4 , If paollihsdtvery Tuttday, ThurmiaytnA Saturday, a pur annum, payaDieasiiaMc in winiwu; THOMAS LORING, KDjTORANDFROfRIETORf1 JbknjaminTiiowze, t ASSOCIATE EDITOR. "' i ' i i i.j CSo)"wr of Front and Market Streets, 1 !'' I ! RATES Of 4DVERTISIN6. ,1 aqr. 1 wanrtioAtSOaO 1 qr. 2 months, $4 5 8 12 1-2 " 75 1 3 " 1,00 1 1 month, 2,50 1 " 3 . u 6 M 1 " I year. Twelve linen, or lens makes a square. If a i Auvcrtiseipent exceed twelve lines, -the price wilt ba in proportion. All nd verlUumcnts are payable at the time pf their insertion. , Contract with yearly ndvertisera, will be mad run the most liberal terme, CjT All A lvarlisemcnts inserted if. the tri-weekly Oomm".rciat. are entitled to one UHP.ruomn uie imAcfy, ireeoi cnarge JOB, CARD and FANCY PRINTING executed in superior style. .. , "The srivlltge of Annual Advertisers tosfrimlv Um to their own lrmnfiiii iHwinoa is"" tlXlllllntffWy tuS'tniituul ot .( DtusotlVI Ml sdveTtltfements no) immediately e orinectcd with jtkelr own business, and alt excess of advertisements, In len?tn or otherwise, beyond tho limit emrsjred. will bo charged at the usual rates. AGENTS FOR TIIE COMMERHAL NEW YORK: Messrs. Bown4. DkRossst. BOSTON: Fbbdisick Kiddii, Esq. JOHN WALKER, JR. AUCTIONEER COMMISSION MERCHANT WILMINGTON, N. C. March 17, 1849. 1 Ir. F. J. LORD & CO. Rice Factors & loinmhsioii Aat8. Nov. 23, 1818. 103-1-. M' KELLER & M'RAE, L01BBK TIMBER HKHS, UKNEIU (MUllSMM MKRCU1KTS, ind IBOCERS, Slort formerly occupied by Hail A AtMiTaona, NORTH WATKR STREET, WILMINGTON, N. C. WKCTOB MKCLLAB. ALII. M'lAB. Nov. 11,1913. 102 L. DIAL LETT, AOENT roll THfALC OF Timber, Limber, Nam) Stores, Vc, NidCt Building, Ntirtk Water Street, WILMINGTON, tf. C. Nv.9,l34i. 101 BARRY, BRYANT & CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, WILMINGTON, N. C. 1 tf. Maroh 17, 1849. WILLIAM NEFF, (LaU of the firm of Ntrr A WarCh. V.':l JLK.SALE A.NO RETAIL DEALER IN SHIP CIIIVOLERY, SU1P STORES AND tiROCERIGS, CJIlNK.l OK DOCK A WATER STREETS, WILMINGTON, N. C. Dec. 7th. 1813. 113-tf. JOHN D. LOVE, UK ALE R IN CABINET FURNITURE, Mil rails, ciiiiKs, iuKiss, tc, ROCK SPRING, WILMINGTON, N. C. Dee. 14. 1848. stun, KEEN A CO. MERCHANT TAILORS, AND DBALGtW I ' SUPERIOR MARKET 8TREET, WILMINGTON, N. C. Oct. 21, 1818. 9J-y. CORNEUUS MYERS, MANUFACTURER, AND DEALER IN HATS, CAPS, UMBRELLAS AND WALKING CANaCS, Jwj. WILtft.iarO.M, N. C, Marstt-tu Oct. 17 H43. M-f. J AS. T. MORRIS, Lnber aai Tidtber liKpcctor, WILMINOrO.y.N. o. Oct. 12,1848. 09.m " J AS. T. MORRIS, j8Ji fjf tie iile or titmte W miiii, WiL vilNGTON, N. c. Oct. 12 134?. a. BTsnrH & c., 0CTIJ1KERS LID Kayettevllle Street, RALEIGH N . O . Will i'i; 1 1 i ill rj)riie.u,Lsluns Inthair 8,7 i. 1 1 m i . vnt ui jallty 4oJ diiutch. I Rsna to I HI. r: uibiioy Cmas. Mawit, IJ. 0 Wats .. Ksq , k)ltriiir 3haw, K.q., J tian. i. K. J. Daiil, IJO41. V. H jsescAi, Esq., Mai C. l itixTJK. UMrt v f trt. n atn m MARTIN A CRONLY. AUCTIONEERS, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, GENERAL AGENTS. llrolnton, N.C., Oct.3 1848. Bit 11 '"""T '! , 1 .V : 1 ' " I " r-" 1 ; . , . - t..- ' - ...... . .... .. . Vol. 4N0."i3; 1 Wilmington, Saturday j. mjmwAY & sjN. COMWt8ION lERtHA5jT. J. Batkawat. m rJ. L. Hatbawav. March i, lb49L 10. W. L. SMITH, (Late op the riM or Samdfobo 4 Sith.) COMMISSION MERCHANT, WILMINGTON, N. C. Store on North Water Street, Parsley's brc. Oct. 14 1843. DO-yc J.S. WILLIAMS, t MARKET STREET, WILMINGTON , N. Oct. 14,1848. 