WHOLES ILK PRICES CURRENT. WAVAE STORKS, Yellow Dijiplnir- w virgin uipping Hard Spirit Turpentine-V gul.." Tur 1'tich UosinpNo. 1. No. 2. ' No. 3. Varnish TIMBER. Inferior Fair Uuality 1.1 Mil EH. STEAM MI El,. VViiU' bornds, plunk and scanning KltHir Moulds LUMBER, RIVER. Fluor Boards V Idu Ho irfls Scuritliiig rice. lloign Clean.-.! SUVI.S. . (.). I Ihil. rmijh nunc " " dressed ' ,: ba n.l K C). Mini, roiiirh ' ' dressed siiinglks. Common Corn met Ul.u k V lar:;i! peas. I!. E. 1'i-tis Via Vols SljGAK. Lv.w Orleans I'otto Rico lOKKF.i:. til. Ooiniiiu" Rio Java Lacuna Culm MOLASSES. Ni.W Oi if. Ills Cuba cargo AI,T. - Bo la.re Liverpool , SPIRITS. N. E. limn Common l.in Whisk, y Appie liiuiely II A CON Hans, i. C " Western nominal Sides, N. (J. " Western Slloiildjrs, K.i'. " Won m DDMP.STICS. i i.i n V.iirn- Oi.im ii ((.nitbni'L'B 4 4 N. O. Sheetings K LOCK. Kil Vrlt-vilK Canal C .rn M -nl Ceiun- H'jiicr- Cheese -Beeswax Hay Soup Fen I Ii rs Lnrd Lime- 2 15 2 20 2 7' 1 10 1 15 25 1 25 a 90 n 1 00 2 00 ra 3 00 SH) ra 1 OU B5 m to 120 (ii 22 3 0) a ... 4 CO -a 5 01 10 00 Mil CO 12 00 'a 14 00 ; oo at e no 5 00 3 50 ra 4 CO 7 ra HO 2 7 5 M i 00 R 50 a S 00 12 00 ia IH 00 7 00 ra 8 00 H 00 i 8 50 11 00 F'J r, 9(1 4 Otl 'it 5 0,1 i 50 (9 4 00 nominal On m 70 I 50 a 75 5 6 41 JT 8 ra H rs ,H 10 -9 11 H H 7 W .. , j 1'.' w .' 2 J Hi cm 17 115 rt 27 to 23 VH 1(0 24 '20 28 rt j0 7J , 8 (i a ... 7 ai l! w ;j !i 7 i 5 ra 5J i 13 at .111 7 r ;j Ii 41 l.j j I 2$ it 4 75 7 00 7 50 50 m 5) C'l lis f,j !0 'it 20 7 4e !l '.1) t,t 21 55 '.i 1 00 4J t B-, , 35 ra 4 7 J 0 f'H 75 J NEW YOHK MARKET. June 20. The news by the bit (earner has m ; aattled tlx market fur ill detrtiptlotas of merchan dise, and In monetary affairs slso. 1 No wlei of Cotton, but holden fe flfCfr, ad de mand an adrance of one quarter of a cent I One hundred tierces of Rice sold at 14,44 P" llUD" dred Iba. Provision)) dull. Naval Stores. There line been movement 111 Turpentine, and holders now demand $2,371 per 380 ll9. for North Count, at which 3000 bbl. were ta ken yesterday ; we notice besides, 1600 hbla. Wil mington and North County at 2,311 per 280 lbs. i 500 bbk Tar,' $1,75 a 1,81b 1500 common Rosin, 80 a 90 conte for North County and Wilmington de livered ; 050 bbln. Spirits Turpentine on the wharf, 32 ii 33 eonls, cash, for lurgi: and small lots; and 6 a 700 bUIs. White Rosin, 31.50 a 4,50 according to quality. CHAIU-KSTON MARKET. Juried!. Tlipre was n good dcnund for Cotton on tlio 20th. Sales 1,613 bales, at an advance of ) to jc. kxtreme? of aales G to 8 cents. TIIK COTTON CROP. The Cinicvrdia Intelligencer, of 16th inst. says : It is now beyond doubt that the crop of Cotton in the .States of Louisiana and Mississippi, this year, will be a short one. The crop is now more " backward" in nil pajH of both of these States than it has been, in the fame time of the growing seiison, for a great many years. Accounts from oil parts of Louisiana i.nd Mi-isUtlppi concur in confirming this impres sion. On the " hills," the frost of April began the damage, the lice continued it, and the unfavorable weather of tl.e past three weeks has thoroughly darkened the pu.Kpuct of good crops, while to the same cnuses, on lowland plantations may be added the terrible one of cholera, which has thinned the forces in the fii:Kls, while during the generally pre vailing eieknets and frequent rains that we have had, the grass has taken possession of the cotton fields. SEDGWICK FEM1LE SEMINARY... w RALEIGH, W. C 1MIR ninth session of this Institution will eonv' . niencs on Monday, th 2d dsy of July. Punctu al attendance is desirable. Expenses of Pupils for Board anJ English Tuition, $j0 per session of five months. For ornamental branches, an extra charge. For particulars, address J. J. FINCH. Raleigh, June 3d, 1319. 