-.. fan. laira'cle of Miracles U . ft -V r t the Royal JScienti, fc Imiltvttm of France: The aged vhite headed President, his head bare, hit arm outstretched, hi t face radiant vilh jt7e, (for science wa triumphant,) and his voice with gTatulalorylone,aeiiftrea, inejouowmg M ft a . u' j ucpori: j,y-"- - We arc astounded al f nil singular prcporatlon. W'Vrfindeed wWcloneatopt Here we have pro pirarlun jnide In the for f beautiful piece of op, which knew, bf actual' practice, to euro ewjreuianednsenrptWewy iHstisrurcmcnt of, and - evrodie.loied,sklnh Where will lie n.aufcnnd sin-guhi-powercoisef 'Ti.aNjgro.ihsGrisJie, the Yel-low-Race of the East, and tho Rod Mnn or the h ut West, are alike Wider th influence of its extraordina ry powereof clearing yellow or discolored skin, nnd niaklng it white lmil?''illful.,nJ ofchinglng tho color ol dark.orblack.orbrowhskin." (llerescvcr alpcrsonswero brought forward by tho President, who had u seJX In proof of hl aaacrUon ) Tbcrc arc probably few persons ofltuelliirence who, ifterroadingthc above, will doubt ihc qunlitieaof - Jones'1 Italian Chemical Soap, Incuring Pimple, Blotches. Suit Rheum, Scurvy Krviipolan.Sore lleuda, Old Sores, Heard nnd Bar ber's Itch, Chipped and Tender Klcah, Frockla,Tin, Sunburn, nnd changing dark Sunburn or Yellow Skin to a pM cloar white, as smooth and aoft at an Infini's. and in fact every kind of eruption ond dis figurement. Read these certificates: From, tit N. O. Sentinel, Oct. 1844. One 5f our subscribers. Mr. H. Leonard, informs ua tint he has be 'n cured of eld, acaly Salt Rheum, of eighteen years standing, on his beard, finders und hands. by a c.iko of an arttcle much advertised lae-- . i. .r !.... Iixll.n I'h.mlenl Sunn He iy wo picuftwi rf'jnu titiua.i ........... r- also Informs us that he his tried Us effects on his fet male slave K.oso.mucn marKeu wu.i auu.uuia, ami in found in two weeks herskin much clearer and whiter. Jam ;s Kltharn, painter, in Jersey City, was cured of carbuncles and pimples, which he was afflicted wlthfor many years, by part of cake of Jones' Ital ian Chemical Soap. ' Persons In purchasing this, must always ask foj JONES' ITALI4N CHEMICAL SOAP ; and per haps, as many who have been cheated with counter feits will be too much t -icouTagd to try the genu ine, we say to aach, try thisonee-you will not regret t : but always soe ihat the name of T. JONES Is on ihe wrapper. LippiuA Winkings', Front are tne Agents loi hisSoap for Wilmington. March 2Sth, 1948. r7f7iubbards, Genuine Vegetable Auti-Dilious Fumily Tillx rpHESE Plllsarca certain cure for Fever nnd Ague. J. and Bilious lever, ns numerous certificates sent to tho proprietors will show. Thcxinallnessof the dose, (only two pills,) thnr energy.th :ir simplicity, ond efneacy. happily udnpt Them for Family nnd general use. Ths unbounded popularity and extensive sale of the pills hive induced persons to Imitato thorn, und wrap ibm up under a name and r.-putation not their own. ., Th: proprietors have put up these pills In their own proper name that they may tho more cfTectunlly protect thorn nnJ the public from fred, "vhich they could not do if they had taken a fictitious name, or th nam a of thedead. Rend the following statement: My father, the Rev. B. Hibbahd, died August 17, HH. While tn his lilo tiin V manufactured these Pills, and put them up in boxes, and enclosed them with' wrappers, with his name, by his consent nnd approbation ; he used frequently to say to me, "Now be very careful, my son, for if the Pills are not made good, the public will blame me." So by his active saperintendance. the Pills have gained their reputa tion a a Family Medicine. Since his death, I have manufactured the Pills and ' species t rdaception to put the name of Rev. B. His Ato.on wrapper, and thereby Induce the belle! thilhasu infendt the manufacture of the Pills, knowing at Uj tame time that It is not eo that he Uded'' The Pills bearing the name. R. F. Hibbard, are manufnetured by me, and