THE COMMERCIAL ; U DuMUhnJewerv Taenia. Tjitiridav and Saturday, t 13,00 per tinnum, payable In all catcs m advance by THOMAS LORING, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR i bhnjaminThowZe, ASSOCIATE EDITOR. '; Corficr of Front tend Market Streeti, WILMINGTON, N. C. ' RATES Of ADVERTISING. I Bar. 1 insertion. $0SO I 1 sqr.' 2 months, 1 " 2 " 75 1 11 3 1 " 3 " 1,00 j 1 " 6 " 1 1 month, 2,50 1 " 1 year. Twelve lines or less makes a square, an Advertisement exceeds twelve lines, the price will be in proportion. All advcrlideraeriti arc payable at the time fcf their insertion. CantriwU with yearly advertisers, will be faade da the inost liberal terms. 13 All Advertisement inserted u. the tri-weekly Commercial are entitled to on ; insertion in the Weekly, irec of eharf-e .n n.nn.cuwrtf pniVTivrtl JUL), OA.IVU A IS I) r ; i ivi.i i nvi ( executed in superior style. WILLIAM J. CLARK, ATTORNEY AT LAW, RALEIGH, N. C. J5ept. 42th. 1848. 76-w. tri. c. CARROLI & F E N N E L L 7 Grocers & Commission Merchants, .WILMINGTON, N. C. lMAve ALWAYS ON HAND A GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF I'MlllLV CRJCIiWES, LlltUDIiS, WIMS, k AND WILL PAV PARTICULAR Attention lot'icsileof all kinds of Prduce H. J. CARROLL. C. S. FENNELL. July 1J, 1848. " "YrimrTcTclark. MANUFACTURER AND DEALER IN ALL KINDS OF CABINET FURNITURE tllliaS, BKDSTK.ID8, WRITING DESKS, H.IT TIUSSES, FRONT STREET, NEAR MARKET, WILMINGTON, N. C. April inh. lRt i1 :.!' M.R0SSET & BROWN. WILMINGTON, N. C. BROWN & DER0SSET. NEW YORK. UKSKRAL COMMISSION MKRCUASTS March 17. H IB. ' J. & W. L. MclURY. P 0 U W A II U l Mi A.D I'll .11 III SSI US MERCHANTS, WI.HIN'JTON, N C. M i rch 17. H K I-V- ROWLEY, ASH BURNER, & lienural lliuidiiuloii Merchants, ,)-,. ') ,i (i, Shut ii Wharves, I'lIIL VDF.LIMIIA. w i, -,.- ii I"' I l i in ike liberal advance- n ?hi;' iv il Si.iri:-, ,4 , i.'iinsigni'd lo us 1 u r s.ilc it.-r.-r t . Messrs. II n. A Ar.Mutuonb, 1 1 F. N N K TT I I- NSKR Wi on. . It- . HIV h. I H. ;eori;es. (.illesime. ,'tsr i- oi rut; sm.i. m ,r i; ;.'. v i r i. wo .;. ni -jsli olv.iii.'e-on ill.;oiisiu:ii' uf (irod ure . ilH: r--!i I (iEt)iU;E . DAVIS. :ol MISSION .MKlKll.VNT, vvil.MlMi I'ON, N. 1 ,1 ir. -ii 17. If J. C. LATTA.A 'COM MISS ft) N ME limii N T. AND (JKNEUAl. A(iKNT, WILMINOTON, N. r. Oct. 10, 1313. fi7 Tassidey, SCHRADER & CO., ENGINEERS AND MECHANIST. WIl.MlNdTON, N. c i THE AIIOVS FIBM IIAVg F.REl'Tr.H AN EXTRNIVK j IRON AND BRASS FOUNDRY, TOUKT HER WITH j Machine and Blacksmith Shops, Where ovderi for pverjr dnncripiion f work in ihnr lino of bu-iini-gs, will bu exiediiiously and i fjlthl'ully executed. July 15. l5- 55-tf. ' MARTIN & CR0NLY. AUCTIONEERS, COMMISSION MKUC1I ANTS, f JENEIlAh" AGENTS. Wilmington, N.C., Oct. 3 1918. bS-tf. LIFE INSURANCE IN THE NATIONAL LOAN FUND SO CIETY, OF LONDON, FIRE INSURANCE ;4N THE .ETNA INSURANCE COM I'ANV. OK HARTFORD, Conn., OB, IN THI HOWARD INSURANCE COMPANY, OF NEW YORK, May bt effected by -pplieHtlou to DeltOS.SKT Sl DROWN. Nov. 2t, 1117. 