MM -flll1MhrBrJIT." .j'P"Wi.--t" -;;--.-:'' , ; -. ..... t. ., , - ..--,--.... jrr-i t 'r ttt-i - . .. .. , 11 i n u, SBBSSBBBBBBIlBSBaBBBaMBBBJBBaBB ., ' rv . fa aaollshed every Twists, tiurtthtg and Saturday, ' "'"v psrsnniro, psyaoie men - sea in sa ranee y .1 ( 0iTOCjUTD TAOFKISTCfti ABSQCIATX EDITOR. - .! i Cfcrw p Front and MtrtcSt "Street,. :i .: ..; i R4TEI F: ADVEaTiaia4. ; sqr. t inawrtion, BIKW 1 di. 2 raontht, Mi ml Twelve line or make 1 6a. If iuiiA4rflifc(neni exiede tweltMide? the mi suiDMisDiucuwarB pityivuiQ b , 149 ime , 'or-tttfirjoeentwo.Ti - ..r - . ContracU with vearly f rerUdbra, wilh be - rdad. tlw 4boat' liberal term" , 1 . A,V-A'l,rert'onw,W i0erte4 in, the 'rl-wetittf, C9i)ttrf, v e entlUedto one iaiertmn in the HkcHly, free of charge r O qARP aw FANCY PRINTING . : n executed hforeriryle. Vk DrtilM0f AbninlArivM-tlAAM ImmI.iI. Mm- .AM to taut! :waliiHaWf) tpia t dv w adrarUMmeau nal taaawclaulywmiMetod rith .tlhfltf ra uiLaM, and alleiOM ardvrtiaeieBU, - ialettftnwmtwrwU, byrjrx4 tM OmU enraged - - . - ' " .r 1GENT8 FOR TEE COMMERCIAL KKUf YORK: Motsra. pabtfK 4t DRoht, OSTON ( Fauaaioa tunaa, Eao . JOHN WALKER, JR. AVCTIEERdi COMMISSION MERCHANT mtMWQT6Jf,V. c. March 17,4649. I llr. v F. J, LORD & CO. IUc Factorn & Commission Agents. ISjr.2S, 1848, 103-l-(. f M'KELLEU & M'RAE, LUMBER TI1BKR AUKMT8fiSRERlL ClUyiSSIM XBRCUMTS, and liBOCERS, Stora formtriy occupied by Hall . Amrraono, . NORTH WATER STREET, WILMINGTON, N. C. ' aicvnl H'.lt UL .It. w' b L. MALLETT. hi',-., i ! ; AQENT FOB THI 8ALC OP Timber, inmber, Naral Stores, Sit., NutVt Building, North Water Street, WILMINGTON, N. C. tfjt.9.1843. 101 BARRY, BRYANT k CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, WILMINGTON, N. C. Mireh 17, 1849. 1 tf. WILLIAM NEFT. XbcUt of the firm of Nrr db Wabhsm.) mi wWaOLUALI AND RETAIL DKAtKE IN SHIP CHANDLERY, SHIP STORES AKD GROCERIES, CORNER OF DOCK. 4 .WATER STREETS, WILMINGTON, N. G; Dec. 7th, 1843. . U3-(f. JOHN D. LOFE, DVAIER IN CABINET FURNITURE!, BBDSmOS, I Hi I KS, IimASSKS, 4c, ROCK SPRlNOj WILM1N0T0N, N. C. Dee. 14, l98. " SCOTT, KEEN L CO. MERCHANT TAILORS, AN6 DGALEMtf IN SUPERIOR Itaadj Made Vjotivg. MARKET STREET, WILMINGTON, N. C. Oct. 21, 1818. 93-y. CORNELIUS MYERS, MANUFACTURER, Ap MiLlA W hats, caps, Umbrellas and WaLKiNU CANES, Ac. WILMINGTON. If. C- Market-et. I W-tt m T. MORRIS, Linber ai4 Tlaber Itspector, WILHINOTON.N. C. Oct. 12,1848. Ot-laa J AS, T. nORRLS, jcol fir Ui tilt it rirtiut ( IEBI9II, WILMINGTON, N. C. Oct. 12 1843. 89-6m a. b. snrn v Co., 'iCCTIOHIRlS m COMMISSION lEICimi Cajrettevllle Street, R AtipIO H N, O. Will en I l til urdara anrf commlaalona Id their KaaaIhUa,itkatMi4Utraadalafai4a. . Kara a to flli Kcelle!oy Ciue. Mawit, . O. WAreon. , Math aw 8raw, Km)., Hon. J. R. J. Daribl, Obo. W. Mobmoai, Eq., Mai. C. L. Hiavoa. MARTIN & CRONLY. AUCTIONEERS, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, GENERAL" AGENTS. WUmlactoa, N. C, Oct. 3 1848. 6tVt f VOL' 4""NO i- WILMINGTON, THURSDAY j. ii i rm way & son. 1 COMMISSION MERCHANTS. J- Hatmawat 'March 3, Ib49. if. L. Hatmawat. H9. W, L. SMITH, (Late op thes fihm op Sandfohb &, Smith.) AUCTIONKEK AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, WILMINGTON, N. C. Store oo North Water Street, Parajt'r'a bloct. Oct. 14 1841. 