S 3i TUB COilMlittCUU s fs oeUhaflererv Tuei.i. TWaciav and Saturday, ti sj.QJ per snn s. Bjber I aUeaes w advsncn by TOOSIAS LOQINGr 4 :' I'SblTOJOfcD PRO ftJKTOtti HWlln.'Ui , 0!tfc ill n"' '.;'-;-,: . i BKNJAMIN I. HOWZE, CORKKSPONUTNO EDITOR. Corner of )Front and Market Street$ fPfi. T wiLMINOTOII, H.' C. '4 lwt " ' ' TE Of ADVGRTI8INO. Mr. 1 Insertion. $059 1 sqr. 2 months, $ t 1 " 3 " 5 u 6 8 1 " lyenr, . 12 Ml " 1,00 l 1 month, 2,50 tTwelve line or lass makes a square. If asv Advertisement exceeds twelve lines, the pncr .will be in proportion. iJla adveriisoineiUsare Davable at the time of their insertion. OiUr.i:U with yearly advertisers, will be male on the most liberal term. aTl" Vlk l jrtirjraonts Inserted u the rVaraekly Co wwcta, are entitled to one mnrtbi i a the JFeefcy, free of charge '10B. CARD ! FANCY PRINTING executed In superior style. Thssrtvtlsara of' Annual Advertlsere la strict! v Um- km to mir ovro lntusinte Business ( aaosi kUadysMlssmehtl not hwnsdiately connected with heir own biulnsu, and call excess of advertisements, In tongtn or otherwise, beyond the limits engaged, Ivitt he charged st the usual rates. AGENTS FOR THE COMMERCIAL NEW TQXX. 1 Messrs. Baoww & Ds&osarr. HOi TON 1 Faaaaaion Kiddbb, Eaq. JOHN WALKER, JR. AUCTIONEER COMMISSION MERCHANT WILMINGTON, N. C. Usrch If, 184J, Mr- F. J, LORD k CO. lie Fatter k Commission Agent. ft' Nov. 1848. 103-1 p. t MUELLER & M'RAE, BIIEI A .ID TlaUfcl lliKM IS, lifiNBRAL COHISSIOX HKRCHlOTiS, and uIOCERS, Bttr fornurty occupied by Hall A Aimtion, NORTH WATER STREET. WILMINGTON, N. C. NBCTOS M'KSLLAS. ALEX. M'BAB. Nov. 11.1848. 102 L. MALLETT, AOENT FOR THB 8 A LB Of imber, Lumber, Naval Stores, &c., NutV$ Building, Mirth Water Street, WILMINGTON, N. C, Nsv.9,1843. 101 BARRY, BRYANT k CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, WILMINGTON, N. C. March 17, 1849. 1 tf. WILLIAM NEFF, Ijolt ot Hut Aria of Nt.fr do Warner.) I WUOLSSALC AND RETAIL DEALER IN 3IP CJA.VOLERV, SHIP SfORRS AND GRJCE1UES, Ot.XES. OF POCK. A WATER STREETS, WILMINGTON, N. C Dec. Tth, 1618. 113 if. JOHN D. LOVE, TJKALKBi N CABINET FURNITURE, . KUCK SPRING, WILMINGTON. N. C. Dse'l4. 1848. - - sc j r r, k co. MERCHANT TAILORS, A t J Ut ALKrtd 1.1 s u p k a i o it MARKET STrliSHT. ATI L ;I I .1 J TO .i, S. C. Dot.tl.lBH. 9J-y. CORNELIUS MkEtlS, MANUl'A C T U UE R, AND UKALKll IN a.VTd, CAPS, UM J.tiLLAS AND WALAINJ Ac. WIL41.MJPOM, N. C, Market-ar. )ot. 17 148. Ul-it A. B. SflfJ k Ci., ' Cfll.Us Mi CUiiUSU.1 IHlCJiMi fayetUvllls HirMt, RALBIOH N. O. kij 1 1 li ill if Ijra Aolei n aUsions In their i' i in i vita J.iolasilty aqJ JUpatch. stsrss re it utld.icy Cmas. Mailt, . O Vats Ks . Iatssw dsw, Ksq., M. 1. H. J. IIASIIL, . i. w, JtjsDsoAi, ssq., AJ. (J. L. lilTTJU. Ui .V. C ftb. II, 1341. HS-Um-s. MAR TLX sVCm.NLY. AOcriQXEEkS, COHMIiSlON MEKCHANT3, GENERAL." AQEINT3. mlnfton. N. C. Oct. 3 1348. HSl s. m. Wfir, A UCTIONEER A WO PIIIIISSION MERCHANT, WILUINQTON, N. C. wsl OMh sdvsiMMt ssiJs sn all eosmnwv as S im Ifsvuvoros) frotaes from ihsuewwsry. vmss I dostsesj ths Whaif, SoalB swspf Msrkst StrssL rill, 1849. ' ' 9-tf- WMM VOL. 4 NO. 20. J. UAMAtYAY & son. COMMISSION MERCHANTS. Hathabjav. . 