1 hiIiVA I luivri iriviMi votl nil the new nl w up- sJT 1 -1 w. the Jhv. I shult mi self return to JMazallAu Iery shortly, und I hope l) the, United, Style, (tin tired pf beiutf tossed about. j, , .j(I nave nearii riiicii oi ui rtunaieqi, uau-, , to'rtim, but never tried if, At : the . pretent UIDC ll IS com, riling mm um.igrccnonf until iuir like the Mexican ky aiiil . if poosiblt more changeable than in fjha United .States in tli same latitude. This,. Uiny eayl '"has h,.-ii an rxtraorUiunry yr. yours, dtp. P. S. The news oi OKI Zack'e .election li is been received, and win brought jjy me. f Juth joy and two terms to him, my I. ' "'""" ' ' ' f Yam the fcndon AW. Ilor rible Treatment ofildren. A nes of hrart-iickeninj events were late , iv invalidated by the Clerkeuwell Police. it appears thut Josejih Warrelinnd Qer.di.i. Wttrtwi Chandler were brought before Mr. Combe charged with cruelly to four children bdonjinsto .Worrell The poor chilJren who were attired in the svorkrhnus dress, were mere living skeletons, covered with mnrks of viVdence). ome of which were actu ally Icslcred. Their fcends'were shaved and ' exhibited ioms of scabs and. sore. Their bones were literallyprpxrudiag through their kin,' the were acarce b to stand on , their lee w)d they were flowed to sit oh the floor . l . i n.. I : .... . ., k I .. 297 B. deenoeedlhat while thr woman Ch-tiul I of was beating these children, a large crowd assembled in Ironl .of Aha jjame in city road, saying that a child was, being, murdered. He knocked at the door several times, but could not gam admittance. A ladder was procured, when witness gal up w ine nri,(soor winuow, when WarreU. who had a pi'ecoof wood fkn a staff, threatened to kill any one who ddred teenier his place, i he children ana the prts oners were in tli e room; their appearance wad awful, and he thought one of them was dead. Another constable arrived, when they entered the place, and took the lour children to the workhouse, and the prisoners were ta ken into custody. One of the children, Hen rietta, nine years of age, had a pair ol black eyes, and she sajd they were caused by her father's beatinirhcr. The other children al- po complained of having been ill used by the prisoners. Henrietta said her father beat her tor stealing half pence. She said the chil dren on that duy had rice and sugar bread and potatoes. They said they were, hoinetimes very hungry. There was a bed ajid brlstend, "ccc. on which the. pripoaeiV Flept. hut the children slept upon the bare Upaidt-, without anything to coves them, und i Iipl' upre puiilanllv in K stn lp nl" aLarvntinn. Bridget WaHer, a norse in the woricfroose, proved having undressed the children, and tiitdiugUiem covered all over with bruitea aud wres., . Richard Tyler, the prisoner's former landlord, said that he bad frequently f"i3ii the male prisoner bent the children, and titter cries alarmed (ha whole neiirhborhood, and pn has (aitoos) taonetraling -with him, be threatened to blow bis , brains oiu fr krtjrtgJ tliwiea Mri Cadia Vaeir, ,.the : dauohter., aurad toino wars whop appearance r wit e grms eyiipatbjr.i betg an wuui stwA Utiisi sce&t saw1 art lastly. thai WUujwm4(U r,,iyHHi n4 theivi'W. Mrs, Cbahdlei beat "her sboretliwis.. with a tbtokettchorcwe.wfaich broke fijwbfl ha was beating her. Warrdl asked, lltna tut whether he did nst make ber siav Ifcer pray ern after lyuigand theirtfig.i.CtMkdx-( taiqk so.- rrisoncr " nave l aoi senr rou into the streets with it paper on your back, with thief aod liar written npoa it. in orler la shame you 1 f Cries of Shsme I1' aod groans. I own I did beat her very severely with a cune, which broke Ue last time. Her flesh is in the habit of festering, and when I tound 1 had injured her, 1 shed tears," Oh on. "J Mr. orooo inquired it Hie prisoners wished losay anything to the charge ? War reU said he wns an accountant, 31 year of 4ge. uml had formerly nn oQce in the parish nl 61. I',iiicrts lor seven years. He had been jn America, and returned two yenrs ago to Liverpool, where he held a situation ss clerk. His will died, be lost his situation, and .his wii'e'sliisteuuderiook the cam of his family; and thy ttgantually lived together. He was i iuu iluMress,aiid would not degrade himself by a iplywg fo parish relief ; and be had Ire-qu.-ntly hud irt bwl for days together, wiili out fo:d. to atlord, his children succor. Mr. ( Omhe ordered that the children should be ci!u care of ui the workboase, and bound vvr Jhe prispnerf to appear to answer the charge... , FUNK ROADS. If IsfWa thts. Is ffcaNestasrn, HkUls sad Wss wtalss,. ftsaa, Rosds ars dsauMd Ja gnat mars n super cade gsii. JLosds ia Mrdcajai Jcsi ItUs. Do th rnsln Ues f eommawcsUop, s b twMtsrv'Asuuii pofw, fee buuncs ' Rsll Roads ssustadauaM lakurf felra mmam - WUtaSjps)(aiMtst awer toraa Ulerl Ktaxts bssim ssi, eaaniog 4afMclt eeawrt -aApsHStsd .nd wrll yooW.wUBS,, PWiU.,(sUdfc,M4Ml words, win beeotns die fnin to the UU Basils j ihy wtl be adianets, snd not rttsls.' 7 ' Whsihsr dtiswOI sstksesMln'tM'Skrtrrfi1, kbd pardula4r la Osorsta, lataalas m be sssta.l Thin ar miqy comlderaUMi waiob eugss s asnwsf weighed, before ar people sisbark loo ciuxiatveJf in ihestilerprlse. No pas can dpwbt ihe uiilUy of thess reads, If they eao Only oe made to pay evan a Urahsd loicrsst. Ths three feet Inirtiiriee, then, hi 1 regard to thorn, ssast refer to their ewe, trtr araba ble Ucoau, sod their aWroeiitiy. . 