1 1 j 4 . iriifl) I 11. On tk AJk af. Anru.it i yir ' J'to, Pxiii v, d .x m LaHl-s 'Slllt VrlUCI rldlr Awns, amrrn r w fnore .casts, w most 4 H outstretched, hi t face rdjiant with finite! (hi tcknce vastrii(JftMit,) and hit sgK TVs are tiwun-1d at this insular prcpamttfh. I VFfWndeed willaoleruetfiupl iloro we nave ape-' afytliori iawd-4nthform-of4)eutlful plaijp of eon, whldh we know, ttf actual practice, ty ure. ave&eutataousoruplioxi.svwy disfigurement oi, and avHdiaooloisdek.al AVltaraWiB ItajnairicanaIn-! irultf powsr ce,a?;? , Th Negrothe Ufoole, !' uTltace afthe East, s.ml the RixS tfsa.of thaNFur: iv..i rilU under thetnmienceaVltsextraoWlna- ry ittwersofaUrittg jMlld dcolored skirCand inflOng It whlto and beuutlftlCltjd of changing: the; coDTol dar,tl4VKwrikin.-' (HeresSver.; wUhadtulU.iUW'wf of his ljrtlon There prson4 iittUlllirenceho,, aJWteadingflie.abovtS.rw'itt doibhc ,0ialitle80T owe' Italian C.tofftcal Sap, Msarlacf Piroplos, Blotehcdr, 8alcR!M fle'wTvy Erysipelas, Sore Heads, Old SoreM'.Mrd nna liar-i jterVtCll. WO'iand lender Fie'Frockles, IV. fflfliaiU, and dunging drk, Sunburn or VWV Itt tuVpurajpltJ ir vvUiic,iujoirinJ sqt ua an fltM Infoct every kind of c'yiption nd, -di-. Head those cnrtllioaieji f ,t . ill. - FromVuS. 0 .Sculml ft t, 15(1,., l"Ajf ofOttraabscilbcra.Ir. U. twjnurd, injoi'itts, uVfliit Us haaheen ouru.1 of ol.f.'acaly .alRlim, oftfr?ntcn jfe'.ira'at inding, on his btHfiu, .;fugo'and hands. by a ca'o 1" an ariu-lo imioli a:lvtrtid.;8 he-ii4rm.-ik nf J'jnua' Italian t'lmmiral Soap. lu also afor us liiat lio hns liiwl iufl'tji fct flliav4'IU33,iniit:li m irked w'iiU',8'4flotfcandUe fuSnif Jatw watlis UorAliin in'.iclicliiarera.na whita. ?Jm jEltUatn,a painjor, In Jorsejr City, iviiewl 5f urlunclci and pimples, whicli no was nfflicicd w!flif'r'inyVr8, by part of a cake of Jo:us' lial laii Chamkal So ip. " Jmansin pareliasinw thin, rattat alwira ioj MMISSMTALUNOHKMIOAL SOAH andpor aMaa rainy w!o havf 'nan chnnttd ith noantr iiuwillbtoo much ( jMiiTaErod to try t ! frmtt ftiaw aay to luch. trv this jhoo yon wUI not rjMt trtrtrt ahvava yc ihttt tha name of 'V. JUMHSIh . i ha wrapper. JUppUtA VViilktn;, Front -tiis3op far WUmlncion. Starch th, 19. J.M. KflA LBS. AiMiitar! .auk 1- Almoadaft ahfllt BOO Iht . Brjill N tit tan atw-i-. Fauuu&rahk'by M u i i i i i I i i in tL e Ptalrfawit Barauua; ; BPlrtn iWann wlh iee,y dtfWcra i UII S0tM. ,y,- -I'l T mi .. . k .,.. h a - - trnn iipiFn - jtr . . i .. ... ., . ..... , ... nifr DlJZiV cltLldroni 3.ft Mat handsomely inm i,,,, ( jarea mihJrt tno inBt year 1 , lit i.ti 1 l.uiii5i'''w 1 ad .ttftrn rtilwrrtit; vmllf tho-rrnw' a-ntcc tftiOnad mn' . t ,'l.fiAU ttnd nm medicine ever dlacovcrcfl'" tii... , - : that will " ..... --tfrTt'iill'ii r"fj North Carolina- Jw r-'f '.or'Tiir- MH(p i4 tin vlefor the JnslrudioA -'X Urn ftrt daof July 'of. cadi yeaft and conUoua - .i. ..21- r..i f. iitn niuiiiiiH. wilt u iiiciL'ia a vuuauuu ui ivvfc Xlr 1 flu W'Vra.'. k??1WiA ...ihr ..hH thn litfsa and Pitt6ip!r8ti:S of Fiiniltura on VnnJ and to arii, 1 A'MfhS i.H 1rAiI?J'r!riy niic. reduced. roa cAajt. Oil ailtf iuy,4 no pnJ e1uffot.fiuiiiiu(B,.Upw J 1ST RECEIVED. A.(iQOP awrtinmt Ladiaa fina Kid Sipris ' . " " j V .", .Utfskitjs, Genrlr'men's'no V . Calf ' F,ouo tShesp by Ai)j3. G, ' B3-if. ira ine Am lm R. V, HIBUAKD, QrvlMU.S. of s.D'riir qail t. Just received, tUwlch wa will sell at 12J ns nrr poimd. HARRY imVANTdiCo Deeatnbcr I. W . WHISKEY, i rr. ucls.. x. o. liocuiicd IVJUailUy J. & Due.. 21. , W. .'liVskey. I'or McaAllV. Ill) 111 ll Genuine Vegetable Anti-Bilious 1'aunly Pills. rrmESJi PilUarci cortjdn cure fot l-'ovor mid Ayic a lid liiJiouafover, aa iiuiinwoua ctriiiioat-a sotJ Utiiswoariefora wilUhiivv. , . ,. Tfia a.nalliijsa of thu d )se, (on!y two, pill,) tlwfr cnofthiiriii;)licity, and eluoacy. Iiipp'.ly ad.ipt them for Family and cenoral uso. O3;t(5ottndjd p.ipahrity and exteaslv 8la.of tpilla4iivaltdu".ed persons to iuiilaia Ultwii, aod yfrjk JUflUa Up Uuaol tm :u una I 'tuuuuu iiui tu.pwpuflt0i8liivj put w? these pills In their OlCQfMUdr nima ihut they m.iy tho moro ciFoctuully pftcetuc.u ani tho public fro:u fraud, illicit ibey cjJdjno't.dj Lthoy had taken a fieuti.jua wim, or te nanis'oHUedaJ. Head ihufolloiit aiuti.iituni: Jll tktbjer, the lief . U. HiaaAan, diwl Auguat 17, I5U. ' While lit h;a lile ti:n I m inafaotuwd llitaa PUlaaDdjmtthasi up in butau, and pulol thein witiUarrappera, wit'.i hia name, hy his consent and nprohjpoai be used ftvqiiPiilly toayto me, 'Now ba W'jf'frafp!, inv son, for i!' the 1'ilU are not imde rriij; tna nubile will bl line mr." So bv liis a.'tivc aitpriatoasjinoo. the inve gained tlicir rcpuia tlM a y, Fftially .Modklne. tilnce Jiis death, J h ive tninufactared tbe Pjllaapd puttltffirl U)ln my own mme, aa 1 deem it to be a spcj of deception to pit tho name ol Itcv. 1). 