'Wti tit nn in no . II. V . II I 11.1 ILliVV. , . ucaatae ugcuuic jwi-muuu rmunj mis. - 1 H rilUai jl tait fW fyVfrft"jfl Ague, . ani liUiiNffuveVas Humorous tuiets Jertl tithe proprietors will ehow.' u 1 Tu a..Bnese of the dese, .only .rwATI-theU energy, 11 jfr sUpfldlty, and elUicjf happily adopt iftDrmfer Fjinl!nd i&uM be. ;w j ,r frh-tfotounJodfopulifliy Wteipenslfe sale of tWej)ill have Induced persona to inmate them, end wrap thein upHeef Muivl reputation not their own. ,,v- !.. Tmjmiprletoreltvff put up these pills In their twn propor mimiM they may the more -effeoinally protect taem ul the puhMo frmn fraud,; hlch. (hey ouid not do if they had taken, fictitious name, or tin Mine vt tite 4aV Head tbefollowiirg ewtoneni : My fjtS.or, the Rev. B. HieaAtft, died AngMrt 17, HU. Wailalu hielite time, I maqufactured these' Pilla, nrA frtiffwm Hp In' rxe,anil etrrtosud them wiia wrappers, with hi na:n, by hi eoneent end atnpre'jutlon ; ho need'frequenUy to Buy to rwv'Now be very c ireful, mv eon, i t it iho Pill are not tnude bjoI. Hie nubile will blamo me." So by hie active euperintcn l ince, the Till have gained Uielt, repiya tl in as a Fu"i!!y Medicine. Sine ; his dOith, I have manufactured the Pills and put tiKin up In my own mine, a I deem it to be a IDocieg of deception to put the narno of Kcv. B. Hia- ji vbd, on the wrapper, and thereby Induce the bellil tint uu .upc.riulei.de inn manufacture of the Pills, .knowing m tlie eimc time '.hal It la not eo that he IsdlaJ. The, Pills bearing the name, R. F. Hibbard, are ui m afuciurel by tne. and. am the Genuine Jrlinbard's PUUpannJevy mj father. Rev. B. Hibbard. RUFUS F. HIBBARD. Be sure and auk fot R. F. HIbbard'a Tllie, , ' Ok-jts, This my certify thai I wasafllcted with Ahat dr -ndful Jiaeitv, Kevorond Atfue, end was re cotumundod to try yuu. Pills. One box was Juflident to complete -cure. Youro, respectfully To R. F. Hibbako ot Co. Prepared ad ,mU .yUilf Mid u.iiil, y R.iK. mt3AdUdLC6.. J6hii street. Nw .York, g nrral a'seuta for the United Society of Shelters, and by Dr. A. C, EVAN?, wholesale and retail Drggist, WnClCScrl;KicE 121 ANO$CKNTS.CI May 2, 1648. . ' - . . MARBLE MONUMENTS AND GRAVE STONtf AGENCY. , THK eubeerlWsire appointed Agents for one of tba hfl d MAKBLE YARDS lnConnoclicu, and will reneive order for Mab'i Monuinenis or Grave Stones, either lettered ornri which wllibe farnlshed at the ehurteet nolle tin. uioal reaaonable orlcca. We haverecei .'eda variety of paitorns,variousstylrt i:L the prices, which ma y be examined el any time J.C.4 R. B. WOOD, Duililtri and Contractor. SJuneU. 10- TO RENT. rpHF. store . corner ol red cross and front 1 meets lately occupied by Messra. G.P. & R. II GranL O. G. PARSLEY, Gusr. 12. 76-tf. Sept. ' BANK (HECKS, CHKCES en tii several Banks in ibie place, boimd In Books, and in sheets, for sale U the Commtrrial Oflce. -' FOR SALE. " A HO US K snd Lot on oortn aide of market street, end three streets above boundary. the house M few anjl oootain six eomtort- able Tooaaas'neke tiWMt aUtthcnind other houses on the lot. The tol la 66 feet by MA, posaea- aion ijiven liutnediately. Apply to C. O. MORSE. Feb. 9. Journal copy tf. 140-3m BUTTER ! BUTTER ! ! IRSTeuslity Goshen Suttertt 4 1 GEO. MYERS. VtrjnT2. 137. UST RECEHED, By (ie Schr. L. P. Smith. 5 Firkins Goshen Better, -2" Boxes priTMi Cheeee, a 2i Smoked Beef. Tongues, 203 lbs. Smoked Beef, , 3 BWs. Fultiwi Market cdmei Beef. 2 Qui ts Codfish Good, 20 Bolt. Irish Potatoes, .5 Dot. Uiu&U Brooms, Scrubbing Bushc dec. S Boxes Pine Ajple Cheese, Oraoges, LeuMoa and Segara, 200 4 Buabel Gunny Uage. . For sale low for Csh by GEO. MYERS. March 8. 