'J. L. Hatsawat. March 3, lo49. W. L SMITH, (Late op thk fihm of Sandford &, Smith.) COMMISSION MERCHANT, WILMINGTON. N. C. Store on North Waur Sireet, Poralty's block. Oci. 14 1841. 90-yc J. S. WILLIAMS, MARKET STKEET, WILMINGTON, N. C. Oct. 14, 1648. 90. W. BRANSON, AGENT FOU THtS SALE OF iiibeC LIIUBER, HTL STORKS, te fruit's Biilding, North Water Street. WILMINGTON. N.C. N. B. I hive a liriie and Secure Timber P n where I will p it ll Timb t lilt wiih me for tale ai as Sin ill chirge ua is inideby any oiher Agent in this place, W. B. Sept. 23 1848. 83-c. B. I. HOWZE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, WILMINGTON, No. Ca. Will practice In all the Courts of Wayno, Duplin and New Hanover Counties. JEFFREYS Sl LEIGHT0N. General Commission Merchants, WILMINGTON, N. C. February 13, 1849. 141. WILLIAM J. CLARK, ATTORNEY AT LAW, RALEIGH, N. C. Sept. 12th. 1813. 76-w. tri. c. CARROLL & FENNELL. Grocers & Cj u uhb;i Merchants, WILMINGTON, N. C. MAVC AL'VATS on hand a oenbbal aukobtment or P1,IILY ClotftlBS, Ll.Ul.IRS, WHiS, kt. AID WILL FAT rABTICDLAB Attention to the sale of all kinds of Produce a. i. oAaa iLL. C. I, fsnncll. July 1 3, 1848. DER0SSET k BROWN. Wll.H I NO TON, N. C. BROWN k DEftOSSEL NKW YORK. ' R VEIt 1 1, CO VtXIISSlOX Mt-JtlCHAXTS March 17. I84U. 1-y. J. & W. L. McGARY. t 0 It IV A tf J I J li (j iijl s l S $ I U i MERCHANTS, Wl. iIlNJI'JN, N C. Jlirch 17. 1S49. 1-r. tiiSJ.tL!S. UlLLSiflfi. A..K vi f Foil fUK SALK or 1 1 HUE U lAM.JEt, SAi'AL STORES ft wl I ii .keli leruioasli iJvancai- on alloonaljrninentn olproduce. starch i;. 1819. I UEJitUE ,V. DAVIS. COM A 166 MS MvuiCi 1 A NT , VlL. vllNOTON, N.C. I ircli 17 1819. 1 J. C. LATH. COM M iHS ION MEli CHANT, AND JtJNiiltAL AGKNT, WILMINGTON, N.C. Oct. 10,1848. 67 LIFE INSURANCE IN THtfi NAHOaAL LOAN KUNO SO CIKi'i', Ot"' LONDON. FIRE INSURANCE IN CAS, .Jii'NA ii iJt 1 i COM PAN If, OK HARTFOiU), Cons., SB, IS THS HOWAIID INddHANCIfi COMPANY, OF NEW YOUK, May be effected by application to Ua.tOSRT & BROWN. March 17, 1849. 108 BENJAMIN BLOiiOAI, COMMISSION MERCHANT, NEW YOillC. Liberal advancea made spun J.mlgnroentsof sll kinds ol prodaoe. Rafersncvs. ' i Mesara. J. A D. McRas, ) U. w. uavis si v Wilmington. J. R Blobbom Eaq. Dss. 19,1848, lib HENRY P. RUSSELL, AQKNT FOR THE CAfE FEAR 8TEAM SAW MILL, WILMINGTON, N. C. Strict attention given to ths faithful aietstion sf all oidera fot Lumber. Jsn. I 1849 Iti-lye mmmmmmmmm PUBLISHED TBI-WEEKLY, Wilmington, Tuesday asm? ELL k BLOSSOM, GENERAL COMMISSION j AND FORWARDING MERCHANT. , Ni 1 i I, Dirkiiiil's lfloir:, Nsrtk Wster SU Wllsslngton, N. C Llbjr.il C i-tfi idvdncos msik vn consignments of Timber, Luin er, and N jal Stores. April i, 1849. 8-12m. LIFE INSURANCE, OVBB tOO,OOOk rr v J77l. bLOMO I. Aftnt. April 3, 1349. 8.10-wp. heron k mum General C9nnU4a derchaats, 31 1-3 North Wharves, PII ILIDEIiPHIA. Rurca to Mesars. Choi. Watioi & Sons, ) Jwo. C. Dacuita, Kq -)phi.. Wm. 8. NsiLaort Kn.. ir n" Robiit Ncaaoif. Kaq., ) Messrs. Mosca, Tavlos 6V. Co., vk J. H. Ba .waa. Co..