P. S.-Arau. 8.-Slace w(wroie tha above the , eteamer ImM hu irrivd from Charteateti with let- j Were from I .hvHo f4 h0h' anit friwn TtfW York la I -" - , - yui jnarcn, no bueineae ia aong now on kwhi of (he Easter holydayst but the mora frvoNble ad visee fur Sugar from Europe can hardly be eapected to have anjr iniuence onnn. on, market, our actual pricoa being already much above the value of the ar ticle there, and the accounta from the United Suu are unpromising. ' ' "' 11 Of til ajar we place our quotation aa follow t HUdling to gooJ Whltce, 10 a 11) riale: fine Whites, 12 a 13 rials; florae Whites, 13J a 14 rials; Yellows, H a 8 rials; Browns, 61 a 6; Churuchos, 5 a 61 rials. Kales of Muscovados have boon made at 5 a 61 for ordinary to middling, 6 a 6 rials for fine though not choice. The supplies of Coflee are moderate, and saVe are made at IIj 86, accord lug to quality. NORTH CAROLINA MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. ACOM PAN Y with the above title, having been Ch irtcret at the lust session of the Legislature of this State: and the nruvlalon icquired In suid Charter (viz: Application for Insurance fo-860,000.) JUiving been lully mol,-the Company nne ni canUed by the appointment of tbe luliowlngofliccrs, and is issuing Policies, viz; . UK. CHS. K. JUHiNoU.v. t'refcldeul. WILLIAM D.HAYWOOD, vice President JAMES F. JUKI) N, Secretary. WILLIAM H. JONES, Treasurer. Dr. WILLIAM H. McKEE, Medical Examiner. HENRY W . MILL Kit, Attorney. nf wHh8m VJrpASN' i .. Board Dr. RCH'D U HAYWOOD, JIuUm J. HERSMA.N. General Agent. This ConiDiinv has received the most liberal char ier Hint has ever been eranted to anyCompany of a aimiliireharittiter. In any Male In the Union: The btn Section of irte Act ot incorporation pro- vldea "that the liui'mnd nmv insure Ills own tiff, lor the sole use and benefit of hie wife or children, and in case of the death of the hueband, the amount IB us subscribed shall be nald over to the wife or children, or their guardian, If underage, for her or, their nwn a tree lruot mi me ciaima ei tne represent auiw m e husband, or any of bi creditori." Thia provis ion oculinj coiuuient. Tho Board haveslso determined to Insure thelieee of eUvca, and this being ulmoxt half the wealth of the people oi this Stale, a large business la reasona bly aMiclpatad. Any inlot million respecting the ptinolplen of the Company will be furnished by the Secretary, or any n! it o 1.. Hum i V t-J OI 118 OU1CLTS. JAi3. r. JJlUliL1, Pltirewrjt Raleigh, April 14. LIME! LIME!! LIME!!! Kjrw-Vj UUL5J Lincolnvlllc Whllu Luwpi AUo, BUU calcined Plustcr, Plastering Hair, and Kire Hrtclt, Hydraulic Ccmcni; IU0U bbls. Lima, pc.i for sale by , j. u. a k. u. v uuu. April II. 1?19. 13-tf. " 3flCIl I A LL persons indebted v John R. Ilawea, are notl lijLri dibit tlidir notea and accoun'.s hnvt txin ilaerd in niy hamts (or colli e lion. nl unWae prompt nyment la made the m ill la iiiiiiieUwlriy placed in uit. liiud. i' nir.Anr.o. April 1 1. Chronicle J weeks. I J-Jw WATER COOLERS. DOZ.a nt rod kind, for sale by UiitOSbfcT 4 BROWN. Apri-IU 13-if BACON AND LARD. rr Lua new Uaoon aMatad: B barrelana f3JvlO kens Ljrd, received per Rail Haul f..r..lebv DtROoofcT at Dt'ROSSET 4 UUOWN April U- 13-2w. I. 0. 0 F. rpiIR Riitht worthy Grai4 I.ougc ot ma lndepea IXdont Order of O ld Fellows will seiu61e Jn the Ull of M inteo Ldfu 0 H. Ruleln, on weaiiaa' I iv.tlie 9 1 h I ir of M iy, at lOo'clocli. AW LodgkS ni;iij" isdicUiw so expecl-d to be represented ih.-r in person or proxy By or ler of the Grand X.mttt, A. PAUL RKl'I rON, O'.-O'id Stcrctary. Wilmington, ,pri 12. is im STBAVED. A FROM the suhscribrrs' Mil n Smith's 7pTf Creek, u small iron gray Horse. 1 wlli f I n givM a reward of Fie Dolluis for thi said l... ... . i vi-1 ml lu mi' at II) V Mills, or in mwn, me lurae Is a natural pacer, P. Ql'INC'K April 12 ' H J 1 2 4l INSPECTORS NOTICE. r HE public are hereby notified, that at il" County Court 1 was sppOinied last 1NSIMXTOR OK PROVISIONS. I have . nii'ri il uuoo the duties of tnr office, nd L-IIUIve uromtit utionuo and drsptlcs) In tne di lure ol ihe same. 1 rcapeullul.y solicit tne pairoa-1 jd nt i jo cviiiuiiinlty. s JAMES L. COR RETT. N H. All a tides inspected by me h ive mv brand liereon, and oonuuiei especially will do well to buy mother, aa tat Hi9ci airiy srovee tnaj fact, hat a conaldeiablo saving will Se mads ihcrihy. jahk i. ramiM r. A.fll 12. Journal, Chron. 