THE QQM4imiClAL I puallshsd every T0i3y, Tarid(t!fM4 Saturday, at 03persanuai, payable in ilcascstn advance by to oiu as loring; ; , 1: feDiTcuiANppiiopaiEToaj . , . " ASSOCIATE EDITOR. ; I Corner of FtmtranWIttrket 'Streets, ' S wiLatikoi-o!, it,' RATES OF ADTEBTtSma. ! ' ' 1 nqr. 1 insertion. $031 1 sqr. 2 months, $4. 1 " 2 " 75 1 " 3 " 5 1 ' 3 " 1.03 1 ,; G " 8 1 ,; 1 manth, 2.50 1 " 1 year, 12 Twelve li:is or less makes a square. If san Advertisement exceeds twelve lines, the price, will be in proportion. All aJraii;;ne;its are payable at the time of their insertion. Cntra.Jti with yearly A vcrtiaefs, will bo made on the roost liberal trms.' . j All A. ljrtu.imcnf inserted in the tri-weekly Co:nmrcial, are entitled to one Vnp.i tio r.ntae Weekly, tree of charge JOB, CARD and FANCY PRINTING executed in superior style. The privilogo of Annual Advertisers Isstrictly lim it od to their own immediate business ; and all edver tiseTiiants for tho benefit of other person, as well as all advertisements not immediately connected with their own. business, and all oxcess of advertisements, in lengtn or otherwise, beyond tho limits engaged, will be charged at tho usual rates. AGENTS FOR THE COMMERCIAL NEW YORK: Messrs. Baowx& DeRossbt. BOSTCW: FaBDEmcK Kiddeb, Esq. D. CASIIWELL, IJJSISSm Mi FJ1-.V1RDISB IE5CB1ST, WILMINGTON, N. C. Feb. 8. U9 JOHN II ALL. SHU' AOliN r , AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, No. 30 UR.WIRII STREET. New Orleans. ApriiiJ, iarc. ll(My- F. J. LORD & CO. ttice Factors & Commission Agents. Nov. -', 1817. 103-1 -p. M'KILEIt & M'RAE, LUMBER AN!) TIMBER AGENTS, UEJIEUAL C:l.01SSl!).N MIUIIANTS, nud tROCERS, Slort formtrbj occupied by Hall & Asmstboso, NORTH WATER STREET, WILMINGTON, N. C. HICTOU M'KF.LI.Aa. Nov. 11, 1918. ALEX. M'RAK. 102 L .MA L LETT, AGENT FOH TJ1E SALE OF Timber, Lumber, Naval Stores, &c., Null's lltiildhig, Nrlh Water Street, WILMINGTON;-N.-C. Nnv. 9,1949. ll B1RRY, BRYANT & CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, WILMINGTON, N. C. March 17, 1319. 1 tf- WILLIAM NEFF, Laic, of lite I'u-m of N.ff & Warneh.) V.::jLKiAl.L .VXD KF.TAIL. DEALBIl IN SHIP CHANDLERY, SHIP STORES AND GROCERIES, CORNER OE DOCK 4 WATER STREETS, WILMINGTON, N. C. Dec. 7th, 1343. 113 tf. JOHN D. LOVE, Dealer in CABINET FURNITURE, ROCK SPRING, WILMINGTON. N. C. storr, KEEN &C0. MERCHANT TAILORS, AND DKA LF.K J IN SUPERIOR WeaOl .MaAc iloWing. MARKET STREET. WILMINGTON, N . C . Oct. 21, 1813. 9iy- CORNELIUS MYERST" MAN UFA C TU RE R, AVD DRALUn IM HATS, CAPS, UMBRELLAS AND WALKING CANES, &c. WILMINOTO.N, N. C, Market-st. Oct. 17 1848. 91-tf. JsTi, morrFs,- Lumber and Timber Inspector, WILMINOTON, N. C. Oct. 12,1848. 89-6m JAS. T. MORRIS, Acnt fur tbe Sale or Purthaw of 5EGR0ES, WILMINGTON, N. C. Oct. 12 1848. , 8Mm A. B. STITfl & Co., AUCTIONEERS MD C0111SSI0N MERCHANTS, Fa jretterlll Street, RALEIGH N. C. Will attend to all orders sod commissions In tbeir line of business, with punctuality and dispatch. Rsrsa to HisEseeDency Cmas. Mamlt, 1. O. WAttash fceq , Matmbw Saw, Ei lion. J. R. I. Pakiiu Ok.' W. KoaDscAi, Esq,., Mj. C. L.:Hiwti. Jteigk, N. C, Peo. 22, 1849. MS-lta-e. MOT 11 ,....,..,,, l:-;:;;-;-;-;;;-- PUBLISHED TRI-WEEKLY, tSY THOMAS LORING. . , ; A; t . ,',;, r,L -, , . .. -.. . . "VOL. 3 NO. 153 WILMINGTON, TUESDAY MORNING, MARCH 13, 1810. Whole No. 4G5. W. L, SMITH, (Latg of the FiftM of SaKdford &. Smith.) AUCTIONEERED COMMISSION MERCHANT, WILMINGTON, N. C. Store on North Water Street, Parity's block. Oct. 14 1348. SO-yc J. S. WILLIAMS, Fancy k Staple Dry Goods Store m DJjinmr op Win. mn Diiuii stmb MARKET STREET, WILMINGTON , N. C. Oct. 14,1813. 90. W. BRANSON, AGENT FOR IMS SALE OF IIJlBBnY LUMBER, ft Hll BfOllBS,eU Nult's B'iUding, NMh ffatcr Street. WILMINGTON, N. C. N. B. I hnve a hrge and Secure Timber Pen where I will put all Timber hit with me for sale at as Small ch lrge as is nude by any other Agent in this place, W. B. Sept. 28 1848. 