-4 ir r THE COMMERCIAL. WILMINGTON, N. C. SATURDAY, MAY 5,"l84. THE MIGHTY HUNTER, BILL JOHNSTON. A chapter from Mr. Webber1 new book, The Gold Miiiet of the Gila" 1 returned home with the Colo el, and on reaching ilia log hut, we were aston ished to see through the chinks of the logs the blase of a cheerful fire. As we enter ed, the figure of a very tall personage met us. 1 heard a drawling voice say, "How are ye, Kern?" " Bill Johnson Blood and blazes I Glad to see you, old fellow I What brought you here 1 Just the boy I wanted !" 'Oh, jes: sneakin' around ! Anlhinj cr eiirrinT 'I lellyou boy, yes; I have just taken a pop at that sneaking Mexican, Agatone. One of his men took one at me down on the log. Did you hear the gun V "Jest as usual; oneer them yaller slinks can't hit a bluif side ! I hearn the gun thought ihar were sum then out. Who is this " turning to me. "Oh, that's Kainluc.k ; we're going to make something of hun ; lie stands powder well, but wants a heap of practice " I "He ! Bel gin us your feelers, kenttick, we ll work the buttermilk outen yer I triad yer come I from old lennerdee myself, and them's do.-ie sisterine yer know. Turn that meat thur, Kern ! You keepd mighty tnflin' fires; but you poor creatures who live in houses can't have a fire like men oughter Spiul yourselves, boys, and make yersclves at home while I'm er ealin'; 1 ain't tuck nothin ainco yester evenin and then I tuck it raw dry 'caase a firo wu'n't Bufe!1' "Fresh signs ?"askd the Colonel, ns he stooped and cut a great slice from the venison 1mm which was spitted before the lire. " I could'er almost smelt 'em I" said Bill, as he went through the same ma noeuvre. 1 found yer coffeo, Kern, though yer does keep it in a cussed sly place Mexi cans bad, are they ? Mighty bad thing, having people living 'bout jest ter thieve." But the Colonel's jaws were too busy by this tune lor further talk, and he merely nodJed his head. Bill who had now, too, cut off a slice of meat weighing about a pound from the ham, and passed it on, with a significant look, to me, then seized upon the quart cup id coffee which was sim menng hot, and commenced in solemn si lence his incal. JN'ow, amidst the deep stillness, broken only by the doleful sound of the voices of night without, and the crashing of their heavy grinders, let us take a good look at Bill Johnson the boy, as the Colonel call ed hiui. And a rough seeming customer was he worth, tajtiug-a second look at especially if you fell any temptation to Cross his track. He was upwards of six feel four in height; an angular, loose joint ed figure, tli.it looked as if it had been thrown together by a pitchfork, and did not care whether it staged thrown together or not; his bones, though, were prodigi ously mafsive, and his hand felt to me like iead. There was not the sixtieth part of a grain of surplus flesh upon him. His ten- dons, muscles, and even veins, were as rig- l..fi,,.l .f ,U... UJ 1 uiuujij ucuireu as ii nicy u uecn cut in r i t t i . , ., granite. Upon his wide, massy shoulders was bet a very small head, with a fleece of closc-curleil black hair. His features were small and well shaped, with a full. Irank black eye; his skin, stretched so tight as it was over the bones, reminded ' mc in color aul consistence, of a drum head. He was dressed in & black, greasy, buckskm suit, 'a world too wide," which Appealed as though it had weathered a thousand storms, and kept pace with the rJrof reive tanning of his own cuticle. In a word, sun aud wuida, perils by flood and field, and starvation, altogether, had hardened the man into a perfect whalebone stale ! He Jtad" lain aside his wolf skin cap and b illet ppuch, and in the belt of his hunting shirt were stuck two or, three Jmivea of different sizes and lengihe, and a brace of loug rifle pistols. The charger of alligators' teeth hung &t hia breast, along trta tile coiled wire tube-picker. Of beard he had tjone, whether be had plucked it out as the Indians do, or never had one, I caaaottelL But such as he is this was Bill Johnson, the guide, hunter, trapper the man who knew, as well as he knew 01d Sue," his