UUTl'iSil AND CUEESC. ft CE03 Ooshen Butt. 'I l) boxsa mild fit C. MM, U Jut received and for ... at i R wooiys. ui-tf. DAILY Eipected, Prssct4 StrawbrrleRa4. Mrrlaf. Pear. Quinces and Damsons, esaoried Jellies, Brandy PMtkut Sardirwa, Job BulliUuc, , ,.. tf S" i',' JtilN' WOOD. v '.a4' nut, ft r J GLUE t GLUE 1 1 i: : iBBt5?j Hhipirlor anility. Juet received, ij'sj wldt we will m9 tt 12 wiper pound. ., - BittRV, BRVAWT A Co , i ... v ,.ini i -ii , :,fi.. . CYPRESS SHINQLE3. i- -Ti fJr.Blaek'amalwi j OUv JeVJtv mow mim or r. . " all ci lanrs oltw. T ha eiemined mnf er 1 "I?" IT... .in . irft dnllranbk on the hr. end c.rfr, H a K WW . H KU nil. .. WW WS nJISSES and BpVS Patent Leather i kitf Oct. :" ; 1 , . 93-tf.' nnnnnrrn o- TflNAS SMITH. IDOZRfi" Children Soft Hats handsomely jlrtm edi half down L "dipt Silk Valval riding Caps, new citterns i also a few more cases of those super fl.eMokto And Beaver Hata. uvedo 0. Drv llO-lf. OttTH CAROLINA. CJtton Varus and Coths :N nooatantfv on nana, wr saw ay OcU. 4 JUST RECEIVED, iY Hie Brig ffcrrfrt, from Boeton, k a DL..U. ., Unrmlll I nam ivm --.--- ! Mitritle IVm ' cheap I 1 2 Phln Bureaus, with deep drawersj 2 sin ill didubotrde 1 Uarv.1 Top Sofa. , Theabive arU -la, toother wlih the large land aihloa.ble :k t KrtUtir o tondtndlBtrtw, will b t ' rtrfueai, roe eeH. CaU and b jy ml slelt Furniture, cheaper than you hiJ ever yai purched U In i this pkce. ?' At the Rock Spring. i)ec.t.l848. " m preserve ; TtST Received irom Cnderwobd A Co., ot Bos- J ton, 3 dwen Peche. Iajr plr syrup ( 1 do. Qalncev do. do. do; do, Pears, do. . do. do j 11 3 do. Dimwns, do. ' , do. doj d Put dp In half gallon Stona Jars. 6 doien Tomato Catsup i V 2 ad. -Sp'inl'h Olives also JeJUcs and lima of every variety, for sale low at feme oi every j, H0WARD & pEDEN'S. Not. 6. ' ' m tt- WANTED. 8M ALL vestal for Beaufort, n. ,raml'tdyi ' TUTTERLOH. " ;Dec. 7 113 . To the Laile gentlemen of WUaUitoa and Its Vleinliy. c i oniaf ME. wold respectfully Inform the Commanhy, that he has just returned from the North, end opened es o nis .nean um GOODS, Fancy Cutlery and Crockery Store, on Market street, where he la prepared to give greater bargains than any other Store can even orj his stock eooalsta In a general assortment of the J toWln'! DRES9 SIUC, ... ' Silk striped. Mode Colored, and Black Alpaeca, Ca-1 ifniiin U Lane. Wool. Muslin, French Glnehanw, Kngllah. French and American Callcoi Jaconet and Swlsa rautlitu. Irish linen, French and English MerlwfrShswIs, Cravata, Lace, Ribbonr Haodketthlsfii, Olovea, Cambrica, Bleached-and Brown Cottona from b IM yard wide, Checka, 4eiC BROAD CLOTHS, French Oaaelmaret. Doeeklns. Costing, Tweada Satin vest patterns, Handkerchiefs, Suspendera, Olovea, Cap, Comforts, dec, Ac. CUTLERY, GIJNS dp PISTOLS, Knlveaand Porks of the beat manufactoriaa, Pocke kolveef alldsacrlptloni, Sclasora. Raaors of he ftnest klwL Guns snd Pistols of varloua quallUea CROCKKRY, A full assoftmen of both fine snd common, and Verrche,P LTEWELERY, nof.n n aiivar Lsvsr aod Ankar Watches. Gold and SMserPehdla, Gold Pena In Ivercases u F.r rinn. flneer rtnrs. lireaat pins Gold studs. SOvSr tfiirnbU. Mstal Combs and Chains. , FANCY ARTICLES, In the Fancy line, an endless variety ol articles: Gultara, V:ollns, Flutes, Flfss, flsrps, Accordeons, B.aieM. Steel Beads, Parwia, WsUeU, Combs, S BuTwns, T(Ud?Nedle., Pins, Flower VsseaTapw". Hclaaora, Knlve. Flasks, Belts, Percassloi c-ps, Perfumed eoape, Genuine cologne, HrrkiLbf which is jespeetfullv oiW to the pub licit the very lowest CASH price Mymotio Is, "a nimble aixpence la better Jgftfg. At the kouae formerly occnpled by Mr. Wolfe, Markatsquaw: IL i ENCOURAGE HOME INDUSTRY." SADDLE. HARNESS, AND TRUNiL HANU FACTORY. Itrket Stmt, fUaiiii, H. C. f-TliiB uw4kr rMMtfidlv Informi the nil JL that ha sua rscsoUy rtiarned fes-s thsNora, srbara ha laid la a full and complete Mock of Saddla tod Harases mountings, 4c. c ,ol the latest and most improved styW,. Is eo-suniiy maBaeiar iog, at his store sa Xirket street, formsiljr occupied h dam B. Hotchklsa.evarv description of articles In the above Una, fro hla eiperience la the bosfrwae, ha (eels eeaAdeat that h win, be able to giver entire satlsfsctlti to his custamers, Hehss.and will keep 7UJT?.,''',Hfofi.!e MiPTiv'iircc COLLARS,, WTmj, BITTS AP SPURS; CARPKr ASDSAuDLE BAGS t TRUNKS, VALIS&&,4 fr-t '''J'i' sl every other art!ie osuallf koptla eabluhmentt ofthsklad,fw1lch a ba ararranted to be at the Vat laatarUk and workmanship, and sold oa ' cedents terras Cm cash, ot P short credit to puaa, ill $ CVItORMHTfL f Rasawn st sery description