11 ib aD,Attewrnpwr,on(l thereby indnee rh bclicl thit.hfriBperintaQda the tntnufncture of Hie Pllla, lcnblrratthe iTti time '.hat it Is not bo that he U dead. J1P(lawrtng thj name, R. F. TTi'ibird, are inWuaetrA-ed by m", and are the " nttl'ne ili'tbard'a 1UW Mmvfchy my father. Rev. B. Hiblrd. RUFU F. H!BB ARD. 1 BManJask firR. F. Hibbarda Pills -Oairra, Tliia may eirtil'y lhll tvaaallicted with th it dradWillai Fever ami Anna; and avm re- eommendW nrtry ynur Pills. Offc bir v usnfVloni tojomWaic a crc. Vouri,r-'s;ectfii!lv-; ,',r ' S. ill.NEfc l-tfirtlL F. TTiooard do Co. Preparijfl a3 aold wholesale and retail, by TL. F. IlIBBilip ji Co.. Joha street. New York, a. nernl awonfafordietTnifl Society of Shakers, und,by Du A. C. liV-ANS, wholesale and retail Drggiat, Wil- mlMto&s.'C. " f m - it4.ni) 1 lOIM'RIl AM.) AfiE. ofT POZliN' U'JVl8L.oii()ri llroAij Stout; & tjf 25 di).' PinU, do. do do. 'P do. (tuns and pints, Pliiladdphia j, 25 do. do. do. Scotch Ale'.' Jnm rmviwd bv Suhr. Charl'iS MIIU, from New i ui -1 1 YoflkMidfortftl by RIACKEltEI,. C BCI.S. CMra, No. 1 Mackerel; t) 5 do. No. 2 do. do. No. 3 do. 1H). No. 1 do. 10 Ho." No. 2 do. 6 tj irrtls ?al;non. for sale low nt 10WARD & PF-DEVS. Nav. 25. 103-tf. fiVE G ETA B LE H FAD ACHE, Giddloeaa, lUtcuraailam, PHaaDi v pepsia.tieiirvy.Smollpoxjauadiceuinaii) the Hack, In whtJ VVtukneaa Palpitation of tlui Jleart, Kialngln the 'ITiroat, Dropsy. Asihiuu, Fever oi all kinds, Female Coinplainld, Measles, Salt Rbeuin, lTdftrtftwr, Worms, Cholera Morbus, Cougfis, (iuin ay, Whooping Cough, Conauinpilon, r"lta,LiverOoui pliint, I'.rysipelaB, Denfneca, Itchhijja of tl)e. Skin, CoMH.Oout,Crnvel, NerVotiaComplulnts, snd tt vii- rii:ty of other Diaeneea arising from Impurttiej the liltMkl,nu ObslvuntMrtttm th Urgant nj JJigeslwn. The lollowinjr certifiicate wna forwarded to Ur. Ciwltutr, bv bis Aent at Laucubtur, Pu. Dear Sir, - ' - ,;M' leunnot ex press iho obligation I ara under to you for reeomiiioiidiBg me to try Ollekener's Sunr Coated Purgative Pill. You know 1 had bivn long Hllliut i d by a cotnpluint of the heart, which I be lieve iheilootors call Angina Pootorls, or sdrtethtng oflliebort. livery oncmld me It wis a very thn Ketotis disease, wliicli miistht curry nie oil' nt any moment, and very suddenly, if I did not find some thing to cure it. 1 u.ed to be troubled wiih sudden cramps or pains nt the pit of tho Rtomiicli. Now ami then It wtnil.l strike itpilirotigh I lie biiubt and into the shoulder Id idea. 1 never knew when it whs coining on. It would Bonietinus attack me wliile walltin'! in tlio street. and then I used 'o think h-iw honibjd It w)til ba to drpp down dead nil of a .-add. n, wltlf no one to hive u care f o' ipe. Tlie I'hycieiiiJis told me It w.ia of no us to doctor fur 1. It waSpSt till cure, h cau?e n ine o!' ih iln leid ever lnvn a'lle to etue it. Hut 1 h 1 1 luvud t- niaeli about l'.iteut .Medlci.ieH, a? they are called, lint 1 deter mined to try some ofth-iii. .Sol went to l'ni! uiet uhi i.iimifBlledvu Mr. If. ttrown. vh) ktft'fcs t!ie iiiotlvrarie8r shop corner of I'ittn tiful ' Ctl "Sunt sir.via. aiid he gave me a bu.i ol pills. 1 took two boxes, according todireeiionw, but they tli,.! no good. He theti ''aveme a boitle oi'Btufl'. with a very out Inrtilii'h kind of name ; but that had no more. elT-ct tlinn thfl other. Just then I happened to hear of (ilckenet'aSu';nr Coated Purtjative Pills, and us ih 7 werc'-sonr.MliIii n'w undertho sun,'' I thought 1 would try them, and if I :;ot no better, why I muxi !i:vf it up i!3 a iKi'.l ''). 0 SNUFF. U rCAUI.TS Superor SnulUn all kinds of pack- et, constantly on nanu, ior saie dv Oct. 26. " FOR SALE. OA I5USUFLS Sjedllye; 4 barrels prime back JM Country Whiskey, on consrimeti'l by ' , ' , AloKF.I.LAlt d- McRAF. ' Nov. 23. 10?-tf. I c tiled on you us yrj m.iy l'i collect, and oouyni a mix ior i.t ceins, i w v. hi I lUint! them, and bef )ie I had half iiuiob J ill l..., I Hi like a diilt lent p i. -on. I could w.iik ini.cl'. f.u lli. r,au 1 someliines a half mil.