90-yc I TaicT & Staple Drr Good SUre osi uji vKir or w sun ms itjrk M A EtKKT 8TREKT, WILMINGTON, N. C. Oct. 14,1848. ' 90. W. CHANSON, AGENT FOR THE SALE OF llll KB, LUIBKI, NITiL STORES, le ' Nuld Building, North Wakr Street. WILMINGTON, N.C. N. B. I hare a large and Secure Timber Pen where I will put ill Tlmb. r l ift with me foraolet aa Small charge aa ia made by any other Agent In thla place. W B Sept. W 1848. 83-c! B. I. HO WZE, A TTORNE Y AT LAW, WILMINGTON, No. Cn. Will practice In all the Court of Wayne, Duplin and New Hanover Countlea. JEFFREYS & LEIGHTON. General CommMon Merchant WILMINGTON. N.C. February 13, 1849. 141. WILLIAM J. CLARK, ATTORNEY 4T LAW, RALEIGH, N. C. Sept. 12th, 1949. 71-w.tri.c. CARROLL k FENNIJLL. Grocers 1 Coajik-iiti Merehanlo, WILMINGTON, N. C. atb AtwATa om band a aaeAL AaaoaTMaar or riULI CROCIRIES, UIIU.RS, Wl.liS, U AH Will VAT rABTICDLAB Atteatioa to the sale of all kinds of Produce a. . cfAiioLL. " e. a. raaaau. Jaly I I. 1848. T fREftgRICK CLARK. MAsgrAoraaBB am dbalbb in all bindi or CABINET FURNITURE C01IRS, BKDSTEiDS, WKlTlti UESlS, HIT TKioSKS, P,ILUSTt8S,ie. FRONT STREET, NEAR MARKET, WILMINGTON, N. C. April llth, IS48. Il l y. DEROSSET V BROWN. wiLMirfaroN, n. c. BROWN k DEROSSET. NEW YORK. ,KSRRL CnW.WSSIOX MKRCUASTS March 17, 1849. l-y. J. k W. L. McGARY. ? B K A 1 1) I b 1 1 J Ii . i i IS S I U N MERCHANTS, WLJiiNaroN, n c March 17. 1949. ly. GEORGE S. GILLESPIE. AOENT POa THK HALB Or TIMBER LUMBER, NAVAL STOMSS H wlil.nkellberaicak advancea on alkoaalgnrnenta arprodaea. March 17, 1849. I GEORGE W. DAVIS, COMMISSION MERCHANT, WILMINGTON, N.C. Iftrch 17 1849. 1 J Cs LATTA. COMMISSION MERCHANT, AND GENERAL AGENT, WILMINGTON, N.C. Oct. 10,1848. 87 LIFE INSURANCE IN THE NATIONAL LOAN FUND SO CIETY, OF LONDON, AHD FIRE INSURANCE IN THE ETNA INSURANCE COM PANY, OF HARTFORD, Comm., oa, in raa HOWARD INSURANCE COMPANY, OF NEW! YORK, May be affected by application to OettOSSRT A BROWN March 17, 1849. 109 BENJAMIN BLOSSOM. COMMISSION MERCHANT, NEW YORK. ' Liberal advances saaAs apoa Conslfameniaof sll kinds af prodaaa, aaJsJajriJWCfO. Msssra. J. AB MoRab.) 0. W. Davis, Ea tTllntlacsa. J. R BiosoaM Esa.. J Dsa. It, 1MB 114 PUBLISHED TRIWEEKLY, kHENRY P. IJUSSELL, AOENT FORTH. CAPE FEAR " STEAM SAW MILL, WILMINGTON. N. C. Strict atteoiion yivan to the faithful execution of all ordara for Lumber. Jan. 1, 1849. 124-lvc i GEO. DARRLSS, General -Coamlsxlon Merchant, WILMINGTON, N. C STRICT attention given to ptoeurtag Vrvlchti od PuhjaJngCanj-iw aaaaela Karaa to ' R. P. Hall, Eaq- ) 0. O ParalejfL Kaq, J. A. Taylor, Eaq , VWUmington. J.U Beyxmy, Em., Meaara. BaUardA HuntingtOD, J Meaara. Too Iter, Smyth A Co, 5 v.t " TtwoipaiMt A Hunter, ;wYork. Alei'r. Herron, in, Philadelphia Meaara. Williama A Butler, fl H. F. Baker. Eao . ( Chi vleatan, S. C. Jan. 2, 1849. m-tf. SPIRIT BARRELS, AOnod aupplr of empty Barrele. For aate low in l.xa to auit purchaaera. by DeROSSET & BROWN. March 1. 160. WOODEN AND WILLOW WARE. ALL varieties, for aalc lw at HOWARD A PEDF.N S. Feb. 27. 47 Dr. B. MUNSEY, HOMCEOPATIIIC PHYSICIAN, Ana DENTIST, MARKET St , C Doora above Front St. Dec. 23, 1848. 120-6mo. JOHN T.RU8S, INSPECTOR OF TIMBER AND LUMBER. . WILMINGTON N. Cm ; Oct. 1184. . . ... j . 