I ti IV 11 ,11 1 1, I w 1 1 1 1 " 'Then bovv'.ir,enn jwi tnkc upon yourself pit no ojjiiiwn ; UjWU n nviiifltil point iji.Er sir, !' phs'sieas .well ..I ... ..t.ji 1 d iilttfuiii AI'ai t.w.1 iti'J iwl pijuMtw nut, ci IWA uusc it taw Jtfc.? vhn I jtnW f- "i'hcTt, upon whut jrountlsjoyott assert "fiomtibt hoy wttfi'mi 01044 uttr. . fcO-m-e ;U-i(Tiill of.Vuler.'l- . n ' j's!Gih riuui -ll.'uvtn" oxclaiinrd vVaJetrty; I'licu'ds ru.i iiini iiiitly on (Jiirly ground aid 1 1 lie itircu ol subjectmo; il tolii tulo, iinilj f-aisani i Uiiu flurry, which uj( pcifoimed so ennse hehnvcJl qualified. its lliey s.iy. Judge mile's frjeiiil rnn jirmfocaiiM Irv ncrfpt.d i in (hi- npnn)nu'iit from tha Governor without hi nfliritaiion8;: find (tecuus both in hctid nntl heart they deem him eminently qimlilk'd for the- Slritio n. Judins Prnraou's friends run him hecause they any they do not think nil the Judges ought lo come I'roin the snme, county, and tire therefore quite hitler nunuft .lucre-tippoinlrneHt ofJudge Cuttle; and ho cuiMti-iM ivnlWy -ulltcm. firermmf ntly qo!i fi-d ilir thu i luce u this cordiili-si'in nl nf- mtcWti4ti'jick3shted,lHJo puttm the watch ?" ' ' -j f IUf n leutHTMHiV.n . nocver neurit ur-re- , ... " . r.i ..,..Jrn,u.t'i one o the present LnwysM tire witlidniwti, 8omnjrt;to ooplt'lioiHH a drojwiciH case r ' , . . . . 'I sav it un.,1' replied the witness, " '., Is understood party vote cuunot be lookiii"- W aiiifv lull J lu lucey'lna buoy 4 uwameu on thtr 13th alt., un cxpt-dilion win guhig ovii tu pruofta ut unco ii iiie outiiwnr(k J At 1 (clock. P. M. an election will be had "Aevtr, iieverwa there an instance of, for u JyJt: of thu Superior Court, to supply Well gross revunfiHin. Note this, gen- j tC varancy occiiMionvd Jy the prwmoiioii of llpinen of tin- jury, lie firm swrur tliut the JuJ. Baitle to the Supreme Court bei ch, boy wnntcd hlrMH.fr, npd uow Unit ho hn.ls ' Hf)(1 ,e, ornrj, ffl,,.j , . Jud Mm ;,f ImvU-mfiirw umu from the ojwraiion ; f .put ye., I of bteiin? to tlnlofiupiMiiff " . . . , rL n 7. , - III m,v to mill: -bliediiiirViust M9 hiivc heard of buj two candulatea. Judge . properu form aa tiippin. Nov, luke. the lurua out f that if you cun," 6ald the mute, in a tone of drfiiincr . ' .: r'i can't swlii-ryorj to bo inSolerU tocoun ael." flinJ the Jud;;, addressing the "wimess in ;i crcii)iHirv kmc. ,' . . ' ; I'm not insoli'iii. niy Lord ; but whrre's Miiorr. the pretenl iiuHTmbent. urged by lu fiicmlx im every way qualified, and Calvin J. Gruvei. i tlia present speaker of the Senate, urged by his friends not only an party grounds but.ulso because the West needs r Jrjtlge. and b-ulVr'cl l-v a lubbery hwycr, as '" election, a- in the other case it couhl be doesn't as inncl) ua know ihe uiaui brace only a " guess." This closes the lewinns fur from ilie Capiam'j brcpehes lo-morroxv. Several injortant bills and n s- i'his burst of ulfi ndf d fceliiiy excited in oluiions hnvcheen iittroduced in both housof. , CQNCUESSIOUAL,. In 'iknute, Monday, D-c. 4..' The Vice President being absent. Mr. Alchisoi Presi dent pToleni, took the, Chair at 12 M, and called the Senate lb order. A quorum was present.. vMr Douglas gave notice of his intention to ntrodiire, fft an early duy, a hill in relation to the govcrnmcnt-of our territories. Mr. Cameron also gave noice of his inten tion lo introduce, a bill having for its object the taking of the seventh census. A roumiitlee was then appointed to waii on the President of the United Slates. A resuluiinn was offered and adopted .pro viding for the daily meeting of the Senate ut the hour of 12 M. On motiofi. the Senate then ndjournct. In the llirme, on the 4th, that body was called to order at lyM. by the Clerk, and 178 members answered to tfn ir names. The members then proceeded to ballot for aeats. r. ii .i i i i aner wnicn tne nousc re-oiveu to meet m future nt 12 M. On motion, n committee was appw'nteik to wait on, rite Prfsident of theUnited States, for the'fiuriHMieof uiftirming: liim (eonjoimly ,1-ifll f li.t W.mtVlitt..i rf.rrl f tl.. C! ...... I.. t-l.