On the Atko i '. ' 'iw 1848. eunrular ? vrwvrsd ia f Woyai Scientf, fx fuUtolh Fx' Tkiugedx hit- - d Preidni kit hend -iarf, An? ertM uuutrticked, hi;' face radiant with tmilat, tf-r science wo triumphant.) and hi voict wi S rratklatory tone, il llverti thefolUtwing - Wa era eetoanded' tflhlt lingular praptrttloB. W MMinJam wfllaclence atanl Hera we have t pre- t .dan made la thtf rtn of k beautiful pitta of ac o. which Wktlow. by actuar practice, labour arerycuuawuteruptlon. every disfigurement o nnd evs diecokwad ekln - V hart will It mafic endrta uLi BMMMuit Tlia Nrm. ha Creole. thtfY low Race f Mm BatUtnd the ReJ Ma of tha. Far Waal, are alike under thelafliienc-tT JtaeMraooBna fTfoweradf clearing fallow dtoojored me lag U WhjU ndtMUfuU "d of than inc. the ol M darkTor blacker brow skin.'1 .(HoreM I e-Treona wrr bwujftt forward pr the PretMent, i! -k.j -Ja b In nr.wif at hla aaaertion V -4 Thar aifprahtblf few pertona of Intelllaenceho, v 1 JonertfaUanlitmiw Soap, KryrSa kJL f..k k..TMlW FlaaH.Frecklfa,Tan, ii to para e wiii,mhw ra to n paretleai iisMeooth tad l nfWaiirfUfatiwJLind l aroauou i ana au aataal na Baa aaaa awva " , , - 3 7SSKfai3tUiW, 00 bit bet. ha3a7a caltl aan article much. adteittoed.iae--lVaapa'koironea'lta.1 Chemical Soap. Ha alwihfofma u that tit laa triad ita effecta on hi fet tk W Roto,mh marked wtoh tun epate, avrdh. fauU W wtekehar .kin mack clearer and wallet, .J?WtbM palaier.ln Jereey Clty.waawad fWS tad Plmplee, which ha waa affliewl wl0f7ninr raara,kf part of a cake of Jonea' Ital ian Chemical Soap. ...,.., J -T. Pereonein purchaaln thla, rtnat dwayg.atk (oJ lONl ITALIAN CHEMICAL SOAP 1 and par hap at many wh hart wo cheated with counter foitawUlbetoo much r'jcouraged to trrthe gaoQ tihin ear n. thUotice-yoo win 1 ot : wgr tTbaf lrf tee rhat the name of T. JONES la on lofwiupper. ' .V, tlppltt WlHWngt, Pronl , art the iemt tot nlaSoapftirWIlmlngtoD, -Wrcft 25th, 1849. Ceiirifit Trsetable liai-fiillbifi'Family PilU rpHESE Pills area aertalnenre for Fever and Ague, in4 BUtoua avw. aa siinwrouo Mrilrkatea abn t tobapiwrieara will aliow., . J'bt aaiaHossof lha duee, (only two pla,) tWr energy, th ir almplicUv, and efficacy, happily adopi thmiF3iinUykndieriarali8e. The unbauaJad popularity and extanelve aale Of thppiUahava Induced peraone to linluie them, and wrap! tham up under a name and reputation not Ihiiraiwav ' .' , ' . . W proprlatora htve put up theaa pllla In their ow proper name that rhey may the mora effectually prtUajBl them and the public from fraud, vhich they coaMaot do if they had taken a fictitioue name, or thenerte ottried'iaa. tveaa tnaioitowingaiawmeni; jU7fathar, the Rev. B. Uiaaaan, died Aaguat 17, le.avWkttn tut lifetime, I manufactured theaa PlUa, and put them up in boxes, and enclosed them WlUt.wfappere, with his na:ne, by hla consent and topprobetflon t he used frequently to aay to me, "Now be vfry eardul, my aon, f n If the Pills are not made tod,!tht.pphlk: will blame me." So by flis active auperlnteaif incc.tlie Pills have gained their reputa tlottaa, FtmHy Medicine, . wa hla death, I have manufactured the Pills and (ultheu ufia my own name, aa I deem It to be a epeclee of deception to put the name of Rev. B. Hia tABDon the wrapper, and thereby induce the belief (Mt tie atrpertrftenda the manufacture of the Pllla. knSwlosat the aatue time that It la not eo that he tt deV. " ' I ThePiilabeaTlnff the name, R. F. Hibbsrd, art vnnttfactdre4 by me, and are the Qennlne ttibbardTa "Ba aore and n skforR.F.Hrbhard'tPillt ' Oatrrs,-This tiny certify that I wataflicted with that dreadful disease, fever and Ague, and waa re commemled to try four Pllla. Ont box trat sufficient to OOmDlCte a cure. 1 oura, renpeciiuM 8. MINER. 'HiaaAaodbCo. 'tr,..fsl arul atikl wKoleaak and retail, by R. P HIBBAB.P A Co..Jkn atreet. New York gesaraJ for the Unltad Society of Shaker, and by Dr. A. C. EfANS, wholesale and retail Drggiat, VV1W ralnztoav ' f 1 JO-PRICE tH AND 25 CKNTS.Jd MAUBLE flOM'il E.N.N S AND , t:i i iaOBAVEl STONE ACTENCY. mUK Bukaoribartart auwlnted Airentafbr one 1 theAalaw aioaf aa4ewtiMAJlBL .YARDS la C.einnficticMi: and will receive orderafor Marb Witnumenla or Grave Stonea, either lettered or no Which will be furniaheaV al the ahortest notice anu mnal reasonable orlcea Yi ' ! Wa hsveracel ed a variety of patterna.varlouast ylei whk the prices, which may be examined at any time ' - J. 0.4R. B.WOOD, "' v tUWUn snat CVmfrecfW Jnn17. 