promptly attended to. Coaches sad Carriages trimmed In a neat and ubstsntislstyia. ... Medical lags. Cushions of every description snd all athsf ante lee aaaaU maaafactared la aalabUsh neats ol the kkoS, mads to order. - - afiaMna In lnnKa RlfW0 VSIIfLII. Saa said find It to their Interest to itlve him a call. JOUN J. V'ONOLEY. . JtaflMS. Eliraclocf Miracles I! i ,l On fA Itk of AunutAti'ihe year1 1848, tinpdar tcene occurred inihcttoyal Scknti ficliuiiiution of France. TKtagtdx vhil ktadei PrttidtnU KU head, care, hi$ urm ouftre(crf, hUfaci radiant ilh inula, (jof ctence vat mumpnani, ; una ,vv-e Report: . . , n ,- We arc aetoandtd at ihta aingular preparation. WVaraindoed willacienoe atop I . Ilefewelwve atre parailon wade In the form oft beautiful piece of aoap, which wa know, by actual practice, to cure averycuwneous eruption, every dUtiguremenl of, and nrflannl.iiadaklnl Where will ita IliaslC and aln fular power oeanf? The Negro, thfcCfoole, the Yel- l Tarn ftofiof the EaaL and the Red Man of the Fur r Wat,araaike ander thelnfluencecf lt extraordina ry powetaof clearing yellow or dtacolored skin, and making it white nnd beautiful, and of changing the color ol dark, or black, or brown akin.'1 (Hereaever alperaonawere brought forward by the Prealdent, who had uaedit, innroof bf hit aaacrtlon.) There are probably few persons of Intelligence Who, aftetteadingtlie above, will doubt the qualitleaof ' ote' Italian Chemical Soap, In curing Plmplea, Blotehea, Salt Rheum, Scurvy Rryalpelua.Sore Heads, Old Sores, Pieard and Bar ber's Itch, Chapped alnd Tender Flesh, Frscliles,Tan, Surtburn, and changing dark Sunburn of Yellow Skin to a purs clear white, asamooth and soft i an Infant's. and In fact every kind of eruption and dls llffurement, , jUad theee certificates i r ' J From tht N. O. Sentinel, Oct. 1344. . Ontef oursubaerlbera. Mr. H. Leonard, informs us that he has been cured of eld, scaly Suk Kheum, of eighteen yeare atanding, on hie beard, fingca and handi.bv a cake of an article much ndvertiaed lae-- y we apeak of Jones' Italian Chemical Soap. He alao Informs ua that be haa tried ita effects on his fet male slave Rose. much marked with sua spots, end he found In two weeks her skin much clearerand whiter. jemosEltham,a painter, in Jersey City, waacured of carbuncles' and pimplea, which hewaa afflicted withfur many years, by part of a cake of Jonea' Ital ian Chemical Soap. Persons In purchasing this, must always nk (oi JONES' ITALIAN CHEMICAL SOAP j indper hapr, aa many who have been cheated with counter feits will be too much discouraged to try the genu ine, we say to such, try this once you willnot regret tt but a,l way see mat ine name oi i.jintvouon ine wrapper. Lipplit WUlklngs, Front st., are trie Aeni tot Mrch2Bth,1848. R.. F. I1IBBARDS, Genuine Tcgeiabli Anti Billom Family Rill. rpHKS E Pllla area certain cure for Fever and Ague, X and Bilious lever, aa numeroua certincaiea sent to the aroorletora will eho w. The amallneaa of the dose, (only two pill,) their energy, t Mr simplicity, And efficacy, happily adapt them for Fumllv snd aneral use. Th unhoundad oooularitv and extensive sale of the pills have Induced persona to imitate them, and wrap them up under a name and reputation nut their own. The proprietora have put up these pills in their own proper name I hut they may the more effectually protect them and the pubsic from fraud, -vhlch they could not do If they had taken a fictitious nnme, or the name of the dead. Rend thefollowing statement: My father, the Rev. B. Hidbasd, died August 17, 1844. While In his life time, I manufactured these Plus, Snd put them up In boxes, and enclosed them with wrappers, with his name, by his consent and approbation ; ho used frequently to say to me, "Now be very careful, my eon, for If the Pills are not made good, the public will blame me." So by his active superintendence, the Pills have gained their reputa tion as o Family medicine. ?lnce his death, I have manufactured the Pills and put them up In ray own name, as I deem It to be a speclea of deception to put the name of Rev. B. Hu SAsn.on the wropper.and thereby Induce the belief that he superintends the manufacture of the Pills, knowing at the same lime that It la hot so that he UThe Pllla bearing the name, R. F. Hibard, are manufactured by me. and are the Genuine HIbbard's P1,1,MWdeb'manLTulFHH&RD. Be sure and aak for R. F. Hibnard's Pills Gears, This may certify ihct I wasaflicted with that dreadful disease. Fevar and Azw, apd'was re commended to try your PiJJs. One box waasufflcienl to comblete a cure. rours, re.'pecunv S. i.'INER. To R. P. Hiibasd t Co. Prepared and sold wholesale and retail, by R. Y. HIBBARfJ Jk Cp.. John street. New York. jrVne.