-and bac!;. without : i iirfimvfirfn. .'i he ajt-ond bot'hP'i audi b tt r , :i'.t. ftnd' before I had ;;ot tlrutiph wiih til tli'id, lb co:ii;,l unl had einiri Ijr Jctt in . I ai.i c.-ii.un it i-nil uw in to llw h toes of Click. -tier ., l'n?. lyij i;o:luni;else, and 1 vish that every hodys'i lu'd Ituow i'. b. cause 1 ihinl; they nre one of the tr 'i.Ii'fJ bls ircja on earlli. 1 always keep them in llv liios'' in m-ip nnv one ot thefiinily shiuid tret si'k; fo 1 know it' they eoidd cure me nf so bail a o:c;il aim, they will cure almost nnv body else, li ; oa w in; ut i. nt l us in v.nir iiainnnlei i nave 'io mr t".hii in i lbe wo giving thft Pupil an. opporttinity to visU t rent ana Knt'-iaa. . Hy M t Tho1natltUv.)n laaituateu onCanwcll Square, a Hronnrmr-ihW of trTrrtlBfjprnrilic-Stara HdilaeV Th round dcei&fed M the 6uJJitilMUi UtiSudiacent. J (he property of the luaUtutioiwacd granted pYtta gJslJtulo olhd State, io BXntUtfintrtiopattiif ocres, a port ot wnicn, wu oa pujuvaieu, aqu .ujfl, rp matador will constitute spacious Lawm wrier tkd LMalPAipll will amiisetheinaelvea, t proper bodrs, IU piUlt-UV BfVI l AMU i;utv?t "aiBlag, VI such other kinds of eisrciso as way be spnupriata to their sex. . .. . , . ., The main Building In the dimensions of b plan, IjbIxiv feet bv thirty ail. It haa.two winira. each thlrty-clrrht feet by twenty twpj extending at jigbt aopclf fiom thainaln ediQoeir aiid, projediog from cac.h(eitrcuilty of lt.by ntarly the whuli) wiib of each wiDg. In elevation it embraces four storks in cluding the basement, und tho wind's three, and is itfrtn'ounted by n lower or observatory, commanding an extentdve and beautiful prospect. In the base ment are thcdinlng-room and- store rooms, and In the story ubove the basement, are the parlor, sittinn; topmund library, ! tha wlier atorie w-(r Jfruity spalftmentS of the Principal and his assistan.ts, und awtftoorfla art apart fot the Pupils Iri case of sfcknrfas. In thu'baaoment of one wing are the kltchm hnd wtiahrootn, and that of the other is set npaff for' In struction In mechanical trades. On' tho principal Hoot of the winps, are the aitling-Toonis of the mnlea and ftiinnles, snd the upper story la occupied for donnitoiies, '1 he chief merit of the arrangement aonaista In Its preserving three two departments' as tame relates to the accommodations, amusements and pursuits of the Pupils out of school, so indepen dent in every purticular,ii to constitute of them two separate und distinct communities, while the dining room in which both assemble, with tho Teachers and family of the Principal, is conveniently accessi ble. Fiih department hasitstfpriratu areas in the rear, its sc paratepleasure-grounds, and its pepnrute communication wiih the scUool-rouins: to that 'for tho urdinary purposes of life, there is no occasion to pass from one to tho o'her. Tile Act of the General Assembly, requ res that when Deaf-Muti s are unuMe to pay lor thoir main tenance and education, the Justice? of the several t'ouits-iil Pleas nrid Quartfr Sessions, shuiibl levy in the same manner as taxes are now by 1 iw levied for the support ot the poor, seventy live dollars for the support and tnniiittMimuv of i-very such ! if Mjitr as sirtall be s deet: d by the Literary Hoard, for tile pnrpsses of I'al'.ication. J; j" For further particulars, apply by letter or oth wisc to the undersigned, V.'lf.r.IAM D. COOK'K, Principal OFFICKRS OP THF. INSTITUTION. I IHrtctort.-His Kxckllescv HI 1.1,1AM A. GRAHAM, l'licuncNT or hie Diaiid; lf;VN. JOHN M. MllltKHKAD, ('HMM.I'.S MANI.Y, KU., WILLIAM W. JIAH.KUSON, S5et-trpAi.v op-tub IIoahu. l-rctuitnr. DH.lrtl.l'.fi I,. Jltrs TON, LSti., 'i'HEAsi Ht'.H Of Staib. i'r incipiil . WILLIAM D. COO.vi:. M A. AnMonuX AP.F.L. 1!. IIAKFI., (;FOK(JF. Kli I'CUAM. ,;.yWtf.-CU.VItl.F..S I-!. JOHNSON, M. !.- Mtlrmi.- MiKsf,n:J. HARKKll. K.d i-!i N. ('., Au-iut. H 13. b'.)-lv-tw-p. iEN( Y op ; NvhIU'js (Mutual L'fr) Insurants (Jonpakf. "T)F.RONS holding Policies io lliia olrioe arenoli- I li' J ib-Jt S;liji CeriiiicUes. ty )iyr. lmrv of I i-tm 1.1 Ihej-Hthit-afi iht X .im),atiy oro rural f l,n di livery at the Aencv utii.-e. .'