0- 1CE3GT FOErTIl WECT103 jmiiSCI CO, ,u s or new jotBrr.1 CAPITAL $200,000! .a- HAYING been appointed agent of the above Com paay.for Wilmington and vicinity, I will Issue. P4lclotf cirgoet freitfhta amt rtaaeiaV and taka Fire'RUit'oHatreuoaabl termtaany other In atltutlon. , II i i " " Aay ioaaet sustained will be promptly and honora bly adjusted and paid, and in case of different, tke Couru of North Carolina will be acknowledged. A. MARTlN.Ag't Jane 1st, 1848. ' 15-y- JUST ARRIVED. - 6H1LF bb. fkkalad JefklaaJ ItCaawa. , nVi x -de, ' v4 1 do. mixed do. do. j. tJido. do. Onions i T 10 doxen bottlua Horaw Radish S doata do. Picket Lo haters boaaa Sard Inaa, Taatst aaacas ' 1 Walntt aaeoa; 8alaloataBe,toraleat, KeMtt. ' ' - 104-tf. ; . .JlST.RECEIfED, B tMc&k.'Old jack, frtm New York HrtDf.1 Porta Rla and New Ortaaaa Softr j jbtai-CfBhed s. i tdoaext b take ft Oaam- nalaaaHVIatl a hews Yoant Hvaoti. Gan Powder 4 SiuehoivfTWt MkaxeaOettsta't 4o. ttVap: I boxes Toilet Soapi 16 boxes Hull da San'aCaadWt 20 do. Adxminilae Candles; 10 da. Sperm do. 10 bSxss Pipjt 5 do Ivi(ird) 16 boaaa Ooodwla's Tobieeoj 15 whole,; fiait aad quartar boxes tuiaiast M b.!.fetli Sahl' S ttaakara Oil hi kak Katiaegei JO bags Laguira,' JUa and Su Damlngo Coflees 23 Resras Wrapping Paper 6 kegs Balara tat i 0koia LaaMa Hyrup( be sea CHoeotata. 4a. Mstehea. FortaUbf - . rv-rVM. NF.PF. Nt.ll. ' . - l ' BUCKWHEAT. . f USES aad BO Y8 Paianl Uathff Wta, a larta If Las-artaaiatler aiy jaia... UECEIV i:D 1 ta tuaa, JONAS SMlill fl DOZVCu.Urorn Soft tlstl handaomolf trim 1Z ad 1 h ilfdnLHUIea Silk Velwl ftdina Capa new ptic -' 1 alao a fow mora ca of thoe eirpar. fine LUuaaad fieavtr Uata; - It I ernn US Almdnda, ft .hni lWlbaBratil OUUnbiui 800 do. Knitllah Walnoter(do. JUST nECHVEP. 1 1 1 i-t Mar Top- - jSBeapT 1 4 , im piiii .ifflina. wni oeea otbwctbi j, JbM 1 Small Sideboardar...;-'--? ? 1 Carted TopofaJ . Tt, Alurd.,! Uh&iMi WlfV fnt'lartre. nd aaklomhkr-tttck el rirfiiiWonlmndthdtoiMfe, will be euld af prieu .tfry fnitA tyrfutarf, ivt"U. Cafl eiV-bV new aod aksgant Furniture, .cheaper l' T i. ' ... M.kniUl (i Im this rrliiftc. inaa you nave r D. LOVE. mn. l 1 JUOT RECEIVED. : ,1 '. Dirorf yrm f ae Manvfadtrry. M fMWaOoat Skin BrtaaAa. Calf ' " " --J Portaltchetf r ' lT?r VPP?i BUTTER AND CHEESE J 6KEOS Goihenttaii WboawlumiaAUilPeae. juat received and foieaieei rMtx,a PRESERVES, &c DAILY ExpecfMlj Prewar prrawoernea, ivhih hrrlML Pfl.riQulnteaahd Damaona, assorted Jelllea. Brandy Peachea 5 Sardlnetjohn BuU atauca, Bay Rum, ate o., wnion wiu oe aura g'Qp n l ' Hl-tf. . ' f tt GLUE I GLUE!! . OrBBLS. of eupsrlor qujlUy. 'Jatt recelfed, December !. . . , y . 1 WHISKEY.. 1 v-BBLS. N. O. Roctifled Whtskw For lUU aaleby J. & W. Deo.21. L. McOARY. '119 PORTER 'AN D ALE. DOZEN tluarte, LonJon Browrt Stout; 35 to. Plntiv "VA ' do. 4 do.- 26 do,. iluarltaodptnia,i'nuaoipiua) 25 do. do. 00. coicuBf. Jiiatreculvedbv Sahr. Charles Mills, Irom New Yotk, and for sale by wm. mvv. 104-tf Nov. 16. MACKEREU. 5BUI-S. Kxtra, ivo. i macnerou 6 da. No, 2 do. 10 do, IMo. ao. lOido. , No I do. 10 d. No-2 , do. 5 barrels Salmon, for sile low at HOWARD & Nov. 25. , , , , t, ,r, j f PEDEX'S. . . .aoo-if. SNUFF, . - jaa . aal.t J ..MAlr OTJ fCA VLTS Snperor !5nun,in an amua w Vav, ages, clmstantly on hand, foranleby A . UAKU.Y, UK. I All I Oct.23. 96-lf" FOR SALE. O A BOtaKW 3oe Ryej 4 barrtuf prima Lack Offe Country Whlakey, on consignment by McKELLAft 0 McRAE. Nov. 28. 109-if. SPICES. PEPPER.Splon, GHngar, Nuuaega, Clovaa, All. apoa,Cuiname,HaatMa and all variation o4 Oro.l.pic-,fl.aowAaD a pEDRN8 Nav.J. -a- ,T0 BEST. THE Room On aecond floor above Mr. El ton 'Store on tho cornet of Market and Wa ffljarBtreItlaalBTgetomniodloui room, aad will be rentedoa g oo terma. or H. B. ElLERs'. Oct. 14. tmU AND OVERCOATS. A Larie anJ splendid lot. Just received at scorr, KEEN 4 CO'S. ' Nov. 4 99. PAINTS I PAINTS M ; 1 O Cn1etra,1Ueh CrcWGreen Paint, LC It lege Jet black do. For tale low, to cloee consignment, by Dec. 19 ll,6"5'-' " ' 2 EA'tT. HELS Turk .. . au i i -nft A BUSHELS Turka Island, cargo ol Barqaa Emma, for mm by n O. tV. DAVIS ,vALSa , rpnt SACRS, 4all, aapatta per coocwr ISU tf Sangaf.tVtwClurl-efor Mr- Dec.ii 111 -)ft CTS.a pound for fidel attar, kt 20, , ,.frJL,WOOD'SL tt. . . . ...... . 