VALUABLE LANDS FOR SALE, j IWir.bell2'iOAcre of very oad Farm Lands i on (ho Cape Fear River adjoining iha Y ajker Bluff Lands, known as ilia lirown Flaw. Tbfl Dwel- , ling if quite good log house, but in a moat beauii- j fur yuwng oak grove; ihe Out-houneaare very good. There are about 3000 TuriwntiiM bun a oh 11, which . were eul last whuec Sane-red oak hogshead slaves f an be got on k,and a good deai alMK tot) limber. There Itenouun orihie Plantation under cultivation i to psodoce fritiu i Ce 400 Utuhcls corn up and kw . land together? A er v fine fiekl could be ckarexl ou 1 It, of oak. hickory and dogwood land, - bciidut there it a awnuip of aonie tun acre of aa, rich land at cun be found anyahere, though subject to overflow from the river. This place ia mow Mjhfy recomfriandnhle . on account of its heullhfiilneM.the Dwelling Wving been used for many years aa a Sumnier residence- ; and I believe there nelw hoi beeitany sleknos what ever on it. The DweHing In within a mile and a half of the IJIaden (mineral) Springs. ALSO, j Aio Acres of elegant Turpentine Land on the Colly Swamp, about o miles from the Cupe Feur, and not t so farlrom South Riicr. Theie are about 71100 bo--cs now tending, and aonie very choice ion limber can be made on it." It lies near F. C. Lewis and others. I can be seen at my office any lime. j J. O. MeDUGLD, Agent, j Elizubethlown, N. C, Dec. I, H3-2t NOTICE. THK subscriber retpeetlully informs his friends and the public, that he ha taken the Store for merly occupied by Holmes and HaweS, where he of Tens lor sale the one halfol the "divided sioclt of holmes and Hswes, at greatly reduced prices. Among which may be found a uood assortment of domestic and fan cy Dry 'Joods, Groceries, Hardware, and Cutlery. For the purpose of lihsnging his business, he will eeJJ his entire stock of Fancy Goods, at New Vork cost,or Cah. A mong which niuy be found a grt at variety of bluek and colored, figured and plain Bilks, ailk, uiarvno, unit Cashmere Shawls, fancy silk hand kerchief and liravnte. and a large stock o( thread La ces, muslin and Cumbrlck Edgings, and Libertines, lionnets and IJonnul Ribbons.kid and Silk Gtovcs.bor ilered and embroidered llntm cambrick Hankcrchiefa Fieucl: an LScotch embroidered Luce, and muslin Capes and Collars, ot the latest and most fashiona blu style; rt-luto an I oho.t silk II jsj.CjsIi uure9 lioinbazines, Alp'iccas. and BeLaines. Together, with a laige stock'of French, F.nglish, German, a nd American Cloths, and Cossiniere ; and o grial va riety of other articles too numerous to mention. T-he entire mock of Fancy Goods will be sold ulNew York ost.f.rcush. JOHN R. HAWKS. Dec. 7. lH-tf. .NOTICE. APPLICATION win be mido W the Luglshi'ure of Nonh Carolina at Uh present- Session fur an Act lo appoint a atiecinl Muglslate' for theown of Coldnuoro', allowing fees for hi services. Doc. 7. 1348. 113 30d. NOTICE. '. , - IS hereby given ihut appllcntion will be made to ihe nextGerierul Assembly of this Stale, for an Act to emuueipale Negro Wonmn Soke of Wayne County. Goldsboro Dec. 7. 113 30d. iRADLE und Crib Llaiikul, Sueiior quality, for r ile by J. a. WILIAMS. Dec. 7 - Hi. -l A LANCASTKR 1 1-4 and 12 4 Super Mur 1 Jmi) sdllea Uuilts, fvr sale by J. 3. WILLIAMS. Dec. 7 113. G OlTON llaliing.nd Wadding, for sale by j . a. rviljL.iAftis. Doc. 7 113. DAVID' Sand Clack's Piciinutii Ink, by die dozen or siivle botihx tur.sileby J. S WILLIAMS. Pec. 7 113 WANTED. T& 4 SMALL vcwrk for Ueauforl, N. C, 1 Vlr LlniiiKtliiitciv. Anolv to h. J L.U 1 I hRLiin. 113. Dec. 7 WEAVER CItEElv COTTON YARN. l arf L 11S. Jut received ami for sale by 1 J. C. LAI TA Dec. 5. 112-21. JUST RECEIVED, ft- Y the II rw Horrid, from BpsTon, 2 Plain Front llureairs ; 2 Marble Top cheap j 2 PI iln Hureaits, whh drt p drawers j 2 Small Sid.oiird ; I Carvnd Top Sofa. The above anle-liv. loeihcr wih the large nnd ashiomhle slttck ol Kurniiure on hsnd snd lo srriv.i, will be Hold ill prici rry marh rMn, 1-OS CASH. Cull and buy new und eleuimt Fuinhure. rheuper than you have ever yet puichMxt-d li In this place. J. 1). LOVF., At ihe Rock Sprint;. Dec. 5, 1848. 