V 1 1 iiiw mMiiniir. ST ml i. .;; Uk .1 '-' ! .i AT ,lt Ot I Hi ( ci) I 1 It published eVery TuctJw; Ttidr'Atoy abfl BAlirda C4 WJ rntifn, payable inallcaaea 10 advance by ASSOCIATE EDIT(. J .,..". Carrier of 'Profit and Market Strettt, WlkMlNQTOftiN'Oi n . i r " ' ' . I s If TT IT ,51 t -jo :i . HATta.pr ApysHTiBtno. .. WAIT. Urunriwn. $050 1 qrv2raenths,: $4 1 2 " 7)lwr.:uiu ; 5 0 1! 3 ; 1.00 f 1 " 0 " ' 8 y-lS v m.onth 25!) 1 1 " ycftr 1 2 " Twelve' lines or less makes a square., If o.n AdverlUemoni exceed twelve lines, the 1 $rlce will -be in proportion. All ad verl Momenta are payable" a the time 'bf tfiei insertion.. . ... Ointrk:ts with yearly advertisers, will be Made on the most liberal tnrms. l" All- A Ivjrti.mcnt inserted, m the I ri-weekly Commjrcialt arc 'entitled to one iwertio:! m the WcelcLy, free of charge JOB, CARD ad FANCT PRINTING , executed in superior style. ' fhe privilege of Annual Advertisers Is strictly IJm-' Ited to their own Inline. I'nta business j find oil advor1 ' tiscrrtenyd for the. bcni'lit of other persons, as well as ' all advsrtisemonts not Immediately connected with their own business, and all excess of ndVcVlfseiricnts, ' In leritri or otherwise, beyond the limits engaged, will bo-chflfgod ftt the usual rates. AGENTS FOR THE COMMERCIAL NEW YOilK : M;ssn. I5uovr.v& DsTlasejrt fJJOSTON: I'nKDEBicK Kidbkii, Esq. B. I. IIOWZE, 4 TTOUNE 1' AT LA W, WILMINGTON, No. Ca. . . (l . Wid practice in this Cuuits of Wayne, Duplin and fiiiw II. mover Uemuie. ' WILLIAM J. CLARK, ATTORNEY AT LAW, ItALEIUH, N. C. s.-pf. i2th. Jltc: y CARROLL & FEN NELL. rj8lr & Dj ji a'Hsi ):i Mcrcliants, WlLMI.(iTOi, W. C Are L" ays n nd a oun-eral assobtmkmt or 'mm caicniEs, wimi, mm, &e. ( ASI WILL PAV rVIlTICL'LAR Att5:itlJ'i t t'r- s il; of all k'n 1 i of Vuhzz . J. C a '.!.. O. St. FTMUBLL. July 13, IH4S. FREDERICK CLARK, Mserc ruir.n ano oe.il:n H Ati. r08 or CABINET FURNITURE Ciiias, BUiJsriiios, wiuthg dssH.it- 'TRISSKS, niLLUTttRS.ie. FRONT SIMEET, NKVR MARKET, WILMINGTON, N. C Aaril llth, 11H. Il-ly. ' U'SI.yiH U)'Of, N. C. BROWN & DEitOSSET. ' ' i'.'w "YOilK. (,.: vv -f.iy c ;..'. v Mh:iicii.iXT J. & W. L. McGARV. 9 OIUV A II II I N li AND CII.MISSIOS MERCHANTS, WI.MI.V il'O.X, X c. Mwcli 17. HI'. , , 1-y. GEORGE S. GILLESPIE. Will Kit IJ'MIIKU, SAY Ah UTOilES, All neii Jural 'ish Iviucb on nlleouiiinniFiit. ofiodiicc. March 17 . 1 GEORGE Y. DAVIS. -COMMISSION MERCHANT, WIL.HlNGTQiN, N. C. March 17. ISiX 1 J?C. LATTA. COM MISSION Mtt R CHA N T, ANt) GENERAL AGENT, WILMINGTON, N. C. , Oct. 10, 1348. 67 CASSIDEY, SCIIRADER & 0., ENGINEERS AND MECHANIST WILMINGTON, N. C. tus ADora nan havc ebbctco an axTBMHivc IRON AND BRASS FOUNDRY, " ' v TooErrtcn rirn TMatliinc and Blacksmith Sbops, Where orders for every description of work in iruir rinool bmlney, will ba expeditiously and fjiiliUtlly ixeiulnd. jfL'13. &o-tf. LIFE INSURANCE IN TUB NATIONAL LOAN KUND SO CIETY, OP Ld.NDON, INSIiiiAN t-E- IN THE iKTNA INSURANCK COM IANY. OP HAltTFOTtD, Co vn., nbWARD tNStiUAJfCE co.MrANY, n ".:'" ' OF NEW. YURK, . Mar bo effected by npnliraUou t Ml 1. 