i li oris day irv school hours, t"i cf Virjli, bjr storm of bamboo that reail carried on ihs illusion, and mads q tUiak for a tims that I was assaulted bjr a of tartgei. ii seemed to consider ft t 7 nsli bead's cub, nod set himself litsrai ty to jicX him into shape. Ha was so par (iciUariy fond of striking with a leather lrnppn the fiats pf our bands that ha nev -11 I .U- . Jlii'l Mat TU.r. arm nr aiwwiu uictu aa war wvig wu pq'gucV thing as PalajBundy in ; our cal ndar.. ii oae word.he was disinterested lj pruel, and wed as industriously to strike fur nothinj, as0t&ert striRs ror wages. Some of the older bovs. who had read Sraol let,VRr!stied Wm Roderick, from his hit- tin like Random, and Ming so paruui 10 K!rtiwJ '"' "'-"r' ' J T1& 'death Vks characteristic. After ma finVlVwiahtj wot for Mr. Taddv, the Ee3V8her,"ind addressed him in the fol faVni ords :-U is all oter, Mr. Taddy fanfi Lstatirif fast I am going from the er tes3al globe to the celestial and have frftnfeed Tomkins a flopgnff mind ho tTi'attd don't let him pick off the buds rhaVj asked Aristotile," (here his head k .ml h suvs I cannot live nn JliuVl dont like that black homo grin-iiMttfl-cane him soundly for not thbwinf his wrbs Oanteo to non quod MldAbrOh, Mr. Taddy' it's break ,rnp,wiih me the vacation's comm ifieteti that black horse again Dulcis kofienireminiscitur we are short of canes JLtK Taddy, don't let the sdhool get into iffiftdeV whenl am gone I am afraid tiSbxighmj illness The boys have gone acklnthfirflogging I feel a strange feel irJjJW'oveTine is the new pupil come? I trust I hare done my duly and made df fchV-and left ail," ( here his head wan Tertd, 'igain V to Mr. Souter the book. Telle?." Mt Tadey, 1 invite you to my tttfiejrH-make the boys walk in order iantl 'take care of ihe crossings My chf is geii'mg dim write to Mrs. 13. of MoifcsTe and inform her we break up on -tlSttst Tbe door is left open I run ve tfc old--where is my rukr 1 feel John, Jifhtf ike i school lamps I cannot see aline Ob'Mri Taddy venit hora my hour iffcbj&e-I atn dying thou nrt dying he A1 itihk -We are dy ing yo u a re ,TjT The voice censed. He made n feeble motion with his bunds as if in the iAt bTmriRg a coppy-bo0k the " ruling jtfn!o'n irtroug in death," nnd expired. An epitaph, composed by himself, was ifisftottred in his desk, with an unpub lhed, pf mphlct against Tom Paine. The epitaph "was so stuffed with quotations ifoft Homer and Virgil, and almost every dreeliind Latin author beside, that the mason who was consulted by the widow Vrfinir1 to litorraDhit under a hundred sv BA.a.uva: j u m -"j PtJnis.The Dominie consequently re poieTunder no more Latin than Hie Ja dttjh without a single particle of VjiCes, inousrn ne is imu&cu u ing .THE COMMERCIAL. WILMINGTON, N. C. faiXtlfeDAY, FEB RUARY 3, 1649. I' ' k NORTH CAROLINA NOVEL. Jt s4tyds us pleasure to be able to announce, the mlf forthcoming of a new Novel, from the pen of the "estimable and gifted author of Alamance. Mr. Wiistja" North Carolinian by birth, education and residence; and hie efforts to I! lust raw the history mxA character of his native State, and to weave around iter tame ahalo, bright with historic legends, and TMd romance, deserve, and -wc hope will rercive the CratUflde and the encouragement of hie countrymen. Hf s fcafn Jhal Mr. Wfley hss msde arrangements with tKepTprtetors of "Sartain's Union Migaiinc of JLRersme and Art." br whkTi the first appearance , -dtHi'UfMA la secured, to that Magazine. New jti&t&lktot' th Periodkal therefore, will have ihslsaelMbritiie Novel, togetlicr with much other rtebjiaihile matter and iriU at V nm timt, emJ(tH4i kuritt&UneJO upon a vorfAy and taflstfiifdMlW ll le rn'-litt J "'iy '" Philadel- rTermi,p,r snnum, ln advance, Two Copiea The Editors say : , Sptcial feature for the prcsmt volume win be dkiptbAosilaaicf OnetnaL Nov the manu urlpl etNrkkh has brvn purchased fur the parpose. Th pnblicalion of this nuvel will commence in the third number, and trill in no cos bt titcnded into