r - - v ? " " i ; z:i hot Wt.g i t, . 4r.t of C';.'jrnU u oil Tha length of Urn which bu elapeed line thi first discoveries , af 4J wets, mads i California, " and .the rapidity ' art vUchtt '.baa been repotted. It wu extracted i the soO, toduc! minf6 buppdss tn large t iuum hvs nmvea at rwF'n w Mm eslling of ibe CvuceBt City from Chngroe. 11m New Torkers are very moeh t loeeto eecount M this deficiency: Wi guess this win not be the tut sjf lbs eUse fpoUUwenM aboet California. HIES SIDES AND SHOLDERS. AAA LBS..Wsye county nams OUUftOO ktf ShouWetsjust "dJT w..j - OBI. JUT irtlvnfyL ' JiI- . . - mnn il.. CtJ. LARD I URDU QBW4w,u.li.y J-JjftW fh- ry . rD, SCHOONER CHARLES MILLS. ttHfiW.im NO. Sngar Ido P. R. do 10 Edepenj Ctftdle. 10 do Adamantine do. La iaJraimd Wo Coffee. Pimento Ac Ac. Just Keceiv dadforea at'the lowest cash prices at imry t 137 BUTTER! BUTTER ! ! P IRST quality Goshen Hutterit GEO MYERS. 137. Fwaraarv a. VALUABLE PROPERTY TO BE SOLD. OT1fiesdsy, th Feb.lnst I will offer for sale at the Coatl house door, in Waynesboro (it being Coon west In Wne bounty,) a lot of land situated li CM village ol Ooldaboro and known as the Battle let. It Ulna ttari) of fine cultivation and repair.end BOSS H a good cbrhfortoble two story dwelling.and kO caller heceesary out bundlncs. all enclosed. The mmn will be liberal, For further particular, yswvtons to sale, apply 1o Tt. Wnu C. Lduion- B EN JAM AN OLIVER. faj. J, ifi! 137-81-c. Jearaal please copy till day after sale. NOTICE TIT ear ef the power granted In a conditional JLf an of sale made ry james ti Smith, and James LBiraM, dated llth day of September 1849. 1 shall aamwsi sale at the Court House, In Wilmington, aSlStlldayofApnln.it, the Printinj Prcjs, tpe amd ai liMres and appendages thereto bclfjngin!f ajidaoaonrtOd with the Carolina Gaaette, nw pi:b- liathe town or Wilmington, in uie uonuou linear London's VMiart, in saw rown. M MARY J. SHOLAR. abi:: ,Ji-10t- LIQUORS ! BEANDY, Gin, Rum. Whiskey. Ale. Portor.Msdc ria Wise, Cherry, Pott. S upornong, Mitlaga, Caannlir- Claret, Tenerifle, &c. For aale low by TalT-Ik HOWARD & PEDIW. :DAIL COMMERCIAL. ' rl LORINU. Elltor and Proprietor. ' 3, L HtWte Associate liJltor. rjH!v to notice iriven home lime ago, the suh- ILt i,rnnk'i. rtiibllah a P.illv Paper, ii this towijM lie some elxe sf tuo present tri-wcekly fifMmArelMl. ConalderaMe anxiety hRsbcen expreas"d by many of the coinmuuliy for sued a puoncsuon, ana we truat Ii will meet with u sDlrlted nnd liberal tupporl. It la annecessary ti aay much in repaid to the char ..i.,nrihoMncr. It has waporud the President .um .rut Hid Fldltura hine Vi tin.) his admlnistra tkaaaueh aa to continue that support. Butahhough HuetbniaureUMa Wkia. "he great Intcreata of In eeraal linnrovements are corrsidered paramount to alsjrfOther eonsiderutlon-nnd the men and mens UM kmfialrtllated to secure the benetita of thie sys taaVwlH be suatnlned by litis paper, to'tho best of theRdltors' ai)lllty. The priee of the ffciity is per annum An nd ditioaal charge Of 3-7tha will be maio to the present nice of the ;ri-weekly for advcriislnj: In tho Daily. tMhsaribeta who Intend to advertise by the year.are requested to write the word "adrtrfner" opposite thekaantes. T. Lt Rl.NG. Wlogton, N. C, F.b. 1, 1949. 137 tOAP.