-.i.i-.'j ,.-. ' 4 i v't . i, . r ' i j,..' ; ; ..uaataviv vi uaaauvsva 0Ue 4tAoj:iafr 1A year 1848. it.7faf cns occiiv.(i in the Jioual Scienti, ne insiuniianoj trance, meageu vnue keadtd President, his head iare, his arms outstretched, hiv face railiiint with smiles, (for science vat triumphant.) and his voice with gratulabrry tone, delivered the following ttcnort: Weareatoimlod at thie singular (reparation. WarninJi!d wlllseiflnce atonl Here we have apra- paraUun nnde in (Inform of a beautiful piece of soap, which we Know, oy actual practice, to euro evcryoulaneoutoruption. every disfigurement oi, ana eveudlsr.oloied skia! Where will Its msilc and sin gular pb.vcrccise? The Nigra, the. Creole, the Vel io Race of in East, and Iho Red Man of the Fur Wosf.nrealiko under ihoinfluenceof Its extraordina ry power of clearing yellow-or discolored akin, and uniting it whito and beautiful, and of changing the coloroi dark, or block, o; brown skin."1 (Heresever nlpcra ns were, brought forward by the President, who h id used it, in pro f of his assertion ) There arc probably few persona of Intelligence who, afterreading the above, will doubt the qualitiesof Jones' Italian Chemical Soap, tn curing Pimples, Blotchea, Suit Rheum, Scurvy Ervsioelaa.Sore Heads. Old Sores, Heard and Bar- ber'a lich.Ohippedand Tender Fleah, Freckles, Tan, Sunburn, and changing dark ounourn or leuow Skin to a pura clear white, as smooth and soft as an Inrjnt's.andlnfactevery kind of eruption and dis ilguromont. Read those certificates! . From Uu N. O. Sentinel, Oct. 1841. One of our subscribers. Mr. H. Leonard, informs us that he has been cured of eid, scaly Sail Rheum, of eighteen years standing, on hie beard, tinge's ana hands. by a cake of an articre much advertised loe--iy we speak of Jones' Italian Chemical Soap. He ill do Informs us that he has tried its effects on his fet male slave Rose. much marked with sun spots, and he found intwo weekshersklnmuchclearerand whiter. Janus Eltham.a palnter.ln Jersey City, wasclired of carbuncles nd pimples, which ho was afflicted withfor many years, by part of a cake of Jones' Ital ian Chemical Sonp. Persons In purchasing this, must always ask foi JONKS' ITALUN CHEMICAL SIMP; ond per haps, ns many who havt haen cheated with counter foils will be too much cjcouragvd to try the genu ine, we say to such, try thlsonce you will not regret t r but always see that the name of T. JONES is on i he wrapper. LippHttA Willklngs, Fronl St. are tno Agenis loi thiaSoap for Wilmington. March 25th, 1348. R, F. IIIBBARDS, Genuine Vegetable Anti Bilious Family Fills. rpHESE Pillsarci certain cure for Fever'nnd Ague, Jl and Bilious lover, as numerous cerlilicates sent lathe proprietors will show. The smallnessof the doso, (only two pills,) their energy, tit ur simplicity, and efficacy, happily udapt them for Family and general use. The unbounded popularity and extensive sale of the pills have Induced persons to imitate them, and wrap them up under a name and reputation not their own.' The proprietors hive put up theec pills in their own proper name that they may the more elTecluolly protect them nnd the public from fraud, -vhich they could not do if they had taken a fictitious nnme, or the name of the dead. Read thefollowingstatemcnl: My father, the Rev. B. Hibsabd, died August 17, 1314. While in his life time, I manufactured these Pills, and put them up in boxes, and enclosed them with wrappers, with his name, by his consent and approbation ; he used freqocntly to shy to me, "Now bti very careful, my son, for If the Pills aro not made gj )d, the public will blame me." So by hfa active euperintendance, the Pills have gained their reputa tion as a -(Family Medicine Since his death, I have manufactured the Pills and putthem up In my own name, as I deem It to be a species of deception to put the name ofttev. B. His