12. Schr. Margaret Jane, Davit, from Mid die ton. with Rough Rica andOata, to DcRoaeet, Brown aad Co. , , 13. Brig Merchant, Sflneon. from Baltimore, lo K. Dickinson, with 100 bales Mountain Ha;, 30,000 Miard Brick. Vf t n;K ''-' " " Brig Charfea, Pratt, from. Havana, In ballast, to E. Dickinson. " , ""-v. llrlii U.JCfllloch.Mo.'ftom Boaton, hi bal A last, to Prry,BrvanaCo a!; ( ,n . ; CLEARED, , , -M 1 1 Exporti of Schr. E. L. B. Wake, Vangllder.by 0. W. Dnvla, 900 bbls. Roeln, 195 bbla. Spirits Turpea tine, 12 bale Yarn, 92 bales Sheeting, 11 bales Rags. 6 bagsfcathtrs; 582 bushels Pea Nuia, 4 boles and 3 bbls.mdze., 23 bbls. ill led Fruit. Exports of Schr. Suean, Bray by O. W. Davis, 71 borrcla Turpi Mine , 70 bbls. Hoaln.64 bbls. Splihs Turpentine, $00 bbh. Tar, 30,000 Siavee. II. Schr. Eloulee, Robcreon, for New York, br E. J, Lutterloh, with 200 buahels Pes Nuts, 148 bushels Sd, 20,000 S. S. Lumber. 160 bbls. Spirits Turpen tine. II bales Gotten, 2 hhds. Wax, 35 boles Sheeting; 1W bbla. Roafn, CC4 bbls. Turpentine and 2 bbls. Po tatoes., " Schr. Corinthian, Dashlels, for Baltimore, by DeRoaset, Brown t Co. 13. Brfc, Catharine Nickels, Nlcklcs. for Boston, by HarrlasA Drake, with 634 bbls. Ttr. 434 bbk Ronln. )50 bbls. Spirits Turpontine and 32,000 feet Lumber. , 14 Hrtg Nonparlcl. Brewer, for New Bedford, by DqRosbutt Brown i Co. BOSTON, - - -AsaiAtn. '9. Brig Albetros, Cochran," hence. ' Logan,' Treat, hence. Brig Kwlron, Carney,-- "hence. '" Schr. Italian, Pettenglll.' whence. WHOLESALE PRICES CURRENT BUTTER- good scare" .. lb. a.. 10 n 20 Cheese. V lb. 7 9 REES WAX do." .. 20 M .. 21 BACON. Haiiis.N. C- " do... 9 .. ' Western, do.- .. 6 - Sidos,!t. C, do... 7J 8 Western, do... ) a 6 .. Shoulder, N. C, ao... 6 7 COTTOH none. CORN ' 4fbu. .. a) COFFEE. St. Domingo -f9 Wlb. (ij 0 Java .........Jo... .. 10 i KIo do... 1 m Laguira v do. 7 Cun ' ' 7 0 DOMESTICS, Cotton Yarns, " '.-do.. 14 a Cotton OtTlaburgs, .. 7 a 51 7 11 8 71 4-4 N.C. Sheetings Vyd. .-6 o(l FLOUR. EnyettevHIo-.. JFbbl. BOO 5 SO Cannl do... 7 7 60 HAY Vcwt. .. 66 m 60 LUMBER, STEAM MILL, Wide Boards, Plank and Sxa mllng, M. I'.. II 13 00 Floor Boa rda. do. 1 4 00, n 1 6 00 LUMBER, RIVER. Kl-xr Boards do." 8 00 9 75 Wide Boards do... 4 60 6 00 Scantling do... 3 60 0 i 75 LAKU Vlb. 11 0 .. 12 LIME tfbbl. 6Ba.. 60 MOLASSES. Nw Orlcuns V gal. 27 Cuba catgo. none -do. "00 m ME A 1 tfbu. "70i6 NAVAL STORES. 2-1 00 00 Dipping " 0 2 06 Hard do." I 03 Splriia Turpentine, "-iVgsi. 27 as.. .. Tar rbbl'.lM Pi(ch " do. "86 Rosin, No. 1. do, 1 60 1 75 No, 2 '' ' do." " 90 0 " 3 ' do... .. 75 0 Vnriihh 4 gall. "30 .. .. I'F.AS. B. E. Pea" V bu. .. t0 0 75 PRA-NUTS, do.- 90 0 1 00 RICK Rough none 85 41 90 Clonnfd, fnlr to good, 100 lbs. 3 37J 0 3 90 SUtiAH. New Orhons "..fyrb. 6 0 Porto Rico ' 'do. " " 4 6i BTAVKS. W. O. Hhd. roujjh None o .. .. " " dreaacd 10 " " barrel 10 00 Ct R.O. Hhd. rough, oil.. " dreascd 18 m 17 siniNOtRS. Common 1 50 O 200 Contract 400 0 6 00 "i.Aca'a" large ..4 0 .. H SPIRITS. N. E. Rum - 3C 0 Cmn. Tun 28 0 WtuAi y 30 Applinlrnndy 36 0 31 30 38 COMMERCIAL remark's on MARKET. Since our last report. Turpi, and Tar have taken a downward tendency, salea nn Saturday laat, were aa follow, vii : 40 btla. Dip. Turpentineat 12 per bbl., and 15 bbln. Tnr at 1,35 ptr bbl. yeaterday salel wi n iimdu nf 900 bbla. Turpertllno at 12.05 per bbl. fur ing ; the Hard half price; and 1217 bbla. nfl'd. at $1 30 per bbl. i 400 bbla. com moo Roaln at H5c per tbl. ; snd'WO bbls. SpiritaTnrpentlns si 27c per gnlln. bbls 11.75 nut returnable ; 150 bales Hay wrtr diiposi-d of ai COc per cwl.,90 days 3 raTta Fiin'Mji, tap roiun, brought 13 per M, measerament. KX PORTS OV THE WEEK tNDlNO 13th Ust Ltiinix r. I'ur fininc, Rmin, S irtia Turpentine, Tf, iSioii.. Y.itn. Sh-tlof. Cultnn. Ran. Eenhert, Riee, Ulllf, 82,000 feet. 4.117 barrsla. 