.J 5 ' w-wfcrs v-J ' tl j,0J per annum, payable JniUloaaaa in advsoca by . EDITOR ArvFRU"" U""' ; BKNJAMiNTHOWZB, i CORRESPONDING! EDITOR. COIXO Or rtOHT AKDIItlieT ITIIITI, wiLMix a Tun, y. c. RATES OP ADVERTISING. ( aqr. 1 insertion,, 10,80 fi iqr. 2 months 14,00 1 3 " 1,00 I " 6 " 8,00 1 " l moot H, z,5U II" 1 year, . 12.W en lines or less mike a square, If aa Adveraiee- rnentex tion.Y ' All id inqni exceeds ten lines,, the price wilt be in prppar- idvertlsemcnts aro Davftble at the time of their thsertlon. ' ' Contract with yearly advertiser, will fee made on the most liberal terms. AAvrtna will o permitted Should clrcumstancea render a change In business, or an unexpected removal necessary, a ehvge Recording to the published terms will be at the. option of the contractor, for the time he has ad- vsrtteed. . . . ThaVlviteffe of Annual Adverttaera iaatrlctljr lim ited to their own Immediate business ; and all adver tisements for the beucQt of other persoBS, aa wel) as II advertisements nor immediitoly connected with their own business, and all excess of advertisements, an lengtn or otherwise, bay ond tho limits engaged, twill be charged at the asal rates. , All advertisements Inserted In the trl-weokly Com- imerrial, arc entitled to one Insertion ia the tytekly, free of charge JOB, CARD and FANCY PRINTING, executed Un superior style. AGENTS FOR THE C.tf MERCIAL MEW YORK : Messrs. Brown & DcRossaT. MOSTOX : Fbbdeiick Kiddkr, Esq. JOHN WALKER, JR. , AUCTIONEER A COMMISSION MERCHANT , WILMINGTON, N. C. March IT, 1849. l it. F. J. LORD & CO. Ttice Factors & Commission Agents Nov. 25, 1848. 109-l-p. L. MALLETT, JkOENT FOtl TUE SALBViOf limber, Lumber, Naral Stores, &eM iVu' JJuilding, Nfth Water Street, WILMINGTON, N. d Nev.9,iSii. w 101 BARRY, BRYANT k CO., COAIMlSSiON MERUHAN V3, WILMINGTON, N. C. Itf. March 17, 1849. CORNELIUS MYERSL ma irtrrrtrrtrn frny AND DCAtBi-Ef '' HAT3, CAPS, UMBRELLAAND VV ALjJV UN li UA N otc. WILMINGTON, N. C, Market-it. Oct. 17 1343. M-Jf. WILLIAM NFF, Late oj the ltr.iv ft Nfr 4 VVabnbr,) Vr'IlJLESALE AND- RET Alt DBAU(A- IN Ship ciii.wiiiY, ship bakes AND (xRJC&jKS, - a.NBa OK DOCK VTAffell STREETS, Wfr.VUNfJltoM N."5. Doc. 7th, 1843: ' 113 tf. JOHN D, L0YE, WlsJALER I N , , CABINET I'll RJiLTDRE, ROCK SPRING, WlUNilNOTON, N. C. Deo. 14, 1849. SCO rr, KEEN & MERCHANT TAIUJJ AND DEA LGNri IN SUPERIOR MARKET STREET, WILMINGTON, N. C. JOct.21, 18W. 13-7. a. b. snrj & Cd., ICTmBlS&i VI B CUlilSSlJ.I MERCHANTS Ifayeltevllle Street, RALEIQil N. O. JVIII nun I O all ordjrs and c nn.aljsloni In tbelx kn ilA.iaa tlfh nilnAtikaililaf Aral lljitHnk t?S pa va vhiiuu wiim aMevwj auvi ui a aa ' Raraa to 311 iCtoulluncy Chai. Manlt, II. O. Wato. bsq , uM ATMStV 6MA.HV, fcJ Hon. J. R. J.'fliaiaL. I'Maj. C. L. Hirrow. Mo4, .V. C, Fi. i, 1349. tI45-IJm-c. & M. YEiT, AUCTIONEER 'OMMISSION MERCHANT, A0 Hinihi.lHlnaiiiLlt ma H M -.. a tKe Ngrih,! oa 1'ro.iuce from the tutintrt. ' Vtt t tloori en (t) V naif, South side of Vprll (, 1849. 9-a. DM. MI!NRV'A FREEHIN. DENTIST, J MARKET St Door above Front 8 1. , pec.,23, 184a l-nov IM B B . m m r ... i . ,.' if m ' m J: i '.W'BJ 1 ' m B B i .... ' -v . 