MOZART HALIi. 'a ' 1 .- 'l ' ! , WOOQ::aiMlfdiraWi . ' h . r- k r . i iMilTvrii'rtr OONCKRTthis Evening, Tuesday, (he 20th.; at the atowHalli aeelated by the eminent Vocalist. B1AD, LOVARNY, For ptrticuliu see a mall Bltte. Admission 50 cents, Children half price. Ticket to be had at the Door. 1 Doors open at 7, commence at i to 8. Fob. 20. I-U 'jTtt Saturday Moving rext, at 1 1 o'clock, ws will ' V lre, al Exchange Corner, until 1st January next , v , AKBCBOVrOHAJf. . , . i U I IllrtW i (l't V lul'ri rij va srana iuvjau wnu mo m o... . nu Kcb.2Q. , M-H ' SCHOOL. rpHE 8inglng School will not be held th cven- ' A Ingo. account oi uoncert. Peb.20. ' - 14 1-1 1. EXPECTED HOURLY, IercJr. Ira. jBrtWster. Ifongutal 'ddYbeffi 26 boxes Cheese i V -4 Firkins Goshen Butter and for aale low for whby . GEO. MYERS. Feb. 20. 24 4. SELLING OFF AT COST. The Balance of , Stock on hmud la offer ed at . New York Cost. THERE will W found a general assortment of READY MADE CLOTHING, ofourManufuc ture, together with a good assortment of outfitting (opda: Broad Clotha, Caatimerca and Vestinga, of every variety. A our etock la generally known to our friends and pairona, it would be needless to fun lit r nuiner- 'Vhe above atock U now offered ot Private- aale. 8hould I fail to dispose of the entire slock by the first of March, 1 shall then tll the bnlunce ut rub lie Auction. N. B. My friends and patrons who have not settled their accounts, will confer a fnxot by calling on J settling without further notice, ss ihey woll know thntl adopted the Cash system on Market street. 1 hope none will be so ungenerous us to think hard of this urgent request. All who full to seWe bv the first Of-March, will find lluir accounts in the hands. .of an Officer, Lir collection, wiihout partiality or fuvor. . v V. R.PFWRSO.N; A-r.i, For SETH HOARD. February 15, 1649. 142-12t-w PLANTING POTATOES, &c. IN Barrels and fine order. Turnips in Darn-Is. v New V'oik Hay. Enquire of DeROSSF.T d BROWN. or K. vv. BKUWJl Feb. 17, 1849. BACON & LARD. 3t 113. nff Lbs. Wnyne Cou)ty Hams, UVU 600 Ms Lard supmior r utility. For snle GEO. MY Kits. 14.). Feb 17. "MtANOK COUNTY BUTTER. JuhI rereivvd vr s nd for ale by GEO. MYERS. 143. cl. 17. A PPLES i OKANU LS , ji pi i ri i 1 1 iid for GEO. MY EH S. 113. Kor snle by GE ... MYERS. 113. sale by Feb. 17. . , 25 Bbls. Irish Potutos. Feb 17. FOR SAN FR ANCISCO CALIFORNIA DIRECT! THE new A. I. Copper fastened and copper ed, Live oak and red Ceailer built Untune .JOHN A . TAYLOR, Martin master, .ill a II ss above, early in April. Mir ran take the bulk 1 200 Ions freight snd l(J8paswngere. For particu Urs.spplyto GEO. W. DAVIS. Fob. 16. 142. The Raleigh Register and Siandirf, and Fayetje ville Observer, N . Cmoilan wi I copy 6 timrs and forward their account. FLOlR&WHISREVr QA BARRELS New Orlsans whiskey. 'jH3 " Fayottvillc Stipei Flour, just racrlved for Sale on consignment by JEFFREYS. LEIGHTON. Frb. 15, 1849. M2. A MORNING OR EVENING CALL, AT HIOTT, K.EBN, St tolu CLOTHING EST A B Ll S'ff'ir F. N T . ESTABLISH ICS the fiet, that the chrnpest Cloth Ins In Wlluiincton, for GKNTS, VOlfTHM anal I'HILDRKN, are to be found st this Estab lishment. 'Late arrivals hive replenished their clothing, enabling them to challenge a more etneral tutortmtnt, or at prim vUhin 25 ptr cent at loir ns they are now offering this stock, which consists part ly of Overcoats, Cloaks and Coats, of every de scrlpilon Dress, frock snd Business. PANT. Of sll kinds, in hiding black and fan cy Casslmeree. VKHTINGK Silk and Sstin of various snd supetb patterns, W hite. Cusslinere. CiLOVKl. Kid, Silk, Cssslmere, of sll colors a no qosuty. macks and t ravta. Of the latest style a. Catlereu's C lothlng. In great variety of qua.ll ly and pattern. Feb. 