J . It ' 1 - , 1. ,f it .,.. ,,-. , - 1 i-. imr-w iiTTiurr ifi ' (1 . ftf-. 1ywlMt'.W, THE7 COMMERCIAL I pBOllAaaif erf Tuadiy, Turii and Saturday, at iifiQ per iid, payable li all caaa IB advsaea by ;. TtTOSIlS LOBINC, ; - EDITOR AND PlOPRltTORi J 7 ' V 13ENMMIlfrHbwzE ' . v A890CIlTKE0,da.' Ovaer 0 Von and Muriel Street, WlLMUtOTOS, at. ' BATES Of ADVEBTlilNO 1 aqr. I laiertioru $05 (1 sqij 8 month, $1 l i." 7o 1 1 1 3 " 1.00 1 1 " 1 1 month, 2,5011 't 3 " 5 1 year, 12 a square. If Twelve line or lew make an Advertisement exceed tijref liner the rice wil be in proportion. ' t All adver tiaemenu are payable at the tune of their insertwri. Contract with yearly advertisers, will be made en the most liberal terns. rj AH Advertisements inserted in the tri-weekly Cw'fcil, are entitled to one iiHfirtion t n the Weekly, free orcharjre JOB. CARD ad FANCY PRINTING executed in superior style. 4 Ills The privilcgo of Annual Advertisers iaatrlctly I Itad to thdlr own Immediate biulooss i and all adv tiaements for tha bunt! fit of c4h erioe at well . all advertisement not immediately connected with their own buaiaeas, and all excess of advertisements, In lengtn or otherwise, beyond the limits engaged, win be charged at (he usual rates. AGENTS FOR TflE COMMERCIAL NEIf YORK Messrs. Bbown dfc DsRossst. BOSTON: Fbbdbbicb: Kidder, Eq. B. I. I10VVZE, ATTORNEY AT LA IV, WILMINGTON, No. Co. WW practice In all the Courts of Wayno, Duplin and New Iladovr Counties. WILUAM J. CLARK, ATTORNEY AT LAW, RAX.E1GH, N. C. Bt,Wih.ia 19. 78-w.tri.c. CARROLL & FENN ELL. Qmiii &Cauai4iija Mcreaaats, ' WILMINGTON, N. C. ' , .-I .'I 4 H 1T ALvrAYS OX HXD A OtXBIAL ASftOITMEXT or Vrflit 'tmuiii, uiujss, mm, u AtO WILL TAX r.TlCPtAB AtUiUai 19 t'w il J ill It J I of P w laso a, if caaa ill. c. n. ftsrscLt. July 13. 1843. FREOEIUCii CLARK. rf'tifarAoruafca AS.D BBAtaa is all kinds or CABINET FlfRNITURE TilSSEH, PULLsraRH,e. FRONT srREEI'. NKMt M lit K ET, WILVUNGl'ON, X. C Apfllilth. IMS. DEROvSET k M'di Wll.MI.VU fj)N, N. C. BROWN & DSaOAfflT. si:v voiui, ri VW.'f I 1 I V '' V MiiliCHA V 7V 17. UI3. lr J. & W. L. McGARY. f 9RW nil I .U lJ C!ilHISSI?l MERCHANTS wi.MiV!irof, v c. Mwohl.HH. - " GE)RUES. ttlLLESl'IE. auit roil rin: ai.k or 7 r ;;ov'? UJMtJF.it, s vai. stores, f- A ll mltelCur.ilcash idvancca on all Mnsignmenii' of prodtfef ; March 17. 1 , r GEORGE W. DAVIS. COMMISSION MERCHANT, WILMINGTON, N. C. rcht7. 1813. 1 J. C. LATTA. COM MISSru N ME li CHA NT, AND OEN'iltAL AGfcNT, WILMINGTON, N. C. Oct. 10, 1919. 87 CASSIDEY, SCHRADER k C0Mv ENGINEERS AND MECHANIST, WILMINGTpN, N. C. tii asovb ria havs aatcrto am aiTB.fsivx IRON AND BRASS FOUNDRY, TOQG'f HEB WITU Mtehiie and BUcksmitli Shopi, Wf ra ordera for every description of work In ihetr Hot of builneta, will be eipadltloatly and faithfully executed. jtiiiilUB. 55-tf. VUFD INSURANCE IlVTHB NATIONAL LOAN FUND SO " 'CltCtV, OF LONDON, ARB FIRE INSURANCE IN THE iErNAiNfcUaANCE COM -FANY, OF HARTFORD, Co., i 'l U HOWARD INSURANCE COMPANY, twm rw Til fTF JTT.W TORK, Kaiasoalhpa4taiUoau DaROSSET eV BROWN. MusaZstlMI..