are the Genuine Hlbberd's PiUl as made by my father, Rev. B. Hibbard. rm . j j rufus F. HIBBARD. i n w li;t U.li- Dili- lie ure ana its lor R.r.niu - 'K! .At.. PTrnd Aeue. and was -re- . tki miu oAriuv inn i wminuictvu wiiii "" commended to try your Pills. One bo wae sufficient te comblete a cure. Yours, resptfully S. WINER. To R. F. Hibsasd &. Co ' Prepared and sold wholesale and retail, by R. 1-. HIBBVRD&Co. John street. New York, g. nernl aentfor the UnWed Society of Shakers, and by Dr. A. C. EVANS, wholesale and retail Drgglst, Wil m0gtonN. C.cKj2i Aj? CKS May. 2, 1843. MARBLE MONUMENTS AND GRAVR STONE AGENCY. THEoubscrtbersare appoiniu Avmui the6andmoWexmir MARBLE YARDS l ...in ... w ntAam fnr Marhl. inuonncciicui, aou wi i" Monnmonte or Grave Stones, either lettered or net which will be furnished at tho shortest notice anu most reasonaDic oriccs. iri:h the prices, which may bo examined at ony Umt Builder $ and Contractor. June 17. i0- TO RENT. THF, store corner of red cross and front streets lutely occupied by Measrs. G. P. & U. H. (Jrant. 0. G. PARSLEY, Guar, Sept. 12. Ofi Barrels Extra Canal Floor ZJ 20 half do do bo For sale by HOWARD f PEDEN. Feb. 3. 137. BLACK EYE PEAS. 1 00 BUSHELS Bfeek Eye Pea. For sale by ' I. A W. L. McGARY. ,f Jan 6. ,(. BANK CBECRS. tHECKS on the several Banks In thlaj place, KJ bonnd In Books, and In sheets, for sale at the v CttniAtrtial OJJUt. f FOR SitE. A HOUSE and Lot en norm side of market 3 XX street, and three aireets above boundary, us ihe house la new and contains six comfort- able rooms, there Is aUo a Kitchen andothsf houars m (be let. The lot Is r6 reel by 163, posses alon given Immediately. Apply to Feb. 9. Journal copy tf. 140-3m : "ti: I Ted". . SACK SALT. tfY9lCXS Liverpool Salt, o rly cneicd OW For aale br W. L. SMITH. . JUST RECEIVED. AtAHOEeawrlment of ChsaoutA CM p. best Hfc TT ll 1 IV. Daw u i .v - , tore lot of Buck Burling Csshmere snd Silk Gloves, lsrsslr ," .! J ' . " '. f APPL80BANCF8.jei ifrrlr.re for rmk hy E0. MYERS. , fro. IT. ,,, . . . JlST.UEfEIVEU ,-. ' Direct from the Manvfactorij, ' A GOOD a'ksortinertt LnJles fine Kid Slippers, " " " ' .". Buskins, i , Oentlemea'i Oost Skin Crosnns, . , i ; , . , , v .i.ut jfCalf 4" -" . .s'.l.lil I i , Forsalefllieailby O. Rt FRENCH. I r Firkins' nrlrne' Sfouritafn ItftteT."" LJ 10 " new N. U. Lard. For snlJ b J. & VV. L. AlcaARV; JanC. 15. PATENT LEATHER BELTS! TUST Received another laige nitgurlmi n'. of'Misaes and Q f Patent Leather Belts, sorted ciK)rs. Inlj ,-l,nn ho C MVt'lN I T I l..r Feb. I. 13C. fyi fCAULTS Superor Snuir.in nil kinds of ;uck- W ages, constantly on hand, for wile by t , : . BARRY, BRYANT & CO. Oct. 23. 96-tf. FOR SALE. OA BUSHELS Seed Rye; 4 barrels prime lack Orfc Country Whiskey, on consignment by ill C K. I'. L, L . Y It i' WctlAK. Nov. 23. 10'J-tf. MOUNTAIN BUTTER 5Firkinsfresh Mountain butter. Forsnleby ' HARRISS 4. DRAKE Dee. 19 11). FOR SALE. Daily Exyctttd. J 1 1 Q GRIND Stones. 1 10250acksIivcroolSult. 40 bundles Knsiern Hay. 1B00O Common liriirk 600 bans Ground llock Salt, 20 lbs. each. 20 IM)Ih. No. 2 Macker. 1. 20 hhds, Oayenns Molnascs. lOhlnls. nnd 25 bids. N. I). Run). 300 boxes lferring. 16 bundles Gunny Rags. BARRY, BRYANT & On. Dec. 29. ' 121 TALLOW WANTED. Apply f) HAR1USS & DRAKE. Jan. 18. 180. CAMPHINE! CAJIPIHXE! CAMPIIIiE! 'T',I1 F. above article will be furnished by the Sub 1 seribers from their stortmt 50 eonis p.r galloc Call und gel a little lipht nn the subject. CARROLL 4 FENNEIf.. Jan 20. 131 ADAMANTINE CANDLES? 5 boxes adannntinc candles. Just received by CARROLL & FENNELL. Jan G 125. SHIPPING ARTICLES." IJ'OR SALE at The Commtrci.il Office, on ele gant edition of Shipping Articles, enclosing all the laws of Congress relative to the "Merchant's Service. BACON HAMS, Ode PRIME N. C. BACON HAMS. For J v. sale by J. & W. L. McQARY. Dec,21. 119' RYE! Jan. 2ov J. C. LATTA. 