-.tll... tl Mil nil. iwUlluillVlt'l. II IHU UtJIIUU ) IIIIIII.IM- i two Houses were ready to proceed to buni ' m-ss. And then, on motto, the House adjourned. mnoy reniarkuLU' cures. 1 did so'snd I btlicve that i;iv4 my file my couh Wi mo tnthvl, when I had taken lrle botilu. 1 am now t njbyln f good hcslili If I ivertcnin haxr sin. liar stuck, of any of my laiiiily, I . hull imnnidiutuly resort to Dr H (star's liulikiiii ut Wild Cheiry. Tbephyslcisn who recoin ntenued rids Balsuni t me, was indue xJ to do so lium his own personul obsei vation snd experience In unin' It One very strung case of cure of s young nun. occurred In this imiiiedUie vicinity, of which l)t. ilonijo Wuj uied me. EPHRAIM SANDERS. Nunc ymuine unless siyneU 1. BUTTS uo l lit wr.pner. For sjIc, wholesale and retil. by M. SHAW iJruyy isl. Wiluiin .. N. C, aiiJ by dealers in M'.-dicincs t'tBtliilly throughout illd United Sralcs. iillriliR- jjoodscircAtf lb. 'tio n whess..o.. ".i!.....Vt. 7 HKK AX ' id.,. ,20 bacon;..- -.: m' MARRIED. In tliis T'iwn..)ii List Kvenine, ty ihe Rev. Dr. Diane, Liu. U illiam VV . IIarjii.--, lo-Mi-.1. Cviiulink iM. IIhowk, duujjlikr of 'i iiuuias V . liiuun, 1'.ak; nil of this )I,iit. In ilii Town on Tuesday Mvi ninL' Vst, by itic Hi v. J.O. - ii-.n) i ii i i, Mr. Jm. Uiuson, IoMihb Mbv Ann Kbamuebt. """MA KIN 15 NEWS. Halil, N. C. ..do, i " Western,"'""' do... jfiiles, N. C..' 'do.tV' Western, ', do... thmiMi-r. N. C., ' UO.. corroN-pone . ' CJiliN V &u. COKKKE. fit i , Si. Domingo tf lb, Juva v do.M ttio do... Lnuira (!. Cubs' DOMESTICS. Cotton Yarns, do. .. Cotton Ozn.i burgs, 1-4 K.C Sheetings yd. FLO I It KayctU'vlHe W)L Cmiul do. HAY Ifewi. LUMIIER, STEAM MILL. Wide Boards, I'ialik ami Scantling, it M. f. Floor Itotnds. 'do." LUMBER. RIVER. Elmii llo.irdi Ut , 9 ' .. 6 .. " 7 8 5 (i 6 w .. 20 9 21 10 7 80 C, . 7 io .. i - 6 n 8 't m 8 7 .. 8 I t A 7 itt .. 7i ti ft (3 .. 6 00 a 5 50 7 m 7 50 55 t 60 the Court a sensittnm i tot to bodoucnbeii. Tlic sons of the sea were seen to run tlreir huso hands -ith evident delight, while ex pressions of surprw, and scowls of -iutlig-utition, bet ra veil ibrtnselves in lUo teH tale features of the inrmbers of the bar. The most important bill in the Uo-itso is one introduced by Mr. I). F. Caldwell, of t3oil l ird. eniiecrnnig the revenues of the State. It provides that Doctors, Lawyers uudaft offi cers with salaries, shall be taxed ; us every species of Jewelry ; alters and enlarges the tux on iraneitoty and permanent merchants and traders, arid fixes the rate of taxation on j notes, stocks, and other negotiable currlies ; , and to prevent fraufds in the enlistment of THURSDAY, DKCKMPER 7, 184S UUil.blesi, requires each perBOit ot giving in his list to make oath 14 per fbrnmjda' that such Tm (OMMMIiCIAL. "7 WILMINGTON, N. C. A GREAT TRUTH BEAUTIFULLY EXPRESSED. At a recent dedication of a new school in lioston. Mayor ttiyncy, after stniftig that $200,000 hud just been e.Tjw;nded by the city autliotiiies in the erfctisn of school houses, gave utterance to this beautiful thought: '11 I'Ui once in u crniury. a littie being should heeent into this world, ofthe luosrdi l i 'ate and heaiilifnl structure, mid we were told that a wonderlnl priueiple pervaded eve ry purl of it. capable of unlimited expension and liajipines criable of being associated with angeU and becoming ll? friend of God; i .-Ti PORT OE U ILMINGTON. DECEMBER 7. high water atths A u ::::::::::::::::::::::::: I .4Sp do... .lo... do... 4fls. pbbl. N C MiiTfT Al. ivsiMM W'K :"Krt7Tiv . - .... . .....V . . - ... . ...V "r !! " 'Kould.roceiv.il wrong, bias growing . 7 . ; ' n. . o.n.uus an 10 which ne is imoie 10-pay up , enmity igamst Hun, and incurring ev r- "U e are glad in find that tins Company is tax on under lhi law. I give but n meagre lasting misery woold'yiny expense ol cihtc iiicrcasiog ia sirctigili and growing into fa vor coWine. How do yon like it T Wi-I) or not 1 'i011 which would ooutrihute to save from such villi iIhk oj Ic. Il will 'he seen by Vn nJ- $y fneod Loriug. The Prinfer is slighteii ' vute to such huppine.s. be too ,. , .