THE COMMERCIAL j It parjltshedtvory Tuuday, Ttotridafkri&SatmriUiy, at 13,00 per winmn, payabl la allmMa m advanoa by thomas loring; - editor and pftbpRiErroRi BENJAMIN i:;H0W2E; ' ' ; (, Corner 0 Fronf and Market Street, ,, wiVMIMOTON, .'.,: ' " " RATta'O? ADVEfcTtfltttd. 1 Iflir: I insertion. $030 11 sqf. 2 months, $4 1 2 ,. ,75 I I s 3, , " 6 1, " 3 . 1.00 1 1 " 6 " 8 1 1 month, 2.50 I 1 " 1 year, 12 Twelve, linc;8 or less raafcoa a Btpiare. If aA Advertisement exceed twelve lines, the pfiftB will be in proportion. . All advertisements are payable at the time f their insertion. Contracts with yearly advertisers, will be tajaflo 6n the most liberal terms. .C3 All AilvcrtHomenU inserted in the iri-weekly. Comm'.rcial, are entitled to one insertion t n the Weeld ij, free of charge JOB, CARD a'nd FANCY PRINTING executed in superior stylo. fbo privilege of Annual Advertisers is strictly lim" itofl ty their own itmnodVarc business ; and all udver tisomenl fur the benefit of other persons, oswcll at nil advertisements not immediately connected with thoir own business, and nil excess of advertisements, in lengtn or olherw ise, beyond the limits engaged, will be charged at the usual rales. Agents for the commercial NEW YORK t -Mcssri Uaaw & DeRo.het. BOSTON: Fiiedcbick: KinnEn, r,.i. I. (ASIiV.ELL, caaiiKias ha wivulisg merchant, viiin.(;To:i, c. Feb. 8. U9 J0IIN IIA.LL. SHIP AGENT 7 mC AM) i Mlilll'ilANT, KolTMillAVIfcil a I'REI'-T. New Orleans. UO-ly. April 13, 1343. F. J. LOUD & CO. Rlec Factors At Commission Agents. Not. Zi, 1847. 10S-l-p. IFkej j7eu M R AE, LCIBERJSU TiJHJER MiliSTS, UUUI PJIMSSIM MliRl'lHJiTS, and tRni'ER8, Slort J'rnurly w.MpUd b-j 11m l A Ahmstrono, NOlll'H WA l EIl NTRI'.ET, .WILMINGTON, N. C. MKlTOH M'KKLLAR. Nov. 11.134. ALtX. M'UAC. 102 L. MALLETT, auunt roti nis sale op Timber, Lumber, Naval Stores, &c, Nult'e lif iliH"". Xr(h Wider Slretl, ' , , WILMINGTON, N. C. Nv.9,13U 101 BARRY, BIIV1NT & CO., COM .MISS 10 N M E R( J I IAN FS, WILMINGTON, N. C. ltf. March 17, 19 tf. ATILLIAM NEFF, Late (4 Hie firm- of St.vF St Warneu,) Vyt!'.K.E-AI.i: AND KKTAtr. DKAI-KIt t SU1P CHANDLERY, SHIP STORES AND GROCERIES, CORNER OF DOCK A WATER STREETS, WILMINGTON, N. C. Dec. 7(h, 1313. H3 tf- JOHN D. LOV E, DEAI.Kll IN CABIN E T F I R N I T I R E , BKBSTEADS, CHUIIS, M MUSSES, ic, ROOK S RING, WILMINGTON. N. C. s;)i &co. MERCHANT TAILORS, AND nEAl.EMd I.N S U P E It I O it WcivAy AlvAc CoVAVng. MAUKF.T STRIiET, W 1 L M I iN (i I' U N , N . C . Oct. 2i, ip is. w-y- CORNELIUS MYERS. MA N V FA C T U II EH, ANO IU.AI.KH IN HATS, CATS, ITMHUKLLAS AND WALKING CANLS, &c. WIIAirNOTON, N. C , MarVel-sl. Oct. 17 H4H.. : '-'1-tf- JAS. T. MORRIS, Lumber aad Timber Inspector, WILMIN'OTON, N. C. Oct. I2.1J4S. 89-6m JAS. 1M0RRIS, " Asent fur Hi c Su!c ur rarcbic of SECROHS, WILMINGTON, N.C 12 19 IS. "T Oct. 12 1919. "7 ' 83-Gta A. b. snrn & Co., imiOSEERS WD.tDil.siON JIERCIIINTS. Fayottcvlflc Street, ItALEIGll N. O. r? Will ii lend to nil orders and comiHisslons tn thctr lint oi business, will) punctualily and diipRtrh. Rsrsa to , ij-j --t l ' f I I His Excelloncy'OililrAY,1 fc J. O. Wamo t(tl , 11 iUTHSW Bw, Esq., - f Hon. J. R. i. w (1m. V, MoarsoAi, ).i., Mai. C. L. Himon. J Jlaleigh, .V. (, Ft6. lei'J. 1Ij12iii-c. :mm wmmm wtil ,4vti0 Krtlt r ,41? 