wmrt ' TUB. COMMERCIAL It ptnlWhsd every Tafdt'j, WiurtdayinA Saturday, It 15,0 J per innu n, piyabfc in allcascs in advunce by THOMAS LO RING, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR: bunjaminThowze, ASSOCIATE EDITOR. fiorner of Front and Mirket Streets, WILMINGTON, N. C. BATES OP ADVERTISING. 1 ay. 1 insertion. 80V) 1 aqr. 2 montlia, 1 a " n 2 3 i: i,o;) 1 ,; 1 month, 2.50 1 " 3 1 li 6 " 1 " 1 year. 5 8 12 TivhIvk linea or less makes a square. If an Advertisement exceeds twelve lines, the nr!ci u.-iM he in nronortioil. All aiJvuriMHinotita arc payable at the time j t)f their insertion. . G )iitr.i.:ts with yearly rul verliscrs, will be , maJfl on the most liberal terms. "5" V!l A Uirti-s-nnciitf? inserted ii, the ; iri-weekl'y Conun."ciit1 are entitled to one j i.nrirlui.iitlie Weekly, Iree ! oliartfe JOB, GAUD and FANCY PRINTING j executed in superior style. j tY!. nt.,tlwfk nf itinii.il A iluftrtiapra U.trlr.W llm-1 ttadfcMhdrSwntmn Wgdmont!! for the lenerit Of other peraoni, an well as all .dvertiaemnnts not X?, Jn?, ! in lengtn or otherwUu, beyond the limits engaged, 1IIC1I Unll U II 1 1 IL ( 'i ' ' J rill be charged at tha uual rates. AGENTS FOR THE COMMERCIAL NEW YORK: Messrs. liaow.i & DsRosset. BOSTON: Frederick Kidder, Esq. D. CASH WELL, cjnmrn ) ninnWi mwiant, WILMINGTON, n. v. Feb. 8. 130 JOHN HALL. SI III AGENT AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, No.3) GR.WIF.R STREET. Sew Urlcani. April 13, 1919. H0-lyL F. J. LORD k CO. Rice Factors k Commission Agents, Nov. -2'), 1317. 10H-l-p. M'KELLER & M'RAE, LUMBER A U TIMBER iGEJITS, GENERAL CIIMfllSSIIIN MEIttllANTS, mid liKUCERS, Ston formerly orruyud by Hall A Amstono, NORTH WATER STREET, WILMINGTON. N. C. HECTOR M'KKLLAn. NOV. 11, I3H. ALEX. M'BAI. 102 L. MALLET T, acemt roa rut: sale of Amber, Lumber, Naval Stores, &c, NtdCa lluildin", rrth H ulrr Street, WILMINGTON. N. C Nmv. 9,131-1. 101 BARRY, BRYANT. & CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, WILMINGTON, N. C. March 17, 1S49. 1 'f WILLIAM NEFF, L(itc of the firm of Nlit &. W'ahnku.) a'A h.c-ai.i: ad itirAti. DKAi.r.i: in ,1IIP CHANDLERY, SHIP STORES AND GROCERIES, ICORNK.aOF DOCK & WATER STRKE I S, WILMINGTON, N. C. . Dec 7ih, 164-J. H3 if. JOHN D . LOVE, I) I'. A I. Kit IN CABINET FURNITURE, REUSI'EAOS, CiniR. HilUASSES. ic , ROCK SI' KING, WILMINGTON. N. C. SlOrr, KEEN A: CO. MERCHANT TAILORS, A -N I) I) t: M. t. M H IN S II P K R I O It MAKKKT ST It BET, W1LM I NOTON, N . O. Oct. 21, 1813. 93-y CORNELIUS MYERS, M AN U FA C T U HER, AND DKALUIt IN IATS, CAPS, UMIJUELLAS AND WALKING CANES, &c WILMINGTON, N. C, Market it. 3ct. IT 1849. 91-if. JAS. T. MORRIS, Lumber and Timber Inspector, WILMINGTON, N. C. )ct. 12,1848. P9 6m JAS. T. MORRIS, at for the Sale or Purehasc of JEliROES, WILMINGTON, N. C. )ot. 12 1843. 8J-6m A. B. STITH k Co., :mnm nd coixissiun mkeiuants I'ayrttevllle Htrect, RALEIGH N . C. . VTU attend to all orders and commissions In thoir Ii'Os business, wli t) punctuality and dlspucb. f. sVartt to , fia Eicelloncv Cmas. Mamlt, ;, O. Watson. Esq , Iatnsw Shaw, Esq., Ion. J. R. J. Dahisl. JaO. W. MoanacAt, Esq., - ilAJ. C. L. HlBTOW. Mt. N. (' Fefc. 22. 1940. 145 I2m-c. VOL.4 NO. 5. WILMINGTON, TUESDAY MORNING; MARCH 27, 1849. J. HATHAWAY k SON, COMMISSION MERCHANT. J. Hathaway. 