tht iTMxvt&imjmpv (yen altboagh a large number o xttd pemivefo be printed to bring it toaconclu slon before tlx; close of the volume. This novel will opca tftfhMader a new field of American tmdiiions .sfjtiiely avouched by Iavixa, Coopib, or any of Off wjlJtaj ii Uialorical fiction. The scene of the sorglelf grth Carolina, jvwt prior to ihe Revolu tioavan )4 ajnaodios in tho form of an entertaining AftilouaBarraJivt, a mnsa of historical traditions respectMi4bB swJy aetUumcn of tho Carulinos, wlkk wa pilataka not, will give quito a new as jKJClitatfcai part of our national history. The writer, XI HOQ has contributed a short ule to our fjrSMmher, U a native of North Carolina, and Ijse trars4 cajeUUy all that part of the country WAPjr MM hlS il07' "'r H,e PPTfW$Tln.,r' r"' 6 'ly " BCCUrttry Ef CXif T - ul vioiaiinn an i u SnccTcU, we pSa' vesture to till his readers in advance, tWht has thrown an interest (something like that fh Wlcfi genlSfl hSf invested ths abode of the ifctaiWlcra) 6ver even tRe "Dismal Swamp," ni.j'Aft nof less dismal Ons of sandy, harburlcas sea cXWm"eti strrtchee for hundreds of mil a south IV'f s-r.r-a- - aiU(;4 'TOR CALIFORNIA. fllOTtt CaroflrisCoftrparrf of one hundred per as&aVtf fidr beinTormed In the city of Raleigh, for TAra'efrapafrjr aettlevnent In Csli itPhWWh ntrkyt frtya two ritindW dollars Into i?!,J4,??5ittVhc"r"r' Mirt h," end w ' r &fWMbkAltm TVilnrtngfow, about the Wdle f that mniu. Any iwrnhernviy earryhlfc wtf and glish I children, hy r"'"' tho K,"i m f,t ?rh r e". u. tMuitl Wid beOiiiMi LU9 V company on tt) tarns terms. ft t: :1. ; ta th EMt, oil t(b Slet, thu kodf wss wgsced In "the contldenUon'of the 1111 reported bjr the District CommittM, prohibiting iu wlllnj or hiring tffifcvMTnthDItrlct of Columbia. This bill wss twics read and will probably b paatad. Then tu ths moat iatenaa azcltomant during h debate on fie aubject. ( In Iho Snata; the Panama '..bill waa discaaaedbf Mr. Webster and othera. Joint Reeolutlona adopted la both Houses. "TdtO ef(h Pfeal Jonf axnect3 " Br another despatch received aa hour later, we ha?e the following! ' In the Scat there waa a long debate on the Pa nama bill. In Executive session, Mr. Bugradne was confirmed aT aval Officer in the New York Cos. torn Uouso. . . . . i'7' Mr. Edwards, from tha Committee on the District of Columbia, reportod a bill making It a misdemean or t Introduce slaves into the District for sale or hire, punishable by fino of $300 with sundry other provisions. Gen. Harralson niorcd to lay It on the table, which was negatived, 71 ayes, 116 noes. The debato waa warm and animated, and partici pated in by Messrs. Chapman and Smith, of 111. Hudson, Rhett, Holmes, Burt. Brown, of Miss, and Stephens. Bill ordered to be printed, and remains first business on Speaker's table. After the morning hour (he Naval Appropriation Bill was amended. It was moved- to abolish theispirit ration and g!vo five cents instead, which was proposed to be amen ded by prohibiting officers or any ono else having liquor on board of national vessels. This amend ment pending Committee rose, reported progress, and the House adjourned. -CAar. Cowr. Telegraphed for the Baltimore Sun. Arrival of Tho STEAMSUIP CANADA 1 DAYS L.VTKK FROM EUROrEl AFFAIRS OF FRANCE. TUK 1RISU TtilALS. PLAN FOR RESTORING Tllli POPE. FCBTIIEB ADVANCt 1 IOIT0S- BREADSTUFFsJ UNCHANGED, Ac New Ycsk, Jan. 30 8, a. w. Coimbcial Affairs. The aspect of commer cial all'ulrs in England is quite encouraging, and a good bualntss is 'anticipated durinp the coming spring. Money Maskm". Money ia easy, snd discounts making st '2J to 3J per cent. Consols, for money. 