Breadstuff. Since (he Bailing of the last teame.r the gralnl 'trade has been very dull end, Inactive throughout tho United Kingdom. The suppllo at moat cf our leading market have been large, and aa buyers were very sluggish in their operation, prVes have declined. "'..,',, Provlaiona. Tho quality of Beof now tn market ii very Inferior, and the demand limited holder aould willingly accept a reduction. - la Pork and Bacon there has been a fair business done. At the latest date the following were tho prices of WadstufTa at Liverpool : American and Canadian White wheat 7. 2d to 7. 4d j red do. 6 6d to Gs 8ih Flour. Western canul and Richmond, 2G. a 26c. 6d; Philadelphia and Baltimore. 26. a 29; New Orleans and Ohio, 26. a 27 ; Canadian, 25s. a 2Gs. 6d i do. sour, 25?. a 26s. FOR BALTIMORE. rPHE Schr. II. & D. Leiyhton, S. Dandy. J. Maeler will have despalcn lur in nuove i.iort, lor light freiglit or passage spply to March 13, 1849. IhS-Si. SCOTCH SNIFF. QAA LBS.furaulcat OUU J. WILKINSON. CoV. Match 13. 153. FANCY ARTICLES AND TOYS. JUST opened this dnvn splendid assortment ol Fancy articles and Toys nt J. WILKINSON A Co s. March 13. m. WANTED. A SITUATION whereby tho subscriber may at leant obtain a subsistence Win. F. March 13. l-VJ-li. COLVER'S CONCAVE Beater Churn ! BUTTER IN FIVE MINUTES! ""V7E cnll the nttentiou of th public lo ill" nrtiele V beadins 'his adveitisi'iii' nt, ind inviti' 'he ei -Icrpi'lsinsi and cm ions lo call und witness its opera- , iion. All .idverlHcuienlH in leiuli.oi lo this inven tion, to tin hundieJs w ho hive betn it let ii d, is mi urero;alior. 1st. ThiMi'hurn w ill broduee bnllcr. patlierint' it in n mass, from sweet niiik, in five lo ten minute find from cream prepared. as families usually piepaie it. In three I i eli hl minutes. 2d. Il is the eln npeH ('burn ever inven'rd. ns llii' simplicity of lis conMi uelinn, l oi.b iinl-odvine; ii ureal philos iplncal principle) iiiakte it bin linlc lu uianufnrr ii rt it. 3d. Ii is n eointti 'n-si npc Churn, as all will ndinil who will examine it N. li. W c nre m W ofl'ering 'he complete monop oly of this staple nrtiele. for the Slate ( Norih Cato lina, South Carolina nnd Georgia, which w ill Insure Cerium if 1 1 irje proli;j to the vende', and a pei!y return of Invesinier t. The pulilic are Invc ni. d to cnM ind wii ni ss its op eration, at our office in U ilinliiglon. Office mxi door lo the Carolina Hod 1. II. T. MYERS March 13. 1 53-if HOLT'S FLOI R. A FEW Barrels and Hags uf IOtJ lbs. family usi 2A. for sale by R. W, BROWN. 133 -It March 13. TO HIRE. LIKELY Ne:io man until 1st. January next, lii used ( iliu l'nrpi mine bui-ines. nppl) lo (iEO. HARKl.-vS. March 10, 18J9. 15;'. SALT. Cf"p- nCSHELS Tuiks Island, just at J VF vF-r rivid per itilj; Avs, lur sub: bv BARilV BRYANT i Co. Jlaich 10 Vol. SEGARS! SEGARS !! SEGARS!!! JV8T Ren lved, 10,000 Havana tjegars a very su perior article and for tale low for rush lv GEO. MYERS. March 10. 152 FOR SALE. ivNE fifteen baiiel Turpentine Still, with arm and J worm complete ; also, one five barrel do. trwl V ha been but little used. S. P. POLLEY. March 10. 