1UiU Iff , DeROSSET 4, BROWN. Not. 2S, !R17. ELLIS A MITCHELL'S grain store, Murpiy't llwUdiug, near Wa dock. SEED Wheat and lUc; North Carolina Coro Cow Tea; Freh. Oround SII and Homopyi WMt Hrtmony ah',New Corn Meal and Buck- woflitaui lire Moilj Klakcyd Prasi Oat: Fav eilevillo and Gnt.nl Flour, barxrlinafj fcilf kbl., a w exap Hay; Cow and Horses feed coiutintly on hnnil, aud for tai. Nov. 2. r " .it 1 1 ij. 1 t v ; f T;rairnr a l , w nr VOL. 8NO. 146 coinmioi and fohirdinu si esc am, il ( f l hb. 8. WlLMUtfGTOW, TV C. 139 f 1 SHIP AGENT AND Commission merchant, 00.30 ORATIER StltKET. New Orleans- April 13, 1843. 110-ly. P. J; LORD & CO. Rice Factors Si, Cooiiuission Agents. Nov: 25, 1B4T. 103-1)-!'- M'KELLER & M'RAE, LUBBER AND TIMBER AGENTS, GENERAL CiKUAIlSSION MGtrumS, anil GBdl'ERS, Store fo'rihertij ocbiipied "by Hall t Abmstro.no, NORTH WATER STREET, WILMINGTON, N. C. HBcton m'keliar. Nov. 11, 18-10. ALEJC. M'RAE. 102 L. MALLETT, AGENT FOn THE BALE OP Timber, Lumber, Naval SI ores, Ac, 'Nutt's lluiblin', North Water Street, , WILMINGTON, N. C. NovJ.'nn. ioi BARRY, BRYANT A CO.T COMMISSION xMERCIIANTS, WILM1XQT0N, N. C. iMareh 17,1849. 1 tf. Y I L L I A M N E I F , (Ijiite. of lite fii. of Nkkp Sl Wahneh.) V::-')I.KSALK A.I UliTAII DEALER IS SU1P CHANDLERY, SHIP STORES AND GROCERIES, CORNER OF DOCK A WATER STREETS, WILMINGTON, N. G. Dee. 7th, 191!. H3 tf. N. B. HUGHES, AUCTIONEER COMMISSION MERCUA NT HAfiElOH, N. C. S' ilieils consignments, a"'' will attend to all busi ness entrusted to him, and pifdtji's hliosc If thnt nil .iiesiifrtmiir nnd ivisin.'ss shall bi! dtrielly done hi ciinl'tn niiiy to the wishes of his empl jyrfd. REFERENCE. T, LimG, 84-, Wilmintjton. 1',. Y. Wilki.nos, 1'-"., Fuyelti ville. :i r. i p i s . ""9-iy JOHN D. LOVE, nuAt.ra in CABINET '.FURNITURE, BEDSTEADS, CHAIRS. MU'RISSHS, 1c , ROCK SP III NC, WILMINGTON, N. C. siTotivSeen a co merchant tailors, ANU Ui:.M.KItd t.N S U P E R I O R MAUKET STllEET, WILMI NO TON, N. C. Oct. 21, 1313. . 9-y- CORNELIUS MYERS, M A N U FA C T U R E 11 , anb TirAi.rn tn IIVTS. CAPS, UMBRELLAS AND VALKtN(i CANES, c. WILMINGTON, N. C, Market-at. Oct 17 1343. !l-tf. W. L. SMTHI, (Late of the ftrm of Sandfohd 4, Smith.) auctioneer and commission mercua nt, wilmington, n. c. Kuuo ou North U'attr Sirvvt, Piralt j's block. Oet. 14 1-11. yO-ytf J. S. WILLIAMS, Fancy k Staple Drj' Goods Store. m BJJ!t WKSf OP Win S;IIV'S DRUG STUB E MARKET STREET, WI LMJNiQTON, N. C. Oot. 11,1513. W. JAS. T. MORRIS, Lumber nmd Timber Inspector, . . ... ,, WILMINGTON, X. C. ' 0t. 12',i849. M 6m JAS. T. WlOltRlS, Agfnt for the Safe or farctmt of 1KUC0BS, WILMINGTON, N. C. Oet. 12 llS. 63 Cm V. BRANSON, AGENT FOR THE SALE OF milEfe, t D M 6 ER, N .1 A L STORKS, 4e Null's JUliag, North Witter Strvt. " WlUttNTjt6N, tf.c. N. ili - I hYo a arc mul Secure Timbor Pen where I will put all Timber lift wiih. me fossalrtt ts Small charts us is made by any olher Airent in this place, W. B. Sepi.MWie. iMiliimiiiiill, PUBUSHEP TRI- EEKLY,1 WILMINGTON, SATURDAY HENRY P. RUSSELL, AGENT FOR TIlE CAPE FEAR STEAM SAW MILL, WILMINGTON. N. C. Strict attention given to the fuilhful cxecurtonof all oiders for Lumber. Jan. 1, 1349. 