it cEncoiirase Home Industry, f SADDUMIABXESS,AND TRUNK MANlf fiCTOIU.N . Uartrt lWt. Tfilmlmrtnn N "' " " " . V. "f gl .itw wham-lber rpeclfully Inform the publlo inyrie nns rewntty rimrnea ironi theNorth, .Wherehelaidlaayu nnd compterejtock f Saddle nd UtrmMttmoflrrtiBga, Ac. 6-,tHhe left-stand Wustjliuproveij. st y lta, mid, U constantly ninnufactur liiirtorOti'iVl wutjirii't, tV occupied ' y iny B. Hoichkisa.aVerydas ripilon of irtlole in llui ibuvf IHte.; iKeom hi ciptrionci-iri die fHni:se, J4 fool OoiifUont'thii ho will be able touivM entire HiKf.iqtlon to in custoiu;rs.-'He h .ts.nnd vWllkjep ft i nau'rtt supply il ' n.iotit.n, w,v.eV i.uitixc,.i.i:s. cuu.uts, ufps. iirrrs ami spirits, JJAHPK r A. SA It DLL UAUSi THUS KS, ' , VALISES, 4V., 4ht., ," M i v'v ry jiU.t -u tM usually kepi in establishments of the kind, aU of which ill bo warranted to bo of i; boat materials anil workmanship, und sold on. ' mjdjrati.i ii.'rms fur cash, or on short credit, to purtc lualcustoinera. ' , UtceauiNo of every description promptly attended to. Ciachcsuni Carriage iriiiinicd in a qeut .md substantial style. Madical Bigs, Cushions of every description, nnd nil other irticlus usually n iiiuficturud in ealablUh menta of the kind, made to order. . Persons wishing to purchase Ridi.s.o,, wauld find it to tlwir intercsUo Ive him n call. JOHN J. CONOLEV. M.iy9,I943. Dr, li. MUNSEV, i I Icc!imic;il Dentist. TtrODI.D rospoctfully inform lUo, inliabituntr of Uilinmgionua vicinity, that U" hs taKen Room at London's imildiiii,', Front street, Ka: eirTe, IV o. G, where he is prepared to pi'rfonii ull operations purtalning to hi8 profession in the most approved myJcrn and soiealific manner, whie.'i tor utility nnd beuuty, he willv:ircaai nol to bo excelled by any in the practice, audi as INSERTING, FfLLIXG, CLEANSING, tltgui-aliiig, Extracting, 4C. ' He will Insert thf best of Mineral or Porcelain Teeth, with if deiid. wWth will so '.-losoly rawrnle ih'nn of Xitnro tint the mosrpr.icticcdeyc will he unible to doted them. . Killinij J'eeth bafore Aeeay has expose ! the nerve, is one of th most viluable operations h.'lon.'iiijj lo the lntalart. When properly nnd skillfully pur formnd, it perfectly restores the tooth to in former beauty and ilurabiluy ttlwwhkh no operation in Sargery can bo more tjrnteful nnd sitisfaetory. Cn aea are nolMnfrequent when the nerve has ben dos uoyed and the tooth plowed and preserved for years, andeven during life without cnuing-nny puin or in convenience. . Cletneing Teeth of tartir, a very destructive eales rloos concretion, and ether corroding agents, is era phiticallv e.iUiM tor by these who wish lo preserve ihese nsu.ttland beautifying organs, This may be diie without any possible injury to the enamel and a itirely restore lliaai to lluii original halth and bril- Dr. VI. will be happy to wait upn all requrin.i liis professional services and Ireely impart tiny inlormn li 10 wtticfy they reojUir-' puriainini; to his profession ALS'J, Ihediseisea of tha Mouth and Uums. At the samo time ho ensures the publie that he ni ikes meof none hut tHe besl materials which ilentnl sci 'n' t h is produced. Sp 'leimens and rceommen ditions nulie office if requested. Calhnd see. AprllM. Nautilas Life Insurance ('oiupanv OF NEW YORK. ' Principal Office, to. 61 Wall Street. 'VIM COMPANY" has jjst closed Its third year's 1 'jpryj lions, nnd published IUThird Assval KarotT, from which it will be" seen that the business fr i i'! I ni vetr Ivan been not liiss prospe ous than i'n-tw i prc.'.lin?. The Hoard have aieiin declared the .null Dividend of 50 per cent, profits for the last V''ir, f ir w u -h scrip certificates ire deliverable, bear li; in interest of six percent. TIhis, in three years, Si) ;K:f ocnl. onv tho o nount of premiiinis rociived Iu'.h l"en annually returned lo the iisiirxl. D irinT the (last year ending April 15, 1 19, 706 n-piHi.)B havo boen imued : the piemiiuns for ti", amaaptin io $7 1,i76 "G6, lis ac uuuil ited Kji 1 of m r thin H,!)JD securely invested ac c 'fdiog tohw, aliorilin,' the in ijt ample indeianiiy to i ho assured. P iliey h )lders, " whether they continue foj life, or for .li in I'-rnis," receive lljeir pro rata profits. Tii prmfU us for Lite Polx-ies il exceeding 90, im b pud t0 per cent. In cash, and a nole wittkuil guarantee, for 40 per cent, tlicraof with interest-at 6 pr ceoU:,or in caah anoually. semi-annually, or oiiart lv, Dy a 1 ling inlerest on deferred payments. u pi ilium for periods short of life must be paid lnch. Should thoirtv survive to make thirtam amitil infraents, leitlnt; thedividend to nocumulate, it i supposed the policy will bu fully psid for. and fMacen-nnhtion ultlm itely added tn the. p.licy.' It UHleved tiiat it Company doing busfness in this ettr. whtther f reiun. arfro