WHOLESALE PRICES , CUJlUEJiT. NAVAL STORES. Dipping i ................ ... 235 1 35 281 Hurd Knl.lm Tumnnllne. Iff pal. 23 Tar..: .420, Pitch ..ii.i..".v..f Rosin No. 1. ' 1 00 I 60 . No. 2. 90 60 20 " No. 3. Varnish... TIMBER. i ; Inferior 3 01. o 4 CO,, BOC Wide boards, plank and ecanlllng 10 00 flnnr Koaid. 00 11 (0 14 CO 8 G& 6 to LljMBElUtUVEH. Floor BjaTOT-.-f v 7 00 Wide Board .. tt 4 fJO 75 A 2 62j in ;Bronii g RICE. Hough sCleaned , .11- .A SO 75 'STAVES. W. O. Hhd. roujh-.nonc-" V dressed- ' batrel U: O. Hhd. rough .... " " dressed SHINGLES. Common Contract .Black's" large PEAS. 8 50 12 00 : 00 8 00 11 00 ' 60 4 00 4 00 C5 50 9 00 16 MX 8 00 8 60 IQ DO 5 00 4 50 11. E. Peas- Pea Niiis-"-SUGAR. at o 70 75 New Orleans . Porto Rico - COFFEE; St Doming Rio .-o Java ..n.;. Lnguria- Cuba MOLASSES New Orleans ' Cuba cargo SALT. Bonaire Liverpool spirits. N. K. Udid Common Gin- Whiskey-.. . ; Apple Urandy..' into iv. Hun's, N. C...- " Western nominal- Sl.l)s, N. C. Wotern Shouders, N. J. DOMESTICS. Cotton Vums Cnllon Iznnburas wheelings 1'IiOlfR. I'VftK'Vilip...... 5 41 at if- 64 A oj 0 7 itt 0 19 21 17 a 18 1 25 a 27 23 iS 1a 30 27 a 27 30 a 32 i a 8 B... 7 a 0 C 6 a 7 13 a 14 7 0 "J 0 a (i 4 50 0 8 00 7 00 0 ,7 SO 45 0 -50 G5 0 70 a hi 10 nt 20 1 it 9 20 0 21 50 0 CO 44 0 35 0 7 0 To 0 t 0U -'Niini Con .. M'U .... Cotton' Rutior ChiM-sii Hccswjx fcVmothrs Lard- Lime - nominal. FipiGUS. TO NF.VV VORK-Turpentine, Tar, nnd Rosin 43 a 45 ct. per bbl. under deck And 35 eta. on Deck Spirits Turpnrltlns, 60 cts. pef bbl. Cotton. 91.B0 ner hnl. TO PHILADF.LPHIA Turpentine, Tar, nd Rai- in, id cts. per bbl. Spirits Turpentine 00 cts. IU UUSTUiN Turpentine, Tar and Rosin, 50 cents per bbl. Spirits Turpentine. CO ccnls. COM fcERCIAL. REMARKS OS MARKET. Tuspestine. Sales of lSlObbk Turpentine riave l''en made since Tuefdny inornlnj; last, at 2,35 pet bbl. fw Dip and 1,35 per bbl. for hard. Tab. A lot of 53 b'ls. Tvir w.is sold, at 1,15 per bbl. and another of 430 bbla. was disrtnHcH nf m 1 ?f) per bbl ; market cloning at this prlco. Rostv. -A nmnll lot of Inferior No. 1 Roain was 1 disposed of at 91.50 per Bbl. nnd 100 Bbls. ffo. 2 nt 81 per II M. I Tim her. Several Rafts of Timber has been dis- I posed of three of which, were sold at the following ! prices viz: 1 Raft at 4,50 pcT M measurement, 1 nt IG.50 per M and 1 at 97,50 per M. Inspected, prices varyinj according to lengths and quality. Amount of Naval stores, Inspected from lffth March 1818 to 12 th March 1819. 230,992 bbls. Turpentine. 33.213 bbls Tar. 15,325 bbls. Spirits Turpentine. IIOSTON MARKET. March 10. The stock ofCotlon is sm ill. Prices without rlinnzc. The foreign advices linve had no effect on the market for Flour Genesee sells at 9G a 6,l2i ; Ohio and Michigan at $3,871. Yellow flat corn brings 60c per bushel ; while 54 a 65 cents. Northern Ot.ts. 39 a 40c ; Eastern, 37 , Delaware, 33 ; Southern, 30. No report of Naval Stores. NEW YORK MARKET. March 12. Naval Stores are firm, with but little business. The sales nro 2000 bbls. Washington and Ncwbern Turpentine at 92.G3 a 2,76, and held at the latter rate. 600 bbls. Ncwbern common Rosin, to arrive, at 95 cents. Spirits of Turpentine la higher, nnd sales of 300 bbls. at 37 a 37 J centa, caah; and 250 at 38 ceUj 60 days. The market for Cotton was dull, until the steamer's news was received, aince which it has been very ac tive. The sales of Friday and Saturday were fully E500 bales at an average advance of ) cl., price ran ging from G! to 9. Rice la dull, with sales of about 600 tiercea for the week, at 93 a 3,25. 