124-lyc GEO. II UU INS. General Commission Merchant, WILMINGTON, N. C. STRICT attention glvpn to piocurlnj Frelghu and purchasing Cargoes fur vessuli. RzrnR to E. P. Hall, Eaq., ) O. G. Parsley, Esq., J. A. Taylor, Esq , ) WHniington. J. D. Hell unv, Eso., Messrs. Mallard A lluntinpton, ) Messrs. looker, Siuy.h A o., t y y fc " Thompson AJIuutur, Alcx'r. Herron, Jr , PhilaJelyhiu. Messrs. Williams ofc Butler, ) n. .,., c n II. V. Haker, Esq, Ch lrs,ani C. Jan. 2, 184'J. 123-tf. J. R. BLOSSOM, FOBWaBDING AND I'llMMISSIDJI MEPCI1AM WILMINGTON, N. C. Liberul,Casl advances iniuleon consignments to Mr. Benjaiujn Blossom New York. IALSO. AGENT FOIl THE mYl BENEFIT LIFE 1NSL R.IXCE tOMPAW. Capital liable for Losses, about $700,000. Dee. 10; 13 IS. 119 6m. BENJAMIN BLOSSOM, COMMISSION MERCUA NT, NEW YORK. Liberal advances made upon ConslgnnKntBof al kinds ul iroduce. RefirerM.es. Mesii. J. & D. McRar, , :Rar, ) ;q Wilnii Esq. S 0. W. Davos K nungton. J. K MLOStiOM 19, 1843 Dec, lift MARTIN A IRONLY. A ifCTONEJUlS, com.miss10 n mkrcii a?' t s , geneiialn'ac;knts. Wilmington, N.C. Oct. 3 191S. 5-tf. Dr. B. MLNSEY, HOMiKOFA TllIC I'll YSICIAN, AND DENTIST, MARKET Nt , C Doors abovo'Vront St. Dec. '23, 1918. 120-Cino. J t) IT N T . R U S S , INSPECTOR OF TIMBER AND LUMBER WrLMLN'CTON, N. C. ! I !?43. Oct 90- F. J. LORD A CO., Afrenls for tho N.VL'TILCS J1UTUAL LIFE INSURANCE Co Arcuinulatcd Capital, 5130,000. ai.su voa the EA';LE I.1FE HEALTH IXiTR AM'E CO. Capital, SIOO,l)l)0. Will 1. ike risiis on lives of Slaves. Office 23 North Water Street. Oct. 21, !8H. wm. m. 11 a n h m. ni.r.NE s. drake IIARRISS A DRAKE. General (o.iiiiiii hi Merchants, WILMINGTON, N. C. RcrrnEctfl : O. (i. Parnlev. Eq, ) Col. John McRae, Wilmington, N. C. Messrs. liuli.nd'i Hanllilgton. ) Will Pick, Esq . Raleij-h, N. C. Messrs. Hall, Sacked & Co., ) y lM N Q Jos')h L tley, Esq., S Mvssrr. James Corner A Sons. l!;illimore. ' E. A. Sonrter &, ('o , Phlladeljihia. ' Thoinjison 4 Hunter, . . ... " PilLshury 4 JSjudfiud, i ' l'W 1 "C- ' llunnniriV: Tui'ist, lloton. " J. A O P. Tite !), Kcnnebiink, Me. S. n:. ii.lw r 1 Mi. IB49. 77 tf. COTTON YARN. Rales, U. C. Yarns asoit.'d numbers, for sjlcby J. C. LATTA. HO Oct. 21. 91 ti. 1 A Finest of-Tri'th for 25 tents. j White T.oth, Foul llrunlh, He.lthj iGuiiis. . Yellow ami unhealthy tee ill, after being once or: ! twice cleaned with ' l JONES' AMIU'.li TOOTH PASTE, haveth appearance of I bo most be uitiful Ivory, and ' : at the iiik time It l so perlcelU nwior. nl anil exqui- , ci lei) fini', (hauls eon -tan I dail) use initially aihania ; ceous. tnn to iho' (wih Mnt are In jJOod coridilion, 1 Kivinj; (hem a beautiful polish, mid pro'enlin a pre- ' ' mature decay. Those