west in a contemplated divisioh? 'Will Che frw And slavs Struct wpcnie there at V the one taking possession of the lakes, 1 iho other of the mouth of the 1 Missis fcbi T J'crheps the moat convenient nr rnngrment, nfier Ml, will ho to remain a thy ere, anl "bear the ills they have" ra thcr than Hy to others which they know IIV Va. Electrical Ligut yon I'lMbs. Paris entire, saysa !ate journal of the French capital, was occupied the other evening: invewmg, the curious experiments made with the electric light i" one of our pub lick squares. The light was thrown s far at ihe palace of the Tuillcnes, and, at this distance' lv no means incoitsularublo, 4ho smallest objects were visabJe, and could bo read as easily aa at noou-day. Mr. Herman, chief engineer of the Montoreau and 'i'royes Railroad, has happily conceived the idea of rem ering. this discovery useful to railroads. As is Veil known, the locomo tives that do the night service, have a re flection placed in front; but notwithstand ing the power of the reflector, it allows of seeing injects at but a short distance in advance.r-Coiibequenily, the night trains are forbidden to run at a greater speed than 20 miles per hour, and this is even too great to avonlacculents by nignt. 1 he above nulroads are therefore about to try the elec tric hirht, which, placed in frout of tin en gine, will give forth an illumination that j numbered and nre unable to make gina, Mnry Land, uid the two i-arolisusT-This is a flam; Louisa Annabels ut'yo Mr. C"s.thiit sht'woni bqVt'nt home? iMie calls f "It's house knneMrtgVnt the door.';; M ioi U Rlpp and Vrgimri; ihih k of il'QS him. Mary Land declares that she line no ncquaintance with the, gentleman. ond.donH want to be introduced. One of the Carohnns ays the same thing ; and the other protests that she would send him about his business onlv that shtTia " bou ,d" to mind her pa. U.jia Warp, arf.Orgin. and FJofu Day ti'll us that t f icy" know n stout old soldier' worlJi forty 6f him. So- lltw-vixerf wHh the vinegar name, Mi Sotii i. M the only one of the whole bevy hit locoliwile the unl-rt unatc beau in the dark day so mwn about fo'ejer tuke MnlTiirculoiiAii, (Ala.) Monitor. Latch Fho.w Ypcatan. The brig Tawo, Capt. Grey, arrived ycHkTdayfrpni jjsal, having sailed the 2fnt mHt.Among her pna sengcrs was Mr. U&vii G. Wilds, formerly an officer of the Vjlh: IJ. 'S. fiilniilry. Mr. Wilds left Meiida the night otftiie 20th. , In comes over here empowered by the Govern ment of Yuentafn tr raise troops with which to make head against the Indiana. ' The de signs is to form a regiment of Americans. I Imre are about 80 Americana now ih actual aervice in Yucatan, and 150 more have gone, thither under Gupl. White ; .but a lull regi ment of COO men in needed, i W th Mr. Wilds Ve hnvo hud n conversa tion upon the position of aiTaira between the whiten and the Indians. Of late the Indians have generally been defeated ro their skirm ishes uith the whites, but the liUter are out- any seri- will enable the engineer to discover the I oua impression upon their foe. Re'liancr slightest obstacle on tne track ; thus ena- must be had upon a better description of lorce. iew Urlvam J'icauyne,29tkJ (ding the night trains to equal in speod the day service of the road. KOB TUE COMMERCIAL. Lines rospocifully dedlcaicd 10 "StKNtEa.'' 'Oh ! tis, I ween, a beauteous eight That meets the eye at morn, When spring has spread her mantle bright. Wide o'er the smiling lawn : Her mantle webbed of every hue, Of purple, green, and dun. Enamelled o'er, wilh glittering dew, And sparkling to the nun. V' And beauteous too, when o'er the djacp, The waves nre hushed to rest, To see the silver moonbeams sleep Upon its tranquil breast : Or when the wanton billows play, Fanned by the. zepher's light, Among the waves, to watch the ray Dancing and flushing bright And when a shower sweeps swiftly by, On Borne soft rural day, How fair the how that spans the sky. And drives the clouds away ! How sweet to breath the soothing air, With fragrant odors filled, From many a flower arid blossom fair, 13y nature's art distilled. But fairer sight than all the trees Thau landscape in its pride Than moonbeam resting on the seas Or rainbow, arching wiile Two heartB, whose kindred graces prove Them but for one desijrn'd. Allied by ties of mutual love, And sympathy of mind." A. K. II. Charleston, Nov., 1848. THE COMMERCIAL. WILMINGTON, K. C. TUESDAY, NOV'kMMfeif 14. 