2659 " 1634 " 30,000 46 balea. ITS It " II " 7 " 236 caaka. 4 barreja. Pm.Tuis. 1937 baalMls. Mretnulli 23 barrel. 6 boiea, aod 1 hhd. Dry Pmlt, 21 barrela. WKmi, 191 bsga. Swd, 200 bushel. FOREIQN MARKET BY THE AMERICA. At Liverpool breadufla wars rather depressed, frnm th large arrivals of grain which had entered during the week. Weatcra canal flour waa quoted at 30t Philadelphia and Baltimore 24a. 6d. wheat 7a 3d. to 8 6d. pr 70 lbs., bring a decline of la Gd per barrel on flour; com continues In fair dnnand at 34 a 3Sa. per quarter i mral 17a. per bbl. Ths duty on wheat haa advanced to flvs shillings per quarter, and on Hour to three ahllllnga per banel, and sn corn Is lowered 6s. 2d. for the week previous. Potk has advanced one to two shllllni a per bsm-l. Lard haa declined two ahllllnga per cwt. Ths de. mand for rice is limited, and no change In quotations, CVrrow Ths cotton market hsa been further de prtMd; a moderate demand prevailed through ths week, shheiigh exporters continue to operate. at a Uireittnt. All deacripilone of American grades ara olTrrrd frerly at 1 J. per lb. lower than than the Hlber nil' quotations. On the day ofaaie the market waa somowhsl firmer, with an fmaroved toisri sales for ths wfk did not eiccrd 29,600 Valrs CLARENDON HORSE GUARDS, I Vou feM notified that M Saturday 1 X Belt the 13th fnst . yoa will asset at ths Custom swos Wanrhouss ,. tat ths pureoss of mountl Us) f aas, ' w . and prsparini tuem for Kevlsv. f mhUi By order ol your Captain. " . , Hot. u. 7tvPt. FIVE DOLLARS REWARD i f WILL girt ths abova Reward for ths infofiwalloa Aot Uis person, who asaileiousiy oroia sowm anu carried OH Iho Post and italkUa Board at mj etumtt, on Ssturday night kai. WM, SHAW. Nov. 14. i 103-lf. CRADLE and Crib blsnkets, superior o.nalIty, foA ssleby J. jTvxILLiAMS. NOT. 14. IV-U. I7ENCII BASKETS at r.ductd prices by V J. 8. WILLIAMS. Nov. 14. 103-tf. SATTINET6, KERSEY AND BLANKETS. J ust received and for sale low by i. 8. WILLIAMS. Nov. 14. 103-tf. LADIES MERINO, and Silk Vest for sate by J. 8. WlUAMS. Nov. 14. , . MO-u GENTLEMEN'S Cotton Maria, AnguU and Lambs Wool Shirts and Drawers, for aaia low Nov. 14, l3-f. tUST RECEIVED.-10-4 Bsrosley.10 4 and 12-4 J Cotton Sheeting at a small advance on n . 1 ork cost, by . o. wii. W1LLL4JI5. if. Nov.J4. - ' " r DRIED BEEF AND TONGUES. 1 ff DRIED Tongues, largest sixs. lUUoOOIbs. drlcdW at WM. NEPTS. Nov. 11. 102 FLOUR AND CHEE8E. O ft BOXES Prima Cheese. i nw w nan ddii. riour. rornn vy I WM. NEFP. Nov. M. 102 GLUE. 1 n BBLS. Received by the schr. Boiii and for 1U sale by WM. NEFP. Nov. 11. 103 MESS AND PRIME PORK. 1 p. BBL6, Mtu snd 15 do. Prime, iuat received lOby VM. WKKE. Nov. 11. W2 To The Ladies. JUST RECEIVED a fins sasortmetu of Ladies Curk, Bracelet a 40. At JL WIUCrNSON H. Sov. U. 10-i. WHITE LEAD. ft KEGS Pure. OUW- Extra. 