4 Gsiette 3ni. 12 3m DAILV EXPJECTED, Ver Jlrtrt. Mlueagtk from Doatw. rv BALES prime Eaatera Hay, CM sale by )U HARRIS'S DRAKE. April 10, 1849. I Ml. r FOR NEW YORK. Brt THF. Packet Schr. H. WKSCOTr. Z. 'tir 1 Hand. Masier will bo desna ehed for the aeeaort. Fur light Freight or passage. pply to . GEO. IIARRISS. til 10. 11-31. SEGARS. 10,000 8KGARS various branda and quality for salt by HOWARD A PEDEN. C. II. LIPPITT, Remored to the White Store, MARKRT MTMBET, Itetw een Froflt and Water BtrecL TT1LL be prepared" to offer on Mendsy next, U V April, tbe inuei Choice, Varied andcxte4ialve j-yi ivi i v. vn Mvruxia ever cjuiioiica Im itlll o wii WO, H, L- has sJcted his goods with great care at only the late atylee oilcbt be oftered to prcha ra with social eittmlun to cost, loat hia pri ijamjyh 'ound to defy competition. 9 Grateful for the very liberal paironage he haa re vived from the comm neetnent ol hia buaItKsa.be jlipca with piompi and polite atteutioq to hia cus Qmers (with the other Inducements, handsome atyle gouas sou low price ; io nivcivs a entre ol tbeir sds. March 31, 671- CANDLES- hA BOXES Hud and Son a Psient Csnaiesyfoi .VUsaleat HOWARD PKDF.nN. tn BBL8. Fa vellevU s Flour, for aeJebv UV) HOWARD APiOEBT April 12. ,,(, .;.-J 12 ?. TOBACCO. 1 - 4 GENTLEMEN will find lint food Tobacco f iJaoleai n , , j H01MeA tEOKK'S. April t.( 11 1 i'"'-Tr- ,2 for FOR FREIGHT OR CHARTER 'HR Coooe ed sr.d popper fastened Brig Christiana. Sandford Mauler, of the ca pacity of 2600 bMs; fur terms apply to April 12. 12 21 LAMP OIL. B EST quality pure Spain Oil. fur sale by HUVYAKD FlilJfc.M. April 12. J, ' 12 WANTED, A vessel to carry 109,000 feet Lumber to Damariacotta. Mr. by '! JEFFREYS ot LKIOHTON. irkfALKSHay.&rivileby . , 1UU HOWARD & PEpEN. April U. 13. MOLASSES. 70R sale bv bbla. and hlids. at C HOWAfiD & PEDEN'S. April 12. 12 RICE. FOR sale at wholi sale and retail by HOWARD 4 PEDEN. April 12. 12 SALT. 1 fVVBUSHKLS Salt, for sale by April 12. 5 ' . in til l.i 1.2 meVILLYFLOIJR JUST received per steamer Rowao.ofibbla. Flour assoriud quulttica, for sale by JOHN C. LATTA. April: 1 2. i STRAINED HONEY. 1 nfl0ALLS- Strained Hone, for sak fty the 1 JJ quart, gallon or (rtirn l,nt HOWARD & PEDEN'S. April 12. , 12 ; ft BY on srilve buelno ninn, cipploytnent in n Steam Mill. wTIo wiuli'l have ,J;l(i Ills power, lo lake sn interest in the Mill. whmh.e ruigrit:tc"!ni ployd; best refervwree will !p tlveW, nivd 'lor' Infor mation, refor to the Editor ofthls pupes,-- -April 12. 13-3tp. MOUSSES. O I iy HIIDS. tnd 1G tiercel prime Molaesee, now " L landing from Brig Tnnjlar. for sale by POTTKK fc KIDDER. April 10. u.,f JUST RECEIVED. 1 I U lOUNCES ufFarr's Sulphate Quinine ami X jyj fort) t y A. C. EVANS. April 10. iliiif. . . JOHN HALL, Il-3t. Commission .Merchanf, WIXJIJNGTOX. April 12. 12 CAUTION- ALL persona are onutioned eat to cmrJIt any baW son whaU)at on my account, without a vwiM order from SD. J. T, HONWALD. Apiill2. 12 3p JURECffiDTTIIIS DAyT" )fZ 1 boxes rolen, CO 23 drums Figa, SCisi-aOuiva JeWt.l) I 6 do. Bordeaux Prunes, 5 do. nsirtert Preitrvea, t - ''.i. 200 lba. em 'ked Iteef, Irar arrioked Beef ToticucS: ' 5 firkins Ofwhen JBditer. 711 KM. tvl.K a.tKlrU. (DO lare Size RegplU Srgnrs. And for sale low foresthby o. M VERS, AprllB 9. NOnCEr1' ' THE undersigned have Ibtttifd" a'Cdpailrttrihlp under the Brm of CASHWRLL A MLQJ?SOM for the tfinsaotftin; of aforwardlngandOenraCntjJ miaslon llusineas. Any lliirincsa Iniruaied to Us will have our prompt attention. , . X. -CASHWELL. Mi Joti'fl. BLOSSOM. April), 1849 '82ai., - COAL. wrr BUSHELS Bituminous Coal, now landing tVv and tor sale ey , W. L. SMITH. AprlU. 1840. 9. HAY. 1 AA BALES Hay, prime, Landing. Foraaleky 1UU W. L. SMITH. AprllS, 1849. ,9 0 IL Cloib for floors, for sale by . J. S. WILLIAMS. ) April 10. 