'J. L. Hatuawat. Marcli 3, lfc49. 149. W. L. SMITH, (Late or the fikm or Sanotohd & Smith.) AUCTIONEER AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, WILMINGTON, N. C. Store on North Water Street, Parity' block. Oct. M 1849. 90-yc -I , IVII .1 .1 AM ,. - C(,,U f tlnA C- uukj w aiiijric aij uvvu.i omv. MM WiiSl" OP Will. Sill.V'S OKCli STUBS MARKET STREET, WILMINGTON, N. C. Oct. 14, 1848. 90. W. BRANSON, AGENT FOR THE SALE OF UMBER. LUMBER, N I VA L STORKS, kt Null's Bidding, North Water Street. WILMINGTON, N. C. N. B. I h ive a largo and Secure Timber Pen where I will put ull Timber lft with me for sale at ns Small charge us is made by any other Agent in this place, W. B. Sept. 28 1818. 83-c. B. I. II0WZE, A TTORNE Y AT LA W, WILMINGTON, No. Ca. Will practice In nil the Courts of Wayne, Duplin and New Hanover Counties. j JEFFREYS & LEIGHT0N. j General Commission Merchants, WILMINGTON, N. C. February 13, 141. WILLIAM J. CLARK, ATTORNEY AT LAW, RALEIGH, N. C. Sapt. 12th, 1848. 76-w. tri. c. CA R R 0 L L & FEN N ELL . (iroci'rs & Com nissi on Merchants, WILMINGTON, N. C. UAVK ALM AVH 04 HAND A 0B1AL A8SOBTMENT 0T ill LY CiUCEitlES, UQ.UUB8, mm, It AND WILL PAV P A RTIC ULA a ttcitloi totlJPsilaof all kinds of ProJuce S. I. CAn LI.. JulV 13. I64H. C. N. rBNBLL. FREDERICK CLARK. MASurAcTuaca and dealcb in all Binna or CABINET FURNITURE CHAIRS, BEDSTEADS, WRITING DESKS, NAT 'MISSES, FAILLASTERS, kt. FRONT STREET, NSAR MAHKf, WILMINGTON, N. C. April llth. IflH. 11-l y. DEROSSET k BROWN. WILMINGTON, N. C. i BROWN & DEROSSET. i NKW YOIIK. , i: i: ii r, :ownssto. mkhcha.ws March 17, 1349. 1-y. 1 J. k W. L. McGARY. ' P II R U II i u n U il,H il I S S I 0 N MERCHANTS, WLMIN i r.JN, N C. 1 Match 17. 1819. 1-y. I GEORGE S. GILLESPIE. j A'.t'.vr run tiik sale or ! HMURll IJ' MllKIt, .VA VA L STORES f-C wi.hiiakelii)vralcuah advances on allconsigninenta ofproduce. March 17, IS19. ' GEORGE W, DAVIS. COMMISSION MERCHANT, I WILMINGTON, N. C. March 17 1849. I J. C. LITTA. C O M MISSION MER CHA N T, AND GENERAL AGENT, WILMINGTON, N. C. Oct. 10, 1848. 67 LIFE INSURANCE IN THE NATIONAL LOAN FUND SO CIETY, OF LONDON, FIRE INSURANCE IN THE ETNA ISUilANCE COM PANY, OF HARTFORD, Conn., OB, IN THB HOWARD INSURANCE COMPANY, OF NEW YORK, May be effected by application lo DsROSSET St BROWN. Nov. 28, 1817. 108 BENJAMIN BLOSSOM, COMMISSION MERCHANT, NE.W YORK.. Liberal advancea made upon Conaignmenlaof all kinds ofproduce. References. Messrs. J. oV D. McRab, ) 0. W. Da via, Esq Wilmington. 1. R Rlossom Esq. Dec. 19, 1948 Mb - .- .. . . , ----- ;t"f' f; ' - - 1 ; -'JtoVi.-i, 4 ', ( . . u - 1 '("-'" " f, .f. .1 !) ;, .' " " ,.,,'J .- !., , -.. - PUBLISHED fRl-WEEKLY, tUENRY P. RUSSELL, AGENT FOR THE CAPE FEAR tfTL'AM SAW MILL, WILMINGTON, N. C. Strict attention yiven to the faithful execution of all orderi for Lumber. Jan. 1, 1849. ' 121-lyc GEO IIARRISS, General Commission Merchant, WILMINGTON, N. C. STRICT attention given to piocurlng Freight! and purchasing Cargoes for vessel. Reck a to O. O Parsley, Esq., ' M J. A. I aylor, Kaq , Wilmington. J. V. Bellamy, baa., Messrs. Ballard A Hi I. untlncton, I Mesara. Tooker, Smyth Co., y k Thompson A tlonler, S Alel'r. Herron, Jr , IMiila lelphia Mesara. Williams A Butler, ) ru, , , a ( H. K. Baker, Esq , ' f Chi. .eaton, &. C. Jan. 2, 1849. 