90. W.' BRANSON, AGENT FOR THE SALE OF UUBBR, LUMBER, JUTAL STORES, it IfuttU Building, North Water Street. WILMINGTON, N.C. N. B- I hnve a hnre and Secure Tlrhber Pi n where I will put all Timber lift wilh me for sale at at if mall charge as is nude by any other Agtuit in this place. W. B. Sept. 28 1848. 8J-c. B. I. H0WZE, A TTORNE Y A T LA WILMINGTON, No! Cla. W. Will practice in all (ft Caarts of Wayne, Duplin and New Hanover Counties. JEFFREYS V LEIGHT0N. General CommJssion Merchants, WILMINGTON, N. C. February lit 1849. 141. WILUAM J. (LARK, ATTORNEY AT LAW, RALEIGH, N. C. Sept. Ilth. 1348. 7-w. trl. e. CARROLL & FENNELL. Grocers ACoaniMioa Merchants, WILMINGTON, N. O. NAVB AHTAT9 O HAND A OKXEI.4L ABSOSTBBMT or puiiY'CioiiiEs, liuijs, mm, it. Asa- wicVrAT PAanctriAB Attention to the sale of all kinds of Pro Juce . . CAH)Ll. July 1 i, 1849. C. k. rzHxtw.,' FREDERICK CLARK. MAicvrAoroaii and DtAtta m aIi kisos or CABINET FURNITURE Clill&S, BKt)STEU8, WRITHG DKSlX, MAT FRONT STREET, NEAR M AltKET, WILMING TQM, n. c Ofil?- ! U-l y. Aprllllth,)M8,i . t. .: .1 DER0SSET L BROWN. WILMINGTON, N. C. BROWNE DERDSto. ? ' U 'i I'?:Wew vorh. lK SURAL COM.fSSIO MtSllCUASTS Maroh 1T, 1849. .". . U J. 4 wi .MeGMiY. Maw Hum .311 cuitaissioN MERCHANT 1 WLHIX iboN, NV. ' ' March 17. 1349. . 1-y. GEORGE S. GILLESPIE. aoemt for the hale or ItMDER LUMBER, SAVAL STORES fc wl.Laukell belli cash advances onailconaigorneaui ofproduca. March 17, 1849. 1 GEORGE W. DAVIS. COMMISSION MERCHANT, WILMINGTON, N. C. .arch 17 1849. t -J. C. LATTA. COMMISSION MERCHANT, AND GENERAL AGENT, WILMINGTON, N.C. Oct. 10,1848. 6T LIFE INSURANCE IN THE NATIONAL LOAN FUND SO CIETY, OP LONDON. AKU FIRE INSURANCE IN THti .ETNA KiUA.MOU COM PANY, OF HARTFORD, Con., OB, IN THB HOWARD INSURANCE COMPANY, OF NEW YORK, May be affected by apnllearloti to Oa.tOJsET dc BROWN. March IT, 1849. 1U8 BENJAMIN BLOSSOM, COMMISSION MERCHANT, NEW YORK. Liberal advanced tta.de ap$ Ctntlf asitntsof alt kiadt of product. Ettertaeft. -Mass, i. A D. McRas.; O. W. Davis, Raq Wilmington. J. R Biosssa Em. ) Dtc. 19,1848 116 PUBLISHED TRI-WRKKLY, CASUWELL k BLOSSOM, GENERAL COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MKHCIIANTS, Kos 1 k i, l)irkinon Morn, North Water SL WUmiiiKlo ', N. V. Liberal C ih ndvanovs mada on consignments of Timber, Lum'.cr, and ftjal Sturus. April 3, 1819. 8-1 2m. LIFE INSURANCE, IHUTU.LL BIMKFIT UFB INSCRIH'K KlTlP.nV SURPLUS OVER 91 OO.OOO. My,t949. 8 10-wp. S M. WEST, AUCTIONEER AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, WILMINGTON, N. C. liberal C ish ndvances m tde on all consignm. nts from ih North. or on Pro luce from the t.'uumry. Otfice 2 doors on the Wha if. Souih Me of M.trKet Street. April 5, 1949. 9-tf. HERON & MARTIN General Commission Merchants, 3T 1-1 North Whai-ren, j II I L I I) B L P II I A . Rrrca to Messrs. Tmos. Watson & Sons, ) Jno. O. Dacosta, F-sq. Phll'a Wm. S. Nmisoti. Eeq ( I RonraT NeiLsoit. Ksq , Messrs. Muses, Taviob & Oo., vrU J. H. HB"wkb. & Co..)' Xor J. & D McKa e, Geo. Hairisb, Ksq. April 5, 184'J, Winiing tn. 9-if. HOT AND COLD BATH. AT THE BOWLING SALOON. by J. A. MORKIS, 7-if. VERANDAH March 31, 1849. HENRY P. RUSSELL, AGENT FOR THE CAPE FEAR STEAM SAW MILL, WILMINGTON, N. 0. Strict attention I'ivrn in tin' f.iitliful rx.-rutiim of nil oidcis fur Lumber. Jan. 1, 1349. 