n the aeighhoiinn States, oi'ras(Mal facilities, with oqual securiiy The rSarinf sfrourthytateof .hw Vork. and the s--c mu un Ier the strict Inspection of the Coinptrol Irr ..f thl Slate. Pi-mMits illustrating tlie principles of f.ife Insu anre, Portnl er Applicid in, and othsr Rl inks, nmv b h4 st (1m principal ifi "Lor nny of ita amenta. OWtML'S BUS4VELL, .Solicitor. PLINV FIIKKMW. Actuary. A. H MRlt'TtHVr, President.' II. B. COLEM.W. Vice President. MEDICAL CIAHINCRe : ' 7JV.'aiE WILKES, M. D . M Uihf Street. C. tt. BJJKltr, M. I)..i si. M irk a Placa. F. J. I.Olih 4 Co , Atrnta. " Vi ii XorL't W.Jer Stntt. WdMlnglon, July 20, 5-j. ,.p New York Furniture Warehouse. LSr IIEJEIVEO byihedaricind Miry I PrfH, from ew York the following ant p-lof Furniture 1 6 Pliin liureaua ; l( He Mtid ; WUnat Uureiu; 1 Wilreit rrinin-i ini Tea Tables ; .' Lve Wrttlna I)-sk) Ssnll Pan.-v Table; I i up St mIs ; I 1, 1 li s S.-wini Oh-iirs; 'oVln fl s's. wiih Standard lo; putilni; on B t do'.. J 1 urn it) 1,'hairs, and to re exrieeted ia a Urn i.y by i.- Jm 11 S nith. F. 1 'LARK. . w rr ont sr., near 71 irvoL NilCB. PPLIJATIpW wlllbe(n iHlltlrWeriwnj not L aV 4 mno S-eislaiore to s-i aln-r and amend the Inaawatlon Laws, far nw T iwri ,,f Wii.uSaran, and lbHp-Cton liW iei'rilly - mi, r 4,,,, tne jn. ardn .f He f, Pork, B ic m an I II iV, ,'r., import td la lh" Town of WUnln;Mon. A, i require all mia W b sold by waighl, anl .all am Wt tnipoctcd la other p irtt whtsn ahipned fromsiil Town, to SSo tooarvi wh-n i:np jrujj tj aiid To 0. ft"' 101-tt Negroes Wanted, ItosMid to retnalii in Wd nineton dnrlnr th in tst for tH rurio of purchasing N KG ROES, and w-.ld rwjefully tnform persona in Town a id the wMa Country, that I m paying the hitfneat rtsfe saarkel prica for n mg Men and Women. Roys iM airta,from the ans often to ibirty years. AN,, am I at of a number ef :arp,.nl,.r, Uriclilaycrs 4mfnimi piackenflthi, for which llheral prte.,, UI ttd. ' ipplf lo'mtat rliH i:tmnn Hotel ANSI, r.Y DATIH 0t 1 CLlClti Eft'li iLlilR LJAlLU 1'LKb LIU i'LLS 'cured within the hat yW, ' OVER, 200,000 PEttSOSS,; who had, been, laboring under", the most aggravated complaint, end given up Mi hopeless caeca by ' 1 Ihcmosi eminent physicians. They are the ' " . first and only 'medicine uver discovered . . . '. ' . , . that will i v el y HEADACHE Giddiness, Kiieuiimtin, Piles Oia pepsiujieui vy, Smallpox, Jaundice, i'ainsln the liiiiik, Inward VVeiikness.Palpilaiion of th Heart. Rising in the Thrdal. Dopsy. Asthma, FevereoJ all klndrt, Feliiale Complalnta, Measles, Suit Rheum, ilearibun cVVonw, Cholera Morlnm, (,'oughs, Quin sy, Vho" pini Clinch, Consumption, Fita, Li vur Coin pi lint, F.i ysipeas, Dnifni ss. lielii.iL'8 of the Skin, Colds, Oont. Ornvcl. Nervuia Complaint, and a va rieiv ol othur Dieenaes arising from Impurities of the uoc, and Obsfrucd'oris in the Organs of Picslivn. TIo following ceriifitcate. was foj;waidd to, Dn. Clickoncr, by his.Anont at LataBter, Pa. JIngina Pectoris, or Diseases of the linnrl. Lancaato', Fb. i7ih, 19-15, Dear Sir. . I , ,1.1.1, .1 A(., c-o ...V ...,.U 1 II I M UllOer ID iij... ii ... , yuu en ir. uniiiiunuioK v ncKencr s .-3 il n ir c. H P,,r,.MMi. IMlF Y011 know 1 t, Ko t afflicted by a complaint of the huarf, which I he lieve the doctors call Angina Veetoris, or somelliini of the sort. Every one told nig it was n very dan-, uerous disease, which migljt carry me olf at any moment, and very suddenly, iTI did nat find Kiime thint; to cure it. I trseJ to he troiitded with sudden csantps or pain'' at'thf pit of the stomach. .Now' and then it would strike iTp through the bienst and: into the shoulder bl ides I never knew wh.11 it j was enjoins oil. It' Would ionictimi-s att.ii k mic : while ua4kiiiL' in.lhesliii;et.and Uin J used o think how horrible it would be 10 djoij down dead all of a j sudden, with li'i nu to have a care for rjfll. The physicians t1d me it wis of no us to doctor for it. ! Jl va past nil cure, b eause none of lliem had ever j been able lo cure it. Hut I h 1 I heird-so much alioirt , I'.iienr !f edicines. as thev ure called, dial I del. r- : mined to try some tI ili"m '80I went to Phil ulel- nliia. nnd called on Mr. F. 'Brown, who keena ilie ' Hpo thecal ice' ehop comer of Klfth snd Ch. suui streets. and-he gsv nie a hot o Hille I took two boxes, accordim; todheclions, '.iiPitiev did Ho flood. Ha thiWLntveme-a'boith' of stuff, with.nveiy .ut- Inndish kind of name; but tint had n.r mrt' .11 ct ' ol than the other. Just then I happened to heai Clickener'sSusar. Coaled Purgaiive Pills. anM as thoy were somelhln" new nnder the sun,'' I I'loiiL'ht 1 wuld try.Lhem, and if I uot no better, why J must give lipp asapuuiuu. 