- ,, , - ... ..... 6 much f but instead w one such beinir. twenly- vnrn-u.iHm ol Mr. UtnAN. tbcGpneral by it, as I did not hearhis name ! Oh shattie. fTve thousand arc now entrusted lo the ere Aiirnt, that the caiil;il ol the company is al- Why should thai worthy, haxd working and of the city fathers, and their education in this ready $V00.Ol)(i. It i ihe nature of Ins-lilu-' poorly jiuid ' clues he thus unceremoniously , Vv'"'11 VVI" ''rinuio their future destiny ol tiortof this so.t.tlut tl-.f gr.atfr the number thrust asi.le. ' i ci"l"l'';f"!hip ith the u.urds. or with the -r-uj: : i.. .t- i . . '. . degraded, wretched enotnic ol God," "iup K'-un, mm- yreau r are ie uiiati- r Aunther oim, tty llicKs,. to inquire by ( i ill, powers Of the Company, atld the ll'SH ' llie'rinwriinr' ihi'o iS nnr DniiinU nrf nlli. wllf lie the tax. pro rata', hi raitc.o losses. r if there be no fieedor root of the Irisli , STORM IN TUB-BAY. Bai.timoke. Dec. 3. Welmpc OUr l-ili(fns .W,U avail ihtyoseJvcs of Potato in ih Amri.-n or tlur .d.fleM -,a ' A IU.aVJ' S,orin JVaded Itl this Viei.i.ly ,i..i , . ' ' v.'stenlav moriiiitij. . i ... i . . i i . : .I,, -l, ..... .... i . i'. - I r ... iei(iu iiioi in ijj. a u was sevc e v uu in Uii5 cheap and saje niojn el. Jtifcunnjpc, and sub.ee t to the rot. . 1 h. C.u.Lu.,.. tvu.r, k ,.,.M1.u keep !ie money pJ M ucb tmnsactwis. ( Scvcrwl Jiih to amend the He vised Stat-, were ilwihleil. loaing tlieir niat,- and rigging, within our own Shite. . I ptcs. m.d ' pne to inquire if il he not expedt- One small schooner was capsized. IU ports VIRfil fA"l 7cTx T-vrPV "" ' t again to codify them. All of which have ,,,,,n !,,c (;u,C9 p,u'c 'l!!,tr lh 6,orui was IKijlAlA LlituAH'Rii.. !i r i i . .,.. , vvry heavy there. Fublir Ledger. The Lrg.sl .ltirr of l ir.,,,, ,MerabW oo . bccn "fl,rr,:,L a,,d '" ,,u,! RLMS,, w' 5c d,a- j Monday last. Hmrv I. Hopkins, afi4ow- c'lssot': lu,tl a'lcr their return from the com-1 . Washington. Dec. 3. ,, " . ' , . . t c nniiee and have assumed a ihoreiiviiurshane i lie .viexiran .Minister w as lonnally rec. iv- Imltiin wo ..niMn.i.ilv . leeted Sneaker of . . . ru','l,,n'"u"'l'J,v,"if -, i , , ... .... p....,;,, day. The .Vlmisler made a speech highly .1 .... I . J. ..! IV.. .... I . -I I.. Tt.. ... ti. u i , I rv 1 'ij uimc ucr ii:.unrc more wi ueian tin. ii"ii.-i . i nr ,i,ii;uf- iviw in.l Ml Z. uj ihe rf-electw.,..ri)r Sen r,l CrMnVlUd.' fi .names are, H , complimentary lo the. Amerhwis; he rej.Hced tiien . i'u must si l on .a rock and prsomly old mat itosiiiiiies were ended hetwecu the two is Patience, as 1 deem it usi lers to tire you ! countries, and hope I that the friendly rel Sneaker. Tlir m. .!.. ut' tin' . Governor ... I 1 A '" .n.rM eiveti. ami as reauios.-cgmwu.ui.o., , . .,.. . Hons now exislina would contii.nc. conclu- MOii dtujieiiKil w.tU. Ihe tuenmom , . , . . . umg with an assurance that Ins Government 77,,,,, chaen,,,., ,t . hibiling;t' O u-, l,hB, Jw" lWvA W,,,c ,h l,,t" ble ol , "ould observe ihe treaty n, good faith. The i-ular coi.ibi.uMiua .4 ..- sens-'drude 0li Xl, S w" W,ukle- 1,1 l,Mf '' lg ot Pres.dent repli,:d; in a short speech, prrdVcr ui i .i .t-ui ' (ihe Committee's Reports. Again soon. ""J cuutiinu-d Iriendsliip and resiiee.iliir Mex- yuiieOl.'nnsTMenoieirV vir-WS. . . ; .,..,1 ; ,, . ' j Yours. AMEGO. j rijoaiug in the restoration ol peace. 1 I ..Mv1Hji; iiUUD FEVEU,.. . jj- Since, the above was in type, we learn Mii.e a Mim:te LocoioTiE In relation The iccwm fnau.. liiforiii rel.uive M hy u iereirrarihie dispntch to th;e FtrwellttiUe ', to the sjdeudid Locomotive, the Camilla." (h.-vaqiiai.ttuotfll UsVI toui.d. ltavo (j6sl; fC jin Ualcjgh, dated the 4th.. tliol , rvcnily l.i!i by Messrs. Hu.kley. Drury and iriilng. Dec. 3, ihe steam l.i Coiuwi ftitM- ovrofi iciu-nwi.t trkngh. . .t irt, balloting. took trltKre lor iH-riur f ! ,'"liT,",.,! -T" a"d '!ueh r.un" 6'! : "lu? ,.l."