123-tf. SiniUT UARREL8. A Good supply of empty Barrels inl.ita to auil purchaserby For sale low JPeROSSET it BROWN March I. IGO. WOODEN AND WILLOW WARE. A LL varieties, for aule Uw-nt IX HOWARD 4 I'EDEN'S. 147 Feb. 27. J. R. BLOSSOM, iUR.VAUDl.M. A.U IMIi 'IINMII, MPiHAM. WILMINGTON, N. C. Liberal Cash advances madeon consignments lo Mr. tlenjaiiiin uloaom New l ork. -ALSO. lCEH FOIl THE 11 ' T 1 1 L BENEFIT LIFE INSU R IME CU1PAW. Capital liable fr Losses, about 700.000. Dee. ii); 1313. 119 Om c. MARTIN & CRONLY. AUCTIONEERS, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, GENERAL AGENTS. Wilmington, N. C. Oct. 3 1818. 85-tf. Dr. B. MUNSEV, HOMEOPATHIC Pll YSICIAX, AMD DENTIST, MARKET St , 0 Doors above Front St. Dec. 23, 1848. 120-Grno. JOHNT.RUSS, INSPECTOR OF TIMBER AND LUMBER WILMINGTON, N. C. Oct. 14 1843. 90- F, J. LORD k CO., Agents for the NAUTILUS MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE Co Accumulated Capital, $130,1)00. ALSO FOIl TIlC EAGLE LIFE 4t HEALTH INSURANCE CO. Capital, $100,000. Will take risks on live s of .Slaves. Office 23 North W a l e r Street. Oct. 24, 1319. IIARRISS k DRAKE. General Co u nMm Merchants, j WILMINGTON, N. C. i REi-cacNcsa : I O Ii. I'arsley. Esq, Col. John McRa Messrs. Ballard Hunlincton, Wilmington, N- C. Will Peck, Esq . Raleigh, N. C. Messrs. Hall, Narked 6t Co , , Josi dIi L'tlev. Esq., ' Fayetteville, N. C. li'rt. Jauies Corner A Mona. Haltlmurr. " E. A. Snuder A Co , PhHidelphls. ' Thompson 4 Hunter, i N vrk " Pillsbury 4 Sandford. new 1 orK " Huniing & Tufia. Hoston. J.4Q. P. Tlicomb, Kennebunk, Me. September 14th. 1848. , 77 tL COTTON YARN. 1 Tk Bnl" B M.J sale by C. Yarna asuorted numbers, for J. C. LATTA. 94-tf. Ocl.24. CORN. irwfi BUSHELS CORN Just Recivcd per rail VAJ"i rMal and For sale by HAKK1SS DKAalE. 10 140. Feb. BUTTEH.-Fresh Goshen Butter. Forsaleb HOWARD aVPKDEN. Teb 3. 127. FLSn LINES AND HOOKS. ALL varieties ol Silk, lUnip, Grasa and Co Llnea; Hooks of all sixes snd shapes, fur at HOWARD A PEDE.V Feb. 27. 1 QEARS.-lOttOOO Segsra. Vaiioua Branda and OquaJltr. Foraalabv HOWARD d PF.DEN. F.b. 3. 137. BOSTON LINE OF PACKETS. ,ri THB following VESSELS will aaU- f fttfi rrgulsrrly between this port and Bos- ton. vis i Brig WM, NICHOLS. Capl. Jaa. Lelghlon. Srhr. MINNESOTA, Capl. Gilbert Lelghlon. Tha above easels art of the first class, and are commanded by experienced navigators. I1AJUU3S a UK A a r.. Jan. II. 127. BY TIldMAS LORING. KeRNixG OR EVENING CALL, '.V'AT SCOTT. KKEX, ck CoV. CLOf!llJNC ESTABLISHMENT. T3&TA&Ll$HESihchci,thnf ihhi-nprotrioth-Hi Iris lit1 Wllinlmrton, for fiKNTX, f tMITHi M4 CUf lUIHlU.M, aru to bo found at this Eeuln aantv Late arr.vaU htte r.plunlhed" their ctolhlnr,enabllfiff ihem to challon(e a rnoie genenU aumrtKunt or at jirlMtidthin 2 per mi at low at lhjriniWtiirini( thla Block, which ounslstspmt ly of jOrereoata, Cloaks and Coats, of every do crlmlon Dress, frock and Bbatneita. lASiTS.Ofall klnda. In Ming blatk-and fan Cf CJA"Mmr. . , , . , . . VKSTIXCS.-JSUk'and Satin or varlotta and flpetb patiwnt White, Celmere. ' . f ,OV:f4-ltld, 81lki Oaaalrlwra, of all oslori ChJIdpen's Clothlli.