00 1 caura on jum as ynu may rsooilcct.ana soiigtit n uox tor ;iciint4j heg.n tailing them, and before I h id Ii ill' finished the b x, I tell like a dlHerent person. I could w.iik much fh. r, and aornetimes a half mile and back, without feeling nny pain. The second box hart n still lienor clfect, and before I bad 80t t irouiih w'nh the third, the complaint had entirely left nic I am j-eitain it is all ffw inr; to th virtues nT Clickcnrr'a Pilh. and noth!fCelsP, and I V;i h thut every body should know It, because I think they are one of the erentest bless ings on earth. I always keep litem in the house in case nny one ot the family should g.-t sick; for I know if they could cure me nf so bad a complaint, they will cure almost nny body' else. If you wint to print this in your pamphlet I have No objectiim in the world, though I am not mnch ua, d U writing. Yours. In ail thankfulness, MARY ANN WEXDOVER. 1Tlr Various Medical Practitioners of eminence have used them with successful results. Many p r sons also have recourse to them asnnorlin iry Fam ily .Medicine, or correctiVorf the bowels, in cases ol sliulit Indipeetions. Ac. Vnrkairr s were s.iineiime since presented to Mon Martin Van liun.n, ex-Pres-Identnf thellnited States; Hon HenryClny. ot Ken tucky ; His Excellen y, A'illiam C. Houck, ex-Guv- ernor of Sew 1 ork ; Hon. illiain It. rreslon. j. Scnatorfrom Sooth Laroyna, ant several oinerdts- j tinguisiied men otourconntry. an 01 wnoni.wnn one exception, have expressed their approbation of the tJlickener- Sucar-Uontca rurgative ri is, nyonier- Uif! a new supply. But, perhaps the most ineontcstible evidence f their unprec'denied success, are the mimberleaa tnti tntlons ond Counterfeits which h ivc appeared, before the public. Even some of our staunch. -st pill makers have had an audacity to imitate the Capsule of -Su-?ar, in order to disanise the imrredients of their vile compounds, and paljn them atJ'fonhe "real eitna pure.1' Such paltry shift cannot last loiiu without exposing thrir hideous deformity. Truth and hon esty must inevitably prevail over rascality and decep tion. ' mkHilextenJ the entaloguti of Testimonies to an indefinite length, if W( deemed il expi-dlent'lo publish alt we-have received, not only fr.mi nscni8 hut Indivldunls nnd families;, who have experienced the beneficial effectsTof Cliekener'a Sugv Coated Pills, hut wedeem it unnecessary. WILLIAM II. LIPPITT rc the Aems for VVilmintori qnd vleinilv, the piUanrnut up in ulass b .ttjes, snd sold a4 25 Cents with full direction fur their use, Front-treet.betV'een Market and iock. Or. Clichtntr'e 1'rinripal O0fcc,lil Ves.-y-sltNeW York. Remember Dr. O. V. thickener is the inventor oLSutfar Coated Pills, and that nothing n tne son waa ever heard of until he introduced them in Jane. H43. Purchasers should, therefore, ulwnya nsk for Clickener's Suctr t'lia'led Pills, and take n others i' i-:ll li' i)il-fh victims of 11 fnu. I Februaryw8. 1919-138. it iclvrisriii: WM.WAWE,1 DOCTOR OF DENTAL SUROEKV And Member of tli Miicrii'.-iu Society of O -iital Stirut'iins. PERFORMS all operations on the Teeth. Teeth insetted from oneto a fi' l s.if, and upon the prin clpie of tinostpherid Prest re in ull cases where is applicable. Odi3 E isi Si le af Front Street, 4 doora North .1 Market, upstairs. In connection wiia the OtBce he has fitted . a Room eltprassly for his I adv pnlrons ;' they, th' lore can now receive h la professional snwidei wit' .'.t de lation by stendleu tholr naaies te. hiaorh ...en he will In farm them thetime he cngiv tnextt hit, at tention. . r- tlerKBccK,lhe Citizens generally. AprU 27. mBBLS fioperlor leaf Ltrd, for sate hv Jv,&. W. L. Mct3ARY Oct. 21. 1 94 if PORTER AND, ALE. n C VSKS, Boydi supx'ridr' Porkr to Botlleaf y)1i " Cream Ale in nnart nnd plnrhot- ile. for e-ile at Oet. 24. J. A-Vi. L. McGARV S. 94 if WOOD'S NAHE. . PilNTFD PAILS, BnwraiC Nest Cedar Tabs r do. painted'Axy handles. Flrrur pails Hung starts, Whols and half bbl. covera, Nest mar ket baskets, Neat measures. Scrubbing brush, s, Whltcwiah bfathes, P'aiiit brushes, Hhoe Vtislrs. ."4 rd cagea, Wood traya.' Cocoa dlppcra. Sieves. Ceslara, VV. A. Clar .a Starch. , jusl recelv d and fo aUby VVM. NEFP". Nov. 11. lCCtf. Posit li UOK t) Pill W G ' J FURSITllIlE WiRlillOllSE THE eubicrlber would reapr-ctfully aa notince to the cttliens ol Wilmington anil the am rounding uo.uhtica, that he Is how reri iviny lit" Pull 8toek of Uali net Fumilui. ; H ivlnij el( ctcd It blm ell In the titles of INew Vork nnd H.m ton. he Pun confiitentlv rpmmmpnH ii th attention of cuMonirrs fur variety and tlegnnee of eiyh-, beuuty of woikm insblp, andcheapneaa. It is nl toxeihrt th moat tompl te at.lck that lf tins everpl-fi-red in thNuiarkut. Hiid he think thit those wichfti to purch:iH ni,iv find it to tl.eii inlereHi to nil. The follow in.' 'ne S.. in. i.l id, .nicies eo.up is, l in Hi Sloe I. . v:z : SOI-A-, or . a u i . 