151. TO LET. THE House fometty oeapred by E. R. Wood Iniiiiediats pssessioe fien inquire of il"tJ rw. ifig Mr& 8 w w . m a a. o 151 DYSON AND YOUNG HYSON. X Carty Beiea Y. H. Tea 12 lbs. each, iJi '1 ' Hyon 12 lbs each, of aeparlor quality sod fursile kr HARKlSS 4k DRACR. March 8. 151. ' BILLS OF .EXCHANGE. FiULtd supply of very handsome Bills of Ex ItjUot,fH )) ai (be frmmtnud Ofin. K ' A CARD Jubtcrlbtf Vkylog purchaaod the eolirf' JL Jlvii, eaJ Jfcii'4 (he lor tgrwojly ccupiiMl by Mr. A. X. Vi nl, respectfully soUate a coouuit a iL'e of the p iirj.1.iJ of hia cuitoiuera, and the pub' lie in geatroLwriubiltjl wiilei U liieme nnd a full as ii talent, of choice liiuily Urocarwt, eetd Ptu ion, at uu lo.t prlcee 4or Cash. ..Q&MGE MYER3. Jan. 25, H49. .lUv Ui-if. THE CITY n6tL. lij jiai a ueCjart Uiaie If aire iiALeiaif.i?; p. HAS bo recently thorwugMy rertlre, tad Veady lialpsoteti kf the addition od rg oj iijjt uf ,'lrasant and commodious rooms whivn rw tfivtMM tanytn the thty. The table at j4 larni icO wild ute beat that can b procured, itui Uic.iirgrtftino4fr4Ut:kt4te etfortc4. -I fio.iuk.iivtn tid ortlrr, welt TuriinUn4 with uroeaatat.tudetUNidirdby casriel ead xftimm 4,'. L.wrae weald iherefore respectfully tavka t w ,'uatM4 MT ivoUon oJ uUidrstotfeeeidveaMe g yioni.kt' Uie itubllahnunt. 3 J(tr js wm -4ft regadar attaadaaiee for FlfrinifnU m fttiavin tgreUs) treai tad tn oieM ' w ' ''patent leatiie?beltsI?; tTST Recelffd irjotl Ijige Msiriment ttilim J and B ye Pjitont Leather Belts, n.sortodvjcoior. Fur sale cheap by -.., C. MVER HflUer,; ';Kub.i.r;:;,u:'.:';':':. ADAMANTINE CANDLES. 5 boxes adamintlne candles. Just f;v!f2,X . CAKHOLL A FENNELL. Jan 5 125. sniPPLNG ARTICLES. F OR SALE at The Cummcrdal OJict. an ele gant edition of Shipping Articles, unoioning nil lews of OortijreS toWtive to ihe Mefuhortt's the Service. i RYE! For sfcle by 100 Bushels. J. 0 LATTA. 1 56. Jan. 23. LATER STILL, I)ER Schooner Mlnesot.i from Dobton. 12 Uood ent UocKers, 12 Nurre Chairs, 6 Small Rim kern, 4 !,w-arm Mahonny Nufr Chairs, ? Mahoentiy-arm Tuble Chads, 12 Child' Chairs, 3 Doi. C S. Chairs, 6 Boreaua, 4 Sofn, t Toilet Tables and Stands, 4 Card Tables. Forsnle at prl''i-s io suit thettmesby J. D. LOVE, ai the Rock Sprine. Feb. 24. Uti. MOLASSE, MAlKIJErJiiM) COFEE. Q f Ulids. Seriiiuiti Slolassea, superior qu ility liheevy bedUd and light colortlbO bbis. No J Maokeral and W) half do No. 1-63 togi St. Douiln ca Cofle,P hti- IwUier, nd for eak fey HAURY, BRYANT CO. r Jaj. If 1. CAMPRINE! CASIPHINE! 40 CENTS PCH GALLOX. For sale at the Store of J. G. BAUMAN. Feb. 27. 147 BOOK KEEPER DISCHARGED! IN ooaeequenoe of the unpleasant reeulia truni long credit and Ihe trouble in collecting, 1 am compell ed to -adopt a eaah ayetero, eo that ai'ter the Ifih of March, 1849, oo credit will be given! thie establish ment, as 1 prelcr "olnsj leas ousiness end giving no ciedil to the disncrecablc necessity of being obliged to colled according to law. .; . $. P. VOLLEY. N. B. All accounia and notes due the late firm of Hart A Follev will, if not paid by the 15th lnt. be put in the hands of an attorney for'collectien. llMchl. H8 BACON AND PORK. C HHDS. prime Bncon Sides. O lObbts. New Mesa Pork Scir. Urania, for sale by Feb. 24. Jrwt TeerlveI pe GEO. HARRI8S. 14b SALT. i:tn BUSH F.I.S Torks Island, jest ar- rived per Brie Ava, fer sale by b Artrl I BlttA.M US. 152. March 10 SEGARS! SEGARS ! ! SEGARS!!! JTJST Received, 10.000 Ho van Segara a very au pcrier article end for aale low for cash by GEO. MYERS. March lO." 52 RECEIVED THIS DAY PER A. J. DEROSSET. A Full aeaorlment of choice Groceries ; Also &0bbls. fineaouQd apples ; 40 boxes "rsniiea, Lemona.eV c, Ac. And wijl beeold very low for LA6J1 March 22. MYERS. 