already decayed, it prevents ' from becoming worse -it als fastens such as are be- , coming loose, and y perevCrnnee it w ill render the j foulest leeth d lie. Ui '.y white, nnd make the breath dulclouHly sweet. I PRICE 2 ) OR 37J CENTS A ROX. Sold in Wilininttion, by Llppitt& WHIkioi. FEATHERS. , Of(f LD3 prime live gejeu Fetlhe-s.for wjle Z )V R) by W.C.UMITH. Ltt. 12- 115-6 CORN. i fy BtrSHELS COilN Just Roclved per rail UU rond and For sale by UtRRISS DRAKE. Feb. 19 110. 15' TTI'.H.- Fresh Cnuhm Butter. For ite by HOWARD A PKDEN. Fib 3 127. JTV THOMAS Lt)RlNQ, fpttNING, FEBRUARY 24, pORDFJ) and Marseille Skirts for sale by V ' J. S. WILLIAMS, t: Feb. 6. :3a. 11 4 12-4 Sqpsrlor Marsfllie a Quilts for sale by 11 J.S.WILLIAMS. Feb. 6. ' 133. MOLASSES, MACKEREL AND COFEF, Qn Hhds. Scrlnam Molawrs, superior quality Vlieavy bodied and liuht colored t 0 bbls. No. S MaekenI and '.-0 half do No. 2 -ti!) bas St. Domin go Codec, per brljj Nlcr, snd for safe bv BARRY, UKYANT A CO. Jan. 16. " li'J. rrr N. C. LA It P. -TUST recdv 'd bv It nil Rond. J 10 b!U. N.-wLardt HI Ke do. do. Fur sale by HOWARD k FED EN. Jan 6. U5. BUTTER & LARD. 1 f Firkins prime Mountain iluuxr. lVJlO" ntw.N. C. Lartl. For k.i1 by J. & W. I.. McUARY. Jan 6. 15. CODFISH. O Quintals Codfish. Juol received and for Sale by O CARROLL & FENNKLL. J in G. BACON k LARD! QfYYl LtW. Baflon Hams; OUUU OOU " Shoulders ; 5000 " .Sides, 25hbts. New Leaf Lard; 25 kegs " " For sale, low by HOWARD &. PEL EN. Jan 13. 13q. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. rPHE subscriber havinji taken out Loiters of Ad I miniatnition. upon nil and Minuular the tjoods 1 and Chiittles, riuhls and credits, that arc of the Es-J tale of .Michael ILivsloop, deceased, at December I term 1848, of New Hunover Countv Court, hereby! i;ives notice to all persons having 1 l:iiin :ii;:tinst his intestate, to preannt tlietaiiir wiihin the time prescri bed by Law, or (his notice will bu pleaded In bar of recovery All persons indebted to s iid intestate, are rcuue- led towme for wan) nm settle. JOHN O BAUMAN. Adinr. Wilmington, Dec. 1 1 H43. llo-Jiu-w. IL1RD BRICK AND MOUNTAIN HAY ! Vy F.CKI VED per Ilrijj Forrester from Maine, IV W.UOHuul Burnt Bri-k, 125 H.iles Coarse Mountain Hay, lU.OJU Superior while nine bo.irde. For sale by E. DICKINSON, A Jan. 1G. NOTICE. IRO.M thopresentd.il.-, no charge will be made for llnf:- obstrortinir the Dock nrd Wharf adjoiiiinif , Disniieiy lot. ami ihey win is rsi c i iiowt,i lo do bo, tail when left t litre will oc nirned adrlli wiihoiudi.-eriminaiioii. WILL. O. JEFFREYS'. Ttfr 23. 10IR: I'O-tl ...... "" HOTfTiiMS'.f vi.it i k;al wati-.k vviikkl. y i.k,v,ija .(...n tor.n.soove m II ihis pi ico. H will take pli-naure in shovvine the Casiin toany person wtio muy desire 10 see them 'I he:e will be found at his offices supply ul Whr H. 'rsnKs or Uu.lgeons, at nil limes jr sal airulvor in paira. Dec. 7. 1 3 18. 