1843 From Texas, By two or three arrivals from Texas we learn that six companies of the third infantry were encamped near Lavacca. The Gal veston News says that the reports at Lavac- ca were that twenty six persons in all had Wo have been anxiously uwaiting'our Ua leigh Papers no ns to henr from ljJ western counties, but by some misadventure not one has been received. What is the matter brother craft ? Is it over joy, or too much grief that keeps you silent I We have information enough, however tn assure us that North Carolina hasgone for Tayloh. by a majority of G or 8,000. HCy" The election is over and waofTer our hearty congratulations to the Whig party and the whole country upon iis happy result,. The contest has been nrduotjs and exciting and the victory is brilliant and refreshing They who either through wilfulness or mis management threw our country into nn un necessary war, have received a .merited re buke, and those who were striving to impose a martial spirit into the people, and then turn them to an aggrcrtivo territorial policy. I ntnl a wild crusade of prnpnnndism under ! the behest of manifest destiny ! they too. have I been repelled in tones net to be inisuijuer iKtomi. The old fashioned, jnst, republican, conservative prinHples of our Fathers are not I yet e.xstirt they may have shimhered (or awhile, but they have been aroused by the fell spectres of war, agrcsion and progression ; and in trumpet tonus they huve bid these ! spectres avaunt ! With riul jcy do we hail the incoming Auministratien--oae ivhuse policy will be just yet moderate, firm yet. compromising, energetic yet conservative been killed bv the Indian. Tne P-rentesl ! n which will lr purely nnttonnl in its rhar- trepidity prevails! nmongnt the people, and lacier but will give an imparlinl roMdcrnfloig icara wiire cmerin.npci mai me no.ans woui.i ,0 cvcry ook (l(ld corm r ,lf ;Uljan(J t0 attack and. (ire the town, but the arrival of Government troops rontnhuted greatly to wards quieting their apprehensions. From the ictoria Auvocnte of the 19th. we learn that many persons are disposed to censure the Governor for not causing the ranging companies to be retained in the ser vice ; u is stated, however, that he had order- i board. very interest and class ol society. Again wo congratulate all of our countrymen upon the happy result. For Salt River ! The ' Ocean Monarch" will leave to mor- en tn ee companies to oc raised rbrlliwitlj lor row moving, for the above place, Loco Focos TheAdvorale ruys 'hut the Indiana, after ' cau iCCUro Pf hY curIy "Pl'hcaUon on killing Uiwteen men, wuuadingseverjtl others, and taking a vast amount ol property, bave cncapel, and are now mwl probably in llicir mountain homes. The AJvocate learns y several gentle men from San Antonio, that n set of desper ate men in that place gamblers and dischar ged soldiers had collected together to the number of about seventy, on pretence of figh ting the Indians, but wilh the real object ol robbing ihe quarterraasier's safe and stores, but were prevented by the death of their lea der, a man named Sears, who was shot by Mr. Wallace, whose store he broke in to with a cocked pistol intending to kill him. Some of the party, after the death of their leader, revealed the scret. The Huntsville Banner announces the deuth of Col. Joseph L. Ben net, one