't ; . THE COMMERCIAL wi Is sasllshed every TuMtfav, TWsaVryand Saturday, ki 15,00 ft annum, payable t all esses m advene by i. , n A If I a ADIUfl . 1U U V B I h w ; "EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR i i n BENJAMIN i; HOWZE ' v ' CORRjtSPONDl N G EDITOR. ' CoWier of Front and Market Streets, Iff! BATE3 OP ADvtRTlSINQ. In i , iqr, "it 1 insertion. $050 1 tor. 2 months, $1 1 " 3 " 5 1 " 6 " 8 1 " 1 year. 12 2 75 3 " 1,00 1 month, 2,50 Twelveline or less makea a square. If an Advertisement, exceed twelve lines, the price will be m proportion. 'ill i U . ' . .. Aitaavniameni8are payable at me time of Ihefr Insertion. ' ' . ' 'yOVntriwta with yearly nrl vartisers, will be mane on tne moat liberal tumis." Jr All A ljrtiaement Inserted itn the triweekly Cnmm"ciktn.te entitled to one . . ! . ' .1 i r i i . . r i nsnrurm i n uie rreaxxg, irteeoi cnaxfre wJOB, CAHD ad FANCY PRINTING -i M ar axeuted In operior style. Ttilpvneg ik Anaad AoVert!t (itrkilir lima, tmi to shstr owarMimMUU BolsW-asas4w ' ttwMuettH Tbrth"boninf of other persons, as well as nil advertisements not immediately connected with their own business, dnd all excoss of advertisements, la lengtn or otherwise, beyond the limits engaged, Iwlll b charged at the usual rates. AGENTS FOR THE COMMERCIAL NEW YOIK : Messrs. B aowx & DbRosset. IOSTON : Fbcdebicx Kiddbr, Esq. JOHN WALKER, JR. AUCTIONEER 4f COMMISSION MERCHANT WILMINGTON, N. C. March 17, 1949. My. F. J. LORD k CO. lice Factors k Commission Agents. Nov. 25, 1818. 103-l-p. KELLER & M'RAE, XBBK kn TlMBhl AGKJU'S, liKNBRJL CdMsmvaKRMiNTS, anil faROim Mart formerly occupied by Hall A Asmsteono, NORTH WATER STREET, WILMINGTON, N. C. HacToa m'kcllab. Nov. 11,1818. AltX. At'BAB. 102 L. MALLETT, AGENT FOl t6bAL Of mber, Lumber, Naral Stores, &c, Null's Building, Nrth Water Street, WILMINGTON. N. C. Wav. 9, 184:1. 101 BARRY, BRYANT k CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, WILMINGTON, N. C. Maroh 17, 1849. 1 tf. WILLIAM NEFF, idle of the firin of Nt.rr A. VVahneh.) V;i JLCSALE AND RKTAtt DEALER IN IIP CdANDi.EliY, SIIIP STORES AND (iitOCCitlES, OR.NEll OK DOCK A WATER STREETS, WILMINGTON, N. C. )ec. 7ih. 1813. 113 if. JOAN D. LOVE, DKALER IN ABINET FURNITURE, "giumus, ciniKs, i i rrtissKs. it, ROUK Sl KING, WILMINGTON, N. C. )ec. 14. 1818. swrr, keen &co. MERCHANT TAILORS, Atlb AlKKS IN s u -p .S.ii i o it r Uta Ay . (slltyp Vio vnng . . MARfEJ ST 11 EE I, et. 21, 1816. . rADUPIIITC HtTDG MAN V FAViRVH. E R , A.tO PKALK& IN - XkTi, CAPS, UMtiRELLAS AND WALKING CANKS, &c WILMINGTON, N. C, Market-at. let. 17 1349. ... H-tf. A. B. SflLI k Cj., Itijmkij i.id cuj jissu.i jikrcuims Fayettevlllo Htrset, r i c i n LI w r ill ttts'il 1 1 ill rJjn ml c i n altsions In their I).' o til u.i, -vita pa ictdaiity nJ Jip4ich. Raraa to t ( loiloncy Chas. Mahlv, O VirwSi H-i ths Saw, Rq., DO. J. K. J. IIAHIIk, ki. W. Jf jaoccAi, Em.. Iaj. O. L. Hktjs. (V .V. C, P. M, 1849. 145-12.TVC. MARTIN & CR3NLVT AUCTIONEERS, COViMIdSlO.I MEUCHANT9, GENERALAQENTS. Iilngton. h. - . a itHaV "fit i UCTIONEER m UNISSipHERCniNT, WlLMLNOrOM, M. C. I Cnh advances miJa o all conaiflonynt th Norih.or oa Pro-taco from lha coaptry. lomra 1 4or m toa Whoif.Soail aide of IMArut limu rtl,lM9. -tf. Ill VOL. 4 NO. '21. J. UArilAvVAVTsON. COMMISSION MEnCIIANTS. J. Hathaway. J. L. Hatuawa't. March 3, lo4i). 