-al agents for the United Society of Shakers, and by Dr. A. C. EVANS, wholesale and retail Drggtat, WIH- mington li.v. Hrr kiub. is Anu to wnvj MARBLE MONUMENNS , AND GRAVE STONE AGENCY. THE subscribers are appointed Agents for one. theosrfandnuMlejrtensta MARBLE YARDS In Conneotieut, and will Twelve orders for Marb't Monuments or Urave stones, either lettered or net which will be furnished at the shortest notice am, most reasonable orioea. Wehavereoer'edaVarletyofpatterns.variorjsstylfi with the prlcea, which may be examined at anv time j J.C.4R. B.W OOD, IQuUdert and Contractor, Jtine 17. 40. FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE. AGENCY PQK THE PROTECTION CU Or NEW JERSEY! ripiTii. tun nniv HAVING been appointed agent of the aboveCom pany, for Wilmington and vicinity, I will iaaue Policies. n cargoes, freights and vessels, and take Fire Risks on aa reasonable terms as any other In stitution. Anv losses sustained will be promptly and honora bly adjusted and paid, and lo cat of diffTcnce, the Courta of North UeroUna will be arnnowkHigrd. a. martin, Ag't June 1st. 1648. ' 33-y. 1 1 JUST ARRIVED. 6 H ALF able. PlckeW Aerkloay , lOCaas1 'do.' do. . ,4 I do. mixed do. do. 3 do. do. Onions; 10 doteo bottles Horse Radish 6 dutan do. Ptckel Lobatersi 10 do boxes Sardines, Tomato sauces i Walnut sauce i Salmon 8anee, for ale a t WM. NEFF'S. Not. 16. ' 104 tf. JUST RECEIVED, By the Sckr. Old ZackJrom, New York. TTHDS. Pono Rl'O and New Orleana Sugar ; JUL bbl Crushed do. j 2 doxen b,skrts Cnam palgnt Wltet 10 sheets Young Hyson, Gun Powder and Souchong Te 25 boxeaCiJliiato's, No, I Poap; 6 boars Toilet Soap; 15 botes Hull dfcSoa'iCandb f. 20 do. Adanantlna Csndleai 10 do. Spe m do.i 10 boxes Pipes ; , 6 da i Mustard i 6 boxes Goodwin's Tobacco i U vrnsle, half and quarter boxea Raisins; SO bags Table Salt j 6 baskets Sweet Oil t 6 kegs Nutmegs i 30 bags Lagulra, Rio and St. Domingo Cofleei 25 Reams Wrapping Paper t B kegs Snlir. raai 10 boxea Lemon Syrup, boles Chocolate, do Matches, Foralsby WM. NRFF. ; Nov. II. IW-I BUCKWHEAT. pBigaWar.. Prtma.pt . M ft COWITEED. T H E fees thing (o feed Cows, Horses. Hogs, I )w U..e.,foriilfby JTUR0TIIAIN ' Dec. H. 1847 116-t. CLuit.un .y.iS-cuii'Li) ruu,ui fuu cured within thalaat year ' ; OVER 200.000 PERSONS, who had been laboring under, (he moat aggravated , , oomplalnis, and given up as hopelesaeaaea by " the' most eminent physlciani. ' The are the "flrat and only medicine ever discovered ," ' that will , ' '" ' Po sitively Cure. fTEAD ACH. Glddiness.Rheumatlim, Piles Dl 1 pepala,Snurvy,8mallpox, Jaundice, Patnsin the Back, Inward .Weekpese, Palpitation of the Heart. Rising In the Throat, Dropsy. Asthma, Fevers of all kinds, Female Complaints, Measles, Salt Rheum, Heariburi , Worms, Cholera Morbus, Coughs, Quin sy, WhoopingCough, Consumption, FUmLlver Com plaint, Erysipelas, Deafness. Iichl.igs of the Skin, Colds, Gout. Gravel, NervousComptalnts, and a va riety of other Diseases arising from Impuritiei of the Hood, and O&rfrueiionaln the Orgam of Digettion. The following certificate was forwarded to Dr. Clickener, bv his Agent al Lancaster, Pa. Angina Pectoris, or Diieatti of the Heart Lancaster, Feb. 17th, 1945, Dear Sir, I cannot express the obllg itlon I am under to youfor recommending me to try Cllckener's Sugar Coated Purgative Pill. You know I had be n long afflicted by a complaint of the heart, which I be lieve the doctorl tall Angina Pectoris, or something of the eort. Every one told me It was a very dan. geroua disease, which might Carry me off at ony moment, and very euddenly, If I did not find some thing to cure It. I used to be troubled with sudden cramps or pains at the pit of the stomach. Now and then It would strike up through the breast and Into the shoulder blades. I never knew when It was doming on. It would sometimes attack me while walking In the street, and then I used 10 think how horrible jt would be to drop down dead all of a sudden, with no one to have a care for me. The nhvalcinna lold m! It waa of no use to doctor for It. It was paat all cure, because none of them had ever been able 1 o cure.it. But 1 hod heard so much about Patent Medicines, as ihey are called, thnt I deter mined to try some of them. Solwentto Philadel phia, and called on Mr. F. Brown, who keeps the npotheeariee' shop corner of Fifth ond Chesiiut utroets. and he gave me a box of pills. I took two boxes, according todirectlons, but ihev did no good. He then gave me a bottle of stuff, with a very out landish kind of naiqej but lhu(jind no more effect than the other. Just then I happened toiiear of Cllckener'a Sugar Coated Purgative Pills,nd a they were'ofnething new under the sun," I thought I would try them, and if I got no better, why I must give it tip as a bad job. So I called on you, as you may recollect, and bought a box for 25 cents, I began taking them, and before I had half finished the b'., I telt Rke a different person. 