124-lyc GEO. HARRISS, General Commission Mcrchani, WILMINGTON, N C. CTRICT attention given lo piocurln? Frrlhts O and purchasing Csrgoei fur vessels. RCFEB TO E. P. Hall, Esq., 1 0. G. Parsley, Ksq., J. A. Taylor, Eq , Wilmington. J. U Belltmy, Esq., Messrs. ftll.irdA HuntinRlon, J Messrs. l ooker, Smyth A Co., v . " Thompson A Hunter, ,ew orlt Alex'r Horron, Jr, I'ltila lelphia Messrs. Williams & Uutler, ) . , H.F. Baker, Esq., ' Chi .-lesion, S. C. Jan. 2, 1349. 123-tf. SPIRIT HARRELS. m Good supply of empty Barrels. For sale low in I iln to suit purchasers . by DeROSSET & March I. BROWN. 160. WOODEN AND WILLOW WARE. k tL vartettcs, for sale Uw at HOWARD PEDF.N-S. 147 Feb. V. Dr. B. MUNSEY, JJOM.CE OTA TJIIC PH YSICIA X, AMD DENTIST, MARKET St , C Doom above Front 8t. Dec. 23, 1849. 120-6mo. JOHN T. RUSS, INSPECTOR OF TIMBER AND LUMBER. WILMINGTON, N. C. Oct. 14 1849 . 90- F. J. LORD & CO., Agents for the NAUTILUS MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE Co Accumulated Capital, $130,000. ALSO FOR THE EAGLE LIFE k UEALTU INSURANCE CO. Capital, $100,000. Will take risks on livct of Slaves. Offlet 23 North Water Strtat. Ort t4, 1848. WM. W. HASBia. tCSSKS S. DBASE HARRISS & DRAKE. General Coanhxha Merchants, WILMINGTON, N. C, Rsrasiscsii O O. Ptrsley. Esq, Col. John McRus. Messrs. Bstlird a Huntington Wilmington, N C. Will Peck. Esq . Raleigh. N. C. Messrs. Hall. Hsrkstt A Co 1 j Fty Joseph Utler. F.sa.. cttr vills, N. C. jsessrt. Jtmtt uomer none uainmorv. " E. A. Soqdsr fc Co . Philaderphlt- Thsmpton A Hunter, , .. . PillshuryAYSiodford,10"1 " Hontlif aV Tufts Boion. " J. O. P. Tlinomb, Kennebunk, Me. September 14ih. 1849. 77 tf. BY morng. apiul m, mo. TKEW YORK FURNITURE WAREHOUSE. 1 WILMINGTON, March Bth, 1849. I7 CLARK, bogs L.OU.t I.. nuu..u iv unenv Ihe pub ic in ceneral innne Know disposing i winir of Ms Imue as.oitment of Cj1u1 Vsiri.tture.iit ; inroict prl. o. lur the CASH, as he is determined ooon clunlnv hu I by the Istf April. All lhoe in warn of auA Fur niture at eiedinly w p.ices, will do well to call and examine lor themsr Amaugthf Stock will be found, , Mshe-nny Wardrobca. "nyraiyiKiniy ana n atnut t ;ntirs. i i Ctwled Maple and plum Cuaits. . ttofua anil Uiiomiins Fine Marble loj. Bureaus. Plnln Drosnint; do. High post Uuilstn.ids. Single and double Coils. Stulf't' ii nd plain Rockers. Nursing Chulrs Ladi.'K .Suwiiu i hulls. Ladies Wuik Tables. Do, do Boxes. Manognny Si.lcboards. Hair Maltrssses Marble top Wnsh Stands. Single and double Wash Stands. BulB-r'sTruysTowel Racks. Centre Tables different styles. Children's Cribs. Mahoiiany and (Cherry Cradles. Sick Chairs and Niuht Cobinels. Common Windsor Cliolrs. Patent Windlass Hi dslrndi. Dressing Tables, Ac, Ac, f-c. ALSO. 4 Shower Baths. 3 RefiiTcrslors. 18 Writinjf Desk?, suitable for Counting Hou ses, and Dwellings In short every article belonging to the Furniture line. FREDERICK CLARK. Those Indebted to me are lequested to make pay ment by the 15th ol this month, m whi-h time I shall place in "he hands of officers for collection, all ac counts due me. (T. c. MOLASSES. 1 Hh : Prln,e new Cr0 Cub Molasses. Just 1 JKJ arrived per Brig Annawan, snd lor suk- by .. HATHAWAY 4 SON. Feb. 22. 145. TURNER'S ALMANAC. rpURNER'S North Carolina Ahnunjca, for JL (or silu st 'Ine Commercial Ojfict. Keb 24. HG-tf JUST RECEIVED. 200 Lbi. Smoked Beef, 50 Keel 'tongues, 3D Bolt, piliue Cheese, 10 B.irrel Clarified Siiiisr, 2" Bbl. Apples inppins, 20 and lb Box. s fuisins, 15 Box s Tallow Candlia, 5 Boxes Or inges mid 5 do. of Lemon?, For sale at the lowest juices lor CASH by OKU. M VERS. Feb. 24. 