of the soldiera of the Texan revolu tion. He commanded the left wing at the battle cf sail Jacinto. Picuyxtnt. ORAET ROJiHERY AT WASH I N G T O N We publish the subjoined letter notwith standing it U so late lo hapd, be ause it comes from - an esteemed correspondent. We do not endorse all of its sentiments, however, and we arc far from teing a puny to the bel spoken of! A gentleman from Onulr.w will pocket the $1,000 bet. We should like vastly to fingerthat much of gooddemomticchnnge, but ve never bet on elections. Correspondence of The Commercial. NEW ORLEANS. Nov. 3d, MS Politics run high in tins State, and partic ularly iu New Orleans. Louisiana will give the nnparrolled majority (since the .days of Jackson) of 2,000 majority for Taylor. I kc by the last Journal of your city dial n het of $1,000 haa been made with you j the Taylor men here would pay fifty cents on the dollar In rrni fl rlinni nfl unrti tifa ant ln unt G'7nLJllJJtoUn m nn' rent additional lo get on the. scent. I am a HARD OFFERED. I , . . . . ... , iooir on in rnivc Mug crg nui k on now I it goes I wdl not cast a vot for any mun I but Henry Clay m long as he live. But. I like to see the fun the excitement ihilafrJnTn( Krfa,lcl",m'n; grave Senator, delirious! what world we tnu morning Iroin another cause besides noli- . ; . I. I ff . in mil fnr u if I Mi nk rtr lnnin 7 In iiiq iiaiionui insiuuir liavinir hrn ruh. " v v-.. ..B r bed ngain of the gold and diamond snuffbox promote men, nyemen,but what kind of men, presented by the emperor of HMjn , W(. t0 tj,e hiahest oflice of the greatest country uiniuuiiu in ni r. th in p rnm nr . I Vff take the following from the Baltimore Sun'of the 9th insi. : Washicto.-", Nov. 98 . m. Our city is that were stolen before, ami so mvsterion.lv rerovtred from Baltimore. They hare made geocrn! sweep this time, carryng off property valued at $20,000. A reward off 1.000 i offered for the recovery ol the stolen articles. The election of General Taylor m generally conceded here this morn ing, though some still sttnd op to the rack of nope. The Boston IW claims lhat Ihe r irla are tor K,m Hod has the impudf lice to lustancv I " Km L B.ppi, Miaa 8oun, LouiM Anoa, Vir-1 S in thff world. Com t object to because be is 'he leader of n pnrly wltoe principles urr unprogtesaive nnd demoralising. object to the elections of General Taylor, because lie was selected for availability, and psrhsp at a siie.rrfieo of what I enll whig principles, vu; 1st A uniform cirrcnry, n6l a Sub or In dependent Treasury, with an expense ol $65,000 per annum for A genu and Clerk and half per rem on the dollar freight, on -Spxie from point to r tat, and 5 -8 lbs lo J per centlitaurattce do- provided thy do la! (fl! f Gfd fi I 2id.TIu5 tlislrlmjtlortjol thej-Juli? fir (4s; (i(ftr tiiefi? ati ft Wp Mp?) nmVng the Siaiei To 1!ductirionf ftr!Vl luch ftiltcf par! pse as the said Stitcs may ndopt. ; 3rd. A TncUUor, tne prpteon or pc, man ufactories of'ftie wflntry which leVVfa td tre ate a home market, ns well as n foreign ont anil to do a nauon in every sense o tne won in" tiiVTvehT oi'a war wTtlt the nations of tTie old world, if ;!(',! I. 'I If Generul Tatlor and his party will adv 1,1. 11 tliev eatr cate. and sustain these rrlncji l tane my nnr, cnougu sain. Cotton inidling and ood midling sales yes terday to the cxtent'of 1300 bnlw it5 to 6J per cent. 'SrirtV,'3J to 3j cents for a fair ar ticle. Flour 4.87$ to $5,00 per barrel. Pork lor mMs'nV retail '& 10 h'nd Wilf' lower ns aoon as the Ohio gets up. Ivlolasses, new 'crop, good quality ii cents, nnu will decline very little if any before January. Whiskey 20 cts. aruJljW dciej fymtjrjOT fill bring'55 a 60 cents in this market.'