-. - y UH- oiju BTotK, MurphyU Building t jivwy - Wmtitt iotk. QCED Wheat and H;e()ft)th Carolina Com, J Cow rsasi Fnstn Uround M Cow Fees i Fresh Ground Ileal and Hotnonvi Wkits Hoanony Hesnif NewOoni mm BM whMt n4 Rye Meali UlackfjM Piwst Oant Vtf- tta(rWaCsatlt.bsTrdesiulharbr.,Bj w erofUyi Cew and Herses feed constant T 61 bad,aa4 for sale. V I f A ) J : i . ' ' " . - i, . . ,. . - ... , ... . , " ' ', , , ,. .' ' 1 I I I 1 11 L ' i 1 ". V1. , 1 j l , , .. , 1 : 1 11 1 1 , .- j ' i 1 f I ;. m 1 - ...... ....... ...... t, VOL! 3-0 139. WILMINGTON, THURSDAY JOHN HALL, SHIP AGENT AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, SNo.33 QRAVIER STREET. liew Orleans Arin3,-I818. UQ-ly. : F. J. LORD & CO. Rice Factor & Commission Agents. Not. r, 1347. 103-1 -p. M'KELLER & M'RAE, LUMBER AND TIMBER AGENTS, GENERAL CilSBl&SION MERCHANTS, aud GROCERS, Slort formerly occupied by Hall A Absistbomo, NORTH WATER STREET, WILMINGTON, N. C. hkctob m'kellab. Nov. 11. 1313. ALEX. M'BAB. 102 L. MALLETT, AGENT KOIl THE SALE OP Timber, Lumber, Naval Stores, &c, NiUt' Iluddinp, North If aler Street, WILMINGTON, N. C. Nov.0,184-i. 101 BARRY, BRYANT & CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, WILMINGTON, N. C. March 17, 1840. Hf. WILLIAM NEFF, (Aae o lte A'- u NbFr & Warneh.) V:I'JI.ESAI.K AND KIlTAIL DEALEU IN SUIP CHANDLERY, SHIP STORES AND GROCERIES, CORNER OK DOCK 4 WATER STREETS, WILMINGTON, N. C. Dec. 7ih. 1813. H3-tf. W. BRANSON, AOENT FOUT1IE SALE OF 11 .Uli EX, Lt'SBEB, X1V1L STORES, lc Nu,tC$ Building, North Water Slreei. WILMINGTON, N. C. Srpt. -29 1313. 83-c. nTb. uuGnEs, AUCTIONEER AND COMMISSION MERC HA N T UAUilGII, N. C. S.ilii:iis conimiicnis, and will nilend lo all busi ness i;nlrulrii 10 lliin, nn,i pludc-s himsflf ih'it nil roiislgnhifnTB if!Tiiiin."s nlmll be strictly done In confiniiiv 14 fl'wilM-sl' his employers. RKFEIIENCE. T. I,'ini'i. INq , W'llmlneton. K. W. WiKi.Niis, Kq., VnyvM ville. JOHN D . LOVE, PKAI.KTl IN CABINET FURNITURE, CliDSTlilDS, CHAIRS- MURiSSKS, U, ROCK SPRING, WILMINGTON. N. C. StOiT, kCEN & CO. MERCHANT TAILORS, AMI DK.VLKKH IN SUPKIUO II .MaAe. VioVVvvg. MAUKFiT STREET. V 1 L M I N G I' ON, N . C . Oct. 21, 1313. 93-y. CORNELIUS MYERS, M A N UFA C T U li LI li , and m:At,tK in II US', CAPS, UMBRELLAS AND WALKING CANES, &c. WILMINGTON, N. C, Market-st. Oct. IT 13-13. '-'1-tf. wTTIjiTtbv (Late or tub rut.M or Sandiohd ox. Smith.) AUOTIONKER AM) COMMISSION MERCHANT, WILMINGTON, N. C. Store on North Water Street, Parsley's block. Oct. M-194. ' ' 90-yc J. S. WJLLJLA31S, Faicj & Staple Dry Goods Store. u.e dm war of Via smW o dhlg stobe MARKET STREET, WILMINGTON , N. C. Oct. n, im 90. JAS. T. MORRIS, l.nmber and Timber Inspector, WILMINGTON, N. C. Oct. 12,1843. ra JA.N, T. MORRIS, ifort far tie Uit t Firtaaw tf XKGROES, WlUnNOTON, N. C. Oct. 17 T949. ' 89 6m $W, REWARD. RAN AWAY frgm the E stale 0 Wm. B. Mearea, . In Jan last, a negro fellow called 1IENRV or j kLh Mil aiU m4 k kmtm i k.u.M h. mA HKflKY HILL. tiVTm SbnBt a A to 1 fnrtl R IneliM llnart je , probably, UuIIsxm ahoui Wlkniaroo. Berv J,e baa a oM inany relinonT I will Rwir4 o( tti fdr f.fsf attprtinrn and cTIerru me In WUrulncton.or to Wm. T. Bra 'al Jffeires Bluff. T. D. ME ARKS. flu. 9.. If 1-tf. PUBLISHED TW-WEEKLY, DENRY P. RUSSELL, AGENT frOR THE CAPE FEA& STEAM SAW MILL, WILMINGTON. N. C. Strict attention jttvn to the faithful aiecntlon af all orders for Lumber. . Jan. 1, 1340. 