413 a V W f TO RENT. THE store corner of Hd eroat and front streets UtWyoapled by Metara. O. f & R. H. Urant 1 O.O. PARSLEY, Wr . Sept. I?. 76-tf. SALT! SALTll THE cargo of the Schr, P B. .Savety from 8t. Martina of about bartela, A iate ! or aale bv Dec'. 15 CA BBLfl. riX)UR,oe,8operfinailHf; pU W buahela handaome white MeaLfor ajle by r j a W, L. McOARY. nr. a -s.'IM rXr 'tax 101-tf. awv bj ,lu. ,suxAfeS: .1 .4 20 Paekkf ea Woolaey A Co. Loaf Croaked abd eredtaffara. r ar7 !fmifoiAR5iF?DEN. Oct. 18. T MOUNTAIN BUTTER ' rfRnrkloalrash Mtanttlii iattef. ftatd bf . P RARlISl at DftiKE. CLlltL&LS'l StWUUl - 'J itliliATiUt HlLJ , . cured iihlnl.'ie luit iir. . ! who jid, been Jfborlng Bhdor the i.... 1 irawW $omiiJuiuu arwHp w.uf j"-. j i -,ih.lJn-i The at Ut hrM on) faedlclaitvet fllcoeial k Uv-aa4-4 l-w-l-r-O-' A V W a w w a, --7 M j-r 'O ITEADACHE, eumatlam.PlleaDla' AX T,ni. Sr.urw.SmailDOJt. Jautidlce. Piinain' use Back. Inward Wenkpeea. Palpitation 'of the Hear!, RialatfJaf thaTHmat,'uropty, xatnma, Fver 01 an kiatlav Female Complaints, Measles, Salt tthibhm, Htr'k""-i Wrma, Phnlara MMrfcaar-aaiB) Qirtn ey , WhooplngCougb,Conauroptlon, Kilt, Liver Com ment. r.rvshsliicMWofrthe Skin. C14vQout,Grev KonroutOomplatotai ami ft rleiy of othur Diaeae ariaina;fratn tmftvrtif IB ars t J jj 1 a W . t... .af fa ' - -- "lh following certlfilcate waa forwarded? t Dr. Cllckener, bv hla Agent at Lancaster, Pa. taenia Pectoris or Dlwaici of the'Ifeprt IMJBT Dir. ' - '"Itinnai 'Itaunot elprf j( fhfl bbllffnilon I am un er yoafor recommeBdirld jr recommendirlff me to try CUcliener a Corned Pntgative1 PilK You know 1 had , ba n long afflicted by a complaint of the eutwhick J ba Here the doct6r calj Anjlpa Peclorlt, or aomutbing. of theaort. lEyery one told me lvw? ver4r,4au fferooa 4180886," which mlghf carrynte off aiony motifcnt; and my attddenlf, TtT dja not hna aome-J thing to cure It. 1 usa to W tximplea, wyn, ewoxven ctumpe or poiril tt The' pit of the stamach. plow, and then it would strike tip through the breast and into the shoulder bhdee. I never knew whenyh wa"cimrlr? on. It would soineflniet oltack me while walking in the street, and then I used think how horrible U would be to drop down dead all of a sudden, wUKBblalBivriaWWinie. The pbysiciunt wid m it wn of o as to doctin far f y It waa pat all cure, bcnusa none of them had ever beun able cure it. Hat 1 ha.l heard ao much about Patent Medicines, aa thev are called, that I idemr- mined to try aome of thrm. Sol went to Pliiiaoel nlila. nnd CiiUed ba Mr. F. Drown, who nomlieciflW akatotoAief Of Fifth and 1 irut streets, aud he cave mo a bo of pills. I took two boxes, according to directions, httt they did no good. He then gave me a bait to of etuh with every out landish kind of unmet but that had no more effect thna the others Jo at then 'I htppeBea t hear of Clickenert Sugar Coaled Purgative Pllla, and as they were'-aomethlw; new under the sun," I thought 1 would try them, and il l got no better, why I must give it up as a bad iob. So I called on you aa yo-J limy recollect, nnd boueht n bo lor 26 emits, I bejr irt l iking litem; nnd before I had half iiiiinhed the blt, I Idi like a dill tent person. 1 could w;ilk much faf Ih.r.andsoinelimcsa half mileand back, without i....lli,tr imu nnin Theapcond box had aaliil bailor enctiand boforelkadgoitiiroughwkrf4hnl third, OtrconTSiUDiimH entirely retime. i um vvnuiu n id nil owing tirrh virtue bf Clickener s Pills, and nothing olbe, and lwiih that every bod yshrrtild know it, bueause 1 think I hey ntv one of ihe urealcal bltsa inasonearili. 