rifle, every peak along the chain of the Rocky Mountains who vis ited Astoria merely as a pleasure jnunt to see the boys, und hug his old friends the griizly bears who Itnturiated his sum ners at the Steamboat springs, with his head upon the lap of his Delilah a cap tured Blttckfcct squaw! who look Santa i'e a " mine inu" on his way to spend the jsvinter on the pampas of California who wal proof against wind and hail, and all tornadoes, and joyed "On tho snow-wreath to balUspllh lb wolf;" whose hide could glance the arrow of a Siouix whoee eye would see the Condor first, and olfo bring it from its icy peaks whose spring was agile as the long fleeced goat's whose fool was tireless as tho Hu ron rujioer' who could ouutarve the rartfo, and look greasy where ibe jackal I di d whose fist could crush a puma's skull whotw tub .wae .quicker than the thought of deaUb who hate was greedy as an f aV.mawwhose Tec sa mUi awl eiiopJe as a country boy'swho wavtXniiXM an muden's,suii quite M free of guile who worshipped God un consciously in daily , walk and converse with his grandeur,yet would have laughed at all religions! ' Such was Bill Johnson; and so are many others of those majestic natures, whose souls grow like the shadows of the moun tain ridges they walk beneath; "wild above rule or art;' mirced but sublime! Ann yet that man's hand was red, and many a retributive blow of vengeance it had struck. Society would shudder at the bare recital of many a deed he had smiled in doing. ret while in your "fenced cities" you have the gallows your huge castellated prisons, your houses of discipline, your narrow cells where, shut from the free air and holy sun, the wretched sinner against your laws must tell the weary seconds on through years, until the inward light goes out and death strikes twice, you should not find fault with these men, to whom "con science is as for a law;" you have given them none; and since the systems vou boast of, and have framed in pride, offer you no alternative but to make justice an executioner, blame them not if, as they have no ideal incorporation on which to throw tlie blame to which they can say, "on your shadowy head be the blood of this man; we wash our hands of it" they should more honestly take the retribution into their own hands, and each man for himself be the executioner of its stern law. You cannot judge of the fierce wrongs which heat their strong passions to the fever-thirst for blood and vengeance. It is a battle for life for ever on these des olate wilds, of man to man, eye to eye, and loot to loot, ret they have a code tho a relentless and martial one it be written J in the constitutitution of their natures, and the circumstances of their position. ' True! me each stale must have Us policies Kingdoms have edict cities have their charters And even (he wild outlaw, in his forest walks, Keeps yet some touch of civil dislpline." By this codo they arc most sacredly bound. This eomrnon law of conscience and of individual rights needs no wily counsellor to distort its meaning and con- lound Us sense ; but each one, with the ma jesty of nature looking down upon him from her eternal hills, and under the broad gaze of the great eye of heaven, manfully and stoutly, of his own responsibility, inter prets for himscif, and is his own executive! " V e'er goin' to see after him some, in the monun', Kem 1 ' For the bone was picked pretty clean by this time. " 1 tell you we are, Bull The boys will bring Hays and ten men ; and now we've got you, 1 wouldn't take a hundred mules tor the chance I" " 1 don't care, but 1 11 be thar. Yer know Kern, thur's sunnhen between us; it's time it war fixed don't like such things ter stand long ; but they don't spile much in iny keepin'. Agatone run'd agin thur sawyer when he rund agin Bill Johnson !" That he did, Bill !" "But who'r yer goin' ter send on the trail, at day-break ?' 'Uh, the lonquoway ! you know him." " He ll do. Let's quite up. And with the word he spread his buffalo robe on the floor, and said, as he threw himself upon it "Don t like this ere sleepin twixt walls! Too close can't breathe free ! kinder strangulates a man ! Don't see rrow Ver can stand it Kern !" 