'.TUB COMMERCIAL,, , i Is uutilishoj every Tuemldf, Taurtday and Saturday, at S,0tf par annum, payable in allcaaes in advance by THOMAS LORiNG, : EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR! 1 . benjamipTThowze,, ' ',' - ASSOCIATE EDITOR. -V ; Corner of Fhht'dU Market" Streets, bates or JWtSRTISINO. 1 sqr. 1 insertiun. $050 1 " 2 " 75 1 3 " 1.00 I sqr. 2 months, Si 5 8 12 1 a " 1 6 " 1 " 1 year, I li 1 month, 2,50 TivwIirA liiipu nr liaa makes a square, it an Advertisement exceeds twelve lines, the price will be in proportion. All advertisements are payable at the time of thp.tr insertion. Contracts with yearly advertisers', will be j made on the most liberal terms. ! i-All Advertisements inserted in the i tri-weekly Commercial, tin entitled to one' insertion in the Weekly, free of charre JOB. CARD and FANCY PRINTING ! executed in superior style. ! WILLIAM J. CLARK, ATTORNEY AT LAW, RALEIGH, N. C. fSeput2th. 18,19. . 7g-.tri.e. CARROLL & FENNELL. Grocers & Commission Merchants, WILMINGTON, N. C. MAVK ALWAYS ON HAND A GENERAL ASBOflTMENT OF F1IIIW CR9CEKIES, LIQUORS, W1MS, &e- AND WILL PAY P.iBTICULAR Attention to the sato of all kinds of Produce 1. J. CASBOLL. C. K. riNNBLL. July IX, 1848. FREDERICK CLARK. MANUFACTURER AND DEALER IN ALL KINDS OT CABINET FURNITURE tHAIRS, BEDSTEADS, WRITING DESKS,' MAT TII1SSES, PAII11STERS, kt FRONT STREET, NEAR MARKET, WILMINGTON, N. C. April! Ith. 1R 19. Illy- DER0SSET & BROWN. WILMINGTON, N. C. BROWN & DER0SSET. NEW YORK. (.t:rii.l criM.wssiox AtxncitA.ws M.ircli 17, HIS. 1-y. J. & W. L. McGARV. P 0-R WARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, WI.MIN'GTON', N C. MirehlUSH. -V- ROWLEY, ASHBIRNER, k Ucncral Coiiimisxion Merrhnnti, N'o. ' A 6, Sul'TII Whabves, PHILADELPHIA. irf p'p'jviri'il I ) 111 ik" liberal advances on ship 11 nis'il iv il S 1 1 r 1 . Ac, consigned to us for sale. Iti'M- I') M'"-r. llvLf. iV Armhtfionc', C IJennett I-'lanner. Wilmington, N. C- Oimikie A'. Davis. ( 1 1 1 11 v i -, 1 - n 123-ly. iii:0Ri;K S. GILLESPIE. A..I.N I' T'Hl Till! SAl.K OF I.I'MllKl, .V.I VAL STORES, ( i ili-I'll i.lvnrvps nn alli'onsigntrtents of produce. VI .III Mi V II . Mf. I. t' GHORGT W. DAVIS. (;01.11.SSK)X MERCHANT, WILMINGTON, N. C. s irrli 17. ISIS. 1 J. C. LTTA. C O M MISSION ME R CIIA NT, AND GENERAL AGENT, WILMINGTON. N. C. Oct. 10, Hid. 67 CASSIDEY, SCIIRADER & CO., i:.x(;im;i:us and mechanist, WILMINGTON, N C. THC A n O V K ri HAVE KBCCTEU AN IXTCNSIVI IRON AND BRASS FOUNDRY, TOOt TH EH WITH Machine nnd Blucksmllh Shops, kVhere 'irders f.ir every ilescrlpiiun uf work in iht ir line ot business, will tj expeditiously and luilhfully executed. July '-'r). R-i. . 55-If. MARTIN A fRONLY. J UCTIONEERS, COMMISSION MEUCIIANTS, (ilONKR.uJ ACE NTS Wilmington, N. C., Get. 3 HI9. 5-tf. riTFTNTlrTv N C E iS THE NATIONAL LOAN FUND SO CIETY, OF LONDON. A Nil FIRE INSURANCE IN THE ETNA INSURANCE COM PA NY, OK HARTFORD, Conn., OB, l TMS HOWARD INSURANCE COMPANY, OF NF.W YORK, Mar be elTectfd byjinnllcatloii to ' DsROSSF.T 4 BROWN, Nov. 25, 1917. IU9 ANOTIIKR INVOICE. Of Furniture, hi ths -Srhr. A J. Ikjiosut, From Neir York ) FINE SoIbb. a faihlonable snick ; 0 0 Ikiw Pim Bedsteads; 12 CoUB single and double sliest An Biwottment of Looking Glosses ; 12 Rocking Chairs ( 12 Siok Chair j 12 high Chairs, for Children; UJ fiulling Chairs; Alio, T haodsorue Sideboard. V. CLARK. New Vork Furniture Wrr house. Pec. 21. i9 VOL. 3 NO. 123 JOHN II ALL, SHIP AGENT . AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, No. 30 GRAVIER STREET. New Orleans- Apfll 13, 1843. UO-ly. F. J. LORD & CO. Rice Factors k Commission Agents. Nov. 25, 1847. 