1 ulw;iys keep them in the houtu-in cae anv one ot the family ahoutd get sick . for I kmtw ifiliey eold cure nio of so bad a complaint, thev will cure almost uny body else. If you w:iut ;o nrint this in vour pamphlet. I have 'io objection in the world, though I nm not much ua.d to writing. Youm, in all thartkOilness, MARY ANN WEN DOVER. j"Varl iu9 Wedtcal Practitioners of eminence have us.'d them with successful resulla, M.ny per sons aNo have recourse to ihem aaanordimiry Fam ily Mrdiuno, or corrective of the bowel?, in eases of sliuht Indigestions. tc. Packages were soineiwiw since presented to Hon Martin Van Btiren, ex-President of the United Statcej Hon. Henry Clay, of Ken iiirku, itiatuxatillea.:v.WillianiC. Hojidt axJov4 ernoraf Ntw Vo1 Hon: William 1 fl: Predion; Senator irom South. Carolina, and aeverar other dia-'i, tlngulslicd men ol our country, an 01 wnom.wiin one exception, have expresaed their approbation of the Clickencr Sujar-Coaled Purgative PI la, by order ing a new aupply. But, purhapa tht moat inconteatible evidence ef their unprecedented aucceaa, are the numberless Imi tations ond Counterfeits which have appeared; before the public. Even some of our eaiuacheatpUi makers have hadsn audacity to Imitate the Capsule of Su gar, In order to disguise the iagrcdlenta of their vile compounds, sndpalm them off for the freelainion pure." Such paltry thlAacannot last long without exposing their hideous deformity. Truth and hon esty must lnevluWyprevail over rascality and decep tion. ' We might extend the catalogue of Teatiraonlals to an Indefinite length, if we dawned it expedient to publish all we bsva received, not only from agents but individuals snd families, who have experienced the beneficial effects of Clickener'a Sugar Coaled Pllla, but wedeem It onweeaaary. WILLIAM II. UPPJTT ire the Agents for Wilmington and vjctnitv, the pllla era put to- ia glass, b i ties, and sold al 25 centa with full directions for their use, , FronUstreeLbetween Market aad Dock. I )t. CltdcJKct't Principal OJUt,M Veeay-at. New York.' ' IV Remember Dr. C. V. Cllckener ia thetnventor ofSmrar Coated Pllla. aad that nothing of the son was ever heard of until ha,tnlrodune4 ham In June, 1843. Purchasers, fkouldi tharefart, alwkya aak for Clickener'a Sugar Coated Pllla, and take opthors' r iii v ill b rut da the vlotlma of afraad.' . " February w 8, 1348-Wa. .-r- . WOODEN WARE. PAINTED PAILS, Broom, "Neat Cedar Tubs: do. pained Tobaj Axe handle. Flour palla, Bung starts, Whole and balf bbl. cover, Neat mar ket baaketa, near Taaaauret, , Scrubbing brushes, Whitewash brushea, Paintbrushes, Shoe brushes. I id eacaav Wood iraya, Cocoa 1 dipper-, Slevr-a, Keelerti Wf. A. Claris Starches, just reoelvcd and for aale by. WM. NEFF.r' sov. II. ivz-u. T Turpentine fliatirLn DopILn. fl AM nf laaailnf two laraa SrIHa at Serecta. and 1 shall have them w aporatiovt by let to 10th lam; Persona makhag Turpentine In that reftor entt Telf on dlapoavg Ol it at au lime at isir prices. MTDua lnrs there wW be conducted by Mr Wm. R Hyde. Ineaa there win be conducted by Mr Wm. K Hyde. , JJcHeuer ueut. . - - At OmM NStaM of Mejttl ' && 4 Armtf ranf 4 WIa'lTBta If inyaaroiC - CAaoun, TT A.V& Jutt noalvad ikwli Fait Stark sfOrmiia IA 4-Ca aadabnilBrtaa follow : 80 hags urine are Tfoaand lisht Rio Coffee 20 bag. prima t' ) &tra Coi UUot.2Ubaoa Ooa , 20 bagaprima old Java Coft 10 hhda. bright nt Youa. H.MO Sku gari-aaM..4Xaatovawa aifj 40 bhaIaraadrWl alagarf a awae tf 20 bbl. extraa JWt.l0xa No. bod a xrLmVhp .Tobatoa i',lWU bu .lt r1 mril,m Mnrrk. Kmuf (jyfmmtm ..: .... -Ti fi a tviniiirt ivsw-Mri iITt,S- aT a sam 1 , t . ... .".afci...I ..T X. GIddlneaa.Rli 1 waapp hela Alnm Salt. tmmu,reh.SHuf,Cp4rt,.lndKBiVio APImP,VjPoTof -P,( SiMT,4U,4k.i Ala.20aaasa Mea'a thick and kip ragana; 10 casea VVowKa'limd Bar' Saoea. sssor- ledi 15 coin nan ifcepea y aamiaamsw ropr lor Pen dbrdai J tana (aeteriad) Swaed'a Pioughaad Tjia iWj a i UoUDJt ano aingie-oarrei uuna, c.,axs .ra rVi All of Which wr win seunn reesonaMa larma. Ii. B. Weareandej lhnect olrauwlnft Jti.oi rsiaeiLnjL nertona IndaaJad M a, to matt latfeyadltrd payni? aatarl) sa poioie, vn yonDir Bs.ku av,v aaaixk ttoek of Irocarle at ft ui eAioirien require. Sept Jlfl. 1848. W-t FAMILY TILQT BREAD. North Hlz'ilir.1 'Just k AAA n 3 H trtj tr rr'l: 1 Seasluna of thla tnstltutlonr cbmmenW on .J ' .the first day ot July f each year, and Continue laa