!tSchr. fr-'." K"" ARRIVED. 5 Blrig Leolah, Stinson, from Damari.icotta, Mt;., wiln i lay aid liiitk,to II nrriss & Russell. " U S. Tran.-pori Se.hr. .Sniiil. Cliurchmnn. Itod cers, from New Orleans, with 65 Rig.ilars, lor Eon. C'aswellf.10 ilarri & RusietL' " Brij; Allavella, tiodl'rey, liojn Button, in ballast, lo M.iriisa .ti Drake. " Sehr. E. Hinds, Slaier, froyi Iloslon, uiis Hay & Brick, to G W. Davis. ii. Sleaiiurr Evergreen, King, from Fay'eueville. lo John Hanks, willmdze.. fur bimdry persons, and sev eral passengers " Meainer VV. Aleirs. Rolhw. H, from Eayeiic viili: toJ fc.'. l.altn, wilh oods lo R. V. Krown. Harris!" Dnke, E, J. I.unerloh. W. L. Mmith, J. C Lalla, Meirli.iniRS. li Co. I'.issenvers. Mils Wat ers, Ml. Waters, Mr. Luttertoh, Miss l,uilerhh, t.ol. EhiL'S, I. lent. Kinesbury, Messrs. Leele, .VkDaniel. Urant and Fort. CLEARED. 2. Sehr. Renown. Mililriiiu. lor New Oihvins. by E.J. LniterMi, with GOO bbls. Tar, und jOU bids. Siiiits Tsrpentine. " Sciir. Joruu Suiiih, Niphols, for New York, by R. VV4 Brown. F.Xpoa.H.in i.ext. 5. Br. S hr. Saiah Jane, Siim lF, for Ilarb'T Is lan.i,by G. W.T) .vis. wiih 8.00U Coninn-t M.ln t'les, 15,000 lei t Lumber, from U oosler Hi Ander son's llii i, 4 bids Ale, 5 I, Ills. Potatoes. b. Scnr ISiietia Viala, Corson, for I'liilaHelphia. Iiy Hnrriss c Russi-ll, with 2(1,1 00 fel Lumber, from Wllminul n mill. 250 finis Kosin. 15 lib's. Spiiits Tnrprntine, 25J bbls. Tar, 200 bbls. I'jteh, 045 4nih cls lea Ntils. " Sehr. Nicanor, Hinks. for Carilcnn. bv O. V. Davis, with 00,000 feci l.imibrr, Horn Saml li. uy A Sons' mill, JUU0 Hoops, 20 Ibis. Tar, 10 bbls. l'iteli, 10 bblf . Rosin. 5 Nfiiirs. ' Sehr. M'-iion, AiLkins, loi Little River. fit!i ?i;b dnes, by G. IV. Davis. "J!.. Seiir Pidfitine, Pine. for Harbor Islmd. y G. VV. Davis, with- 15,000 ler-i Lumber, fiom Wmisicr & Anderson's mill, 12.000 Cmnnci Sbiii. tiles. 3!i casks K4cc. 300 bushels :rn. 6 bbls. l'oik, 5 casks IV inc. 6 boxe Can lls, B bblf Tor. 7. Steamer Gov. Graham. Peek, fhr Knyc ticiillc, by 1.& IV . L. MeGai y, with poods far M. Hrown & Son, T. .S. Maitin A Co , J. & VV . Mtirphv. W . T. Ilortv , 8 W. Tillinghsst A Co ,J. VV. .Sfriitiue. J . R. Whii nkcr. E. naif. H. Branion, D .4 VV. Mel.auiin. F. D. Breese. Jnines D"dd. A.'tooiuer. R. A. Kihl-, W. L. McGary. Pass, npers Mrs. Hi-wlett, Mrs. Barr, Rev. S r. Murvhy, Rev. Mr. Mclniii?e. Mi. Mcl'hwson, Mr. While, Mr. f lowers, J. Hi. Sike, Mr. T. L Cashwell. J. It. W hither, J. S. Mills, . A. Ward. Vfc'al. dir w in. do... V I!1'! V bill. do. do. -.lo... do... yunii. 1 bu, do... 11 I30O 14 00 16 00 BOO o 9 75 a 500 (U 4 50 At GO 27 a .. 2- W 23 70 n - 00 2 25 9 2 30 1 SO ut 1 40 27 o.: 28 I 30 85 ra .. 1 50 1 75 i,u o 90 ra Wide Boards Scunllinjt LARD xN.C. LIMK MOLASSES. Nw Orleans Cuba curgo. -Jiono MEAl NAVAL STORES. Uipi'iog Hurd Sprriis Tiiipentim", Tar I'iteh Rosin, No, 1. io. 2 "3 Vuraisli I'EAS. U. E. Vcn 1'EA-NUTS, RICE-Rouijh Cleaned. fair lo "jood, .J' 100 lbs SUGAR,. iewX)i leans- I'orro Rko STAVES. W. O. llhd. roinfh Nune " " dfesstd " " buirel R.O. Hhd.rouyh " dressed SHINGLES. 1,'omiiion Coiiiiuel "l!L.OK's' large SPIRITS. N. E. R Cum. Ijin Whiskey nnle Urandy -. ii a KORTII CAROLINA MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY. JH ERSMAN, Oenernl Afent of the North Car t oluis M jwbJ Insurunc Company, begs leave to infofijfrilw ciikessnf Wilmington snd In vicinity, 4hai he, lias srrived at tUis p luce, snd is prepared lo explain-1 he Mutual System of Insurance to all per suns desirous of availing tftsnisvlvcs of the bintfiis of th abov Instltuilon.t t ' ',. : ! The present Capital of ilia Company is about '100,000, snd all the essh thai" Aat sVer been required of the insured, was the 6 per caul, ( aid upon the pre mium bonds at the 'line of Insuring. Mr. If. may be found at ihe Curwlina Hotel. Wilmington, Dec. 7th, IS49. 1 13-tf. , CHAIRS ! (HAIRS!! (HAIRS!!! fTl TUST received by the L. P. Smith, from New MJ York. 