4(j. JUST RECEIVED. tly Srhr L I' Smith. New Style ot Ham for Sprisg, 1849, also a fine lot Cap Covers tur Sale by c.:.ns;is. Hatteb, Match. 8th 1S-I9. GUNNY BAGS 1 rVin! flL''It,''LS Gunny llag.just received J UUUand for sale bv BARRY, BRYANT Co. March 6, 1949. 150 NOTICE. THOSIC persons indebted to ihe Cape Fear S. S Mill.bynois or account connected during the yeur 47 ur 48. are lequestrd tu make iinmedi ile psy nietit M the undersigned; they having on lh.- 31st Uc. la.t relingui hed the -Oeneri.1 Agency ofiliul mill, it bevouies necessary that nil her accounts to that date should be immediately settled. 1. HATHAWAY & SON. March 3, 1849. 149. PINE OIL. THIS anicle having been fully tested and proven to be Superior tu unything heretofore in use, is now olfjred with full confidence ol giving sa'.is factioo. A cons nnl Supply can be found si the Store o . P. POLLEY . an I will also he del vered to cu tomers wherever desired by Mr. William Hlaney A. II. VANBOKKELKN. March 3. !PI9. 1 if. COGNAC BRANDY ! IN half Pipes fur sale on consignment by JEFFREYS LKIOHTON. March 3. 149 NORTH CAROLINA BACON ! HAMS, Sidet tad Shoulders. Forealeby F. J. LORD & CO March 10. 15i PROPOSALS For pnblithing in Ine town of GolUboro V C a Paper to be entitled THE GOLDSBORO' PATRIOT. ta.30 per Annsta Payable In all cases la ADVANCE. nHE subscriber pn posea lo publiih in lbs town of 1 GoUtboro,l a weekly piper ander the above tl In) tho first number of whic. i wilibetraud on ihe e ih Inst. Th vsry general desire exprssssd or such hiup r has induced hnn lo mite I no attempt, snd nioespeakt fur it the fostering esie of the oummu t t y The Increislng prosperity of the town of Ouips oi ' snd th coirespo ding Improve en l of the ad jacent country, admonish) us thst wa shoald endeav or lo p.itiaipaieln iheenterpiislnii.pl'ltol rhstioiss. Tn subset iber hssno doubt but his papsr will mesu with liberal encouraeement from the pept gtneul. y, both In towo snd rountry-ss all must as iht sdvantagesol tuch an esiablUhmeni to thlt 4ivu ion oi'iheoantry. he P IT&IOr vrl'l b DtBtocsATis fa Its politi cal nh.intettr; ami srhilt ths Editor will hs firm and decided In behalf of his political friends, ha will en deavor u bt josttodeoartsoat to bis political oppo nents. , WILLIAM ROBINSON. OoMsboro', N. C. March 24, 1849. I. Whole-No 479 i IF WE ONLY HAD A PIANO." ST MBS. HKLE C. KM10HT. 'This i pleasnnt,' rxi lnimed ihe joar.g husband, taking his scat rosily in the rocking chair, us the leu thinga. wrv removed. The fire (lowed in the (rralaj revealing n rcllily anil mull) liuifilii'J siltinff-room. with nil ihe upplmuccrt ol'conilort. The fatiguing buaiiifav oi mi' uny wm. over and he saLLiijoymg. what he had been till day anticipating, ihe delight of hit own fireaiile. Ilia pretty wife Eather look her work and tat down by llie tabic. 'It i plensuni to have a home of one'a own.' he antd. again inking It eaUsfttctory aarver of liia snug little quurusr. Th eold rata toeat ugniimi the windows, and he though I he felt rc.illy grateful for all hi preaent enjoyments. -Now, if wo only hue a piano V said the Wife. Give me t hi; music of your tweet voire be- fore nil tin: piahot in creation,' he declared rotiijiliitit iitiiry. d. tpite a certain secret diaap- poiiiinieni in n uw wne a tiniiikiuJiiest did not huppily cliinif with hi own, 'Well, hut we wnnt one for our friends,' said Esther. Lit our friends come and tee vi. and not to hear h .ituio!' oxclnimOtl the husband. 