-; Bacoa, i(tBYold)'uTe prtfrttjr arid' dwell at i t 4f,cts. Hlioulilers 3. Rice of fair quality in good wholesales, hoi W. these prtcs this market will not bear over lOOO bbls. per month, frosa Nov. to jilne, iful When it cart be' mfd 'dowj thus at 75 Cflnts,'' 30,000 per annum eah be sold. Fitch not warren ted, . Spirits Turpen tine 60 cents jet 'gtillon, rctoir but 200 bblk would send the price down to 60 ceuta; , Yotrs, . 0IITU (illllLI.Vl UTION. COMPAU ATIVK STATEMENT ''-in A if " - .rfVa"" CoeKTits. Anson. Ashir, ' ; ' ' Alexandria, Beaufurt, fJtitie, Bladeu, Brunswick, Bnneombe, Burke. CiibiirruH, Caldwell, Camden,- Carteret, Caswell, Chatliara, Catawba, a clu.-police,, , Chowan, Clcavclnnd, (olumbns, Craven. Cuinticrrnnd, CurrtfucW, Davidson, 1 Davie, Duplin, Edgecombe, Frunklia, CJatoa, Oreenp, (iraiville, (iujfbrd, Halifax. Hay wood, Henderson, If ifeffofd, '' Hyde, . . Iredell. Johnson, JopeSj Lenoir, Lincoln, Macon, Mnrtin. McDowell, b Moeklenburg. Moore, Montgomery. Nash. ; New Hanover, Northampton, Onslow, Orange, Pasqootank Pe.uiroOlil, Person, Put, Polk, Randolph, Richmond,'' Robeson. Rockingham, Rowan, Ruthrilord, Sam peon, Stanly, Stokes, Surry. Tyrrell. Union, c Wnkej Warren. Washington Wayne, Wilkes, Yaney, xtsii. Ciay.- Polk Tnylor, Pi 0,121 48II 18"43. Cast. 834 933 '475 m 961 1.23t 718 598 - 556 ' 434 283 1,136 890 305 . 366 133 ' 654 ' 703 ' 157 1,091 529 ,223 . 126 336 355 302 93G 2,130 592 342 55 '300' 316 1,582 595 203 225 7W0 374 310 801 ''527 m 1601 319 4861 -282-4t9 228 374 219i I01 0423, 315' 1.1821 729 l,T33t m fiO .237 S25 16f m 116 6241' 169 ml87 842 '36 '5281 1.104 651 6W tn . 936 1,503. 760 355 276 942 515 456 267 ,14 (' 164 330 650 142) 356 1,70 224 580 194 ..... 1431 341 -1 90 ral08 ' -I ; 582 519, 274 1191 467 939 1335 658 446 i'noiae iwd. confusing" of Jh. ejection, he j lshki in becottiIdv ichos winM.-aVihg from I its r .iitost, n ht -caWsit e peal to be Ui i.:ajNDfc,ioic, No.3-2J P. M. Mr. Van Duren says he has not been un deTgte4ttthiaeattvav Ilia gsaund wwa- a eandidato. He says now he sees he was ProTo71aTr157iru".0l)0 rto. orchurds. 9.070 009 Hay. ' 128 000 000 Hemp 4 flux, S .9.47 000 Potatoes, 40,616,000 Cotton, I61,fl00000 Sucnr, 10,000.000 Tobnceo 19,176.000 Wool, 40.) lb. 17,900.000 C .r.lll it..l V, 97Q IWI ' The invcstrteWta in fheiorles'er everV'des- Fsrttsi-etPWAf p, m, Lipiioiie.slaXedgeiiiUly ja.lhGtahhi. of our reiydi'lalb oei4iiityof hd varieties and the proportiun ni cnpitaJ m, each, we submit ttiP fnllnwiii f" 1 1 ' ZiCHiar Tiruti nr.ATr nnT.ll irn Cr. IVaik. While the result hf the me irrea n4- A&Hd li onfTZcCT, ifi3tiJt?o oouor. ms i'n'apjfi,p9iK4 niroesiiKe in norse flesh JaA greol mnteh Jyre this afternoon wiipr imrt gagieT oa jjasron, nt once flatantsa mml Jeciduil victory in. our ace. -k-WMMMiri(9 fo?300J-eejWeV five, mile heqU .Thfofitfiilvfaf spirited, and the first, third, And lo'th heats Were .won by 'Zncharj ' there wWe k&i Wmbers in attendance, and much interest evlnted m the.' result. 'U.Vi'.i M "J'M't United States. ' 'In examining the resoutece-of oufttfiti'try. no single objokSitidsed". Iu, half. 'dozen ob jectsshould determine U)e .estimate. Tlie whole field of labor and enpitui . bboujd bV carefully surveyed, to ascertain Its produc tion, on the, best Evidence at command. Previously la' 1840 no regiilar effort had befmmade to obUiin suustiaal view. of 'the pursuits .and property pf our people . but with the'r'eniU ot that'year; amass ofinfbr anation was ordered ha ajtea, wlu';h, has aince fbrmea ihehasis of reporls'and disserta tions upon oOj natioual induKtryt We have drawn from this common.storelu)use the data on which" a statement ' of the agriculture, commerce, manufactures, and general condi tion of the Unjtcd States, comparatively', has been tarsparedi f he rule adopted ia arriving .at li uajQunVJ ia opr tqblqs, han beep hi add ' twcniy-nVe"pcr Wnt. 6htht rcMtrtis or 1S4U, 'tt tbat is Uie.gpncntllv supppseo; nwrcaae or population wjtKm thp last eiyht years, and! of course tlie proper ratio, of the productive energies of th country. ' Oar