109-l)-p. Seller & m rae, LUMBER AMU TIMBER'AGESTS, KKSERAL CilMflSSlON MERCHANTS, and GROCERS, Store formerly occupied by Hall & AaaiafaoNO, NORTH WATER STREET, WILMINGTON, N. C. HECTOR M'BTLLAR.' Nov. 11, 1848. ALEX M'SAK. 102 L. MALLETT, AGENT FOR THE BALE OP Timber, Lnmbcr, Naral Stores, &c, Natt's Building, North Water Street, WILMINGTON, N. C. Nov. 9, 184H. W BARRY, BRYANT & Cd.7 COMMISSION MERCHANTS, WILMINGTON, N. C. March 17, 1848. ' 1 tf. WILLIAM NEFF, (Late of the find of NfcFF & Wakneh.) ct'U'JLESALE and retail dealer in SHIP CHANDLERY, SHIP STORES AND GROCERIES, CORNER OK DOCK A WATER STREETS, WILMINGTON, N. C. Doc. 7th, 1849. l'3-'f- wTbranson, AUENT FOR THE SALE OF UMBER, LUMBER, NAVAL STORES, &c Xutt's Budding, Xnrlh Water Strci. WILMINGTON, N. C. Sept. 28 1848. 83-c. N. B. HUGHES, AUCTIONEER COMMISSION0 ME RCtf A N 7 RALEIGH, N. C. finliclts consignments, and will attend to nil busi ness iTitruslcd to hint, n ml pledges hlrnsrlf tlmt all roiisl!jnmnm and bualnuBs shrill Be strictly done In conloi'inity to ttte widhes ut' hit cm pluybr ij. REFERENCE T. Lobiso, I'.ai)., V ilininiiton. E. W. WIlkinoh, Em;., Fuycttcvillc. Kn. ,.Ti, 1948. G!)-ly. JOHN D. LOV E, DKAl.KR IN CABINET FURNITURE, BEDSTEADS, CHUUS, IIURISSES. it, ROCK SPRING, WILMINGTON. N. C. S10TT, KEEN k CO. MERCHANT TAILORS, AM) UKALLHri I.N S U P 1M O K UAoliung. MARKET STREET. V 1 I, M I N GTO N , N C. Ort.l.HW. 9J-y- ( ORNEI IIS MYERS, M A N U F A C T U R E R, AM) DEAl.KR IN HATS, CAPS, UMBRELLAS AND WALKING CANES, &c WILMINGTON, N. C, Markct-st. Oct. 17 lti4,s. 91 -tf. W. L. SMITH, (La ri: of rut: rtflM of flANDFonn & Smith.) AUCTIONEER AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, WILMINGTON, N. C. Store on North Water Street, Parslty's block. Oct. 14 1S41 DO-yc J. S. WILLIAMS, Fancy & Staple Dry Goods Store ONE DM WKSf OF Wm 8U1W S DRUG STORE MARKET STREET, Wl LM I NOT ON , N. C. Oct. 14,1849. 90. JAS. T. MORRIS, Lumber and Timber Inspector, WILMINGTON, N. C Oct. I2.1R48. 89 6in JAS, T. MORRIS, agent for the Sale or Purrhiu of IKGROfo WlfMINGTON, N. C. Oct. 13 IS43. 8J-6m $25 REWARD. RAN AWAY from the Eaiat- of Wm. B. Mearw, InJunalut, a neiru fellow called HENRY or HF-MtY HILL. He 11 about 6 4 to 4 fool 6 locHe hlh, well Biada and li kc j , h U quirk Mke sod than. Ha U probably Urkkn fiout VVHmnton. trvr be has s good inny raiationa. 1 will ge rswnrd ol tlh fur Ida annrehension and delivery lo ; me in W'ilniingtun, or to VVm. T. Brav at Mearca' ' Blurt'. T. V. MEARF.S. I ISov.9. ipi-n. PUBLISHED TRMVEEKLY, Wilmington, Tuesday J. r. blossom, FORWARDING AND CllJWISSIlft MERCHANT, WILMINGTON, N. C. Liberal Canh advnncri nmdeon consignments lo Mr, Benjamin Uloseom New Vurk. ALSO. AGENT FOR THE .PTUIL BENEFIT LIFE INSC RINL'E CUMPA V. Capital liablefnr Losses, about $700 00f. Dec. 19; 1849. 