'Oh: a man can get used to a heap o' thiugs, .Bill!" we were au soon streicneu upon our re . n . i i ispective pallets, and I was near y asleep, . r;iV ..u'u . c , when Bill, who had been tossing from side to side, sniffling, drawing long breaths, and seeming to be very restless, suddenly jumped lo his feet, took up his blanket,and walked out n tlie door, grumbling and muttering as he went : " Cussed hole ! 'nough to smother a ground-hog! Wouldn't sleep ihar for a hundred beaver pelts !" I nearly burst my sides with restrained laughter at the idea of a man's fearing heM be strangulated " in a long-house, with both doors open, or rather with no door at all. But I fully appreciated Bill's uneasi ness after six or eight months' tour oil the prairies, and recollect being obliged to do the same thing the first lime I lept in a house afterwards. A sense of suffocation came over me as soon as I lay down though the room was very open and af ter trying in vain to sleep for several hours, I was obliged to take my blanket, and go out to sleep under a tree I Nothing low than the fanning of the strong wings of ihe mountain wind, laden with the per fume of the flowery plains, can lull lo sleep these spoiled luxurious children of the wilds Mrs. Ltdia Hale. widow of Rev vid Hale of South Coventry, Cl., Da and mother of the late David Hale of the Jour nal of Commerce, died cn Wednesday last at Rockville, Ct.. al the ripe age of 85 Mrs. Hale was remarkable both for mental and physical vigor. She led a life of use fulness and practical piety. The dignity and composure which were prominent traits in her charter pervaded her closing scene of life, and she passed away in happy assurance of re-union with the partner of her youth and the prop of her age in the world oi promise. r'! Hirvaid Ukiveisity. The inaugura ion of Jabed Sparks as President of this institution is to take place in the latter pari of June next The commencement exer cues ere in future to be held on the third and fourth Wednesdays of July, instead of the fourth Wednesday in August, as has beeu the pracuce heretofore. A Murderess . Sentenced. Letitia S. Blaisdell was sentenced on Tuesday at Amherst, N. H., to be executed the I3ih of next August, for the murder of an adop ted daughter of Benjamin E. BUisdell. Cholera at Pittsburgh It is officially announced that the Cholera exists at Finn briigh. The Journal of the 27th snys: "The cases have mosily occurred on board the steamboats. People should out take alarm from the announcement. BRANDY PEACHES. IN Jars or by the gallon. For rale by J. WILKINSON f- April 21. CO. It). COCOA NUTS. (X T JUST rcctlvodat AA) J. WILKINSON April 21. CO'S. lb. GROCERIES. PRIMRCuba Molasses i Prime Porto Rico Sugar and common quail lien Hlid. and barrels. 1 50 baits Colli e, various and good family. Si. Croix Sugar, in burrole. Rice. Sperm art", Patent Candle, bent. Tallow Candle. So ip, Siarch, for sale by R W. BROWN. April 19, 1819. 15-51. BOOK KEEPER DISCHARGE)! r; N eon.equence of i he unpleasant results Irnm long credit and the trouble In colleetmir, I nm coinpi-n- ed to adopt a cash system, ao ill it .after the I5ih of March, 1849, no credit will he given at this establish ment, as I prefer 'toinu less nu-incss .m i liivintr no I credit to Ihu dis igreeablc necessity of being obliged i0 collect according to luw. s r. I'ui.i.r. r . N. U. All accounts nnd notes due tli" hue linn of Hart '4 Polley will, if not paid by the l"ilh inat.be put in the hands of on attorney for collection. March I. 118 MOLASSES. FOR sale bv bbls. and hhdg. nl HUVVARO & PKDF.N' April 12. 12 LIME! LIME!! LIME!!! Off" BHLS l.incolnville White Lump: Also, OLL cnlcined Plaster, I'laslerinp Hair. rid Fire Bilek, Hydruulic Cement; 1000 bbls. Lime, rf-c.i for sale by J. C. & R. B. WOOD. April 14. H40. U-if. CAM PAINE. C-lAN be hid al 40 cents per unllon. ll icon'y nre J esaary ta ijivo it a trial, as we are convinced thai Tnose who try it, Will come nnd buy it. CAK.tOLL S ff.nm: u. 140 Feb. 10. NORTH CAROLINA BACON. I vUL and Shoulde s Just received or' Rail Rond and for sale t y HARRIES S- DRAKF. MurchlU. 