124-lye GEO. UARRISS, General Commission Merchant, WILMINGTON, N. C. STRICT attention giti to piocurlnf Freights and purchasing Cargoes for vessels. K.BTSB to F-. P. Hull, Esq., 1 O. G Parsley, Esq., J. A. Tnylur, Esq , WIIminglon. J. L. Utllimy, Esq., Messrs. Halbird & Huntington, J Messrs. Tooker, Smyth A Co., i 'ary " Thompson A Hunter, J wew 1 orl Alex'r. Herron, Jr , Philadelphia. . .BP .11! a messra. "imams n duubt, ph. .,.., o p H. F. U..ko. i Jan. 2, 184!). 123-tf. J. R. BLOSSOM, FOniSDING AND (JliMiSS I'N WILMINGTON, N. C Liberal Cash advances nndoon consignments to Mr. Benjamin Hloaaom Nw York. ALSO. Mir fj : TJ3 vmi benefit life insi- RIXCE CftlPAW. .Capital liable fur Lotsts, about $700,000. Dec. 19(1813. 119 6m. BENJAMIN BLOSSOM, COMMISSION MERCHANT, NEW YORK. Liberal advances mndc upon Cinslgnmenii.uf ul kinds of produce. References. MoKsri. J. & D. McRar, J G. W. Davi?, Eg'j Wilmington. J. R Blossom Esq: J Doc. 19, 1843 116 MARTIN & CRONLY. A UCTIOXEERS, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, GENERAL AGENTS. Wilmington, N. C Oct. 3 1818. irS-tf. Dr. B. MUNSEY, ITOM(EUPA TlUC ril YSICIA X, AMD DENTIST, MARKET St, C Doors above Front St. Dec. 23, 1848. 120-Gmo. JOHN T. RUSS, INSPECTOR OF TIMBER AND LUMBER. WILMINGTON, N. C. Oct. !4 IM. 90- F. J. LORD & CO., Agcniafor tho VVJriLL'j MUTUAL LIFE INSURANC Accumulated Capital, $130,000. ALSO run THE EAGI.li LIKE k II LALTil I.N SC.". ANTE CO. Capital, $100,000. Will take risks on lives of Slaves. Office 23 North Water Street. Oct. 24, 1313. WM. M. HAnRI. Elur.NC S. DBASE HARRISS 4 DRAKE. General CjJidiksiaa Merchants, WILMINGTON, N. C. Reteseces: O. G. i'arsley. Kiq, J Col. John Mclt.ie. Wilmington, N- C. Mi nsrx. Hallardi llunllnt'in, ) Will Peck, Esq . Kaleigh, N. C. McsfCK Jiiiiies ('orner A Sooa, Baltimtire. - K. A. Souder dt Co., Philadelphia. ' Thompson A Hunter, ) v . " PiUsbury A SaoUlbrd, j ew 1 ont " Il.iniiiiK ib Tufts, Boston. J. A G. P. Tucoiub, Kenncbunk, Me. September I4tb. 1348. 77 if. COTTON YARN. IO fj ilea, H. C. Varna assorted numbers, for sale by J. C. LATTA. Oct.W. 94-if. A Fine Set oi Teeth for 25 Cents. White Teeth, Foul Breath, He. Ilk y Gums. Yellow sod unhealthy lee ill, after being once or twice cleaned with JONES' AMBER TOOTf! PASTE, have te appearance of the most beautiful Ivory, and atUieaaoietlinaii ia so perfectly IkDoceoi and eaqul i aitciyfioe, thailU constant daily use ke hnly athranta 1 peons, even to those ieih that are In good co ad it ion, j giving them a beautiul polish, and pro vend nf a pre- maiure oecajr. jtnoae aueaay decayed, It prevents from becoming worse It aJso fastens such aaars be coming loose, and by perseverance U will render the foulest teeth d Hicaiefy white, and make the breath delclously sweet. PillCK 37, CENTS A BOX. Sold in Wilmington, by Llppitt A Wlllkinga. FEATHERS. Qi'irri LBS prime live geese Feathers, for sale 6JJJbj W.L.SMITU. De. 12. JUST RECEIVED. Jk L AItOE aaaortment uf fine and the br1 nude Froct and Dress coal., wsrranied to fit ler sale tt SCOTT, lh.ES 4 Cs. Dec. 17. 