-In great variety ol I variety ol (wn Feb. 15-142. ty and pattern. WHEAT BRAN. BUSHELS, lor sale oy K J J. A W. L-. McGARY. Feb. 24, 146 g.Sla. Irish Potatoca. Feb. 17. For sale b ule by !, MY " RS. 113. Gl BITTER! BITTER!! 1 QKEGS Goshen Hutter. just received per Seer. w U. W' Duvin and for aulu by WM. NFFF'S. 141 Feb. 13. SELLING OFF AT COST. WE have concluded to change our bosineas, and aYe now -llln; off ou Slock of Dry Oools, Hurdwareilron. Ac at .Vrifl Yorkrint. We hnvi al i and other Gio eii.s which will be sold at reduced siMin nanu mi iiy n cnoiee urn, i.uiuorif, ieu I Prl,:r; All neisons wishing lo purchiae, will fl ml ii lo their advantage lo call it our Store, as the Stock i is large and wat bought cheap. ANDERSON & i"OUNG. 1 Feb 13. 1819. 111-if. CHEESE! CHEESE ! ! CHEESE!!! ) HOJQFS a prime article, just receive.! nnd for 0JSaleol WM. NEFF S. Feb. 13. 141 BACON k LARD. ?Af Lbs. Wayne Couyty Hams, JJJ j jUU Lis Lard uuueiior :unlity. Fur lale by GEO. MY lilts. Feb. 17. 143. "A RANGE COUNTY V ' nnd for ale by F.-b. 17. BUTTER. Jnsr received GEO. MYERS. 143. CAMPHINE. AN be had at 40 cents per gallon v eAaryTo'Y lve It rfftafal we art lilson'ynet- as we are convinced tbal Those who try It, Will come nnd buy it. CAR. COLL & FEN NELL. 140 I Feb. 10. Half and RICE. qnfl CALX'S freBh beat Rice With OUU Small ili-e lor sale by DEROSSET A BROWN. 142. February 27, 1349. SPECIAL NOTICE T HA VE Sold out and transfetrcd my entire Stock X ol Groceries & Provisions, to Mr. (iioaoe Slviii, who will continue the business nt the old Stand, and to whom 1 ruomiiicud my former customers and fi lends. I E. R. WOOD. N. H. I hive declined buaines preparatory to ii aii)ii Hue i ice, (early next moiilh,) and desire an ! ImhiiciImic h lib uienl. pro an I eon, with all persons ' having will) me unnetlled accounts. : K. R. W. Jan. 25, 1813. 133-tf. APPLE BRANDY. 1 ( ( l'.lil.S. Apple Br-indy, for sale by J V.V. DeROSSET i BKOWN. Feb. 27. 117-tl HARD W ARE. 12 DO. Corn Hoes, assorted from 0 to 4. 1 do Slt-el Garden Hoes. I do tiruliliing do. 12 do Kk'e do 1 and 2. 1 do Drawing Knives, 11, 12 and 13 Inch. 1 do (Juives do. I do Manuro forks long handled. 1 do do do short do. ti do Frying Pans. 0 do A.', long nnd short Hitt. 6 do Curry Combs, 60 pair bright Traces. Piles, Sawa. Locks. crcws, Hinjes and aD vari eties, for sale low at HOWARD 4 PEDEN'S. Feb. 27. U7 SALT. BUSHF.LS 'r"dte Wani, jusi ar dUW rivid per Brig Ava.for sale by UARilY BRYANT C. Mich 10 152. SEGARS! SEGARS ! ! SEGARS ! ! ! JUST deceived, 10.000 Havana Serara a wry an p.rur arlicU) and for sale low for cash by GEO. MYERS. March 10. IJ2 (ANPHINE!! (IMPULSE !! 4() CEWTS PL.H GALLON. For sal ai lha Slora of Fo. . 27. J G. BAUMAN. M7 BOOK KEEPER DISCHARGED! IN consequence of the unpleasant reaulis front long credit Snd the trouble in collecting, I am compel" ed lo sitopt S eash srsiem. so thai alter lha I6in of Mstrh, IN9, no credit will be uiveaat ihis eatabliah luent, a I prefer ulng less ttttslness an4 giving no credit ' the disagreeable necessity of being obliged to collect according o law. S. P. POLLEY. N. B. AOaccouois and notes due the late firm of Harl-i Polley will. If nol paid by (he ISlh lnt. be pu: In ihe hands of an attorney for collection. March 1. . 