-lOO Bxeasoap, Colgate. For sale by Fetk 1 111. HOWARD d P ED F.N. TO RENT. THE Store on the Sou'h aide of Market it. adjoining Mr. Augustine a. ALSO, The nlessant office above, with bedroom attached. : The store and office will be rented separately or lo- got hor. Apply to THUS. 11. WKIliH I 13'J. FOR CVUVaitMA AND THE GOLD CAPTj B. J. BARBES, proposes to make HpaS(ock Company, each individual sun crlbtng snl payings certain amount of , the sum to be tn proportion to the nutnberof passengers or advsnturera oflaring, purchase a good aadsabetantlal YesaeL the carco and vessel lo b dwosdb the Company, and each indlvMuslto be Mtornad If such lawa aa regulailoo. aa the .jid Coawesry niy , make alter being formed. Fifteen Haadred Dollara, has already been subscribed. CapC Barbes Is sn experienced navigator, having aaued Siound the Hero, seven dlflerent limes anS wall aoqasiated wkji the cot, and will furnish t700 worth or lastramcnts for the outfiilnW' of the Vsssol, ior farther information apply to va.'.h). HARRISS 3l DRAKB. "Taa, 1. 136. PlTENT LEATHER BELTS! TU 8T Received another laige assoriment of Misses J aad BHtlS FSteot Leather belt a, asoKed colors For seat cheap by C. MVERS, Hatter. I JO. NOTICE ! rTRkBaWrlHer having made arrangements with X Mr. Hopkins for the entire sale ol his Vegeta bles' fair. &d. vVlfksep at all tlmts every vsileiy of thaaesaoa I which will be sold at the lowest Cash prices. st lh store torueily occupied by E. R. Wod. GEORGE MYERS. r.b i. 136. pure tmrmNG i riLLbsooad la future at Mr. J. G. Baumaa's corner of Market and Front Streets, anethe alr place where a FURL ARTICLE can be had. Fsb l3Hf " ' 136-tf t Jl 'H '-" , , FOR SALE. Turpentine Dtn3 and Dut fiery. (SeYBAAL Taaoia, aantalaing aboat 1900 acres of Cl Taaasniis. 1 and In mt r it aad free from Bugs aReatae7 near Lock wood'. Folly River, and la eoo ajasAsauRassmkcast Blixeeih River. ALSO, 1Hrr44lhl1lW, ti food order, with amy wor kaayTorA airaated tot LockwootTa Folly Bjver and aijalmfisatwai,tboe1avit. " Apply to ast aXOBTi O. RANKIN, VrHmlogton.K C. JssdaVrM go ff It and tend Mil (a thU Odea. rat,l. . ' . 138-U . rils . j 1t uvvit) -u . ' --. v 1 . How Laod-cg trim 0c-r A. J. peBefteV eO hllLmUi beting iwwtsi as isprwievs are j bom - 5 pair Ueots Longreea i Panel ng Pumps, a new t- .'..;.. " and pinll4 ertlcle. ' 35 pair Taylor Tloa, aoltabU for the laalff-Tft' Km SaH. - .. ., - 25 pair Patent Leather Con free Gal tank 25 do. Ma flaw Calf Boote. 21 io. do. water proot Boota. 1 SO do. do. calf pentad do. 15 do. Boy'a do. do. , , do. 16 do. Youth'a ' do. do. SO do. Men's do. do. Brogam. 60 do." do.- Kip Broffana. v 26 do. Mlaees Morocco Boota. ForealnVy ORAY dt JONES, feb. 1. ; " 136-3U L1RD. 50 Barrola New Leaf Lard, 60 Kesa do do do For sale by HOWARD PRDKN. Fab. 3. 137- MRS. MAXWELL'S MILUNART. First House north of the Presbyterian Church. T1IE SUBSCRIBER, grateful 6fnerpaatJ (O patronage, would call the attention or the Ladiea v of Wilmington and vicinity, to her torfe and well selected atock of MUinory and tancy fooda, which ahe is dvairoua of diapueingof at greatly redu ced prices, in order to make room for an additional tupply of Spring gooda. Uibbona 12 to 1S cts. sold formerly at 25 to 30 ct. per yard, also Ureas cape, Head-dreraea, Straw mid Silk bonnets In the aaine propotlon, also Pam.la bonnetsconstsntly on hand. nrAMa. J. MAXWELL, would invite particular CjQI attention to his buperior method of cleaning the Pamela or Tupc Bonnets, inuking them equal to new, alaoBtmw bonnets cleaned and pressed, on the most reasonable terms for the trade. Feb. 1, 184S. 136-4m. NEW CROP MOLASSES OAHhda. Superior New Crop Moloaaea, tuat COJ received from Cardensi. per Sclir. Meanor. And for arte -by GEO. W. DAVIS. Feb 1. I W. SWIYEL OFFICE CHAIRS. f SWIVEL.or revolving Aim Chair, just reeeiv- j d by r . ulakn.. Feb 1. 