14'J. T" T. L. SMITH, (Late nr tiiBiFihm ok Sandfohd &, Smith.) COMMISSI O N Mfi R CHANT, WILMINGTON. N. C. Store on North .Water Street, Paralty's block. Oct. 14 184. DO-yc J. S. WILLIAMS. JXIi DJJi WnV iV.n. S I l ,VS UHUG STOIIIi MARKET STREET, WILMINGTON , N. C. Oct. 14, 1848. 90. W. BRANSON, AGENT FOUTIIE SALE OF UMBO, LIMi;R, NWIL STOUES, &c Nutt's Btidinz, North Water Street. WILMINGTON, N. C. N. B. I hive a I irie an.l Secure Timber V n where I will p it all rimb-r hit with me fr Mlent sb Snnll ch irge us is nude by any oihcr AjiOiil in this place, W. B. Sept. 28 1818. 83-c. B. I. HOWZE, A TTORNE Y AT LA W, WILMINGTON, No. Ca. Will practice in nil the Courts of Wayno, Dyplin and New Hanover Counties. JEFFREYS & LEIGHTON. General Commission Merchants, WILMINGTON, N. C. February 13, 1949. 141. WILLIAM J. CLARK, 'ATTORNEY AT LAW, RALEIGH, N. C. Srpt. 12th. 1943. 7f)-w.tri. c. CARROLL & F E N N ELL. Grocers & C u ii'kuju Merchaals, WILMI.veTO.N, N. C. UAVCAL'AVS0X HND A G1NIIAL AJIKOITHKNT ur fi .ULY c.i i Willis, munis, wntis, it A NO WIU. PAV r-ARTICULAB Attention to th -iln of rH kinlioi' Tin lute 9. J rtiniu.. C. N. rtKNKlL. July I 3, 1848. DEROSSET k BROWN. ! WIl.UINl. TON, N. C. BROWN & DEROSSET. NKW VOIIK. ',KKR.L CO M If SSO.V MKIICH.WTS. March 17, 1919. 1-y. J. k W. L. McGARY. P 0 R WM li J 1 U ,1 J C iMl il I S S 1 0 N M KUCHA NTS, S. ill V.i I'JV, . C. Mirch 17. 19-19. 1-y. GEJilGE S. GILLEiPIE. AUKXT FtJtt Tilt: SALK OT intURIl LUMHER, S.W'AL STOKES fc wl.l ii ikeliberalcauh iJvunrct- on u llcunuignineiith ol prod i.ee . Vlarch 17, 1819. 1 GEi)RGE W. DAVIS. COMMISSION MEitUilANT, WIL.vllNGTON, .. C. darchl7 1819. 1 J. C. LATTA. COM MISSION MKH CHA N T, AND GENERAL AGENT, WILMINGTON, N.C. Oct. 10.1948. 67 LIFE INSURANCE IN THIS N A 1'IONAL LOAN FUND SO ClErV, OK LONDON, AND FIRE INSURANCE IN Trl.fi .ETNA KSJ.lANOiS COM PAN Y", OF HARTFOUD, CosiTp oa, in thb HOWARD INSURANCE COMPANY, ' OF NEW YOUK, May bo aSected by application to OailOSSET 4. BROWN. March 17, 1819. 109 BENJAMIN BLOiSOM, COMMISSION MERCHANT NEW YOtlK. Liberal advancea made upon C.tnsignmentaof all kinJs ol pruduce. References. Mews. J. oV D. McRas. ) O. W. Davib Kaq V Wilmington. J. R Blobbom Esq. ) Dae. 19,1849 116 HENRY P. RUSSELL, AOENT FOR THE CAPE FEAR 8TEAM SAW MILL, WILMINGTON, tf. C. Met attention given to the faithful execution of all ordera for Lumber. Jan. 1 1849. 124-lyc jjjgsj b & i- a w h v . m mm m-m ; t. m mm PUBLISHED TRI-WEEKLY, WILMINGTON, TtlURSDAV CASUWELL k BL0SS&M, GENERAL COMMISSION i'""' AKD? , FOIW ARDl!HQ ' M BR CHANTS Nov 1 !,T)irkili(l'lMflm, North Water 8U triltttngvM, H. C. Lib ;ral O th idvancus mdo on eoosigamenta of Timber, Lum cr, aiul Navol Hmroa. April i, 1849. , . 8.12m. , J,. , LIFE INSURANCE, surplus oyfcR tTOO.OOO. ir-.-'--'SIai''laiT-ali --- J. it. BLOdsOVT. Atftn). April 3, 1849. fcMO-wp. HERON & MARTIN General Coamisnion HerchantM, 3T 1-2 North Wharves, v ii i ii i i) i: ii I ii i a Rrrr.R to Messrs. I'hos Watson & Sons, J no. C. Dacosta, Esq. S Dkiii. Wm. S. Nkilson Ei Esq..' sq, S RlBKBT NeILSOM. I'' - ;;Tw2co::fN-York- " Jd HAKV S "in,..,, Aprils, I94J, 9-tf. T ft, 1 1 HOT AND COLD BATH. AT THE BOWLING SALOON. by i. A. MORRIS, 7-lf. VERANDAH March 31, 1349. GEO. HARRISS, General Commission Merchant, WILMINGTON, N. C. STRICT attention given to piocuring Freights and purchasing Cargoes fur vessels. Rkfkb to F.. P. Hdl, Esq., O. O Parsley, Kurj., J. A. Taylor, K. , Wilmington. J. V IS t-II uny, l-.q., Mi-Sirii. Kall.ird A iluntington, J Messrs. 