89J ; for scCotmt, the same. The Bsnk of Englsnd reports continue satisfactory. The stock of bullion had slightly docrensca ounng ine wetit. FRANCE. France continued quiet, and every thing is moving on in republican ordrr. The President has been occupied In giving grand receptions to eminent men of every political ahade of opinions. When he appears in public the popalace receive him with every demonstration of respect and esteem. . There had been some disturbances at BattiRualles, near Paris, but it waa contined to the locality in which it originated. Tho French funds were rather lower. The uncer tainty which prevailed respecting the patriotism of the Chambor, in bein willing to be dissolved with out a political struggle, is the main cause of the de pression. Trade however, has materially improved. SPAIN. ' Ocnoral Concha has resigned the office of Captain General of Catalonia. The city or Calcona is block aded by the Carlisle. THE VERY LATEST NEWS BY EXPRESS AND TELEGRAM, Up to the Moment of the Steamer Canada's Departure. Pabis, Friday 12th Jan., 12 M. The President of the Republic h.is dttermided that the candidates for the Vice Pres'dcnc y shall be M. Odilon ilarrot, M. Abbuitucei, and M. Honla do Lavintlie, The for mur will undoubtedly be chose-n by the Assembly. M. Dufarrr, It is fald, will succeed Odilon liarrot as Minister of Justice. French b per cents arc quoted at "5 f. Livcbpool, S.iiuiday morning, 13th. We learn from Paris that the movement in favor of dissolving the National Assembly meets with much favor, and, at a meeting of one of the clubs last evening, it was asserted, upon authority, that Lnmartinc approved and would support the measure (or an immediate dis solution of that Assembly he lately took so much prido in constructing. Thd collision foreshadowed br twern the co-ordinate departments of the President snd the Assembly, which is perceived by Lamartine to be inevltabla, has induced him to take thia step. AUSTRIA. We learn from Austria that Pest has surrendered to Windesgruiz. HOME. It Is said, on the nutliority of the mlnlsleral circle in Paris, thstnn intervenlion In behalf of the Pope will bo iiiimodiutely mado by the great Catholic pow ers of Kurop-.. IRELAND. We loarn bv special express frooi Dublin that (here has been no trail of Duiry. The judtfe has declared that only two-c. mnt indictments were had and that lie could not to tried for any treason or fellontous publication issued after the srrest. On Tuesday next the judges will pronounce juds- ini nn ihnwrit oferTor hrouirht hv OBrten. Blca I Bh.; and others. It is ld that le judg will be j equally divided on the occasion. Afpalliso Ta aobpv Diath or Ma. Jomsso W resrel to state thai Ihe bar-room of tho St. Louis Hotel, lost night, was tho scene of an affray in which onelndivlduil lost his life. From the hem Information we could gather on the sobjert, It ap pears that J. K. Johnson and Thomas D. Harper, both young nn, well known In this cii , had a diffi culty some time a?o, which resulted in Johnson sen ding Harper a challenge to fight a doel, which the latter deeliaud to accept. The parties met last night, about eight o'clock, in the St Louis bar-room: words passed between them, when Johnson at ruck Harper once or twice with hia cane. They were then separated by their friends. Johnson afterwards advanced on Harper and again ainrck Mm, when Hurper drew a knife, and Inflicted three, or four wounds on his antagonist, killing him almost tastan t r. The excitement nt this moment in the bar ruoui became intewse, and i lights were put oat Ttie body of the uVrenvd was rtwrtly taken to the aub Uuso ol "the Third MiOilclptOitv, for t pur- pnD 'of J"t pt -. r,m p4..i.. iouis himl a warrant wa imm.f tesoed lot the vrtmt 0t IIapT ' a..- t i e tmmedl. afely i Tier nn.; , t p ! k. ho. .i silght h had got Lent arr.vi.