16 142. SELLING OFF AT COST. WE have concluded to change our business, snd sre now selling oil" ou Slock of Dry Goods, Hardware, Iron, 4c, at A'fu YivktoM. W have al ee on hand a supply of choice Wines, Liquors, Ttas and ether Groceries, which wilt be sold ut n-duord prices. All persons wishing to purchase, will And it to their advantage to cnll st our Store, st the Stuck Is large and was bought rhenp. AMOKRSON 4 YOUNG. Feb 13, 1849. I4l-tf. AVIGS AND T01PETS OR SCAPLS. fR. QUIRK, of New York, now a.t Fayetteville, i-VAUectpltsl pruieaaor alias wig maker, will visit Wilmlngtan about the 20th Inatant, when he will be resdy to Scalp, Scratch or Ue-Uead any cit lien or stranger, who may aeed hie Artistic se vices. Feb 15, Journal and Cbrooicle copy 3t. 142 -3t. PEAS AND BEANS. WHITE Bcana and Black and Grey eye Peas just received per Rail Road for sale In lots to suit by DEROSSET A BROWN. Ft bras ry 16, 1B49. 14). CHEESE! CUEESE!! CHEESE!!! OS BOXES a prime article, just received and for XtfSslaat . WM. NEFF'S. Feb. U. UI ORANGES AND LEMONS. QrYttOXES Oranges wvf 20 Lotnona Ju.t received sod for sale bv J. WILKINSON dt Co. 142 Fabraary 18- . SOXtJ M SHE SIIIRT. GENTLNMF.N wiihjnf to repknish their ward robe with, the latest patter p( Shlrta, should call at once, on the Undersigned, aathey have just to hand, several doaea made of fine aiveriil, tn4 of varkoua aiiea. tihould none en band be a perfee fit, measure of persons wiUbe uken, aod a warrantee given that we will satisfy the noat fortldloa u ' SCOTT, KEEN CO. v.FlL- .: 1. - OH HALF Barrels canal Flour, just received! ZJ WJJr NEFK'8. Feb. 13. 141 NEW LARD. OC KEGS North Carolina Leaf Lard for sale by CJ DEROSSET A BROWN. February 15,1819. 142. JEFFREYS k LEIGHTON. General Commisiloii Merchants, WILMINGTON, N. C. Fsbriury 13, 1949. 141. RAISENS AND FIGS. rr" PACKAGES Rniser. OyJ 50 Drains Piggs. fpr salety J. WILKINSON & Co. February 15. 142. FAYETTEVILLE FLOUR. KBBLS Super. Fine and X, for snle nt JU wm. neff-s. Feb. 13. 141 ON HAND.- TV whieh c'very family Should have for sale hy J. WILKINSON & Co. February 15. 142. RICE. OUU Small Ri-e lor sale hy DEROSSKTA BROWN. February 15, 1849. 142. LARD. BBLS For sale by Fub 10 J C LATTA. 140-3). QUGARS. prime Porto Rico. NVwOrlcans, crush kJi-il, powdered and Loaf, I sale by GEO. MYERS. 140. Feb 10. SOAP AND CANDLES. u)PC Boies superior pale sonp ; iCJ 20'' Tallow Candles assorted size?, on con siuniiient. For sale low by GIIL). IIARRLSS. Feb 10. 140. RICE. OrVTl Tierces fic?li beat. For fnle by GEO. W. DAVIS. 110. Fib 10. FURNITURE AT REDUCED PRICES! 1 CLARK, beinr desirous of rlfing . mss, in Wiliuintun offers for snle, hislnrgc mock of wupi-rior made I'ubiiicl Furniture, ut nearly invoice pricrs. only the freight ridded, for lie Cit. 1'irs in wishing to uuke goof baiyiuns, arc invited to c ill. Feb. 13, 1G49. N. B. All those iodebti d to me will plense rail, mil si-ttlo their nccounu without delay, and those having bills nyainst me, will ulno please present thfirs lor settlement. FREDERICK CLARK. N. Y. Furniture VV'arthjiisc, Front St. near market. Feb. 13, l&l'.t. 141. butter! "Titter-!! I f KEGS Goshen Mutter, just received per Sccr. lVJ(i. W- Davis and for sale by YM.N!FF-S. F.b. 13. 141 t'OR rillUDELPIIIA. THE Packet Schijjper Jerolcman, Captain it. n . notier. win niivc i:iuu'u lor me a liove Port. For liirlit frirvht or passage, having good accommodation. Apply lo GEO. HARRIS 53. Feb 10. 140 3t. CAMPHINE. CI AN be had at 40 cents per gallon. It Ison'y nrc J essary to give it a trial, as we are convinced that Tnose who try it, Will come nnd buy il. CAKHOLL A FENNELL. Feb. 10. 140 FOR NEW ORLEANS. STHE A. !. Brig Haria, Capt'Towcr, will be vrtljxHched tor the above Port, having part of i her curgo engaged, r or Ireighl. apply to BARRY, BK.1 riT A CO. Feb 10. 