50 " No. I. bbls. English Coal TstVi For sale by VfjiVM. NEFF. Nov. 11. Li B SALE OF REAL ESTATE. I a ooeaienee to a aeerea, maae at tno ran rsnn 1848, of the Honorable Court of Eqttty. for IBS county of New Hanover, oa Monday the 1 1th day of December next, at the Court boast In ths sows) of Wilmington, I shall oflar lor ask aipvbilc auction, tfet following piecea or parcels of lead fytapln the coon, ty of New Hanover, vUi a tract of tatdoa the Sound containing acres, snd knowq generally aa ths McNiel place. A tract of land adjoining ths piece above referred to on (be North, snd known ss the A matt place. The two psrcela of land above referred to, together constituting the tract of land conveyed by Wm. N, Psdan, Esq. lo the lata Daniel Joyner, and together contalaing aiz acres. A tract on the East side 6 i) a Cape Faar Rhrrt, containing 47U seres, being lAnmi which waacen veved br Cbarlea B. Gau-, trrRonald McDonald. A tract contaihlng C03 acrva granted lo the tale Uaniel Joyher. A tract containing 106 acrra, btlnr the same which was conveysd by W. Woodsrd, to the lata , Dsn lei JofBr. , . A credit Of one and twn rnrs wll be allowed; n4 bonda with good and tufficieni security, bearing in tetcat from cay of sole Willie required. THOS. D. MEARES, C. MT. E. Nov. II. 102. LIQUORS. I Quarter carta Pale Brandy i if dr. casks MaderUWine; Ur. caaka Port Wkie ; Plpra Holland Gin; Oldlrl.h Mall Whiekeyi Old Mononiahclia Whiskey Muacai and Malaga Wine; Cherry Bounce, for sole by NaT. Ih WM. NF.FF. MR-tl WOODEN WARE PAINTED PAILS, Brooms, Nest Cedar Tubs! so. painted Tatai Axe k and Ira, Floor Dalle. ponr iimria, nnortananau dm. rovers, rveor msr kri biakeia. Neat nteaeurea. Serubbiita bniahaa, Whiiewaah brushes. Paint bruahes. Shoe tw ashes. Bird cares, Wood rrays, Cocoa dippers, Starve, Keelera, W. A. Chms Stsrehes, )ust rvWvrd and fat stebf vv M. NEFF. Wov. 11. Itr-tf. JUST RECEIVED fif the Sdtr. Old tick, from Nt York. HUDS. Porto Ri-o sad New OrUrih Sogah bbls. Craabed doxt t doses btskets Cnam psigne Wlhe t 10 chestt Toaof Hyson, Oun Powder and Souchong Teat 25 botes Colgate's li. I Hospi 6 botes Toilet Soaa; 16 boxes Hull e Son's Candles; 20 do. Adamantine Candles 10 do. Sperm do.i 10 boxes Pipes 5 do Mustard i I boxes Ooodwio'l Tobacco i IS whole, half aad qaarjar boxes Ralstaa; 50 bags Table Salt; 5 baskets SwsstOUt t kegs Nutmegs i 30 bsgs Laguira, Rio ad St. Domingo Coffee; 75 Reeme Wrapping Paper) 6 kega S a late ly; 10 boxes Lemon Syrup, boxes Chocolste. do. Mstchea. For sals by) WM. NEFF. Nov. H. 1 02-if EMPTY SPIRIT BARRELS SECOND hand bsrrvls covsuntly on band, for sale low In hrta to suit DeROSSET BROWN. A Co. Nov. 9. 101. NORTH CAROLINA LARD IN Barrels and Ket For sals by DeROSSET, BROWN A Co. Nov. 9. , 11 j ,, APPLE BRANDY 100 "iTe1 B0m" Ap9h Br,ndf- Vm DaROflSKT, BROWN A CO. Nor. ft, 1848. 101. PICKEI-S AND PRESERVES. A LARGE aaaoris)eMfPesrvea, Brandy Frelf, rt. and Plckela, for sals ky i. WILKINSON A CO. Nor. 9. im tl. licautlldJLiasucrreotypcs. THOMAS TCriANT, from Philadelphia, and L. M. STARR, irons New Ycfr, have the aieaaswaaf liormlng i.ocKUenaaf Wt toaitfiat they hsvs estsblUhed Uoorna fur ttd riu.. aof this beautiful an, to ihsha!: jaecupkdby 0t. ,W Liaas WaasviTaDt'SUf doors ab T ' st stresC Maying the advantage of a ''Si I i aad Side light" comblnad; w are enabiod 4 .'.....