112 PRESERVE TUST Received Irom W. Underwood 4 Co., ol Co J ton, 3 dnxen Peaches, heavy clour syrup .1 do. 0.uinces, do. do. do; 3 do. Pejrs, do. do. do; 3 do Dainmirvs, do. do. da I Tut up in half gallon Slone Jnrs. 6 doxen Tomito Cllsup i 2 do. SiLiniKh Olives; also Jellies and iitu . li i. . ni'iT'... Nov. 5. ir.'-tf. MUSIC. . LADY hi'-hly qUiilitird lo give Instruction upon J the Piano Forte, Wishes to obtain a fe w pupils She would (;lve lessons either t her own ravldencn or those of her p lions Kvery cHurt will bo mnde to advuKoe hor pupils, snd but a moderate charge made. .Apply at ihe I-'ka.nwlin Hotel to MRS. ALSLP. 9 iw s Hi ir DAG LE RUE I A N O A LLE R V, AT TIIK I'RANh'L!X HOTEL. 'FTt-IB Ladies and (. nileim n of W iimlnjiOD and " Mr vicinity arc rvieclfully Invited lo call and vaamias sjiaclinona f thin wonderful on, which are - liroduaud on silver phile by a chemical operolWin. in a -.tUVjika utannsr, not to be aurpaaaest ay any one of 4h peofnaaion. Plain or c. loured put up In frnnic caics, lockets, or fiioa. Paioflnifor Engruvinyaaapled. W. J. PICIFTT. Dec.l ll.'tf. PER SCHR NEW REPUEEIC. 1 iW I1BL8, N(W.Urkans Reeling Whiskey, 1 daily aspeclvd If lha abova Yee.i; for aaleay , J. Si W. L-WeUAAtVi Dc,5. u . Ili F A YE'lTVl LI Jci F iU R i Q T aft qaslillaa, atld brands conatantty on hand, and for sale low. bv HARRISS A liiUKfu Dec. 5. 112-Gu FA YETI'F.VI LET? PLOUR. 1 (V HBLS. Fina Super snd X Klour, for sale ky A) J. & W, L,. McOARY Dee. il IK LIVERPOOL SALT. 1 nfW SACKS Liverpool Kelt dally eipeetadper llAAAchr. J. Cutting, for sk by Jib Wi L McOARV. Dec. S. DAILY EXPECTED,' Per Schr. Tuner iffe from Philadelphia. QAA TONS. Broken & Screeusd, Krf Ashe &JJ Schuylkill Coal, of the best qualify and vswtnfcd to give satisfaction r ALSO, per brfg lid tJlun, from Kennebunk, 15,000 superior bird burnt Bricks, for sale by IlAKRISS & DRAk.ri Dec.S. , U16U DISSOLUTION. rWHK Coparlttf rship, hcramfora eltioff between JL Dra. Nwann af Bradley, is disseised by mutual consent. The busincea will be closed by Dr.'itradlty, who continues la practice at the same office. Dr. Swsnnhas removed to the office formerly occupied by Mrs. Brambkit, on Kroni-sf.. nppaslte lo Dr. Shaw Where he will oonilnus the practicu of Medicine In lis vaiioua brnnehca. All those indebted to the firm of Swsnn nnd I5rnd ley areameaiy n quested la cH and mule tlielr sc coums. or ilu'y will be placed in the linndsof an ulli cur lor collection. Dec. 5. 112-21 J CM I 'Ell SHINOiTes. I FL((r Excellent Juniper bineles. for sale IJUUUby lUKltlSS &.DRAKF.. D( 112-Gt. OT'ICE. APPLICATION will 6e mnde lo the present Legislature, by the CuminiMiom-rs f ibis Tofri, to compel the free negroes oliliiH town, ond for holl a mile round the liinii", lo work si ihe fiie en gimiK. and form eumpanUs lor that purpojK'. Dec. 5. I l30d. Fecial notice IF the prenen' Legislntnre, shall lail lo devise romc meiinH to connect the Western part of N'ouh Carolina with ihe coa board, Application will be m:i,:c to divide the Sf.Ut; so (is lo cede one bull of it lo Virginia, and lllu other half lo South Caiolium Dec. 5ih, 1643. 112 DOMESTIC -tiOOUS. (COTTON OZNAHURGS, supeiioi iiuidily; J Cotton V arn, a full Msortinenitf desirable num bers AL-SO, FuyettevillB and Coynjry Klour; Canal Flour, bblH. and h.ilv. s. At R. W. BROWN'S. Dec. 4ih. 117. II Ml. rUAC'KERS. , Water, Picnic's am OODA. Ilu'ler, Water, Picnic's and Sugar Cinckf-rfi, VOPilol Bi tread, Ac; just received (it V.. R. WOOD. Dec. 1. Ill Female Classical Institute UULiborough Street. RALEIGH, N. C. Rev. ni'.NNKT T. HLAKK, I' lt I'rilitiiHit. t AiVim. UK, tnMml vvt. c. do i; It, A. M., Miss LUCY M. IfltOW N Mf.K.VRLK W. PKTERSi This Inat'tiirlon, to bo locked in a very pleasant pari of the city, urtd lurni.'hcil wiih rvei (iceoiiiino ilationforn limiled number of pupil, will he opened an the 1st day of January next. Jloord with iniiiou, in the Kiejii.