W i lO j atvi&Uur&i;, i advance by 3 per annum. pWjtjly In n nn.1 I I, U U M A a cJU U kmfi aV,fI rut: fifl5 KDITVaNDPROPlURTORc adX Sff lo wHo'.di ) HisifeH i afe-'ot : .,, BENJAiUX. I HOTOE, . i niuiU a'-M ' ASSOCIATE EDITOR!' tnt" 1113 r l I 'iM'iK'Wi'j tea t. trv l Wif. t'f TlV,V ATE9 Of ADVERTISING. ,tn ' "WT n tn Val ha .loal i.J''i -ilia an AavcriwemoniTf c a iwiv-e -imnj ih - AH tadwttiMimmts r pntblv the time ' of their fosertterWCV satfl" i Contracts tfTfrtyearly advertisers, will.ee made oa tUe raotlibewU V;(;m.; r- .: nil tri-weekly Commu aj-?ieiAi4to JpB, CARD, r JTA Kui; Pdl I N TIN G The privllego of Annual Adveftlsirs Isstriettjr Hm I tax) lo thelinown Immediate bnslnws and all sdver - liMmsnuXor fhe bqfit of othut pofaons, as wellss all advertisements not jniiuudiatclr connected wi(h their bwntuiinfcss, and all excels of ndvrtiserncnN, In lengtn or otherwise, beyond the limits ensfnjjed, wUl be chargeJat the uStiaJ rates. t" 1 " 1 H - 1 'i- -'--JU".I ---'J .-. - AGENTS FOR T1TE COMMERCIAL "NVjW YORK: Messrs. Brown ifc BbRshrt.' BOSTON: FbdbbicX Kinden, E-tft." uU B. I. UQWZ'E, ATTORN E Y. A T L A Wr. AVILMLNGTON, No. Ca. Will practice in nil the Courts or Wayne, Dtiplln tad New Hanover Counted. VILLIAM T. klxw, ATTORNEY AT LAW, BALEIGII, N. G. - ,3pt.Hth1848. Vti-w.ui. CARROLL & FEN. NELL. Grac'r; &C33i.a'H4i'):i Mer:!nats, ; (WILMINGl'ON, N 0:: i . 114(1 ALW AYS ON IIASD A 0ESK8AL AMOnTMESt OF ASO WILL fAT 4'AHTIi;Ul,Aa Attv.Ui) ! t) l'v- j lb al' -ill ki:i li jf IVjhce a. . cmmi. c. fbsill. Julf 13, IHid. FREDERICK CLARK. (HtfrAorutca ai dcalc in am Kitna or CABINET FURNITURE cum, BswrEiDs, wsinxs skshs, iiyt TiissKs, rmi'j;s,ic ' FitO.VT S rilP. F.T. Nl'. K M IUF.T, WILMINGTON'. N. C. Aprilllth, HH. 11-1 r- ' J DER0SSE F & ' BRO'ifSr WIT.M I vo ro V, X. c. BH9W N iS. DER'J.'-iSETa M . V YORK. o n v:c 7t', c u if v 'f v if -icir.i vrs March 17, HH. l y- J. k W. L. McGARY, fORWHDin A.vn cum mm. MERCHANTS, Wl.Ml J l'ON', N C. Uch 17.HI3. 1-v. GEORGE S. GILLESPIE. AOK.HT FOft Till WALK OP TIMDRR LUMUtill, NAVAL SVOHIiS, '11 mkelibcralcash :tdvjnera on .ilLonsirvmenl of produce. March 17. ' GEORGE AY. DAVIS. COMMISSION MERCHANT, WILMINGTON, N. r. MirchlT. 1818. I J. C. LATTA. COM MISSION ME Ii OH A N T. AND GENERAL AGENT, WILMINGTON, N C. Oel.10,1919. R7 CASSIDEY, SCIIRADER & CO,, ENGINE i: US A.D NEC If AX ST WILMINGTON, X. C. Trie, aiovi riaM UAvt essltsp an extsnsivi IRON AND BRASS FOUNDRY, . TOGE Til tit WITU. . Mtthlie and Blacksmith Shops, WUara prdtir fr every description f work In t heir lias Of btniness, wilb, etpedltlously nd ',' " faithfully executed. , I Julf25.T349. 53d. j -r -LfFfi-lfiHVE IN THE NATlWJiXUIJpAN FUND 80--' CIETY, OF LONDON: Hi' j FIRE INSURANCE IN THE MTSk lUa'AiVCK COM PANY, OF HARTFORD, Co.t., oa, ii Till HOWARD INSURANCR COMPANY. OF. NEW. YORK, ' . . Miy b clftctrJ bfafpOaaiou to . vl.;.r,ilirMW-Ti&1 ELLIS &t MITCHELLS or a IN store, Mnrffry$ Building near j n s f ova. . SKED Whaal and Rv a, North CaroUna Cottt; Cum Psaar Frwh OrouiMt Maal soAISMMnvt Wfttfa Kmy Heatist NawConr Meal 44 Hack- wtMMs4RyMaal ailackntytd Praaf (tela) Vuy- tiariaW akdUaUl Flour, bafrcls and half bbla.. o w cra) Hayi Cow and Horses feed constSnfly-t on erjd, arl for sal. iVD1j.;3N0; : 144; '.u.i.ltMlNGTONr KM i; 17TT D. UIK'I.I WILMINGTON, W. c. Fcr. 8; I, in,' n ioux hall; k SHIl AGENT ' k ..