'Flour is from 95,44 to 5,56, according to qualliy. Mohey has become moro easy, and prime paper ia 'done at G a 7 per cent The long talked of million 'of dollars was paid out last week from the sub-trea sury, on account of the arrangement made between Meears. Barrings and (lie Secretary of the Treasury relative to the Mexican Indemnity eight hundred thousand deposited in the Bank of Commerce, one hundred thouaand in some of the other banks, and, the balance to go to Boston, thro' Harndan dt, Co The portion to be remitted for (say about 100.000 I pound sterling) was sent forward In the Europa ' that ea'led on the 7th inat. Exchange, consequent' up on the large demand for remitting, waa more dn and higher pncea were obtained for prime bills; th rants U fcom 6 to B, aitnoujii iu F'v'v - m the bnalne we treneactea 1 , . Bualne generally la la hwhhy it, 4nd deal er! looking forward for aa average spring trad. piULADELPlilA MARKET.' ' March 11 ; Toe roarkof genrlly waajnactlv ot the 12th, and th Inquiry lor flour limited ? ; eland ardbranae being freely offered at 1 1,671, without nletUtof teri&; . . ' Southern yellow com la worth 55c, afloat. Small lota y pland Cotton changed handa at a l atan a wiWnir doinir in Provision. Whiakey la quoted O 1 - at 22c per gallon. 7- ' ; fcALTIMORtlr MARKET. "March 12. The advice! by tljeeteamer America havehadadepreaeing ellct oi' breadstuff. Salee to-day of 1.20J bbla. Howard etrcot flour at 4,75 a decline of 6e per bbl. Alao, 300 bbls. choice eranda at 4.8U City mills held at 14,87, but tlo' buyers over 94,75 1 com meal 12,50, and rye flour 337. Small aalal of red wneat at 107 a 108 centa : white corn 47, and yellow 60 a 51c; oats 29 rye 60c ; clover Med 14. Provisions dull. Sale to-day of 630 head of beef cattle at S3 a 93,75 on the hoof, equal to 96 a 7 50 nctt; Bogs 95,50 a 6. , Stocks quiet; nothing doing eiccpt In aoqie small lota of fonde r TreaeurJ note held- at 110J ; new loan 113; M ryland 6a 99! bid. . FAYETTVILLE MARKET. March 10. The North Carolinian say : "Trade has been roaaonabiy, 'brisk, this tajeekw Corn, oats, and pea are In demand, but no advance in pried has taken place. Cotton ha! been dull thia week, and more likely to decline than to advance. IStf change In other articles, except flour may be asrudeiower than the tabie." f Bacon, lb. 6 to 7 eta. Cotton, lb. 6 to 6,. Flour, bbl. 4o to 4,50. Cotton yarn, pound 13 4-4 brown" sht'a, vd. 61 cts. 7-8 do. do. 6. Osnaburgs, yard 8 to 8i. FRUIT TREES. -1 rff JUST ReceiveJ frdm Burlington Co 1 JJKJ N. J. Comprising the best Qualities now 4inder cultivation ar.d fci sule ot J. MLKI.SON & Co's. March 15. 154 NEW GOODS. 2 CASES Bovdoux Prunes (Fresh.) M) bbls. N. Y. Pippin Apples. 30 bolus Oranges, and Lemons. 60 p ickoucs Riiaens. 'I ' Frulls Dates. For sale at . J. WILKINSON & Co'e JWarth 15. 154. JARD.-5 March, 15. Firkins Lard. For .aleb HARRIS3 T RAXR. 154. GRAIN STORE. CORN, Cow and black eye Pteaaj Seed' Ontai Freah Ground Corn Meal; Rye and Homony, Cow and Horse Feed; Wheat and Rye 1 Cabal Flour, Bbia. and half. Bbls; While Bean. Con stantly on hun t, for CASH. Apply at the Grain Store Murphy's Buildings. ELLIS & MITCHELL, March 15. 