136. A CARD THE Subscriber having purchased the entire Slock, and taken the store formerly occupied by Mr. E. R. Wood, respectfully solicits a continu ance of the p itronage of his customers, nnd the pub lic in general, where they will at ull limes finrl a full assortment, of choice family Groceries, and Provis ions, al the lowest prices for Cash. GLOllGE MYERS. Jan. 25, 1340. 131-tf. SL'GARS. OA Pnckaees Woolsey A Co. Loaf Crushed and ivv powdered sugars. For Bale by HOWARD A PF.DF.N. Oct. 1. - . j. TOOTH ACHE CURED Tly R. Deac hons eel brated Chinese Iiall. Fur XJ sale, wholisalc and retail by J. WILKINSON. March (ft , , 15P. SONG OF THE SHIRT. GEN"TLT)IEN wishing to replenish their warj robe with the latest pattern V)f Shirts, should call at once, on the under rig mid, asthey navjurt to hand, several dozen made of line ui nernl, and of various sizes. Should none on hand b,i a perfect fit, measure of persons will 'be taken, and a warrantee given that we will satisfy the nost fastidious. SCOTT, KEEN A CO. Feb 15. 142. daily" commercial. T. IORING, Editor and Proprietor. B. I. IIOWZE, Asaoclate Editor. Aereesblv to notice L'iven so mo time asn. th sub scriber proposes to publish s Diily Pnpcr, Id thla town, or the saaie sue ol the present tit-weekly Commercial. Considerable anxiety has been eipress-d by many of the community fo juch af toufclicatlon, and we trust it will meet with a spirited and liberal support. It la unnecessary to say much In reiurd to the eber acier of the paper. It has supported the President elect, and tho Editor hops to ((rid his administra tion such as to continue that support. But alt hooch the Comnerrioils Whig, the great Interests of In terns! Improvements are considered paramount to every other consideration and the "men and meas ures best calculated to seoure the benefits of this sys tem, will be sustained by this paper, to the boat of the Editors' ability. The prise of the Daily Is t3 per annum. An ad ditional charge of 3-7ihs will be made to tho present rites of the iri -weekly for advertising In the Dailfi Subscribers who intend to adw rtlse by the year, are requested to write the word "adttrtuer'' opposite thdr names. T. LORINO. WllmlnrorNjCyeU 'yjEff-, t LATER STILL, 7 PER schooner Minceota from BoHOR. 12 Wood Seat iUckers, ' 12 Nurse Chairs, Small Rockers, ' . 4 Low-arm Mahogany Nurse CD airs, U Mthogtrsf-trna Taota iBaira, 13 Child's Chairs, ' 3 Dot. C S, Chairs, 0 Bureaus, 4 Hefts, -:r. 12 Toikl TtWea tnd Standa, 4 Card Tablet. ' For ssle at prices to salt the tlmea bf J. D. LOV E, at the Rock Spring. Feb. 24. 144. WOODEN WARE. - PAINTED PAILS, Brooms, Meat Cedar Tuba t do. painted Tuiat Axe handlea, Flour ptlla, Bang starts, Whole and half bbl. covera, Neat mar ket baskets, Nest measures, Borubblng brushes, Whitewash orusnes, rsiat orurnea, anosoiusnes. B rd eages, Wood Uays, Cocoa dipprra, SIves, Keelcrs, VV. A.Clur.s Starches,ust recuilv.d and lor sale by .-, . M WM. NKFF. Nov.tl. ' 102-tf. McKeller, A McRae- Altht latt Stind of Mcttrt. Hall 4 Armolrong, WvrceSTecuT, Wilmikoton, N. CaaouRA, HAVE Just received their Fall Stock of Orocerie dc, hc, consisting In part as follows t 80 ' ngs trli.i.iftHAnn nntl llrthf I? lt nofftM t 20 hsltrn nrloip I.rl Utiira C'ollec, 20b.igspriooldJava CofT. ej 10 hhds. bright Porto Rico Sugar 6hhds. Muscovado 8uyarj 40 bbls. best claiifmd Sugar: 6 boxes loaf Sugar t 20 bbis. extra eanaj Flour; 10 boxes No. 1 Soap; S box s prime chfli'ifT Tobacco ; 1500 buslu ls Alum Salt. Cancllct, Starch, Sn uf, Coppcra. Indigo, kul phur. StcfAcfM vVlii Wfi iscs lien's thick und kip Urognns; 10 fences Women's and BovS' Shoes, assor ted ; 15 coils Raft Ropus 4 colls stunll ropo for tied cords; 4 tons (assorted) Swell's Plough and Tyre Iron; Double nnd single-barrel Guns, Ac, Ac. J3r All of which we will sellon, reasonable terms J N. H. VVe ureundcr the utceslty of requesting I persons Indebted to us, lu make iinuiediate paym i as carl ns possible, to enable ns to keep up sue i stock of Groceries us our customers require. ' Sept 2ist. 1348. 