83-c. B. I. HOWZE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, WILMINGTON, No. Ca. Will practice In all the Comttt of Wanc, Duplin and New Hanover Counties. WILLIAM J. CLARK, ATTORNEY AT LAW, RALEIGH, N. C. Sept. 12th. 1343. I6-LrLL cTrrol l & f e ne l l . Grocers & Co n niioii Merchants, WILMINGTON, N. C. AVE ALWAYS ON HAND A GKNEBAL AfiSOBTMENT OK PAIULY CiMCmilKS, LipiiS, H fcc AND WILL PAY FAITICULAB Atteatiaa to t!ip sil) of all kinis of Pro I nco . . C A R R ILL, C. X. FSNNKLL. July 13, 1848. iTODERICK CLARK. MANUTACrUREB AND OEALEB l.V ALL CINDS OF CABINET FURNITURE CHAIRS, BliDSTElDS, WRITING UESKS, MAT TRASSES, PAILUSTKHS, kt. FRONT STREET. NEAR MARKET, WILMINGTON, N. C. April llth, 1949. ' Illy. DER0SSET k BROWN. WILMINGTON, N. C. BROWN & DEROSSET. NEW YORK. , i: COM MISSION MERCHANTS March 17, 1919. 1-y. J. & W. L. McGARY. FORWAIUIl.U AH CilJI.ll SSI ON MERCHANTS, WLMlNJrO.V, N C. Marcli I7,lj43. GE0RGE S. GILLESPIE. aognt for tui: sale of TIMBER LUMBER, NAVAL STORES, All u ikeliberalcash idvances on alloonsljnments of produce. March 1 7 . GEORGE W. DAVIS. COMMISSION MERCHANT, WILMINGTON, N. C dnrch 17. 1848. J. C. LATTA. COMMISSION MERCHANT, AND GENERAL AGENT, WILMINGTON, N. C. Oct.10.1949. 67 CASSIDEY, SCI1RADER & CO., ENGINEERS AND MECHANIST WILMLNTQNC. thi above riaa hats bbsotid an crrmiTS IRON AND BRASS FOUNDRY, . 'TOdtTHSB WITH Machine and Blacksmith Shops, Where orders for ery descriptien of wort In their ilns of business, will ba expeditiously and faithfully executed. July 25, 1343. LIFE INSURANCE IN THE NATIONAL LOAN FUND SO CIETY, OF LONDON, ,Al FIRK INSURANCE IN THE1 JiTNA n3TJRANCE COM PANY, OF HARTFORD, Conm., Ol, llf Thb HOWARD INSURANCE COMPANY, . OF NEW YORK, May be efleeted by appllcatioa to . s DaROSSET Sc BROWN. Nov. 25, IR47. W9 BENJAMIN BLOSSOM, COMMISSION MERCHANT, NEW YORK. Liberal adfaeeee made upon Coostcnmenteof al bine's of produce. References. Meter. J. A D. If cRai, O. W. Davis, Eee, V WUmingtosu J. ft Bloisom Esq. ) Pec.l9,lfl U -i ri r, .?.'; .vuktjt , ..i'.;:'! A,i.j. ' HENRY ft RUSSELL, AGENT FOR THE CAPE PEAR STEAM SAW MILL, WILMINGTON, N. C. Strict attention given to the faithful execution of all oiders for Lumber. Jan. 1, 1849. 124-lyc - GE OaRRISsT General Com mission Merchant, WILMINGTON. N. C. STRICT atiniim given l ptocurlng KrclghU and piirchaaiag Cargoes for vessels. Kama to ,, , E. I. Hall, Esq., 1 O. Q Parilsy, Ksq., ' J. A, Taylor, Esq , Wilrninjton. J. I) Bell-iniy, Rsa.. Messrs. Mallard & Uontinglon, J Messrs. Tooker, Smyrh ft CO., ) York " Thompson Hunter, t-ewiorit. Alexf. Henon, Jr , Pliila lelphia Messrs. Williams 4 Butler, ) r,. . 0 r, H. K. Baker, Esq , ' Ch. , 'lesion, S. C. Jan. ?,ia9t'. 1-23-if. ELLIS MITCHELL'S chain store, MurpiyU Building near Weasel's dock. OF.ED Wheat and R.e; North Carolina Coin; O Cow Pe;is; Fresh Ground Meal and Hoinoiiv ; VVhife llonidny lleans; New (;orn Meal nnd Utick- wlicut and Ryj Meal; Bi.ickeyed Ytn 0,it; Fay etteviiio m l riour, turrulannd tnll 1)I)f.,h w crop; Hi ; Cow ami Horses feed vunslan'ly on hand, and for sale. Nov. 2. J. R. BLOSSOM, FORWARDING AM) (M.lPilSSlIlN MPCI1AST. WILMINGTON, N. C. Liberal Cash advances made on consignments to Mr. Uuiy.iiiiin Hlocsoin New York. ALSO. . AGENT FOR THE MUTUAL BENEFIT LIFE IJiSL RAXCE COMM. Capital liabkfttr Lotxcs, about $700.00n. Dee. 19; 1313. 1 ;9 Cin. MARTIN k CRONLV. i. AUCTIONEERS, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, GENERAL AGENTS. Wilmington, N.C., Oct. 3 1318. t-5-tf. ' Dr. B. MUNSEY, IIOMCEQI'A T1IIC Pll YSICIA N, AND DENTIST, MARKET St, C Doors above Front St. Dec. 23, 1348. 120-6ino. JOHN T . R U S S , INSPECTOR OF TIMBER AND LUMBER WILMINGTON, N. C. Oct. !4 1S49. 