-h portrait In the Mgheai ety la of tkw srt snd at Ui lowest c bargee. Alanra aaaorimetrt of Gold and Gilt kxketa, ltd medslUona, conaiaatrr " hand, at front 13 to 18, tax eluding the plctur. No sitter reiuirt4l ta? pA ORANGES t ORANGES 1 ( . WlLRlNSOn-S a CO. Nor1. a Iftl.sf. FOR SALE. ' ' 6 Cssksof fresh beat rieealse 20,000 of M re. Cow an'slrkhe. Which 1 erter for salo b the Boat load, or by the sing Is thoassnd. Apply o a. illKinsun, AJ. Nov. 9. Ml OAKUM. lOOi . BALES. yusv received bylhe 8ohr. Qtfalse frorn New York, sad forssk by - ' ' WaI.KKFF. Nor. II. 108 ELLIS 9c MITCJflflX'S aiAfx stork, Mwrfky't' Building f..tuar Wtiitti dock.- SEED Wfceaf and Re NoWh Carotin Cora; Cow Peas Freeh Ground Meal and Homony i White Homony Beans; New Com Meal and Black eyed Preet Oats; FsyeUevfMe snd Catsl Flouts bsrreht aaet hsn bbls., a w crops flay r Cow aad Horses feed eonstsntly oe hand, and f of sole. Wor. tr S9-tf. CANDLES. Ofi BOXES Saerta Caodleet t) do. Adamantlae CJ Candleti 20 do. Mull 4 Son's mould do., for sale at HOWARD 4 PEDEN'S. Nor. 2. 98-if. CANAL FLOUR. 1 PL BBL8. Caaal Flour t LO do do do. Fur sale by CARROLL a FENNELL. Nov. 4 . W FAYETTE VILLE FLOUR. Qr BBLS.'SMaarfine, dally e peered y boat M. CO Cronly, and for aale by - JOHN C. LATTA. Nov, 7. 100-3t. FLOUR AND MEAL BBLS. FLOUR, Floe, Supwfinj and X; SO bualMbhaadaoine wrta MeiL forsahiby 50 , , , A 4 . L. McGARr. Nov. 9. 101-tt IEATH ERR. 5000 lbs. fine Oecse Feathers, , for aale by ... i.-dr W. I McGARV. Nov. 9. . .. - 10Uf. 1fs70TICK la hereby given that application will be 1 made t thev aaai (Jeseral AssstwMv of North Carolina, fcrihs alwaamge'of an act declanng the In tention or Ihi LegUlaturt, in enacting certain private acts ceoeerniof m Ceuoty Coatn of ffanawiok. Nor. 7. 100-5w. ROCK SPRINO TENT, No. I. Q. of R. THE 8ecood Anadvorwtry etlebratlon of this Teat, will (aka piece on Wednesday the Jet a InsU The Brethren of the order are requested to meet at the Teat Room at 9 o'clock, A. M.. from whence thoy will proceed to I be Methodist Episcopal Church, where anaddress will be delivered by one of the members. Transient Brethren end the public generally are reapecifully invited to autentt WM. M. HARRIS8,lrft . , . A. i. ERAMBKRr, 5 CammW" WM. L. JACOBS. ) rnem- 1 Nov. 7. , I00-3L TABLE snd Piano Covers, French manufactory, Eoraaleby J. S. WILLIAMS. Oct. 26. H if. BASKETS! BASKETS ! ! LADIES work snd Trsvelllng Fancy, and Market Basket, at J. WILKINSON'S. Nov. 1 9ft-if. $25 REWARD. RANAWAV from the Estate of Wm. B. Mrs res, InJone last, a negro fellow eaUed HENRY or HENRVHILL. lit as about 6 4 to 1 soot 4nchea high, well made aod likely v he is aulck spokea aad smart. He le probably luiklng about WUminwioa, where he haa a good many rotations. 1 will shea reward ot I2S for bia apprehension and deaivery to me In Wilmington, at u Wm. T. Bray ai Mearee' BlurT. T. Di MEA&ESL Nov. l?i-tC STEAM ENGINE AND SAW MILL FOR SALE. N Engine of II Horss sower andeee Of Page's a Mitts mads in tbsverv best msnneri aod A but little aeed,Taaable of sawing from t a 1,000 reel of Lumber per day, can e purchased saw llkmsaedl tls saplkalioa be asada to aa us Rkhnsood Vlrgtnas, H. T. ok K. TAUAFERRO.' Nov. J. , 101-tw." GRAIN B LACK ETEPEASi White Corai Rica, for aale kr . R. W BftAWNi 101-tf. Ndr. J. . MESS IORK. Qftn B8L8. New Orleaaa Mesa Pork, ft sail t0J lower lhaa present eet Of lmpoftatfcrej. DeUOeJSET, BROWN Co. Nor. f. . M-L FOR SALE. 40041 tJUNNY BAUSi ouw 4Rapty Merits Tareeotlaa ham!W 42 barrele Fresh