3. REMAINING ON HAND. FINE HAIRMATTRASSKS. 3 Excellent Refrigerators. 6 2 Patent ! homer Katne. F. CLARK. 7. March 31, 1849. tBLANK NEGOTIABLE NOTES. BLA.VK Negtrti.inle Notes on the several Banka In this place just primed in a neat form, for aale a: TheComaaerclalOlBce. March t7.. 5 NEW G00D$! MW GOODS!! WE have just received, snd ere cogs tarn ly receiv inn anL-nrllrl u.iriiiipni nf Itrv CinoJa and Ready Made Clothing, which will be eold at low price. N. R. Ladies are particularly lnvi'ed lu caU end xajnlneoiibexidaonieaiockoi Fancy Goods. - H.6l D. TELLKR. March . 3-tf FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE. 1GESCY FJli TBI f UTICTIO.X IWUm CU., or rrew xebsey. CAPITAL, $200,000! HAVING been sppoluted sgent of the sbove Lom paoy, lor Wilmington and vicinity, 1 will Uaue Policlea, on cargoea, Irelghta and veeels, and take Fir Risks on aa reasonable lor in a as any elher In- ttltitlen. . mm.IaJ will ft mm nl tv mnA hnnnn. y arfjeetH and paid, and In ease ee diRrrence, the Uuonvoi norm wreiine win o icnwimto. it. Manual aii QMereh Tt, 1649. -6-. JUJIBE PASTE. TV ST ReeelTcdet jAWILklNSON ACoe b. AprUl ORANGES" AND APPLES. Boiee. Oranf i t , ilbMs. Ap(leat TV HoIm 1. .n.nna Cm aaU h V 50 J. WILKINSON 4 CO. M.fch;2 . BOSTON LINE OF! PACKETS . jA 'THE foUewing VESSELS wlUssJl iV a teguhiriy betwsan thle port aaxi Jaoe- ffrf idsautttna, vli : - .Trfrl. Belg WM. MCHOUl, Cape. Js. LeiuhtM. ' Bohr. MtNNRMATA, Capu ailbort Uiftnon. Tteebete ere of the ftrst claee, w4 ere iMtnitiluModkf perieoeed aavlgetore. - 1 "iie . HAKrtlSS DRAKE. Ju.Il. '-.-. 127. , COTTO!? TARN, M sfl TJaleof-BW C.Yarn ated Mfabevevfot M.Ju9t J. C. LATTA. ; OctX4. 94-tf; it (W .'wi' 'nfttri.' flail J'.JiwtKmti WTK STieaT, WtiMIMOTOlt, JS. UAaOLl.M4, H AVE Just received thejr Fall Stock of Oroeeru r w : ! . crtniiinir In nirt as follows i' Btf "its prime Ku-en and lijtit Kio Coffee ( 20 bavs prime La guira CiiHw, aObngnnrline pld Java CotK e; 10 hhds. biluhl Porto Rlei .Sugar Slthde. MeadovadoeKignr; 4U bbla. beet claiitVd Sugar i 6 boxe loaf Sugur i 20 bbia.exira ciinirl Flour; 10 boxes io. I Soap ; 6 box a prime cheap Tobacco; 1500 bushels Alum ffcill. Camtlct, Starch, Suvf, Copptra. Indtgo, Hut phur.&c.,Ae.; Aluo 20 eusee Mn's thick and kip Hrogans; 10 caacs Women's and Bove' tthoea. assnr led ; K) eolla Mnft Ropes ; 4 coile small rope for bed cordd) 4 Ions (issorteil) Sweed s Plough snd Tyre Iron ; Double and ainjrlo-barrel Guns, e., Ac., JfAII of wliich we will sellnn reasonable terms.. N. H. We are under Ihe necesliy of requesting I persons indebted to us, make immediate paym- I nseurl) n posfioie, loenaDio ue to Keep up sue stock ol Groceries as our cuatomers require. Sept 2ist. 1848. 80-t APPLE RHANDY. 5HBLS. Applv Brandy, very fine. For sale by CARROLL & FENNELI.. Jan G. 123. GLUE. 1 F.RM AN and American Glue, of prime quality T for Disiilleia. For sale by DcROSSET A BROWN. Jan. 6. 125. SHINGLES. I fr lir( LARGE Shingles, for sale by 1 Ul J.UUU j. &, w. l: mcgary. Jan 20. I ARU. 5 Firkin Lard. Foi ealcby J HARRIS UKAK. I'.. 154. March, 15 SCOTCH SNUFF. 300LBS.r,r.alcotwiLjriNsoNAc Mnrrh 13 153. FANCY ARTICLES AND TOYS. JUST opened this day a splendid assortment of Fancy articles and Toys st J. WILKINSON A Cd's. March 13. 