-li or i liar 'Cliifistcul Di-pai lim nl, per scar ton ol JsTO 00 five inoruliK, ) ULuic on ihe Piano or Ouiiar, 2l) Of Druwinj; and I'aiuling in VNuier Cttlots, 10 00 Piiin'iiiij it-Jil Coluiv, IS IHi French, 10 i Tuilioii in PrvparaKiry Department Ij 00 As tilt- design of llii." u lo fumUh Jo a limited ii ii i 1 1 x- ol pupils a tUcrnuh and an exien- ivc course ol insluoiion 3lhH Clun.-ii H. ;i cun iculiiiu ol lour yeiirs hss In en adoulcd, c.kHi yi ai Ih iol' di vided into two Sesdioiid ol tire iiioDlhn u lolloWS; corusE or iNSTRrrnnN. FIRST YKAR. ' I. Pellicular Orfl in Dior. I 'L KiiL'ltxh, FtcblU or (.aim. i.t Session -l. Moderu (Mugmphy uud Wuloiy. I )ji. ' Auiliiiielie. ! .". Andrew's Laiin Kiuid.T. (, Pdikti't F.xi-rciscs. A lillmu lie. D.ivlt h Kiitlsh lt:iuimar, I'ulii.Mis. K itin Readt r, An.licw's. I 7. 2d Session 10. Ilotiny. Mr. Lincoln'. SECOND YEAR. (II Rhetoric, Newman's. I 12. All' bra, D.ivl. ' ni Liaon. 1st. Session 11 l'hiioloy, t 'oiiiHiotk's, ; 14. t'ii'4,ir wiih Lnin V.x. AnJrew'n. I I't. Urirlt Oram. oar, I''s. lb. N lUiiol PbiloSopby. OIihjIN' id's. 17 .Mcebrn, l).,vl.; Itounlon. 2d Sesion IS. Menlul Si kncc, I jibnm'K. i I!). Virgil, Amlion's. 20 Cfrtek Res dct, Aiijion's. TH1UU YKAR. f21. Chcmlitry, Draper's. 22. Algebra, completed, D.'s lbttf(Hn. 1st Session 2 I. Viryll conoladed, Anthon's, , '4. Cicuro's Solect Oraiions.- do. 25. Mor.rl Sek-nc , U nyl n.l'is 2d. Flemcnis uf CiiiK-ifiii. Kiime's. I 27. liooincli) , D.ivn ' Lryelidic. .'d Session 2d. Cheinioiry coinpUn. d. I 2'l. S.,u-t, Anlhon's, I 30 Greek Tst.iin nl. FOURTH YEAR. 31. Whatcley'a l.ojic. 32. Oeomri i y cuMilr i, d. 1st Session 3j. Klenienls of crliieism compli d. I H. llornce, Anilnm's. .11. Iloiiicr. iji). I Hi Men-oraluin A Ti ir'unoinelry. i .17 . It u I It- s, ,' 1H. Aniroii.Hiiv, Olni sii ad's. ''d Session HriK-e cuinpieted. , 4Q. Homer eouipKird L 4 1 . Cici ro d. Oi,ii,,re, or De OfTicis, The Cl.icli'iil r.iiitsi a will pn elude s.n-r:il of ihe I -mgliidi aludii s. bucli ol 1 1 w in. howe er will be rrlnirli d Hi are Uiusl U'i fi.l loi pr . ileal pur IMiae1 ( for menial ill, iplitu- the CI imi b.-inu r r; u r -ded eiiual lo the exact sciencts, and In luiul. laluca- I lion, preferable. Suitable apparatus lor IllilStmtini; the pnneiplis of txp'i imrnlaj acknee together ilh mip, ehails. and globes, will be provided, as the wjn-eul iiu; in sl Minion m iy require, hk , Ry r.-ferring lo the abdtw eoiirao. ll miv be seen j whal aniOuniof previous training ia rnjui-ii, in ( n . urriiherof .he four cIsms. and aa ao poiall nn I Hiilount is requiriHl to enier the first clias. no pupil will b permitted lo entr iqc couise iih.ii hmi it indlng an ppro'Ml saallsmioB un Onh .ruphy. Readinii, Wrillnp, A rithmrfllfl and Fncll.h t'a ar. Foi Such as 'iuy ho lound d. Ik i. nt in lliuau pri niary aludlf. s Prvparatory DeparniH-ai il be pin vided. in which theac branch' s, lofdti r wiih ihe.l enienia af itx)jinp!iy, Hiry and l'hr'rl Hn. nee. will be carefully and coriecily Uislu,i l j pr scs lloav A record of the Oenoral deportment of each pupil and of her iwaijreas snd improvemeni In study. UI be Wad at tha and of each week, and fnrwarihdio her PkiasH atOuardlan at the end of ibe monlh. The Pilneiaal, who has been Inn; snd f.iiiillinrly knowsi t IhO cltltenaof Rahlnh, and eitensfvcly known In the Fastsrn pari of the Niate, docs nut. dam h neeeasarf Snannke nnV lurtbrr einlcmenlet than, rhnt Tha lastltotlAn vsitl be under his conduce, and supervlsloil i that ha has bren cswImI i enfftis ihe asaiasance of teachra. who, in th.-it several dry psrtnvents, ara uf acknovb-dgrd abill-lr. and Imvrl experience ; and so far to Interest ihem In Its urm r iiunsgoment. aa lo secura their undivided afVniio-ih Twenty yoaa? laJica enebe accoaimodaled wiie board in me Insiitalion. Kvery aliciiioo will b paid lo their comfort and to the formnion of cortcc moral hablis- Rosrd may also be obialnod in smu of the most respectable fa milk a U the Cliy. RsUIgh, Nov., 1549. 