1. The coj of s Plank Road must dspeod ouiirely eMi drenaMUnces. It cannot be fiju-d wlib any uiinf Uks corialniy. It must vary according to the expense of f rorfiny, the price of Uibar, snd the con venience and cost ol htmbr. No mle, Ihoreforo, can bs kid dowa. U may coat as low as I1S0A per mile, or it may cost tviu ur thru titw that awn, 2. As of ihe toil so of lite incom of these roads. This mast depend opoa the extent and nature of the transportation, and Ihe amount of trarel enjoyed by etch ; consequently, distinct estimates must be made for ov.ty .ud, construction of which is eootoniDla td. Upon these points, therefore, it Isuseleaew speculate ; ts speculstion in'hl only tend 'o misleid snd dtrr(e the puoflc. i. Isrear4 to the relstive durability of Plsnk R ads. North and Soata, there Is also srast diver sity of opLilon. 8 ome person contend that they w., ,j li,wc, to bexu-Jsid once io every four years, while othes are of the opinion ihst goed heart plna, wairlt la esVily bbfstned, would last from seven to edirhsesia, The mejorlty seem to Incline to the bcl: yjat ft years woU be th grsaisss limit of durlrUy-serhiJvIt sua be sWsf lo base aU ss tihjsW spuo u arobsbOtrf si s.rtVY'ver A- 1 fAlsiBSBVwhlsa'we .tiiae, wear 'dkUsMsistlsffUoekseee be sat '-m$$ when tbsilssdU, Wesw ,u . ej frJMZntto at Pilot Hitert ar frstg f rrry m tbe SotiuVWaa. low I180U per milf. On the route from Griffin to West Point, ths grsdJnB snd Umber would prtftaWy coi-t mote, and Ihe espense mllit thusW swelled lo eZ,Z0O, orr.Wper nille. i;poS,llies lumia, now ever, we find lt'.lniDOssibleito srrive nt nt dehnlts con(usiofai.M)ur jrVsst -object, p h s lew pursy grapns, is is sucii u possiois, ssuiman ..-ih-,,,. ..,,- aent gentleman in tne seveni wu"" mruujin which the construction of IMsnk Rosds rn ty i c.m tefripTiiieil " Ourcolumns sre open, snd we will Be happy to publish the views and opinions of our friends upon the subject. THK gOMIViJilUUAL, VVXLMINGTOJN, C. CITIZENS' MEETING. . We hsve been requested by many persons, to in vite s meeting. of the Citjjfens, t Matonit Hull, to night, for tho purpose of aominating C'jndidyes for Commissioners of "navigation. It is hoped there will be a general attendance. SOUTHERN QUARTERLY REVIEW. We have received thd April number of thle work now well knownlo ths public. Published by Bus ssss 4b Jmbs, ChsrWon, S. C, st IS per annum. -,t nt -i . . ' - SARTAIN'S MAGAZINE. Those who desire to subscribe to Ibis valuable work, may have an opportunity of doing so, sa Mr. C. C. McCauMas.v, the authorized Agent, is now in this place-; who can be seen st the Heading Rum or at the Washington Hotel. This gentleman Is also Agent for Lbonabd, Scott & Co, re-publishers of Ulackcood$ Edmbufg Maguxtne t the Edinburg Urtitw i tho London QuarUrly Rttitw the Xorth Britith Review I snd HVurWnsfcr Rerlete. Specimen numbers of these works ean be seen at Ihe Reading Room. MOLASSES AND RICE. Those who have a good stock of these articles on hand, will hsve an opportunity of disposing of a part lo our friends in Rulcigh, ss the season ha come when they aro in demand in that section of country. Those disposed to forward to sell on Coin- mission will find prompt and faithful Agents in A. B. Stith & Co. or Will : Psca & Sok, whose ad vertisements appear in 'flu Commercial, TYPOGRAPHICAL ERRORS. The name of Peasson is put. br mistake, in our notice last week of the Superior Court now in suss- ! ion Judge Calpwell is '.lie presiding officer. In our account of the Cope Fear' and Deep River improvement, Hood u put instead of .River. Ills not so innch to be wondered at, that Read should be uppermost in the mind of any one who thinks it all. In our article on the Wilmington snd Alant bcsicr Road, where it reads, "from Islington Creek to Whiteville," it should read, "from Litin'gttan , Ac." FAYETTEVILLE PRESBYTERY. The Presbytery of Kayclleville, will meet in the Presbyterian Church in WilminKion, on Wednes day the ?d. May next, at 7 o'clock P. Mn snd will beopun. d uiibaSermon by Rev. Wis. ft Psscock. Preaching may be expected every day during the session of Presbytery. .TH PEOPLE. We have space to notice la but Vw'wsrds a new paper called '. Psitl," prtnUd la New York, by ,4 ---- . w ... ,ble sheet, well filled with miscellaneous snd literary natter, embracing subjects peculiarly Interesting to ibe friends of Ireland, and may be perused by our rsstivc citizens with profit and pleasure. Mr. Chables Jackson, the Agent for this work, Is now in town, andliatvand to appiicatisns. He will be found st Mrs. Wasb's boarding house. STEAMER GUADALQUIVKR The Spanish Iron steamer, of the above name, which put into this port in a wrecked con lltion, on the 3d of March last and had her bulwarks stove in a gale, with other serious damage to her upp'.-r works, depaird on Saturday morning last, for New York, the port of her destination, when the misfortune oc curred where she was going for some necessary repairs. We learn that Captain Lssbades, her comman der, is much graiified at the workinaulike manner in which the repairs have been executed at the shipyard of Mr. James Casblobv, asd also with the painting and gilding by Mr. Johw A. Passes. The whole K.. k.n i .i . , . . . . 