-ZAb.y i a. , The following is the malt of the recent Presides- twBtsiuarrr Maine, 15,471 J': 40,121 12,107 T IT 17 &nvri TstIot nsM New HmpMrrn,678 17,761" acatienng, ' iau i.V , i ."v.'fc 38,133 V. B. V. B. 6,005 V. B. 13,837 V. p. 120,619 V.B. 849 V. B. 11,200 V. B. 80 V. R 125 Cass 46,733 Cass 34,809 , .Tavlor 61,072 25,788 Taylw 4,689 3,063 Taylor 30,314 , w. Taylor 23,122 12,174 Taylor 218,561 103,959 Taylor 40,009 3,129 Taylor 186,113 13.452 Taylor 8,421 523 Taylor 37,702 3,174 . Casa 36,234 Cass 3,600 Csas 27,048 '" Case 10,948 Casa 114,692 Case 36,880 Cass 172,U61 Cass 5,895 Casa 34,523 Maasachueetts, . Rhode Island, Taylors maj. Connecticut, Taylora ma Vermont, Taylors maj. New York, Taylors maj. NewJeraey, TayIora maj. Pennsylvania, Taylor's maj. Dclawnre, Taylor's maj. Maryland, Taylor's maj. Virginia, Cues' ninj. North Carolina, Taylor 45,265 1,473 Taylor 43,459 8,590 Taylor e maj. South Carolina. Electors chosen by the Legislature; therefore, exact popular vote cannot be ascertained. The Electoral vote was given to Cass & Butler. Taylos 47,463 2,867 Taylor 67,141 17,421 Taylor 64,706 6,236 Cass 44,596 Cass 49,720 Cass 58,419 V. U. 35,374 Caea 15,330 Cass 26,398 V. B. 8,100 V. B. 15,804 Cas 31,363 Georgia, Taylora maj. Kentucky, Taylor's maj. Tennessee, Taylor's maj. Ohio, Cass' maj. Louisiana, Taylor's msj. Mississippi, Cass' maj. Indiana, Cass' maj. Illinois, ' Cass' maj. Alabama, Cask' maj. Missouri, Cass maj. Arkansas, Case maj. Michigan, Cass maj. Wisconsin, Cass' maj. Florida, Taylor's maj. Texas, Cass' maj. Iowa, Cass' maj. Taylor 138,356 U3.427 Caps 154,783 Taylor 18,273 2,890 Taylor 25,679 819 Taylor 69,907 4,638 Taylor 63,215 3,414 Cass 74,743 Cms 66,629 Taylor 30,482 881 Taylor 32,671 7,406 TsfVir 7,588 1,712 Cass 40,177 Cans 9,300 V. B 10,369 V. B. Caw l,7jj V. li. Tsylor lylor ,940 Csas 30,687 23, 6,747 Tsylor 13.747 1,254 Case lo.OOt Tsyl r 2,941 1,218 Tsylor 3,777 6,018 Taylor 10,557 1,494 Casa 8,795 Casa 12,051 V B. 1,126 RECAPITULATION OF THE POPULAK VOTES, BY STATES. Taylor Caea 30,615 31,315 7,688 9.300 34,316 27,047 6,421 5,898 4,537 3,233 47,644 44 782 70,159 74,698 63,216 66,629 10,657 11051 66,988 49,754 18,352 15,644 35,279 40,138 61,300 35,398 37,702 34,628 23,949 30,637 26,918 2656 32,671 40,077 V. B. Scat. Alabama, Arkansas, Connecticut Delawsre, Florida, Georgia, Indiana, Illinois, Iowa, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Massachnaetu, Maryland, Michigan, Mississippi, Missouri, N. Hampshire, New York, New Jersey, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island. South Carolina. Tennessee, Texas, Vermont, Virginia, Wisconsin, Total, 6,003 80 19 8,643 15,804 1,126 1 12,124 3d, 263 126 10,389 24 - 12 14,78 1 27,763 218,651 114,592 40,009 36,880 44,000 35,319 138,396 155,113 196,113 172,661 6,778 irx Electors chosen by 64,469 68,452 3,777 8,795 23,122 10,948 45,013 46,487 13,747 15,001 7,660 120,519 849 85 35,456 1.112 2,645 77 111 11,200 730 Legislature. 3 79 13,837 9 29 10,418 - 1,361.748 1,223,292 292,224 4,008 Taylor over Cass, Taylor lest than Caea and Tan Buren, 138,466 153,768 Comparative view of the Aggregate Vote. 1848. 1844. Taylor, 1,361,748 Clay, 1,298,633 Cass, 1,223,391 Peak, , 1,327,32s Van Barm, 292,214 Bimey, C 2,263 Smith sod scat 4,008 8oaiterinf. Total, 2,881,273 Total, InorsAe of vote, 3,678,121 203,156 s-N ClaanlflcnUsa at Un PoaUr Vote. If wo classify the latro. tnd their popnlar vole into slavekeWInf W ttt Sates, eonsiderlnf Deft ware among tho toraier, tho reonlt io as follows. So. Carolina not kHn takaavksrto the onknlation. Taylot. Caao. Fourteon aUveUln Stntes, 437,392 407,070 Fifteen freo Sutoo, 24y3SC 816,222 TStel, V iwl.t 138,45u' j Voters. I 2,402,658 2,702,549 2,881,272 1 Total, jr. s r 1' fuercoie sf Votes Tea. lie-! i Vo . i i Pare.. . US 1 i ,1.1' r t 1,601,298 1648 T ' ' '"' ITalri '?! " fcdn1deiy;T,fi7C" N. Hampshire, - i i TZ, : 13 Masmchusetta, 12 - Ohio, . " JElectorsl.Yottv. ContWtWV' 1; i 8 Vermont 6 Indiana, Maxvland, ... 8 r,sr Virginia, 17 AJabama, So. Carblmal V Misaourl, . , . i New York, 36 Arkansas. 3 6 New Jersey.: . . 