415 1m. EUErfJi DU(.!.S, M I'll IC INKS. &c. J JlMiltnClUVKtl ' ... i. I I (I.I L. I . ' ZUUt) ins. pure nw i.enn, k ur nguj) I burr. Is best Linn id oil & b.ifnls Cop-T Cutoramt Wlmla OU Ulackltad Hint Lanipl.luii. Vcriiilnn Urd uud Uiatkliuini in kill Cliiwluv Uiriri and Virdisii. , . also, : 3 bids. RacJierbvsl Alih"l Sulph, Uuliiliic.Opiiiiot Crenin Tarlur, Hi. V.hti SiU t l'd. n J Siifci Aiue i. HO miui Aincun t'i M"'i l om4iiuiii uu, " i n i (terwoods." W llh a )( Ktful iisolilnchl uf 1 l'EKPlTMKltV & l-'ANV AIM ICEES. 1 Shoving Crf;iin In ji iis nnd bulkj Pnney T IU- ' Simp In greii Viirl. lv i Supeitlnc llnir tooth nnd Nail brnshi s j Frenrh I'ixtrnc's t.'olngm . Le. For f.-ilc :it ri dined piln ,b,V A C iCVANS, DiiujimI uiul i nry. Nov. 23. I I'D-if. I COAL! COAL! ! t 1 Q C Tons superior Ited Ashe htulo n inn) Scn rn i 1 (C'J Coal, cxirclv l"r liinnly imp now on himd nrul foi sain by II A H Rl A Kl,.-SKI.I, Nov2B. lOlMf MtSSttLU I K l.Y i rPIlK lip irtncrliip lien i Ion- Miming briwren ' L llit- Si.-liaciihi I iindirilie linn ul liiown, De- Kossil .i Co., Ni w Yolk, and DrUomi !l. Ui.iwn it Co., ilinl'ilmi, .. I ., is iIhh 1 1 -V iIiikoIvi .1 l.y inn j jiial lonxi iit. Tin- biiMllrM will ! M ill, d by Mr. Ij own in New Yuik,undMr. I) l(nn. I in ilnun 'l..n,N.C. JXK I'OTT.S lillim.N, I A J. DKlUSi:r. Jr., I JOHN GAM.Ml'.l.l. Nov. 21 , H IS. 1 i COl'ARTN'EHSIIII' The hili1 1 m us of ihe In le lii ins of I'hiwn, ricllui-t.. I li Co.. Ni'W Y ink. nnd DcKor.-et. iiiuwn A 'd , v il minclon, N C. will he ri. in :iiu..d l.y ihe ui.dunigii cd un loimeily under ihe linn i.f ' ' ' IMIOW N & Di.,t()SsKT, Ni w Yoik.nnl DeROSSKT A IIKOWN. W iliiiinejoM. N. i'. .I tU POTT IIUOWN, A.J. DtKOS.'Sl.T, Jr. Nov. 21 'lli!l MRS.. I'OTTS INFORMS ihu Lixliesof U iliiiinL'ien. ilmi pu p iri'd to in,.ke Dil-hm -h, lonneti. Ac i-c.. nn.l Molk'itit.i tiiim of tln ir p.iiion ie. All woik emui-i t'd lo her care, will ecxeculid in Mir ne.ile I ny!e 1 nil with di"piileh. Ri mlini i! beiHirn Mr. Ow, n Feline I's iiihU . II. Riiihw,ll. AcudUll ill ilr Wnxlikiion 1 I.Mel will muii wiili ntMiiion. Nov. 2d. IO'j im. PIANO I'OKTKM UAII.Y EXl'ECTI'l) AT MO', MIT II Ml. N ASSORTMK.XT nf Supeiior n , 'i; u Fortes is daily i-Xiec4i-d, which will he uli. ii.l by the subscriber .n the uul te ikoiii.I'Ii- ii-iiiih O. F. li. I. Ki Gil TUN HI.SICAI. HICIiiiS ilr. I.i ii;liiiii linviii)! 1 1 I in in: I l.uiu I lit- Nonti h,,i ho ic illy in ii fe w days- lo resmiU-- llis lu.tiuel..iis in Yuc iland inli uu.i nliil luiific. ChiiS ui vocul music will coinineiicr al Mu7.n1 Hall n Tuesday evening in . t, 2 l.i. ul 7 o'. lot k . ov. H ,IM Ulti RRIIXiiri-'Oli SALE. f M II V. ."SiihScrlher oir is lo. al - u,, ,,i,.,w n ,1 JL plaiiliiii m wiih miu new Jin. I ful m .i.'i.ii i.ti In uijL uiiiichi-d. ilio eli hi. i lor uln. h V p. -- in .1 The imel of I mil cmiI,.ih i.IU.ici in 01 wu u have b clVaitd and cuinv.ncd a,,( on. 1.1 Iln- bent r.iML'i-s lor Catllr 11. 1 llo,- 1. n.i- 01 (i ihe cun n ry ; on ihr pn 111 i-t is a sin i!: n : JhM u. c n 1 (Jiisi Al iil To 1111 1 rn ipii-inr.' 111.11, whoNv.Mil.l kn;i 1 11'. ie house and store nl Hie leu y. lllu ik,ce ,.; 1 mi i-ii-tile stand for buiiv nul w'.iul I .lyu ii, ,. j jrf ; has hviL-ioiu.c d in. , 1 sti ii L-r. .11 . ,111 ! JA.Mi.s I . .Mv III'.'".. I Nov. 2. ii'i , Uffkt Wiliniutloii nnd )liiiirlirNrr i; K lu .NuvntiiHr . M, lj lj 1 ARF.SOI.FTION of die Hoar I i D,,rr-U,. il.c ! V iln 1 in.j :oii ;i 111! M11 tie lu m r H ,1 II...., I C.' ny, d.ile.2: Ai ust li", 1. ip.irc (..., the Siuen.y 11(1(1 I'imMiii t ... - il.l I . . 11 v . r...l -r( l!. In, 1 inslahiieni doe nion u' v, npiiop. u l c lo I .e Company !) illi Ijillol uv In aceo n am e itti .la ti t-. nt.'u'.nl ti nd al l iliniiil 11 ihe l.ilioi Umin.i ie ai. nl which tun- Sim k hold. . ni. rrji 11, I 10 ej.l .. nj pay me. 'I hr innialui. m (, hr, JOHN M. llMHON.s, .sf . r.,n Dec. 1. I u-jw Join iial. Ciironiel. , jrl I i jii 1 1 cnj.y HuCSE I'AINTINi; T IIK SiiI'cii'm r h;i? en 1, in, i, I , i .1 t,.,t na II,, ll.i. I'ainl, 1. I. lull, , ,, I ,, , , ' v fuiihllilei.-rl.aite ol hikilme. lu 1.1. . i ; u- l.i j a riinage. Or :rr ni.iv l- I, M . t 1 In- .i.,r, . . , 1 , 1t. .