oaso, on the wrapper, and thereby induce the belief tint ho superintends the manufacture of the Pills, knowing at the same lime that it Is not so that he Is dead. The Pillsbearing the name. R. F. Hlbbnrd, aro imnufactured by me, and are the Genuine Hibbard'a Pills aa madsby my father, Rev. B. Hlbbard. RUFUS F. HIBBdRD. Be sure and ask for R. F. Hibhnrd's Pills -Gssts, This may certify that I was articled with that dreadful disease, Fever and Apue, and was re commended to try your Pills. One box was sufficient to complete a cure. Yours, respectfully S. MINER. To R. F. HlDBABD &, Co. Prepared and sold wholesale and retail, by R. F. IIlBBARD&Co. John street. New York, general gents for the United Society of Shakers, and by Or. A. C. EVANS, wholesale and retail Drgg 1st; Wil mington NO. CAPRICE 12 AND 25 CENTS.jn May. 2, 1348. MARBLE MONUMENTS AND GRAY R STONE AGENCY. mllE subscribers are appointed Agents for one of A the 6frnn1 most eitenaTt SAiioLr. i nuo in Connecticut, and will receive orders for Marbu Monum-nls or Grave Stones, eltner lettered or not which will be furnished at Iho shortest notice anu most reasonable orices. Wehavcrccei 'cda variety of patterne.varioussiyles . the Diiccs, which mny be examined at any time J. C. R.B.WOOD, I) udder $ and Contrcttnt. Juno 17. 40. i TO RENT. milK store corner of red cross and fnonl 1 streets lately occupied by Messrs. O. P. & K. If Grant. O. Q. PARSLEY. Guar. Sept. 12. 76-tf. FLOUR. Barrels Extra Canal Flour 20 half do do bo 20 For sals by HOWARD d PEDEN. Keb. 3. 137. BLACK EYE PEAS, tOO bUSHELS Black Eye Peas. For sal by 1 I. A W. L. McOARV'. Jan 6. 128- "bank checks. CHECKS on the several Banks in this place, bound In Rooks, and In sheets, for sals at the Cwtmtrtial OJJLet. FOR SALE. HOySK and Lot on north side of martet XX street, and tnree streets aoove iwumjarjr. .K hnu la mw and contains ail comfort- L able rooms, there la also a Kitchen and other houses on the lot. The lot is 66 feet by lb5, posses sion elven Immediately. Apply o C. C MORSE. 140-Jm Feb. 9. Journal copv U. BUTTER ! BUTTER Mf wnnsn llaa n,rtan titllaa i q-7 MYERS. . Fabruarv 3. U7. rinptj glftL 'fV o- RLf bVtN NLU.. v 155 JUST RECEIVED Direct fraW the Manvfadory. A GOOD assortment Ladles Him Kid Slippers, u u . . t ... , h t iiuskini, Oentlemsn's Goat Skin Brogans, . Calf " For salo cheap by G.R.FRENCH. Ao3. B9-if. BUTTER & LARD. I ( Firkins prime Mountain Butter. lVjlO" newN. C. Card. For sals by J. A W. L. McGARY. Jan 6. . 126. PATENT LEATHER BELTS! JUST Received another latge assortment of Misses and Roys Patent Leather Belts, assorted colors. For sale cheap by C. MYERS, Uaitcr. . Feb. 1. 136. SNUFF. OU rCAULTS Stiperor Snuff.in all kinds of sck ages, constantly on hnnQ, for sale by BARRY, BRYANT 4 CO. Oci. 23. , 96-tf. FOR SALE. OA BUSHELS Seed Rye; 4 barrels prime back Offc Country Whiskey, on consfirnment by AlcK.ELI.AR McRAE. Nov. 28. 109-if. MOUNTAIN BUTTER. 5 Firkins fresh Mountain butler. Forsaleby HAKRISS 4 DRAKE. Dec. 19 119. FOR SALE. Daily Expected. 119 GRIND Stones. 1 1 t250sa( I sacks Liverpool Salt. 40 bundles Eastern Hay. 18000 Common Brick. BOO bags Ground Rock Salt, 20 Jbs. each. 20 bbls. No. 2 Macken I. 20 hhds, Cayenne Molasses. 10 hhds. and 25 bbls. N. E. Rum. 300 boxei Herring. 16 bundles Gunny Rags. BARRY, BRYANT & Co. Dec. 23. 121 TALLOW WANTED. Apply to HARRISS & DRAKE. Jan. 18. 180. ADAMANTINE CANDLES. 5 boxes adainanline candles. Just received by CARROLL & FENNELL. Jan 6 125. T SHIPPING ARTICLES. IOR SALE at The Commercial Office, an ele . cant edition of Shipping Articles, enclosing all the laws of Congress relative to the Merchant's Service. BACON HAMS. Ofir PRIME N. C. BACON HAMS. For vJV- sale by J. & W. L. McOARY. Dec. 21. 119 RYE!. J QQ Bushels. For sale by J. C. LATTA. 