10b s; ANOTHER INVOICE. ,Of Furniture, by ih' &hr. A. J. LkJios.ut, From Nne York 3 FINE SoIih. a fmhionnblo ankle i G Low Pott lledmed i 12 Cotti tingle ind double ihrs : Ad iMortroent of Looking Ulnn-rs; 11 Rocklas; Chtlrt- 12 Sick Chslrti ,12 hlh Ghtln, for Children; 12 Nutting Chlr; Also, hindsoine Sideboard. K. ri.ARK, Nf York Kurniturc Ware liop-r. fte. If. IM aaa-a"Ba-"B-ai-"Bi"Bn"B-"Bj m I Kii 1 in r 1 ui irwM i wi r i yi r i li n rn r if VOL. 3 NO. 12G J 0 II N HALL. SHU' AGENT AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, No. 30 ORAVIER STREET. Sew Orleans. April 13, I91R. 110-ly. F. J. LORD & CO. Ricc Factors & CoiUDliSSiOIl AgeiltS- " .,. IU1, . .naV Nov. 2;., 1917. l"-' V- M'KELLER k M'RAE, LUMBER AND TIMClilt AGENTS, GENERAL CUM MISSION MERCHANTS, and GROCERS, Store formerly occupied bij Hall A Armstrong, NORTH WATER STREET. WILMINGTON, N. C HECTOR M'KF.LLAR. Nov. 11, 1813. ALEX. M'RAE. 102 L, NALLETT, AGENT FOIl THE SALE OT Timber, Lumber, Naval Stores, &c, Null's llnildins. N'trlh Water Stirrt, WILMINGTON, N. C. Nov. 9, InH. 101 BARRY, BRYANT & CO., COMMISSION M KRCHANTS, WILMINCfrON, N. C. Mnrch 17, 1949. 1 tf. WILLIAM NEFF, (Ijiile of the ii-m. of NtFF &. Wahneu.) v.'::mi.i:sai.i: and ketaii. dkai.kii in SHIP CHANDLERY, SHIP STORES AND GROCERIES, CORNER OK DOCK. & WATER STREETS, WILMINGTON. N. 0. Dor. 7th. 1813. 1 1 3-tf. W. BRANSON, A ;i:.t KOH Til K .SALK of IlilBU LI'MBi.R. MV.1L SI'ISKCS.ic .V'. ' 4'''.ir. .V(7A Wain- Si reel. WILMINGTON, N. C. St'ii. - ' hh'. SJ-c. N . B . II I i li E s , AL'GTK .N L LR (JOMMlSS'iax MJRCH X T k.i,i;k.;ii. n. g. S ili.-il" i Tl -1 ' r 1 1 1 1 1 ' I ! t : III! Wl'l 1 Mi 1 In ( MiiienH, husi at .-.II t i hi 1 - i l iiiii- d i II I ! O . I i! plil.;.'H hl:ii-i II li-- st i tet ly dui'.e in h !i i- i 1 1 1 1 j) I -1 y , 1 ' ft . , I-', -j , il.nini'i hi. i i v . I'.-i.. !' ivetl- vide. tl'.l-ly. III'. I I. Ill- j o ii n !) . l o x i: , di. a 1. 1 : it in j CABINET FIRNITIRE, j BHDS l'l-HIS. I'llliliS. l i : iiSSI-.N. a, I ROCK Sl'lllMi, WILMINGTON. N. C. SIOI T, KEEN k CO. MERCHANT TAILORS, and in: !.i:u-i in S I! V K l I O R .Nvuo. CAoWung. MARKET STREET. W II, M I N (i I'D N . N . C . (i-i. :, liiw. fi-y- (ORNELUS MYERS, .1 .1 .V U FA C T If It Em, ami i i : a i . i : if in HATS. CMS. I'M Mi ELLAS AND WALKING CANES. c. WIl.MI.Mi l'().. N. C, Maret-st. (),: 17 1-H. 01-lf. y. i . sMrni, .ATE OK THE IT IOI O I' S AMU'OHI) it S.MI ril.) AUCTIONEER AND COMMISSION 'M KUCHA NT, WILMINGTON, N. C. St. ire, in North Wutrr Siro'-t, l'arsk ; 't Murk. (),t. II 1SH. !0-yc J. S. WILLIAMS, Fancy &l Staple Dry Goods More. iiXE DM US;'0FWin SIIIW'S DRL'C STORE : MARKET STREET, WILMINGTON, N. C. ( o, i. u.isH. :o. I JAS. T, MORRIS, Lumber and Timber laspeclor, WILMINGTON, N C. Oil. 1-M643. f.i-Gm JAS. T. MORRIS, Agent far the Sale or I'lirrliiisr of SEIiROES, WILMINGTON, N. C. Oct. 12 lc-lf. PI Gin $25 REWARD. RAN A WAV from the F.tnt" f W m. P. Mmrrg, In June limt. n neiTrn r.illiiu' , ni:, ,1 lll-'N'KV i.r Hl'.NRV HILL. II? i about 5 4 to j foot h inehm ' hi;h, woll tnnda and likely j hclsiiulck apoken and' dinarl. Hit la probably lurking nbout W ihninirtoo, j w here ho lin-a k'ood many rehti -ns. I will uive a - reward ot i'i'y lor da nppr?hrnion and delivery Co me in Wilmington, or to W;n. T. Brnv nt Mrnre lllutl. T. I). MKAKI'.S. Ka. ?. IPI f. J PUBLISHED TRI-WEEKLY, WILMINGTON, TUESDAY J. R. BLOSSOM, FJ2.V.U31SG CWSSlOS HEBCIflXT, WILMINGTON. N. C. Libtral Casli i(Jv;iti''os ma l orninuicnl.s in Mr. liviijainiii ltliistjiii New fork. ALSO. m we ii'Ti'iL BEmiriiFL