Uiiniha, whaa there la a vacation oft ivlngth PupUa an Opportunity to Visit lltett Pa fawtaand Prtr-ada. l. -: un A , M iMlnauiUi. m ta sltaated en OieWen Suttare, t- eout one-third of a mile from the 8 tare House -Tha ground oocupied by th bolldlnjfa Wnh that adjacent. tainsprnparty ot ine lowiiouon, ar gramea by thp Legtaktuiaattha Stau, V la ektaiktmbrecet four tcraaj aparf aihlclx will be cultivated, and the re wwlnoat will constitute apacloua Lawoa wkeranhe Male PapUa will amuae themaelret, at proper houra, Inathleiicaporta.an.d.tbe Jemalta, u walking, or such other ktodaoftxercUe- ai anay be appiopriaU .'Vm?nlukniUrai dlnieW thWy'tlfthteMtweOty twoxten4ta.jr rfctUt tngeii iroiu the mam eanc.1ari, pOMrcUiw.froia fcach ftfWiplt v of Ii hjf pearly iha, whoM .widiU i eachwm iftelcVaUonUtmbroceafoMaiiaa, ClodlftjUe bastrnelti, aad.lhe , wlngj inrr,wajid, Ja iorfflouriied by ii tdwer or rbacryiorjroiMmBdlag an extejifclve and beavttful JroapcU fo -ve-inetft art (he dinlng-roont fnfoifirf roquia,,ao4 im th4ioryal)ov te baacawntt.are the. piirlor, aiuing ooift tnd flbrary; In theothertttorle wa (he fauajy aparimentrof the Principal and his assistants, laid tworooma aet apart for the Pupils in case of sickness. latUbaaeixMnt of one wlnj- are the kitcherrind waah r)oaAtrfthatlhtpiter,ae1rpi for ln atructionin mechanical trades. On.jbe principal AorfthrwTnrfi, are the' tftrtn-rooina of 3i i jnnjSt and femolea. end the upper etorf fa occupied for doriHifWrWe.w Ihe fchleY merit of the arrangement voaatetsln Ira preserving iheee two departmentai at mraaTehiter to the WcditimofTitlons, smiiHenients and puraatlamrPutfle')itMabpl)aa;indepen dent in evVrf ptfVtft:blara to constitute of I hem two aajraieaMiladnrt ewmmtmltiee, while th drning rtominfwhlch bath aaamblev whk the Teacherr and family of the Principal, It cenvenfently arf!'-' ble. h Each departntant hat Ht tepa rare areas In " Jri1 ; reaita aapavalBpleegOrB-grwinde. an irs -wjpafate comirniAieatlen with the 4if)l-rooniB: aothat for the ordinary purposes of life, there ndooeaaton to pass Irom one to the o'.her. The Act of the GeoarnL Ajiaemhlir. .ran r thm when Deaf-Jtea,rnn(bWo ryir a.Wir main tenance and education, the Jusiioeaof Jhe(aevfar; Cow ft ot Pleas and Q,unnaf Seaaiona, should levy in; i m- on ii n; niHiinci n luxe U(y now oy mw levieci lor the support of the poor, seventy five dolkars for the support nnd miint. 'nance of every such De.ifMute aaahnil bealerted by the Literary Board, for the purposes of KducaUonF' TJ 1.' IT KorturlharpartlWilBrSi'tppiyMletler PtQth- Wlse totrweundenjlgr4. ' '.s-- ! ' ' J II WILLI Am ir. UUUKK, Frirmfpal, i 'cfPFICERS OF TH5. INSTITUTION. Diri.lart. -Hia. Jixss.sw .VV1LLIAM A. ..... . . .... .1 . A. -A - . . ' GRAHAM, PaaBiaty a' tirtllbAaD : Hoi, JOILV.W. MOiacaEAD,-CMARLEMllit; ESQ.., WILLIAM W . H AURiNON .'SttitrA a r of tub BqN. . JIVaaattrti'.t-CHARLES L. IIL TO,, ESQ., Trxasuher uK Hi atk. Principal. WILLIAM I). UOOKR, M A. AmMantn. -A I! I '. I, H. 45 AK1CH, OEOIU1K H. .KEWHAjH. fAy.-wn.-CUARLF.S K. JOHNSON, SI. D. J;irtir.-WierfLAURA J. BARKER. Rulehjh N. C, Anyunt . 1813. 69-ly-tw-p. AtlUN'CY OF I Navtlvs' Mutual Lift) Insurance dnmpanp. PKRsO.'NiS lioldinp Policies in I his office are noti fied that Sciip Crrtifinatpf Jliir their Shares of prnjits in the biisiiuxx t' thXumaiiy are ready lor delivery at the Agi nuy o:llci No rh wh'i u) F. J. LOKU k Co., Ae'ntA ' 1 Oe(. 24.,, , . 91-lf. NOTRE. TITR. R. F. BllOf14jfilVitrhinirt on .M C hiv- lYA ins been admitted into our Copalnershij, jhu btielnesa will be conducted as herttofoni, wilrwut t;hanije in the stylo of our Firms IfROWN'A DrRO?SRT. ew Vork. DF-ROSSMT ot BROWN, Wilmlnylon Jan. 1, IB49. N. C. 1?4. v. giiktMll. -.. -a T'IE subscriber have alarud iGriM Mill. in cot 1 naaigawith their fcuc itAV.and can lurni h Meal aud Hominy ol jirimequuliiy and at very nhort notice. JOlliN McRAK&Co. Peb. 8,1843,. . ,U-1t.. "t "! v f ".' r 1 ;ilft BEAVER Creek, auperior Family Sheeting, for salebj J.C. -VI lA Oct., 2d, 94 if. ENCO UR AGlT UU1E INDUSTR ' mdiunxmu: and tttalNi W FAC TORY. ' ftHE subscribqr respectfully Infornit the publit JL flat he Tii Iccerwly returned irout taaMorth, where he litd In s full and coanplete stock f Saddle and Harness mouuUBk'S, fcc, q-c ,oi the latnetand Linosi hrtprovfditylf s.and U cousitniiy maaufaetur- ing.st hlsMor,30 iltfliel atreal. loruieiJy ucetpird by Gay B. HofchkhSe, every desrripiion of article in the above Hoe From hia exjvrleuce In tnebualaaet, be feefscortfldent that he will be able ta give an lire satisfaction loU aualomartr He hBs, and will keep a ecnatanHnhplf of , SADDLES, nniVLES. M RT1SOALKS. COLLARS, WHIPS, BIT'lS AXU SPUHS, CARPKT ASP SADDLE BAUSi TRUNK, VALISES. 