1IT SlPERI0B,RpSL FOEMLLl 1 0( BBLSatfvery Suoerior Raaln.nMidoln iha 1 OU Country, ay aereoa that did not know how at) pack U. aa It wasoverhalf made from Virala Turpentine, though put In to Barrels No 1, 2 dod 3. all mixed lo leather. Fnr suli bv . f t - 76' AprU7lh,184. ' FOR PHILADELPHIA. -rpHE fina Packet Schr. Leeaburg Capt. x w. B. Booohirltu DarlFreiaht on board will havo ieattitchi i paasaicj 4r balance Cargo, apply o) board or to DKROS3BT A BROWN. April 7, 1849. ' 10. IN our strolls round town we have srnved st the conclusion that the Verandah where preside J. A. Maurtee rsieataaaisjsi,isa7aari There we find me trthorShaispMsMrhy)d wine needs no bush' a goo4cgS$tb.e Usln alley fur ci ei else, the billiard table For (h id e hour's nd ihe bath for health and recfaatlen. "TTUm's our tnti mn." April 8, 184 J. , Wm-e. ro T'HE flnVachr. S.'B. Ttharm. Cint. John , 1 ton wUlbAvediApauasoaihsiaswtt part, i let UgDtlft sgMar Haaaara.w AMT -UAniU.'V sf .paVAAa April Ifclv 1 n 4t. u BOARDING. . TWO or THREE persona wishing Hoard In a privuia family aeur tba KaU Road can be accom modated by applying al ' Tit Ctmtiurcial OJUx. .April 3. t . , DOMESTIC GOODS. COTTON Osnuburgnund hhoeling, Cotton Yarn, bls of 120 and 200 lba. with assortment ol nutubeis to suit. At K. W. BROWN'S, March 29. 6-lm. NOTICE! ENGI NEE It'S OFFICE. Wilmington & Manchester Rail RoaJ, ) April Jd, 1B4U. S SEALED PROPOSALS will lie wived, address ! tha un-ier!!) il.tii White villi-, Columbu. coun ty. N. C. until Aioudny, th ittih incl., :r eroding mat portion ot the Vilinini(tiin asu Mancnier ki Road between Livingston Creek and ilio Little Pee Dve River. Also 6r the Timber for Ihe Truss Work whhin Ihat diainnee. Stu kt'olders who deaire to work out their sub acripiiunaon thia portion ol ii.i, are requeued to make applloaiion on or before that lime. I'rofih, f '.., of the line my bo seen on application lo J. Moyl.m. Principel Aaflnlnnt Rr.ginerr.on the linn, or Ihe undersigned, at Whilevilie, on the Ibih Inst. L. J. FLEMING), Res't. Eng. Wilmington and Manchusti r Hail Road. April 7. 10-41 NOTICE. THE Subscribe! waiild take tins 1 JH method of cnHing tin; utt: nt lan of P1the i ltlzi-ns of Wilmington and vi cinity ,to the large Pl and bet uaenrtiui nl ot summe Mats ever ottered in tills ni icc. niy assortment em htaces every variety of Mens. Uovs' end ehildrens Hat?, and will be sold very low far CASH. Persona wishing to purchase anything in the ubuvellnu will nn.i it lu tin ir aavantage to call nt iiic um store. ' 1 k - v MYERS, Halter. April 5. 9. NOTICE, THE Subscribers have this d7 formed a copart nership, for i ho transaction of tlicDrv Ooode and Clothing buainoee. under the firm of LVON 4SUNDHF.1MKR, and will eontinue at the stand recently occupied by J. Lyon, im nvjrkei tl., whera will be kept a full nnd CMinpleteiiajiirlinentufCliMhlnaand D.y flijod. which will bo sold, oi very low prices; purcr.ascrs are invited to call and examine. . LYON. J. SUNDHklMKR. March 31, 1819. noticeIxtra. The subscriber having made a c.iatiiic In hia busi ness, is desiroutf iliul all unsettled si counts with litniatilf should be adjusted wiih tbu least poaible delay. J. LVON. March 31, 1819. 7-tf. DISTILLERY SylLE. rPH P. Tnrpenrttfe1 distillery nf fulimns Depui, on A ihe Rail Road, lately owned by John Chnxiian, will be sold at o lyi- price, fur further rmriiculnrn ap ply 10 JEKFKEVy if- LEIGH I'ON April 10, 19-19. II. MRS. MAXWELL'S FASHIONABLE MILUNERy, HAS removed to U store lormcrly otenlilcil riy Mr. L,1ppltt. nejt diiOrC), I fart & Pulley's, aa a more Cehlrnl lo- cuthMiwhere ehe ieprepurid to lurntghher town end coontry frienda with the nrwesi nnd most drairsblr styles of Mi.llnery goods, wljch Hire will dlapoaf of ut Stm Vork piiees. Straw onh Pami la Konncta ji'leatled at th shortest notice, nnd on the most rr-a eonaletrrme; Dress mnltjrjg uio done In Ihe n at jht rimnner ;ina after (rc 14 ) oniiinie Mn. J. M AXW'KLly. would invjic particular .HtemUn to M superior' method ot clennifi the PsmelH ot Tn)) Bonni-ts, rnnklng them JJneo to new, aleoatrW Punnets rleancd and pressed, u ilh e moMt reaonabl terms for the trade. March 4. 