90- F. J. LQWk CO., Agenufortho NAUTILUS MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE Co Accumulated Capital, $130,000. ALSO FOR THE EAGLZ LITK A RKALTR TNST7RACK CO. Capital, fl00,000. WiU uk. ri.k on Htaav,iftfaT Office IS Nartr"Watar'rtV Oct. 24, 1948. wm. m. HABita. , caa!a a. oaaca UARRISS k DltAKE. General CoaniMoft Merchants, WILMINGTON, N. C. RtrtatNcis: 0. Q. i'araley. Eaq, 1 Col. John McRne, Wilmington, N C. Meaara. Ballard l Huntington, ) Will Peck. Esq . Raleigh, N. C. Messrs. Hall,8.ckettdtC0., P v P Joseph Utlev. Esq.. nessrt. James Uorner A Sons. Baltimore. " R. A. Souder dk Co , Philadelphia. ' Thompson A Hunter, ,. . " Pillsbury A Sandford, w,w ' mx '' Huriting dk Tufts, RostofK " J . A O. P. Tltcomb, Kennehuak, Ms. September 14th. 1848. 77 tf. COTTON YARN. g afk Bules, B C. Vsms assorted Bombers, for .Waalebv J. C LATTA. Oct. 24. 94-tf. CORN. 1 faO BUSHELS C(?RN ust ttectttd per rail 1 W road and For sale by HAKKI3S DRAKE, Feb. Id 140. BUTTER;- Fresh Goshen Butler. For saleb HOWARD A PKDKN. fek. 3. m. FISH LINES AND HOOKS ALL varieties el Silk, Hemp, Grass and Co Lines; Hooka of all sites and shapes, for at HOWARD A. PEDEN Feb. 27. 1 QEGARS.-IOO.OOO Segars, Various Brands and quality. For sale by HOWARD PEDEN Feb. 3. r. U7. . BOSTON LINE OF PACKETS. JFV THE following VESSELS will sail f4fV regularly between ihia port and Boa JfeacJkjBion, via : Brig WM. MCHOLsJ, Capt. Jaa. Latshioa. Schr. MINNESOTA, 4'apr. Gilbert Leighton. Th above reeasls are of the first elaaa, and are commanded by experienced navigators. HARR1S8 A DRAKE. Jan. II. 117. REFRIGERATORS, AND SHOWER BATHS. At F. CLARK'S. 2. March 20. GOSHEN RUTTER. EALLY good and Sna si March 10. W. BROWNSr SILK UMBRELLAS 4m WALK ING CANES. A NT aaraoa waarlat a good Bilk Uiabrana, or a gaawal walking can, will Bad a taoA assort- ntatat ih.RS, Mare 21. Hat Mlor, Market st THOMAS L0R1TTG. MORNING, APRIL 5, 1849. INEW 1TOHK FURMTLRE WAREHOUSE. WILMINdTON, March 5th, 1849. 1 CLARK, bega leave to assure i the- public In general AmmJ that ha la now diapoetng of has large assortment of Cabimrt Furultare, at Invoice prirea, or the CASH, as he la dffat mined utuin Imlnn til. knala 4rfthelatof April. AU those la want of goad For pUUflataxoaedlogly low prlcee, wiUdowellta call "WniMhemeelvM. ,, ,... T . n Among the Btort wni bt w'"r Mahoaany WaTdrobea. ' French Bedsteads. Mahogany and Walnut Chalre.t Curled Maple and plat Cbaira. Sofae and Otiooiana Floe Marbte top Bnraaaa. " PlaHlOreasrag do. Hlga paat aWBiaada. Single and double Catiev StufW and plain Rockers. Norslng Chalra. Ladka Sawtaw Chalra. UdleaWork Tablea. Oo. do Boxes. Mahogany 8tdcboarda. Hair Mkttraaaea. MaWewp WaehBtsnds. Single and double Wash Stands. HmT ft Traya Towel Racks. Canwa Tablea-dlflercni atylea. Childraaa Crib. Mahogany and Cherry CradAtar. Sick Chairs and Night Cabinela. Common Windsor Chalra. Patent Wlndlaas Bedateeda. Dressing Tablea, Ac, Ac, 4o. ALSO. 4 Shower Batha. w 3 Refrigerators. - 18 Wriimg Deakr, suitable for Counting Hou ses, uia uwmuagB in snort t every article belonging to the Furniture line. f KhUKKlUK. CLARK Those indebted to me are lequeated to make nut roent by the l&tb ol ihia month, at which time I ehall place in the bands of officers for collection, ail ac counts due me. p. C. MOLASSES. 