1 could walk much far ther, and aomedmes a half mile and back, without feeling any pain. The second box had a still better effect, and before I had got through with the third, i he complaint had entirely left me. I am certain It Is all owing to th virtues of Cllckener's Pills, and nothingelee, and I wish thai every body should know it, because 1 think they are one of the greatest bless ingson earth. I nlwnys keep them in thehouseln case any one ot the ftimily should g-t sick j for I know If they could cure me of go bad a comprint, they will cure almost any body else. If 70U want to print this in your pamphlet. I havo '10 objection In the world, though I nm not much us. d to writing. Yours, In all thankfulness. MARY ANN WEN DOVER. X Various Medical Practitioners of eminence have used them with successful results.. Many per sons also have recourse to them os (inordinary Fam ily Medicine, or corrective of the bowels. In cases of slight Indigestions, 4c. Packages were Sometime since presented to Hon Mnrtin Vnn Biiren, eX-Prcs-Identof the United States; Hon. Henry CJuy, of Ken tucky i Hla Excellen y, William C. Bouck, ex-Governor of New York: Hon. William H. Preston, Senaiorlroni South Carolina, and several other dis- j linnulshed' men of our country, all of whom, with one i exception, have expressed their approbation of the I Clickener Soear-Coated i'urgative fMa, byorder- ing a rtew aupply. , I Hut, perhaps the most, lnconiesiioie evioence.ei ; their unprecedented success, are ine nmnperiess imi tations ond Counterfeits which have appeared, before tlie public. Even some of our ataunchat pill makers have had an audacity to imitate the Capsule of Su gar, in order to disguise the iairrcdlenia of their vile cotnpounJs, and palm them offfor the "real eimon pure. DUO paurjr hum minim wsi lung -unuui exposing their hideous deformity. Truth sind hon esty must lnovltaily prevail over rascality and dtcep- Wa might extend the catalogue of Testimonials to an indefinite length, If we deemed it expedient lo; publish all we have received, not only from agents1 but individuals and fiimllles. who ."lave experienced the beneficial effects of Cltckenet'i Sugar Coaird Pills, hut we deem It unnecessary. 1 WILLIAM H LIPPITT ure the Agents for ; Wilmington and vlclnltv, the pills are put up In glass buttles, and sold at 25 cents with full directions tor their use, Front-street. between Market and Dock. I Dr.CtiekentrPriuelpeJ OJUie,M Vesey-st. New ' York. IReinniber Dr. C. V. Clickener is the Inventor of Sugar Coated Pills, and that nothing of the son ! was ever heard if until he Introduced them In June, 1 1843. Purchasers should, therefore, always ask for J Clickener'sSugnr Coated Pills, and take no others' j arthsyjll h'"nd'the victims of a fraud. February w 8. 1H48-I38. ' . WOODEN WARE. PAINTED PAILS, Brooms, Nest Cedar Tubs: do. painted Tuosi Axe handles, Flour palls, Bung starts, Whole and half bbl. covers, Nst mar ket baskets, Nest measures. Scrubbing brushes, Whitewash brushes, Paint brushes, Shoe brushes. B rd cages, Wood trays, Cocoa dippers, Sieves, Keelers, W. A. ClaKS Starches, just received snd for sale by WM. NEFF. Nov. 11. Itr2-tf. To Turpentine Makers' In Duplin. I AM now locating two large Stllla at Sarecta. and shall have them In operation by 1st to 10th June. Persona making Turpentine In that region, can rely on disposing of It at all times at fair prices. Mv bus iness there will be conducted bwMr Wm. F. Hyde. Wilmington, April 25th, W. O. JEFFREYS. MeKfller & HeRae. At the late Stand of Mtttrt. Hall f Armttrxmg, Watsb Stbsst, WilmihotOr, N. Casouma, HAVE Just received their Fell Stock of Groctrttt if-c, 4-c, consisting In part si follows : '80 bigs prime creen ind lifiht Rio Coffee ; 20 bagi prime La guira Coffee, 20 bigs prime old Java Coffee; 10 hhdi k.I.U . r.... Dl W . llki U . I , ar.. A a 40 bblL betcUrlrd Hunt i 5 boio Ut Sur tr 1 20 hhu. flxtrt canil Fiour . 