'f,, rM-jji ..... .. ... . ,4- . . ...... , - ' . I - mm ---mtoi m ti i i - 1 ' VOL. 4 NO" 34. X & D, MeRAE, v GcneralConiiaisxion Merchants. WILMINGTON, N. C. JOHN MACSABj May M, 1849. MAia afAOBAa. ROBERTA RANKIN. AUCTIONEER, WILMINGTON, If.C. May 29, 1849.- 23-ly. J, HATHAWAY A SON. COM MJsilOff MISHCHAM U J. HathawA. Marett 3, lo49. fi. L. Hatbawat. 149. ty. l, sjjnnr, (Late or trte piftatat ADroitD & Smith.) COMMISSION-MERCHANT, WILMINGTON, N. O. ' Store on North Water Siree ParsUy's block. Oct. 14 1848." . 90-yo J, S. VYUXIAMS, Fancy & Staple Dry Goods Store 038 DJJU IfKSf Iff Wji UW DBU8 3T8KK MARKET STREET, WILMINGTON, N. C. Oct. 14. 184 , 90. W. BRANSON, AGENT FOR THfi SALE OF TUBE 2, LUMBER, Nil H STORES, tt . JV Sliding, North, Water Street. WILMINGTON,- N. C. N. B. I hrve t large and Saonre Timber: Pro whura I will put all Timber I ift with ma for sale at aa gmall cturye as is made by any other Agent lo misplace. nr. o. Sept. -d 1848. JEFFREYS, A LEIGHXON. GeneraY Connlslon Merchants, ' , WILMINGTON, N. C. February 13, 1849. 141. WILLIAM J. CLARK, .ATTORNEY AT LAW, RALEIGH, N. C. Sept. 12th, 1848. 76-w. tri. c v. ... . CAHIIOLL & FEN NELL. Groeefi &Coanljiloa lerthants, -WILMINGTON, N. C. MAva ALTAra oa hand a obmibal amostmbnt or ;A0 WIU SAT VABTICBLAa Attention to the sala of all kinds of Produce e.e 1 . m. rlmiaLt. July U, Ui DEROSSEr L BR0VYN. WlL.MINUTON, N BROWN,: DEROSEXV; NEW 70 RK QZVERAL COMMISSION M&RCBAHTS, March 17. 1849. ' . r " 1-y. GEORGE S. GILLESPIE. Autiitx torn tub auk or 7 IMOKJR LVMUBR. SA VAL STORES wl.ijmlall!eral cash adraooeaonalluisicnmeDla oi prooace. March 17, 1849. I GEORGE W. DAVIS. COMMISSION MERCHANT March 17 1B49. J. C. LATTA. COMMISSION MERCIfAtiT, AND GENERAL AGENT, WILMINGTON, N.C. Oct. io.i848. er LIFE INSURANCE IN THE NATIONAL LOAN FUND SO CIBrir, OF LONDON, AMD FIRE INSURANCE IN THB ETNA IN3URANQB COM PANY, OF HARTFORD, Coa oa, ia raa HOWARD INSURANCE COMPANY, OF NEW YORK,' M a y be effected k appiioatioa ta DaOOSSKT BROWN. March IT, 1849. 106 BENJASITN BLOSS03T. COMMISSION MERCHANT, NEW YORK. Liberal advancea mada apoa CNaIf aaientaof all kinds of prudace. Rafareacea. Mesera. J AD. McRab, G. W. Dana a f Wlhwffc,. J. R BkoaaoaiEaq. Dec. 19,1848 U fl EN R Y P .RUSSELL, UOKNT FOR THE CAPE FEAR WltMITifjTOIf.H C. (rickatUDtioBatiaatJMaaitkfalxaUonaf afl . " ' ' - eraars Sat Lanaaar. Jaa, 1 1849' I I I I I II I 11 II I ' 1 !f m I !;' I II J ...I . II .... n.4,,..Y -u. I ... I ' t . . .1 . PUBLISHED Tttl-WfeEKLV, W1LM1ISGTON, SATURDAY G. & VY. 1 GWYER, aUNUTACTTJRBES AKD DKALEM IK CABINET FURNITURE, la'stl Ito varieUe. Bedateatfa, Cotta, MattnaMa, tMmg Olaaaea, &e,c, -' FRONT STREET, NEAR MARKET. WILMINCJTON,.N. O. aoaea cwria. wa. a. wtb. Mjy JS, 1849. ; , 26. CASHWELL A BLQS.S0M, FOKWABOIHQ MERCHANT Km 1 I, Dirkinui'i Horn, . r WvrUa Water 9U TUmlntto W. 4J. Liberal Cash advances made on eQaslgaraan! of iinioer, LfHin'ter, ana nivai oiprea. April 3,' 1840. B-12m. LIFE INSURANCE, idtdii BiMKNT lipb mum mm 8VRPIVS OVER STOOVOOO. 81 are a liiar'al, J. R. IJL04JJOM, Agtnt. April 3, 1849. 