1 fyTi Prlme new Crop Cuba Momssca, joat J- Jy arrived pet Brig Annawao. tad for sale by j. iiA thaw a A sun. Feb. 22. . 145. TTRNEll'S AUIANAC. TURNER'S North Carolina Ahn.Bac for 1849 for sale at Te CommtrcuU Offitt. Feb 24. ldS-ia JUST RECEIVED. OHO SMokad Bad; ZKAJ W SMfToagaaa. 30 Boxes Drima Comm. 10 Barrels ChriBed Sugar, 2 Bbta. AimW DluoiM on l .-A oh . . u-i-i-. ...... I I .v VgSBojMtSrangasaad I do. Lcmonr, ror sais ai iaa wwaai prices aar uash oy l . GEO. MITERS. Feb. 24. 146. JUST RECEIVED. j JUy Schr L P Smith. New Stvle oi Haw for SprUg, 1849, also a fine lot CapCovers for Sale by C. MYERS, Hattib, March. 8th 1849. GUNNY BAGS 1 (MM? BUSHELS Ounny Bags just received 1UUV and for sale by BARRY BRYANT A Co. 160 March G, 1949. NOTICE. THOSE persons indebted to the Cape Fear S. S Mill, by note or account oonuacted during the year 47 or 48. are lequested to make immediate pay ment m the undersigned; they having on the 31t De. hist relinguUhed ths General Agency of that mill, it peconice necsaary that au her socoanls tc that date should be immediately settled. J. HATHAWAY & SON. March 3, 1849. 149. FLU' OIL. rTHUS articla having beaa fully tested and proven X to be Su; Is now dffcrei rtor to anything nerelolore In use, with full confidence of giving satis faction, Acvosiant SuDoly can be found at iaa 8 lore S. P. POL LEY, sad will shw be delivered W Cu. tomers wherever desired by Mr. WUMsm Blaney. A. H. VAN BOKKELEN. 149-tf. March S. 1849. COGNAC fiRlVDY I IP4 half Pipes for sate e consignment by JEFFstEYsTdk LEIGHTON. March I. 149 NORTH CAROLINA BACON I HAMS, Sides and Shoulders. For salt by F. J. LORD ft CO. March !0. 152. FOR CALIFORNIA. THE Nautilus, Mutual LUs Insurance Com mpany of per X si New York, will take neks on lac lives sou aolatf to Calliornia. AddIv lo V. J. LORD dt CO. March 10. VL NORTH CAROLINA BACON. 1 fCC New W,B H,m 8Wm 1 JKJJ sod Sbouldeis. Joat received per Rail Road end for sale t j HARRIS 4- DRAKE. March IU. 111. OATS. f" BUSHELS Oats, just received per Evar O" green and for sale by HARRISS A DRAKE. March 15. " 184 KOTICEa ALL aeraona indebtad totha so bacti be: ra, are here by informod that tccountt ir ajradaaanaad rea dy for ssttlsatsnt, and If not attiM aafsta m4 1st April ansulng.wQI ha placed In (ha hands of aa B' cer for eollscdoB. UARRISS 4k DRAKE. Msrehl?,84. I. V. av , , ; , WJiole N 75 TIRADE OF THE TIN LESS sv saoaoB l. ante. Tit strange to see, where'er you be, How much Importance clings. Net to one's self; bai dirty peif, The iranaltory things. To "have It as the greatest good, To be without, sain Tla to be homely, base, and rude, And all for want of tin. My neighbor A , jatto'trtha wy; waiwi pairsrtntial! Tls needless I shotld ever try His virtues hers to scan. But people whisper that in deal He'lt ahave beneath the akin; That for the poor be cannot feel But then he's got the' tin. f.j - Now as for me, though sfl can see I'm clever all day long, And good enough at a lories tough, And belter at a song i r, Yet still, for friends, with neighbor A., I hardly can begin j I ace them flocking o'er the waft Alas ! I need the tin. Quite youg in life I sought a wife To keep my elbows wholo j Celibacy I thought for me ' Was getting rather dull. I tried all arte to pWoee the glrhi, 1 was resolved