-AND. :,.,.. ...!-,: COMMISSION MERCOTL ,,.. gNo.30-ORAVIKU STRBKT.,r" ' ,jkQW (meant.,. J4 W( -April 13, 1849. F. J. LOUD & CO. , , Rice FactoiH k Coanihsion Agents. Nov. -2, 1817. lOI)-);. ( ' M'liELLElt & M'RAE, Ll'MlfER AND TIM BUR AliEJITS, GENERAL CilMMISSinN MKIU HANTS, and WERS, Store formerly nccvjnul by Hall i AujtSTBONO, .NORTH WATIUt MTRKF.T. WILMINGTON. PC. O. HEI'Tpn M'KELLA R. Nov.' 11, Al EX. M RAR. 102 L. MALLETT, ' AGENT rOlt I'll n SALE OF Timbcc, Lumber, Naval Mores, &c, Null' Jhiihliit'i. Xurlh Hater titnet, WILMINGTON. N. C. Novf9;i3l- 101 1 -BARRY, BRYANT &. CO., CQMMI.SSION MI'RCIIANTS, WILMINGTOM. N. Cr i Slr.reh 17, 1819. lf : WILLIAM NEFF, j ( ImU o the firm of N'lkf &- Wahner.) , V.!'t.KHALi: AXD ltKTAIL lir.AI.F.Il IN . 1 SHIP CHANDLERY, SHIP STORES AND GROCERIES, CDRNF.R OF UOi:K it WATF.R STRF.tTS. Wilmington, n. c. Dec 7th. IIP. 113 ,f- N. B. 111GIIES, ! AUCTIGNEKU asp I i COMMISSION MERCH A A 7 j ! RALI'fGir, X. C S ili -iu eoniiirmiciiH, in'l will nltend to nil bii-i-' nes entrusted "to hitn. ind ple1irps-lli1rm-irilititr.il i!.ij.:)iiteiit and li.isin.-sa ah, ill b.: oliirtly dui.e in eontiM iiiitv lo the Wistir.i irf lilSniliplol. f --W.lffttMWH ' , T. L'W(,,i 'M 'w ihni'iL'ion. : r. 'w. fiihtkuii Kh., v..)'.-tt-viiie. '?6. 19-i-i. ,i,J y- JoTrN'u. LOV iT, ' IU'. At, Kit IN I CABINET FURNITURE, I UtilSI'US, CITURK. MUmSSbK. ic , i ItUUK HFRUNG, I WiLMlNGfbN. N. C. SCOTT, KEEN & CO. MERCHANT TAILORS, aNi netr.iirf in S U P K K I O R MAUlxLT .STREET., W 1 L, M l N G.T U N ,.N ., C . oci.ai, a. !-y- CORNmUS MYERS, .1 .1 N if FA V TV R ER, AM) OLAl.lUt I.N HATS, I'AT UMBRELLAS AND WALKING CANLSl Ac. WILII.UTO, N. ('., JIaiKe't-Jt. O.-t. i; 1-4-1. ' Id -if. w. i sjiitii, ; ate or in i: ii it. m or S mi vi i ii ii A Smith.) , AUCTION K Ell AND (I i COMMISSION MERCHANT, i . . Wi L.MING TON. N. C. Pt..r on North Wan r Sir-M-t, I'.irxli t's Idorlt. Oci. lll-l. 1'0-yc . ' ' "' JT. S WILLIAMS, Fancy (& j'lc IJr store m dr)ikw)? u'jj s.i v a s'liiin. . AKhlKT STKW-.T, W1LM iNG.T ON N . C. Oct. 11, IK). ' JAS, T. MORRIS, Limber and Timber InspecUr, ' WILMINOTON, N C. Oct. 12,1flt8.- P9 6m ' m-T. MORRIS, Jsrnl hi "Hic'TlIe of rorrhhf of NEGROES, ..tWlCSGTOX, N. C. OaJ. U IH3. , . FK.in W? BRANSON, Ai i E NT VOW THE HALE OF ,1lflBEt UTIdEBKITVL XTOltES, ic I tUlyUmUUg,orlk HaUt &rvt. WI r.UllNJriTnv rv- n ' WILMINGTON, 5. C. ' hrtf and 8er Timber Prn whfI will put all Tlmlm hftwUhnv .ileat as Small ooarga ai it made y ny oibj WU. in thlanlie. ... -c ice - . t'i c. HENRY l RUSSELL, ' AGENT FOR THE CAPE FEAR ' 'STEAM SAW MILL, WILMINGTON, N. C. ' ' " ' 8trlct attention j;ltn to the fnithfiil earmtJon of all : . i ardera for Lumber. 1 Jan. 1, 1849. , , ,124-lyo GEO. IIAKHISS, General ! Commission Merchant, ; WILMINGTON, N. C. k- . v : , ' "... 