1)1 A.V. ni' it i: a us, iia;sisi. in s CA HI I. TABLES. hlMi. , ' i: I i:i: ,., : ,77. ii, , MA T UIU , Tt)iLi:i' .!.. SlhH littA tits. Ii'ii,' WAIlDliODES. I WDUK jn cum ui:i)sti:ais, settees, COTTRVSDLRilo. O I'Flt.'E DESKS OFFICE CHAIRS. MA TTUESSEs, ' Uedioom Sele. compete ; French ISedifti .ids ; I!iih post do. , Looking' tiliiHw p; Toilet do.; Sink1 and Waslistandsj Manounny do ; lloston rwckini! Chiiiiss Mahogany ilo.j Do French do ; (iurl Maple do. ; Can. Rush atal nnd Fancy 'Chairs ; V indwir and Common do ; Chililrcn'it I ligli do. For snl.. m mod- emie prices, by J. D. LOVE, Ucl. li. -b9. .Al the Rock Spring C. MYERS HAS nowfor sula the largest snd best assort ment i.f Hats, Caps, Silk Ginihsfns 1'iiibrt I lus und Walking Canerij ever ollered in rlii.H .rl.,l ui.irKei ,My old UiHtoiners, and the puhlie cneri , i,wiit.H .U ..1 it,,. 1 ' y Hl" "W111 ",C 'N "t the old stand iol'lh Hidr lour kel street, one door below John Dawson i t.'o. Oct. 17 oi. (f F ill SALE. "iOliO atJ'NNV KAUSj x v 40(j Empty Spirits Turpi mine barrels ; 42 barrels Fresh Fiiyt tteville Flour, siiix r and X. k8 uuner. liy WILL. t. JEFFllE S Nov.9. : .; 101. T.H b 1 UN V'- FOll SAI.I-:t Pile subscriber oll'et fol salt .leiwi-t, 1 thfeehuiidifcCiciesol aliuil l. Itin t w 1 t nd L.iliUf in ixickwood't t oil) riv, 1 ,in iliuuswii k count) Ini uiediatel) in the ooiu'liboi hou. o 1 tin Lumis n ood streain of wiiteieinptying inn. tin f, oekwood -jvei -furnishing twaterpiiwer -.ufficli-nifoi watering the rieldandfor poundinj. md threshin,- I In; wtillnsfora Saw Mill A n.trtol thisl md hs h.-. n cultivatedin Rictand -'otton.and irod'tced .q ua Ito any land. . A luninp Both -se LandF.tre between luiecrhiin drcd imd two thousind acres oft'irstra te I'lirpentini Lands. vefy -.onvenii-nt to the riei .1 1 within threi miles ol the i a-sl. ue. md 1 nei.lll.j I oentinn . TI111I whole neightiorhood ibounivin .rood I'urpentin. ""e" M. L. HALL D. I!. HAKE If July 13 I S-18. 85 . 'ITIE.S ir h in ir ibly issiii d ; ini; are the ciuil .pi ililits ol u 3 ('oral Hair dcskir itive. If they d. they cannot these highly rospesiabl tha' the I'.. II w botile o .Inn,-. 11 1 t tii'r wind . ci i.en.s. who Have tried II. Mr. Geo. Bccket, II F.lmV.N Y. Mrs. Matilda Reaves. Myrtlejvenue. Ilrooklyn Mr. Win. Tompkins. 92 Kiing st.. N. Y. Mr. Thomas Jackion, 89 Liberty t., Pittsburgh fl. K. .'ullcn. latebtrhet steamboat S Am- rh a. And more than ah u Ad red otliersauio, though thU must suffice, that it will force thchair to grow on the head or face, stop it failing ol?. strength! t the roots, removing scurf and dandruff from the 10 us. making lieh', red, 01 ijray hairaasume a fine dark look and kerjiiiM ,y, liarshur wiry hair inoist.solt.oi ;. ini bciutilul, a very, very long time C. INGLES. Jr. SoWin Wilmingt- rsby LippfuA Willkingi- yi:t. LRUF.R VEST, tin t xcillri '(r iele fo ni:,k. 3lightbrcad.l'oi s ilt- by I E THRO r H A I N . Dec. 14. 1847 Notice, 1 pHE subscriber has tnis lay encored Into a f'o i partnership with A. D YOUNG, and will . 01 tinue the business at Hie old stand und ;r ;he firm nf ANDERSON & YOUNG. X fi i... 4io,-' if D y Go Js Hirdware. Iron, Gio. eri. s r1- will be always kept on hand' and will be cold iow prices and on iiccomioitdming 'erins All cus '.-iners having oxn account with me w, please call i.d s.-tili by Note or ntherw ise. , JAMES ANDERSON July 13. 131?. 53 tf. N IN STOUE. 1 rC RVSHF.LS ItladenComj I VJKJ 130 bil.s. 1 lay ; U 500 bush. Is Cow PeaHf 100 1 asks frrsh heat Rice. CFor eale by G. W. DAVIS. JJavIs' W harf. Sept. 16. BEDSTEADS. LA ROE Assiirtuient niw on hand, of the fol l lowing alylcs, viz: High post luslioguny; Itlgli post windlass, (maple;) High posi patent joints, do., lliyli post . rewuud slat bottoms 1 Half high Jiosts. screw and coid ballunm ; L w post, fr. dci j Low posts, paten' joint; t'oiutiion low pot, cord bottoms ; Hail French, nnie ,.nd double sizt'B ; ALSO, 30 low trundle bodsusada tor children ; Cribs and Ciadl. s. F CLARK. New York Furniture Wurrhouac. Nov. 25. 108-tf. r- - - - - LIME At )t CASKS, fresh Tno.naston Mme, just re ItVAl cetVed sad for sule bf BARRY, BRYANT & CO. A W-tf Oct. 23. N. O SYRUP. A 8UPER10R Article, for Family use, at Retail br t;ARKOLL S FE..NELL. Oct. 23. 96-tf. CHEESE BOXES Engli-h Dairy Chse; 50 boxes tU. r 10 Pino Appie, Jo;, lor sole by 2b . HOWARD A PEDEN. NonSU; 9e-ti. ' , . 'jaW'OTICR is heraby given that applioalion will be i- made 1 1 tha neat General Aaaemhjy of North Carolina, for lha.paeaage of an act dedarl g the in tention of the Lejilala'iir in ertsi ilnjf certain private acts concerning tha County Coul-oJ Brunswick. Nov. 7 100 6w i SHEETINGS BEAVER Creek, superior Family Shecilna, fbr aaleby J. C. L H'Ya Oct. 24. 