- h aw. 01 t)r Kv i hirli ii! U j . un. , : y K-nded to by the nl;-!,!i. 1 FK.lNI IS fl.W 1 ,yi Nov 30. p.J 11. NEW SCITI.V "m"i;M.iN i-.Di.MMi and isi;;iriiis IV B. which io" will of r full II ll 10 ID r . ; r 1 .,r k, n Inrue as-iriiih-nf jni r .1i.-. h, 11 . ., ,.,.,u, ( Mmv Puw. II, .- II I W S Nov. 0 !f i:0 -'.I VEI) ni: Sun: n -! 1DOF.N, r.. s. : 1 1 .1,,.. ... -, Cd; hall do IT 1. idn-i MH, V. , , 1 a. . rit:W ) ittirn-; a I, w m o, ,-ji ., i.i...- u;i fine Moleskin and II. am II ii C. l ll.rr Nov. 30 1.1 if Trust Sale. BV v ii t ! I j M ' C I ll I, I l f n D'S-,1 M T,,,.i f. ,,, , , .' rjrttl v iim a- I (.ih ciii. .1. I fl,-iim in,- -ourl , burouyh in -S.i niiday, lh- Hill ol ..r-v nn; the one IwiU ol me IF'.M NAW Mil. I. u-n..l bt ThoulaK ( ". li.l.llaoll 'III. Milll..( J' h , n ,.-.w,f and ruiif liu.n ti ioi. ,. .,,,, ',,,,,,(.,,). I be luciiun ol the Mill in urn mhi-im lv iim ii u.i ej on ,N, ui Uiv.r iSm- i-.i.i .nj ..i wllltlliilldlHIMhiil.ui. .Uiuna' in ih. ! e,ulli of Jlow ami I'iuIi I'inp Ton rr ii ii iiimifi.WJ h ft rich Ji ir i ieulior I (NHiulli in Minrh l.urallrr u la greii d-lii.i nd. mJ I. r ift irmsni lo ru IN ibnat'i.,n m Raleigh Kail Ko .il, which h-i'S. i tnf t aM i for a la lire iuanir ul -V,,, l.u . tv.. nnMi. There will h aolJ a III. i, . n.m 4 Mat. a. i tlar cri. Tiiil;r tVaegnnaAc Tei in niaili known al !. WILLI W llil l.iiHM.. W ,iyn aboroualy .No. M lio-it lH'T 1ER AND CKr.P. C; Kl'.ns (I.hiIii n Itu'i. t ; 70 ImiM i.o i ' . ' juki reenv.d and for .al. st 1. ,; Hiufi' , Dec. I. l'KESEia T!s. , DAILY I'.iprCl.d. I'r..-l..t Iri.i.l-U- p.' Icn I'eas. Unim'- n-l )iimm -- Jellies. (Untidy I'eai l. a . s4,,.,n,, j.,,n i;, s,u Hay Rum, Ae. Aa , whi.-k w ill t- 4 I k , K li MKID Dec. I. ,f GLt'E ' OUT." r IYRI.S. of a..ji-1-ir i .hie ) ... t)U wich we will aril at I ?f r . r-, ru i IHRRY UK t T A i " December I . r HlTqVHr. T I N C.igs W'arantrd piimr, al ;'T J rrn-i i s- F. R trviit DeTtubor 1, 5 TON'." HtMM'.lrtON 'Z ' 0 i-Cls. Si i m Family Flour , ' (lolv ri snd M.Miiiliiin Huliei t L(ivt in KigSj On cmiriiinnient. : ' Fora-.laby ; WILL. U; JF.FHFYS. ' Nov. rjr. - fo;-ii. PRINTERS LOOK IIEIZEJ Bll.f.S LADING, She lira Land Died, f h-rk Uioka, Ni'd'Hin' U H"k-s. Invnitrs. vRipiiriu 'iiiiniiri. Niwupipcr, Ciii!p und a ttrU-lf nt oilu i puRi .ic. Cj bv bad low un Mpplieikn ' A. l'At'L UtPITON, A a." i. Nov 18. . . lUVif. NOTICE A PPT. It" ATfON willbe mi le to ific present Lr ' ersfjiture fur an Act, nullioriinif ihe ("uminis-i-ioii. r- ni iln- (annul Wiliiiin'.'lnri 10 iiiiseiilM' ! rhe f i ii i Siock of the U ilminj ton ti M.mchi-aUT K..II !!..;, ,1 Nov.-iii 1. r2lM, 1 IR. 1 13-30.. i ' I J 1 N I'KR.S LOOK HERE. W I ' I - ihiinnih mid cuiiipU iH Ncwap.ipcr -al an, 1 Joii()rrui:i 1 Surtti CunJlmt lor .ale Th. mi ' inijf, ( Ai tit, fur tl.i-partit a inii-ri il. otfcis ih- i i i nn.i li'ui. s'of 'he la c CO.MMF.IU CIAI. i( I'.VI I-: v . Tin- uititf oilice wns new nx iiKimlii- .-.L-o.niid ha v i rii liei 11 in the h-iinlsnf practi cal pn ins, ihr iypi! aie as id as when first laved. 'I be ollii-- i-ni li. i, al f rn 1 r. rf nr 1 1, n (tnmjii l toil i! I..I.I 11 ni tl,e holr. Should there nm be a sub 1 ol ihe ..Hi. 1 !;- ji now .ytni! bv ill,- .i of Pi ceiiil cr next Kin Ih It nil. 01 niiy iti of ald office tin hc had.i F ir ".i-r'iiiu u ii' tin a-ions .,i iol News Oipci IV:-. w- lelei Pu!,lh rs to t he paper whii fi IS ptiiiiish, ll w,l, i t. Any " l .in ileriionj ijf oblainlsJL' the whole of the e-iiibiis-h'rifnt. cnn have if al.0icr c-Jlll. discount, lor caxh hyvirly iiiiple 1 tion , I V'ltl" k-iliijh Hefi-,, r, Clm. stun rnnrifr, and I a t el ti-villi- Ohs. 1 er wi I pnhllsl) 10 first Di'd tnbi r, mid semi lit U dills l" tin- uflii-e, a i'i;r. itF.riTo,.A..'t Nv. 13. , f(8 If . l'RIAli; IJO.RJ).(. j )I'.RS1 ).S wish I no i.iobiain cuiloi tal.le P.oaSlI I in 11 pi i vale f null v at tli. So ui Ii , nil h the Town. Th, u- r ill be iwooi three (iccomuiodalid hybiukaiy njiplic ition al ibis oilier. Nov. .46. 