60-t APPLE RRANDY. T BBLS. AntiW Brnndv.verv fine. For sale by J CARROLL & FENNELL. Jan G. 125. T ) LACK Spun 3ilk Hose. For aale bf J J. 3. VV1L.L,AIIS. Jan 31 138. WASHING MACniNE. Patented August lilh 1845. rI II K nbovc Machine haa been extensively used JL nnd hicbly recommended by those who have tried ; them Every family should have one as they sru a i nrnul ttnvinanf liihnr nnn ihp final arltf-lpa mmv Ka j h". - h 1 " 1 J ( washed without injury. For sale by J. WILKINSON OL CO. Agents for Patentee. Jan. 27. 135 GLUE. CiERMAN and American Glue, of prime quality for Distillers. For sale by DcROSSET A BROWN. Jan. G. 125. SHINGLES. 100,000 Jan 20. LARGE Shingles, for sale by J. & VV. L. McGARY. 131 BARGAINS! BARGAINS! ! T HE Subscriber has determined, positively, to loe his business in Wilminjrtuu in all this CROCKERY AND GROCERIES for sale at COST. To any one desiring to enter into business a good oppo'tunity now oilers for purchasing, on favorable terms, the entire st"ck in tra!e. From this date all sums under $50, cash on deliv ery; 850 and under (100, 60daysi S100 and under .'00, 90 days ; 3 00 and upwards, 4 and 6 months, for approved Notes. Hit notes nni accounts will b.' placed in the hands of Mi. James liurch, for immediate collection. J. H. ROTHWELL, Crockery Warehouse Jan 20. 131-tf WHITE and Light Fancy Vests, just received and for sale by SCOTT, KEEN & Co, Jan 20. 131 BILLS OF EXCHANGE. FRESH supply of very handsome Bills of Ex change, for sale at the Commercial Ofie. A GUNNY BAGS. 1 VV Gunny Bags for sale by lUUl HARRISS A DRAKE. Jan. 30. 32 COTTON VARN ! 1 ( BALES. For sale by 1 J J. C. LATTA. Jan 25. 136. "IITHITK & BLACK Silk Hose superior apality VV tor sale by J. S. WILLI Alio Jan. 31 IJb BLACK & WHITE Italian Crape. Fo' sale by J. S. WILLIAMS. Jin.'iO ife I RISH LINENS Epresslv For Fnmilv use For a tie by J. 3. WILLIAMS Jon. 30 135 PANTS, a large assortment, of all kinds nnd des criptions for sale at SCOTT, KEE'V A Co'b Jnn 20. 131 CARRIAGE MAKING. Market street, about 300 yards above the Episcopal Church. MBlX riHE Subscribers wou d rcspect Yte2fc luly Liform the Inhabitants o J2jSZ Wilminstan. and vicinity, that (her hv nt niuir employ experienced workmen at the various branches, and are therefore enabled to manu facture all kinds of riding Veh clcs, In the latest stylo and best manner, and would msoei tfullv aofle- It the a tcntion of all persons wishing anything done In oar line, as wo are determined to give sstlsfaerlen. Blacksmlihinj of all kinds, also, all klnda of re pairing done, In the neatvst msoner.and at red seed prices. N. B. Sign and ornamental Painting done In the best inanotr and at short notice. WELLS 4 CORNWALL. Wilmington, Jsn. 20. J31 BUTTER! BUTTER!! I RST quality Goshca Hatter It OEO. MYER8. Februarv 3. 137. CIDER. bbls. pure Cider, low. For sale by CARROLL 4 FEN LL. Jan 6. 12$. JUST RECEIVED. ALARGEasaurusientof fine sad the best made Frock and Dress costs, warranted to fit. for sale at 8COTT, KEEN & Co. Dec. 12. UJ, r ADIF.S MERINO, aniSiik Vests, for sale by IJ ' J. 8. WILLIAMS. Nov. H. . 103-tf n BBLS. very superior Cldrr, for sale by 1U J. A W. L. AicOARY. Jan 20. 131 CORN &, OATS. Pain. Corn t , 200" Oats. For sale by J. A W. t. Me(1 ART. 12S. 600 ' Jaa6. North Carolina Institute for ' the Instruction or THS DEAF AND DUMB. THE Sessions, of thla Institution, commences on the first day ol July of each yeur, nnd continue ten Montha, when there la a vacation of two months, giving the Pupils on opportunity to visit their Pa rents and Frlr ids. . . The Insltu)n is situated on Caswell Square, a bOut one-third of a mile from tte Slate House. The ground occupied by the buildings with thut adjacent, is the property of the Institution, nnd granted by the LetjUlatuic ol the State. In ei cnt It embraces fcXir acres, a part of which will b3 cultivated, and the re mainder will eonxtitutd spacious Luwns where the Mule-Pupils will ulliuse tlieimelvcs ut proper hours, in athUtic sports, nnd the Females, in