7 Pennsylvania, 26 Delaware, 3 No. Carolina, ' 11 Qeorgia, IQ ;eH!Mlcrr1gan,''r Florida, Texas, , lows, VVlBconaln, Tota ' 3 - 4 4 143 127 127 Taylor bvsr Cass, ' 36 Analysis of the Electors! Vote ' " Total elect Tal vote, 290 Full vote for Taylor, 163 Necessary to s choice, 146 Overplus, 17 Classification of tho Electoral Vote. Taylor 117 Co 163 Cass Taylor's ui. Free Sutes, Slave Stake, ,72 26 11 36 55 127 T.tal, From the lieic-Orltans Commercial Times. YUCiTAN. Victory of ffie Ywxdenots over the Indians (Mlnnt bearing of the Ameran Voluntary Killed and . Wounded, d-c., dj-c. The brig Machigoane, Capt. Chamberlain, nrrived here, yesterday, lrom Campeachy, which port she left on the 14th instant, bi inyin; us files of El liolt tin Official, of Murtdu, to thu2oth ult. These papers announce that the whites are every where triumping over the Indians, and, nobly sup ported by the American regiment under Col. George W. White, the war, which has boen so lon devasta ting the poninsula, ia drawing to u close, by the sub jugation of the insurgents. ihe capture ol the city of l'eto, already recorded, has been followed by that of the important strong, hold of Tihusuco, whieh was tho headquarters o!' the revolted Indians, and the very foeus ol the insurrec tion. This place fell into the hands of Colonel Meii dea, commanding the 4th division ol the Yucatan army, in which are Col. White's volunteers. The Indians retreated, without striking a blow in its do fonso. The Jiolelin, in an extra, published ut Meri da, on the 17th ult., expresses die belief, that this crowning success of the army of operations virtually puts an end to t lie war. The Amebic an Regiment. By a passenger on the Madiigoane, Lieut. J. J. Gain..-, we hive been fiut in possession of the following acc.mnt of the gal int achievements of our brave countrymen, under a e command ol Col )nu! White unci Uesancon. Lieut. Col. Bjsancm, with a duacltinent ol volun teers, had an engagement with a large b id v ol J u diaasorrtlia 2Uh ult., in which Capt.iin Kelly and tLleu Campbell were mortally wounded, and u pri vate, belonging to C.tpt. (Juincr's company, killed. Col.Bcsaneon had about JU0 men, and ihe Indian force was from MJUO to ; 0UO men. On the 23d u 1 1 , jii eiiganetnent took )!arn at Tehu cuco, Colonel (ijorgii W. While in command, in which the Americans lost 33 in killed and wounded. Lieut. John II. G illagber, of Captain M.ilvy's com pany was killed, also strgounts L ing and Convcry. ofCapmin Itriggb's company, and corporal Morse, of Captain Freel md's company of Rangers. On the 27th ultimo, on the inarch from Tchiibiieo to Ti In, nn Indian to n, n distance of alxut ix lea see, the regiment had continued skirmishes with the Indian the whole route. The Indian?, were in large force, and barricaded rhe road in Home nixty pincc.", by ihrowimt up stones and rocks, with hmp-hob .tfcre through. As thu regiment putlied forward, when one barricade was (alten, tliey would retrout to sn other, and so on. The Americans reachtd Tela on the evening of the 27ih ultimo, and captured and burnt the town, with s loss of eight men killed and wounded. The volunteers then relurruKi to Tehu succ, where they arrived ou the 29th ultimo, alter some hard righting. On the 6th instant, Colonel While took up bis line of march, from his headquar ters st Tehusuco, for Ihe sea-port of U.iwb, w here the Indians w?re reputed to he in considerable force, under the command of their celebrated leader, Jscinlo l'.it. It was expected they w ould havo a severe ta gageaient at this ssot. V c anxiously await the ar rival of farther intefigeoce, from the scene of host ill- lies. From the Raleigh Star. Cnfortunate aud Me's icholy Occurrct c:-. On the morning of the 29th when the LegiHlsturr was about adjourning, a most deeply affectum end melancholy occurrence happened ut tha Capitols Mr. D uiJ Keinhardt, from Lincoln, a partially deranged man, violently as:iiled tho Comptroller, Wm. F. Collins, Fsq., at the South door of the luiildinu, ni d in the scuffle, thsroor L sane ran was u- fonun uely thrown ba kwarda from the top step to the ground, and was taken up lifeless. It was found, ipon a pott mortem examination, that his scull was fractur ed In the fall. The case wiiii examined before Judge Pearson, to whom Maj. Collins surrendered himseif, and he was admitted to bail in the nominal sum of 1500. Aa it will have to undergo further judicial in vestigation, it would be improper to suy