'But, George, everybody haa a piano, now-a-i'u)s; we (lout go an) where without tee ing a piano,' persisted the wile. aiiu yet i umi t know what toe want one for; you will have no lime to pluy one, and 1 ilon'i like tu hear it.' 'Why. they are to laahionaWe I think our room looks really naked witlwut one.' I tliitik it looki just right.' 'I think it looks very united we want piano shockiiu'ly,' nrotented Esther cmphati crtlly. The huFbanil rocked violenll) . Your lamp smokes, my dear,' he nni.1, after a lono; pati.si!. Wliun are you going lo get a olar lamp 1 I have tol.l you a dozen Ujkb how much we need one,' oul Either, peltithly. 'These will do.' 'But you know, everybody, now-a-dayt, wants on; I.iiiiis.' 'Those lamp are the prettiest ol ihe kind I ever saw they were bought at Bovton.' 'Bui. George. I do nut think oat room is complete without a ol.ir lamp,' said the wife, sharply -lliey are so fishionnlile : why, the D a, B i, and A 1. all "have them. I nm turc w ought to.' 'We otilit to, it wr- tak? pattern by other people m expenses, ami I ilon l see uny rea soi lor that.' The hii.bitnil moved unensily in Ins chair. 'We waul to live within our memo, Ksihcr,' excluiined George. '1 am sure I t-tioultl think we could afford it nn well as the li ami L s, and many otur we fnight mention; we do not wmli to appear mean.' George' cheek crimsoned. 'Mean ! I nm not mean!' he cried, angri- "Then you (lo not wuh to appear to,' said thn wile. -To complete this room, and make it like others, we want a piano and a solar Jamp.' 'We wnnt we wnnt !' mattered the hus band ; 'there is no siitiNfying woman' wnnt. do what you muy !' and he abruptly left the room. How many husbands are in n similar di lemma ! How many home and husbands are rendered uncomfortable by ihe constant ilisalil:ifiion of a wife with present comfort and present provisions ! How many bright prosperlt for business have ended in bank ruptcy, and ruin, in order lo satisfy this se cret hankering after fauhionahlc neci-wanea ! If ihe real cause of many n failure could be nui'le known, it would he found to result from iHclrs-x expenditure nt house expense to an. wer the demand of fashion, and 'what will people tay of ut My wife hat made my fortune,' said a gen tleman of great postessione, ;by her thrill, prudence, and cheerfulness, when 1 was jutt beginning. ' And mine ha lost my fortune, antwered his companion, bitterly, 'hy oselea exlrava p nice, and repining when I wat doing weH.' What a world duet t his open of the influence which n wile possesses over the luture pros nemy of her family ! Let ihe wife know her influence, nnd try lo use it wisely and well. Be satisfied lo commence wnall. It is too common for young housekeeper to begin where their mothers ended. But all that it necessary to work akilTully with; adorn your notite wun an tnni win reuaer it comionaoie Do not look at richer home, nnd covet their costly furniture If secret dissatisfaction it ready to Hpringup, go a step further, and visit ih home of the poor and torTering: behold dark, ehf erle apurtment. insufficient clothing, an absence of the comforts and refinements of social life ; then return to your own wilh n joyful pinL You will then be prepared to meet your husband with a grateful heart, nnd .be ready tn appreciate that toil and self denial which he hat endured in his business world to suf-i s . I ! 