139-31. DISSOLUTION. THE Copartnership heretofore existing under the firm of PETERSON. CASHWELL ett Co.. is this djy dissolved by mutual oonscal. D. Cashwell at the old stand , w;u settlti the bush ess of the con- ceru. Feb. 8. E. PETERSON, 1). CASHWELL, 1. PRTE11SON. 139 PLANTING POTATOES, 1 (Y BBLS- Plemlnff 1 VA Chas. Mi Potatoes. Received this lis, for asle by MARTIN 4 CRONLV. 140 Fib. 9. I tj 1 I r.K. and IHf.Mt, a prime s nicle.just re- XJ 1 ccived and for sale by GEORGE MYERS. Feb 10. 130. SPERM, Adamantine and sale by Feb 10. Tallow Candles. For GEO. MYERS. no. LARD! LARD ! ! 3 BBLS first quality Lard just Received nt OEO. MYERS. February 3. 137. GROCERIES, &f. Nr.Y crop Molasses, Sucar, hhds Coffee Loal and Powdered refi Lis. and nbls.. t-fined Suosr. at R. W, BROWN'S. ,e n Feb 10. 140-lm. SPERM CANI)I,F. For sale st HOWARD A PEDEN- Feb. 3. 137. $25 REWARD. n AN AW A V from the Estate of Um. B. Mcares, M.m In June last, a rvrrro f,4low called HENRV or HENRY HILL. He is about & 4 to i f.HH 6 inches high, well made and likely he is quick spoken and smart. He la probably lurking about Wilmington, where he has a good many relations. 1 will wive a reward ol 125 for Ida apprehension and delivery to me In Wilmington, or to Win. T. lirav al Mearca' uBhT. T. D. MEARES. ').K ltl rf BANK CHECKS ' " f CHECKS on the ae?erl Baoka hi thla place, bound la Books, and In- aherta for aale al the Commtrciol- Oficit - .-f FOR SALE. A HOUSEandLolonnortnaideof marketi XX street, and three atreeta a bore bMndary, the bouse is new and eontsins alXrCemfo(t able rooms, there ia also a Kitchen an4oihef houaea on tbo lot. . The lot la 66 feet by 16, posses sion glen immediately. Apply to .... C.C.MORSE. Feb. 9. Journal copy tf. . l0-3ui CIDER. 5 bbls. pure Cider, low. For sale by CARROLL A FENNELL. Jan 6. 125. AGENCY FOR T1IE SALE OF TIMBER, LUMBER, AND NAVAL STORES. THE Subscriber respectfully announces to his friends and the public In general, that he wl receive orders for the sale of Timber, Lumber, an Naval Stvrcs, and solicits a sharo q the public pat ronage. He will at nil times endeavor to give the quickest possible despatch to all business entrusted to his care. He will also have a large Timber pen and a good wharf at hjs command, where persons sending any of the above articles to market can secure the same till sold, at s moderate expennc. OrrtcE op Hall's wharf. MILES COSTIN. Dec. IS. 1 lT-os w3m. DOUSE , Sl LOTS TO RENT 4 SELL The house nt present occupeid by Mr. Sibbit 1 llhird street near Nun sl.cet, Is orfcred for hi sale or lo rent till Oc o!er. The houss is sin ill but, very pleasantly situated, boo 1 sized lot and well in the yard, One sun II two story House, with hve reams and convenient lor, a little iNorih of Market street, beyond iIkj Eastern boundary of town, to sell. Another story and jump house, adjoining the above, just put up, very convenient, but no' n aistercd will be sold low, nosiibly . may berenteo. Ano'hcr sninll m IITh JLLi it.,... i v i ,i I lie Battery win te punusncti every we K on a ln-.O c2oniinC00'MhrEe sized sheet, (folio form,) ood i.aoeraKl tvoe. condition will be sold or rented. Another large two sljry House a lltt'e East olthe Methodist h. Church, nearly new to sell ALSO, St-vernlfine building lots, on Market nt continued, and a few a little to the North ot ;he same. A tare e-hancc is here oliered, for those vvifch- ine to JUicas-e. Apply lo r . VV . F A tIN t Jan 6, 1841- 125-tf. I SL'GARS. f)A Packages Woolsey & Co. Loaf Crushed and i: CJ powdered sugars For sale" hy HOWARD t PEDF.N. 