!, Nm til wu'tr-aU F. J. LORD i Co., Aiienta. Oet.4. Dili. l,cqnlnnes Wi rpewrs. m pplifationt for Insurance ut ;UcT in Town or the Country. From the tiigll Ua- ,i..,.ji J.', y';wii iiawiwp 1 rV Mi Subscriber, aa ugcut of lbs. above Company, I wblsU ilU company iiaa i tialrH(i,ia-tuia com munlty.as well a in. all pur w of, lha.fclate,and tha liberal way aJl that huve (Ovcufusd have been settled, proves it to be una of, tli jnost -substantial otTicertin thecuuntry', ,, ThaCoiupaDy have a very large amount .of PretttJuua potca (weUaecurcd) to meeting any lostca that may nereafwr occur, - iloiAu "1.1 1 Mfi i.r ri r Oct, ?C 94-iL .. "-Agent. - - THE CITY HOTEL. AtljOlnlnr Ue.Cnt House Square UALiEltfll, Ji. C, . MIIAS been roeenllytaoroughlf repaired, and greatly improved iy the addition of a larue number of pleasant and commodious rooms which ar not excelled by any In the City. The labia ul waya ftrrpished wiih the best thit caohe prvcyrcd, and IhU hng4 art as mottojita aa can be aliWdtd. The stables are in good order, well furunislied with provender, and attended by cdreful arid exbeilenced Oikm: i '::!:?;' ' ,-v Mra. Lawrence would thareforerespeetfullf lnvllo the- attention of tha members of th approaching Legislut tire and thetra veiling public tff the advantag:s presented by tliia establishment. - Raleigh, Sept. 12 1848. 73-Iy-w-t. Li' i 4, FtlOill 'NW York' 'il e s "ftler as rociflvca'thtr follow 0,21.. tes of famltareu whlofi hviU tiiautamf . low, Cer tb ready caeb. Z4 fine mahogiin tnatxi-fa gopq Bfuorei rBatMtm U eurlcd hinple 1 do iheWtatltyicf"" half JrsocabdaftMiMIbsiift ; aad n .. . . L . II . I 1.. . 0 l.IU . -M A goSlartirttMtrf Tttl1aWef;tWel! U4 Mawmmjt(ffKt t 1 - - .. - ft. . J . V - a A go(fi!Wtitiint er itniatTaowBffteiMlP mm - V. CLARK, N. Y.Furnituta wanbouaa. Wtomi )n Kim. mi&lSt OAKUM. KC BALES Russia Oakum. DJ j. s w. Oct. 10. For select L. McUARY'S. 86. : bills ' or :(308 fOLlO POST BILLS OF LADING. ToarJ -. in Books, and- sheets, also Letterj.SJwjpta!lil a variety of mercantile blank, lor lalo at The CW menial OJic: j fci U fZr BUSHELS Seed Rye, received tobntWot JJ snle by i. W. L. McOAR Pan. 21. ' ' L ' "..lit . .1 I'm j. FOR SALE, 5000 Nov.i GUNNY HAtS; 40J F.inptv Spirits Turpentine barrels) 42 barrels Fresh Fayetteville Flour, super and X. 7 kegs liutlor. IS W IL.L.JJ. JKr i) KK 1 S. 101. uvuiuuuii t;niaaataaijiy liUf l.jr TBSMa, 15 per annum To be paid Iff aulrtftMtJI foAII commtihications trite pert pdd.sffll iddriJSSe'al Betoica t Jamks, No. 109 East-Bay, Chaxiea- otu, South Carolina. r fMVT Notice of (jjscontln uance , Jo .divert" ffiRe1 months in daVaioc (if the ejJfei4rrol5ie subsets bed for lime. , , JfM prw TO' THE STjiBStCRlBERS TO Tl$$QyffSZ ERN QUARTERLY REVIEW. Mr. kuukut i;. SlSYLli.and Mr. 1 n .i r 1 atn i .Tfl! I isliAiiiau are our oniy aiiinoneep agenlsi the Union-tho nulhofity given to $C,&fjKAH Rppsell having bet n withdrawn mai;e tfiaJnTS months ago. Our subscribers will ibfyefori TJiSj us by settling only with them, Or rcrrJlfWPtfWlIy to us. We will not recognize any O'J&ft.cStiWr money exoept from thm or the PcsUBHetfffv 1 K, II 1 1 I' J 111(111, Vuluable A'tfp and Tin jh-ii tine Lands. FOR SALE. IMlr. subscriUurtr olj'ej fr nb helweet.l w and . throe hUtulredacresof valnalik Rfce'I.ntnli-on Loekwood't Foliyrlver.in Uruaswick eoutity. In mcdlatol) i n the neighborhood ol the Lands la aood streoni'of wateremptyiiif: iniothu Lock wood 'frlver --furHishiiif; water powersuthcien I for watering the fields and for pounding ntul threshinfr the Rice. us wellas for a Saw Mill.' A part of thialand has been cultivntoriin Riceand Cotton, and iroducedeqtia)to any land. . Adjoinlnptothcse f,and8are between titteorihuti dred und two thousand acres ol'lirstta te Turpentine Lands, very convenient to the ri. vot . nil within time milcHol thessa-lhore.tvnd a nealtby location. That whole neighborhood abounclfin wood Turnentim l ands. U M. L. HALL, D. B. BAKER. July 13 13. January. JBURGF.S & JAMES. Publishers of the Uuartt,livk. NOXItli. C! 1.1, lh 1 1 U ; I am Itttl IllUOti us r. in all tfinnl. lulie ss, .MA11Y ANN WL.NUtiVi: It. ttPICEX. ! PEPPER, Spice Gi i;er, Nutmegs, Cloo-a All-1 guicu, t;in 1 ioion,ilutird, aad all vafiotlea ot Uroood t'UlcJ, fot sale at HOWARD A PEDRN'S. Nov. 2. I'S-tf. Iii.inc NOTICE. 1 CI Canisters, Rich Crome Green Pttfnt, IlKojia'JWthlhek do. Fora.de low, to cloee consijrnment. by . . HARRISS & DRAKE. Dec. 13 110-31. :Crj?jucEi2i and: May.2,TS43. 