154. SADDLE, HARNESS, AND TRUNK 13 Manufactory, THE subscriber respectfully Informs the public i. that he hal recently received large addition to lia atock of Saddle and Harness mountings. pc, nt tne latest and moat improved style, and is constant ly in inufuclurlne, at his store on Market stre t, for inerly occupied by GuyC. Hotchkiss. every descrip lion of articles in the above line. From Ills experi ence in the business, he feels i-onfident thnt he will be able 10 gIVe entire haiisfocAion to his customers, nnd all others who niny fi vor him with a call. Ho has new on hand, and will constantly keep, a large assortment of Coach, Glit, and OTT55BrldJe, Whins, Sulky 11 arness ; 'KTUlt c Gen t lemen'a I.aly'a waHHt..,ta:ri 1 usii. Bridles, Whlpb, Spurs, Ac, Ac, all of which he wlH war runt to be of the beet nmlrrl al and wor'kinanElvp. Ha ha also a large assort nierrt of Trunks, YaMaes, Saddle and Carpet Bags, Satchels, fancy Trunks, kc. and all othrr aiticlcs iitiially ki pt in such establish ments, all of width he oilers low for CASH, or on buouT credit to prorrfpt ciistorners. S.i IJJes, Harness, Trunks, Medicnl Bags, dec. Ac. made to order. Repairing of al kinds done with neatness and despatch. Old Saddles and Harness taken in part nay for new. JOHN J. CONOLRY. N. B. All accounts standing on my bodk oVcr &ix months, will be cllamed with interest. All per sons indebted to the subscriber for last year will pleise cnll and set tie, a by dofng they may pre vent what would be disagreeable to them and un pleasant to him. as petsnns sometimes have 'to doun- pli.sant things in sell defence. J. J. C. .March 13. 153 FOR BALTIMORE. THE Schr. H. A D. Lelghton, 8. Dandy. Master will have deapatch for the above port, (or light freight or passage apply to GEO. HARRISS. March 13, 1849. , WU SCOTCfl SNUFF. QfiLBS.foraaIat WTLKlNSONclCo. 153. March VS. FANCY ARTICLES AND TOYS. TUST opened thia day a aplendld saortrnent of J Fancy articles and Toys st J. WILKINSON 4 Co-s. March 13. . 153. HOLTS. FLOUR. A JEW Uarrela and Bags of 100 lbs. family uae j. a. for sale by K. W. BROWN. 153 4t Ijrch 13. SALT. ilfin BUSHELS Turk Island, just ar O V W rlvcd per Brl Ava.fnreale bv BARRY BRYANT Co. 10 . 152. &EGARS! SEGARS!! SEGARS ! ! ! UST Recaived, 10.000 Havana 8aare a very au I prlor article and lor aale lew for eash by GEO. MYERS. I March 10. 13 CAMPHINEJ CAMPHINEM 40 CENTS PER GALLON. For aaleal th Store e J. G. BAUMAN. Kel. .7. nCOLVEITS, CONCAVE Beater Churn! ; ; . "ff , BUTTER IN FIVE MINUTES I 1 1 . i ... ... TsTRcall the nttentlon of tha pablio to th ertM VV he!dinv thlsadvenlaement, and invite ihe ! terprlalnffaiid curioua toill and w4tnesi iia opura linn. All advertiaementa in relallnn to this iiiwn tiim. to th hundroda who hava aeen it teried, ia eu- let. Tnta uniir Will oroaucn Diuier, puinnini; n Tn 8 milSN ffpm 8WeCMnUk, in five to urn minute; and from cream preparada8 families usually piepire it, in three to elcht mtnutes. 