1 has been done in a stjrls o. strength snd finish, equal to any work dooe at sny other pott in the Union. She started with the U. S. flag at her main top- msst need, and the Spanish flag at the misen. A number of vessels in th harbor hoisted their (lags, in compliment to the departing stranger, sad guns w. .re fired from the different shipyards, and fcom Water Street, near Dock. The scene was pleasant, as evincing a hospitable feeline a the part of our citizens, and friendly sea tlmenis on the part of the vlalters. THE FOREIGN NEWS. The foreign msi la of mnch Importance, snd Is onsswhs disastrae ts (he hopes of freedom. The abdication of Charles Albert, checks for a season the Srogrses of free principles, as that prince was liberal In Ms Semtments. He was opposed by Austria ths Pope and by roost ot the lulls a Nobles. ' v The rppe will (irbbably be restored by means of itk armaa'thtarveotion on the part of Austria. Re publican France will also join in ibis league, having some time ago snowed, aueh sn Intention to (be lirit. Isb OovcrhrnSnt, cud the letter appro lag of it. It ts uatOKunsie lot lbs people of Rome that the Pope tanaot aM nMomiaion in their efW Ions. Instead or Uio swore of fortlgn powers. Naples snd fiiclly sre far from a reconciliation as sver. Tho aspect Of European afl'alrs Is gloomy and ws fear the elements are In motion that will re sult In s general war; la which case Despotism wi) sasuredly triumph. None of these things will Injuriously ofleci ths United 8tste provided we mind oar own .business. A war in Europe must always be sdvsntsgeous to our trade, no that We are sufficiently powerful to csuse our nsutril rights to be respected. WnaisoTos N. C, April 23d 1849. Messrs. Edl:ors-Ml you oblige Many Voters by inserting In your noxt Commercial, the following Ticket, for Coromissiqiyrs of Navigation." The gen tlwnea who compose the ticket, are all old ell liens, aos 4 fifths of ibsm wrrs members of ths aast board i aVAMS J7. MokEK,8aas . - i - '.JOlUK WALKER, is ea . - t ityMTTBNCOURT,- .VatittCOlfAN, inuico9TON, vTn CTironltl iad Journal wllL soOlsr I favor bv - - - 4 Fur tit Commercial. - MEETING OP THE'STOCKUOLDKA . pursuant to nonce, ;wo juLiiuiui vt v Fear & Deep-River Navigation Compsny, met in Pliisboro', on the 14th of April. The metting was organized' by iho appointment of Dr. F.J. Uiiti ol Brunswick Coui.ty, a- Chairmun. and! M ' Q Waddjil and Wt. Stsomaw, as Secret nf M. Dr. XI i II, upon taking the chair, addressed the meeting at 'some length' spon tlie" subject of. tlie contehlplaied work, In his usual hoppy style. Tlio meeting wns then successively addressed by Dr 'S. McLisniiiilmn, It T II.iwj. . Col. McNellV Cant. Gilbert Poller, of Wilmingtoii, and Col. Thompson, (the Enineer who iiiuiUi the survey of (he ; Rivet,) In s manner woriliy llie c iusc, and they took their seats . .'I cheering from the numcruus spectators present The Books containing subscriptions fi,r tile C ipi tal Stock of Jhfs Cufnpany, being" presented by the various Commissioners appointed' ly toe , General Assembly for that purpoacvit ill CJcfli's table, it apt. pcared Ihiit oont 990,000 of the Stock had been ta ken by individuals j ahd'a ' molfoWjs rtiWdtoifol)n H. Hwihion,- Uiat tbe yprwenlajivpftJiie . jbtajo, N. A. StcdriisA babliowdt' the rtgkior'Csitngk'the Stale's sots in oil quetiipns before the meetingand ununimouely carried. Thcfe being Sufficient number of votes, a pres cribed by the act incorporating this Company, the Stockholders then proceeded lo fix Ihe sslnry'of the President of the Conuisnylsit 'll'OOO per annum, and combined Iho offices of Trensurer and Clerk-of the Company, with a salary of 91.000 per annum.1'' ' On molinn. U wai RetolruL That ths Chairman appoint a Committee of three persons to audit the accounts of tho Treasurer, and ni'ike annual reports to the general meeting of the stockholders,; and that the bond of the Treasurer be in the sum of 850,000, and be apprDved by the President aod Di rectors of the Company. An election was then hrld for President and Di rectors of the Company, and resulted in the choice of Ir. Spencer McLennahan, of Chatham, ss Presi. dent, and the following persons as Directors, vis i John HiIaughlon, Peter Evans and Thomas Hill. Mr. N; A. Stedmun was then called upon as tho St.its proxy, to appoint two Directors on beholf of the Stute, and he then upon iippoinled Isaac Clegg, of Chatham, and C-d. A. S. McNeill, of Cuinlerland. After tliis appointment doubts were expressed as 10 mc authority ol llie sialc lo mane sucn appoint nicnt, irAcreupon, on motion of B. I. Howie, it was unanimously Resulted, That the individual Stock holders in this tneetini; entirely concur in said ap pointment, and that they do hereby ratify and adopt the appointment of Isaac Clegg and A. S. McNeill, as Directors of this Jinnpsny. On malum, U iro R fired. That .another general meeting sf trio Stockholders of thin Company, oe heldia. Pittebnru', on the second Thursday in June next, and that thereafter the annual meetings of the Company shall be on tjie second Thursday in June. . Committee on aeootiati'iulm tT, .Jackson; William T. llorno and Nathaniel A. Stednwin. On motion of John H. Hqugi.ton, it was Retolred) Thiit A isthe scnye of this nteeliBU-that ihe esi- ' Q sstfto,J .Tlia kbiess of thestW sress . unr' dert d lo the Chsirman'j eteWrUsv6r ths Man ner in which ifcey nui (fls'chhriithidr duiiisyj- Af ter wWoh (BMswesMa4joitaiiHissdTBrs4 dAy iJoet; i u.