1 CENTSi f. MARBLE MOMJIENNS J AND GJllVG STONE AGKX(bY. rnlt aiirtrT?bcrsaro appointed Acentsfor una 1 htr0tit and most extensive MARRI.F. YARDS in Connecticut, and will receive orders for Marb1 .Vljnaajents or Gravetoaw otiiicr lettereu ornn wiilchwiJJ.be furnisried at tao siiortest uoiioa am. nioiltjeaaoaabk) nrjees. Ve hyerecel 'eda variety of pat(ern,voriouMtylr riJl Ihapricas, wnictl may ne oxaimnen ui anv nuic t. " J.C.dtR. R. wooy, , BuutUri diid Luiitractvr i until. : 40. JUST ARRIVED. - A . GjtiLF bb'.a. PickcleJ Jerklna ; 1 lOCas'ea. do. dd. 6 do. rnixJ do. do. 3 do. do. Onions ;' 10 doten bottles ilorao Radish; , 6 dozen dJL ' llitxt Lob!4ersi U'.-dsli4ses Sir lines. TouwlcpauRtSiJ, , 1' WatnSf snace ; Kf.lnjort Sauce. for Wle nfl Wil. KFFF'S. .Xjg. ItHtA JCST RECEIVED, " BftheSchr. UM Zid; jrvm Xeio York. ' HIIDS. Porto IU-o an 1 Ner Orleans Siijsr ; bbls. ..Crashed do. ; 2 dozes biskets Crttiril paigoe YIne ; 10 chests Younj; Hyson, Gun PoWdcr and 8-iuehong Ten ; 2S boxes Colgate's No. X H01JS; 6 boxes TouVt Soap; 15 boles Hull 1 Son's Candles-, 20 do. Adamantine Candles) 10 do. Sperm do.; 10 boxes Vlpest 5 do. Mustard; 6 boxes Goodwin's Tobae J5 whole, half and quarter botes Raisin?; 60 bags Table Salt; 5 baskets Sweet Oil t 6 ki-es Numis; 30 bags Laguira, Rio and St. Domingo Cofleai 24 ttcaiua Wrapping Paper) 6 kega Sslnru (usi 10 boxes LaiQn Syrup, boxes Chocolate, do. Matches. Fof8slby WM. KKFF. , tVo.lt;.' 102-tft A. ' MlSStfnoTJOYS Patent Leather Belts. 1 Urge ' asMrtataatlot ak by C. MYERS. Uel.3S. Mtf. 5000 SALT. BUSHELS Turks Island, cargo 'of LUiqut) Emma, for sil by U. W. 1. -' ALSO. SACKS, dally expected per Sehsoar W SlTaniTcf. froui Chalhston. for sale liv I r; vv 11 1 Vis Dec. IG. 117 HALT! SALT!! THKcaro0f'he.Schr. P. 11. Savery from St. MatrlirS of ttbom 4001) btrsheis. a tin" article. Fer fcalu kv HARRISS i KL'SSELL. Dec'. 13. 115-tf. '- Wc mi jht oxl'-nd the eatnloomf of rcstlmonuil to k-t 1 ind-fmiie b n.'ili, II wo deemed it etped'i'iit to . M-irlfpt Vlrrff Wil minirf nn (' ihrTsrrallwehiM-ree.ived. no. only fiom U1-.HIS1 t3 'IarKCl MrCfI' " IllUinpOIl, 41. I. it Individuals an.! families, who h uv evp-rh-nee.! rSS .. ,r . , , ,.un..(i.aal eilris.,!' ( i... . .-'s Sugar Coated ' B , sttbscrlber respectfully Informs th . 1 1 JL t lint no has leeent v returned froui i n MOUNTAIN BUT'l'EH. fX Fifklnsiseidl Moaotain buttef. Forsale by De. If HARRIES A DRAKK. 1IJ. FOR SALE. I Mil if tV'rW. IIO GRIND Stones. 1 I O W0 sack Liverpool Salt. 4U bundles Eastern Hay. blWU L'ouuiion liiick. 5rXrb,ic Uround Rock Salt, 20 La. each 'WWiTs. No. 2 Macker. I. 20 hhds, Cayenne Molasses. 10 hhds. and 25 bbls. N. K. Rum. 300 boM.Herriflg. Iti liiin.lleg Gunnv fines. BARRY, BRYANT 4 Dec. 28. " n t a RE' EIVED PER BRIG BELLE k at F. SMITH.' b'!s. fi i 1 V');ilos ( 50 box --8 Rubina; Drums Figs ; boxes Orangs ; do. I.e. 110ns ; - tbayrt BtasilNute, 2 Bales Almonds; 1 boxes Citron ; 2 cascs-Culuu Ginger,, For sajo by t 1L 16 Ui - J. AVILKlA'sON A CO. Co. 121 "1 j Various M.-dical Practiiion.ara of c havo u.'d tin ai witu -ueces.l'iil results. .V or p. r- sons also have recourse Io i!iLinas.iujr.!iii.'V Fnm 1 1 V Mf itlelne. or eotteetiva of the 1 r. . 1 . in .-..! -b'ht iii(!i." lior.f. ivc. Parka:;, a were h.u i oim snct pres. nte.i to 1 1 on Mai tin Van lluu 11, . .. i ' 1 . .--1,1. lit ..1' th l;nit,'d Slat, s; Hon. II. linA'J iV, 1 J-.u;- tucky'tfilslslloojir.Uin (', fcWk, eirO a eruorof New U; l!n, Willi 1 1 II. Pi. -l"y, NVrutof from Knmh tTanchn, and sc'vcral oth. r-h-lingiiished men otour e.iuniry. all of win. m. will, . if,' exception, hate erpirssed their npprohailon i f :1c Clicki ner Suar-t-'outed Ptir:;itivo l'i I?, I.y..r.l-i-iiv; a new Mii.plv. Bm. rerh bps tli most in'mtostiblc evio, n their unpr. .l. 'io d success, are il nmnh.-rl 1 1 lalions nd 1 ' ' orfif-'iis whlrli have nppe ircd.ln I the public. Even soon: o! our stanncflesipill m il, have had an am! e itv to Imitntr 'he Capsule of Iar, in order l.i d!..'i:i-e the ine'i dienia of their 1 eouij our..! , and p.:loi thi m idl'for the "real r'-.u pure.'' Sie h pahry Hhifts cannot last Ion? wii.i exio.