91 tf. .iJ.i.1 wJjjadi iilmuU ma or die -niarucliou ' -; . ;. -! or tbb , h ; . :f I) Kl F 1SD De.113; : 'IITE SesAlona orihis Institution, Quniinenitila on LJ the first dav ol Jolv af each vear. nnd cohilnun ten Months, when llvre is a vacation of two months, giving th Kuptia an oppoi tunny to visit their Pa rente nnd Prii -ttle. ' ' 1 Thelnstl'u. n is ailunted on CnswcU Sqnnre, a bout one-third of i mile from the Statu Mouse. 'The ground occupied by the buildings with that adjacent, is the propriy ol the Institution, nnd granted by the Lenisl.niiii o ilie Si it.'. In ex enl ii embnicesour ier. h, a willed win u eimivaiea, anu mo re in i. i M Ii- I' iii rhi h .. will -nii tote sp i l uix Will .111118' I 1 0 W Lawns wlo-r. the a it proper ho. ii a, l-s, in walking, or n iy e .ippiopii.iie i ' - 1 1 i . I .lid til F ,n il -.1 1 h M 11 n-ions of i s pi m, 1- -i i' 1 ini.iv ., L has two wing, vach il.n v-.'il.ti 1 by tw nit 1 wo exiiMidhiir mi tihl iinyi-li-i from ihi- n i l ili v, and projeiing 1 1 . 1 11 eai h . xn. iniiy of ii by neaiiy 4lu- vclmlu width ot eiehwiti1 In I v itbrn it embraces lour stories, in eludin the basi in. lit, ,.nil theT- winvs three, and is snriiiuiinled by a iijw.-i or observatory. commanding an cxi. nslve md b lutiful prospect.N, In the inent are the liniii ; room and store rooms, and in the story above th basement, are the p illor, sittim room nnd Ibraiy In ih other series are the family ,pai tmenls of ih. Principal and his assistants find two rooms s 1 nptut lot -lie I'upils'in case of sickness. I n the basrnieni of oiii- winL' nr.- the kitchen and wash-room, and that f the other is set up irt for in Mtruction in mechanical trades. On the pri, i-ip,i flmii of the winjs, are the sit 1 irej-rno us of the 111 iles and females, .nd the upper ,hiory is occupied for doriuitoi ies. I ho jhief merit of the arrantreui.-nt consists in its prt's-rving two depinmenis' as lar us rel iles lo the nee mil. id itious, amusements and fhimiitsnf the Pupils 0111 of s :hool. so indepen dent in ev. 1 y p 1 11 leu I ar. 1 - lo ''oast it 11 te of 1 hem two sep:.iat. and listinot e 1 nin'inities, while the dinino r.iiiiii in wbi.-h both :ss iube. sVilli the T. aellers nnd I nnih of the Pi iiv in d, is c mvenientlv a ' essi hle. Fat It ilepartine-n h-is its sop -rate an as in the rem, its separate pleasu e-irroim. Is. and its separate CO ..iiiiinioatiijti w'nli !i ; s -h'iol rooms : so th it fur the ordinary pnrp S'-s ol life, there is no occasion to p ss 1 1 .un one to 1 h o'hr Th. Act of the Gwneral Assembly, requ " ilmt when Dent-Mutes are unable in pay for He ir main tenance nnd education, Mho JusiiceMnf the sVvprnl Courts ol I'lons nnd (Auarter Sessions, should levy in the same mariner as taxes nre nnw by I iw levied for the support ol the poor, seventy live dollars for the support Hnd m mil -n nice of i-v. ry sueh Dv.f Mute naHhallhes eet -d by the Literary Hoard, for the pui puses of Education. ICj For further p irticul.irs- apply by loiter or oth-' wise in ilia undersigned. WILLI. M D. COOKE, Priiu-ipal. OFFICERS OF THE INSTITUTION. Dirators. His Exicu.EN-ev WILLIAM A. GRAHAM. Prkkidknt of tub Koahu; Hon. JOHN M MOItEHEAl), CH RLEs MANLY, F.XU.. WILLI AM N . llARItJSON. SKonWrAny of thh ItoA'.rt. iVerutrrr. ;HAI(LES L I11N TON. I'.-(L- Pre a sen kh or St.tte. ' PrimeVjml. WILLIAM D. COOK. M A. Aiilnnls AHF.L H MAKER, GEORtiE E. K I'. I'( HAM. Piijsiri,,,, -CHAitLI-.s K- JOHNSON, M. D. M,U,m. Miss LAURA J. BARKER K ilt io N. (;., August. 1319. 19-lv-tw-p. Tllli CITY HOTEL. Adjoining t lie Court House Sijuiirt RALEIGH N. C. HHA been ru.-eutiy ilioronghlv re; aired, nnd gieully improved by tie vldilion of a l iroi fiilmber of 1 . iisant nd commodjuus ioouis which nr.. notcxeefled by .any in .tin City The table nl-w-iiys furnished with the hen 1I1..1 can be procur.-d. tiftd the charges si e as mod. rati as .11 n bo a I lord. d. -The stables ure in uood older, well I'm iinish. a with provender, and uilended by careful and oxpeitetu-i d Os 1,-rs. Mis. Lnwr. nee Would therefme respectfully invite the ntt.iiiion ol tlie 1111-111 crsj of Hie sppr 1,1,11111 L gislalure mid ihetr ivclirnguualic to the advaiitaye-pi.-s. tit d In this 1 si.ibli.-limciil. Kalei-h. pt. 12 131. 7li-Iy-w t Miracle of Miracles ! ! On tlii th of Aagitut 111 tin ijuu IS s sin. 'ilin .v. .-(' otxuiTml in '.hi- Huynl Sci'.iili. In: I -ititnliii,i 'if h'ru.ici'. 'Thr n'nl . irlii.'i htaitfil Prrxiilfiil hi Iwiiil nif i.-t in ms nitl.ftvrtrkril . h'm ftt'p riili in! with umilr'.i, (fur sriritre wax triiiini'limit.) ami his mVc irjth grutnliitiH. y Inn0, ili'lirm-d tin fulluifiii Ifrpnrl': A'c in- i-to iii led at this singular preparation. W "en indeed will science stop ! Her; wh have apn -paralion mad. in lljeloiiii of n liwiotilul piees nl soap, whi.