151. OATS. BUSHF.t.S Oiis, in a received per F.vc-r-green and for Sale by IIARRISS 4 DRAKF.. March 15. 151 SILK UMBRELLAS! D WALK ING CANES. A NY person wanMnu n jjond ilk Cinhrrll.-i, or n j TL enu el wulklng cunu, will find n Knod nssnrl mental C MVF.RS', March 2 3. II il Store. Market st FOR CALIFORNIA. THE Nautilus, Muluil Lile Insurance Company ol New York, will tuke ticks on the lives ol per sons golag to Culilornia. Apply to V i. LORD & CO. March 10. I5i BLANK NEGOTIABLE NOTES. BLANK Negotliiile Notes on ihe several Hunks In thl place just primed In a neat form, for sale The Commercial Ol )tflce. Hutch 27. NOTICE. THF. undersigned have formed Cdpartnernhlp under the firm of OASHWKLL A BLOSSOM for the transaction, of a forwarding nnd Genoral Com mission Business. Any Business iniruated to us will have our prompt allentlon D. CASHWF.LL. JOS. R. BLOSSOM. April 3, 1849 8-2m SniRTS!SniRTS!!SniRTS!!! SSTB k... MM.oi.cd Ihe latest ffWon nf.hirt. ' 11 - . a..' ii..' i. j vlth standing and Bvmn rnh'. rnll snd ;e ,, auuri, KKKN A Co March 17, 1849. 1 JUST RECKIVF.D lOsnd 12-4 Barnslry, nnd 12 4 Cotton Wheeling, by J. S. WILLIAMS. AprU2l 16. TU8T HKCEIV ED. A New Style M usellies J J. li. WILLIAMS IS. 17. April 24. SWEET POTATOES. fcfr BUSHELS forsnle by OUV HOWARD A PFDF.N April 12. 12 BILLS OF LADLNG, &c. IOLIO POST BILLS uF LlDiNO. bonnh In Books, and sheets, also Lelier Sh-ets - with a vsrietv of mercantile blanka, lor sale at The Com mtrcial Office. BUTTER! BUTTER ! ! Y7I IRST quality Goshen Butl. rsi m. Februarv 3. (il'.O. M YF.RS. 137. rPHF. subscriber hia just rpmvrd.and is now o X peninir his Sprlni Stock of Oent s. Iluy'a and in fants Hai a. My atock la very largr i ihIhm n t ,r ry stvleof Pulm Lesf, Leghurn. rnnams nnd Pa d ile Hits, which will a H at very low prj.-pa, f ir CASH. Cjjn'rjr M-rch ints auppllrd si N w York lobhinir prices. O MVr.RS Mirth 22. 3; C.I.UE "F.RMANand A'aerican Olue, of prime quality M for Diatlllaia. For sale bv DtROSSKT A BROWN. an. 6. 125. K MARBLE YARD, AT vVlXMIMGTOX, Ns C. f jHF, subscriber lakes tills met ed of Informing 1. tnuelilxens of N w Hanover and the surroun ding ouniiea, that he hat established the above bu siness in al. its variety, In (hit bulid.n? kno-vn as the Carriage fiepositsy, next doriu Mis. Cowan',' on .Vhiricui street, where fid will be constantly recei ving root one ol lid .u m extu.mve in inul.ictori In .Sew V'oik. us well nl from an establishment Baltimore, a constant supyly of articles in hia line consisting In purl "f MJ.MCHRNTSs Plain ami Box 'tombs: Head and Fool I Stones; Fire Places; Mantel Pieces; Bureau and Centre Table Tops; Pastry Slabs ; Imposing Stones; Form Tables; Paint Stones and Mullnrs; Window arid Door Sills and Lin tels. In ahnrt. every article required, either of Italian or American Uurble-', he U iirep ired to furnish, nl rjri- cea th H cannot fail to pleuse - and in a slyleof work- niiiriHliip that cannot Ue nurp;iHPtu ,it the INorth " elsewhere. He will alien I to ihJ d. liveiy and nut liiu; up of ail il)3 11 1 rc'qui u his mention thereby sivinjr the purch i.er lite trouble of employing expe- rien eil meiuo put up a ion aUer it 11 is been iiouinn at tho irih: and he ll is no hesit ition in laying ilint there will be u neil nuvini; ol 2J to '2.t pur cent, in buy inifnt him, together wilh imp aisur meeof having ihi wnr'c Mound not rumiinur tho risk of breaking by snippinirlroui a distance. I he pu 'lie ure respect fully invited to all an I ex inline liis mock and judge lor thenn 'Ives Orders by m til or ntherwise, fmiii the country, will be Hiiende I to, nnd cli irucs the 8iiin us it or lore I in person, and instructions im plicitly obeyed. S. It. FOitt). AqenHtor (Jjjilin Ounty, ut Ken ansville, I. H. 4 .1 J. K- lly. Kr S inipson County, at Clinton, J. if- V. John son, with w I .in all ir.lorM c in lu I' ll. Avenis ti Uold-tboro', Gregory k Uriswold. March 17. i tf D. BRAGG'S. i VTKXT el istic iin(in A t shoulder brace. This brace H deni''ned for , i li n. enileiii:.'n nnd Children, of ill aes an I pr 'in ate an u.i.i r'H an I fliill 'le. 1 1,1 object is to "r i : 'f il position in sti iet cont ir oily to itie I iwi ot lite an. I li'ilth. ItnoeMs onlv to tie tried an I w rn to s nify every one of Iih necessity an I utility; tor p irlicul irs nve circular, nil interested iro invited to call mil examine the tiiaoe. for sale at SCO I T, K.i:K.i; & Co, Market st March I", HID. I. MATCHES. j g CAWS, 40 Liroa tj.il h's liest fit s ile at J. VILKI.SO. & ( o's 8. April 3. (AMPIIINE! C1MPIIINE!! K) ckxts rtit Fur il - at the Sioie of Fel'. 