'J2. Oct. 19. JIST ARRIVED HALF bbls. Pickelod Jerkin? ; 10 Cases, do. do. 6 6 do. mixed do. do. 3 do. do. Onions ; 10 dozen bottli s Horse Radish ; 5 dozen do. Pickel Lhste-r; 10 do boxes Sardines, Tomato taucrH ; Walnut sauce; Salmon Sauce, for fale nt WM. NEFF'S. Nov. 16. 104 if. DAILY cmMERC1AL. T. I.OHIVf.', initor anil Proprietor.' It, I. IIim'AK, Associate Krlltor. Agreeably to notice uiven some lime ago, the suHi sc.riber proposes lo pliHh a IMily Paper, In this town, nl the same lixu of the preseut Ui-weekly. Commercial. Considerable nnxiely hus been cxpress-d by many of ihe community for such a publication, nnd we truHt il will meet with u Kpirited and Hherul support. It is unnecctsory to my inm li in regard to the char acter of the paper. It lias supported the Presidenl i lctl, and the Editors hope lo find his administra tion such as to continue that support. Bui althongh Ihe Commercial U Whip, ihe great interests of In ternal Improvements are considered paramount to every other consideration snd the iMn nnd nicas ures beat calculated to secure the benefits ef ibis sys tem, will be siif-tnined by this paper, to the best of the Editors' ability. ThcTrice of the Mi Uit I s tW pr onnnrn. Art sd- kliiionnl etiarge of 3-7iha will be made l the present rah-s ol the ;n-weeiiiv lor nuvenising in inc iuim- kSubecribPis who intend lo advertise by the year, are requeued to write tiw woxd "aererfisM-" eyposlte th. ir names. T. LORINO. Wilmington, N. C, Fe-b. 1, 154. - DOMESTIC GOODS. Qheetrngs and Cotton 0niburgs ; kJ Cotton i arn we assorted, as to numbers, by K w. HRonn. 110- Int.1" Feb 10. STEAM BOAT FOR SALE J Thetsteaaaer FAYKTTEVHJ.E, aew In the Port of WILMINGTON Is offered FOR MALE. HER Engine Is of Onhundtd and ; 7'irn'y horse power. Cylinder tie tn !bJ tij one inches, trrcn fee-t stroke. Six boilers, Urirty inches diainelcr, tircnlyfour feel long. And in alt respects is a first rate Engine. The Boat is one hundred and tvtnty Uiree and a half feel long, '''!" MZ-fect beam, -nd ninl fee, hold T; and of a bout twhundrtel and forty tons burthen She hascanied in her hold tc thousand four hun dred Sacks salt, and on her deck, hhds. Molasses, j Susjar, Ac stone trip. He I timbers are mostly red i cedar, and put together in frames in the most solid and sub. t.mtiai manner, ane is ottered lor sale, be I cause (hu Company have other Bouts sufficient lor ' their wants. She may be had upon liberal terms, ' I and at a great bargain. Apulicati- n in be made to , i UlRDON DEM I NO, , ' Preiident ILnrltetta Steam Boat Co : Fayetteville, Feb. 3d, 1849. The boat can be seen hy npplicsiion in Jon. Banki Agntofthe Henrietta S. B Co., Wilmington N. C. Charteaton Courier and Wsvsnnah Georgian copy i wtfsks, and send account lo this office, as soon ss service is rendered. 137-4w PURE CAMPHINE ! WILL hofonnd In future at Mr. J. G. Bauinansj corner of Market and Front. Streets, snd the ' only place where a PUHK ARTICLE can be had. C. DcPKE. Feb 1. 136-tf .r ta rini onunf iiVr t j h j Vi. i. ruivn tnnnn.irs, win oe acuverrn to all customers in the future, sl 50 t .. per ga I. snd also found at ihe above pla came price. C. Dt-PRE, PINE OIL. THKSubsriber has erected the ncesary appa ratus, for manufacturing a pure article of PlS'E OIL.whch Is frsfercd In the Northern Cities to Csniph.-DC, for Its superior qualities, it gives a stron ger light and dors not cause the wick to crust or gum up with rrsin. Warranted to burn In any kind ol Lamp construc ted to burn Csmphene. To be had at the Store of S. P. POLLEY, at 50 eta. per gallon at retail. A. H. V.lNBOf KftLEN. Liberal discount made to tboac who vkh tors retail the article. Feb3IE49 MT-tf ifOJa "IIIIS. SLWYELL'S M il LINARY. Fi?ftJlou$e north oflhtPrfbyterian Church. TIIK SUB4CRIBER, grateful ofHerpasf ,CJ patronage. wvnldcaU the attention of the Ladles of Wilmington and vicinity,' lo her hrg end wH aelecaed stock bf Mill nary and faney foods, whWh she la deslroua of dlspvslngof at greatly redu ced prieea, wn order to make room for an additional I apply pf Spring gnode. 