walking, or ueh other kinds of exercise as maybe opptopriute to their sex. The main building in ihe dimensions of its plun, is sixty feet by ihiity fix. It has two wins, each thirty-eight feet by twenty two extending nt right onsets from thent iln ei ifiee, nnd projecting from each extremity of it by nearly the whole width ol ench wing. In elevation it embraces tour stories. In cluding the basement, und the wings three, and is surmounted by a tower or observatory. commanding nn extensive and beautiful prospect. In the base ment are the dining-room and storerooms, ond in the story above the baaeinent, are the parlor, sitting room and Ibrary. In the other stories are the family apartments of the Principal and his assistants, and two rooms set apart fot the Pupils in case of sickness. In the basement of one wine are the kitchen nnd wash room, and that ofthe other Is set npurt for in struction In mechanical trades. On the principal floor of the wings, are the sitting-rooms of the males and females, and the upper story la occupied for dormitories. The chief merit of the arrangement consists In Its preserving three two departments' as lar aa relates to the accommodations, amusements and pursuits of the Pupils out of school, so indepen dent in everv partlcular.ai- to conatitute of them two separate and distinct communities, while the dining room in which both assemble, with the Teachers and family of the Principal, Is conveniently accessi ble. Each department lias its separate areas in the rear, its separate pleasure grounds, and Ita separate communication with the e;hool-rooma : so thut for the ordinary purposes of life, there is no occasion to paaa from one to ihe other. The Act of the General Assembly, requ res that when Deaf-Mutes are unable to pay for their main tenance and education, the Justices of Ihe several Courts ol Pleas and Quarter Sessions, should levy in the same manner as taxes are now by law levied for the support ol the poor, seventy five dollars for the support and maintenance of every such Deaf Mute as shall be selected by the Literary Board, for the purposes of Education. Sir For further particulars, apply by letter or oth wi.se to the undersigned. WILLIAM D. COOKE, Principal. OFFICERS OF THE INSTITUTION. Director. His Excellency WILLIAM A. GRAHAM, President ok the Hoard; Hor. JOHN M. MOREHEAD, OHAIILF.S MANLY, ESQ., WILLIAM W. HARRISON, S eciiet a r y of thk Roahd. TVeasurer.-CHARLF.S L. II IN TON, ESQ., Treasurer op Statc. Principal. WILLIAM D. COOK E. M A. AsUtant. -A II EL. B. BAKER, GEORGE E. KETCH AM s:i"irn.-CHAKLES R. JOHNSON, M. D. Matron. -Miss LAURA J. BARKER Raleigh N. C, August, 1848. 09-ly-tw-p. AGENCY OF Xautilvs (Mutual Life) Insurance Company T)ERsONS holdinc Policies in this office are noii- I tied that Scrip Certificates, for their Sliare of projilt in trie buiinet tf the Company are ready lor aenvcry at trie Agency otnce.XJ, JNorth wa'er-si. F. J. LORD A Co., Agents. Oct. 24. 94-tf. NOTICE, TTR. R. F. BROWN of Wllmlneton N. C hnv 1VJL ing been admitted Into our Copartnership, the business will be conducted ss heretofore, without change In tne style of our r Irms BROWN A DaROSSET. :Vew York. DEROS8ET A BROWN, Wilmington N. C Jan. 1, 1849. 1 24. GRIST MILL T'HE subscribers have started a Grist Mill.incon- X nexlon with their Haw MUl, and can furni Meal and Hominy of pri me quality nnd at very short notice. juhiv iMcKAK&Co. Feb. 8,1848. 139-tl SHEETING. T1EAVER Creek, superior Family Shretinps, for XJ suie oj i. v LA I 1 A Oct. 21. 94 tf. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. rPHE subscriber having tuken out Letttrs of Ad 1 ninistrallon. uuon all and singular the Goods and Chatties, rights and credits, that are of the Fo late nf Michael H tesloop, deceased, nt December term 1848, of New Hanover County Court, hereby gives notice to all persons having claims Against hi intestate, to p esi nt thets.nne within the time piescti b.d by Law, or this notice will be plcadud in bar of recovery. All persons indebted to s.iid Intestate, are reques ted to come forward and Kettle. JOHN G BAUMAN, Admr. Wilmincton, Dec. 14 ld43. UG-3ui-w. NOTICE. FROM the present date, no charge will be made for Rafta obstructing the Dock and Whaif adjoining my Distillery lot, ami they will in no case be allowed to do so, but when left mere will be turned adrift without discrimination. WILL. O. JEFFREYS. Dec. 23, 1848. 