ir RIME COMF1 Y Capital liable for wm, aboitt S7(M1.ini. Dit. 1943. llJ6m "benjamin BLOSSOM, COMMISSION MERCHANT, NEW YORK. Liberal advance mode upon CorwigniiH-nts of n! kinds of produce. References. Mensn. J. & D. McRab, 1 G. W. Davis, Esq ' Wilmington. J. R Blossom Esq. ) Dee. 19. I8T-' 11'". F. J. LORD & CO., Agents for tlio mutual, life insurant e Accumulated Capital, $130,KM. ALSO Toll THE I-.un.i: LITE A: HEALTH INSfUANCE r Capital $100,(100. Will tnku risks on lives of Slaves. Office 23 North Water Street. Oct. 24, !8IS. MARINE AND FIRE INSURANCE. r PHE Subscriber having received the Ayency 1 the Cuinden Insurance Company, N. J. CIIAIiTFJIEl) 1832. WITH A CAPITAL OF ( 100,000, or Wilniirnfton and vicinity, will issue Policies ,.n cargoes, freights and vessels out of (his port ; ami mU . take Eire risks on as reasonable Torma na anv oilier Inslituliin Losses sustained will be promptly an ! liur My Il i.ior.iljlv l.lj vst.-d nnd Jiaid, and in ease ol dillerene. ih ourlf 01 . norlh' arolin i wilMie aeknnwl, -'ed. MAKTt.V, .1;. IIG-ly-c. Dec. 1 1, mi. WM. M. 11 A II G 1 8. Ki-otNE u. lira k MARRISS & DRAKE. Ui'acral Co.naiissii Mi ich;i:a!s, WILMINGTON, N. C. Itr.rEnEscE3: , () (J. .'arslvv. IOsij, ' 'ol. Jolm .Mrilae. . V, ilmia. .ion, N M,ssr-. lial'-ird.i Huntington. ) Will Teek. I',-, . Raliih. . . 1 1. M , vrii i lull ii A. f ' . , I Josepl, Ltl.y, Fayettevil.e. Jles-r.-. J.-oiu s Co ner & Sunn lialliumrp. V- bonder Cn , 1'hil,,,:, !p,na. ' TtiumpHim vi Hunter, ) v " I'illslmiv .t Saodl.o,!. ) N W ' " Hunting A: Tolls l! --inn. " J. ii (i. I'. Til, -.null, Keiinebuiu;, M S. pteniber 1 1 1 1 . lalci. N. ( 77 :l. COTTON YARN. I! il,f, I! ('. Varns as-,,i, d i-v j. r iiiiii1', r-,. f,ii'lA. Oi l. 24. '.M-tf A Fine Net of Teeth for 25 Oots. White Teeth, Foul llrealli, 11,-ilthv (iaiiis. Yellow and unhealthy toth. niter bein- onee or twice eli-aned with jom:.s' amhf.r tooth pastk haii ihe ne .I,-," -.iianto-ui on: uiiifi ni-aiiiioo ivorv. nnd ' i,l llir s ,i ,, linn- I I ia u., i. .,1' .. .. I . ' HUH I I ilii'O" H ,1 lit I . ,l.lll .11,1 , I1M-I in lie siiii, nun li IS so 1 1. - r I - - t,v inner, ril ana eX'jui I I' line. ilmtiH constant daio ii-e islnyhly ad vaol.-i ' 8!,.V she brnllLrl il whole ,4oiwer (,l in ! neons, even lo iiiom- Hi Hi 1( are in uooa conditin. ritim. ll. l,..nMlil',,l ,...11.1. I : mature dn-iiv. Those nlriMily d- r.ived, it .revent-i i from liee.oiiiin' won, -il iJp.i f.mi, ns mieh n ate lie- toininn liioa. and hy pei.-eveianee il will render llie I foiile.-a teeih d.dicaluly while, and make '.hehreath deleioiulv sweet. J PRK T. 25 OR 37 j CI-'NTS A HOX Suld in Wilaiinlori. by lapping illkinut. MILLETS. Mullcta. freb parked, nr.d lor s de HOWARD i PKDK.V.S lOsit "W lW at Nov 2j. FLOtR AND BICMVIIHIT. Flour; 20 hall doexlm Ca nal Flour; '.'5 buijs Huckwheil: ;3 boxes do. '.'3 J barrels do.; Zj J barrel?, do. ; 6 half lbl do. For Holoat HOWARD & IM-'.DF.VS. Nov. 25. lus-if. LONDON BROUN ST0LT. Lf DoI-N l, s ( liiowii iou. Porter, in quarts iJkJ and pint bottle-, for R ,le nt MOW AKD & PF.DKN' S. lOiuf. Nov. Ho. C TON'S IIOOI' IKON ; t) at) mil-. Siiier Family Flour; Goshen ami Mountain Duller; laird in K, ya; On cunr-ii: nil i.oit . For a ile by WILL. O. JHTFRHYS. Nov. Si. 107. if. J, ADIFS .MEKLNO, nnd Silk Vein., for tale hv J. S. W 1LLIAMS. 