152 TO TnE LADIES ! ! JUST opened this day, a splendid assortment of CURLS, of various colors nd sizes. Call soon at J. WILKINSON &, COS. March 10. 152. RICE. IN v by N wliolcand half casks, of prime quality. For sale K. J. LUKU & CU. 152. March 10 GOSHEN RUTTER. i) EALLY good and fine at R. W. BROWN S. 152. March 10. CAMPHINE ! CAMPHINE!! 40 CKNTH PEK GALLON. For aale at th Store of J. G. BAUMAN. Fl. 27. 147 FUkMTtltE . WAREnOUSE. ( WILMINGTON, March 5th, 1841. IT! CLARK, begs . leave tit assure the public In general that he I now disposing of hie latg nesortment of Cabinet Furniture, nt Invoice prlee. for the CASH, as he ia dKei mined upon clonlnsr hi business by the lat of April. All thoee In want of giwd Fur-1 nlturo at exreedmciy low pitcee, will do well to call and examine tor themselves. Among the Stock will be (bond. Mahogany Wn id raj bos. French Bedsteads. M.ihngiiny und vValnut Chair. Curled Maple slid plain Onus. Suf is und Ottonmns Fine Marble loji Bureaus. Plnin Dreering do. High post BudBtends. Slnifle unil double Coils. Stufli i und plain Rockers. .. Nursing Chillis. Ladies Sewing t.'h airs. La lieWoik Tables. Do. do Boxes Mahocnny Snlebourd. Iluir Maiirasscs M irbletop Wnsh Stands. Single and double Wash Stands. Hutbr's Tray Towel Racks. Centre Tables difllrinl style's. Cliildren's Cribs. Malin'.'iiny and Ohcrrv Cradles. Hick Chiilrs and Niithl Cabinets. Cuimii'iii Windsor Chnlrs. I'.ili'lll Winding Bedsteads. Dresidng Tulilof, tkc.S., tf-c ALSO. 4 Shower B.iihs. 3 Itefi Iterators. la VVriiint; Deaka, suitable for Couutinj Hou ses, and Dwellings In short every article belonging to the Furniture line. , FREDERICK CL-llllC Those indebted tome are icqucsted to make pay ment by the lalli of this month, at whi. h tune I iat place in 1 1 io hands of utlicers lor lollctlioii, all ac counts due me. F. C. Duct. B. A. KENNEDY, Graduate ofthe Baltimore College ol D?ntal slrgi;os RP.Gs leave to say to his friends nnd lilt: public ol v iliiimion, th it he wi'l be in this place, between ihc middle and Inlf March, huvinifconcliidud to locate per iriimnily. He will be prepared to peiform all oppo r.iiioiiH in hi.H proiessd mi on ilie lairst and most np pruved principl ; and wair.ints them to w done i ll the best in .itoi nl-", and not to be sin panned by any Op -ratur in' the United His charts ill bi: as mod orate a ill upper ations cm be done in ill i sini J m inner, lie will insert, lejthon gold pi ale, Iio'ii one Li i;n o:itiie sell ; whole Opp. r :etis on (lie Atmospheric pressure principle; he ha vinir i ade iiiij'. ovi iii'.-rits in lliid in-) leof inseiling leeih onlidenlly rnc m oiend k il as answ, rini; the purpose "I in istici ion They can he 1 1 k i ) out mid put luck nt pleasure by tie: weirer ; be worn with rum I rt , nn 1 eintwt be il leeud irom ( lie naunal tectli Kxtr .ii-liii!. Cleansin:' . Plmj-iinij. f'c , done on sei i olifie piineipli'S All opera'imis warranted to give satisl iclion. II ivinu practiced a number of years in Virginia and ibe lower part of this S tate, he fee s saiifli-1 be will he -.iMc to please all who may lavor him v illi their patron me. .rreiiil i ilie in Miildni .t leelh corrected. L-idi- will be w.ii'.e I on at their icsidencca, when n -eess try . M in It 1 . 