153. RICE. IN whole end half casks, of prime quality. For sale by F. J. LORD A CO. March 10. 152. FLOUR & WHISKEY. (A BARRELS New Orleans whiskey. J'43 " Faycttvillc Supei Flour, just received for Sale on consignment by JEFFREYS Si. LEIGHTON. Feb 15, 1849. 142. BUTTER and CHEESE, nprimearticle.inet re ceived end lor sale by GEORGE MYERS. Feb 10. 130. FOR 8ALE. 50 Boxea luperior Smoaked Her ring's. 5 Boxes Mould Candies. HARR1SS & DRAKE. Feb. 22. 145. JUST RECEIVED. 1 By the 8chr Urania, From New York. Of''0 Post A Field Bedsteads, OUi bundles Chuir., For Sale by Feb;t4. . . i 146 PKACII THEES, A consignment of 500 Peach Trees in fine order. For sale by GEO. HARRIS3. Feb. 22. 145. PLANTING POTATOES. BBLS. Pluming Potatoes. Received this day, per Chat. Miile, for aale by 100 MARTIN A CKOHLY. 140 Feb. 9. RICE. OrVtT'crce' freh beal- For sale by 6JU GEO. W. DAVIS. Feb 10. 140. UOARS. prime Porto Rico. New Orleans, crush Jed, powdered and Loaf, foi sale by GEO. MYERS. Feb 10. 140. DANA BROWNE. PROFKSstm of Music and Dealer in Piano Fortes, Guiiera and other Musical Instruments. Old Pianos ta- kne In exchange. Wareroom at Mozart Hall. Pro fessor Browne may be aeen a) Mozart Hall, or at ih Washington Hotel, oppoaite Cape Fear Bank. Nov. 6. 1848. 130-tf 20 HALF ir, luat r WM. NEFK'S. 141 Feb 13. WHEAT BRAN. BUSHELS, for aale by J. A W. L.McGARY. 146 200 Feb. 24 BUTTER! BUTTER!! 1 A t EOS GotheB Butter', just received per Seer. UG. W- Davis snd for sale by WM.NEFF'S. Feb. 13. ' 141 CHEESE! CHEESE!! CHEESE!!! O K BOXES a prime article, just received and lor 60 Sale at WM. NEFF'S. Feb. II 141 BACON L LARD. 500 Lla Lard euperlot quality. For eale )EO. MYERS. Feb. 17. 143. 0 RANGE CODNTY BUTTER. Juat reeelved and for sale by GEO. MYERS. Fib. 17. 143. CAMPHINE. (AN be had al 40 cents per gallon. Itlsonlynec J esaary to give It a trial, u we are convinced that Tnoee who try Ir, - VlUeonean4boylt. CARROLL A FENNELL. Feb. 10. 140 RICE. QOn CASIS freeh beat Rice With Half and WW tfmaJl iil-e lor aale by DEKOSSkT BROWN. February, I84. .41 . ORTH CAROLINA BACON. Rail Road mi fo? aale tr HARRIES f DRAKE. North Carolina Tiislifute jbr the Instruction i-i1 f.;i'.,H 1:1 if fi .( " ' " ' I ";i,i THE Sessions of this Institution, cominencee on the ftrel day ol July of each veer, and continue ten Months, when there le racuriuiof tWo months, giving Ute Pupils an opportunity ru visit tneir Pa reiiti and FwiUs. ' v -y. " ' i i ' i The lna'.itu.. n is ettuttee) on Caewel) 8quare a bout one-third of a mile from the State House, The ground occupied by ihe buildings with that adjacent, it the properly ol (he Institution, and gTanted by the Legialatuio ol the Siute. In ex ent it embracea four acres, a part of which will be cultivated, and the re mainder will constitute spacious Lawns where the Mule Pupils will umuae themselves, at proper hours, inathlctic sports, and the Females, in walking, or such oilier kinds of exercise aa maybe appiuprlate to their sex. , The main building In ihe dimensions of iia plan, is sixty feet by thirty six. It has two wings, each thirty-eight feet by twenty two, extending at right angele Iroiu the main etlfice, and projecting from each exminity f it by nearly the whole width of each wing. In elevation it embrace four aloriee, In cluding the ban nieni, and the wlnge three, and ie surmounted by a tower or observatory .commanding an exten.ive and beautiful prospect, in ihe base ment are the Uining-rwm and storerooms, and in the story above the basement, are the