Fayrttevltio Flour, super aad X. ? kegs Better. By WILU O. ICFFftEt S. Nos.i. ioi. FOR FREIOHT OR CHARTER. t SCHB-CONSTITUTION, L. Msitox aaesr, dairy expected from Boetoa In com pleie order, for ear vowes. Apply lo HARRISS HLSSELL, No. 11 Nottk water-au Nov. J, joi-tf. LINSEED OIL 1 f BBLS. Juki rseehsd per Steamer Gov. Gra 1 J ham, and for aale by J. W. L. M'cQARY. Nev.S. 101 tf. CHAMPAGNE WINE. A FEW Baskets choice braada. Far sale )y DeROSBarr, BROWN Co. Nov. I. 101 NEW YORK APPLE8. BARRLES FINK APPLES. For aale by 50 J. WILKLNSON A CO. Hot. f. -ri ltf. ' pAKUM. , , CT 6A ttS ttaesla Ibskom. toi Sale at U i ; fi . i, ). dk W. E. MoQARY'S. . " . SACK SALT,' ; f i. Qrn V t iloai' For 4JJ salabf ' - v r W. L, SMITH. '.. l . vi 'If -, W-tf. N. Y , tut FURNITURE WAREHOUSE. rtctittd by Ihi B Wt lirown frm I Patent high post Bedsteads) J nnaBofasf M. aura a us t 12 do. SturTed rocking Chairs do. Nursing Chairs; ALtH), 12 do. Curled hair N at r a tees, warrant ed to be a pure article, at very low prl F. CLARK, Eront-at., nssr Msrkei. 99-if. SEOARS! SEGA IIS 1 1 9a Of ifl WTO SANZ Prhwlps. 60.JJJ 10,000 Woodvllle Havanoa. 8,000 Venus Regalia. 8,000 Washington Regalia. g.(X Casdoea.(geauraa.i 1,000 Eagle Harr ana. 40,000 Varioaa prices For sole hr J. WILKINSON Co. iXlor.3. on NUT8. LBS. Almewde. sett shell i tOOlbe. Rratll 500 Notts j 600 do. EncMsd Walaotst KW do. Ffltata.1 Nor lor sole bv HOWARD A PEDEN. 98-tf. CURRANTS and CITRON -FW sale a HOWARD at PEDEN'S. ffae.t pt. . r- - - 1 , N EQRO BLANKETS.-For sale low at Hnwairn x prnrvn Not. I , 8.,f; Cloaks and Overcoats. Ltrft ftd spkftdld lot. Just received at Nov. 4. 99. A Large lot of merino undei Shirts and Drawers. Also a large assortment of fine cotton .Shirts, ai SCOTT, KEEN et CO. Nov. 4. ot). SHIP, CARRIAGE. AND COUNTRY BLACKSMITHING. THE undersigned would respectfully Inform the public, thai ihey have taken Hhop In the rear of S. P. Polley'e Store, where they are picparcd lo execute all k Inds of B L A C K S M I TI 1 IN G on accom modating terms, and at short aetice. Entrance to Workshop through Liberty Alley. . ... RAbCLl'FZitnri,'ii.'r.n Wor. z. 98-3w Negroes : Wanted, IlqWnd lo remain Is Wlhulagton daring the wlsv ter for ths purpose of purchasing NEGROES, lad would respect fuay inform persons In Town ataa the surroMndiogCoantrr, that lam paying the highest cast) aurket priets for Stung Men aad Women, Boys and Girts, foin the ages often to thirtjyeare. Also4im la want of a number of Csrpenters, Brkktsrers Coopers snd Black smitha, for which liberal prices will be paid. Apply forme at the CaToMna Hotel. ANSLEY DAVIS. 0&l 94f. MOULD CANDLES. 5 BOXES Superior mould CaneUea, for sals by HARRIS 8 dt DRAKE. Oct. 24. 94-tf. SALMON, CODFrsH Ac 2 Bbls. No. 1 Sakaea I do do Mackerel j 3 Quintale Codfish, I Csse Mashroora Cataap i 10 Boxes soda Blw-urt . 2bc4s.CUrVlaegari I case Sardines, Ae. For sale hy CARROLL dc FKNNELL. Nov. 4. 99. BUTTER. Jqt rtcrlrerl. sttd ftfr aale af HOWARD A PEDEN'S. Nor. 2. 98-tf. LAMP OIL.- First quatliy, Lamp OIL purr, for as test HOWARD 4 PEDEN'S. N. 2. 9-tf. BOYR CLOTHING. WE have jual received from our manufactory, a good assortment Of Cloaka, Overcoaia, Jackets, Panla arid amall'Suila for boyt. For aale by SCfoTT; KEEN 4 CO. Hffv.4. 99. SUGARS. Packagra Woolery Co. Loaf Crushed and 20 powdered augers. For aale by HOWARD A PEDEN. 