120-tf. HOTCHKIS'S VERTICAL WATER WHEEL. W BRANSON is Agent for the above Wheels in this place. He will take pleasure tn showing the Castings toany person who may desire to aee them There will be found at bia offices supply ol Wheels, Crsnks or Oudgeona, al all times for aale singlyor in pairs. Dec. 7,164a 113-tf. FAYETTEVILLE FLOUR. RZnBBLS Super. Fine and X, lor aale at JU WM. NEFF'S. Feb. 13. 141 T0WLNG. THE STEAMER Oov. GRAHAm Is preps red to tow vessels whenever csllcd for. if not enred on an up river trip, t he Proprietors would be thankful for a share of patronafe. and do all In their power to give aatifactlon. Apply on board to Capt. T. F. P a. or to J.4 W. L. McGARY, Ag'ts. Jane 20 41-t ' LIME! LINE I r LIME! 1 1 AOCi BMLS kino0'"'"' White Lumpi 800 bbls ivy v Thoinastou Lime. Also, calcined Plaster, Plastering Hair, and Flra Brick, Hydarullc Cement; IUUU DDIs. Litine,4'C. lor sale by J. C. 4 R. li. WOOD. Jury 25th, 65-if. BLACKSMITH'S COAL. 1 (Tf BUSHELS of superior Alleghany Coal I WU afloat. Apply to GEO. HARRISS, lirfOflfc WsterM. Jan. 2. 1849. J3-if. SALT. Rashela TarialaJand fait. 2000 100 Sacka Liverpool For sale st HOWAKl) 4 PEREN. Feb. 3, 137. THE CITY HOTEL , Mjolnl nilIh'e Court Home Square RALEIGH, N. C. HHAS been recently thoroughly repaired, and greatly Improved by the addition of a large number of t leninntrnd commodious rooms which are not exctllod by any in the City The table al ways furnished with the best thut. can be procured, ond Ihe charges are as moderate aa can be n (lorded. -The stables are in good order, well furnnished wlih provender,and attended by careful and experienced Oilers. Mrs. Lnwrence would therefore respectfully Invite the attention of tho members of me oppr inching Legislature nnd ilietr iv lliii','uu'alic to the advantage presented bv this isttihlMimciit. Raleigh, Sept. VI 18-18. rfu-iy-W-l. RYE. QA BAGS SEED RYE. V." For sale by W. L. SMITH. 103-tf. Nov. 25. C COTTON Batting and Wadding. Tor sale by J J.S.WILLIAMS. Dec. 113. MUSIC. A LADY highly qualified to give ins'ruction upon ihn Pi..mi iu uieKa in ihi:iin n fiw niiiiils She would give It-aeons either at h r own residence or I. lTtfi ai off. .i t u. ilt Ka mnrlp tn advnnce her pupils, and but a moderate charge made Appiy ai tne r iamilici nui m iu MRS. ALSL'P. Decg 112 If. NEGRO IIATS AND CAPS, JUST RECEIVED. a large stock of Wool Hats, Velvet, Cloth and Hair Caps, which will be sold very low by the case or dozen. Those wishing to pur chase will do well to examine my stock and prices, before purchasing elsewhere. ' C. MYERS, Hatter. Nov. 16. 101-tf. NOTICE. OROM nnd after the fust January, 1819. no F-eiplit a. win i,e iriuiHioi leu or ueuveieu wiiuoui uie Irelghl being paid. ROU T. FENNER, Transportation Agent, W. & R. R. K. Co, Doc. 30, 1848. 122-tf. SPIRIT BARRELS. OFC EMPTY Bbls.. lar'e size and in primcor C'JJ der. Just received and lor sale bv BARRY, BRYANT A Co. Oct. 5th- 80 t . COCOA NUTS & ORANGES. fW"i f'OCOA Nuts ; JUU200U St. Croyora Croy oranges, For bale nt J. Wl LK ISON'S & Co. 128. Jan. 11th 154!. BUTTER & LARD. 4 FIRKINS Mountain Butter 1 Brl. N. C Lard. Received per Evergreen. CARROLL & FENNELL. Jan. 27, 1849. 131-tf. PER SCHOONER CHARLES MILLS. 2 HHDS. prime N O. Su-ar 1 do P. R. do 10 Boxes Sperm Candles 10 do Adamantine do. La gulra and Rio Coffee, Pimento A Ac. Just Reeeiv ed and for saL- at the lowest cash pi ices nt GEO. MYER'S. February 3. 137 I7URMTURE Dimity for sale by J. S. WILLIAMS. Feb. 6. 138. & P. COATS superior Spool Cotton lor sale by J. S. WILLIAMS. Feb. 6 13-1. "linilTE and Pink CrupeLissec, for Shle by VV J. S. WILLIAMS. Jan 20. 