119 6m c. BENJAMIN BLOSSOM, COMMISSION MERCHANT, NEW YORK. Liberal advances made upon Cnn&ignnienlt) of si kinds of produce. References. Mensr. J. &, D: McRae, J G. W. Davis, Eh Wilmington. J. R Blokhom Esq. ) Dec. 19, 184? lib' F. J. LORD & CO., Agenm for the NAUTILUS MUTUAL LIFE INSURANT E Accumulated Capital, $130,000. ALSO FOR THE EAGLE LIFE it IIICALTII INSURANCE CO. Capital, $100,000. Will take risks on livei of Slaves. Office 2 3 North Water Street. Oct. 24, 1818. MARINE AND FIRE INSURANCE. THE Subscriber having received the Agency the Camden Insurance Company. N. J. CHARTERED 1832. WITH A CAPITAL OF $100,000, urn i . A ..:..iu ; il C.i;... - .... cargoes, freights ami vessels outof this port; and also! take Kire risks on ns reasonable rerms as any other small, neat ilwClling, irotn I lit; garueti Oi Institution Losses sustained will be promptly nnd whjch mjKhl be SPe R fli(,r prou,Uy float hunorablv adjuslnd and paid, and in case of difference 1 . , .i i the Courts of NorthCarullna willbe acknowlejfed. j mg n the air, beartnjr the simple nibcnp. A. MARTIN, Art. i tion btf 'Mattnro, IsOO." With tln late Dee. 14. 1847. 116-lv-c. WM. M. HARRIS. . El'UCNE B. DRAKE IIARRISS k DRAKE. , General Co iuiiissim MerchaQts, WILMINGTON, N. C. Retebences : O. G. Parsley. Esq, ) (.'ol. John Mcltae, Wilmington, N C. Messrs. Bulliird & 1 1 n n 1 1 nt on . ) Will Peck, F.sq . Rnleiyh.N. C. !;k; C0-(Kaye,,vie,N.C. Messrs. James Corner 4 Sons. Bnliimore. " K. A. Souder & Co , Philadelphia. " hompson ii Hunter, Pillsbury A Sandford, lyew. York. Hurltiiiir & Tufts. Boston. " J. A G. P. Titcoiilb, Kennebunk, Mo. September 14th. 19IP. 77 tf. COTTON YARN. 10 Boles, U. C. Yarns assorted numbers, for sule by J. C. LATTA. Oct. 24. 91-tf. A Fine Set ol TVetli for 25 Cents. White Teeth, Foul Breath, Henlthy Gums. Yellow and unhealthy teeth, after being once or twice cleam-d with JONES' AMBF.ll TOOTH PASTE, havetheappenranceof the most beautiful Ivory, and at the same lime it in so perfectly innocent and exqui sitely fine, thai its constant daily use in highly ad van t a peous. even to those teeth that are in good condition, giving litem a beautiful polish, and preventing a pre mature decay. Those alre.idy decayed, il prevent from becoming worse it iUso fastens such as are be coming loose, nnd by perseverance it will render the foulest teeth delicately white, nnd make '.he breath dclciously sweet. PRICE 25 OR 37 J CENTS A BOX. Sold in Wilmington, by Llppitt A Wlllkincs MILLETS. Mullets, fre-h paekid, HOWARD A 50 BBI.S. low at nnd lor sale P El) EN'S Nov 25. FLOUR AND BUCKWHEAT. .II tiBLS. Extra Oauil flour; 20tnll lo extra ("a vv n il Flour 25 I banels d ; For sole at Nov. 25. 25 ti:i lluckwheit; .5 boxes do. 25 t b irreltf, do. ; 5 hall bbls do. ilOWAltl) A PEDEN S. 10-tf. LONDON BROWN STOUT. C.- i DOZEN best Brown stout Purler, in quarts 0J and pint bottles. fo tale al HOWARD A I'EDEN'S. 1 03-if Nov. 25. X TONM HOOP IRON i ' t) JO obis. Super Family Flour; Goshm and Mountain Butter) Lard in Kegs; On consignment. Fur sale by WILL. O. JEFFREYS. Nov. 23. 