'Il I dot. very pretty Mahogany Chairs; , 2 Scroll Maple. " 1 " Round Post " 1 - Rush Seat " 3 4' Com. Spindle u 2 " Slat Back 73 Roll-top " ALSO, 1 Fine Bookcase j 4 Sideboards ; Maliopsny nnd Cherry Cradles ; Trundle Bedstvads. Ac. For sale at prices matt Iviccr than unutil, for cash. By J. D. LOVE, At the Rock Spring. II- Dec. 7, NEW 05 05 Ut 7 j ra 3 CO Vlb, do.-. V 5 9 41 a 05 3 5 01 .. ra 10-. .. 10 00 a H ell 15 iv 17 1 50 s 4 00 m '-ira 3C o 28 a 3 a .A pule s.YLT Bonaire- Liverpool Rum Key I'I'iwn, - '. LI M 2 00 5 00 - 31 30 .. 32 . 33 f Sauk 25 o I S a 22 ra l v 25 25 If COMMERCIAL. R E VI A R ICS 0, M .1 RKET. NEW VORK. 1 2. Sebr. Ki rvinyton, Slephen.-on.-PHILADELPHIA. 4. Sehr. La b. mi -C. Boon, J.ir puii (.'lkasbo for thu pun on t the MU itrv. A inriiNcr of Vri4vJ ha Vy ; Cpurl JjluVe hrrii nrrrJv.ot irsm onr-nortitern ponst wt,'" tbjt; view ol vptrnij upon tli new nlo"of ya.loi.ng.,oo jnace .or oui.cr.ur , j, , h DISASTERS, Ac. C'4Jisin (,l !ta and MUunrhtiUy Iati of Sir f.icct. Oti'Capw Lookout at hl!'-p ,st 2 o'clock on SuinUy in i 1 1 ii wi letiinn N (I. - li:ive l, :i iiu il . Tile hchuoncr was ne li iv,il lo w w.inii .in lm:ir r:... ....il ... o.. . , . .... .. ... .. ..St ,. sum uaiiomig. oir.ingr. it , since Hie notice we puldisln-d, that the ilitv- m(' '-"'J'"l'u. imriiiK a loiiisnm, u. r imniiif tfeurson. 45 I tkittla. 44. Second bttllotinff: ! i"g wheels are only 0 feel 2 inches in di.mi Strange 77j , Pearson. 51 liattie, 39. ie. J"J : ' GE1.-T-lVI.OTt.' The Pn sijlciil irncftf ftt ,4N;'.w 0ilfrnj)v on the 2i):Ji ul- and put up at the Chinks' iivlcl. A niiiw Iim irtr.i vf as announc ed, salutes fartdiary rt. fired in Lafayette tjqaare dnd lbs ll icrd'Arrna. -A romniliee of genilen IVom Tsmtesswtfivi'tlie Oerxr nl an invitntion t v?it .lnahVille bertrfen the m sent iijic m. l ih hf "March next, wlin-ti was arr.eii'i ' l..i!l" wn (o he giv en ,io Ihe Gein.r.i at Atuify UsJl, N. Or- I CI US. . "Kew ViRK..Dec. 4. P.M. The Astor House sustained cfTiisid'era'ble daliiHgt; this 'morning' from fire. The third story aid roof of the building were partially burned. The hoarders and sojourners at tl.e hotel were in great iilarrn tor a time. THE 'VOTE KOlt PRESIDENT. THE l-'INAL IlESl l.T w,i s ojijHui .iiki irvt rtM ti, (ml UK- tkMiii)cr b in- u nnd .,,,1 .I..., li... I .1 mi . . i n urn ,-iiei li ui nit riiaiiii paiii n ui ii i t ll ll- cur. mere is only one pair ol Uiom. Hie ,u-r her b..w ; the wind liavimj just haul..) i.e.,.. L uinilla is the first ol a new pailern for Lo- smtliwesr to notihw. i,lin uheioy sea nmuin ai cpmotives, und it is said will perlorm slill llie lin'. 'he bow of ihe I'ulnmbu ri.:i if uvir -rbe better after huvinir been tucd lor awhile. 1 hul'ar8 ,,f ,ll; sch.H.n. i sunk her most instantly - . . It... 1...-. ku- alr.k.iliraaU..II U .1 fa iHlll. it u . . Ii 4 itVfi n a. iivriu owiiiii iv v - uuu ii. ivoui u " mi Itrrembcr 3 1$43. Massnehntu Rhode lJand , l'onnecticut I VernioiU rf err Tork New tr6ty 1 4 ! Pottnor I iruni'l O .FriUsy the lUW-ZuZZ:- TAVLOK. 12 4 G 0 " 3J 7 at 3 8 13 11 li 6 10 3 CASS. II Air. ia .Vfy.DtiM Bit wire. Dy s v.hh of-ryto rleclett 13. r. Mrytnn4 MoorftUt HratvVs srwl worthy In- Kentucky ffnif.t,'Atinr;.ff oXrr nvrr I). K. Me- North Carolina Ha nf thl ,.1, I? rir.iy a party JneMe lt, . i . . Looisnina voti-; licnig n fie e, iV Smnte an.T oit tha- (jy,,,.- jvr.i for Mogre in tn 11 uc NeXI day. Florida yaiUtr Wa uliTtcJ, .w ithoui rtgular Maine opposition'. SoWi.orin hMi.s.Hdsstrit. , gjw Hampimire iT"ree rftrtbni r, bHnsrm- Sli- n''na d&r the-'fii r-sjuit,, Ths sandutates 1 lriin'ou? HtfU; fr4ij Jx'.n i nH, jr tih"i.ow MHilpan IUnU nfMf-Mrv Marthi a South (.umlina tmn af II A.M. At M. thf efeclion fcr Fowa'VTJ ' Judge of the Snjfrjaf . Court to siipply Ihe AUhatna vuwev, 'txrswnutJ L iha diuil. of il L.. tscojisin . ,. . t - TB-.r t incnird Judge Dmirl, on 1 temor.kf il j HU-d by Judge nul.rsw, tJr4lMppointinfnt of tlie Oorrnior tho swirirt of the anim. cil of Slate. Juris Battle's friends wrtl run him. Jndjje Prsrsno U IW frt pt-rson. ami