1849. ' J 4-mp. riHE Subactiber hna conclnd. (I rol in to to Celt X furnia. but Ik leatly 10 licelTr Gold Dimi in AN V runnliiv. ' J. S. 'VMLL1AMSS. ' April'lO II - ! TALBOitO, Mt'ti ht tc r ard Carolina Stripea, iI fsile by J, S. WILLIAMS. Apiil 10. ii (;nWr:snoftoi;oH FEMALE COLLEGE. OUILFOHD COU.NTY, N. C. THE Second Session of iht CulJtge yeiL l343-'49' oi6iiifQCfTlribit luatliuiionwi tlte Ctw Mco Jay in January l.ihl under ihe nuisl li(ieilnjjcircui- tar.cr. The College Cla s are now filled wiih larger nninbcr Of young l-S'lo a than dutint; any pre viotrt Seorr, WhHai ine Intrinsic excelleiicii s ol the Insiiluiion, and tlie superioi udantagrl by which it Is recviy in. ndid to yu(ik p itjv'uigi- uupiie ha u)n(jdi:ri,'iutj)( rtlttQn (In petiim l-areer t)f 'ebimonl and lasijnx usefulness, toilio and lo aociely uL lirgr. 'I he Hullcflngs are very handsome and well consi ruc terf for rdvjPatfOnal putpovcS, and sufficiently largt to awmroolBte from une hurnlredio uuc hundred and lilty young Ladies, with entire comfort and J-ysJtconvcnience.-ln addlttoil to any number ihut may bo '4 surplkd lr.itn the town of Orcensborouxh. Tlu location Is elevated and dry, Tree hum any local cause t disease, ani lli4vH a bp 4 " healthy and safe in all icepccts as any w'lhin l.ic limits of the State. The gr'-MPUasetxtcrulvv, and ..floid ainpU space for extended walks and every healihlul exer cise, without pa?sli.f beyond Ihe enclosures of lU. nnVummnnl m firm luil nf" m!ll n nt IS N m uuiiMi sjii.i, vui tfi sa iiiii'I u ia pareni.il cast WDlUl. ihn moat unweaiied dilii nee Ix given io the loculcalioa ot those prlnripk s and tha fonnatiim of those hubln which will qualify u youna to meet successlully their re.ponsibillties ht ts ihe trying theatre ol life. The various dVpaituiupo of learning, included In S'ooura ul Inatruclion en thorough and complete as tny pursued in the high est InalltutlofN of uuremmiry. are arranged undi l proper cl.isainiailoni, and entrusted lu a competent sod fill hi lit Pueulty. ronslsttng of s. ven or murt rrolessors and 1 eaihers, who Ii jve beencareltilly se Uctad. sod who are eminently qualified in the aepsi ate departmejDls anigoul bi ro. Public aiirtnlkirl la iSiratsHy Invites' to ihe supen or facilities otfurded by lba Coikge fut the scooin pFlsheU education of the young ; and an sileudiM patronage ia ihe more confidently eipo ted. since tha sole object proposed br ihe Baid ol 1uattes is io confer a public benefit, and not to promote private aod rrrdrrtdnal Inietesia, fsnarsl aud Tnltiou Ibreerlt Pevwton In Advauce. Baart), per Seaaldn, at V per month, tlO Tattlon elrhcTln the Classical or English Dvymrt-nent. 20 Music $20 French or Spanish IS ; Pslnting and Drawing 13 1 Oil Painting ILotNae d hi wvrk nd Shell work 15. Tall Jon In Preparatory Department, 12 lo IIS h Primary gd The Collage- Uniform, idopfed y order ol the Trusts, evJnaftu In .Hummer of a lain white 4reee -InWIour, oi annsesi liabU ovaterWief alwe elwe Mo accounta hereafter to bee eoad In stores, unlt se olraetly anihorlsed bypartaate) guardians, -at ta tt'bfJEi). C, MBMOENHALC,! Pa ei. Hr4 Trtaweea.' Keb.ti ) ; :.'.;,, 146 w.w 1 ' THE MEKl HINT TAILORING. WILL be coniinmd ss uso.il, ander the Super Intendsnce of V. R. Pleraon A H. 8. Kellr, In Ute rear ol the Store formerly occupied oy V. hi. PI reon, Agent T , , , , Having just returned from the North with a splea-dldaas-iriment of auods In the above Una, embra cing every article kept in un establishment of the kind, which wlH be aiMde up to order in a style that can not fall to pk-ase the moat fastidious. . . Tha fancy d. parnntnt emuracea ail tl e new, ele gant patterns and moat desirable styles. Fancy, Silk, an J 8attln Cravati, Suspenders, Gloves, llan kerchiels, Suirts, Bosoms, Colin. s, Ac. In addition to tha above, a variety of ready made clot hit g nmnufiiciuiid I y one of ihe moat fashion able Now Vork Tuilora, which 111 be sold at na low piicea aacan be found In either of tho Atlantic Cities For the liberal share of patronage which haa been extended I ihU eaiubllrliment for many years, we return our unluienud thnnks, and promise that no efforts on oi.r p in will be spared to serve our cus tomers us favorable as