-h we know, by aclual pr.iciic-, 10 tun everyBillaiKouh " option very .listi iireineril ol, and i'VcT) dis.-.ilo i d t-kin ! Wh -ie will its in mie and sin gular power ce 1-. .' The N 'ro. 1 he ( Creole, the S el low Ifaeeol ihe Fast, and 111.- Red Man of th Far W est. arealike undoi the influence of itsextrnordina ry powt tsul clearinu yi How or discolored sk In. and making It while and be. iiiiiful, and of chunking the color o1 dark, or black, or brown skin (H.-rewver-a I pi.-r suns wif e brouelit forwud by the President, who h id used it, in p.o.if nf Ills assertion ) There are probably fi w persons ot 1 ntolli .'ence u ho. afte I rending t .e above, will doubt t he ijuulitit s of Jniic. ttiilian Chi-micul Soap. In curing Pimple-. Blotches. Sal. Rheum. Nrurve Erysipelus.Sor.! Honds, Old Sores, Beard and Bar ber's Itch.t'h ipped and Tender Flesh, Freckle. Tan, SuntMB, nnd changing dark Sunburn or Yellow Skin lo a pure clear while, assmooth and soft as an ! nfapt's. and i n fact every kind of eruption and dis figurement. Rend these cortilicnlf : from the V. O. Sentinrl. On. HM. One of our suhscrihers. Mr. II. Leonard, informs usihnt h hns been cured of eld, scaly Sail Rheum, ol eighteen years shuxlinp, on hrs henrd, ftngcrsand Hands oy a cnKo ol an irio-le intlcli -nlvr-rssed lae Iv we speak Of Jones' Italian t'heniical Sonn. Hi hIso informs us that ho has tried its effects on his fi 1 male slave R.ise.mueh marked with snn 'puis and he found intwo weeks h.-rskin nnieb clearer a ml whitrr Jam I'.llham. 1 painter, in Jersey City, w nrfcured of cirbtmeles nnd pimples, which he wns aflUctcd innny year, by part of a enke of Jonm' Ital ian l!hemical Sonp Persons in purchiialns this, must always npk foj UrXBS' 1 TALI AN CHKJIIOAL OAP; andper- naps. as many wno nave oeen cnenieo with counter felts will he loo much discouraged to iry the genu ine, we sny to such, iry thlsonee yn will not regret I 1 but always see that the nntne of T. JO.ES Is on ihe wrapper. LIppiitA Willklnes. Frnntst., are the Afents ot thisSonp for Wilminctnn. FOR SAI.K. A PLEAS ANTLY situated HOUSE d LOT (the late r.-si. Ion- e oIWm C I, A n x 1 - , Es.., on the aorgci of Walnut and Fourth sts Terms liberal. Q. 8. GILLF.SPI K May 30. 3 SPIRIT BARRELS. Qjn EMPTY Bbls .larire size and in prime or iJJ der. Just received and for sale by BARRY, BRYANT A r Ocj. 6th- . sfj-u. AUE.NCV OF Xaul'l'js (Mitual I.ifi) I iisii i n nrr CinnjHi ny IER-tS holding Iilk'ies In thin, (lire nre noll- fu d ihat Seiip Cerlifi.-aies for t ir Short, of nrvUt in thi butinv tf thf f'unpunu are rendy fo lellvery al the Agency office. 24, Noiih wa'er-sl F. J. LORD A Co., Agents. , Oct. tl 9i t ' Mctieller &AIdUe. v , At Vie lat Stand iff 5r- tlt jf-fAVfniirVBnijj VVatkb StiiT I W'ilminotoh, K. CaboUj4, '1 HAVE JuatTecelted their Fall Sfoct of Groctrit if-r?., d-c, consisting in part ai follows 80 1 aga prime green and light Rio Coffee 20 bass pt'lrtie La guira C'oflee , 20 bngaprlme old Java Colli e; 10 hhda, bright Porto Rida KugHf i 'Shhda. Muscovudo Sugar, 40 bbl. best ctaiifiad tiugnh, 6 boxea. i' Sugar 1 20 bbis. extra annul Flour . 11 boxNo. I Soup 1 J5 box a primii ohe-ip Tobaooa 1500 buaheh Alum S ilt CvwUerilarck, Stmiff, Cnpperat, Imlipo, Sui phur. Slc, 1V.0. t Also 2t)cnea Mrn'a thick and kip Brognns; 10 cases VVatnen'aand B.oya Shoea. aasor ied j IS coils Raft Rupea 1 i coils small repe' for bed cords; 4 tons (issortcd) S weed' s Plough and Tyre Iron ; Double andeingl-larrel Guns, Ao.fiio., lTW of wnich we will sell on reasonable tertna.Jl N. B. VVu am under the neeeaity of requesting all persons indebied to us, 1 1 make iniiardiale payment .aseaih us possitilc, to enable us to keep up iuch a sioek tf Gioceries as our customers require. " elept 2.l. B43. 1 , 80-tf. To Turpentine Makers In 4)iijt1in, rAM now locating two large Stills at Sarectn. and shall have ihem in operation by 1st to 10th June. Persons nuking Turpentins ip that region, raft rely on disposing ol it al all times at fuir price. My.bua- inesa there will be conducted by alt w in. Hyde Wilmington, April 26th. W. O. JEFFREYS. 'it f. ilMBKIKlS Genuine Vegetable Snti-feilious Family fills. 'TMIESE Pills area certain cure for Fevor'and Ague, L and Hilious lever, as numerous certilicalea sent to the proprietors will showf The smallnoss of the dose,, (only two pills,) their energy, ih ir simplicity, and elneacy. happily udupt llu-ni I'oT Family nnd general use. Tho unbounded popularity and extensive sale of the fiills have induced iicrson to iinitaW them, and wrap them up under u 1111110 and reputation not their own. The proprietors hive. jwt up these pills in their own proper name that y may the mofe-elFcfiually protect them ami the public from fraud, -vhicli they etiuld not do it they had takeO :t fictitious name, or the name o. ihedeud. Read the following statonicnt: My falhci, the Rev. B. HmnAnn, died August 17,' 1344. While in his life time, I manufactured these Pills and put them up in boxes, and enclosed them with wrappers, with his name, by his conscn.f ond approbation ; he used frequently to say to nie,"Now be Very careful, my son, for if the Pills arc not made good, the public will blame me." So by his active supprintendance.lhe Pills have gained their roputa jioneen Family Medicine. 