1 STRICT ottenllun given to ptovuring VreihH ' and Wchuf i(ig Carjoea fur veesla. , , Rkff.r to' F.. 1. Hall, Kq., "J O. G. Paraloy, Ksq., j J. A. Tuylor, Kwj , Wilmington. J . V. Kell iiuy, Ksu., I Mcsiro. HnlhrdA 1( untinpfon,-J i Mriara. Tookcr, Stnyth tt Co., ) New York. 1 liumnsjn & Hunter, 'Alux'r Uernin, Jr., I'liila Iclph'u H. V. Bilker, Ksq , Ch "8l0D' S" ' Jan. 2, lSl'J. U3-tf. J. It. BLOSSOM, FORWAHDIM AND CmniSXlON .11EHCII.1NT. VULMINGTON, N. C. Liberal Cah ;idv;iuci s niadeon ronaipnment3 lo Mr. Uenjamin Blossom INew York. 8 ALSO. AGENT FOB THE JH II AL BENEFIT LIFE INSI - , mt cmipinv. Capital I table fur Lossm, about $7UU (;lt. Dec. 19; 1313. II'j tiin c. REXJAMIN BLOSSOM. COMMISSION MERCHANT, NF.W YOltK. i Libortil advanci made upon Conignnicntsjf nl kinds ol produce. I References. Menars. J.1D. McRar, 1 G. W. Davir, Kwi Wilmington. J. R Blosbom Kq. ) Dec. 19, 1948 ' 1I MARTIN & CR0NLY. A Ut'TJOM'KJjJiS, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, GENERAL" AGENTS. Wilmington, N. C. Oct. 3 1S18. 5-tf. Dr. B. MlftSEY, HOMCEOVA T1IIC I'll l'VCJ .V, AICD DliNTlST, MARKET St, 0 Doom above Front St. (. Dec. U, ISlri. ll-Omo. J JOH N T. RUSS, J LNSi'F.ClOii. OF (TIMBER AND LUMBER. j WILMINGTON, N. G. Oct. 11 oi-i. 90. i F. J. LORD k CO., ! . Apentslor the I N tuTILLid U fl'U XL. LIVE INSliRANO . Accumulated Capital, 130,1)1)11.' J ALSO i'OU..TU: j EWLR fIKE 1; IIE.lLTH 1NSI7CANCK CO. I ' Capita!, $100,000. i i Will liike risks unlivis uf Sl;.vei. Office 23 North Water Street. ' Oct. 21, 1649. I " " WM. St. llAURI. etUKNE B. DIAIjt ; H.IRRISS k DRAKE. i General CaaoiissiJn iHerclianlx, i TMLMINOTON, N. C. REPrsscts: I O. G. i'srsdev F.f, I Ckil. JUn Melt e. Wilniinton, N. C. . U Mrs. Uall d vw Hunlliyton. ) Will Peck. Ksq . RiiMah. N. C I Mesrs ffnll, Mncltett Co , f v, . ,, . v , lnM-.l-.l,-., i l ayelteille, N. C. I uoir " f-"t t iles.-r.- Janus Comer & Sung, li.iliauore. " F. A. Souder A Co , Philadelphia. ' ' Thmnpwin .4 Htintt'r, ; v ... " PilLshnry .4 S indford. " Hjniingi Tufis, Ho-nm. '" J . itfl.P. Titeomh, Kennebunk, Me. ' September 14th. ISW. 77 if. COTTON ii. Us, u.'.C.Yicss vii ' d niiinht r. for J. C. LATTA. y i ii. J1"' A Fine Set of Teeth for 25 Cents. "Wtjtte Terrtr, Kncl Btrattt, Hrfttiy flnmsv Vcttow 4jt jialtttiitilly llW, nil li r htifn, once or twice cleaned with' JONES' AMBER TOOTH PASTE, have i ho .ippi-nrnneeof tlm most be.mtiful I v 01 jk an, I at the sainctiim- il u Stf'jpetleclly in no, mi nnd ci'jUi sltflyfine, thaiiu eouKitt daily use inhi-hly sdmnln ireotia. even to those leeth that arc in kdu.1 ondinon, UIVI14 ihcjii u itt unlilul poliiih, nad praliui n yw Hint ore decay. Those nlreuly drcayiil, it r.-Nrim from becoming worse it i4 fusli ns iirl, ire l coinirtf hiow. and by pen trmv It will render the foitlr! trth d-lieinty white, and mike 'helri.nh delciouslv sw.-et. PRICL 25011 JuCENT.S A fiOX. Sold In Wtlmtn-ion. ly Lipping WillVins. I-LATHERS OMOrT-D3prln llvece.a.! Feth-".farsal- SMITH. m 6 JUST HLCLiVED lAROK assortment of finp snd f hf best made 1m. h rock and l)res corns. wirranird lo fft. for' sale at Dee. 12. SCOTT, KEEN &. Co. 115. T DIKS MERINO, apJ Silk Ye'" -" "klr 1J 1 " WILLIAMS N'.,r r-i :t MORNING,; FKflUUARYf20, GOUDEband MaMelliea SVIrta for !