107-tf. T ADIES MERINO, and Silk Vests, for sale by 1J J. S. WILLIAMS. Nov. U 103-tf WORTHY OF NOTICE. THE Subrcribet htsalwayson hand a good stuck of Pure Sfom Oil for machinery : Also, low priced Oils ; Linseed Oil i and Is agent for the Langcrteea Whit Lead Co ; He ia also the agent for the solo of Ooodyear'B Metall'O Rubber Belts Ruse A Hoyt'a Leather stllched Bands i GuliaPereha Hands West A Thompson's Coupling joints for Steam Francis' Metallic Life Boat ; Pipe Metnllio Letters for .Stuns ; He la also agent for the sale of Steam Engines, Lathes. Looms if- Carding machine, and manufac turers articles generally. All the principal articles sold at maker's prices. LEWIS M. HATCH, 7f) Meeting .Street, Charleston. H C. ChnrltAhm, NQT. 27 m. 110-if. spirit RiRnriQ ni Hill D.lKllbLcl, . 90 F'M,TV Bbl.; large sixr and in prime or-, aer. juh receiven ana mr saie oy der UAKK) . mi A .VI Co. ...... ...... . . . . Oct. Bth- 6 t BY THCMAS LORING. morning, jmuary 2, ftm tfu LmdtM Kttpaakt, for 19-19. FIOftDISPINA (i ADO VAN I; i OR, , CR8ICAW VEJTCEANCE, W LORO WILLIAM LENNOX. ' "My wronjj too unrepaid, ' My youth disgraced the lone long wasted years, One blow hall cancel." Byron. , The (dand of Corsica, famed as the birthpladK of Napoleon, has undergone many political changes and revolutions in its government, having been successively ruled lt the Carthagenians, Romans, I nihil Sl -aAa L'r,, n lo thn nn I'laonj Oenoes.-, Fngiish. and French. Its htstor-1 i l rprnllertunw w shall, however nnss unnoticed, except to sat that at the period we write of. this highly-favored spot con - tinned a department of France, under the prosperous reign of Ixiuis l'hihppe. Hastia, which, before the Francli revolu tion of 1789, was the capital of the island and could boast of being the seat of the governor, the principal judges and officers of state, the see of the Bishop of Marian and Acci, had, ,at the period of which we write, butlittle to recommend it ; its mag isterial dutie3 were performed by a spus prcfet, and it still held its civil, criminal, and commercial tribunals. The town, where the scene of the present drama is laid, is situated on a hill, in the form of an amphitheatre, and stands on the north-east part of the island : it is irregularly and ill built, the streets being narrow and confin ed ; it possesses, however, a strongly forti I fied citadel, a mmpart flanked with bas. ; lions, and a safe and commodious harbor j for small vesseis. At the extremity of the I town, facing the sea, and near to the forti fications, the stranger or wavfarer could not fail to have his atienlion attracted by a inmates oi this house are connected the main incidents that have given rise to the present narrative. Pietro Gadovani, the last occupant, was the only son of Serjeant Jerome Gadovani, a brave nnd honorable soldier, who had served with distinction under the celebrated Pascal Piioli, in his successful four years' warfare against the tyranny of the Genoese When. at a ubsequent period, the island had become a department of France, and the cliffs, his foot s!ippcil, arul falling into a was attacked and captured by the British j frightful char-m, he was taken up apparent force, the veteran Gadovani, then in his Uy lifeless, and conveyed to Gadovani'g sixtieth year, again) found himself at his house. For several days ho remained in A post, assisting to man the guns of the cita-' slate of insensibility. On recovering his del During the operations, the serjeant ! consciousness, he found Fiordispina by his fell mortally wounded by the side of his J side, gazing upon his pallid features, coun son Pietro, a youth of sixteen, who had j ting the rapid vibrations of his beating pulse, volunteered his services in the hour of danger. Witn his dying breath, Gadovani bequeathed his son to the cafe of his sup erior officer, Colonel Franchi, whose life, upon a former occasion, he had been the means of saving. 