plan" is designed to be intelligible to all.. The matter collected ia a lair representation of our annual products from the soil. ao4 in pmt irom .machinery. Mualf labor i)BJocaiibestaifiK loth e pre- action pf the Vble; below, may be n rerrcd Irom the nature of "the wbrtt.1 Under the head of 'Crop" thirteen uriirles are included, on each of which the value has been adjusted to the several States, wilh the necessary; ad,vace on the.sama items, ns they were reported in 1810; 'tKor affording U0" afiproxipiBte ;tahe ft'th crfp of 1648, together with the sums invested in manufac tures and mierchahdlse, respectively. In 11m1 king up the ''Crops" in our table, pTices have been assumed as follows : Cot:on at 6 rents per pound; sugar 4; rice 3; tobacco 7. Wheat 00 cech per bushel ; corn 3D : barley 3d$orW 23 Iryfe'OrlrufctfiWA tip; an.l potatoes 30,ce, Lky $10. and hemy and fla tWfe W1 tTWasraotr rkrrt. prices, before txaiwporuuion to marigert, and ajiply to the first column of the following Ui,bl Etlmottd volte of the Ckjm of 184S, and the turns invested in MiHufaduret and ZItr- TJic cotton und sugnr c rop may bp estima tf ija; i datef Jmic: mftrei repent than the Cmfiis li tii, s (4'il840. I Mefclf a conjeO inHlAU idorl 2jSi,0,OtJOD-ilflol (he one and t 0,tM W hllrad of IU9 othr f arfJie produ?-liorrflo43.,-" Vve aliHf confleci number 4f miscellaneous articles in the stntemeut : . ; S E .V-'E N. ' I A Y S : L AT E 11 FROM EUROPE, l,f. IV cx, arrived nt the following f Cotton m i it IV. fuc(oric'9I, ' . Mixed do., . ' , TubflCCO; do. flats. & e. do. - lolher. Ac do. Candles. to do, Liqinflf ' . do. f ,' i ( ' Pwier . . d. ' 'PHiititfrf'idbstfrti; 1 Powder do. Rope do. UrMgs f-cr lo. Si!,, 4c. i 5do.f Carrfnjrfe do. 'Kamharr tt i MHIs,,Ac. do.' , Having shown (he outlay, it is 8C3,fi77,000 i ; 342,000 2(i0,000 5,4(50.000 4,29(1,000 5.(i0il,000 35,000,000 The Cutmrd stc.uncr AMEni Nev Voflt Soill Wednesday Wlitli Her ndvi cea arc one week Idler, her day of sailing be ing the' 23th ultimo.., . Gehcrhl Cavaigrlnc'fi tietV Cabinet has al ready sustalntfl a' defeat in the Assembly. An auiepdnenjtO(the contilylion, relative to the army, upon which an issne was raised, was decided against them by a majority of 523. The dineuion on the constitution hns been terminated) On the 25th, Marrast, President of the ; Assembly, presented a de cree for tha election pf the Pretident of the Republic pn the lQlh December. It was earried by u m ijorily of 355. This result has euused the greutest surprise. The contest for the Presidency has become very exciting. The ultra Democrats, anxious for unanimity among themselves, nre prepared to art with concord Lntnnitiric has mibliely declined 3..(4ti, 000 i being considered a candidate. .' i I. 1 ft. ooo . G.BtilllOO t r,tcioo 1,094,000 3,000,000 , B,(i3J,000 000 ' tf.xooo .9,1 M 000 82,322,000 iiVllcc tio)is.j folio Jhe return Jrom ramii if., i. mm i I I IVIIJU'll IS JflTCIU wnuuu wtnif staT'fcmt'nt: 1 til! re di 1 irn Jrom glTeig w rtmerit:' itaciurmg opcra- nitiijoo. in lire roper to Manufactures. CoifDh feooda. Woolen do. Mixed do. ' Silk do. FItix do." tluis & cups. Bonnets, Leutliaf. de.l Gliss. Value. Affinufaclui't'S J37 ,037,000 Vrtlt'os, 25,345,000 Kgrnyure. 8 181,000 Ootdaj-e. 143,000 KartherrwfW. 40Z.000 Keflncd sV'rs. 10,990000 Confectionary i.o'it.uuo .niisicnl insts 4Jft!,000 Metal. . .3.000,000 Ptour. -. . , i .-. V. : u Value. 18,033,000 9,443,000 5,097,000 l,'i6f..000 4,062,00 0 1.4'e.OOO 1,154,000 I2,o63.000 95,631,000 6 766 fhandxst ii each 'State. Sutes. 1I3,(X,00SIO,000 000! U.W0 OOW u.uuoxwo vi oon.oooj K.oooiwo; 9.0OC.0O0f lT.(XX.00r I&.0C0OOO 6.000. OU) 9091 5401 65S! 74l 382) 5I9 IWi r,686 mi in 275 . 634 22f? 1,171 802 659 430 833 1.3101 5331. 530: 1,084' 9061 28J 1J301 5(K) 139! ' 894 354i i:s6v, VX m 330 . 