1 . r .a round you with nil tne aciignuot home ; men you will be ready to co-operate cheerfully with him in to nrrnnging your expense, that hit mind will not be conaianlly harassed with feara lest family expense may encroach upon public payments. Be independent. A young housekeeper never needed greater mornl courage than he doe lo resist the arrogance ol fashion Do not let the A- and B decide what vou must have, neither let trrem hold Ihe string ol your purse, you know oett what you can and ought to afford; theo de cide with strict inlegrU according to your means. Ln not the censure or tht approval of th world ever tempt yon to buy what you hardly think yo can afford. It matter liule what they think, provided youara tree to yourselfand family. Thus persuing ao independsnt, ri?fct forward, co itist.-nt court of action, thf ea will spring up peace aud joy all around jroo. Satisfied and happy yourself ymi will make jroor husband ao, an4 your children will feel me warm ann eanny , inliaence. Happy at home, your' hoaband , can goottt Into the rofU with clear head anA aeff-refylng tptrit domeatle Wotterlnga will not ronr hia heart, and he trill ntdrv toy on again with a confiding and oneeaatyg love. Dtpentpon it. beauty, grace, wit, necompliMimenla, have far lets to drj with family comfort, than prtt dehf i, economy, and gnoil tense. A hoabnnd niny getlircd pf admiring, 'but never with the comfortable ronxciousoeat tliot bu receipts cicced bit demans, .v FOREIGN. Additional kutnuU, by the staaaatr KUt;arat ENGLAND. In Parliament. Mr. D'leRAELi'e motion fn into Ihe hortleiia on land a move' mint on hehnnortha Agricultural interest wnaloetbya vole of 20 lo I0 ; derive vole, but ihe subject will be brought to a' gain. The financial reform morenen'. hj Mr. Coe and othera niftbea no progrtM in the Houae of Common, being supported by In significant ipiuoritiea at every atnge.. The army and navy have been carried by ua dimiuiahcd majorities. The bill to "diaclerify clergymen' haa been referred to a select committee. Ita ob ject it to enable clergymen of the Chorch of Etiglnnd Co preach in dimntins chapeU without incurring the penatliea and coata, lor ihe non-payment of which ihe Rev. Mr. Shore is now n Exeter jail. More proper- '7, we oeneve, to release clergymen leaving the Church of England from the perpetual obligation of their ordinatiou vw.J IRELAND The vrett and south of Ireland teems to 9 iii a deplorable atate. Several Irightlul rhurdcrt are reported. The cholera ja committing extensive ravage. Iu Limel icfc. to compensate lor this tad and dittreating viaitntion, the farmert hiwe commenced tiling their ground, and the potato agnin planted to n great breadth. H is hoped that the early , sowing not ocen auopteu generally through ' out the country, aud thu the chunce of lail a are diminished. . FRANCE. Public attention continoes to centre in th trial at Bourge of fhe political prisoaers, which nre proceeding witfrtlue solemnity. But, nt :he ParUriaus do not anticipate any new light to be thrown opon the arrest of Inst year, and the distance from the capital precludes: the possibility ol making the- pro ceeding a subject of excitement, th public attention at Pari i more drawn to a theme nearer home, of a fur more exciiingehnracter than to the probable fate of the prisoners. Af ter a eturirul mvettigation into all the circum stances counectcd with the murd' r ol Generul Bhca, the Gov ernment hat spared the live of nllihe convicted party, with the exception ot two, who were brought