parlor, altting room and library. In ihe other stories are the family apariraents of the Principal and his esletanta, and two rooms set apart fot the Popils in caae of sick near . In the bssement of one wini are the kitchen and wuHh-ronm, and that ol the other ia eet apart for In struction in mechanical trades. On the principal floor of ihe wings, are the sltilng-rooms of the males and females, and the upper slory la occupied for dormitories. The chief merit of the arrangement consists In its preserving ihete two departments' as laraa relates to the accommodations, amusements and pursuits of the Pupils out of school, ao indepen dent in every particulars to constitute of them two sepurate and distinct communities, while ihe dining room in which both assemble, with the Teachers and family of the Principal, ia conveniently acceaai ble. Each department lias its separate areas in the rear, its separate pleasure grounds, and its separata communication with th school-rooms : so thst for the ordinary purposes of life, there Is no occasion ro pass from one to the other. The Act of the General Assembly, requ res that when Deaf-Mutes are unable to pay Tor their main tenance and education, Ihe J est Ices of the several Courts ol Pleaa and Quarter Sessions, should levy In the same manner as tales are now by lew levied Ibr the support of the poor, seventy five dollare for the support and maintenance of every each Deuf Mate as shn II be selected by the Literary Board, for the purpoiseaof Education. For further particulars, apply by letter or oth wise to the undersigned. WILLIAM D. COOKE, Princxif. OFFICERS OF THE INSTITUTION. Director. -Hie Rxcxllixcv WILLIAM A. GRAHAM, Pbebidcnt or th Koabd ; Ho. JOHN M. MOREHEAD, CHARLES MANLY, ESQ., WILLIAM W. HARRISON, SaraaTAar oFTHi Boamd. Trtaturer. -CHARLES L. H1N TON. ESQ., TasASoaaa of Statb. Prineijml. WILLIAM D. COOKE, M A. AwiWane. ABEL. B. BAKER, GEORGE K. KETCHAM. Phyrician. CHARLES E. JOHNSON, M. D. Mjiron.-M ips LAURA J. BARKER. Raleigh N. C, August, 1848. G9-ly-tw-p. GRAIN STORE. CORN, Cow and black eye Peae; Seed Oats; Fresh Ground Corn Meal, Rye and Hornony. Cow and Horse Feed; Wheat and Rye; Canal Flour. Bbla. and half Bbla : W hite Bean. Con stantly on hsmf, for CASH. Apply at the Grain Store Murphy's Buildings. av LLI8 d MITCHELL. March 15. 1M. AGENCY OF NaittUvi Mutual Life) Insuranee CiWany. T1F.R60NS holding Pollciee In Ihln.ffice aiejsOil- l tied that Sctip Certificsies. for their Short if profit in Ih buun of liu Lvmpmny are ready tor delivery at the Agency othce. ii, North wa'er-al. F. J. LORD A Co.. Agents. Oct. 24 . 94-11. NOTICE. R. R. F. BROWN of Wllratnrtoa N. C. haw Ing been admitted Into onr Copartnership, Ine buslnere will be conducted aa ftereiolore. without change in the style ol our Irms BROWN A UaROSSET. rew Vork. DEROSSET 4 BROWN, Wilmington N. C Jan. 1, 1849. 124. GRIST MILL. THF. subscribers have started tQrUt AiiJn con nexion with their Saw Ai, end csn furnUh Meal and Hominy of primequallty and at very short notice. JOHN BICKAKA Uo. Feb. 6,1848. 139-tf. SHIRTS! SHIRTS!! SHIRTS!!! fE have just received a beautiful assortment of f the laieat style. Those In waat ol the article, pleaee come and examine before purchasing else where. S. tk, D. TELLER. March 22. 3-tf SHIRTS! SHIRTS!! SHIRTS!!! WE have juat received the latest fashion of shirts with standing and Byron collars, call and ee si SCOTT, KEEN A Co. March 17, 1849. 