2d. It 14 the cheapen Churn pver invented, as ih simplicity of its conBtrortion, (thonph 1 mliodyiiiL' a ureal pnilosopnicai principut; inaKesri oui nine iu mnnufnctUrcit. ' , 3d. It is a comninn-sensc Churn, as all will nuinit Who will examine It. N. K. We tie nowolferinB the comulcte nionop- oiy of this ataplfaitli'le fir the Stale of North Caro lina, SoUth Cardlm.1 nnd iienrtia. wliicn will liifure cerinin nnAHrt profiis to the vender, and a epexdy return of investment. The public lire invihd (b cull and witness iln op eration, at our olnee in tiniHigton. utiice next door to the Carolina Hotl. II. T. MYERS. March 13. 153-if Dact. B. A. KENNEDY, Graduate oftht; Haltimore College ol Denial SURGEONS. BEGS leave to say to his friends arid ."the public of VVilmingion, ih it he wi'l be in this ulaco, between Ihtf middle and Mtilof March.' hiving concluded to locate per minently. Hewlll be prepared to perform all oppe mi ions ki his profession on the latest and most ap proved principles ; and wairants tjieni to he done with the best muterluls, and not to be surpafs d by any Operator in the United States. His churgis will be as moderate as the opperalion can be done in tha same manner. He will Insert teeth on gold plate, ironi one to en entire sell ; whole uppnr tells on the Atmospheric pressure principle ; Ue bavin,' made liuproveinentlln thia mode of hiHeriiuj; lot 1 h confidently recomniehda it as anawerin ihe piirposj of mastica ion They can be taken out an, I put back at pleasure hy the wearer ; be worn wiih com fort ; and cannot be detected frdin (he iianual teeth. Extractinir. Cleansinj. Pib5!tinj. o-c , dcine on enlklic princlplea. All operations wairant- d to give aatisfaction. Having practiced a number of years in Virginia and the lower part of this State, he fee b satisfied he will be able to please all who may i&vur him with their pstronaS. " , irregularities in ChiWm'a teeth corrected. Lndl' s will be waited on at ihttr residcncis, wheu necessary. " March 1. U3-tf. NOTICE. THOSE persons Indebted to the Cnpo Fear S. S Mill. by nolo oraccmnt contracted diirinr; the year 47 or 48. are leqm-sied 10 make iminediiii' pay ment tothe undersigned; thi'y having on the 3lsi Dec. last relinui lied the General Aucncy of that mill, it becomes necebBary that all h r accounitf to that dale lihoul.I be immediately cetllrd. J. HATHAWAY & SOX. March 3, 1849. MO. PINE OIL. rPHlS article having been, fully tested and proven X to be bupeuor to unytHlng neretotoTc in im", is now offered with full confidence faction. ot tiding sa'is- A cons'ant Supply can be found at the Store of 8. P. PULLKV, and will also be del verrd to cjp lomers wherever desired by Mr. William Blum y. A. II. VANliOKKELEX. March 3, !S49. M'J-tf. COGNAC BRANDY! IN ha f Pipes for sale on consignment bv JEFFREYS & LEIOHTON. March 3. 149 BACON AND CORN. irfiBAGij Corn- lvA400uieces Bacon. Hog Rour.d, Just re ceived per Rillroad, for fcale by DeROSSET q-, EROW X. March 10. 18-'-2w.. NORTH CAROLINA BACON HAMS, Sidea and Shoulders. .a 1. 1 P. J March k). For sa Ic by LURD &. CO. 15.'. . . i - FOR CALIFORNIA. : ; THE Nautilus, Mutual Lite Insuramt Corrlpany ot Nw York, will take risks on the lives ol pcr ots going loCuHlwriiki. Apply to P J. LORD & CO. MorchlO. 1 152. NMTniAROLIrBACO 1 nnr tba. Ne Wayne Co. Hams, Sldet IVUU and Shoal Rail Road and for aale ly March 10. , HARRIES d DRAKE. . . 3, , 15 U FOR SALE. fSE fifteen bairil Turpentine Still, with) arm and j worm compteejir also, one five barrel do. that has been but little used. P. POLLEY. 