1 S ' ,(,,, VOL. 3 NO, 151 WILMINGTON, THURSDiCY Wi L. SMITH, (Latb op the riKM or Sandford &, Smith.) AUCTIONEER AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, ' WILMINGTON, N. C. Store on North Water Street, Parsley' block. Oct. 14 1B48. U0-yc j; srWlLLIAMS, Fancy & Staple Dry Goods Store. ONE OODft WESl'Or1 Win. SIIIW'S UKUfl STD8B MARKET STREET, WILMINGTON , N. C. Oct. 14, 1313. 90. W, BRANSON, AGENT FOR THE SALE OF IIHBEK, LUMBER, NAV.U STORES, ic Null's, Xorth Water Slreii. WILMINGTON, N. C. N. B. I have a lirs;i! and Secure Timber Pen where I will put all Timber lift with mo forMlent bi aitwll charge as la inudu by any ocher Anunt In Una place, ' Sept. 23 13 IS. W. B. 8c. B. I. U0WZE, ATTORN K Y AT LA IV, WILMINGTON, No. Ca. Will prarilce in all thf Courts of Wayne, Duplin and New Manovei Counties. WILLIAM J. CLARK, ATTORNEY AT LAW, UALIiltill, N. c. Sept. 12th. 13 W. 7G-w. tri. c. CAR R OIL k FENNEL L . Grocors & Cm ulssiDn Meuhants, WILMINGTON, N. C. HAVE AUVAV.H ON IIANI A GCStSAL AEUJURTMEST OF FAMILY CIlJ'J'iiRIES, Lllll'JilS, Yv'INliS, ic AVI) Will. I'AY P'. UTICl'LAU Att!iti')i t'i t'l? s-il3 of all kinds of Produce S. J. fnilil.r.. C. N. FEN NELL. Juiv ij, m. FREDERIC ii CLARK, M AMUfAOrUBta AND IKALttt It A Li. KINDS Of CABINET FURNITURE CHAIRS, BEDSTE1DS. WRITING DESKS, MAT TIUSSES, P.ILUSTERS,ie. FRONT STREET. NEAR MARKET, WILMINGTON, N. O. April 1 1th. 1S49. Il-l-y. DER0SSCT & BROWN. W I L M (NdTON, N. C. BROWN & DE110SSET. NEW YORK. (,ti;ai.i. coi.i;;.v.7o.Y meucuasts. March 17. H1H. 1-y- J. k W. L. McGARY. 9 ORU AKUlMi AND OUilUll SSIOS MERCHANTS, WLMl.N'GTO.N, N C. March 17. HI?. GEORGE S. GILLESPIE. Ai.KNT foil TIIU SALE OF T1M11EU I.U.ML!i:n,SAVAL STORES, if A II iialtclibcraleaah advances on alloonsianniCDls March C I GEORGE W. COMMISSION MERCHANT, WILMINGTON, N. C. Vfnreh 17. IBIS. 1 J. ('. LATTA. C OMM IS.S I UN 'M bill CHA N T. AND ull-iNEKAL AGENT, W ILMINGTON, N.C. Oct.lO.lSlo. 67 CASSIDEY, SCHRADER & CO., EXGIXEKHS AMI MECHANIST WILMINGTON, N. C. THE abovk rniM lUVI BSSCTCO AS KXTtNSIva IRON AND BRASS FOUNDRY, j TOtlRTII nt with , Machine and Blacksmith Shops, Where orders for everv d -crifiilon of wm k In ihelr Una of buin"S, will cxprduiouily and lailliailly uxecuied. July 23, 53-tf. ,: LIFE INSURANCE IN THF. NATIONAL LOAN FUND SO-' CIRTV, OF LONDON, ASH FIRE INSURANCE IN TIIK ASIW'A I NSUIt A NCR COM PANY, OF 11 AKTFOUD, Conx., on, IV THE UOWAUD lN.srPvANCF. COMPANY, . OF NF.W YORK, May bo elleclod by npiili-Jiio: to Di'.tO.SSET & Nov. 25, ISIT. BROWN. 