( ty ' J. S.Wff.LIAMS. Feb. 0. - W. I i 1 A 17-4 Soprior Mawlltea Qttllm frm)fby 11 J. . WILLIAMS. ,Vtb. G. . , J3. I0LAS8ESMAtKEREL AM) COFEE, Ol HhJs. .S'Vinam Molnaaes, auporlur qiKillty 4&vylit'!ivy bo'lied and lighti colored -;0 bbl. l. 1 j Ma.ckPi.il mid '20 hnlfdo No. 2-fi5 hicn St. Uoniln- j go Cwtf,, per brlf Nir, and foraale bv i ,,k HAKKY, UKVANT & CO. ,Jn. 16. m. N. C. LARP. TUSTrwlvfd bv Rail Rend. J 10 b'iU. New L ird; 10 K.iaa do. do. For aale by HOWARD A PF.DF.N. Jau 6. 125. FOR SALE. THE Subscriber offers for sali; hiadwtlins luiisc nituatcdon Front street, neatly oppoaite Oof. Dudley's dwelling housr. ALSO.hls Rice plantation and Grist Mill with ain illboUy of uplund on which there in cut about 7000 Turpentine boxes. The ui'uve, tiropeny will lie sol 1 on accuinmod.itinjr tcrmi nnd (li livered Imme diately. WM H. DUDIJ'.V. Dec. Hi. 117-11. LUTTUli k LAUD. I ( Kii kina prime Moiuil iin 'tint 1 J 10 new .S'. L Lard. r f ti y J. & W l. M.n.mv. Jan G. COUF18II. 3 r t ...I T. .1. T .,f r.A, . I trt I If..- - ' i... Just rere!V,-, VlUlllliUS VUUI19II. JUI' i l ivi 1 UIKi !'r -li" IV 1 CARROLL & FF.WKI.I ' J;m C 1". AlUr I.'U C. L'll'O iiii.oi f.vo. TUST received ppr Jons Smith, Whbls prime np - J pics, (j'Druina Smyrna Fn;. r'urHakiot I . J. WILKl.NiU.N'S Jan 6. BACON & LARD! onnALB- I'.ac.m Hums; . roO) sid.-. - VtliWs. N-w Leaf Lard.; 25 kegs For snle low by HOWARD cl PKI. F.N. Jan 18. " 1 . ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. 1 rr,:1? rlV.t B. r JLI IK MiWrih 1 nintatraiioii. uwui nil nnd sliwrulur the (omjt and Chatlle. ril.taj uid wliia. ilmi are f ihe Ii. tute o', Mic!i;ici K n-,o.ii, (I.-. chh. d, nt I ).-t . n i tj.-r ' nlretvlv taxed hy law ; and prorufal farther, ' tnUtlcd an .vet lo increase the Rov ' term1?4.of.Vw Hnnorrr Comity - fftiirt h. -reh, i ,hftl t M-nutt whone ttiterest, dwirt-nn. or ' of the State' pas ltd in 1H48-U9 gives notice I ,. alljr8 havlnb ehdini" natnat hn , ' ,, , ... e , U,L p-isiu. n ico J, i iuiesuie, i. l.u- ui iIm same wiiuiiMheiiiuu ixvtKti- I10"1 b,lil11 ""l ,'xr,'e'' Hi" H'ltn of fixty , iUl tnf; amoiiul w.m u yotu h ivo noV hd- i bed by L,-ov, or iliis notice will be pleaded In bar of i recovery. ' All persona ina. Msa to snid inlf too", aro rfities- ld to conn: I ward-ami srllU-. JUILN (J Uytl'M.LN. Adair. U i-g Hi-Jin w. 'Wilmington, IV CANDIDATE FOR CONSTABLE. Ftllirit Cilh'-n of Kit Wimlnfr1nn"fhn1i ut. Ilavinr rc-e'v-d ninnr Very siro'eu Rnfteftnlliin?, ta I bfecoine a oiirulKliitrt nil tli oflW m HirinnNrnl ; your disnii I. mul li Ii l ii iievins it to -le jaadm oi n A'. ; gteal in my inon pear befon you In 1 h notice as n cnndldnle lor your -Mrtimnn: Mh"iiid I (hewieersf(, I ritndlitstf, fl 1 1 provided, shall have an amount ctpial to ! th-' SMhjOf ts and ftrtiel subject 'to' .lan es i pruinioe you is a fa 1 1 hi ul dircliur of ihe denies ' Um sum of Ujtereal which he, she, oi.lh.oy tion ' " " ' I iiir hy lUc uw. WESLEY HOHGE !2?7tT1i Jun.llth 1?40. HARD BRICK AND MOUNTAIN HAY ! 1JKCKI VK.n pr Hrlp KowtT fm Mdln.' 11 5'l i i.'itUllid Uurnt Uritk,.. I.'