223,' m 183 G49' 47b m 157 !2l Min(, , iVw Hampahlre, Mat-ajhuw-lt, hhott Island. Connecticut, VerimxiU New Yorkr , , J 7.9,pOO.OuOJ 6yjQ0U.0(i0j New JtjtyJ I "1 Mm 44JM,00O 55.000 OOUI OU.WUUi'UI ; I 00,000(1 1,000.000,, 1 0.000 ooo! H.000.000 113) 4041 m5 211 3121 ' 117! 691 1,022 586 2H) 878 48 1.133 880 119 IT. 52 j Prnnaylvanla. Delswar. ! , Maryland, VHrlBs,1 . N'urin Carslhia, SowOtCaioUrta, Oiorgia, Alabama, ' Miulaslppl, LtMilalana, TennraaM, Et-niacky, Ohio, . ' . . Indians, Illinois. '.'. Missouri, AjrUnaps, , MlenigiB, Klarltja, Wiseonaio, Iowa. ' Teiss, Ki55J ml 69$, '633 235 71 i Mi my 128 l.aosJ '3381 r- 4333 S? rti Dlst.ofCohiinblaJ ,' W.WPj Total, Crops M'oofct'rH I9W0t)q4WjO)Oi WKW.COO 19,000,000 14,000,0001 21 000.0OU I700 001 14 OOO OOOj 19,000.000 40,000,000 47XWJ.0O1 J3Jo.0Ort 12.0Q0.0001 KOOO.tXX) 27.000 m 6.000.000 7,000.000 4 000,000 6,000,000 4:000.000 10.000.000 6iW00pL lJ0Oj loops) T.ooo'oooi ,ow.ooffl .ooo.ooo Arjot.pao) JPOO,000) 2.000.0001 tuuwui . 5. 11 MI0Unq3,3OO,0OOl3n.0CI0,0OO , 4,000.0001 .UO0,UU0 1.000,000 ijno.ooo 8w.oOa 5.000.000 7000,0001 11.000,000 Mots v.ooo ono lotto 000 IS,000.iO 4000.(lK) 8,000 m 4.000,UtH) 63.000 ouo 6.000(00 45,000 0(10 1.300.000 13.000 000 414000 '6.000,000 18,000,000 Tl.000(0 8,000 000 7.000 000 20,000.000 gow.ooo Besidea the amount set fortli in a Drec.e- Jing table, ns conslituliiicr (lie commerce, or rather the retail trade of the Slates, the sum of $1401)0,00,0 id emj)4iycd in the com i sjon business and foreign trade together n:a Wngihe sum f$47!.0t)u.O0O Hour commerce. We-ahallclpce. foe the pres'iit the eiatis tics of our patioaal, jnduslry and resources. l ha w.ts. nava mady juuch, u rapid jirogres Wiiinn tesa, llian liirec-IourthH or a century, since, ris a pebpre,' We Hist oil' tlie shacklci of fnon'arehy'. is astonishing, even touraelves. The tables kIiow the immense productions andTbusiness of (Jic CoiHitry. ail us sieh we enbmit them for wmitevCT they are wftrth. ;li.rdatil)rt 10 lio amaaitittr stated-a(lH-un-nual product of iiujaclufes, jiome dout of Uieir accuracy .mayperhapH be entertained, from tTie fteess.'fn some insfancea, 'over the pfiffl i41.wpte.1lj TTifMigh w.e r.pnsider the returns' mfHde with tlie ceii6u nn1n sorhe de gree invperl'ect, from tbr dillicnlty of & firnt attempt ol tlie kind, yet they orro the nearest and most reliable approximniinii with whidli the country l)B leei furnished on the sub ject. fJJpe.'VnlUH o nKinofiCtyred uriirles may exceed the capital paid out for buildings and mnchl'nery' bnf the rot "or labor and or the1 mw ' nm re H splits t be' dtducCed Jrom th5 ft 04 prooveds. nnd then the balance in nubjeot ti tUvidend ns profiu. Thovighotn the whole procats agrcplture is the primary rlement. giving subsistence Jo labor, nnd prob ably line-toath'sql trrotapie afterwards con verted into labrica. 1?HE .IJMMINO UP, The smoke of thu battle, bus o f.tr clear ed oil as to enable tii to euin up tho results ol the con Hie I. bo far at least as lo i-how wlnjaru tln yiclyrs. ( Vi' set down 'the IM lowirg SlaKl lol Til'yltftufed I-'il by rc : Mnwiachusctts Hi ViTnuiiit fl f,Rharf'lBifh.'r ,;)((. , ; 4 IjounocUcul' . (j .New York Delaware J New Jersey 7 Ptnnsyrvania 'jti M.vyhfnd' . 8 Kcntutky ' ' ' fj.j Tennesiiee ' u North Caroiicui, 1 1 Georgia 111 Louisiana ti , Florida .( SPAIN. The crisis In this count pf appears to have passed. JS'arvaex husrelorned lo power, and the King consort is established at the head of ihe household, after a long peiiod ofestrauge ment. PKUSSIA. , l'Vesh dislurbances broke oul at Beilin on the ICth, and, alter a lull, came ton climax on the 18t.1i. The cause was an attempt upon the jiart of some ineclianics to break iiji various nihelnucry Invented tor lubor saving. The troops, wereordcr'd out and eontiinied the contest with considerable loss ol' life, their op porfCnfs fighting vigorously under the shMter of baqrioadea. The King has powiitively ri -fused tb'accepf the