'Cooker, Ssnyih A Co., ) ' "Thoinps-iii A Hunter, ) Alex r. Hrfrrtin, Jr , I'hila lelphla Meaurn Williams & Butler, H. F. Uaker, Esq , j W Jan. 2, 1919. .New Vork. lesion, S. C. 123-if. SPIRIT BARRELS. AGwHsuppIv of empty Birrela ini iig to uil purchaser. bv For aale low Dj RUSSET & BROWN. March I Cft Dr. B. MUNSEY, IIUM(EOI'A THIC Pit YSICIAN, AND DENTIST, MARKET St , C Doors above Front St. Dec. 23, 19-19. 120-6mo. JOHN T . ItUSS, INSPECTOR OF TIMBER AND LUMBER. WILMINGTON, N. C. Oct. 14 1848. 90- F. J. LORD & CO., Agents for the N Z riLL'S I J rUAL LIFE INSURANCE Co Accumulated Capital, $130,000. ALSO FOR THE EAGLE LIFE k. HEALTH INSURANCE CO. Capital, $100,000. Will lake risks on live of Slaves. Office 2 3 Norih Water Street. Oct. 24, !8I8. JOHN HALL, Commission Merchant, WILMINGTON. April 12. 12 HARBIS. tUSISS S. DBAS HARRISS k DRAKE. Geaeral CjahImIja Merchants, WILM1NOTON, N. C. RtnstNCBi: O. O. .'araley, Esq, Col. John Mclt.10, A Wilmington, N. C. Messrs. Baliurd 4 Huntington, V III Peck, Esq . Raleuih. N. C. Mea,r. - Hall. S.ekell & Co., i PiyeH N. C. Joseph Utley, Leq., Messrs. James Corner A Sona. Baltimore. ' K. A. Souder A. Co , Philadelphia. ' Thompaon A Hunter, New y k Pillsbury A Saftdford, ) " Hunting dt Tufia, Boston. " J. A O. T. Titcouib, Eennebunk, Me. Senteinber 14th. 1848. 77 tf. FREDERICK CLARK. AarrAcioaa band dsalkb in all aisoe or CABINET FURNITURE CHAIRS, BKDSTE.lDS, WBITU6 IKSIS, liT TIUoKi, PAILLUTfcRS, te. FRONT STREET, NER MARKET, WILMINOTON, N. C. April llth; 1848. Il-I r. MOLASSES. 1 r A Hh1 Prim tiaw Crop Cnba JloU, jut 1 OU arrived Mr Brig lnMwaa. nri lor sale by J. HATBAWAT MM. Feb. 72. lit. Btj THOMAS LOR1NG; IOUNING, MAY 3, 1849. FCi CALIFORNIA AND TUE GOLD r REGIONS. ACAPT. R. J. BAkd3. oropnaaa to mike up a Stock Company, aacn Individual aub aarlainit bh4 oarlnir a certain amount of uatilM aapa lo be In prouori on u the a a mber of prongs or ad venturers ofTerlsg. purchase a good odflrttABtlal Vraael, the eargii and vi-aaet to be usrOd ay fha Company. -and ach Individual to be gov W4 Of Moh law an regulajUne aa lliaaald Cur anj mar make after being formed. Fifteen Hui i rert ' Dollars, haa already btrn subacribed. Cap afbit an oxp.'rienced navigator. 'having aalM arooo4 the Horn, aeven different tlnaartnd we(lloqulolte4 with Um ctwat. and will furnlah gJOQ worf of Inatrarm-Dtn for lha ouiflUat of lha V Feb. ,V 1 , , , , 136. SHIPPING ARTICLES. FOR 8Af at The Commercial Office, an ele KHUeditin of Shipping Articlca, enclosing all the law of iCongress relative to the Merchant's service. U RYE! For sale by 100 Bnaheta J. C. LATTA. 136. Jan. 25. SALT. f;AAA BUSIIKLS Turka Island, juat ar rived per Uris Ava, for aale by BARilY rJRVA.NT Co. 152. MaicU 10 FOR SALE. Turpentine Land and Distillery. C'F.VF.RAL Tracts, containing about 1000 acres of O Turpentine Land, in one body and free from Bugs i-ituati.i near Lockwuod'e Folly Rlvf-r, and in con venieit distance from Elizabeth River. ALSO, A 20 birrel Distillery, in good order, with every wor king T.kjI, situated on Lockwood'a Folly River and about Jmilea from above land. Applv to ROBT. G. RANKIN, Wilmington, N. C. Nerbtrnian copy (it and send bill o this Oifico. Feb 1. 