hu Irien4 arc vpng hit claim ; n Judge btrange win W nominaisj by n pot Hon of hli Jvmot.tc frnd. V,. nnrtv rote can I HAYTf AGAHN IN TROUBLE Tenia. Mississippi, Arkansas. (': Giving Gen. Taylor 103 Gen. Cass 127 38 9 23 12 0 5 9 7 17 4 0 4 4 6 3 127 Weight with water 20 tons. Scientific American I TO DR. CLICK EN ER. i Hail! ClicktncTiail ! whose "coitus bright, Makes phytic foul, a dainlv quite, Moke a II ilMtasc. ehui upshoj By swallowing ol a lolly pop. ; No nure h II enpe or nausea nuUo j People put up with pain o mhe, Rather than phvsic udie locme them, j W hich lastis so-p .li ! one Cuii'l endure tlicni. For now we nuke ihe in walk unite humly By I'iIib which art as ocela candy. Even Uickcncr'a Sunt Coated PilU, iiiuli through our vcjiis thu b.ood sends gabhin, Htalililul and pure us spaiklms rills, AvIjws sonic e'luoO-capi iliuuuiuin rubinj; j W httli on lluir lipn like kuoo me-H, Causing no o-iustous taste to cnale ; Ano uiui tbdl uiv ipjile untfli Unlil ihcy 've kit u. ound and Safe'. Hull ! Clicten r ball! iliy . iH 1 tow, AiA pliysic ucli a luxury, I ll.il one Mil-III lo g lor sickness now lu order lo oe cur.d by thee. tiuil.ucJkUDei ! by laoio tlull be, As draUUess as iby l'IU aie aw eel, And ujomuiikiiiis w'u luiss lo Uw onu ucaih 4U ciiuios Oiiicuiti my htet. t. R. tui mic, wuoUsoje unureiuu, by it M. ti. Ul' PI IT Lsruggial, ivilruiugtun, t. C.,nu uy ueulers in AiedeUits stmiully ilnuuluiul tbt IcteuSuit. The President ol this unsettled country bs ei in . .. i t . '..U..t.t k inc l'restdent ol thu .a!LVT r r?a' riC' ""V r r H,.WsueJprooUm.ifM,hfornMprthfafh; .fwtMMian jr me to attempt w wayue. pf uHytht hishrslntefrfion tosend anrmy yin rhotz thtixt ii Vfit. Judge StranfVv npinit the Ppanirh part of thai k!&c4 for 1 Ue .Iumuiii alt, ror B.lnin, iy..pt. Jonn i.nnn. ontt m I yea is old, T. G. Doubly, male; Janus ('bat. in. un i JoscpT Bmwii, S'ami'li; and P. M Gordon, cook nl of uml near Edeni.in, were lost.' Wilson fl Bur t' s. who was al ll: !) 1 1"; was saVid by e iijrtnu lo in. b ibthty of the sliip. He blaliK lliul then was Ian one man with him on deck al the lime, w ho was loiw.rd.imd mint have bun asleep, ss they did ivi Keeth C'ojimiu mil 11 Ihey w. re un er her Isiw, the CiJumbu4 bavins, ad rv-r usual lights up at the lime. Ilul'i of ihe ship's small hoats were Inweed nS So"B as p isitrle'. lo s,.ve one or two of the .liWion1! Cm'w wbo were een afierhc w mi down, bst 4i4 sea be- ' ui!; no hich ihey sunk b. fore n.'sisi.inc.' eoutd be ren- I (l. riil. Had ihe wnteb on board ihe seh.Hiner been j ilisclv.rj.-inu lii Hity. ihis in.'laneholy accident could I not poori'dy line oeeuired I, i . . . i ... i. o. i n iTcenaimnen me anovo nnd I'flli v.- n a cotreel slatciufin ol lue lacts. Choi, four Ertru. his WILSON y, G. BURCr.S. in H k oillv !Urvtvorof tchr. Mission CtRJOA KUT8. C "C JL' ST received, and far sale nt , VJ t J. WILKINSON A Co. Dec. 7. II J RECEIVED BY THE L. P. SMITU, From Yew VorJk. , 1 Q HIGH Tosl Maple lledsteads, I (Oti dm. Windsor Chairs, G Plain Bureaus, 4 Cradles, 8 Children's trundle Bcdsi.nris (j ConimoR Tubl s. F. CLARK. N. V. Furnltuie Warchou . 113 Tea psi ink. A sale ol i5(J but. Tu. pontine was made on Tuesday last n JJ pur bbl for Dip, and SI per bbl. for Hard; yest. id iy bbls. were disposed ul in $?,30per Id I. fo. Dtp nj.d8l,:i0 1.35 and 81,40 per bbl. f jr Hard, var)lnj; ueeordln lo quantity. T An.iM bbls Tar net di ue.d of u- 81,30 cr l.hl. Si'iBtn Tesre.iTiMi.-A sn nil UjI of 23 lb s. Spir its Tmpi mine b,iougln '.'Pi per yul , bbls. 1J not rc tuint.e. Itosis. 150 bbls H'sln wr.r disposed oftll 85cts per bbl , anollu r lel o .'.'0 bids btnuyht (J0c per bid. SniM.i.Es. 12.000 nf i'ikxI -( i y common Shin--1 il p. r M ami 301iV int. um U.m-lii VI) per Al. 1 1 a v. - 'jQ bull b Ku ti. i n ll.i v uu'urb: oc pi r c L ea.