143-if. BACON k LARD. IM'.I JES new Itncon, Hor round. .5 Keus I. nd, jusi n-e. ivu a pei Rail Rofld, yue l.'o.mtv, I'O' Sale hy l oin W DdtOSaET & BROW.N. :h 3, 1 43. 149-3. Ma BOOK KEEPER DISCHARGED! r.Nc, 1 evel w:j le.iee i Hie nnpli us.nit results Hum ung do ami the trouble in coded ine, 1 am compell- I 1 1 adopt a e. n i sv.-: ui s i lb it iller the l .h if Al.iirli, 1-4'', nn i t. dii ill n at ibis eatnlilish en nl, as 1 pn Ii I '.iinj Ii s mi r.css ari-l tjiv.njj no e eiii lo ih,- dis ureeaole nccissiiy of being obliged i.i cubed uccoidin" io law. S P. POLLEY. N H. All acenunis hihI noli " due Hi-Irtie of II. nt .i Policy will, il not p.ii I l y the 15it) pi.; in ibe hiii. c;:- ol : ii i. in n. i) lei telltciicii. M.ncb I. 148 JUST RECEIVED. Hi Srhr L ' Smith. Vf Sile ol it us for Sjniiir;, 1S-I9. olso a fine lot X Can Covers lor Sale by C. M R.t9. H atteii, M uch. 8ih l-?40. GUNNY BAGS IIU.SrlKL S Gunny Hags just reeeived ooo: und loi saleljv BARRY, BRYANT A Tn. rcb G II9. 130 NOTICE. lebt.d to Cape Fear S. S 'PIIOSF. p. irons I Mill liv it, ili nr :ii-e Itni .ntraClc: durlnij the j? ... r nn. i. ,1 in i. Hike ,..-'edi ile nay nn nl l i ibe uiideisiu'iicd; ibry buvln on the j1"'! I), c. la-t iclingui-hed tha G.nenil Agency ol that bt-eouu s necissiry that nil her accounls to lliut dale should be immediately settled. J. H.vTHAWAY &. SON. Morch 3, 1349. 149. FINE OIL. rplUS article havii g been fully tested and proven 1. to be Moperler io snytblnx heretofore In use, is now offered with full confidence ol nixing so'.ie fuctmn. A cons ant Supply can be found at the Store of S. P. POLLEY. and will also be del vered to cus tomers wheiever desired by Mr. William Bluney. A. II. VANBOKKELKN. March 3, 1649. 149-lf. COGNAC BRANDY! TN ha f Pipe for sale on consivnont by 1 JEFFREYS & LEIGHTUN. March 3. 149 BACON AND CORN. i rviBAOs Corn- 1 UU 408 j lw es Bscon, Hog Round. Just re ceived per R .ilroad, lor sal e by DeUOSSET f- BROWN. March 10. 152-iw. NORTH CAROLINA BACON HAMS, Side and Shoulder. For sale by F. J. LORD oV CO. March !0. 16- FOR CALIFORNIA. THE Nautilus, Mutual Lllc Inurance Company ol New York, will tukcrlskeon the live of per sons golag to Colllornls. Acnlv to F J. LORD & CO. 152. Morch 10. NORTH CAROLINA BACON. 1 rrv Lba. New Wayt (;-. Him, Side I JJkJ and Shoulde . Just received per Rail Road and for aale ly HARRlaS f DRAKE. March 10. 151. . t mm i 'Siw. i 1 " ' i DISSOLUTION. ",vi. Zl. 1MIE Coparmenhli)'ofureiliilnr under th firm of PETERSON. CASHWKLL A Co., i this day diwlvJ by niunualcoasenl. ' O.Csshwell, ai the old rand, aettle the Jiusi. ess of the con cern. . E. PKTKKSO.V S : , D. OA8HWF.LL, I. PETERSON. Feb. P. ' 139 JUST RECEIVED, Dtj the 'Srhr. L. P. Smith. 5 Firkin Gohen Putter, 25 Boxes pri ne Clierse, 25 Smoked Beef Tongue, 200 lh. Muoktd B cl. 3 Bhls. Fulton Market corned Beef. 2 Quits Codfish Good, 20 lioU. Irish Potatoes, . 6 Dux. SoihII Brooinn, Sciubbinu Bualies &c. 3 Buses Pine A pple Cheese, Oranifi s, Lemon and Sigors, 2000 4 Bushel Gunny Bags.' For sale low for Cubh by GEO. MYERS. Murch8. 