rcsign'ntionH tendered him by his. ministry.. , , ; AUSTRIA. Afl'airs have not yet reached a crisis in Austria. Nearly the entir.; population have resolved to hold owl to the last, come what will. About one thousand persons had quit ted Vienna pmee the 6th till., nnd the city Was begHinirrg to aeHHinu iho nppearanco of siege lorliliealioiiH were Btrcngtheiied and onlposfs exfeiiiled. The peasantry nnd coun try people are flocking into the city in great numbers, entering along, thu Mussdorl line, all other approaches bi-UiX cut olf by the. be sieging forces; Aoerspnrg. nflcr leaving the 'Blibfrbs.had.joMietl Jcllafbirh, and together thfy presented n menacing Iront at the old position of the la tier. On tlie 61I1 nil. the commandant of the national iruurd issued a tdarnra announcinir Utal he jVuugariniiii, under C'zani and Moriu, had crossed the Austrian I'roiilier and were, advancing again t Jellacbieh. The placard added that there would be n pangui ury battle in the vicinity ol Vienna, in view of which a strong force was ponied nt Belvidere. The Hungarian nrniy was set down at 65.001) men It was weakened by the desertion of two regimeuti' of husdars, who went over in Windeschgratz, and had iu consequence fall en back. Windem-hgratz had la ken poriScsH ion of the ifilund ol ' Lobauf in the lJauube, flVom which Napoleon fought thfl ba I ill's of Kssling nnd Wagiiim.) and hud colleeled there 5,600 mci . Provisions were beginning to be sen rev about Vienna. At the last arcouhlK no engagement bad taken place between the CmuUaud llniigariain.. im-XANW. Intelligence from Dublin stales that O'Brn 11. Meagher, McManiiH. and O'Donoghuc, Imve JiMtJ their sentences of (tenth cominuti'd to fransnorlatioii for fife, hi Dufly's case ihe1 jtM-vhaif nbt tutfied ivvepdic.. The country was iu thu most deplorable I condition from the failure of tin- pot.ito and gr.un crops. Tire poor continued in a suiter nig condition fronrWint of employment. 2.000.000 1.000 000 1,000,000 ipoo.000 v. I I 181 4J7i 258 39,287 1,248 tW3 00,000 00,000 n Votes counted with Lincoln. 6 Votes' counted with Burke, c Votes counted with Anson nnd Mecklenburg. These counties, Alexander and Pulk, were not formed l the last PresklsQual Election we hae given the Governor's vote vt trw Isst clectioo, ia these counticr !(. The reiurna in the above 32 Counties na given in tma above 4aele, show a gain of 1900, as compared wrth die Preai.lljai.Vte of 44. .. TsTJ. We clip the following TeJegrnphic des pniches from Uie . NationaJ lolclhgrncer of the 10th inst TELEORAPillC DESPATCHES DwaoiT. Nqv. 92 r. M. We have th newt, Geo. Caaa !ca il r bsj undetstod that, in consequence of ke io:i And for ('iihs and Duller (he follow i..g Smtcs: A'lktlniipiirt' Indiana Illinois Mtcliitfaa youth CiiBijina Uhu Alabama Texas lowti From tke iibov utirtRli it will be seen that nearly $600,000,000 in value will be de rived this year from the cnlwnin of the sortjhflajde cvhat mar roBd frsni gaarlens. orehardV aJrka, &.?norfi4idr!t el to $50,000,000 ntpre. . The prod octwns are in xrjZl j it i. . Ihl &rMTtmM an JmUU. Ikbor ArRonma is eaploy4 ifjha rio f ptfuUipun.. The live acock on farms U, auciher Item in the computatibn of wenfrh. which should not be' omitueJ ine6r huk.' We give the num ber, with nn estimation of value, ul an aver age of sixuvdollars fwf horse end mulct, five (IpVlufeeaUCjJi tM) dollar lad Jfifiy wnta liw ehcep, ani two dollora Ibr swine, n (ollotrs; .' . 1 .i 23 9 4 A , 9 7 3 LWt Stack. ffmb .1 Value. Iloiara and Muk)t,' Mmi Cant Sherp, Swine. Poultry, TsM ' '5,.nooijaJ0,0n0 Ib,7JH.1)O0 9.1.650 000 ?4.l3i.(KXl SOUS 000 ,876,000 6j,7Si 000 ! U.fieo.OOO 'it i Necessary to n choice, I4T. 100 A lady In '1'ioy, Mew Vrtk, bo hurtu Imcj;'''" up I'lrTwr physicians, aendu i the lolluwiiu; : - Troy, May 15, ll(i. "ifr Fowli-: In O.-I.jMt list. I took a viol.