11 3-if. FOR SA LB. Qvff BUSHELS Si. Martin's Salt. V,'WV2iHJ ton's Ked Ash Coal ; 100 boxes Stno!,'cd Heirin;; SOharreU Fayetteville Flour; 100 Gross Match!.; It) boo s Mould Candles ; 5 b irr.'ls Winter bleached Oil ; For sate low tb clof"? consignment"-, by M.ARRISS a drake ALSO. Daily expected, 100 b.i t piinie Eastern Hav. 11. & D 123 Jan. 2. LlUl'ORS! Ad " VRRF.LS Apple Urandy ; 41 'J.S do. ('irler Urandy; for sale low lo close consinninem. apply 10 OKO. HARRIS, 17 Northerner stritt. Hi- tf. Jah.? 1349. HAY I HAY ! I fZ( RALES, asiiprlm- article, landing from Schr. eJv ' Lamartine, from Bath. Apply to CEO. HARRISS, 17 North Watir sirr-ei, l. 9 IQ40 f l.lf ti,.. . . ... : RADLKondCrib Blanket.. Snprri.q.nlirv. for' ;L'paleby J. .s. w ILIAJIS. Hi. un A Al.UOUU and Jlancliesn r .-iriiw -p. i..r 'aic jlll bv J . a. ILL,! A. -pin. Jan 20. lil WINE! )f tOR Os.ks Tencilfl.' wine, just rret ivf d anient vcrv .ovs unci 8. by lAKOSStl k l.auvv.Tl Feb 1. Ub SCLTFEKNONO WJNE. A FEW bbls. vary aupyiwr, justjjfvceived from IV Uluden, lor sale, b J. q- W L. McOART. Dk. 4. 112 SWIVEL OFFICE CIIAIRS. nSWTVT.L.or revelvini; Arm C'haira, just receiv edby K.CLARK. Frt. 1. - IM COTTON YARN &c. BALES of 200 I s. and 120 lbs. cac anoint, and 1 sir il.lv number. 6 bales sum nor 'niton Osnabiire For sale by K. W. BKON.Y I .2 l.n. Jin 23. 1849. Whole No. 458. THE GOLD-DEVIL ! OB, CiUbrii ; Now and a HutiArcd Year Ajo. s oaoaoa llffASD. Part Firut A HunAtnl years Ago. One hundred years ago an adventurer . . , ' i " 1 i v ;, i who had penetrated into the heart of Me ! ico, w.us sittu'g in In hawntla, near-, the Cily of Montezuma, with the last rays of the selling stun upon his moody brow. II1.1 check rested on his hand, his ejej were fixed upon the floor, and his lip compress ed between his clenched teeth, indicated a miml absorbed in the mazes of a trembling hopo. or a troublous memory. The view li jtii the casement Wiw bmutiul the lake iiml tlio my of Mexico, bathed m the sun setniys, with the Volcanic !ouutuiii ri in: in the blue heaven, a lone nvrainid of snow and lire, in a canopy f cloudless a-! Eul the thoujrhls of the adventurer were not upon sublime ncene.ry or bewitching: liiiidsfapes. IIo wad from the land of old Castile ; he had wandered to the land of Mexico in search of El Dorado; be was ii'iw li.iriy ycara of ae, with a muscular firm. t. la I in dingy velvet, and a picket exc i. i! the nnli clunax It'itanted by n sohtury djiibloMi. There, Juan (ion- zusaatot suiiHel in bin lonely hneienda. ' nea r tl,.. city of Montezuma, with his ch k on his hand, and lua eyes fixed upon the floor '' he mghed, 'El Dorado !' Ine Inez was a dark ryed, voluptuous lady. 1 win in ho had often seen in the city tit ' the Cathedral, on the Eltneda, at her fa- uier, piacr, smiling troin trie halcony and. vi: hunt an r.l Dorado, it was impossi ble to win her hand. That was the mean- in:r of the words coupled with a sigh. There was also the thought of a half-wild peasant i r 1 . who of!entiine went singing under a hurd.jii of fruits and flowers, along the ro.nl of the gteat