151. TO LET. THE f loose foimTly ocupk'd by E it Wood 1 1 ri III nA into niui n I v. n iid a a ' '"I ' Lii n . - MVLD Mun-h8 151 ItYSON AND Y01NG HYSON. 5 Catty Boxes Y. H. Tea 12 lbs. each, ft " " Hyson - llbatsaih, of superior quolitand fur sola bv I1ARR1S3 & DRAKE. March 8. 151. RECEIVED TDIS DAY. Pi(f Coacon Nut j UJJ 30 bbl. N. Y. Pipping Appier; 40 boxe Orange s i 20 " Lemon ; 50 pnekage Rnisinst 40 Drums Fgs? Nut of all kind Fresh, and for safe by J. VV ILKl VSON. March. I. 148-4.. RAISENS AND FIGS. Cf PACKAGES Ruisens. '0 Driiiits Fijiits, for s ili- by J. WILKINSON &. Co. Febi uary I j. 142. WHEAT BRAN. Onfi BUSHELS, lor sale oy 6 Kt J. fi W. L. McGARY. reb. 24. 146 flcr B'jls. Irish Potafox-s. For sale bv Z'J (IK J. MYERS Feb. 17. H3. FISH LINES AND HOOKS. LI, varieties ol Silk, ll-;:up, Grass ami Cotton A Lims; lLoks of all siea nd shapes, for sale at HOvVAltD & PEDE.N'S. Feb. 27. 147 CtKGAKS.-lOO.C-OO Segars, Various Brands and O iiuulity. For sale by HOWARD p PEDF.N. Feb. 3. : 137. HAY! HAY!! PZ.( BALES, a supmior article, landing from Schr. UvJ Laniarline, frotu Bulh. Apply to GEO. H.ARRIS8. 17 Norih Water ireot. Jan. 2 1 3 ID. 123-lf. WINE! QAQ t. Casks Teneiill'. wine, just rtcqvia C) sale at vcty iow pri f. by DeltOSSF.T & BROWN Feb 1. TO RENT. THE Stnre nn the Sou'll side of Markr t f-t. mil .ininir Air A lnjliRlllw-'ri A 10, The pleasant office ab ive.with bedroom ntlarhad The store and elli e will be iniied wp,irnl" ly or lo gc her. Apply to THO.S. IL-WRIGHT. Feb I. NEW LARD. KEGS Norih Carolina Leaf Lnrd lor sale by UEROaSET & BROWN. 20 February 27,1349. 142. FRESn BEAT RICE, WHOLE, Half and Small It Ice in casks nnd ha eas.s a fine article for retailers, for sule by F. J. LURD A CO. Dec. lb. 117 tf. SUGAR FOR SAI.L; HOURLY expected. 6 hhds. of ptime Porto Rico Sug at, on c'ximgiiuienl, Selected tor the retail trade, and tor sale by E. DICKINSON. Jan II. 127. LARD. CA Barrels New Leaf Lard, JJ 50 Kees do do do For sale by Feb. 3. HOWARD 4 PEDKN. 137. L1UUORS ! A( BARRELS Appls Brandy j QJ 26 do. Cider Brandy; for sale low to close consignment. Apply to GEO. HARRIS, . II Nurtfc wanner Jan. 2 1849. J. nATUAWAV & SON, COMMISSION MERCHANTS. J. Hathaway. fJ. L. Hathaway. March 3. It49. 149. CORDED and MarseUies Skirts for sale bv J.S.WILLIAMS. Feb. 6. - 133. n41'2-4 Superior Mars Hies Quilts for saleby J.S.WILLIAMS. Feb. 6. 133. MOLASSES, MACKEREL AND C0FEE. Hhda. Sftrinam Molsssea, auperior quality Cl heavy bodied snd liht colored -k0 bbl. No. i Mackrral and V0 half do No. 1-69 bags St. Domin go Coffee, per brl N urar, and for aale by BARRY, BRYANT A CO. Jan. It. im JEFFREYS & LEIGIIT0N. General Commls'lon Merchants, WILMINGTON, N. C. . v Fsbniaryn, 1813. , . . ,lLt , , JUST RECEIVED. Bv the ftcW Umnla, Proa Nw Yarlu Q(V'0 Post Y field B. dsirads,. QJit Bandle Chair, For Sale b f , t.U. L.UVK. Fek 24. PKACII TRUES, AronalgnrrwntorSOOPeach Tfeci In flae order. For Mle by L-' ' OEO. HARRIS. . Tth. 22. us. ' CANDLES. Qi BOXES Adamantine, iQtXW iQ " Tallow, jsi received and for sal by J. A W. L. McGARY. Feb. 24. 