1 48 CPERM CANDLEH For at lifiiuiuii a ft r nrv Feb. X IIVI' A I I a S ' V Whole No. 471. TUB LAST BENEDICT. Wc learn that mctsurra ore about to be adopted to-revive tly Bachelor's Club, as il exiKteil oin tWcnty-fiveyenrs n jo. Mot, if not nettrlyAjr, of the oificera and innnit gcrs having been comniitted to matrimony long since, the Club lias become, in a men. ure extinct,, There never was a more agiticable association, nor were any bull got up with mor rrmgnificence than those of the old club. The first scries of b ills were held at the City Hotel, before that splendid saloon, with its numerous mirrorn and eilkciudrapehea, nvtti sleeping rooms, and the Club driven, up to Niblo'8,where there balls were more coatly and crowded. The Bo. helor's Club, it must be b jrne in mind, wns r.ot established to perpetuitte single blessedness; on the contrary, i was intended to bring together youth, beauty, taste, and character of both sexes to place them in the most winning social intercourse, wher pleusure, gaiety, und good manners prevailed : urnl in a few years not u niiinn ger, director, or even -member of the club, was single, nnd many matches were made up Irom the agreeable nsociation nt these balls. One exceMion Still existed, and wc belu-vc only one. We called a few weeks ago on one of the most active directors ol the od jClnb A lamous floor manager, as wc called him one who took great delight in nrrutrging the cotillions, finding partners lor the company, saying soft an I compli- . ,. .. ,,j . - . , i iui". iu me Liiiiew. and often mounting four pair of stairs to his lodging. We found him with a night cap on, look ing iu3 if it had been washed in CasiiWi strenms, and with on old fashioned pair of specs on the li,i of Alls nose. 'Why, Mitx, whnt devil are you at?' "I'm sewing a button on my pants !"saii j he, in a low, gruff tone, j " Why, have you no woman to do that little affair for you i" " Where should I get one ? When I joined thai swindling Bachelors Club, we j all swore never to marry. Hang me if i thrrc's a single one left but myself!" " You ure the last, then, of the " cock'd I hats." ' . " Yes, I'm the last f suppose. Ou Sun day I met Frank Faithful he who swore so often that no wife should ever give him a curtain lecture and what do you think he was about?" ill l mnj. n n'l da r '? " He was going to church, with his wife tucked under his arm, and three or four little ones walking before him, dressed in silk frocks A pretty sight for a bacelor, ! to be sure I" ! " Well don t y1 &ct a 1uie, 8tai,1 ; clever woman lor a wite one who would mend your hose, and darn your night-caps, and rub your back, with opedeldoc when ! you had the rheumatism, or lumbago?', I " Booh, pooh ! nonsense ! What's an old fellow like me to do with a wife ? My old black woman nr-.kes my bed and my tea. J dine down town go to the Li brary to read the papers play a rubber of whist at the I iggery come home at ten. and tifmble in for the night." We dst a furtive glance around the room Everythintr looked wretchedly di- Li filiated. The dust nnd feathers hail nr j cumulated Jiyjer the bed rusty old coats and pants were hanging on pegs on the I wall two chairs had lost their backs a tr.iv. on which were the dregs of black lea and a piece of clammy toast, were ly on the table a bottle-on the wooden man- tli-ni. ee, had the remnant ot a tallow can - die i i it the embers of a tire threw on a tiickenug