sequence of the locrensed arrivals, holder were de sirous of effecting ealea at lower rale, tinging at 49 to Ms. for prime, and 64 la We. far nieae. ? 4 . The etock of lard in market was trilling, and ' Ihe malt quantities offjrlng ware held at firm rales, 34. being paid for prima qnalUy holders now tven ask a further advance. Butter and cheese are dull, with lower price,, . There la a very small stock of tallow small lots coming in aell freely ; extra ship 37 to 38. . Naval Stores There was nothing doing In Amer. lean Turpentine, or oilier articles of naval stores. ttica. Sales of Carolina rice at 15s. GJ a 17. Cd. pcrtlBrco. ' ' Tobacco.--There is no change in tobacco, which continued to command previous rates. Iron. The Iron trade la In an unsatisfactory stnt( and but Utile doing. The Europa's advices actcu Unfavorably on Scotch pig. X()KTH1:H MAHKlr. The effects of the tiuiiincr's news on tlie northern markets, a i e :i jt su.'Iicienlly dnebeil to wurrant nay It purl, t. KAVIVrTHVIMa) JHAHKKT. M iy '2. Tho CaroHnian says : "Not much doing In h market tlii week. Produce scarce, nhd In de mand at advanced prienj. The river still remains in good bonting older." Uucon 7 ii 7. Cotton G u Gj. Corn, 55 a GO cts. Flour, ! 25 a 4,75. Riee, 31 to 5 cent3 per lb. M:W OMJ-ANS MAMKRT. May TX The week has con-mtneed with a good demand for Cotton, mid ihe f ilea yesterdiiy w-re Hbout 3000 leilea, nt very low prices sny 71 n 74 for inidilliiie li7c. for o)od middlinp. The tranenctlone Jn' fSugnr and Molasses w ere liht. and Hflhout any nlleiotion in prices. Flour slill scarce and prices firm. Sales 1000 bbls., includinu 68-1 Indiana, on llie Levee, ut 01,75, 300 do Si Louis, nt the same, and one or two small er lots. Tho receipts of Corn trifling and prices steady. 3000 sack sold, of which 1500 socks white and yel low, without inspection, nt 55; and 1027 tacks (300, 307, and 3 JO,) at GOc, per bin-hol. Sales of 875 bills. I,ind, viz : 5s0 bbls., nearly all, 61, 150 do. nt li. 71 do. m 5J, nnd OOflo. at 5,c. per lb. Of Da-'on SliuulJeia, 20 casks Missouri fold at 3J, lb do. ut 3, and 11 do. ut 3J per lb. MF.XICAN TARIFF. We are Indebted to tho Vice Consul of Mexico for khis pott, says the Philadelphia North American, May 30ih, for the following notice of a modification in the. TurifTof Mexico. It will be of much interest to r community : Vi a Conkclatb or Mexico, ) Philadelphia, May 2!)th, 184!). The un lormijticd has received a communication from the MiuUiur of llio Trea-uiy, enclosing a de lert'o of the Mexican CongreKH, published by the JPi evident under Hate of April 4th, by which ljit. TUe importation of the following articles, vin : iFlour, Hicc, all kinds of aincsn.Collee, l'eax and weans, Mrl nnd Halt, PorK, In hrlne and pressed, Is )crmltted for tin: term of three year?, into the port of Iftlelumorus, un 1 in llie customs in ihe lronti"rs of the state of TnmaiillpnH, for ihe consumption of tho lieopleou the fiontier of said Stale. Tho only dunes to be paid on the articles as above, pre : Common Flour, por UI. of 8a-200- 91 00 .Superfine do do 1 60 Rice, per cut 75 Nui', per cwt 1 00 Collee do 1 10 .Sail Pork do 1 20 Ln-d do 1 20 Peaa nnd Hc:in.. ad valorem 20 per ct. 2d. The importation of wood for fuel and timber or ship l.uildinjj is also permitted, free of du'ies in khe Tu-iooi H oiisn ol i del Norte, Slate of Chin- Liliua. FELIX MI.RI.NU, Vice Counsul oi 'Meslco. ,A11GK srrAINn.StJ iu the WORLD. Positively the Last Kight ! fN Tuesday cvi nlng June 5lh, the lael exl.ibi- iHon will tak. piuci ul tlui TAN OKI MA OF THE MISS. RIVER, iltbe U II.MIMiTON I HK.ATKK ; ulict which I will le reniuVvit lo ill'' NoBTM on iu way 10 KU- MtDl'lv , 'I'll Pan ir ima comni iicih movinij puacliially al i n'dlo k. A.lioUsion 60 eenie I hlidn n and St r- vani 25 cents. J line "'. 