152 " - March 10. TO TOE LADIES ! ! JUST opened thir day, a splendid assortment of C URLS, of various colors and alxrs. Catl'soon at J. WILKINSON & CO S. March 10. . 152. RICE. . . IN whole and half casks, of prime quality. For illc by F. J. LORD A CO. March 10. 162. GOSHEN RUTTER. JEALLY good and fine at R. W. RHOWN S. WW' March 10. . IE,! , Q A (t .- Tanatiir wine.' Just " fecrpSt J" " " (vU aule at very Jqw iHcr. ty --- - "UtROSSf.T M CROWX Fb I " -i .-A . t . 1 to; rent. TIIK Store oa the Sou' h side of Market C djuralng Mr. AuffaaUn... i ,5 t,.- ' ' K l . ; ' ALSO. -,i TriM pleaaant office ab-iva.with bedroom attachad. .Trie aiore and ufflt'e will b.j reatted aepjrati ly or to gct Apply U, .JVJLiailV new lard, : Or KEos North Citwltifh LenfLardlorMleby Zvr.X UKilOSSET BROWN. Wtbrtiary 27. 1 9 19, FRESII CE.iT, RICE, WHOLi :, Half ami Small Hi w in vaaka and ha casks,.!! titw anick for mtiiikra, for sale bv . . ? 'J )f i ..- . r . J. I.UUU A CO. Bee. 10f ; ; ' ; , lit tf. ! SUGAR FOR S ALII HOURLY expt4,6 hhJs.'rf prime Potto , Itico ir, on cojrtnir)eat, mU-ctmi lor tha Moil irndel nwj tor aale by - K DiC.lNiO.(, Jan 11. , " - . LARD. a .1 A IlIrteWNiw Leaf Urd,. 1 tJJ SU Ki 'jV JO HO !ti 1 HOWARD fanli by Feb. i, di PEDHN, li;7. uaroiis! J r 'BARRELS Apphi Ilrandy; xJ 'iS de.. j . jt'ider lrnpdyrfwr anje low to dose consiiniiirit'.'' Apply to"' " ' ' ' ' OEO. HA!lRl,S, 17 North Water strict. J.in2 1E19. TiJ-'tr. J. HATHAWAY & SON. I'OMJIISSIOX MERCHANTS. J. Hathaway. ;'J. L. Hatuawav. Mil 1 ell i 149. U)ItDIUand MarJillics Sluts for snlehy J. S.WILLIAMS. ;3s. Feb. G. I I A 12-4 Superior Feb. 0. Marsdlies Quilts for sale by J. H. WILLIAMS. 139. MOLASSES, MACKEREL AND C0FEE. Illidi. .Riirimiin M olpvoe, tupsiiAr -rj -.j II i y avv bo iud and It 'hi culm ed 10 bb's. IW Mu-keral und 20 half do No. 2 -GJ b igii St. Doinin- Cuffeo, tier brl" Xiiri r, : 1 11. for sal liy HARRY, 15RYAXT A C. Jin. 13 " "t. 1.9. .. JEFFREYS & LEIGIIT0N. Gcueral Cooimlion Mcrcjiants, wil.mkngton: rr.-.c. Fubiutiiy 13, Ml. NJEVf VORK FURNITURE' WAREHOUSE. WILMINGTON, March 5th, V40. t jit;. a cave 10.. assure ths rubric in central that lib is now disposing of his huge assoitiuent of CnWtcl Furniture, nt Invoim piii'cs. (or the tASH, as he is j iruniii'-u iinoii closing mi oustnefs by the'lst of April. All tljpe in want of good Fur iiiliin! at exceedingly low prices, will do well to call a id esTtiiine tr ilicmfckc . Amour; t!ic !:ocW n be found,. Mahogany iVaidmbi s. I'lincll Ked; leads. Mahogany and Walnut Chairs. ' Curled M ipl- and plain Cliaiis. Sofas 11 ml Otioiiians Fine M.irble 10 I J 1 1 r c u u . Plain Dre-j-ing do. H gli Iii'.;.!eai!i. Si,i'!i: anj double Clls. t Siufl & and plain Rockers. ! u' aini; Chuiis. . t I.udi s Sew in.' t'h iii. La-lies. Woik Tables. I In. do I'-lXeS M iho2 my Siiirboanls. Hair Alatirusses M irhh- ttp Wash Stands. Single and double W'aali Slan '. Hull i's '1': ays To a-i I Kaeki. Crntre Tables -diU' rent styles. (-.'tiildrep's Crib. Martotmnyand Clirrv Cr idles. Sifii. Chuira Hid Nluhl Cabinets. Coiniiion lndr Chalis. Pnii-nt Vjndlnss Hi'iii'-.idi. Dro.-Btng l'.:bL-, dc , Ac, if-i ALSO. I Sli .w . r Dub. , . 