'Encourage Home Industry," SADDLE, HARNESS, AND TRUNK MANUFACTORY. 5 ! Market Street, .Wilminjlon, N. C. fflUG subscriber respectfully Informs (he nubile X (hat ha hat recently returned from the North, where he laid in full nnd complete stock of Saddle and Harness mountings, Ac. fo ot tha latest nod inasillmprovcd styles, and It constantly msnuuctur ng, si hlsstora n M itkcl itrat, fortnculy occupied by (3uy II. Hatchllss, every description of Slicing In the above linn. From his cxnerlunreln thehuslness, he feels confident that he will bnablo to give entire satisfaction tohhvciislomers. Ho haskand wlllkoep t constant anpplyinf snir,Ks Art idles, Mn ti.soa les, COLLARS, WHIPS, IIITTS AST) SPURS, CARl'H T AM) SA DOLE OA QSt THUXKS, VALISES, 4-c, dc., nnJ evvry other article usually kept In establishments of the kind, all of which will be warranted to be of i ho beat malorials ond workmanship, and sold on m xkratc terms for cash, or on short credit to punc tualcustoiners. IUpairino of evory description promptly attended 10. Cjachesand Curriagea trimmed in a neat and. substantial style. Medical Bigs, Cushloneof every description, nnd all othor anioToi usually manufactured In eatablUb monisofih kind, made to order . . t. Persona wilting to purchase RtDiwe Vbhiclss, wouU rind it to their intcreat to give him a call. JOHN J. CONOLEY. MrryO, 1919. ... Dr. B. MUNSEY, Sirjicil and Mechanical Dentist. iiro'JLD respectfully Inform the Inhabitants of Wilmington ana viaiQiiy, mat ne nn iacn . . r AnHiin'a KitlMtnrr Pfiml IMnl ITna? sbte. tVOOlTI Ul 1." I .,! a vmiMiiiKt oil" vi . jVu 6. where he is pivpared to perform nil orwrntlons . i .-ft.:- C I I - .W-. . I nnnr.iu.ul pertaining io ins n ui uvmuu in mc miwi "rK117"" modern nnd scientific manner, which for utility and beauty, he will warrant not to be excelled by any in th practice, such as INSERTING, FILLING, CLEANSING, Uegulaliii'Jr, JJ.rtraetuig, f r. He will insert the beat of Mineral or Poroclain Tooth, with Gums, If desired, which will so Sorely resemble thos- of Nature that Iho m3t practiced eye will he unable to detect them. FiHIng Teeth before decay has cxposM the nerve, is one of the most valuable operations belonging to the Denial art. When properly nnd BkHKulhr per lotiiu'd.il'perfectly restores the tooth to its former beauty and durability -ihan which no operation In Surgery can be more grateful ami satisfactory Ca ses are not unfreiueni when the nerve has been des troyed and the tooth plumed and preserved foryoars, andcvenduringlii'cirithout causing any pain or in convenience. CL-ansing Teeth of tutu, a very destructive calea rious concretion, and other corroding agents, is cm-nharu-jllv call.; 1 Tor by those who wish to preserve th.-sc us-fiil anl beautifying organs. This may be lum: without any possible injury to 'he enamel and entirely restore thciuto theirorijiinal health and bril liancy. Dr. M. will be happy to wait upon all requrmg hit) professional services and freely Impart any informa tion which they require pertaining to his profession. ALSO, the diseases of the Mouth and Gums. At theeani; lime he assures the public 'hat he m ucs useof none hut the best materials which dental itci.'nra his produced. Spimens nnd recommcn diliins at the office if requested. Calhnd see. April 20. J Nautilus Life Insurance Company OS" N 11 W YORK. Principal Office, So R Wall Street. THIS COMPANY has j.ut closed its third year's operations, and published its Tittsn Anscal Repobt, from which il w ill he seen thai the bu?in. ss for the last year his been not less prosperous than the two preceding. The Hoard have again declared the usual Dividend of 50 per cent, profits for Hie lst year, for which scrip certificates arc deliverable, bear In? sn interest of six percent. Thus, in three years. 50 per cent, on the amount of premiums received have boon annually returned to the usored. During the past year ending April 15, 7 new policial have been Issued : the pirmlums for too year, amounting to $"l.r"6 60. lis accumulated Fund of more than $1,000 is securely invested ac cording loliw, atlbrdinj the most ample indemnity lo the assured. Policyholders, "whether they continue lor iile. or for ahort terms," receive their pro rMa profits. The premiums for Lite Policies, it exceeding 150, may b paid 60 per cent- i" nn(' a nolu without guaraniec, for JO per cent, thereof w ith interest at C pr-r c. nt : or in cash annually, semi-annually, or .nrterly. by adding interest oa deferred payments .Ul premiums for period short of life nmst be pai l in csdh. ShoulJ the party survive ta make thirteen annual paymentsleaving thedivirie nd to sccumirfate. It Is