1. Jan. 25. A CARD THE Subscriber having purchased the entire Stock, and tuken the store formerly occupied by Mr. E. R. Wood, respectfully solicits a conltnu- anoe of the p itrnnage of his customers, and the pub lic In general, where they will at all times find a full assortment, of choice family Groceries, and Provis ions, at the lowest prices tor Cash. UbUKUL MYKK3. Jan. 25, 1349. 133-lf. SUGARS. S)C Packagea Woolsey Co. Loaf Crushed and CJ pswdcred sugars. Forsaleby HOWARD 4 PEDF.N. Oct. 13. 92. T00TII ACflE CURED, B y R. Deschons eel braled Chinese Ball. For sale, wholesale ana retail by J. lLK.lSUiN. March 6. 150. SONG OF THE SniRT. GENTLNMEN wishing to replenish their ward robe with the latest pattern of Shirts, should call el once, on ihe undersigned, asthey have just to hand, several dozen made of fine material, and of various sites. Should none on hand b a perfect fit, measure of persons will -b taken, and a warrantee ffiven that we will satisfy the -nost fastidious. SCOTT, KEEN A CO. Feb 15. U2. LATER STILL, PER Schaoqet Minetota from Botton. 12 Wood Seat Rockers, 12 Nurse Chairs, 6 Small RJcker, 4 Low-arm Mahogany Nurse Chairs, 12 Mahognar-arm Table Chairs, U Child's Chais, 3 Do. C S, Chairs, 6 Bureaus, 4 Sofas, 12 Toilet Tsbles and Stands, 4 Card Tables. For sale atprlcss to sail the limes by J. D. LOV E, at the Rook Spring. JFeb 140. WHITE 4 BLACK Silk HM superior quality For sale by J.S. W ILLIAMS. ' Jan.3l 135 BLACK St WHITE Italian Crape. For as by J. S. WILLIAMS. Jan. 39- 135 IRISH LINENS Bxpreesly For Fsmlly nee For sale by J. S. WILLIAMS Jan. 30 . 135 PANTS, s Urge assortment, of all kinds and des criptions, fbr sale st SCOTT, KEEN Co's. Jsn20. 131 w HITE snd Light Fancy Vests, just received snd for sals by SCOTT, KEEN tX Co, Jaa 2a 131 BILLS OF EXCHANGE. AFRESH supply of very handsome Bills of Ex changefor aale at th Csmmrtiat Offlcs. UNNY BAGS. . 1UUU -UAJtB.ISS 4 DRAKE. Jan. 30 132 COTTON YARim III ) c.u -WOODEN WISE.- PAINTED PAILS, Brooms, Nest Cedar Tubs t do., painted Tuti Axe handle, Flour palls, Bang starts, Whols a ad half bbl. covers, Nest mar ket baskets, Neat measures, Scrubbing brushes, Whitewash brushes. Paint brushes. Shoe brushes, B rd cages, Wood trnys, Cocoa dipper, Sieves, Keelers.WL X . Clarka Starches, just received and for sale by .WM. NEFF. No. II. , ltrt-tf. McKeller JltRae. At tht lalt Stand of Jtfctirt. (fall 4 Armstrong, W itis Stssst, WitmnsTOW, K. Cabolina, HATE Just received their Fell Stork of Oroetrits f-c., 4c, consisting lstpart a follows t 80 bsg primes reen and light Rio (Joffie 20 bags prim La' KUJraGpftee, 20 bsgi prime (Hd Java Coiieci 10 hhds. bright Porto Rico &ugari 6 hhds. Muscovado Sugar 40 bbls. best clarified Susan 5 boxes loaf Sucar 20 bbls. extra canal Flour t 10 boxesrNo. 1 Sospi f box s prime cheap Tobacco 1500 bushels Alum Salt. Candles. Starch. Snuf. Cnvptrat, Indigo, Sut- phur, djte., Ac. ; Also 20 esses Men's thick and kip BrOeanst 10 cases Women's and Boys' 8hoes. assor ted t 15 colls Raft Ropes t 4 colls small rope for beeV cords 4 tons (assorted) S weed's Plough and Tyre iron ; Double ana single-barrel uuns, Ac, tc, tY All of which we will sellnn reasonable terms. J N. B. We are under ths necetity of requesting I persons indebted to us, Bj make immediate paymj l as esrl) aa possible, to eaabie us to keep up sue i stock 01 Uroceries a our customers require. Sept 21st, 1843. 80-1 APPLE RRANDY. 5BBLS. Apple Brandy, very fine. Forsnleby CARROLL & FENNELL. Jsn6. 125. B LACK Spun Silk Hose. For sale by J. S. WILLA1MS. 135. Jan 31. WASHING MACHINE. Patented August IQlK 1845. THE above Machine has been extensively used and highly recommended by those who have tried them Kvery family should have one asthey aro a great saving of Inbor, and the finest arttclea may be washed without injury. For sale by J. WILKINSON dt, Co. Agents for Patentee. - Jan. 27. 