4f. 4 Kt; and ery Sther article usually kept in establishment of the kind, all of whfoh will b warranted to be of the beet miwriila aad workmanahiny lrizanldon moderate terma fjr tasb.bf tooshorl credit to puae iualaotomer. " ' ' ) RtrAiania af averydeacripttorrpromptly aitended fe. Cjachaaand Carrlagea trimmed in t neat and substantlalttylrl J t It i X t i M Medical BAgt;unthldn of every description, snd all MU r auoes usnaM y ' wtn uiaetareo in eti s Diiin' menta of the kind, made to pnies. ..t t, i Persons wishing' to purcbata Rjwaa, Vaiucu would Bridlt to thelrlntereatto give hfti aaaU. y - "' JOHN J. CCLVOJLEYiv FRFSH FTtUlT. rf PACKAGES Ra1alha( M JV 60 BMt. Appktj "t BaWAImort t Bnll Nu 2CaktOurrrattf 1 BoietCltrorti ' 60 ' fire Cracker i IMLbi. Crtdy. ' , , , . .T or eJ at, .; l u -v jj W1LCI.NS0N A Co. Dec.' 19. " 118 b-t. .TOWiMx.HH - f tlTtTE STEk UKR deV'GUAH A tk " Lin anrparad tdmwttc1a whenever ci lied for. if i not "en on im ib gvsri6d. lawrpltot wfald'be thankful for thare of paHonage, and do all In their power to' givtf . r . , . , , . . mm u acron, nppry vrrovBTTi to vapi. i. r. i ara.or to Jane 20 -r ?LiKtE!'rtME!! LHIE!!! - iHHLS Lrnpornvirie White Lnmpt WW bbla ai BV l t aa. raicinea risster, A8.. " ORDER, AT THE art trnT ( i" Tiir'w trtn V7 v- rnomaaton i.tfa. fXXfot iii Platnng Hair, and rirt briei, oyasru lc yemeata IpOO hbla" tlme(Vtr.1 rof M if - ' T. . ' v7uT25th, "' i 3 16IKCT UF THE a n -I vw., mJ m a. . . . m m a. npiIZ SubacrlUr at agent of the , above , Compan Vtoiiiianaatji racaivafappucaitona lor iauraraBcei tner jn i own or ine wouniry. rom in nia aiao I Which Ihls Company baa attained muoity, at WMU at a au paiu oiiaa liberal waa ali Joaeea laaLDavwTtoc aettled, troveaitU bnf aaiabatBntlal affitMaitt tht aoantry Th. CcatmM, hatra fuy krie anatlilM fdmmianf; aotea- (watt tectttedyto y aiecUfig any loaaaa tnat mar aeveaaiaf ocean- wn. .,0i2-r(4'-a:.ou3i -i- iii t , Agaat 1 JJclBli4li Cirr Intt rtt-lll RALEIGH, N. C TTHAS beMrUi JLM. greatly Irhprovi numtmr pavaaant arwpot ezcencu o spy m me viiy. tw jimii- wavai'lirpb'lied .wUll the. best that caabai procured, and the cl.argea,axea modert at eanke jrfratet -The aiahleaaryjn good order, well furunished wlm provender, and attended by careful and experienced OsTero. Leai Dteachted bv thlt eataWlahment. tiaieigh, Sepa, mm Ul MU" l w u ife Ruaafi lijikum. For aala at -i-j. - FOR SALE. al v. Snrtn GfTNNt BAtiS,'"- uwu 400 Emply Spkila TMrpeBtiBe.btrrale , 42 barrfte., Fresh Fayttteville Flour, super and X. 7 ketft Butter. By VVILL.O. JEFFHEVS. Nby.y. IU1. " f'aTuaf flier uct Turptntine 'ands FOR SALE. PIlcjubscTltjers crlfer Ui a,sk bet wtexJ wo anl -L fleehujideaoiesoivalaabitRice LerH ok Locjtwoual't Polly river, in Urunawick county, lai- piediutcly I n the neluhoorhooO ol the LandM a good tweain at wateramptyanaMMotlie kwood'trivi r -furnlNhino w:i4aaiiiftaAra4lr r. i L. ... .. -JTJL T.i-Z A . watering the naldtakdfar pounding ami tlfthlnrt U-Rlc&.as well a fare tfaw.MtllAt art of this lUfhaabai coliivaiedfa RloeandCotten.and proA'uildiqui ltd ant Mmti!iil! i it ' ' ' '-'I- AdjioiiigtlhiMC4ndar between mtrii'rhtrtr dred and iwevthuasand aerrotAraira te Ttnfeltthie Landarery convonient to the rWer.allwithln thne miles o n he sia,-e,hore,an44 p aii fib ,! ocalion. . TJ a I whulr.rioihti'OMailBiud ru'ofi,,, Landa, . , VVM. L.HALL. .t-n i ' n 1 ii .i -i -'I ' a . w. a, ll . , R. BAIlER. July IS 1P4P. CiTIZBSore hmi'irahly a-urc(l ihat the follow. in; are the actilnl qualiiies of e 3ss bottle of Joaoa Coral Iluif iRoatpriitlvf. If they doubt our war they cannot tneae highly rc-Kpesiable citizens, who hnve Uied it. Mr. Geo Becket,4LEImaUji4y. Airs. Matilda Reeves.'MyrfVirVenue, Brooklyn. Mr. Wm. Tompkins. 