136-tl NOTICE. I7R0M and after the first January, 1819. no Freight 1. vill be transported or delivered without lh freigh being paid. ROB'T. FENNER, Transportation Agtnt, W. & R. IU,K. Co. Dec 30. 1848. 12i-tf. SPIRIT BARRELS. Qrrv EMPTY BbU. . targe alxe and in prime or AUJ dor Jual received and for sale by BARRY, BRYANT 4 Co. 86 t. Oct. 5th PORK ! PORK ! I OK BARRELS nice Mess New Yotk city Inopec CJ lion and reinspecud in Wilmington for sale by GEO HARRISS. Murphy's Building. March 31. 1819. 7-tf. AGENCY OF Nautilus (Mutual Life) Insuranee Company TF.H?01NS holding Policies in this office arenOli I fled that Scrip Certificates for their Sharctof profit in the buMinete bf lh Company are ready for delivery at the Agency office. 2 1, North wa'er-ai. F. J. LOUD A Co., Agents. Oct 24. 94-tf. GRIST MILL. THE subscribers hsve starlet! a Oriel .V.ln con nexion with ihelr Satr JWi,and caa furnl.-h Meal and Hominy of prlmequality and at very short notice. JOHN McRAE 4 Co. Feb. 8.1849. 139-if. TURPENTINE STILL FOR SALE. A TURPENTINE STILL with Cap. Arm, Worm, Doorx, Tub, and all other necessary fixture!, In prime order, of either of the following siies vis : 12, IS, 20, 2, or 30 B irrels yellow Dippings Turpentine. Enquire of, or sddress by letter (o A. H VANBOKKELEN. Wilmington March 20. 1849. 2. DISSOLUTION. THE Copartnership h reiofore existing under the firm of PETERSON. CASH WELL eV Co., la this day dissolved by mutual consent. D. Casbwell at the old atand, w.ll settle the buai. ess of the con cern. E. PETERSON, D. CASHWKLL, 1. PETERSON. Feb. 8. 139 HYSON AND YOUNG HYSON. X Catty Boxea Y. H. Tea 12 Iba. each. Of,1 " Hyson " 12 Iba each, of superior quality and for aale by HARRISS dt DRAKE. March 8. 151 - SPIRIT BARRELS ! OQC Empty Spirit bbls. large sue aod in prim jrtler For aale low bv BARRY, BttYANT A CO. 129. Jan 16. COMMERCIAL BANK STOCK. 10 8HARES Commercial Hsnk .Muck, for aale by J. HATHA V?AY SON. Fet. 24. 145 FOR S.LNFRANCISC0 CALIFORNIA DIRECT! -Ti THE new A. 1. Copper fnatenedand copper JfffV ad, Live oak and red Ceader boitt Barque AUOdN A. TAYLOR, Martin raaator, .10 sail ss sbova, early In April. Stv can uke lha balk 1 2J0 tuns (oBjgbtand 100 passenger. For particu lars, spplvt OfcU. TV. UAVI3. Feb. l4. 141 FLOUR. . AA OH BarraR Btr fjanai rioar V7 W half '4 d For ant b HOWARD ejfXDatw. Fab. X 137. I Whole No. 487. THE STORM-RING. r BiAtiT uMrocurra. Mr chariot la the rushing wlad, My ateeda (ha lightning ar Mine la too lorn peal, aod I bind Ita thuoders to my ear I J acorn tb fattara whkh man would fling Around mtj tirelea form 1 I laagh at thorn all, for I araklag , 0( lh wild aad jaarfat Momt I riot the forest 0 Br its gtant monarchs I rend la twain, And scatter their wrecks before I On ! on ! like a pantlnir stood I fly ! Unloosed Irom the cubing rein, And I marks my path in the midnight aky By the lightnlng'a vivid chain t III. 1 I sport where the billow foam and dash The mark. .'s bark around, And I chant my music amid the flaah That heralds the thunder'a sound ! I quicken the stoutest he.rt with fear, And I blanche the sternest brow, As I sing In the startled aeamen'a ear Tho fate of his gallant prow I IV. I pencil the rainbow Is the