'Since his Beam. I have manufactured thePillsand nit them up in my own name, as 1 deem it to be a species of deception to pirt the name of Rev. B. Hib iiAnn, on the wrapper, nnd thereby induce the belie! ihat he superintends' the iaamifactore.W)f the Pills. know1ngut the same time iiiit R is not so that he is dead. v" The Pills bearing the name, R. P. HIbbard, are m-inufnciurcd by tne, nnd are the Genuine Hibbard's Pills nsjnade by my father. Rev. B. Hibbard. iu:w;s F. HIISIURD. Be sure and ask for R. F. Hiblmrd'a Pills Gknts, This may certify that T wasaflicted with that dreadful disease. Fever and Ague, and wns re eoininenileil to try your Pills. One box was sufficient to coinbleto a cure. Yours, respectfully ' S. MINER; To R. P. HrBnAr Co. Prepared and sold wholesale and retnil, by 'R. F. IIIBBAR D iSl Co. John street. New York, sr nernl agenis for th" r fit ted Morjoty' of Shakers, and by Dr. A. C. EVANS, wholesale and relallDrgglst, Vi1 iiiiniiton N il. rfl'RIfFlSj AND?5CENT3. jr NOTICE. Thc'subscrlber hns opened nn office In Parsley's Mm k nn Water St., for the transaction of a treneral ( 'ommisston Business. Proper attention will he paid to the sale of merchandise of nny kind, as well as to the sale or shipment of any of Bus products of the country and the usual ai'vanccs made when desired, on eunsiu'nments lor sale, or for shipment to mv friendsat the North. I have n wood Naval Store vard nrrri Warehouse, renmlefVom the danjrr'r of fire and w ill in ike charnea very moderate, where persons 111 -1 v desir to store temporarily. Aptll27-tf. ' VV. O. JEFFREYS. LIME 1 LIME ! ! jlME!!f 'lOC'i ,!I"'S Eineolnville Wldte Lnttip-, R(in bbls ' A f ' Tboiiiastini Liuio. Aleo, eafl-int d Plaster, Pl-isieriie- II air. and Fire Btii-k, Hvdaririic Cement; IPOd bbls. Lime if-c; for siiln hv J. C. ii R. I . WOOD J ul v '.'5th, - 'B6-tf. One Hundred Dollars Reward. I WlLLelvr OncHundrtd Dollar for tne anmehi-nslon nnd delivery lo me at Brook SS fwii 11, neai Georrjemwn, S. C. My man Har nj. w he Ii is two of hit front tneth out, is about 5 feet 8 inebi s hieh. nnd has a black skin. Jlarry has been lurk njr about Doctor B. ft 1 iny'a plantation on Town Creek, and passes from thence to Wilmington- and occasionally visits Llftk: River.' S. C. If lodyedln Wihnington Jail I will nay Fifty Dollars for him. J. A. HEMINGWAY. Oct. 7. ' 87-tf. JUST RECEIVED, Direct from the Manvfartori. GOOD assortment Ladies fine Kid Slippers. jY " " ' ' ' Buskins, Gentlemen's Gnal Skin Brngnns, Calf ' For sale choup by G.R.FRENCH. Auti3. 59-lf. VRTH CARtH.INA. Cotton Yarns nnd Cloths i 1 co':htantly on hand, for sale by R. W. BROWN. Oct. 14. 90if. I'tiA K. 1 en hogshenrts Sugar, for sale by O HOWARD & PEOE HOWARD & PEDEN. m-tf. Nov. 2. TO RENT. THE store corner 0 rod cross and front streets lately uqriipicd by Messrs. G. P. Si, R IL UcrV O. G. PARSLEY. Guar. Sept. 12. 76-tf. Fire Insurance, AGEKY OF THE NORTH CAROLINA Mutual Insurance Company WILMINGTON, N. C. 1MIE Subscriber as agent of the above Company, cuDiinui a to receive spplicaliontfoilneuniDCf si llier in Town or 1 ho Country. From th hUh atan ing which this Company hat attained l ihjeeom tnunity, as wall na in all part of the Stala, and the llburul way nil losm a that havu occurred haxta been ax ttle-d, proves il to bi one of the mod aubauntial oTicera in the country. The Company hava a vfty Inrgt' amount of Pramluiu notea (will accurcd) to mettliig any loe 0at uiy herenfU'r occur. THUS. SANDJjt)RD. jfJet. 2694-tf. -agetu., MISSES and BOYS Patcat Leather Bell, a large nssottment, for sale by C. M VERS. Oct. 26. 95-lf.- UOSH WHISKEY. I CASK' Vety superior Irish WHIskey. for sale at i 1 HOWARD A PEDEN'S. I Nov. I08.t. ..1.1..'' ir. .a. I ' ' esvfrctv-'1'' ' f . Oil Ul l , , , 0' U rCAULTS Superot SnufJTln all 8rnda of pack taes, conatantly on hand, for sale by - BARRY, BRYANT t CO. Ocr.23 m-;;, , ;,',;., . , 96-u. ; I (-..:: ' COFFEE' .-' "c '" f Kf BAGS Superior quality. SC' Domingo,; juat UVJ recelted, fot eale by ' ' " ' , ' ' rtinwv1 puv VP A m Oct. 29. " ', . r.V, ' ' 96 tf. FRESH RAISINS, .' CPacktgea Raisin, assorted 6 boxea pree erved JU Gintrer; 5 do. Citron 1 2 baneia Currant Almonda, FUberta, BraxilNuta, F-ngllah Walnuta, Ohell Batta ana ooeuea Aimonoe, lor eale try HOWARD A PEDEN. N0V.2S. 408;lf. COYV FEED. HHEbes thing to leed Cowt.Horsc, Hogs, ! -1 &c., Ac, for saltby JETI1RO THAlfs: Dec. 14. 