92 KmffatN.iY ; , Mr. Thotnn Jakn,439 Liberty M., Piriaburgh. IL K. ' allien. I He barber stonmboat S AiniMc'. -And more than u hundred oiluirssute.thoui'h this musuuffiee, iruiii willturft tlk' haiMo arrow on headpr faaetttop It (iilkng olf atrenethan the root.! rcniQVlnff scurf and dandrull from the ro ils, muxirU! HgU'i red, orgruy hair assume a fine dark look, and keepLi" try. harahur wiry hij;inoiat.aft,c!can and bcautlfi a verr0rf yi0Dt4Me J' " C. INGLES, Jr. i Soldin WlliiJnntfiBhv I.lunlll aV VVlLULitaa H 'DRIED iUW AND TONGUES. 1 (il l)R1,,'I) Tongues, largest sixe. I oOU lbs. drlcU Ueei at Al NEPK ' - ! A j, j EGRO SlrtjES.' Nov 2. M-itl. .diiiJ Iprs ile low al . IfOrYARp PEDEN'8. WCE. The subscriber has opened an office In Pars)a)''s blot kon Water St for the tranaaction of t enfii Coinhttsslon Business. Pronor attention willha paid 10 trie sate ol inerctinnnisc ol on V kind, as well as to thesaleor shlpuiaritpBVfynftrl preldcts of the country and the ndual atfvnncea made when desired. taiganieart lor aale, or far shipment to my friends at the North.- I have a good Naval Strife yard anWatehoufltyrwaotafrom the dariitjeT of fire and wuimtKacnarsea very moderate, where persona may destra to store temporarily. Aprll27-tf. W. O.JEFFREYS. PRINTCRSLOORDEREa BILLS LADING, Sheiiffa Land Deeds, Cheek books, Negoila'le notea, Invoices. .Shipplna manifests. Newspaper, Cr4atd!a variety of other paper, Ac. cap be hod low on application. , , , , . i ' a; patjC Wit on. Ml v Nov. 18. T 55rtf. I USt EfVriD.-U'i'Barnsley J Cotton Sheeting at a small advanc 10 4 and 12-4 nee on N. York coat, by j. s. WILLIAMS. INov. 14, i'j i r ; ). CRACKERS. '11 rckefi CJOD A. Bmter, Water, Pleala and Sgtr Cracl lOl'ilot liread, Ac; juat received at E. R. WO0I ' 111. Detv.1. 9ffm!rl!MW imx ZKJ For aalebf' J W.'Tt. "BMITH. NpO, .... !(' -ft" BACK COUNTRY' LWpR.; iinua. Aopie oranoy i . ... .. 10 barrel, ok Whlakey. Fovesleby No. . - i FVWX)N MARKET BEEF? V BBLS. Fulton market tW aa retail. JB tnokad DBeef, P!ltfcdand SraoAedTongueai Ac, Juaira- aalved ind for 6le by '' E,R, WOOD. ... j.J a.,lrf ! .tn; :ib Deay; "CTT fHir'-x1' r j . nil Ml "Ta i a r) y h rV lJ ifTe rt'ci!orJ a poi thfPtano rortevwlahra loootoina lew pupiia She would give kasona either at hi own ravideaee ar ibomof herpationt. Eaevrailrt-wlll b made to advance her pupil, and bdt a 'moderate charge made. T r M - 5..aLSLP,n COALTARD't" UrHEkklaaerf'aarkara'owUadlng and Intend to B 1 keep aot.tsntly on hand, a large auppry of iht' best Quality Red Aahe Coal, evoke and aereenen ter;namffi " . . HARRlSf ORJtXu 1 hi uaaru tXAirti, .. at . .d m k id)ylfiofdig1k repaired, tad ana? commoniout roome vaien , Lwrict wmW UnanaTatpeBtflillfl lhflja thertantiuK of theutwnibatal the appniacriag ialalureand thetra veiling uublic to the advamagea .t?r. FROM New York, tht t,l let haa received tht fouowin. ig aiuclaa 4i-""eaatf of f ornlt turn, wnicart' Whkh ta wUl low,f ri! !M.yrV ! f f f ' la n...iifi.tty eLaL ii,-a gooa aii i 24 curled mapte wvf i'ba oeirvtatylaHV 2 half French bedeti-mlt 153ah""nr3n 'iti . ""ii patent WinaiaaaDeiioni.udio poau , r K5.JfAm vv 9a v,,,,,, , .txi4 ) 'v ""PS!f. r TfllS r l.iriXiJ: Zfl f 4 )iio POSfUltt 4F laADINO, aiuw. I JT. In Book, and ahtettralto Let teat Slveialtlr a yarfetf of ajaajajille biaakt,iet atja at iff) K, Jk 4flEED-jRYfi.ff iff Afl aWSHELS Seed Rye, received ffilada'f Pof OU aale by J, W. L. MtGAfcY. win lJ av wai tit Dec. 21. fffJJOUrU . ' - M aW il f I I '111 JW, . . -1 I a r"-r- Tkli0per 'kMirMUTo be'paWV Ummat . toAII eammunicstlons to ba post, paid, and addreaaeJ - -Braoaa iawta-Mo. 109 Eaat-Bayt,Charles-' pm, SouihOarrtifiaV T J 'J Si Notice 'or diac'rfntnjnlnce muat be given three months In advanjOffltatpftraataB of tat subscri bed for time. ., yum, ;) i.4JaV I 1 " TO ?Hff SUBSCRIBERS TO inKWOfBr' Ttmwm 'wwt af.iX".. Mr. ROBERT E. SEYLE, and PKlTSrl Y BL AN DlNCkaitt aar aM y aiitkoTtxwi) agehtt lbrol keeling money and aahatrayilatjt it) aWftbveetTtb 6! thp )uw)ntBM'AMkaitpaaajt0''laf' AttXMitai RftaaiA having beta wliMrewisMore than ttgiret months ago. Our anbserll era will ihewfon ehllr u,bjnlla4iaiy with ibewor -reanhtlnr olrttsrly lava, W will not. eeoogntaaaaiy her laea1ptfbV Gavsvy txcMjri tain thaiu vibaFaatautter Wbolaay rembbyaiait) ' i,tcnii ,. . , , i, .