10 bosei No. I SoaS". i box i prime cheap Tobacco ; 1500 bushels Alum . r , . r.' i ooacco : imju ouaneu nm Sail Vamile$, SUrch, Snuf, Cnpperat, Idtgo.Sui rhur, Ac, &, ; A!ao20caaes Men's thick aad kip Broganat 10 casci Women's and Boya' Shoei.assor ted ; 15 colls Raft Ropei i 4 colls small rops for bed cords; 4 tons (assorted) 8 weed's Plough snd Tyrs Iron Double ind single-barrel Guns, Ac, Ac, IAII of which wr will sellon reasonable termsjpj N. B. We are under Ihe neceilty of requesting all persons Indebted W us, lo.mtiks Immediate Ipayment is earl) aa possible, lo enable ua to keep up tucb a stock of Orooerisi at our evitoraera require. Sept 2lat.l848. ' W-tf. FAMILY PILOT BREAD. 1 BBLS, Newly baked. For sale at lvP WM..NKFF-S. 107lf- ...--.,. ..-..,,. , i-.v'.f ' : ' : ' : HlfSKVECJ ETA BLtrfj" North , Carolina lnsiiiuioa or the Inuruclioa DEAF AND DUMB. ' THE Session! of this Institution, commences on the first day of July of each year, and continue ten Months, when there is a vacation of two months, giving the Pupils an opportunity to viait their Pa rents and Frlnde; ! The lnstituw n Is situated on Caswell Square, a bout one-third of a mile from the State House. The ground occupied by the buildings with that adjacent, is the property of the Institution, and granted by the Leglslatuio of the State. In extent it embraces four acres, a part of which will be cultivated, and the re mainder will conatituta spacious Lawna where the Male Pupils will amuse themselves, at proper hours, U athletic sports, and the Females, In walking,) or such other kinds of exercise as niayba appiopriate to their aei. The main building In the dimensions bf lis plan, is sixty feet by thirty six. It has two wings, each thirty-eight feet by twtnty two, extending at right angels from the main edifice, and projecting from eath extremity of It by nearly the whole width of each wing. In elevation It embraces four stories, in cluding the basement, and the wings three, and la surmounted by a tower or observatory .commanding an extensive and beautiful prospect. In the base ment are the dining-room and storerooms, and In the slory above the basement, are the parlor, sitting room and library. In the othertorles are the family apartments of the Principal and his assistants, and two rooms set apart fot the Pupils In case of sickness. In the basement of one wing are the kitchen and wash room, and that of the other Is set apart for In struction in mechanical trades. On the principal floor of the wings, are the sltiing-rooms of the males and females, and tjie upper slory la occupied for dormitories, The chief merit of the arrangement consists in It! preserving these two departments' aa tar as relates to the accommodations, amusements and pursuits of the Pupils out of school, to indepen dent In every particular, as to constitute of them two separate and distinct communities, while the dlnlng roomln which both assemble, with the Teachers and family of the Principal, is conveniently accessi ble. Each department haa its separate areas in the rear, its separate pleasure-grounds, and Its separate communication with ths school-rooms : ao that for the ordinary purposes of life, there is no occasion to puss from one to ihe other. The Act of the General Assembly, requ res that when Deaf-Mutes are unable to pay for tlfbir main tenance and education, the Justices of the several Courts ol Pleas and Quarter Sessions, should levy in the same manner as taxes are now by law levied for the support of the poor, seventy five dollars for the I support and maintenance of every such DenfMute aa snail oe selected Dy trie Literary Board, for the purposes of Education. tSr for further particulars, apply by letter or oth wise to the undersigned. WILLIAM D, COOKE, Principal. OFFICERS OF THE INSTITUTION. Director!. His Excellency WILLIAM A. GRAHAM, PaeaiDENT or thb Boabd ; Hon JOHN M. MOREHEAD, CHARLES MANLY, 1 ESQ., WILLIAM W. HARRISON, SacaaTAay or tub Board Treasurer. -CHARLES L. H1N TON ESQ., Tbcasurf.r or Stati. Principal. WILLIAM D. COOKE, M A, ' AB.Utant., ABEL. B. BAKER, GEORGE E. KETCHAM. oan.-CHARLES E. JOHNSON, M. 0. Mit, Miss LAURA J. BARKER Raleigh N. C, August, 1848. 69-ly-tw-p. AGENCY OF NautUvs Mutual Lifr) Insurance Company. PERSONS holding Policies in this office are noil fied thnt Scrip Certificates, for their Shares qf profit in the businen of Ike Company are ready for delivery at the Agency office. 2:1, North wa'er-st n nj F. J. LORD & Co., Agents. Oct. 24. 