115. IADlKs'jTERlNb'and Silk Veets. for ssje by . J . S. WILLIAMS. No. 14, 103 tf BY 'THOMAS LOKltfG. MORNING, FEBRUARY 8, Till: llliTED CIUJ1BER ; " on, MOW TIIEV CHOSE A MAY tliEEN K . THE SCII(XL OF rAHSON COLIi. ST C. H. WILET, A. M. '' H "i i . , Pabsoti Com was an eccentric sort-pf char acter, though a learned divine and an ex cellent tnnn. He lived m the country, on his own fnrm, being a mm of Biibstnncp, and lie nnd hia araiablo wife tangrlit a pri vate aelect school for young ladies. The ere boarded and lodged by Mr. Cole at hia own house, and in nil respects trea ted as members of his own fnr.i!y; and aa" the situation was healthy, and in sight of the beautiful village ofL, -, the" school was considered a very desirable one by those who knew the merits of the teac h crs. The number of scholars was limildd to twenty, and as no girl under the age of ten was admitted, ami as those who did come were generally handsome and well off, the Parson's resi.lr;ice became a spot consecrated in the imaginations of nil the youug men in that region of country. The Parson's h lighters, ns ihev were called, were .a lively, romping, happy set, ami as they walked out in the nfternooriB to gather flowers, they knew they were ob served by watching cye3, but this did not in the least restrain their gaiety, or prevent them from indulging in that" frolic glee" of which school misses are fond, their mer ry voices rung softly and sweetly over hill and dale. Now as we said, the Parson was eccentric ; he had a place for every thing, it's true, but every body elso thought every thing in the wrong place. That he might enjoy hia bojks without the fear of interruption, and indulge, at times, in soli tary study and holy nie litation. he had fit ted up a chamber in one end of his house ; a chamber admirably suited to the purposes for which It was designed, being removed from the noisy part of the labyrinthian edi- ! (ice, and approached through long, narrow, I dark and crooked passages. Inthischam 1 ber, for purposes best known to himself, the parson kept some rare curiosities; but it is not our purpose to give u description list or catalogue of these natural and artificial wonder. PiifTu e it 10 say they lent nn air of quai'ntness to the place, and induced the servants and o'.hers who had been there, readily to believe that, its Mrs. Cole asser ted,, the chamber was haunted. The good lady often, ul table and in presence uf her boarders, urged her spouse to it up a study somewhere else, bul the old umu dec-lured that he liked to spend his tunc wheru fa miliar spirits jf iiiio l.t r world seemed fond of helling co".n;ei, tlio igh he tyamestly urged Ins p-ip;l.s to obey his injunctions, and not in vniimv in a pi. ice wh re their superritious f.inetrs might discover the most fri!jht(;:l apparitions. It became a rale of school, in fact that no girl was to visit, on any pretence, the