3" p. JlST ri'BLISIIED, lAml for sale ot the Office ol TH K COMMKRC1AL. KING ALCOHOL, pllla AltUI.S T, TKIAIi A I) HXHCUTION, IV A KKPORTF.R. 'Copy rllit .cruri'lncrordlng tolnwby F.. IlPsskinp. Price ID rents for a lnglc copy ; Ccoplea, 60 cu. ' 12 co iei SI ; 50 eo(ilci) 14 ; 05 cupi. a, to. A llucral deUuillun on large quuiilitlcs. June 5. 33. tf. NEW RICE. Y) TIKUCKS and half il.rces, fresh from mill, BV lor iale I y R. W. BROWN. 3'-2w. June 5, 1NP. WHISKEY. I18LS. Now Orleans reelifird, ion receive bv H. t. DllOrt N. June 5, MI9 3 ")-3. ,0N DON PORTER & BROWN STOUT. , CASKS each Porter and Biown Mom For ' sale hy June 5. HOWARD 4 PEDEN. 3r- CLARET WINE. :1 ( BOXES Si. Julkm Msdock Claret. For sale 1 yJ by HOWARD A PEDF.N. Jun6. 35. NOW OR NEVER! 11 NKff niCII.AND FANCIFUL, I A Hi) the GOODS thai I mil no mjlUni, below Uj Coat; (or cash only, at my atoieb M ARKKT STREET. if 11 door 10 Mr AaDtisow'a Thrv coniiMt in D.irt of Drv Gooda. ClmKlna lata, Caps, Hxua, Shoes. Cutlery. Guns, 4e hill eontlnua iuy Auction 6aes, awry niuhl. 'leclnnlnim uboai 1-2 uibI 7 u'cIook, where ihe Dub U widri.'sa rre eh nc of g xd burjnlns. Th. Mai at Auction, ere, all sums over 450, ninety day M spp-rovodpapor. JOSEPH MAYER. fllayjl. JJ-101. K0TICE.. 9611 THe Stockhnldera in th Cape X Feurand Daep Rivei Nvlgallo0 tZJJ Company are hereoy notified, that Ihe nest neral . incetlnf -of th iuua.ii.iiM. will be held in P.uahuro 011 Wednee- diy the 20t.i of June next, insi-ad of the 14 th of urniiikiF ncrriomre punusnca. This change is made, so us to enable the Board of iwernni improvement ti attend ins meeting in ot hi If of the Sit tin. A full attend mce of iheSiock h .Mere la earnestly requested, as business of lmpor lance witl come before the meming. b 1. H.OWZE, Clerk of the W-C,IVaD.K.N Co. MayW. .. . ' ... 29-lm. Journal and Chronicle copjr 3 time. NEW YORK FURNITURE WAREHOUSE. FRONT STREET, NF.AR MARKET, WILMINGTON, N. C. HAVING purchased ihe Slock of Furniture re mnintnsin ihlsest 1 dishmenl, of Mr. F. Clajic, wn have made lamo additions to th) stock on hand, and hive now for a tie, a variety of choice Furnituir, suit 1 hk for 1 his market- The 1 uhhe hip requested to call nnd examine our tissortinenl. All 'our articles are "tfered nt prices eon illy as low, as ihoue of like quality rnn l-e In New Yoik. O. &, VV. A.GAYKR. May 24. 30 lRESERVEJ) GINtlER. TUST landed, lor sile at J J. WILKINCON ACO'S. May 29. 23. A n"'XK received this day, snd for sale at LhC J. WILKINSON & COS. May 2!'. 23. PACKING YARN. lOIl Steam Engines, 10111 Italian Jute A HEMP. hi. nn ) Of aupeiior quality, at It. W. BROWN'S. 32-1 111 . June 2, 18.0. RICE. Tfk TIKRCns Rice for sale by 0J HOWARD dt PEDEN. J one 2. 34. COW PEAS. 50 UUS1IELS Cow Peas fur sale by HOWAUU & PEDEN. June 2. 34. OLD NASD BRANDY. K BBLS. very superior Old Nash Urundy. For J salrbv HOWARD &. PEDF.N salrby June 5. 