8-10-wp. HERON & MARTIN General Commission Merchants, 3T l- V6rtliy1iarrea, I L A D E t P II I A Rstib TO Mesera. Thos Watsot ft. Sons, ) i O. Daoosta, Eaq.. V pUl, Wi. U. Naitam fceq.i ( RoitBT Naiison, Kaq I- saeMra. rnoaaa, a ATtoa , u. - Ngw york af, n. OI'lWIl! V WJb J a a. r kaT.U . - ' ' 1 n a.1V IWimlnrto AprilS, 1849, -tf. GEO. HARRISS. General Commission Merchant, . , WILMING I'ON, N. C. STRICT attention given to piocuring Freights and purchasing Cargoes fur veaseJe. Raraa ro R. P. Han, Esq., ) 0. Q Paraley. Esq., J. A. Taylor, Esq , j Wilmington. 1. 1. Buttmy, Eaq., ( . Weaara. KalUrd A. Huntington, J Meaara. Tooker, Smyth 4Con f v... v t H TlMaapaM UsnWt. -l0"! . i Aierr. Hows Jr.. PhllaJrtphU M tears. WilliamaA Butler,-) inv . ..... ci r H. V. eakar, Baa , - K . ' v Jan. 2, 1849. 123-if. SPIRIT BARRELS. A Good supply of empty Birrela. For aale low lnljis to suit purchasers. by D RUSSET A. BROWN. Marat 1- 160. JOHN HALL, Commission Merchant, WIMflWGTON. April 12. 12 F. J. LORD 4 CO., Aguniaforbe NAUTILUS MUTUAL LIFBJ INSURANCE Co Accuaiuiated Capita ; 130,000. axjsq ro. Vm - lAOLK LTFC k fiKAtTH "Ct8t7t.ASa OO. Win take rielts oa Urea af Slarea. Office 23 North WatsC Street, 0l. 14, 1848. at. m. BAaaie. aoaaw a a. bbabb HARRISS & DRAKE. General Coflmlislon tferenaats, WILMINGTON, ft. C. Raraa bhcbbi O.Q. Paraiev, Eao. 1 . Coi. JohA MsRaa. Wilmington, N. C. Bwwie niiauuiuia. j , WU Paek, Esq . Raielrt, N. C, Msaara. Halt tfackau k Co- . m. t. Jfjeafc(7rf,Eafe , ja.y Maasf. Jaaaas Coraar A Sona Baltimom. - e u K. A. 8oadaf Ca, f hUadelphU. Pillabary aj Saodford! Votl uaotlaf . Tuiia, ooafoo. H l.AO. I. P. ntcoujt), Kannebuak. Me September 14to; 1848. T7t. DAIITLN A CRONLY. . . AUCTIONEERS, , COMMISSION. MERCUANT3J ABB GENERAL AOEMT3. Wllmlngioa,N.pMX)et.l JWa 86tf. MOLASSES. 1 Cf Hhdarriraaoww Crop CabaMolaaafS. just A UU arrived oar Bria Iimm. mad lor aaia b i iiri emu ,HAT4AWA1T A-f QN. Feb. 22. . 145. OrtaXAsjaaatlaaaad TiBow Candloa. Tor OaaJaar ' ' OEO: MTERS. T raajlO.. - . . 140. STRAINED CONEY. lOnaALlLa straMa' itoley.tor aale W tba IVAiaWvivlleajaraarMat f - - U HOWARD a PRDRIt'S. Aptuia. . :, fMNTTSHKL8 totaalaoMCtaSW Wadjni OWsadfttaaWat W.L. BiUTttn - MOHMNG, JUNE 2, 1849, rWhoIe No. 500 P) HALE; iij-l'he CmmtnkU UMetM at mt adltiua of tftiipplitf Artickia, ntbraelnc all the Taa a tarea rahtlra ta ih4 Mvrohaafa I nvr. I uabafaiyialairj C. LATTA. .- . UY ..JffBtfXS. fj.--,... i i.. .Mir .1 . : l3j0 PRINTERS. ' , I HAVE for eala a font af entirely new 8 MALL PICA Pare based for the Office otthelaU Comsur- eiat ?ctauLBoala4tnco(319 pounda. It, la band- aome laoa aaa or apjuoteo nuiqtr. Tnta loot is now la can, and will be t ld, lot geod aix months' paper, bearing lattaeai, for Un per cent less iban cost : oxjuletn par cent lesa tnan coat, tor vasii. ff - . I. HOWZB. Commtrcial (met, March 21.1849. 2-lt t WRAPPING PAPER. 450 REAMS lor aale br SMITH. 20. May 1,1849.. K0TICE. FROM aad after the first January, 1849, no Freight will fas transported or delivered wirhout the freight belntpaid. , P ROB'T. KENNEft, . Tnnaportation Agcnt.W. 4R.R.K. Co. Doc. 30, 1848. Ipl ti. T..' ' TaRENT. THE OFFICE la London's Building, next Pa door lo tbe Law Umce of Uatid Kbjo Eaq., ta for mm lid the first of October next Apply anha Office of cheap int. tvUMaitnuiAi,. May I. ' " W-tf. ' LEMONS AND APPLES. M Boxes just tan led i t 20 bbla. Kuaaeti Apploa.