supposed the policy will be fully paid for. and iho accumulaiioo tiUiinatoly added u the pjUcy. It is believed tnal no Company doing business In this city, whether foreign, or from the neigh boilag Slates, offers so grest facilities, with equal security Tlw charter is from the State of New Vork, snd these cariiies under the strict inspection of tho Comptrol ler of the Slate. Pamphlets Illustrating the priaciplesnf Life Insu rance, Forms or Application, and other Rlsnks, may bj hud at the princil office, or aoy of its agents. ()IISMU3 BUSHNF.l.L, Solicitor. PLINV FRKF.MAN, Actuary. A. M. MEHCHANT, PresidenL R. I). COLKMAN. Vice President. MKDICSL EXANIXtaS : OEORCE WILKES, II. D.,2 Lslght Street. C. II. BOGERT, M. D..5SI. Mark's Place. F. J. LORD A Co. . Ajrenta. .Vo. 23 .VortA W,Utr Slrttt. Wilininrtoo. July W. 53 m-p. D EATMS Til I. WM. WARE, DOCTOR OF DENTAL SURGERY And Member of the American Socioly of lCltul Sj.U2'01)S. PERFORMS all operations on th- Teeth. Te. th Insetted from one to a fu'l set, nj upon the prin ciple of Atmoaipherlc Press tie In sll cases w here I t Is sppllcable. Oilks Fjst Side of Front Street, 4 doors North a Msrket, upMaira. In connection with the OfTiee he has fitted eu a Room eiptcasly for his lady pstrons; ihey. tho efore ran now reoelvs hU professional sorvlrrs with 'ii de tention by aendlng their names to his oftVe, w.ien he will lafoYm ihem the lime he cingive inert his at tention. If Rsraaasca.lhe Ciiixens generslly. April 27 LAUD 1 f BBLS. Superior laf Lard, for lf bv 1U J. &. W. L. McOARV Oct. M. W-tf. NOTICE IS rstraby (Ivan til It appfieatkM will be made at the eoauiaf HUm a list Latalaiar of Notth Csm llrva.fora Charter, for 0 North State Tent of the Independent OrdM of Rfchabitee. OetTlO. BS-w30d PORTER AND ALE. OC A8KS Bayd a superior Porter In Dot ike i I. Cream Aia lo qurft snd pint bot- tUs.kMaiat J. W. L. McOARVS. Oat. 14. 94 tf CLICKENEB'S' &UCJIE-CUXTED; rL'PUATlVfi PILLS ,M! ' ' riireit wllhln itin lnl tinnr OVIitt 200,000, PI! i had been lAotlng under, the who had been k. .ilnr under, the most iggrnvnlcd compUlnts, and flven tip nthorjclcsscn"sVf , the moat eminent physicians. , They are the first and only medicine eves discovered ihntwlll HEADACHE, Giddiness, Rheumatism. Piles DIs pepsiu, Scurvy, Smallpox, JniHidiee. Patnsln the Hack, Inward Weakness, Pilpliailoti of the Heart. Rising In the Throat, Dropsy. Asilima, Fevers of oil kinds, Fcmalo Coiiipkiinis, Measlos, JBnlt. RUeuin, Heartburi', Worms, Cholera Morbus, CougH'i ftuir ay, Whooping Cough, ConsiiiiM)iioij,FiUi,LItejtConis plaint, Erysipelas,, Deafness, Jieldags of llw.Skln, Colds, Oont, Gravel, Ncrvotts Complaints, anj tt v rioty of other Disensea arising from mmrifiof tia. Ultiod, and Obstructions In tho Organ t vjjf l)i gentian. The following certifiicate was foi warded to Dr. Clickentr. by his Agent at Lancaster, 'a. j nflsina Pectoris, or Discaw. oi'tii liearl. LoneasXSs lUTthi, 1346, Dvm S'ir.- 1 cannot express the obligation I nm nnder io you for recommending mo to try Clickener's Hugor Coaled Purgative Pill. You know 1 had bot,n long nBUcied by acaiaHaint of tlt, hskrv avtilah I he IMc the doctors call Anirina Pectoris, or someihing of tho aott. Ecry one told mn it was-ej"' very dan gtirons dlsonSe, which might carry rno ofj at any moment, and very suddenly, if I did not find some thing to euro II. I used to be troubled with sudden orijiniis or pains at the pit of the Stomach. Now and then ii would strike up through the bniist and into the shoulder blades I never knew when il was coming on. It would Roiiietinies.atrack me while wnlkint? in tlio street, and tlion 1 uacdT to think how horrible it would be to drop down deaj H of a sudden, with no one lo have n care for me The pnysicians lout me it w;ih di no use io doctor for it. It was past all cure, because none of them had ever been til)l lo (tusc it. Hat I had heard so much about Patent Medicines, as they are culled, Hint drier mined to try some oflheni. Sol wont to Phllailel hia, and called on Mr. F. Brown, who kgepe the npotliecarii s' Bhop corner of Fifth and CVamn Slreels. and he gave mo a box of pills. I took two boxes, according lo directions hothry did no good, lit? then gave m a botlje Of srwK' wilh tTveiy out landitth kind of name ; hut that had HO jnorJi''Cl than iho oihon Junt then I happrhed to heof of Clickener's Sugar Corned Pnrgatlrc Pflls,' ord as they were 'something new undertho snn,'' f lhAHht I would try tlinni, nml if I got no better, why I must give it up as a had job. So I called on you os yoy may recollect, and buught a box (or 25 cents, I bj; in taking them, and before I had half finished the