131 FOR CALIFORNIA AND THE COLD REGIONS. 5- CAPT. R. J. HAKoES, proposf-s to link'- up a Stock C imp.my. each Individual sab scribin'' and pnyini! a certnin amount ol cash, the sum to be in proport on to the niiinbcrnl p.isengei . or adventurers ollerine. purchase n i;ood and ximstantial Vi I, the cargo and v, ssel lobe owned y the Coinp my. nnd each Individual to be goverm d by s. ch laws nn rfulaii.ms ns tbenid Company n-.iy make alter br ing formed. Fiflien Hundrel Dollars, has already been subscribed. Capt. U irbes Is nn exp -rieced navigator, having sniied around the Horn, seven different limes ami well acquainted with the eoaM, arid will furnish 1700 worth ol instruments lor the uuifilin ' ol the V e.el for further information apply to HARRISS & DRAKE. Feb. I. 13G. DAILY EXPECTED. Per Itrig Challenge, direct from Lirerpnol. 1 r(( SACKS Salt, in fine iwiKrtl and bleached sacks, for sale by ft D. McKAE. 125-if. Jan. 6th 1649. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA. Brunswick Countv. Elizabeth W. MUls, . Bsni. O. Mills. Fall Term. 1848. In Equity Petition for Divorce. It appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, thai Benjamin G. Mills is not a resident of this Stale i It Is ordered by the Court, thst publication be made in two of ihe newspapers published In the town of Wil mington, for Ihe space of three months, notifying aid dtfendant to appear, st the neit term of ihe Coon of Equity, to be held for the County of Bruns wick, st the Court House In Siniihvllle, on the 3d Mondiy after the fourth Monday in March next, ihcn and there to plead, answer or demur to said bill, or judgement will be taken pro confesso Witness 8. B EVEItETT, C.AM.In Kni. by SAM'L LANGDON, Dep C. f M. In Kqt. Jan 6 1843. Chron. please copy. 125 3m. FURNITURE AT REDUCED PRICES ! T? CLARK, belnir desirous of cllnu his busi- 1 . ness. In Wllminglon olf.-rs for sale, his large stock of superior made ( 'abinet Furniture, at nearly Invoice plicfa. only the freight added, for ti e Cath. Pen ns wishing to niako good bargains, arc Invited to call. Feb. 13. 1849. N, B All those Indebted to me will please call, snd settle their accounts without delay, and those hiving bills against me, will also plesse present theirs for settlement. FRF.DERCK CLARK. N. Y. Furniture Warehouse, Front at. near market. Feb. 13. 1849. 141. LIQUORS ! BRANDY, Oln.Ruru. Whiskey. Ale. Porter.Made rla Wine, Cherry, Pott. Seupernonjf)- Malaga, Champalf rM, Claret, Tsnerifle, Ac. For sale' low by Feb 3.-136. HOWARD & PEDEN. wa n All lnllf1 . . -: ITOLIO POST BILLS OF LADING, tounh . in Books, and sheets, also Letter Shteta-with variety of mercantile blanks, lor aale at -The Cowi- merviat UJlte, . . - , i FOR SALE LOW FOR CASH OR Barter For Country Prodtice. ' . K( Bogs Rio Coflee - . . i. I ; 0J lb ougs Luira cofTec i , . , ' 6 hhds. Por:o Klc Sugar i . 10 do good retailing Molasses . . ALSO . Teas, W! itc Sugar, Spic.-, Pepper, Glnqor, Cina mon, Nutmegs, Alueturd, ISonps, Candles, Sperm fhd Tallow, Epsom Salts. Sturch; Snuff, Tobacco, Sea "s, Nails, Shovels and Spades, Hoes, Axes, and many other articles in tho grocery lino. At J. 6 W. L. McGARY. Nov. 16. 104. CHEESE. Q T Boxes English Dairy Cheeso 10 Casks do For wile by HOWARD & t EDEN. Feb 3. 137; FOR SALE. Turpentine Land and Distillery. SEVERAL Tracts, containing about 1900 acres of Turpentine Land. In one body und free from Bugs -itii'itnd near Lockwood's Folly River, and in con venient distancefrom Elizabeth River. A LSO, X 20 barrel Distillery, In good order, with every wor king Tool, situ ited on Lockwood's Folly River and about 3 miles from above land. Applv to ROUT.G. RANKIN, Wilmington, N. C. Nenbernian copy Ct undsend b1!! o this Oifice. Feb. I. 136-tf SOAP. 100 Boxes soap, Collates. For sale by Feb. 3. 