103 if. MACKEREL. X lilif.S. F.xtrn, N.t. 1 Maikrnij' ) a .In. No. 2 do. 10 iln. No. 3 do. 10 J No. 1 d... I 10 i tin. No 2 do.' V ' 5 b.i l it is Salmon, lor snli- low it I HOWARD A PI'DK.Vlt. I Nov. ii. 108-lf. - PORTER AND ALE. - O .H T'OZ-F.N U'Uris, London iirown Sloulj ZV 2 do PiWTs. 'do. dn do. 2 do. ( 1 mis and pinis, Phi'iidi-limiai '2- do. do. do. Ncoich Ale. Jtlt rec.-ivud by Seht Ch irl-.s Mills, Irrirn Ny Yo k. nrul for sole hy VM. NLFF, Nov. 1 f. 104-1. Worthy of Notice, 'I ' 1IR Sub.-ciihi 1 b il- tys on hand a yood Sto.k 1 of Pure Sperm Oil for in ichuiuy ; Also, low priced O U 1 Linicd Oil; i.nd Is agent for ihu Lartjcrtces Y lil Lend Co ; He ia nftn the ujcut f r the a Goodyt-m'a Mil-ill Rubb 1 I V I ; Ruse fi Hoyt'a Leniti.-r siiti Ind Cunds ; Ouita Pen ha II .lids; West ii Th u'iiiiS'in s Couplin joints) for Siesm Frnncls' M. mil ic l ife Monti t Pir6 Metallic Litters lor Slync ; He is7 also nu'i 'H for the s ile of Siesin F.nt'mes, l.olhPB. L.0011H if- Carding uifictiines', mid umnurac luiersnrtlcd i- ner.illy. All the prin'jpul arnclcs snl.) nl niskft's pr ccf. I.KWIS M. HATCH. i'?n Mcctin wireei, Charlt'sioii. S- C ChnrUtlun. Nov V7 IS43. UO-if. 'NOTICE. j APPLICATION wilTbe mnde, al the prisen' s-s- ' i,ni u the C "iiiiinc, l nm. nd iln-Act pna- ' sd nl flio ln session, ioividlrig foi ihe runoval of Ihe Coui t .-i HI 111 W ni iiu Couni y. No.ciuoti 2IM. I-1-. 11 3 -30(1. notk;e ! .1 b", "nJB, -, ,h"Prrm ':' ' .. in,-,,, V-,,1, L.roMn... ispri-H. nf a. asmn for an a. t iii...)ij' jiaii.iii loi ,e Lupe bear flieain : R.rit Ciiinfi.inv. . .Nov. 2?. ' " lOy-lm. ! ..,, ',.,, .,ltll)u,. J rtlli l IIII.AItLM.I MIA. ri Till", lia. r.ickrl "ehr Pin na Yihla.K. Cor- I ornnasi. , wi l-bar.: dispalch for the above' .ixiri. For ficjiihanr pnaai''-1 1 m v I n o (in.- cnniniodiilion. rpyio II A R KISS A It 1'SS F.LL. Nov. 2S--1011-61. 17 lliulll W halls. 1 PORK & HEEF. mttlll.S un si Turk; llii hT.'s H'ulior, imirkrl Ite-f: 10-1 it,- Diinl U.'''l. rr, iv, d in S'chr. C W. D.ivi nn.l lor f.ile by ("ARKOLL A FF..N.VFLU. Nov. . ll. V 1 I) E 11. mHI5I.: I'uie Cider, i. c. ive.l per Schr ilnry !'. , if. Ui. I ho .-nl.- bv CARKOl.L .f- FF.XiNF.LL. Nov -' i- il'I-lf. P, - K C(i'NTRV LIUI'UR 1 ItHl.s X- Hrandy :h Pmndv; n in I., 'il W hi.-key. ." ,r - I i'V Nov :' W. L. SMITH. I0i if- I'l I.TON MAUKET EE EE 'I'.KI.S Fi-lion 'ii-ir. i I!, if on retail, .m hi;,., t 1',. kk.l .m l Suiuk.dToiigiirat Ac. J"n.-' rc- -, u,.l -M..I lor svle by K. K. V UO I , 'i ILSj 1 ( "rS a pound lor gOud Uutter, nl Zi K. U. WOOD'S. N-v.2L IH Negro Hals and Caps, J D8T RF.CKI VF.D a lar,-sr.. ,H Ulllll II. K, l'lil, l"l'l alio aw g-j "lfie" Cai. Wllloll Will I- -Old VrM bv the ca'e or il .. n. Tho.-- wilinr; In ptjr- . . r u'ilk do w rll ., cuniTne my Mock mid piM'ca, ,'C put li i - iii ; (.'so bi ic. C. M YFlllS, IL.tier. Nov lfi. 104 if, WANTED in) RKNiT a "onvi-nn-ni nce wjih four nwNik .lc at M..v..aJ. ( D. McKjeaolli.f ,, M. Il'l-tf. iA(a'Euui;orYPE8 MTt VV. 14. KRF. t n. would rvaix-rirulla-Infirm the riiiiem of U iluin.'ton and vicinity thai hav neipiiird ihe lute iinproveiiirnia in ihi.Srl. Ha is . ,rrnr.-i lo oft'er to in- pu dir .I'PKRlOlt LIKE. M.SSKS. The pnl, lie ate aoliciied In call St his r.ajwi ,n,l vanine spprtn.rn Coriret bkn. sw sof adBltl .rrhiidr. n. aw and ilrr,tril persons laken In any .resther p rimpa. Mtnht area, AC. Cop"d sccurate , ,nd pnt In l,oaeS Virurr-aii lltn-n a! Dr. W iiei 4 doors NoriH of irxrt a. U lniriirin)rui jtlvrntti th" art nnd all ihe re- ,,.ii iinlirovements ihoiouhly laughl. N(. 70. 110-imp. ' . SACK SALT. 8sks. per tkhr. EUmUt, aA'. For aak-b W. L. SAIITII, 200 Nov. 4. U'J If. TO' RENT. MFORrttKofiwia years, the wi ll linown from W tlminifio ih ail la bvniiful,arJ coin ma ndi na line vlrw U the Ocean aim la ery hciilihy and ptntiunt. boih o Inlet rxl Miiiimi-r staaons. Pnsaing scellenl wat- r ') ilia a b. ill I ij or 40 arr aol c Unreal land; W.l ndaff mlioi like i-iHiiiTf Corn, I'm .Met nd Uroiiral Pens, Ac. Th-aohsrrilif r womIiI also hire bh lh uIhvu prrmia. s.litwr m 6v sjowd soiviuisi sUhi lhai I'louae-buWuVaJtar.