109 BENJAMIN BLOSSOM, COMMISSION MERCHANT, NEW Y"OUK.. Liberal advances iiisdc uiun Consinmcnlsof al kinds of produce. References. " ' Mer. J. &D. McBai.1 O. W. Davis, Ksq tYilnuagum. J. R Hiomo.m Ei. De. 1'J. 1 9 IS lib ! I PUBLISHED TM-WEEKLY it:' .li - r':" - X.JSj'.:. - HENRY P. RUSSELL, ' AGENT FOR THE CAPE FEAR STEAM SAW MILL, WILMINGTON, N. C. Strict attention given to the faithful execution of all orders for Lumber. Jan. 1, 1849. 124-1 yc (JE0. IIARRISS, General Coiumissiou Merchant, WILMINGTON, N. C. STRICT attcniion given to piocuring Freights and purchasing Caiiitu fur Vt-o.-icia. REPEn TO E. I. Hall, T" q.. 1 O. O.'Pamley, Kq., J. A. Taylor, Eso., )-Wiliiiinlon. J. D. Bellamy, Ex'.. I Messrs. Ballard & I luntiri'rtrjri, J Messrs. Tooker. Smvtli A Co.. ' Thomuion A Hunter, (' New York. Alex'r. Ucrron, Jr., l'liiladelplilu Messrs. Williiiuis A Butler, , c n H. V. Buker, Esq , ' $ Ui. '-rston, S. C. Jan. 2, ItWJ. 123-tf. ELLIS k MITCHELL'S grain STviiiK, Murphy's Building, near Wussd's do le. SEED Cow Whr:it mi 1 Itvu; North Cnrolinn Corn; I'i im; h n all Gr'uud Meal uuu iloiiwnv whfat snd Kyt MimI; Bluckeyed i'a; ()t; Fay- I eUovillo met liUil r lour, burrejs ami natt bills., n w crop; Hay; Cow and Horses feed constantly on ham1, and for sale. N.rtf. 2. J. R. BLOSSOM, FORMING m C'MI'IIWIH HCPCnAM W1LM1NCTON, N. C. Liberal Cash ikIv.ku-.'s' uiaJcun eonslnnients to Mr. Benj imin l!lo:onl New ork. t ALSO. AlifoMT m Tlili 3U II AL BENEFIT LIFE ISSL B.1M'E I'OBPAM. Cipinitti'.-'ifrfor .w.?. about Dee. 19) 1 19 6m MARTIN' & CR0NLY. Al'CTlOMlEliS, CO.MM18.S10N MERCHANTS, OF.NT.IUL AOKNTS. . Wilinin-ton. N. C. .')(.-!. 3 1S13. t-5-tf. Dr. B. iMUNSEY, HOME OP A T1IIC rn YSICIA x AND DENTIST, MARKET St., (i Djo; ubovu Front St. Dec. 23, 1843. 120-Gruo. JOHN T. It II 8 S, INSPECTOR OF TIMBER AND LUMBER. wilmin(;ton, n. c. Oct. 11 194. 90- F. J. LORD & CO., Aleuts for NAUTILUS MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE Co Accumulated Capital, $130,000. ALSO Foil nit: EAGLi: l.U'i: & IIL.1I.TIl I.N-l'It ANCE CO. Capital, si 00,000. Will take risks nn lives of Slaves. Office 23 North Water Street. Oct. 21, M M. IIABDIS. El-OENB B. PSAKE IIARRISS & DRAKE. Co:unihsl)n Merchants, WILMINGTON, N. C. Uffebeni es: (J. i':ll.. v. '-.-'I, ) Wilmington, N. C. .M.t-srs. I!.dl ir,.t tTi:nltn;tnn. ) U ill 1'i-ek, E.i . RuUtfll. N. C'. M rs. H.iil.!, ll V Co., p.,..,.,,, v;n(. Joi.. pii i iii y, ES.J., 'i ' ; Mc.-rs. Jaoie Corner t Sons l!:illiiinre. " I-'.. A. Souder & Co , Philadelphia. - Ti;;.mpsoii IIuni.r ; N y fc " PiUstiiiry A Sandford. ) " 1 1 Hill ill! & Tells, ItoMion. ( .oi. .loan .tirivjc, N.C. " J. A G. P, Tilcoinb, Kciiiicbunk, Me I ScpU nibcr I till. ISIS. 77 tf. COTTON YARN. to rtales, I!. C. Vurns sale y isk-oiii d numbers, for J. C. LATTA. 9I-tf. Oct. 21 A Fine Set oi Teeth tor 25 Cents. White T'-.