haunted cham ber, and thus, ns purson Cole flattered him self, he could then.' have every thing his own way, and enjoy his studies uninterrupted- The parson had a nephew residing in a distant part of llie country, ihe only son and heir of an eminent citizen of great wealth, and a young man famous for his accomplishments and manly beauty. Of this vouth, whose nnmo was Edward Cole, every r i rl in.schoole hail oflen heard, and the announcement that he was shortly to visit Ins uncle, created quite a stir and excitemen'. "There were many hearts that beat quicker at the intelligence, aud there were some even that began already to feel a new and tender sensation. There was. for spver.il days, an unusual attention paid to thp ndormnpnt of their persons by par son Cole's duughtcrs,aud cvprv arrival cuus e.d a sudden and violent p ilpitnlion. On duy the girls got intelligence that a strangp youug man had arrived, und as may be ex nected. they enrne to dinner dreasnd wiih unusual en re, and with hearts wildly beat- of the disappointment of red and was presented to young man, by the name mg ; uui juugc oi i eMch, as she entered a plain! v dressed of Henry Williams. He was a modest simple-hearted lad, but learned withnl, and won largely on the affections of Parsoo Cole, who strenuously uaged him to s'.udy divinity, and declared thnt, younsr as lie was, he inte: ded to have him appointed tu tor to hia nephew. The youth bore these commendations meekly, nnd as he had conw to Bee I'arson Colo to solicit the lat trr's influence in p;etiinr hitn the situation of principal of the village- academy, he agreed to wait until the parson could see his nephew. In the jnean lime he oiuused himself with book, soeing the young In dies Only at table, at which times he and the parson" discoursed at length on literary, historical, and religious subjects. "What a bore thnt youth is," said Emran Walters One 'night whilo in company with several of he.r,caiupani0mi. . , "He seauw to be a thousand year old," remarked 8nnn Stant'ish, "and in hia -sub-lime rndit.itions entirely abstracted from the woUil. I gel ao aide of Lie evrilaalioe; talk about the tmmortnlity of the sou), the nature' of rftfi; 'iid, fte 'cbicf gbo, and tit audi antiquated stuff I wonder wlicn Ed . 4 i 1849. Zhoe-Som. "And tfitald you thinf it again poJce Mm Walters, "Ellen Saunders is delight ed with him 1" With wliom?" asked Aghes Thorpe, the belle of the school; unot Mr. Cole, I hope for I want to ee him first." "Kdward Cole, indeed," exclaimed Mus Wulterj ; "poor Ellen never apircs so huh. She is a meek creature, and listens tu t Lit musty philosophy of Williatni at it' bis words were the sweetest miuic." . "Yes, and I have observed, ' said Jane Anderson, "that aha ha begun to ti' lie un usiiiil pains with' her tWeea, and liiat the entimcnu of Mr. WUhama have already affect?! her inind.. She will not do what he tliuks a wrong, ind what he praises is her delight. Jjut here oomes the lovelorn lasHie. Ellen, they say you are in lore." The girl spoken to blushed crirnwnftnil exclaimed, "What I I in love V "Yes, you little saint," suul Aiwa Thorpe, and all with his holiness Mr. what's hia name ?" i 4 Jon'ilcnow whatyou're talking about." said Ellen quietly ; "you are all disposed to joke, I see, but Ml forgive you, for you no uouiji iio not intend to wound my feelings." 