00- F. J. LORD & CO., Agents for the NAUTILUS MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE Co Accumulated Capital, $130,000. ALSO FOB. THE EACjLU LIFE k HEALTH INSURANCE CO. Capita!, $100,000. Will take risks on lWcs of SIoycs. Office 23 NortU Water Street. Oct. 24, 1849. WSt. M. HARRIS. tl'GSNC a. DBAKK IIARRISS k DRAKE. General Co n;nksi)n Merchants, W1LMINOTON, N. C. RcrtBENCis: O. O. i'arslov. Esq. Col. John McRae, Wilmington, N. C. Messrs. UallardA Huntington, ) Will Peck. Esq . Raleleh, N. U. Messrs. Hnll, Sackett Co, '' Foyelteville, N. i Joseph Uiiev. Esq.. Missrs. James uorncr et sons, nnnimor. " K. A. Souder Si Co , Philadelphia. ' Thompson & Hunter, ) N v k 11 Pillsbury A Sandford, neW Iorl " lluntlng 4-Tufis, Boston. 11 J.4 0.P. Tiicomb, Kennebunk, Me September 14th. 1848. 77 tf. COHON YARN. -g f Bulcs, B. C. Varna assorted numbers, for l-Usaleby i, C. LATTA. Oct. 24. W-if. A Fine Set of Teeth for 25 tents. White Teeth, Foul Breath, He. Iihy Gems. Yellow and unhealthy teeth, after being once or twice cleaned with JONES' AMBER TOOTH PASTE, have the appearance of the most beautiful Ivory, and at the same time it Is so perfectly Innocent and exqul siietyfine, thsittt constant dally use Ishlghly advanta geoua. even to those teeih (hat are in good condition, giving them a beautiful polish, and preventing a pre mature decay. Those already decayed, it freventi from becoming worse U also faateaa such as are be coming looae, and by perseverance it will render the foulest teeth delicately white, and make the breath dolclously sweet. PRICE 25 0 R 37, CENTS A BOX. Sold la Wilmington, by Uppltt A WUlkings. FEATHERS. 2ooObL; LBS prime live geese Feathers, for ealc W. L. SMITH. Dec. 12. 116-6 CORN. lnfi BUSHELS CORN Jast Retired per rail 'w road sad For sale by IIARRISS DRAKE, Feb. 10 140. BUTTER.-Fresh Ooehen Futfer. Tor sale by HOWARD A PEDFN. Feb.l. m. AN ACT To improre the Cape Fear and Deep Hirers aboye ravetterille. Whereas the navigation of the Cape Fear mil Deep River above Fnyettcville nnd as fiir up the same us is practicable, would be ol importnnt public utility ; and muny persons are willing to subscribe money to effect tlte work, and It is jusl, tl'ut such nulisc ibcrs, their heirs and assigns, shall receive reasona ble tolls in Siitisfuciion for the money advtin ned by (hem lo execute the said work nnd lor the risk they run; and whereas the Cape Fear Navigation Company did at their annu aftfttceting in the year 1831, relinquish nit claim to the river above Fayctteville to any Company th;t would improve the same. 1. Be it therefore enacted by the General Assembly of the State of North Carolina, and it hereby enacted by tht authority of the la nit, That it shall be law hi I to open books in the town of Wilmington, under the direction ol A. J. DeRosset, Jr., John McRae. Miles Cos tin. Beniamin I. Howze. Wrn. C. Bettencourt, or any three ol them ; at Favettcville under the direction ol James L. Dobbin. Archer McNenl, Benjamin Atkins. John D. Cameron, David A. Itay, or any three of them ; nt Pitt- borntiini under the direction of INalhan A Stedman. W. T. Horn, John J. Jackson. H. A. London, M.IJ, Waddell, John A. Hanks S. McClenahan. or anv three ol them : at Hay wood under the direction of Robert K Smith, Elias Brian. Robert Fuueett, William Crump, James D. I'ullen, or ony three of lliem; atLarthage unilerthe direction ol Jno Morrison, Charles Chalmers Angus II. Krl' ly, Samuel J. Person, Dr. Bruse, or any three ol' them ; at Asliboro' under the direclion of Alfred Marsh, Franklin Iloovtr. Jonathan Worth, Henry B. Elliott, Win B. Lane, or any three of themy at Greensborough under the direclion of David F. Caldwell, John M. Morchead. John A. Gilmer, James W. Doak. James Morehead. or any three of them ; nt Salisbury under the direction of John W. Ellis. Willie Bean, John A. Lillinglon, Ham ilton C. Jones, or any three ol them ; nt Hillsborough under the direction of Hugh Wuddtll, Giles Mebane, Cadwallader Jones. jr., John Berry, Sidney Smith. , or any three of them, and lit such other places, and under the direction of Ruch other persons as any three of the Commissioners hereinbe fore nuraed to superintend tbe receiving of subscriptions at l'iltsborough shall direct, for the purpose of receiving subscriptions to an amount not exceeding two hundred thousand