aky With ita huea of living light! I water the blooming earth when dry, From my fountaina cool and bright ! You may hear my pulse's softest sound Float forth on the rlaing breexe ; Or when twilight ahadowa grow dim around, In the rustling of the trees! O'er sea and o'er land I wend my way, Like a haunted thing I roam In the darkest night In the brightest daft 1 am just aa much at home t Man feara the steeds of my flying car, And trcmblce beneath my frown Fur he knows those' eteeda the lightnings am, And my power chaina thara down I RILEY, THE DESERTER. . This uotoriou renegade and deserter troco the Aiuericau ranks, i endeavoring to create sympathy in the heart of a few citizen of Hie United Suit s, by spreading abroad the report that he wo unjustly uu united by Gen. ci ... tr a 1 .'11 ocuw. vv e nnu me loiiowinir precious mor KatY, the DepERTtB. A letter to the Fawtucket Chronicle, from one of a party bound 10 Calilorina, by the way of Mexico, hue the following notice ol the personage above named. Ledger At Jalapa we were called on by Colonel Riley, the Irish deserter, (so called). He is an officer in the Mexican army, and say he lias been unjustly punished by Gen. Scott, us he never was an American citizen, nor wa he enrolled in the American army. He cume to Mexico on bis own hook, and asked a coraruistioi from Gen. Taylor, was refused ; and as bus object was to make money, he joined the Mexican, and alter serving in all the battles, waa taken at Lhurubusco. He received two hundred stripes, the letter L. was burnt on his cheek, and he was im prisoned nine months. H Intend a soon as Geu. Taylor take hi sent to apply to the U. S. lor redress, which, if his story be true, he will uodoubtedly get. h i aaid Gn. Taylor never considered bin aV deserter, lie is a hue specimen of an Irish gentleman, and a friend lo all Americans, il bo great influence here, and ha helped many Ameri cans ihal were la trouble here. We dined with him on Sunddy. and had a very pleas ant time.' Now it ia a fact too well known to bear contradiction, that Riley dcaerted frn the American army at Corpus Christi, a abort lime before th war with Mexico, and thro'- out the entire eampaign, evinced an Arnold- ike hostility to the American. Me wa among ihe lat to quit the bloody height of Cerro Gerdo. and on the gory field of Chortt- busco, he did more lo injure the Americans ... . I I . . in their advance upon tnose worse, mau sunr ofheer they had 10 contend with. He waf b leader 0: that body ot aeserier Known as The Foreign Legion.' and commanded them at the bridge of Chunibuaro, better known ii this huLnrv nf that aanffuinarv conflict, as the 'Tele de Fcnt , and being aa eipcti artilleryman, he created fearlul havoc mi me American ranka. as tney issuea inui me con vent, and bore down upon the spot. Ho was taken prisoner, together with hi men, who not loutf afterwards expiated their their crime upon ihe gallows ; while h. the main mover, and principal prraoiisgo. e-K- ith life, because he deserted belore the war commenced. And yet, ttn man wnose hand are dyed iu the heart's Wood 01 our bravest and best citizens whoso recreant arm struck down some of ihe noblest officers and soldiers in our army, wnose oones are now bleaching beneath tne Diooasiame sand of Churuhusco this man dares to tnlk of redrew : and is called by an Am"n can citizen, a specimen of an Iruh gen tleman f His name deerve to go down to infamy ranked with that of Arnold ; and in future generation, when children art called upon to speak tb namesef lha two aMst da graded man that ver existed on earth. 