35. HOUSE AND LOT AT AUCTION. ON' Tuesday next. June fith. will be sold nt illL lbs F-Jtehattiie rornoi, wilhoul reserve, to the hluhcst "Idilnr s n comfortable house, wlih six rnoms, piiufte(l in ihe Souiheas tcm part ol ihe town, and lately nrrupltd b) Net rihnm Fail. The house in new mid thr lot 66 by 330 feet. The ti'leit" indi"pulslJt!, and possession will tie immedi ately giv, n. TennsCash. R. G. RANKIN. Auct. M o 31 33 3i. PORK AND DAC0N. II HD?. Western Sides, Shoulders, and Hams, 60 bls. Mesa I'ork, 50 300 Hallimnre Cinvsssed Shoulders, all In pplendt l older. JUM ire. Ivd, for sj.le t y DoKlkSsET A BROWN. May 31 33 tf. BACON VTORTH CAROLINA Hams, Sides and Shoul- drrs. For sale by MARTIN & CRONLY. 32-31. May 31. RAHAT-EE-LOOKOM Sultaniec, or Turkish Candy. Oa. IMPKR1 A. FKl PASTE, OF CONSTANTINOPLE, A delicious article of (onrectionnrv fur tho well, V nnd an aerfeabl and outrillntts food for the ill and frehln. eond for Coughs and Colds, nnd osnicu larly benelielal and strcnuihrnine for Weak Lungs. Imported hy H. Tateosyan, of Constantinople. For sloby GEO. MYERS. May 31. 33. candy 1 f ROXKS,25lhs. each.aaaortcd Baltimore re 1 V fined. For aale by DuROSSETdt BROWN. May 20. 32-tf. CIGARS AND TOBACCO. Cifi frf S'Burs, Varlona brni Z JJK)KJ Fine Chewing T tnl" hv CARROLL &F brands, Toi.arc.. For EN NELL. 33. M av 31. TUMBLERS. OA DOZ Flint TumbVrs. F.rsnle low, h T CARROLL & FENNELl.. M iy 31. TALLOW CANDLES. 1 f ROXES aaaorte I al-s. juat roielvd For 1 : by DeROSSET Jc. BROWN. i.Isy 29. 3-tf. EXTRA CANAL FLOUR, 'N Barrels and half barrels. Forenlehv DeROSSET 4t BROWN. Ma 29. 32-tf NOTICE. No packages or parcels of Mer chundli)? will be recr'ved on hoard ihe Wllmlnetnn STEAMERS for SnilthvPle, unless the Inlght la first paid 1.1 the Treasurer's Omrr, and IKl then If not sent down be fore 12 o'clock, M. J. A. TAYLOR, S. B. Agent. Mavz 6. 31-lm. FLOUR. 7r BBLS. FavettevlIU brands, assorted. Juat 'J received aoa tor ml by DeROSSET 4 BROWN, May 29. 2-9t. RICE FRF.SH beat, In whole and half casks. For sal by DtflOdSBT BROWN. Hay 26th. . Jl-tf. WHISKEY. - QAn BB,1?'- New frl'ns Rretlfied WbJakay. ,Kjyj lindlnp per Schr Old Zach. For sale bf ' DaROSSET 4 BROWN. May 31,1849. 33 ti OPiflO Gunuin'rMncffc 8(ara old and of ra tJU lJ nurkably flnu au.illiy just nculvrd and forsaleby DiOSSET 4 BRuW N. April 23. 19. $10 REWARD. X T ANAWAY from the aubsciibe', last week'. J '"y Negri man NAr.inll slf d, about 20 yeirs u, ae. Ho iaaup,'osd lu lx; lurking aimui VNilniingion, Hhi re Ilia ifo is. r about Auw field, in Hladm County. 1 will (five iiie above rcwaid to any person who will lodge him in jail, so ihnt I aet him. U1LLIAM L. HALL. Brunswick County, May 24. 3u-4w Chtotiicle copy 4t. TARE NOTICE. r FOREWARN all persons whaicver from Irus 1 1 n If IIIV Wile, or f.lin'lv to nv ntnonrir Irnni nn.l after mis date without my order; or ibis will be plead in bar of the recovery. ' " May 24. 30 imp forsaleT" A FEW hhda. Hapvriiir Wcaturnllams and Shoul ders. "VVilminglou Insptctlou." J. i D. SJcRAE. May 24. 30 6t 20 Rarrela. No. 25 h .'f -' 3, Miicrfcrtl, 2 ' .I 1 " 20 bbls " 20 half " 10 - " I 1 I. 'U .1 54 huoke'a " " Just received und for sale by HARRY. May 22. BRYANT 4 Co. 211. TAILORING!! rpilK subscriber has resumed, Ida liiihinjj.'i, in Wil X minuion, and will carry oh me T ULO.CIING hUSlNESS in all Us various bruncuts. Hetsiu p.. session of all the latest siylt:s, and Iruiu his oast experience In the busirwia hu feels salialiud tli u lie c iii pleasa trio lusts 01 (lie most laniuliooa. A Iruil is all that haaska to convince me most skeptical. lie ifuarontee all w.ok mat he does to hi, und to be made In a workman-like- manner. S. R. UOBBIN'S. ; May 15, 1648. 