1 his gallant onicer mi- j plicitly fulfilled the trust imposed upon J him, to succor and protect the orphan of. 1 I . 1 . I ...l .L - I n comraue anu preseiver , anu wiieu me i youthful Pietro, inflamed with military nr- j dor, had attained his eighteenth year, he sought his guardian's sanction to join the I like the sun, and all which rolls around i standard of Napoleon Buonaparte, then i drinks life, and li;ht. and glory, from her j appointed chief consul to the newly-forin- j aspect " But it is a sad and mournful sub- ed republic To this request Col. Franchi iject to view her as the neglected and crush- i not only gave his willing consent but fur'ed flower, torn from t!ie cherished path ol i nished the youthful nsjnrant with every 1 innocence. Vet such was Fhrdtspintt's 1 requisite, nihling a letter to his old friend melancholy fate. She was an artless, con-! and ally the Corsican general, now raised fiding creature, susceptible of bein; innul-1 to the highest osition in France, urging ded to any form trusting implicitly to the1 him to. forward the views of his adopted man who swore to love nnd cherish her. ' ward. 'bhe m an evil hour yielded to the base -1 Pie-ro ( i idovani took leave of Ins o-unnli-, an, and ipi'lted the shores of his fatherland i to follow the fortunes of his brave country-' man. Keacninrr 1'ans he nreAnio,l i , . i " O -- - u tug I letter to the pror authority, nnd was short ly afterwards appointed to one of the most 1 distinsruished reriinents in tbp sprviep , Thp vourr snl.lior nrnmnnin,l Viia xnmc n Marengo. nnd took a distinguished part in ! r,t'tl 1,18 "trocity so far as to propose to Je - that victory, which cost the Austrians fifty j tome Baltini, a contrabandist residing in thousand men and decided the fate of Ita-! the Monte Rotoudo. and who had formerly ly. Townrrigthetertninntionoftheactioa'Pdtothe hand of the poor betr yn! detachment to which Pietro Gadovani be-' t0 vow himself the f atherof the child. capture ! a color from the enemy, and as he was the ama th only survivor in that gallantcxploit. honors were thickly ttrewed upon him. He was promoted on the field to the rank of captain, i and received an honorable distinction from the hands of tho victorious general. We will not dwell upon his military career further than to say he was presnt at Austerlitz and Jena ; nnd when bythe trea ty Fontainblenu the emperjorwas compel ed to retire to'Elba, Captain Gadovani wasa mong his faithful followers. In the Captain that Suceeded the) escape of Napolean, Gad ovani now promoted to the rank of colonel, was appointed to the command of a battalion j of the old uard,and formed one of that i chnrpe in the eventfull battle of Waterloo, j upon which rhomne in tWlt seemed to rest j his Inst hopes ' When leading his men boldly forward to .! - 1 . L . L :i I . . I ' I f uiijoiicia ui th British line. Gadovani received a severe WOund in the knee thnt rendered the ampu tation of his Ipjt necessnry After recover ing from the effects of the operation, the j849. whole No. 435. maimed soklier returned to