-i '- . j,"ri,v. ( l On siotient it trS Retolvtd, Xhat .th. Jspar In ri'i-wiu- sue wtitiiiisjwis ivsabutd j uta.li)t- ihe prooemllMpa-of ihis ro4iri7 tmfrrrsr-tiirbrr Papers in the 3 tare, faVdrtble WWS cause-, i-. quested to copy the same. - PREDi J. HILL, Chairman. Wm. Steoman. . Sects. la the afternoon, lha President and Directors of the Company held a meeting and elected Beoj. I. Howze, Treasurer, and Win. B. Thompeoh, Engin eer, of the work. Froty Jhe flhrtk Catolihan. A RARE OCCURRENCE, AND UNPLESANT RESULT. A friend hvlng In Chatham county, hns Informed ur. of s very unfortunate afluir hi h hos occurred wi'hin a few weeks back. Some twelve years a,-o, more or less, a man and his wife moved from Chnth sm county lo the west, probably Louisiana. The wi i', however, soon came back, but the husband re- ii. t DSd t ana it was lor munt nave beta) mf)Dood thaisomething unpleasant hd happonsd, or some disaree.et had take., plue. which led to her sum- .7Za n.M..,. r, ffr.i; ".,..i. sh- i... . one has ever since oeen living in Ctuthsm county i snd although no regular correspondence was carried oa between her and h r husband, she had occasionally heard of kl --.J I - II.. . I I I ,.. ... I iiiiii, mi" ii koiiciiiii Buppuseu. aim urouauir oy herwl, toJi th W9UJ WZ ,or t back to hef new home. Until very recently,; she nui lllH netn of hirr. lot four 7rs i und thickini, probably, tost he wss either desd or hvd emlrelr forssksn her, she, s few weeks ago, married s young man of the neighborhood in which she lived. They had not been married more than three weeks before the former husbandi appeased. He heard of the marriage, but took K very Coolly, and went to the house of the new couple to see them (possibly to wrsh irtemmnch joy ). HlS'sppea ones, ss msy well be nrpposvd had no very happy eifsct 1 sport1 either the leelings 6r the restores of the anfonunatdlr. X departed spirit suddenly appearing among litem could hardly have wrought move, terribly on their feelings. Bat ss (he visiter was so calm and Inof fensive, exhibiting no raffle of f emper, the first shock psseed off, and is he seemed only oSsposed to rtke of the hsstv second love of his better hslf, the trio at las: settled down lo a conversation, aod the new gurst took les with his wife's husband I But be de parted again, nor claimed sny-lpt sr part In her, The matter haa been a fee rleVil theme of conversa tion to that section and the question Is discussed as lo which has the better runt, snd which stithl Is give up, eVe. Act snd lastly, whether th IiM has band will claim his wife, or quietly absndoa the I premises, snd seek his fortune anew. As yet, so far I ss our information goes, he hns expressed no intimation ol his Intention, which we have no 1 ubt wort'ea the curiosity of the gentle sos In ' neighborhood very much. We suxpect he kt one of your inditferent, calculating Individuals wh Is much harder to see througli than a mill stone with l hole in ll. It Is said that the new husband took advlco of a ki' yer before ha married Iho lady. He must have bm n "a learned judge" who advised such a match I "Second Daniel I" Another sinfularpart of Ihe business is that It seems to be very qaestlonablu among th people of Ihr neighborhood, which hosband ihe lidy loves best, even now. And some h ive suggested that If I here should be any question as e who is entitled to her, that It should be left to her lo decide. P. 9. Since iho shove wss written we learn that Ihe former husband has taken possession of hie wife, and ihey are now living together. FVom the Union Rone Democrat. FIRE ,AT THE PENITENTIARY. Afire occurred In the Foundry building, at ths Penilentliry, last Ssturday afternoon, which dsnioy sd ihs rout of the building. ForuinsieW, -r-et. aces arrived on thsbasUa time, wlib the iofire sgless 'sadssaisiaed In arresting ihs flames, vrllrs out ianbav sasnsa. Oar ell ixsns wars weliseoood' td U laser pUant sdferts by lbs olBcsraof ths Psat fsntlsry, ss also. Ihs sons lots, who worked Ike good tslbma.,,-s . 'a3 ' ' , lioosthsabova waste type, Mr. 0. 0. McHattc hst Iniarsnad asihe the entire damage by ths firs will not aTthtotof 1200-sll of which Is covered by Loturs'sce, ' Ma-Mo Hattost desires us on the pert of tho Itsxees lo return thefr most giule.ul thunksto the tttlBu. s, mr their c-jteruons in soring tno proper mi itlhedcmtf bye EuropS-M'fty re- j:eicrd of thej'JJice iXUlw ork Jhrulil. LooirFBioAV tiviiXiito, Y"" 'iA A'A'i t "-IT (!'n(Aprllt34'J. S , My last loner wn mrwardoif to yuu hy the--S.u uh Sands, which sad. d from Liverpool on the 27ih of March. In the ten days IhaHiuve dapped sfijep tl)en,;nny: tf et of iii(ikithc4 baveifccdrfet iii Europe. Our funds have ,1)6 n fluctuating consid erably,, with an upwurd . tendency, and. thceuddca solution of the Iinllan question has contributed lo re-. Riubllsli conflilence Unit, the; place Of j Europe will not1 be disturbed'. The- Wircklitld'onlTe Ualiic, it is true,, and ths incut quesiitfn nu, ponding iu Berlin, but which luily-eight hours :iiuk d.cide, nic still c lust-s of anxitMy. As wc have weathered the storms so ion?, let, us hone ,tll'U we may euiher it -till longer. For the rlurluaiions irktne funds, both here and at PbVls, I must reYer you so "Com merciul Intelligence" siirrexed. , n t f TIU: ITALIAN NEWS. As I stated on the 28th tilt., (ho adooents received tit Perls of the de'eut of the PiedinuiStose 'army by Kiild Marshall Radeisky, caused und immediate rise of more than one per cent in the French funds, with a propSrdonatei rut lieroj pprf Jmiinent a dpubt arose as to whether lb victory oi tho Jasr tiiflri was so eorhpleteos had been shnoarteedi then coirte the essSraJSiloa, with tioi asrnounce ment of tho abdication of King Chalres Albert, and the -conclusion of an' fcrmlstTc as a preliminary lo permanent poaco. I subjoin, under, the head '.'Italy," full and authentic recounts of the war. So rapid and dextrous a movement as that of Ra deisky Is pci haps snrivelled. ,,'l'bs King ol Sardinia entered Lombdrdy at fho head of his' army, when the aptjve octogenarian opposed 'o him, suddenly, by forced marches, splits tne "Sardinia army m tws, and in two fierce battles put thorn completely to the rout. It was a bold arid k hazardous movement; for had he been beaten, the war would have been a protruded one. In the National