dollars in shuies i l oi.e hundred dollars each, lor the purpose of effecting a communication by Steamboats, from some point at or near Waddtll' Ferry, in Randolph County to Fayctteville, and for providing every thing necessary and convenient for the purpose oi transportation, 2. The times and places lor receiving sub scriptions shall be advertised in one or more newspapers published in the town ol Wil mington, Fayetleville and Pittsborough, and the bonks fur receiving the same shall not be closed ia lc4 than ten days,and ifit shall ap pear that more than two thousand shares of the capital stock aforesaid shall have been subscribed for. within tho said ten days, it shall he the duly of the said Commissioners at'itisborough, or and threo of them lo re duce the number of shares subscribed lor, among the subscribers in fair and equal pro portions lo the amount of slock subscribed for ref pectivi ly. by each until the whole amount ol shares shall be reduced to two thousand ; but if the whole amount shall not be subscri bed for within ten days from the time the booko shall he opened to receive subscriptionr-, then the books mav be closed or continued open, or closed and re-opened without further notice as a majority of the above named Com missioners -it Piitaborough may judge to be most expedient, until the whole number of shares shall be subscribed for. . 3. When five hundred shares shall be sub scribed for in manner aforesaid, the subscri bers their executors, administrators or assigns shall be and they are hereby declared lo be incorporated into a Company by the name and style of the "Cape Fear and Deep Riv er Navigation Company," and by that name shall be capable in law of purchasing, hold ing, selling, leasing and conveying estates, real and personal and mixed, so for as shall be necessary lor the purpose hereinalter men tioned and oo further, and shall have perpet ual succession, and by said corporate name, may sue and be sued, and may have and use a common seal, which they shall have power to alter or renew at their pleasure, ana ahall have and enjoy and may exercise all the pow ers, rights and privilege which other corpo rate bodies may lawlully do, for the purpo ses mentioned is this act; and may make all such bye-laws, rules and regulations not in consistent with the laws of this State or of the United States, as ahall be necessary for ihfl well ordering and conducting the affairs of the Company. 4. Upon any subscription of stock as afore said there shall be paid at the time of subscri bing to the said Commissioners, or their agents, appointed lo receive such subscrip tions, the sum of two dollars on every share subscribed, and the residue thereof shall be paid in such installment and at such times as may be required by the President and Direr tors of said Compnny. The said Commis sioners or their ngenU shnll forthwith after the first election ofPresideut and Directors of the Company pny over to the "said President .ml Illrprinn nil monev received bv them. nnd on failure thereof the snid President and Directors may recover the amount due from them or Irom any one or more of them by mo tion or ten days previoai notice in the Court of Pleas and (i. Sessions, or the Superior Court ol Law. in any Connty wherein such Commissioner or Commissi oners, their exec utors or administrators mav reside, or by war rant before a Justice of sold County. 5. When five hundred shares or more of the stork shall hare been subscribed, public no- ill lice of thut event shall be given by three or tnor of ihe said Commiiwoners at Pttubor ough. who shhll have power at the same time to call a general meeting ol tho subscribers, at such couvcnii nt place and time as they shall name in e.tnl notice, (to constitute tiny such meeting, u nnmher of persons entitled to a majority ol all the votes which could be given u poii all shares subscribed, shall be pre sent, either in person or by proxy, and. if a sufficient number to constitute a meeting do not uttend on that