146 BACON AND PORK. 5 HHDS prime Baron Sides. 10 bbl. New Mess Pork. Jnst received per Schr. Urania, for sale by OEO. HARRISS. Feb. 24. 146 SEGARS! SEGARS I! OCi PR'NCIPRJusto Sana. 4J).JKJkJ 10.000 Peacock. tuuoo Hsvanna wunderlnv Jew. 10,1)00 Itarsnco (Havanna.) 15 000 Regaliaa Venus and Minerva. 5,000 Lncelabradea. For nU- by i. WILKINSON 4 Co. Msrch 1, 1849. M9. SPIRIT BAHREIN." A Good upplv of empty Barrels. For sale low In lots to suit purchstera. by ' " DoROSSET & BROWN. March I. 160. WOODEN AND WILLOW WARE. A Lu Varieties, for nle Uw at HOWARD & PEDEN'S. 147 Feb. 27. COW PEAS. Z.(f BUSHELS, for snlo by 0)yJ HOWARD & PEDEN. Feb. 27. 1 17 JUST RECEIVED. Qnfi l'ht Smoked Beef, ZJJ 50 Beef Tonmies. 30 Boxes pilme Cheese, IO Barrels Clarified Sugnr, 2) Bbls. Apples pippin-, 20 t and 20 Bom Paisins, 15 Box a Tallow Candle, 5 Boxe Orange ami 5 do. of Lemons, For sale at (he lowest price for CASH by GEO. MYERS. Feb. 24. n6. MOLASSES. 1 ,II,'s Prime new Crop Cuba Molasses, just 1 0J arrived per Brig Annawan.and for sale by 3. HATHAWAY SON. Feb. 22. MS, TURNER S ALMANAC. rpURN-ER'S North Carollnn Almanac, for 1349. X for sale at 77ie Commtrcial OJJlct. Feb 24. UC-tf. SWEET CIDER. 20 BBLS. very superior, just received and for ante by J. A W. L. McGARY. Feb. 24. 146 LARD. 10 BBLS. new N. C. Leaf Lard, just received per Kail itoad and lor sole by --IB' J . W . L. McGARY. Fob. 24. 146 APPLES. cYA BBLS. very superior Ked, just reeeived pei (LfSchr. Ira Brewster and U'snfn, for sole by J. 4 W. L McGARY. F.b4. U6 , COMMERCIAL BANK STOCK. 1 A SHARES Commercial Bank Stock, for Sale lUby J. HATHAWAY J-SON. Feb. 21, 145 FOR SANFRANCISC0 CALIFORNIA DIRECT! THE new A. I. Copper fastened and eopper j4ffV ed, Live oak and red Ccoder built Barque .tf-1fclOHN A. TAYLOR, Martin master, .ill s.iUa ubove, early in April. Sh-can take the bulk i-ltOO tons Ircight and 100 passengers. For particu lars, npplylo geo. w. Davis. Feb. 15. 142. The Raleigh Register snd Standsrd, and Fsyette ville Om-rvrr, N. Csiolinian wi I copy 6 times and orward theirarcounts. JUST RP.t KIVED, 5 Ferklns Goshen Butter, and for sale by GEO. MYERS. Feb. 24. 146. FLOUR. 1 BBLS. Fayelleville upr.just re-elved nnd 1 OU for sale by J. 4 V. L. McOAUY. Feb 24. 146 Sri . K M CAIDLES For aale at HOWARD PEDEN Feb. 3. 137. $25 REWARD. n.NAWAY from the Estate of Witt. B. Mrares, in June last, a negro fellow called HENRY or HENRY HILL. He u about 5 4 too foot 6 inches high, wull made and likely i he is quick spoken and sm. He 1 probably lurking about Wilmington, where he has a guod many relatUma. 1 will give a reward ot 25 for nia apprehension and delivery to main Wilmington, or to Wm. T. Bray at Mean' Bl4n. T. D. MEARE8. Nov 9. IPLif. SPERM, Adamantine and Tallow Candlea. For tale by GEO. MYERS. Feb 10. HO. , RIO COFFEE. Bage Rio CnV,iKw randlrtg, and for l OU by J. HTHAWAY 4 SON. Fb. 22. 14o- SUPERIOR TOBACCO ! Of Boxe V Manufactured, a prime article and OU f.rr Ulow by J. WILKINSON. Msr.hl. 148. RECEIVED, Pr SciVr AUrle, from Hew Yrt. 1 OH'ph P( maple bediteada. iZV) Bundle Chains For Sal by J. D. LOVE. Feb. 24. 146 BAY. CA BALES prim Hay in Store, for sa'e by Feb. 6, 1949. 