Asssmbly of France, the Mountain, represented by M. Ledru Rollin, and the war party, demanded armed interventions in favor of Piedmont and Italian independence ; but it wns a complete failure. Nine months since France would have poured nrmed legions into Italy; but now she is sobered. Lnniarliue's famous manifesto is held up to ridicule in the Senate of the cx-minis-ler of Louis Philippe, M. Thiers; anoS non-intervention, at least, is demanded, andls carried by a large majority, by ihs rejection of'lhc bellicose proposi-' lions On the announctment of the ubdicutio l of Ch irles Alburi, lha fund again rose ooimidirahly. France is peaceably inellnoi, Tlio cause 01 Italian indi-pe-dencc is lost. France is not sorty for it, but ruiher exults at the defeat ol the republicans in Daly; a deutli blow has Ikii givnu likewise lo the repub licans in Franco. THE NIJW EMI IS It OH OF GERMANY. The vacillating eentlemen who conniiuto the Parliament of the central power at Frankfort, have at last elected the King of Prussia Emperor of (Jer iiriny. A deputation was Immediately sent ol Ber lin loofl'ur him that high dignity. ' THE ANTICIPATED DANISH WAR. The KiiiK of Denmark remains firm lo his con- . diiiona lie will not cede an inch of his rights, anT is determined to fight it out. "Whatever may be Iho consequences to my sell personally, or my king dom," he is said lo have observed lo a foreign diplo matist, "I will maintain my rights with my swbrd. THE HUNGARIAN WAIt The war in Hungary continues unabated. Bow, (a Pole,) the coiiioiander-la-chtof of ths Hungarians, thrashed S body of Russians the other Say, and look ihe city of Hermsaatndi by atofm. Ths conse quence js, that 30,000 Ksssisnssre ssid m have crossed the frontier, at the request of the Austria. AJFFAIR.4 IN ENGLAND. In England Everything Is In tlatu quo. Canada and the colonies keep Sir .Godrga: Qrey snd lien- Ju...n. Um U. L,ktl rivw. Tho fortnor nas"oieTi made a G. C. B., as a compensation for the annoyance he is put lo. Mr Ward, Secretary Ol' iris Admiralty- his been' appointed Governor General of the Ionian Island, snd is sucrcsited by Mr. Tufnel, of (lie Treasury. Lord Gough has bear en the Sikhs; so wben Charley lVnpisr arrives lie will have nothing? fc do. The dstails of this battle did no reach Bombay in lime for the slaantcr. The following is the official account of the bntllc of Mortars, as published in Ihe I'tenna (lazette: UATTLQ OF MORTARA. Field Marsnal Count Radetzky had concentrated his niuin forces near Pnvia on the l'Jth ; his plan was lo mk t lie enemy believe that ho proposed crossing the l'o, and advanuini,' on Alessandria. On the 'ibih he crossed the Ticino on ilit rent poinip. and sdvanced in throe cisHur.n on ihe mod 4o (Jalasro ; and the third day's m.iah Mic riglit column reached ZtrMo, ihe centre column Grapello, nd tlio third Dorno. Tbe e licit y, which hid only Jaw sdvltiixd outposts on the Tictntp, appenrud to retire, with its r!,u ""."''' to ,uuu strong unotr command ol the Duke of Genoa, within the lines o; Vioevono ond Mortara. On die 2Ul the kiiny .. . ailll ,.. tlir.. ....Iititina th.i lull fntt ll .run UMiailU, Dill, .M.VV .IU.,., .1V ..II .full. ...u towards Mortaro, Iho oentrs coUlma trom Urapello, In the direction of Guinbolo, Ihe right column from Zerbolo towards Vigevano ) ths latter, consisting of Woeleinulli's division of the avant-garde, pushed on to vigeeanOf where It sustained a brilliant enevsn ter. The middle column (the division of his Impe rial Highness Archduke Albrecht), lite left column, consisting of the first division of Ihe srmy under the orders of Count Wradlslaw, general of cavalry, ad vanced direct against Morlora, which was attucked with undaunted bravery on all sides, and finally stormed. After three hours' fighting ths enemy wss completely defeated. The trophies of this first vie lory sre 2,600 prisoners. 6 staff, and SO superior of ficers, 6 pieces of artillery, W ammunitions cat risgee, snd s greet number of arma throws away. The Field Marshal notices particularly the courage and bravery displayed by the troops generally ; but the merit of tho storming of Mortsrm Is das princi pally to the etkrta f Cotonal Bsosdslu se the hesd of the regiment Oytirsl. ' Oft ihs Tt the Field Mar shal sdysnced la to cslunmSipas from Mortars bjf Vespalcie, tne other from Vlgavsno by Trecatr, in the direction of Nt? am. 1 WELDEN, Civil snd Military Governor. Vienna, March U, 1849. THE BATTLE OF NOVARA. The note is dated from hesd-ousrters, Novsrs, March 24 ; hour, midnight r 1 had ths hoaor lo inform your Highness In my last despstch of the advance of our army lo Mortars, and the brilliant action which led to the occupation nt thst ploce. To-day I have to report a much mo c lniprtant and decisive belli. The the enemy, cut off fr m their proper line of retreat by ihe capture of Mortara, determined to try their luck again, and with thut object they took up a position ot Olongo, before Novsrn. The '2d srmy corps, forming the vounguard, under the orihirs of gnilant MaHler ol the Ordnance, Baron d'Asprc, marched yetferday from Vcpol.ne to OUngo, and (here ' met with enemy, who had drawn up on Ihe adjaoenl height. Their uncxpsct cd strength made the result for some time doubtinl, ts iho 2d srmy rorps wss for some time deprived of Ihe sid which whs coming up behind. On ihs right flank of ihe enemy I had disposed the 4th, supported by tho Ut srmy corps, In order completely to sur round tliem on the opposlil sldo of the Afognn His Imperial Highness. A'Chduke Albert (son of ihe lulu Prince Charles,) who eommandd the vangaard , division, sustained