-in tin 11 hi.le.ius !!" .nuiry. Truth nnd h isty must inevitably prevail ov r rascaliiyand d.t lion. an ill, but Ih Pi K Imt we deem it unnecessary WILLIAM H. f.IPPITT re the Agents for 1 Wilmington and vicinity, the pills are nut up m ula b.ilili-9, and sold at 25 cents with full directions f.ir their use, Front trcet. between Market and Dock. ih. Ctickencr t Principal Ofiee, (ki Vescy-bt. New Yoik. II ruin nib r I r. ( '. V. CTckeni r is the inventor ofSuear Oi.ile.l Pills and that nothing of the son was ever heard oi 11 nil I he inlriductd Ihem in J un. . HI3. Purclnsiis Rhsi'ild, thereforn, always ask f.u Clickenrr'aSi.u Coated Pills, and tt ke no oiliftrs' ,1; 1 1 v ill b n t.l tho victims ol a fraud. ' Ftbrunryw 3, 1 ;43 133. woodeTware, PAINTED PAILS, Broom, Nest Cedar Tuhs: do. painted Tubs; Axe handles, Flour piiiis, Bung stariF, Whole and half bbl. covers, Nest mar ket biraltelft, Nest measures. Scrubbing brushes, Whitewash brushes. Paintbrushes, Shoe brushes. H rd earr-e, Wood travs, Cocoa dippers, SleVes. Kn ksSyWvA . t 'jr. s Starches, ji si rureivi d and for t u by WM. NEFF. Nov. II. lu2-tf. To Turpendnc Makers in Duplijy IAM now loivitini: two larjze Siills at Soreeta an sin n have th"tn in operation hy 1st to 10th June. Persons making Turpentine in that region, can rely on disposinc of It St ull time nt fair Mcee. Mv bus- ines there will be condnelcj by Mr. Win. I', .'jyder ilmingtqu, April ijin. i. t. Ji'.f i' kk s. ( R. F. R!tn-.VX of Vi!uiingt-.m ttT" rtecr; a,! i:i:ti (1 int.) cur t op.u'ni ;:-ll u-iii . "I; v 'ill l- cmliicicl as h.r. lo'yic, hurfi' In th" s'yl of o ir FIrui llOWN A DrRO'-SF.T. "Vew Vmli. lil'.l(tSf!'.T &. l!iiO-. N, Wil , 1 1 i 11 : '..n Jnrr. I, lm. C. hav- ip, llie. ilhoal )' X. c. (ililST MILL PHCaiihsifrilv i have fioi : "ilTIZE.NS are honorably as.ured ihat iIvj follow- in.' are the not.i.tt unalili''s of a Si bottle of Junus Coral Hair Restonitive. If they doubt our wand they cannot those highly respeslable citizens, who have tried It. Mr. Geo. Becket, 41 Elm st.,N. Y. Mrs. MatlldrReovbe, flirt ie awmue.Rrdoklvn. Mr. Wm. Tompkins, 92 King hi., N. Y. ' . Mr. Thom,is Jackson, 89 Liberty st., Pittsbur."i.' H. K. f Tullfn. late barber st.'aiuboat S Ameriya. And more than a hundred othcrssuto, though thi. tnust siift."-.', that r will force the hujr to grow on the head or fa-e, stop ll falling ofl. strengthen the rools, rcciovinL' scurf and dandruff fiom ll,u io us, iiiakini; light, red, ui!(rayhiira4suuie a fin" daik look, and kefplnp I, y, harsh. ir wary I) U i;uii,suUloaB and Soldlll a"v tv . very lort;: t! C. IN'fiLES. Jr. ! nf.'nV .l'7.in -ot.- 1 ne.xtoii v.iih lln ir .v'i;;c A .'. a r, . I i ;m liltril h Meal ai.d ijjjuii;.y glpuiu. iituliiy and ry short i.oti.e. , , ... ; i ' .JOHN MoftA ft & 'o. I-', b. ci.lo4C;. ' 1S9-1 1 DRIED JiEHF AND TOXCTIiSi ) 1 ( IH DRIED Ton,' I'M ,v,:j lbs. dtied Nov. 11. in s, lari'eM size, lice! ut W .M. N F. V F rP HE subscriber repeelfully jiafarrniuWfMli! X and ihu public, that ha has. lake U aUtiM C iiicrlyoccupied by Holmesand Ha we a, tiiewrsshesafieJ) Io; rale l ho oni hall of tho divides) ' etoetei aaaaassa and Iluwes. al greatly red u tied prk'SBhAjMathita may be found a good nswrtiaaiiiofdcmmafaaBSsa cy Dry Goods, Groceries, llHidwradCtyi,), For the purpose of changing hit tutiin.rtadl Fell his entire stock of Fancy Uoodsj asNAMstSHatk cost,,or Cash. Among which may be foundsgrest variety ol black and colored, figured and plafe.'aTlks silk, uiareno, and Cashmere Shawls, fancy silk harxl kerchiefs and cravats. md alalfrsstock of thread L ces, muslin and CnmbMek Kttpfnge, and Insertlnge, Bonnrts and Honnel KibbonkidBndSiJk010Tei,J, . i Lranl embroidered linen sambrk'k UrtkerttsUb Fiuicr. nndSeotch embroidered Lace, atuijsisMsta Capes ur.d Collars, ot the latest end mast faaaUsia ble btyle; white and black silk Hoae, CaeimMtM Bomba.iiu s, Alpacc.as,. and fJcLnlnrsj iTiudur with t Biife Itoik p(Kr4ricl,dishOslXIaiMl Aiacrlmn Cloths, rind C'nisirner'es ; ahd a gfeaFva ri. tv of oilier articles too numerous to nipntkin The ei, lire stock of Tlincy Goods will pe Sold tftTl eefl'ork l)'''''7' FOR SALE LOW FOR WOR- Da Her For Country lUCC"') ' 1 nnga mo oiloe ; 0 ' 15 bjag Laguira coffee ; 5 hhds. Pur.u Uico Sugar 10 do good rttuiling Molnssea . ,. -a ALSO i-t. Fr as, W! ta Sugar, SpiCA Peppar. 'Gj0gir, Ckasn tium,' Xutnies, Musiud, Soaps, CsmlMs, . itaeam and Tall iw, Fpsoni Salts. Starch, &mw, Tfbaaa. Seg.u.s. Nails, Shovels und Suedes, Hooa, Axes,aai many other urtldea In the irrurnrv llrm. it . , J. Nov. Ki. V. II! 4 UJUcGARX. tOir: iSHEETIXG'. 7 ) LAYER Creek; rrptrtor FtimUy Sin i) -jle In J. C. .. O. l. 21. lin:', I i : , !i tf. ENCnlK.U.K lit ).ME IDUori'.' SADDLE, :i.i;iHSi. AND TRUNK MANUFACTORY.' ljfiRO S'lIUES.