1. TURPENTINE STILL FOR SALE. A TURPENTINE STILL with Cap. Arm, Werm, f f I An rM Tiik mA .11 Alkaif Maa.r AarlaaasM I a A A. awi v a as v fa iu sji trtui.1 truk m Hlilive)) n1 prima order, of either of the following aixea vis : 12, io (vt oi m u ..--I- r,i i - T .f. Enquire of, -or address by letter to A. H. VANBOKXELEN. Wilmington March 20, 1849. 2. DISSOLUTION. THE Copartnership heretofore existing under the Arm of PETERSON. CASH WELL A Co., Is this day dissolved by mutual consent. D. Caahwell at the old stand, win set tie the ausVeee of ihe con cern. E. PETERSON, D. CASHWELL, 1. PETERSON. Feb. 8. 139 WINE! OvQR. Casks Tensrlffs wine, juat received XX) sale at vsry low prices, by DeROSSET A BROWN Feb 1. TOOTH ACHE CURED, By R. Deechooe eel bra ted Chinese Ball. For ale, wholesale and retail by J. WILKINSON. March 0. 150. SPECIAL NOTICE I HAVE Seldom sod nnsr red my entire 8 lock of Groceries A Provisions, to Mr. Gaosoa Mvass. who will continue the business at the old Suad.and lo whom 1 recommend my former customers and friends. " R. R. WOOD. N. B. I have declined business preparatory to leavlnx this place, (early next month,) and deaire an Immediate oxttlemeat, pro and eon, with all persons having with me nnaeuWd accounts. t Jan. t. 1949. . lU-wj f CORN. 1 (Y eVUSRELS COIN Jasi teeifed par raU UUiwo4 and Far aale by HARRISS DRAKE, Feb. 10 140. JltPr tht Alarte, tram SfeW Yatlf. ( )X , f OHigb poet maple 4)edsieada. n 1& 30 Bundles Chairs, Kor Hale by Feb. 34. ,0T) HOT T 1 ' SUPERIOR TOBACC0(!;J Doxes Va Manufactured, a prime article and OW, for sale low bf j ' wWl,KU(pN. Mart ft f. " f ' 1 (i '" T ' ' 148. . , ; NOTICE, 'l1 jr. TT'ROM and after the first January. 1849, nn Frelcht 1 -will be transported or delivered without the freight being paid. E (ROBT. FENNER, Transportation Agent, W. A R. R. R. Co. Dec. 30. 1848. 122-tt SPIRIT BARRELS. QFiCi EMPTY Bble.largecalie and in prime or CJJ der. Juat received and for eale by BARRY, BRYANT A Co. Oct. Bih- W I . FOR CALIFORNIA AND THE GOLD REGIONS. CAPT. R.J. BAKdES, proposes 14 mike Vp a Stock Cinrrpiiny, each Indiyidual aub- eoribing snd psyina a certain amount of cash, the sum to be In proportipp to the number of paseengerj or adventurer ottering, purchase a good and substantial Vessel, the cargo and vessel to be owned bv the Company, and each individual to be governed by such laws' an' regulations aa the said CotnDanv mav make after belnir formed. Flfti'cn Hundred Dollars, has already been subscribed. Lspt. barbes is an expisieaced navlgntbr. having sailed around the Horn, seven different limee en1 wsll acquainted with the coast, and will furnish 7Q0 wortn of Instruments for the outlitini' of the Vessel, tor lurtner iniormaiion apply to RARRISS &. DRAKE Feb. 1. T 136 LIME! LIME!! LIME!!! A fC BBLS. Llncolnville White Lurani800 bble WvTrwaiasion Lbiie). : AJeo-ca1e1eJ Plaster, Plastering Hair, and Fire Brlek, Hydarullc Cement ; iwu DDIs. Lime,pc.t ror sale by J. C. tfc R. I'. WOOD, July25lh, 65-tf. DOO Bush. Corn 1 iW Uals. For sale ay J. 4k W. t. McGARY. 125. CARRIAGE MAKING. Market street, about 3DO ymrda above the Episcopal Church. , HESubacribera would respect fully l.iform tlia inhabitants o Wilmington, and vicinity, that they li.itviu tuo.r employ experienced workmen at 'the various branches, and are therefore enabled to manu facture all klnda of riding Vehicles, In ihe latest style and beat manner, and would respectfully solle it the a tentlonof all persons wishing anything done in our line, aa we are newrmineu iu five aaiiMiaciion Blacksmlthlne of all kinds, also, all kinds of re pairing done, In the neatest manner, and at reduced prlcee. N. B. Sign and ornamental Painting done in the best msnocziM at snort iur . ' WELLS 61 CORNWALL. Wllmlnfton.Jan.20. 