city. She was a brown cheeked, dark eyed maiden, with the mingled blood of Castile rrfid Mexico throbbing in her viens. Her name, Lovat- j la, was oftentimes on the hps of the oor adventurer , and once or twice he laid spo ken to her she was in sooth a rude wild flower cf a beauty, but the lady Inez was . j beutilu! and ncu and noble alas ! for poor Loyo: Juan sat alone for a Jong ume, until the i evening gamcreu over tno cny ! and tin; lake, while I'opocatciwti flamed, j llk(J a ,-u, r:, T through the nishr. I . , , ' f ' , , . ftuddm.y our adventurer became aware ot ibe piweuce of nil intruder, who had en- . 1.. 1 e .1.1 . .l . '. '. j i . ....... 11 .. u, u;it..(i unoubei veil, hii.i ot-riieu uiiiisen ui iu 1 opposite side of the table. The stranger was remarkab.e tor his. heiL'ht nml vtsro- ! roB form, nml also for a singular hoxl, , , , ,,,,,, ? . ! wincu reneveo ins noKiiy marKeu icamres Hu pye? were vcrvbrijrht- -they sparkled hkc tire flics in the rloom. Who the stran- gcr was, or what was the nature of his mission with the poor Castilian, we cannot j tell, out it is recorded that this interview ; lasted until the daj light rushed through ! the casement, when Juan was discovered with his forehead resting on his hand, and 1 h;s starting cyct lixcd upon the table, while the stranger sat opposite, regarding hnu , wuh a timet Lok and smile 1 . . . . . . II I x-l uora.lo, said Urn sirangtr in a majiu : voice. ' 1 here is the map of it the Jes uits call it California:, he pointed to if' parchment which was spread upon the la I bio. -It is yours, frond Joan, lor a mere 1 song. Conn., we must be truing.' j Lut Juan pressed his hand ngamst his brow, which was damp wiih sweat, and fixed Ins glaring eyes upon tbe ruap, mwr - mtirins man irntwssione.l tone 'This room is full of irold. Cold in the j river sands, gold in bars, gold m rocks, nnl and all in this retrio'., which you say you will discover to mi for wimt ?' lh ga - 2?d upward in the face of the Stranger, j without rhan ring the wition of his head, i and awni'ed hi t reply in breathless sim- ens se -I am to sign no parchment, rmrk , . .ii I ve. barter. nw.iv mv immortal soni devil's work now you underhand " Tiie .Stringer rested his c i ; ; : i Uon his j IIU.I.I.', l.m. ...... .. v Q . . ... .in. . ni.,1 ir.rcue ino ir' over lie anil ill. I i . . . i . e lhi rlirir I 'rarehments ' he echoed, -a lig lor sue n I noiiseii.v I wi!i discover the gold to you t for the sake of doing you a pleasure, I'm un eccentric ;.ort ol chafacter, bciovej Dy ciy '"') , and respected .alike by the Mer- r.h a:.t. tnc I'r.ei and the King. Just coioe with io- - Ll this gold uuury the Uvdy luax, an d with your two hundred and tii.r- ly bullions of millions of bright doubloons, ou may become the actual Monarch oh a world Hah ' What need of parchments in aucii a cao ' He smiloi deasaully. while Juan, ub sorU'd in contemplation of the map, felt a soil hand healing around his neck, under bis dark curls, and henr.'