-. If dosJrorf. Tm- House con iaiiv.ntiirtctkW room ami la w' auii.d i'.onrdinjr Vsr (trad op and fnrnfsM for i Wi putpoas antf f wrll pir.rtlid at siftb. Per.n VMng Kifa)tf Will plcut aiiplf Mnrt ih firm ul ir,arv inrst. . J. JBTEtto,. VHIT IHW Oct. 5-2m. -3i,. --j -Ma- TO ftfeNT TflF. Room on second fliior show Mr. F.i. lers fnre on the cAi-m-rof Market and Wa ter Streets. It Is a lurue cunimodioiil room. ami will be rented on good terms. Apply m H I. HOW'ZF, or II. B. tlLF.K.t. Oct U. 90 t' HOYS CIiOTHINO "I7F. hnve jlial received from our manufiClnry, a Cool) cool! MUortrrlcftt of Cloiks, Oreirrmia. ackeia. 1 Paula and am -ill sir! ts tor hoy. For mIc bv SCOTTj KtiN A CO. Nov 4. 99. KOJi SALE. f lillLS. Winter WUal- Oil. Just reacivd pyr bii; Manuicl 111 u 11 and or al by UAIUUS A DRAKF. Oci.21. . , M.tC EMPTY IJARRE15. A SMALL lot. empty Hpiilt barrels, for sale by HAKUiSd ik. DHAar.. 'J If. Oct. 21. FOR HUNT. TDK Store nnd Offier No. , fTorth Water rtreit, from ihe Ijf. OcloKer, apply to HAKKISS A BrSSFLL. Piv. U, Waler st. ?5-if. kaauS Oct. J. v ' TO KENT. ffiA sQll.SE 10 rant on Omngrt sirrst, from- yiiji inir'Joa. ABdaoi'a, Ki., Irow Iha 1st Uc OLioler naxi. Apply m HOWARD s PCDKN. JSrpt. 2U. 82-if. TO RENT. FROM the I si of Oeitybcr.a mis snd eosn- luilalil.- two aimy Uwelllnf Hovao, attisa L iod on Third St., Mouth ul Orsiga. Apply to J. A W . U JkOAKl 1 1 . Sept. 21. OAUM. BALK'S RuAaia Oakum. For sale at i. A WL. JKcOAaY'3. Oct. 10, eg. notice. Ti-iK. is' -cfiU-ra wishing 10 chanpe ihelr bual ne.s, will aril Ihe- reumindrr of ihrir Mio. of : DRY IXKiDS, J1ARUWAHE, CHorKRHT, CITI.KBY, I At- , bi Cosl. fur CijVi ALL Priaons mdrhttd 10 us are ieiuiftid to rt 1 lo up J u rin j ihe ensuinu Winter, j MeWKLLAB. A MtRAF.. I Nov. 23. IJuurnal, Chionielu, copy til. "lOU-ts". ' L.NCH BASJfETat reJiiLiil price, by L J. H. WILLIAMS. Nov. 14. lOJ.if. CATTINF.TS. KF.UbKY AND BLAMlF.TS. O Jasi rn.t-ivtd and for ask lowv by J S. WILLIAMS. Nov. 14. ioi-if. ij Lamb. Wool Shins and Dr...for rnht low ,y j Sv nlLLUMS. Jj l0j-t ' ' IUNT RF.CF.IVFl.-10-4 Brtialey.lVaiid .1 m,,.,n Mh..ii . . mJ .,(.. -.,n N V...1, ya r C i ar V Q f..... X1 i a I.. 1 I'nat, by 4. B. WILLIAMS. Nov H- K tt. HARD tSRICK FROM MAINE. i lf V auperkar hard burst iut n-ci ived. hihI (or aailu K DlCJCI.NsON. Ar'L ieu. ov. rl T A DIF.3 MERINO, and Silk Vesta, for sale By 1J 3. S. WILLIAMS. Not. I4v . r03-tf APPLE BRANDY j jr. Barrels now landini( IriVm Schr. Burns Vista 1 ond fortah, by HARRIS f- RLtiSFLU Nov, M. R ' E ,C5 .11 'J-fJS SF.F.D RYF. Kik sale by VV L. SMITH. 10-tf. NovrVJ. -. ffa nnfus. .) ttAOS live Gun Faathria. from iolcrlor of I e St ite, wrH-a- Ihe pood r I tele is pro ! need. Fora.Wby it, W. UtCOV.. Nov. .'J. 10H 3w. MCLLETS. r.f BBLS. Mullen, (rli pertd, and fur low at HOW.tHO A PFDF.N'W No, 'ii. 103-iL FLOCR AND BUCKWHEAT. HHLS Kxsra Canal FkmnJOhalfdorlirarCa' "U rial Flour It bira Butkavhaaslt A bi do 4 25 1 bar 1 el. do. t li ( barrfcla, aSi. a half bbta do. For ante at HOWARD A PtDKN'S. Nov. i:. i-f. LONDON BROWN STOUT Zf DOZKN btat Brown Swul Pvrvt,i o,aria W sad ami boluWs. (or s-iW st HOWARD A PEDKN S. Nov. 25. KB IL FISH ROE. C JCEGS Fih Roe, tor aalsj a e) HOWARD A PKDK.VS. Nov. 23. 103-uf. FAMIU' pilot bread. rr BBLS. Newff baked. For le at ! ' lia. Iir.rr -r, Nov 73. i. lOT-tf. TA'LY Expects fraw New Y'ork, Twnly-4v I ham-la. Pun CUVur V Im-aar. lor aar bv Wil. NEFF. Nat. n 107-if . Tested by Thousands O Q o a o u a) H SCAR' Kt.Y hai. ten hm jrrsrs rlapsed, iinrt Ina humble aiietnpl wsa made lit rombine, ill a 0O merilrnl prrpwtniion. n f w :( ih hrrbf of lbs! ! di.m. AH wu'durk ni the rtmr ns r th frsidf. Th idmi ihn' cnnld h ea'fms'frf ws, that In ptlnfl Siuiii n ih ba?N 10 hulM upon, were fonnd. Ho nini-h n lianre win plnrel upon rnlnmrland lh Inn cel. hiwI ihif ill surresa nl ihr rxpetlinerir wouM hava terrtVH to confirm that reliance, whMrJl shook lha putp.i.p f iH. proiis tor. - Now. howrvrr. all d iibt and difflcBliy are at an end. Pvcrt wkrre. thin rrodiein has been grvetrd lh weir