more, and, to prevent mlsreprcstarions abroad, we could nut have said less. DIED. j In Brunswick county, on the 28th ult. , Mrs. Mar-1 garet Scull, in. ths 4 2d year of her ace Mrs. 3 was a consistent momber of the M. E. Church, and for ! the last 20 years led a peaceable and holy life, and ; died in the hope of a hlesaful Immortality beyond the skies. She has left four children, and many : relatives and friends, to mourn her death. , ' Her languishing head is at rest,' Its thinking and aching are o'er; Her quiet immovable breast ' Is heaved by affliction no mors : ' Her heart Is no longer the scat ; Of trouble and torturing pain, It casej to flutter and beat ! It never shall nutter nysin. ( am. Jour In Houston county, Ga., on ths .Kith till., Major Jimess M. Kelly, reporter to the Supreme Conn of Ucorpia, a native of ilmlngton. In New Orleans, on the 20th ult., of cholera, Mr, W. S. F.rickaon, aged 43 years, a native of Wilming ton. EXTRACT FROM DR. CLICKKMER'S " PAMLfcT. fVocopy ibo following lrom Dr. Clickener't value, bio nouitihlet, and having had personal oaperlonee In the as alter, fsrsly endorse all he says In favour of Ida Sugar Coated Purgative Pllla. Indeed lor ourselves we win say that wo will never again take any other general niodirtris, to kntr aa these aw haaj, snd several of our acquaintances havt arrived at the tamo conclusion. -ty ougar uoatcu rurgnitve rtita are tnt reauHs of great txpenae, labor, and experience. It maybo tucgoated that I tut over confident of the medicine. being my own la ea lion i bull aincerely uaourn tho reaaovinai i claim no merit tor ii wnicn naa noi ae - eared s snttd mundailon on he ample eiperlenrc o others. Tho nM4ctIUyoiiysrod of extracting ths Barest rase act from vogouUot (which i known lo riysHf alone) fjtnbine-1 -awl'sJ the cip"k'of ict my plUa morecii'uetive, andcoosequenily moropopn "V' p.v4iciii row Wfvtehe public, JV&ea ths ejrptrienco aad 1st sx tf yfaj'e were tewn y. tha'iIicoer of thS irtft maty of extracting .fen-s, yrat bwiire thnt, my f 5 met command J large sale, bd't 1 was bur prepad' for tha almoat 4nthualaillc receolion thev hava met wlih ivm. -"tBgptlon'WhlcTiiS lllusr-r MfieroffTrutterIyTr.55a. ! " supply m-hslf the demandaofmy Z j agents, who lottrn from BU dlr.ion. prodalm In 23 common that ' Clicktntr'i Sagar Coated Vegetable' j2 the old-fachloncd, griping and nauseating popular g - compounas oai or ma marecr." Tfl Ihon, lrl my 511 9t gsr Coated Pills pfescrit tjie ubpewith a medi- c,ne of powerful pu'rjfutlvo and purifying quul.tiea wnicn win nenucr eauso uisgust or pain, and adding tha I hold myself responsible for the cootcuts o th's pamphlet; ! r)JU. r'-'i '.:;.'"( 1 remain the public's dovmed servwit, . , . C. V. CL1CKENER. Foraalo, wholesale and retail by WM. H LIP PITT, Druggiat, Wilmington, N. C, and by dealers Medicines encta throughout the V. States. MARINE NEWS. POUT OF WILMINGTON, FBURUARV 3. J hioh wateb at ths bab:::;::::::::::.:;::::::::2.45 p. m. ARRIVKD. 1. Steamer Evergreen, Wutson, from Fayetteville, to John Hanks, with freight to John Ranks, T. Sand ford and P. S . Fanning. 2. Rr. Schr. livander, Enos, from Nassau, with Salt, to G. W. Davis. " Schr. Thorn, Wainwright, from New York, 14 W. O. Jellreys, with mdzc to sundry porsons. " Fehr, Harrison Price, N'aylor, lrom New Vork, to E. J. Luttcrloh, tvilh 950 Spirit Barrels. " ,h'ehr. Sea Rird, Godfrey, lrom New York, in bullast, to (J. VV. Davis. " Sehr. Fulcou, Purritt. from Now Yuik, in bal last, to . VV. Davis ' ' " Brig Louia Wulsh, McFarland, from Barmuda, in 8 days, in ballast, to G. VV. Davis. Le.'t at Uer mudu, Jan. 23d, the folio ing vessels, having arrived within 7 days, in distress. Urls; Oxfotd, of Wells, Me Clark, loss of sails ; Brig Venezuela, of Sears part, Me., Fowler, lost sails bulwarks, &c. ; Hrig Le- ander, of Boston, Mayo, lost both maais, decksswept; Barque May v lower, Niw 1 ork, llitebcocrf, lost bowsprit, lore yard, lore lopuiiiBt, house o deck, and reeoivcd much other d mage ; Ur. Brig Crcsccni, of