3 Itt lii.'eiaior- ' li W iiiiiiK Dcild'. suitabU for Counting Hou ses, and DAvellms i lu slui t every aril :!e. belonging to the Furniture lino. FREDKKICK CLARK. Those I ndebtcd U) me are irquesied to make pay ment by rtie ISHi of l his isonih. at which time I shall place in 'he hands of officer for collection, all c- eoenl d ue hie. F. C. BACON IARD, Kf PRICES new B,eort, Hog rofud. .. WU '25 Kees Lard, iust rrrvlvi-il rt f?t PmA froln Wnyno Cftuntv, for Salw by - Tf t -' DeROSSF.T BROWN, ftbrch 3, Ic. 49. 149-3w. BOOK KEEPER DISCHARGED !v 1N.concquio of the unpleasant reufr frtrrrl lr credit and the trouble fn collecting, I am compell ed lu adopt a cash system, so lhat after the ISih' nt iVUrch, Jc-13, no credit will be given at fhUfsiabUah-1 nijnt, as I prfrr uing ou.ineaa and giving no' crwdit 10 the disagreeable necessity of being obTlged ! to collect accoidiug to law. , S. P. POLLEY. i N. II. Afl accounts sndnoteetlue th Istcflrm of H irt A Polh y will. If not paid by the 15th lnst.be, put In the hands of an Hkiroty for collection. March 1. M8 , JUST RECEIVED. Uu Srhr L P Smith. New Style o HctsfbrSpiisg, 1849,lso finalot CapCovertforSaleby C. 31 ERS. Harrta, Marrh. 8(h 1649. GUNNY BAGS 1 HTlA2 BUSHELS Qunny Bagijuat received lUUUandforaaieby . Haarvr, UK T AAT A Co. - WW, HsrchC SWEET CCE2. Ctr BBLS. Her aupertot, Jnat 1 CJ mIs by . ... J..r7, Fab.24. ?;- Hrt ; . , raee1v4 ei4 for ImMcQARY. 146 hew N. C. Lrni Lard, juat reeeivad per Rail Road ettd for aaiebjr , Peb.J4 4ii' . - - . '146 -i-.-APPLES. ryr BBLS. very iprlor Red; jolt rWdved pei I U Schr. Ira Brewster and Drama, fctf aale hy ' . J4 W, L. MtfOARTi Ptb 4., ; ' . a 140 ' COMMERCIAL BANK STOCK. 1 A SHARKS Conimerrhil Bunk Stock, for. uW iUhy f J MATHAVTATf 4M)N Fb.2l. 141 FOR SANFRANCISCO CALIFORNIA DIRECT! 5. THK new A. I. CorJp fastened and coppi r- . I.lvo oak and red Ceader built Barque JOHN A. TAYLOR, Martin maatur, m anil na above. earlvlr A prU: aihecan take the bulb C2J0 ton freight and 100 paaaengera. For particu Ura, apply DAVIS. is. 142. RAN A WAY from the Relate of Wm. B. Men res, in J uno last, negro fellow called HENRY or HENRY HILL, Hiabo!t6 4 to 3 foot 6 Inchea Itih, well made and likely ; he is quick spoken and Mnuit. IU Is probably lurking about W liming tori, where he has a good marly rrbtb.n. 1 will give reward ot 925 for hi apprChep.lon and delivery to me in Wilmington, or to Wm. T. tlrev at Metrrca' Bl ifi. T. D. MEARES. , Noa 9. IPl-tf. SPERM, Adamantine and Tallow Caindtea. For .l,ihy OEO. MYERS. Feb 10. 1 10. RIO COFFEE. 3or;s- Feb. 22. Riii Coffee, now landing, and for sle J. HTUAW'AY ox SOX. 145. I StPERIOR TOBiCtO ! 80S Roxee Va Mahiif.ictared, a prime article and or Hale low by J. WILKINSON. Marrh I. 148. RECEIVED, 1r Sch'r Atarlr, from New York. 1 DHich posi mnple bedsteads. 1 -30 EunJIes Chairs, For Sale by D. LOVE. 146 Feb. 21. HAY. Z.C BALES orime Hav In Store, for aa'c bv OU W LSI ITU. l'cb.6, 1919. 2w-138. CODFISH. Quintals Codfish Just received and for sale b CARROLL &, FEN NELL 123 4 Jan 6. DISSOLUTION. '"PHK Copartnership heretofore existing under the I firm of PETERSON. CASH WELL dr Co., is this day dissolved by mutual consent. D. Carhwell at the old stand, will settle the bush ess of the con cern. E. PETERSON, D. CASHWELL, 1. PETERSON. Feb. 8. 