-nt olJ. wliicb ciUcJ on my luiiy, nrvJ produced a hnrk'nii; cdiiIi leisft.rtfiinil with nlj-hi'aivwts, whi -h rcdu red m.: vi;ry low. A few ill yt nflor I wn In keti , I cmplnyed one of our bin pbytni bin rreeiVid r.o hrlp : I trl-rf nnmhir, hnl wilh no liin r aurcrn ; a d tin illy n llilrd, silll growing wikho nil iho lull'. At thin Kin.- of ih din in" I w.n n (n; i m lnv n in It Miiablc (j liirn inym If 111 lud, or nil up hn my 1 il wjiniaj,. ,Mf I'liywIeiuBa tlnul y (,'.nr up, njiJ, hji I lhat 1 hd 1I10 vooaumpiion, and thai itvrs no hf-Jp lor me. My friciiils uduwd nc l liy 1 isiiir'n liflNmi uf Wild ( h rry. Iiut lUv Djtliirs I'j- li'd, ,mj mii itt.ii 11 w.Mild only hurry no uui ..f lie "mid. I Baiily pni urd abolllf, nnd liy iimii';; ttUOV 'HJtlU t 1 w is rsaforvl in clucl licikli. Mlt.1. SAlt.VH I.AWSUN .ii- grnilni' mil. B.4 a 1 1; n id I. HI I I .s null), T ppfl Km -ak', wlid'Hir mJ niuil, OyWM.SIlAW lni(;?t?u, v ilimnyii.n, ,N i.' .nnd by ,' dm. in V i! cincs k n.-fally thruiitfhotii tbr I 1 11. . s . - JEAI.L'OSV AJIOMI Till. I.WUl.S TIk1 l.ldlra lln- all J-lhiis .1. .. :, t- . u. I coaled I'uiKilive lur lien I .n Mm ) i lit- i.nl., -) I fiu let od Ihi'iam Ura ilm Micy , rr lu not) on il.i in., in OJture wliieh wua ul tht muue' mi i fv.ii l iu (lie Hps and reviving In ihe lu-411. in 1m. 1 1 1 UdIuxuiv lo ba air It now-n-dnya, tin- p, nHiire m mi (;re:il nl ing in.idc hole again liy .'liektn. 1 I'urgnuve u- Hi -cuuled l'ill. (hey (iuh mijpud in all euinuiu- W have omiltod Ihe yht of Virginia. ' Uo'nu. and their uocratlona uriaiK nded Uli niu 1 fl : t 1. I ' .iisisiiiii jinu iscouHin. ncrnusc uie rt-' '4tnl tjw rb m daj)(i(l. Li Vrno'n sad MiaaiKainni the voir will he rlosi". and in W'incoiimn we cnrtitof telrwhnt ellcct the free soil vote will h.iv' on, the remit. In rcjfard As the grain crop are the very loauHitlioii of nil ajpporl, a (able shoeing their qunnti ty and Valuf is Shjdih4d. H ' r OrU.i BiuhcV Indian Cm, Whrat, Oats Rr. BoKlwbral, Rarlry. Rica, poooda, Total, Value 4JMI 1,000 11 4 1. 57 1.000 IO5.8Sa.000i 6W11000 iMM9jol, 3B,4ia.ew aj.jos.ooof 9xj.ooo . 9,W7.ftW 4.6&7.000 I.W.OOTL . 1560,000 MjOoo.oorr W)jaoo W2.0I6.0O0 WWafnc Ms'at)4r'rtdotih h en4irtarnri u (0 it going fur Cuaoflud liulkr. but we have , veu il to Iheru. But, yielding th whole of the Stales above ruuneJ to Cum nml lUitlcr, heir vntc will he 127 leaving 1'nvlor Hinl Killinoru u iiiiiioiity of 30 clectorul voU. It . 1 1 : .t ixuumnrf ( liinxr. Lt IJ ii LJ J!J t. I pain, at gripe. , VYILL1AM ILLIPI-ITT from alieft, bnw 1 Market and Dock airreta, ia (he Ajfrnt lurCllrken et' nils for VVIhiiltjtiton. MARINJJ NEWS. 1 IS'DTICK. 'IT roitT or wilminuto.n. IIIOII WAIII AT THI IAB NOVKMIIKR 13. :::.::::::::: 19 A. K. AfPl.tCATlO! -vlll br mudr. toih, nrI, r;Pnrr, aMiulily ot Monjli Catvliua lo cxiend 1 fie limeia ofihe iowrt J4 Aiinftfitoi iitrinber IP43. 103 AKK1VLU. NOTICE APPLIO At iiJ U 111 at th. rnmln -4oa of 1 ha lillsti'tsvaJir ndamrMM)' Jnafsction Law,IsnbeT-prnof WUiJilnjiuu. ind Ihs loapedl'm la grorrally a tn fT quire itva in past Ion of Brrl, pork. Ilnnm and Hay, it, Import rd In Ih To n of W llnilngion. Al, 10 rctjulre all irtln lo tx sold hf rioM, md all anlrlra inxvird In oihrr fKirta h(n ahfrp4 ftS'm said Town, 10 b toaoMUxl tun liapof trd lo sa4d Tvt n. '14, . 103 fV. '.0 Schr. Cbarjra Mills, Krancla, fir m Nt w Totk, iu K. W . Drown, with indf. lo aundijr pen"'1 ' Srhr. Jack Downing, Parker, from Lldlr Kivrr, w'nri Splriia Turpvnnou and Rixin, 10 Manin 4 Cruoly. 11. Schr Thnm, Walnwrlrhl, from Nrw York, to W. (1, Jeflrrjf, with mdirt, to w O. Jcflrtya. " frht Ollvr, Smith, from New Vort(. 10 K. i. I.ucrrkili. with gnoda (o FUnleiia 8. H.XV, W. L. Nmlih, J. Hathaway 4 Sop, Hrown A IHrrltaugh, MerchaRiaS 11 to , R. W. Urown. ,. Dleklnmin, (. P. &. II. II. Orant, J. Wilkinson A Co, D'Kiwwt, 'Drown snd Co .Martin and t'ronlr.FJ. I.tttirrloh. Air. JlrBar, llrs. Ssnh H. Kfy