27. VM,ON .1. G. li.LMA.. 147 CORN & OA'IS. oOO,! UO Oats. Fur sale by J . & W. L. OAftY .Ian C . ADAMANTINE CANDLES. ( I'OXKS assorted si.es, fm sale by 'J W DER0.3SKT4- t!ROV Apiil 7, 1-W'J. 10 if. OfiQ'l. Casks CJ bale at v erv I'llel III w inu. ' s. I' y nc ved UROW.N low rii DeROSSKT F b I . TOOTH ACHE CURED, Des'dmni eel tir.iied Chinese Boll. Fo I 1 ) sale w.lolcs ile nnd retail b WILKINSON March C. loP. CORN. 1 AA BUSIIF.LS TORN Just Rerived p. r rail ' Jf road and For sale by H.IRRISS DRAKF.. Feb. 10 I 10 BOSTON LINE OF PACKETS. i nr. I'jiinwin,' iviSI-.I.S willsaii r. i;. daily between this yori and lios lon. vii : ling WM. NICHOLS, Capt Jas Leiehn.n. Schr. MINNF.SOI'A, Capi Oilbert L.-ithion. Th ' above vessels are of the lirsl class, and nie commanded by enperienei d n ivi" iiois HARRIS S 6 DRAKF.. Jan. I ! . 7. FRESH SUPPLIES. Oioci ric, 4-c.just receiv"i HOWARD PF.DF.N'S. W F all descriiilunit nl' aad fur s ile luw at A pi il 12. I X D.iz. small Painted Tubs . 3doz. Willow Ruskeis. I 3 Jn punieil p iil. ('Iiiilies pins, and giiier.il j H,iodV ire, 10 Ins. Orun es. Ill Lemons, upplesic. ') b'd Si) 1 1 . J r ii; it T s, So ir Cai.'ners. Huiti r. I'lne- appl Choi-se, Ch ic dale Sji.tr, C.ifldj, Cheese, Teas, N iiiiiii'ggs, C.icmfa. M ieo, i'lovea, R.tee f!iner, Ac. i Ml I I ....... I - . '....'. .1 I , ... i. I V "". ' ' ,"lu " iviioails iUC. , nils -i)i'rni Uil. IU limes Jl.i an- dlei', lil T il I'd i.v f-:. -o I irs ,ms 'rted Piekels, all kinds, and lor S.ilu I'X) ll i lies Cm v. ry Low lur C.i March la P I'.eserve, h by OKO. M YF.RS. 154. MARBLE MONUMENTS AN 11 GRAVES" I'O N H AG K NCY. THF. subscriaersare ippointi d Agents for une of the bet and nuitt tilauiri M A R I) I. F. YARDS InCounecllcul, and will r-weivc orders for Marb'. Monuiiienls or (irave Sioues. either le'tered or nei which will be .irnish' d at the shortest notice an most reasonable nriees. We liavcrecei 'eda v.irlrtyof patterns. variiustye i l. the prices. which may be examined at nm nm, 1. C. iSi K. R. W(K)I) lluililrri inii Cuntruclci t TJune K 40. BANK CHECKS. on ilia aevenl Banks in this HHI'XKS pi ice, si i he KJ bound In B oks and In ahcets, fur ral" Com'iurruii OJjict. FOR HOUSF. and Lot on norm si le of market rV slniet, nn I thr.-e irel above boundsrv. Hi the hou Is new nn I p.ini nn u .....r ... Jl able r.iiini. t'tere Is also i Kit h nandnthri houa.'s .hi ihe lot. The lot Is fifl loel by l5. posses slon i(iven luiiiiidi Hi ly. Apply Id C. C. MOHSF. Feb. 0. Journal copy tl. iq. m FLOUR. 50BBLS. April 12. Fayattcvillc Flour, fir sale bv HO A ARD & PDEi. 12 ... HOUSE'S FAMILY AND PLANTATION MEDICINES. IIOUSE'S INDIAN TONIC, A jileasant nnd tictcr fuilmn curt fur CHILLS or jMil'I'; rvrv t.K, in three hour, avaa rcmeay in llitious ana licmuaanl tevtr. The cures found on the wrapper of NINE end TKN years Hiaiidlnij.aie tlie most reinurktible on re conl. proving it clearly to have been superior toevery other knii'tn remedy in curin . Intermitiants. Per f hi 8 ol Hilinusoi Dtbililated habits, will soon rind relief from ueing it. Nursing mothers, who need something to invigorate and strengthen them, will find it tne very thin:;, tiken in largn table spoonlui dnsi s three or four tiiiies a day. Do try il. Price tl per bottle. IIOUS I 'I Ptrf s, KxU care fur. I' I l,hS, andjor If urns, llruues, hxter nat Soreness, Mashes, Sprains, Fresh Cuts or Wounds, whether on man or beast, and as an ex ternal application in Rheumatism, Us effects are derided, and absolutely astonishing. A person ill r usi i it re n irk' d, ''it is worth five !'!!' s a thimble full." No fa nily should ever be without it a .