-F.iTsd" low al IlOA A RD A I'E.DENS I MITHE." Thestscribcr hasoncrud nn office In Pnndev's I hi ,i k i n Wat r Si., for the truiisactiou of u gatu raJ j Conimlssion'Miisiners. Proper attention will be paid I., the sale,,"!' merchandise ol any kind, as wa ll as to j the s afc or shljuiu n t of any of the products of llie I country and the ninnl advances uinde when desired, I on consignments for sale, or for shipment to my friends at the Norrh. I have a jfood Naval Store I yaid und Warehotue, remote from ihe danger of fire ; mid willmake charges very mo h rate,wlu re persoiae mav (P'Sire to store teni))oraillv. April 27-tf. W. O. JEFFREYS. CORN. 1 UHKI. cargo ioUU from Jacksonville, fo Dec. 16. of fehr. reM for sale by office of (Unstable. 'FilOUR AND MEAL' 3BL3. rLUt n, i inr,ulrfln; na- yfi 0 buahelabandeonie whii,. misi for sale by J- d- W. L. McGARY. La SUGARS. s , .ITitl Loaf Crushed ui For sals by HOWARD 4 P Kb K.N, H2. I talte this" method of announcing myself as s can didate for the office of Constable, lor this District, and twficeTfally sftHrH rhe suffreges of m 7 fellow,iu iiMs-Jrromislnif. If elected, to disoharge tbe d alles ol rhtt bmct altlrfDllf, sad o tile besi of my aUlUf. JAMES F. BROCK KTP. Wiltulngwo,Jaa. 16. 12SM7t. t , , . 1- Jkv'A .r.l JTQ RENT. . ; arc corner of red mum snd front MULES AND WAGON. I HAVE four well broken two year old Muleend a (nut hares agon and Haraeea for est. 4 Uee.2J,i8. PIIU llllisrswiui w.v , WILL. O.J EFrKEYli . ai.i iii Uj ft S? H. drum T ' 1 nWJ SWEET CIDER, ARY. V1 McKellcr k McRac. A l'u I it: Stiiml hleur. Hull 4- Armttronp,) Waikb Stbset, WitatiNirroit, IV. Caaoi.if4, AVE Just reerived their Fall Sloek of (iroctrit i e.. consisting in pirt us follows : PO t aei prime green an.l lli:nt Klocott. e j iu nags prion l.a 1:111 rn (th,.2Vbniripriineoldava C0lfcil0tlhs. bridit Port" Rifo eiigar; Bhhifs. M ttstov.ldo Sugar: HAVE J iff., ,- the publi that ha Ins iccently returned from tlic.S'oilh, where he I il l In n full and complete slock of Saddle ..u.l 1 1, tmcss mournings, c. d;c,oliho latest and inn t rm.rnre qrelca nn.! t ronatunl I v i..!.mif:..liir. inir, at his .lore in Market struct, formei Iv occupied i bv Guy B. Hotchkiss. every description olartide in the above line. From his experience in thebiisim ss, ' he f. . l.-eonlident that he will beuble lo ive entire s I'l-factien to lis cmlofners.'-flt bis, and willkeei 1 .a nstant supply of v.4p:.V, Dtwn.Et. MMtTIKQALFtS. COLLARS, Willi's. niTTS AM) SITUS; ( I Itl'KT A l SADDLE HAfiS; VtUSKS, lALlSES, u.. ,f.r., a 1.. I every other article usually kept in establishment of theklnd. allot w'iiich willba warranted lo be of the liesi material and w orfclfiinahlp, and sold on in .derate terms for cash, o-r ooshort credif to paj :a alt rjnl.MUr. Rcf airing of every description promptly st tended to. Coaches and Carriages trimmed in a neul and s.ihst.vuialajyie. MediealBaga,t5uhlofiof every deserlpllon, nnd nil other, mides usually uianufaeiuredia vetabUib monta ofthe kind, mr.il.! to order. i Persons wiihlm; to piirrhasc Ripino Vshicxcs, wuul.l lind it to tbeiriiitervsl lo wive him a chII. JOHN J. L'ONOLEY. May". HI0. PRINTERS LOOK HERE. 11ILLSLADINO, She. ill s Land Deeds, Check I) books, Nugoiiu.le mites, Invoiees. Shipping uianifits, Newspaper, Cards and s variety of otliet paper. Ac. can be had low on application. A. PAUL REP1TON, Ap't. Nov. IP. 105-if TFST RECEIVED. 10-4 Bornsle y,10-4 and 12-4 I l oitoq snccting at a email auvanee on IN . 1 or( cost.hv J. S. WILLI A Ms. Nov'. 14. 103-Lf. 55 Dee. 8 CRAC SODA. Bmier, W'mer, Picnic's end Sugar Crackers, Pilot Brsnd, iict jual wcei-'dp ,' i Dee. 1. 111. 20 BAGS SEED For eale by Nov. 26. RYE. RYE. W. L. 6MITH.V lU8-f. KI P.V" FliFSH FRUIT. KAGF.S Raisins; 50 Bbls. Apples; 2 Uab s Alinons ; 2 ' Brail Nuts; 2 'asks t 'urrents ; j Boxes ('ition; M) ' Eire Crackers 1 150 Lbs. Candy. . Fir sale nt, " J. WILKINSON Dec. IH. Co. 118 TOWINfJ. 