'they Ispuld be taoghl lo hi forth Ibosw f A. -nold the Traitor and Riley, tiU DettrUr T Oamaoe fc Ssaocwcf Mr Frar. ar. of.CUverack, N- Y- iatel 4 dor taraW. name jnq. fjmvj9m ndntr b 4 dtughtir," nff mot I 1 1. Thai mrw stss Ifr. Vtmttu twein btjodr4 doUir. taaii J 1 T tyne forked over tb tiu, and wm glad to get Off at that.', ; ..';""' , i( !i' ' r '!.. '''y f;-fv ffT " . FURTHER FROM MEXUJr ' The Mobil ItegUier of Mondny ronrvin onra iurther MnicMn iff ra received by the steamer Tkamt$ which arriVrd at MoU;le M jsotaruay last. Tho Register' eattfnh , ent wriitng from Vera Crux, atatea that thera '' waa a JNeia; UrlajM reaael at s urerii 4aiin i, thfea mHe diataat bora tti rlty, from Nut Orleans untlvr qcrarantrne wita fbr(y-even - UAiiinrnwn" on fcoaa. He adJa iba followiiig : Coaches ma arT dv to the city ol Mr- ico, T&ey arc Uniird BiaUf roHcl'.ea, oh ajar built at AWjanjr aad Newark. ..Thry are drawn by four atoka, A4,rnri(rrinut ar now making to run Hue inaibu) -tmxu w in racinc j .anazttiian 10 isr iiir isjausisjav in a law; wrek it will be c4il t A. t-n pnaaetlgcra travel by C0ahr( from Vcrsj Crux to the acifief whenea Ote tnmlakm. AhrpIng forjicrrade Oro. Yatkflr4 prut 1 it the bottom of 1 his. . , i,, In the ieFecffon ftf doubloon fat Ihi rqon try, those brurinjr tfie ttitnp RetuWi.ianni Mritcanar anooi4 be jprtiut;a. Woltiurisoy BolUVnn 4r ChD'ian eotnag Mswea for itmM lot auteeo dollar. v " 'v't V Tiew renebrd here this mon kig from u. capital that Ihe Mexican Congress had re voked the permit allowing tho right ol way (0 Tehuai'leiitc for ihe coiKtructKntol n rail road across the Isthmus, in favor ol' a Mexi can grnticman rw at Wellington. liritwh influence, it is said, is at ihe foundation of this counter movemrnt. It is ruinornl thai an Engliw!: admirulity agent in iu Mexico at tcndii g to this matter. There ha been a Qure up at Tampko. U10 particulars of which seem to be as foil owe : Wl en the Americana left Matamora. U the goods then in lite tountry were t-yempt from 'iutits. hut the merchants !uJ lo xiveitr their 111 voices lo the goverurnvnC They gav in invoices of an imrpenan riunntity of Ameri can good whic h they had not calcnliiling to receive them alter wards, at such time a suited their purpose. The tariff waa put 00 immediately alter the peace, and t!e nier rliants of Tumpico had not the chance that tho people on the Rio Grande had. Having no goods on hand mwl a heavy tariff, their trade was stoptjJ, ar.d tl.iy have no cliai.ee unless there is a reduction , iIkj a!'"' you witT-e that the rnenau. "wre ready for any chance to lart thir tradajngnin. ftmugglief s o eailv efTecUd orlhr R.10 Grande and all along thobordei, unit Amer ican domestic cotton are Belling Jor lea tliaar the d lilies and exptiwcs. .There m largn numbekef foreign mercbnt in Tampiro, of wiioin uif vrovernuittai 14 sajpf W'ifl ysaiau, anftlic pep4e of,he Slate are nitJBO oppo aid to the existing order of things. The la boring rlaxaes do not get an well paidn Jiey did when the Americans were then- Now, the