135 GLUE. GERMAN and" American Glue, of prime quality; for Distillers. For sale tfy . DeROSSET A BROWN. Jan. 6. 125. SHINGLES. 1 fin rrd LARGE Shingles, for sale by 1U( J.UUU J. & W. L McGARY. ' Jan 20. 131 BARGAINS! BARGAINS!! THE Subscriber has determined, positively, to lose his business in Wilmlnctou in all this Spring and odors' his latge stock of CROCKERY AND GROCERIES; for sale at COST. To any onetfMirfrTff to enter into business a food opportunity now offers for purchasing, on favorable terms, the entire stock in trade. From this date all snms under 950, cash on deliv ery; ISO and under 1 100, 60 day e: 100 and under 1200, 90 days : t200 and upwards, 4 and 6 monlha, tor approvea notes. .His notes sn accownts will be Disced in Ihe hands ot Mt. James Burch, for immediate collection. J. H. TIOTHWEU Crockery Warehouse. Jan 2ft. 131-tf FLOUR & WHISKEY. (A BARRELS New Orleans whiskey. V'hii " FayettvillcSupei Flour, jost received for Ssle oo consignment by JEFFREYS & LEIGHTON. Feb. 15. 184 142. BUTTER and CHEESE, a prime article, just re ceived and for sale by GEORGE MYERS. Feb 10, 130. FOR HAMC 50 Boxes tuperior Smoaked Her rings. 5 Boxes Mould Candles. HARRISS & DRAKE. Feb. 22. 145. JUST RECEIVED, Ilv the 8chr Urania, From New York. QLow Post A Field Bedstrsds, OL42 Bundles Chairs, ior Salo b y J.D. LOVE. Feb. 24. 146 PEACH TREES, A consignment of 500 Peach Trees in floe order. For sale by GEO. HARRISS. Feb. 22. 145. PLANTING POTATOES. 1 Plfl BBLS. Plsnilng Potssoea. Received this 1 UU day. per Chas. Mills, for sale by MARTIN CRONLY. Ftb. 9. 140 RICE. 200 Tierces fresh beat. For sale by GEO. W. DAY1S.. 140. Feb 10. SUGARS, prime Porto Rico, New Orleans, crush ed, powdered and Loaf, foi sale by GEO. MtfliRS. Feb lAi 140. DANA BROWNE. 1 "p"pro"r '( Mr ilr and Dealer .1 in Piano Fortes, Guitars and other II fl 1 Musical Instruments. Old Pisoos a Knein excoange. Waresoomat Mosart Hall. Pro ortBrowawmay be seen at Moiart Hall, or at th hington Hotel, opposite Cape Fear Bank. 130-tf VaLs? TfarrelT canal Flour, just rereivetfat 2Q1 WM. NEFF'S. 141 F413. SUGAR!. 60 Pscksgss Losf, Crushed 4 Pew dered doubled refined. For sale by Feb. 3. 137. HOWARD ft PKDKM. NEW DAGIIERRElAW, GALLERY, REMOVED, In the Building occupied by Dr. WM. WARE. THE Ladle and gentlemen of Wilmington and Ita vicinity art respectfully Invited to cell snd xsmine specimens ' f ibis wonderful srt, which ars rirodueed on sliver plsts by a chemical operation, in a Ife-llke manner, not to be aurpaased by any oo of the profession. PiaiftM coloured put uplo frara caaes, locksts.or pins. Pslntlnf s or Engravings copied.' W. J. PICKETT. Dsc. 5. 112-tf. CANDLES, Oaffe BOXES AdaasanUn, 4U 20 " Tallow, juat rclv4 and for sal by J W.L.MsQAKY. fb.J4. NbrtKCarolina Institute fot, the Instruction . a . - . t f - . . Or TBJS . DEAF AND DUMB. THE Sessions of this Institution, commences on X tha first da v of July of each vear. and continue Men Months, tvheq there is vacation of two months, giving the Pupils an opportunity to visit their 1'a rents snd Friends. -The InstltUk m Is situated on Caswell Square, a bout one-third of a mile from tha Stale House. The ground occupied by the buildings with that adjacent, is tne property oi ne instituuon, and granted, by tno Leglslatuio of ihe State. In eient it embraces four acre, a part of which will be eultivated. and the re mslnder will orurtltut specious Lawna where the Male PudIIsHI snsusettiemselves. st nrooor hours. In athletic sports, and fh Females, in walking, or. ucn otner kioqs oi eaerctse as maybe appiopriate to tneir sei. The main building In ihe dimensions of lis plan, is sixty feet by thirty sit. It has two wings, each thirty-eight feet by twenty two, extending at right angeis irotn inemain euince. ana Droiectinir Irom each ulretftity of It by nearly the whole width of eacn wing, in elevation it embracer lour atones, in cluding tne