40 6t. NORTH CAROLINA INSTITUTION for the DEAF AND DUMB 13 rl ti n-xt session of t hi - Institution will com JL in c nee uu Mundav, Hit I6tk day of July I lav ing move I into the new Hulldinir, a few nenu pupils can be received. As pupils will be mlmiticJ in I ticir order of appljeatlon it is Important that application snouiu lie in id,: without delay. Any uiloruiutlou oa i uti s.iojoci win be given by W. b. COOKE, Principal. Raleigh, May JO, 1840. 37-lui. salt. ;';';: 0 A SACKS fine Liverpool Salt, just received iwlv per Ship Ctiihsrlne. For sale by BARKY, BRYANT m Co. June 7, 1849. ; , SCOm PATENT REFRIGERATORS. IIIAVF. reeclted the Ageney for the ubove new and uteiul urtKlen, ami will receive and forward orders. For further Information, apply to ROBTt O. RANKIN, A urt r. -' May 29. 32-if. OLD NASH BRANDY. 5 MILS, very uiK'ri.ir Old .Nth Urandy. For sali-by HOWARD & I'EDI'.N. DOCTOR D. A. KENNEDY, DENTAL 8VRUE01T, ? Oradaate of the Baltimore toilege of DENTAL SURGEONS, fVJ" BEOS leavs to tender his professions! Tr! W services to Iheciiixens of VUlmlBtron -U 1 1 it and public generally, having detennin ed on locating Mmoeif in misplace, lie ti ir pf.rm all operations l his profession June 5. 35. NOTRE. ()fi r Wilmiuplim d Manchcelir ft. It. C. Vii ion Court lints', .". C. 'Junc 6. IS4i ) rrMIF. Siuekholdprs ofthe Wilmington A Manehes i. tvr Kail tioad "Joinuanv, nm hereby nolltlod 'hat the aecond Instaluienl ot Five dollars per share, is required to be paid on the 1st uiy next. 11 y order of the Board of Directors. JOHN MacRAE. Jr Treasurer. June 12, 1S4S. 33-lit. Chronicle and Journal, copy till lOtk July . LESIONS. 1 fi BOXKS fresh l.emetis, lJ ID June Luinon Syiup For sale 1 V HOWARD A. I'KDF.N. 35. CLARET WINK. 1vnOXKSSl.Julien .M idockClaitt. For sth: lUl HOW AIID 4 l'F.DKN. fneiion, und not be surpassed by snyupetstoi in the United States. Irrgulmiilek in ch blren' u-eth correrted. L i lies nttimiled a iheir resident e wlinn ncess-rv. f :!',. adjoining V tt. Wau s, in t:i- nne building. Mv 3. IM'.K 21-tl. June 5. 35. 2 I'.BLS. LINSEED OIL. For Bale by FRESH SUPPLY. JUST received afresh supply of groceries of nit descriptions, for family use and Masters of ves sels. For sale at the lowest .utes, by HOAAKD & PEDF.N. June 5. 35. Juno, S. JOHN C. LATi'A .i't HOOK & LADDER COMPANY. MF.F.TING ofthe members ol the Wilmini;ton Honk and L idd.-r Company, will take place nl A tlielVlaiket House, this day at len o'clork, P. M. to for approveu pope inoke i he in ces8nrary amineemen's for celebrating the 4ih July. By order of the Captain. C. M YKtCS, Secretary. IMPORTANT NEWS FOR 1HE LADIES. r, ; W I', hive just reeeived per Sclir. 2- and H. Wtscot i 50 Bwiili'iut Irmse ; Hlai' Leesaurg fine t'arasols, with nnd k Lnee, Hiiitahl-; lor Tni- lt Is and S ieks ; bImi a hand'ome ariii-le of Oing hami, u ilh ol In r urticles. All whieli will be sold Ve ry cheap Call soon and see lot yonrst Ives. S. & D. TKLLKR June iti. 40-U NOW OR NEVER ! NEW RICH, AND KANHI I L, ARE the GOODS that I am now selling, below Cost; for cash only, at my Moie on VIARKKT STREET. next door to Mr Anderson's. They consist in part of Dry Goods. Cloihinp. Hats, Cups, Boots, Shoep. Cutlet y. Guns, if-c. cte. ' eh ill continue my Auction .Sale, every night, beginning at about 1-2 past 7 n'clock, where the pub lie will lure a ruro chance of good bargains. Tin- tfams ut Auction, ore, all mimsovt r 450, ninvlydays josi;rii au l it. 33 In i. , SOMETHING NEW. JU3T Received, 0 doton piping's 1'ixtraei of Sursaparlllu and Uuci-n's Delight, (Mylltnia) recomnien Jed by eminent phjsicia'is in Charli hion. For sale by A. C. EV.aNm A. UROTHER. June 7. 