to win ; I viewed their fee, their waists, their curls But sharper looked for tin. Miss Lucy mnde u great pnmdc, Eliza played and sang ; Kate had away smart things to aay, Peg's tongue hadquive a tang. But Oh, amid ths Virgin throng, Wherever I bad been, Nona charmed lilts Miss Almirs Strong, For ahe had lota of tin. When I propoaed, ray love disclosed, Said ahe, 'To saa'i come in ;' 1 found the boot on, to'ufher fool, 'Twae I that lacked ths tin. , I didn't faint, I dia'nt sweaty , But vowed, throogh thick aqd tlii, , I'd sail for California, where I'd dij up lots of tin. Boston Museum. Prom the Alabama Jumuii. BENEFIT OF RAILROADS. The effect of Railroiad. ia enhancing the r A f ' - I t . ' s j .1. ' ' - . which, they pnes'u a subject grortby of ffior general and thorough investigation than it has ever yet. rereived. The great increase of trade already derived from ur roilroae, andits'gYent adeaatages in mawy different ways Irl enhancing the valuAofrcnl estate und nl capital invested in merchandise mid transportation, cnttaing an immense addition of travel through this route, and its benefi cial effect on the generul prosperity are so manifest and apparent to till aa to require no recapitulation. We wera promised lonif since, some statistics, and would still be glad to receive them from any one disposed to take iho trouble they would surprise an well as iqteret. It would probably be a matter of some difficulty lo arrive at anything more than a general estimate, bnt even this, if reached with dqe care, would be of value. The subject ha engaged in Tenneiwcf , in connection with the Naahvtlle Chattanooga railroad, and the increased vtluo which its construction, even in its incomplete state, has given to property in the section through which it passes. A writer in the NasiiviJle Union, who seems conversant will, tfie facia, presents the following as the result of his in- qoines : " I have taken some pain to make up something like nn average ofthc present rier above the value two ymrt ago, and find it rarice In the country front one dollar per acre, in the mountain, to fta high aa fifty near- tttto Nashvrlle ; ane) tnat the lots adjoin ing the city have risen fully three hniidred dollars nn acre, and many of them more than that, und the lands out Irons three to ninety utile frotn Nashville have generally risen aud actual sales made at advances varying from five to fifteen dollars an acre. And the val ley lauds byood ibis point in the mountains have risen from three lo ten dollars per acre, ncur the .oad Hue. I have then determined that a fail and very low average rise on the lands ten miles each 'aide ol the railroad woud be five dollars an acre already, which is a gain to the laud holders ol Tennessee, and on the line of road, ol $64,000 per mile of road, eaual td over three times the rod ol the rond, which will not be ns much as $3. 