131 NOTICE. FROM the presort dsn noehanra will be made for Rafts obstructing the Dock end Wharf adjoinins my Distillery lor. aad Ihey wliiln laoaas be allowed to do so, but when left there will be turned adrift without discrimination. t ' WILL. O. JEFFRF.Y8. Dec. 23, 1848. 120-tf. HOTCHKIS'S VERTICAL WATER WHEEL 11 7 BRANSON U Agent for the above Wheele In V V . this place. He wlH take pleasure In showing the Casting a teany parson who may desire to see thena There will be found at hie office a euaply 01 Wherla. Cranka or Gudgeons, at all times for( sale TOWING. THE STEAMER Gov. GRAHAai J. Is prepared 10 tow vessels whenever mJtXmJmt called foe. if not engaged on sn up nvr trip, t he rropnetora would be itti ahare of patronage, and do all In rheir power to give aatlfaction. Apply on board to Capl. T. F. PaJt. or lo J.A W.L.McUAfU, Ag ta Jane 20 41-if SAC SALT. OCAA SACKS, twilled and bleaebed-nine to C 0AJ the toa-daili expected, dlreet fron LI erpnol. For sale by J.AD.MoRAE. March 30. 2-tf. FOR SALE. fiK. (llWn hirrl Torc-enllne Still, with arm and V worm complete 1 also, one five barrel do. thai has been bat Utile ased. 8. P. POLLEY. March 10. lJ CANDLES. SMtYEit Adamantine. A 3 20 " fallow, ia .received snd for ssls by J. A w. L. ixjcuAni . Feb. 24. U SWEET CIDER. 20 BBLS. very aaperlor. just received and for Mia by J. vv, a, acuan 1 Feb. 24. B APPLr. BRANDY.,I 1 1 100 BBLS, Apple Brsndy, for aale by . VV DeROSSET A BROWN. Feb, 37. !4T-tf REFRIGERATORS, AND SHOWER BATHS. Ai Mi P. CLARK'S M.rehW. !'" ' ' 1 3- GOSHEN RUTTER. JEALLY good and Una at March 10. R. W. BROWN 8. 152. 8ILR UMBRELLAS AND WALK ING CANES. ANY person wanting a good 8Uk Urobrsns, or a genEel walking cae. wlH find Rr'' ment at . rr. . u . March nil oivia, n.i.fi FOB CAtoRWA. ' s Wa.rUM. Mavaal L4M InsMraaee Company 1 14 New rtS, vil sake rWuasj ike fives a par. ;:;,:,BuxsroF;IijUsffi i ITipLUr POST BILLa, OF LAINO. Xoiinhi jo. in hooks, ana eneeis, bibu L.eutr onceis wjiik 11 variety of mercuntire blanks, lor sale at The Com siarvfeU Qfflc, m -di i-m ; t'f '':- " vu i niii itne -int., Mihn'i rJQ RENT.' ''" '" ""l!''' jui TIF. Store 'on Ihe Souih side of Market at. wi djolrnng Mf. Auguetine'a. 11 ' XsiL also, 1 " 'i'Ha DliunttifT.fakiiLM ttvith ha-ilrnnm tlaisrhsiA The BtnrA sinrl ittVlin will lw ritlA ator. trn Itilv tV IctJl geiner: Apply to THUS. H. -WRIGHT. f eu I. .- - ! 'i-u FOR SALE. Turpetituie Land and Dutillrry. CF.VF.RAL Trnnld. rnntnlmntr ntSfmi IOr.fi a t O Turpentine Land. in one body and free from U uge! situated near Lockwood'a Folly River, and in ton-tf luuiciii uiamiieeiroin r.ii.nbetll River . ALSO, A 20 barrel Drattllerv. la tKd.rHPr tvtik ""iTool, ailuutcd or Lockwood's Folly Riv.r. npn about 3 rnilea frbil above laid. Apply to ' ' ! J filirn s n . mwrw ..... v Rvui. . uin.t,, vviiinincion.N. C. Neubernian copy Hi and send bill ;o this O.Sce. Pc-1- l3C-tf SOAP.-I00 Boxes soap, Colgales. For sale bv Feb. 3. 137. HOWARD p PEDEN. I NOTICE ! HPHE SubCrlH?rhlVlniT mnA nrranrmt ..l.l.l i aiiauiiicilia WJIllf Mr. Mnnklrisi fhr thn ant'tr-A B.i.. r 1.1 ir J biesTfrufc wmZZ.JZ"""yV"l of the seaaon ; which will be sold at ihe lowest CbsM iKOB,ut uiuoiuie lormcriy occupied by E.'R. Wood J 1 ntfntirL m-r.,.. a Feb I. ,36 ROCK SPRING FURNITURE WAREHOUSE. THE aab.crlhr nounce 10 ihe citizens ol V llnilnfctori ... .U..U.UUIHI; uuuniiee, mat ne 14 now receiving hi. Fall Sto. Ir r net Purnlturv. sinvtno .ui..i.,j 1. ui I w , . 