.i II '1 It ,1, C.l ,r, M. Hint. in 1 1 . . ... ' tfl. lor white pin- h.nels For .ile by V.. DICKINSON, Act. Jan. Iii. I2j. NOTICE. IpRflM ihe pri-sent dite. no eh.ire will - in.,.!- f..r Ksf" ohstniellne; the )x-lk sr.1 V huf AdjoininL my L'isnllt ry oi, niHl ihey wilUa nu cane be ulluwetl to do so. lint when It-It omrc will be lurutd aUiili witlio it ilihi iiniinaiioii. I Wll.f. O JKSMrilPVKi DtcW. IrMiJ. . M-tt. HrT:HKIS'S VKRTIO.tl, WATER WHEEL. yi f DiUiNSON Aeent lor tlie abuvt' Vt h. In V . i'i! phi-u. lie will take plu.-u.uri-in chuwiO).' the C i!"'ioi:s tosny person wtio iiuv desire lo s. thm 'I'll. -re will Itr f mnd nt tils ofri -ej suppfy ..i WfoixK 'Jranka ur tuleoua,al all lime , aiih- ICU(n, III I!L IU if. FOR SALE. 2O0()K;ii,M? 10(1 tTt Brnofrd HefYin" ; ")0 tinrrelt Ktrettevillo Kiout ll'D ilaUlleS, if) hot- s Mould Cnndlrs j .'i h.irr-N Winier lib .1. li i! Oil; Fur an Iu low 10 cluae cruuKnitients, by II Wt!UM i OUAkL' ALSO. Pa.ly exj'ccud. 1'JO b.tli . ptime E.ittcrn liny. II A P. Jan. 2. IW3 - - MfU'ORS' 4r HARRELS Appl Itnr,fy; tJ 23 do. Cl.krr HnindTt Hrandyt for aula law to ciiae eoa-ij jUt 0 1 , Al'Lily Uj GEO. II A R It IS. 17 Nurri Water strut. I21f. Jati.2.134X HAY! 11AV'! p. ( PALES,! superior article, landing from Sohr. ftVJ Ljmiiftinr, Win P.ith. Apply 'v ' OEO IWURLSS, 17 N'onh Vaicr s'ol. JarT. 2 1915. 1?3 tf. pRADLEniTCiJbl)bbW.S:.reM r)f; j;, irr.r rrrrtrrTrrr 1819. VVlwle No. 450 (-Vwn the Hultigli itijidtrd. THE REV EEV LAW. We pnUtsh to-thtjrs A "lnttepr of inter eat to all onr farlpr, th K'-vwiuc I ,iw of iho Inst srssion. It will ;w wen ihftt a number of now 8tihjef? k fnxntion have, been single.! out, tho n - ul: of which will necessarily be to re! c vo u j'jmo coutn U-r-ftble extent the Ian lj ttiifl the poll, which have borue lenrlj" .'II the burdens of goi--erttmeiH ft u Up uari I-! period to lh ; present tintc Hcrcnft , when the time j arrives for ptr.i this law in force, we ! ahull publish il again, with ttucli cotn i ments tin to the mpun" ; of its vnnoti.H pro visions us may suggest, tlioiruclvcs to our muni AN ACT lo i'lenaso 1 1 1 J'"vchue of the Slate WiiEiiLAH. thora are many w' aithy cm zeiH of tins State, who derive vi . v consul crab! c revenues from moneys which pro-, unco inieiesti. (liviili.Mii ami nrotitu : ntn who ilo t'.oi contribute a due proportion to the public, exiicncies of the same ' I. U niudrd In tlir Wiwral Awmbltj of flu S'otr of Mmti Cnrnlion, and tt i litnl.,ij m,vlil b y tltc nullundtj if Ike tai.v., That hei'Mltr-r there shall o levied the sum of tlirre l nu u uv.i i;ny 1 1 uu m . ur.trcal, .safnly segued or actunllv due or I ,alf to the use of t'ae .Sheriff coLlectm ihe received, upon nil stuns of money at inter- J same " f a, whether in thia State, or ou't of it at j y, jf, , f.,;hn- TI.M catTr'ahrJ-eW any tune Juriux ihe year next preceding I ry person shall nni.-i.'Uv render to tne'Jiisi Ihe tune when the owner thrn.of Khali Uco, ftninmted to take the of tasanfe . itiv1 iuh: .