94.tfi Cream and Amber Ale, VHrEuSMb!cribcrre8per,ru,,ylnfornil,'t'ecltl'.ens 01 Wilmington, an.l;public genera h thathi hut commenced the Manufacturing of Ale and Beer the corner ot Orange and Front Streets ' JETHRO THAIN Dcc.14.lP47. ll-tf. GRIST MILL, "THE subscribers have started a Gritt MillAn con- 7 ineXitn, Wi.,h thelr Sne MiU,n& can furnish Meal and Hominy of primequnlity and at very short "to: 8,1848. McRAK fr . NEGROES WENTED I Intend to remain In Wilmington daring the win ter fot'the purpose of purchasing NEGROES, and would respectfully inform persona in Town a id the surrounding Country, that I am paym? the highest cash market prlcis for "noting Men snd Women, Boys snd Glrls,from the agesoften to thlrtryeprs. Alsonm in want of a number of Carpenters, Bricklayers Coopers and Blacksmiths, for which liberal prices will be paid. Apply for me at thi Carolina Hotel ANSLEY DAVIS. 94-tf. FOR SALE. A PLEASANTLY sltunted HOUSE and LOT (thelato realdenceof Wm. C. LABiy, Fan, , .in the Southeast sorner of Walnotsnri Fourth sit Termsliberal. G. 8. GILLESPIE. mayju. r 32 tf. SHEETING. BEAVER Creek, superior Family sale b) J, Oci.24. Sheetinfs, for C.'LATTA 94 tf. NEW SUPPLY. MUSUN EDGKING AND INSERTINGS which he will offer from 6 to 10 cent per yard, a large assortment just received Mary Powell. 8, IVov. 30 bv the schooner HOFFMAN. UO-tf. NOTICE. The subscriber has opened an office In Parsley's block on Water St., for the transaction of a general Commission Bualncss. Proper attention wlllbe paid j to the sale of merchandise of any kind, as well as to I the sale or shipment of any of the products of the country and Ihe ueualstfvancea made when desired, on consignments for sale, or for shipment to my j friends st ihe North. I have a good Naval Store yard aad Warehouse, remote from ihe dancer of fire and will make charges very moderate, where persona msy desire to atore temporarily.' Aprll27.tf. W. O.JEFFREYS. SNUEf OUTCAULTS 8uperor mrurT. In all klnda of pack ages, constantly on hand, for sale by BARRY, BRYANT 4 CO. Oct. 28. 96-tf. TOWING. tl rrini ' I '"6 oi cAnr.it uov. uuahahi m m wparjBa'a- - nn. Is prepared to tow vessels wheneve called for. ir not entaeed on an ud . r . 1 . r "7' 1 ne roPn10" 0 manciui tor V. ,,ro".e. A " In their power to give aaiuaciion. ADDivonbor lo i;ani . r. Vwr nr : . . - - . .: r .- .. to J.4 vv. L. JncUAni . Aa'ls. Jas20 41-1 LIME! LIME!! LIME!!! A HO BBLS Llncolnvllle White Lump; R00 bbli QkJKJ Thomaaton Lime. Also, calcined Plaster, Plastering Hair, and Fire Brisk, Hydarulic Cement; 1000 bbls. Lline,f ci for sale by J. C. & R. It. WOOD. July 26th, 55-tf. BLANKS, PRINTED TO ORDER, AT THE MM ERCIAL OFFICE. CO JUST ItEClilVED. Direct from the Manufactory. A- GOOD assortment Ladles fine Kid Slippers, " Buskins, , Gentlemen's Goat Skin Brognns, " ., , " Calf " froraale cheap b O. R. FRENCH. Aag 3. . 69-h. FIRE OURAM E. A8ENCT OF THE NORTH CASOLIHA Blfttnal Insurance Company WILMINGTON, N. C. THE Subscriber as agent of the above Company, continues to receive applications for Insurance ei ther In Town or the Country. From the high atan lng which tbisCompany haa attained in this com munity, as well as In all parte of the State, and the liberal way all losses that have occurred have been settled, proves it to be one of the most substantial officera In the country. The Company have a very large amount of Premium notes (well secured) to meeting any losses that may hereafter occur. THOS. SANDFORD. Oet. 26-4-tf. Agent. . THE CITY HOTEL. Adjoining the Court Home Square li A LEIGH, N. C. HHAS been recently thoroughly repaired, and greatly Improved by the addition of a large number of pleasant and commodious rooms which are not excelled bv any in the City. The table al ways furnished with the best that con be procured, and the charges are as moderate as can be afforded. The stables are in good order, well furunished with Srovender, and attended by careful and experienced stlers. Mrs. Lawrence would therefore respectfully invite the attention1 of the members of the approaching Legislature and thet ravelling public lo the advantages presented by this establishment. Raleigh, Sept. 12 1848. 76-Iy-w-t. OAKUM, Ctr BALES Russia Oakum. For sale at L. McQARY'S. JKJ J. & W. Oct. 10. FOR SALE, 5000 GUNNY BAUS: 400 Empty Spirits Turpentine barrels : 42 barrels Fresh Fayetteville Fiour, super und X. 7 kegs Butler. .By WILL. O. JEFKRE S. Nov.5. , 101. ulu,iblocFaFtijFntise ums FOR SALE. THr-sUbecribers offer for sale betweent wo and three hundred acreBof valuable Rice Lands on Lockwood's Folly river, in Brunswick county. Jm inlrJiutelyinthenelshborhoodof tho Landsis agood stream of watcremptying into the Lock wood 'sriver -furnishingwnterpoworaufficientfor watering the fields and for. pounding and threghing th Rtee.as wellasforaSaw MM. A pun of fhtsland has been cultivated in Rice and C'otlon.and producedoqtra I to any I nnd. Adjolningtothnse Landsnre between titteenhun dred and two thousand acres of firutra te Turpentine Lands, very convenient to the rivcr.nll within three milesot thesca-shore.and a ncaprfry location. That whole neigbtornood aboundfln iood TurporMine Lnnda. WW. L. HALL, D. B. BAKER. July 13 1848. 