Yarmouth, lost rudder. " Srbr. Mary Powd, Jjnce, from New York, to G. VV. Davt,, with goods to sun fry persons. Report oi Schr. N canor, Ilinks, arrived here on 31st uh. Left nt Cardenas, 22d nil. Brig Ttlos, Lamphier; Brig Marrie, Porter; Brig Mary L. Sti plos ; brig Logan, Tie it; Mary Catharine; brig Alhetns; Brig F.lizn, Bi -He ; baniue Win. M. Hai riss ; Schr. Elizabeth, going in CndeuaH. cleared: j 2. Schr. rioni-c, Robinson, for New York, by E. J. Lutlttrloh, with 1U kegs lSutlor, I l.lil. Hums, 10 ' bbls. Dried Fruit, 33 bbk Lamp Black, 300 bbls. ! Ru.in, 15 bags Pros, 10 bbls Porkt 1 bbl. Fifth, 5; bales Yarn, 5 bales Sheeling, bales Wool. 3 0:iles ' Ka, 150 bales Cotton. 1D0 eu-k Riee, 500 bu.dnU ! Pen Nuts, 3D casks Flax So. d, l.V) Imgs VVh.'St, 700 ; bbls. Flour, 20 boxes and trunks mdziv, and 5 passen- " Schr. Marion, fhrrns, for Little River, w th huh- jr;. i,,, (- U n ,.i. dries, by (.. V. Uavis. ii w.. l w-:n; c n J'..l.:- k.. .Jin. .-i in i.t.iipj i, o I j li 1,1,1 ii, mi i ii i n,ir. jHii.i, uy i. v. ujvis, witn tnu tuns, ruism, ii ooia. asint i urpenline, I .it) bairs lea iut. " Selir. liuiccl.inu, Cousins, for Baltimore, by G. W. D-ivW, with Flooriu? B i s anJ Lumber, from Oast n mill, nnd 20 hales V'..rn. " Brit; Wellin;'-K v, Pnrnn. f"r rnrseea, by j Bar y lli vant & Co. 'wilh UW.IXH) fe t S. S. Lum- , her iiom J. D. McRass Mill, 2 Bids' Spirits Tur pentine, 26 Bbls. Tar, 25 BI.Ik. pilch, 2 BbN. Vnr niiih, 10 Csaks Riee, 60 Bbls. Flour, 6 Spars, 9 Bbls. l.urd, 26 Bushels Peas 4 UIIm. Lamp Black, 50 Boxen Herrings, and 30011m. Bacon. i 3- Schr. I'ImitiIx, Scaiinion, for Boston, by Barry, Brai t & C i. E.xporisjn next. i PINE CIL THbESubecrlber has erected the ssvrsarv sppn ratus, for maniifurturin s purenrliple of PINK OIL wh eh Is preftred in the Northern Cities to Cnsnphene, for ilo supeiior qu.Miii. s, ii iivea stron ger liyht and docs not cause ti.e wick to crust or gum up w i t It resin. Wnir m'ed to bnrn In any kind ol Lamp construc ted lo bum Cntnphene. To be hnd at ths Store of S. P. POLt.EY"', at 50 cts. pir t'allon at retail. A. II. VANBOh'KF.I.EN. Liberal discount made lo those who uihiore- rrl.iil Ibe nrlirlc. Feb. 3, 1949. 137-tf. STEAM BOAT FOR SALE! TUeteamcr I'AYETTEVILLE, now In the Port of WILMINGTON la offered FOR SALl- HKR Erigine Is bf OrfeMint'ti and Tirentif horse power, (,'ylinder irm tu one inches, teven feet stroke. Six boilers, thirty Ini hes dninrtcr, tvenlyjuur leet Ming And in all rmiiecut is a Aral rati' Engine. Ths Bant in me hundred ami twenty three and a JWfeet Iotir, twenty sir and a Mffcet bourn, nnd ntn fet-t hold j nnd of about two hundred otuI fori tons bimhen.- She hns can led In hrr hold tvo liwutard Jour hun dred Sacks Halt, and on her deck. hhds. Molasses, Sii((.ir, Ac at one trip. H" i timbers ure mostly red ceilnr, and put tnpether In fraim s in the most solid and ubfWnli d niunner. She Is uliered for sale, bo cause the Coiiiiuiny have other Boats sufficient for ihfir wmic She may bo had upon Ibtrral terms, tins' st a grvat bargain. ApolicHili n to he made to oiMio.i ir.min. Prsddent iUnrltetn Slurs Bout Co KavHtevllle, Feb. 3ik IW8. The host csn be seen by application to Jon. Baas Aftentof the llenrietis S. I! Co .Wilmington N. C. i Cbarieaton Courier and Savannah Georgian copy 1 4 weeks, snd send account tu this oilier, an soon as 1 service is rendered. 1j7-4w J ' q EGARS.-100,000 Segars. Various Bianda and kJ quality. For sale by HOWARD ej PKDKN. Feb. J. 137. R ICE. For sale wholeosl snd Roiall by HOWARD s rtAit.x. 137, Feb. 3, FLOUR. Cll Bands E Ira Canal Fwur 20 half do Vjo bo HOWARD d- PF.DEN. 137. For aale by Fiib, 3, CUEESE. gr Boxes Engrlgh ftalry Cheese 10 Usskt do For i Feb jile by 3. HOWARD A PEDEN. 137. sjtxkb.. Freh Oooh-n Butter. For sale by J3 ' IIOVVAUD A PEDK.N. I Feb 3. 127' :j 7t5lii;Zr6frf aekat Loaf, Crashed ffM . dexod auuniea rtnoou. rwnn w , Ftb, tb. I. 137, , , IIOTVAKU St rltiv. SVVMM CA!ILEJ. Fortatt lKWAlLn TEDTJ1- Feb.X . 