-inglo moment. Price 91 per pot. IIOITSK'8 VliGF.TAKI-K TIM.S are worthy or a place in erery family, ana as a general f amily Medicine, Ihe. best in the World. They art happily combined so an to ad directly upon the ir hole animal economy, and assists nature in expelling all morbid or acrid Iwnors, irhic'i engender diiease. 'Vliey are the only reliable cure ever discurcrctl for RHEU MATISM. Ti y them, ye afflicted ones; d y up your tears and cease your groans, for there is yet Hood in store for you. St great is their popularity that orders fir than to be, sent to distant parts qf the country through the mail, arc frequently received. N i pcrs in or planter, wno his ever tried Ibem, woiil I willingly dis.ii nsc. wilh them. We appeal to ihe h in Ireds wh i h ive used them, for tne uuili uf what we say. Piice 25 cents per box. HOUSK'S VVATV..adecUlcd cure for Titers Scald-head anil Icinirirnrins. A cure of I; years standing, by a single box, and many others that sennrd incurable, have yielded readily to its curative virtues. Don t take our irordfor il,bnt try il. Price bU cents per pot. XT fh" nhove tried, popular md highly approved nl .ile linn '3 may be puru.m-cd ofall the 1) uggists in N ishvill , and fr nn the Proprietor at V hoies.ile ml Retail, in I ii ; 'Oil i iipiu y n. ly be luund 111 almost very town in ihe South ami U est. All orders addrrsse l to (ll .O. W HOUSF., Nash ville, Tenn., will be mended t , and liberal discounts ma'te upon the r. t til prices. Prepared by GEO. W. HOUSE, Nashvill -, Venn. ForHilebyVV.ii. II. Lippili, Wil nlngtoo ; J. B. jc ir'i or. i ih. Mulberry, New Hanover Co. IsSam Ar.iHir iii. ito. kv I'oi it ; Lnb.ui Ja ral , near So. A as.ii.i 'ten : John C Wo Men Eliz ibelhlo wn ; niey .4 irr. Duplin ' ''t ; I). (1 H. Kndshaw, la- ind 'ree i J. It. .( J. J, lie ly, Kenmsviliu: James iilllvani. tV. iif s t'r.ek, 1'iijMiii; Ao.nu (;. Davis, K oeklord, Leu iir :.i ; Reuben all ice. Snow Hill, (ir.-ene; -iaoiuel Rcwell, New Hanover. April I, 1819 8-6m-c Tl O C K S V it I N G FURNITURE WAREHOUSE. Tl I E salisciiber wuiild respectfully an nounce loihe cili.en ol Wilmington and the surrounding eniinties, thai he is now receiving hi- Kail Stock 'if Cabi net Furniture. Having selecKd It hlm sell in the eities uf New York and Bos- ton. lie cun coulidentiv recommend it to the atn nti"ii nl cuHiimieik for vaiii i) ana Uuunceuf i style, beauty "I workmanship, undchcupnt'ss. It is al-I ;"i;eilii i the inosi tompli ie stock thai he has ever ol-! I red ;n this mai kel. und lie thinks that those wishina I to I'uiehiise y fmd it lo l licit inlcicai lo call Th loll'iw mil- ale some ol the articles compiistd in ill Sioek. vi. : SOFAS, ; T OM.WS, IHA.S. i III UFA IS, ita;ssi.(; m he a is. i sin-: no Anns, w a it n if on i-:k. ( if i n iii:ns ri:Ms. COTf- Tiff WOLF do. OF Fit K ( IIMfS. Hedionui Sels comp ete ; Ere ( A IO TAlll.FS, IU.li du. VF.STItF do. F.TF.SIO. do. MA l' UFO do. TOILET do. WttHK do. SFITFES. OI 'I'K F UFSKS, MATTlfFSSFS, ieh lledslciiils : High post du. , Looking Glas4 e; Toilet do ; Sink and V ashstnnds; Mahogany do ; l!oton rocking ('hairs; Mahosany ilo.; Do Eri ni ll do ; I 'url Maple do. ; 'anv. Rush seat, nnd Fiincv Chairs ; V Indsiir and Coniiiion di,.; Children's Hiuh do. For salir ai mod i rnie price", by J D. LOVE. Oct. ll At the Rock Spring. CARRIAGE MAKING. Market street, about 3()() yards above the Episcopal Church. jssBrsriHE Subscribe wood respect W M. lully i iform ihe inhabitants o . ir vy tv u,iiiti4i m. anu vicimiy, inal they i. i. i .i i,i. employ eiperi need work nen at ihe various Iir. inches, and aie therefore enabled lo inanu 1 1' lure all kinds ol ruling V h clea, In the Uiot si lean I 'iet nianr er, und would respectfully solie ii ihe a l. nlionol all persons wishing anything done in our line, as we ir i determine I o give satislaclion. Ulacksniilhing of all kinds, also, all kinds uf re pairing do e, in the neatest manner, and at reduced prices. N. B. Sign ond ornamental Painting dono in the best manner and at sho t noli' c. W ELLS St CORNWALL. Wilmington, Jan. 20. 