85 CITIZENS arc himorably assured that the foliow In? nre the iictual qualitiea of a 3b bottle of Junes CornlHalr Restorative. If they doubt our word they cannot these highly respesmbk; citizens, who have tried It. Mr. Geo. Beckel, 41 Elm st.,N. Y. Mrs. Matilda Reeves. Mvrtlo avenue, Rrooklyn. Mr. Wm. Tompkins, 92 Kin(; N. V. Mr. Thomas Jackson, 89 Liberty st., I'irtsbdrgli. H. E. (allien, lute barber steamboat H. Ameriun. And more than n hundred othersstate, though this must sutfico, that it will force the hair to grow on the head or foce, stop it failing off. 'strengthen the roots, ; removing scurf and dandruff from the roots, making ;llgh', red, or gray hairnssutno a fine dark look, and j keeplngdry, harsh or wiry hair moUt,solt,clean und beautiful, a very, very long time C. INGLES. Jr. I Soldin Wilminglnnby Lippitt it Willkincs. DRIED BEEF AND TONGUES. 1 ft DRIED Tongues, largest size. 1 VJW BOO lbs. dried Beef at WM. NEFF Nov. 11. JEGRO SHOE8. Nov. 2. For sale low at HOWARD & PEDEN'S. 98- if. . HARD BRICK FROM MAINE. 30,000 OF very superior hard burnt Brick, just n et ived, nnd for sale E. DICKINSON, Ag't. 105- tf. by Net. 18. PRINTERS LOOK HERE. BILLS LADING, SheiifTs Land Deeds, Check! books, Negotiable notes, Invoices. Shipping manifests. Newspaper, Cards and a variety of other j paper, 4c. can be had low on application. ! A. PAUL REP1TON, Ag't. Nof. 18. 105-tf. TUST RECEIVED.-10-4 linrnsley, 10 4 and 12-4 J Cotton Sheeting at a small advance on N. York cost, bv Nov! 14. J. S. WILLIAMS. 103-tf. NOTICE. APPLICATION will bo made to the present Legislature, by the Commissioners of this Town, to compel the free negroes of this town, and or half a mile round the limits, lo work at the fire en nev and form companies for thai purpose. Dec. 5. I12-30d. CRACKERS .Water, Picnic's anc QODA, Buiter, Water, Picnic's and Sugar Crackers, UPI :'ilot Bread, 4c j just received at R. WOOD. 111. Dec. 1. RYE. Qf BAGS SEED RYE. CJ For sale by Nov. 25. VV. L. SMITH. 108-if. BACK COUNTRY LIQUOR I ( BBLS. Apple Brandy; 1U 10 barrels old Whiskey. For sale by W. Noy. 25. L. SMITH. 108-tf. FULTON MARKET BEEF. 6 BBLS. Fulton market Heel on rctnil, Smoked Beef, Pitk led snd Smokrti Tongues; Ac. Just re ceived snd for sale by E. R. WOOD. Nor. XI. iue COTTON Batting ind Wadding, for sale by. J.S.WILLIAMS. Dec. 113- MUSIC. A LADY hlflhly qualified to give Instruction upon ths Piano Forte, wishes to obtain a few pupils. She would give Icssom either at her own residence or those of herpetione. Every effort will be made to advance her pupils, and but a moderate charge made. Apply st the Fassat,!.- HoTt to n ' MRS. ALSUP. Dec. 8. 1'1-tf. FEMALE CLASSICAL INSTITUTE. HUlaborough Street RALEIGH, N. C. Rev. BENNF.T T. BLAKE, Principal. Wm. C. DOUfi.A. M., 1... . Miss LUCY M. BROWN, j Auitanl$. , , Mr.KARLE W, PETERSILIE, Prof. Music, Thla Institution, to bo located In a very pleasant part of the city, and furnbbed with every accommo dation for a llirtfted number of pupils, will btf opened1' on the ftt day of January nail.' . , ,',!-u Board with tuition, In tha English or the 1 Classical Department, per sealon of $70 04 five months, S Music on Ihe Pla no or O ufrar, o o6' Drawing and Painting in Water Colors,. . 10 00 Palming In Oil Colors, 15 00 French, 10 00' Tuition In Preparatory Department , ' if fjo' Aa the design of this institution Is to funalgh to a'' limited number ol pupilsa thorough and an ei ten sive course of instaction 5 the Classics, a currlculun' of four years has been adopted, each year being di vided into two Sessions of five months as follows COURSE OF INSTRUCTION. FIRST YEAR. f I. Particular Grammar. I 2. English, French or Latin. 1st Session , 3. Modem Geography and History. . 4. Davie's Arithmetic. ' 15. Andrew's Lalin Rendnr. (6. Composition, Purker'sEnyciscs. 7. Arithmetic, Duvtev. 2d Session 8. English Grammar, Bullions. I 9. Latin Reader, - Andrew's. 10. Botany, Mrs.LincoTn's. SECC-ND YEAR, f 11. Rhetoric, MewmonV 14. Al.ebro, Davie's first Lefhon. 13. Phisiology, Comstock a. 14. Ca;snr with Latin Ex. Andrew'. 15. Greek Grammar, Bullion's. 10. Natural Philosophy, Olmstead . 17. Algebra, Davie's Bourdon. 1st. Session 2d Session 18. Mental Science, I'Dham's. 1- Virgif, Anthon's. 30. Greek Render. Anihon'H THIRD YEAR. f 21. Chemistry, Draper's. 122. Algebra, completed, D.'s Bourbon. 