000.000. fully equipped and under way. The nac in town property has been hi as great a proportion, at least $1,300,000, which added to the $,628)000, would make $11, 028.000. "The mountain land, the least valuable in the State, lying within ten or fifteen miles of the rnilrohd line, that would not, twenty years ago, eommand one cent per acre, is now ready sale at a dollar and upwards. These are facta worthy of consider :ion, particularly where there ia scarcely a land or eky property holder, who stock ia not al ready more than realiied to biro in the rise efais properly." A writer in the Baltimore American, m peaking of the. subject, presents the follow ing statement of the increase of populetrtl in some oi'thaf towna of MaesaehoseitH) since ranVoads were extended to them,- dorfng1 the five years be'ween 1S19 nnd.iSlS j, Roxbury 67 per cent, towell 8$ pr f enf. x Brookline50 per - 4 WWeeeter 39 pf. - Cnm bridge 33 pr. Spnngfiefd33pf. ; Chelsea 128 per . Falf River 50 pr. t ' From ht X. Orteani Delia, GREAT FIRE, IKMTRirCTION OFMILNEJIURO. About eight o'clock ycufcrday monnSuj. BV fire broke not In the restaurant of Mr, Ca dih. at the extreme outer end of the row of buildings o thn north side, of the Pohfcnnr train milrond. The wind wfla blowing a ?nle from the norwi.ettst, and iri a few minutes fte wlrbV row wnj (n flahies. ' Before the" Are . had BrtomplUhf d the ilcstroc'iion of alf wifn- r: in its grasp, on (hat aide of the roast, the bejit ding belonging te the Railwad Compaoy, and the miintf surrounding the Washington Ilo'el.ere rBumtntf. Tpnce it reached ' thenorfhcriaideoftMi towrl, ad didk.not Cew jjta riytwei onjirVefT hort4, tteeti 1 'irt,iM s. vm-mJi ashes1 Of the eompany't buildings', the tar pentt r's shop hnd the eoar.h house were eon- ? eumed, together with a nfV car, nbont hundred cords of wood, a large tjuanfrty ' of tools ami apparatus, and a considerable number of string-pieces and firs. Tin; Ire department In the Third' Municipality, on herlrrjfvhe alarm, promptly turned wit. Engine No.TJ, ahd tetider No. Awerc placed On near which tlrHWn by No. 8" horse, renrhed the plarn ubtrVt haJf-past 8. The limited means irt the command the firemen, i und tliL'.fiicerifw of the flumes, backed Iflr f Hie viofenee of the wind, prevented' tnrni , from nccoinplislilng nil thai irtefHtimcd nt. in nn hour and h Miff, or tv.ohtmrs, upward of thirty huij'dihjf? wcrr ronstjmed, and some i o( tliem. two stories hiirh. were burned to the eurtli in less. than five minttea TJ.e en ergies ot the gallant fid lovR roue with trie oc rawon. bnit all fl)ey rould tiproinplish was to nreecrve the engine and blacksmith shop ofthe UniTroad Company ; to protect the Washing ton lintel, wliitlrwiis at (ine time, in datger, and to Uieeitirtis of thn conflagmtion in savjig iheirfurntfure. Theother building uiill standing,, owe thefr prcseratioa to be ing onuldV the fimlta of tliff stream of flume, swept thrown froni end o end. A great error yv ronynitted in notendig the cars and locomotive to the. city an soon as the fire broke out. Had lliu been done, a con fide raid e force of the fire department might , have been carried down. Ut)t imnead of so doing, the rara did not rtio from ft, and the only enginis taken down were Nou. 9 p.nd 1, the latter K Bhich was un.tble to ob tain conveyance artil eoow time nlTcr No. (J with No. 8's t'iler had Ktnrted. It is impossible to estimate, with any aeru racy, ihe value of the property "il stroy-d.