'W- m L,4rlng...'"i"i' i U"0 a Hard ...f.v" WK "vrfJ e2VdS .. fciuliisiTarOanline- I IS Pitch I kUain Nil I ............. ....... 1 SO 4B , 1 7 ti.J.,:;l...::Z.J I'Vj! ... v, " 3. .mrTffX-xrtr?C.i J " f w" . Inferior ,.,...1,11)1 ... Fair Q unlit V 4 CO I DC LUMHEM, STEAM MILL. " Wide boards', plank and seaniUnf 11 f i 13 Cff Floor llonidk. .;... Sf, si ttM' Floor Boarda..'i."r"". 7 00 9 CO viae uoaras- '""""j" Scantling ? RICE. " ' "'"" vt KOiigh b '..' j nominas. . t Cleaned kiTAViis. . : . ; W. O. Hhd. rough none-....... M " dressed'"--' bmror. 11. O. Hhd. rough iJXf -W '.siS 1& "',"fr: ' I to m " . It 00 . t. 8 60 s 1( QOr ; P l W 4 00 W 4(0410 dresid - SHlNOLEts. Common Contract ' 'BtACK's" large , PIJA8. H. V.. Pea. Pe Nuts SCUAJl. New Orleans. 66; a. M m 6 4 m I'orjo Ujco- St .Douiingo i : '1 . Java Rio. Lnguns-.. ' Cuem .-.. MOLASSES ' ' New Oilenns Culm cargo HAL1V llonuiro Liverpool SPIHHH. N. R. Rum Common Uln mm ,!' 27 20 30 25 IS i 30 30 II . 30 ' 32 32 ,t . v 8 14 74 vv lusKey Aptlo Brandy.-.. ltACO. ll.ui'8, N. C..... " Western Silcs, N.C. ' Western Shouklcrs, N. C. 9 S 4 7 If IS 7 ft J0 MIOTICS. ! Cotton Yams j CoiionUznaburjiS- 4-4 N. C. iiheelings. FI.OHR. Kayi:iievillo Canal Cora Meal ; 00' 66 10 7 20 60 41 36 , 9 69 m) M ' 7 60, 70 4J p Col ion- lluiter Cheese HeoswnX Hay Snap Feat hers l.urd i.iiue... - nominal- 4 n' 430 TO NEW YORK Barrels TurpcMlne and Rosin, 30 cents. Uaervls Spirits Turpentine, 45 Cents. , p on.'J I ' , . . ... I R"'e' cr"" Pr "t. oft groal weight Tn . . ,, ' - . Barrels Tar. Turocntine and Rosin. 30 eaarts. ! Barrels Spirits Turpentine, 36 cents. Lumber, per M., $5. BOSTON - Barrels Tar, Turpentlno and Rosin, 40 cents. Barruls Splrlta Turpentine, 66 cent. Lumber, per M., 46. ' TO C0M.M KRCH L. Rt'M ARKH OX MARttET. Ti'BrENTinB. Several Rafta Turpentlns have sr--rived in market, (lo nil), about 600-to 1000 bbls. whieh have been cinpowd of astollowa vlci IMffjldf at 121 per Barret, nod hard Tarpentlne at II JO, Si. 36 and tl pr. bbl prkss vnrying aceordUg to' quantity of hard. TAa.-Saleaofsonw 154 bbls. Tat wen maid St' 1,10 to 1,15 per bbl. . .... SpniTsTortiTiiBx-A sale of tTX) WUn. trass, fecied at 27 cts. per (Uon. TiMsaa II Rafts were sold at the fotlewlogVri ees via, 4H H 6 and 47 per M ; thff hlhst nriesS, we.c for 40 feet lengths and upwards. Kivis Luasca. 1 Rsft wide Boards was disnesv ed of ut 85 pr M. , , . , , ( oRs.-Ope Dual Lad ( 600, busheJs, Bladen Corn brought SO eta. per bushel.' ' Fsekii Posa. -Sales made at 4 t6 rt. nef lb. Bacon A good supply and dull sale. FOREIGN MABtrrrS BY CA3IAP4V Liverpool, Jon. 13. The Cotton market' ToV fh I week ending 5th toot, exhibited on SstvoAoe of to nntry Jd. Consldetnble specolation In Aaisrleon . . , OeontpilonB. curing ine wsea atuung Jan. 14, spocnionon- sbstrd.nnd pdceo sttgiirl pwway. ;Hlghot bu siness last week, compared with to-daytj about one clgtit pence above quoutkme two weeks ago. Fair Orleans 4, a 4f Mobile 4) a 4, Ooergla bowed 41 a4. Sales of first wsok 44,000, and assoad woX ttflM bales. - . Rice. The market steady. Good to fair Carolina, dreaeW W a 20o. Sprrils Turpentine In better demand. Asaortcoa 32s. per lb. Flour. American (tweet) Flour, 27 s XTs. M. set bW Corn and Mtai.-Indlaft Com 21 s SX i Meal Us 15a. 3d. Iron brisk tt full prices. Lard.- American, firm leaf, ksga tt t 36t4oman 31s. Pork AtnoflosiSi (tola.) flsa) Sets afass ff) a 50s. fc Old,4062a. ; T Bacon.-Long Hlddllngo fretofoooe, 40 s 13s. Commercial affairs generally are oneooroging , and! a good business aatictpaied daring tho fomlog spring'. Money is easy tt o dlseotrok of 34 S l por eeotuaa. Conaola 891. ' ' r ' Bank of England dltcoonto eontinaa sotiaJaetory j. atockof Bullion slightly decrsosod- NOSTIIERS MABKEt. The erTect 6ftht news hf (hCWs1ts MSttJaV cienUy developed, to sfofd oai Sddltloaol saotlsr tf v knportsnes front laoriivorsi insrlsa; Ths sows VgW oT tlvs Cnomod Cttf arSSBClay' gran, Snivod M Nam Tot IsSS hs4 iSJaVaf a sasV . voTablo eOeetSw tM Sfsoithlln imrwcnt tsf P 8 L t a V v t t