Imx, I tell like a dillc rent person. I could walk much fa r thvr, and sonieUmes a hull mlkwarxl bufck, "without feeling any pain. The accuiid box hal ajstiH belt, r effect, anil before I had got thruojili wiiit 4lia third, the camplaint Ivid entirely led me. I am certain ;l is all owing to tlu virtui s of ('lickeaer a Pills, and nothini! else, and 1 wish that every body should know it, because 1 think they are one of the greatest bless ings on earth. I always keep tHum in the house1 in case any one ot tho family should trut sickj (or 1 know Ifthcv could cure me of ho bad n comnlahit. they will cure almost any body else. If yoiiftH :o ! print ihi in your painpblet. I have r,o ubjrciion In ! ih world, though I am not min-li usid to wrluug, Vours. in all thankfulness, MARV ANN WEN DOVER. l 'j' Varrous Medical Pr4Ctilioivrs of etainonce have used them with suoeesnlul rusuUs. Mijny per sons also Imvc reooorw to them as an ordinar. Fsin ily Mi diclne, or corrective of the bow.' Is, In cases of shjthl ituNg" slions. Ac. fackat'cs were sometiine sine. pres. wi.aj lo lion .Martin an lluren, ex-l'reg- Identof ilie l, ntt-d Slates; lion. Henry I, lay, ol Ken tucky ; Uis Kxcellen -y, William (!. Bonck, ex-Oev-ttuotof New Votk ; Hooi William H. Preston, Sen iiotfroto South Carolina, and aesrernl othcrdls linguished men olonr country. aJI-f whom, with one exception, luve exprfsiHid ihelr approbation of the Cllekehcr Sugar-t 'outod l'iK)taiive PI h, by order ing a new supply. liul, perhaps the most ineontrwtiMe evidence ef their unpri'cedenied aiieryss, are the numherles f mi talionsond Counlerfeils which have appeared, before the public. Even some ofoiu st nineli.-st pill makers have hailan audncitv to imilsle 'he fnixsuU nf Sn. gar, in ordur to disguise the idlt, dunis of their vllel compounds, aal palm them oil for the "real simon pure.'' Such paltry shifts cannot I ml long without exposing their hideous deformity. Trmh and hon esty must inevitably prevail over raicaltty and decep tion .We tn it; ft f extend the caljl igoo of T. .-tiiii .nials to an indefinite leniMti, If w deemed' it ;p.,'ti nt to puhlUh all we have received. n'U only frotn agents lint indlv idnals and familirs. who hnv.- etperJcnCail the bencficitl eflects of t'liekcm r's Sujar Culd Pills, but we deem it unnecessary. NVM.I.I AM II I.IPPITT' ire the Agents for Wilmington and ticinitv, lh pills are put up m glass b-, tiles, nnd sold at T cents with lull din-ciinns for their use, Front-Mrrrt. between. Market and Dock. Dr. Clukrncr t lriiti)ml rfict,ii6 Vis y-t. New Vork. IKemi-mber Dr. ('.. V. Cliekmv r is the invenfn'r of Sugar Coat. -d Pills, and that iio'lniig ,.f ii)r gori wascver neard oi until he intro I need tin m in June ioj. i urcnasers should, tiierelore, alwas ask for Clickcner'sSugar CoaLsl Pills, and t ik. inuthera' or Hi 'vii n. mad ' th" victims ol a fraud Fcbruaryw ft, 1919-1 33. BROWN and Blenched T..I.I qualities, for sale by Oct. 26. i loil.n. ni; , ani WILLIAMS. yi-tf. AT ISSES and ROYS Pat, nt Leath. r Belt. , uge ltl assortment, lor sale by l . Ml 1.11 S Oct. 26. 9j-tf. HRAMJY AM) (UN. 1 l BARRELS Apple (handy; 5 hnrrels Douws. 1 J lie llrandv ; 5 barrels (iin, for sale bv CARROLL Sl FENNEL!.. Oct. ?3. .tf. Fire Insurance, AGE!IC! OP TUE NORTH CISOLISi Mutual Insurance fompany WILMINGTON. N C. THE Subscriber aa agrnl of the sbove Corspanv. eontlmirs lo receive applicaluintur Inauranori i ther In Town or the Country. From the high stan ing which this Company hss attained In this eofu munliy. aa weU as in all parte of the Bute, and the liberal way all Inears that have oerarrre) nave ben settled, proves lt lo be on of the mnat sabstantlsl ofTirvta In the country The Company here a very large amount of Premium notes (well seeared) to meeting aoy losses that mur hereafter occur. THOS. SANDFORD Oct. 26 -94 tf. Arenu I i P o s i t i v e 1 y C u r c . (I :ioMlli t) ' notk;i:. rWAIIE subscribers hsvs this rlav entered Into Co . tMrtnerslup under the ftnn of MARTIN ( ROM.V, f .r the trinsietioa of a Genaral Aacllo CommiHiin nl Ag"ney business, at lha fa'a ata of Cnniy, Wii, dt Hall. A M ARTIN M CRON-Y Ort 3 (T, 1 1 is f! iirinrifAfrdM f TJIf aubscrlbw would Tespectrtilljr an'- nBs"toWlrtiens of Wilmington smm1 the arrrtunlpBimtiMlfV,tiiruta la rtcrw rtfltlviag his ral..htioV id Cabi net Furniture. Having seloaurthhlrrfi sell In tha sltlea af New York ami Boap Inwk La mm mnfAiirli MMITMUiilut it lA hlloU Of cosionfdTa Mi aMxi and skgarfce of atyle, beauty of wOfkinhrVstil(Sttndoheapnr-s. is la sf- logctnerino most compiaia wucs inai ne no ever of fered lo this market, and be think! thar lhoawlahing to purchase may