136 WINE ! OA O.R. Casks Teneriflu wine just received aale at very low prices, by DeltUSSii 1 4 BKUWIt Febl. 136 WASHING MACHINE. Patented August IGth 1815. rPHE above Machine haa been extensively used A und highly recommended by ihoe who hove tried them Kvery tumily should have one as they are a sreat savins of labor, and the finest articles may be washed without injury. For aale by J. WILKINSON & Co. Agents for Putentee. Jan. 27. 135 BRIGADIER GENERAL 1TTF. are authorized ts slate that Col. Hmby H. W W attesb, of the 39th Regiment of North Car olina Militia, attached to the 3d Brigade, will be sup ported bv many otnrer ol said Brigade lor Briga dier General, to fill the vacancy cauacd by the promo tion of Biig. Gen. Matv.llb. Election on the 22d February. MANY OFFICERS, Oiher nepers in town, copy till election. Jan. 2. 134rl2t COTTON YARN ! Q BALES. For sale by J. C, LATTA. 136. Jan 25. liriUTE & BLACK Silk Hose superior quility V For aale by J . S. W ILLIAMS. Jan. 31 136 SPECIAL NOTICE. T H.V 1 olG VE Sold om and transferred my entire Stock Groceries dt Provisions, lo Mr. (Jeobqb Mvsaa, who will continue the business at the old Stand, and to whom 1 recommend my former customers and friends. E. R. WOOD. N. B. I hnve declined business preparatory to ieavini! thie place, (eutly next month.) and desire an Immediate stttlement, pio and con, with all persons having with me unsettled accounts. E. R W. Jan. 25, 1849. 133-if. BLACK & WHITE Italian Crape. For sale by J. S. WILLIAMS. Jin. 30 135 IRISH LINENS Expressly For family use For sals by J. 8. WILLIAMS Jan. 30 136 DANA BROWNE. DROFESOR of Muaic and Dealer 1 in Piano Fortes, Guitars and liars ana other Old Pianos la- Musical Instruments. ken in exchance. W areroom ot Mozart Hall, rro lessor Biowne may be seen at Moiart Hall, br at the Washington Ho lit Cipj roar Bank. 130-tf CANDIDATE FOR CONSTABLE. JAMES T.MORRIS ii a Candidate for the Office of Constable, lor thie District, at the enauing elec tion. Jan. 20. 1311m ARLBORO' and Manchester Stripes, for rale IT l by Jan 20 J. S. WILLIAMS. 131 SHINGLES. -l rr ff( LARGE Shingles, for sale by lJ J,JJJ 1. dr. W. L. McUAK Y . Jan 20. 131 COLOGNE for sale by OLOGNE Water aod Per umery of bel quality, J S. WILLIAMS. 131 Jan 20. JUST RECEIVED. A LARGE asuortmoot of Chossout Co's. best White, Black and Colored Kid Cloves, also, a large Wt of Duck Burling Cashmere and Silk Giovea, for aale br SCOTT. KEEN A Co. Jan 20: 131 B COTTON YARN Vc. T ALKSef 200rbs.and 120 Iba. each-a good as-1 D sort meet, snd desirable numbers, 6 boJce superior Cotton Osoaburs. For sale by K. W. UKUWit. Jan 23. 133-ttn. HANTS, a large assortment, of all kinds and dee- rcrlptlooe for aale at SCOTT, KEEN A Ce'a. Jan 20. 131 FLOUR. LANDINO this day front Schr. O. W. Davis, 10 bole Csnal Fkrun 10 half " For sale by HOWARD A f EDEN, Jsa. 125. wm A Cm THfi Subscriber hsvlog parchaosd the antirS Stock, and taken the store formerly occupied by Mr. E. R. Wood, rpeeiful!y aolldta a eoatiao aooe of (he p.tronaga of his eusuimora, and the pub Be la general, where they will at all tlmea And a ful assortment, of choice family Groceries, and Previa 108 at the lowast prices for Caah. OEO&Qfi MYERS. Jaa.2i,1349. . , . 133f. - READ STEAM SAW HILL 4 IN parsusnea of a deed of truat and to cioaa a cos earn I will sell at public auction before the Court Hoase in Georgciowa District oa Monday the 6ib Feb. 1S49, an that property aituated on the penlnaa la oppoelte Geor (retowa known aa the Read Steam Saw Mill. It ia anpposed to be one of the best Saw Mills in the United Statea.and ia nearly new. At the eame time 1 will acll all the sawed lombat and ton timber remaining on hand As this sale la poaitive, an opportunity ia offered to capitalists to make an excellent investment. Terms ) caah, balance in 4, 8 and 12 months. For full information, apply to Thos. F. Gaasa, Esq., the mill, of to D. L. McKAY.Truava. Jan. 10. 