103 tf Nor. 14. ! . SPIRIT BARRELS. OO EMPTV l!bl..larKesi-cand In prime or 'JXJ der. Juiu received and for -ale by 1J.1RRY, BRVANTCo Oet. Sth- ,5 t . ' RH ic op P.rnivi:p" VlaUaViiJ V U'lVlliiitUIJI A KltF.SU -upply of very Bill. of F.x- clianac, for at Ihe (mxmtivial (Jffict. I you SALE,' A PIANO FORTE, a fine ingliumonf, -O. low. Apply to J. O Jn. 2, Mirinr. will be Hi HI' Kit U3-Jw. ...j. . .. .., ,.Lj , I?. -nr. uniien"ienia imlllK w.iuurawn irom inr mr 1 firm of Han-is fr RiutM, would iafo'in ih-1 puhlie that he has taken th-i AfcMiy pt th GAHF. re. a ii aittAAi sah .mui ana pruuims aotci ai'.cnium lo-th? faithful tmnaaclwn ol all ordeft lor Lumber rutrujlod to hi-ear-1. m HENRY P. RUSSELL. Jan 2.1B15. 173 tf BY THOMAS LORING. MORNING, JANUARY 9, H0SA DEAR, OLD ZKhE'S DAUGHTER. Nov. IV M. C M. nr.VM Une of the loveliest ofthe ly --jio itiai iulorii the viilli j of the (n - yfhildh'iod! nei 1.1 ,(; w,is the haunt of my It in. 1,1 h ive been a li.umt of fairies ;m, WOou-nyni,iH, for they could not havefoun, a sweeter or more secluded gumboliii; grouiiil; an I I di I sonieiiiiies thuik I hear, grange whisperings in the air, and fairy like music flijat) n lt around me . anil I some limes imagined I saw '.he footprints upon the velvet moss. I rue, the sober thought 01 ye irs rather disbuds the d;;a. bat w, l n-r to foster childho. m's impressions , sol will cherish this, with every flower and leaf and ripple of the Mn.iig brook, and light and shadow which are daguerreotype,! upon my heart. ' 1 would love 10 take you there to night, dear reader, and by ibe'liht of this lirst utitiiinn inoun, talk of 1 he days of l;m;x .syiK". 'uine. i . :, .....i me noon thin II Will inossy bank, and soc the sol! li.'oliViK flu.iimtr with tho" dn in r.jipies ! Do you soe, through tin-ojiciiiiiir ! tin wood, that litllc wlu'.e mi ' whs the home of my little li'-; n n j Olil Mr. Mqlwooil, or old '. ke. he i was ul ways crlieil, wan uiic jo wiios' )oV eriy misiortune harl been ad(teil. lie was a crip!o, and unablo to do little v'i-o tiiaii j ride to the village and leave at the doors of ' his customers, the products ofhis litile furin. ! which was his only means of supjiori. These were few. but lie always lotifid a , ready market for them ; fur every 0116 Haul I that oli I -eke's vegetables were the best. 1 and his the. lushest that were lirouht lo town, and that tue bcrnes that prcify Rose Melwood sold, were the svet:e.-,t thai were ever lasted : imleed. evci v tiiinir which Jvose .VIelwooii nail, or hftid, ur did, Wusthe .... .- best in the worhl. " lioee lost her mother m very early child- hood; and between herself iual her father there existed th,' greatest fondness. Site 'did not hke to hear him called -Old Zeke.? i . . ' it Beemetl t , nerMo iili 1 ill U'e-'SlOU i rd unwortli:nes. ; b'it it was i.r.t mi. lor eve ry iio rcspecte.l the . old nan. I ,! not know how he crime to receive? ?!ia en .-no. ine, hut I :i:iiik it was he, auu-h:, .:,tinni- tied inadr ,;m sj-i ;u imich older than h really w;,s, an I it was s iiuethiii of a (', !. nig of pity that in (.!iip:rd it Hut Ho , not love to 1. 1'. 1 1' d ; and alwa v. hen speaking ol le-r pan ni, . he wounl call him ! her ''dear, il, it- fall. i r ; always was .she I saying" nr k.u 1 ward, or peri u'l.iui'j; some I kind acli ii:. anylliin lu make her dear I fai In i' ha i , And .