2G-ti. I Journal copy. if. ! A CHALLENGE ! j THE subscriber offeia to b tl,0UO loftSOO, or 5 ' 00 to ICO, tin: 1'iloi ll.ii It. B. POT- ! TI'.R otn beat tho ANN I'). JIF.KK Y, built by Mi Hinj.miin Merry, ot V linin,ton. The subscriber re quiies 0 days' notice il in the "Slate, and 10 days i oul oi' it. i'lie race lo bo outside ihe liar. Any p 1 aons wishing to take up the iicia, can leave their j names al Trie Commercial OJJicc. W M. POTT ICR. J May 10. 24 if, ' 1 THE CHALLENGE ACCEPTED. "PHOSE who have read Mr Potter's C'halleirpe 1 lor h Race, with the Pilot, oat AN N I:. HliEUY, would naturally sunpoer the boat wtiieh proposes 1 1 a.iil Halnst hor w is n inly the smite uizo and cap city; but on the contrary, his bunt, the K. U. PtJTTBK, is Seventy One Tont, while the lorinaee of the A NN F. BKKRV is but ''urty Auio 7 Vn. nivinjj Mr. Pottks's boat an advuniaye ol 7 Veafy 7'iro 7'ou Willi thia mlvaniae. trie larqs 60.0 ought to beat ninety-nine limes mil ol one hundied, though not so go d a model. I will tak.: eilhur 01 Mr. PoTTsa'a bol,and mil my huii tigjlnM Ui. ac coriiini to the rule of b at rucinit In Nuw Y- rk I wuuld n line .'Siiiithv.lli! as ihe siirtm; point -Thence to sea to llirf point which shall bu agrees up on and back to Smithvlllp. I!. W. RF.ERYV ai .No. May 17, 1R4P. 27 ti. N. CAROLINA BACON & LARD. O A ( l"l'! II ic n asaoriud. OJ J( ' id an I j bold. l, received per Kuil Rod, for sale Uy DeROSSET & BROWN. May 20, 1349 .if COTTON YARN. CI II iles of .isajiicd F.iyeiiivinc Cotton Yarn. tA unci on coualiiiiiei.i, lor sale tw C.V.-jHWKLL A HLOSSO.M. May 28 31. THE SOUTHERN METHODIST PULPIT. MONTHLY ORIGINAL : 384 Pages in Ihe Volume. ONLY ONE DJLLAR. WF. bet leave to nvue nilenlion l) llio fellow lnjlitiire: - ' 1. Ai teiint XII Original Sermons are cn. n iu thecuurae oi 1I10 eur. Those ure by .MeilioiJi.i i'mi ehcra 61 ie yuiious Jowiitrn Configiice. 2. Al Xll l'jriralts, ol oi-iiniii-hed Minlstcra n w living st ihe Mouth. These will be superior wood-ctits ' - if. . 3. Hen a id Ink Sketches, of distinguished Prea chots, containing biographical and fleserlp'lvt) ri,at ter.anectlot'i, p.' ' 4. RetlglouH aud Literary Intel.lKMtce, and Essays on snbjtnta or Interest to Soil tho in Metho dlsta will enhince the vjluoof the wotk. 9. The whole volume is completed in 12 numbers, each rontalng SI octavo pnges Hud neaiiy covere I. The SicojJ Volume will bclu with the Ju ly N umber. The work Is rccomme ide l by the HISH01H, all the Periodical!, and eight of the Cooierences of the Church. TKH.MS : OX1A 81 03 A YLAH 1 But iu wariably in advance Hi mint not bt rtqittsltd i deviaUrom this rule. Hit eoplca Will pa sent far VS. All re nlUancen must bo Post paid. We olfer the following ' i , 1. Any person aouding ua Un niitriixrt and eHO. will be aniltld lo 1 copy of the 'Cyclopedia of rleli gioui AnecdiUe," a new work, the most udmiratde of ih mod taunt, K)J pu. s 8vo., and bound in klolh or aheep. The low t N.w Vork retail price is 12,50. Kvdry preacher end every hejd of a tami Iy should have a copy. 2 Any per in 19 ding us ( imbteribti'i anrfllO. witl be entitkd to a poirali of BUhop A4hury, or of BlSDop McKeodree, aa he may chjoee. 