eircumatnnees will admit. V.R. P1ER80N, Auent, lor 3cth Hoard Aprils, 1RI9- 33, l-y w. MILLINERY. MRS. PEIRSON hsvlnu n.sociated with her' Mrs. Mnorc, ol the City of New Vork. in the, Millinery buinea, will on Thursday mat at Ihe Store formerly occupied by Mr. Seth Haid, In Maine Hl.upensltirgeaisiirtmnnt of Ladies Itonneis, Milks, Ribbons, Flowt ra, Cupea. Collara, Ac. Ac., ol' the latest styles and patli rr.a, to which they Invite the attention ol the Ladies of 'he City of Wilmlng ton and vicinity. Ail of which for efteapneaa and elrganee, cannot be surpassed. As the undersigned intends lo m ike this eslahliahmeni permanent, the Ladies of this city and vicinity may rely, that Ihey will at all lime find a full assortment of all articl. a in the Millinery line, conforming with the fashluna of the acaaon. V. R. PEIRSON. Agent. For SKTH HOARD. April5, 1949. 8. MEW FANCY AND STAPLE DRY GOODS CASH STORE. At tktV fcteVe foraaerly occupied by - V. It. riERSOX, Arent. rpiIlS rafweaCialithrrM-Dt will l e opened onThurs J. day n -xt. when a r'W and choice assortment of Fancy and Staple Dry Ooola will be offered. Akit is the detormiiKiilopof the rubi-criber lo adopt llie CASH system, ht' feels Confident that the pii ees wilt be Such as to convince nil who wish ' pur-1 clnie that h latd lln ir nilvnntacc toe, ill and examine j this stock, which will eoinpiiae ull the latent styles of j Spring a rid iiunimer Goods , j Having employed Mr. E- Moore, en experienced Merchant Irani New Vork. -the establishment will 1 be under his superindendence. V. R. PIF.RSON. Agent; tor ."Still lluaid. April 5, 1S49, 33- y-w. NOTICE. 'I'HR auosoriber h.ivioi,' obtained letters ef Ad 1 inlnisjlraiioa, upon all and singular ike poods artd d.altles, rigliiaanil creilitaof l'. l ward J. Bernard, deceased, at lbs .March Teim, I&4U, of the Couit of I'n .is and Uu.iricr 3, onions, lield lur the Conuly of New Hanover: Notice iii hereby given to all puraone indebted lo caid Rstaieio make payment linnu d aiely, and all persons having claims ogainst said r ale, are here iy noiiiied to present them, Within the time prescribed bv law, otherwise this notice will be iilead, d in har iiBnuir reeoterv. ' THOif. C. MILLER, Ad.aVr. Mafth 20. 3-liw-w STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA. COUNTY OF NEW II.VNOVER IN EQUITY. Clinrlea W, Oradlcy, vs. James F. DePeysler Kichniond VVkiiniar'h lUrifinal BiH filed, t Fall Term, 1848. Susan M . ( PePej-iter. J ' I rlin hearlnL' 'h Hill tiled In I lit a ca asr, H wis u nmong other things ordered and decreed, friar publication be made once a week for six weeks in Ihe Week y Coiiitn. rciiil. a newspaper published In llietown of VYitmington, notifylnit 'he Defends nis lo appear nt the next terra of tile Court of Kquity. to be held for ihe County of New Hanover aforesaid, at the Court llouseirt Wilminaioet, on ihe 4th Moa day after h6 -4 tti Munday in March, lr-49, then and thrra to plead, iletnnr to or answer complainants Sill, or the same will betaken yro eonfeseo VViinesa Thomas D. Mcares, Clerk and Master In Equity lor ihe County of New Hanover, uloflke this the 10th day of March, A. D. 1849. THUS. D. MF.ARF.S.C. AM.In E. March 16. :t,M) i0-6i STATE OF KOUTU C1B0UN1. Brunswick County. Elizabeth W. Mills, Fall Term. 1813. In Fquity Petition for Divorce r. Bin). O Mills. It ai-pearlne lo the satisfaction ol the Crtuil. that Benjamin G. Mill is not a resident of hleState : It il ortlured by the Court, that publication be madn in two of ihe oewtp.perapul-liahed lo the l Wo of VVil minglon, fonhe spuce of three months, notifying aaid ik-fcndant to appear, at the next term ol the Court of F-quliy, to lie held for the County of Kruna wlek. at the Court House ia SauihviiJe, on the 3d Mondny nfier the our ill Monday la March next, then ai.d there to plead, atuwer or deinsrto aaid bhl, o jadgeinenl will be taken prn confeaso. VMtneas H. H EVERETT, C.AM. In Eot. . by S.tJI'l, LAiSt.UUIM, Uep C. f- M In Kut i f ut IS in Jan G 1343. Chron. please copy. SELLING OFF AT COST ! ON Mondav, the second doy ol April, the Sub scribers will offer to the public AT COSTwd UNJDKB. all their dssirsble and weR