4(i bbla. best daiifuid Sugar 1 6 boxsa loaf Surer 1 20 bbte. eatra onnal Flour 1 10 boxes No. 1 Soap ; I box, a prim cheap Tobucoo; 1500 -bushels Alum Sak. C'K, ift'Xrch, Unuf, Copptrat, Indigo. Hul pAiy. dw., fce. I Also 20 casts Men s thick and kip Brogans; lOfasre Women's and Boys' Shoe.. ao led ; 15 colls Raft Roo ) 4 coils small rope for bed cords; 4 tons (assorted) S weed's Plough nnd Tyre 1 . riniil.li, nnd !nidi..l,arrnl flnn. Air An Cr4lf 4f itllsfi Ay w)ILs Bon reBSns-iUs terms. ,.I k Ti. B. Weareuudur tno oceetUf ut requcaiing. j - l ,r. . k . .1 ia 11 a , , .Mhlitt ( i t 1, , 1 1 . a nmvt.i . I. aj ts earJj aa possible, to erfablo us to keep pp aus 1 eloslOiUrajcsaj pui cusioiucuruquua. Sent Zist, nra. nu-t FAMILY PlXOnmEAIK , For sale at t J WM. NRfF ' 16 m Jliifllauai m mmw a 1 I0'5r b,,t'd rpnESTCASfERGov. GRALIAjii 1 sisyvT 1 PfvpaTril to tewvessels whenever 0m22i2B called for. if not encaced on an up river trip; The Proprietors would be thankful for a ahnTf of patronage, and do all In their power to five aatllacttoru Bpjy on &naro to iftu; lo J.4 w.L JnnoW lAii HACK COUNTRY BBLS. Apple lliandyt -, 10 barrels old W hUkey. l or sale by ' Nov. 25. 110 LIUUOR. W. ti. MlTH. 108-tf. FULTON MARKET REEF. ' V r BBLS. Fulton market Itnfon retail, Smoked I) Reef. Pii kkd and Smoked Tomriies; Ac. Just re ceived and for srlc by .'Sov.l. E WOOD. 106 C COTTON Ratting and Wadding, for sale by " J J.8. WILLI AM3.- Dec. ' - 113. I'Mlf Arv arar st...l'f. 1 fVV'I'DSNowLiDdjagfrumSchr.JoltnStorey, 1 V7v.7al my whaiisndfof sals ky . All DAVID' snd Black's Prcmliua Ink'by taaa or single bottle, lor saleby 1 ,.4- J. S WILLIAM Dre. 7 in RO C K S PFfW 5101 FURNITURE WAREHOUSE. THE suhscrfber woulj respectfully nounee to the eltlxeni 'of WUnrloEto and the stirroundlntt counties, IqUMH now receiving his Pall Stock of CapK net Furniture. Having selected Jlbuoi self in the cities of New York tad Bui ton, he can confident v rccoihmfcnfl III . . . . . i '.17 nT Ti' um miriiiiun oi customers ror variety anas kgancl W style, beuuty of workmanship, andCheap0r4s.'Tt,l4l together the most complete stock that he ttia asurot fcred in this market, and he thinks rJial1 ft) oat wlsAmj iu vunniiH mnj nna ir to mctr interest to ctklu loa. following are some of the articles, fafegrfi Stock, Vis j .' b SOFAS. I CAhD TABLES, r.Y.s- I CENTRE do. ni'REAVS, AKXTEVStQN da niiEsmk VuusAVtZ jmEm sum HOARDS. TOILET i ssa.. 1 WA 111) ROUES' , WORK 21 L CRM BEDSTEADS, SETTSEsJTH ( OT.F TRUNDLE do. I OFFICE DSgS, O I 'FICE CHA IRS, I MA TTRESSES, Ih diiinm Sris, complete ; French Bedsteads 1 High posi do. , Looklnc Glasses:! Toilet do. 1 Sinks and ivasnstands; Mahogany do.; Boston rocklaa. Mahniany do. Do French do. j ' Curl Maals J LADY kIWy inrirnAl frie InUAirtion upon UMEJ LIMEI! IJMEIII . A (f R BUS. Lincoln ville White Lmp 800 bbls 4W JJ Tlioiuaeton Liw. - Aleo.caleJoed Plaster, Plastering I Uir.aod Firs Brisk, Hydaruiio Csment; 1000 bols. LIuie.tFo.i fotaale by .-. : .. , J. C. & R. H. WOOD. Jtly24th. ' 65-tf. . . nl 1 i'lFia . .., " sttTpfcsMlifnTn ORnEB .it the ' -h m - , m ' m mmr mm mm , mm m m m m mm , E R C I I L OFFICE MUSIC, A LADY kutMy flisulm! 9 l. toe Piaoo Forte, wishes to obtain a few till mis She would give lessons eillier st her own resideneaoe thoM of herpntioDS. Lvery eiiort wiii.ba uude to advapeahtaf Dupds, sndf but a moderate chorgc made. Apply at the Fbanslin Hotel to MRS. ALSLP. Dec-g- 112 tf. at ST roiL vard. r HE subscribers ari now landing and Intend to keep constantly on kaad, s large supply of the 1 itqusllty, Rod ,4 she Coal, boksa;sHwittwBrd 1 d warranted to tlt eathfacUoat, whlshl.we tuiej 1 sale, at the lowest market prlos. . . ,.,,. a v w HARRISS dt DRfllKt:. . MmirTBstarTnavlli delivered to thorn,! vaaslf desired. " 119, Cane, Rush seat, and Fancy Chairs t rVindao I'ommon an -, rjnitdrefl's uigQ do. or Sato at iqoj. tXrt.I2.-eir. AtfheRoct SpflSJ. FEATHERS. rrrr Qp BAGS llvaiMas fatiWiM interior of OA the state, where" the xwO urtlklo U produced. For saJa by ft. VV. wlOMKlf . Not. 25, v .u.iil 1 ,. , . t j : . rt "t -w'! -s DENTISTRY WM. WARE,. DOCTOR OF DENTAL SURQERT' And Member of; the. Araicau Society r r .-1 o ln jseiitiu ourgcoua, ,., r ERFORMS all operations on the Teeth. Teeth ioaui ted from one to a full set,sa4 iss) sM srfeV Ic of AtmoaiphsriaPreeajss la a4aafsiNi Vt jpplifisbU, , ,. ., . 1 - ... laNtllf Mice East Side of ,gro auaaM sstaajr I irket, upstairs. -. a Rtn connection with tbeOIIlcs bs hss (44taaV c (dm expressly for his lady patretisi they, thMisrioasjl mn now receive bis professional sarvkea wlihiajt daaa en ton by. endln; lAsk bn loiib ofWfAea h iillnfoftjjlilpthsUfocsaflfis Masjs. . ! del tfsraases,ths Clilxene geaerally. 27.

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