1 " ' Ribbon (2 l 18! eta. aold formerly at 25 to 80 ct. per yard, alae Dkss caps. Has d-tlrsrset, Straw and Silk bonnets In the aame propotlon, also Pamela bonnets constantly on hand. " MiJ. MAXWELL, wouU iavlta particular Cy) attention to ale superior method 4 cleaalog the Pamela or Tape Bonnets, making tbetu eqatil to new, a I so straw bonneta cleaned and preaeed, tMi the most reasonable terms for the trade. Feb. I, 1843. 13-4ra. THE BATTERY. HEW SERIES. Early In February, 1349, the subscriber will teens the firm number of a weekly PoMikal Newapaper, being a new aeries of the Barrtrr, whi h has been published during the canvaaa which terminated in the election of 'i'avtoa and Filimobi oa the Tth of November last. ..The leading object of the Battssv will be to de velope and sustain the principles by which the late politicsl change has been accomplished, and on which the permanence and success of llw aiw Ad niirilsiiaiion must raai. . Subordinate to the main object of the BiTTtsv. i.tws. literary and miscellaneous departmcnis will be introdiict-d in Its coii.mne. sncfi aa may he requi she to rendt-f it a complete Record of the Tinica. . That the subscriber possesses the means to ren der ihe proposed Journal one of e-onwnsnding Inter' e.8t ona """tence, ne leeis mat he need not assure ,ne numerous resocTS oi ms campaign series, wnose -y c...Uiiu:cnieiii) iiicuinii.ii.i. oi me preseni enit-rprise. i ne continuance oi inmr kind aid he respectfully solicits reminding them that n position woo is still a position to be maintain' ed; and that in view of the organised and powerful party in opposition, the Administration of Gea.TAr Loa will require all the activity-, energy, and zeal ol the canvass. It is our intention soon to commence the publics lion of a DAILYPAI'ERdevotedtoaimllai objects, the proposals of which will be issued hercal er. TERMS OFTHK WERKI.Y PA ER J nt the following rates : i Single copies, per annum, 12,0 j Three copies, per annum, 15,0 Jj'No D.iper will be sent unless :ho order la ac ' companion by the money. POSTMASTERS ore aphorized to act ssour 1 agwrits in procuring subscribers, and tliey may retsln I u pur ceni. upon inc suoscnpuon price tH Wi on all - sums they remit lo us. GEO. S. GIDEON. Washington, U. C, Dec., 1846. 138-lm CUCiARM.-100,000 Segars, Various Brands and uuallty. l-ursalsby HOWARD d PKDEN. I Feb. i. i : 137. BITTER! BITTER ! ! 17 IRSTquiility Goshen Sutiernt GEO. MYERS. February 3. 137. SACK SALT. 600 ft SACKS Liverpool Salt, ho' rly exi-rted, For sale ly W. L. SMITH. Feb. 6,. 1841). 2t-138. SUG4.R.S.-50 Packages Loaf, Crushed 4 Pow dered doubled refined . For sale hy rEb; 3. 137. HOWARD A PEDEN. FIGS. JiO DlttlMl fresh TaL.y Figs. For sole at HOWARD A PEDEN'S. JnnG, 124. A HI. bv BOIU)' and Malit-hi-ster Slripe-s, for nle J. S. WILLIAMS. 13C Jan M. CORN. tf)A lasHKLS CORN Just Rccivcd per rail LWroad and For sale by HARRISS DRAKE. Feb. 10 I4IX TTICK.- Fresh Goshen Butter. For sale by HOWARD A PEDKN. . 127. Feb 3 ) ALL ABLE PROPERTY TO BE SOLD. ON Tuesday, 20th Feb. Inst I wiil offer for aale at the Court house door, in Waynesboro (ii being Oiuh week in Wayne county .) a lot of land aituaka In the village ol Goldsboro umA known as the Battle Sj, It ia lo a state of fine cultivation and repair, and is on It a cood comfortable two storv Awelrlnv riH fall otner necessary out bnildincs, all encWett). The terms will be liberal, For furttier partlcnilsrs, jweviuns to sale, apply to 5fr. Was. B. Edinon sen, BENJAMIN OLfVER. Feb. 3, 1849. 