- For sale at i. WILKINSON CO S. May 5. 2i. PORK! PORK ! t BARRELS nice Mesa New Yoik city inspe CJ tiun sod reinspecttd in Wilmingion for aale 6y GEO HARRISS. "Murphy's Building. Xrch?.iaiO. 7 if. . AGENCY OF iVMriZaa (Mutual Life) Intnr4uu$ L-'oatf. OERsPTiiS holdinx Policies in this office are noli- L fied that Scrip Orliflcatea. fur their Sharu of proJU in Hu kutinet of tht tympany are ready for delivery at the Agency office, it J. North wa'rr-sl. F. J. LORD Oct. 24. 4 Co Agenra. 94-if. GRIST MILL. TH E subscribers have started a Oritt Mill, in oon X nexlon with their Haie AM, and can furol h Meal and Hominy ot prlmequallty and at very short notice. JOHN McKAJi A Co. Feb. 8.1849. 139-if. TURPENTINE STILL FOR SALE. ATURPENTIN ESTILL wiih Cap. Arm, Worm. Doora, Tub, and all other aaceaaary Axitrraa, la ptima order, of eu her of the following aitea via: .12, 19,20. i, or JU Uarreia vellow Dlppioga Turpentine, Eoqvlra of, ot addrraa by letter lo A H, VANBOKKELEN. Wilmington March 2a 1849. 2. 11 1 IT" CEP (ha luaecta oft. Mu.qulioJeiUng, ta- x. rioua kiuda ana quatiuea. lor sale ty 1 i, i. B. WU.LIAM8. May lf Zl . ;EMPTY BARHElSi fTid LARGE else Spirit Barrel in food pider UJkJ ror aale la lota, apply to GEO. HARRIS Z7-lf. k. SPIRIT BARRELS ! Qf)C Raapty Spirit bMa. large alia aad in prime AAVvareer. Kur aahi low ba . .i BAtUiY.. BRYANT A CO. 125. CO!I!iERClAL BANK STOCK. 1 fi tHilEd Domnarclal Bank Stock,' for aale . fab. H, ,., ., , . 145 FOR S&NFRANCISC0 CALIFORNIA D I HEC.T1 . jri THE new A.1. Cuppar tnataoedand.copper ff& ed. Live oak and M Ceader bain Barqbs MiLiOHN A. TAT LOR, Mart) a aaaater, .IU aaUsaabava,ariy lAriL Ukm aan Uka the bolk idlUO toaa freight aad IfJOpaasengert. For parilcu lara, apply aa " 00. W. DAVIS.. FLOUR. On BarraUEjiira Canal Floari 20 half do do bo Kor aala by Keb. X. ... HOWARD 4- PEDEN. U7. .(AMPBINE, p A N ba kaA at 40 eeota par gallon It is on'v nee y to give U a trial ae we are euaviaoed tba . Tboaewba try It, Wmoa and bay IL - 5 "J" tARROLL A TENNILL. feb. 10. t -Kt . . ; 140. NEY C.UEANS SUGAR. 5llUD3,BrlgB4Strewe.r. F or ale ay BRYANT A Co. ' Mayl.I8(9'.Uw - 20 if..' PII A UWll Bala larrttoratav, to aravanl h Maaia aad m mtora Iks haw thai has Ulka off ot araM tbla, and ia aan aoaataaRy, Scarf Daridrtf. raa aata a" 4. av niuuAAJi. PlJTSf PANTS J J VtJR tssorlmfnl iahrrrsr tkaawaaftr awaoraaaV J lared. aooalailnf aa vtm 5 k fit and" Mm roar Case., Prirr e Albvrf utiMMt, Aa. Ia feet rrery ftyb) now in eea,or me aiiear manmna. - i;sa im acaaf May 19. f Oil SALE, AHHOS SirpcrloT rstalrloflafar, dally aipee m:J lodwf 9ear. Joba 8ur. fVtfm drawaailii. tea, oy..f -i.'.4iiie;..vi s-, n-... n .-:. : i-v; :. 4.a-.. v.: ,.Q90ltftJaTMk, May 17, 1949. ,r ' L T 1 N RN Cl nrtrrlo HandVarcttWH alMalMMirlot an adventtire is k tobSS. s The following sketeli U taken from Russian tale, of great power and interest, published ia tbe April number of Tuitt Mafratin. The writer, a' Utyi Otgkget a droekha to carrj her to the rebidenefr-of the parents of some of her pupils. The drifef a sinister looking rascal, carries her to a lonely place and attempts to rob ber. "At length, projecting my head out of tne window, l saw in tbe daftance what ap peared to be the white walls of a park or shrubbery. 