2w-138. CODFISH 3 Quintals Codfish. Jnst received ad for tale CARROLL 4, FENNIll i.n&. US. I PEAS AND CSAiNS. T7THTE Been ind KUhk IBd Grey ty Pea VV juat racalvfd per Rail Rw4 for a to In lota to ultby DEKOS3KT BROWN. February 18, 1349. 142. CREESE! CHEESE!! CHEESE!!! O SS BOXES prim article, jW rMevi and for OSiliil WM.WEKP'S. Feb. 13. 141 ORANGES AND LEMONS. On BOXES Orange. 20 M Lemon. Jnst received snd for ml by t. W 1L.I.SU. Vn. Frbrasry 15. 142 GROCERIES, &e. NEW crop Molasses, Sugar, hhds. and Vbls, Coffee Loal and Powdered refined Susar. at R. W, BROWN'S. Feb 10. 1 40-1 m. BACON k LARD. nfV Lb. Wayne Couyty llama, UVA 500 LI Lard auperior oimlily. For sole by GEO. MYERS. Feb 17. 143. o RANGE COUNTY BUTTER. Just received and for rale bv GEO. MYEK4. Feb. 17. 143. EXPECTED II0URLY, Per Schr. Ira. Drewatcr. Kf Smoked Tongue j A 3001b. do. beef; 25 boxes Cheese ikins Goshen Butter and for isle low for eai-hby OEO. MYERS. Feu. 20. 244 FEATHERS. aQ BAGS live Geese Feather, from Interior of C the Slate, where the good artkai I produced. For ale by R. W. BROW N. Nov. 26. SPECIAL NOTICE I HAVE Sold out and transferred my entire Stock of Groceries & Provision, to Mr. Gaoaoa Mvass. who will continue the business at the old Stand, and to whom 1 recommend my former customers and friends. . E. R. WOOD. N. R. I havo declined business preparatory to ieavknu this place, (early next month,) and desire an Immediate settlement, pro snd con, with sN person having with me unsettled accounta. E. R. W Jan. 25, 1849. 133-tf. CAMPHINE. (IAN be had at 40 cent per gallon. It laon'y nec J essary to give it trial, a we are convinced that Tnose who try it, Will come and buy it. CARROLL 4 FENNELL. Feb. 10. 140 RICE. QnfiCASKSfh o Ri" With Half and OKJyJ Small Rl-e lor aale by . DEROSSET 41 BROWN. February 27, 1849. H2. A MORNING OR EVENING CALL, AT SCOTT, KEEX, 4k Co'a. CLOTHINO ESTABLISHMENT. ESTABLISHES the fact, that the chea peat Cloih i Inn in Wilminaton, for GENTS, YOUTHS and CHILDREN, are to be found at thia Estab lish. nenu LMe arrival tuve rrplenlh4 their cfothimr, enabling ihem to challenge a oioie geiurai auortmcnt, or at price viihin 25 per cent a low J they are nowoTering ibl stock, which consists part ly of Overcoata, tloaka anal Coats, of every d scription Dress, frock and Business. l'ANTS.--Of all kind. Im luding black and fan cy Cs'i-lmeres. VEHTINGS.-Siik and Satin of various and superb patterns W hite. Caaslmere. OLOVEW.-Kld.Silk, Cssslmere, of all color and qjallly. Stocks and Cravt. Of the latest styles. Children's Clothing. In great variety ot quali ty and pattern. Fab. 15147. FIGS 20 DRUMS fresliTuikivFig. For sale at HOWARD d PEDEN'S. Jan 6, 24. BUTTER! BUTTER!! 1 f KEGS Goshen Butter, just received per 8cer. 1 U U W Davis and for sale by WM. NFPF'S. Feb. 13. 141 SELLING OFF AT COST. WE hate concluded to change our business, and ire now telling off on Stock of Dry Goods, Hard wsie. Iron, dtc, at New York toot. We hsve si so on hand a supply of choice Wines, Liquors, Tst and ether Groceries, which will be sold at reduced prices. All persons wishing to purchase, win find It to their advantage to eall at our Store, a the Stock la large and was boo grit cheap ANDERSON at YOUNO. I4l-tf. Feb 13. 