129-u.ia FAYETTtviLLE CommisslBB and Forwarding Uowt. ANY article sent to J. R. YVHITAKKR, In Fayettevllle, N. C, to wll on Commiesion, or to Forward, shall be promptly attended to, and an account of eales remitted punctually, aa aoon aaaold. II who favor tue with their custom may reat aaaured that I will ase every means in my power to aell quick and to the beat advan'oge. I3r The Fayettevllle Observer and Raleigh Fiat, will please copy four weeks and forward accounta To me In Fayettevllle and send me a paper containig the first advertisement. J. R W. Dec. iO, 1848. , 122-81. COARSE SALT. A (CC BUSHELS Carae St. Martin's Salt, in ttvy Wyatore and afloat, lor sale hy J. f W. L. McGARY. 131 Jan 20. TALLOW WANTED. Apply to HARR1SS St, DRAKE. Jan. 18. lbU. W HITE and Pink Crape Liaeee, for aale by J. S. WILLIAMS. 131 Jan 20. OLD WHISKEY. . A FEW BBLS. Old back Country W hiskey, said to be very superior, for sulc by J. OL, VV. L.. ."HCUAK.Y. Jan. 20. Ul CAMPHINE! CAMPIIINE! CAMPIIINE! ""PHE aoovfl article will be furnished by the Sub 1 scribere from their store at 50 cents per gallon. Call snd get a little light on the subject. uakuuix s r li.ii'vr.i.L. Jan 20. 131 BARGAINS ! BARGAINS! ! THE Subscriber haa determined, positively, to .lose his business In Wilmingtou in all this Spring and oilers his huge atock of CROCKERY AND GROCERIES for aale at COST. To any one desiring to enter into business a good opportunity now oilers for purr naming, on lavoiablo terms, the entirestuck intra.le. From this date all sums under $50, rush on deliv ery ; vjO and under a iuC, LUdavs: tlUU aim under '00,90 days ; f.'OO and upwards, 4 and b months, for approved iNoli a. His notes sn accounts will lvj placed in iho hands of Mi. Janus Lturch, for immediate collection. J. 11 . K.UTHWLLL, Crockery Warehouse. Jsn 20. 131-tf 11 nilTF. and Light Fancy Veats, just received snd for sulu by SCOTT KEEN 4kCo. Jan 20. 131 BILLS OF EXCHANGE. AFRESH supply of very handsome Bills of Ex change, for sale at tho Commercial Office. CARRIAGE MAKING. Market Htrcet, about 300 yarSs aNe the EplMCopal Church. THESuhacribcra wou d respect fully i.ifornt the inhabitants e Wilmington, and vicinity, that they liuv,; in uicir employ experienced work:mn at the various branches, and are therefore enabled to manu facture all kinds of riding Vehicles, In the latest si vie and best manr.er. and would respectfully solle- it the a tcniionot all persons wishing anyming oone in our line, as we are determined to give saiiMactloo Ulacksmithine ol all kinds, also, all unda oi re nairine done, in the neatest manner, and at reduced Dricea. IN. B. siirn and ornamental fainting done in the beat manner and at short notice. WELLS ct CORNWALL. Wilmington, Jan. 20. 131 PAVING BRICKS. ripi AAA PHILADELPHIA Psviog B ZJAAJ beat quality, landing from St ax. John Potts Brown, for sale bv DElvUSoC. T A UMUW.K. Jan. 25, 1849. 133-3t. GUNNY BAGS. 1000Ounoy Bags for aale by HARRISS 4 DRAKE. in Jan. 30. FURNITURE ! FURNITURE!! THE following articles of furniture, are now hourly expected by the Schr. A. J. DeRossett, from N. 1 ork, vii, 6 Cherry dinning and tea tables; 4 Cherry Criba; 8 Nursing Chairs; 12 Waah Stands; 3 French Bedsteads: do do Gothic style ; " Couches, a new atyle; Mahogany .lulled rue K era ; Ladiea woik tabka; Marble lop Waah aiands , Single Enclosed do do ; ALSO 4 Convenient writing desks; FREDERICK CLARK, N. Y. Furniture Warehouse. Jan. 30, 1849. n y. QBales Prims qusUty, For sale by W SMITH J32-2 w. Jsn 30 TEN DOLLARS REWARD. RANAWAY from the Suberrlber. on the '8th inaL, a negro boy named JOK, yellow complex ion, long early hair, about 6 feet high, with a sickly look, aged about 16 years. He la supposed to be lurking about the South end ol rho Iowa, ar amy be about Topsail Mound, where hie master Vires. I wlU give tho sbove reward for hie delivery to toe, or if he is lodged In the jsll of New Hanover County. ANTON RUSH. Wilmington, N. C, Jsn. 30, 1849. 