137-8t-e. Journal please copy tilldayafter sale. NOTICE ! I HV irtucofihe power granted ia a corvlltlerml . D bill of ilf made by James II. Suiiih, and JaS I I. Biyant, dated 1 1 th Jsy of Sept. nrber t S 18. J shall expose to sale a l the Court House, in Wrlmmgton, I ihe Hth divy of April next, the Printing Ptes. type i ..ii ........ . .... i . . . i j wh qZZI Ilshed in the town of Wilmington. In the London building, near London's Wharf, in Mid town. MARY i. SHOLAR. Feb 3. 236-1 Ut. BOLtK.NA SAUSACES. BOLOGNA Sausages, a prime article, just receiv ed per Sehr. O. W. Davis, by - CARROLL 4. FENNELL. J.u ft. 125. SPIRIT BARRELS A Good supply of empty Barrels, in lots to suit purchasers, by For sale low DcROSSET cV BROWN. 125. J,in 6. ICE! ICE!! ICE!!! HUMMER ARRANGEMENT. THE subscribers have made arrangements wlib L one of the lirgest ICE establish men is in Boston , . fn ..i . mgrx .t i , T-J.rrJl'T. . " " And are prepared, and ready at any time, to make emir acts with public, houses, private families, orlhoee wisning to nil FAMILY ICE HULSKs. for a sup ply from ihe 1st April 1949 lo Is' November 1619. Our ICE IIOIT4K has been newly constructed and enlarged, and all who engage wiih us, will be supi lied at the raics agreed uon, without any van allon In Ihe same durinir the mmm. Wears obliged toonr OU) Ct'TOMKR4, snd bpo by aUentinR and promptitude in our business lo merit a continuance of their patronage Tickets can bo had at Win. Shaw's Drag Store always. SHAW A REPITON. Fsb. 5ib. I3S-3I. .. . BLACK EYE PEAS. IOQ DUSHBLA iMack Eye Peas. J. & W. L. stl ff. For saJs by McWART. IM J.., . ' Hies UulJi, for aale by ' : , - M . , i " , J. S, WILLIAMS. Dec. T,. , . ,u(a . i , , 113. ,1 BOY'S CLOTHING. WE have just received from oar manufactory, a good assortment of Cloaka, Overcoats, Jackets, Paata and aUaJJ aaiu lor boye.' Far aale by SCOTTj KEEN A CO. WDE.ATBRAN. OTkA BUSHELS fresh Bran, for ask by ZUIJ W. L. SMITH. Fab. 6, 1849. 31-138. R ICE.-Por aale wholesale amLRetall br HOWARD PEJDEN. Feb. 3, 137, CARRIAGE MAKING. Market street, about lOO ynrele above the EpUcope.1 Charts. aroii'd respect Inhabitants o Wilmington, and vicinity, that they II I-I LANCASTER 11-4 asdi ar. have 111 meir employ eaperirnced workmen at the , ,. . ',,,,', l y' various branehea, and are (hmfore enabled to menu- l?TRACT of a la' er from WlltUinaW,, Uof facture sll kinds of riding V.-h ch-s, In the latest f JL-Ialnd. ; ' I have used Wright's Jadiaa, respecffully s.Hki Vegetable PUla In ray fa mily for more laan tares It the a tentionof all persons wishing snylhlnf done In oor line, as wo are determined to give 8 satisfaction, Itliickatnttmng or uU slwls. also, all kinds ol re pairing do e, in the neetvst manner, snd at reduced prices. N. R. Sign and ornamental Painting done in the best manner and at short notice. WELLS St CORNWALL. W ilmington, Jan. 20. 131 THE Store on the Sou'h aide of Market t. aiihilninar Mr. A ncriisiti naVa ifl. ' ;;;; The pleasant office abive, wit!i ' . .I ojih attached. The store and office will bf n-ir- d uratcly or to gether. Apply to TH' H. WRIGHT. Feb t. lie. "BARGAINS! BARGAINS!! BARG AIN S!!! THE attention of the Ladies are particu larly caned to my Spring Stock of Goods, consisting of UarvaHcs. I.lnen. Cam bricks. Muslins, Hosiery, Capes, Klbboim, 1.1 Hrn, Hheetlng, CoTHL-ttM, Ciliighams, Hliawls, Combs, IMingN, and limertlnt;, lrliges; not ions, nnd a variety of other articles, which will be sold without reL-jrd to cost, as I urn d:termls ed loclone my bustm ssby march. Th-? Gentlemen will find a htndsome assortment of Linen Goods, Drab Detaes, Ac. j a fine nrtlclo of Black Tea for 50 cenit a pound. Hoes. Spades, Can files. Hals, Bonnets. L'inbrellars, Stock Ixicks, and all kinds of Hardware nndCutlery. Country merchants would do well to call and ex amine l:in .Stuck, before purehaslnc 1 1st-v. here. The subscriber offers for Rent I ho Store bow oc cupied by hims If. It is situated In the most busi nesi part of the town, and Is looked upon aa being one of tlit- liest'stands. N. II. Person r indebted to him on account of 1IOLMI-X A. IIAWESI, are requested to call and settle. . r their accounts will be placed In Ihe hands of hUatiorirey lor collection. 