-ih, Foul Brcaih, Hoilthy Gums. Vellow an ! lui'i'i.iUliy i' tlh, ufter being onco or clonic d wiin ; JONES' A.MliliR TOOTH PASTE, hsTcthi; app"sriucif ihe most he'iHiifnl Ivory, nnd. iilthe same ttnicO is so perleelly Isnoifni mnl extil- nltflvtin. ihailts constant daily tiw ishlghly advanta : grant. een in thi btiIi irtsi are in good condition, divine ihein a beautiful polish, nnd preventlne s prc inaluro decar. Those nlrpidy decayed, it ( revtnts from l) worae it 4) (aslt-ns such as arc be coining loose, and by potsoverance It will render fhr fmili -t leeih d 'lii;.ite!y while, and make the breath dolcinu-dp swti. PRICE OR 37 J CENTS A BOX. NoM in W ilmintrt 'n. T Ei; pint Wlllklns. KEATIIKHS. Of(f LBS primo lite geese Feathr-s. for a!c AJ KJJ by L. SMITH. Dec. 12. 115 6 CORN. ifVRUSHELS CORN Juai Keclved per rail VVrad and Kor siilo Imt IIARRISS DRAKE, 140. ' eb. 10 BUTTKH.- Kreah Oebe Rsfrr. fofsslrtif HOWARD A PKDEN Feb. 3. 127. 1 1N 4 1 II VHVi H Jl ,71 f L'T BhBiiWllll1 tiff BY THOMAS LORlNOra - - tr'X MOANING, MAUCH 8, 1849 CORDED ind MarsclliM Skirts for mI by i J.8.WH.LIA WILLIAM. L'-k r. 138. 4, n 4 12-4 Superior Marst lllps Quilts for ante by J.S.WILLIAMS. Feb. 6. . . 138. MOLASSES, M At REREL AND C0FEE. G)f 1 1 lula. Srrlnnm Molasses, snprrlnr quality Uli''nvy boli'd nnd liyht Colored 60 bbls. No. i Mackml nnd 20 half do No. 2 -61 ba St. D'mln go 0)Hsr, per brig N (per' and for nlbr BARRY, BRVAMT A CO. Jap. 16. . . . . WJ. -Am. 'X ln , t HAY. ern BLF.S prime Hay In Rtor, for mV hy 0J W L. 8 ITH. Etb.6, 13-19. o 2w-l38. FRESH BEAT RICE, YmiOLK, Half and Small Rirc In casks and ha V casks, s tinu article for rtuilcr,for sal by F. J. LORD A CO. Dec. if-. 117 tf. ' ' SUn.Ul FOR SALE. TTOURLY expiTtol. t'i hhds. of priiim Porto Riro II Snfiir, on consignment, Kflrcted lor the rrtail K. DICKINSON. irn nnd lor sali- by Jan 11. LARD. C( B-irrnlsNew Leaf i.ard, -JVy 6U Ki ts do do do Korsale by HOWARD A PfEN. Feb. 3. ITT. LL i'-TEU & IiARD. I Firkins nrline Mountain Buitrr.' I v7 it) " new N. t'. Lard, 'saUliy J. A W. L. McGARV. 12S. Jan 6. CODFISH. ) UuiutaUC'edlish. Jusl r'leeivod and for s8 by O CARROLL & FE.VNF.LL. JnnG. 1W. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. V, IIK pn"icrijr havipg Uken 0U Letters nf Ad iiinis!ra:rnn. finnn nil Tihd Rinpinar the t.onrls nnd ClwiWes, nubl" and credits, thai ar of the F.- lale of Michael ILieoloop, deceased, at Docenibut li-im 1 ? 13. ofNi w ILmoviT Coiihlv Cou:l, hereby L'lvi s notice to nil persons having claims against his inlestalc. lo'present the same wuhinthc Huie prcscn bed by Law, or iliUs notice will be piuaded in bar of recovery. All persons indi'btnd to said intestate, nrc rcques lod tocoino forward and Mttle. JOHN G BAUMAN, Admr. Wiliylniiton, Dec. 14 1543. llb-3m-w. NOTICE. rUOM ihr iip'sml dale; will br m:dc for L Uali.n! iKirttriins-th.-Dock nnd Whmf adjrdnirlL' my Disiillt ry lot, ami they will in no enw be allowed to do so, but when I' ll liters wilt be turned adrift without disi tiininaiion. v WILL. O. JEFFREYS. Dec. 2). l"r-a I-20-lf. HOTcilKfS'S vertical WATER vvriEKL. j eJ the new duties gave rise to a second asso- WltRWSON is Anrfor th shove Wheels in i ciallOil for BUspeildcd UliporUtlOU of Bnt . this lilacs, lie will takfl pleasure In showing . ) .narmfuciLirea L'llifortutl V ill this the Cabunu's toany persnn who mav desin- n s- e tho,, T1. will bt. found at his offices supply ol Wheels. Clinks or Gudgeons, nt all times for sale tlnslvor in pairs. Dec. 7,1-H. 113 if. SOAP AND CANDLES. i) C lloxos snperior pal soap ; Tallow Camlli as"i,cd fizes. on con- Kiunmem. Fur Kile low by O. H.llRISS. 