13o-3tp. "g LACK Spun Silk. Hast. Jaa 31,' For sals bv J. & W1LLAIMS. 136. t f. .. i, V t.. ' TIIS Sabacriber aSera tut aale his 4 weClng aoaae ait aated on Front etraet, nearly opposite Cmv, Dadlev-adwalilnj heuee. t . ALSO,hla KkepUatatloa sa4 Grist 1I1U with a mill body of apland oa which there la cat a boat 7000 Turpentine boxes. The above property will be sold oa aeoon mods tlnf terms and delivered Imme- aiaioiy. , VvJH. mt aVwi7LKT. Dee. It. U7-t MOLASSES, MACREREL AND COFEE. Qr Hhde. Serlnaia Molaasea, superior aoallty Wheavy bodied and light aolored--430 bale. No. i Mackeral and 20 half do No. 1-69 bags St.. Domla ge Cvfies, per brig Nicer, sod for sale by BARRY, BRYANT CO. Jan. 16. 129. N. C. LARP. JUST received by Rail Road. 10 bbU. NswLard: 10 Ken do. do. P ED F.N. 12S. For aale by Jan 6. HOWARD BOLOGNA SAUSAGES. BOLOGNA Sausages, a prime article, just receiv ed per Sear. G. W. Davis, by CARROLL 4 FENNELL. Jan 6. 126. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. THE subscriber having taken out Lettera of Ad 1 aslalatratlon, upon aU and aingular the Goods and Chatties, rights and credits, that are of the Es tate of Mlchaul Haesloop, deceased, at Decetpber term 1848, of New Hanover County Court, hereby givea notice to all persona having claims against hla intestate, to present the aame within the time prescri bed by Law, or this notice will be pleaded In bar of recovery. All persons Indebted to sxld inteatate, ars reques ted to conte forward and settle. JOHN G BAUMAN, Admr. Wilmington, Dec. 14 1919. U6-3m-w. SHIPPING ARTICLES. FOR SALE at The Commercial OJict, an ele gant edition of Shipping Articles, enclosing all the laws of Congreaa relative to the Merchant's ' Serviee. CANDIDATE FOR CONSTABLE. Ftttmt Citizen of the Wilmington Diitrict. Having received many very strong solicitations, to become a candidate to fill the office of constable el your district, and believing it to be the d' aire of a great mmv more, from what 1 can learn. 1 now ap pear befort you in this notice as a candidate for your suffrages. Sh'iuld I t e the successful candidate, all I can promise you ia a faithful discharge of the dutlee assigned me by the Law. WESLEY HODGE. Jan.llth 1819. 127-7t-Th. HARD BRICK AND MOUNTAIN HAY ! RECEIVED per Brig Forreater fr om Maine, 60,000 Hard Burnt Brick, 125 liiiee Coarse Mountain Hav, 10,090 Superior white pine boarde. For sals by Jan. 1G. lis, NOTICE. FROM the" present date, no charge will be made for Rafta obstruciiiiK the Dock and Whaif adjoining my Distillery lot, and they will in no case be allowed to do so, but when left incro will be turned adrift without discrimination. WILL. O. JEFFREYS. Dec. 23, 1643. 120-tf. FOR SALE, AT THE OLD STAND. Qr HHDS. Sugar, New Orlesns, Porto Rico, St. ilJ Croix ; V. hhls. and tierces Cubs Molasses , 20 J baga Collee, a variety Sugar in bids., prime quality t Loaf, bbls. and boxes, -rusiied and powdured, Woolaey's refined Sugsr ; Cotton Yarn, varioua lactotiea; Cut nails, assorted j Shot, a full assortment ; Pimento ; Ginger. Pepper ; Canal Flour. Ills, and halves ; W rapping paper ; Sperm and N. C. Tallow Candlea ; Packing Yorn for Engines ; Corka-.N. Orleans Whiskey Manufactured Tobacco. R. W. BROWN. Jan 9. 