-in- wa.ihis idol , -Ko- : sy. dear. j Oiir r.i ;il way ,11, Iter. miiI everv ,. a-;,) ( .hi in-r. exrent wncn some tu , a II id at school, who had his fai.-..-. nauirliiv t. hiiod e;,(i..i. t . v Iter imilcviaimg truth, i good as old Zeke's itiinghter." exclaimed 1 ty on the 7th. It is lot) good to be kept in would call le r 'Id Zeke's daughter. ! Frank ! "declare, this is outrngeons : the ballot box. and, beggmg the voter's par Hut Rose wa the name thai all loved lo I Sh'' h.tll come or e!.-e I don't stn v here '' don. we feci run -trained to unke it public: call her by She was the pet of the v : 1 Insre: every one w;is i,rlad when shecan.e for bile aiwiiys 1 fulfill ii hlilM V face a:.d i I ,.. ... i i i . ... . i ... . ! I nei-'S. lo siun.kle over every 1 J ho, I v nut l,ee i-!woo,l 1 1 . 1 1 1 le r iv of so.- TOW: ui:d lhat was ' I H 1 1 Jlllta W fu.e, to invite h'T .o her buthday Tills partv been the Lrr-'lid .-ion r. - arty. subjeet of talk, a i .i ell the school 'ret '' -aid - whispering tu.i r.. i.'uri'iir rC I,.r half a I year All expected lo alleno . iul Knew ' what t Lev would wear, ainlai! hoped most : Ciiiiir.lly dial it would be a pleasant , lay. , j Ko.m-.Me wood knew in h r iittie heart, I she intended lo do thai day , but she told no one. for jt would be silt h a .v.vee! , I surpi ,s', . iie liioughl to brnitf a wreath o! : flower in April F.very day. ;if:T the snow , was -it '' roi i : i i , tnc wu ihi e-ok by tne i brook ai. l in ihe wood foi,the Iirt liowers. I to si- l.-i'.v th'-y came on Si.e knew jut whi p' Hie trailing .Arljuii.s uid it.-e.l. an, , where the lust 'iolets would sprim: up, am , she !e.t ijuite Hiire they would he m bloom before Juiia's birinday. Tin- m iming ; revious to Ju!i i W', 'on's birthday. I had invited Kose and two or dure of her companions to walk wi'h me , and just as we enlered a path which led through the wjoiI, Rose d.Tried a way. ex , ! , lining. l,l urn going to hide from you ' now. but I will be with you Hi m." .My idunj; ffieuds watuh. red otL one by one. in search of flower nml winter urieii. and I i had just erilered ihe path which led to liny loved relreot, when I saw th-ouh the I trees that it was already tenanted, and on c mine neater, discovered Rose Melwood She was unconscious of my apprn-o h. r.-i I . i r , 1 "Pver 8aw a Seeier suojeci .... .. . . than sh waii at that moment. She wan , I aittinn- nnnn th r-rnnnd. with her Irtti fulfofi - t- -r - p- . , flowers, and a half formed wreath lying be- d side her. Her bonnet had fallen back up 'on her shoulder-;, and her lorn: fair hair wns ; falling in rich clusters upon In r neck ; her -indl white hands were i hoped, and her fn blue eves were turned tnwnr Is heaven, - , , - , with an expression ol periect purity, love i ni holiness, uO. Miss KmnT !" she ex- chimed, its soon as she ob-irTred me, ura not this beautiful X I' bceins jiiiit like hea ven to me " 1849. Whole No. 438 ., jin , "D, Hoey dear I where did you f'mi! your flowers?" exclaimed our companions, com- inv; up at this moment , "we have' been s. an hirio; every where, and have nut fom",, one.'' ! -( h ' I know their hiding-places, replied !' " Moili.iir : "see here will i,t tins be .'itil'.ilslnrxelnimrii, holdinffnpu half - 1 woven wr-i!h : "this is fr Juh 1 to v.