-. !.. r, or tier tax-l...! In- U lurthrr enatUd. That l.crcafltr -d tiwre sriiMi tie levied '.he sum of tl i- . .. .. jcciils uiion every dollar ol pnmi or divi - 1 den salely secured, and actually dun or iim-Lnco, uj-o.i uu suuij oi inoii-j e. ,l i w i . . . i . l iu iraihng steam vi ... i in hin v's, or Tiiiui vj-s, or vesied iii sailing or (excepang the prohu of are under iht; hard a of sucii . ' ..s as are tweiily ton.),or'aiy gtiiT BjTPCjesal lad or veMeu in slock ol any kind, or in sh; btiari'.s ; of nn ii ,,it,oi,Hjiiiit1i ui u iuiii" ctjiir.ian y. I wheilier m this .State or out of it at any time dtiruie the year immediately preced ling ii. e tune wlnn Hie owner or ownerx Mlifreof 'nhi.ll Lr:ve m his. her, or their tax i i . j .i ... . i i I list. yirri'tfti mat 11113 ftCl fintMl tint au- 1 ,honzP ' 'f"? ny toek or -hares in ' Rn o "" !"''"rporetod Lanks of thu State, dollar, shall he'sunject to the tnx impoft.-ij i. .... hy tht! Pfattie .1 fir it pirth'r rnaddl. -', Tim', ko much 'of id.i of nny merchant r commn-iion rner- the cnpihal stock in tra; or jeweh-r. wh dc or rriant. as in not tnxed by the 11th section i.ftl.u' fO.I cli.-.pter of the Revised Stat - u'es. 'shall be cv-mpt fr-.m the provisions ot this act. . (jc it jut'iernfi'-tiU, lu it eacii aru every person whoic inlercal, divi h'-nd, u t ivation, a.s hrrtiof.iw ; own or pay, or secure to be paid upon hw. j licr, or ilrcir own debt or dubts, cxr tapt from ! Inc. provision ol-liiin act. j 4 Lie ti .fnrib r ruotluL, That tLe taxes by thw act iiitiQbed, idiaJl hi rturued.ou 0.1 Ui luo-J wtiotii oi Um several co:tlies in Hid State. appouiMd 10 uko n )i of taxable and taxable property in. llir ru - .III, u ...i. spoct i ve ivOunt is; urKi sunn do conec toil ov everai ouiitM in tins State, nt the same lime and n tlie sa-i e manner in which thre-y now ' dfct other Stntf tnxc. ami shall hy i -'f b paid tTito tli Treasnrv of th -'''' r! the s,mi" 1 tttnf a nd under the f.ar,.- pr-nr-!( which are now jirescriher1 'u- law for tiie collec lion and pnymei.' , ' ottier .'i'" taxes j VtorvlrA further, ll.:! net sh ,! not extend . L. the interest fir !i:.l ! accruing to i any literary instiluM" i i h u firth-. '-. 'I i.'l :'eal':..i , there shall he impo..-d and h-va-d in. U.iliy the following taxi-s, to wit On ail ;eoii 1 dentists, all pracii'-.n ph) s.c.ai.i, a.. ,mc- tiling lawyers, ami on an outer p sons i w -vtche And the I. ler or trio tercral (except MuiL-tcri of tii: (.ioipcl of c.i-ry j Cm.iy Co ir; sh tl! r'-ord, ndvertrae. nntf denouuuia.ion, Govci..or of .i.e .y.ate JuJ-j , r-ti.;.i :iie j. ui' to the- Cotoptroller's-Oilice of th: a,.a-ui and Snoeiiwr l.'ouri:,.) . ir, the same rrnnner,arrT.in ca'ae'of fs'ilojo wli'ise piai tice, salarii-.t, or' fe o, or all , inde.r 'Lc s.uoe jwi'ialues, Iiorfi.-:ruro,'arigi toi.'eil.-r. .dt.ul ail an annual mcoaic of j liabilities in are now KrcjCiibed by law ia not leas than live hundred dollui. the sum , relation lo all other taxable. mrM'i ot three doilars. 1'ociirJ hotcrur, thai J. Jj u fK.i hertutuir ; That all the per 1 everv phyni' nn. iud l.wyer, nud suryeou j s0;n and ninv hemtt inefitloned nnd' dentists shall lHU-Xfirit fiom the provisions , taxed. !i i!! not be 'ihj'Ct and liu'd : tj bo ...'