uorarnniant beinjr aware ot all th. watetoe every thing that traDpirej. und im agines Jiat proaunciamento and revolutions are planted all over 1 he Suite. On the night ol the 13th, Gen. Vega being absent in tho country, the officer kit in routin tnd ai i'aru pico, fearing that an atlempl would be made to seize some specie, (that was being shipped on board the Tkamet ) fcr revolutionary pur- the Government; which sin 11 J I alfair cnoseJ more talk in Vera Cruz, and wilt- probably cause more netvspaprr humbug iu the Uni ted States, than the great - sea aurpmt." ' There was a seizure of about $S 000 yrortht of old silver .and silver bars, by ihe Custom house officer at Vera Crux,' belonging to one of the Thames' passengers. He had it nrrcly packed up in bale lo resemble cochineal, ai.d attempted to pasait without paying the ex port dutiee. but the officer were too wiJe awake, and he loat it all. A Man wbat' "Somi." Last week at Cleveloiid, a caoal boat broke away frooi her mooring in the river and went out inter the laka. There was but one man onisoarw, but he having acquire.) much atitl in the peril of the a raging canawl," waa equal to the fearful crisis. Of eourse. hi polrs were not adequate in that depth of water, m quickly aplking the am total of rupee and tow line, be should, red the coast atfjjrey brueg ht it on deck, made fast, and cr an abor : Next mominir he was discovered se curely riding at Anchor," and was brought ( From Ike CAnrtfo Ttaws, AprilZi MELANCHOLY SUftlDE. A most tragical occurrence took place in - this city yesterday, A young rotin, nbowt twenty-two years of atra, at' the iMrowsal James L. Plait, son of the late Lrvi ristt, of Platuburgh. a stranger hero who bad bekrtr topping at the City Hall, waa the subject ofiL This young roan, of fine education and address, was preparing through the day to leave in the five o'clock boat lor RufJufu, and afier dinner look leave ot his acquain tance formed at the hotel, with hi urcuaw tomed flow of spirit and g od iVeling. nobody atisnecting anyttuog onl o tho way. flo unu pneaeu oaa iniiia, uuu uirrtwu me pori- er to call at bis room and take it 10 iho steam boat, al about four o'clock At a little alter this hour Piatt entered hi rouin, and a few ui.tiuirs aflyr the porter followed, nnd lound bim situ g 14 hi-ehair shot directly through ihe hrart anal already dead, the pistol lying on the floor. On hi table where found two letter iddreaJ t different persona one of which wa laihej. Coroner, saying that he need bave no trou ble or suspicion of any one, as hia death waa caused by hi own 'premeditated act. Since,, wniintr the loregoing we nave received the following : An inquest wa held by Mr. Coroner Stewart on the body, which rendered a vrr- . diet that 'James L. Plat coma hi d mlh by hi own hand, with a pistol, the baJt-prta. 1, tng between the fifth and sixth ri, through the centre of In heart, ctusiag insaant death,' v. The loilowing ia a ropy of the uom to .ittor -Coroner referred to a bive: ,. "Oa wtoo. N. Y. April 23k Tb (ki Otrvntr of lU J4 111 40 a. ices hi una wuo a vjew ot,; uiionojii-r ... . . -m ... . UMiA wrim wtl f.a. D. .. )J ricoctf-i, jotinry traly, Jaav tirr, 2i voo tftai wnan yoq oqu arqot npoa ny . , -hod tao mar labor ucder na donbt as to J 1

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