-.flUROKS a JAMES,11 j W , .. Publiaharsof th QuNariy Kerlr.' ,a .wm;, - i ' ' ' " ' MeVWr"" NOTICED di w wrw. .. aaajjB-. nw THE tabterrber mtMltiff ' Infofma la Sdi awdtha-pablrayihirtht ha takerftue Slgfe foi" " trnaj wtr parous, tnni iro tian lOICD luy (yMJrp IVl nerlyoupilby olm af(dHawta,'ryre ke ofikfa' torilet)Wee (mlTof mdrvidel 'ktock of Hormea cuuaxa lotme ami awaa at ttwttty redtfewd prtWl."ArtorJi whfc t may be found n vood assortment of dOmetlld and cy Dry3ieivoeTlWHettM . . For the ara.-s bf ehaAgmt Ms fctafuW htTwlrf sen niaenmaaxoca ai rancy uoodt, ir iveWYbrr cont.or Cash A mong whlVh may be fcand t rfeaf' vnrifyo(Blai.kan-ee(oWf; l!gr7d arW p&liTSIliu, k, maruiu, aad Uaabatera Ahawlav'ibner allk Hand kr;hletand i;ravata.nd a krgaatocb eftlYreta IA ees, iiiiiBlin nnd Cambrick Edgkngai and Imiertlrtga, Honnets a rid. Hon ne t Rlbbons.kUi and Silk Gtoea,bor- red and emhroiilered floen ceoibrfck Utafftblefa Fiend. aniKScutch embroidered Lace and .nraalan Cap snnd Cnllarii, of ine liteat and tqiMlf Inanjoa.. 7 ble xtvle; H'ltitM and black tflk. x7os.Caahutavaa ljmazlMS, Alpre and ' DeLainrK. ' TajrVMr a ' with a lnr?e stm-k f hench, Englrah, German, ap. . American t'loiha. and Csnlmeres ; and a treat va-1 rb ty of ather anlele tio numeroOa to mention, tha eniKe stock ofKimey Good will aold at New Yarft coat,' f.r cash. JOHN R.HAWE9. D c !rjfi silt tfui iq..- FOR SALE 10 W' FOR ClSflf 011 I Barter For Couniry ProduaC1 Tf l Rnss Rio Coffee i S hairs I.oriilrn ciifCu. 6 hhds. Porto Rlao Bucntl 10 do good retailing Molaaaet. ht- i ALSO ' ' 4 ' ' I l oaa. Writ. Sugar. 8pe., PcpmnvGlorl' Clna mon, Nutmere, Mustsni,- Oapa, Ctadfe Spermf andTsliiivA Epaom Salts' Sfarrh Su TohaCcoy . SeaaravNaIN WhoveV and 8padV; Hoea, 1 aad ' many other artkWehl th grocery Una. At ''O . J. A VV. L. McGXRYV Nov. 16. 1041. ,,;;:'),; CORN.: '';.! lOQOmlvW'riwf a. rv. DAyiavi De.1. 14? rr 3" KEW CROP MUSSE3. 1 fVVHIDS Now krm from Shr.ye4hL-J '1. DetrA i1 JLLs lit, ' Hi VAVID ftt Dec. 7 ,. , BBS j ) FURNIlTRRWllkteCl ma . j.iUn.r.i't.lf.'""" nib BaoBcnonr.waina rspciiuuy aul-s,. anaave aim Htitent of WUraiaaioav., arM alMaerroandIng rjotlrulea, that ha la 4 ow TrnrvHif nra r au or oca ox vaofc. i net Fartdtere. Havlnl seleciadk hint, w aa m weenie or new i era ana jTvoav taat, ba rakeMftddrrttf rteammeBdk ia . the aUeatkaa ogccMoaaart for variety and tkaaaea at kaiyie, beaaiy f worVirtsnahlp, ndchesiinea, Jtla ai- :oiaarrnnaat aaarprte atoCT tnat he lat Iw at-,, lured In this market, and ketWakl thtf tkoat Wishing to punbajektajytlrid it Mthelr Interest to ealL Th) followisg ar aoma of the article ompdae4 la tk Stock, via st I k SOFAS. . Jlfl i Yi1A"rint iCB OVlOMANS. DlMMmfmZX UJ URSA US, WRSSSNQ BUREAUS I iCXTESSIOli BV.' Arcirarnav BDnwiaaa 1 N nSIDk BOARDS. ... . WAUDfUUiUt If. A J 1 BEDSTEADS, , COT TRtJNDLEdo. . . I aVK ' I Bedioom Seia. completer IV-lrdeiid'iTXlaM poet do. , Looking Glasarat Toilet dtf. r Sink aa wasnstands: Mh ahogany do.j BoataatWnn7ialri,' DoVrrnch do. i Cart Mania do-i' J Maboffsny do.i Cans. Rush eeat. snd Fanev Chafr t "Wrodaor kxki ..Rush eeat. Common do t Chltdna'a Ulfk do. tror aakt ttkaad-. etata price, by ."': D. LOT Efj Oct. 12. -69. .f.-rWkt tht Rack prfg: On BAGS live Gees Faather, from latertor af ifCi ih State, when tht jnoA jrfJelt 4a liilatilj k A ua!tT5R. W. BROWN. Tat va..M V y et J.. .x nntrrriofrnv ivh tvinn DOCTOR OF DENT A. SURGERY Yr?ai7 k ..a itrv '.akxv4j.'vt.-:' Air 'liir1 I ,k $? Tlental Surgeons. -l ERFOKHS aUoperationooa Ceetk uiseiiedfterttont-d rnkaLimf rla- ci leof AinroatpharlcPreaajra lnalltaay wkatw liar Li iBakrahas... nl &at Kaat Slda.f Pradt nft.i 4o:il rft irkat.apatalra. id t1;1'''1 ii.nclawihtheumeJ n Tist BtTk firti8apBaiyforauaiy-Jatrn(thsy,rtiet ian aowaxwivakiaaranaaovial aerrlce wltf ia quoa oyojnf yiirnvBeTOTiToCTcB,men Ja, f Mlloiarxa4hantbtlaih diatlvt tbtat -Ala ! ytact,iniviajjaaraiiy. i 'ft- l -0 A W- 44C wri s 4JU

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