3. Those who send us 15 tubtcribtn nniais will ha entltleif tn fi ith hnriratry I'h.u .rn steel enfrsvirtis. nine an I three eiglus by etevrn an I s'er inches, printed on superfine pnper seven tevn by twenty &ur Inches. Trteso superb engra vings coat tJItt Philadelphia. To avo!4 Of m ilrln?. fti. A.r , w ihould be pleeeed to hart the aubacrlptioas before the 15th of June. We keep no accouma: ihe work 1 in to cheap to allow It. Let mmes and money come to. get'wr. "i Address jmt-paUL CHARLES p. DKF.M3. Newbern, N' C. N. B. Subacriptinna, with moery, miy also be sent lo ihe Kdlur of ihe Coinmcrtial, Wilininjr'on. N. C. April Ii-l6-f. TO RENT UiNTIL 1ST NOV. NEXT. MA fine Brick two Story House, - for merly occupied by Dr. John Hill, neal but orje-'weeih of th- l'resbylerno Chureh miKm gtVen tm Mediatory, hVelreof l i - , UAOfl MOORE. Ma20. t. Jtf llHDS. Supnrlnr Muscovado Smar.juatracel. kJ ad and lor l b - - . SARRT, BRYANT f. May 1,1549. 1 v"' - 1 20. i PORK AND BACON. prr nriLs. M.-t,?rk ; mill 6 hhis. primn bacon Shnnlileiat Pur tale by UEO. HARr.ISS. May 10. 24-tf. WACRKREL. 1 t BBLS. . 1 1 Maekervl, for sjls low, tmclose consignment. Apply to GEO. II ARRISS. May 10. x4-tl. (.ENERAL NC. Cotton Yarn. In all the varieliea oi niimbera. Cut nuin-HNsorn d. "Short. lull a-..riiiunt. Liverpool bl.isvn Salt, for a.ih-by R. W. CROWN. April 19, im. . ij n. P.AJNTS and I'aini Hrihes, a trood supply t Al eohol Gum Ali'f, Curb. Aoiroonl.i, (iuni Opi um Kaubarb Root owderd Maraiuiaulla Root and Extract, l"0 Sulpli. (l iiuior, &..:. . 1 ui Bili; uy ' A. C. EVANS A ruio. April 20. 13 COAL AND TOBACCO. A ((( Bushels HI'iekMmilhs Coal, and seven 'r' M rJ Boxes m in.if le'jiftd Tobacco, now 1 111 ling from Sell r . Marv A . tc 1 1 f . . front If iriniiond Vn I f .r aula by T'Ol'I'Kn St KIDDKR. M iy 1. , ib-tf. FRESH ARRIV ALS AT THE HAT . STORE. 'C r-m p Bt BIVEI) THIS DAY, 2 do., more IS JLL ol lhoc much udiuneU Geot LegjiLin J3 Hats. 2 Dot. Boys Pedal H .is (cheap.) 1 " Medium Hri.o iluib neuvtr Huts, 12 " Blk Tunipicii, do. 5 ' Men ai.'t tf.iyii '! illioinla, do. Abo a fine assortment of Silk and i.ln;;hum Urn art il us all for salt at low prlres lor Cash. C. M YKRS, llatler. May I. 20. " RECEIVED UIi"l uu THIS DAY PER SCnli L. P. SMITH 10 Tubs suprrl 1 r fresh (nhen Duller 1 5 bhis. A No. 1 Fulton market Heel 1 5 i Uo. do. do. 5 d'. No. 1 Mackerel ; 5 do. " 2 do. 10 'do. A An I Mesa Pork ; 61)0 do. supeiioi sun. 1 id 1'ei.l A full as.i.irMii nt of i hoi':i: lamily in c rie., con st :.ntl on hnnd at the old vt md of James Orunt, ou-110-iie the North. Carolina liott-l. V. R. PIERSON, A p. ui. May 19. . 2rin. pPTrsPlRIT ,1r"V f.nndin" from Schr Juni Sim h For wllJsulcby JEFKREV.S Sl LEIOHTON. May 20. i2-t r Si 0 n'S PATENT REFRIGElt- AT0RS. 'TH AV-F Ks Aganay for the above nu 1 niui neful arit.lea, ml wi.l receive and lofW.uJ ordere. . , F01 fUillicr information, apply r, KOai'. O. RANKIN, Auc'ir. Miy20. 3-Mf. FOR PHILADELPHIA. FIE RON'S IJNE. teyT THE A. I. Picket Schr. DAVID SMITH lp ti iptiin S nith. will have drgp ,irh abovi SSBSti Fo. 1 1 1 1 l'i: ijii or p i- .lo. Apply to (il.O. HA1UHSS, May 22, P-4:. 2') 4t 1. ARRIVED PER StIIR. L. P. SMITH. 12 'ioiloni ''t'iBi'-'i'8' 2 llelrriiratore, (j 'I'mv, i iC.ieks, 12 lr. n hiuh Cliaiis, 1 1 ine ( ils. F Ho.lhle Ho. For Bile .it llie New York Furniture VV;n liou-ie a ,t v. a. uv vF.w M.iy 22. 2') JUST RECEIVED, THIS DAY, HAMS from W.mie Cogr.iy. Tlw hiiS ZJ' scilher olFera th. in ns b. m' 60ine of II.. besfthat has ever been h oneht to this m.rk.t. -Please Cull und iix.iiinu . I.oa' lm Cjsl1.1l ;i:o. MVRIlV May 12. V;5. BILLS OF UDLNG, Jtc. IOLItt I'O.-iT BILLS uF LADING, bounli in Uooka. and aheein, alsu I.eiiur Mi.