find U to their Interest to Hull;. The following are some of ibe articles coniprlsjti the Stock, viir .i w .,!, ' I fiJ SOFAS, ; ? OTTOMANS, ' JHVAHS, " mniAfs:- ' ( JIU:SSI(J DURE A US, sun: hoards, WARDROBES, I CRM afiJJSTEADSr C07'4 'VJiUM)LE do., or PICK CIAIRS, ..... CARMT. w nisi CTiNTtlK do. KXTRSSIOPi do. MA TCI1KD tto. TOILET do. WQJtK do. MATTRESSES, Hod toon) Seta, complete 1 Prich Hedsteadaj High post dm, Laoklng UlaaavaTbilet do.; Sinks and vVashstands Malwfrnnyido.f Boston rocking Chairs; AUhopnny do.t Do Krericta doi Curl Maple do, I Coiis.ilushlKaU' snd Fancy Chairs i Windsor and LConituon do.; Children's High do. For aala at mod- uraiu prices, by J. u. LUVh, Oct. 12. -89. ') v ; At the Rockjprlng. i .,.) Uwii)l iftlU . Head (fitartert, 30 A. Regiment. ) . . , , WriITPrT. JlQlU Oct. 1848. 4 rpilb ItOlh KccimantoCNorth Carolina Mllitla,'aro L hereby ordered to appear at WllndngMB, On TuesdayZlst November next, for review, i ne comniissioQcq ana nu. fieri s anf) mtlslclsns at ,0eM)y ordered to meat for drirt. sn Wnrny-2(Mh'N(W)mbor. J. I.ine formed at II o'clock, A. M. Oflieora drill at 19 o elock, A. M. - ' Commissioned offleermare rcuueetedtQ dteat on the 2Hi) S.,t) i otei, P )f J ji hOl a WeAlon far Major general, to 101 the vacancy causoa ny tueresig, nati.inoi afiaror uenurtn Atcxanacr mcivue. ene- liiiv'i'".. iiuillini, nil l iirauuy Aidi. ' Ily Order of the Brig. Genoral. ' ROBERT. G. RANKIN, -j Col. Cnm 80th Reglnre'nt. J.-J. HRDRICK, Ad. 301ej't. - ' Oct. 24. ! 91-I0t. ,rr Tuba Gysjicq IJiyf; , , . , , ,. O w K,fll Mt Jf an)4 k'y ' ' r ' t'ATlROLl- vAnrt NELL. Nov. 4. 2 cdcicwuitat: rllegsBuckwhent'j'''" ' ' " -' O 10 liag : fd'o. Ppfalebjr' ' fARHOLL tf. FENjN'ELL. Tov. 4. 99. !'i:fi;'M?ERS r--,' JlAS-pnw for sale lllttrijessndbeatassiTf W merit Vf Hats, CnpsSjllc ein-hams Umbfcl. Isssrtd'WBlIctnK Lttifeti ever offered in inl market. My'nM Cdawrnera aW' the public geoeralv ly hrq lnvlwd-foctilliiheoldVciinc, north s!4etnor- Oct. tr. . 9!-tt, Hi' .Mi". TT ' ' r 'Notice. , ' APPLICATION will be made to the General As sembly at lis next Session, to charter a Naviga tion Compan dn the'Caprf Fear' Khrer sbove Fay ettellla,aB4lta.tibuule.- UauVi; , .--';. Jl a ) 95-tf. FOR SALK , u ..' rH f.s ubscrlbers offer f or btvtare! Io s nd three hundredaawsfvaiaU Wca.Landi oa Lockwood sFollyriver,iaBiBaiak aottliiy. Im mediately! n the nelghborbcjOiUl the Lanaata a good stream of watoremrHying intwlia-Loekvas4'r ivet - fornlehing'wajtarpJjiraaBfllalentfor watering the fields and for pounding and threshing tha aLict.oi VellssUr a Saw MUI. A part of ihlslsnd has been cultivated! n iUceandCollD,ndprodBXeVsqsalio i j . anyiana. . - Adioinlnctothesc Landsars berweea tvneaenun dred and two thousand acrrs of frrstra te Turpentine L snd a, verf cooverjleot to the (Ivor.allvHhln thtee miursol tlissea-sttore.aod a ncaitny iocutn ioot whla'nciKhtKirhood aboundrin good Turpaotlnc L.anda. WM. L. HALL, l, B. BAKER. July 13 1948. 85 CITlZEJSSoe honqrably assured that the follow ing are the actual qualities of a 3s boltlo-of Jones CoraJ Hair Restorative. If ihcy doubt our word they cannot these highly respeetable citizens, who have tried It. Mr. Geo. Becket, 41 Kim t.,N. T. ' 1 ( Mrs Matilda Reevea. Wyrtteavanne, Brooklyn1. Mr. Wtn Tompkins, W King sl.,N. Y. ' Mr. Thomas Jackson, 69 Liberty St., Pittsburgh. H. E. (.'ullcn. late barber steamboat 3. America. And more than a hundred oihersstate, though thia must suffice, that It will force the hliio grow on the haador face, slop II failing off, ssrengtbeO 4lae ros, rejiiotiog aotirf aikLdsodturl ifonOks roa4avrnakitig llgh', rorJ, or eroy hair satana kftne dark look, and keeplngdry. harsh or wiry hslr moisaofwdaaar iand beautiful, a very, very long lime C. INGLES, Jr. Sold In WilmigtCibyUp0IH "WiUklngs. Yl-iST. I to TlRVERS VEST, an excellentar.lclo maki lightbrcadorsle by 3ETIUO THAIN Dec. 14, la47- Notice, rPHE subscriber hss this dar entered Into a Co- 1 partnership with A, U.'TOUNO, and will COl- i mu the business at the eU asaod aatdtr ;)ts flr AIVDEItSONtt4 YOUNO. i A large stock of Dry Go) Is, Hirdwsre. Iron, ; Groceries ifc will be sfways teat on band and will , I. sold ai low prkss and so accomavodiUog lerrps, I All customers having apao aocoaoia wiua, ana will plrav call and aottie by Note offtherKlse. ! JAMES ANDERSON; : July 13, 1546. 53 if. ; LV STORE 1 Cr TtrSHF.LS Bladen Cornj UObtlreUay , 5D busne U Cow Peas ; 100 casks frrsh best Rtc For sale by O. W Septl. DAVIS lUvfa1 Wheat f NOTICE. APPLICATION will e aaada to tU ta)i1a legislature of North CaraUna. by a aaaaiWra f to ThwBart Aaa.jdUuVHoVllmlBgioo for an act of incorporatloci. Oot. 36. B4-Ua - CRAU.ClDEII . :" TNOsaks. nr by dl Amm. ery suparW.adi a csaveaaiy lor Ismiiy use. roraaMDr i,j the otfc n .con-cojnniiBjioneu oi I J . r v r. m. ' ar ' ss-'.a ' ... exit f.a " in of tl.. ..