-e!ir on ' ii' i hirihdiiy." i "B.i: you ure not going to her pariy !" xelauued one. ! - Why, yes, of course I slmll go," icpilett i K'se. "1 know Julia expects me to ' j -lint she told me yesterday shrTshonli! ""t invite yon " , "Why ni)?'' iiiniiired R fiillv 'TVt "iine" replied another,' who seei.,"d -what voe,i that itUM. 'j;u f0,,n, so 111 I w.i; Ilo-vers, "iM-cause she says she don't old Arkr ,Uit,r,ter at her i.artv.'' er -hull I forget the exoressioii ;v inch I ' I' Uosi's coioi'- iianr',; at lhe-.e It was not of ail';, r, but of nnu-1 "i'''1' i"id reiteutineii!, which 01. e evi W(U". iTled perieiu 1 been ! lie. 1 they feel that they have "Tvv dly .dle;li!rd by )k)m: tiicy "Ki' liOt it word, but ii' r eyes iiot it word, but and a liioui'-h!'. le,. ... I , - M , -I'-e. . sle 1. I will semi her :li" fl'.V- 1 I T-1 '" w:l! hk- ihe:ri. I rm : .,,v ; M." ;ru:b v;, Jnaa had he-ird.and ed. and ih,n -j,; so much of her party, that ' She had li' ":oi to i,r,a,r,i,n ,rr..f .. I, a. more iiui.oiii'.i.t person irre than m n oi done be,,re, ;,i.d to think that sh must b- somewh'it "ft in her liiv.'atioiis; Home con-H enti'in. k i , Wi, tbr.t -1, " won id li uniir; tocratic to have it said tlui old .eke s 1! i:: ;hter W , as at h or tia." y. siue-i. .!,.. was a year o! ,W than Rose, vhie.h very much enhanced her own impor tance, si,.- thought ; . ... without consulting irt-r p,.n :,:. -h- ,:e, ided lhat IIosu Mel woml .-i.o ild not eoiue lo i;er uartv i i.. ..ii . i i "ui j.uia i;kj inoubt that i sing adm.tiaiice to K i.,e the was depnvii." herself ami others of all enjoy meuu liu ' su u '''"S far when all were assembled i 'l1' seemed some oi.e wanting. No our sc,'u"-'' hajipv. nnd ech whistM-red lo the I ..l .... 'i n ... i . . oi.jvi. i ttioa ivos, near was ne ere, auil when Frank Weion and 10 r .1 r,-.. ,,f bis.schoolftllowt: came m to share 1:1 the spur;.-, so, u d i .-0 n-ht "Why, wh.T'o is Rosv .TearC exclam.e-1 Fr.intv in Hun irisn r,r'i,...i,, i . I . . . rami in surprise, after looking around the room. Julia wouldn't hnve her here," exclaim ed half ;i dozen vmce.-i i -I hhould like to know. Mi.s.i. Juli a We.s ; tun. why you wouldn't have her here" I inijfireii t-raii!. with spirit, j lleraiiue I d:dn;l want her I ed Jiilui. ;i httle tartlv. lorrepli - 1 ''Because she is old Zeke's daiirrhtcr." ; ' f.r. 1,.1 vr. I " " ""'i"1 vue-i--. ell, 1 wih, Julia, you were half an -Nor I. nor I." iaiine. I the oti r tiibryo geiitlen en At ilm mom'ei.l the ro iiu. Why do, ' . i .lil'-d "I raihe Zaciiary TivLoir. .tadi p' You ha ve .Mrs Weston entered heen mdictetl by the grand jury .that a I -em ble l in Philadelphia fot willfully, reso- ibis inean ' ' she ex-, Jutely ami deierminedly seeking lo rule o- i how Iia'rii.- vnii i '....,.! ,.r rT,....l fit.... -.1 r i iv ' U-, and reall v tla-re in hot one )i;nhv I ly toe in the room: what is the matter f ixosy dear is nol lu re," exclaimed a doen voices. ' ' Rosy not here ? Why. what is. th" reason?" inquired Mi' Weston m sur- Why. Julia has act- , I like p d i,e has not invited hT.'' repl .-d Yr Not invited Rosvr Whv. Julia nrp iiik , What does this mea 111 00 rr.l- ;nu I. inroe her" .I'di.Lhad by ibis linn ser otisly of fiey conduct T! i i repa ir' v which -ie- nail looke.l lorward ; h-tpi'inesSjbad been, .