1849. LARD! LARD!! f BBLS first quality Lard just Received at 3 GEO. MYER'S. February 3. 137. APPLE BRANDY. -1 S f Rttr.A. Annie Brandv. for aale bf 1 LW DeROSSET d BKOWPT. Peb.27. I47(f HARD HARE. 12 DOZ. Corn Hoe, assorted from 0 to 4. 1 do Steel Garden Hoes. I do OrabblBff do. 12 do Rice do I and 2. 1 do Drawing Knives, 11, 12 and 13 Inch 1 do Guavea do. 1 do Jf aarare fork a long bandied. I do do do abort do. 6 do Frying Pana. 6 do Aies, long snd short Bllt. 6 do Curry Combs. Cn n. t . krlk. Tka tfv.aii wiii. Files, Saw. Locks, Screws, Hinges snd sll vari eties, for sale low at .HUWARuartutn's. Feb. 27. 147 FL01R t WHISKEY. fi BARRELS NwOrteaaa wrustcy T4 43 Faysttville Supei Flour, just received for Sals oa consignment by intent ay JEFFREYS 6V. LEIGHTON. Feb. 15. 1849. 142.- 1-1 UTTER and CHEESE, a aria 1) ceived and for sale by GEORGE MYERaJ. Feb 10. T70R SALE. 50 Boies taperlor Smoaksd lit V rtsg. S BoietMoald Candle. 6 IIARRISa 4 DRJUtX. r. us. snlde.jast rt- Raj. 130. A THOUSAND DOLLABi, . - Tnefroa Kcrcirj i ill Ifntril Itiititici ' 2 COUGHS, COLDS, FEVER, HEADACHE. DYSENTERY, C. IXTRACTofa lee r from Wlllinmsbrg, In Lrlslsndl ' ' I h-vs nsed W right' lavtiam Vegetable Pill In my family for mors than thraa years, snd In a ftre- I viieiy of eoniplint.Cosgh, Cold, Fevers, H esdehe, Dysentery, e. with iho most complete snceess. In sll esses, Wright's Indi an Veghabl Plls have fully ausialned iheir repuli tln. Yosrs. truly, WM. SIMPSOIt. August 6, 1848. humThis. wrights indian vegetable pills, are nsed ssa cotmwt fc and patiAet ofihs bbod wltM great success, removing aM unsrrmly bluteh, sr lernal sores, and cutaneonoerspiiotis of every SimV New York, Juos 11 f&tB. To Dr. Wright. Phllmlelphla: Dear Sir Having been nffllrtcd with .mst dis tressing humor lor many years pat,and navi.:g aaed every mean that afforded tha remotest pro . ibllity of relief. 1 was at last injured lo try your ' luabi India a Vegetable Pills. I am now aaiuified hsC I hav received mora benefit from the use o th. m, than from all the medicines 1 have hereiofoft aim. I therefore take pleasure in recommending tbj Pills- ' ... ii t l k cr . i . , w hu wiiu sis ui uave oren uueiion irum any II lr mor, believing, a I do, that they set dii eel !y upon the blood, and by their purifying virtue, a 111 com pletely cleanse it from impurity. HENRY OREF..tt3e Norfolk sr. NERVOUS FITS. Those arise mors frequently tbaa ia gent rally u,) pored, from thn presence of VVorms, aad from Dys pepsia. Wriclu' Indian Vtgeiuble Pill remaws the csuf In both cases. New York, Not. 17, 1641. Dr. Wright. Philadelphia : Dear Sir Your Indian Vegetal le Pills have beta ths means of completely restoring my health. Un til within a short period. I t are been subject to a succession of Nervous Fits, whicfT coinpleily dtfiid the akill of thadoctors, I had become so weakened by the diseaseana'the use uf medicine, iliat I could hard ly stand. At this crisis, I began to use the Pills, and have continued intil within a short