92. Oct. 18. ;, LARD. tf KEOS prime Leaf Lard, dally expected per V Schr. Lcmisa frera New York. For sale by HAJUUS3 A RC8SRLL. Oot. li-W-vT. n aonh water St. MOLA88ES fT Hngaheadl prime reUlOng, St. Jaro de Cuba. JJ For aaie ky Oct. 18. IAKRY. BRYANT A CO. M.tf. JUST RECEIVED. BY K i press s Urge assort mnt of daa Doe skin pants, foe aale at the new Clothing Stars of 8COTT, KEEN dk Co. Market-ei. Oci. 17. 91-tf. COAL TONS Start tee, aad for sale by HARR1SS RUSSELL 7o Oct. 14. 90-tT. SN'UFF 0UTCAULT8 8aaeror SaurT. la all kinds ot pack agea, eooataotty ea hsad. for sale by BARRY, BRYANT A CO. Oct. N. 96-li. COFFEE BAGS Superior quality, 8t. LKMaingo, jual UJ received, for sale rv BARRY, BRTANT & CO. Oct. 28. 96 tf. DIAPER aad Dameek, Lloen vrv cheap, for aktky i S. WILLIAMS. Nov. 7. 100-if. FLOUR. Of errels FfeaT, aew wheat 20 half bote, loa, AVJ aea HOWARD 4 TEDEftR to-ta. Nor.J. MACKEREL. BBLS. N. t. Msckerel. dally sxpected, for 50 aaferrr BARRY, RYAUT 4k Co. Oat 14. 4 awa COS. Nov. 4. PACKING TARN. 5 COILS, an sxrra article at WM. NEFF'S Nan 1 1. , , , ioi NEW HULLED BUCKWHEAT, I nhall bbls. aevr Hulled Bacawbeeli, ; i, 1U 10 or. bbls. do. Uo. ' 10 do.,' do. da do, !. da, i 4. do. HOWARD A PEDEN'S. 92. 10 hoses 10 bags . For aula at Oct 19. FOR .SALE OR RENT THE SanavrIM slTers for ails bl. ,twm 1 tl """' " Mtmnijioa, nnd aUo iiwUi.ti.r ?m"V"; n"l Pled by'Mn Lacli a7.Vrh. Mrt WatSl "ju .v.unwiimKinHnni'ma ai. air dwalltn., ir . sold by tin tolddk. of NJr,JwZtrZ tnr sUeisea atolv la m Ham it ti tM.. 11 . ' E. B. DL'Dl.KY. FOR SALE OR RENT. j - A Comfortable Dwellinglloflsc on Third KJk n. Sireei, would 6. sold on w f ncconZ.l i!l!lflaftlinr terma. or ront,l i,n,:i a.. of jPctober neat. A pply lo Jane M ' McQARV. Jaao 70. 4t " to rent; MTH.E "OT.e 10,ner ot rcd rro ""l front A streets lately occuaH by Messrs. O P. & H H Grant. O. (i. PARSLEY 8cpt. 12. 76-tf. Stores and Whary for Rent. CEVP.KAL deairaMe Slorca, Wsrohouses. Ms'ffl " u "'""ves, may ao runted from 1st uctooer next. Sc?7Ul'",7 I),H0SSr-T. BROWN A Co. TO RENT Am-wtwo atory house for one y.ar f Sep.. 1 4. . -"WU. J 11- foiTrent. TH K Siore and Office. No. 22, tforth Water ''ivt, nun, mo isi. ucrotwr, apply io I1ARKIS8 4 Rl'SSELL Ni 17 W. ULl-J r5-tf. FOR RENT." TR Store No. 26. In Lord's II.Hdln,. 1 1 1 M 1 North V mer Kw.w . iiJLby uiyrif. , - . vwvuiicii I v M'tr i W. A. LANQDO.V. Sip:. 2S bi TO UENT. A Olt.iC tr. Mnl a., n. . . A . , I'1. I"? J-Anderson's, Esi , from the lat Oc- , Lia-tober next. Apply u . MOW ARf) f- PfiPFN. i Mepl. ib. 92 tf. TO HEN'I0. FROM the lat uf October, o new and cum-fort.ibh- two atory Dwelling Hoiiac, ahun led nn Third at., South ol Ora J2a ' , J W. L JUGARY. B8ept.2l, r TO RENT. I A hmiao In Text", one year aM, containing ! " v p'i'uihk iciirmenis. OKO. FHRr;rsnv Sept. 14. 77 TO RENT. FOR one or two inn th w, n (louse on Maniunbnru' iviimH v mii from Wilmington i ihe she le'beouilful.Cj commandinir a fin viw nl ,i. 1. and la very healthy and pleaeeat, both Winter and Summer seasons. Possessing excellent Water Wnhoboui 3' or 40 sen sol cleared lend j well adap ted to the culture of Corn, Potatoes snd Ground Peas, Ac The subscriber would slso hire lih Ihe sbovs prcmiaea. four or v g.iod servants; also the House-hold furniiur, If tfcaired. Ths House ron tains nloe excellent rooms and la well auiled for a Boarding bouse, titled up and furnished for that purpose and is well patronized