1 beheld trees rising here and tnere, out no sin ot a house.' mis, per i .u. ..mi.. : i i . r 5 -i . n uua, iq iijc vuiti, sum i iu uiyacii, ouu ui my fears will then be at an end. The dri ver now slackened his pace, and presently descended arid walked at the horse's head. Evry ihing;a'rou8ed my suspicions, though I kpew not-why ' Prtsenllthe droshka stopped, and I saw a gate opening into the walled enclosure. Coming up to the door, he said, uYou must' alight here. 'Here F I exclaimed, '-in this lonely plaee I" "Du ns I command you," he said.?'! shall do nothing of the kind,' (I Replied. 'Tou arreed to take me to the villa K , and I shall not alight until you have done so." "This folly ia absurd," he arilwered ; listen to what I say. We are now many miles frooj St. Petersburg, distant from any habi tation, and if you shriek or call out no one will hear your voice, i here is not a living soul within fire miles of us. This ia the door of the cemetery, and unless you alight instantly and deliver np your purse to me, I will aik you fcfjaAb heart and Vhow you into one of the rraves." 1 be cold-blooded deveniMDeQn h which this was uttered curdled my whole frame. For a moment or two, I was struck dumb. Not a? hope of escape' presented itself. I was there alone, at the ole'rey'of a murderer, and there remained nothing for me but to sub mit. I cannot, accurately dolail nil tho thoughts which thronged upon joy brain at that moment. Pear was uppermost, but the figures of those 1 loved stood prominent ly forward : not, however, far ofZ, but crowd ing around me, and passing swiftly away. The greatest agitation now took possession qf tne. 1 prayed and besought him to have mercy on me, and offered bim half ray worldly wraith if he would spare my life and take me back. But he would listen to no terms. BeW reproaches rushed over my mind, and mingled bitterly with, my fears. Why was I so blind, so foolish, to a'ccoov pany the man ,at all I Why did I sufler my want of courage to prevent my asking the advice of some inhabitant of toe town, instead of -trusting myself blindly this suspicious-looking man f Becoming impa tient of my long silence, which w,tnTacL the silence of -despair,, he roaghlyVamied me by the arm, and dragged mej ftoat te carriage, i had no power to resist-.. I was utterly destitute of hope. There was not sound near. , AH .m the great solitude arouiid me wu ecboless and void. . I ut tered a' long piercing shf iek as be flung me on the cold grorJnd, ' and bade mo deliver my purse. A vain desire to makef myself heard overcame mo. I repeated my ahrieks, which ho now tried to stifle, by placing bis hand ovet my mouth. 1 rose to my loet and fled from,, him. The door of the cemetery was open, and I rushed in. pursrjed-xloeely by my eoeroy. 