seleehMVtock of French Irlah und American Spring and Summer Owao there neyrrhaa been a belief stock of Hoods t flare In this market. We will continue to sell fiom da to dsy till all Is sold. JNO KYLE A Co. Larcn 29. Journal copy. 8-tf ""VERANDAtl B0WIXS1S tULOONr X7L LLY deitrnnned to cater to the lasiesofrWe 1 puoilc, I wUI elate I have a bar aupplird with choicest wines, liquors, aud clgara. Aa a fealaoa tucr'l am ready io aerve up any delicacy tha mar ket may efluid. and am aver ready to serve meal a meals, at any hour I have ten pin alleya and a bll Hard table, to all of which I have added a bath houaa where warm and cold baths, and proper attendants are now at your service. 3. A MAURICE. April 5, 1849. 8-bm-c NOTICE. TH E Subscriber having obtained letters of Ad ministration en iha ewtate oi Phlllipp Ilaxa dere.at iha Maich Term. 1849, f the Couit of P tea a sod Uuarkr Seaaions lor the County ol e Han over hereby notifies all oeraoo indebted to his intes tate to come futwsrd snd mkkt aaymenl, and those hsv! gcJaunssgaineiksid intestate ar nollAed lo pre- J iiT"" 7V . : 1 "rS . 6 D' Il,w' Wrtltram taVlll Kae it,m,AA lA nts ft ltatl- ataaWiJaa rt notice wUl.be iiteadad 16 bur of their rreervery. WM. BLAMiV, Adm'r. MjrcntT. -6w AJ)AHlNTttB tAlrt LBS. A A COXES weorrad aLaee, (or sole by VJf ! I 1 April IJ849 yt. SADDLEmIURNESS, AND TRUNK Manufactory. TUP, auriKriber respectfu.Iy Inform iha pablta that ha hia recently received large addltlone to hs s nek of Saddle and Han.eae nwunllnga, ee4 the bleat ant! nai improved aiy, asxt la constant-1 iy mtnmact tiring, ai nts si ire on aiaraei aire. i, w meily occupied by OuyC. llolohklse.cfery descrip tion of article In the above line. From hia experi ence In the bualneea, he fecle i-onftdint thaf he will he nhle to alve entire satisfaction to hu customers. nnd all uihrra who may frvor blm with a tall. He has now on hand, and will constantly keep, a large assortinenof Coach, file, i4 jBrHIi Whla, Mulky llarneM ; (Ynfftr.;CentlenBsja Lady's Haidle,'ttiijXlJ3aildles, Biidlea, Vhlm, Mpara, c, c nil of which he will warrant to ha of the best mnterl-1 nl and workiiianalvp. He has also a large eMfl inentof , Trunks, Vallnew, Raddle and Carpet llaga, Hatcliela, fancy Trunk, 4tt. and all oilier at llcfea aatiallv kept in such eatabllsh- i mi nm. nil ul w let he oilers low fur CASH, or on j .hiiit cacpiT io pronipi cuaiomrrs. Saddles, Harnc-e, IVunks, Medical Dags, 4c. Ac. undc in urder. Repairing of al kinds done with neatness and despatch. Old Saddles and Harness taken In onrt pay for new. JOHN J. CONOLF.V. N. It. All accounts standing on mt kook over I six months, will t churned with interest. All per- sons indebted 1 1 the subscriber for last year will itease can and sntie, as ny t" doing they may pre- veni wnat would te aisasrreoble lo them end un pleasant in him as persons sometimes have lodo on pleasant things in self deience. J. J. C. March 13. 1(3 COME ON ! Yon tlrsit bare Clothes to bay pre pare io bu) tberaNOAY!!! THE laie arrivals at the CASH Cioi'hlng and Fur nishing Mtore of SCOTl; HERN 4 Co., Is proof (list they hsv.- Mm largest ami tveat assorted stock of luahionable Sl'UlNOsnd SUMMER ClAXTHINO ever before oflered in this place, which they are pre paiedteaetl at prices unprecedented cheap and all thay ask, to Insure them the greater share of public patronago, Is for ihe public to call and exanrtne iheir goods and pricea belore purchasing elaewhere. Men door to Ford's Marble Yard. Market at. neai Iy vppoaits the Carolina Hotel. March Jl. 7 UO ! FOR CALIFORNIA. f& f ST received a se Js,v. ejf eondloinfthoseCal- three feet hijh nd wairanted water proof intended lor I he diggings . AJao and asaormot4 of Goods suitable for the present and approaching season. Gentlnnen's Hoots and ,!!uoioes of varione kinds sewed and peged. Gentlemen's Congress galierrof the first qnality and latest a'.ylo. LadUea pattern lea i lit r Slips and Buskins do fine Slipe, Black, Urown, and VVtiito, lugeiher wilh a gcucrai neaort-ini-nt ol Children Oaiteis, Roots, B.o'.ees, snd Shoes of every description. Vt arrreeeKIng our Mpiing Slock by every Packet, so ttit oar aavwrtmcait wtN be kept complete. Pot sale, Sole Leather and Call Skins, of Ihe heal quality. ihe msnufsciurlng and repairing attendee teas usual. a. A C. URADLKY. March 20, 1819. Z-bw. NOTICE. T Kaigc4jn. bevs lave tu irtfoi m his Mends snd the public of Wilmington, that owing to unavoidable elvcum timcea he will be unable lo he here b. fore the 10th or Itih of April, whm he wl certainly frM heaea frairc'tiient by locating for tbe practice of hlr prorVa sion. April3. 