-,) v. reteh edness, and m her foolish pride So the , i w 'h -iomuch fir, naught but consequence i.i.owledge.l 'a i ex; -raised her j her mother the i- asja sormv.". At this mot: U'ut tap v .earl a; the door, an, I a lutle r who ,.ve,i nei.-n-bor to Ko-e enicreil With a hea i ilid wreatii i, li'-r I, ltd. and pre -en; in it lo Julia, no. iiO- 1 1 f.t r ent I' to ' el The sr. -tit of lh fl IWerS-flljed llv rT'm. an I all ;.'aed eauriiy at sneh a qoa'.'itv of (lowers a' llilt S'-fi-OHl. "f )h 1 wnere did Re.-v dear fr. I ''.a :,, 1 I Coo I i it fin i one. all ways knew win re ll' w ers lt''. "S,.e a ; .my ,;.' i i rMth r u: Jul: - -sorrow i i xc'nnneil one of ih,' ho-. , ,i A t , s k new t, ii t::oes in ):p tlinii r: rl abo'i! ever-, t i i : r LT ." dlarit reply of Fr.V.k Wrr-o -1 1 holdmsr the wreath. ! il;!)'' viul asn iii.ed. A1V lie it," exclaimed Mrs. Wes'.oa "vou nrenot w ,rt!i to wenr ihm wreath to-da v i the n ,e w rvea II lail'l Wear It I Put on 1 Zeke'-. , to R- vour b timet nnd lown to old ' iro la ilvo the besi npolosrv vou can fri In r pardon, and a-k her to oui'i s n I the r m.u nler ol I he day ; for I ,nn quite mre there will be no enjuv- mem t unless sho is bcre : and she is so good a sirl, I think she will pot refuse to come, thouqh you liave treated her. so ill Frank will fntermn your compnny v. lulc t you ore gone, and I hope you -will yet lo hanpy." ' : I'be two girl urtrt noon teen returning, nnd as they entered the $ooif all exclaim ed, "I orij to glad you have come," Koay dear ; now we will be happy. T ' ' " ''! ' "lint first," said Mn. Veton, "tet th din pose of this beautiful vreatb. It ihooH : not li unlKrin' Kiro ilnlia if alorinnr ' to you, put 1 presume you do fiot feel that j yoi (leBerre to wear it, to you may place ; it upon the head of the one vou think moat deserving, of it ' ' ' Julin ,ook tJie wrea nd with A smile i ml a net P,RCe1 il ' uPn Rose'i hadT j a:fl t!lc shout9 of the children. "Oh, I had much rather yoii would wear it, dear Julia" exclairuetl Hose. kIam sure never prided it for rayselt!' , ; "The good we do lo other4" Jad Mr. : Weston, "often return upon our owa heade, fu"t 1 '"'!' lfie lcor-. J'ilja,you learn will bP tar more value than ihe wreath." n after the event old Zeke and Rorjr : !fi our village, and went to live with n ! " u relative the South, who adopted , ;,s lVr daughter, i V ears passed away. Frank Weston, j who b ul eiAbiisheil nimseif 10 a uutanl 1 ('".y- Wf0,, I'1' Juha to eorne and spend the j u'"lU'i' 'V1,n J.4 joyfuhy accejped ,1" 1 ,v;:Mt,-nn Ae soon us he had'amfeij. nn'' h'"n Welcomed .by her blttiM, . s '" 1 u ,v' vnauon mr you JllllJ. to aCl ni:'." as 'a 11 srnaid . mis very eve- l'T.W. it v.. . '. inr; tiled Julia. . " l o u ct fJaiti lady who in tu oc iay wifn" replied Frank, laulnnt;. . J'j' Ah ! you rogue! Why drrl not yoitell iic of this before'' ' ( , " 'I k':ew that you liked plcaslnl$ar- ir;."