the enemy's sitack on the front, during seversl hours, with heroic bravery, till Baron d' Aapre, together with the chief of tho 3d corps. Field Marshal Lieut. Huron Appcl,plscd this Istter body, with clrcumspcctWHs. on ths two wit is 4 the Arch duke's division, while I my If led ths reserve corps behind his cvnus. With the unpsrslelled courage and ardor of my brave troops wt succeeded In keeps pig our front, till ihs4'h corps, under the prudent Jl rfsliiin'oT Its lesder, Field Marshal Lle.,1. . osnt Tburn, operated beyond the Agogns, upon the right tank or the 'enemy, o pew rruny, thai towards evtnlng, thrown Inteconhrslon, rhey retreated at sll points, snd no choles left then bt to1 k refuge In ths mountslns to lbs north. Ths seal In his Atejaf-) ty's svrvke bordering uporilnsplrstlon, which wss' Isplayrd throsghout by my noble generals, bravi ollicuisnud nienl iiienlionwlthleelingsol emoli nl Every one wrwa hprp; nndjo rwjusrri shontrljnamej nil, tor the eouAigcou uhaiiiiujtyfiot UfcVljigm-st to tlw lowest, ii8 wtirtliy flf the Mtffi Vattsool our Emperor." oor.rwulsi;hlsj MujiitV in having! such In uoy.JIWrtfW.thiiiwas tjid wuicliwurd; ol llwbUe; Oen.; Baron ppel, Count ilium, wnose corps fought In the first line of baltle, deserve i ihu highest enconil- , rnrriK-- u AsproTii parucuHir, uaS oaaca s rauret to . I . I ....!.. I. JM..jnritnlitntnnn.. I t I those ulruudy liis. Close upon him comes the Arch duke Albert. This nugust rrince, who, anxious to try -trmylh before the enemy, had volunleesed to take (hu coniiiiand-in-cliief. It may not be g ner tilly known thai this priuco full into', disglujcs Hi tho the first days of otif revolution, by ordi'rln? tile sol diers to fire upon tho unarmed people. Ho exhibi ted rin this hot d y an astrtnishlngfirriincH, and mo ved not an hiich frmn hi sferjous posiliortj The do corstion of the Cross dfTneretie' would lie but n just recompense for his services ths highest military or der In like milliner have the following pUioersdis "lin&ltlsrNttl themselves : Field Marshal Cleul. Count Schallgotsche, of the 2d corpo j Field Mafnliaf Lieu. Culo-., of the 4th ; LycknoVsky, of the 3d. The rest of ihe staff andlsQpkitlor olfloorsf l shall mention on unoiher ocrnsfoh: 06r Ifjphies oro twelve guns, one st:indardk 2.0QQ q ,30v ps-isoaar : Ths Toss of the erwigy,. ps far a esa. ,Uo. awertained, aniOUTitS tbiwo'ietlerals kRlcHf IrkteenMkrf oMBcyi's killed and wounded, SJJOvvr 4,1H)9 men. Our loss on (liis Important day was olso very considera ble. - The reWmsnls-hnd'oattariMis oY lh "first 'line of battle, have each from ten to twent staff 'flitd tip per olficere kili'-d or woundod t in aU, ws heo lost from 2,000 to 3.000 stjef t)Ww9ul froshl .8wch ; every man wateWoe tWfrstr- The battle lasted m,orft Llovl. ilens. fiitart srtoiesKif GUfjekul. ore tbb 'flildj M direct the further oursuit tI iheeiittniy, a flag of truce was brought bV Otmcfar CAsfcrro, whocame on on the partol cK3bI3aTdlrddwlibropo8ul8 forsirucc, requesting ut the same tlm, a a.alop might be put to further hostilities, till tho ' Assembly st Turin nad been sd vised of the a flair. In my absence kisie'ns Jlkstantly rejected by General less, 'Wno' htrfnatclf that hoaiiliiies would esatinueday snd biglit1 snd,Milt tes'pect to terms of truce, those only would bescuptabls, wbie.f till thedennite Sonelu.doriof oeocfe, sho (d be iiafsn teed to us In lha following manner .' the militata), oc cupation of the Iruct of country between the Tcclno and ihe Sesia, oomplete possession of tho town of AlesHandria, with the fori in part garrisoned, add Iho withdrawal of Iho Sardinian fleet from llu.l lri.l lo. Negotiations of peace to be entered upon at ones by ambassadors from Sardinia and Austria, appointed for Ihe purpose. ' This morning I was informed by the obove named Piedmontesc General, that after the battle Charles Albert had abdicated, lo make rooSi for liis son, the Duke of Savoy. To-morrow I shall forward lo your Highness the different points of ths convention n detail, as the exhaustion snd fut;gue of those about me render them Unequal to the tusk at present. the nnn:vriov of c;iiiile Ah 11ERT. Was mads known at Turin, by the following pioc lumation t ' yl Prodiimation, by Prince Eugene of S.woy, Li out. Gcnetsl of the Kingdom rD Is mf duty to proinat- gaic tidings of giievious import, Tbe sCinc, Charles Albert, oiler having intrepidly encountered the ene my's bullets, seeing the reverse ssetalned by oar arms, would not bend to adverse fortune, and pre ferred to crown liis life with. a .new .aavpficc. On the 23d day pjjftarcb, ho.abdkbsled bisfcrswn in fa vor of Use Puf of Ssvoy.i Xhftga,tilseo.aions, and out tetciett sflbetioi, Wis btikhis verlsMing mem. rial. , , t , . , . L t our inmost feelings ntlach thcThstlves to the new king, -thai emulator of his fofheifs' virtues in baltls, and upright guardian-of -tluj conelilulional Turbia 2fth M of, c 1 i, m J TO THE NATO.ll4GjJARD. The klnir CfTarlcs Albe'rt4, sddi'cafcd his crown' on the 23d,cprfepi yi favour ibe. Jiiksf oA JU saw tnis annoupccrucnt iViHlwivnUawiai sound Crcturiy rWb.l- lirfrlvWy wlH teskfri a grateful rermirobraues ln.y,iair,Uoarl4or his zeal snd for thp irvlustry wvch heathibiLcilju the ayard isnshlp tftfa suW tW,iy; LattoWooiioilJi order and public tranquility. You will nof'hrtinte, I am conlidopfj'.'fV 'dlf'17 your love for his woriliy heir, snd to cherish towards him those sentiments of fldi tlry and affection which you snowed '0 ty' 9"4"'f A"05f ft Vlc,"r Emanuel.' ' " ' ' - Tusis, Maxell 20. EUGENE OF SAVOY. THE INAUGURATION. OV THa3 NEW KING. This J.x:uuiiint w