glare from ihe grute a crick el was chirping on the hearth, and a cock roach was throwing divers somersels in one comer of the room. Every thing indicate ! carelessness, ami an absence of all that was neat, clean, and comfortable j-and yet Max was accounted rich, and in his time was quite a. gallant a perfect B-au Nash among the ladies ; wore salmon-colored smalls, silk stockings and pumps, and was quite an Adonis al Hewlett't practicing balls, which were then held in the Long room, in William Street, opposite Cedar. His family had all died off, and he was left to die ulsd, with no one probably near him but his old negro wench - living in gloomy solitude, and dying " unwept, unhonored, and un sung," as the :oet has it, and some graceless nephew administering the will, and squan dering the oKJ fellow's thousan Ik in fast trotting horses on the avenue, or cham paigne suppers at Turtoni's. " What makes you look so ruddy and heallhy " said he " A contented mind, Max, and domestic happiness. ' Ah very likely ! Look at me, as the man says in the play, which half of me is fed ?I want all kinds of comfort." "Then marry and marry wisely, for a your age a man may be caught in u trap ' So good day, Max, and belter luck to you hereafter !" We thought no more of Max, till on Sun day last wenw him ringing the belltjfa neat two- story house in Franklin Street. He had on a suit of black new wig, cane and glTvcs-tnrta. middle-aged, mil- ronly-looking jentle-woraan in black fwa hanring on bii rm. , 1 - i T "Come in come in f I've omeihing to say to you." ' We entered the house. :. -"This is my wifef' V .,.- "Your wife, Max?" ' - ' "My wife, in sober earnest." , We offered our congratulations "When you left me at yoifTiast visit I pondered on whnt you said an iuV-fe was so mncli truth in it that I' detefmined to marry" , "But how did yon manage lo make sucb.a good seleclioii, Max?" said we, with a low bow to the lady, which she acknow ledged with cm expressive smile. "Well, you shall know. My wife was no old sweetheart of mine, and hadrefiteed me in my younger days. She continued single nnd I always had a sneaking kind ness for her. Three weeks ago I got irto the same pew with her al church, and we rend together froarthe same -prayer book. After service I walked home with hcjr, and on the way I said 'Well,Mtlly, why can'i youarjdl always read out of the same prayer book nd say Ameri together?' 'Well,' said she, 'I don't know why we shouldn't Suppose" you come to-morrow night and drink tea witk me, nnd we'll talk the matter over ' Well, I did go, a rul got such a nice cupofteabrforv, when I suid. Well, Miily, my old friend lets go to mar row evening to I'arsoiiSiiufflebags and get tnnrried. We arc not strangers to acii other. Wc are bothconaforlably well off and can be happy.' She -Mid 'Here's my hand Max: I will go ' She did, and here we are" So then the last of (lie Bachelor's Club has gone ! NeiPs Saturdity M.iwign. From the Neir Or leant, Picayune M ireh 6 Murder a id attempted suicide. Baronne street, between Julia and Giro! streets, was yesterday aTicrndkn the scene of one of the most horrible tragedies ever enacted in otir city. The victn in the case was a beautiful girl about sfeventecn years of age, and is suposed lo have been murdered by Joseph