'lNot for the world, dear Ellen." said Miss Thoroe; ty0u art an angel in heart. and hard indeed would be ours if we cotild wantonly hurt the feelings of our gentle sister. Hut tHI tne, dearest, what is the name of this modern Plafo We have here i never can remember his name ; this sage boy who is to be Erasmus the second V "Do yon mean Mr. Williams ?" asked Ellen meekly. ' " "That's the m m !" cried Agnes ; , "PtKfibun, uhnt n ii'tme To fill the sounding trump of fame." "I tame to call you all to prayers," said Ellen Saunder?, "and they are waiting for ua." A few days after the above conversation, the parson put hts school in a flutter, by In forming h;s pupils that his nephew would be at their approaching examination, and lhat he intended to give him a parly. ('I inform you of this," said Mt. Cole, "that you may wrile to your parents in tiiue; mid be prepared with drese suiltnJ to the occasion. The party will be on the first night of May, and you may have a May Q'tocn; ffyou choose ; whnf say ybil ?'' "Agreed ! agreed !u cried all the girls at once. "And you shall select the Queen," said several of liis pupils to the parson; - ur might not be able to agree." 'I was thinking," replied the parson, "that we had better have no Uuecn; it's an invidious honor, and might cause heart burnings." The young ladies protected tku itJiouid not, t.ich one declaring that she would be suli-died with the choice of tho parson. "1 cannot dibtuiirui.h ainonir iny chil dren, sai I the good ell man; in my eyes, equally fair." vou are all ' uliul then some may be better than olh crs," replied Miss Anderson. "So they may ; but that's for the world, not uie, lo determine," answered the teach. er "Suppose we let your nephew choose,'' said Mrs. Cole. I "Oh, that's the very idea," cxcl.iirr.ed j Miss Agues Thorpe, her eyes park.licg witii conscious superiority ; "Air. cole is the very nntn to choose and us ha is a stringer to us all, he will have no prejudi- cos." I "My nephew wou'.d not like the task,"' siiid M r. Dole ; "he wouU not wiah to v tlmt one of you is more handsome th:tn the rjj " "Yes, bul faUier," iuter,K)aeJ Mi:. Agors. vou know that aonie are hendaotT th-n others, aod sd do we und I'm sure for oiip will hot lo oilended at any choice uur ncpiiuw can make." "Nor I," said Miss Anderson. "Nor I, nor I," put m all ihs uthers. auyuoa Air. HiJuuirut eiioose t" aan the parson. Thegirls tittered, Mr. Wil- 1 linm Mushed, and the parson continued ; "Mr. Williams laa prudent young man, al o,e f exeelbm. judgment, and I'm certatf, would make a good choice, Will none of you speak ? V hat any you, lueeneyed dove of (ih n-Mary f "Do you uiean mei" as tee J Ellen Saun ders, who was from Uleit-Mary. "I do," answered Uie parson: "as you have not yet spoken, I should like to have your views." "Indeed," wtid Ellen, "I'd be ao glad to have a May-day frolic, thai I'll be perfectly