1. R. HArtF.y, Feb 6. Josrnal A Chron. copy. MS. CHEESE. ih Dairy Chneao do HOWARD Holes Englh aJ 10 Casks Fer salt- by Feb. i. PEDEN. 137. FLOUR. O lJfarre Eilra Canal Flour OU M half do do bo HOWARD f- For salt Feb. 3, by PEDEN. 137. UAMS SIDES AND SU0LDERS. ! Q"Y LHS. Wsnve County Hsms 500 lbs Sides by GEO. MYERS. February 3. 137. FOR CALIFORNIA AND THE GOLD REGIONS. vi CAPTvR. J. BARBES, proposes lo mike ffjfTi up a Stock Company, each individual aub T : ' tUi scribing and paying a certain amount of cash, the sum to be ia proportion to the auiaberof passenger 4 or adventurers offering, purchase a good and etJRiUrtrtal Vessel, the cargo and vessel to be owned fv the Comp my and each individual lo be governed If such laws ao regnfations as the said Company mef make after being formed. Fifteen Murxrroil Uwlara, has alreaay been snsscribas:. Capt. Barbes la sn eipcrlsnced, navigator, having sailed around the Horn, seven different times and well ncqualnted with Ihe coast, and wHI furadsh 1700 wonft of instruments for ihe outfilinc of the Vessel, for further Information apply to . , UAKIU33 4t UIvAKE. Feb. t. 13t. LHll'ORS ! BRWDY, Gin Rum Whiskey. Ale. Portrr.Made- j ria Wine, Cuerrv. Ft. t. S.-uperaonif. Malaga, Champaigos, Ckiftt, Teucriff, Ac. For sale low by ; KcB r IKv Arlt7 a I'f.Uk.V i CANDIDATE FOR CONSTABLE, J AMES T. MORRI-i it a f andidsle for thcOffice of Constable, lor this Diftnc', at the ensuing elec tion. Jan. 20. 131-lm NOTICE! 'PIIK Subscriber having made arrangements wiih X Mr. Hopkins for the entire ssle- ol his Vegela-1 bles. fruit A.r.. WiN kerp at all ilm-s eve-ry variety! of the season ; which will be rld si the lowest Cssh I price, at the siorc lormerlv occupied by K R. Wood. ' v.i.utv r .u i r.ns. Feb I. 136. FRESII BEAT KICK, WHOLE, Half and Kmall litre In casks and half risks a boo artlckt fur rtaiter. for sale by F. J. LORD A CO. Dec. IS. 117 If. SU(j.K FDR SALE. HOURLY expected, 6 hhds. of prime Porto Rico Sugst.oo consignment, selected lor the rstail trade, and for sslo by E. DICKINSON. Jan II. .127. LARD. Pi( Barri-lsNew Leaf Lard, 0U M Kris do do do HOWARD F"r Mle by Feb. 3. PEDEN. IJ7. NEW CROP BIOLASSES ! QAUbds. Suptrior New Crop Molosses, jt JCfJ received from Cardenas. pr Schr. Nlranar. And for sab by GEO. W. DAVIS. Feb I. 136. PATENT LEATHER BELTS! JUST Received another laige assortment of Misses snd Bays Pstent Leather Beits, saaonad coitus. For sale cheap by C MYER3, Hatter. r. i. us. i W AI. lt A N T BD, ' tJtME A I 'AtTt Of A THOVIA'D DOLLini, ; rnefrom Ituorj nil ill KicnL Ulituui . . . rtw.' m Ji Pp'jjl. 'I COCOHS , COLDS,, II EADACHg, rr'" mA"V r y' ' i",F'".v.n.. i., juij, wnn mw most complete success. In all cases, Wright.' Indi an egliabl) Pills have tally austaintd thru rssstH lion. Yours. truly, WM. SiHPS03t. Aagust 6, 149. r . HUMORS. . , . WRIGHTS INDIAN VEGETABLE PILLS, are used ss a cosmetic and puiifier of the bioods-ltlt. great success, reiuoviiig all unseemly blotches, ef- isriwl sores, snd cuisneous eru pi ions of evsts kiad. New York, June 12 J848. To Dr. Wright. Phllcdelphia : : ' Dear 8lr--Having been atTllctcd whb fh'fl dis tressing bemor for many veara past. and navWg aad everjr means that affordf the remotest prtytibiBty of refUf. I waa at hist Induced to try yotir ' (.luabla Indlsfl Vegetable Pills. I am now satisfied pat