.I,, I....- t',rtli. fir .1 0 1 veir4 i.f l.lrf tt. vA.l 1.,.i;,a .t-r.frl . 1 f it f .-,.. ru lit III. 1.1. .M ,. ,t, .-. ..u u practice. 7 11- it t'urlk-r tiu.rlnl. That hereafter ! there Iiall Oe nntwfil nod lvifd tiimnnHv a tnxn'n tbp following wriih to v.: o:t nil ijold ami ilvtM- pi tt in iip b; 1 . I...... tpfOTvo m or do); r. a, id owner- it.eri vi. .r vninititv ! ,10i pxccee.ltn five hundred d'diar-- t!i" 1 sitfa or two iioiitir' mo on mi Tm .-.no I silver plrt t X' rHov in vabie fii- hn.red IdolHr. four dollars: Chi all pleasure car- . . .. .11 I rinres in tiso hvthe owner rrowrv rs there of with frxir wheels, exceed:::? i value 1 two hundred dollar, tho Mtm of one doll-tr I on rv i I cr'dd watche. in use by the ownct5 'thereof4, twenty-five Cents; on nil silver j watcher, in u-te by tlie owner or ownen , (Hereof ten cents: bn ai!' hVrp. in tiae' by ; .e owner or oAtiPrs incicoi. tne sum or 0ll pTa.... 'fofU. , j oa of or.c do,. a.-, except in . in tuc'. '. eininanc learning ; on all retail of spirituous Tjaotif tea dollar, instead of four dollars, M rfoy taxed by Uiw; on fell public billiard tables , two bund red doliaM, irwteart of five fiun- ; died dollar, nn now Utxtnt bjr la; -' oirill bowing, alleys,; whether 'calW ;njntpui or len-pin' allRys. or1 by any otheiimune, twenty-five dolla-rfr opfm 'ever paclct of f pitiyng card, ten eents and every mt charily shopkeeper, and public t dealer in goodi;, wares and merchandize shall stntf tn onth how many pocks he' hae eoW within the last yenr. Prmided,, that tail ennctriwiit ehnll not be in force ' before Wi firm ol April, irr the yeor 1850.; 'nffd 6 Ai d U it furikrt tnae(t, ThM every? person who hali bnng any horsce, rrrilee; or hoir info this Slate from any Mho Slate, by the drove, and shnll dieposf-ttf tlie same or any part thfreof in any CWI ty in tins St " nU,i ii jmy the' Hbrtaf-dT every such (Jovmty the mim of flvo lo)(4r3; which :x shall lo accounted (or by th Shi ntV in hke inanner as other public taJtesi And ntioti paying stwli tnx, and ' obtftiiiina ;t receipt therefor, and a license to sell ; urh 'lrnves or prTt thereof, sneh person shall be authorize 1 to und retaii silch horses. i.iuh-H. or hogj thrtt inv belong td :!ieT f.r-"-r:t. drovf. a r; 1 no oirhrrs, for tll term of one year: and that each and every per ion who n'n;.li sei! -ir! drove of hofJC?, inuh.-rt. or hotjs. or r.ny part thereof. out having pr-viti-.ly paid the lax thergQn .ludwrhout U.iViu obtanii'd it licence SO i,, ,0) or who shall icfuie tr ric.locMiperr ih request of the Shntf or hi )arfui i!pu!y, or nny J of thfl Pe'Afe'e; W show sucli license shall j.ay o taxofflhe' hundred dollar, to h' collected by T?je Sfir-r.fr" i f the County where such failnro take, pl.ice, by distress nml sale of ;lhe . ..I.. ..c .. .l. i.. i . ... t. i . ituviijf uimih ii oruinjuriii, iu vf: applied, oilf-Ii 1 1 1 to 1 1 10 USO O IlieiTiate. BOt fiFlfC u: J ux.tblc pvytni'y, e.s a part of, and. m ' addaii lo. in-, tajt-dil.!. and I mb! T.conM Vi " iciihcr m Iim own lii'ht.cr ilie fiffhtkif hhr ' other ivrson or mWii wbrttnoevcr feirbr . p ; urtrdian. a.itorner. nrr.f of trnteis - in m,y other imntitr wh.ir.toerc'r, if "XifSU J to pay under thi-i act j and it shall be ;,tlifj ! ,ru)y 0f iKitl Justice to .administer ' tiV'jwS losviiig oain lo ausucii jK .'soii or pcrsoiu . t, jiihv lw liniile! to nav 1 in rvrnp-r anil . ia lit tlieir nrnirrlv fir l;r(ati,):i. om-it r. , , , , A H. do .'