6 .vvt.w i .illll-a aelt in the cities of New York and B00J the .I.Pn.Inn r "J " ', 7 recomniena II T( ."T . ' """"'i'" ior variety and e egance Ol atvle. besntv irib...i.u j -i- e. .,-v " I . .I ' """"""""I'i ""ucnea ineas. II 8 gH touelheMha mn.i nn,nii .....i. i l ' .1 c - . ,, , - --"'i'" oMft um i ne nn. ever on fered in Ibla market, end he thinks that those wlahlrrl lo nurchnaa iin r, i. . .i.... . j j i iiicu iiiiercsi ro can. IThM Mlowlna are aome of the articles comprised IntbJ SOFAS, UTI VMAXS, P I VANS, CARD TABLES, DINING do. CENTRE Hn UV It K AUS. DRESSING BURtAVS, EXTBSSION del MA I CHED do. TOILET do. I WORK do. SETTEES. rfA RMtODRS, CRIli BEDSTEADS, COT 4- TRUNDLE do. OFFICE CHAIRS. OFFICE DESKS! MA TTR ESSES, Bedroom Sets, complelo ; French Bedsteads ; High! poatdo. , Looking Groeaesi Toilet do., Sinks and --nln.IUvnnr an.; uoKinn rocaing ciialrrl M . hll.an. .1 . I A . , I . . . . . . . .,.,7Wi r rrnca oo. curl Ataple do. I .na nk . , r, , , .... ---. aw. n.u r ane.y vnnire t Windsor afiil vommon do.; ChUdten'a High do. For sal- si modJ Oet, U. -89. At ,le llotk v,-,,ring. SPIRIT BARRELS ! O Empty Spirit bbla. large site and in prfmr ardcr. For sale low bv BARRY, BRYANT A CO. 129. Jan IC. $H REWARD. rrNAW AT from the Estnf of Wm B. MenresJ .w iii nr mri, nrgro inmw rnilrn U r.JMt ) Oil HK.XRY MfLL. fir latiboul 5 4 lo 5 f.,.,r h InrhrJ high, well made snd likely he is quick spoken and! sniari. ne ia pronauty mrxing about ilinlngionj where ne nan a good many relit ..ns. 1 will oU.l reward ol S'25 for ..Is opprehenlon and delivery tu ravin -'umingion.oT io wm. i. Mrav nt .nraretl Dn. T. D. MEAHF.S. Nov 9. l?l-rr. CORDED and Marseille. Sklrta for wile by J.S.WILLIAMS. Feb. 6. 38, RIO COFFEE. 30 Bags Rio Coffee, now landing, ami for sk by J. 11 i MAW A. dt MU(N. Feb. 22. 145. MULES AND WAGON. T HAVE fuairavpl broken; (wd year old Mules and j x. a tour norse agon ana narnesa ior aaie. WILL. 0. JEFFREYS Dec. 23, 1848. 120 tf. COTTON YARN ! 1 BALES. For sole by J. C. LATTA. 136. Jsn25. COMMERCIAL BANK STOCK. 1 "18HARES Commercial Ksnk Stuck, for sale IV by J.rlAlMAMAl 4-AU.v. Feb. 24, 141 FOR SAIVFRANCISCO CALIFORNIA DIRECT.! TUK nw A. I. Coppor fnmcnfdand copper A I lwa nataT inil rn I ,rirliT hull I Kaimiai JOHN A.IAVLOll, Marlin master, .ill. sail as sbove, esrly in April. S caa take ihe bulk i-f200 inns freight and IUU passengers ror parileu- l.ra, apply (o U1-,U. w. vavis. Feb. IS. 142. BLACKSMITH'S COAL. 1 irW . BUSHELS of superior Allegheny Coal X Vlv afloat. Appiijte '- GEO HA II HISS, 17 North Water si. Jsn.2,1849. 123.tf. n frR. For sala wholeaale and Retail bv JtV ..HOWARD A. PEDEN. Feb. 3, 137, -rr MAIL ARRANGEMENT. ABRIVAIiS.- The Mail from Ihe N- nh arrives dally at 12, A M. no. do do do rtoutn do do do 9. a.m. Do. do ' dd Fayettevlflevta Warsaw, arrives on Monday, Wednesday and rndsy, Hrt the notirw arn Mail. The Ma Ifiom Farettr vine via FJ xabeihtown ar. rlvea on Tseedar. Thursday and Saturday, ai B. A. n. The mall from Long Creel amvea every 1 nurs- dav. S. P. M. The Mall from unslow Court House smves every Monday, 6, P. M. DEPARTURES The Msll for the North Is closed every day al 10, P. M. Da. do do do South la do do do do 9. A. M Do. do do Fayettevllle via Warsaw lactoeed o Monday. Wednesday snd Friday, 10 P. M. Th. al.ll for aratierise'via .iitsoeintown la i aed Tuesdsy. Thursday snd Saturday si 91, A. M. TneMaJirbTLnguraea ia - aeu inorsosy, iv, Mri!,ll. 154 March 10 Da. ao da Onslow c. at. as eo v,r.Wh 151. March 10. l