126-lm. HOTCHKIS'S VERTICAL WATER WHEEL. W BRANSON is Agent lor the above Whoeia in thia place. He will lake pleasure in showing tho Castings to any person who may desire lo aee them There will be found at his offices supply ol Wheels, Cranks or Gudgcona, at all times for aale ainglvor in pairs. Dec. 7.1SH. 113-tf. FOR SALE. Onnn BUSHELS Si. Martin'. Salt. XAjVJV) 200 ton e Red Ash Coal ; 100 boxes Smoked Herring; 60 barrels Fayettevllle Flour; 100 Grose Matches; 10 boxea Mould Candlea ; 5 barrHs Winter bleached Oil; For sole low to close consignments, by HARRISS A DRAKE ALSO. Daily expected, 100 bales prime Eastern Hay. H. A D. Jan. 2. 123 BRANDY PEACHES. 2 BBLS for sale at January 23. J. WILKINSON A Co's. 132-41 ADAMANTINE CANDLES. 5 boxes adamantine candlea. Juat received by CARROLL A FENNELL. Jan 6 126. l BACON HAMS PRIME N. C. BACON HAMS. For aale by J. A W. L. McOARY. 119 20C Dec. 21 CANDIDATE FOR CONSTABLE. I respectfully announce myself as a candidate for the office of Constable of this District, st the ensu ing election, Should my fellow eltisens be pleased to bestow upon me their auffrsgea, 1 will, If elected, perform the duties of the office faithfully and paocta ally. - N. F. BORDEAUX. Jaa 18. 139-lm. RECEIVED PER SCHR. J. G. KING. A f BBLS very fine Apples and for sale at V-r t. WILKINSON A Co's. 132-, Jaaaary 23. RYE! For sab: by 100 Jan.tS, C. tATTiJ JCST received, hy f. CLAKK, at 0m New York Furaliara yi atshnaas. Kecking Cbetrs i Bedeteds-Wogla sad doabla, K'anot Tablts i Cherry,,. ' do. (Cotia. . 1 I dot. aaadaoava asanla Chalra. 12 Wlavdow Shed- aiwl 4 Sao hair MetiiMeaa. at low prteaa, " J . . CLARK. iaa. lew. , . i. Notice I ! THK and.reigaed, kvivtng determlBed to sloae wp hla business by tho lat of March, & hla satire Slock of Ooodaal NEW YORK COST!!! The public are invited M an aiuunrnatwa of hla STOCK. And he would moet raspoatfuliv call the attention of the Ladiea to bis stock of FANCY GOODS, comprising a gfeet variety of elegant and beautiful Snss, Muslin and Lace EmbroleVd Gooda, Shawm, Cravats, itaadkerchtofa, sua, and cotton Hosiery, e.. d Ac, all of which will be sold, with out reesrve, by the 1st of March. JOHN K. HAWES. Jan. 6. 126 DAILY EXPECTED. Per Brig Cailengt, dirtct from Liverpool. 1 CATV SACKS Salt, la fiat twUUd and bleached afl by X tsvw aaclts, lor sals J. 4k D. McBAK. 125- if. Jan. 6th 1849. FOR BOSTON. i-fi THK resulsr oacksl Schr. Minnesota. Cant. Lcighten, wilt nave despatch, for the above .port, lor light height or paasags. Apply to HARRISS DRAKE. Jan 11. 127. COPARTNERSHIP NOTICE. THE undersigned have formed a Copartnership for. the transaction of a general Commission husines under the firm of JEFFREYS and LEIGH TON. WM. O. JEFFREYS. G. F. B. LE1GHTON. Wilmington Jan. IS 1849. 129. STATE OF NORTn CAROIJNA. Brunswlrk County. Elizabeth W. Mills, TU. Bern. G. Mills. Fall Term. 1849. In Equity Petltioa fur Divorce. It appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, that Benjamin U. Mills ia not a reaident of ihla State : It la ordered by the Court, that publication be mods In two of iho newspapers published In the town of Wil mington, for the space of three months, notifying auid defendant to appear, at the next term l the Court of Equity, lo be held for the County of Bruns wick .at the Court House la Smilhvllle, on the 3d Monday after the fourth Mondsy In March next, then and there to plead, answer or demur lo said bill, or judgement will be taken pro eonfeseo. Witness 8. B. EVERETT, C. A M. In Ear. by SAM L l.ANGDON, Dep. C. ( M. in Hot. Jsn G 1313. Citron, please cop y. 126 iui. APPtE BRANDY. 