day. those who lo attend shall hare power lo ndjoun from tunc to time, until n meeting shall be formed.) b. 1 he subscribers at this general meeting, before directed, and tbe proprietors of stock at every annual meeting thereafter, shall elect a President and five Directors, who shall continue in office unlea sooner removed, un til the next annual meeting afterlhtir elec tion, and until their successors shall be elect ed, but the Presidit or any of the Directors may at any time removed, and the vacan cy thereby occasioned be tilled by a majority of the votes given at any general meeting; the President with any two or more ol the Directors, or in the event ol the sickness, ab sence or disability of Ihe President, any three or more of the Directors who ahall appoint one of their own body President pro tempore, shall constitute a board for the transaction of business. In case ol vacancy in the office of Pici dent, or any Director, happening from death, resignation, removnl or disability, such vacan- cy may oe supplied ny appointment ol me hoard until the next annual meeting. 7. The President and Directors of said Com pany shall he and they are hereby invested with all the riihls and powers neccsyary for tne construction and repair Willi a in. my locks and datr.s as they, or a majority of them may deem ncceesnry and ulno to make and continue nil works whatever which may be necessaij and expedient in order to the pro per completion ol ihe work. 8. The said President and Director! t-hall have power to make contracts Willi any per son or persons on behalf of the Company lor constructing said work and performing all other work respecting the same, which they shalljudge necessary and proper, and to re quire truin the subscribers from time to time, such advances of money jn their respective shares as the want! of the Company may de mand, until the whole of their subscriptions shall be. advanced, to call on any emergency a general meeting of the subscribers, giving one months notice thereof in one of the news papers printed in Fayetteville. To appoint a Treasurer, Clerk, and such other officers as they may require, and lo transact all Ihe bu siness of the Company during the intervals between the general meetings ol the stockhol ders. 9. If any stockholder shall fail to pny the urn required of him by the President and Directors or a majority ol them, within one month after the same shall have been adver tised in one of ihe newspapers published in the town of Fayetteville, it shall and rony be lawful for the President and Directors or a majority of ihem to sell at public auction, and to convey to ihe purchaser the share of shares of such stockholder so failing or refusing, giv ing one month s previous notice ol the time and place of sale in manner aforesaid, and a-1 of the County, and unless good, cause can be tcr retaining the sum due nnd all charges of shown against the report irbhall be confirmed the sale out of the proceeds thereof, lo pay hy the Court and entered on record. Eui if the surplus over to the former owner orJn ! the snid recoil should be disaffirmed, or if the legal representative, and if the said sale sh.'ll ! raid freeholder being; unable to agree, should not produce the sum required to be advanced I report (heir disagreement, or from any other wilh the incidental rliargrn attending the cause they should fail to make a report, with sale, then the President and Directors nny j in n reaeonnhle time nfler ihrir appointment, recover the balance of tbe original proprietor the Court may in its discretion 'us often as or his assignee, or the x-cutor or admiuistrn- j tor or ci,ler of t)en, 1)y gujt j lir)V pourt 0f record havinir jiiris'li'-uon thereof, or by war rant helore h Jusl, of the County of which he is a tesident, and any purchaser of the stock of the Company, t.nderth" sale by the President and Directors, shall be subject to the same rules and regulations as the original proprietor. 