-h. N o suits of Lumber or Timber ; loib ciy !ulL NEW VoltK M A It K ET. h r. l. Fh.ur Tits ... .kri isiojad) Inn not ae ti W e note sab ..f .Onj t'jl Western Flour at 31 J. W h- ul 'I br ninikii Int a d. prrsfcM lr. 50.000 mi- ii a Illin d s reel liout iu day 105 cents, per b.iMi. I. ( oi n -There Is les rfiSnij in ( "inn, nnd ihe market Ii . ii downward lenlm y. bjks of piinu; new white m 00 cents ; I10X) tits.. ell nr w yi flow brought G J 1 1 n t s. i'lOvisions-Tlic niotkii i titttv fvr Poik. bni of no salei. Lower o.lci ogll b- arceped. ('.illoo DeiuanJ Lil mid iuoiajmi id ady. The iiiaikcl prescnis no urn uun PHIL.IDKI.I'III A M 1KKI.T Ihe 4. Ue have but a a . Ktnf to rtice In thio t.niki t. Spit in Tuip. nin. fni.it.. Did sales at .1.1 ii iA ct. per a .lion . j.h n I mm ; North Coun ly Kewin t Si, 25 Tar m ... i t:.lj. Pitch is 3tarcc. lie , i( a 3J cents i lb Ba!.TIi)!IK MAtlKF.T. DkA. VI ur Ht-14 10X0 Ilk Howard Street Kl'iur ibis morning at j r i nj Mil 4I at iIm same p K' U heat Pii.i.e hi r i t : I !'i a 1 1 9 tenlB, and pilino rid at I0S ci tin x-i b S. I V-orn-SsUsui p.i larii h, i ti rrntsj 10,000 bnah Is prime y.-llow k.kl to Ji , "3 nnts. Oat-Sales ai 2S j .1cnr rtbhil. U hiskty Jak s uf tel 1 1 '.'J cn'i p r (alloa. MORRIS COL'MTy, MtiNDiIM N. JERSEY, Oclwuer Ll, ItHO. ) Dr. Seta W. Fowls Dear Sir :-This umy ceitliy tlut I aia about s.veniy-five yers of age; ut boiu uad luveulWuys ifsioed In Hits town. la October IB45, 1 lookoold, nd for alx mouths was attlicteel with the MilliKua, itn4 ihewural cough I Uonu ever tip.riencel duilng my whole Ills, sty ell' and irleodt had strong doubt ol my -vcr trtuforiiif, 1 got a botrto ol SclMinck's Syrup it d,d me no good. 1 ifcsn spplku. to a physician, wbo prcac.iuil to. uje, serursi times, but did Dot euro ins. At last my h)ticisntdvs(tdmc fo take Dr. WUtar's cclibitud pec. 7. HAY A Si) BRICK 1 Cf BALES superior Eastern Hay. J UK.J 00,008 Haid Biiek. F..t sale I y Dec. 7. HARR1SS 4 RUSSELL 1 1 J COAL AND BRANDY (S TONS Broken. Screened snd Red ih Cool, Uv..25bbB siix rior old AppU Huody, iiiinncnis rilycipccted, per Silvia HlgrVc. from Phil.idvlpbla IbrSnleby HAURISS 4-RUSSELL Dec. T. 3 corrcov 1 fill BALES, pthno Order, just ncelTd . for 1 VV.MHI) H.VV HOT( HKIS'.s VKKlli AiUAU R U HEEL. A V Bit AN SON It fte Whoela In V . th'S plure IN vIS fU.ur in showing ll.e Cafiiiik's to any pikn whj nut desire to see them 'Iheiewili It f,u tikis oTi r a supply of hH . Ci'inkn or (ia.!twa, all time for Bale sinylv or in Miir. ivo. 7. ista ivtf. NEW CROP MOUSSES. 1 (M V,HDs '"s'"rkiodi,fiw1jih.Jksh.sto'r. 1 VAat nir who.f nWU a.lfkr L o vv. DATP8. Dec. 5 Itl. i VLNEGAI! t LNECilti! QrTJHBl.SPorvCslHVwf.,fi UecWed,sW for sale Low t C Drs.5 ml)X HHlShEY. r QCBRLS RectilWd aUT.rfWtr Sr. k. , CO P. Smith, ?ndj. . a. ' I,fCD yfs. SCUI'PEHNt)tl,W!KE I A FEW bbls. , MrkW. ts rwl' 112 'salebr Dec. 1, ll" BROWN. 11V3.. l. Illadsn, for tak hi Dee. 4. rVjo received f to I W L McOARV. AND IMPROVED EDITION OF THAT M E.VmilliDIAliV WOBE THE . MARRIED WOMAN'S Private Medical Corp()anion. lO-PRICB REDUCED. Only 50 tis. per copy 3 copies 1. Tlie Secret of N Jl. Dcsomcani'i Instrument fully Bevealtil. A sew edition of this important Matrimonial Com panion, has just been issued, under the editorial su perviaionof It M. WE1SSELHOFF, M. D.. laic of Parts, Prwfesacr of Midwifery, und auihorof the cel cbntlcd work t "Goiatl. n und Cliild-Hinh.'' w hich has liud.such an extensivo sulu hi Europe and Amer ica. This ediiion'is'a vast Improvement upon Mauri cesu's old work, which was ehkflr designed to in duce the reader to pore hose Al. M. DeHoineaux's Ponders ond Instrnrucnt, to prevenr an undeslred In crease of family, at an exenseoMQ--atiri his Pur luprtt! Fon.ulc Pills al 3 . r box. lo this . diiion, there If no purl of ihe original French work with held. The wholeserr. l ol M. M. D. souli uux's in slruinent and method is fully revealed and described and the r ccipc of Dcsoincuut 's Poitugueso Femalo Pills is elver, entire in pluin English terms, so thai the purchaser willaclualiy gel i SOU FIFTY CENTS What Dr. Mauiiccan sells nt SIXTEEN DOLLARS ! Every person who has been deceived by die trick of Maoriccau's work, kIiuuI.I