-.ltntffr, cmnmence on tt.o t , vtrjuivoi eacn t , yrtJUtyoi eacn y r,ana conapue Mltlor ' eU' creleivaci; nortwo monlha, clvlnjr the i , (la ta Opbortunltt W-rlstt ' htt Pa- rent. n4T. .da:vr,?'' ' T, "f I ' Vttht lostltdTtt jaVVf'lirVd; oil Caiwetl Hqoire, a bout 0n-thlrtf off rnliui irt the State Wonso.' Tliff gfoiihd iccupled bf tu building! vVMh Jhat adincertti Is the orODertv of i.to4lUL party oflM ji.to4iUinjiTiagrnntea by the Lcgiemtuio of Ihe Staia. In ex:ont It embrace four acres. portoXWlIIbaeuiuIM,nd the re mainder will drfnetltaW snacHna' 'Lnvrnk' whore tho Maar PtrttllajwlU iiritpinomMvaaajt proyer hop re, In athletic sports, and the FemuiVatytl'wfciVlflg or suohjoarkl4vqifwori;ls oe maybe appioprlale to their t ' The jmain building in the dimenalonsof In pnn) Is sixty feet by iMrtaryrU. fU,hpa two wings, each thlriy-clnht feet by twenty two, extending at right angeW'froirf hamalrr iHflee, and prrdactlnnfipm each xmrrnlty of It by nearly the whole wWrV of each wlntf. M elevation It embraeaa (our stories, In chtding thebnaement, and the wlnga three, and la surmounted by a tower or observatory, commanding an extensive and beao?lful prospect. In the base ment are the dlnlngrooari aid atore rooms, and In tha lory abowa the baaomeot, are f to pajrttv aJtrlng room ana1 library.' In. lh ptnjer atarWa are iBa fcmlly aparimerrla 6f the Principal and his assistants, and mo rooms set apart fot Ihe Pupils In casctff eiclfhoss. In thn baaement of one wing ace the kitchen and wasliM-ejnm.a thaloftrteolhoilaaet apart for in struction lo me,ghanc4I tratiB. Orf th principal ftoot of tlwinga, eatn(ngMriii of thatnulag andfemalea, an MrnpfMria doftrUiotlea, ,ahlef modi d(njmlJotlea, Jta ,ahlet meut, ot.tJwrangemcnt vonalataln jta DseaerxljigAete two jlcpf rypepta aa tares rajatea, io l)e jDCQmmodalldQS. aaaueqienta) anal pvraultaofhejrjipua out oi ooivo. arwepen dentln evefy partkulari to cannauile qf liemtwo separate anddistlnc) corn.munitloi. wIuu kite .dioiag room In which both assemble, with tka Tuachcra and family of the Principal, Is conveniently accessi ble. Each department fas Hs separate areas in the rear. Ita aeparnte pletuiure-g'rounda, Ap4 ita aenajate riornmUnlcatloD wlih,tli achooproOms : to (hl -for tha irdlftfry purpdsrt of UlV, there Is no 6ccaslorl to pasfVomone'torh6thcir: " The Act of the General Assembly, rcrrti res' 'that when Deaf-Mutis ara una,ble to pay for their main tenance and iedncn'tlbrt, thft luatices of tho several Courts ol Pleas and Quarter Suasions, should lev in the some manner as taxes are now bylaw levied ffor tlkwnp'porl dl the pootV'aeVenty five dollar torihe swrjportsnd maintenance of every such Danf'Mute Its shall be selected by the Literary Board, for the purpoaeedrEdacatloaJ ' ! i ' ' 0 For further -paitlcaJara, apply by IsHer OToth wiac to the undersigned, : n ' .-.e , ' r ' ' ' vVtlllAM D. COOKE, Principal. . OFFICERS OF THE INSTJTrJTIOX WoiI.tlre -EafcitiJik'df .WILLIAM A. GRAHAM, PasaiDaNr pr Tatt Uoaw : Has. JOHN M. SIOREHEASX CHARLES .IttaMfiy, ESa.r'WJLLlAM W.riTAltRlSOllV, SYcaaTAsr 6 TKi'BoAliD. rriojirer.-CHARLES L. H1N TON, ESQ.. Tbiasubeb or Stati. Principal. -jr.tlAM tf. COOKR, M 4. AWii W-CHARLF. E. JOKN801V, Ttf. f:-Afatir.-Miss LAURA J. BARJCER. Raleigh N. C, August , 1848. 60-ly-tw-p. -; 7I1E HTY flOTEL. ; WjtiiHf the CenTf Hne ftnjrc - - RALEIGH,-N. O. - Mpalrcd, and greatly improved , by theaddit dition of a large number of pleasant and commodious rooms which are not eaoaled ay any 1 tune Clfyv The raWe.Ial- twayfnraaanad with the beat trnrr edit bo procured, anal hwharwa are as moderate aa en be afforded. -The aahblaaaralrt good order,- svefl furanlshed with nrweatder, and attended by careful and experienced OatW... - ' . ' . "- v -' Mra. Lawrence would therefore rcepwtftany' Invite the asttaaitlon of the member rftf-the SrmTnaching Legislature anathefravtjIllrisjptftJrkJ tff the advantage uresent4 by this sabnshntarii. Ralclgji, Sept. 12 1948. " ' 7G-Iy-w-t. Miracle of Miracles ! ! On the 4ih of .hi fsl, iii tfa yfvrr IfJIS. sinQnfar ctn ofrurreU in I hi Rrryal Scufriti, fir Institution nf France. The. aged, xchite- hemled J'fult4.h htatl cr, hit armt oulilrelched. his I'uct rtuliiuit with tmilt. (for, science arm triumphant.) audkif twice with- frratulalory tone, delictred the following Iff port : Weir dsloundue' at trfsjrtnguku pTfpai-atlon. ernntreenwiitscienoe ttapi Hqre we hve a rye pa raUon' inad In tbethrm