8. FLOUR ryr BARRF.LS Fsyetrevllle Branda, aswrfed, SD I J Barrets F.Ttra Canal and Genesee 10 half bbla. juat received and lor aale by DF.IIOSSET A BROWN. April 7, 184ft j , ..J'.;. tlftow. FOR RICHMOND. THK Packet Schr. Sarah Eiaabeth, John 1 Sobers Masier, will have despatch for the above port. For light Freight er peonage GEO. HARRIS. ply io April 3 1819. 8 4t. COIIUlsllOll Al CTI0N BUSINESS, WILL. PECK I SON'S (OMMIUKIOW AND AUCTIOSr STORE RALEIGH, N. C, , CONTINUED AS USUAL. All bs hi em entrmatMl to nhnll be -. Executed promptly aud FaithfuJiy WILL. PECK 4- SOU. Weigh, arkn.W9 rOKKI PORK 11 25 BARRELS niee Mese New York city Inspee- tlon and reinspecud In Wilmlngtopfev a by ' !, u , ' - GFjO HARJUSB Murphy's BuJWIog. Ml. March 9!, 18 . 5 0oi anasU PelnUMlTabai 6o Willow ataauia. 6 do. pnintetl palU, Clollies pins, and general Wood Ware, 10 axe. Oranjea, UlUajMNaa, apvLe Ac. ( bbla Jrac kera, Sugar Cracker. Maitef, Pkae apple Chnnee, CtVaouiaia, thutar, UeAa, Cheeas Tana, ( NulriKlja, Csstaen, Maes, Cloves, Race Ginger, Ae. 600 lba. prime Proona, Cruahed S uar, Ckrinre" New , Ovleena Ac. 2 bbla 6perin Oil. 10 Boxes A M. Can . dler, Sperm. Tallow. dc. SO lira assorted Pickets, 100 Bottles Cataap, Praaertea, aH klndn, and for dais vary Lots lor Cash y t UEU. MYERS. ' Marekl. IM. THE subscriber his just rseelvad.and tVBowo penlng tu .Spring Stock ufOtatl.Ce)' and la fants Hais. My atoek laveiy lar'ga rfnbfsrlr tve ry style of Palm Leal. Leghorn, anama an4 Pn dais Hita. which wlH be sold al ver low price, fuv , CAirt. CounrvMerchaataaBeaWlatMewTork jobbing prices. O. MVcRS. I- Msnhre. . TO PRINTERS. I HAVE for sate a far of entirely in SMALL PICA percbaaad for the 4kOoe afahe less Cammw tialJUmtw, consi eitng of ill puunde. Ir In hand some uee and ef eppioveO) nnsaUsj. This feeit ss now lo eaea, nod will he au4eLlor gwed sU Mo the1 i paper, aenrlng Internet, far tan ner ejent lean she ' r r . . ' . coat ; or Jftttn per eeat lean than anas, CAaVMU i O. I. Bun 1. 1 Cvaaaarie I n.r.w q laia tr Iraefr Pauiva. 25 rrvalbr- ". OK . s'lll an I Feb 17. IIOfJlfS FAMILY ASD PLANTATION MEDICINES. HOlsrS INDIAN TONIC, A jtltamnt ondntrtr fuUmt rttrl for CHlJ.gte A U I E FK VF.R,iVrttkmiTt,a4mi emmtf M UUiout and ftrmUitanl f'tter. - Ttieearea found on ihe wrsppef bt MNJ! and TR.N years standi. are the mri remarkable on re cord, proving i tUariy to hav bee superior to every other known remcdv In rurlni. Iniermlllani. 9rt. I nttlm.a ... Tl. I.IUrx.Ta.l.li. al!l J . wv m v" i eiini.itu ,"" -". mtm reflef from using It. Horsing mother who refsl something lo invigorate and strength, n them, wlH B"d '' very thlag, taken in large uble spoonful 'hree or four limes a day. Do try rr. rriear 1 ' P' Mle HOlWE'tl OI1ITHaTOlT,ie nothing etloT m. rw van i n iiiamnnnf ma vrrjm curt for FILES, mid for Burnt, BtmUu, Exter r m. r i nal Korthtm, jHasftsa, Sprmixi, VuA Cm er H'rundt, wkttW e aaaa or beast, and aa an ri fernal application In ftheamatlfm, 4r rsets era , decided, and oWuVry aWsm itfir. A person atv r uaing trrtuwti, lt la Worfh fiv d.tllara a thimble ftll.T' No family shoo Id ever be wtthonr It a single moment. Prke 91 per pot. iiatrajGfi ecmAnt.ti nil 104 if vtmct n turf family lotd aa rtturmt FrmUy Akdlrtv, thtbutintfu World. Tktf ft hajn-ity txrmbimd totntoart dirtetfy araen tu arnesV anH tnmany, and attUttnalmrt in tsptlHng mil morbid or art-aof human, tvMrA tngtndtr ditto. TVy era tkt aWa rthaMt rare seer ditemmtd fut RUKU MA TISM. Try Unm, yt aJtitUd mtt t d y mp your tuurmdctt your gnmn,for Hurt w yl gvod in ttortfmr ymt. Sogrmni St'tAWr popularity that ordtrtfor Uum as a Hni h dttlmU fmrit tkt tounlry through lh mail, urtfrttpunUy rutiwtd. Ne person