salifhf d with any sort of arrangements yerH all may agree upon." "Would youmot hke for Mr Williams to chofuotlieUueen?" aaked Miss Blandish," fnwal cwirageimd soon u appeaiwl. aa with n aly glance at the other girl. f vcry one except Ellen Snnder bad takej" "If the rest of you would," replied El-1 a pcfpfnt.ttf MuntcJ cuamiar,, jcn I rtAsd U kohw it jtu pamgaajgreavw -I3ut tell me, dear," sard -the parson -jod," atked the parson of plenV'jWO who would yon prefer to Choose thfJ Queen" i'H declare I hare but one choice about it," answered Ellen ; "I warjt the others to be satisfied, and alTtobA happy j'aid theti, ahd not until then, MI be satisfied and Bap pjr also." f ... .', Well spoken," said Mrs . Colo ; ,uhbse are excellent sentiments, anil J '. h.ppV el sympathize in tlicin " No doubt all do." said the parson , "but I think I can easily settle' I'.tt fco? t.- tr so tha sniiifacfion of all. v I ' dUl.kfl W Me preference made-; yotrare1 all tand ome enough, iTid agreeabfe1 tn6c0h': ' we are nob of us good at Oilght I. t9 Ibat le&oty, goodn, cr-f'rAtller.:: shall not be. the lsi the imiticf iball It dsteriaed hy ecidVtwi klf'i'wVy'C.al will giv renrl aatwlactibrf;' e-Eiorro morning each one of yoa- ahaU f ' tep lately iuto lh gurdeny a4 . Umg" BM ft present ; and the one wtioM) - preaent' x&ot becOriMta fecial foyatiy, Dli b tie) Clueen." ;'J'" ' - mms.:' "But who in to ditra!ifie flUf aiiudi ' Miaa Tliarpe . '-ci44 lr "All of us,' replied tLe pHow; r do not all agree, ihert the) tbdtci'fthailFl determined m some other war. -Ts)W4 will find violets, tulips, roeetf, pinke, tirveJotbs, and otbef fkrwera in bloom." Iftt auppoflj more thaw no of ttbtiaj the name thing," auggestcd; Oort'tytJs der. " 1 -'''' wMf4' 'liiat you wrll niitllt d btrt Wgt vent it, you must each bring A "MirptinS present. Yoi hate t tidied thede Wtay ny, wid yor) til therfefot attach ' -Irii'ttaj. UngtiagMOthe flowt-w: A:ytotff you maj eaeh trstmlaf fof foftt&Wt" X) the rftorningppom!e'''lfii!ii Thorpe, who was Um first trf Awef inef den,wu9 eomrwhaf startled "MpW''f9ui the gate by the q-iestiotts, "Who kro'tool uttered in a hoarse, unnatural roitaiibotf her hcftd.f She cast her erea VtjpfiiMt i; sitting among the tangled TtnearoVft8, tbe arbor a large green pnrrot. to wtose 'tnfei' rogatory, oftf n rejieafed, she madefi3 feoli and passed on, still a little flurriedWettH and arrange a boqnet worthy of a tfuci).-- o.-. -i.-u . l- .r.i'.'.- t iviias oinutiiaii whs mo rv 10 cuter, in) she too, like MislThrfe;'warfihiiftneab the strange porter at the gate, nOjf did" sba make any reply. Indeed eveWtf thai passed was in ncf XQTn trigtiietie'd i$ sJb strange voice above her some, & ita'ion, not even castirtg tlwir ejreg nptrardj to ee the mysterious questioner !htf'.!jro cifcrmrsly demarlr?el their nattieai1 ' The last to crirr Wr)'' Enen 'Sa'trric dcrs : who are you" T "I'm the Parson I'm th plied the bird, in gt"a gtec at Utfhj? lite interlocutor "ran the rafiOof riarf I'arsoo, fearing Oor flariW"Gotf ' are ycruT who are i j&il f 'wareVow ,,g TVta rtrt'.'na nniM,ci,flt ftkr Aft'i It.nwHWHV.l. Will. ,U)y