131 HOTCHKIS S VERTICAL WATER WHEEL. w J Bit AN SON Is Agent lor the anovt Wheela in ihis place, lie win l.iHe pleasure In showing IlieCasiings toany person who may desire lo see them Theie will he found al hia offices supply ol Wheels. Crmks or Gu Igeons, at all limes for sale singlvor In pairs. Dec. 7.1848. 113-lf. TOWING. THE STE 1 M ER Gov OR AH Am ML 1 Is pr led I is prepared lo low vessels whenever csiiea lor. n not enraged on an up I i l iji. I he rroprletors wouia oe inanKlul for a ah ire of patronage and do sll in their power 10 give sallfacllon. Apply on board to l.apl. I.K. Parxt. o lo J A W.L.McUAIH , Ag ta. Ill' 41 If APPLES. .JQBBW April 3, in good order, and for sale b J. WILKINSON 6 Co. H. NOTICE. THOSE persona indebted to tho Cnpe Fear S. S 1. Mill, by note or account contracted during the year M oi 48. are irairslcd to make Immediate pay in. nl to the underaiffned; they having on lhe3lai I), c. last rolinguiihed the O.neral Agency ofihat nilll.lt becomes necessary lhal all her accounts lo ihul data should be Immediately settled- j. Hathaway a. son March 3, 1949. 1V. SADDLE, HARNESS, AND TRUNK , Manufactory, " Q THE ubacrlber respectfully Inform tb pubho that ha bat recently received large additions to his atock of Saddle and Harnesa mounting. fC of the lu test and most improved style, aad Is constant ly mannfueturing, at his store on Market itrci t, for merly occupied by GuyC. Hotchkiee. every descrip tion of articles in the above line. From hia experi ence In the business, he fee If eonfldf nt ihM be will be able to give entire aaliafaclion to hia customers, and sll others who may favor him with a call. He has now on hand, and will constantly keep, a large assortment of Coach, OIk, Mid t"Jy)'5Brldlef, Wblns, Sulky Ilameas) ETffm ft 4m-.; Gentlemen's Lady's Haddles,GLlXDSaddIes, Bridles, Whips, Spurs, dec, &c, all of which he will warrant to be of the beat materi al and workmanship. He has also a large assort ment of Trunks, Valises, Saddle and Carpet Ban, Satchels, fancy Trunks, Ac. )1 nnd all other articles usually kept In such establish- tl ments, all of which he oiler low Tor CASH, or on khobt cbeoit to prompt customers. NaH. ua Unrna.i 'Iri.nLa 11 ...1 ..... I .-- M. J. made to order. "I KepairiiiK of al kinds done vrlih neatness and despatch; Old Saddles and Harness taken in part pay lor new. JUHN J. CUftULKY. IN. U. All accounts standing on my boot over i months, will be charted with interest. Aftpet ns indebted to the subscriber for last year will please cnll and settle, as by s doing they may pre vent what would he diaagreeuble lo them and un pleasant to him. as persons sometimes have to do un pleasant things in self defence. J. J. C. March 13. 163 North Carolina Institute for the Instruction or THE DEAF AND DUMB. HMIE Sesutuni of this Institution, commences on ll X (mi first day ol July of etch yenr. und contlnua Inn fVI unl K as mltAn lliru la a umna it. .n if t xn i n..n ika vaa luviiiiiD, rw uvu v n I . i o m iai.Diivii wi in V allUIIIIJs giving the Pupils an opportunity to visit, their Pa- rem a and r rii ids. it 1 he Inatitut. n is eituated on Caswell Square, a- bout one-third of a mile from the State Houae. The ground occupied by ihe buildings with thai adjacent. is tne property oi me institution, ana granted by tho i Lieuisiaiuiu oi ine maie. in ei ent it emoroces lour il acres, u part oi which win be cultivated, and ihe re- ll in ilndei will conslilute spacious LaWna where the II M. .If Pupils will umnse themselves, at proper hours. It in athletic sports, and the Females, in walking, or if such other kinds of sxerciae as maybe appiopitate r to tlieir aex. ,1 1 he main building in ihe dimensions of lis plan, -I is sixty ieet oy iniriy hi. ii nas two wings, each tliirty-elght fe. t by twenty two, extending st right anjtels from theiniin eilfice, and projecting from . each extremity of It by neatly the whole width of j each wine. In elevation it embrace lour atorles, in- , eluding the basement, and the wings three, and is i surmounted by a lower or observatory, commanding an extensive ana oesuiuai prospect, in tne base- nicnt are tne 'ilnlng-room and Store rooms, and In the story above the