140. Feb 10. FAVETTEVILLE FLOUR. Pi liL!LS Super. Fine and X, for sle hi f JU WM. NEFF'S. Feb. 13. Ill Liarnns' 405? i: Ri: F.LS Ap;.p llrandy; I.. I '. In. Li...n.i... f... 1. I, I X1 V ' 'l1'. ,"H I ItlilUtljr, IVI nnr i." kj i close ciMiL'nm- nt. Apply to GEO. H.wt ;tis. : 17 North Wnii r mim t. Jan. 2 ML 12 t tf. HAY ! HAY ! 1 " s li M.I'.S, a snpi 'ior an icli', landing f.oin .Schr. i)U Laiiimtuie, from Bulii. Apply to OEO IHRRISS. 17 Norill Water sirwl. 123-0. Jan. 2 ItI' CiK I)LE and Crib Bianksis, Snperlor qiinlity.for r,,.l.y J. 6. W II JAMS. 1).7 H3. A HLBORO' and Manchester Stripes, for bv J . S, WILLIAMS. Jan 20. I3i WINE! r)OR.Onks Tpneririi wine just iccrjvrd It.tyery lo ; Feb I. TO RENT. TTTE Store en tV Snwh side of Market m. atlfiiwiina Mr. AuB.iD's. The nlensant oniee sb-ive. with bedroom attached Trt store snd mnce ill be rrnicd wparnti ly or lo geih.T. Apply to THOS. H.-W RKiHT. NEW LARD. O A f MS -Nonh '- 'rolina Leaf Lard lor sale by OV J DEROSSKI IIUU1VV krrjnwry27,l849. tnnvMWMlWITiuf) e 'VsVlons' Itrsnds' tifti? kJiiiali!y. Korsalrty MUn AKU if- I't.Uf.eH Feb. 3. 137. ' towra. ! 911 n -m' f.i;M;i,.t 1 i. ,vil . 4 ... . . . .. .. , ; , w' ., .,, " "Whole; No.; 463 4-OLOlAli limORY Vl NORTH CAROLINA, Parnishrd by Chart ampblf, Fq., for the III.MTOKK AI, SkCTl llL BY C'Ol GUILFOttD Dt'DLEY. Antique molion of th manual exer cise wa then iraciiscrl, in order to put them into the attitude for firing ; several fuggofs rharjed wttli cornrjustilile matter, and ligh ted, wero hurled by some dexterous haad-i to the top of the column, which soon kin- tiled mto a blaze, and as soon rta the fire nnd.blacjc condfQetl' irfioke, oefciskined hy the tar, brpjan to nseend, which seemed almost to reach the clouds, the troops with then- ofllce rs at therrprrrjicr jvwt were or dered to Tire a volley with blank catndires, fen ile joie fashion, from right to left and from lei in riglit, uttering loud huzzas at every, volley; nnd this firing was kept up until the pyramid pr.vlnrilly burnt down, dripping the t ir in profusion frortj barret to barrel, until it descended to the ground, where spr aiiititsf in streams over a surf.ito, Ust of all cadU in blnze which tended iib at the, luyvuo a heavy column of lire aiul biuck, Home of vrhf j 30 or 40 fed d.uuteter, to a great height ui belore, and at last coiiaumed lUell for want of more fuel. U hil.t theae Hjwrla nnd. rejoi cings were goin forward on Uie lawn, the merchants and otlteitf ol'tiro inoro wealth f aiul 1 ospi'ablo iiihaliilantH li;nl ytrovuled gome ulida. and barrels of rum and other spniiH which wi re deposited on the firm parade ground, with one end upwnrd and the heading krmrkcri out ; trr which place the troops were then mnrehed. followed by the nnmeroit.J