3ti DAILY EXPECTED. I'ER HVUR. MINE"OTA I'ltOM BOSTON, i I1BLS, Bleached Whale hi - -also a small lot oi ') Kinpty Spirit Tuipcniinc. bols. in good order. r nr sale by HARRISS & June 7, 1S49. DRAKK. 30- SOUTHERN KCniOSlST fLPIT. MOXTHLY OBICIJT AL 384 Pagef In Ike.V Une . ONLY 0NIJ DOLLAR. 11 TP. twin U la tavlla mtukdom lo'ths follow He Is prepared VV ing features t , a ion on the is- t. At least XII Uiisiaal Bemon ar men ia tent and most approved principles. Incorruptible j thseovrss of tho ear. Tnsss are by Methodist free Artificial Teeth Inserted onizold plale rom one to an , rhersot te various SJoothern Confercneor. enilreset. Whole opper seis Inserted on he Atmos- 2. At least XII PortreHaV of dtsflnaisb4 pheric pressuro principle. Having made sn iin- j Ministers aiw living at the ttowin These will bo proveineni In thia m -de ol inserting teeth, he conn- i superior wood-cots demly recommends it as snswering th purpose ol yin and ink Sietehe, of dfStlngtflsDed Frta m iMlc iilon. Tney can be taken out and put back at I f:hers, containing biographical and descriptive mat pleasure by th wearer, bn worn with romfoit, nrd , ter. anecdote, c. cannot be deleciid fKin (he nnturulltieili. Extract- 4. KeligloUH and Literary InUl.lgence, nd inir, cieaulng, slid phiaelng Ac. dune on scientific; Itay on subject Q( Interest to dourherO Mtho nrinci,,ln All ODcratlo'iS warranted to uive si'ls- 1 disls will tnhance the rslae of the wOtk. E. I tie wnoic volume is compietaa 10 u umin-i., each coniaing 3? nriavo pages and' lies tW covered. The Meennd Volume will begirt with the Ju ly N amber. The work to reeonBeti4e4 bry the BIH1IOF, all the rertodleala,ajdele;htef the Coi.lerenres ofthe Church. TERrHt ! ONLY MI OO A YEAR t But in t-iriably in ailtanct. W mutt not as rtqmHtd t detiatt from thit rul. . lx copiee will he oeut for g.. All remittance most be Post paid. He offer the following PREMIUMS. I . Any person sending us fen sisftwriacrs and 1 will be cniit'.iat u 4 cupy of lha " Cyc(epf'is eKtl givut Anccdvtit" s new woik, the moot admlfabl of ih kind txtsnt. f"00 pages 8vo , snd bomul in aolh or rducp. The low New York rttstt price is $2,50. Every preacher snd tvsry head of a fami ly should have s copy. 2. Any person sending us (01 tuburrtbtrt nnd 910, will be entitled to a portrait of Bishop Asbnry.or of. Bishop McJCendrae, as he may choose. 3. Thos who send us UksahKriacr ani $15 will be emitted fo both portraits. They are maul engravings, nine and three-eights by eleven! and a qujr'er im:he, printed oo suprrtlna paper ems teen by twenty four inches. Tbaae supiib engra rings cost $3 in Philadelphia. " To avoid mistakes of mailing, dVv. sVc., we eheald w tileesed to hav the subscriptions before the Ifrth of June. We keep no accounts 1 the work la too cheap to allow It Let aemcs and money come l" ceter. Address pott-patH. CHARLES 9. DERM8 -Newbero,N. C. N. B. Siihscriptinn-, with money, mey slso b sent to the Editor of the Commercial, Wltmlnglon, N.C. Aprl-lltf. May 31. rhMLBMHIS IIORStS 4 INPUTS' W ILLOW CHAIRS I?OR Sulcallhe New York Furniture Wareh .mhi . G. Sl W. A Jnou7, 1849. GWVKK. 36. HONEY. 