1847 11- ii FOR SALE. m O BALES COTTON. . J Apply to R. W. BROWN. 108-tf. Nv. 25. NEW BARRELS. OQ NEW YORK made, Spirit of Turpentine nurreia, juai received, ana lor sale by R. W. BROWN. Nov. 25. 10S-at. Towing. rpHE STEAMER Gov. GRAPH,.. JL ia prepared to low'vessels whenever called for. if not nirnn.t nn n river tri r - - -1 1W s un 11 . in 1 1, ir ft flhnre at DUrnnnirfV And tin mil irt tKtt- nMiAs t 1 1 m rmi niHiiirai wnina ha innnirii,! r. 1 r ,v '"ii 1 1 1; j v U Miitaoiion. Apply on board 10 Cnpt. T. F. Pr k, or Jun20 ' 4i-f The Graefenberg Vegetable PILLS. 0,000 Boxes sold ear,h and every week. THRORA R P P tv. 1 BURG COMPanv hereby give notice that their General Agent for the State of North Curollnu is Capt. WM, JONES, Lou (burg. Franklin county, The General Ao-em la fully prepared lo appoint aub-Agentswhcrcver there is no Drancti ol the Compa ny eilher. on Dersonul 1. n. nflz-nllnn n. K.. II , paid. The rapid eale of thesi celebrated Pjllt-. m d lie enraoruinary cures iney are constanily tne lir.g. under them, bv (ar. the must nor.iilnr Pill ni ,. .. n Agency will consequently bo vcr vnluuble. 1 le Graefenberg Pills are Inconceivably superior to any ever before discovered. In all bllioaa com plaints; in general derangement of die sysK 111 ; in ail disorders which result from a bad atu.te of the blood, ihese pills are a soverelfn remedy. In ike clasesof diseases called chronic, tin Gr acf- enaer-; Fill.' acliieve their highest triirtiif lm. Here thev defv all coninetltion Km, .rim, ,i,l,;., , 1, 1.1.1 ' ' ' -l .ni; IUU- den recetseaof theayalem. they quietly but surely purify the blood, root out disease, dnd give tone and vigui iu tne uouy. CURES ARE CONSTANTLY EF FECTED oy these PHIs, in cases w here every other means had utterly failed. The most abundant proof ol iliie could be civen ; but a trial of one box will convinc me patient. 1 hey enn be ordered nnd sent by nidi ..ija: . n. l , . ai 1 riuui expense. 1 ne price iszo centt n box. When two dollars Worth are ordered nrwl ih.- , ... poy remitted, the Compnny will pny i(,ntiEc or il.i rum. iveuiiiiiinces 111 1 lit- cunipiiliy iinK. t.ii-I ever there is no agency ol the cuiii t.ny. they cim bt ordered bv mn il. These j'ills nre taking the place of nil othete, and nosicit person snouio tie witnout Inrln. . ALL BILIOUS CO.Mi'LAINTS. Hoirel Complaints, Conitinatinn, lyntia. fircrl .01.1 11,-nr. nwuaait, aunoife, iirrr ( umplaitUt, Itkatmntinm. all Slumarh ( 'nmum'ti. r.v... .--z. , ....... ...nn-i ness. ,f r. &c. yield at once to these Pille. 1 hi y I puree nwav offensive humor, arresi ih f.rr....... .0 1 disease und al the tame time restore lone nnd vigor I 10 me Bvaieui. in caaes 01 general aerunten 1 in 0 1 11.; Hi-nun, 1 ney are ourr.ltWUii. 1)Y THEI . USE, the weak will become the Dale and bilious comuU-i ion he r. si.irH i, , . r. fectiy freah and healthy color all the bad aymptoius win uiic oy uuc uiNiupesr. In ahorttheaa Piliiar on InnnnreUsht .h ,.,. upon any other medicine ever before- oflered to the 1 1 1 A . -1 .I . . I piniiie. n irmi win saiiajy nny one ul this. Foranlo by WILLIAM H. LIPPITT W ilming ton N. C. fCj" Ajrents are rcqticstctl to report to mej of tlicir progreaa. vt ' WILLIAM JONES. Nov. 20. 1847. ly. 106. Marble Monuments 4 AND GRAVE STONE AGENCY, , '"PIIE subscribers ere appointed Aircntsfor one 1 lhe6-andmoejfnir MARBLE YARDS In Connecticut, and will receive orders for Mnrbh Monuments or Grave Sone, cither lettered or nel which will be furnlsficd at the ahortest notice nnu most reasonable orlcca. Vv'e haverecel ed a variety of patterns, variousstylra rTi:i tne price, wiuctt may be examined at snv lime J. C. 4 R. B. WOOD, fl Milder t and Contractor!. June 17. 40. , Fire and Marine Insurance." inounv unp tup tentrDPTiAvj ittraivri? rn auD.iui ruu inu 1 iiuili 1111,1 niuin .iiiYU vf OF NEW JEHSEY. CAPITAL, $200;OCy)! TTAVING been appointed agent of th abofOCam- XI pany.for Wllmlnston and vicinity, I will Issue Policies, on eargoca, freights and vesel, and, take Eire KIska on os reasonable term a any other In tiiuilon. Any losses sustained wlllbe promptly snd horior bly adjusted and paid, and in cim of d I Set nee, the tJourtt olnOrtn Carolina will be acknowlrnerd. a MitiTlK l.'i June let. 1848. 33-r. Q Cream and Amber AIe v npHB8obcribw respectfully Informethc cftlffk jM. of Wilmington, and.publicgrnernVly.ihat ncha, commenced Ihe Manufacturiag ol Aleaod Beer, the coratrot Orange and From Mrcrts. JKTHRO THAllX. Dee. 14.1847. U-tf.' nPIST Mil. I. r-lIT C ... k.rikA. k..o alartail flrtml litl I ncxlon with their .Saw Mill, and can farnl-h Meal and ITomlny of prime quality and at vary shot I notice. JOHN McKAE A Co. Feb.,f6t8. , 139-tf. 1 U.fAi I BLANKS : PRINTED TO ORDER, AT'tTTR COMMERCIAL OFFICE.