(Nw ,0r " J. AD Melt a a, I w ,.,., Gso. HAaaiaa, Eaq. Wlmlnpln. April 5, 1340, 9-tt HOT AND COLD BATH. AT THE VERANDAH March 31, 1849. BOWLING SALOON. by J. A. MORRIS, 7-tf. GEO. HARRISS, Gejcral Commission Merchant, WILMINGTON, N. C. QTRICT silemi'in given to piocuring Freights KJ ana purctiaslng Carguea lor veaseli. Refer to K. P. ILill, Esq., ) O. G Paraley, riaq., J. A. Taylor, Kaq , Wilmington. J. L Belhmy, F.sq., M-S4r. KallnrdA riuntington, J MrMra. Tooker, Smyth Co., ) . " Thompn.n A Hunter, J ew 1 orK Alex'r. Herroii, Jr , I'hila telphia Messrs. Willliirns 4 BulJer, , a H v H-kr. En. 'Khinealon.S. C. Jun. 2, 1849. 123-if. SPIRIT iiARUELS. a O loil auppW of empty BirrMa, iTor aale low nkknl lie to auit purcnaaera.by De RUSSET & BROWN. Si arch I. 160. Dr. B. SIUNSEY, HOM(EOPA TIIW PH YSICIAN, AND DENTIST, MARKET St , C Doors above Front St. Dec! 23, 1848. 120-mo. JOHN T. RUSS, INSPECTOR OF TIMBER AND LUMBER. WILMINGTON, N. C. Oct. 14 1848. 90- F. J. LORD k CO., Ageniaior tho VUriLlH .1 J T J IL LIFtL INSORANCECo Accumulated Capital, $130,000. ALSO rOE THE KAGLK LIFE k HEALTH IN8URANCB CO. Capital, $100,000. Will take riaks on Uvea of Slaves. Office ii Morib Water Street. Oct. 24, 1348. JOHN HALL, Commission Merchaat, WILIMIWOTOir. April 12. 12 WM M HABBII. IHOBN t B. DBABB HARRISS k DRAKE. General cjjjikHiJj jirciaats, WILMINGTON, N. C. Rtraacxesa: O a. .'arslev. Em. Col. John Muitae, Wilmington, N. C Ker. Bdiuidn Huntin ngtoB, ft IU Peck. Eaq . Kalellh, N. C. Meanra. Hall, Sicli.lt it Co., p,-.u.,in v C Justph Ulley, Eta., J t- Mesar. jauiee Corner A Sons. Baltimore. - K. A. Soudet A Co , Philadelphia. ' Thompaon Hunter, N .. k - PlIMmry S-adlord, j Wew 1 " Hunt lug aV Tui ts, Boaioo. " J. A G.l. Titcoinb, Kenrwbuak, Ms. September 14ih. 1848. 77 If. UOLASSES. 1 Cf Hh Is Prima nw Crop Cabs MsUaass. just a JU arrivad pec Brig Ana.wao, and foe sat by HATHAWAY 4k SOX. Feb. TL IU. TURNER'S ALMANAC, TURNER'S North Carolina AlnMoaca, (at .1849. or saW st Ta Commercial Qfita. Ksb 24. lisMf JUST RECEIFE0. tf Srkr L P Smith. New Style ot Hats for Sprlag, 189. also a Am lot CapCoversfor Salaby O.MYCRS.Hams, March. 9th 1819. BT tHOMAS LOklNO. morning, may i, 1849. -" ; ' FC2 CALIFORNIA AND THE GOLD REGIONS. JtjSvXPT. R. J. BAkdS4, proposes to mike m sp a Stock Comply, eactl Iwtlvldual sah. ir ssrlhtng anl par Ins a oertaia amoaox oC ssssfe, lbs sam to bs la proport on to the a umber of pasnfeu or sdveniurers olTeriag, pnrsfiass a sood ssd ssustantlal Vessel, Ihs cstgo and veassi to bs wa4) y ins Comp ,ny, and sacbj (naMvtdoal to be vensrasf stn Ui an rcgaiattdna ss ihesald HMPtfty may niaks after belnc Ihrmsd. Fifteen HswdrM 0(lara. ha stand y Wn subscribed. Capt. 4 Vbea ia an ma-Yienced aavlststur. bavin ssiiadl tad the Hora. ssven diflsrsat limes and waffsl Hated with ths coast, and will lumieh 1700 worth AstrunM-nis for ths outfiilai- ot ths Vassal, Ps.t 136. SHIPPING ARTICLES. FOR 8ALR at I'hs Ctmnurtial OJIca. sn sle runt edltWs f Hnlppln? Articles, enclosing sll the laws of Congress relative is the Merchant's tiervlcs. S i v WE! j QQ Bushels. Vw tabby Jan. 28. I. C. LATTA IK. SALT. jfteTlfmBUSHKLS Turks ItUnd, just ar VTVr 4Lf rived per Brig Ava, ti aale by BARitYtfitrASTACo. Match 10 112. FOR SALE. Turpentine Land and Dutdlery. SRVF.RAL