-eu mhIi a varW-iy 01 ine.eniiile bjnk, lor Sule ol Tile C'o' mercial Ojjice. COME ON ! ..tvk 4 You Liiut li.ivc Clothes to buy pre pare to bay thf m NOW ! ! ! THF late arrivals at the C AM II Ctoihingand Far ni uncS lore of aiCOT 1', K KES A l'o., lapruul th it ihey buvj llie lerui bi unci 1.1-st muxirted aliKlk ol laahionatrhi tsHKlNU awl tUMilEK CLOIHiNii evei or torn otfarvd in Ihlt pl.fct. which thy are prs pmed toaoilai priors miH -wlenied cheap and all they sik, to insure thrm theg'estest shore of m.NIi. uanunege, i for the ouolie tu c.ill ind eiamine ihi ir goods nnd prions rx lore fjornliuin ilmwhtiu. Next door to Ford's iH-irbl Y.d. at. nouily vppoaiiu thu Cun.l.n.i lloi.l. Msrch 31. 7 JUST RECEIVED. I ( H .gs Rio Colt e, 1 J it) " Lsgurlii, 't Coies Sperm Csndles, 2 ' AM. do. 10 " Tsllow do. 12 " Pine Apple Chee, S " Lemons, Diied Apples PrschriAr Willow Ware, Rr.iss bound Wiier I'.ul., Uruoma and inlscl a ftneral aasoitmnnl n( freeh Ciroceri. a, tut iwlfl St the Lowest priert for ('ib i iKO. MVKR8. MjV IS. 26. JUST RECEIVED. ) Patent Pump Shower Baiht. a new and wiperlot O at tlrtet For aale at th M inula lure.pijrr ii. A V. A Ovv VKR. May TI. . nrttm' .n4 tti.i e.n, n ... r,,. ..u I. Uaf If. . 4 - . wi-s- 27 - D0CTC3 Br A KENNEDY, DEHTkU flt'RUEOlf, : CraUut of the naltiniore. College of J DENTAL SURGEONS, BP OS leave to tender his professional .rvws m meci'ivteb 01 v iinnaKton and public tenerjlly, havinn deiarwin- on li.i.rfiiufl hliii'llm tt'lspl 'cc. He laprepsfd to peiform all oprsilotis in lits piirfesslon on ina la test nnd most nppfnvrd prim iplea. Ineorrnptlbk Artlili i a T th Inaeried on otd plait rom one u an cmiie ,.t. vv bole upper acta Inrifd m ih? tmoH pheiic ptessurs. principle. Havinx mad a m pioveoi,ri In this ' de ufinsefilHg teeth, b eonfl dently r. commend it 'a nnawering the purpose ot in 1 c ti,: aion They can be tke;i out and put back at li iHuri hy the virrr. bit worn with cotnfutt, ttd 1 11 rwii l.e d. i.cled fr. in Ihe naturaitcalb. Exirsct' inu, clruiii ig, sml plut'.ing ic. doni on acieniine i.iiiieipit ?. ah opamtio wan anted to give aaila faeiion. nnd nx be aurpassed by any ofitralot In Ihe United st .fi s. Jiri-Kul iuiiis In cn Idrena' leeth corrected. 1. idles attended a thoir resi lent 0$ whan tCCeSS rV . Office ml.inlnf DjcI. Ware's, in ihesama building. May 3, Id 19. 2f H. OLDS A. ANDERSON, Grocers & Commission Merchants, No. Ml Front Fiiret Iffew Yort. O.10 of ih i p i'tasrs b in? a native of North Caro lina. nnd oilier a No'thum man wiin twenty years' oiperi. in 'iiy trude, the interests of their patrons in fluppinj; to, and buying from then will be wijlpiolitud. , ,, , , StrUt attention paid t iloiwenrot-ntt ofCotfbr, Ciraln, Mava! S nre, I, umber, and every kind oi' Proline; sml nil ordrs W (lrcerlea and Merchaiidlsi' generally, prompily aittiided to, al ihe loWtst City prl"es. lrwis r. oifs, r. B. anDissow. May 22, 1;41. 29-6m. )L'ST rc'Med, it ;iil ml ill assortment ol the moat tnanifiei nt puterrn of Wedding and Party Vests. Fur sale 111 SCOTT, CVa. May Vj. 2d fpilF.sul.eciil.frs have received per Schr. Chad X Mills, ihi lollowlni; ffooils: P n lo iCieo eiucur in Uridn; Rio anil Lacuna (o'tln ; Citished ind Powdered Sugars) Hat nt Mies in Roflnert Cnnrilev, in 20 IK. boat s 1 Adninantinc Do. Peul oian Ii -(ailyate Soap; I'aintrd Hiifket"; llnioms ; Tu s in A cti, Cork. V rapping Paper, Twine j Snur), in hlailuer.. II lack Pepper Vc , Togtt Iter with .1 eoi-rjl ussoitm nt of low priced Crockiry. CARROLL &. FF.NNF.l.L. May 15, VA'J. 2fi. uui'o&, Wines ic, Superior French Uiandy 1 Holland f '111 Doiiiestlo Do., Old Rye wliUdfcy; RectlrK-d Do., tait-nrae-llmndy, Klika Alet Madeiru, Sliery. I'orl Muhf i WineH. CARROLL (V. FESNELL. .May F9. 