100 June 5. GALLONS Strained Honey. Fur sal by HOWARD & PKDI... 35. INSPECTOR'S NOTICE rPHE publitrarc hereby notified, that at the lust TAILORING!! CO A1MERCIAL. I AUKS ON MARKET. We have lint lew sales to report for two iluys pa't. produce of every description conies in very slow, const qucnlly sales aie small. Tincr.MiNF. 5 in bOO bbls. Naval Stores have been ilispoM-d of ns follows, viz : 371 bbls. Turpen tine at t'2,15 per bid. for Yellow Dip. and Si. 10 per bbl. for Hard, and 2U.J bbls at $2,20 per bid. for Yel liwli.p, und 32.75 el, per bid. for Virgin - and a lot of 20 !: I-. V.r.in 1, p. a: 32 70. Tail .Nonu in market. Sunn i.- Titmtn im: 50 bbls. Spii ils Turpen- Jon County Conn I wiih appointed INSPECTOR OK PROVISION. I have ntnred upon the duties of my office, und will give prompt attention nnd despatch in ihedis- rtllK snbsciiber has resumed his Unsincs in Wil- I charge utiho same. I respectful.y solicit the patron- 1 miiiL'inn, and will curry on me TAlLO-t I iN G age of tho community . BUSINESS in all us various blanches. He is in i JAMICS L. CORCKTT. po.mssion of nil the latest siyles. nnd Irom his mW N. II. All aiticlt-s inspected by me have mv brand cj-iidi erice in ihe biisiiu ss he feels salislied Ihui he I Ihereon, and consumers especially will do Weil to huy I , i . . ....... ..i e . k I no nllinr na mir pvrirunr(i nlrniiilv nrnvptt tUt (m-I I III lMr l.T lilU iui"iu hi 1 1 1 L ilium 1491 III 1U kin. A (' I -- 7 , tHiillthitt hcaskB to convince trie moat Hkcpiical. Ho n;ii iintcf'A nil w.-ik thai he io'A lu fXy and lt b LIQUORS, WINES &c. Siiperlnr French Brandy i liilland Gin Domestic D., Old Rve whiskey. Rectified Do., 1 t;ouniuc Urandy. Knks Air Hadulrn, Shtry. I'oild' llaUga Wine. CARROLL Sl FKNNF.T.L. May 15. IMr W. A CHALLENGE ! qHI'sii'i'i' iber nir-rs lo Lei 91.000 lo $W0, or Ja I 00 to 30 0 tint the Pil'jt Hunt It. It. POT TER, cih beat th. ANN E. BERRV, built bjf Mr llenjionii Kerry, ol Wilmington. The sub:riber fe- qnlros 5 1.il s' n . lice il in the State, and 10 days If out of It. The race to ho outside ih Bar. Any p r son? wlshinu to lake uu Ihe bets, em loate their names at 77k ' iimcnsuil OKre, ' W. M. POTTER. May 10. 24 if. THE CHALLENGE ACCEPTED , TMIOSE wh- hav read Mr. PoTTra s Uiallenge I lor a Rare, with the Pilot Iloat ANN E. II EERY, would naturally suppose ihe boat which pronotios i sail siuinsl her was nearly the same size and cap city, but on the contrary, his boat, the R. II. POTTER, Stcmiij One Toiu, while the tonnage of the ANN E I'.KKRY is but forty Vint 7W, Hiv'-i" Mr. 1'oTTr.ii s boat an advanlrige of 1ttntj lau Tout. VViih this advantage, the large host oti(;lit to lj. a t .urn .y-nioe liiiiea out ul one hundred, though not so g i nl a mo.kl. 1 will take cither ol Mr. P.ittir's bits, anil sail my boat against his, ac cording lo Ihe ruin of bnut racing in New Y"fk. I would tune S-nnhvill.- as ihe starting poiiij, -Thence to a to the point which shall be njreeuVp on and back to Smithvillc. B. W. BEERY, At No 5 Mill. May 17, HI". 27-tf. r HIILS.nl ii very Superior quality, iust Re lived for s il'- on ConslKnnien: by JEFFREYS if- Ll'.IGHTON. 12. 39. JLST PIHLISHED, And for s,l at the Office of THE COMMERCIAL. KING ALC0U0L, ARKIWT, THIAIj AN D EXECUTION, BY A REPORTER. Copy tight ei ured according tolaw by E. L.Pism.NS. Price 10 cents for a i-ile copy ; 6 copies, 60 CU. 12 co, ib-s SI ; 5U copies $1 ; 05 copies, 45 J r A liberal deduction on large quantities. June 5. 35-tf. nude in a icarkman-likc manner. May IB, 1949 IMPORTED S. R. ROBBINS. 26-tf. CROCKERY. HYDROPATHIC CURE for CHOLERA. J tine i lri:i;;i d band.- a lint retui liable. Roin. No ;ali - i t!. TiMnrn. - o .-ai inoininy. Hw. 54 Units II CiuiMi. - No late an ival hand is neai Iv rxhausti d ; Wnlll-.l do Well to (.end soul Ir.'iii Cfi t.i 115 i ts. coiil ! I or two cari'i'i s. cts jut gal! I Rosin, that v. Timl i bbls. 1, U T arrived a few marc Patent Pump Shore er ii itla. For sale at tho New Yoik Furniture Warehoii;e. G. ii W. A. GWYER. June 7, 19)9. 