Tracts, containing about 1900 acre of Turpentine Land, in one tody and free from Hug rituated near Lockwood'a Folly Rl.rr, and in con venient distance from Elizabeth River. ALSO, A 20 barrel DlstlHery, In good order, with every wor king Tool, altuited on Lockwood's Folly River and about 3 inilea from above l.ind. Apply to ROBT. O. RANKIN, Wilmington, N. C. Nenbernlan copy St and send b 'II o tlili OiTice. Feb. I. 36-tl NOTICE. FROM and after the firal January, 1849. no Freight will be traneported or delivered without the freight being paid. ROBT. FENNF.R, Transportation Agint, W. A R. R. K. Co. Dec. 30. 1848. 122-tf. SPIRIT BARRELS. QKA EMPTY Bbla..largs alio and In prime or CJV d.r. JuM tecalvad and fa Ml by BARRY, BRYANT 4k Co. Oct. 6ih M t. R ! PQK CfC BARRELS nice Mess New Yoik city Inspee CO lion sod rslaspsckd In Wilmington foi tale GEO HARRI88. norpny a Building. . t . . a. .... II n 7-t March 31. 1819. -tf. AGENCY OF NaviUtt (Mutual Life) Intwranee (,'mpanf TKRONS holding Policies In this Ace sre noii- 17 fled thai Scrip Certificates, for their &Mr prtlU in Uu dumhu of llu Lvmpany srs ready for delivery at ths Agency otncciJ, nortn wa er-tt. J. LORD A Co., Aerate. Oct 24 94-if. GRIST MILL. tars have started (h rpHEaubacribers havrstarim aitrt AOVJacon- 1 nexlon with ibelr Sair MULiod can furnLh Meal sud Hominy of prlmrquallty and at very ahort oie. joun aicKAKS) uo. Veb. 8.1849. 139-11. TURPENTINE STILL FOR SALE. A TURPENTINE STILL with Cap. Arm, Worm, Door, Tub, and all other nfceaaarv fiiturre, In pri ne or.ler, of either of the following elite via : 1 2, I n, Vi. 2 x, or ) UirraU yellow Ulpptnge i urpenthis. Eaou re of, o. addreas by letter in A. H. VANBOKIELEN. Wilmington Mareh 20. 1849. 2. DISSOLUTION. 'PHE Copartneiahip b.rofore existing sndarthe L firm of PETERSON. CASH A ELL A Co., ia ths day diasolved by mam il coaaeat. D. Caanwell at the 4d euod, w.U settls the kast.ssi at the cun ecru. K. PlfTERSO.V, D. CASHWKLL, 1. PETERSON. Feb 8. 139 HYSON AND YOUNG HYSON. 5 Catty Rose Y. H. Tea 12 lbs. escb. S ' M Hyeon ' 12 lbs each, f saperior quality snd lovsate by HARRISS sV DRAKE. March 8. 151. SPIRIT BARRELS ! OOA KPJ Wl bbla targe eta and In prln &CJ jrdor. For sale low bv BAtlRY, BttYANT A CO. 129. Jsn 15. COMMERCIAL BANE STOCK. 1 nSHARsV Commercial lUak 8,"cki fur M lUby J.HATHAVTAY4-S0N.. Feb. 24. M5 FOR SANFRANCISCO CALIFORNIA DIRECT! THR aw A. I. Cupper fWateoed and eop-r- ed, Lira aak and rad Ceadsr baJit AVsiqus IOHN A. TAYLOR. Stella maslar. .111 aail aa abova, early In AprU. 8h can take the balk . 1 200 iitas frenhi and 100 pasaengers. For partlca. ibr,apprvtn OaO W. DAVIS. Mb. I. iss. FLOUR. Ofi Barrets Extra Canal floar XX) tO half d do bo i .ut.. UOWAKJS A, riCEN. Whole No. 48G. WINE! OfwR. Casks Tsnovifl wine, just rtcqvid sale si very low pries, by 1RU33KT BROW.N Ftbl. TOOTH ACHE! CURED, By R. Deschnns sal bra tod Chinese Rail, sule, wholesals sad retail by For J WILKINSON. 15. March 6. CORN. lAfkBUSHKLS CORN Jual Raclvstf per rsil V7W road and For sale by BOSTON LINE OF PACKET N. THK following VEMSKLS willaail regularly betworn this port and Boa ton, viz : BrlgWM. .MICIIOLJ4, Cnpf. In: LHvhton. Schr. Ml.MNK.