!: rl v it-cr (or nfnrm us the : r. ff)XV ..) th ,f diher iit VOtrfoVri 'h rgh. i,t the ri-rht of nny other Trr3)n'''trV , per.-iOtu what.-'oover, either rt4 goJj . inriki'V n.r,.i.t r.rlrii-lee Or m.'.nnv. nthr . lliaI,t,.-r wh.usocver, are not UaLle faw9 . ,,,x,.s ., !, r a:i act of the Gencfel .Astta j (,1 - and that in all other respects the 'dial II.. 1.1 ...i : . bv von now tlehvereij. contnini a tuel 'and true account of all ihe property whicli ' by , ni.v yrei are bound to li.rt for tlTtdrjf'' W ihu b'et of vour knowledge ar?d belief, s3 iirar vot-p. dnu ' '.; j 10. Is. i fu.1tv cxzTiiat it shloe I the duty of every Justice of tbo i'Ae'e who n'ofiU lake a. ltBi (lf tiio Utabld prdpflr- I iy m the :tat'. before, adrmnistcnnj ihe j oith nforesui I, to cull over to each pet&ri riVin?r in hu list of taxable woriert' oH 11 Bt'U fi,l!:f c.m.U-L ThAt each! anj every jier.1011 li.ilrle to pay taxes, by aaj ui Jer 1 ho provisions of ibis act, who sheds fad to list the uuiue, or refuse lo take th 01th herein urtdcribed and required, shall, in aildniou to the payment of a double tftx, ! iorlit and pay into iu I'nbl.i TreosnreV 1 Vne mm of one hmidr ; ihdlars tbreeh . .. ., -. . year fatlnr.- or rfm! nlcr'-sail : ami it Mull be the do'v of the several Hlienflra- fin q-ii.l t.i leVi' roller-; ri'i.I n i-erttir.t tir 1 " " -1 : . , j rf ihe .-.line ;ui in c.i ics of douhle Lux, ualea the County Court til. ill v.r.hin nine nioolha tii rcalic;-, on satufactory causo diown to r,.-n, by .s'ich delinquent, order auchforfcl tare t ; bo released and remitted. ' 2 Itritfurthcrrna itf) That ilshnllbelh ilnty of the JMtice-.i p;vrud tn fake th list of taxable property, to list thfl'.'taxei f, rein r-Tpiired lo he h.-;;d i i seper.ite cblV iuiii.-. he uir. I a i fjl'. )-.' -, t-i-wit . Tax, tM'est. d:vid"i,J. and ; r;il ; plvicun3jl4iii yt-rj, lalara-si and 1-to : yjld ami silver pi .i'.t ; picas-ire carr:n?cs; ?ol I and Sliver ...... 'I ... .... ...... V VtU II V , 1 1 : .... 1 1 ; 1 firlfcrtntdtd, Th;i;j lawSahO; cl I'.i.-e.i of lawd cQinhlg in c :..'h 'l willijt&Q1 tr .e in.cnt and mrauint; - i . o .icfJbJ aiij,, tho nw nre hereby reix- J'-1. , --, a Ln i hat it shnU bte the? ii uv ef th I' lb I rea-tn'er tobawJ j prpin d eirl'l prit.'e I n: ! rt jhefts fcfpia p"r. B'nttnl' rubles suh;' this'PjCt or "ai UlCUUonod elculuun.i, 1 for '':" :,irnon, wirTi'all fhr 1 . ::,o.i, whether uner i.- r !.iw now ' vV.otf., .1 o tr the keajj of parljrT .cU thu amount or rU4QUv tf of each article to hi listed u U biNl dewu ; nod that the Treasurer shall fun nih to each Couniv lwtt Clerk' in-thitoe Slav, u i copied (if ihe ertiivr'fdr eiieh iff p-l! C tv -.in dH'itrt ir I t::tf rtlMtrTir tt-. .r I'.Y''1 1'ubliC lreas4- acii.iv. Lie 0: 'A

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