10. Beit further enacted. Thai the said President and Directors, their officers and ser vants, shall have full power and authority to enter upon all lands and tenements through which they may desire to conduct their work, and to lay out the same according to their pleasure, to that the mill house, yard, or oth er buildingaof no person be invaded without hi consent t and thev shall have power to enter on and layout such contiguous land as hey may desire to occupy a sites for depots, toll houses, ware house, work shops, and other buildings, for the rtecessary accommodation of their officer, agent and servants, their horses mole and other cattle, and lor the protection of the property entrusted to their care ; Pro- vwed, that tne land so laia oat snail noi ex-, use 01 me v-ompauy. ceed one and a half acre in any one parcel, j If when they so take posc3iion. proceed If the President and Directors cannot agree j ings to ascertain the damages as aforesaid, be wilh the owner or owners of the land so en - tried oo and laid out by ihem, nsto the terms of purchase, it shall be lawful for them to ap ply to the Court of Please and Quarter Sess ion of the County in which such land, or the greater part (hereof, may lie, and upon such application the Court shall appoint five dis interested and impartial free holders to assess the damages to the owners from I he condem nation ol the land lor the purpose nforesaid. No such appointments, however, shall he made unless ten days previous notice ol the application shall have been given to the ow ner of the land, or lo the guardian if the ow ner be an infant or the committee, Uie owner being non compo$ tnentit. if such owner guar diun or committee can be found within the County, or if he cannot be so found then such an appointment shall not be made un less notice of the application shall have been published at least one month next pre ceding, in some newspaper printed a con venient as may be to the Court House of the County, and shall have been posted at the door of the Court House oo the firet day at least of the next preceding term of the aaid Court A day for the meeting of said freeholders to perform the duty assigned them, chaff be designated in the order appointing them, nnd anyone or more offhem attending on tho day may adjourn from lime to time, until ' their business shall be finished. Ol tho five freeholders so appointed any three er more of them may net after hating been dafy sworn or solemnly affirmed, before snmefJus tice of the Peace, that they &UI impartially and justly, to the best of their ability, user r Iain the riarrtiges whirh will be sustained by the proprietors of ihe land- Irom Ihe eondeiti- i nation thereof, fo'r the use of Ihe Comcanr. and Uiat they will truly certify iJiek proceed ing tl ercupon to the Court of the said Coun ty. 1 1. It sfinll l the dot of the said Frr holders in pursuance of the order appointing them, to assemble on the land proposed to he ro.tdemned. nnd nfier viVwing the same and hearing such' proper evidence as the party mny offer, they shall nsmfain accordir g f their best jtultjrment the damage which lite proprietor of the land will sustain by the con demnation therfofforiheu of the Company. In performing this duty fliy shall eonaidcr the proprietor of the land ns bein;r the of the whole fee simple interest therein, Ihey snail take into consideration the quality nnd quantity of the hmd to be rorniemned, the additional fencing that will be required there by ; and nil other inconvenreneca whirlt will result to the proprietor from the condemna tion thereof. I2. When the said freeholders hnJI Iifivc agreed npnn the nmoont of damages, they shall forthwith make a writfHi report of their proceedings nnder their hands and seals in substance hs follows; We freeholders appointed by an order ol the Court of Please and (i. Sets ions, tor the purpose of ascertaining the dam- nges that will hi: sustained by the proprietor ol certain lands in the smd County, which the President nnd Directors of tht; ' Capo Fear and Deep