ss auch. Pereons wishing loretit, will please apply before the first ol January .no h j. PKTEItSO.N 0-2"- 95-2rn.' r. ' " uiiii TO RENT. MTtiE Room on aecOnd floor above Mr. Fi lers Store oa the corner of Market and Wa ter Streets. It la a large commodl ms room, be rested on goud lerme. Apply io 11. I. 1IOWZF, or II. B. ElLl'.KS. Oct. It. 1KJ-1' FOR SALE 5 BBLS. Winter Whal- Oil. Ju-l rectid per brig Satfiaet Small and fur sale by , HARRISS DRAKE Oct 14. w.f. EMPTY BAHREIN A SMALL lot, empty Siiiril borrela. for aaie by HARRIS A DRAKE. Oct. 21. -tt. JD8T Reoeire I. aer Schr. I. P. Smith, 10-4 Un easter, Hand 12-4 Super Maraetllea Quilts, for sale at a small advance on ew York ol by J. 3. WILLIAMS. OCJ. 19. K 'Tsrnm'ti rtiim iva trwnv H AMS. .Side and ahduldsrs.just received snd for Is bv F. J LORD A Co. Oct. 24. 4-2w. AfJE.N'CV OF Afflttvt Mutual Lift) Inturanet i Company PERSONS holding Policies In (hili-IVe are noii fletl that Rrrip Cerllftealea. for their Sham of prmUti'lKt tutmtf Hu tViaenv S' ready br delivery al the Agency office, 2 1, North wa'rr-St. F. J. LORD A Co.. Agrnta. Oct. 24 91 'f. FOR SAliE 20,000 LBS. VANILLA LEAVES. SMOKERS nf Tobacco will Aod their pleesare enhanced, by the use of Ihe leaf, which they can oblsla at fine order.on spp4iestii.n lo raa. Manufacturers of Tobaoce wlN fiad It lo their la tereatlegjsemeacall. P. OlARD. Oel.21. b2-lm. N EGRO SHOES. -Per sab- 'ow al HOWARD PEDEN'S. Nov. J. W-tf. SPICES. PEPPER. Spice, Ganger, Nutmegs, Cloven, Af spiee. Cinnamon. Mustard, and sll vartstica of Oresnd rpicea, for aale st HOWARD A PEDEN'S. , x tf. ai M. 1 1 sri Tested - by i jlhoitsands, y. o ai O U aw ww Sf. ARC ELY hs teif short p sra thitcf, Uhlrt In humblf aiipmpi wns mode tnnmiiint ha'sou. ble medletd prrparsikia. a h-w ef thfl herbs of rh fru Hln rt. M waerturk at ihi fimesa the reaoM. The most mat fonw oo esiimati-tt was, that tfw pfrtrple annpi,j aa ine asis t ballrt upon, were sonaeT. ' Bo mu li rtdlsnre was pla.'eil upon cnlme and the hft rn, unit ths til sorceas ot th experiment would here Pitdnt to (innflrm that reltswr, wMle It shook the purpiwr of ihe projector. ,, iNow. however, alt d;.tTt awlfltffiitlfaHi Every wfctit, this medicine has been grveted vHrri welcome ; everywhere haa Itajise area stranded wit ine most (ratifying saoeeas. Frowt small brghmlnp r. "nw e"'msa oy TiiLt.iuv, aad n ? nem m ntKVr eanmarian at the prrst nt time, the when It wa origina'ly fntrodncrd. CURE TOR FBVnH,4ND AppR RorattviLia.juinnni C'a.i I.t. ) uly 17, '4t. if Lr. IVrlflu -8ome tlrae lnoe. joarrra nt hrfr me- VSSJ, y"Ur Ini" "n vBemHe Pillr. 1 have fouud Mid PUls u be in grrat d-nwml laiely. for Ihecam of Feveraad Ague Mr.ia,Mouvd bass soa ah baa bernjklBpwiihfryirBpuv,n( ttmi lrt(.H varioaa other reii.(ii,s, sU ut hii hprovrd rf no s rail. IlcuVlcrmirwdio u, Vegetal k Pills, srul by using u Uvx. he i now wund snd wejl. lr.T.Spei)ri I duijhier, Mr. Hueh Groves t sonumi Air. (Jharl. a ,ilu,i. iL-.