to the scaffold on the IClh and guillotatfM-d. This first applica tion of this hntcfuMmrfrnmcnt of punishment einre lielasl revoJuiion hns excited ihe Red Republicans to uncontroilahlo fury. They huvesligmataed the President atanexecutiorc r and an assassin, and M.PnotiDuuH ends an outrageous article on the subject thus, ad dressing Lotjis Na rotitow . "You have re- Utoml the juiiJlotinc,. and it yilljHylt jjgtQK I pear witii yoa.' v- - -j -i. r'r jlT I he aboliUon of Ihe club hat been decid ed iu tho Assembly by tho shixler majority of 378 over 359, tbe division Jbciug taken by ballot. K.cry day now d)scU tame fresh in stance of liie indefatigable 2eaJofihe So cialist to overturn the present order of thing. The journuj of M. Pbouuhon, Co the extent of thirty or forty thoutnnd per day. i activly circulated iu all the barrack of France, and the noii-commiseionrd ofirer and men are tempted irom tncir niifgiance Dy everytvn ngiiinble mean. We very much doubt whether natter will tettle down without some outbreok. At Toalon there are great preparation for embttrking troop, and in conaeqnence of the movement ia Piedmont and Italy the nrmy of tho Alps has been agon, recruited, aud every arraugmeut made so that a large divi ion of troops many cross the Alps, should an armed intervention be resorted to. Up tot hi moment there evm a cordial a id complete anderstanding between the French and Engfih Government in respect to the affairs of 'talj. AUSTRIA. Austria baa taken the most extraordinary and onlooked for step. The Diet of Kremsier, which wat convoked by the late Emperor, aud ha occupied the few month of it exist ence wilh theatrical durussions. h been dismuswd, after having- promulgated a con stitution, not only for the countne represent ed st Kremsier, but for the whole Austrian Empire. The frv! object which hat been kept in view by the designer of this constitu tion is the making of nJI Austria into a free, independent, indivisible, iodisaofobe constitu tional monarchy. With regard to the social and political regulations guarantied under this conatiianoti the liberality of their naiore can hardly fail to excite surprise. Tbe press is not allowed to be put under censorship. The complete equality and toleration of all rHig:one, tbe kKlrptndeuce of every church and sect in the manageasent of it owt prop, erty nnd affairs, the extension of education 10 ail languages, and Ha prosecution as a Government work, are espVialiy secured. The Imperial Diet is to consist of two houses, whose constitution approaches nearer to that of the American Senate and House of Repre sentative than lle Legialaiise Assembly ol any other Slals. How this constitution rosy work when reduced in pmciire must o4 course depend upon the people themselves ; but ft most be remitted that it plarea in iBeir hand ample meant of securing a name of political freedom sraredy inferior to that of uny other country i be world. In tha mean time the Huogriaa war pro ceed with unrelenting fury. Tbe Magyar have adopted a guerrilla warfare, and Prtnea WindiachgraU oo longtr taking tbA f eld but remaining at Bura, showa that tha war ha only jutt commenced. In (art the King of Sardinia, In aecret now wfth Koasoih, trotta to lh prnloriptioe) oTth) war hi ITtrigary to rscAnqntr tha loat flelde f Lean hardy. - JaUng AJawBrai Iflbatwaon hit earn peasdowhssirM hira aawiraotl akesiaoMM the Aswtntns, Ms m allsfmarvs hut lode, cjare theorniisiie with Radetiky at an cad, at, .