of a bvaurtrql pia.of otifV which we know, by aelul' WacUce, ctre evei7itawooa(jTiiptlcvvjry4dlsrlgureTneni nr. ihd evrndracoloiadakinh Whra wlfl rrsTrtalc'antfeln. a ular power ac7 Tha N.wrw, trr Creofr, tha Yel low Kaee of tha East, am (he RecT Man of the Far Wests aea alike onder the Influence of Irecxtrsorrflna rriMrWersof c tear Hi refjow of- f1colorfd skin, and nisk;siBr1rt1il(aand besutrful, snd of changing the color oi dsrx.orDiacx.orDrownsun." (treresever al persons were brought forwaid by the President, no kd esodlt, Iqproor of Ma assertion. J , TrreMrepTObaWyjwpeTjxinaefintelllfence who ifterreadlng the above, will doubt the qualitlrsof ' yojteJ tldllttn Cheinical JSoap,. foraftnj Tlmplsa, Bfoishea. Sab Rhetrm, Scurry rvipsis,f-S(3s, Old BoreS, Besrd and Hsr ber'e i(oh,-43happad and Tender PVeh; Frectkrl, Tan , saabniL'an.cnwtrffiiMi a sunourn or Yellow Skin ton purs dear white, aa smooth and Soff as aa lnfsaa'a.an1 Infatrt every itnd of ernptlon snd dl figuremcnt. Resd Ih'Se aerUficates : Frim thi yj), StnUntl, (ki,). One of our subscribers. VrV it. LeonrU.,fn.kr ui trut he hashed nred of M;;arily Sill Rhcur of elrb'teaVn yerssndlng, on Ms beard, fuigerssnd hsnds.By a cake ol an article much advertised lae ly we spesk Of Jones' Italian Chemical Soap. 11 also Informs us ths( be has ifWItretTects on his fet nude slave ttpfe,mf h nurkad.wUfi sua ipif , Cl.lhe found In two waaksaMsUrimurhoWararandvsUiev. Jaanoduaasa,a palatarjn Jersey City, waseurrd of earbunclea aod pimples, which he was afllbiird wlthfor many years, by pari of a cake of Jones' I teil Isn Chcmlcsl Soap, . , Pcraons In purrhtmrlg this.' must always ark foj JONES' ITALIAN C1UMIOA Is SOAP itaoe pr hapatneotear waWa baai cheassd with counlef- fetH wJUbstoo roach oVianraratl try tha genu I ne. we say tasactuur iblaooae you win not regret ti bt always see ihstths nsmeof T. JONES Is on Ihe wrapper Liaoliub I LlapUi iVIUkioits, Fsoat st,, are lis Agmrs lot thJsSopfbrVlrm ningron. FOA SALE. APLEASANTLTsvtnated HOI SEsnd LOT T,rherai reinMenre of Wm. C. Lasiis. Esq , on the ouihesst eorper of W'slnut sn4 Fourth sis Teems liberal. G. 8. GILLESPIE May 30. 32 (f. SI'IKIT UAKKluLS IrtfTk F.MPTV Rhls larss site snd In n.ln,. I WsJV itt: Jest recetvwl aod for sale by ' BARRY, BRYANT A Co Oet-'BtV , . . RC-tf JUST RECErVETl. 50 for aala hi i. LL'TTCKLO Oct. 10. 'J-Li.WWF-- Of Tjaatr lt Cresl, superter fsmlly Sheeting abr ,al'M , wJVawa Srsjii v .VitaniflTOH, T" ua, J ttAYEius;ecfy tttiajrtall. XXq-C, q-p., consisting lo pnttaal e.wat Ht hsga priiflegfec o and light Ulo CblT.'e 1 70bufflrfTmiti,B. gulra Coflbe , 20 bags prime old Java CoUet 10 hhds. brtitht Porto Rico Huirari B hhds. MuscoVudo Suiran 40 bWs..best,crJ(lHd .Sugar i 0 boxes, Ipaf Sugar j 20 bbls.'e'xtli eanhl FMurj 'li'boJe No.U'Span B' box a prima 'ehSiip Tobacco t -1500 bsilirtls. Alum'' (SAttr, Ac, Af AIaoatfeasee Muh' thick and kip Btegitnsi Wfcasca V(omen'jiand Boya' Shooa, assor (ed I 15 colls Rnft Ropes i 4 colls small rope for bed cords j 4 tons (asaorte'itj Sweed'a Plough and Tyre Loot I'blu snd ainglt-bsrrul Guns, Ac.; io.) t Al af which w will sell on reasonable terms iO N,U. We ore under the neccslty of requasilng all persons indebted to us, to make linmrdiaiu payment ns en ftj ft "possible, toenablousio keep up such a biock oi orrosqriea aa our-custoinors require. i Sept. aisr. 1848. eq- -tr. To Turpentine Makers in Duplin. IAW nowlocalng two'large Stills at Sareot.and ahall have them In operation by 1st lo 10th June. Persons making Turpentine in thai region, enn rely on disposing of it at all times at fair prices. Mv bus iness there will bo conducted by Mr. Wm. E f lydo. Wilmlngton, Aprtl25th. W. O.' JEFFREYS. If ' L t ' ll t . I, 1 it lu MBB1KBS Ocaniiic Vegetable Anti-Bilious Family rIl 'TIIIESE. Pills area certain cure for Fever and Ague, X and HillouB lover, as numerous cerUhcalea sent to Uic proprietors will show. The sipallnaas of the dose,, (only t,wo pills,) ihclr Wgr;thilrlrnpn6itjr, and effldaey, happily uijupt them tjof FamfiV aortgCTicTal esc. ' ' The tfnhbhndcd popularity and extensive aalft of The pills have induced persons tqylmltate them, and wrap thein up under anamCand reputation not then-own,.- , . . . j; ; . !.i i . Tho proprlptors hitve put, up these jlls in thnir own protM'r'rgiule tflut thcy.mSy tho mors afl'cdtiially protect them and the p"ub1i6 from fraud, 'vhiclv ihsy :.n . I . tr .,. I. J.i ? . .... couiu not uo ii iney nau luxen a iictiiious name, or the name of thedend. Kend thcfollowlngstaterneni: Mv fathor. th Rev. II.. llinlABti. tUed AuiMist 17. 