137. HOWARD f- PEDEN. NOTICE ! rpHESub8crilerhnvinirmado arrangements with X Mr. Hopkins for the entire sale ol Iuh Vegeta bles, fruit, &C. V i II keep al all limes every vaiieiy of the season ; which will be 8tlil nt Ihe lowest Cach prices, at the siurc formerly occupied by E. It Wood GEORliE MYERS. Feb I. 136. hoc k a i it Tn c; FURNITURE WAREHOUSE. Till". siibsiTiber would rpspeeifully an-nour.i-e to lie- citizens ol Wilmington nnil the siirroiimliiig counties, that lie is now reeci'.iii- l,i- Fall Stock of Cubl net Fiirriiioru. Having selected It him sell In Ihc cities of New York ami Bos ton, he ran confidently reromnw nH it m th atli ntion of customers f.ir v.-niiov style, beauty of workmanship, undchenpness. It Is nl ioelher the most rotnpli le slock that he has ever ol leivd in thUmailict. and he thinks that those wiidiing to purchase may find it to their interest to cull. The following ore some of the articles compiled in the Stock, viz.- SOFAS, OV'I O.IM.V.S', IUVAS, 111 filC A US. lUfKSSMl Ill liF.A us, SlltK HOARDS, WARDHOUFS, CIIW BEDSTEADS, (VOT.f- TliUM'LEdo. OFFICE CHAIRS. CARD TAIILES, D1SIXU ,,,. CENTRE do. EXTENSION do. MA TCIIED do. TOILET do. WORK do. SETTEES. OFFICE DESKS, MATTRESSES, Bedroom Sets, cninp'rle ; French Bedshndf; High post do. , LooUne Gla.s c; Toilet do.; Sinks and Wnshstan Is; Mntiornny dn ; BoHion ro V'u Chairs; Mahotrany do.; Do Fieneh do ; Cuil Ainle do. ; Cane. Rush sent, nnd Fanry Chairs ; U indror Bid Common do ; Children's Iiiyh do. For frile nt moc1 erate prices, bv J. I). LOVE Oct. 12. -8j. M ihe R0( k Spring. SPIRIT BARRELS ! Empty Spirit bbls. Iniee size and in prime 225 srdcr. For sale low bv BAKRY, BllYANT 4 CO 129. Jan IG. 1 1 TIZF.NS are h m irablv .-is-ured iluir (he follow -V .'inij are the acini! quahlbs ol a bottle of Jones Ci rillli'ir Uestoratie. If they dult our woiil tin y c inn it these highly lesptaial le citizens, wbo have trie.! it. Mr. Geo Bec'el,41 F.imst.,N. Y. Mrs.Mitild-i Reeves, Myrtle avenue, Brooklyn . Mr. Win Tompkiiis. 'J2 King M..N. Y. Mr. I'll imas Jackson. B!) Libetty st., Pittsburgh. H E. ' idlrn I lie ba-bei steamboat -S America. And mon t!i in. i linndred olhersst.ile, though this m!i-t ''tifTice, that it will foiee the bail to row on Ihe head or face, "top it f ulinu oil. strengthen the root, reoov in n sen if and d.indiiill fmni the roots, mnkinu liuh'. red. oi ;;uiy Inir assume a fine dink look, and kecpioi! Ii V. h irsh or wirv Inir moiat.soll.clean and beautiful, n verv. vciy long time C. INGLES, Jr. Soldin Wiiiuinjji, riby Lippill & W illkings. DRIED REEF WD TOXCL'ES. ' - - v a wi j JUVI I - " s hlf I LMY 'P.. - l l J f 500 lbs. diied lieel at WM. NF.FF Njv. II. MULES AND WAGON. T HAVE four well broken two year old Mules and 1 a four horse v uyon nnd Marm ss for sale WILL. O. JEFFREYS Dec. 23, 1319. l.Utf. BOLOGNA SAUSAGES. BOLOGNA Sausages, a prime article, just receiv ed per Sehr. CJ. VV. Dnv by CARROLL & FENNELL. Jsn fi. in. WHEAT BRAN. OflTl BUSHELS fresh Bran, for sale by sClAJ W. L. SMITH. Feb. 6, 1349. 3l-13i RICE. For salo wholesale and Retail by HOWARD A PEL PEDEN. Feb. 3. 137, SMOKED BEEF. ISO 1J1H. Smoked beef. For sale by CARROLL FENNELL. Jan f. us. MAIL ARRANGEMENT. ARRIVAI-S. The Mail from tho N rth arrives daily at 9, A. M. Do. do do do South do do do 9, A.M. Do. ilo do Fayctltvlllevla Wnrsnw, arrives on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, with the Northr ern Mail. Tho Mnil from Fayettevllle via Eliznbcthtown ar rives on Tuesday, Thursday snd Saturday, at 8. A. M. The Mail from Long Creek arrives every Thurs day, 5, P. M. The Mail from Onslow Court House arrives evety Monday, 5, P. M. DEPARTURES. The Mnil for Inf North Is closed every day al 10, P. M. Do. do do do South is do do do do 9, A. M Do. do do Fsysttevllle v It Wama wis closed on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, 1(1, P. M. The Mail for Fsyettevllle via EJIiabeintown ia el wed Tnesdiy. Thursday and Saturday at 9, A. M. The Mail for Long Creek la cksed Thursday. 10, P.M. Do do do Onslow C. H. do de 10, P.M.

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