1 be moon oad lor soma uroe been disappearins; behind ahtavy heap of what seemed snow clouds, and now ahe utfarl v deawrted ma Ml a most unforttirutt moment, for I stumbleJ every inslaof against a grave-atone or mound I traversed with the swiftness of lightning those habitations of the dead, not heeding in my terro the title respect 1 showed them, out soon his heavy band seized me again by the shoul der, and dragged me back. My despair ent me strength. ve croserj and strug gled. I forgot his supenor power, and de termiced to resist death lo the last Upon hie breast he wore the medal with his num ber engraved upon it Without any object ia view but that of avenging myself at the moment, I seized firmly hold of it, and in b struggle I tore it oflC Thia circum stance be, did not at the time notice, but, in spite ofYny resistance he mattered between his teeth that ho would (oon end it ; and, as t sunk-almost exhauster' ori tLr ground m that lonely spot,'! heaWbtanirclasp a knife. With a startled boOlJwa on my feet again, and tboiSUHjIb life begaAio earnest I flew rather, ihftn ran, with the mejlai still in mj haxut . J cared not where ftrodL Now I weD ftnjght before) him, cqw a)oIed imo bj ii out of the pwn. ) 1 beard curses behind rj umt ne miawd me. I vu now at Ii'ti rn idrw; of him, lot I knew (LAS my , atrrngtii wti Minir mav; H dtrkDect, " uivwirui;f wad BTI1 Uinil Ul mj poaitiorj irBed to increassw TbcJB ir-nldl be Bothinfl' left ma but to t"CCtnn1l3 taf v fata ; tBd auffer li nllaiin behind twitl ttat hfe he ought i ETery eanhl fatteraa loet iu auraction in lhoa cnonwnta of 4m '. pii. I feltjiry kneee.feulinf j snjr itep slackened . in speel, dizzinexs came, ottf me, and tin conaciofltkeaalhat be was &kt behind no became eruin, when eudderij (akestep on m, part precipilatftii: ma wun a uock nitty icet a awn into cbaim, vjtenet lh mould had been latel wifhdfavn: " - - When 1 2&frfwok to conKmuvitti, I feW mrself bome aloftsf a ddad, and fawn ing taf tjtu, fcbnd merajwrsoiw car fjruTjt nw op whaf aopearw the arelwe Mftdtii to a mansion. 1 cared not what became of tett? Iwasconsciounof intmw pair, attd 1 afienraida hsArat that sotnaj ta- borers, kr foihx t the atotf t 46mpWte Wing thw rteftrest hotatt, they ha4 two are bkher ; aaiaaf wjattt I (cj jtoy itorjr lothj kind motMi of. my piPiJ V be wpresseJ the rtfctejrt''cjMmuawU TnougbI had suflered great ftparrrj . pais tod much mental anxiety, I never kid jmt reason to rwgratthe circumsfaoce by wbicK . my acquaintance with the P family ' was brought abont I was realTy in a new " l home, and (he attention with which I was 1 treated sbdo restored tho WoWo tft cheekl. In the joy of belngestofeJ to " safety, I forgot all tboughto of, irevenge, and' j refused to aid in bringing to Justice my enc my. Tho younger P isnowtfa hufbaadv How he became so can only be J explained by ebaia of circurntiiea up- j on which it ia needles now 4f ter. Years after I recognized kt tht laeoof a - of tho Ixile o their y tof, Sabetiay) t&i ' repulsive countenance ot the RassmadrsoaV 1,1.:. frUI.VV.... m3.mlMm, tm. I expiate a multitude of Crimea be had com muted. - , .' ' - i CURIOUS CONCETISv mHe the late JuAid'CoTwt sm king preperations for'the' indictisetH iiefore tBe House ofXorda, of Warftif iraatings, J Qovernor-Generat of Indla "he jrli fold r; that a person who