fipecta'ors ftll shjMtin and htfKzninj till they renched the spot. 15nr brttued meats nnd other viands wefe nlso jirepared in rent nlnindanre, and every brly who chose feasted, and all upon free coat. Thib pleasing and alluring exercise of fe;:?tiT!g, and marrimcnt being over, eve ry body retired to their homes in town and country afier a joyous day spent as above described, without any riot or tumult, but all in good humor with themselves and the world. 'J'lus much for the Stamp Act and its repeat. I have already told the reader how the Duke of Oralton an prune minister, und Charles Townbhend, the new chancellor of the xchequM, ctvine mto power, who nn meaiinlelv wooured the pBa-e of n bill for rantiu? new duties in the colonies, lo wil- on ghuts, paper, :mintera colow and teu. '1'he heart of oppression which had subsided upen the repeal of the former impost was now revived, with additional ardour, by the same principle exhibited in its new form. As inijrht have been expect- uiiiafure was ruinoted by the Manachu- I setts auscmblj', whoaiO activity and perse veruig hrinneaa exciled the marked displea sure of the crown. They were ordered to rescind their resolutions, and On their re fusal were dissolved. During- tho ndinmi.-itration of (Jovernor Tryon. in North Carolina, a Hplendid pa I lace for his resilience was hvpun. in New i bern, the iScat of the royal rfovernment in ! that province. The sum of -25,000 cur rent inonc', equal to fi'v'OO dollars, was ' voted bv tho House of IJurgesse for that ! establishment in the first instance This j sum being gradually expended, and the 11- t - L I .1 I I . I.. nmiiimg unnnisneu. anntner can was maui; on the House of Hurgesrieu at thc;r next Session for n new appropriation, winch with some difficulty was obtained, perhaps to the amount of StGOOO more, and the work progressed. But even this additional sum was found insufficient for so splendid a buildinif with all its office, and Cuvcrnor Tryon, with the assistance ol il:e liiiluwice terribly increased their confusion and KlUfo of hid council, fif'.v ays ubedieiit to lh wuii-! neat or rather a fli-ut euiued.', Manj,, ciofthe Governor, and the mandati of j wcif killi-d and wounJcd. and nuinj.moff a Uir crown, wiu jointly cousiitutnd the up- j were m.iili. pnboiiCd; hidoO"; ihenitrijki per brauch ol tin; I'rovuicial Govrrmnent. j Co! Iu:!i r and scvcal other leading chT4 obtaiiicd froiu nine to Luie new grants, un-1 acii rs ; but Hearnan Husbnnda 'tMMlt&U iillhesuuwaiiiouiilwl!o40.000orlf)O.OOOi.Bcai. and rid to the back part 6f 'ri?nflP I iloiiars an liiuuense sumror iorm . hrh - mi lo r.USO at that early pervxt though extensive ns to us territory, wns neverth'dess tl.-eme I (lie Horest I'rovinee.' except ii ori;ia, in Dr.ti.