period. I an happr to aay that my health la miite restored, and that tor more than two months, I have had no as of the old symptoms. Please make some use of this, a I am res By anx ious that other may be benefitted In the same way. Your, Ac. CHAS. KINK AID. 14 PlrtSt. The Genuine 1 for aale by GEO. R. FRENC H Market 8'rset, sole agent for Wilmfngions D.TUK, NER, Raleigh, and by sgtnu in all parts tf ikt Stats. fT Btvtrt of cowntirftitt and imUoUtmti ' K mom bar that the original snd only genn'- 'Imm Vtgttohlt PiU; have the written sirr ii. , Ham Htlghl, on tha top Isbelof sack fc Office devoted e-scluaivaiy to iheta. - .tir Mian Vtgtlabtt Pill, wholesale afnd rstaii, tit Bars street, Philadelphia, 288 Ores a wick srrect. Kw York, sad 198 Tremont meet, Bostoa, Sept. 211. 1S4S. 0.. j- . ( . BOSTON LIKE cr PICKETS, r gam wiiuwidi ulo W1IISSH 15. f -' jjftQ "u,riy between thl port and Up- fifty Brig WM. NICHOLS, CTU Js. Leiehtoa. Schr. MINNESOTA, Capk Gilbert Lslgluow. Ths above vessels sra of the fire class, and are commanded by experienced navlgaiora.' . . HAURJSS Y DRAKE. MRS. MAXWELL'S MUDKiRY. 'if Home north ofthe Presbyterian Church. .THE SUBSCRIBER, grateal sf rxrssst QO patronage would call the attention of I he Ladiaa of VVilmingtos and vicinity, to her Isrgs aad well selected stock of MlUnsry aad laaey good a, which sh is desirous of dlspvsingof st (really reda ccd price, in asdet to mak room for an aduiiioaal r apply of Spring goods. Ribbon UJ to 1(4 rts. sold formally at29a3 cts. per yard.slso Dress caps, Hesd-drsesss, Straw and Silk bonastala the same propotion, alee Fame! bonwisconsunthr on hand. mT a r in rf w ... ... (lsbs.jv seAATv r.L.Ls wouia invus psmeanr Oil attentiea a hi superior aMthod of cicanlnf the Pamela or Tape Bonnets, ma kins- theea equal to new. also sirs w bonnet cleaned ana ditssshL on ike most reasonable term for the trade. 9 to. I, lb4S. 136-4BU .ne;w dagtjerreian gallery, REMOVED, In ths Boiiuing occupted by Dr. WM. WARE. ' THE Ladies and gentlemen of Wllmin;ton aid lis vicinity are respectfully invited lo eatt and eiamine specimens f ihU wonderful art, which are produced on silver plats by a ebtmical operation, la a life-like manner, not 10 be surpassed by any oae of the profession. Plainer coloured pot uie frame cases, toeIcia,ar pins. Paintings or hngravings copied W. J. PICKETT. Dec. I. llt-if. PLiVTLNG POTATOES 1 Df BB,-S FlnilrS Potatoes. Received UU 1 UU day. per Ckaa. MWa, for sake by r MARTIV CRONLT. Feb. I. J ' 1 OnTi Tlerees freak beat. Foe sale by ZA) OEO. Yf. DAVIS. Fb ia. 140. SUGARS, priaae Porto Rico. New Orleans, eraefc ed, powdered and Los, fot ssle by GEO. MYERS. Feb 10. 140. DANA BROWNE. PROFKSSGRef Maslc sad Dealer -in Pie Fort, Gaitara and ether Maakai laMra meats. Old Ptoaoe a . w - nit . nrhinrr. wareroomai saenri niu. rrw Meor Browne may be seen ar Mfttart HalLerattll Wsshlngios Hotel, opposite Cape hear Bant. 130-tf CU HALF Barrel canal Fluor, jest re- Wed at Feb. 13. U t ijlJCAII-M Packarea Loaf, Crashed Prw ' O dersd doabfcd rtftotd. To sal by ' , Feb i. 137 HOWARD PEPr.X.

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