36. ')ri CRATES ENGLISH CROCKERY, care O v, fully selected expressly for this market, daily expected per "Ararat" direct from Liverpool, each crute containing aiuu assonmenioi aimrent q unti tles from fine to cornmon, consisting of Pbine, Dish es, Howls, Mags, Kwers and Basins, Bakers Iren es, Twilflrs. soup Tureens, London Tea Cups and Saucers, Muffin Dishes, Sauce and Sulad Dishes, Trays, Jugs. Milk Bowls, Teapots, Cream Jugs, Ac, Ac. For sale on accommodating terms, in lots to suit purchasers by J. if- D. McRAE June 16. 40. OFFICE CHAIRS. IjViR sale at the New York Furniture Worvliouso. Q. fc, W. A- GWYER. rr. 12 Jin that a consideiablc savlna will V made theri by. JAMES L. CORDKT April 12. Journal. Chron.de Gazette 3m BACON BACON ! ! A LOT of prime Bacon Hams. For sale bv f!EO. W. DAV1-. Jane 12. 3H. PACKING YARN. IT, HEMP. Steam Engines rom 1 1 ilian 1 J it lo &. f Sunn 7 Of superior quality, Ht .- ?, 18.9. R. W BROVN 34 1 .11. Juno 21, 42. ;i Thursday i ct t. t iii- lock on 'IVC It to sell, I I i ;ni:ik til 1 1 i I at G5 t;. i of Coin limn hii ihis way, readily obtained lor o;n NOTICE. s V I take ilin ni 'tliol of inlormins all those in del'ted lo Scott, Keen A Co. that it will be nectaaa- i y b r iliem to call und and settle their accounts ini- 1 1 it-tli.i : 1 1 v . JULIUS SCOTT. June 7, 1:49. 38. A. I'ME MARKETS II) THE. AMI. Kit LnvtmN Miisrr M.mikkt, June'.1 -M m-.'V t mti- . i Inucs nlnnst of the smin! value, ili'High the rale d . Idiseoanl is a shade higher. Consols 91 ) a 92) Aon-- , rican stocks contimn d in good demand b"ili in Eon- ,don and on ihu Conlin nt - :i quotations however, : I are given m the London ir wspnpeis. Tie- Emperor of Prussia is said lobe in the nmn-y matket for a ' (loan of liity millions of rubles. Livcbi'oolCoi ion Mabkhi'. Jtiiiu 9. Lndui the , linlluencc oi the lavoraldo accounts tro.n India, the confirmation by the Am- rican steamer of the dim- i RICE! RICE!! riElU 'KS fres-h beat Ric- for sale by GEO. W. DAVIS. June 12. 38. .30 LIVERPOOL SICK SALT i,soo: HAT AND UMBRELLA STANDS 2BEAITIFUL Mshoaany, Hat and Umbrella racks for sab by G. & W. A. GWYfcit. June 21. 42. ORANGES & LEMONS. QT BOXES Oranges; iCt) '6 " l.cinonsi received per Sclir A. J.De- rosset. And lor sale at j J. WILKINSON f- June 7, 1849. Co. 3fi. TU0MST0N Um. r "Sn CXsKSidaily expected. For sale by fjyjVJ BARRY, BRYANT & Co. June 12. 38. FOR RICHMOND VA, i"IMIEfa8l Sailing A. I.Schr. C H. Rogers, X Capl A. Sli eiman, wjtl havu despalrh for tho above Port. ' For Light freight nr pasaee, having eve llenl accomodations, upply lo the (Japt jln on tu ir'! or to GEO, H ARR1SS. No. 17, Nor'h Water St. June 12. 3H. SALT Ivy ioOd nvilkd and bleached, sacks largo size, daily expected, direct from Liverpool. For sale by J. 4 D. McRAE. June 9. 37-if. WHITE LEAD AND VARNISH. EXTRA CANAL FLOUR. JH Bret,.h.ttb.nW rojale by I Mi 23. 32-tf NOTICE. No packages or purcela of Mer- nh.mdlze will be received on board m the Wiiniineton STEAMERS for Smith vill-, unless the Inlght Is first paid st Ihe Tn uurei's Off'M?f, and not then il nol sent down be fore 12 o'clock, M. J. A. TAYLOR, g. B. Agrni. M-jyj G. 3l-lm. RECEIVED THIS DAY Per Schooner Jonas Smith. 