. a mild voice whisper, in a tone that startled him The man w ho sacrifices nil his hopes, bis home, bis days and nights for gold, has no need of parchments or written oblt g.iti.ii.s, to bind Ins soul to the Evil One.' It was Coyolila. the half Indian maiden. who had entered into the room nn I listen I ed to the woids ol the slianger, and imd dcring for her lpverf yha fiadpjirtt tpoken love w ber, iWe Vhiapcrei tfiVarning irf nw ear. . - - ; Juan heard hef ralte hh'Jttt' t.titHl of her pulaef and hef Md "en6odn(e'ed biat neclc, but he did ndt ' tna hra ; tea J ' ind ffazc n pon her Tace. ThS map of EI Do rado rhretted his out; -'7 The light of tffe .'rising tirt ptfltaeS through the casement 07e JaanW ta,lIid btoW, and over the roild, 'tlmld face of Qoj otla, while the viaage of the itrariger flittered like fire coal. At this moment Juan raised his head, aod BhuddcredT ai.be" catight a gleam of ft fake wbicli grinned upon him from an aperture in the waH,' "It is the face of Death,' he falered.,anal reached forth hi hand to grasp th .bind of Covotla. 'Take rour man. Here far El I Dorado,' and clasped the bono of the Me' : 11- u.-l 1 ... J;..'L. rcan gin, wmie ins uaggara ice wMorer- or(W. b . rnornBntarv ,rtiU .Hefc. in th; light of Home, Bhines the true Dorado.' Keeping hi hand beneath bis chin, the Stranger whispered gently, as his eye jJe vonred Juan's face Gold' ia tbe tirut' sands (ioM in bars. Gold. Jn .roclii; With tl.iri rooro full of gold, you tan, twa the coruriirrce of the world.' An. I then f'uyolla and the Stranger con tended for the posession of Juan, while ibe skeleton fjr e grinned merrily above, and the mcp of El Dorado glowed in the tin' yhinc, from ihe table. Who cowrtleredf u3 sec. 'Are we almost there ?' asked Juao, as, toward the close of a beautiful day the jp tered ihh confines of a gloomy ravine, whoee perpeiiilicular rocks were topped with pines 'I (i m hungry and footsore, and hj ,jb Ma.vt ! it. sec ms lo me, tJtai m these twenty days we've journeyed "as many thousand nnlr . You have not spoken irince wjj left the Jesuit Mission of San Jose this" mot riitif Toll mr. iirn wft nenrit vet this El )oriUo ," A'n,i t3 he ,'nc sirangcr d,ew hU cowj ovcr hiil 8,ncirly marked COimie. , n ir.ee, and murmured -Very neartr while ' .1.,.,. .. . ,.,,t .k- -Untha of th riwin. wi,crc n twilight gloom slept like 4 ra,ven, am0ng ll.o rocks and trees, ''Hv the. Mass This is rrlnnnna f CtAd 1 n tilC. sanJi. cold 111 ows-com inrocJci K- ... Th: boor Cuvolhi w;is a xiill v thinrr. NlriW fur ll(,z nnj t)f cmpjrc 0f the world. . Bvt first of all a roum full of irold. This "vu your promise, my good friend.' ; '1 hey crossed a brook which sang and sparkled through the twilight. The stran ger bent down and scooped a handful of sand from the runlet sand which spark' led witli countless points of light. WL 'Cold is in the sands,' he whispered and they went deeper into the gloom doV lowing the course of the brook, until jtbjjV came to tbe cavern through whose nibuiji 11 pattered gaily, trie stranger led Juan j through tbe cavern mouth, and presently liiey stood heneatUan immense rooLpf rocks, .it j"t 1:1. I.u-r'-i.