basement, and th wings three, and is surmounted by a-towertr observatory .commanding an extensive and beautifal prospect. In the base ment are the dining-room and siore rooms, an in the story above the basement, are the parlor, sitting room and library. In the other stories are the family apartments of the Principal and his assistants, snd two rooms set spart foi the Pupils in case of sickness. In the basement of one wing are the kitchen and wash room, and (hat ol the other ia set sport for in struction in mechanical trades. On the principal fleer of the wings, are the sitilng-rooms of the males snd females, snd I ho upper story Is occupied for dormitories, The chief merit ofthe arrangement consists In lis preserving these two deportments' ss tar as relates to the sccommodaiions, amusements and pursuits of the Pupils out of school, so indepen dent in every partlcular.as to constitute of them two separate asp distinct communities, while th dining' room in which both assemble, with the Teachers and family of the Princlpol, is conveniently accessi ble. Each department has its Separate areaa in the rear, its sepsrstc pleasure grounds, and Its separate communication with tha school-rooms : so that for the ordinary purposes of life, there is no occasion to pass from one to the other. The Act of the General- Assembly, requ res that when Deaf-Mutes are enable to pay for their main tenance and education, the Juailcesof the several Courts ol Pleas and Quarter Sessions, should levy in the same manner as taxes are now by law levied for the support of the poor, seventy five doflars for the support snd maintenance of every such Deaf Mute as shall be selected by the Literary Board, for the purposes of Education. tjp For further particulars, apply by letter or oth- wise lo the undersigned. WILLIAM D. COOKE, Principal. OFFICERS OF THE INSTITUTION. Dircctori.-Hia ExcELLsrrcv WILLIAM A. GRAHAM, PsistDcnT or thb Boabd ; Ho. JOHN M. MOREHEAD, CHARLES MANLY, ESQ., WILLIAM W. HARRISON, Skcbetabv or the Boabd. TVeaKrer.,-CHARLES L. H1N TON, ESQ,., TasABtrRKa or Statc. Principal.1 WILLIAM D. COOKE. M A. Asnttant: ABEL. B. BAKER, GEORGE R. KETCHAM. Ptyncian.-CHARLES E. JOHNSON, M. D. Matron. Vim LAURA J. BARKER. Kalelgh N. C, August , 1818. G9-ly-lw-p. AGENCY OF Nautilus (Mutual Life) Insurance (,'mipany. PERSONS holding Policies in this office are noil fled that Scrip Certificates, for their Sharti of proJUt in the bu$intti if the Company are ready lor delivery at the Agency othce, is, north wa'er-et. f. J. LUKU et Co., Agents. Oct. 24. 94-if. NOTICE. MR. R. F. BROWN of Wilmington N. C. hav ing been admitted Into our Copartnership, the business will be conducted as heretofore, without change in the style of our Firms. BROWN A DiROSSBT, Wew York. DEROSSET & BROWN, Wilmington N. C. Jan. 1, 1849. 124. GRIST MILL. THE subscribers have started a Griit MUl.n con nexion wiih thir Saw Mill, and con furnish Meal and Hominy of prlmequolliy and ol very short notice. JOHN McRAE & Co. Feb. 8,1849. 139-lf. SHIFTING. BEAVER Creek, superior Family Sheetings, for sale by J. C LA I 'l A Ocl. 24. 94 if. NOTICE. FROM the present dtti, no charge will be made for Rafts obstructing the Dock ana Wharf adjoining my Distillery lot, anil they will in no case be alluwed to do so, but when loft there will bu turned adrift without discrimination. WILL. O. JEFFREYS. Dec. 23, 1848. 120-tf. HOTCHKIS'S VERTICAL WATER WHEEL. W BRANSON is Agent for Ihe above Wheels In . this plsce. He will take pleasure in showing the Castings tosny person who may desire lo see them There will be found at his office a supply ol Wheels, Cranks or Gudgeons, at all limes for sale slnglyor in pairs. Dec. 7,1848. 11 3-if. FAYETTEVILLE FLOUR. r5nBBLS8uper. Fine snd X, for sale at 3U WM. NEFF'S. Feb. 13. 