139 JUST RECEIVED, Hy the khr. L. P. Smith. r Firkins Goshen Butter, J 25 Boxes pil'iie Cheese, 25 Smoked Beef Tongues, 200 lbs. Bniok.d B ef. 3 Bbls. Fulton Market cornet Beef. 2 llul'is Codfish Good, 20 BbN. Irish Potatoes, 5 Dot. JSmnll Brooms, Scrubbing Bushes die. 3 lioaus Pine Apple Cheese, OiHnsra, Letaone and Segari, 2003 4 Uuhhel Gunny Hags. For sal low for Caah by GEO. MYERS. March 8. lSf. TO LET, TUB House formerly ocupled by ER Wood I liimudint iuifs(fiiin crivAti I nn tti r. rtf &OL Goo. MYERS. March 9 151 HYSON ANlT YOUNG UYS0N. n Catty Boxea,Y. H. Tea 12 lbs. each, O 5 " " Hyaon " 12 lbs each, of superior quality and for sale by HARRISS & DRAKE. Mirth 8. 151. RECEIVED THIS DAY. Coacoa Nuta ; JUU 30 bbl. N. Y. Pipping Apple; 40 boxes Orange ; 20 14 Lemon ( 50 package Khi 1 40 Drums Fig ; Nntf nkindPteh, 1 r . t l , ..... .n. - 1 unu iui nam oy j. n IL.Bvf crUn. March. I. l4f-4;. RA1SENS AND FIGS. An PACKAGES Raisenr 50 Drama Fira. for sale by J, . February 13. . WILKINSON & Co. 142.. WHEAT BRAN. OCC BUSHELS, ior sale iy 6jyj J. A W. L. McGARY. Feb. 24. 14S 25 Feb Bbl. Irish Potafoe. . 17. fjr l bi OE'J. i YERS. 14). FISH LINES AND HOOKS. A LL varieties ol Silk, Hemp, Grass and Cotlon xl Lines; Hooks of all size and ahapca, for s. at HQWARD 4 PkDEN V Feb. 27. , 147 . 1 C;EG ARS.-I00,000 Segara, Variotia Branda and 1 1 0 qu'''7- ; Ml by. HOWARD fEDEN. j Jrb. 3. ' ' 127 C. - HAY ! HAY 1 1 af BALES, a aupaTior article, UinC 1'rotn Schr. uU La martin, from Bath. WGEO.HARRI5S.a 17 North rVauratraet. lure, apply to h GfcO. W. DAVIS. Feb. 16. 142. TUST RECEIVED, 5 Parkin Ooshen Butter, u anQ Ior lfJie p v iU I r.ivs, I 'Feb. 24. ' 141 ii. ., : : ; I J $25 REWARD. Jan. 3 1913, . 123-tf. I iAUEANTEIi, ;A TIIOU8A9D DOLLARS, rrrclronf Sctccrj mJ illEiaersl Ut'itinu Q c 'VS. C ' at ' c n COUGHS, COtDS, FF.VER, HfiDACflE , DYSENTERY, AC. v EXTRACT of a le er from Wililsinabnrg, Lonf Island. ' 1 b -ve osd Wright' rndlan Vegetable Pills fn my family (or more than three years, and in a gr' t variety of romplalnts.Ccagh, ' Colda, Peer H csdche, Dysvft'ery, e. with lfc most complete sneees. la all easea, W light' Indi an VegltaM Pill have foIlT sustained their repnr. tlen. Years. truly, VM. SIMPStN, Augoat 6, 1843. - t I1UMOR3. ' VYR!0IHTS INDIAN VEOETABLP. PILLS , are oaed af coametle and purifier of the bleed with great Succe, removing all oriseemly bljTche, tx- temal ores, and eutaneooaarupiiona 01 (every (inc. New York, June 12' f849. "' y ,t .1 To Dr. Wright. Philadelphia . .,,!.. Dear Sir- Having been afflicted with the nv. l dii iressing humor for many years past, a ad rurvijs; oeV every mean that Horde tha remoiesi prooabiiiry r of relief. I waa at lasi Induced to try your VjiuetU i Indian Vegetable Pill. I am now eoti fied thai. I have leeeived more bent fit from the use o ihrm, than front all tho medicines 1 have havetoforr taken. 1 I therefore take pleasure in recommending itu P1U toati who are 01 have been sufTotkng Iroin any btiif mor, beliivlng. a I do, thai Ihcy act directly upon j the blood, and by their purifying virtue, wMlecni-u pletely cleanse It from impurity. H EN R Y GREEN, 30 Norfolk . NERVOUS FITS. Those arise more frequently than is grnrraUy s pored, from the presence of Worms, arwl from lya pepsia. Wiighi's Indian Vegctuble PHIs remov the cause in both casts. New York, Nov. 17, 164T. ' Dr. Wrigi-.:. ?!ildelphi : Dear Sir Your Indian Vfgi'tnHe Pill have beear the mean of completely restoring my health. Un