purchase ihis, nntl thus es cape llie extortion which he 'uliempts lo pracilce. Alter reading this . diiion, rny one limy nvuil himvclf of Dt sotiK'itux invention, nl ones, u tthnui :i dollar of citpense, iu un village in the tnlti'd St.it. s. All tha seuiels of Msu ieeuu. Desouisux ami Gilssser, arc here lully reveakd. There is no oilier ediiiuii worth purchasing. Jl'Single coph ot the Msiricd Woman's Private 5UiiK.il Companion, will be g nl by mail, in a close envelope, to any part ol ihe United Stales, Id. 50c(., post luid, to Dr. ll. M. WEISSELHOFF, box 27t0,jrw York City, or THREE COPIES FOR ONE DOLLAR. No un.iuid lelteis will be token kmti iho Post ttftlre No iinehts whalever, sre em ployed m sell this NEW EDITION, which mn only be obtained by seutlinv us i.boe. Publicalion fflcu, 2oo llroadway N. Y. City. NEW EDITION or Dr. WeisselholTs Scientific Work ON THE SUBJECT Oi' CHILD-BIRTH! A new and beautiful edition ol ibis e I. brand work.o.1 ill subject ol GESTATION AND H1L1) BIRTH, by R M IV eissclhoji; M. D., late of Paris, hasj iisi been issued In New Yoik. ll is a woik which should be in the ban. Is ol every MAN and UIUI iV .1... ..... I ,.r lnl..n,l. 1.1 .1... J ...J.I. " I, W 1,11 D I lit- III I V.l . "I IIIILIIH. HI I III, II I , Ill-J rcspun-ibilitics uf the Marriage slate. 1 w ill be fvUntl of rp cial valu tu ihose whuoe means, health or oth- f cr circumsltiDCis, do not j;enult I lit in to inc ease the number ol ih. ir fuinily, wnnoot great lncorircaiem e, HUirering.or pcihspsritk of lilt. A method of avoid ing lliev lioubles and danets al will, (.ucenlly dis covered by a cclcbralcd Frtneli Ph)iclan) Is lully, coinmunicaled in this woi k. The niri.ns ul i rerenQf lion, coal comparatively nothing, and are within the reach ol aU. The prwci s is now, sale, infaUib.e, con venient, simple, ami et.ni.ot Injure ih- hcslih of ihe uiosi delieaie Nor doxa It curtail niairiiiionial priv ileges in the leu tt. "j-There Is no decrptiop or buinbuggery of nny j. kind about ihis work. 1 1 is precisely whal its till, indicates, a selenitic publication, containing inlur mution ot great value to murmd people, ur thoso contemplating niar.isgc, e pressed in plain laniiunyu wlilcll alloun undcrsiand. 'the whole st ry is told, and lh aisansof sccompllst.ing the objects uf tha wik faHy and fniihlulty given, ao dial ibs reuder may avail himself of ii al once, without purchasing . IL. :.. . I . i... I. . .1... nny uicusi iiie. intn uosl-.i. , ur iii.er a.iitetr, no i i.iu , ii,. .., ui,;..t. I, uuiiivi. t in. means ,11 ii un vh.mi niun i, ii.wi.i- menus, may also D leu. a upon, wiuioui tear oi Dis appointment er injury. BtWASK UF FBU'DS O.N THIS WOSR. JT-liworeof a catch pnny fmud epsn this work, at 25 tenia, which is only a d coy, lo promote iho anle ol Mauticcsu's or Detomesux's intttunient st 310, for ihe same object that the work list II pre'ends to bo writi. n, the real srrM ol nil otlnmal wttra. .fet ing withheld. Those who wish lor ihe onVinul'osxl genuine wofk.y Dr. Waiaaolaolf, wha prural noIs added by his own hand. cos. obtain ll valy by sending dirccily'to him, aa mo oNiplujra as Aen vhaUxtr, and never aell the work at wholesale ttietvU r no Uoolc Agent, I'cMar, I'oHinatlcr or liovkntttr can poi-i-lbly lurntsh the genuine wotk. lit ware, there fore, of tsl elites ao4 linhailons, vrhlch tnsy not only be v-rfits,bot ator.fcroMsl All Infrinifeiiients of the copyright sre promptly prosecuted j snd chesta will only sell abridged o nlscrvd copl. This is tha only o.lglnal and Hue wrk no other esn be genu ine. Thousands of vlcs hss betn stkt by mail wMh ptrfect safety, , Gopta of this work win be stot, In I close en velops, st singh- tetter poataga, to any part of is United States for II, p post paid, ta DR. It M. W KISJlKLHOFF. noi I0. New Yorl Clt jr. Publication Office. ?W Broadway, K.Y. C1"T. " Dec. 7. Hi"" DRIED FRUIT n BBLS. Dries 1'tsrbeai e .i Dao.1 Aiiplea. For ssis by J. & Vf, L. MsOART. 112 COTTON snd W'osicd TaW Covers, for sals low br J. S. WILLIAMS. Dec. 7 Ml'