his native island, and it wat not until thn dfath ofth fxilml ein)eror that the brave warrior nlmrKlond all hoperf of being aain cnllpd upon In nerve hm country. When thnt evnt took place, Uadovarti pnve up nil 'idea of active HHiplovnwnt, and having mamed the rlfuijh ter olf one of his father's most valued friends, who 'brought him a handsome dowry, he purchased u small property m IJastm, from j the ararder? of which (lowed tha banner we have already alluded to, oil the identical Staff that hurl hr-rn rnnfnrn,! t Mnrpnrrn In the following- venr. to the inexpressi-1 ; grief of the f.ahrr, Iim wif. died in giv- i . .. """'o OH." ITIiei 01 llie I.lliif f. Ills tVitr! (Il.'ll in frlV bl 'B lh to our heroine. This was a sad I blow", an. was rendered more acute bv the i dutli ol lus guardian, Colonel Franchi, who is, . n . r i ieu n ,icum io a lever men r.irtng in the low, swampy grounds of the island. To rear his only child. Fiordwjpiri , in the pnth of peace and innocence, wan now the sole Object of the almost heart broken soldier Alas I for his and her happiness, these fond aSIUratlOIIS Wprennt rlnomril tn ho ranllonf , We pass over tno early years of the mo-1 therless child, and bring our readers to that j period whe the beautiful Finrdianinn h..a attained her ei.rhteenth vear: nnd whrr, unhappily for her, she had attracted trie at tention of an officer in the French army. Lucien Franchi, the only sonof her father's guardian, who had just returned from Al geria. Fiordispina was indeed a bein (o love, tall ami well formed, her colour brilliant, her teeth regular and of a pearly white. Although her complexion sln-weir her to be the daujrnlfr of a sunny clime, her ever., which were of the deepest' blm, beamed with the lustre of youth and health, and proclaimed, in characters too marked to br misunderstood. that she possessed an intel lect which only required proper culture to produce the ririest harvest The mutual affection which had sprung up between the tw0 seemed '.o incre;i.e hourly, an. I Fiordispina. having Ruined her father's cogent, became affianced to the son of lo r f.itlier's friend It was arranged that Lunen should immediately repair to his properly near Olptta to make arrange ments for the reception of his bride, ad that tTpnn his return he was to lead the art less jrirl lo the alter. l'he evening preceeding Lucien Fran- chi'sdeparture.whtlestrolinn'Hsllcsslvalon'r and refreshinrr his fevered brow with cool ing applications. The unwearied care, the anxious solicitude, the all-absorbing affec tion, which the devoted irirl bestowed upon the sufferer, seemed to atone to him for the loss of liberty and health, and he renewed his vows of constancy and love. We must here pause in our narrative. It - . I . I r is a ginteiui ineme 10 speak oi woman in her purity, tempering the rude nature of man. and towermir in that v:rture which -stands i duclioiis of a reckle; libertine 'l'he eon-1 seimnce of her fatal nttaclunent hern me out u0 srtjn apparent, and when, with n i- , i . . . . sorrow u neart. she ni n e known fo ,m. - i - - - cie" 'ier hapless situation, and imploringly ' ur"''' reparation from her b-trayer. he sin:!