-orA, Cspi. Gilbert Lelnhion. Thi above ir.:sseU are of tile Aral claaa, snd are commanded by experienced nnvlgator. HARRISS A DRAKE. Jsn. 11. 7. FRESH KIPPLIES. I r all descriptioiia of lincerle, tf-e.. juat recelvtd scriplioiia i sad fors.ilu V,m ai IIO VARD (f-PEDF.N S. 12 April 12. h'r.im tht Sumitr llanntr. TO DR. . Dear Doctor let u not tranaplre How much yiiu r Lectures wo admire ; How at your eloquence we wonder, When you explain the cause of thunder, Of lightning ni;cl electricity, With a) much plainness nnd simplicity, The origin of rocks and mountains, Or seas and rivers, lakes and founuins, Of rain snd hail of frost and snow, And sll the winds and storm thai blow ; Besides an hundred wonder mor.-, Of which we never heard before, But now dear Doctor, net to flatter, There is a most importunt matter ;, A matter which you never touch on, A matter which our thoughta run much on ; A subjHCt, if we wright conjecture, Which wnll deserves a long, long lecture, Which all the Lidiee would approve, The natural iliatorv of Love, Tell us why poor teridcr hearts, So willingly admit Love'a darle; Teach ua tho marks of love'a beginning What ia ii makes a beau ao winning j What ia il makee a cox-comb witty, A doetaak wlaa. a eck coal pretty ; Why wsbcllevs auch horrid Ilea, That wssrssngsla In ths sklev, - TJ&t1taliSs1 sre rose,' Our syes are siars-auch charming noacs. Explain our dreams, waking and sleeping, Explain our laughing, and our weeping, Explain onr hoping, and our doubling, Our blustering, almpering, and pouting, Tell ua all the enhanting, arte, Of winning and keeping hearts ; Teach ua Dear Doctor If you can, To hambie that proud creatine, man ; To tarn ths wiee ones Into fools. The proud snd Insolent to tools ; To make them sll ran halter akeltcr, Their necks Into the marriage halter ; Then leave oe to ourselves with iheae, We'll rule and (urn them aa we please. Dear Doctor tf yoa'll grjnt our wlahes, We promise yon five hundred klasea, And rather than ths affair ha blundered, We'll give yog atx score lo rhe hundred, Leap year Is past, Ah whst shall I do ! I'll try ijsgala In fifty two. Pony Pics ic. EXECUTION OF CENT MOYSE IN ST. DOMINGO. AmoDf the many baubarousv acts ol Jea Toussiuni Louvertare, during hw .jcvgn overSL Domingo, the execution oflua ne- phew MOyte, a young roan of eixellcni promise, may properly be classed- as the most atrocious. When Toussaint was made governor, most of the French pUui tera had left the Island; but proclamations, suggested no doubt by the Lnglish aboli uonists, an I fall of words of kindness and promitet of a ttrict and impartial govern- ment, it was sought to lure them back, and the endeavor Vas crowded with com plete Inccess As Ii-msaint was sur rounded and counselled b the oKerrs mt from France, for th- pmtrrtiim f the planters, wnat treacherv louIiI t le v suspect ( nut the teqtiel will show th.it hese trench of ficers were more brutish a id worse enemies of the French planters, th m the uneduca ted shves themst h en At the period of the tragical occurrence which we ore about to narrate, Toussaint Louverture was in the very zienth of his fast) and height of his criminal career Age, witb