or plan tat, who has ever fried tl em, ouW wining ry dlaptnea with them.' a appeal to the hundred who have need them, mt tne Math of what we say. Pike 26 eenrt per boav I MOIfME CERATE, mdfidtd tattf Trr I Scatd-htad and Ringworm. A ears of 15 strevt mtandinr, by a omgk hot, and many other that ottmtdmwrtMtfhmTtyUdidrtadUttoin enre4n , tirtuti. Don't hit our wordor il,bul try U. Price sv cents per per. tVThe above tried, popular and highly appTOfref ot Medielnee may be petctiesed of sUthe fngglste In Nsrhvllte, snd frtinvthe Proprietor at tohwieaale and RetaU.nnd upon Inquiry may be feettA in alnioet ifrry town in the South ami II 'ut. Aft orders addrtesrt to GEO. W. HOTKE, ftisli vllle, Tenn., will be atteiMM to, and rfberaf dkseeanta madrnpoo fne retail prlcM. Prrrartd by GEO. W. HOUSE, Nashville, Tenn. For aale by W'm. H. l.lpplu, tVHulpgton ; . f. Scarborough. Mulberry, New Hanover L'e. Isam Armstrong. Roctf PtHtiti Lett a Carak. near be. Vtanuingtoui John C. VVouien KUiabntheosra Sonet A Carr, Duplin Co.j D. Q. II. Bradahew. ls land Creek J. B f- J. J, Ke la, taerTe Jaaara HuUlvant. Wotfa Crevk, DupHa Adam C. Dafis, Rockford, LcnotrCcM Uiaben Wallace, Snow Hill, Greenei amdc4 Rcveetl, Ww Hajoeter. April 1, I64. . Mrn-A IURBL& IRD, At Wll.mil OT, c rpHtaabsorlber iskeafhismefld at inibroi(ng M. IhecJllieneof Nw Hanover and lAe aerrooa ding counties, that he haa established the attovt ba eineae. In all its variety, in the eMing kno-ve ta me irrmgt ntporuory, next aoorlA ta.Uowen'a, od Market street, lete IM WlH be eoManAtly recei ving from one of the must uieasive maneJnoterfca in Aaw Y. ae Weil aa from aa aMabstaomeat la Baltimore, a eonatant aupyly of articles an hioiine consiatlng In part f M0ItCIIKltT5f Plain ami ioar 1'oamfuf Haid and Foot tknnet; Fin Plate ; Mantel Piece i Jure and Crntre TfU Ttypt Pastry Mobs ; Imptmhg Stomrtf brm TnbttM) Paint Stottti and.Mullar$f Winder and Door SitU and Lin ttU. In short, every article reqeired, elder of -tfaUaTi or American Marbles, he ia prepared fofarnUh, at pri cea that cannot fall to please and In a style of work manship thst eannftl kesurpsaserJat the Norrh or elsewhere, ile wlU attend to the dettrery and pat ting up of all jotie.hit requite hla attention thereby aivmg the purchaser the iroebie pf cm ploying ftp rten ed men to put op job after II haaheeo bought al lite IVorth: and he baa no beaiution in aayina ihat there will be a net! saving ot jtOlaZSpeneent. In bay ing of him, legether wkft lMarieo4"avtngihe work sound ot running the risk ot beeaklnA b - snipping a diaiancn. I Be puotic are reejieet isuy mviten io an ana examine nis stoct anal er themselves. Orders bv mall or othcnrli. the eeunlry, will be atirndc.l to, antf charges the name aa IVMvJf la,traa aafl inHtTmoM Wav alkiily ohVytd. 6. B. FORD. Agenta for Dttpttn County, at Kstaaaarllfc, i. 1. AJ J. Kelly. for Sampson County. al C0aie,J. 4 W. Jokn aen, wlrh sHiom nrtaitleva swbi be kft. Agesxf at Goidsburo', Gregory A Orlewotdl March 17. I rf PATE.VTakisvigsaeinaVf afcMrtarrtx. Tia' brace is deaigned for LedWe, Osnslesnan aaa ' Children, of all ages aod cJtmalet ttr i pvomou aa uonghi ansf S.eeefit i-oa4'k ceoluriiisty to the la wa of Ufe and healttl tnect lata kn Inatrlrt th. It neeon- only to be trted and" srovn an satwy gverf one of lta necMslty and ailhty. to artlcalara Mat eirealar, aiT' latereatrtfart Invtted W Cafl and eXamUe rkaykMee, for sake at SCOTT, ratHf A Co, Wartet sr. lawh 17, t84t. 1. AMES. ' April J, Ce 8. t HATCHESr 47 CAS 3, 40 Qreee j Ootak-a.Beat Ut aaie at A J. WILIiiMMN 4k U'a AjWII. I, HRS. SAIUD 0. KELLY, TUKSS this aa.had of kafc leading her f 1 town and eouMry frleaie. that keb i anrtntaioch-et' MlLUrtkllT he emrW.- laaiaawaf oneniaara handa-ais nasai'Saiet mi BAaneta w1t a snteaakd a4 njikianekie let at PltBTfCH A3n AMEJtlClJf TXJQWtXM naf SVooa of a haadeotM ktyla wVli a viriety el Faneyaa cieanf tha hteaa srvKtlaa' wkkh will U 4d ait ihe rhoai renantMble tenM. ATJa, statin a wo unornro- mjju JJfXTS carried aa aa watyr Mantiaa. t '-- Iter. fGPKeUL Adamsnrlr- aai TalW 4WV tm IT tt X Anril H U ,

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