-s." replied Frank. ' '"' " "i'ut I can not tell whether it a piem-ant one until I krfow who is to be your brule. Come, tell iae -quick, who is I 1,1 No. not until we are married,- so now prepare yourself,' and hasten to .the wed din?." ' . itV - ' u uieiB, i I , ...., I . . I - 11 .Mlr.n I in I. V .1 A ' T .I- L L ..1 . .. I 'J - J'nm ,n""-:'1 ". ea- 1 1 r i . so iieriecny lovely, our Druies are ... "T V. t ulw.i; . .i h- autiiul, and perhapajhe Was not more vj than many , others f but Julia 'thought so. and I Ahiftk FVXhk thought so too. Hut it was not her beauty al&fle tha". nveited Julia's aze ; it U'afn impression thai she h id iieen that faCt before, but she could not tell when nor where. Whei'ilie rereraiou;- wai qvcr. and Frank prlseujed Julia tu his bride, ' Drt tell roe, my sister," exclauoeU Julia, "hnve wft- never known each other before?,". -Dear Jnlia, have you forctlon old ''''k' dauguter, wnidpereit tu&ue-iutilul ' " ,. ' , y . 1 A 'd.len,,icb m, in a imt of '"r hU- reW, has flashed ' o v , " r y o 1 1 r 'uuni wIicm yew Mare leen a face or an object thai called to recollection j bygone days, came over Julias thought. Sh e !'a7.e I earnestly at the fait girl for a muiuiu, liien, cla.spmg her hand, and turn ing to Frank, she exclaimed, "-joyfully, 'Kiwy' ! yes yes His indeed her it ;1'1! OLD ZACII SENTENCED. n, ru . .. 'I . . I loiiownirr senience wasuoiea on me back of a Whig electoral ticket, in this ei- Rich. (la) FaJ v i'r iiiu "t u'it ui me iiiii u ouues- iiiiu . .,., f .. kt.. uiJitni.nrii..linvi-iimiiA Clll' l li a.l, uui- uwu imLieiiiiiii,tujjfUUU ,.f i. bv a iurv uf ih ivoote. whom. J T 3 - J J - 1 1 7- you have chosen lo try your cause, jOU liave been found cmlty. It now reinams for me to pronouDce the senience of th- law Tfiat eenlence is: 1 hat you betaken from your residence in Lo'inisiaii.i, i!tidr a strong guard, that .u 'ae transported lo the city ol Washing ton, i.i the District of Columbia, and that vo l there be placed on a chair, provided for the pur;ose, in the White II rise, and be c -alined lor, the term of four years jo such i your country m iv requite And tiiay ihe Iird have merry upoq you so'il ! ( i Sagacioi 1 1 hpe. A farmar whose say , m:; a .il I ,, i.'-i I hve ofiea qj x, i. though i' not .'ive nn name, a 1 1 om" years .t-.M mi o! I i,or ', known by the name o V How Ne I," he bemg pa.-t wo k was tur ia ! o ii 'o enjoy Vlieretuauiderof Ins useful i. ,.i ihe be., pftotutt:-1, a las IU i-'.rr ter - ly li ..igl.t some reward was due forjue lu.ur una f .i.iiful sendee. He was a pet M-itii h!1 the children ot the LujschoJd, and so .hx -lc. tliHl tLf iaJMt tiiDid tfcihl t.-e 1 to tro'. abo'it rn bnck witliot end-" die cr br. lie Among alien odd Tancies,' he was extr.uagantly fund of appItJ: be si.ic-i ih ikiiitr ihe small trees, he would - lima va rii ' is exnedienia to oblam thero. .., .lUHHir; iiiiiri, iuc iuuuwu, " - queut o currence: The children oAn phi-led ap(' they r,xie ihroflgh the ore1: ir,l whirh n.i, loubl tir.t i"t tho timuclu into his he;id : but whnher so or nut, ihe fact is the v.;w Ho wouU come to the horse bb'-k. -m 1 whinny; il not no ,;- i ,-a on li.s head om the fence. tice I. he would n ui in.l nvnroaj irr- .1 ml Oil' ICHCC Ihe CiUL Ann u,.i , ....i iU,. their old fttvorate, so one, or M)metuji" twoof them woidd climb upon his Inck. when h would pace off to the n-'P : api,'' whoso fnni ho cadd not rear.., and wait while th y uhera for hun as many as hecjaosetoeat Once , when two wero on bis hick.tuey a tetaied to, clMini tun, b? ratiajr the fruit, and 611tn