its steal ihyatep was crawling oral him, and, without impairing his abili torwetkening his system, was gradual ly confirming his mind in blood and guilt All those softer traits of character of which in his younger days, he had not been en Urely destitute, were now passing away, leafing but the dark shades of misanthro py and blood thirsiiness carefully hidden tinder the mask of virtue and religion, by tbe most devilish hypocrisy. In person he was slightly under the middle size, not ve ry well shaped, and the few wrinkles which time had placed on hit brow, were depen ed br toil and enre He had lost bit teeth land, ea, ooilUt "i . wtycb it was pubficlf flptiOiinced ihnt h Was an. nm.i,in'. &.Lki L'-i !,... .L..:.' 1 . ' i riv..lliiijj . miu warn A yiianauu . juvityei lure, about 1798. Iliinphevr, Jdtanml MoysAfwns W most irft counteriwrt of this. Ho was a dark mnUito, of qndsori ,,fc nnA pet son, and lecmdl renowned for courage ami numatut,the tUWm:M hich last eicellant qonlity cost him hi Iif, at the bands of his (Ifslesiabl uncle Th cir-. cumslnric-s of his murder, for such on)- it can b! cnllrd, were as follow! :,; Tho in hum in policy of Toassaint Louver ture'it eovernmeni was trortnv of a Nero. n on I ilfr to deiiroy tho unfjrturfate with lispntch'nnd secuntj, he dividpd lilsiroops into two bodies, one of which be look the command, while that of (he second he fgave to his nephew Movse had priTate orders to march nnd attnek a enrtai.-l poinf, which h subrjiientlj did, whilo Toys sainis' corpse d'nrme rcmainfd statiorteii at some distiincc from the icTie of.aclifF.i. Whfn the news of the attack wns bnifYti to foussoint he woufiful! inton Tcrnlip oppressors. Thrse, previously notified of his approuch by spies set for tho purpose, 1 vacated th8 place in lime to prevent colli with Touasaint, who thus arrived loo hue. though of course, loaded wiih prnim:a nnd blessings Iomhh efficient action in (irml ie fcjr ihe unfortunnte inhanitants of the distressed place. Hurc it ws 'h; he would receive inloTiimtmi f rn utuick mde onnnoiher qmrtrr, and rnarrh forih npriiin with tho avo-rd ativntion of chnsti. mg ihe rebels, but, in reality wiih that ot leaving this snd other phce iinprVitPctfd, to the lender iwrcics c! i l,e uivae h irdr? under the command of Moy". Tins w s whni TotissniHt called, in the negro dia lect, Fair la rmidr a rnoit " The operations of Moyse were hiffhly nnitiHfactory to Ins uncle, from the fact of the humanity of the former sparmjr ma ny who were hiitC'l by the l.uier. .Mid who wer! coiifirqitently marked for destruction. Hence ihe resolution of Tonssiini. fihw in? tho bloody ln.itinft implanted m lh bfas. of man, whether in a tivilizeJv.or a savage state, to destroy Moyse byforce Of' iranit, n.t scon ns lurttine mi?ht chr.nce fo throw the means in hto power Thesfun foriunately forWoyse, were soon forth coming, anil the power of To'r.' vai erpial to the task of putting a!! In3 bloddy projects into bloodier execution 3 'i'he fjonitives h nl been fixid upon at the nxt attacked after Touasa'nf's favr li e )ian of operations, and nttir it chancer to be the place of residence of Mouicur De li , ToiinHairit'i la!'1 nnjlor, (who wns also )ii3 grandf.itiier.) whom lie h.d resolviul ledestroy, nn. ronseriuentlv frfe the necessary orders to Moyse, who plead ed in vain against ihe barbarous decfee Ubay he must, and with lienty hen he went about tho work of denth. It was ex- pnseton, wear veDgfsjjra.on, th dTfrfjeT , . 