-' ed witli aisdaiu at tier apnea tint hite.l ' suspicions of another lover He even car- 1 'll 1 us nroiw.Mhon t he on: awed man retec- ted with in 'isnation. and declared that tho seducer should fall by Listund if he repea led his calumnies against Fiordispina. Days, weeks, and months circled on, and the ill dated creature became ft mother without a mother's honoured name. Hap- pily, her floating father, Golovuna, had been called to Porto ecchio, ulthc extrein-i ity of the island, upon business connected with his late wife'saffairs. 'l'he wfe ched victim, bowed down with bodily gutfermg, dejected with the pangs of remorse, l-the worm that never dies.'' contemplated self destruction, as the only means of relievin? herself from the emit in which sha was in volved Bui the -still small voic" of con science whisjiered that she would but add a deeper crrnie to her aWeady sinful doe I eekint: the cure of tho town, the en treated him lo exert his efforts to induce Franchi to yield her lardy justice; if not to restore her lost peace ot' mind, at least to protect her from the scorn of her father and mankind, and to save her hapless babe from wandering forth upon tho wide world with abjec penurjr and miierjr, or.tli'r compaaioru and gui'Jc ,1 kiadiemd pastor, who bad tbeD; nWu; BCrjva'tcd with every $rcumtance. connected with the .cause of the poor pfii:eiit' jpiery, did nil in hi power to alleviate, ter lufleringi; but hers was unlike that sorrow which . finds a healing balm the' cotsdlations of religion V: i . . ' c . l w(t A "And rrijr mjtrrei' parmt fe3clairr(l Fiordisbfna. Will he forgive theVrctch who habroobt didono iipdn'hU hither to untarnwhed name 7 V'iH'he 'taktf (fu h'a arms his lost and abandoned clilfV, The ofllictdd minintrr wipl away tie trickling tearthat would force themselves down his furrowed cheeks, anil proraw0 touse influence tt bring the aedtieer foijv proper sense of his fluty'. Vafn, however, wasrthe ntfempt, for F.ncierr "Franchi sforn ftilly rejected hi! in re rferfti.ee, and (lecrared 'that, hehourty awjited llie arrival 6( n f'un? arul Wmin?:b'irl to witou) he had 'irothw in I'mnce, eiul who, wiih i I Vf'sstl fr""1 were expected by the nctt Marscilh '1 he cure broWe u; . c i .. c- . . -i - . i . - t l"ls "Hai ""ormauon io me unrmppy cpaMre wl,,.fr.iggl.rt? with her feeling;, ! " '"n V, V ? ,' r. i 1 i . . . 1 u"? ''' ,n'l',ft,, H J'wl bLe tittered, hid..ig The lit-i ir.e in il,.-r r.uu.L4. pa ,:ir, i'.ii.diiii;- litr iuor calnvarid collec ted, to'.k h:s leare, pronusin? to re turn thei.ionu at his avocations weuld pef mil him. ' Upon the same eveivti?. nh)ci?b Frn nchi waa seated by the dour rtfa'ca, near the harbour, surmoiited ly a set cf fllssoIu,f . cornea rnoi.s.pL, ymg at cardj aftd sl"S'"S Cacchana'.uu .ongs, "ai1 in 1 ' exr.la.m.;-! tn siitmlr man," maktiig tor llus port, 1 he Jean d liart, from Marseilles!" contind th' lookr- as, after it hiji.se of tune, he iiule out the number "Then Marietta I'tJsirangQje ut on board!" said Lucien. ming from hweeat. A we lcome to iatxM'tl'ari&mii$i pta(itdelti as, filkng hipwinrlas he quailed ii to th health ot the lovely Manerta Abunier to Lncien's betrothdF' shomttL'n luaeVt? voices1,"1 with thre chceri" for ljefffl groom'" ' ' v The booiuing of a un now annotinseil thrtt tho vessel had entered th hr1)ivr. Fran cht rose from his seat. At that very ho- mmt the repcrt of n pisfrd was heard, the none of rnmh and el.niiour ceu&ed as the, ill fittd yuiiih IV,-1 ; lii'eluss uu the ground. "Scui: the murderer",' shouted a dozen voices. She's here!;' rfls)ondeil Fiordispina, m a coinininidinr tone, no with ih disehnr"el istol in tier hand, she stood bj the body of her faithless Jedvcer. and ei!aimed -Tanto j'ei cnlucmiatore et perjurati." The court ofas.