is spsedily followed by tho .fol lowing proclamation Irom the new iving of PierJ ni'inl :-- t'llzens, Fatal events, and the will of my august father, have cojkd rut preiiinlurely to llie throne of my ancestors. ' The circumstances in which I as stuns ,ths reins of government qre such, tint without the most cih cacious support frost sll, l ean whs dlflculty nrcom plish the dearest wish ol my heart to secure the welfare of our common country Tho destiny ol nations is matured in the designs of God ; man is bound lo ,lo all ho ran lo second them ; we hsve not failed in that dntyi Our present task most now tonlsT 'Id nrtrlntuin ing our honor safe. In healing lha wounds whish the pvuiie fortune has rncoivos, ndneotieolidutngouf constitutional inntltutions. It Is to (hat task thnt I conjure alt ml people to ap ply their attention. I, for my part, am , prepared solefnnly to do so, and I expect fmm then lion, '1n retorn, assistance', love sad eonfieWnee. I'M! .raM?PEL Tin: y.y.y,p .BGfi iqpMj-jflWi, FaJAT.OjFTME HIKIlk Foasiow DiFABTMiXT, Cir,Fttioi()r h T3d Febrnsry, 1849. The O.jvernor-Oesjrsaeihor itfication of Inti mating lo the PreSlflcTttltt "t-'ohifcil;Sr ng to the PrfsHefltlrl Jofirlcir,nd notifying for public IhfsMistMrWUisi rJtaraWVdh)l rlrMaedt a despatch from Major Msckeror C. B., agent loihe Govtrnor-GcSetaiwhh4lebmrnaaet-thle( con veylng the n Wail) genes rhnMhe forces under his Ex cellency the Commandcr-ln Chief, on the 21st, InsL sttacked and routed the Sikh army, in the tielghber' hood of Ooojrat. The eneme ajsahtasan tjvsrf pshrti sjidirrtroa- t,t In .lrnrMsv4nMttAll AoYldsM ha'Brllish ir.n. k ..KnSi hii avaa DllSsSrWiB tffcSJ 'AorSSSTrif The official despatches of his Excellency the Com- msnder-ln-Chiof wlU ha pablislwd ss soon, as they sre received. ' 1 ' ' " ' lUO UOVenorusnerai gneei. m wuk, i dins shsll 1)0 fired st every princlpsl stutloh of iKo1 army, on tne re-eitn oi inn BeniiuBimn. , . Hv order of the Right Hon. the Govern 5r-Generel of India. H.M. ELtlOTTE, Secretary to Ihe Oiwsmmehtof I ad la,' wilhthl, Gavsrnos-General. Vm the Daily Delia. Till Caivssss at Fostiis's PurrTATtosr. From s gentlemsn who srrived yesterday from the vicinity of the err-v tees otj Furttrr's srantsiion, In the rjaiieh of St. Churies, obodt eight mUcs sbove Csrrollton, ws Jeatrt that tho. brstoh Uaw about1! tao-hundred and fifty yards long, hiving increased 10 tOat size iriiiu inuij jiiui, wintii wa umiui iib lensth when the water first entered. A steam pile- . i i . i j , i i 1 driver, ona eouui eiaiy nunon, sin own viiviuyeu in inunlns It. but un lo Iheorescnt llmethscrevasse k. Kn rnnsiantlv oalalnir on them, and a fearfol volume of wen now rushes ihrdugh It. 1 The water la baeklns to the levee frem Ihe swfm,-shd nsm- ber of plantations are submerged. At noon, yester - day, ths Inundation extended from Madam Mseioora uaj, Mr i" "-' - . . , in LnelenJ Libia orte'W H distapceJoTsJIoM Mne miles. It1s Aflhialed Mi eahs, capable bfprbllu- clng nsit tnrA ! IW asranejsjjag,olaugar I wHlbe destroyed. .Tbs rNeryhs7'f ssbiop Plsce'' , (Cspl. FuliertosrsyTMi, aunrrf me,iwwr-ryroTjr nonrs -adlns at noon ytsfsrdayTljslsvajtnirhes. This rapid Iw tope douht wttibotaklsla a aysskrasasere, If not entirely, to ihaakug.Bi(r(iierevasse. . i ft- KJHHjik Frost Crops end fruits Destroyed U h.v". ,. .l.T I (l.,iL;fniirt. Q lAlsta-Mreakof tntsrlSsip hiM weather): a sudsW ehunge scord,osk Saturday toL,v un-.Bundsy, snow flHnfsotisHolW4 quantities dtviriofcs polntal throuL'houi,the sprrosndUig sounlryi i This wss lol-l lowed bv a severe, kllllnir frost, on Sunday niahtj the damags.,frui(wlUclLi8iJncajcpbilJe,,,'he gar4 dens In thiVVMriitt.' snd s'fsr'as ws nsve teen 11 . t . uble to hesr, havs been entrrsly destroysd. Peaches, nec urines, cranes, spines. niums--sii sre completely blighted. t,ofn which In many instances was s food liii;li, was killed to the' rround, snd it is generally believed that the wheat crop has suffered a similar! Jiite. It is difficult, as ye:, to estimate the -injury! none to tlio growing crop or cotton, me cropt wnicn was' rip has been destroyed, and the Imprest sion seems to be universal that there la not erronghl seed left to re-plant: In mnnj cases' the planters supposing their stand complete and ihe-lt- crops out of danger, had used till their surplus-seed for ma-l nure ; consequently it will be Impossible lor inert! lot Vepoir their losses. It will bo difficult, for s fewdsytf yet, to arrive at sny correct conclusion . in regard lot the extent m injury sustained.. Our. apprehensions! may oe unreasonably exciico, bat we lesr ths asm ojje will, far exceed our gloomiest anticipations. , Froriitht PhUntUtjJiio PuMic Ledett.' "' j 'tpCAfc' AFFAIRS. ''" 1 tne mataorms soncner rsraptjpi siri; Maias Twumiay fiiofTOS BrtcBiea om S ensrge; Ol ing cms sea me oeutn oi uoairey Trey Davis, a salkw osJ .btoard th,;MJtonighlti&Jm pr4 wsMssw.iae wtmm,pNW..aw WWllna, toils, POTl,Mbba. jbl bead Wtt i WW.W Qnjoa,ccpany. wii ntwipe ,woeesej iguaat !etLWPW.WJb Am. .18th. When it beci is Csptsln wss forces! tabory H at seaJ naMtaTrzturtksrtiaU sjessaFsassw ssm arspsm sjssbbf-w scl on which this tragedrjoccjirre d, arrived est TharaJ day, and is oowT ai Richmond, taalns la. a Joad af coal. - Trie Captain is named Ivory J. Parlor .and bei states thsi thestsw essfwa vsry tsrbutent sat As1a st times quits mutinous In their conduct, .sod lad mate had inudllrkalty jnopmrolUsg,tbea. " I Tho mate teiaWJuldott 4 ohargs. ofassault sml evidence against him op the charg,"l Jioniiolue. The deceased shipped en board the Falcon at Wil mington, North Carolina.. He .was In very bad health, but was as unruly as .ths rest of ihs crew The mate belonged to Thomastoo, Mains. Union The Proposed Railroad Couvcallon at MensH pnisimportaut ts tne rteatiti We recently published a call for a Public Meeting here for the purpose of sending Delegate to Ihd convention wnicn ; meets si sitmpnui, sa eoncer incisures for making thst place a point tit the cob lemplned HoUroWl to the bordstaf too PscMei1 1 Wa propose new lo say s few words la rcWtioa t this very Important project, ''belleVtai that III inter est ts Immeasurably enhanced by the resent-setloi of ihe Lceislsiure af Virginia, .a aharterlns th Lynbhborg and Teatisssse Raifrosd to strike th Norihcasierii border of our State. i Nearer thars tit. Louis to the latttsds of ciaar t'raa riscd, the proposed point to be reached on ths Pad fic. snd by conseanencs commsndinz s more diree line Tronf iho uresl cauine cialcipes on ihe Allsi eld coast. afoldlsliUewlsel the daagcrs of Utermptlerj in winter from snows. Hoods, tc. sVc. whlth'so oil ten seriously interfere with or nreveat at times. I route throujih Tennessee hdiisldersdas as st CWsrlesteTi sM IhlltsasMi oSBVurtyat-Nelsy ,wouid avoid, as ttm pme, ams-lbs tioaa caused dv snow and ftoode. Vtt what rile IniDortsncs i such s leaith of road, ths there) UrvsirjWbMtaeKlHtlf it a almost iaterMiaakM hot rpiiis. andswsmps, the Wabash. dsrYwa .MIfsnlli iita .aotosat, -ssocsiag, aaa ssusaiaf ismr -with isMsr '0MiM'4Jaicrtandl'ea'v sswsawV aWeslfre.SrTt. will cumins the loots .through ar t)vjt lfw wliH kitcmfoh. thai (he obstacles of this aaiars'lo be over I rnd orrnc ImmcniK dvanuge to b ftlnH by th4 ( t S'J A 1. Ua-: . as. aaSB. I T . . I construction oi tns rqsai VVWI iarssee, It Is o lite grestcat consequence ronwve in this matter with Sui sWisheessiiTy sVhy. ' ff If s lit fact s fjtes struggle between hpeoramer (si infsjtjrits"oi th riortii and me soutn, and it we wouw tor once resv our share' of the world's commerce whltfh rhOSt taW tho direction of fbc.fond, nq.msjls whefc foes led so iim is to be-lost f ad .Vaemsaa,rrrUnassee, Vlr ginia, North snd South Carolina, snd Georgia 1J fact, every Slate7 Soutli of the Ohio should be on tbJ alert. .Tite lrannse traeJe of rke Eastern Snd West ern worlds is lo pass tlvrouyh oar midst, or ,10 shur us; snd who In view of ll does not frcf ihe vast Tin. portance of tktf eris4 si hand who fs net disposed to make one tremendous struggle to get thst share o this trade which our national" ndvantases shooti command, but which will be of little Svsil If we fell Northern enierprbvs and eopitsi w ench It from our! vtry grasp. i , , . , , , , 1 The Interests to oc promoted or developed by the .............. .r .ui. iSk.. m' A. c iwi l! ' should be looked to by 1 ennessee. Scarcely one sr- i .. . o. ... ji iiup ipm . mrm i irnw n n nif i mcr title of her varied prtHJuets but most be In demsnd upon the borders ot bath oceeas, asws'lf asp-n the line ot the road ; and rhaT section of ihe camJedsracy wnicn si intsiuncuirs is sots w sjorarnaad lbs wee c . .rf. . .1 :f u. ,l i: . . " . ' . . im 1 1 muvi im muss nerssursr rssv isasaea-g surable benefits thereby, , . 3 It there theh be no falturs la nib propose asset- isa. An exteoslsn sscdoiiof Ihe.is pssposed ify this action to be occupied, has this preseal ae4 gtsat ( advarftasV, that it la sillier sctasltv la srotrrsss at rmrtionaiaotslrsads sosssiraeied clhsimsaeftastttrt from thil polih WCharlesloa, io4 through Ylrgfbls to tne rvortnern cihsb est arts sea toaro. Tala fact !! fo? ttltst1laM,a laierested, ttsaelSsrn vsgttseV theli cDmmerclaV desUpy for g oei Issssaisd Hyones1bt T ,., , ,:r', 1 1 wm me various sections, then, Interested kM. nsaltpr tak nrnmnt wIImL TV. Cm,mmd tuIH ! U.mnhll Tli fclniiiUXZ . -A , f I. L.l sSnted, and no eseftkSs bl4,,aoasilled In the I nieanllms to see 6 re an Influence by lha movement J 'which will hsfJiheeeVof'rtirtrclitg Action In 1 , ins rign. fllMrtST WtSBB in toad st Is DC lftt4.- is., k. I ' J I . a v . ruonc sou ystssis lanieTanos ssva airasat sseom- plished much towards giving us a start la ihs srast ter. uurnaicrsi advantages, as ass bsvs ssld, srsi plslnly discrrnable when compered ,wih ths North- , ern route, snd with this commnncsd,. It. would be a i strange combination of circumstancra which coald S defeat oar hopes, whilst true to ourselves. Let is ( simghi. I n ri aid ta ihla, tbare eanast Uk dlseent-! in ivmi. p.w fcwfHWMi lam oDiecie I .L l; S Ing voice in this portion ( tbs csafederacy i st we now leave ths subject wlib our readers. . do doubting but that every cltlien will see Itljmpor , laiicu hiiu hci accorajngiy. ' i .. , 1 ., M VaiiV Utlu- I Hsalth or ths Citv. A mestlnc of the Board: of Health look place. Water dsy. The Utermeote fori the week endins the Jih Inst,, attow m to si of oali 1 deaths, and thht loo at a time while Immigrant'! are crowding into ths city y every arrival Irons for- el isncfT Whidhl osldS.ei? iHasvl ataste la. the ofiff.K-ilonsofthebowsJs. wsorrflovily rTsvaJI at this season of the year. Thav coocla s by sssartlat, what taw vnlfeHtTmt,fholhowaay'thln afthei matter, that the santtery condition of the efVy ls,'a"; this time, esprarteanr rn the TJnfoa, Mag treshpt,'. frojn alj diseases IncldeoHl to M Climate,. j inennsotm body waV tmsseofl tart, laterrapt 'tsrssfinaV crsesi - r most innuentisi men in every community br sesesied I as Delegates 6 the mission, rnd when the Conven t lion st Memphis declsres lis wishes, they will bn heard with respect, and must conaraaad lha obiects -.. .'7't -r-e - i I

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