basement, are the parlor, sittlntr room and library. In the other stories are the family ,1 iiparimrnis oi ine rrincipsi ana nis sisisiants, ana two rooms set apart fot the Pupila In caae of sickness. In the basement of one wing sre the kitchen and wash room, and that nl (he other la set apart for in struction in mechanical trades. On the Drn clDil ' floor of the wings, are the sitting-rooms of the males 1 ana lemales, an! tne upper story la occupied lor dormitories, l lie cruel merit ol the arrangement conaistsin its preserving iheee two departments' as Inr ns relates lo ihe accommodations, amusements and puiauita ol tne Pupils out or school, so indepen dent to evrrv particular to eonstitute ol l hem two 1 separate and distinct communities, wWIe the dining-' room in which boih assemble, with the Tsarbers) and lamllv of the Principal is conveniently accessi ble. Each department has its separata artas in the rear, its separate pleasure grounds, and its reparole communication wilh th school-rooms t so that for the ordinary purposes of life, there Is no occssion to ; pass irom one to the o'ner. The Act of the General Assembly, requ res that when Deaf-Mutea are unable to pay for their main tenance and education, the Justices of ihe several i lyouris oi fleas ana uuarier oessions, snnuia icvv in r. . r., . c . i.i the 68 me manner aa taxea are now bv law levied for I h.) support ol the poor, seventy five dollars for the support and maintenance of every auch DenfMute aa ahall be selected by the Literary Board, for the purposes of Education. tJT r or further particulars, apply by letter orotn-l wise to the undersigned. WILLIAM I). C 00 K K, Principal. OFFICERS OF THE INSTITUTION. Directors. -Hia Excillsicct WILLIAM A. GRAH AM, PaxeincRT or thb Koabd i How. JOHN M. MOUEHEAD, CHARLES MANLY.! E.sa . WILLIAM W. HARRISON, 8bbbtasv or Tim Ho a u d. 7aurer.-CHAKLES L. HIPl TON. ESCJ., TaBAsusia or Stats. Principal. WILLIAM I). COOKE. M A. Assistants .- A II EL II. HAKER, GEORGE E. K ET CHAM. Physician. -CHARLES E. JOHNSON, M. D.-l Matron. -Mist LAURA J. BARKER. Raleigh N. C, Augusi, 1848. 69-ly-tw-p: THE CITY HOTEL. ailjoining ttieCoart Home Square! RALEIGH, N. C. "J"AS been roecntly thoroughly repaired, and! -M.. greatly Improved by the addition of a large number of pleasant rnd commodious rooms which! ar not excelled by any in the City The table al-i wavs furnished with the best that can be procured, ana tne charges are as moderate as can be afforded-- The stables sre in good order, well furnnished wllhl provender, and attended by careful sad expeiiencexlj Us'lers. Mrs. Lawrence would therefore respectfully Invite the attention of travellers and others to the adrmla- g s piea nw d bv thla tsiablishmntt. JjT An Oawlbus will be in regular attendance lor me conveyance or rasseeffera (gratia) from and i to ihe Rail Road Depot. Ksleigh, Mircn 17. 1849. 76-Iy w-t. GRAIN STORE. OORN, Cow and black eye Peasi Seed Oats: J Fresh Ground Corn Meal, Rye ami HomonyJ i.ow and Horse r seai w neat nr . tiayj uanal Flour, Bbls. and half Bbfa i While Deans. ConJ siantlv on han.i, for CASH. Apply at the Orair Store Murphy Buildings. ELLIS A MITCHELL, March IS. 154. BILLS OF EXCHANGE. FRESH supply of very handsome Bills of Ex I ii cnange, lor aaie at me commercial upict. MAIL ARRANGEMENT. ARRIVALS. The Mail from the N rth arrives daily at 17, A J) Do. do do do South do do do 9, A. M. Do. do do Fayelleviile via Warsaw, arrive on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, with ibt Nor; crn Mall. 1 he man nom r avetti vllle via r.nxabethiown a rlvrson Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, at 8. A. I' The Mail from Long Creek arrives every The day, 5. P. M. The Mail from Onalow Court House arrives ever Monday, 5, P. M. r- DEPARTURES. The Mall for ihe Noith la closed every dey if 10, p. Do. do do do Sooth Is do do do do 9. A. Do. dodo Feyettevllle via Ware wis closed o; Monday, Wednesday and ndir, in, p. M. The Mali for Fireitrvlffe vis Elltabeihtown cl sed Tweeday. Thursdty and Saturday at f , A. ; The Mall for Long Creek is ck aed Thursday. I PH. - . I uo. a a. vnww v. ii. ivsr. a