I have teceived mora benefit from the use o lhm. than from all iho medicines 1 h ive hcretofbn aken. I therefore lake pleasure In recommchdlng; ttu Fill lo all who sie ot have been saffdifng from any Ra- mor, believing, as I do, that they act dlrsstty epoa the blood, and by their purifying virtue, will rom pletely clcaaae It from knpurlty. ' HENRY OrtEEN(30Norfoasf! .iJfSlJ NERVOUS FITS. r ,v Those srlse mote frequently than is fenerstly tea pot ed, from the presence of Worms, sno from Jjjs pepsla. Wright's Indian Vegetable PHIa' rstnov the cause In bortl cases. New York, Not. 17,180.' Dr Wriglit.Phllsdelphia : Dear Sir Your Indian Vegetal Is PIOsosvs been the means of comjlterfly restoring my bealth. Un til vrtmin a short period. I t.ave been sabjrvf, to, a succession of Neivous Fis, which completltr defied the skill of the doctor, fhaioecome so weakened by the disease and the nof medicine, that I eoiild Bald ly aland. At this crista, I began lo use tbo Pills, and have continued until within u sfiori period. 1 am happv to say thai my hesim $ niio restored and that tor more than tvb months,' 1 have bad none of (be old symptoms. Please make some use of this, as I am reaDy sna lous that oth-'rs may be berR-fitied lo the sms waa. You.s, 4c. CHAS. KLVKAiO. 7 H FltlfJLj The Genuine Is for sal by OEO, R, FaicSiCH Murket S'reet, sole sgent for W ilininiloo j D. TUR NER, Raleigh, and by ogent In all parts af lk State. I f litvart of tounltrftiU and imUtlitmtt F member that the original and only genatvM Jsafaa Vtgttablt PUU, have ihe writ Ion signal are of WU liam Wright, on the top lubelof esch boa. ' J; Offices devoted exniualvely lo jha saV oTWeigal JWian Vtjfttabtt PUU, whole-sale and retail. 1(9 Usee street, Philadelphia. 298 Grewnwtck street. Nw York, and 158 Tremonl street, Boston. Sept. 21st. 1643. SO-ty. D.iN'A- BR0UAE. TIROFESSORof Music Snd 1 in Piano Fortes, Guitars and Other Musical Instrumental OkH Pianos la- en ia eachange. Vsrerotnst Moasrt Ha)i.'ra- fessor Browne may be seen at Mosan I fail, br al As Washington Holle opposite Cape Bank. !.: -e l3Mfi JIST RECEIVED. , ALARGEaasortmcni of ChossosJ V.' Vest While, Black and Colored Kid. Gloves, also, a large lot of Ruck Billing Cae4unweedSUkGlores, for sale by SCOTT, KEEN Co. Jsa 20. 131 ' ' 't; i COTTON YARN if. I!!' i TJALF.8 sf 200 lbs. and 120 lbs caches fW"'- sonmeai, ana desirable numbers, t bales superior Cotuyn Osaaburgs. Foe sals 1 R. Yf. BROWN. Jan 23. 132-Ihj. . i i i t NEW DAGUERREIAN GALLEV, nmnvkTii In he Building occupied by Dr. W3T. TtfJ THE Ladies snd gentlemen of W ilmirrgttm md Its viciaity ar rsspectfujfv InvtuU lo eaU aad ; eiamine specimens f this wonderful art,, whkb a ! produced on silver plate by a chemical operstifca p i life-like manner, not to be surpassed by any on c4 I the profession. I Pliln or coloured put up in frame cares, 'octet's, or pins j Psintings or Engravings copied. VV. J. PICKETT. 1 Dec. 5. I Ijt-rJ SMOKED UEEF ri I 50 LBS. Smoked beef. For sale b CARROLL A FENNELL. Jan 6. . , ITS. E6MCN LINE (F FACBMj THE following VESSELS win sail1 L riilrt K.I.P. n ruir. nA BflAi'lNi j ton. vix .- ' AV Brig WM. NiriHrLS, Capt. Ja. tetfillttrtr chr. MINNESOTA, t'api. Gilbert Lelghton. The above saels ar of tbs first -ctaes, sadaiw comnaaded by sipsrlesi d MsigaMs. v 11ARR1SS A DK.4EK. Jan. II. 127. , :-x' OfiQR. Casks TeoerlrT wine, js at ntrptf vs sal at very low pricrs. hy DROSSET A BKOWM Fb 1. SCUPrERNONQ WINEa FEW bbls. verv sopevior, jwat- reesrved frTSB Bladen, for .ale bf . d W. Dm. 4. iif 'w4 HAY. crrv BALES prim Hay in Store, (br sa'sb OU W L.SI I TIT. Keb.6, 1M9. ' '7,'',T SWIVEFoF FICB CUAIli- 6S WIVE!i,Trwv!vro; Aim Chairs, last j d by r. CLXR rb l.

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