1 R4 1. While in his lifq lime, I maniifttQiurad 4hegc 1'ins, anu putitipm jip in oyxc'8, na uncioajotticm wilb wrappers! with his name, by Jila consent and approbation j ho used frequently to say to tuc,,"Nuw be very caretui, my son, lor ll tho njis ore not made good, the public will. blame me." So by his active superlntendance, thePinshaVe gained their reputd tion aa Fanilhr Medtcmc. . , ; Sinoo hia deulh, I have manufacturnd the Pilfaand put them up In my own name, as 1 deem ll to be species of deception to put the name of Rev. fj. Hib- s a rd, oo iho wrapper, 9 nd thereby induce, the belief that haSniwintende trc manufacture or the Pille. Insewlngat the same time thelitis not so ihoti tie Ui Jtoti, 1 ' 'The Pills bearing the name, R. F. Hlbbnrd, are manufactured by me, and arc the Genuine Hihbard's Pills as made by niy fufjier. R.rv. is. Ilibbsrd. .'''lMil;.i WVrUS R.ItlHIURD. He sure find ailf roY R . F. fTlbriard'S nils GtsTf rhismay ocitlfy that I was oflirrted With that dreadful disease, Fever ami Ague, and wan ro corrrandctlto,tWyOur Pifls. One box WasstifTicleni to oombletc a cure. l ours, respeetfollv S, WINER. To R. F. HiBBAnn &. Co. Prepared an4 bold. Vholeaal, shd retail, by R. F ttiHttAtiu or, i;o. jono street, itrw l orK-a neral nuentafor the I tilted Society or.Shakers.and kt Dr A. U. hVASS, wholesale rtnd retail Drgglst, Wil- iningtons. NOTICE. TheilutisWfoerliBw'eened an' offlcc ln Parslev' blotk ofYWati r Kt..fotthetrnnsnet1on of a ceharnl Oomnrlaaioninasinesa. Prormr nnennnn will be rid to tba ssle ofrasrohariinsc of any klrrd, ns wafl as to theaaaj-orimpmawroTanyr of the prodncta of ftif eormtry smd ttva aaaal advances mad when desirtd, on' consrgnaseata-aor anle, or for shipment to my Mendirai aha North. "I have a good NavftT Store yocd and'WarefirMia, rarrtote from (he danger of flre and will make charges very mod. rale, whsre persons mayanatre 40 store temporarily. Aprllf. . - W. O. JEFFREYS 7 li mVi, i m e h limeTT r 'inn"1"'" fjincnlnvineWhlteLtimp; POObbls fv'W I hornaston Lime. Alao, calcined Plaster, Pwu.adnp Hslr, and Fire Briek, Hydarlilic Ccrovpr. tiAW nuts, gillie TT.; tor sale ny J. C. & R. I, WOOD July ?oth, 63-tf. Oner llnndrcd Dollars Reward. M TWILL jive One Hundred Dollars for in Ai - apfrehenslon and delivery to me at Brook JlS (ireen, ntAf Oeorgetown, S. C. My man JTiir. ry, who has two of his Iront teeth out. is about 5 fret 9 Inches hlah. and has a black skin. If irry has been iiirkine sbaut lotr Bellamy's plantation on Town Creek, and passes from jhrncT' to Wilininuton. and occssionally visits I.ftlle KJvcr, S ll lod.iirt Wilmington Jul! I w ill pay Fifty Dollari for Mm.. S. X. HEMIN'GWAV Oct. 7. ffl-if. JCST RECEIVED, litrerl finm the Sltinufiuttini AOOOD assorrm. nt Ladies fine Kid Slippers " " Rtirtlns, (Jcntlrmep'4 ttoel skin Brognns, Calf " Foraalc ciieap by G. R. FRENCH; , Aug 2. , , . 69-i.- NORTH CAttOLIN A . Couon Varna and Cloths constantly oo band, for snlo by ' I . K W. BROWN. Oot. lt. Wff. , ( ,., . .'GLUfc.. ... lkRHS. (;rnutn Glue, a supH.r arns tr lJ DisUlloi'a use, just isoeived end for see by U.R05ET, BROWN f . Ssptiy. - HI sf. ...DISSOLUTION. THrt Copartnership hnftofnit' exfsflna bctwoeo ih srtnsrrlrVrs under the name snd Arm of K. J.LUTTERLOH 4- Co., lathis day dissolve! by mmqsl consent. " The bones of the cenoem will be aetiled by E J.RuttHloh. H. J. Lt-TTERLOU. J. E. PIERCE. Tha suorribr will ooqtUiueihc PACKET AOrri. CY snd FORWARD1NO A COMMISSION BU SINESS, Km i. Ll'TTERI.OH. Sept. 73d. 1. ei.tf. Cl OAiL Trn bogehnadaf agar, far ssie by O HOW ARD 4 rtDKN. Nov. 2. !-ir. UfiCElV'I) per SCIIR R W li()V,V n.,.. I m MaWUaT 10 W.I 1 U 30 bbk Fine Apples t Whole half snd quarter wire Ratatna; I eeaoedtron, (fresh 7emtoi i ri . I W I.... . . . ... ' serTea "ini" i i hv.h,i,., nsimsqi tsu'ter Nutt rikbetre and Hfcknvy Nulls, for sale si J. WILKINSON'S'. Nev.l. . SUGAR. tending from Hng If. i. Joflr r. u tit Tk:. bhda. Porto Rlrn Suasr Fnr nle bv .fn.:i.ift.i u" AQCNT TOR' T'r 'fi ' I Cantonand Pekln Tea Caapany, .ta;r; m.gosti ii Mtijm'i ,a stt ' ." YORK. OFFERS forsale Irt qupnlllles to suit purchase at New York prtree 1 ' sera. i 300lba.fOunpawdjr l. i! V ! ?.iv " KriU lee Young Hysonii i : ,.11 . ! -200 lb Imperial i n ' lOOIbi. 8oUfhorlg.rfi 100 lbs, Oolong. I t . ! . . i , flOlbt Fine Engllett BreaklastTco.and " BO lbs. Pekoe Flowers. ! Call at Murphy's Building, North Water, 3 doors a- ocve rrmoess nireet. : Nov.27th, 1847.'- 109. COW FEED. THE bes thing to feed CowS.Hcrscs.IIoga, taviU &c,Ac.,for oleby; JETHRO THAIN. Dec. 14. 1847 116-tf. JUST RECEIVED. Jhj ihe Schooner Rirhmond. 