-ii:ccornu)ccel its sittings, the following week, uiul Fiuidapioa Gadi ov.mi was urrainged for the wilful murder of Lucien Franchi The wretched pnsnr knowing her guilt, nnd the evidence that' could be brought against her, ernplojed no counsel, but stood in ?he dock wi'th . her child nestled m her arms, awaiting patienily the doom that was to deprive tii inu9CCiit orlijiring of a mother's care. When called upon lor her defence she, utterred not ,a,wurd Wl the iws pf her infant, as if cdifstfidifs offer iruilfe'fs fate. ascended to the roof, and fdhtl the hearts of all present with sorrow arid dismay1 Silence was nour proclaimed. m The juJg rose to sum Ur the evidence, when 4 noise washenued in the body uf the court. ' Stand back!" excLuued ihv uiher- I will be heard , ; responded the intru der, who, forcing hn way toward th Ix-nch. confronted the pubhc nertter Pietro Gadovani for it was lie stood ect, supjiorted by that staff which hi bravery had captured in hU fust rauipjugn 'hrowmg back his clK,kr and peniu lit grizzled hair fruinhia !irt'b"al, lie shewed Lt niaiiued l.mh.ii.d tic .v ;iret' i wo deep sabre-cuts tVhad rc-ived m ..ction -My t'hild us inuocei.t 1 he txclaimed. 'l'he silent appeal made by Amymasfn" behull o.hu condemned brother A-ttbylfcr, nliohi.ng tiplm ana that had been inembered at Snlanus m the service of hi country, ha J no: a more powerful 'efftct than the appear. u( e of the gullaiu vettrau li.l'i-.,' il.i'V vi-'t'i 'nn !! ., .! i i , r it -. f . meuta! sui:er- i ...I . .i ......... iau , inn wia a i.c iie,ti,i iuc u;.ueiu and V!ie:i hj ! i i ',w uearl 'h.t bauftei wbal: once ha,! been ins pride and bequeathed thtf tmpnv i' nii co jtiirvmen, imi a vtti r.m-tiue r 'unmoved j. v.-e rti. ukc to TtdotX ( " llc vci.crable cure ruihtd n.: . c-r: with ' n locket uf let'er. which he pn scLlcdjo ' he judgo , they couUui.wd the proof , of Luc.eu ir-nchi perjury ih! guilt. s.ience Wat atriri itfyi amen, and If accused w8 dec lu rod gui'.ty iti murder, with extent nn t ire!itrrstrre-s imder strong provoc.iUoii. and fuiei.tcd fo fiftee'a' months imprisonmeut But death'inierjo-' sed between the law'ftnd its victim. , Fior- dispina Gadovaiu had recwed a, 6hock OIIi which she never recovered a fever was the coi,equince her UtssorJtr Uouriy increased .die had wasted to a uxn , shadow her last hour wh at hand " 'My fathct. will he forgive'" shf; ruurintrcd. "WhtrA'ip he ? Bki bin,! my voiew -falls ine " Her eyes closinl iho soint had passed from its earthly ment. Little is now to be added. for it woulJ ba a painful task n follow her innocent olfspnnsr; to the turn!). to describe the last days of one of N r eon's bravest soldiers,,' consumed aiuuUt :1hi horrors ol" a madhouse. In the cemetery ot St Fiorenro thereare two graven ?he banner of MftrengokAtifj listless over one. they are side by de, the c.uiv sjiraigrlu'wci'3 b'.jotu around them.- -'.lie villii1 Y'vrhs aud mulenx iX

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