1 O Tuhsof Fresli, May, Ooshen Doner, I J S Cases preserved Ginger, 6 ' Fig Paste fine, f. " Bordcsus Prunes. New, 25 Boxi s hall snd quarter Raisin, ft t :Sc assorted Pickelr, I Box rmokrd Salmon, 3 BU. Fulton Market corned P.eef, 60 Smoked Beef Tongocs, 3 QuinlaUCodAah, 3 Baskels Sweet Oil, first qunli'y, a,nd for sals a t the lowest possible prices lor'Cssh. By Ubu. .fir Enn. May 29. ' OLDS & ANDERSON, . Grocers & Conrotaioii .Merck tab, Tfn. 1 1 1 Front Wreet ?f York. O.iC of tha partsers being a natjv e of North Caro lina and the other a NothernV nB with twenty yeors' experience In City trade, the interests of their psirons in shipping to, and buying; from.tU(h f ID Strict sitentlon paid to eoosignrtetits of Cettor. Grain, Naval Rtores, Eaasber, and every khsd of Produce j and all orders lot Qreeeriee aa4 HerchMuHae generally, promptly attended to, st ibe lowest City prices. Lawia r. olds, t. I. AVftiaaox. May 22, 1849. -m. PRESENT ARRANGEMENT. MY ICE HOUSE will he open for the delivery of fee every day until 10 o'clock, A. M. Li cases of sickness, or when wanted to go in the country, application may be wide at Drug Store. A. C. EVANS. Jane?. ILlHAT-EtL(WFl03f Ssultamwe, er Turkish Candy. OR, IMPERIAL FIG PASTE, OF CONSTAJitlNOPLE, A 'delicious article of Coufectionsry for the well, snd an agreeable and nqtrirtori food for the 111 and feeble, good for Cough aftd Coeds, and particu larly beneficial snd strengtheaing for Weak Lungs. Imported by H- Tateosysji, of Constantinople. For sale by OEGTT MYERS. Mav31. 31 FOR SALE. Jim SACKS Liverpool Salt, daily expected, and tor sulo by BARRY UU ANT it Co. 3H. DEEDS FOR SALE. Wai i autre I), eds, and Deeds lor Morgiige on land jiiit printed, in correct form and for ale at the office of 'ie Commcrciil. LIME! LIME!! LIME!!! CASKS freili Lincolnville Lime, daily )tU expected per Schr by June 9, l&W. Prudence, nnd for sale HARRIS & DRAKE. 37. . i .i. . i age done tonic growing crops uuo me cuuBtMiucni in prices, with Hie prospect ol an abundant har- , vest, and the cheerful aspect of ihe Manchester market, buyers operated on a large scale up to the :loso of the week. The market closed at an advance if Id. per lo. on nil qualities of American except jood fair, which wis Id. dearer. The Committee's Isolations to day for lair Cotton ore aboul 4'd ; Mo illu 4 id ; Orleans 4(d. per lb. Turpentine 400 barrels Turpentine have been Lid at 6s 6d ir fair, Rosin sells slowly at 2s 6d. Breads! lifts. The attendance at Tuesday's market Ivas small. Wheat and flour moved slowly, and in Lome cases a decline from the previaus Tuesday of j r pHIS PAPER, which has been three years under PltOSPECTlS. TUB I1ICUM01 REPUBLICAN. DAILY, SEMI-WEEKEY, AND WKELY. THE Lot of ground with improvements, situated on south side of Princess sin-.-t. between first and second st.eets, belonging to the Heirs ot the estate of John N. Brown, deae'd. A desci Iplion of the Properly is unnecessary; as persons can examine the piemists ay calling on ihe subscriber. The aoove property is to be sold for ,i division a mong the Heirs, snd If not sold at private sale before the 25th of this Instant, it will then be sold at suc tion at exchange corner, at 1 1 o'clock. " I. PETERSON. f-Thc above sale is postponed to 77iurrfoy, tho 28th inBt. at 11 o'clock. 1 P. Juue 16. 40-41. NOTICE. ' ON Monday, July 9th 1849, will be Sold, at public auction, 5 town lots belonging to the Eitale o. the late Philip Baxidior; Situated near the diy pond on a Credit ol throe Months, tne purchsstr giving Hood wltn gooqspprovta secuniy hach lot oo by iJv. WM. BLANY, Am'r. June 18, 1849. 3l-3t. 30U0 Super. 