1 O SOFAS, 16 Bureaus, 8 bundles Washstandtf, J- O 20 bundles Rocking Chairs, 6 bundles Toilet Tobies, 28 bundles Chairs, 2 Secretaries, 6 Wotk Ta- bot,ii lables, 7 Mahogany Nijrso Chairs, 2 setts Chamber FurnaWe, 6 bundies"Nurse Chairs, 2 Ward- robes, &c. &c. b or sale at moderate, prices bv J. D. LOVE I 30. 84- tf. At the Rock Spring Towing. THE STEAMER Gov. GRAHAM is prepared to low vessels whenever scallecf for. If not cnehired on an m river triti. Tho Proprietors would be thankful for a share of potronago, and do all in their power to give sutlfactlpn. Apply on board to dipt. T. F. Pats: or to J J.4 W. L. McGARY, Ag ts. Junc20 4i.tf The Gracfcnberg Vegetable PILLS. 30,000 Boxes sold rack and an y week. THEGRA F. PEN 1 IIURG COMPANY, hereby gjfo notice thai their GenefalAgent for tho Stale of North Carolina is dipt. WM. JONES, Lou isburg, Franklin tounty, N.C. The General Agent Is fully prepaied lo appoint sub-Agents wherever theie Is no branch ol the Compa ny cither, on personal ap plication, or bv mail. noW ifOi'ff. The rapid sale. of thcee celebrated Pillr, nnd lid extraordinary cures they are constantly t fleeting, ondsr them , by iar, tho moat popuhu l'il ol ihe sc.c. on Agency will uonevqucnily be vny valuable. The Graefi nberg Pills tire inconceivably superior to any ever hefoie discovered. In ail blllojs Coih. plaints; In general derangement of the sysitm; in ell disorders which result from a bad state of the blond, these pills are a sovereign remedy. In the classes ol diseases callrd chronic, the Orcsi f- -enberg Pills achieve their highest triumphs. Hi ri- ISiey oeiyall comnetttlon. Entering within the hi1 -den retesses of the system, they quietly but sun l purify the blood, root out disease, and give tone and vlgortp the body. CURES ARE CONSTANTLY EF FECTED by thee Pills, in eases where every other means had utterly failed. Tho niocl abundant proof of ihi.i could be given ; bul a trial of one box will runvinee the patie nt. They can b ordered and sent by mail at.ui(!jng expense. The price is 25 ccdis a box. Where two dollars worlli ate ordered, and (be mo tnev regilited, tho Company w ill pay poataue on the Pills. Remittances ul ihe company's rial. Wher ever (Tlitc Is no agency of tin company, ihcy can b. ordered by mail. These l'ilts are taking the place of all others, and nosiiflt person should be without them. ALL IULIOI'S COMPLAINTS. Hovel Camrlmntt, (onatijml anil Acne. Jlciularlie, Jnundi Dytpyia. Fiz' ire, r.ircr tiaiifum. ' Rinimutiim all .V.miorA ('uinilainlt. Orten Suk h e.i, if-; A yieiu ai once 10 mere Tills, 1 hi V purge away oflenslve humors, arrest the progress n I disease and at tin sniiu time restore lone and viem fo the s vtt in. Incases ofjj.neral derangement o the health, they are SO EREIGN. BY THEIK I'SE, the weak will become rOuni' rhf jinle and biliotis complexion be restori d to a pi r itMiuI.cliau4Uukiilii'culuri allifoabae) symptnii will one by one disappear. In short t beau PllU-are an fnconc,ivl.e ,u!nri . upon any o'neV medicine' ever before ort. rid to th lie 1 Irli.l u III K , r ,1.... For sale by WILLIAM II. LIPI'ITT Wilmln'. tun N C H-J1" AifiMils arc ri'rtiestril to report to tin ol their jirorcKH. WILLIAM Jn.NF.s. Nov. 30. 117. ly. (jf Marble Monuments AND GRAVE STONE AGENCY. TUK ssbscribcrssrn sppointed Agtninfor one the bt$l and "ioi e itntt .MARBLE YARDS In Connecticut, snd will receive orders for Marb'. Monuments or Grave Stones, either lettered or nn which will be furnished al the shortest notice am, nMiBtrrisooablroric.es. We havr recetrda variety of patterns varlousstyks i.b the prlcrs, w hich mav be eintnlned al nnv time J .4 K It WOOD, llxnldtri and Contractor. June 17. 40. Fire and Marine Insurance, AGENGT FOR THE PROTECTION INSlPiKE CO., nr nv Jt:nsi:r CAPITA L, $200,0 00! HAVING been appolntrd agent of the abort Com psnyjc Wilmington and vKlnlty. I will issue Policies. n cargoes, freights and veserls, snd tsk Fire Risks on os reasonable terms as any other In stitution, Any losses sustained w ill he promptly and honora bly adjusted and paid, snd In cat of difference, th Courts of North Carolina will be acknowledged. A MARTIN. Ag't. June 1st. IP49. 33 y. Cream and .Amber Ale. ""IHE Subscriber respenfully Informs thrciliier M. uf Wilmington, sn.lpublicgencr4ly.ihsthehs commenced the Msnufsrturlng of Ale and fleer, the corner ol Orange snd Front Mreete. JETHRO THAIN. Dec 11.1:47. 110 U. GRIST MILL. THKiubcribishsvr started a OriM MUi.in con nexion with ihelr air Mut.tni can furnih Meal and Hominy of prime quality and at very short rrorlce. JOHN McRAE Co. Fsb.a,i84a. is-tr. BLANKS PRINTED TO ORDER. AT THE COMMERCIAL OFFICE. J. 4- w. L. He WARY Oct 21. am ij mm ir c DcROSSKT. IIROM N J- Ce. Oel 24. 91 if Ai. W 61 LATTA