141 TOWING. - r"PHE STEAMER Gov. ORAHAm UKeshi JL is prepared to low vessels whenever SBSteCsUsaB called Tor, it not engaged on an up river trip. The Proprietors would be thenkXul for a share of patronage, and do all in their power to giVe satifactlon. Apply on board to Capt. T. F. Ptcxt, or to J.AW.L. McOARY, Ag'ta. June 20 41- CARRIAGE BrAXLNG. Market street, about 300 yards above the Episcopal Church. THESubKribersouM reipect fully l.iform the inhabitants o WllmlnatoD.snd vicinity, that thev havs id tneir employ experienoed workmen, st the various aranchea, and ar therefor enabled to manu facture all kinds of riding Vehicles, In the latest style snd best msnr.er, and would respectfully solic it the s tentlon of all persons wishing anything done In our line, s we are determined to give satisfsction. Blackamlthlng of all kinds, also, all kinds of re pslring done, In the neatest manner, and at redueed prices. ' N. B. Sign and ornamental Painting dona In the beat msnner and at short notta. WELLS A CORNWALL. ' Wilmington, Jan. 20. 191 LADIES MERINO, and Silk Vests, for sale by J. 8. WILLIAMS. Nov. 14. 103-tf I f BBLS. vary superior Cider, for ssle by 1U J, oV W. L. McGART. , Jan 20. ' 'W . CORN & OATS. hifr Bh. Corn 1 OUU 200" Osts. Fer ssle by fc TUP irirv nnrn , ... Iltu Vltl UVlUUl i i j!!-e.'H.-: Adjoining the Conrt Haate Sq nor H HAS been recently thoroughly repaired, and greatly improved by the addition of a large number of pleasant and commodious rooms which ars not excelled by any In the City. The table al ways furnished with the best that can be procured, snd the charges are aa moderate as can be afforded. The stables are In good order, well fumntshed with Sroveixler, and attended by careful and experienced a'lers. Mrs. Lawrence would therefore respectfully Invite, the attention of the members of the approaching Legislaiureand iheiravoltlnguublic to tht advantages presented by this establishment. Raleigh, Sept. 12 1818. 76-Iy-w-t. RYE. nr BAGS SEED RYE. . iCJ For sale by Nov. 26. W. L. SMITH., 108-if. COTTON Batting and Wadding, forsaleby J.S.WILLIAMS. Dec. 113. MUSIC. 4 LADY highly qualified, to give insirucljon upon A the Piano Forte, wishes to obtain a few pupils. She would give lessons either at her ow n residence or those of her pa ti one. Every eifort will be made to advance her pupils, and but a moderate charge nindc. Apply at the Fbas kum Hotel io MRS.ALSUP. Dec j- , H2 tf. NEGRO OATS AND CAPS, .- JUST RECEIVED, a large stock SJp5 3 of Wool Hots, Velvet, Cloth and feiiha iHolr Caps, which will be sold veryaV low by ihe case or dozen. Those wishing io pur chase will do Well '0 examine my stock nnd prices" before purchasing elsewhere. C. MYERS, Hatter. Nov. 16. . 101-tf. NOTICE. FROM and after the first January, 1840, no Freight will be traitbiiorltd or delivered without the freight being paid. IvlB'T. I' KNNKR, TransporJr.tlon Agent, W. & R. It. R. Co. Dec. 30, 1648. 122-tf. SPIRIT BARRELS. QAfi EMPTV Bbls..large size and in prime or id'JKJ dcr. Just received and for snle by BARRY, BRYANT A Co. Ocl. 6th- 86 I. COCOA NUTS & ORANGES. fnn COCOA Nutsj 2000 St. Croy oranges, For Sale at J.WILMSON'S&Co. Jan. Hih 1848. 128. BUTTER & LARD. 4 FIRKINS Mountain Butter" 1 Brl. N. C. Lard. ReceiveJ per Evergreen. CARROLL & FENNELL. Jan. 27, 1849. 134-11". FURNITURE Dimity for sale by J.S.WILLIAMS. Feb. 6. 139. r 4 P. COATS' superior Spool Cot inn for snle by I, J. S. WILLIAMS. Feb. 6. 139. F0R CALIFORNIA AND THE (.OLD REGIONS. ! CAPT. R. S. BAkilfiS, prorJoscs to make 1 up a Stock Company, ejull individual su'i scribinit ond pay inn a ccttain uinount of cash, the sum 10 be in pruporl on to tlm nuiubtrof passengers or adventurers uirering, purchnsi' n t;ood i and substantial Vessel, the cai.i and n ascl to he owned ry Iho Comp my, and inch individual to be governed by such luws an regulntions ns the said Company may rnnke afterbelnc formed. Fifteen Hundred Dollars, has rtlnsady been subscribed. -Cnpt. Barbes is an experienced nnvljjator. having sailed around the Horn, seven dilli;retit times nnij 1 well aequainied with (he coast, and will furnish 8700 wonh of instruments for the outfiiin of the Vessel, I for further Information apply to HARRISS & DRAKE. Feb. I. 130. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA. 1 Brunswick County. Elizabeth W. Mills, tt. Beni. O. Mills. Fall Term. 1319. In F.quliy Petition for Divorce. It appearing to the satisfaction of the Couit, llni Benjamin O. Mills Is not s resident uf this Stale : ft is ordered by the Court, that publication be made In two of the newspapers published In the town of Wil mington, for the space of three month", notifying said defendant to appear, at the next term of the Court of Equity, to be held for the County of Rruns wlck. st the Court House In Smlthvillc, on the 3d Mondsy after the fourth Monday in March next, then and there to plead, answer or demur to said bill, or judgement will be lakes pro copfesso Witness S. B. EVERETT, C. 4 M. in Eur. by SAM'L LANGDON, Dep. C. f- M. in Hot. ' Jaa 6.1818. Chron. please copy. 125 3m. FURNITURE AT REDUCED PRICES! F CLARK, being desirous of closing hlsbtisi . neea, in Wilmington ooVs for sale, his large slock of superior made Cabinet Furniture, nt nearly Invoice prices, only the freight added, for tt s Cash. Perrms wishing to make good bargains, are irtvlud 10 call. - J Feb. 13. 1849. N..B. ;4l those indebted totns will please sail, snd settle their accounts without delay, nnd thou hirtng bHlssvtlnme, will also please present theirs for settlement. FREDERICK CLARK N. Y. Furniture Wardwuse, Jranit. aesimarkst. Feb. 13, 1849. 141. LIQUOltS ! BRAN DY, Gin, Rum. Whiskey, Ale. Portet.Mni.e rla Wine, Cherry, Port. S. upcrnong, MMap, Champaigne, Claret, Teneritlo, etc. For snle Inwby Feb 3 -136. HOWARD dt PEDEN LIME! LIME!! UME1!! , A fl BBLS. Llncolnvllle White Lump; 800jbls QlKJxJ Thomsston Lime. Also, calcined PloMr, Plastering Hair, ahd Fire Briek, Hydarullc Ceraetti 1009 bbls. Llm.,f.c, forsaleby f V w W w , July 25th, 56-tfJ BLACKSMITH'S COAL. 1 rTVn BUSfIELS of Vi Alleghany Coal ivw anoai. Appiy 10 GEO. HARRISS, HNorib. Water st. Jsn.5,1849. 123-if. siii. 2000 Bushels Turks Island Sslt, 100 Sacks Liverpool Tor sal at I I HOWARD 4 PEREN. 137. BILLS OF 'LADING, IOLIO POST BILLS OF LADING, bounh In Books, and sheets, also Letter Sheela with a variety of mercantile blanks, lor sale St iW Com' mereial, OJlce. -7 T0R SALE LOW FOR CASH OR Burter F)r Counirj Produce. K( Bngs Rio CofTeeV -fv 15 bags Lulra coffee 5 hhds. Porto Rico Sugar! 10 do good retailing Molasses . ' ALSO - Teas, WMie Sugar, Spioc, Pepper. Ginaor, Clna-. mon, Nutmegs, Mualnrd, Soaps, Candles, Sperm . and Tallow, Kpsom Suits, Starch, SnulT, Tobacco. Segars, Nails, Shovels and Spades, Hoes, Axes, and nmn other articles In the grocery line. At J. AW. L. McGARY-. Nov. 1G. ' 104. CHEESE. .4 Boxes English Dairy Cheese ' 10 Casks do "25 Fr.rnleby . HOWARD & PEDEN. Feb: 3. , 137. FOB SALE. Turpentine Land and Distillery. s EVERAL Tracts, containing about 1900 acres of' I ur.ientii'.e Lnnd, In one body ond free from B uji f itu itnd neur Lockwood's Foflydllvpr, and in jrcniutit distancefrom Elisabeth River. ALSO, i A 20 birrcl Distillery, ingobd order, with ever wor k fnjr Tnol, situated 011 Lockwood's Folly River 'nnd uboyt 3 mile from above land. ' Apply to ROUT. O. RANKIN, Wilmington, N. C, Xetcbernian copy 6t and send bill:o thlsOiBce. " Feb. 1. , 't36-tf SOA1. 100 Boxes soap, Colgntrs. For sale by Feb. 3. 