River Naviga tion Compnny" pro rote to condemn lor their ue do hereby certify that we met together, on the land nforrutid on iho day of the day there by the said order, or flie day to which ,ror we were regularly ndj'airned from the dey appointed for our infetili ley the said or der, nnd that having been first duly sworn nno naung visiieirtlie premiers, ve proceed ed to estimate the quantity and rjoafily of land aforesaid, tl e quantity of additional fen cing which would probably he occasioned by the condemnation, and al! other inronvenien ces which seemed to u likely to result there from, to the proprietor ol the land, that un der the influenrc of these considerations, wn have estimated and do hereby assess Ihe damage nlbresoid nt the rum of Given under our henrta and seals this da- of At the foot of tho report so made, the mag istrate before whom the said freeholders w.-re sworn ahull make a certificate in substance as follows: Couuty I a Jus tice of the Pence of said County do hereby certily that the above nuuied freeholders, be fore they executed their duties at above cer tified were solemnly sworn (or afphned) be fore me, that they would impartially And justly to the best of their abilityAscertain tbe damages which would be sustained by the above named by Ihe eon- deronat'iotr of the above mentioned land for ihe use of the Cape Fear and Deep River Navigation Company, an they would certi fy truly their proceeding thereupon to the Court of said County Given under my hand this day of 13. The report of tl freeholders so made together with the certificate of the Justice of the Peace as aforesaid, shall be forthwith re turned by the said freeholders to the Court may be necessary supersede them or nnr-of them, appoint others in their stead, and di rect another viiw and report t5 be made in the same manner ns above prescribed. 14. On the confirmation ofnny such report, and on payment or tender to the proprietorsof the land the dnmngra so nfsrs cd, or the paj" metitofsaid damages into Court when for good cause shown, the Court shall have so ordered it, the land reviewed and assessed as afore said. shalT be vested in the Cape Fear and Deep Kiver Navigation Company, and they shall btedjudged to hold the mime in fee sim ple in same mtiuncr a if the proprietor had sold and conveyed it to tlnm. 15. While these proe eedi.ngs are depending for the purpose of ascertaining the damage to the proprietor for the condemnation of hi land and even before they shall hive bceti instituted, the President and Directors, if they think that the interest of the Company re quires it, may hy lln nisclvis their officer agents and servants enter upon the land laid out by them as atorecaia anu wuiru iney i desire lo condemn, and apply the same to thu 1 pending, it sliull be tlieir duty diligently to proserulc them to a conclusion : and when the report of the freeholder ascertaining tho dam .igf shall be relumed and confirmed, the Court thai! rci dcr iudgcrrusnt in favor of the proprietor of the land for the amount thereof, and either compel its payment into Court or award a pruccsa of ex- eulion there for as to shall seem right. 16. In the mean time no order ahull he made, and no injunction l .all be awarded by any Court or Judge t slay the proceeding of the Comoiinv in the crosccution of their work, utiles it he mauilest, that theimlucere, agent aodeervnau are transcending the au thority given tlwra by this act, and that the interposition of their Court is ncctswry to prevent injury, tlia.t cannot bo adequately compensated for in damages. "7. If the President and Director,' haU take poeoession of nny land before the samo hall have been purchased by them, or con demned and paid for according to the provir sion of thi act and shall fail lor forty day lo institute proceeding for it condemnation a nforesaid, or shall not prosecute wilh doe diligence, the proceeding commenced for that purpose, it shall be lawful for the preprisv tor of the Japd upon giving to rhe asrtd frew-