r ; rv. rvwherr hna Its nc been 8tnnr!rf with the ninai grntify inn sucerss. From small beyinninva lis an Irs are now rininird IW MILLIONS, and il ia hi-ld in higher raiimnibin at ihe prcstot tini, than when it mtiii otifjinu'ly introduced. CUftR FOR FF.VFR AND AOTE RrwaiviLLa, Putnam Co .,1a. ) July -17, '48.. j Pr. II nVf - Snnif r,mc since, yoartgrnalrft ma a supply of yoar Indian Vrr-ctaMe PillF. lliav la uud aW Fills H be in yn at ,1, Mlanrt lately, for the trOre of Fever nnd Atfue Mr Jaiica Ruvd has a ton 'mho has bet-n l.ihi op with U vr nd jne, and had tried varlotia oilwr remedi.a, nil ..f hh h proved of n a vaik Hcdrierinined lo tiy yunr Indian Vrrmbra Pills, sod by aslnf on bos. hr r m.w anarwl and well. Mr. T. Spencer hnl a di.tiEhirr, Mr. Hngh ttfovvs an and ilr. Chawlrs iNicbola and ihrr his family were down at Ihr same lints whh fever and auim. ami had also 'taal saia vsrsuiis oihrr ieme dks wiibout tuVcu Your Indian Veaelsbt Pills soon rcHortal ihi iii lu peifoct lieallh- f Co anrs von. from whul I ti.ivu aecn, yout Indian Vrcciatle rills piny be ttlii d on fur a per uancol curs oi ftVcr and sgua. Youia. rixpcftlHl.y. JACOli DLRUAM.P. M,. Alao, an acting J ml ice of iUc Peuca. This ia tn ecniy ikst I wiisenriraly cured raf the Chills and Fever, of several months s andina;. by the aaetif four ibismi of (or pill a each, of Wtiphl'a Imli an Vett-labl Pills, and alter inking tSMrdii ina frooi a regular physician lor somm time, and feuva had no syaspioms of il since, which hna hern about ana year aCo. J. 1, S9EKCEK. Tuas, Chanipuin coamy, Ohio. This ia to eertlfy that I wnaciirmfnVilia Chin and Few hy thAlitw f W riyht's IndUn Vegeisble Pllla, afur having hod three attacks olit. DAVID RF.F.RV. flaffnr Orove, Fair field Co, O. No. 19,lM. , a The Outline Is fo sale byOF.O. R. FHEW'H Market S'rcer, "b ajjent fur Wilmington .- D.TFR NRR, Rali-ljjh, and by a'i nii in a 'I parfa of the Slate. jT lirVitreff enuntcrftitw ensf imiiotiont ! Re number that and only (tenaina Indian I'rf tliiblr I'illt. have the wiillrn sinaluieof U'i II rii'lit, on ihe lop labi lof each box. Offlcea ih-voind -sHuhivi-Iv o tbf saV rfVrr'e Iwlum Vrvlnl l. I'iiU, h..l. aale nnd retail.' 1R9 Race airc.-l. Philadelphia. '2S8 Crei owirli street. New York, and VM Titnvmt aitcat. l!ostin. Sept. 211. 1848. 80-Iy. Cloaksand Overcoats. ALarjp5 n9m" """Sid lr Jiist rerrived at W-ascorr, keen a cos. Nov. 4. 83 (XAI.. 7. TONS K-prcirrt. and for sale by HARKlsS A RUSSELL Oct. 14. CANAL FL.OCR. 1 C RBLS. Canal Flour ; I ) 20) do do do. For .le by CARROLL 4 T-N!VELL. Nov. 4 tm WUKltS TUIPENfiNE "UAttiiEtS" OOQ i-AKTJK aeeona lnifm in prlrtMt order. Jast wtO reirived, fur sab- on ronataniiM-nl be WILLIAM D. JFFFRF.TS. Nov. Tid. 07. FOll SALfc 0?l UELVt. AComforulda Dwelllrm Hoaaaoai TIM Sueei, wouU b a. .Id uq ssry nacumma- M-Liliiluiir lfin a, o itnietl until (be Iti ol Dclobwr nrxt. Apply lo J A W. L. SicGART. Jane 20. 4Xf. N y flrnhCue Warehouse. Jiut received by the JI. IF. Brntn Jtvnt AVir Vert. 6 Pjteht high port 8ed4eaaSl SKInnSo4s; 4 do. Hurrauav 11 do. SinlW nuking Chairs; ' do. Nwrsln5 C'hnirs; ALSt), Iti do. IimI'I hur Marraear, warrant ed to be a bu re ank-ic. a I very low pri- C' . t . CLARK, f tont-it., rear Market. Nov. 4 99 if. - fuh;r and meal BBLS. FLOrR. Fine.S.iperfinarLX; Jv 90 bushels handsosne waits MeaL IbraoW k J. 4- W. L. MeOAllY. 1 Nov. 9. 101-if. DRIED REEF AND TONGUES. 1 dn DRIED Tons ism. largeM aha. 1 V JJ MO iba, diied tvi at W il. A'EFF Nov. 11. NEW YORK APPLES. Kfk B.IBRLFS FLNB APPLES. ForsaUbr WV J. WILKINSON A CO. ' Nor. 9. lo:- NEORO MfOE.-For nkrl&tat HOWARD A f EDKiVia, Nov. 2. NUTS KCr I BS. Almo(W, sheltj M rjii V'V nulla; 6Wdo. Knyiian "smnia; duvw, r ilbcrta. for ants by Na.i rtv flHa m I Cats r.iv. LARLX XF.Oa pHms Lr( Lank, dsu jtjain4 Bf Sthf . Lub from fWw Yark. Fa? snla kjf t 40 v9sa i"ai;-if, II nartll watas aU. MOLASSES. J a ff Hegihrada prioia rrtaiOnf. 8l Jam 4a CaW a OU F-r aala br PARA Y, WLVANI aVCO. il PILLS I -V

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