137. HOWARD if- PEDEN. NOTICE ! r"PIIF, Sul)3':rlhcr having mud, iirningoinenl wiih X Mr. Hopkins for the eniire snk- ol his Tegeta bles, fruit, &c. Will keep nt ull linn e evi;ry vaiiciv of lite season ; which will be sold nt the lowest Cash prlas, at the Jiorc iuriiKjrly occupied by E. R. Wood. OHORGE 'MYERS. Feb I. 136. It OCK S V RING FLRNITl RE WAREHOUSE. Till', subset ihi-r would ref peetl'c.lly an lwimce tu the citizens ol Wilmington and I Ik- hiii rounding cnunlies, that he is now rcci iting hi" Full Stock ( Cabi net Furniiurv. Having evicted it him sell in the cities nf New York nnd Bos ton, hp rn 11 run hfti'n 1 1 u rnfMiilmiTirt it in the attention ol 'cusiumers for vuiieiy and rli-gancc of 8f)le, btniityof workmanship, andchrapnt'ss. It la ol tOHeilii'r iho nioat coniplrlu slock that he has ever of fered in this market, nnd he thinks that ihosc wishing to purchase mny liiid it to their interest to call. The, follouinu are some of ihe articles coinpiiscd in iho Siock, viz r MFAS, I CAftP TABLES, tm-oMASs, I A7,vr; do. DIVANS I CRNTHF. do. Jll'llEAL'S, I EXTF do. IWKSSISa II I 'UFA US, 1 MA TCJIFIJ do. iiutt. lit) AKDS, J TOILET do. It n It I ) HiII FS, CHI ti BEDSTEADS, COT if- TliUSDLE do. OFFICE CUAIUS, WORK do. SETTEES. OFFICE DESKS, MA TTHESSES, fledioom Sets, cninp'clc French Rrdetcnds; Hiph post 1I0. , Looking t.hissi s; Toilet do. i Sinks ond vtaslisumls; Maliogiiny do.; Boston rocking Chaiir; jMahorrnny do ; DoFnnr-hdo ; Curl Maple do. ; fane. Rush seat, nnd Fancy (.'hails ; V ii.dsor unit Common do.; Children's High do. For p:;le at num erate prices, hy J. D. I.OVF., '' 12. -0. At the Roc k Sprin-. SPIRIT BARRELS ! OOP; Tmply Spirit l.bls. lame sho und in piinio 'W-'W jrder. For sain low hv IIAKRY, BRYANT 4 CO. 1 -'!. Jan 1C. CITIZENS are h inorably iisfturcd iliat the follow ing are Ihe actual iunlHicH of n 3s bottle of Jon s Coril Hair Restorative. If they doubt our woid tlieyc.irinotihc.se ln'glily rcjM-siablu ciiiient-, wl.u have tried it. Mr. Gen. Meckel, 11 F.inisl .N. Y. Mrs. Matilda Reeves. Mynh avi uiie.ilrooklvn. Mr. Wm. Tompkins, 92 King si.. N. Y. Mr. Thomas Jackson, H9 Libt-rty st., Pittsburgh . H. E. t,'nllen. lale barber stearnhont S. America. And more than a hundred othersslate, though this must suffice, that it willforce the hair tu jrrow on tin: bond or face, stop it failing ofT. strengthen Ihe n.nts, removing scurf nnd dnndruli from the roots, making lih'.rrd.or "ray hnirntsuini' 11 fire dtnk look, nnd kerpingdry. harsh or wiry hair moisl,soli,clcan snd beaatilul, a very , very long time C I.VOt.ES.Jr. Soldin Wilmington hy I. ippiil & W'illkint's. DRIED BEEF AND TONGUEsT 1 DRIED Tongues, largest size. JyJ sjC lbs. drkd Beef ot WM. NEFF Nov. II. MULES AND WAGON. I HAVE four well broken two year old Mules anil a four horso Wagon nnd llnrness for sale WILL. O. JEFFREYS Dec. 23, 1813. UO-lf. JKILOGNA SAUSAGES. B OLOONA Snusnces, a prime article, just receiv ed per nciir. . unvis, Dy- CARKOI.L k FENNELL. Jan fi. 125, "T7HITE and Pink Cropc Lissee.ffor siile by VV J. S. WILLIAMS. Jan 20. 131 RICIC For sale wholesnlo and Retail bv HOWARD PEDEN. Feb. 3, . 137, 7"" SMOKED BEEF. 150 I.IJS. Smoked beef. Forsalebv 1 CARROLL FENNELL. Jan 6. 126.' MAIL ARRANGEMENT. ABRIVAIS. The Mnll from th North arrives dally at 9, A. M. Do. do do do South do do do 0, A. M. Do. do do Fsyojtevlllevla Waranw, arrives.' on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, with Iho North--crn Mall. The Mall from FsyettcTllle via Elltabethtown ar rives on Tuesday rXhursdsy and Saturday, at 8. A. M, The Mail from Long Creek arrives every Thurs day, 5, P. M. The Hall from Onslow Court House arrives every Monday, t, P. M. V DEPARTURES ho Mnll for the North Is cloned every dsy st 10, P. M. . 0. do do do Sflturis do do do do 9, A. M )o. do do Fayettevill via Warsaw Is closed on ondsy, Wednesday snd Friday, in, P. M. The Mail for Fsvsttevllle. via Elixsbcthtown la osed Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at Oi, A. M. iThe Mall for Long Creek Is clt sed Thursdsy, 10,. M. e. d do Onslow C. H. o do 10, P.M. . Frock and P"" f CQTT ttEN Co. .!'. ' lit. Jsn25. Fb. 3, J STKIM",