til within a short period. I t;av been isbjict M succession of Nervous Fits, whicb eonipleify defied the skill of the doctor, I had become so weakened by thediieaaeand the use of medicine, ittat I could bard-. , ly stand. At this crisis, I began to us tha Piila. and t have continuid I'niil within a short period. I am : hippv 10 say that my health I. quite restored, and that for mere than two months, I have had none of the old ermptoana. Please 111-1X0 some i.se of this, as 1 am really anx ious that others may be benefitted in the same way. ' Yours, 4c. CHAS. K1NKA1D. 14 Pitt St. The Genuine Is for aale by GEO. R. FRF.Nf'H Market S'reet, aole agent tbr Wihnlngion : D. TUU NER, Rajeigh, and by sgent In all pan of the Slate. X'j- Bevcart of eounteriili and imitation t ! Re member that the original and onjy gcnulno" Indian VtRclablt Pills, have the written signature of WiU liam Wright, on the top labelof each box. Offices devoted exclusively to the sale of Wrixhl't Indian Virttablc PUti, wholesale and retail, 169 Rare itreet, Philadelphia, 2S8 Greenwich street. New York, and 198 Tremonttreet,Boton. Scpt.2Iat. 1848. fiCIy, BOSTON' LINE OF PACKETS. THE following VESSELS willaail regularly between thia port and Boa ton, via: . Brig WM. NICHOLS, Capr. Jaa. LelBhton. Scbr. MINNESOTA, Capt. Gilbert Lelghion. The above teasel are of Ihe first rlasa, and arc commanded by experienced navigators. HARRISS A DRAKE. Jan.!!. , 127. SIRS. MAXWELL'S MUL1NARY. First H&im north of the Presbyterian Church. -TIIE SUI1SCRIBER, gratetiil of her past Qj) patronage, would call the attention of the Ladie - of Wilmington and vklraliy, to tier forge and well selected !ock of Mirlnary and fancy good, ' which aha is desirous of disposing of at greatly redo crd price, in ordw to make room for aa additional tunply of Spring good. . -.r.'"i Ribbon 12i 10 cts. aula formerly at 25to0 V cts. pnr yard, alao Dresa cape, liead-dicraea, Straw' and Silk bonnetalntheaame propotlon, alao Pamela bonnets constantly on hand. .gr-Ma. J. MAXWELL, would invite parllcuW Cfi) attention to hi superior uthod 01 cleaning the Pamela or Tape Bonneta, making tbeai equal 10 new, a bo straw bonneta cleaned and pruacd, on the moat reasonable lama for the trade. Feb. L 1843. 136-4m. BACON AND PORK. 5IIHDS prime dacan Side 10 bbU. New Mes Pork. Just reertred per GEO. HARRISS. 146 S Nr. Lrsnia.fuxaoda bv Feb. 24. SEGARS! SEGARS ! ! on nnn precipe justoc.ni, CJ AJKJxJ I0JJ0O Peacock. 10.000 Havanna wandrrin Jew 10,000 Baranco (Havanna.) 15.000 Regmlia Venus and Minerva. 5,000 Lacelabradea. For aale bv S. WILKINSON d Co. March 1. 1649. -LW. JUST RECEIVED. O VI Lba. Smoked Beef, feVA7 50 Reef Tobguea, ' iff 30 Butt prime Cheese, 10 Birreta Clarified Sugar, 23 Bbla. Apples pippin; 20 and 20 I Boies Hsisln,, 15 Bui aTaMow Canalea, 6 'Boxes Orangea and 5 do. ef Lemenr. For sale at the lowest prieea for CASH by GEO. MYERS. Feb. 24. ' HO. MOUSSES. 1 CA Hhla Prime new Crop Cuba 3Iolaaae. joM 1 JJ arrived per Brlg.Ana.wso. and for aale by .'. h ircUWAY A SON. Feb. 145. TUBSm ALM1NAC. TrK.VER'S North Carolina Almanacs, for 1843 for 4s at T5U Qmm,rtial 0a. Pch 24. iig.,. FLOUR. 1 OA BBLS. FayettavlBe supar, joat re-el red sod ipUforeakb J. 4 W. L. McGARY. . fab 14. SPERM CANDLES. Pot mm at HOrVArUI A TZLLS r :-.'.J a, 3 iAt; 4r . :tr. t -,1 7