4 irflrjpf ra'iTeTTVrJ hfl ntt acted tOTri frouT scuted, arul te-body of AlanrettUJ-W e wag left naked on the road from th latter place. In a fev hours Connives vat uttacked, and the tidings d iTf forwarded to Louverturc, who was even then on his way from f iros iMorne 'Iti? usual demon-' titrations of grief ami anger wre gone throu but to what did not the hypocrifi- cal passion of Iouverture rise, w,hen, oleeiJ . ing and mangled on the road before turn, h beheld the body of his master. ' Kneeling on the sand beside it, and kiss ing the cold hands over and over, while the tears rolled dowu his wrinkled and : hideous cheeks, he called on heaven for vengeance on the muraerers, cursingnbem in seeming bitterness of soul, wbile In re ality, Ins heart was full of the loo'st exceed ing joy ot the accomplishment oT his d- -sires, add his mind gloating nf ready on th't prctpective fulfilment of his most titter w'shes towarda.Moyse. ,Aif siiJl furthct in mockery of Vvery htULsyUg, he caused a grave to be dog, and the body to be buried with sll "due observance," in hunting his intention of marking it), spot wiih n rqpnumenl. He then comiii.nM Lh. march fot Aj onaivcs, but wheu n aiiivM j ihe forewafnul enemy had ot Course ilis japjieared. Tottssaint, as usual, look- up his ((uariers for tint night at Lioruive. The next looruiug a message was seuC to Moyes, desinog his luimediaie presence at Gooaives, on business of importance. . But no sooner had he arrived, than he was a nested and thrown into a solitary dun;. j on, charged with the murder of Monsieur De L e, whonvU was asserted he Ind n ceived orders to spare llu Smrri- sournent wae not lonir. howev r, for scarce ' lar r-i . I ilia rk i v f 1 . tv l i unai I aa.tion aa ai i ft tj null in.; 1 1 r , t ii j vi urn, t u v- n t i iui i martial was ordered to be convened lor hw trial, a form merely, store the iii'uboi-i were sevi-r ill v ordered by ihe unrclen:inj tyrant lo had iiiio guilty Kuul taking any cviJhim; and decree his rxecuti ;ii They, Uowovr having at their lu. 'Mng heitated a' doing this, tha court was r deibd to be dissolved, uud tuosaaint, c; us ing Moves lo be biought 'O IVul da i'.nx. of Ins own authority declared him ctniiv of murder, and ordered his nutuediaie efcu tion. Thus was this vung Ciener.il condemn ed to death, without a.i nuvonnie bumg given I im, on I clused even permission to jilead his own cause, as, wh n he attr mp ted tospak. the drums werv beaten in im itation of Commandant Sauterrp. ni the ex ecuuonof luis XVI. Ie"i he should pba! the orders of his snne-tdnffrr rvr"?- ti justification of hij cntn At tiooftelt he same day he was bnught, drfssed irt white, and with a white band.tge over Im Te. tothePh'-p d'nrme" of Port de I'aix. which was filled with soldiers hi:n " ytlf gT the' word of commrtn t. rr. f hi' farced by six bulieu frui4 I s uucJfJl. gtlari Di'ptA. J : J