- fi- a iJJMU,"b ftJjvhL 'which seemed to flo I . . ' " . . frorn bowels of the earttu . - .,, 'tioldin bars I' laurmureJ the strtOjrefi an, j,mn vilh bis been Dtdrnttrfinc with u"" "'"") v 1111 uas u' fnupiunap wiui tiC V;r ugt)Ily 0f mpjure, saw tbe gfM hnrw. hinrr rimihrnna nn.l -Hsrinr-. niW ' - -1? ... up along the cavern floor, hkfc log -of 1 hoforft a famern .lrnr Two hundred billions of jrtlllonaof doubloon's cncl Juan. 'Coyolla was a decidedly.' The btranger led birn onward front ti 1 cavern into a dark nassace wdkd ednl j mt0 XM l-wels of the earth, and wbieh j wa9 U) frtCt. nn inclined plane of a mile Of two in length '( 'Cold in rocks f said the stranger. as ibej passed from darkness ink light. Juab tK tereJ an inco'.icaut shriek of joy.' He si0jd oa t)ie ihrtshold of a cavern in winch guid Wa8 l,epe.d m masses, like block ef o-ramtc in a ouarrv. A hrrht einitteyifrocrl ' . " - , ; ,ee rocks tiled ihc place with gQ. ,,,t The verv air breathed of' 'j-ian. in the very cxtravaganoeuf bijo, ;ttn. injtoJ to move one of the smallest f a,cks, but his effort was in va:n. A tbe force of Ins smews, braced for the work by tlt; very madness ot rapture, could m Hit tl,c mass one solitary inch . ( iold, gold, gold V he said. Certain) Loyotla was a tool. Millions, billKms. tru- hons, arul trillions, millions and mil&omt 1 Jty the-bye. my good fellow, I'masbangry ' Icim. o alter a three days fasL Can we 1 iave a nice fowl or two, done to a tarn, i 0r a flask of wine or so, would UOtbe.dif-1 1 iCult lo lake.' -Eat !' said the blrnuger, who was (,l upon a rock of L'old, witaVhie lcxvsn1 o ringed ens wise like a Turk eat ! drink' and as the cowl fell back from bif 1 fare, he reacheJ forth his hands toward ' m t i .-ui ... I .. .. " KVniVM in.n I I.,.. li i,.i i.ir.iipn i n msm sand the other grasuca a gowea, Stoosi. , worth jicrcliauce souiO numlreUS ol ihoa- sands of dollars. J Yoti mock me,1 faltered Jvnn, shudde ' , utg lie knew not wny.' ; j Eat f drink V said the stranger and the j gold cavern rnnr with his hrWlow launrbter. h 'I will leave this place,' eried Juaa, luri j mg pale and red again ai be pokft.f i Friend. I am not yei ui your power. Yosi.a unmasked VOursell too soon. 1 Have net :' sked yourself signed iny soul a way you ha DO pJb ment stamped with my name wirtten fa J blood. 'Tho iiu.i who sacrifice hope, ao4 home, and ail ibe labor of lU fa geldsl needs no parciuaenl acroli to bind htm 'to t the gold I 'evil I' ami again be smtledY'l turmm: Ins eyeballs to lha light,' with look oi' horrible mockery. There ie no e ing buck in the gold bunt, ray dear. Tbflj'' io iiie wlenl horror of Juan Oflnjtatith d ; niouih of the cavern was closed bj hufe I i. r ...l i ,..i,;.', wntw fiH K VI p'l I, Me.iliii uirrc iiv.lltj Hu I and he wiu alone there With the Gold DfT

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