-h America, 'i , rnnrmou-! sum appropriated for the accoui-l mo, atioii ol u:ie man u cie.iiure oi me r - . t ' . , . crown.) and his family, extorted by de preso from the people, (whilst many vctd thy and virtuous subjects hved m teuomeuU not costing 9 1 000) created many murmur ings and much disconteut, throughout the Province, especially among her hardy sons from Hillsborough, as far as her settlements extended to U; West; whilst the people below, who pjweca i)t uioru wealili auU n. consuWrable black population wero bet ter able to pay exorbitant t.uuv. quielly ac- (Uii'SfAxl under these oppm-xnd, lo ad to lheo disconlent.s, tuu people in the up er diKlriti Joiully coiipl.uned of oppress. ou in anotlMif form, ttunuiff from the cor ruption iukI laxity of ihe Hoyil (krwrn. meirf a jotuucisoii u this Prownce. Aa all nii;iouitmenls lo office emanated from tlie ioveino!, who wau the King's subatitute, ha was: in the habit of feppointmrf Bher in the different eountfes" they1 k'cfe not alrearl t hr lervile cfcatu?eri, w'eTr1njot :t.i . . i ' ... i. . . . t, i:!.iL.:L. .! Hurry to, oecome so in ,ower to rcxaio aji fttnee', me- gift of theTldyal Subatitfjfe: atid that wfthcrai ' takm? .ftjfflcfent 'tc'dtrhi'Jf terl by him, and btsrdei tnakinfiT otnfbt' Wger etactions 'iidt,"rfririti1 Air ferrrj'of his own accord It so Happfnedl itMf haw betri expefite iUt manf jfrf tt Sherrffs, poffi: Upby' the Ttrlflert'fli, nnd the Tempta,tiori of f itr&fagarftjyaftf dcring what was i not tfif)7orf,"6fted fyleli nnd absconded witn' tirfiat :'w-Uii' Wbffi money that remarried In their hand! uxfs once collected aJready.'be'cJipM Kt Provincial Govcrrtmcfit fcould ty &yVWlr out us annual uevenues, wefaauj Jerie nnd extorted from (Tie peopfo .anrJT. fc'fti .1 t r ' . ' .'4 . A throurrh the ncgricnCe or. isrojVpif ftfJ Governor. Another crieVance' a1iw'."ih'esa hardy peopfe lourlly tQmpltxincivjfl iho exhorbifant anil jlTcja fef 't Jerlgf of tliti Courts and tltfli lawycM eialed jtrraa thoso whose misfortune it waa tb l Wqf ved Iri law-suits, which if" not paid whfipi was ure to be levied and collected bjepj cuiion, without the smallest change iMr cape, unless they prevented it by force oj anna ; and thee men driven to despoijy the nets of these licensed knaves indopj pressors at last had recourse to ac6rp(m sistance arjd violence, the dernier r'cspilM ' the oppressed everywhere. Thia )afiQ after a forbearance of three of.foiit jarjy broucrht about that state of irwurrectioty which in North Carolina wag. so cmphat) cally called thencjulnlior, " TheseRfr' julaiors," f7lXfVS wln:ri ajiprehcnded tli iotnoxipiJi Sheriffs CI.'rk.H of '( buffs.' nndftjrsygome. of whom they severely chastiecii Will btrSpe and otherwise maltreated, , in mmyyjt&'CZSf such for instance, ns f x)itiisbttr horWli lntilt by the lawyers out o thfj'r unlawful palps, wcro cltdc fy$j(fL wy or partly, twn down, an4 .dcfae4ibjt tliLbo infuriiited U:gul.ilvtoaoti tbeje tai .uitfi forced to fly to a plaoc yof taatyoal of tlicirfoach.tocscariepersTmnl hfWnfl.' (JourtH were hrolren op by,,'tiheTTi'11ilr w proceedittM at Ictiit . lot "a tifWenwfr mpfed. This wad thbcrnmerjcerADru pf. tnnt nistirrcrti''': in tji .arola,owijj, as the Rcguiaiion afialjhp ouraLs iiisurotits was daily utceaUig,t4n airfik