Age, with one foot in the grave, running its finger over the smooth anlosy cheek of Youth, and mistaking its joyous dimples for the furrows of decaying life, and its healtbul flush for the hcciic of consumption. Our wiso London paper mentions among the "active repugnances" of our unfortu nate country the fact that "the .Northern. Stales nre, in great part mamrfactarera the Southern States, exclusive agricultural Now, even admitting this to be true, we should regard it as a buid of nion instead of an entering wedge of disunion. If all our Slates were manufacturing, or all ag ricultural, there would b a fatal collision and conflict of interests, but when there ia a diversity of employments, and one pdrtion makes bread while the others make cloths, we should consider it an arrangement which would be 'found quite convenient and comfrtrtable for both parties. L.V one section wehav5 sugar, in another' 'corn,' in another cotton, in another 'manufacturers, and the only.rcsult produced is a mutual dependence, leadeing to a mutual union. We admit however, thai there is no reason to prevent the south from becoming a inan- lfactunng country nnd supplying ber own w.tn s ih clothing as well as food, but even then, our ingenious Yankee friends will not desert us on thnt account. They will find oul some new branch of enterprise and energy, in which to retain ibeir old and a clneve niw prosperity. As to the subject of slavery, to which the English paptr refers, that is u a horse of another color " But the "Standard" is as far out in it facts as it is possible even for an English writer to be in any thing that concerns this country. The Northern States are not manifesting a strong digpoai tion to compel the Southern Staljes to' abol ish slayry. The Standard's conclusion will be correct; when his premises happen to be built on anything but fancy, for, un doubtedly when the Northern States com mit any such torn foolerr as the (Standard attributes to them, the Union is at an end. Fortunately, there is no prospect of any such event. In regard to the opinions ex pressed on slavery, we have ook 4 cay iha L if Englishmen believe, as the Stand ard nays, that "the Creator has el:tnei all the earth tlat he has formed for cultiva tion, and all his national creatures for free dom," the sooner England Opens1 her5" Vast parks and nobleman's forests in England and Ireland to cultivation for the benfits of their siarvmar roar, and the sooner she Uuikes the shackles from the lianbs ofher j white slaves, the better will she becqme to - ' -V- lecture tho rest of mankind on this inrest ing snhjeel The Standard, ascribfe the failure of British emancipation "Id neglect of Mtsing the West India negroes to 'be rank of rational being. Wore musing them free agentA And yet. British and Northern fanatica insist that emancipation ought not to depend at nil i &e ques tion of the nine of iu subject for freedom The 'Standard' Las been led by us lucu brations by re .vltne the Charleston speech of Mr. Calhoun, whom it pronounces "the second man in the Ulaies Mr. Webatcf being the fir.- Mr Calhoun ts a pwat ... ...Im aria nvK man, but on sun;e-u concerning able duration of the American Loion, ha has never Wen sanguine. We wish Mime of those who are most certain that the? Union in soon to be divided will tell ns where the1 line is to b dran. Whnt n to beenm erf th Wett nrtd Boitth- Oct. 23. 96 if.

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