1 June LBS. Whito Lead, in Oil, pure ond extra. TAKE NOTICE. ip i ALSO and Japan Varnishes, for sale bv A. C EVANS A BROTHER. FOREWARN all persons whatever from Irus or una wi,i tc lini' mv wile, or fam ly lo any amount, from and PORK AND BACON. rrv HHD3. Wsetern Sides, Shoulders, snd Ha3U, JJ 50 bbls. Mess l'ork, 300 Baltimore Canvasstd Shoulders, all lo rnltndi.I order. Jnt received, for suletv DfROSSET 4 BROWN. May 31 33-tf. Id per bushel and 6d per bbl. and sack has been sul allied to. Indian corn was 6d per quarter lower, nd the demand less than ol lale. Noclungein olh r articles. The general trade was very sinck. The imports .fgrain since Tuesday have been light, snd tho de- Land for each article of trade has been limited. Fine warm wcaiher prevails, and tho crops look Iraansing, except lur corn. The markets this morning, immediately prior to lie steuincr s sailing, were uuil. inoiiung aoing. I'lou- quotations nominal. Povisior. Beef and tho belter class of Pork Iiay be quoted at 1 s to 2s lower. A fair business Is oing in Bacon at a reduction of Ii on fine, and 2s, i 3s on ordinsry. Hstns sre dull, Shoulders sre CU a 2ts for good Western X tlieeharee of the present conductors, Olivbb P. liAL-nwiN .m l Rodkst H. GALUMsa, l now be coming t.iimili ir to the ciilxms ol Virlnis. Il has grow u inlo Uvor by thu pursuit of s steady and un wavering devotion to Whig principles, aDd by u mild but lirin advocacy of Whig men and measures. Having labored seriously to promote ihe election of tho patriotic an,) enpgntenad Chief Magisirale of the nation, It is now desired by its publishers to give il groan r efficiency by an eilended and gener al circulation. They consider ihe unity otA If" parti nn object nb ivu all personal consUerstions, and ihe) now appeal lo ihe Whigs of Ihe Ststo to sld tlimn oy a liberal subscription. The Editors will continue to give their sttention lo tho various Public Improvements, and labor assid uously for every . inject calculated to enhance ihe prosperity and renown ol th-i old Common wealth. i be D .11 y 1'jper, ny mall, $8 8eil-.v eekly, $5 ; Weekly $2, to be paid invariably In advance. ADVERTISING. The Republican nrfords one of Ihe best mediums I Beef- Prime, per tlcirr, 75 a 85s.; ordinnry 60 a for country and city advertisements, ol sny journals l. ... ut.i . it. . Prin,.. Mu s.i .fia., In the suite, l he I erms sre i lis.; iiiiw, pri uu.. on n , . ..,Ons .oii.ra H5 llnesl 50 cents anilly Mess 60a55. Bacon - duty i.ee, per cwt. firg, nwron-M ntsrsch coattnuance. lastern 33 a 41s.) Western 25 s 37s; shoulders 24 a In Country Paper 75 cent, per square, first Inser it. Cheese-flne, 40 . 44s. Tsllow is dull and n ; 37 j cent, for eacheonl ,n'7n"--. ..R PARASOL, Sun Shsd.s, snd Ladies Umbrtllas, for sale by J.S.WILLIAMS. Juos 19. 4i . LINEN, sod Cotton Sheeting, various widlhsa il qaeUtiosfdrsaleby J. S. WILLIAMS. June 19. 41. FOR LONDON. EREIOHT OR PASS At. e. HE Ship CATHARINE, will have ri. patch lor the above irl ban good ac commodations lor Piisicngeis, aud can lako the bulk Of 100 bales Coituo ill light Ireigul. Apply to BARRY, BRYANT & CO. June 7. 30. T FOR BOSTON. regular Packet Scltr. " .Moiesota ' X Capl. G. M. Lolghton, hourly exp. cte l, will have Immediufc despatch l..i the nbov.- port, having uioiil .1 c iit'o engaged, r or 1 rrl 2 11 t or psasage, apply to 1IARR1SS tf- DRAKE. June 7, 1649. ' NORTH CAROLINA BACON I JAMS, Sid LI I March !0. s and Shoulder. For sale by F. J. LORD tic CO 152. CLERK Wanted, in s Dry Good Store, apply :o J. 3. WILLIAMS. June 19. 41. PILLOW CASE LINENS, for sale by J. S. WILLIAMS. June 19. 41. BLACK SPUN SILK Hots, superior quality for salehy J. S. WILLIAMS. June 19. 41. ANCASTER UUILTS, 10 snd 11-4. for sale by June 19. S. WILLIAMS. II. FLOUR. -TO BARRELS, just received per Henrlctts, of i O aseorted brands, ami for sale by J. HATHAWAY A SON. June 19, 1549. 41. 