-e It cannot fall short of 8:(ii.0(k). and comes, generally upou a clum who in losing their dwelling house or furniture loseilieir all. I'u very lit'.le lurlntare was saved. Nnmbers treved in time, but their little properly was consnmed fn fhe rhad" a rwli! y it would have been in the Iiouhc. The I'ullivvin as I'nr as we obtain them, art the narue of the suir ererr: Mr. Oridiah's restaurant and dwellinir. Mr. flitBfiinf MrVPevJioeTy, M r Bondron's restnur- aui ana flwening. Mr. jvieunrs utnon unitee houe Mr. Juo. A. Krhnrdt's Koilroad CoflVchonse. ten-pin nfTeys and1 other build ing. Mr. Eugene Uecaty's two houses, Mrs. widr w MrOill. German, Mr. Myert's grocery store and dwelling with contents. Mrs. widow. Deiiz Besides ihi'xc and the Kailrnad Com pany, a tinmher of other persons. Whose namcH wdid not learn, nre sntferrrs. The only buihlinps now standing are Mr. O'NpU's, (tbe niilrond engineer.) Matthew LenltrerV Hirmtin Turner's and James I'Mnod's dwellings; Mr. I'enard's grocery store. the Washington I lot. I, arid the engine and blacksmith shop of the raifroi.d company The ornamental grounds about the hotel have been damaged to some ext. 'tit by the deFtriteton of trees and shrubby. From 'nil we coiil.l hear, but a small amount of tfic loss is covered by insurance. The only person reported fully insured is Mr. Krhardt. The value of the property lost, gives but a poor idea of the amount of suffering caused. by the conflagration. As we have already obser ved, the persons whose property tVlf a prey, were nearly all hi struggling circumstances and the majority hnrc lost tho earnings ol" years of toil. Their condition appeals strong ly' to the sympathies of onr citizens, ami we nre gratified to observe that a public meet ing is called for this evening at Madant ;ald well'st in the Third Muneipajity, to tnke mensares for their relief. From twenty to thirty families are left dependant upon their friends ftnd lellow eititenafor t-helter. M;.ny of them came to town on the cars yesterday, and were temporarily lodged by friends - Thoe who remained, were provided foe, as well aa sircitrnatrtnreapermiueii. by the few who were sd fortunate aa to escape the gen eral ruin. Not the feasf notable loss ia the Cublk school, which was swept with thereat. Indpr the chnrsrr of an accomplished preeep trcM it wax prospi-rim: beyond expectation. One ofthe first artsol the authorities shoulJ be to provide a new school-house. RAISING THE WIND. 'i Mf .-iT do something," said a babby-gen-tcel-looking individual, leaning fcack ju Jlis chair, and Tilling his eyes to the ceiling. 'And so must I." w;u the response of A friend, who imitated the movement ofthe first Hpeaker as cloaely as ill it had been Ilia own shadow Before- six monthi passes, unless some good fortune turn up. I shall be us completely out at the elbows and pockete aa any poor devil in the land." . " . 'Ditto. Cut, Dick, something must be done. t.'nn t we hatch up a money-making scheme 1 Other people drive ahead at one plaguy thing or another, and why not we 7 Set your brain to work and concoct some thing. We're no fools." Richard Handy, the individual addressed, swung himeelf back aqd forth fur some min utes on the hind legs of his chair, with his eyes still upon the ceiling. As last he said, as bejel hie chair come to its true position on the floor-111 tall too what we might do, HarrT. Well, speakoat. Any thing thatfroraiaea to pay V - " ' Start a magazine " (

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