5 BBLS. Apple Brandy, very fine. For aale by CARROLL ck FENNELL. Jan 6. 125. CORN & OATS. tWVJ 200- Oata. For sale by J. A W.L. McGARY. 126. Jan 6. BLACKSMITH'S COAL, 1 AAA BUSHELS of superior 1 VjyjyJ afluat. Apply lo Alleghany Coal GEO. HARBISS. 17 North Water st. 123-if. Jan. 2, 1849. CRADLE and C(ib Ulankeia, Superior quality. for W rale by J.S WILJAMS. Dec. 7 113. BUTTER &, LARD. I O r'f''lriJ prime Mountain Ttuiier, 1. 10 new N. C. Lard. For aale by J. A W: L. McGARY. 125. Jan 6. CODFISH. 3Quloiala Codfish. Jest received snd for aale by CARROLL A FENNELL. Jaa 6. 126. LIQUORS ! 4A BARRELS Apple Brandy; J 2b do. Cider Brandy; for sale lew to cioae coortgnuKat. Apply to GEO. HARRIS, 17 North Water strvet. Jan. 2, 1849. 123-tf. HAY! HAY!! RALES, a superior article, landing from Schr Lamartine, from Bath. Apply te GEO. HARRISS. 17 North Water street. 2 1349. 123-tf. 50 Jan APPLES 6c FIGS. TUST rcet-ivod per Joeaalrmith. 60 hols, prime ap- O plea, 55 Drums Smyrna r igs. or sals at WILKINSON'S. Jan 6. 1.3-4t BACON & LARD QAAA LBS. Bacon Hams, OUUU 3fi00 " Shoulders 50OJ Sides. 26 bbla. New Leaf Lard ; 26 kega " " -For aale low by HOWARD 4 Jan 13. PBLEN. 130- HOUSE S Si LOTS TO RENT k SELL The house at presnl eocapeid by Mr. Sibbit ihiid street near Nun at. oft, la ohered for sale or to reat till October. The house ia email but, very pleaaanliy situated, good sized lot and well la the yard. One email twaalory liouae.with five room a and convenient lot, a Utile North of Market i B itreet, oeyoad us tutsiara boundary of to a. toseU. Another story snd jump hoase, adjoining the above, just put up, vary convenient, but not plaisitted-wUJ bo sold low, possibly may be rented. Another svrnl Hoaoe, la Ovegoa, ia good eoadrtioa will be sold or rented. 1 . . . . U 1 aa Anotner Barge iwa atory nouse a aise nmm fnl U ihe Msthodial E. Church, nearly aaw-u Pl;ig- evil. ALaO.-ScvrajfiaabulUla bta, oa Market sl continued, and I few a hitle to the North mt tho aame. A ram oh aaeals here oflered, for those wlal lag m. purchase. Apply to P. W. f ANNUO Jan, ISO--125 if. Agtnt. 'UAnniNTCD, : VXBUL A FCXALTT Oaf ' A TnOOlAVD DOtLAUB, titt feafcnsrjr tzi ill l:z::zl Idzzzz 5 Z. o a z, B o w s H COUOas, COLDS, FEVER, HCADACUX. DYSENTERY, AC. r r:;i EXTRACT of a letter front William sbarr, tout Island. ' i have need Wrlghrs ladlaa Y.gsuble PlBs in my family for mora ihaa aaraa rears, and la a great variety of complelnte.Ceagba. Cokia, Fevers, Ussdachs, Dysentery, Ac, with tfco moat eompUts soeceae. Ja all eases, Wright's laeU aa YeglrsMj Pills have folly sustained their reooie Ho. Years, imry, WM. SIMPSOM. Aagast 6, 1943. HUMORS. WRIGHT'S INDIAN TEGETABLK PILLS, are used as s eoesnetle and purifier of the blood with great soccrsa, removing aU unseemly bloTctmo, OS' larnal sores, and cstsneous ereptkms of .very k hid. New York, June 12. 1943, a . . w To Dr. Wright. PUllndelphls : u Dear Sir-Having been afflicted with a moat dls iroaaiag humor for many years pest, aad ha ring a4 every aaeaaa that aftorder the remoiest probability of rtU-f, I was at last Indaccd to try yoar falaamto IndUa Vegetable Pills. I am now sjtiafioa that I have received more benefit from the aae of the at thaa from all the medicines 1 tuva heretofore taiea. I therefore lake pteamirs ia recommending tho FlUo to all who are oi have been sufte ikng troaa anf hsv mor, believing, as I do, that they act direct It ay SO the blood, sad by their purifying virtue, Uoas plstely clesnss 11 from Irnpariiy. HENRY CRE&N,33 Norfolk