had lcfhg ff sided !a (B , . . East Indies, but who was the n-an'ln mate of -Bedlam, could supply him wk muchrtaV tl infyroarx. Burke went according to'UecJlam, was taken o (ha .cell of the ma niac, and received from him, in a long, ra tional, and well-ednducted eftrsiubD, the fesuiu of much and varied knowledfav and experience in Indian affairs, ftirtl much; msirucuon tor tne process men mieDaeor On leaving the celL Burke told toe keeper who atended tmnui&l tne poor man.wnom he had just v1aWoas mqfltr iniqiiitouslr practiced upon a tot that he was a mock in his senses as man could be. Tbe kep er.aisured him lat there wis safficient warranty and very good, catiae, ibr Bis! con- , finement Burke, with what A man tn fcf fice once called lrish impetuosity, koorara , to be ono( BurkeVjtraclaTislje 1maa ted that it, was sjt iQfamoua.afla Utrea ening to make the matter pric. cjS erCtt t ' to bnng it before Parliament .Tbe 1."P' er the said, Miir, ( should be. irry for joO to leave this house under false imprea- ; sion; befotw you do so, be pleased to step back to this poor 'gentleman' cell, and aik him what he had for WesrJiUBurYo ; could not refuse eompliahoe with a? Wrafst soreajonableandeMil)perfomd. rray etr," said JmMC ki Indies COTflNllof, be so obbgufg as to tell t what yen bad for ; breakfast f -Thwotbar, nmiiately u tinf err the wild staie of thf nwflkfjxxiHI font; "HobnaiU, sir f -It is shameful tGiu how they trear os I ijitypvw wmxwt but hobnail !" and1 went on with aWatea esot wikT etr the kojitravef itr ejoeltery of Bethlehem Hoaai Burka stand 'do j longer than that hrt departure might not ; seemttbTTjpt ; and, on tbe advantage of tbe first patne ia the tall, was glad w'xnake his escape. jf" ' Fnta Ajro Loss at Lors-The beotiful residence or Mrs. Frame, near Brattleboro,' (Vl)was destroyed by fire oa Monday morning. Tbe Brattleboro Phoenix gives . the following Teietilart of this caJasoiy: TheitunabM of-the house-wereeUff- , ' males, coesisting of Mr.' Pre me, bet tmJ isters,and two (iomestici Ode oftke lav . tar wai 'seriousJr bra iael ia - ttntAotr flam s window fe'-T' the test escaped without arm except the, hdf of the mansion, whom . perished in the flames I There fcf evvry reason to suppoMtf wajfuSbcated by the y boat and smoke, so thai he' end waot a ..rinfi4 as might at first Ipar. " - ' . Mrs. ir .ras an opuieoi wwow laeiy. or English origin. She was of rnoatiar blsv and engaginf manners, and know a Island naar,for hel- benevolence to the, poor and ' distressed. Her brother, Capt. Ebea Wells, and his family, lived near by, and inU their hearts wdl the affliction sink deepest, ( ' , , Mrs. Freme s ma sion was handsomely finished and furnished, sod, contained, among other valuables, several splendid pictures. Three horses including the as ble spaa whose grace sod fleetness oar cit izens have often observed aad adiairedw were burnt in the stable. - Jk topotry clergyman bing erooeed. to the use of th Uo ia Abe churjheerTice, was howevcr,j9rerruW byjcuf; coesrega lion, who determined to have eoe. cA)a,ihs t fcllowi Sunday, ths exjeaoameaesi w, the sefncsv byaTr.laiina ia "aajr-dray" forty'i rsaia . -'- t t. 1 :