- .. hla family weredown at lh mii iin ii with feu-r and as lie. and had also rfd Ihs vnHoiit mkr rrttw dira without elfi-cl. Your ibdioii V(,.taW,- Pilln Soon ii-Klorcd ihi ni lo ptrfetl hii.lih. I r:,n aim yn. from what hare wn, your Indian V.g.tali iilla may be rstlrd nn fur a p rniwefft citre f f, , r aod ague. Yoirra. ri sfweifully. JACOB DURHAM. P. If , Also, on sriingJiiaiiceof InePVat u, d ThlaTa to certify that I wn entirely cirrd of flu Chills ami Fever, of a. vernl months x antllnj br"jjin use of four rioi"- of fui:r pilli larh, of Y ilpl.t'., "ludi nn Yegerable Pills and nficr tikinj iticdlnne frotpn regular phyfrlnn for fr me ritic, r.i:d hnve hr.d n. syinproma of Ir since, which lias hem about one "?r- i- W. PENCER. Trxnx, ''h iiiip.Ji) county, Ohio. This Is to crffiry thai I wna rured of the ChlUs srd FtVcr hy the use of '.VrJlu Indian Vegetable Pitts, nfti r having had (lute allaiks ufiL DAVID BEERY. Supnr Or.ive, I'Vrfti !(K'o.O. Nov. 19. M0. The Grnnlno la for iulr by CEO. It. FRF.Nt II M4tkel S'rent, SJe agent fur N iliuiirioo i D.TUR NEK, Raleigh, and by ogmt In a:i pans of ihe Stale. 'S Ilevart qf counterfeit, and imUoHoiit) Re. nien.lx r ihnt iheortnlnnl and only gi ruins rVirfion Vegeinhlt I'ilh. have Ihe wrtrli o algnSlureof H'i liam Hnrht, nn i tie tup lubi-lol rarh box. Off':rr devoted rxrlnaiTely H the sa!e of WrtrA' Jndtan Vri'luiU PiUi. whoUaiht nrui lernil, I6l Rnre street. Philadelphia. 2 Orernwlrh air tt. New York, and l!H 'rreniontatreei. lloaton. Sept. 21al. Ia49. 6C ly. To tht Laths and CtnUeaea ot W llmluUh and lb Tlelol.y. CORUJilE, would respectfully" Inform the Community, that he has jast rclarrui' from ihe North, add uuwwd agaio his Cbeaa DRY OOODS. Fancy Culluy anj Crockery Srure, on Mmket aireet. wht he is prepared lo give arcsler bargalna lhan any other Store can even obW) hla aio'.k conaiits in a general iusortiurm of tl'u fol lowing : DRESS SI'.K, Silk alrlrerf. MnJr folund. snd Bbiek AI?irm,Ca fhnirrea. Muslin !o l.w, IVo-l. MuaMn, Fri-och Oinghams English, r r nch an) American Calico; J.iomet oml Saias muslins. Iiiah linen, Krr-neh snd Kngllih Merino. Sh.i!. rfnnt, Lae, Ribbons. Hindkerrhlf f, Olorea, Cnmhrlrs, Bleached snd Brown Cottons from to lMyord wWle, Checks, BROAU CLOTHS, I'rench ( 'mwlniyri-s. DiiesUlna. Coating, Twrads Sailn vrat pal tema, Hinrtkerrhlela, Suirwndera, Gloves, Caps', Comforra, Ac, A. CUTLERY, GU.NS &, TISTOLS, Knlveaaad Forks or thr best inaaufsrtovira, Pocks knives, of slldrerripnon. .Scisswrs. Raxore of ihe hni-st Lind liunsamj P. to Is of atoe (jualttka. CROCKERY, A full " rttriervt af both fine snd rammon, sou verv cheap. - r,0,Vl md Bilver Lerer snd AlUf Watchea. (ioki and Silver PraHU, QM Pros lb si.'rer esses. Gold Ear rtaga, Fraawe Hat4.Brsat aina. Gold luda, Silver thimbks, Msisl Com baa id Chains. FANCY ARTICLES, In the Fancy line, aa eadlraa varlerV ol articles: Ouiura, V olina, Flua-s, FUrS. Harps, Wcordeona, Ranjota, Steel Beads, parws, lka, Comba, Bntshee. BaHowa, Thread, Nevdlts, Pli. Flower Vssee, Seoove, Scieanra, ' Ralvev. Vbmt, Belts, Ptrcurtlon Crfps, Pcrmtned seopa, Oetraihe cologne, Hnlr otl', dc. . rALL of wbfcl ta rrapertfujly affsrsd to the pub lic si the vary lowest C.A3H price. My raollo la, " a nimble sixpence Is better (hsn s slow shnMne;. CUR. GRIM ME. At the house formerly eccuyled by Mr. Wolfe, Matket square. lOet. IP. 8H-tf. COFFEE ANP LARP. ()f BAGS pilme Rio CoA-c. AwV10 - Lsgui.a . - ,i i" Jsva 20KeiaNo. Ilaf Lard. FwfaaasKw CARROLL at fENNKXL. Oct. 14. SSJ L I M E CASKS, fresa Thmsson l.iaae, )al re LJJ ceived and for wis BARRi. BRYANT 4 CO. 9tf Oct. 28. N t SYRUP. A SUPERIOR Aruc-awEsmUy ar, st i RetsU r. br i;akiiui.i r avvs.t- AHt.28. 96-tf . (II ELSE BOXF" Englleh Dairy Chet 60 boxes 25 J do. i Itf I"" APP":vTJ?7r7. HOWARD A PKDENj ? Nor s ,&