2V FAYETTEV1LLE FL01R. QA Bbls frenh gmumi .Siiter(1ne, juat received OL por Jltoniner Hoiiriottn, and tor tnlu by J HATHAWAY A SOS. Miy 3. 23. CONGRESS WATER. WILL be kepi c.n'tantly on hand, rcah from iliu Spniu, by ihe doien or aingle buiiUi. Hy A f RVANS A BROTHER, trnt- for f:'nrk" A ''o., (owners of Congl'a Spring April 24. 10. WINDOW GLASS & GLASS WARE y 1 IIDXKS Winoovi OlaF-, best brands fl by 10 yJ ij by 12. 10 br 15, 12 by M, and 12 by I H s 1,0 ero. Viuls, ussoii. d r.wr, for aW at lowi si prices, by A. C. EVANS & HRO . DrtisMsis. Apiil 21. ' IS. LINSEED AND CASTOR OILS. DOL'IM.F. rriiued I.urd Oil, equal to the best .enii, for .Siui ii. r use. und much rhenper. ANn Ulr .. lied M.irm ;ind Wnsle Oils. For sslii at Hi.) Itrmr Siorool A. f. KVANS & UROTHFR. ;ril .'. 17. GUNNY BAGS. lVVl!H!'i I '', i li tuny eJisjusl reeeived I f A Inn I for aale hr I UAR11V, BRYANT As Co. ..lurch G. I -MX 150 FAYETTEVILLE FLOUR J ' '' rceeiv. il (. r die.niier Rowan. 53 bbls. Flour aifoiied on itiiiet, lor sjWs by j JOHN C. LATTA. ! April '2. 11 SMOKE TONGUES, ic. QPOZ Smoke Ton-ues ; 4 No 23 Mieker.-I, Checao in Caekea; Lard in kega; ail of wtiirh will be cold Inwf-rCasii CAlUt'JLL 4. KENNELL. M iy 13, IKX 2. NOTICE. r-yr THE Subscript would luke this I jt) method ol cnlbny th attention of kihe titixens of VVIIinington end vi 0 cinity, 10 the largest and test asroitnieni el sum me 11. us aver otltraJ in nun pince. sur aasortmcnt em b acea every varlny ol Mcna', Boya' snd rhlldren Mtrs. uitri will bee ld vera lowior UAtiH, rsraons ibtiing to purchase anyihing In ibe ebovaline will nnd it lo their advuuUiuu to call at tho Hat $iore. C. MY KK3. flatter. AprilS. 9. MAS0NB0RO' RETRE.1T. rPllK subscriber refpectfully informa hie frtenda, L ai d the puiilie ut-iiernUv, that ho atitl Cumlnuea 10 keep this well unown House, on Maeonboro Soursi. He fetls thankful for the patronage heretofore be slowed. and awurea th" porrtlc thit rj'l pslna i-hall be puid on his pert i msite the eiay ot all who v!tt hin pleasant and arrMble. Arranvemenia have been made lor a -upply uf')etera and Flah of ill kinds during ihe season. The Kir will al. I ssppllod with the beat Wine ind Liquors. T.diia, Vo t Breakfast at 8 o'clock 37 cenu. D!nn.r " t 80 " Sapper 1 " 37 Konst Oystsra . 2 " i.odgina; 25 Liquors t the mini Wilmington nvleee. Hotaefeed .V.aih. JNO. A. DAVIS. M iy 6. Jour, cop lm. 22-lm. TRAVELLING Jarketa, for aale ly J. 9. WILLIAM. May IV 28. north Carolina lard. BBLS. prime N. O. f.ed, to Hbr and fbr'eete Iy liAlUn: 4 li&aVtK., which wV.tU printed werdvr, p pared by p diailnjdiUn aria ot North Carolina, ire received al the Coamtcrelaj O: evamtratng ih (otlowiflf Mrttosiara 1 y 1 respaat 1 aist o PrerVs Pclaraiio , In Eject men 1, with fodr demises ' heyllcsiam tn tfeU oa Bond 1 In Aumeli Krpttraflim; piesa by .leeo tor in Asaumatt j lo dbt Flea Noneef aciuntanal nil Dblt Jfleuin Datenuaj Plaaala tftbl on Bon4 DeclarsKon in d. bt on fond by Kaeeutori Plena in Trrapass Pir fn Cat 01 Trover 1 ! in A sumpaiii Plcaa In debt on Constable Bond, L ctara tlon in Csav for Dtcrlt ; Da ration la Lotto ne t Plea In Kapbivi fur Blavea 1 hVplica'ton in Replevin for Slave DihMiim In Kephaltf for SUvti, wh. e the Maves have been KepkMiM ar.4 re-deilveied to Plaiiitlrla 1 Declaration In Krfdevin, wher. the Stae rtmaln in Defendant s possrwton 1 Pleaa In action for and Battery 1 Ucdaie-lio&s-AsMuli and Hot Mr-1 Declarations Is 'Ire verj Decrarstivnaof Aaauinpali j Decluratlonjn Ae sumpsii vs. Eiecutor ; Declaration In rVbt ag Ir maker and indoreer oi a single bond 1 Kjecm.eiit Dectaratlon on 4ogle Dimisei Dccltra Ion in Tree pas; Oavlaration in debt on Consul le' Kone 1 Prf elaratlonlo Assumpsit by Kxecntor ; Dtclaretwwr AsKiimpsit. A 1 D-lraitona of Aaeonp-it, Cf De derations in debt, V. WU.nlngton. May 20, 18i9. 