ing iuiiouul l i iln.i atnte of tbingsyCb cruor Tryon, who un-ian Knglwhrnttafllfldh bred to aims, and who i MiVii&'kfP Colonel in the British fmrdtfiotiWfcrM per to call out the Militia of thcbvVer, totfltt try and beat up fo Volunteers mapT whom of the first families jofoed'L.f$r1j ilard Meantime, the Regulators Wfie&fa boilyin tticiKelvHi Uiidfrilkeirka4cB,rlIiBt? maq iiiwbands, who had long beorrA tfb spicuoiM member of the Umisc of Boryettel 1 . . C - . - . 1 . 1-1 I nmr was a tnnn orsirorg- nntirraJ.caHrni 'I'heir place of rendezrona wm't't Stf lr ile of Biff Allnniaric'e, thtijjffc branch of Haw River, aWtepj-iyjrJt miles above IlillnboruuU. ThIjiqabje(Ct were estimated at. 'iODO. At last, (jOWBor.i Tryon, with 2 or 30UO uulitin . atidtslllfey teers, the latter acting- as crtTalry. 'widl three or four small field piccedabOtrt ttik .r)th ofMay, 177 1, approximated TnM' ?ent army. A disposition for fcaWtfwftf soon made on both slieig, arf f pOMfaerag ball wore to decide the haivrtoua, doubtful contesL ; . .., T. e regulators, although a bra T .rli hardy people, wero nevertheless very IteT cteni in politicians to direct thnrcotrwaTJ'l skilful officers to lend them ififo rwtt!('r? knew but little of Military discmTiub'a nnd tactirk-r, and II rmaiV Husbaodab. tore mentioned who was nothing ai whit but a plain farmer, was ihcir CounGaaJkitf iu-Chicf: whilst Col. Lmler, a brava wmA Cfi;xiblc pcrh.ips of tha tw, waj their second. The battle comnleneH1 with spirit on bo:h sides, white tfitJ Mrta was for nemo time doubtful. At ifltJj order which waa to have been expetjtr It;:: l its way into the rankioftbe Reg lil.iioro. Nor wuo thU alL The , canooa-'i cif the toy al army pl.iyed incesaanlly po ihem and did great, execution, not one mari nmontr them in all probability ret haWBj beard the discharge of a piece of nrtjlifcrr 1 before. This created a ranick. wnicn. ' syivama. innn wneticc u iiu ejjiiijiicu. l to Nurth Carolina, and wai pevef ,0)0x11 seen theju Liilhu iiifli.ta.nai wafOLjpc , He wju hecaiae a uieiubcr vClivrflstgUH Uiurc of his uaiive Stale oi r. AOTMin- tied for many years and jrftteHhuTia'ilii i .1 I J.I...I. u rl (oveniff l tfs Vicloty.'Wd kl' court ma rtia for fhfi triJil of in 4 OriSOhefB' . i . .v. t-ci .: n'AtilM) nnd by martial late ' flanged orf A giufVt six of the moit nobjioxious chaiacteralj,1 ujnj them. ,jjpl Bailer issued WptaoH l.u.Miiou requiring ihos who ftl .vatfc as ihos wbio remained on the around audit were oopltired. to repair to the ny1 8tai ilnnl and tnkeiho oath of allegiftlWflrjT III lflljel T Or SillH I hit iimi "w" f.irtf'enson nrvl have thir ea,teVi;$.prlfc rated. J'ins reipusi,t.oii,na.4! preje nliy comphe ! with, atid , fiworuj aLoh jrgbi mado liieir .ppearanco, for tiat.jiilirpaa was ibo ihmwICoL Pvkrf 4iraflig(t or Ci)iihaui, nad f wlwmlaiuiMh(irajtt (h-c : ooti to speak hereafter And tlfc4l pi-ojile generally r uiained faithful fcflr w a i to tliO r.'val tau. c. aua wera

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