'i OTTON CANVASS, forssle by DISTILLERY FOR SALE. ' I MliC Turpentine distillery at Faisoi.s Depot, on i i lie Kail RoaJ, lately ..wned by John Cluiiian, will be sold at a fair price, for further pnrMcoiarr op pi) to JEFFREYS f- LEIGH TON. April 10, 1949. U- COAL AND TOBACCO. if H if j Bushels Blacksmiths Coal, antl seven VkjkJkJ Boxes m mm u 'no d Tobai cu, now l.nJing from Sclir. Mary Augusta, from Richmond Vs an I f.r sale by POITEU A KIDDER. Mty I. 20-tf. af'er t.iis .late wilhnul my older I plead in bar of the recovery. JOHN N. KROSS. I May 24. 30 Imp SHIP STORES. 1)CT up with despatch, snd not mtposri d l.ynr.y' other dealer, us regards quality snd chenpn-s. by I Jim-5. 35. ! NEW ARRANGEMENT. i 'PHI' Subscribers have this day cnle.t-ii into ca 1 p u tnerahip under the name r.nd firm of O t C. nH AOI.rV A Co., '. and wl'l heresfter enrry on 'he BOOT Js-MIIOE . Huslnettsin all lis branches, ot the old establish iut.nl Theirusaorliueiil will br kept complete sl all times. GEO. H BRADLF.V. (MAS BRADLEY. VNM. K. DASKAM. Juno 4th, 1S49. N. B. By tilt above airaneineiil il becomes nb st'litrly necessary that all accounts due ihe I ate firm of G. A C. Raolsv should be settled i-nm'-dlately 1 June 5, 16-19. Jour, and Citron, copy. 35-tf. MOLASSES. i 1 T HHDSnd 16 tierces prime Molasses, now i landing from Brif Tangier, for sok-br 1'OTfr.R A KIDDER. ' April 10. 1 -1 1 WniSREY. K af BBLS. New Orlesns Hectlfied Whiske, IcUU landing per Schr. Old Zach. For sile by e DsROSSKT A BROWN. May 31, 13-19. . . r 33 tf. 1 BOXES, 25 lbs. each. assorted Baltimore' 1 KJ fined. May 29. i&tROSSETA BROWrc. 32-tf. CIGARS AND tOBACCO. .1 1 ( U ( 3rtfr. vsrious brands, Z M M )J Fine Chewinir TobaccJ. snls bv CARROLL KENNE! I Jl. Per FENNELL. 33. TUMBLERS. Ok DOZ Flint Tumb'eie. for sale low, by OU . CARROLL k FENN ELI. May S 1. ' -. - ; TALLOW CANDLES. 1 r BOXES assorts ! sfies. just meivsd For 1 V sale by DeROSSET ft May 29. BROWN. 32-tf. CUBA MOLASSES. HHDS. d lino reiailinr Molstscs, no lanr'lnL' from Brig Annswon, for sale by J. HATHAWAY A SON May, 2d, 1 549. 21.. 160. Y'TE Msy 15. FLOOR MATTING. Gausc Flat.ntll, for sale by J. S. WILLIAMS 26. not k & wiiiskev. 101! 'ork Furniture S an house. O. A W. A. Jane 1,1B49. GWYER. 39. SUGAR AND MOLASSES. rnllHDS Superior Muscovsdo Sugor, lCOdo OvJdo Cubs Holssaes just Received per Schr John Story and for sale by i:kil W I)JlVIl f i B VRRF.LS New Orleans whiskrv. 4 i " F ivettville Supei Flour, just received ! lnj country will pleiss be on the watch. lor Sale on cuLsinmnent by JEFFREYS At LEIGH TON. feb IV 154". 142. CIGARS. 1 A" f W IH CI-OAR8 sssortad brands and lUVSjVJVJ'- quality. For sale very low by 7 iifviMRD , ?tor.y C. J. ORRELL. Fayetteville Observer. Carolinian, and Orasnabo ro' Patriot, please copy 3 limes, and send their ac counts to C. J. Oaatu, Wilmington, N. C. June T. 3d-f . LONDON PORTER k BROWN STOUT. st CASKS each-Ports end Brsxm 8.f "rskby - . ilO'.VARJv -Flt .'uae 5- . . 4 ll REW ARD. LTOLEN from the Bubscriber, a fine dUinovsaY set 0 Gold Lever Wstch and Chain, at tba Wsshing- 1 ,n Hotel, on Sunday night. Jlsy 20th. Wheel I re tired to rest I put say Wsich In my hat and eat U eu ihe mantle piec. jest above my head; wheal awoke in the morning all was gene. My bat had my name wrote In it In lull. Description : Diamond Set.Ootd Leaver Watch, T. Cooper d- Co.. Liverpool. No. 11.144. Fob Chain with ths seal broke out. with one of ibe bare of thvkey ; th above reward will be paid for the re covery ol the Watch and a further reward tot the de tection of the thin, auver braitne taxoafhout 1 f a nchanged. Propnet oi. . j June 19. J.3. WILLIAMS. 41 .'UU3 12 - " ' Carolina H ice Ifi a H pet cwt May 16 10

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