33-tf ) NORTH CAROLINA BACON ! HAMS, tStdue and Shoulders. For sale by V. J. LORD CO.. Match 10. DISTILLERY FOR SALE. 'PUS Turpentine dlatilkry at a(i. Depot. on 1 the KilJ Road, lately owned by iohrt Chnerhnv il be told M fair Hm. tut feriher nanieulam ear piy to April 10, 1549 Jt FttEYttXEltlHOfv INSPECTOR'S KOTICE rp HE public are hereby nonfttd, ihst at lie laat a uounty court 1 wa ipptntra INSPECTOR OF PKOVISlONh. I huvemtnred upon ihe duilea of my office, and wiHgive prompt aiientlon and drepilcb la thtola vharge 01 1 he aa toe . 1 respectful. y ewlicit the tu 1 u age of tM community. JAMES L. COBBF.TT. IV. B. All aiticloft Inspected by me h ive mv breed thereon, and consuniers eap daily will do well lo buy; no other, al my experience already proves the (act, . that a consldeiuble saving will he made thereby. 1 JAM EM L. CORBF.TT. Arlll2. Journal, Cbron CttiaK-lteJiu. 12 3m . . 1 COTTON BArrhNO and Wriddihir, forsaleby J. 8. WILLIAMS. April 21. 1 WATER COOLERS. 1DOZ. appiovcd kind, for sale by DeROSJSKT 4 BROWN. Aprel U IJ-ii C0GNA0 BRANDY! IN half Pipes for enle on conslcnmeiit tr JKFFRMVS 4. LEIOHTON. f t- O I ... March 3. i'J 17 on BALK. 5U Boxes lupcrior Snmked Her 1 rlnga. 5 Buses Jloulif Caedlet? HARR133 dt DRAKF Feb. 22. 145. PRACII THEKM; A conafgnmenrof SCOI'each Trees in fine order. For ssle by OtO. HARKIHS. 145. Feb. 22. PLANTING POTATOES. 1 Oft BBLS. Plentmff Potatoes. Received this 1 JKJ day, per Chua. Mills, for aale ty HA&TIN CKONLV. Fib. 9. 140 RICE. OT)f Tierces fresh beat. For cala by Ciyj GEO. VV. DAVIS. Feb 10. 140. DANA BROWNE. PROFESsOtl.-f Music and Dealer inFl ino Fortes. Ouiinrt hit mlwr t Til Musical Instrument. Ok) t'hooa ta- tn in ricnunue. Pm. feasor Browne may be seen ui Mirtarr Hall, or a' the Washington Hotel,opposiic Cape Feer Beak. Nov. 6. 1S48. 130-tf BUTTER! BUTTER!! 1 A K EOS Goshen Butter, just leeeived per Schr. s u. w. unvisajMr sale by Feb. 13. WM. NEFF. 141 CHEESE! CHEESE!! CREESE!!! O 10XR.S a prime article, just received aoJ fee -CeJSoleat VVM.NKFF'S. Feb. 13. 144 APPLE BRANDY. 1 dCi BfiLS. Apple Urendy. for sajr by 1 V MJ DeROS-JFT A BROWN. Feb. 27. 147-1 MOULD CLNDLES, CTf BOXT.S Hmland flTon'a Parent Tandlea, fjK tjUesleet HOWARD FKDr.N-S.r w Sf BUSHELS Oaiev jtMt reeeived eer F.ver t9 IF green and (of eeio bt . green and lot eeio by HAHRJSS A IfOACF. March 15. IS4 NORTH CAR0LINJ SHEETING. m BALES -Kockrtsh 4 retlnp received per steamer Rowaav Un erle by DeKOSiiT e BROWN. Blisses. , Q1 H HHlS. an3 16 ilrces prime MoJaaW,nov Oil landing from BrlrTsngW, for sale be ; POTTKH K1DUKB. April 10. 1 1. if CUBA MOLASSES. 1 HHDS. piioie reiaiUnr Mobs.ta, Uw 1 UVbndrng from Rrlg Annawon, fbr Sale bv J. HATHAWAY 8O.V May, Id. 1843. 2t SALT. 1 rvYV,USHKL8 S(U! ' ir X, WW UI 0WAKJJ4PEDEN. It April It. Oil. CUTTIIS, for Floor and TabVe, foreaka he J. O. WlLLj.M AeH 24. iy. WEEKLY ARRIVALS. JUST received, erf aaaortnamt of eeiwlof Sommar Cloth, Doraey Tweeds, Dulee'a Ckb. Toll De Nwdev and 14aen Coati all of the lattet fashlose. For at! at 5C0TT, A & Htr9. it