Bradley, captain of I the schooner Friendship, who, afler commit j ting thedccJ, made an unsuccessful attftnpt i upon his own life. Mrs. King, the land lady of the house in which the events occurred, snys that Bradley and the girl had occupied apartments in her house a boul a month, passing as nun and wife ; that I hey were lying on i he bed most of the time dtfrmg the fore part of the day, and when she went out. She returned home about 2 o'clock, and soon after entering she heard a rnoai pro ceeding from Bradley'n room. She went to the door, thinking one oftheta was sick, and opened it; she saw Bradley lying on the floor in a pool of blood. She called a Mrs. Smith, who lives in ;hc rear, and on coming back to the" room, saw tfmrthe woman was also lying on the Idor dead. Some persons passing where immediately called in, and the police were sent for Bradley was found :o be living, nnd Dr Mcux was called in and dressed his wounds. He was at this lime perfectly insensible, but become conscious before half past 4 o'clock, at whhh time the coro oner arrived. The scene presented the room was the moot horrible we ever looked uptn The girl With o l stretcbed hands us if she had supplicated for mercy to the last, lay in one corner of the room, her hands, face and throat mangled in a most shocking manner, and in another corner Bradley presenting scarcely a les3 ghastly spec tacle. A post mortem ezamination was held upon the body of the girl, when it wis found that she had receive. I five wounds, all apparently inflicted with a knife, two of them mortal. The jury of inquest, after mature deliberation, brought in a verdict, that the girl died of the wotrnds above de- scnneti, mincteu, ns mey o-neie, 3 u r 1 hands of Joseph Bradley He was slab bed li, tie; left side of the abdomen m ..li ferent pl aces, and his throat was pretty badly cut. The cause which led tn these terrible results is supposed to have been jealousy. ' 'l'l. ,.f tt. , i , f. . . f , I 1 1 n flr.W u l,tn.,r 1 il': fulfil: "f ai': 'iiuun'iuin'. o ... Daley, but she has also been know;, ns Fanny Young, and more recently as Mr Brodley. We believe she is a native of St Louis, having been in New Orleans but about two years We do know how long she has .been acipiained with Bradley, but we are informed that she has lived with him ns his wife only about a month Bradley is the commander of the schoon er Friendship, advertised for California, to leave last evening. We learned that he put ihe girl on board a boat, a few days since, to send her to her friends m Sl.Liuis, and that after comg up as far as Doiutldsonville she returned, with a determination to go to California with Bradley. A jealousy on the part of Bradley appears to have existed for several days, and we believe that a difficulty, which re sulted in blows, took place on Sunday last The Bulletin adds : One thing connected with the murder is suspicious. Bradley had provisioned ihe Friendship for .three years' cruise and had borrowed several sums of. money on the credit of the voyage What llwse two facts may signify, is left open lo discuss ion. Bradley is a married mi a, and had a family in Connecticut He is about 35 yeri of age Ilis victim was onty 17, but for some time had been well known both in Pt. I.ti-f and -New Orleans, n a prostitute