23. Virgil Concluded, Ambon's. 24. Cicero's Setict Orations do. 25. Moral Science, Wayland'g, f 26. Elementa of Criticism, Kame's. I 27, Geometry, Davie's Legendre. 2d Session 28. Chemistry completed. I 29. Sollust, Anthon's I 30 Greek Testament. FOURTH YEA'R. f 31. Whateley's Logic. I 32. Geometry completed. . 4l Session -(33. Elcnents of criticism completed. 34. Horace, Anthem's 1, Jo. Homer, Ido. ( 3b. Mensuration A Trigonometry. I J7. nutlet s Analogy, 9,t s-Pif,n J 38- Astronomy, Olmstcad'a. ... . 39. Horace completed. ;40. L41. Homer completed. , Cicero du Oruture,, or 0e Officis. The Clasical cotirscs will preclude several of tho foregoing English studies. Si.'chof them, lioweter wiH be retained aa are most useful for prtelical pur poses ; foriiientaldiscipline tSo Classics bewij regar ded equol to the eMct sciences, and In feinuk) Educa tion, preferable. I Suitable opparate for Illustrating the principles i of experimental sconce, together with imips, cliurts, and globes, will be provided, as the wants of tho In stitution may require.'- liy r-'ferrlng to thv above course.it maybe seen w!Hat amount of previous training is requisite to en ter either of the four cleaees, and is so riiiali an amount is required lo enter the first class, no pupil will be permitted to enter the course without fuel standing an approved examlnotlon on Orthography, Reading, Writing, Ariihineilo and Kngllth Grammar. , For such an may be luund delicient ih these pri mary studies, a Preparatory Department will be pnj vwled.ln which these branches, together wiih the 1 1 cine nts of tieogiaphy, History and Physical Science, wrfl bo carefully and correctly taught, a4!5 per seal-ion. A record of the General deportment of each pupil and of her progress and improvement in study, will, bo made at the end of each week, aiid forwarded to her Parent or Guardian, at the end of the month. The Piincipul. who has been long and familiarly known to the citizens of Raleigh, and extensively kqown In tho Eastern part of tho State, docs not, deem it necessary to make any lurther staltmenist that , rhat the Institution will be under his condin o and supervision ; that ho has been careful loengac the assistance of teachers, who, In their several de parimunts, are of acknowledged abilities and lonal experience ; snd so far to interest them in iti eni r. management, as to secure iheir undivided attenllonh Twenty young ladies can bo accommodated iio board in the institution. Every attention will b. paid to their comfort und to the formation of corrcoi moral habits- Board may also be obtained In soiii. of the most respectable families In the City. RaUlgh. Nov., 1849. 113-2m. R O C KS P R I N Ci FIRNITIRE WAREHOUSE, THE subscriber would respectfully an-k nouocc to the citizens of Wilmington, nnd llie iurrouajing counties, that he is now receiving his Kali Slock of Cabi net Furniture. Having selected it him self in the cities of New York and Hos lon, he can confidently recommend it to the attention of cusiomers for variety and i lignncc of Myle, beauty of workmanship, andchrapness. It is al together the most complete Block that he has ever of fered in this market, und he thinks that those wishing to purchase may find it to their Interest to call. The. following arc some of the articles comprised in tho Stock", viz: SOF'AS, OT'I O .WAN'S, I)IVAS, I1URKAIS. DRKSSISO UVREAV, SIDE HOARDS, WAHDHOHES, CRM BEDSTEADS. COT a- TIU'SDLE do. OFFICE CHAIRS. CARD TABLES, DIMSO d. CENTRE do. KXTE SSION do. MA TCUED do. TOILET do. IVORK do. SETTEES. OFFICE DESKS, MA TTRESSES, Bedroom Seta, complete t French Bedsteads; High, post do, , Looking Glasses; Toilet do.; Sinks and Washst.mds; MBhogany do.; Boston rocking Cbeirsi. Mahogany do.; Do French do. j Curl Miple do. ;, Cms. Rush seat, and Fancy Chairs ; Windsor and, Common do.; Children's High do. For sale at mod erate prices, by J- O. LOVE, Oct. 12. -80. At tho Rock Spring. FEATHERS. QO BAOS liveOeeae Feathers, from Interior of OC tho State, where the good artlclo Ii produced. For sale by R. W. BROWN. Nov. 25. DENTISTRY WM. WARE, DOCTOR OF DENTAL SURGERY And Member of the A merican Society of Dental Surgeons. PERFORMS all operations on the Teeth. Teeth Insetted from one to a M eel, and upon the prln-' cipleof Almoatphorlc Presure in all cases where ll, Is applicable. . . nn!u c.i M nt Pmnt Slrel 4 dnora North f M..b., ttn itra In connection with the Office he hes fitted it a Room expressly for tin laoy pas runs ; mey, me:ror can now receive his professloiwl services wiihmt de tention by sending their names to his offks, w'.ien ha will Inform them the time ho can give them his K tentlon. ry Rsraaasci.the Clljcni generally. April 37.