at. NERVOUS FITS. ' . ' Those arise more frr qoenfly thaa la reTieT3l?Y sa- poftd, from the presence of Worms, and foa Dys pepsia. Wright's Indian Vegetable Pllla faawsa the cause In both cases. New York, Not. 17, IWIY, Dr. Wright. PhilsdelphU : - Dsar Sir Yoar Indian Vegetal la PUIsbata bMa the means of completely restoring my besrrh." va til within s short period, I isve been fnbjeet o' succession of Nervous Fus, which completlT aVfied the skin of the donors, I bad become soweaieneo ay the disease snd the us of ntt-dlclrxr, ihnt I ewe Id have -ry eland. At this crisis, 1 began W use the Pllla, ami have continued until within a abort period. 1 aaa happy to say that my hesNti la quite restored, aad) that tor more than two monins, I nave Baa boot as the old sympiomo. Please umks some ase of this, as I ant raaly ad loua thai others may be beaefltted la the same way, Youis,e. CUAS. silica. All. . HPIUBX: The Genuine Is for sale by GEO. It. ttTWjJ Market S'reet, sole agent for Wilmlnjroa : D.TUU NFR, Raleigh, sad by sgenu la aU farta af It State. . i i rjr limtart o cavnUrtiit end imifeirwe Jf!a memler that the original and only genuine W is Vfgdabl$ Pill, have the written eigne rare of tJ Ham H'right, on the lop labelof each box. Offkes devoiad escluaively to tbeaa of Wfajpire ImluM VtgiiuU PJtt, wholeeoU aod rettsLieB Rare street, Philadelphia, 289 Greenwkh S!rteKaW Yoth, and 190 Tvemontsueet, Boston. y,' Sept. 21st. 1S48. 04f. f NEGRO HATS AND CAPS JUST RECEIVED. a large stock so Wool Hats, Velvet, Cloth Hair Caps, hkl wl!l be sold low by the ease or down. Those wlstdng to tur- Ui do wen ro examine m stocs ana vncaav before purchasing elsew here. . si i &xw, xiaxieT. Nov. 16. 14-lC NOTICE. FROM and after the firat Januaryy 184, r FmMtL. will be transported or delivered wkaosja frelgh, being paid. ROiT. FaNttL! Transportation Agent, IT.AK.M.K. Oa Dec. , 1843. " 122-U. NOTICE. 'If. THE Copartnership heretofore txlstiag awfick ttw firm of HAHfUSS d R L'SSELL, (Stbccasaar lo C. D. Edls,) la this day dissolved by muteel esav mt. Ths buelnesa of the concern wll be ssttM by Mr. Hassiss, who will also continue the Coasaals sion bnslnesa on his own aeeount. s GEORGE HARRISS. HENRY P. RUSSELL. Mr Rvsssil takes thie ate'.hod st ratarataf hlo sin re thanks to his old friends snd palrooat tot their p.iat favors, and woull moet errdully leeomaMsel them to his late senior partner, Mr. Ha arras. , Jan 1, 1843. Im p ' r . ; ' GEO. HARRISS, GeBfral Commission MerctnT. WILMINGTON, N. C. C QTR1CT attention given to piocurrag Frekta and purcnaaug Cargoes lur ve Ran a to E. P. Halt, Esq ; 1 O.G farsley, Me,- 4 J. A. Tsvloi, Eso.. WUaUogtO . J. D. BkOamy. Esq.. I Messrs. Ballard A Huntington, J Messrs. Tooker, Smyh A Co rTft1" " Tho-psooAUIuntei, . Alear. Herroo, Jr, PWlaJetphia. 1 Messrs. Williams A But, ( rwUeirf. V ' -II K. R.luw. Lj. . i CnarletciB,.-C. k U. F. Baker, Esq , Jaa. 2, 1843. 123 at SUGAR FOR SADx HOURLY expected, 6 hhds. of prima Porta KJao Sugar, oo cunaigonieal, .arhcssd lor tho trial trade, and for aale by Jaa 1 1 FIGS. DRUM fresh Tuthry Figs. , HOWARD Jaa 6. FdraaJsal A P EDEN'S. BOSTON (F iFKllTf. THE following VESSELS vrwteaal . ; reeamrty between this pest aad Baa f ton, vis: . . . x ' vi f Ml '"1 1 Urbi WM. NICHOLS, Capj. Jaa. : ScSr. MINNESOTA. Cmm. OHa IraajtM . Tae above eeesela are of the firat eiaee, aad as oomraanded by ixperieacid navlcakora. - - 1 UARRiJrS A DJUKK. . Jan. 11. ig' SPIRIT BAIlRELSr":; Cisr Empty Spirit bbaa, lertostad atsd hjl T?- ZZOxte. For sal. low bv . L- BAKRT, IRTANt aVr,. Jaa II

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