mnsed At the ensconce 6f rrre lrre4 V'rdL i and nearly forgetting her "errand." wjiflsi ' filled with a sudden dewra for a, frolic '$t iin rtiedia;el oyerhnufed hfl feafbere4 erencc arvf running into' fhlS bbuM,vmr'i inodorately laughing, flimj the'', aoldqia; bird into ve midst 6f the assembj; attheT s.me t'nn askjng it Who it wa. " fIft'tlW Parson I'm the Pawn," mstaritljf ,fcptte4T the pnTrot. to the infirrire atnusctnnt 9(pa whole company the real parson " hitsaelfj though ttomewttrtt corrnrd JoifJ.ii nl Jtiajf-InnjTn- ' ' " ;fX "After what do yrtu brinj fof t!;c Ctbeenf asked parson Cole: ; 4 "Crown of Ixve, Crowa of tjortf e-' plied his feathered holiness : uWh' ar you 1 who are you !" ' '"' ' "',V'' And they had all admired iha hirilot k i) r-! . 1 . 1 . ' i ' tm i wma 1 rt,3U" V-Wl- vujubuij uuncv ui j len, sating, "Hut, my ilfcar, therejcru prrseni tor 111c vtuceiu 4 "Indeed," answered Ellen, "fhad IptaJ ly forgotten it. 1 was amused by yottrj fer' erend rivalherc. Where on earth 4vl It' come from I never saw it before I "f "Did any of you Tasked the parson,-'. 'Tell hip truly, rny beloved ptrpijj 'lava) any of you seen that bird before f come it that h did not excite jour curiost, ty, and that none of you, excerpt EUe,atop. ped to filter ton it?" tflf Father," s.J.f Miss Agnes TorWHt. proud majestic beatrry "father, will you forgive m, and still call me daughter?-. 111 11 :fl n -r r .a T'" m invn.rae. ' comue ! "."? " ejea a1 Ut frama t. wan ' iMiiui luviivil 1 j W ' f90 ll yor orders but God onlj koowa 1 U 1 J,nTe 8Uffered. ff ,f' ' li-iTTifv tanlVl fivtifonf aXVlYt irvts - KT V sm uii'ernDie evri aincr, 1 carj oenru 00 ioa-e-er. and I feel that it ia a relief to met to , contsj my crime qerore tne whole awov. bly I was tempted I could not festraiii my curiosity, and in an evil hour I looked into the haunted chnmbpr As soon al'I. iv nerI ;,0?r'.1 saw h,Jl.b,rd nUia? I linn i rrr fr. lt fi tin.l ft id nuaf ttAnj) aasv a " r , ff.?"ened nie Ua J rur , y S f rundown slain,' and. wv alarm. When- yester lay, I thought toe bird knew ... w . a. me and knew my g'tilt, and I avoided iL--. Will yon forgive me I I lnore I will never again disobey." ' 1 HAnd I know it too," replied the patf?T , Ihe tears si reaming dourt; hia checiAt -tooj; Aguci ia luar2j Jaugtitar, I. will saw to you a a one more txtrgbty takf tflotV holy shiiI to one of your errinj sex, Af sins are forgjven thee, gojaiisln Demore. Tlro were now oihef and similar eoo asjiorw t be Liaje the etonrpl of tK,, uisp-.red ner.raortimid couyamoru :w 1 . . . .... ".. j afraid of wichcsanJ gotouMjOi.taA ot wno, wnen quesnonca at tne gare, iniianv ly looked up, bei'ng fflorrtutloui tKajf(W ful saying- as sho did so, I'm EfferV$4l4- i .... a. n - . . . f in ... -. a ouriuauty l ' '"" fj pcrcr thought tae,'chaaiteVMWtua- ted,'' anawerenl Lllao : "I supposed jm44 - 4ot wish me to intrude Into jt ; knd though aSy curiosity was great, I fCktialaeJI it, bo 4' din"' th.it before I left achoel tow mU kA roc iheurWuiwif wb(t& t had hearl : so nnn v strange reporU." ward Cole ia coming?" "And so vou shall : vou shall look